
blkperlslangasek: more poking :)00:28
bkerensakees: I'm already running precise... Well I have been running it since before Alpha 1 and UDS :)00:39
keesbkerensa: cool00:40
bkerensakind of :)00:40
bkerensathe power benefits seem to be real for sure00:41
bkerensaI want to actually do some battery life testing on 11.10 and 12.04 and see if the kernel improvements actually hold much00:41
bkerensaslangasek: Why does it seem DD's take longer to respond to BTS then say Ubuntu Devs to Launchpad?04:34
blkperlbkerensa: you can claim my debian multiarch stuff if you want, i feel bad leaving them neglected an unloved05:58
blkperlbkerensa: power benefits on precise?06:03
blkperltell me more :)06:03
bkerensablkperl: What do you mean claim them?07:11
bkerensablkperl: Well Precise uses the new kernel 3.207:13
blkperlbkerensa: i submitted patches but they have errors :S07:18
bkerensablkperl: Links to the bugs I will have a look07:22
bkerensaI found them07:24
bkerensathey are saying they dont need multiarch support07:24
blkperli think they were talking about the dev package in that one07:25
bkerensaslangasek | kees: <dholbach> if you all want to do me a favour, please grab a developer near you and ask if they want to give a session at UDW: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Timetable - I'm struggling a bit to get people on board this time08:03
bkerensaGood morning Oregonians19:25
bkerensaHi Zenlinux19:27
zenlinuxgm bkerensa, all19:28
zenlinuxI don't suppose anyone here will be at the Embedded Linux Conference in Redwood City next month?19:28
bkerensaLikely not :P19:29
bkerensamight ask on mailing list though :D19:29
bkerensaSo far my plans this year are Linux Fest NW, OSBridge, OSCON, UDS, PuppetConf19:29
bkerensabut that will likely expand over the next month or two19:30
bkerensaoh and CLS19:30
* kees will be at UDS, in theory19:30
zenlinuxI'm in the process of helping to organize this at ELC: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/embedded-linux-conference/yocto-project-developer-day19:30
bkerensakees: What is in theory? :P19:37
* bkerensa will be there in theory too I guess.... I'm applying for sponsorship while even if Canonical does not sponsor I will also try and figure it out on my own either way :P19:37
keesbkerensa: just that I don't have flights, etc. My intention is to go, but I need to actually getting it scheduled.19:38
bkerensakees: I hope to take a train I dont much like planes19:38
albrighabkerensa: ping20:06
bkerensaalbrigha: sup?20:06
albrighabkerensa: I'm going to try and take a train down to UDS as well, my wife knows someone at amtrak so I can check if we could get a group rate or something perhaps?20:07
bkerensathat might be cool20:09
bkerensaI'm not sure how UDS sponsorship works but I think if they sponsor me I just tell them how I plan to travel etc and they pay for it or reimburse me20:10
albrighayeah I'm not sure either20:10
albrighaI think you are right though20:10
bkerensaI think you are covered 100% arent you?20:10
albrighajust an idea :)20:10
albrighayeah I think so20:10
albrighabut I still want to try and get a good rate20:10
bkerensayeah I think its even mandatory for you to go20:10
bkerensanot sure :P20:10
albrighayeah I think it is actually lol20:10
bkerensayeah I hope even if I get sponsored to save canonical on hotel cost by staying with someone down there :P20:11
albrighathat's a good idea20:11
albrighaI don't really know anyone in Oakland20:11
albrighaI have some friends in LA, but that doesn't help20:11
bkerensaWell I have family in the bay area and I know people in the bay area20:11
albrighaah awesome!20:12
bkerensatoo my knowledge some good parties are already being discussed :)20:13
albrighaI've heard it's a very busy but fun time20:13
bkerensaI hope to sync up with developers and try and continue my learning so I can contribute better :P20:14
bkerensaalso would like to sync up with other Ubuntu Leadership team folks and people I work with on other teams20:14
sbeattiehrm, does the coastal starlight have power for coach seats? amtrak's website doesn't seem to think so.20:17
bkerensalike Electricity?20:17
bkerensaIm unsure... I know the one from PDX to Seattle does20:18
bkerensabut I hear the wifi is epic horrible20:18
bkerensa17 hours by train20:19
bkerensaepic fun20:19
bkerensaI think Greyhound is faster than that sadly20:20
albrigha17 hours really?20:20
albrighamaybe I'll just take a plane20:20
albrighaI'm not fond of flying..20:20
albrighabut a few hours vs 17..20:20
albrighabut I bet there are some amazing things to see on the train20:21
bkerensayeah it goes through the country20:21
albrighahow long is it up to seattle?20:21
bkerensaI wanna go train just to see it20:21
albrighayeah I'd like to see that as well20:21
bkerensaalbrigha: idk not quite as long20:21
bkerensaalbrigha: I just found out that 33 goes to Oregon City21:06
albrighais that the one that stops at clackamas?21:07
albrighathere is one I've taken from clackamas mall. but it takes nearly 45 min..which seems like a long time for such a seemingly short distance21:08
bkerensaalbrigha: Yeah I guess21:08
bkerensamy friend who is from OC said the 33 goes out there21:08
sbeattieHrm, I thought the 33 just went down mccloughlin21:09
sbeattieBut that's not a route I ride21:10
bkerensasomehow I left the channe;l21:46
albrighawhat! how could you!21:47
bkerensaalbrigha: nathwill is working on us having a talk at Yahoo it was supposed to be this month but due to the time frame it was pushed... Would you be interested in talking?21:48
albrighahm talking..well I'm not against it21:49
albrighaif we did some major planning21:49
albrighawhat would you want to do a talk on?21:49
TRAVISghello all22:32
albrighasorry stepped out for a bit22:32
bkerensaalbrigha: Well on contributing to Ubuntu and your experience as a user and enterprise?23:21
albrighaOh I see23:22
albrighawell I'd do it if you want. I just might want some ideas, etc23:22
bkerensaalbrigha: When I get all the fine details sorted I will let you know23:23
bkerensabtw... I oddly met a Ubuntu User today23:23
bkerensahe came up from Oregon City to buy something from me23:24
albrighaha really?23:24
bkerensaand saw my Ubuntu hat and Ubuntu tattoo23:24
albrighathat's funny23:24
albrighaI'm trying to figure out what I want my next tat to be.23:24
bkerensaI have him one of my Ubuntu Business Cards and told him to hit me up for info on the loco and so he can come to our release party23:25
albrighamy aunt does tattoos (professionally) so if anyone wants some sort of a discount, if you are into that sort of thing23:25
bkerensaalbrigha: A Circle of Friends? :)23:25
albrighaoh awesome!23:25
albrighaactually I'm thinking about that (ubuntu relateD)23:25
bkerensaI paid $100 for my Ubuntu Tattoo and I'm hoping to  get Xubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Lubuntu etc added in23:25
albrighaaround it?23:26
bkerensaa whole sleeve23:26
albrighathat's a great idea23:26
bkerensathen maybe something to fill in like source code23:26
bkerensamaybe grab some Unity source and have that be the filler :D23:26
albrighathat's awesome. I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to do a sleeve..at least not yet23:27
bkerensawhy? Work? Cost? :)23:27
bkerensaI know people quite a handful of people in FOSS who have excellent jobs and have exposed ink23:28
albrighawell I guess neither are really a problem. other than having it exposed, etc23:28
albrighaI searched for ubuntu tattoo23:28
albrighaand you are the first few links :P23:28
albrighaI was thinking the voyager star map on my back23:29
bkerensaalbrigha: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Netflix+on+Linux23:31
albrighabkerensa: was that for me? lol23:31
albrighaI've given up trying to get it to work for now23:31
albrighaI just bought a Roku23:32
albrighait's awesome23:32
bkerensalol nah I was pointing out my blog comes up in top results for that search23:32
bkerensain fact almost every result on that page links to my blog :P23:32
albrighathat's awesome23:32
albrighaI might want some tips from you..23:33
albrighathe Ubuntu QA team wants to start blogging, etc23:33
bkerensathey dont already? :)23:33
albrighaand I'd like to contribute. so if you have some suggestions?23:33
albrighano they don't23:33
albrighathere was some stuff posted, but no one knows he did it or what it is about23:34
albrighaI went through yesterday and cleaned out all the comments awaiting approval. it was all spam. (14,000!)23:34
bkerensaimho (No offense Canonical folks) but from what I have seen so far none of the Canonical blog posts get any comments23:35
bkerensaI often am the only commenter23:35
bkerensaBut yeah if you tips let me know.... I can see the QA blog is running Wordpress23:36
albrighaI haven't really looked at any other canonical blogs23:37
albrighabut my thought is, if we are going to blog something, qa related, what do we blog that's interesting?23:37
albrighaI mean I'd like to contribute23:37
bkerensaWell QA is just doing testing of Ubuntu right?23:39
albrighayes, and getting the automation setup, tracking progress, etc23:39
bkerensaI'm not sure what Canonical's QA focus is what kind of QA you guys do23:39
bkerensaHmm.... Well imho if you were to blog it would be nice to see visuals and technical posts23:40
bkerensascreenshots and discussion on what you guys are working on23:41
bkerensamaybe do a weekly recap of what the entire team is doing23:41
albrighathose are great ideas!23:41
bkerensaalso maybe discuss problems you guys run into and how you are able to solve them like totally reproduce it in a blog post23:42
bkerensaput people in a Canonical QA engineers shoes23:43
albrighado you get a lot of hits on your website a day?23:45
albrighado you aggregate to planet ubuntu?23:56

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