
broderRAOF: hey - how hard is it to tell from GPU hang data whether it's a bug that's been fixed already?04:05
RAOFI think it depends.04:07
RAOFAnd in what way hard?  Automated hard?  Dude looking at it hard?04:07
broderEither. I have an apport report from a Natty machine, and I'm wondering whether this is a "cherry-pick one patch and move on" or "cry in a corner" grade of problem. http://web.mit.edu/broder/Public/xserver-xorg-video-intel.2012-01-21.crash if you have a second04:08
RAOFCertainly some bugs are easy to tell; there's an obviously-bad value in the command stream.  And by ‘obviously’ I mean ‘obvious to someone who fixed the bug’ :)04:08
broderI seem to be able to reproduce it with some amount of consistency by going from either an extended or cloned monitor layout to just the external being enabled. Symptomatically the screen is all black04:09
broderActually...I wonder if this is connected to the issue where GnomeRR screws up the CRTC config on the external display04:10
RAOFIt looks to me like that gpu dump isn't useful; it seems to have fallen off the end.04:11
RAOFI suspect that might have picked up the post-reset hardware state.04:13
broderI forget - how much of the relevant data is gathered when I run apport-collect/ubuntu-bug as opposed to when the hang actually occurs?04:14
RAOFThe most useful information - the gpu dump - is collected when the hang occurs.04:15
broderHmm, ok. Phrased differently, given that I can reproduce the issue without too much difficulty, is there something else I can do to get better debugging output?04:15
RAOFdrm.debug=0x4 might spew something interesting into dmesg; and a newer kernel has better gpu hang reporting.  But that latter thing's not very useful for you :)04:16
broderI can try to drop in a newer kernel. I suppose the risk is that it fixes the bug as a side-effect :)04:17
RAOFRight :)04:18
cndRAOF, are we pushing X today?04:37
RAOFcnd: I'm not sure.  There's the Xorg metapackage left to go - tjaalton was on that - and an intel upload.  Things got delayed by the PPA running out of room.  It's now got 4GiB of space, and so that's resolved.04:38
* cnd is getting anxious :)04:38
RAOFBy the way, is there an obvious place to get the unclamped input history of a master device anywhere?04:42
RAOF(ie: not clamped to the screen)04:42
cndRAOF, raw events?04:51
RAOFYeah, I guess so.04:52
RAOFAnd maintain my own history.04:52
cndthe only way to get history that I'm aware of is the XI 1.x motion history04:52
RAOFOr, rather, pull stuff out of valuators[0] and [1].04:52
cndand that is only the history of the normal events04:52
cndthough I'm not sure if master devices spit out raw events04:53
cndI bet they do, but you'd want to double check04:53
RAOFSince I'm actually in the server I can just pull stuff out of the DeviceIntPtr04:54
cndRAOF, and maintain the history yourself?04:56
RAOFYup.  I only need this, this-1 anyway.04:56
cndahh, ok04:57
RAOFtjaalton: You're doing the Xorg metapackage?04:58
RAOFcnd: If I want the valuator in screen coordinates I'll need to rescale it, right?04:59
cndit potentially depends :)04:59
RAOFI'll follow stuff through, then.05:00
cndI would imagine the coordinates are stored in screen coords already05:00
cndthat's my best educated guess without looking at the code05:00
RAOFI think they are for master devices.05:00
cndand it's still my sunday night, so...05:00
cndRAOF, that sounds familiar05:00
RAOFYeah, certainly.  Just picking your brains while you're here :)05:00
cndlike for master devices the device int ptr holds screen coords while for slaves it holds device coords05:01
cndI think there's a comment to that effect05:01
RAOFGood, that concords with my understanding.  I'll also check that I get sane values out, but that should work nicely.05:02
RAOFOh, whoops.  Need to cherry-pick an additional patch for the xserver.05:03
tjaaltonRAOF: it's basically done on git, maybe just needs another pair of eyes to check it through05:32
RAOFOk, cool.05:34
tjaaltonmaybe I'll just upload it to the ppa05:36
tjaaltonnow that there's room05:36
RAOFI can give it a look over if you like, but you could just upload.05:36
tjaaltoni'll just do that05:38
tjaaltonnow off to feed the kids :) ->05:45
broderRAOF: if i drop precise's kernel on top of natty to test this GPU lockup, do you know off the top of your head if natty's detection/state dump tools still work?06:50
RAOFYes, they should.06:50
tjaaltonhmm uploaded xorg to a non-existing ppa first, should be ok now07:16
tjaaltonRAOF: wacom works08:14
tjaaltonhum, I'll merge xkb-data08:37
tjaaltonRAOF: would you agree that we can drop the dvorak-intl -> dvorak-alt-intl rename in xkb-data, now that oneiric is out?09:06
tjaaltonhmm no, after precise09:18
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Milos_SDwill xorg-edgers ppa have xserver 1.12 for oneiric?13:52
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cndtjaalton, do you know where we stand on the x upload?16:24
tjaaltoncnd: not really, xorg metapackage is on the ppa so maybe we are good to go and waiting for RAOF to hit the big red button17:06
cndRAOF, let me know when you're on so we can discuss the X upload20:30
tjaaltonspeaking of which, could we sneak in the new stable release rc?20:36
tjaaltoni'll try merging with debian20:36
ricotztjaalton, yeah, having this ctrl+alt+* thing patched would be nice too20:40
tjaaltonricotz: hm? that's xkb-data20:40
tjaaltonno need for xserver patches20:41
ricotzoh, but debian has a xserver patch for it20:41
tjaaltoncnd: looks like merging from the upstream stable branch doesn't work without reverting some stuff20:41
tjaaltonricotz: applied before a new xkb-data was available20:42
cndtjaalton, there's been a new 1.11 stable release?20:42
tjaaltoncnd: rc's20:42
tjaaltondebian has, .902 was released on saturday20:43
cndtjaalton, it's a pain to merge because of the frankenserver20:43
cndI'd suggest that if we are ready to push as is, we do so and then update20:43
tjaaltonwe can merge later20:43
albert23Hmm, somehow I still have the screensaver bug, with xkb-data 2.3-1ubuntu3 from canonical-x/x-staging20:59
albert23[  2185.106] Ungrabbing all devices and killing their owners; grabs listed below:20:59
ricotztjaalton, ^21:04
ricotzby any chance, has someone tested fglrx 8.920 or 8.930 with xserver 1.12?21:04
albert23arg, ubuntu-bug fails, not an official ubuntu package21:06
tjaaltonalbert23: i can't reproduce it21:13
tjaaltonrunning the same repo21:14
albert23Tjaalton: I am using a laptop, using numlock so the P becomes *. Could that make a difference?21:16
tjaaltonah me too, tried the wrong key :)21:18
tjaaltonlet's see..21:18
albert23xev says that's XF86ClearGrab, no underscore21:18
albert23the package diff says XF86_ClearGrab, with underscore21:18
tjaaltonyep, still happens21:18
jcristaulook at xkbcomp output21:19
albert23jcristau: which input file should I use for xkbcomp?21:25
jcristauyour X server21:25
albert23xkbcomp :0 gives no output21:26
jcristauxkbcomp :0 -21:26
albert23lists XF86ClearGrab with KP_Multiply21:28
jcristauthat's not an issue tho21:28
jcristauyou want to check if there's an associated action21:29
tjaaltonaction= Private(type=0x86,data[0]=0x43,data[1]=0x6c,data[2]=0x73,data[3]=0x47,data[4]=0x72,data[5]=0x62,data[6]=0x00);21:29
albert23same here21:30
jcristauon a server started after xkb-data was upgraded?21:30
tjaaltonneed to check21:31
tjaaltonI did upgrade earlier today and booted the new kernel21:31
jcristauthat doesn't make a lot of sense...21:31
tjaaltonhm the package was updated three days ago, so yes21:31
albert23could "XKB: reuse xkmfile /var/lib/xkb/server-B20D7FC79C7F597315E3E501AEF10E0D866E8E92.xkm" be related? That file is dated 8 December for me21:32
jcristaualbert23: yes21:32
jcristauvery much so.21:32
tjaaltonmine is dated 5min after the package update21:34
tjaaltonafter a reboot21:36
tjaaltonthough it could use an older one..21:36
tjaaltonwhy of course21:36
tjaaltonfrom september21:36
tjaaltoni'm winning.. ;)21:37
jcristauyay moblin patches21:37
albert23I have multiple too, but youngest is 4 days ago21:37
albert23So it doesn't seem to rebuild with an update21:37
tjaaltonnot necessarily no21:39
tjaaltonand the server picks a seemingly random one21:40
albert23it even tries multiple, according to x log21:40
tjaaltonquality crap21:41
albert23interesting: it only tries the 3 oldest, dated 8 December, not the youngest21:41
tjaaltonricotz: why bother testing fglrx, it won't work21:43
cndalbert23, so you needed to delete the old xkmfiles to fix the security bug?21:45
albert23cnd, didn't do that yet21:45
cndxkm cache files can cause other issues, as I found out a few months ago :)21:46
cndbryce, RAOF, you guys thought about adding a script or hook somewhere to clean those out21:46
jcristaubut, faster boot!21:46
cndany news on that?21:46
brycecnd, thought about but no plans21:47
jcristauyou could make them live in /run so they go away on their own21:47
cndjcristau, that would defeat the purpose :)21:48
jcristaunot really21:48
cndthey are cached to make subsequent X server starts faster21:48
jcristauyou'd run xkbcomp once instead of 3 times per device21:48
cndor so I've been told21:48
jcristau(ok, maybe not 3, but still)21:48
jcristaui suppose rm them in xkb-data.postinst would make sense too21:49
cndthat's what I'm thinking21:49
jcristauto invalidate the cache21:49
ricotztjaalton, still hoping, i can't play with fglrx here though, but nvidia has a driver built against 1.1221:49
jcristaunvidia != fglrx21:50
tjaaltonricotz: built? as in package doesn't conflict?21:50
ricotzjcristau, i dont have a radeon card so i never used it21:51
ricotztjaalton, as in binary built against the 1.12 video abi21:51
tjaaltonwhich version is that?21:51
jcristauricotz: me neither.  but from experience nvidia works with an xserver release as soon as that exists.  fglrx waits until the next one is almost there.21:51
ricotztjaalton, no public release though, 295.1021:52
ricotzjcristau, right, but as the nvidia binaries tend to work with never servers, i was hoping kind of the same with fglrx21:53
tjaaltonnot surprising though, since aaronp got upset recently when the abi was going to be broken again21:53
ricotzjcristau, 290.10 kind of works with 1.1221:53
jcristauricotz: as i said..21:53
jcristaunvidia != fglrx21:53
albert23ok, moved the xkm's away and restarted X. Now I have fresh xkm's and xkbcomp does not show XF86ClearGrab with action anymore.21:55
albert23screensaver works fine now21:56
tjaaltonhm, the staging upload was not in git21:56
tjaalton  if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt-nl 2.5; then21:58
tjaalton    rm -f /var/lib/xkb/*.xkm21:58
tjaalton  fi21:58
tjaaltonI'll try that..21:59
jcristautjaalton: tbh i don't think that should be version-specific22:01
RAOFcnd: Yo!22:01
cndRAOF, holla!22:01
tjaaltonRAOF: hang on, I've got a xkb-data update under testing ;)22:01
RAOFtjaalton: Merged from Debian?  Cool.22:02
cndtjaalton, with the postinst change to delete the cache?22:02
tjaaltoncnd: yes22:02
cndtjaalton, cool22:02
tjaaltonRAOF: read the recent backlog22:02
RAOFYay xkb cache?22:03
cndRAOF, so once tjaalton has the xkb cache issue resolved, are we ready to push?22:05
RAOFI believe so, yes.22:06
cndmdeslaur, ping22:11
mdeslaurcnd: yes?22:18
cndso we want to push the latest X bits to precise today22:19
mdeslaurcnd: ok22:19
cndwith a fix that tjaalton is readying for xkb-data, we believe we have addressed the security hole22:19
mdeslaurcnd: ok, great22:19
cndis there anything we need to do at this point?22:20
cndor did you just need to check that we had things fixed before pushing?22:20
mdeslaurcnd: I just wanted to make sure the fix went in before it got pushed22:20
cndthanks for following the issue :)22:21
mdeslaurcnd: thanks for fixing it!22:21
cndnp (though tjaalton and RAOF deserve the credit :)22:22
tjaaltonand albert23 for the heads up :)22:22
mdeslaurthanks tjaalton and RAOF too22:22
mdeslaurand albert2322:22
tjaaltonpushed the commit, fixed it here22:26
tjaaltonso it removes the cache files every time postinst is run22:27
tjaaltonok, pushing it to the ppa22:31
tjaaltonor, to the archive?22:31
tjaaltondoes it matter?22:31
cndtjaalton, I think this can go to the archive22:31
cndactually, RAOF pushed it to the ppa last time22:33
cndyou could probably do either, unless xkb-config has an interdependency with the X server22:33
RAOFI did, but there's no reason for this to not go to the archive.22:33
RAOFI pushed it to the PPA since it only fixed a bug found in the PPA; a new upstream version is more widely usefu.22:36
tjaaltonpushed to precise22:38
tjaaltonRAOF: you have the keys now ;)22:45
RAOFtjaalton: Ok.  I'll find out how to turn them :)22:45
tjaaltonyeah, noticed :)22:45

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