
kbmonkeyhi Tonberry 06:13
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos Good morning!06:54
Maazsuperfly: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode06:54
kbmonkeyhi superfly 07:12
superflymorning kbmonkey07:12
kbmonkeyMaaz: tell Kilos Good Morning!07:12
Maazkbmonkey: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode07:12
kbmonkeymy crapberry contract about to expire, want to try change over to any 'droid phone :)07:13
kbmonkeyever since BB decided to put cameras in their phones did their quality go down07:13
kbmonkeyhave a good day superfly!07:14
Kiloshehe morning superfly kbmonkey et al10:24
Kilosoh my, afternoon10:26
Maaznuvolari: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell nuvolari Hoop als is goed met jou seun" 16 hours, 7 minutes and 15 seconds ago10:34
nuvolarihi oom Kilos 10:34
Kiloslo nuvolari 10:34
nuvolariKilos: hoe gaan dit oom?10:42
Kilosgoed dankie en self nuvolari 10:43
nuvolariKilos: gaan goed dankie oom! dag is darm nie te erg nie, so ek is bly :P10:53
queeryanyone got dropbox to work over a telkom line14:17
queeryhi maiatoday 14:19
maiatodayheya queery14:19
queeryhoe gaan dit?14:19
Kerberohi queery14:49
Kerberohi maiatoday 14:49
maiatodayhi Kerbero14:49
Kerberoqueery: dit behoort net gewoon te werk14:49
Kerberodalk het jy nog proxy settings wat dit breek14:50
queeryhi skuus 15:08
queerywas gou uit15:09
queeryhet proxy op auto gehad, toe werk dit nie, het nou proxy op no-proxy gesit15:09
queerynou werk dit15:09
zerefaybody here play tennis?15:17
Kiloshiya maiatoday and other peeps15:31
Kilosyo superfly and others18:23
superflyhi hi Kilos18:23
Kilosvodacom very sick here18:23
Kilosand after 1 hour waiting for their helpdesk i gave up 18:23
Kilossuperfly, you know when you install a usb modem on winsucks the program shows the connection you have. is there a way we can do that with ubuntu?18:25
superflyKilos: how do you mean?18:25
Kiloswell, when i open the modems program on xp it shows hsdpa or edge or umts and shows if it changes to gprs or whatever18:26
Kilosi had to install the modem to xp to see for smses and at the bottom of the window it shows the type of connection18:27
superflythat betavine vodaphone software does that, I think18:35
superflyI've never bothered with it though, so I don't know18:35
Kilosok ty superfly i can always just open it on xp on the P3 just to check if someone has auto subscribed me again18:36
Kilosinetpro, hoe gaan al die eina's aan?18:37
Kiloslo zeref 18:42
zereflo Kilos 18:43
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:11

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