
mivulfWhy only 1 MB/sec copy speed from USB to HDD? (ubuntu 11.10)00:00
mivulfthats sux. How can i fix it00:00
Cocoricohmmm, when installing the mainline kernel, i get a warning for a missing firmware.... which seems to be added in linux-firmware version 1.65... can i install this without problem?00:00
urgodfatherzykotic9 does it matter that my swap is larger  than physical?00:00
yabooacerimmer, imagebin.org/19497800:00
yaboourlin2u, no installed win7 straight, then ubuntu via usb key as a seperate partition00:01
acerimmeryaboo: yep, it's got hiccups due to gpt detection00:01
OKTOKTAnyone have any experience setting up an Ubuntu Guest OS on Windows Virtualbox to use the hardware ethernet port to run it as a server on the LAN?00:01
yabooacerimmer, so guess win7 is screwed, or reinstall win700:02
acerimmeryaboo: no no no00:02
urlin2uyaboo, I see no ext4 type partitions only ntfs are you sure you booted the usb?00:02
acerimmeryaboo: @Roy It is available for Windows and Linux sourceforge.net/projects/gptfdisk I tried to solve the problem from windows but couldn'g get it to work. Then I used ubuntu live cd and installed gdisk from the software centre. There was a GPT partition that I had to remove using gdisk and it worked after that.00:02
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yaboourlin2u, I booted the usb key, as live currently00:02
Explodingpigletswhere can I download an ubuntu iso?00:03
urlin2uyaboo, but not to install ubuntu right?00:03
acerimmeryaboo: per the omg artiicle, gdisk will fix.  boo the live cd, install gdisk, remove gpt partition.00:03
urlin2uacerimmer, that is a wubi00:03
yaboourlin2u, at the moment,ubuntu is booted as live cd00:03
Cocoricomaybe i should just install precise pangolin...00:03
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acerimmerurlin2u: confused.  yaboo said NOT a wubi..00:03
ewokbotif you cant install ubuntu - then you should probably stick with ubuntu00:04
BabyGirlhow can i set no gui mplayer to a custom sound for xchat,,beep on message00:04
urlin2uyaboo, listen carefuly, when you installed ubuntu did you boot the usb, there is no evedence of a ubuntu install.00:04
ExplodingpigletsI am trying to set up an ubuntu machine on VM, but I need the ubuntu iso file00:04
yaboourlin2u, the usb is a another disk00:04
ExplodingpigletsI cannot seem to find it00:04
ewokbotgoogle ubuntu click the big orange button00:04
yabooExplodingpiglets, you can get it from www.ubuntu.com00:04
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BabyGirlis making a weird sound,,like static when i add a sound to it,,i have the option to add a external program00:05
acerimmeryaboo: so you stopped ubuntu installion bcz the installer wasn't showing your windows 7 partition? as I understand you...00:05
urlin2uyaboo, your not reading correctly and don't understand,  would help you but you are not understanding00:05
=== pangolin is now known as pangolin-Supreme
doritoDanHi. What's the best VNC server software to use with Ubuntu?00:05
yabooacerimmer, correct00:05
doritoDanUbuntu/Gnome* rather.00:05
urlin2uacerimmer, so the ubuntu was not installed?00:05
yaboourlin2u, gpart does not see the win7 partition either00:05
acerimmerurlin2u: as I understand it, he halted due to no visible win7 parition00:06
Explodingpigletsdoes the webi version have an iso file in it?00:06
yaboourlin2u, I have not installed ubuntut yet00:06
yaboourlin2u, I am still at install00:06
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Guinness2702yaboo - it seems you have two win7 partitions; sda1 and sda200:06
yaboourlin2u, when I get to partion the disk, it down see the win7 partition00:06
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urlin2uyaboo, you have a guid set up that is the problem.00:06
yaboourlin2u, they are the usb key00:06
yaboosdb is the hard disk00:06
Explodingpigletsdoes the webi version have an iso file in it?00:07
urlin2uExplodingpiglets, the regular downloads have a wubi install option.00:07
Guinness2702yaboo your entire sdb is taken up with sdb1 -00:07
Explodingpigletsok, well I am looking for the ISO, and I can't seem to find it00:07
Guinness2702yaboo - wait - it's only 1GB - isn't sdb your memory stick?????00:08
urlin2uyaboo, acerimmer you have a guid set up that is the problem.00:08
kopPM if you read .jp00:08
daavishi! i installed Kde on ubuntu. used for a while and now I want to remove Kde. Is this safe? And why there is "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop " in the end of command? Can I just ignore this part of command?00:08
acerimmerurlin2u: exactly what I told him.00:08
Guinness2702yaboo - sda is a 500GB HDD, sdb is a 1GB drive, which sounds like a stick to me00:08
yabooguys I booted live cd via usb stick, and hard disk is 500gb with 50gb used for win700:08
hoppipoIIadaavis: It's safe. :) Go to google type "psychocats" that blog has good tutorial for uninstalling KDE00:09
daavishi! i installed Kde on ubuntu. used for a while and now I want to remove Kde. Is this safe? And why there is "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop " in the end of command? Can I just ignore this part of command? (Sorry for repeating - missed this http://pastebin.com/v0P4RcaP )00:09
txomon|homehi, anyone can guide me installing the most lightweight X enviroment for a low memory system with just a command line install?00:09
yabooGuinness2702, yes other way around,sorry00:09
Guinness2702yaboo, yes, that's sda2 - your windows partition00:09
acerimmeryaboo: and he did NOT install ubuntu as yet bcz the installer did not see his win7 partition.00:09
urlin2uacerimmer, cool the answers given by them are hard to extrapolate,  thought it was installed ubuntu00:09
daavishoppipoIIa, thanks00:09
Raymond_looking for the correct driver for a broadcom 4306 in deb form. no internet avail. for ubuntu partition00:10
hoppipoIIadaavis: No probs :)00:10
Guinness2702yaboo, are you telling us that the partition manager in the ubuntu installer can't see sdb2??00:10
yabooacerimmer, thank you00:10
acerimmeryaboo: I think we can fix this without touching your win7.00:10
yabooGuinness2702, yes00:10
BabyGirltxomon|home, puppy linux,,or jolice clowd are small distributions00:10
yabooacerimmer, I wish I knew how00:10
kopyaboo,  don't you mean 50gb wasted on W7 ?00:10
Guinness2702yaboo, right - well there's an error message telling you that fdisk doesn't support GPT - that's probably why it can't see it.00:11
txomon|homeBabyGirl, ... lubuntu?00:11
Guinness2702yaboo, is it a new windows install - i.e. you don't mind deleting it and starting again?00:11
txomon|homeI was thinking in ubuntu's flavours00:11
mintmango to windows shrink the drive and free up space00:11
acerimmeryaboo: note, I haven't done this so we're relying on the article.  You need to live boot your usb, install gdisk and fix the gpt partition.  Then you should be able to install.00:11
yabookop, stupid hp is required to install updated like bios etc00:12
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BabyGirltxomon|home, crunchbang is a tiny ubuntu unoficcial00:12
yabooGuinness2702, how do I see this error message please00:12
txomon|homeBabyGirl, will check it00:12
yabooGuinness2702, can do if need be reinstall win7, why00:13
Guinness2702yaboo - it's on the screendump you put on imagebin - "WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected ......00:13
acerimmeryaboo: problem is NOT win7.  It's a partition issue - which is fixable.00:13
urlin2uyaboo, acerimmer is correct here.00:14
BabyGirltxomon|home, depends on what u do on the PC is the distribution u need00:14
kopyaboo, & there are some things that O_o just won't do so I have a M$ VM just for orifice ...00:14
mintmanBabyGirl:  what crunchbang runs a version of ubuntu, linux mint and so on thats actual fact....00:14
Guinness2702yaboo,  - my suggestion to you is that the simplest option is to delete all the partitions on sda1 (in the ubuntu installer) and re-create the paritions (still in the ubuntu installer) - this will of course remove your windows install, and you'd lose any and all data you have on it, but if you don't have anything you need to keep on the windows parition, then this is probably the simplest way to do it00:14
yabookop its more hp, cannot update bios without win7 partition00:15
Guinness2702yaboo, from what others are saying, you may be able to fix the partition table without throwing windows away, so maybe listen to them first00:15
crondDo I have to reinstall my system to enable LUKS?00:15
txomon|homeBabyGirl, Its a PIII, 256MB ram, 1.1GHz. To see flash-player based videos, go into the internet, and very sporadically, read pdfs00:15
yabooGuinness2702, its a fresh install on win700:15
* kop gets it ... still witing for a .jp translator00:15
Guinness2702yaboo, yes, so delete it and install it again, but use ubuntu to partition the disk00:16
yabooGuinness2702, will try00:16
Guinness2702yaboo, it goes without saying, be sure you don't have anything valuable you want to keep first00:17
yabooGuinness2702, its a fresh install, with no drivers etc00:17
Guinness2702yaboo, I'm assuming you do have windows install disk and so on00:17
txomon|homeBabyGirl, I am going #crunchbang  to ask, as it seems to be a very good distribution, will check it00:17
plustaxquestion. What is the command I type in terminal to update teamviewer?00:17
plustaxIm trying to help a friend in TeamViewer and they have a newer version so it wont let me00:17
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Juesthello, why i cannot see most applications menus???00:18
Juestim using a UI which does not behave like unity00:19
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yabooGuinness2702, yes, and willing to waste the time, its work time, and creating a ubuntu dev laptop00:19
Guinness2702yaboo - so  1) delete/re-create the paritions from the ubuntu installer, 2) install windows, 3) install ubuntu  (it's easiest this way, because windows will reset your MBR, so it's easier to install ubuntu after windows00:19
yabooGuinness2702, just done this00:19
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mintmantxomon|home: The question is have you played with Windows Managers vs the normal desktop enviroment.. Some like WIndows Managers better then Desktop enviroments that is what u need to look at..00:19
Juestwhy i cannot see most applications menus???00:19
urlin2uJuest, what is the release and desktop?00:20
Raymond_i have a broadcom bcm4306 wireless network card any idea where the driver might be00:20
Juestim using 11.10 gnome 3 right now00:20
urlin2u!broadband > Raymond_00:20
Juestand i got no menu bars00:20
urlin2u!broadcom > Raymond_00:20
ubottuRaymond_, please see my private message00:20
glosoliRaymond_: You're using dell ?00:20
txomon|homemintman, ahmm so, any way to see flash-player videos, and surf the net in a very old computer? (fast)00:21
usr13Raymond_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:21
Raymond_glosoli, hp pav. zv500000:21
Juesthey urlin2u00:21
glosoliRaymond_:  type !broadcom as urlin2u said00:21
urlin2uJuest, gnome 3 has menu bar when you put the cursor in the top left corner00:21
usr13txomon|home: Install adobe flash player.  (You should find it in the Software Centre00:21
urlin2uJuest, or menu access anyway00:22
mintmantxomon|home: hey not that old of computer , but resources are limited ran red hat 4.1 back in the day and worked prefectly00:22
Juesturlin2u: i think you don't understand, menu bar inside apps00:22
Juestlike the Files, Robots, etc00:22
urlin2uJuest, is it in the top bar?00:22
glosoliJuest: Would you mind repeating your problem ?00:22
Juestnope, top bar is always like gnome3 supposes to be00:22
mintmantxomon|home: would go with a light version of ubuntu xubuntu and give that a try00:23
Juestand it always happens :(00:23
Juesturlin2u: not with firefox, but most apps00:23
yabooGuinness2702, can I do a fdisk /mbr on the hard disk, even during installer complaining about a gpt disk00:23
txomon|homemintman, I put the lubuntu-desktop package, but doesn't seem to be that lightweight as should00:23
Juesturlin2u: and, i don't know what i tweaked to make go like that00:24
urlin2uJuest, me neither.00:24
Juesturlin2u: what i can do then?00:24
fil hello... question about transmission.. i added a ppa from their site in order to get a newer version.. now i want to uninstall it.. i did apt-remove --purge transmission,  then autoclean... which transmission returns nothing, yet it is still in menu and if clicked still works... any suggestions?00:24
Juestthe menus are just essential -.-00:24
Guinness2702yaboo, you shouldn't need to do fdisk /mbr - the installations processes should take care of that for you....although actually, I don't know how the ubuntu paritioner will deal with it00:24
glosolifil: Tryed log in log out ?00:25
urlin2uJuest, take a look here and see if yours is different. http://www.gnome.org/gnome-3/00:25
Guinness2702yaboo, i'm kind of assuming that deleting/creating the partitions in the ubuntu installer will use the right type of paritions00:25
shantorncould someone help me troubleshoot why my system will not suspend, heres is my pm-suspend.log http://pastebin.com/HVG1TunX00:25
glosolifil: or "sudo apt-get autoremove transmission*"00:25
Xgateshi guys, the 'network -manager-openvpn' is the plugin that shows you OpenVPN support for the 'Network Connections' under the 'VPN' tab?00:25
yabooGuinness2702, thanks00:25
mintmantxomon|home:  baby girl made a good point because thousands of people use older machines that run crunchbang.00:25
Juesturlin2u: is not different, only, the menu bar is 'empty'00:25
XgatesXgates: I meant in KDE not Gnome...00:26
urlin2uJuest, thats about all I know about gnome 3 very little00:26
Juestbut, why this is happening, i think it happen anywere00:26
kopPM if you read .jp00:26
mintmantxomon|home: what is ur level of experience with linux? not just ubuntu. I mean terminal and command line processes00:26
txomon|homemintman, yeah, I am checking if there is that package in the ubuntu archives, etc00:26
Juesturlin2u: non-unity UI only of course00:26
filglosoli, OMG... that is working... can u explain to me why apt-get remove --purge didnt work, or why the 'whichis  transmission' returned nothing??00:27
txomon|homemintman, I am currently developing some kernel module on my own, but don't really know how distributions ___really___ work00:27
Juesturlin2u so? :(00:27
txomon|homemintman, I would say my level is medium-high00:28
koptxomon|home, ones and zeros ....00:28
glosolifil: there is no package called transmission, it's transmission-gtk and transmission-common :)00:28
txomon|homekop, yeah, I am more keen on very low level things, get lost in very high level stuuf00:28
mintmanwhat happened to the admin and !xubuntu ops pushing wrong keys00:28
glosolifil: And I think you know what for is symbol "*" used ?00:29
OerHeksxubuntu specs say 512 mb ram, lubuntu 256+00:29
scientes_fil, cause its `whereis`00:29
Juesturlin2u: so, wat i can do for this?00:29
scientes_fil, and then dpkg -S00:29
koptxomon|home, the TTL is easy compared to say ....sendmail ? heh00:30
mintmantxomon|home: Not what I am getting at how well do u understand linux structure as file system00:30
Juestmintman: maybe you want debian, 64mb live cd00:30
Juestmin ram, 64 mb00:30
scientes_kop, sendmail is a POC IMHO00:31
mintmanJuest: Debian is a great server not a great desktop.00:31
Juestmintman: is good for desk, because it haves low requieriments...00:31
txomon|homemintman, I think I have a good notion of it... But there are always strange stuff with X envs, so I usually just work in comand line... irssi, mplayer and emacs are my best friends ;D00:32
Juestboth, server+desk00:32
scientes_mintman, LXDE is even less requirements, but as usual firefox/web browsing is the biggest (ab)user00:33
filglosoli, as for the name... true! :)  but it installed with transmission, so i guessed that the --purge thing would work.. "And I think you know what for is symbol "*" used ?" I do, yet the point of asking, no , i dont... :).. the autoremove does in a way a "*" search based on the name given?00:33
ActionParsnipmintman: there is arora which is nice and slim00:33
Juesti need some help here!, sbin paths are missing in path, only happens on gui, and how i fix missing menu bars/empty menus????00:33
txomon|homeI use chromium, it goes faster00:33
glosolifil: it searches everything starting name transmission and removes it and its' dependencies so be careful while using it00:33
shantornhow do i trouble shoot why my system will not go to suspend00:34
Juesttxomon|home: no, chromium is a memory hog, had tested, seems FF is better00:34
ActionParsnipmintman: there is also Qupzilla: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/qupzilla-might-just-be-the-best-browser-youve-never-heard-of/00:34
koptxomon|home, it's like Hpux only backwards kinda and doesn't resemble VMS at all . What he was asking is are you familiar with *nix file hierarchy and permissions @ or from the cle ?00:34
glosolifil: dependencies I mean thoose which were installed with transmission00:34
JuestActionParsnip: hey, help me?00:34
Guinness2702shantorn, probably the best place to start is to look in /var/log/messages00:34
ActionParsnipshantorn: looking for bugs is a good start00:34
ActionParsnipJuest: ask the channel and it will reply. Nice lack of manners too00:34
Juestshantorn: how bad is the suspend problem?00:34
filglosoli, thanx a lot.. for the solution, and the information!00:35
mintmanJuest: not me wanting to install low level distro try txomon|home  he is asking to run low level info thanks for the idea there are thousands of distros...00:35
glosolifil: No problems, if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask :)00:35
Juesttxomon|home: hey, u might want to use debian, is good for desk + server,00:35
Raymond_what is the command to install a tar.bz2 archive00:35
txomon|homeJuest, is not a server00:35
txomon|homejust desktop00:35
Juesttxomon|home: and u can just use console usage00:36
Juesttxomon|home: for desktop is great too00:36
mintmanJuest: is debian still doing blacklisting drivers and software?00:36
txomon|homeis for my girlfriend's father, so It has to be fast, I can configure it, but he is gonna use it00:36
Juestmintman: idk,00:36
ActionParsnipmintman: debian is offtopic here00:36
glosoliRaymond_: You mean to extract ?00:36
kopActionParsnip, still no bluetooth ....00:36
ActionParsnipkop: gah00:36
Juesttxomon|home: it's faster!00:36
shantornJuest: it drops to a command line and has thre lines of text and the fans spin up full tilt00:37
txomon|homeJuest, 256MB ram, PIII, 1.1GHz00:37
Raymond_glosoli, it is already extractd.00:37
Juestand supports X00:37
shantornhere is my pm-suspend.log http://pastebin.com/HVG1TunX00:37
txomon|homeI will try with xubuntu00:37
Juestshantorn: oh, wired bug, here it suspends but for me, never resume??00:37
mintmantxomon|home: fastest is going to be googles chrome ,but saves files on line not local computer in that case00:37
Mynamenonamewhere can i find some support in irc commands?00:37
ActionParsniptxomon|home: could try xpud if all you need is web access :)00:37
glosoliRaymond_: Archive is not installable as far as I know, maybe you want to compile some problem which was in archive.00:37
kopActionParsnip, just wth has 10.10 got that 10.04 doesnt ???00:37
glosoliRaymond_: Some program''00:37
shantornit doesnt suspend nor resumes00:37
pangolinMynamenoname: what irc lcient are you using?00:38
shantornjust a cli text and i have to power off if i am in the room00:38
ActionParsnipMynamenoname: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_commands00:38
Juestshantorn: here looks like it suspends but never  resumes, idea?00:38
txomon|homeActionParsnip, I thought about that... But can't cut there, I wanted to put something extendable00:38
glosolishantorn: Have you checked here: http://is.gd/RUviGp ?00:38
ActionParsnipkop: later kernel and drivers00:38
ActionParsnipkop: tried oneiric or Precise liveCD?00:38
urlin2uJuest, so if I get this straight your looking for a menu in the top panel, I'm in gnome 3 now.00:38
kopActionParsnip,  if it takes a bigger hammer and a hand 'piled kernel I'll get it00:39
MynamenonameActionParsnip how to autokick idlers and capslocker?00:39
shantornlooking thank you glosoli00:39
Juesturlin2u: hmm, try, for example, open Files00:39
Juesturlin2u: the menu bar shows?00:39
urlin2uJuest, open files from where?00:39
Juesturlin2u: nonon, this is not unity,00:39
glosolishantorn: No probs00:39
Juesturlin2u: the file explorer is called Files00:40
=== Hetep-AFK is now known as DarthCaeduces
urlin2uJuest, I'm in gnome 3 I never mentioned unity00:40
Juesturlin2u: yeah, ik there's no menu bars on the top, but,00:40
ActionParsnipMynamenoname: npt sure there dude, depends on the bot00:40
kopActionParsnip, Maverick on krap the bed , best I get is frozen @ Plymouth00:40
Juesturlin2u: the problem here, is that i see APP menubars EMPTY00:40
ActionParsnipkop: and Oneiric, or Precise?00:41
Juesturlin2u: it looks like a tiny line with nothing on it00:41
ActionParsnipkop: could try Debian too if you have the time00:41
Juesturlin2u: ok, so?00:41
kopActionParsnip, Maverick on ...00:41
mintmanActionParsnip: played with Backtrack 5 r1 Need to now how to get and play with unity without install . USb stick only00:42
kopActionParsnip, need another drive but lenny werked ok00:42
Juestmintman: hmm, get ubuntu and, presistent live cd00:42
mintmanActionParsnip: want to thumbdrive the unity only00:42
Juestmintman: is the only way00:42
yabooGuinness2702, erased the disk to get rid of gpt00:42
yabooreinstalling win7, then ubuntu00:43
Juesturlin2u: hey00:43
txomon|homeI am currently speaking with lubuntu guys, to see if there is any way to get the lubuntu-core running, then see if that is enought, then going xubuntu, same thing, and at the end, crunchbang00:43
urlin2uJuest, yours look like this with home open?00:43
Guinness2702yaboo - before you reinstall win, run fdisk -l again, and check the warning message has gone00:43
Guinness2702yaboo, ....otherwise you are wasting a lot of time00:43
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Juestthe only thing that changes there is, where's the explorer menu bar, that's is empty, is a small line with nothing on it instead of file,edit,etc00:44
yabooGuinness2702, yeah checked and looked ok00:44
ActionParsnipmintman: how do you mean?00:44
Juesturlin2u: so is almost the same00:44
Guinness2702yaboo, cool, looks like you solved it then :)00:44
urlin2uJuest, take a screen shot of yours00:44
Juestwith wat¡?00:44
yabooGuinness2702, guess no choice reinstalled00:44
urlin2uJuest, hit the prtsc button00:44
ActionParsnipkop: lenny is old dude, just like the releases you are having success with00:44
yabooguess wasted a hour of time00:45
Juesturlin2u: nevermind, i opened screenshot00:45
Guinness2702yaboo, also, at some point, you may wanna try wine or virtualbox to see if you can flash bios that way - may save yourself having to have a separate windows install, if that's all you need it for00:45
urlin2uJuest, paste it here and post the url  http://paste.ubuntu.com/00:45
yabooGuinness2702, googles and found, cannot, hence why I need the win7 partition, also use it for dev work00:46
yaboopity virtualbox cannot use the real win7 install00:46
htmlinprogressbe back later00:46
Guinness2702yaboo, yeah, i though they might not be able to do stuff that low level...ahh well, worth a shot00:46
ActionParsnipyaboo: it can00:47
yabooGuinness2702, something more to do with amd and hp00:47
urlin2uyaboo, W7 runs in vbox on mine but I'm not using it for gaming no 3d here.00:47
ActionParsnipyaboo: its just known to cause data corruption sometimes00:47
Juesturlin2u: http://imagebin.org/19498100:47
Raymond_what is the command to extract the driver from the broadcom4306 using firmware b43 installer00:47
Guinness2702yaboo, also worth noting that some bios flashers come with bootable disks, so you may be able to do it that way....ah, hp...okay, well maybe out of luck there :\00:47
yaboourlin2u, yes I run win7 with virtualbox on my mbp00:47
mintmanJuest: wait did ubuntu drop gnome and running ubuntu 11.10 with unity only?? sorry been about 1 yr since I have played with distros .  I stopped doing distro updates about 9 months ago with so many distros having interputions do to gnome3, grub2 etc...00:47
urlin2uJuest, you change the theme?00:48
Guinness2702urlin2u, he needs to do low level BIOS stuff - might not work in vbox00:48
yabooGuinness2702, wish hp had it for the dm1-4016au, but they do not00:48
ActionParsnipyaboo: I'd ask in #vbox00:48
urlin2uGuinness2702, true I thought they meant in general00:48
Juestmintman: yeah, and gnome3 shell not included but unity gnome 300:48
Guinness2702yaboo, well, you got 500GB and a win licence already, so no great loss00:48
yabooGuinness2702, true, only need win7 for dreamweaver00:49
Juesturlin2u: hmm? im using adwalta for gtk, clearlooks for wm, and humanity dark for icons00:49
Guinness2702yaboo, wow, do they still make that lol00:49
scientes_<scientes_> I filled a SSD with a GPT and btrfs partition, and now grub2 wont install00:49
scientes_<scientes_> how do i add the grub-specific partition00:49
scientes_<scientes_> and do i need to reformat to get there?00:49
yabooGuinness2702, its good for quick prototyping still00:49
ActionParsnipyaboo: there are plenty of WYSIWYG HTML apps..00:49
ActionParsnipyaboo: native to Linux00:49
yabooActionParsnip, as good as dreamweaver00:49
urlin2uJuest, I wonder if that is the tweak that is the problem, I would bet on it, not sur though.00:49
ActionParsnipyaboo: I only know that they exist. Try a few00:50
mintmanJuest:  If I install ubuntu 11.10 I can get cinnimon for gnome 300:50
Juesthmm, so?, might i change theme??00:50
yabooActionParsnip, tried them, and not good for rapid prototyping00:50
ActionParsnipmintman: depends on the PPA, cinammon isn't supported here00:50
Juestmintman: yep00:50
Guinness2702yaboo, yeah, I used to use it for the same thing00:50
acerimmeryaboo: and all - i used gptsync to boot my gpt enabled triple boot dell with win7, osx, ubuntu.  FYI00:50
yabooGuinness2702, and what do you use now00:50
Juestmintman: or just instead, get pure gnome 3}00:50
Juestmintman: fedora 1600:50
ActionParsnipyaboo: are you saying they aren't as good because you aren't familiar with the UI?00:50
Guinness2702yaboo, I don't lol - don't even work for that company any more00:51
yabooActionParsnip, no, there have all the features of dreamweaver, just not the as you write it draws feature00:51
Juesturlin2u: and the dialog ui is drop inside window, like mac00:51
ActionParsnipyaboo: even bluefish?00:51
Guinness2702anyway, long past bedtime00:51
Guinness2702nn all00:51
yabooActionParsnip, bluefish is close, maybe next year00:52
yabooGuinness2702, thanks for your help00:52
mintmanActionParsnip: what do u mean no support for cinnimon ?? I heard linux mint developed it. I dont understand ubuntu uses grub 2 developed by fedora.  Why no support???00:52
Guinness2702np :)00:52
urlin2uJuest, I don't really have a fix for this not sure what adwalta for gtk is00:52
Juestmintman: dude, fedora uses GNOME 3, debian uses gnome 3 classic, and,there's cinnamon support, is unofficial trough00:53
ActionParsnipmintman: mint has its own support channels. Its not supported here00:53
Juestmintman: you noob00:53
ActionParsnipmintman: we only support the packages from the ubuntu repos00:53
odiasalgum brasileiro00:53
ActionParsnipJuest: you can use KDE in fedora..00:54
ActionParsnip!brasil | odias00:54
ubottuodias: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:54
JuestActionParsnip: i know, and gnome is default there! xD00:54
Juestdefault UI00:54
Juestfedora is much like ubuntu00:54
DarkMukkedoes the latested ubuntu support catalist drivers ?00:54
ActionParsnipJuest: there are KDE ISOs too00:54
mintmanJuest: lol noob not in this life time. lol linux for 18+ years .  Was just asking about support not define what current developement is00:54
JuestActionParsnip: I KNOW!00:55
ActionParsnipJuest: exectly, they have one with gnome, one with kde, neither ISO is default00:55
Juestoh lol00:55
Juestiso flavors, like ubuntu flavors, kubuntu, xubuntu,etc00:55
urlin2uJuest, where did you get the adwaita and what instructions did you use00:55
ActionParsnipJuest: just waht? That gnome is only default if you download the ISO where gnome is default, then yes00:56
Juesturlin2u: dude, adwalta, is part of gnome 3 theme00:56
Juestcheck appareance, it should be there00:56
urlin2uJuest, it is not in my synaptic00:56
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ActionParsnipJuest: you can install ubuntu minimal then instal plasma-desktop   if you run: lsb_release -a   it will say ubuntu, but you have KDE so it must be kubuntu, right?00:56
trismurlin2u: it is in gnome-themes-standard00:56
yaboousing unity gets some getting used too, but once you use it, you can understand the logic where there coming from00:56
urlin2uJuest, ah I see I don't use gnome 300:56
Juesturlin2u: wat lol, just, adwalta is the default gnome 3 UI00:57
urlin2uJuest, and with that remark I bid you adieu.00:57
JuestActionParsnip: oh well,00:57
* txomon|home says having a apt proxy cache speeds up installations _really_ a lot00:58
JuestActionParsnip: what <urlin2u> means with this and with that remark I bid you adieu.??00:58
ActionParsnipadieu :)00:58
Juestwat that?00:58
DarkMukkethats french yes00:59
ActionParsnipJuest: Adieu is French for farewell00:59
Juestaw :P00:59
mintmanJuest: we dont all support the direct of linux at this time with gnome 3 why do u assume that everyone is running a current version fedora and not fedora 11 or 12?? hnmm...00:59
Juestmintman: lol01:00
Juestmintman: uff idk then lol01:00
Juestmintman: just everyone upgrade then...01:01
mintmanJuest: he didn't want to argue so he said good bye in a polite way01:01
Juesturlin2u: check appareance, it should be there01:02
urlin2uJuest, thanks01:02
Juestand gnome 2 stuff is available still, and is compatible, not the desktop...01:02
Juesturlin2u: oh :)01:02
Juesturlin2u: ah, look at the gnome3 pages, that's adwalta theme01:03
urlin2uJuest, it is adwaita01:03
Juesturlin2u: oh, typo xD01:04
urlin2uJuest, it happens sorry I could not be more of a help here. :)01:05
hsmodi have a macbook pro with oneiric and i'm trying to figure out how i can do a shift+insert.  (i do not have an insert key on the keyboard).01:06
hsmodany ideas?01:06
Juesturlin2u:  yeah01:06
ActionParsniphsmod: could use ctrl+shift+v if you are pasting to terminal...01:07
hsmodthanks, i'll try that01:07
hsmodperfect!  that works01:08
Chat6586Hsmod - try to find a soft or config to "create shortcuts"01:08
Chat6586Or that yep :)01:08
ActionParsniphsmod: np man, mac keyboards are retarded01:09
ActionParsniphsmod: mind you, it's a mac..01:09
JDog2pt0Anybody able to give me some assitance with a vesafb error?01:10
ExplodingpigletsI made a virtualmachine...thing for ubuntu. I just want to make sure that when I install ubuntu on the vm, it won't wipe windows will it?01:10
acerimmerExplodingpiglets: no it won't01:10
ActionParsnipExplodingpiglets: no, it installs to a drive inage which you set the size of01:10
Explodingpigletsok cool01:10
Explodingpigletsso, SCS13 is the disk I chose?01:11
ActionParsnipExplodingpiglets: the defalts are usually ok01:12
JDog2pt0vesafb error, anybody?01:13
acovrigwhen I boot, I get udevd: specified group '<user>' unknown01:15
Raymond_i have installed firmware-b43-installer. wireless card still not working01:16
ActionParsnipacovrig: may help https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=47688601:17
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 476886 in setup "udevd: specified group 'video' unknown" [Medium,Closed: rawhide]01:17
ActionParsnipRaymond_: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  sudo lshw -C network; lsb_release -a; uname -a; sudo rfkill list; dmesg | grep -i firm01:18
Raymond_actionparsnip, sure.... it will be a minute or 201:19
ActionParsnipRaymond_: np :)01:19
acovrigActionParsnip: that looks like it helps, but I dont understand the page01:23
ActionParsnipacovrig: i suggest you report a bug but refernce that page01:25
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acovrigActionParsnip: it appears to be the culprit for it not booting, any other ideas?01:27
ActionParsnipacovrig: http://paste.ubuntu.com/813829/01:27
ActionParsnipacovrig: there is mine, unchanged on Oneiric01:28
ActionParsnipacovrig: I suggest you grep yours for the word: user    see if it's in there etc01:28
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splnetHow do I upgrade from 9.10? Getting 404's from apt-get update01:29
acerimmersplnet: see your software sources settings.01:30
Guest76787having trouble installing cheops01:30
Cocoricoi'm always amazed at how "tab" completes dir automatically even if it's a remote dir in a scp command.01:30
acerimmersplnet: scratch that.  9.10 no longer supported01:30
[R]Cocorico: bash completion01:30
xangua!eol | splnet01:31
ubottusplnet: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:31
[R]Cocorico: its a script, not magic01:31
Cocoricobut it needs to connect, see the available dirs... it's cool :-)01:31
Cocoricoit didn't do that in my old debian ^^01:31
urlin2usplnet, your eol look here and read carefuly https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:31
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[R]Cocorico: you didnt have bash-completion in your old debian01:31
Cocoricono idea in truth :)01:32
splneturlin2u: got you. So there is a way without a cd?01:32
ActionParsnipIf i wa sstill on 9.10, I'd just hang then install 12.04 LTS whenit went Beta01:32
dassoukiI have an old laptop sitting around that has 7.04 on it. I forgot the username and password on the machine. The machien is not connected to the internet and the CD in it barely works. Whatare my options?01:33
Raymond_actionparsnip, http://pastebin.com/drV7sC0b01:33
ActionParsnipdassouki: boot to root recovery mode, you can reset password there01:33
urlin2usplnet, I believe you can go to 10.04 yes. (The first part will cover upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04 and up (eventually to 10.04). We will do the following upgrades, 8.10 to 9.04 to 9.10 to 10.04 LTS. )01:33
[R]dassouki: boot in rescue mode01:33
dassoukiActionParsnip: [R] thanks :)01:33
Guest76787where can i find a deb version of cheops01:33
splneturlin2u: thanks01:34
ActionParsnipRaymond_: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/17227001:35
urlin2usplnet, no problem, if you get upgrade to lucid keep an eye on end of life stuff, :D01:35
Explodingpigletsdo the language packs often take a long time to install?01:35
Cocoricoit took a few minutes in my last install01:35
Explodingpigletsthe bar just stopped01:35
ActionParsnipExplodingpiglets: they can, yes01:35
ActionParsnipExplodingpiglets: its doing stuff, let it play (annoying I know)01:36
Explodingpigletsit isn't even showing an estimated time01:36
ExplodingpigletsI think it froze01:36
ActionParsnipExplodingpiglets: its configuring locales, it takes a looong time01:37
ActionParsnipExplodingpiglets: did you use the DVD ISO?01:37
ExplodingpigletsI used the ubuntu installation thing01:37
ActionParsnipExplodingpiglets: then its downloading them too01:37
Explodingpigletsoh wait, there it goes01:37
ActionParsnipExplodingpiglets: yep, super slow01:38
Explodingpigletsit's installing the system again...01:42
ExplodingpigletsI thought it already did that01:42
clocksyson precise right after upgrade today : mplayer: relocation error: mplayer: symbol ff_codec_bmp_tags, version LIBAVFORMAT_53 not defined in file libavformat.so.53 with link time reference01:42
xangua!pangolin | clocksys01:42
ubottuclocksys: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:42
clocksyssomeone have an idea how to fix that mplayer error ?01:44
trismclocksys: have you updated lately, seems to be fixed yesterday: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mplayer/+bug/91692001:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 916920 in mplayer (Ubuntu) "mplayer exits with error LIBAVFORMAT_53 not defined" [High,Fix released]01:45
trismclocksys: but 12.04 support in #ubuntu+1 please01:45
OKTOKTIs there a good graphical Grub editor? I'm looking to edit the menu.01:46
[R]OKTOKT: gedit01:46
OKTOKT[R]: haha alright... which file holds the list?01:46
rsvpQ: if 12.04 is approx. 750 MB, then how will a Live CD be possible?01:47
[R]OKTOKT: "the list"?01:47
[R]rsvp: no, its already been anounced it wont fit on a cd01:47
OKTOKTfor the Grub2 bootloader? There is a selectable list of bootable partitions no?01:47
[R]OKTOKT: /boot/grub/grub.cfg01:47
KlojumI have a question... Why does the Nautilus file explorer not start at all when one or more NFS drives, that have bookmarks in Nautilus, are not available or are offline? This is in 11.04 and 11.10. I use AutoFS for NFS connections.01:47
[R]its not a list of partitions01:47
platiusOKTOKT,  startup manager will let you set a few things graphically01:48
clocksystrism: i've been on precise repo, after today's upgrade mplayer gave me that error01:48
[R]Klojum: probably because its trying to mount them and then failing cuz its offline and not being ahppy01:48
OKTOKTplatius: What is the run name for 'startup manager' ?01:48
rsvp[R] surely 50 MB can be shaved off to create a Live CD -- what about a Live DVD format?01:49
[R]rsvp: well yeah, of course it'll work on a dvd...01:49
KlojumUse grub-customizer for GRUB201:49
evernoob some of ubuntus decisions recently make me despair01:49
platiusOKTOKT, install it from the software center01:49
[R]rsvp: a "live cd" and a "live dvd"... there is no difference01:49
evernoobhaving said that, you can get 800MB CDRs01:49
[R]evernoob: no one is forcing you to use ubuntu...01:49
evernooband no-one is forcing me not to air my opinions01:50
evernoobunity is a ferkin disaster01:50
[R]complaining in here that you dont like the decisions isn't really going to acomplish anything01:50
Klojum<[R]> : i understand it is trying to mount, but can I somehow make the timeout time shorter?01:50
evernoobit makes me feel better01:50
OKTOKTplatius: Thanks, I'll see if it'll do what I want.01:50
acerimmernot to mention ANYONE can spin their OWN linux...01:51
evernoobthere is a difference if you don't have a DVD drive01:51
platiusOKTOKT, doesn't do much but might be what you need01:51
evernoobI'm way to stupid to do that acerimmer01:51
OKTOKTplatius: I was looking to remove and rename some of the entries... is this possible?01:52
wolfrichttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/linux-ti-omap4/+bug/919115 does this mean ubuntu is currently unpatched for this?01:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 919115 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Hardy) "CVE-2012-0056" [Undecided,New]01:52
platiusOKTOKT, I'll start it up and see01:52
wolfricfor CVE-2012-005601:52
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-0056)01:52
OKTOKTplatius: It looks like startupmanager only handles screen res, timeout, and default selection01:53
OKTOKTplatius: My list is about 18 deep. I'd like to give them more logical names than the kernel versions01:53
rsvpI can write an ISO image as CD, but not as DVD -- there's a big difference -- and I don't want to peel a disc off one of those Linux magazines :)01:53
platiusOKTOKT, looks like, forgot what file you will need ot edit01:54
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evernoobspeaking as a self acknowledged perpetual noob, don't you guys regret the "dumbing down"?01:54
urlin2uOKTOKT, just out of curiosity whay are you using startup manager and with which ubuntu release?01:54
acerimmerevernoob: introduced more users, did it not??01:55
pangolinevernoob: I feel your pain but this channel is not the right place to express it. feel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic and have a chat in there01:55
Raymond_actionparsnip, noluck01:55
rsvpQ2: re Ubuntu certified hardware, http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog -- why is NOT monitors listed? Perhaps the manufacturer is not critical, or all screens are compatible?01:55
|Anthony|why does the software center fail in the live cd?01:55
[R]rsvp: vga is vga... hdmi is hdmi01:55
KlojumOKTOKT: afaik, startupmanager is okay for the older Ubuntu/Linux version using Grub1, with Grub2 it's safer to use "grub-customizer" ( https://launchpad.net/~danielrichter2007/+archive/grub-customizer )01:55
[R]rsvp: the computer could care less about it01:56
urlin2u|Anthony|, why are you installing with a live cd?01:56
|Anthony|to use gparted01:56
zacariasI tried making backups with BackInTime. It looks nice. It has scheduled backups, but apparently I have to launch it in order to have the scheduled backups done. Am I wrong? Is there a backup app that can run the backups in the background without my help and without me having to think about it and launching it?01:56
|Anthony|and add ntfs support01:56
urlin2u|Anthony|, it s already there.01:56
OKTOKTurlin2u: 10.04.3 and I'm trying to rename the entries in the grub2 selection list.01:56
dev__Whyyyyy can't I install Gnome 3.2? I'm having so many problems with it at the moment. Is it a known issue?01:56
dev__Keeps giving me errors about dependencies that can't be met. Is that a known issue?01:57
pangolindev__: what version of ubuntu?01:57
rsvp[R], excellent! but how Ubuntu know the correct screen size?01:57
|Anthony|but regardless of my reason urlin2u, why does it fail?01:57
pangolinapt-get install gnome-shell01:58
urlin2uOKTOKT, okay but at some point not sure which release it stopped following updates of kernels, and people were stuck with no boots.01:58
pangolindev__: apt-get install gnome-shell01:58
dev__I believe I've tried that but I'll try again........01:58
[R]rsvp: monitors report their resolution01:58
urlin2u|Anthony|, you need to go to software sorces and untick the cd and run a update.01:58
dev__pangolin, already installed, actually... but I can't select Gnome as I'm logging in.01:58
OKTOKTurlin2u: So avoid the startupmanager, is what you are saying?01:59
dies_iraeppl hei!!01:59
urlin2uOKTOKT, I wopuld.01:59
rsvp[R] thank you very much.01:59
phong_question, what is different running ubuntu in vmware and in real physical run?01:59
phong_i find that running in vmware is fast too01:59
[R]phong_: nothing01:59
pangolindev__: click on the session button it should be listed. What do you see in the session list?01:59
dies_iraedoes disabling youtube vid comments save RAM????01:59
dev__Only 2 options, none of them Gnome.01:59
dev__pangolin, I'll double check to see if something changed, BRB.02:00
phong_[R], then why would anyone run as physical run?02:00
urlin2uOKTOKT, if you know how to load the mbr with grub incase of failure you would be okay though.02:00
dies_iraeOut of memory: Kill process 5916 (firefox) score 360 or sacrifice child02:00
[R]phong_: because windows is a piece of trash and belongs no where near any sane system02:00
phong_[R], i got windows 7 run while fire up vmware ubuntu ...fast02:00
dies_iraeKilled process 5939 (kmozillahelper) total-vm:331948kB, anon-rss:4628kB, file-rss:56kB02:00
cyberbobhi all, I am from solaris world. Used to play with solaris zones. while in case of testing purpose I am using virtualbox. Today I was reading a page regarding OS supported by KVM and amazed to see the list of the OS supported. now my question is that if i use kvm on my desktop "an ubuntu machine" does it work in a seprate layer rather than using the phenomena of zones in jailed environment as they used base of host OS. or it works in the similar way as jailed02:00
urlin2u[R], now,now ,now. :)02:01
phong_ok, how to list all running processes?02:01
[R]cyberbob: virtualbox is a virtual machine...02:01
[R]phong_: ps02:01
phong_do they have virtualbox for linux?02:02
OKTOKTurlin2u: Yeah I've had it go south on me before. heh.02:02
Juestphong_: pstree or ps ax02:02
phong_or vmware for linux?02:02
[R]phong_: of course02:02
[R]phong_: of course02:02
cyberbobyes phong_ there is virtualbox . .02:02
aukhello i seem to have a google redirect virus affecting my firefox 9 installation on ubuntu, default from the repos... has anyone else heard of such a thing?02:02
[R]of course virtualbox for linux is free02:02
cyberbobyes offcourse  . . there ose is free . .02:02
Juestphong_: of couse xD02:02
urlin2uOKTOKT, I just use supergrub to get into a os to reload from there most of the time much faster.02:02
[deXter]of course :)02:02
phong_then should vmware go bankrupcy?02:02
[R]auk: i highly doubt you have a virus02:03
phong_if VB is free, why vmware cost for it?02:03
Juestumm, i got some grub problems02:03
auka few years ago i remember getting rid of a google redirect virus that iirc had infected the router, and so was affecting all the comptuers02:03
pangolin!ot | phong_02:03
ubottuphong_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:03
phong_sorry man02:03
[R]phong_: if liniux is free, should microsoft go bankrupt?02:03
phong_i just want to know the different02:03
phong_1 = freee 2= cost to it02:03
urlin2uJuest, what are the problems.02:03
auk[R], i know it's weird but it doesn't seem to be affecting the router... as the other computers in this lab (hostel) are not getting redirects02:03
OKTOKTurlin2u: I'll download and burna disc ASAP. looks like a great little tool.02:03
phong_well...is vmware better?02:04
phong_since there is a cost to it.02:04
dies_iraephong_: ... what kinda question are those02:04
OerHeksphong_, stop the silly questions please ...02:04
Juesturlin2u: it looks like the monitor goes Out of Range when GRUB starts, i have the grub ubuntu 11.10 comes with not grub2, grub-pc02:04
Jueston boot02:04
urlin2uOKTOKT, I use a earlier version, but  suspect the ones offered work fine, for awhile they were not.02:04
auk[R], wait it could be an extension i recently installed...02:04
[R]auk: lol02:05
Juesturlin2u: the system does not resume after successful suspension02:05
phong_[R], ok i want to try vb, where can i get it02:05
auk[R], as chrome isn't having any probs either02:05
dies_iraephong_: here's a neat trick, for every question you come up, put it in google search. you'd be surprise!!02:05
[R]phong_: you can find their website on google02:05
Juestphong_: stop asking here, GOOGLE INSTEAD02:05
auk[R], i've developed a rather lax trust level with anything that's on addons.mozilla02:05
urlin2uJuest, not sure about the resolution but grub-pc is grub 2 and comes with 11.1002:05
pangolin!google > Juest02:05
ubottuJuest, please see my private message02:05
acerimmerphong_: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=virtualbox02:05
Juesturlin2u: idk then,02:06
ActionParsnipphong_: vbox is in the repos02:06
phong_oh my god02:06
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Juesturlin2u: idk then,02:06
phong_acerimmer, did u control my pc? how did u type on my screen....show me02:06
ActionParsnip!info virtualbox-ose | phong_02:06
urlin2uJuest, your suspend might be due to a swap not being big enough or there, you have it equal  in size to the ram02:06
cyberbobActionParsnip: there .ose version is in repo's  oracle is money sawy like always ..02:06
ubottuphong_: virtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox): transitional package for virtualbox. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.2-dfsg-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 21 kB, installed size 132 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 all)02:06
ActionParsnipcyberbob: for most things, ose is fine02:06
phong_acerimmer, sorrry to ask u, how did u do that?02:06
cyberbobyes, that is right. .02:07
acerimmerphong_: one problem at a time.  Get virtual box and come back.02:07
Juesturlin2u: i have a 1.1gb swap on a 1gb pc02:07
phong_acerimmer, does it matter if i already have vmware workstation?  will it conflict?02:08
phong_currently downloading02:08
urlin2uJuest, hmm, it seems that some setups don't work, but I can't really confrim that just observations, always has worked for me, you use a key prompt rather then the power button to bring it back?02:08
Juesturlin2u: actually, swap is eating 19,1mb and memory, is almosy 500mb02:08
Juesturlin2u: not even keyboard02:09
acerimmerphong_: vm and vb are different platforms.  should not cause problems.02:09
ActionParsnipJuest: ideally you want double the ram amouunt for swap in a system with less than 2Gb RAM02:09
urlin2uJuest, you can set the swappiness higher so more ram is used.02:09
ActionParsnipurlin2u: lower swappiness makes more ram be used02:10
phong_acerimmer, i got the answer:  lmgtfy.com = let me google this for you02:10
Juesturlin2u: ok, gotta restart on livecd and adjust partitons, how do i disable swap on livecd so i can resize swap?02:10
acerimmerphong_: ah, you DO know how to do your own research!02:10
Juesthow do i disable enterly linux HDD usage on live cd?02:10
phong_acerimmer, i'm learning02:10
urlin2uJuest, just right click then swap off in gparted.02:10
Juesturlin2u: ad about the linux partition?02:11
Juestis safe to resize it?02:11
urlin2uJuest, on the swap partition.02:11
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Juestbecause some of the stuff is loaded from the ext part02:11
urlin2uJuest, yes you may need to reset the uuid in fstab to have it auto mount.02:12
urlin2uafter you resize02:12
ActionParsnipcould use a swap file instead..02:13
urlin2uJuest, the swap is just for extra stuff, not anything you can't loose02:13
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urlin2uActionParsnip,  use a thumb at times as well.02:13
ActionParsnipurlin2u: limited writes would surely make them not ideal?02:13
Juesturlin2u: i got to resize the main partiton as well,02:14
zacariasI tried making backups with BackInTime. It looks nice. It has scheduled backups, but apparently I have to launch it in order to have the scheduled backups done. Am I wrong? Is there a backup app that can run the backups in the background without my help and without me having to think about it and launching it?02:14
Juestto expand swap02:14
ActionParsnipzacarias: if you can call it from CLI, you could cron the command as root..02:14
urlin2uActionParsnip, I hear that but I don't it regularly, I have a good cash flow.02:14
ActionParsnipurlin2u: i'd just max the ram on my mobo, makes ram near redundant ;)02:15
zacariasActionParsnip: How do I do that?02:15
DasEizacarias: whole system or just folders/files ? first one, set upa cronjob, second use things like unison or a trigger once a certain uuid or a host is connected02:15
urlin2uJuest, I wondered if you would, no biggie you probably have a extended around the main so you will move both if so.02:15
ActionParsnipzacarias: not sure, I just have a cron'd job which copies the stuff I care about in $HOME to a firewire drive02:17
urlin2uActionParsnip, I have a netbook I have the max ram 2 gigs, i use the flash thumb flash if I run a vm that needs al ot of memory02:17
zacariasDasEi: I'm thinking about a whole system. A trigger would be nice. How wolud I set up this trigger?02:17
ActionParsnipurlin2u: ive not needed more than 2Gb ram for anything :)02:17
ActionParsnipurlin2u: except work that is ;)02:18
urlin2uActionParsnip, it can be done in other ways as you suggest a file,  but the I'm lazy.02:19
DasEizacarias: whole sys would be niceto have the source readonly; do you want toback up to anexternal hd?02:20
Juesturlin2u: hmm???02:21
Juesturlin2u:  wat?02:21
urlin2uJuest, what's up?02:21
zacariasDasEi: yes, I'm backing up to an external HD02:21
urlin2uJuest, here is the swap wiki if needed, which also has the instructions to making a swap file  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq02:23
aukhmmm.... very interesting.... the problem seems to be caused by a rule conflict between HTTPS-everywhere and some other extension...02:24
DasEi!info udevadm | zacarias02:24
ubottuzacarias: Package udevadm does not exist in oneiric02:24
txomon|homehi, I am issuing a strange bug when doing an installation from ubuntu mini iso. (or netboot). If I decide that I just want the lubuntu-core (the last choice, is for installing the packages/services you want), when I reboot from a finished installations, there is not launched the X env02:25
zacariasDasEi: is tha a command to run in the terminal?02:25
phong_can virtualbox access host folder?02:26
[deXter]phong_, of course02:26
phong_let say i want to save something in virtual box to a host folder directly02:26
phong_oh okay thanks02:26
phong_let me do install now02:26
oscar76running 10.04, if I dist-upgrade, can I keep working with enlightenment DM?02:27
Chipzzzzacarias: udevadm is in package udev02:27
DasEizacarias: yes, I have it here,so it'll be part of a metapackage, you can create udev rules for certain events, like plugging a certain hd (they all get their unique identifiers) andso either trigger actionsor monitor withsaidcommand02:27
trismtxomon|home: lubuntu-core doesn't include a display manager, try installing lxdm02:29
txomon|hometrism, what is it supposed to do?02:29
trismtxomon|home: lxdm is the default display manager in lubuntu-desktop in oneiric (you could also use lightdm or gdm or whatever you wanted)02:30
txomon|hometrism, If i do xinit and startlubuntu, they get launched02:30
trismtxomon|home: the display manager is the screen that comes up asking for your username/password on a normal install02:30
txomon|hometrism, I know, but I thought that got installed within the lubuntu-core02:31
scientesi copied my system from one computer to another02:32
scientesexcept i copied an *unencrypted* home, while i had been using ecryptfs02:32
trismtxomon|home: no, lubuntu-desktop depends on the display manager, and other stuff, lubuntu-core just has the basic stuff like xorg, openbox and lxpanel02:32
scientesi can't log in now02:32
DasEizacarias: but if you want a whole system backup, not just user data, things like dd from either safe mode or tools like ghost for linux are better, dd won't let you do partial backups, you need to specify yourneeds more02:32
scienteshow do i turn off ecrptfs so that i can log in02:32
txomon|hometrism, and lxdm isn't basic? will suppose not...02:33
Juestscientes: have more users there?02:33
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zacariasDasEi: dd is DéjàDup?02:33
DasEizacarias: dd is a command for sectorwise copying of hd's and other media02:34
zacariasDasEi: ok02:34
Da|Mummyhow do i fix a read only filesystem on the drive im booting from?02:35
Da|Mummyfsck wont do it, even if i live boot02:35
txomon|hometrism, Thank you very much!02:36
DasEizacarias: so, space of external presumed, can have an image of it, which later can be played back, disadvantage is , you do it as a whole,if youjust sync folders /partitions not in use, can just add the changes occuredsince last backup02:36
zacariasDasEi: ok02:37
Da|Mummyhello, this is dog!02:38
ServicesLutoCan someone help me install my steam on ubuntu?02:39
bonhofferis there a way to resize an entire directory of files02:39
DasEizacarias: I  mostly seperate user from systemdata (as in partitons), backup the system not too often (hardwarecrash, too borked,happensnot often):), but save my user data regulary incrementially02:39
DasEibonhoffer: a diraor a partition ?02:40
bonhofferwas? ist das spanish?02:40
jribbonhoffer: resize in what way?  images?02:41
DasEibonhoffer: no, problem with space key02:41
DasEibonhoffer: a dira or a partition ?02:41
DasEiand a typo,hehe02:41
JuestServicesLuto: hey, there's no steam on linux02:41
bonhofferah .. . yes -- say take a 400x300 and turn it into 4 x 3 px02:41
bonhofferwhole directory . . .02:41
bonhofferimagemagick maybe . . .02:42
SLayeRDKServicesLuto: google crossover games02:42
ServicesLutoUsing Wine you can install =)02:42
JuestServicesLuto: yeah, wine not trusty02:43
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Da|Mummyso than why do you need help if you already installed it with wine?02:43
jribbonhoffer: yes, imagemagick will do that...02:43
Raymond_actionparsnip, what exactly did you want me to look at in the thread02:43
bonhofferjrib, thanks!02:43
ServicesLutoI do not want to play, I just use the steam chat.02:43
JuestServicesLuto: oh02:44
JuestServicesLuto: got android?02:44
scientesI completely remote ecryptfs-utils and my home directory is _not_ encrypted02:44
bonhofferjrib, good link for cli imagemagick?02:44
scientesyet i still cant log in HELP02:44
JuestServicesLuto: also, there's no minimal special steam02:44
jribbonhoffer: the official page (linked to from « man convert » for example) is decent02:44
gnuuserdoes anybody know how to run a program as another user *safely*, i want to set limits to what a particular user can do online (no net access), and set a proxy to run as a different user with unlimited access02:46
Da|Mummywhat happens if i took ownership of a drive during format, and now i delete the OS that has the ownership of said drive?02:46
peqhpfoPlease help me - I have issues with my input devices (namely the keyboard and mouse)02:46
web4freeI also want to know this02:46
peqhpfoI get locked in keyboard or mouse02:47
peqhpfoAnd it is REALLY annoying and ruins the functionality02:47
Da|Mummypeqhpfo, does it work on boot?02:47
txomon|homeI don't have audio in an old computer, very old, which is the package I may install?02:47
Da|Mummydoes it work during boot, like getting into bios?02:48
usr13peqhpfo: What do you mean you "took ownership"?02:48
_pg_guise, how can I drag windows between workspaces? I've googled and googled and checked and unchecked basically every option in all of compiz. whats the trick? its running in vmware, not sure if that matters02:48
web4freei think there something about your mainboard02:48
usr13Da|Mummy: What do you mean you "took ownership"?02:48
usr13peqhpfo: Sorry, wrong nick.02:48
peqhpfoThe issue is, I will be in one window and I cannot use my mouse and I will have to navigate with the keyboard. I had this issue when installing Ubuntu.02:49
web4freetxomon|home:  alsa-base alsa-tools02:49
Da|Mummyusr13, i mean only this user im logged into can access it02:49
peqhpfoI am locked in this application right now, I can't even maximize it02:49
peqhpfo*please* tell me this is fixable02:49
Raymond_does anybody have a 'hardware' selection in sys. admin in natty02:49
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DasEi!sound | txomon|home:02:50
ubottutxomon|home:: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:50
DasEitxomon|home: try totellus whichchip you use, sudo hwinfo or lspci might tell02:51
_pg_i feel like dragging windows between workspaces should be kind of, a default. thats kind of the whole point of having workspaces02:51
Da|Mummypeqhpfo, how did you open this app, or even boot an OS is mouser/KB arent working?02:52
peqhpfoDoes anyone have an idea what is causing these problems and how to fix them? I would Google the answer but I would have issues getting using it :P02:52
peqhpfoMouse/KB issue system wide02:52
peqhpfoI had a similar issue on Debian02:53
_pg_people in here use workspaces feature?02:53
lynx7os5_pg_: does CtrlAltShift+direction work?02:53
_pg_lynx7os5: -__-02:53
_pg_lynx7os5: cant i just drag them?02:53
_pg_lynx7os5: that actually did work. which is leaps and bounds ahead of where I was. But dragging, cant be that hard can it?02:54
peqhpfoCode it in if you like _pg_ :P02:54
fluxdev_what up02:54
derek_what up02:54
lynx7os5maybe drag into little workspace square on task bar? im a keyborad mostly person..02:54
widewakeHi. There is no "sort by type" on my desktop menu when right clicking, anyone know how i could add this? All i have is sort by name.02:54
Da|Mummy_pg_, dragging between workplaces works in xfce02:55
fluxdev_who here is an experianced hacker im kinda new and lookin for pointers tools or lessons02:55
_pg_Da|Mummy: i have a feeling this is the fallout with the whole unity / gnome shell fighting.02:55
osdeariaWhat is the file system path to store files into temporary memory?02:55
_pg_and I lose02:55
Da|Mummyunity sucks02:55
osdearia/dev/something or /proc/something?02:55
peqhpfoThis is brutal being confined to only this chatroom ><02:56
fluxdev_can somone help me02:56
Da|Mummypeqhpfo, try /j #randomchatroom02:56
fluxdev_i need hacking tutorials02:56
_pg_Da|Mummy: why is it the default !!! grrr02:56
peqhpfoWon't fix my problem :P02:56
osdeariaDa|Mummy, ubuntu is unity.  if you don't like it, try one of the hundreds of thousands of other distros?  I, for one, use gentoo.02:56
jribfluxdev_: pick your favorite language and start reading?02:56
Da|Mummyyou have a choice, _pg_ try xubuntu02:56
Da|Mummyosdearia, im on xubuntu right now02:57
peqhpfoRight now, the KB/Mouse issue only allows me to use this textbox right not02:57
_pg_Da|Mummy: if it was my permanant machine I would, its a vm for a school project. 9 weeks.02:57
jribfluxdev_: at the official page for the language you picked.  Anyway, this isn't really on-topic for this channel02:57
peqhpfoI would join another IRC channel but I have no idea if I could get back here :/02:57
osdeariapeqhpfo, freenode irc network allows being in 120 channels per connection02:57
txomon|homeDasEi, not enought...02:57
fluxdev_were is the page what page omg im so lost :l02:57
DasEitxomon|home: open a terminal ...02:57
peqhpfoYou don't understand, my mouse/KB is malfunctioning02:58
peqhpfoI cannot interact with windows02:58
fluxdev_got a link?02:58
Da|Mummy_pg_, i dont see why VM cant load into xubuntu02:58
osdeariapeqhpfo, ctrl+alt+f3 and use irssi?02:58
peqhpfoI was able to get here, and now I need help learning how to fix it02:58
txomon|homeDasEi, ... already opened, but audio not working, its an old sound card02:58
_pg_Da|Mummy: I already set up all my things for the class though. I dont want to start it over for this02:58
_pg_how can anyone use ubuntu and workspaces, but not drag and drop windows between them?02:59
_pg_how is that not the default behavior02:59
Da|Mummyyou know you can turn off unity during ubuntu startup, maybe try without unity and see how workplaces interract02:59
txomon|homeits a SIS sound card02:59
DasEifluxdev: this channel specific support on ubuntu is given, define hacking ? coding ? else google hackthissite , no objective of this channel02:59
_pg_Da|Mummy: gahhh ok02:59
fluxdev_ok thank you02:59
DasEitxomon|home: sudo apt-get install hwinfo pastebinit02:59
lynx7os5_pg_: are you using gnome?03:00
_pg_yes. plain old ubuntu. out of the box03:00
_pg_whatever the deault is. unity/gnome03:00
txomon|homeDasEi, its a SIS soundcard03:01
lynx7os5_pg_: you see the little squares in bottom right corner by the trash bucket thing?03:01
_pg_no, I have a unity dock on the left.03:01
DasEitxomon|home: exact model ?03:01
lynx7os5_pg_: hmm...03:01
lynx7os5_pg_: what if you right click the title of the window you want to move?03:02
txomon|homedasei sis si 7018  (that is the alsamixer's info)03:02
widewakeHi. There is no "sort by type" on my desktop menu when right clicking, anyone know how i could add this?03:02
peter__Can someone help me with my KB/mouse issue please?03:02
DasEitxomon|home: so driver is obviously found and used, fine; are the channels unmuted ?03:02
_pg_lynx7os5: that works. im still sad about DnD though. is unity the new default or not? everyone seems suprised im using it03:02
peter__This time, don't make me ctrl + alt +403:02
txomon|homeDasEi, I am rechecking that03:03
txomon|homehave appeared a pair of bars more...03:03
peter__I have issues interacting with windows. Sometimes I get locked into only use my keyboard or mouse and I cannot use Ubuntu properly because of it03:04
peter__I have had this issue with Debian03:04
peter__Any ideas?03:04
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DasEitxomon|home: mind the icons, if using alsamixergui, and main and pcm upper 003:04
widewakeGame issue. Whenever i minimize cs.16, or URT another fps, i cannot bring it back full screen. It only shows a quarter of the gamescreen. any idears03:04
peter__And I have not googled this problem, because it would be a herculean task with a bum mouse and bum keyboard03:04
txomon|homeDasEi, just alsamixer command03:04
txomon|home2 more bars appeared...03:05
lynx7os5_pg_: im not sure.. maybe this might help.. http://library.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/shell-workspaces-movewindow.html.en03:05
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txomon|homemight be because I had chromium opened, and mean while, installed alsa-base  and alsa-tools?03:05
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PeterCodygod, every peter is already taken ><03:06
_pg_lynx7os5: thatnks! i will check that out03:06
PeterCodyAlso, it apprears to be a window problem. I can only type in this box and play with the side bar03:07
_pg_does ubuntu use gnome 3?03:07
txomon|homeDasEi, seems to be fixed03:07
_pg_cause this doc doesnt seem to match03:07
pangolin_pg_: ubuntu 11.10 does.03:08
DasEitxomon|home: nice to hear03:08
txomon|homeDasEi, really don't know what happened... :D03:08
_pg_pangolin: ever move windows btw workspaces?03:08
txomon|homewill suppose that was all03:08
pangolin_pg_: I haven't. i use one desktop03:08
ActionParsnip_pg_: Oneiric and later do if you use the Gnome based Ubuntu03:08
DasEitxomon|home: it's often muted either from defaults or another program like the gui or volume manager03:09
_pg_pangolin: dont try it its apparently impossible!03:09
ActionParsnippangolin: same03:09
PeterCodyso.... no ideas about my interface issues?03:09
pangolin_pg_: report a bug at launchpad.net03:09
_pg_ActionParsnip: DnD windows btw workspaces, whats the magic?03:09
PeterCodyI hate to be annoying, but you get annoyed when all you can use is IRC xD03:09
ActionParsnip_pg_: you can use Compiz to show all desktops and drag app windows between easily03:09
Da|Mummy_pg_, i keep telling you, try xubuntu, youll be pleasantly surprised03:09
_pg_pangolin: its not a bug its a devilishly hidden setting03:09
_pg_ActionParsnip: does ccsm work in latst ubuntu? whatever I change doesnt seem to do anything. is Unity interfering?03:10
pangolin_pg_: in gconf perhaps you can find it but don't ask me where or how.03:10
ActionParsnip_pg_: yes03:10
_pg_ActionParsnip: can I not use compiz and unity?03:10
ActionParsnip_pg_: its the expo plugin03:11
ActionParsnip_pg_: you don't have to, you can use XFCE, KDE or even LXDE and Unity will not be loaded03:11
Da|Mummywhat happens if i took ownership of a drive during format, and now i delete the OS that has the ownership of said drive?03:12
ActionParsnip_pg_: LXDE and XFCE are all coded using GTK3.2 in Oneiric and later03:12
_pg_ActionParsnip: I dont mind Untiy, but if it is making it so I cant Dnd windows into workspaces then i guess ill have to use something else03:12
micahcavaleriCan someone help me find my PLL? I don't want to open up my laptop.  I have a Dell XPS M140 with Intel 915GM chipset.03:12
_pg_ActionParsnip: can the two coexist? do i just need to find the magic setting in ccsm?03:12
ActionParsnip_pg_: its not unity stopping that, you need the expo plugin03:12
_pg_ActionParsnip: if it shows up in ccsm, does that mean I have it installed?03:13
* txomon|home loves thinking about you christina grimmie and sam tsui03:13
micahcavaleriI was hoping for an easy-to-use Ubuntu app to find my PLL.  Any ideas?03:13
ActionParsnip_pg_: you will get this: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_lh7jyvHkwS4/TOgEBVucF6I/AAAAAAAAA_s/cUSJWTWmP8A/s1600/unity+expo.png   and you can drag app windows between as you expect03:13
* txomon|home .>> title is "thinking about you" XD03:13
ActionParsnip_pg_: yes but if it is unchecked the plugin is not enabled03:13
_pg_ActionParsnip: i swear ive fiddled every box in the expo plugin but ill keep looking there.03:14
_pg_just to recap- im clicking workspaes in the dock on the left. it shows me all my workspaces, and my windows are all trapped in the first one03:14
ActionParsnip_pg_: press the shortcut assigned and it will show03:15
micahcavaleriI was hoping for an easy-to-use Ubuntu app to find my PLL.  Any ideas?03:17
spaceneedleStill getting strange symbols--rather then letters--when I open vlc player on Ubuntu 10.04.03:18
ra4king1452 peoples!!03:19
ra4kingthat's ... scary .___.03:19
_pg_spacebug-: subtitles in a language you have no fionts installed for?03:19
ra4kinganyway: how can i find the hardware specs of my computer?03:19
ra4kingim using ubuntu server03:19
ra4kingso no gui, just command line03:20
acerimmerra4king: lshw03:20
ra4kingacerimmer: is that built in or i have to download it?03:20
_pg_ra4king: top will give you an idea. like activity monitor03:20
acerimmerra4king: pretty sure it's in the default kernel03:20
ActionParsnipra4king: if you install lshw-gtk  you can see it in a prettier UI03:21
ra4kingActionParsnip: on ubuntu server?03:21
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ActionParsnipra4king: sudo lshw | less     you can see it there03:21
ra4kingi don't think gtk works on server :P03:21
ActionParsnipra4king: you'd be suprised the number of dufuses installing a desktop on server. makes me die inside03:21
ActionParsnipra4king: idiots, morons etc03:22
acerimmerra4king: I just ran it on my virtualbox box server.  it's there.03:22
ra4kinghow do i save the output of lshw to a text file?03:24
ra4kingi haven't used the terminal in quite a while03:24
ActionParsnipra4king: sudo lshw > ~/output.txt03:24
ra4kingah the > symbols thanks03:24
ActionParsnipra4king: or you could install pastebinit and run:  sudo lshw | pastebinit     then view the URL on a desktop PC ;)03:24
lynx7os5_pg_: if you havent solved your earlier question, maybe this link will help... http://askubuntu.com/questions/39849/can-i-drag-a-window-onto-another-workspace03:25
ra4kingActionParsnip: nah, im connecting via ssh to my server, i don't want to install anything03:25
_pg_lynx7os5: i havent solved it yet, I have tried that though. thank you.03:27
ra4kingyou guys won't believe what kind of hardware my webserver is running on!03:27
ActionParsnipra4king: pastebinit is tiny, very useful03:27
ra4kingPentium 3 CPU @ 900Mhz with 128MB of RAM03:27
ActionParsnipra4king: thats enough if you expect only 1 or 2 connections03:27
Da|Mummykill it with 4 packets03:27
lynx7os5_pg_: mkk, best i could do, sorry03:28
ra4kingActionParsnip: im getting about....10-15K visits a day :D03:28
ActionParsnipra4king: yowser03:28
ra4kingit's a laptop btw03:28
ActionParsnipra4king: but they arent concurrent, which is key03:28
tripelbdoes anyone know how to make a USB drive that will boot ON A MACBOOK. (mid 2007)03:28
ra4kingabout on average 50-60 concurrent visitors at any time of day03:28
ActionParsniptripelb: what CPU does it use?03:28
_mike_does anyone know of a really easy way of getting Minecraft (java too probably) onto Ubuntu 11.10?\03:28
ActionParsnipra4king: wow, it's doing well then :)03:28
ra4kingActionParsnip: yup, this thing has been running without a hiccup the past 2 years :)03:29
Chipzzzra4king: sounds like a Dell...?03:29
ra4kingSatellite Pro 460003:29
ActionParsnipra4king: HI5!03:30
ra4kingChipzzz: :)03:30
ra4kinghahah wow this thing is 12 years old!03:31
tripelbra4king, are you using lubuntu?03:31
tripelbIwhat happened03:31
tripelbI've got a smear all done the page.03:31
ra4kingUbuntu Server 10.0403:31
ra4kingjakk: WTF03:32
ra4kingand he quits....03:32
geerrrHello what is the command to chmod all files and the command to chmod all directories?03:32
tripelbra4king, a server will run on just a little bit of ram?03:32
Juestgeerrr: just use wildcards on the command03:32
ra4kingtripelb: it used to have 256MB of RAM03:32
ActionParsnipgeerrr: the chod command for files and folders is the same03:32
ra4kingand it used to run Windows XP03:32
ActionParsnipgeerrr: linux sees tham both as files03:32
ra4kingbut then it suddenly wouldn't boot, the error said one of the memory cards were faulty03:32
ra4kingso now it has 1x128MB stick :)03:33
JuestActionParsnip: no, because of the first line of the perm line03:33
tripelbra4king, I thought ubuntu needed 512. I just tried it on a 504M machine and as soon as I started a browser, fail.03:33
Juestl,d or -03:33
ra4kingtripelb: Ubuntu SERVER03:33
ActionParsnipJuest: if you chmod a folder and chmod a file, the command is the same03:33
ra4kingit's VERY minimal03:33
geerrrActionParsnip: I need all folders to be 755 and all files to be 644. chmod -R 644 public_html will change all permissions03:33
Juesttripelb: try debian, live cd needs min 64mb03:33
tripelbra4king, sorry I'm so naive. So a server is lighter than using a browser.03:34
ra4kingtripelb: extremely, since the server is only a terminal03:34
ActionParsnipgeerrr: if you want to set folders different you will need a find command to show all folders then chown on the found folders03:34
ra4kingno GUI at all03:34
Juestra4king: but debian is better suited also :)03:35
ActionParsnipgeerrr: but chmod the whole lot as 644 then the folder can be set to 755 after, it'll be quicker03:35
Juestand only needs 64mb for lcd03:35
tripelbJuest: I love you. I did not know that. I'll do that. I just downloaded lubuntu but debian might be more simple. Oh is that without a gui? (doing this for someone who will not use a terminal, hey I can only do barely anything on one.)03:35
Juesttripelb: can be03:35
Juesttripelb: there's console only flavors03:36
ra4kingJuest: well currently 41% of the 128MB is used up03:36
ra4kingso it's running really well03:36
Juestra4king: debian?03:36
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:36
ra4kingand with 15-20K page views a day.....it's doing awesome :)03:36
tripelbJuest. Oh, I cant do that.  (I must go sleep now. I'm inexplicably tired. NN)03:36
geerrrActionParsnip: Solved it :P A gift for you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sm63N3FBGak&feature=related03:37
=== checkbit151 is now known as checkbit
geerrrif you like it let me know03:37
geerrrActionParsnip: I noticed that I am the only female in the channel!03:37
tripelbpangolin, I dont see any nontopic lines.03:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:38
tripelbgeerrr I am a woman.03:38
=== checkbit is now known as checkbit151
ActionParsnipgeerrr: girls use ubuntu ;)03:38
Sebastienacerimmer: Using Copy/Paste is easy, it saves you time and efforts to share doccuments, scripts, and other kind of text. We DO encourage to use this feature, simply not in here. This chat room is not a pastebin. Please use www.pastebin.com to copy/paste if its more then 3 lines. Thank you. (failure to comply may result in a kick/ban from the channel ops)03:38
Sebastien[This information is sent as a courtesy, feel free to notify me for removal in #ubuntu]03:38
geerrrActionParsnip : I never met one :)03:38
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:39
Sebastienpangolin: Using Copy/Paste is easy, it saves you time and efforts to share doccuments, scripts, and other kind of text. We DO encourage to use this feature, simply not in here. This chat room is not a pastebin. Please use www.pastebin.com to copy/paste if its more then 3 lines. Thank you. (failure to comply may result in a kick/ban from the channel ops)03:39
Sebastien[This information is sent as a courtesy, feel free to notify me for removal in #ubuntu]03:39
pangolinSebastien: please disable that now.03:39
Raymond_need a program that can open object code files in natty03:40
troulouliou_devhi i xan not install alien  on 11.10 64 bits , unmet dependencies ...03:40
troulouliou_devdoes anybody else have this problem ?03:40
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: sudo apt-get -f install03:40
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, this won't make synaptic wonky after ?03:41
Raymond_actionparsnip, is there a program for natty that can open object code files03:42
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: no, -f is for (f)ix, it pulls in deps if it can03:42
ActionParsnipRaymond_: gedit if its source code..03:43
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, ok thanks03:43
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=== checkbit is now known as checkbit151
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Raymond_how do i turn a .rar into a .deb file03:55
gremlin133Hi everyone, I'm trying to setup a virtual ethernet interface on ubuntu server 11.10, and am getting this error message: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address03:56
ActionParsnipgremlin133: may help http://www.wantlinux.net/2009/04/ubuntu-subinterfaces/03:57
ActionParsnipgremlin133: I assume you mean subinterfaces03:57
gremlin133ActionParsnip: yeah03:58
gremlin133ActionParsnip: they're setup correctly though, config is copied from a 10.04 machine that this new one is replacing.03:58
ActionParsnipRaymond_: you'd need to extract it, what its in the archive?03:59
ActionParsnipgremlin133: is it just one subinterface, or many?03:59
gremlin133ActionParsnip: 6 of them03:59
ActionParsnipgremlin133: then I suggest you comment out 5 of them, if you can start networking ok then uncomment another03:59
ActionParsnipgremlin133: and so on04:00
gremlin133ActionParsnip: hmm, I suppose, it doesn't even work if you try to do it manually, as in ifconfig eth0:0 etc etc04:01
ActionParsnipgremlin133: strange04:01
gremlin133ActionParsnip: I had googled around, something mentioned to remove wireless-tools, which I did.. didn't help, other things mention adding some iptables rules, but it's disabled anyway04:02
DetergentizerI have a install inprogress via "ubuntu software center" , ubuntu 11.x,  it seems to be hung, how can I abort?04:03
Raymond_actionparsnip, the windows version of the broadcom 4306 driver i am hoping i will work on natty04:05
Raymond_actionparsnip, the firmware does not work04:06
ActionParsnipRaymond_: there is always ndiswrapper04:07
OKTOKTHow can I refresh the network adapter allowing for the hosts file to be active in it's current (Edited) state?04:07
OKTOKTwithout a reboot...04:07
Detergentizerservice ,,, U04:08
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gremlin133ActionParsnip: I changed their net masks and it worked.. weird, just strange that it worked on the old system and not this one xD04:11
Flynn_I'm hoping you folks can help me on a Debian probably?04:14
Flynn_At least possibly?04:14
ActionParsnipFlynn_: ask in #debian04:15
ActionParsnipFlynn_: debian isn't supported here04:15
Flynn_I've tried in the Debian channel, but it doesn't seem anyone could help.04:15
Sebastien pangolin, ok i will.04:15
pangolinthank you Sebastien04:16
Sebastientry it if you want04:16
Sebastien  if ($chan == #ubuntu) && ($network == freenode) {04:16
Sebastienpangolin: Using Copy/Paste is easy, it saves you time and efforts to share doccuments, scripts, and other kind of text. We DO encourage to use this feature, simply not in here. This chat room is not a pastebin. Please use www.pastebin.com to copy/paste if its more then 3 lines. Thank you. (failure to comply may result in a kick/ban from the channel ops)04:16
Sebastien[This information is sent as a courtesy, feel free to notify me for removal in #ubuntu]04:16
FloodBot1Sebastien: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:16
ActionParsnipFlynn_: wait then, this is Ubuntu support only04:16
Raymond_actionparsnip, is there a way to turn  the wireless card on or off using the terminal04:18
ActionParsnipRaymond_: you can unload and load the module I guess04:19
ActionParsnipRaymond_: or you can use:  sudo ifdown wlan0    and:  sudo ifup wlan0   to pull it up and down too04:20
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artichokuhelp pls lol04:26
artichokuunity got jacked up when I installed that rotated launcher04:27
Xgateshi by chance anyone using Kvpnc I  keep getting for OpenVPN; OpenvpnManagementHandler :connection refused04:27
artichokunow I can't do anything at all04:27
artichokuis there a command for apt-get?04:29
Xgatesapt-get is a command04:31
DogearsHi!  If I dpkg the latest Virtualbox 4.1.8 will it upgrade 4.1.4 correctly?04:32
JuestDogears: is safe...04:35
JuestDogears: if you put a newer version it upgrades older ones04:36
Raymond_how do i delete a file in the home folder04:36
JuestRaymond_: remove accounts to do that04:36
imbezolubuntu 11.04... has the little sign in thing upper right in gnome.. when i sign in what does it do? i've signed in with my gmail account and my status is online. can i chat to people with this somehow?04:36
DogearsJuest: Thanks for your help04:36
dimas_i am having a problem after install extra ram although i am not sure if is that cause the computer froze and comes a black screen with some codes and in those lines say "bad EIP value"04:36
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Raymond_juest, i put a .tar file in the home file is it possible to remove04:38
Juestimbezol: that's the chat system, it uses empathy to chat, click chat to chat, and open empathy contact list04:38
Juestyes, if is yours04:39
Juestwhat do you mean with home file?04:39
imbezolJuest: i don't see a "chat"04:39
Juestimbezol: it's on the mail icon04:39
imbezoljust: I can set my status or edit my chat accounts or broadcast accounts04:39
JuestRaymond_: umm, you always can if the file is yours and is in your home04:40
gogo_itdoes anyone know how to add another domain under an existing ubuntu server using apache2?04:44
gogo_itI added a virtual host file, but that does not seem to do it04:44
gogo_itdo I need to do anything else?04:44
wrektjetis there a way to suspend the system after say 2 hrs inactivity04:46
DogearsJuest: I get this error - virtualbox-4.1 conflicts with virtualbox  virtualbox-4.0 provides virtualbox and is present and installed.04:46
dimas_i am having a kernel problem how do i get alternative kernel?04:46
ActionParsnipDogears: uninstall the old one first04:46
ActionParsnipdimas_: you could hold shift at boot and boot to an older kernel04:47
ActionParsnipgogo_it: i'd ask in the apache channel04:47
dimas_ActionParsnip, but i am having that problem since i put new ram what should i do?04:48
gogo_itActionParsnip:  I tried, but I can not seem to post a message, it asks me to register and I do, but than won't let me post.  any idea?04:48
ActionParsnipdimas_: run the memtest in grub04:49
ActionParsnip!register | gogo_it04:49
ubottugogo_it: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:49
phong_can ubuntu get virus or spyware?04:49
dimas_ActionParsnip, i dont see the option "memtest" in the grub menu04:50
ActionParsnipphong_: it can but the chances are next to zero04:50
ActionParsnip!av | phong_04:50
ubottuphong_: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus04:50
JuestDogears: umm, try uninstalling the old vbox first04:50
ActionParsnipphong_: you only really need AV if you run a file server with windows clients, or an email server04:50
phong_is it secure to pay online bills?04:51
ActionParsnipphong_: the browsers use the same security standards as they do in windows, so yes04:51
dimas_ActionParsnip, i dont think is the ram as i dont have any problem with windows in the other partition04:51
ActionParsnipdimas_: windows may manage bad ram differently to linux, its worth testing04:52
ActionParsnipdimas_: and you did say it started after the install of new ram...04:52
DogearsThanks - will try. Can I keep settings somehow?04:52
ActionParsnipdimas_: run it for about 10 mins, if you see RED the ram is bad04:52
dlentzolder windows versions managed bad ram by not using ram and swapping everything to disk :P04:52
dimas_ActionParsnip, but i dont see the memtest option in the grub menu04:53
ActionParsnipDogears: uninstalling the app doesn't remove settings04:53
ActionParsnipdimas_: hold shift at boot, it will be near the bottom04:53
DogearsGreat !! Thanks04:53
ActionParsnipdimas_: memtest is in a default install04:53
dlentzdimas_, your bios could have it too if you still can't find it04:53
dimas_ActionParsnip, you mean when i boot a CD iso it will perform the memtest?...if that is the case i dont have any problem with the ram then04:54
ActionParsnipdimas_: the installed OS also has it. The memtest is also on the CD too04:55
dimas_ActionParsnip, but you says is runs as default at start04:56
ActionParsnipdimas_: no I said it's in a default install.04:56
ActionParsnipdimas_: I never said it runs at start at any point..04:57
raddyHello Everybody04:57
dimas_ActionParsnip, i go check...reboot04:58
LiENUSanyone running ubuntu on a chronos series 7?04:58
LiENUSi have a 15.6" series 704:58
LiENUS(samsung laptop)04:58
raddyI am trying to run one legacy gtk1 app in ubuntu, and receiving following error "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'ErrString' "04:58
raddyBut it is working perfectly in latest version of fedora.04:59
raddyI don't have source code of the app.04:59
raddyCan anybody suggestion a solution?04:59
plustaxhow do i update from gnome 3 to gnome 3.2?05:02
ActionParsnipplustax: which release are you using?05:02
Juestwhere do i need to head to modify global XOrg xhost settings?????05:02
DogearsActionParsnip: what if the package name changes from virtualbox-4.0 to virtualbox-4.1 does it find the settings?05:02
plustaxActionParsnip, im on gnome 3 on 11.1005:02
ActionParsnipLiENUS: try asking your real question05:02
dlentzplustax, might as well upgrade to precise and roll with it05:02
LiENUSActionParsnip, i just wanna know how well it runs05:02
plustaxdlentz, what does that mean?05:02
LiENUSwhat doesnt work05:02
dlentzprecise = ubuntu 12.0405:03
Juestplustax: ubuntu haves a sucky gnome 3, use another thing, like fedora05:03
plustaxOh. How is that? What are the advantages of upgrading?05:03
ActionParsnipplustax: Oneiric uses Gnome 3.205:03
bazhangJuest, dont suggest fedora here please05:03
dlentzyou get gnome 3.2 without hacking in ppa(s)05:03
MrCleanWithHairanyone know of a version of big two in the software center?05:03
ActionParsnipLiENUS: try a liveUSB and see05:03
plustaxproblem is, im not an advanced user. I understand ubuntu to some degree.05:04
Juestwhy, ubuntu UI is not the one seen at gnome.org05:04
ActionParsnipdlentz: oneiric uses gnome 3.205:04
LiENUSalas thats not free, isps here charge per gb05:04
LiENUSwhich is why i axed first05:04
plustaxis there any way I can simply upgrade my gnome 3 shell to 3.2 without going with a new distribution?05:04
ActionParsnipLiENUS: axed?05:04
[deXter]plustax, then in that case I would recommend sticking with what you have right now. Pangolin will be out soon so you might as well wait for it.05:04
LiENUSyeah i axed  a question05:05
bazhangJuest, this is Ubuntu support, please stay on topic05:05
ActionParsnipLiENUS: ohh ASKED05:05
[deXter]plustax, yuo can add the gnome3 ppa but it'll trigger an update for a lot of apps05:05
Juestand what system haves gnome3.2 in pure state??05:05
LiENUSActionParsnip, how archaic05:05
[deXter]plustax, and can break some apps as well.. as practically every app has gnome dependencies05:05
plustaxAh, okay.05:05
ActionParsnipJuest: ubuntu has gnome3.205:05
bazhangJuest, what do you mean "pure state"05:05
ActionParsnipLiENUS: no, it's correct english05:05
MrCleanWithHairJuest, arch does05:05
Juestbut the ui is soo messed :P05:05
plustax[deXter], is pangolin the next ubuntu release?05:05
Sebastienpangolin it should be off now, sorry about that, i run lots of scripts.05:06
_mike_Hello Ubuntu team, Can someone please point me to a website that shows me a simple way of putting Minecraft (and java probably) onto Ubuntu 11.10?05:06
A|i3NOK Question for the first person who might have a clue how to fix this. LOL. Finally got ubunty 10.04 playing nice with my four monitor ATI FirePro 2450 setup at work. amdccc however is pissing me off. I've set it how I want it *several* times and it keeps changing *one* of my monitors back to a lower resolution, automatically without asking me. Is there a way to disable is auto correcting what it thinks is right?05:06
Sebastienits allmost impossible to keep track of them all05:06
[deXter]plustax, Presice Pangolin, yes..05:06
Juestpure, imean, all the settings as seen in gnome.org05:06
ActionParsnipLiENUS: if you use it it makes things quicker as people who speak correctly don't need clarification of some made up slang/word/whatever you are choosing to use05:06
plustax[deXter], how do I upgrade to that right now without wiping my computer out? Im dual-booted currently with win 705:06
LiENUSplus theres little things i might not notice right away my understanding is when you run led the subpixeling is different, so you end up straining your eyes more05:06
A|i3NOther then that it's working beautifully with a single desktop being displayed across all monitors.05:06
JuestMrCleanWithHair: does arch linux have all the stuff as seen in gnome.org?05:07
MrCleanWithHairJuest, it'll have a pure gnome 3 install05:07
_mike_Hello Ubuntu team, Can someone please point me to a website that shows me a simple way of putting Minecraft (and java probably) onto Ubuntu 11.10?05:07
JuestMrCleanWithHair: does it look like gnome.org?05:07
urlin2uplustax, upgrade from what to what?05:07
Juestspecially login screen05:08
[deXter]plustax, you could add the repos and do a dist-upgrade; but personally I don't advise dist-upgrades. you could however download the latest live cd and try it out, if you find it stable enough you can install it over your current setup05:08
MrCleanWithHairJuest, no arch install looks the same. so no. it doesn't.05:08
LiENUSso no one running ubuntu on a samsung series 7/05:08
plustax[deXter], Alright I will do that.05:08
JuestMrCleanWithHair: so?05:09
ActionParsnipLiENUS: could post on the forums too, see if anyone replies there05:09
MrCleanWithHairJuest, its pure gnome.05:09
ActionParsnipLiENUS: you could also get a buddy who has a bootable USB to lend you it to test05:09
[deXter]plustax, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/05:09
LiENUSi can get a usb drive05:09
JuestMrCleanWithHair: does it haves the black ui on login?05:09
LiENUSits a matter of downloading it isnt free here05:09
bazhangjuest why are you asking about arch here?05:09
ActionParsnipJuest: keeping a default theme isn't pure gnome..05:09
MrCleanWithHairJuest, no it has a tty on login. fedora will look just like gnome.org though05:10
urlin2u_mike_, I would not try and understand grub before you reinstall XP, grub is rather complex, but it has excellent instructions and many great helpers here to guide you.05:10
bazhang!ot | Juest05:10
ubottuJuest: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:10
plustaxdownloading now.05:10
JuestMrCleanWithHair: almost, i had used fedora 16 live cd05:10
Juestonly diff, wallpaper :(05:10
LiENUSfor some reason here in the good ole us of a birthplace of free information exchange05:10
MrCleanWithHairJuest, ok so change the wallpaper?05:10
_mike_urlin2u, Do you suggest that I just stay with XP's Boot Loader?05:10
LiENUSwe can't download freely05:10
Juesthow to change the login wallpaper?05:11
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents05:11
bazhangJuest in Ubuntu?05:11
[deXter]_mike_, http://debianhelp.wordpress.com/2011/10/16/how-to-install-minecraft-in-ubuntu/05:11
plustaxlast question. Got the iso DL'ed Im gonna make a USB stick with it. What program do I use in ubuntu to make the liveUSB?05:11
ActionParsnipLiENUS: yes but using multiple places is good too :)05:11
bazhangplustax, unetbootin05:11
ActionParsnipplustax: unetbootin05:11
dlentzplustax, unetbootin works well for me05:11
urlin2u_mike_, it is a option you can use easybcd to boot ubuntu, but all the hype about grub being a breaker is fud, it works fine you just have to know the basics about it.05:11
ActionParsnipplustax: remember to MD5 test the ISO too05:11
JuestMrCleanWithHair: have you ever used the gnome3livecd gnome.org haves for direct dl ?05:11
MrCleanWithHairJuest, http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/01/how-to-change-gdmlogin-screen.html05:12
_mike_thanks deXter05:12
_mike_thanks also urlin2u05:12
plustaxokay how do I format what's currently on the live USB?05:12
_mike_will try to install xp05:12
ActionParsnipMrCleanWithHair: Ubuntu now uses lightdm05:12
urlin2u_mike_, on the other channel if it is outside of that OS it will get maligned without eveidence.05:12
bazhangplustax, unetbootin will do it for you05:12
MrCleanWithHairActionParsnip, he was asking how to change it in general i think.05:12
ActionParsnipplustax: the install procedure has a step to configure partitions05:12
plustaxOh, okay. Nice.05:12
o67pcSomeone here05:12
o67pcburned an processor?05:13
plustaxso I just install it over my current then? How do I know which one that is?05:13
dlentzo67pc, i've burned a cpu05:13
bazhango67pc, how does this relate to ubuntu support05:13
ActionParsnipo67pc: how s a burned processor ubuntu related, ask in ##hardware05:13
KonataSomeone has asked me why unity sucks05:13
o67pcTHis related when, the ubuntu not recognize the processor05:14
o67pcbut my machine05:14
o67pchave 2 processor05:14
KonataCan anyone give me some reasons I can tell them, lol05:14
ActionParsnipo67pc: its not ubuntu related, its hardware related05:14
MrCleanWithHairo67pc, what kernel are you using?05:14
urlin2uKonata, try #ubuntu-offtopic05:14
ActionParsnipKonata: if you have to ask then you don't know. so all you can say is "I don't know"05:14
o67pcNo, its an Ubuntu related, the kernel is changed to use with ubuntu05:14
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KonataWell, that answers my question.05:15
joekoI am trying to setup an unattended install but I am having problems with the language support. When the system restarts it says it is  missing langauge support. In the syslog file from the unattended install is specifies the the language-support-en package could not be found. Are lack of language support and failure to install the language-support-en package connected? how could i fix this?05:15
ActionParsnipo67pc: so you want to know if ubuntu wil stil continue to use the 1 good cpu?05:15
MrCleanWithHairo67pc, do you know your burned out a processor and what kernel are you using?05:16
urlin2ujoeko, best unattended is a clone slipped in.05:16
Guest11061is there anyone out there who can help me05:20
darkcrimsonI can try05:20
darkcrimsonWhat seems to be the problem?05:20
oopsHey, Can Someone Help me? I'm running 11.10 and for some reason LibreOffice opens itself at random intervals05:24
cheapieoops: I just had to laugh at that. I have never heard of that... Are you sure nobody is connected to your computer?05:25
darkcrimsonYeah. That's weird.05:26
oopsyes, nobody is connected05:26
darkcrimsonOnly thing I could think of is random shortcut, or trying to open a document you wouldn't normally associate with LibreOffice.05:26
pookyMight have a bad file association. Like when you open a folder or something it opens OO05:26
intokAnyone play Osmos on a Geforce 6200(NV44a) I cna't see any of the menu text or objectives text in the game05:26
oopsUsually happens when I'm closing/opening TeamSpeak3 or Mozilla05:26
Guest11061hi darkcrimson I know this may sound crazy but is there any reason why someone who would be cheating on there spouse would join ubuntu?05:27
darkcrimsonThat's so random.05:27
oopsIts been ever since I updated to the latest version of LibreOffice05:27
pookywhat does it open in OO?05:27
cheapieoops: Does it do this when you click something, or does it do it even if you are not touching the computer?05:27
oopswhen I'm not even touching my computer05:27
darkcrimsonI think your machine is haunted.05:27
oopsI'll close teamspeak ad roughly a few seconds later it opens05:28
cheapieoops: Have you tried disconnecting from the network?05:28
plustaxso what are the advantages/new features of precise over 11.10?05:28
Xouriihello everyone05:28
cheapieoops: Does it only do it after you close teamspeak?05:28
oopsthats when I've noticed it the most but it has done it with other applications05:28
cheapieoops: That is strange...05:29
oopsyou think it could be some random event triggering it?05:29
darkcrimsonHow about everytime you get a new email?05:29
cheapieoops: Do you think anybody has had access to your computer?05:29
oopsdarkcrimson: I don't have empathy or thunderbird setup.05:30
darkcrimsonoops: Hmm...05:30
darkcrimsonoops: That is really odd. I'm going to stick with haunted.05:30
* cheapie "Hmm..."s along with darkcrimson05:30
darkcrimsonoops: Time to call the short lady who says "This house is clean"05:31
darkcrimsonoops: I'm going to research this some.05:31
oopsyou think Unity could be doing it?05:31
cheapieoops: I don't think so.05:31
plustaxso what are the advantages/new features of precise 12.04 over 11.10 and does anyone here think its worth the upgrade at this time?05:32
XouriiIs there some kind of task manager for Ubuntu?05:32
cheapieXourii: gnome-system-monitor05:32
darkcrimsonor that.05:32
oopsI did a little research and this has happened with some users of KDE but it didn't go much farther than that.05:32
Jordan_U!precise | plustax05:32
ubottuplustax: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+105:32
darkcrimsonoops: See if the process is running and kill it.05:32
cheapieoops: I googled "LibreOffice opening itself" and it came up with nothing relevant.05:32
Guest11061call me ignorant but I don't even know what this site is, I caught my husband of 8 years cheating on me while I was pregnant and this is just one site that came up. sorry if I offended anyone05:33
darkcrimsonI did the same thing.05:33
oopsI googled LibreOffice Randomly opening itself05:33
darkcrimsonGuest11061, if your husband cheated on your with Ubuntu, I understand completely.05:33
darkcrimsonBecause Ubuntu is sexy.05:33
cheapieGuest11061: Well, this is a support channel for an operating system, if that helps...05:34
gathehsI have been using linux/ubuntu for just over 6 months now... I fucking love it05:34
Guest11061Seriously or you are just fucking with me? What is this?05:34
cheapiegathehs: I'm using Debian, and I feel the same...05:34
oopsI checked, there are no Processes from LibreOffice running.05:34
darkcrimsonThis is a support channel.05:34
darkcrimsonRead the title!05:34
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:34
ActionParsnipGuest11061: this is a support channel for the OS Ubuntu05:35
darkcrimsonI have to say that's a first for me.05:35
darkcrimsonI've seen some crazy stuff, but nothing like that.05:35
darkcrimsonSorry, oops, this tops your haunted computer.05:36
Guest11061I've never even heard of this05:36
darkcrimsonWell, welcome to the other side.05:37
darkcrimsonThe grass is greener here.05:37
Guest11061Still confused a bit???05:37
gathehsguest11061 what are you talking about?05:37
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com05:37
darkcrimsonubottu: Thanks.05:37
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:37
darkcrimsonoops: I'm completely blank.05:38
oopsdarkcrimson: I know, thats why I came here is cause it baffled me too.05:38
intokGuest11061 #freenode #nsfw #socialites #defocus05:39
darkcrimsonoops: My only suggestion would be to remove it and try reinstalling.05:39
Guest11061Where is everyone from? U.S. or other countries or both?05:39
darkcrimsonGuest11061: All over the world.05:40
oopsdarkcrimson: but thats the thing, It didn't start happening until I reinstalled yesterday. 0.o05:40
FlannelGuest11061: This is a support channel, not a chat channel.  Please take it elsewhere, thanks.05:40
Guest11061What do you talk about?05:40
darkcrimsonoops: We found your problem.05:40
darkcrimsonoops: bad install.05:40
FlannelGuest11061: Technical support.05:40
bazhangGuest11061, ubuntu support05:40
darkcrimsonoops: It could be possible you got some corrupt files in there.05:40
oopsdarkcrimson: are you sure? You think it has anything to do with KDE or Gnome Integration packages?05:41
urlin2uoops, think for a minute millions of people using those desktops.05:42
darkcrimsonoops: Well, that's the thing. The time of the event being random, followed by the problem occuring after a reinstall...I'm left to think corrupt files. However, that is possible.05:42
oopsWell, Imma reinstall but I'm also going to ditch the LibreOffice integration packages (which are optional) and see if that makes a difference too.05:43
darkcrimsonoops: You would think if it were integration packages, the problem would be more widespread. I can't find a single incident elsewhere.05:44
plustaxDoes anyone here think its a good idea to go from 11.10 to 12.04 or should I just stay where Im at right now?05:44
cheapieSorry - my internet connection went down. What did I miss after I said "!ubuntu"?05:44
darkcrimsonoops: Let us know how it worked.05:44
darkcrimsonplustax: That's entirely up to you05:44
cheapieoops: First, see if you have ~/.local/share/applications and ~/.local/share/mime - if you do, can you post them on pastebin for us to look at?05:44
urlin2uplustax, no and the channel for that is #ubuntu+105:44
ActionParsnipGuest11061: I'm in the UK here, its 5:45am05:45
calmpitbulltop adobe after effect alternative05:45
cheapiecalmpitbull: Searching...05:45
ActionParsnipplustax: if it aint broke, don't fix it05:45
oopswait.... I just found an error log in my home directory that I missed pertaining to libreoffice.05:45
ActionParsnipcalmpitbull: there is no single 'top' or 'best' software for anything...05:46
plustaxActionParsnip, good call.05:46
ca_budcan someone tell me how to run httpd -S on a ubuntu server with apache?05:46
Flannelca_bud: What's the problem you're actually trying to solve?05:47
ActionParsnipcalmpitbull: try cinelerra maybe05:47
ParkerRWoo back with Ubuntu05:47
cheapiecalmpitbull: Found: Cinefx | Veejay | Ramen | Synapse Compisitor05:47
cheapiecalmpitbull: Oops, I meant to say "Synapse Compositor".05:48
ca_budFlannel: I'm getting a We're sorry, but something went wrong. message when I go to my webpage. I went to the #httpd irc and they asked for the output of httpd -S, but I can not seem to run it05:48
cheapieca_bud: apache2ctl -S05:50
btralhi. plz see my radius config: http://pastebin.com/WWk5ASin05:50
bullgard4What command will display the name of the microporcessor CPU of my Ubuntu computer?05:50
DogearsActionParsnip: what if the package name changes from virtualbox-4.0 to virtualbox-4.1 does it find the settings?05:50
btrali want to change listening port.05:50
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
A|i3NOK I'ma ask this again lol... ATI Catalyst control center keeps changing to resolution of one of found monitors upon reboot. What can I do to keep the damn thing from changing my settings? Can I make a particular file read only or something? I tried it with the xorg.conf file but it didn't help; it still changed the resolution.05:50
oopscheapie: my libreoffice stack http://pastebin.com/QnPXe66X and my mime list http://pastebin.com/WTQJ7Zg705:51
A|i3Nok i somehow screwed that first sentence up. ATI keep changing the resolution of ONE of the 4 monitors after reboot. lol.05:51
ca_budcheapie:  thank you!!05:51
cheapieoops: Reading... please wait...05:51
roy1977ciao a tutti05:53
roy1977avrei bisogno di un aiuto se possibile05:53
cheapieroy1977: What's wrong?05:53
bazhang!it | roy197705:53
ubotturoy1977: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)05:53
cheapieoops: I don't see anything wrong with your file associations...05:54
roy1977what's the command for the  create one channel on irc?05:55
oopscheapie: yeah, I'm starting to think it has something to do with that error I also pasted to you.05:56
bazhangroy1977, /join ##channel05:56
roy1977i want create my channel05:56
cheapieoops: That should make LibreOffice crash, not open...05:56
bazhangroy1977, just join it, and it is created05:56
roy1977ok tnx broth05:56
oopscheapie: let my check my cron tabs05:57
btrali use radiusd -p 1812 and give this error: Ignoring deprecated command-line option -p05:57
bazhangroy1977, perhaps we could discuss this in #freenode05:57
cheapiebtral: ?05:57
cheapiebtral: Well, if it's just depreciated, it should still work.05:58
btralcheapie: how see used port number it radius?05:59
oopscheapie: okay, nothing in my cron tabs so I'm just going to do a fresh install and delete my current config. for it and hope for the best05:59
cheapiebtral: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about05:59
yanick_hi, after a few messing up with wine1.3 and damn .Net 2.0 installer, I tried removing wine components by this sweet command "sudo apt-get purge wine*" and some awful things just happened... is the only solution a fresh reinstall?05:59
cheapieyanick: What awful things?06:00
btralcheapie: i want to check port?06:00
yanick_cheapie, well, for once it removed apparmor and winebind (or something like that)06:00
btralcheapie: cat /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf | grep port06:00
cheapiebtral: You could install nmap, scan localhost, and see what ports are open.06:00
btralcheapie: i give # port=0;06:00
btrali have nmap06:01
cheapieyanick_: What is preventing you from reinstalling them?06:01
btralnmap dont show any port for radius06:01
yanick_cheapie, because the system is broken and has some unresolved packages now06:01
yanick_is there some "undo last apt-get command" command?06:02
cheapieyanick_: Can you try sudo apt-get -f install and tell us what happens?06:02
yanick_I may try :P06:02
cheapieyanick_: I don't think such a command exists.06:02
yanick_cheapie, it says that there are nothing to do06:02
cheapieyanick: That means that nothing installed currently has unresolved dependencies.06:03
yanick_cheapie, i'm not exactly sure what packages got removed since the console has output too many lines and the buffer erased the important lines containing the packages that were purged06:03
cheapieyanick_: Please wait while I check something...06:04
yanick_there was in history of what was installed and removed, I think, at some point.... does this still exist?06:04
cheapieyanick_: Did you use aptitude?06:04
insmod<yanick_> you can do a fix!06:05
* cheapie reads apt-get man page06:05
yanick_insmod, a fix?06:05
insmod<yanick_> yup06:05
yanick_please, ellaborate :)06:05
cheapieyanick_: I think he means apt-get -f install06:05
insmod<yanick_>  -f06:06
yanick_insmod, I did that, it says nothing's wrong06:06
insmod-f  Attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place06:06
cheapieyanick_: It would help if you could be a little more specific about what happened after you removed the packages.06:06
insmod<yanick_>  then just reinstall the package and it will add all del files06:07
yanick_cheapie, nothing happened, but I'm afraid of rebooting right now :D06:07
hiexponite all06:07
yanick_insmod, it purged some packages and I lost them when the console buffer "forgot" them at some point06:07
insmod<yanick_>  rebooting isnot like win pakages take effect when installed unlees in memory06:08
insmod<yanick_>  well that's easy06:08
yanick_insmod, If I remember well, it purged packages like gnome-panel06:09
yanick_which is not good06:09
cheapieyanick_: Just make sure linux-image-generic and ubuntu-desktop are installed. If so, you should be fine.06:09
linuxnubhi i need help06:09
=== DaveWM_ is now known as DaveWM
linuxnubwhere is the support channel?06:09
cheapielinuxnub: This is the support channel for Ubuntu.06:10
linuxnubim on backtrack and i want synaptic but i cant get it to work06:10
cheapielinuxnub: What happens when you try to install it?06:10
linuxnubheres my error06:10
linuxnubsudo apt-get install synaptic Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done Package synaptic is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package synaptic has no installation candidate06:10
insmod<yanick_>  were the other packs just installed?06:10
[reed]where does the unity launcher save the things that are stored on it? documentation seems to say ~/.local/share/applications/, but that's not true in my case06:11
yanick_cheapie, insmod, so if nothing "seem" to have broke, then I should be fine on next reboot?06:11
cheapielinuxnub: OK... what's in your sources.list?06:11
cheapieyanick_: You said it removed gnome-panel, so make sure ubuntu-desktop is installed.06:12
linuxnubjust deb http://archive.offensive-security.com main microverse macroverse restricted universe multiverse06:12
insmod<yanick_>  unless the broken are running in memory06:12
cheapielinuxnub: And you're using Ubuntu?06:12
linuxnuband i did sudo apt-get update06:12
linuxnubi may have changed it....06:12
linuxnubyeah i am06:12
yanick_cheapie, alright, thanks06:13
paulus68does anyone know a good backupscript for a server?06:13
cheapielinuxnub: That would be the problem - you should have the official sources in there.06:13
bullgard4paulus68: rsnapshot ftw!06:14
cheapiepaulus68: A cron job to copy everything over to the backup disk.06:14
linuxnubwhich are? when i tried before it said you should allow universe or whatever06:14
insmodcron sucks06:14
bazhanglinuxnub, is that backtrack?06:14
cheapiebazhang: What?06:15
bazhanglinuxnub, you need to ask in the backtrack support channel, #backtrack-linux as backtrack is not supported here06:15
yanick_one last thing. If I have Ubuntu 11.04, can I upgrade linux-headers-generic etc. to the most recent version (i.e. the same that 11.11 uses) without breaking anything?06:15
linuxnubroger my bad06:15
linuxnubi dont have voice there06:16
cheapieyanick_: It SHOULD work. (However, if it breaks, you get to keep all the pieces)06:16
insmod<yanick_> they say yes - I say no06:16
yanick_cheapie, insmod, I thought so06:17
bullgard4Are RDX, RSI, RBP, R08, FS GS, knIGS names of  registers in Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T7500?06:17
ActionParsnipinsmod: cron is ok, anacron is great :)06:17
insmod<ActionParsnip>  back in 98 99 maybe 2000 it bogged down --never used it since06:18
ActionParsnipbullgard4: I'd ask in ##hardware06:18
cheapiebullgard4: RDX is an explosive, I think.06:18
bullgard4ActionParsnip: Hm.06:19
=== max is now known as Guest44251
ActionParsnipGuest44251: strange factoid to attempt06:19
cheapiemax: L_ARM R_ARM L_LEG R_LEG...is that what you meant?06:20
linuxnubcan someone in here help me with backtrack? the backtrack channel is dead and i dont have voice06:20
urlin2u!backtrack > linuxnub06:21
ubottulinuxnub, please see my private message06:21
cheapieLet's try that with the right name this time: Guest44251: L_ARM R_ARM L_LEG R_LEG...is that what you meant?06:21
linuxnubi still have no voice and its all idlers06:22
cheapielinuxnub: Well, I don't even know what backtrack is...06:22
* cheapie fertilizes the channel06:23
ActionParsniplinuxnub: backtrack isn't supported here06:25
linuxnubi see06:25
ActionParsnipcheapie: its a spinoff of Ubuntu which isn't supported here it has lots of network tools and such.06:25
linuxnubit also isnt supported in the backtrack channel06:25
linuxnubwhat evs, guess im off to google search06:26
ActionParsniplinuxnub: it is, thats where it is supported06:26
[R]if you can't figure out how to use it... maybe you should use sopmething a little more sane...06:26
linuxnubdo i just have to register my nick to get voice?06:28
Ben64linuxnub: i don't think you need voice, the channel is not +m06:28
ActionParsniplinuxnub: its good to register though, so it is only you whom can use your nick..06:29
mintmanlinuxnub:  asleep what is the deal.06:29
mintmanActionParsnip: what channel is he looking for support to??06:30
linuxnubno i mean in backtrack-linux06:30
Ben64mintman: he wants help with backtrack06:30
linuxnubit says cannot send to channel06:30
linuxnuband nickserv wants a real email which is absolutely preposterous06:31
ActionParsnipmintman: backtrack06:31
mintmanlinuxnub: was looking for help myself with backtrack 5 r1 not same support cant say they use this form of support06:31
[R]linuxnub: so make a fake one...06:31
ActionParsniplinuxnub: take it up in #freenode06:31
Ben64linuxnub: so you ignored the part of the topic that says "*REGISTER TO SPEAK*"06:31
urlin2ulinuxnub, you need to be registered I suspect I can post there.06:31
linuxnubi think this is gona be a long night, i need more beer :p06:32
mintmanlinuxnub:  need to register I'm already registered havent logged in a why06:32
mintmanlinuxnub:  what exactly are u trying to do with backtrack?06:33
mintmanI'll private msg u this is not backtrack.06:33
linuxnub1st setup synaptic 2nd setup a vpn06:33
ActionParsniplinuxnub: I don't suggest you use backtrack for emailng and web surfing etc06:34
kleopatraHello i am looking for a nice tool to make uml-diagrams. umbrello doesnt satisfy me. any recommends?06:39
Syph3r<linuxnub: i use backtrack its my main os on vm. to install that program you gotta add a star at the end like this apt-get install synpatic*06:42
icerootkleopatra: jude06:42
icerootkleopatra: as it seems its called "astah" now06:43
Syph3rthe backtrack channel is live and active06:43
Syph3rthe channel to use is #backtrack-linux06:44
icerootkleopatra: http://jude.change-vision.com/jude-web/index.html06:44
samba35how do i get full desktop with ssh +xming ,i am able to get firefox and other gui but how to get full desktop06:44
icerootkleopatra: also the newest libreoffice can act on ms visio files to i gues it can also create uml by itself06:44
iceroot!nx | samba3506:45
ubottusamba35: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX06:45
iceroot!vnc | samba3506:45
ubottusamba35: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX06:45
Syph3rits call a asterisk06:45
icerootsamba35: if you want the current session use vnc/teamviewer if a new session is ok, use freenx06:46
oopsCheapie, DarkCrimson, you there?06:46
=== jack is now known as Guest85306
ActionParsnipsamba35: why do you need the full desktop?06:48
oopsI'm having an issue, LibreOffice seems to be opening itself randomly.06:49
samba35i have desk files on desktops06:49
oopsbut it seems to also happen whenever I open TeamSpeak306:49
ActionParsnipoops: run:  ps -ef | grep -i office    and kill the libreoffice processes06:49
ActionParsnipsamba35: you can use sftp and access the files via nautilus on the client system..06:50
theadminActionParsnip: That's too complicated eh... "pkill soffice"06:50
samba35i am using windows on another end06:50
ActionParsnipsamba35: there are apps to map sshfs as a network drive for windows06:50
theadminActionParsnip: None of them really work. I tried.06:51
theadminActionParsnip: Got a BSoD in the end06:51
samba35evne nautils give me full desktop06:51
samba35but cant access ,error06:52
zamHChi there!!!06:53
ActionParsnipsamba35: or could set up a samba share and windows will think your ubuntu system is another windows system sharing folders06:53
Jordan_Usamba35: What distribution are you using?06:53
samba35i have @ home ubuntu and centos06:53
theadminzamHC: Unsupported here.06:54
samba35on 1 system just have to change hdd06:54
samba35ok i will install samba also06:54
samba35thanks again06:55
_lucid_whats up06:58
applesouceHey, I need help, my LAN-Port (eth0) doesn't work :/07:01
applesouceThere isn't even an eth0 in my ifconfig07:01
theadminapplesouce: looks like you have one of those weird NICs which need a driver07:01
applesouceI have a Gigabyte GA-Z68XP-UD3P-Z68 Mainboard07:03
gammaxCan anyone help me set the max audio level in pulse audio? No one has been able to assist with this so far...07:05
ActionParsnipapplesouce: run:  sudo lshw -C network     you will see the ethernet chip07:06
ActionParsnipgame16: run:  alsamixer   and use cursors to select the channel and crank, M to un/mute and ESC to exit07:06
game16Waitm why?07:06
Jordan_Ugammax: ^^07:06
applesouceRTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller ?07:07
gammaxI recieve ALSA lib simple_none.c:1546:(simple_add1) helem (MIXER,'Master Playback Switch',0,3,0) appears twice or more07:07
gammaxcannot load mixer controls: Invalid argument07:07
fireratapplesouce: connection not working? showing lots of packet drops?07:08
ActionParsnipapplesouce: found this ,3,0) appears twice or more07:12
ActionParsnip07:07 < gammax> cannot load mixer controls: Inval07:12
ActionParsnipapplesouce: oops07:12
gammaxActionParsnip, lookin into it now, thanks07:12
ActionParsnipapplesouce: there is an update to add the code to dkms too (very cool)07:12
ActionParsnipapplesouce: I suggest you run:  sudo -i   first, there is a lot of work outside of home, will make life easier07:13
gammaxyeah thats was for someone else i need help with alsa mixer lol07:18
twinkpadhi, I have a thinkpad R60 and ubuntu 11.10 runs fine on it and eveything works fine except the touchpad :( it works but everytime I move the mouse over something , it autoclicks which is very annoying, can I turn this behaviour off somewhere?07:18
twinkpadplease help, tyvm07:18
TiMiDotwinkpad, are you using gnome?07:18
twinkpadno ubuntu unity, i havent changed any settings or packages, except I've turned of touchpad clicking07:19
twinkpadi dont click at all, I just move the mouse to a window or button or anything and it autoclicks, like after 1 sec, very very annoying07:21
twinkpadhaving to chase dialog windows around07:21
applesouceI'm on admin07:22
ix_I want to install ubuntu command line with no network, it does not let me07:23
ix_it stops me at the archive07:23
zlynxix_:what's the error?07:24
ix_that the mirror is incorrect07:24
ix_or is offline07:24
ix_or something07:24
ix_alternate cd, obviously07:25
=== Hetep is now known as DarthCaeduces
zlynxix_: you need to specify that the source is the cd not http: or nfs.07:26
zlynxix_:what version of Ubuntu are you using?07:27
twinkpadsolved! auto-click was on in universal access.07:27
ix_the version does not matter, the same error is on all versions07:27
DarthCaeduceshola, it appears a personal website is being hijacked. Can a person assist in resolving the situation?07:27
ix_how do I add the CD as a source?07:27
twinkpadty for nothing, muppets07:27
Humbedoohmuppets are cool07:28
thirdknifei want to install svn on my webhost, its a ubuntu machine. which folder do i have to put my svn server repos so that it can be accessable via url?07:30
thirdknifeany guide?07:30
thirdknifei know it could be irrelevant here07:30
thirdknifebut :)07:30
ActionParsnipIts ubuntu related so is fine :-D07:31
ix_the odd part is that debian netinstall can be installed without an internet connection, but ubuntu command line from alternate cannot07:31
elbrinkeIs there any proper ubuntu drivers for the AMD E-350 embedded graphics07:31
elbrinkebecause the ubuntu graphics drivers for the AMD E-250 does not work07:32
zlynx ix_: i've never experience that kind of problem on ubuntu before. What i usually do is boot it on live and then click on the install ubuntu and then when it ask to download updates just uncheck them ..07:32
ix_I can do that but I want something minimal07:33
ActionParsnipix_: if you setup a local repo on the server as well and change the installer to use that source only it won't use the web and the server will act like a WSUS server07:33
ix_ActionParsnip, I just want to setup the internet after I install ubuntu command line07:33
applesouceSo ActionParsnip, how do I fix my problem :/07:34
coolstar-ipodzlynx, ActionParsnip: What's going on here with ix_ as I just joined07:34
ActionParsnipix_: gotcha, not sure tbh.its my next thing to play with07:34
ix_coolstar-ipod, I can't install ubuntu command line from alternate cd without an internet connection07:34
coolstar-ipodapplesource: What problem? (I just joined IRC)07:35
zlynx coolstar-ipod: needs to install ubuntu on the command line / minimal he said..07:35
applesouceThere is no eth0 in my ifconfig so my LAN doesn't work07:35
ActionParsnipapplesouce: whats the issue? I've been up ages so my memory isn't great07:35
fireratapplesouce: you have RTL8111E correct?07:35
ix_applesouce, did you try sudo ifconfig eth0 up?07:36
applesouceproduct: RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller07:36
ActionParsnipapplesouce: did the link not help...07:36
coolstar-ipodapplesource: Can you run lspci?07:36
fireratapplesouce: have you recently tried to update the driver from realtek web site?07:36
applesoucethere was no Link xD07:36
applesouceno :(07:36
fireratlspci -v should still show gigabyte ethernet controller07:36
coolstar-ipodapplesouce: We need you to run lspci so we know Linux can identify your network card.07:37
ActionParsnipapplesouce: djlab.com/2010/10/fixing-rtl8111-8168b-driver-debian-ubuntu/07:37
ActionParsnipapplesouce: use both the code to co07:38
ActionParsnipCompile as well as the dkms how to07:38
ActionParsnipapplesouce: i suggest you run: sudo -i   before following the steps07:38
coolstar-ipodActionParsnip: dkms is in the repos imo07:39
ActionParsnipcoolstar-ipod: yes it is07:39
elbrinkeIs there any proper ubuntu drivers for the AMD E-350 embedded graphics07:39
ix_so does anyone have an idea as to how can I skip the repo mirror in the alternate install?07:40
ix_or put the cd as the source?07:40
ActionParsnip!ati | elbrinke07:40
ubottuelbrinke: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto07:40
coolstar-ipodelbrinke: Can you run "lspci | grep VGA" ?07:40
elbrinkecoolstar: 00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc AMD Radeon HD 6310 GraphicsATI07:42
elbrinkei get this when i run the command "lspci | grep VGA"07:43
ActionParsnipelbrinke: does the additional driver app not suggest one?07:43
coolstar-ipodelbrinke: Do you see a logo of a card at the top right of the screen?07:43
geeeooIs there any way to check if my ubuntu server can host a video site?07:43
elbrinkewhat do you mean?07:44
coolstar-ipodgeeeoo: depends on bandwidth, CPU, RAM, etc.07:44
ActionParsnipgeeeoo: if you can install the service, sure.07:44
redjuggler2012i need help with a half-configured inarall of kismet that I simply cannot fix. is this the proper channel?07:44
ActionParsnipelbrinke: what is the output of. lsb_release -sc07:45
coolstar-ipodredjuggler2012: if you're using Ubuntu, yes07:45
redjuggler2012well, it's backtrack....07:45
Jordan_U!backtrack | redjuggler201207:46
ubotturedjuggler2012: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition07:46
geeeooThe server has 150GB disk space, 3 GB ram, 6GB burstable ram, bandwidth Up-to 100 mbit burst...07:46
ActionParsnipelbrinke: ok press your windows key and search for the word:  driver07:46
geeeooDo you think is okay to host a video site?07:46
redjuggler2012ah thanks07:46
coolstar-ipodgeeeoo: CPU? bandwidth???07:47
ActionParsnipgeeeoo: you could run a video site on a P3 500Mhz. It will run, just not very well07:47
geeeoocoolstar-ipod: 2 x Intel Xeon E5620 (2.40GHz, 12M Cache, 5.86 GT/s QPI, Turbo, HT), 1066MHz07:47
coolstar-ipodgeeeoo: You have adequate hardware07:48
coolstar-ipodgeeeoo: Do you have copyright detection software?07:48
elbrinkei get the driver install windows in ubuntu, but when i install those driver provided by ubuntu for the AMD E-350 it does not work and the graphics still lags07:48
geeeoocoolstar-ipod: no. what do you mean by copyright detection software?07:48
Jordan_Ucoolstar-ipod: geeeoo: Nothing can be said without knowing how you're setting up this website and how many users you expect, among other things.07:48
geeeooJordan_U: I have 5000 daily visitors and I am thinking to add them videos as well on the site07:49
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redjuggler2012for some odd reason, when I joined #backtrack-linux it said I was banned07:49
coolstar-ipodgeeeoo: Users may upload copyrighted material, which you have to filter07:49
ActionParsnipelbrinke: are there any bugs reported? Have you tried the Precise liveCD to see if that helps?07:49
ActionParsnipredjuggler2012: ask in #freenode07:50
Jordan_Uredjuggler2012: You probably need to register.07:50
Myrttiredjuggler2012: you may need to be registered to enter07:50
geeeoocoolstar-ipod: is there any filter for that so i will not check everyvideo ?07:50
dns53-laptopredjuggler2012  have you identified yourself to internode?07:50
Myrttiredjuggler2012: and identified as well.07:50
redjuggler2012haha there appears to be a consensus07:50
redjuggler2012i'll try that07:51
coolstar-ipodgeeeoo: I dont know one myself. Google is your friend :)07:51
Myrttiredjuggler2012: also you've got root as your ident07:51
* coolstar-ipod loves f.lux07:51
geeeoocoolstar-ipod: ok. i have a last question. based on the specifications of the server i pasted here how many users do you think it can handle? because i am thinking to change company07:52
redjuggler2012@Myritti is that an issue?07:52
ActionParsnipcoolstar-ipod: i like how you assured the user that the hardware is sufficient with no ask of capacity needs ;-)07:52
ActionParsnipcoolstar-ipod: do you work in IT sales07:53
Myrttiredjuggler2012: I believe that may be the reason you can't get in as well07:53
coolstar-ipodActionParsnip: He has 150 GB hdd07:53
coolstar-ipodActionParsnip: I don't07:53
redjuggler2012i'll relaunch and register.07:53
ActionParsnipcoolstar-ipod: concurrent connections is also a factor, more than storage..07:53
ActionParsnipcoolstar-ipod: 100, 000 concurrent connections will not be served by something that weak07:54
_skplcan someone help me? the scrplling on y mouse wheel is screwed up07:54
_skplscrolling i mean07:54
_skplup scrools down and down scrolls up07:55
geeeooActionParsnip: what you advice me ? go for the video site or not ?07:55
coolstar-ipodActionParsnip: that's why I use cloudflare07:55
_skplnm, i fixed it07:55
Jordan_Ugeeeoo: Probably easiest to simply sink to / embed videos from Youtube or other video hosting sites.07:55
geeeooAt the moment I have 80000 users on the server. on all websites.. thats why i have this concern07:55
coolstar-ipodgeeeoo: You can. I'd suggest cloudflare.07:56
ActionParsnipgeeeoo: you could but too many connections could make it buckle. Depends on that really07:56
geeeoocoolstar-ipod: I am thinking rackspace cloud07:56
coolstar-ipodActionParsnip: Cloudflare can take care of the connections07:56
theadmin_skpl: That's odd. Hm, well, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom#Fixing_the_Inverted_Scrolling_Problem - is this of any help?07:57
theadmin_skpl: Oh, fixed? Okay07:57
ActionParsnipgeeeoo: if you are broadcasting to the web the upload speed of your connection will play a far greater role than you cpu speed07:57
_skpltheadmin, i fixed it, it was a settig in ubuntu tweak07:57
geeeooActionParsnip:  I have 60 mbps07:58
theadmin_skpl: Bah, I don't know anything about Ubuntu Tweak and other weird GUI config tools, sorry07:58
* coolstar-ipod pats ActionParsnip on the shoulder07:58
ActionParsnipgeeeoo: 60mbps upstream?07:58
geeeooActionParnip: Yes. I am using an internet connection from a university07:59
auronandace!rootirc | redjuggler201207:59
ubotturedjuggler2012: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.07:59
coolstar-ipodgeeeoo: The Internet connection isn't gonna be 60 MB/s then07:59
redjuggler2012yes I know but the one time I tried to make another account it was unstable and crashed xserver08:00
theadminredjuggler2012: Using Pidgin as root is even a more bad idea... You *never* run desktops as root :/08:00
Ben64redjuggler2012: you shouldn't be running X as root either08:00
redjuggler2012well now I just feel guilty.08:00
ActionParsnipgeeeoo: should be ok. Not sure your uni will like you rinsing their link. Id say do it. Even if its just to say you can :-)08:01
* coolstar-ipod is gonna switch to webchat. Be Right Back08:01
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redjuggler2012before I read a lengthy article about making proper users, could you help me out with my kismet half-installed/dpkg problem?08:02
ParkerRredjuggler2012, #backtrack-linux08:02
geeeooActionParsnip: I have a last question. If I take a server from a different juristiction than USA should I have problems with the copyright? is it an important factor?08:02
Ben64redjuggler2012: how did you install ubuntu without creating a normal user08:02
ActionParsnipgeeeoo: you may get sued08:02
redjuggler2012Backtrack utilities require root08:02
redjuggler2012so the account is just root, generallty08:03
theadminredjuggler2012: Backtrack is unsupported here. #backtrack-linux08:03
Ben64redjuggler2012: oh, well this channel is for ubuntu support08:03
redjuggler2012of course, for some reason I'm banned from #backtrack-linux08:03
theadminredjuggler2012: That's because you're running as root.08:03
ActionParsnipBacktrack is offtopic here08:03
geeeooOkay thank you very mich for the info guys08:03
redjuggler2012well that's wonderfully roundabout. alright, time to figure out how to make a user08:03
redjuggler2012thanks for the direction08:04
ParkerRredjuggler2012, adduser08:04
theadminredjuggler2012: adduser USERNAME08:04
pingecDoes anyone have any ideas on how I could acchieve a panning desktop with a virtual resolution of 10000x10000? This challenge is proving quite hard to do :/08:04
redjuggler2012I shall08:04
ParkerRtheadmin, Get out of my head XD08:04
theadminParkerR: wut?08:04
ParkerRtheadmin, Nothing was a joke. I said adduser then you did.08:04
ParkerROh hahahahaha08:05
ActionParsnippingec: I've had panning before under nvidia. You can make an xorg.conf to set it08:05
theadminParkerR: Ah, kay.08:05
ParkerRHe wasn't banned from the backtrack channel. He ran IRC as root08:05
ParkerRSome channel don't like that XD08:06
ActionParsnipParkerR: ironic ;-)08:06
theadminpingec: Are you sure your graphic card can even render something that huge?08:06
pingecIm sure it can't08:06
geeeooParkerR: What happens if someone runs mirc as root? first time i am hearing something like that08:06
pingecBut I still would liek to do it08:06
Ben64geeeoo: mirc is windows, windows doesn't have an account named "root"08:07
pingecneed it to take a screenshot of a map viewer =)08:07
ParkerRgeeeoo, will mIRC is windows soo....08:07
ActionParsnipgeeeoo: running wine apps as root isn't smart or needed08:07
theadminmIRC always sets the username to "mirc" if I recall right08:07
ActionParsnipBen64: mirc runs well under wine08:07
* coolstar-ipod once ran SpringBoard as root08:07
theadminBut yeah, offtopic here08:07
ParkerRActionParsnip, Ironic indeed XD08:07
Ben64ActionParsnip: mirc doesn't run well on windows :P08:08
ParkerRBen64, Exactly :D08:08
geeeooguys a last question and i am leaving. i have a website such as adfy (url shortener). is it legal to have such a website? You know these days we have to be careful....08:08
ActionParsnipBen64: no idea. I always use pidgin.08:08
ParkerRgeeeoo, adfly is not illegal08:08
theadmingeeeoo: Totally legal, even Google has one xD08:09
coolstar-ipodgeeeoo: maybe not in the future (SOPA)08:09
bazhanggeeeoo, legality is not an ubuntu issue, especially this08:09
theadmingeeeoo: Nothing to worry about there08:09
ParkerRAnnoying: yes, illegal: no08:09
Ben64geeeoo: who knows anymore, the government seems hell bent on censoring the internet08:09
ActionParsnipBen64: not used win desktop outside work for ages now08:09
Ben64ActionParsnip: same here08:09
bazhanglets get back on topic please08:09
geeeoook guys thanks08:09
theadminThat's what I've been saying for the last five minutes -_-08:09
bazhangtheadmin, thanks08:09
ParkerRSo how bout them Ubuntus XD08:10
* ParkerR shuts up08:10
ParkerRDJango_Novice, Hello08:11
DJango_Noviceim new to ubuntu and trying to use samba08:12
DJango_Novicewhen i try to open samba config with gksudo samba in run window.. it gives me nothing08:12
DJango_Noviceany idea??08:12
theadminDJango_Novice: Duh, "samba" is not a command.08:12
DJango_Novicein tutorial it says.... gksu samba in run terminal08:13
DJango_Noviceso what shall i do to get the gui of samba config08:13
theadmin!samba | DJango_Novice08:13
ubottuDJango_Novice: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.08:13
ParkerRDJango_Novice, Link please08:13
DJango_Novicek thanks08:13
ParkerRTo tutorial08:13
theadminI don't think Samba has any official GUI config tools.08:14
bsmith093is there a way to bulk porint to a pdf printer in lucid08:14
ActionParsnipDJango_Novice: you can configure samba from nautilus08:14
DJango_Noviceim using oneric08:14
theadminDJango_Novice: These guides apply to most recent Ubuntu versions.08:14
DJango_Noviceive installed samba but the prb is not with samba08:14
bazhangbsmith093, bulk 'print to pdf' ?08:14
DJango_Noviceits ubuntu thts not opening samba config gui08:15
theadminDJango_Novice: *sigh* there is NO such thing as "samba config gui". Not an official one, at least, and that means the guide you are reading is not for Ubuntu.08:15
bsmith093bazhang: yes print a bunch of images to one single pdf fiile08:15
theadminProbably PCLinuxOS or SuSE or whatnot, they got config tools for everything >.<08:15
ActionParsnipbsmith093: I've seen libreoffice being used at cli to print pdfs. There may be a <your file type> to pdf converter08:15
DJango_Novicewith gui i mean samba-config08:15
DJango_Novicehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9aLvoH4-BQ.. im following this tutorial in youtube08:16
theadminActionParsnip: Too complicated. CUPS does pdf.08:16
ActionParsnipDJango_Novice: in nautilus, right click a folder to share and read the me08:16
bsmith093specifically i have some cbz files and i would love to batch convert to pdf but the only thing thats working at all is calibre and its slow as hell and it makes grainy pdfs08:17
shaDykhancan anyone recommend me some good desktop enviroments?08:17
ParkerRshaDykhan, Light ones?08:17
theadminshaDykhan: XFCE, LXDE, Openbox, Enlightenment are all pretty lightweight and functional.08:17
bazhangshaDykhan, kde4 gnome xfce4 lxde/openbox08:17
CharminTheMooseshaDykhan, KDE, Gnome, LXDE, XFCE.08:17
bazhangshaDykhan, try them and decide for yourself08:18
theadminWhy does nobody mention enligtenment? lol, seems everyone forgot about it08:18
CharminTheMooseEnlightenment is a window manager, no?08:18
Mcl0vinhello there08:18
theadminCharminTheMoose: Half-window manager, it has things desktop environments tend to have (panels, trays, etc etc)08:18
shaDykhanwhats good for "eye candy"08:18
bazhangMcl0vin, hi08:18
CyberBratcan anyone recommend a decent bootloader editor/maker thingy?08:18
theadminshaDykhan: KDE08:18
ActionParsnipbsmith093: www.oooninja.com/2008/02/batch-command-line-file-conversion-with.html08:18
bazhangCyberBrat, to edit grub2?08:19
CharminTheMooseGood point theadmin08:19
shaDykhank cool i will try it for sure08:19
ParkerRCyanure, grub-customizer08:19
Mcl0vincan someone please explain to me how i can use nx to login my ubuntu box and yet i can't ssh to it ?08:19
CyberBratbazhang, yup08:19
theadminbsmith093: apt-get install cups-pdf for system-wide PDF print functionality.08:19
ParkerR* CyberBrat, grub-customizer08:19
ActionParsnipCyberBrat: what to achieve?08:19
bazhangCyberBrat, what do you need to edit exactly?08:19
CyberBratActionParsnip,  to make bootloader backgrounds and boot orders08:20
bazhangParkerR, where is that from08:20
oopsMclovin: Make sure you're using the right SSH -Port08:20
ActionParsniptheadmin: bsmith093 wants to convent multiple docs, so opening each to print is laborious08:20
ParkerRI think you have to add a ppa08:20
theadminbazhang: Sounds like something from Mandriva08:20
bazhangParkerR, got a link?08:20
theadminActionParsnip: Use for loops with command-line print tools?08:20
ActionParsnipCyberBrat: do you want windows as default?08:20
ParkerRbazhang, One sec08:20
Mcl0vinoops: 22 that is08:21
CyberBratActionParsnip, noway jose??08:21
ActionParsnipCyberBrat: yes or no please..08:21
CyberBratno sir08:21
ParkerRbazhang, https://launchpad.net/~danielrichter2007/+archive/grub-customizer08:21
Mcl0vinoops: plz use me name in your message so that i can see it , i can't keep up with these people here they type so fast08:21
bazhangActionParsnip, he means no08:21
ParkerRInstructions within08:21
bazhangParkerR, thanks08:21
ParkerRIt works with grub and burg08:22
oopsMclovin: if you're running ubuntu on your current computer you can use network tools to see if the port is open08:22
fiz-hello, when logrotate is executed?08:22
fiz-during to cron08:22
oopsMcl0vin: if you're running ubuntu on your current computer you can use network tools to see if the port is open08:22
CyberBratany recommendations?08:23
ActionParsnipPeople use burg? Wow08:23
Mcl0vinoops: how please?08:23
ParkerRActionParsnip, I like burg08:23
ParkerRKinda nice08:23
ParkerRNOt installed atm though08:23
oopsMcl0vin: are you running ubuntu on your current computer?08:23
ActionParsnipCyberBrat: parker seems to know08:23
AFDis there a way to skip the login screen? I can't seem to delete my password and my install is seriously FUBAR08:24
coolstar-ipodis it possible for me to copy my GUPG keys from my iPod to my kubuntu install?08:24
Mcl0vinoops: yes08:24
ParkerRKnow what? XD08:24
oopsMcl0vin: 11.10?08:24
Mcl0vinoops: 1008:24
Ben64AFD: you can remove the password from repair mode, and you can get to a console by hitting CTRL+ALT+F1 at the login screen08:24
AFDBen64:  I'm in console now08:24
bsmith093ActionParsnip: bazhang i basically really need a cbr cbz to pdf converter, or atleast a script that will decompress the archives, run them to a pdf printer which i have but cant figure put how to batch print to, and combine each decompressed archive into one pdf ifle, named preserved08:25
bsmith093preserving the filenames08:25
Ben64AFD: ok, then what do you want do to08:25
oopsMcl0vin:  go into your applications and see if you can Find "Network Tools"08:25
ActionParsnipAFD: you can set autologin by editting lightdm's config files in root recovery mode at the very least08:25
ParkerRActionParsnip, What are you volunteering me for? J/k XD08:25
AFDBen64: I tried passwd -d username and am told I don't have permission - my user has lost sudo privledges :(08:25
ActionParsnipAfd: why are you trying to delete you password. Makes no sense.08:26
AFDActionParsnip: Thanks! I hadn't thought about getting to use sudo that way08:26
dns_coolstar-ipod is there an app that it uses or are they just files?08:26
Ben64AFD: what exactly is your goal08:26
Mcl0vinoops: ok am there08:26
ActionParsnipAfd: you can add the user to the admin group there too08:26
AFDActionParsnip: I'm being locked out of my install. I just need to get in to back up some files and then reinstall08:26
coolstar-ipoddms_: It's gnupg from Cydia08:27
AFDActionParsnip: in under recovery as root :D08:27
oopsmcl0vin: click on the portscan tab and enter the servers IP address and click scan08:27
oopsMcl0vin: it will take a bit but it will tell you if the port is open08:27
theadminbsmith093: If you want me to, I'll write such a script, will take a while though08:27
coolstar-ipoddns_: GNUPG from Cydia08:27
Mcl0vinoops: its open08:28
ActionParsnipAfd: shouldnt need a reinstall. Just boot root recovery and set password and add your user to the admin group if needed08:28
theadminbsmith093: Actually, seems you can't change names with cups-pdf, nor the location... Annoying.08:28
oopsMcl0vin: okay, try to SSH into it and tell me what you get08:28
ActionParsnipAfd: run: passwd foo; usermod -a -G admin foo08:28
ActionParsnipAfd: change foo for your username08:29
bsmith093theadmin: that would be great but do you know of any tool to convert cbz and cbr archives to pdf files, cause thats really all i need, i found jomic from sourceforge and it was working great, then it randomly stopped working one day and never worked again i get no output zero size files no errors just skips them08:29
dns_coolstar-ipod  so is there file level access to the ipod?  do you know if there is an export function of the app?08:29
Mcl0vinoops: its working now ...hmmmm we didn't change anything thu08:29
shaDykhanask a web developer what are some must have applications?08:30
ActionParsnipDns_: there is ifuse08:30
oopsMcl0vin: sometimes its just something little that you didn't put it or do correctly :)08:30
oopsMcl0vin: Glad I could help08:30
coolstar-ipoddns_: My iPod is Jailbroken so I can ash08:30
AFDActionParsnip: so I still get the login prompt which is lacking my user (nothing to click and enter password in to)... what do I need to do to lightdm?08:30
Mcl0vinoops: but i still can't access my apache in that same box and port 80 is open08:31
oopsMcl0vin: make sure that your apache configuration is set up correctly08:32
oopsMcl0vin: there should be something about that in the ubuntu help information08:32
dns_coolstar-ipod  is it a command line application? can you do the normal gpg command line export and import of your key?08:32
dns_coolstar-ipod gpg -a --export-secret-keys "Your Name"08:32
coolstar-ipoddns_: I run gpg on my iPod by using an SSH app to SSH to localhost08:33
dns_coolstar-ipod  apart from that is there a secring.gpg file on the ipod?08:33
oopsMcl0vin: by you cannot access it do you mean your cant goto 'your.ip.here' and see the page or you cant run apache commands from ssh?08:34
coolstar-ipoddns_: does that export only the public key or both the public and private?08:35
dns_ coolstar-ipod  private, and don't spread it around as it is not encrypted in that form,   use gpg --export-keys  to get all the public ones08:35
coolstar-ipoddns_: I ran ls -a on my iPods home folder, and found a folder called .gnupg08:36
Mcl0vinoops: here is the deal, i had dyndns domain, the cancel it , but before they do , everything was working perfect meaning i was able to access my webserver using the same box and same LAN ip , even my WAN IP didn't change. However i signed got a different dyndns domain , and this is the one i am using now to ssh to the box and nx to the box , but i can't get my my webserver. i also checked...08:36
Mcl0vin...and made sure port 80 in the router is fwd to my ubuntu box08:36
coolstar-ipoddns_: there's a secring.gpg file in there08:38
dns_coolstar-ipod  you should be able to just copy the gpg files then, secring.gpg is your private key store, pubring.gpg is the public store08:38
oopsMcl0vin: Then all I could think of is to check your Apache Configuration and make sure your IPtables aren't blocking anything08:38
oopsMcl0vin: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html08:39
Mcl0vinoops: IP tables are fine , because i never used it :)08:39
AFDActionParsnip: if i remove gdm will I boot straight in to the desktop? or should I delete the user passwd too?08:39
coolstar-ipoddns_: can I just copy the .gnupg folder into kubuntu's home folder?08:39
coolstar-ipoddns_: is that ok, or will it mess up the keychain in kubuntu?08:40
dns_coolstar-ipod if you want to overwrite your current keystore go ahead, alternatly you can import the keys if you already have keys on your desktop08:40
coolstar-ipoddns_: I haven't manually added any keys. It's almost a clean install08:41
dns_coolstar-ipod  i believe if you have the same pass phrase that you use to login that you use to decrypt the keys it is ok08:41
coolstar-ipoddns_: the pass phrase is different from my password08:41
oopsMcl0vin: did you look at the help documentation I gave you?08:42
Mcl0vinoops: thats what i used in the first place to setup my ubuntu08:42
Mcl0vin*apache in the first place <-- oops08:42
brown_sugarhey guys, come check this out http://zpag.es/9ZlN08:43
dns_coolstar-ipod I believe it will prompt you for the keyring pass phrase when you login if they are different so you could change the pass phrase on the keyring if it is annoying you08:43
oopsMcl0vin: Might be wise to open up a thread on the Ubuntu Forums08:43
oopsMcl0vin: I'm Fresh out of ideas08:43
IanWizard-CloudHow can I tell it (Gnome / Ubuntu... really Nautilus), not to auto mount the next drive that I plug in.08:43
IanWizard-Cloudor just disable it, and then re-enable it.08:43
IanWizard-CloudI've got a drive that I've got to get forensic on... and I don't want it f-ing it up by mounting it.08:44
coolstar-ipoddns_: I'm going to export the key instead.08:44
theadminIanWizard-Cloud: Get the drive's UID and add it to fstab with "noauto"08:44
Mcl0vinoops: i can access it from my LAN fine, using dyndns /public IP or LAN IP08:44
theadminIanWizard-Cloud: For example: UUID=2931-4faf-2941-223-some-more-mess /mnt ext4 defaults,noauto 0 008:45
IanWizard-Cloudtheadmin: can't get the UID08:45
theadminIanWizard-Cloud: Oh... Hm. Well, I suppose then, uh...08:45
oopsMcl0vin: but nobody else can access it?08:45
gliorosis there any way to xgettext all my php files once and not xgettext each php file ?08:45
Mcl0vinoops: yep, as soon as i leave my house , its gone08:46
shaDykhanwhat is a good lightweight ide?08:46
theadminIanWizard-Cloud: gconf-editor, /apps/nautilus/preferences/media_automount - set to 008:46
oopsMcl0vin: then its a routing issue. Is it on a static IP?08:46
theadminshaDykhan: vim08:47
oopsMcl0vin: internally that is08:47
Mcl0vinoops: yes08:47
shaDykhanbesides vim lol08:47
oopsMcl0vin: have you set up DMZ?08:47
coolstar-ipoddns_: I ran the export command but it went to the console08:47
theadminshaDykhan: Try geany08:48
Guest29989shaDykhan: for what language?08:48
Mcl0vinoops: to be honest , lately i was setting up GNS3 and i have br0 and Tap0 setup but never checked the site after that , never thought it could be an issue08:48
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gliorosis there any way to xgettext all my php files once and not xgettext each php file ?08:48
IanWizard-CloudshaDykhan: geany is GREAT, SciTE is good also though08:48
Mcl0vinoops: that box LAN IP is
shaDykhanthx ill try those too08:48
shaDykhan2 lol08:48
dns_coolstar-ipod run the export and pipe it     cmd > ketfile08:49
IanWizard-Cloudtheadmin: can I do it by label?  for the partition?08:49
theadminglioros: for i in file1 file2 file3 file4 file5 ; do xgettext $i ; done # Something like this, maybe?08:49
Mcl0vinoops: and Tap0 and eth0 are bridge with Br0 to that LAN IP08:49
theadminIanWizard-Cloud: I dunno, why not just disable automounting with the way I specified?08:49
IanWizard-Cloudtheadmin: I saw that after I hit enter08:49
oopsMcl0vin: make sure all ports are forwarded to that box then08:49
mister2okay, let's try this again. I just booted an 11.04 live disk and got booted to the login screen. Whats the username/password combination or solution to this?08:50
oopsMcl0vin: 80, 8080, etc.08:50
Mcl0vinoops: they are08:50
Mcl0vinoops: i use dd-wrt for the linksys router am using08:50
theadminIanWizard-Cloud: Well, as for the label, you can, just use LABEL= instead of UUID= in fstab as specified earlier.08:51
gliorostheadmin: I just tried it in the terminal and it didnt work...08:51
LemonAidHei guys. What desktop recorder would you recommend?08:51
theadminglioros: I have no idea what the syntax of xgettext is, but something along those lines usually does the trick08:51
oopsMcl0vin: okay, hold on a moment08:52
AntstheguyI need a bit of help setting up Ubuntu One on a headless server08:52
AntstheguyI followed these instructions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Headless08:52
Antstheguybut am stumped on step 408:53
AntstheguyI don't have a "[__main__]" section08:53
oopsMcl0vin: do you have access to the routers web panel?08:54
coolstar-ipoddns_: I exported the private key. Do I need to export the public key as well?08:54
AlanBellmister2: um, that isn't what the liveCD does08:54
Mcl0vinoops: yep08:54
afidegnumhello, pls using apt-get, where do programs get installed by default?08:55
afidegnumI have installed a flight simulation game08:55
afidegnumand I want to add extra propoerties to its folder08:55
AlanBellLemonAid: gtk-recordmydesktop08:55
oopsMcl0vin: goto NAT/QoS and then to DMZ, enable it and set it to the local address.08:55
KvaksAm I the only one annoyed by the fact that Gnome Do's linux executable is called Do.exe?08:55
LemonAidAlanBell, thank you.08:56
mister2alanbell: it did, i'm rebooting it to see if that fixes it...08:56
coolstar-ipodafidegnum: they get extracted to /08:56
AlanBellKvaks: mono executeables end in .exe, this is normal08:56
AntstheguyWhy annoyed?08:56
Mcl0vinoops: doing that will it drop my current session08:56
Myrttijatt: welcome to the marvelous world of C# and Mono08:56
KvaksBecause it's like all windowsy.08:56
AlanBellmister2: is it an official pressed CD?08:56
aBoundKvaks, Switch to Synapse it's a better alternative over Gnome Do.08:56
Myrttieh, that was for Kvaks, sorry jatt08:56
HashNukeIs there a way in which I can disable rebooting capabilities for a user? I read about CAP_SYS_BOOT how do I set it?08:56
KvaksaBound: I'll check it out.08:57
oopsMcl0vin: you can do that real quick and I'll wait here for ya.08:57
mister2alanbell define: official pressed?08:57
aBoundKvaks, No problem. :P08:57
afidegnumi can't find it08:58
AlanBellmister2: well is it a CD you got at a conference or something or an iso file you downloaded and burned? bit curious why you are using 11.04 rather than 11.1008:58
Mcl0vinoops: did that and its still not working08:59
bsmith093im trying to get kde installed in ubuntu lucid and it says cant find kubuntu desktop package08:59
mister2alanbell i downloaded it and burned it myself. I'm using 11.04 because i had some problems with 11.10 on this machine a few times when i was trying to install it.08:59
oopsMcl0vin: then its most likely an issue with your dyndns09:00
Mcl0vinoops: the way i access my router gui , is because i am nx to the box , so i pull up a browser and
mintmangot sidetracked back09:00
Mcl0vinoops: but it is working for the ssh09:00
bazhangbsmith093, kubuntu-desktop is the package name09:00
Mcl0vinoops: it is resolving the name to the correct IP address09:00
mintmanapt search kubuntu09:01
mintman!apt search09:01
bazhangmintman, its apt-cache search09:01
bsmith093saya it has broken deps for this package09:01
mintmanbazhang: been a while09:01
bsmith093do i need a certain repo?09:01
mintmansorry dont use apt-get as much as I should09:02
bazhangbsmith093, please paste the exact error along with the command to pastebin09:02
mintman!apt cache search09:02
ubottumintman: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:02
oopsMcl0vin: all I can think of is its either your apache setup or IP tables on your box or router09:02
mintman!apt-cache search09:03
oopsMcl0vin: I would consider opening a thread on the ubuntu forums09:03
bazhangmintman, for using the bot : /msg ubottu find package09:03
SalamanCan somone help me with sharing internet connection?09:03
Mcl0vinoops: like i said before never had to use IPtables09:03
mister2alanbell it did it again09:03
iceroot!ics | Salaman09:03
ubottuSalaman: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing09:03
oopsMcl0vin: port 80 may be blocked by default09:03
bsmith093bazhang: http://pastebin.com/SxMtye1009:04
oopsMcl0vin: do you have a graphical interface on your box?09:04
chadwickyeah virizon fttp blocks 80 and 2509:04
Mcl0vinoops: yes09:04
oopsMcl0vin: you may get a firewall config tool (such as ufw ) and configure it with everything open. Whats your ISP?09:05
Mcl0vinoops: brb09:05
Mcl0vinoops: i don't know their name, its a fiber cut to the house , 12Mbps and i never had to call them or pay them a penney for the past 3 yrs i lived in the house, its never down , or slow, didn't had a single issue09:07
Mcl0vinoops:  called them once , when i moved to turn the service on, and that was it ...09:07
oopsMcl0vin: some ISP's block port 80 to prevent abuse09:07
Mcl0vinoops: but it was working before :)09:08
oopsMcl0vin: not externally was it?09:08
Mcl0vinoops: it was09:09
oopsMclovin: and what have you changed since then?09:09
Mcl0vinoops: dyndns domain name09:09
oopsMcl0vin: gimme your dyndns domain name and I'll see if I can connect09:10
coolstar-ipodoops: Try connecting using your ip09:10
Mcl0vinoops: from something.homelinux.com to something.dyndns-server.com , i am remote to the system as well09:10
Mcl0vincoolstar-ipod: i tried that and not working09:11
Mcl0vinbut i can still use something.dyndns-server.com to ssh to my box and to NX to my box09:11
Mcl0vinoops: you know what NX right09:11
coolstar-ipodMcl0vin: try connecting using the internal ip09:11
bsmith093bazhang: any ideas whats wrong?09:11
Mcl0vincoolstar-ipod: you want me to use none routeable address from about side the router ?!09:12
Mcl0vincoolstar-ipod: or you mean from inside my LAN09:13
coolstar-ipodMcl0vin: inside LAN09:13
Mcl0vincoolstar-ipod: ^^ if that was the case , yes i have already did that and it is working09:13
Mcl0vincconstantine: also from inside the lan i tried mydomain.com and it works09:13
coolstar-ipodMcl0vin: Did you check your firewall's settings?09:14
Mcl0vincoolstar-ipod: no firewall09:14
Mcl0vincoolstar-ipod: oops: i wiil brb09:14
mintmanMcl0vin: who is your internet service provide I know comcast has issues with ssh09:15
v2How can i update gcc ? aptitude update gcc didn't work "i wanna not to use apt-get"09:16
coolstar-ipodmintman: he can ssh09:16
jattuse synaptic then09:16
coolstar-ipodmintman: he's having probs with http09:16
v2no graphical interface09:16
coolstar-ipod!search gcc | v209:16
coolstar-ipod!search gcc09:17
ubottuFound: gcc09:17
v2nothing found09:17
jattwhat's wrong with apt-get09:17
coolstar-ipod!info gcc | v209:17
ubottuv2: gcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.107ubuntu5)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.6.1-2ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB09:17
mintmancoolstar-ipod: not good ? no firewall and issues? interesting, type of connection?09:17
coolstar-ipodmintman: he has LAN09:17
jattsudo apt-get upgrade gcc09:17
coolstar-ipodjatt: apt-get install gcc09:18
mintmancoolstar-ipod: this is not college is it? or dorm rooms09:18
coolstar-ipodmintman: idk. Mcl0vin??09:19
mintmanMcl0vin: what is the deal this lan ur on?09:19
dirtydevilI installed ubuntu  10.10, but after restarting it is giving an rub-editenv:error: cannot open the file /boot/grub/grubenv , help me I am having a lot of trouble because of it09:19
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: can you boot Ubuntu?09:20
dirtydevilya I have bootable usb,09:20
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: I mean from the install09:21
dirtydevilcoolstar-ipod: its stuck at this error09:21
Pancakezis there a way I can set the unity/gnome configuration settings to default?09:21
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: can you mount the install in nautilus on the bootable USB?09:21
dirtydevilcoolstar-ipod: no, I don't know how to do it09:22
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: click on it in the sidebar09:22
metaspikehello hoodliums- Pancakez, when they are saved, arent they the default? or do you mean between user accounts?09:22
dirtydevilcoolstar-ipod: its just a bios black screen just this error written over it and not progressing ahead09:22
zhownxis there any client to use yahoo messenger in oneiric? any idea? =)09:23
mintmancoolstar-ipod: Nevermind he doesn't run the ISP or even pay for the connection.  Could be system wide update by client09:23
metaspikei have a question, it's driving me nutes. how do i customize jackd auto-connection channels if say, I want mplayer to always load and use 8 channels not just 2.09:23
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: are you booted into the USB?09:23
Pancakezmetaspike I mean restore the settings to the way they were when first installed09:23
metaspikezhownx: probably pidgin09:23
dirtydevilcoolstar-ipod: ya09:23
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: open the drive in the places menu09:24
Mcl0vinmintman: what do you mean ?09:24
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: it's listed as __ GB filesystem09:24
metaspikePancakez: considering that user settings are stored under your user folder eg /home/Pancakez - one can remove it- im not sure if it's ~/.nautilus or ~/.gnome or what though but if you get it, then you can log back in with the defaults.09:25
metaspikeremove the settings under the user folder obiously, not the user folder itself, that would be bad!09:25
dirtydevilcoolstar-ipod: I opened places09:26
mintmanMcl0vin: free internet! be happy. mines not free.  Dad works for Quest they do updates to routers nation wide so u could lose features or have to pay for services. Way for company to feed there cash cow .09:26
dirtydevilcoolstar-ipod: now at / folder09:26
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: can you see the contents of the install?09:26
dirtydevilcoolstar-ipod: ya09:27
Pancakezmetaspike, I'll try that.09:27
Mcl0vinmintman: is there a test i can do to check is they are blocking port 8009:27
dirtydevilcoolstar-ipod: now what to do?09:27
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: can you run a terminal and enter "ls /media"09:27
sabayonuser2>join ubuntu-fr09:27
zhownxI've installed gwibber... I want to stop auto start the gwibber service.. any idea?09:28
mintmanMcl0vin: not sure ? I really believe u have a change in settings09:28
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: what's the output of the command?09:28
chadwickmc: give me your ip adress09:29
dirtydevilapt cdrom e5* something drive and my Disk drive09:29
chadwickill see if port 80 is blocked09:29
Mcl0vinmintman: coolstar-ipod this is my ISP http://www.egreenfield.com/09:29
chadwickby doing a whois and researching your isp09:29
dirtydevilcoolstar-ipod: I can see the drive where I have installed ubuntu09:29
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: what's the name of the folder of the drive?09:30
metaspikezhownx: consider rcconf (console) and bum (gui) service managers09:30
dirtydevil47GB File System09:30
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: can you run "sudo apt-get install chroot"09:31
chadwickhttp://www.egreenfield.com/.... whats your IP block?09:31
chadwickits obviousely a reseller09:31
Mcl0vinmintman: should i call them and ask if they block port 8009:31
zhownxmetaspike, is there any way to refresh gwibber every 1 minute?09:31
coolstar-ipod!info chroot09:32
ubottuPackage chroot does not exist in oneiric09:32
metaspikerefresh, huh? probably, look in its settings v_v09:32
metaspikeunless you mean the service, and by refresh you mean restart, with say. cron.09:32
scsixI need to recover deleted folders in a lvm system, which is the best utility for this?09:32
dirtydevilcoolstar-ipod: i am connecting it to internet09:32
metaspikescsix: best does not mean easiest to use, consider testdisk09:33
geirhascsix: The "best" would be to use your backup solution's restore ability.09:34
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: ok you don't need to install chroot. I realized it comes with Ubuntu09:34
mintmanMcl0vin: Heard of this new package sold it with house hadn't seen it personnelly. Form what my father was getting at it was a limited service , but provided a package deal to new housing. Fiber optics gave a great deal.  Just paying for the service up front.09:34
dirtydevilcoolstar-ipod: okay so what to do next?09:34
scsixok, thanks to all09:35
Mcl0vinmintman: but there should be a test i can run to see if they block port 8009:35
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: can you enter in the terminal "sudo chroot ", and drag the folder of the drive into the terminal?09:35
metaspikefibre optics? T1000 - just like the like terminator09:35
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: then press enter09:35
ikonia"sudo chroot" won't do anything09:36
Anomie21Anyone know when Absinthe will be released for Ubuntu?09:36
coolstar-ipodikonia: it will.09:36
ikoniano, it won't, you have to give a path to act as the root home09:37
dirtydevilcoolstar-ipod: it is saying that chroot: missing operand09:37
coolstar-ipodikonia: I told him to enter it in and drag the folder of the drive into the terminal09:37
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: that is nonsense09:37
ikoniadirtydevil: it is missing an argument as I was trying to say09:37
ikoniadirtydevil: you need to specify where you want to chroot into09:37
Humbedoohthis isn't windows :(09:37
ikoniadirtydevil: eg: /mnt/new_root09:37
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: ok enter "sudo chroot <folder>"09:38
dirtydevilcoolstar-ipod: I have done that09:38
dirtydevilnow I am in root@ubuntu09:38
metaspikeAnomie21: probably never, even ubuntu has the sense to think twice before adding a jailbreaker to its official repositories09:38
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: run update-grub09:38
ikoniayou are missing file systems09:38
paulus68with rsnapshot is it normal that the target directory remains empty?09:38
Anomie21metaspike: It says on the Absinthe website that the linux one is just waited to be bundled (this was 2d ago)09:38
ikoniayou'll need proc mounted in the chroot09:38
ikonia!grub2 | dirtydevil09:39
ubottudirtydevil: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)09:39
ikoniadirtydevil: in that link explains how to use chroot to update grub209:39
mintmanMcl0vin: In this case I wouldn't run that test messing with ur contract. Contact company ask if they support ssh.  I wouldn't play with my housing authority.  U belong to a community make sure all my setting are correct first..  This is odd for california to start restrictions.  Those communities are expensive and the house is not cheap.  Uncle owns 2 houses in the palm springs area as well...09:39
mintman...as san deigo09:39
ikoniacoolstar-ipod is leading you into a mess as core setup is missing09:39
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: use the link ikonia gave you09:39
mintmanMcl0vin: personnelly I think it is a setting in ur linux box09:40
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: you need to mount proc, dev, and sysfs09:40
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: before running update-grub I need you to run a few commands09:40
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: first open a new terminal and run "sudo mount --bind /dev /media/<folder>/dev"09:41
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: let him use the link09:42
coolstar-ipodikonia: right09:42
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: its clear you don't know what you are doing with it, the document guides clearly and without miss-information09:42
Mcl0vini used canyouseeme.org and it looks like they are blocking it :(09:42
coolstar-ipodikonia: I do know. I just haven't used chroot in months...:(09:43
Mcl0vinmintman: coolstar-ipod ^^09:43
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: no, you don't, you don't know how to use chroot, you didn't check before giving him info, you didn't know the missing file systems where important and you told him to run a command that could cause a problem without the file systems09:43
jatthow can I get the current display resolution in xubuntu?09:43
jattis there a command for this?09:44
coolstar-ipodikonia: I know about running X apps from chroots. I used to run synaptic from one to customize live cd's09:44
Humbedoohknowing and passing on knowledge is two different things :>09:45
coolstar-ipodikonia: I should've refreshed my memory after months of not using chroot though09:45
pingecwhat do i need to install to get java applets workign in firefox?09:45
dirtydevilikonia: can you give me that again09:45
coolstar-ipod!grub2 | dirtydevil09:46
ubottudirtydevil: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)09:46
mintmanMcl0vin: try this http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch19_:_Dynamic_DNS09:46
* Solsun is away: Away09:46
ikonia!away > solid_liq09:47
ubottusolid_liq, please see my private message09:47
ikonia!away > Solsun09:47
ubottuSolsun, please see my private message09:47
dingo_aus| /join #hsbne09:48
Humbedoohno :(09:48
coolstar-ipodikonia: Do you work at canonical? Just wonderin?09:50
mintmanMcl0vin: well good luck . would contact service provider my have limited contract with housing area09:51
mintmanMcl0vin: got to run :)09:51
mintmangood night09:51
dirtydevilikonia: I tried that sudo grub-install /dev/sda5 to install but its giving an error /usr/sbin/grub-probe : error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub09:52
coolstar-ipoddirtydevil: can you run "ls /dev | grep sda"09:52
gliorosGuys is there any way to test my server download speed (without installing any software) ?09:53
Humbedoohwget a random big file maybe?09:53
dirtydevilcoolstar-ipod: I used df -h command to get that /dev info09:53
ikoniaglioros: speedtest.net09:53
gliorosiikonia: using ssh ?09:53
HumbedoohI'm guessing the server is not running any desktop environment?09:54
* coolstar-ipod was just spammed by some Adildeaux guy09:54
Humbedoohso was everybody else :(09:55
* ikonia has told coolstar-ipod to stop doing me commands09:55
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: if you are having a problem with someone in the #ubuntu channel spamming you, please join #ubuntu-ops and report it09:55
dirtydevilcoolstar-ipod: sda sda1 to sda 6 is the output09:55
coolstar-ipodikonia: ok09:55
Humbedoohadildeaux...very clever name09:55
dirtydevilikonia: what to do now? its giving that error09:56
coolstar-ipodHumbedooh: but he was very racist.09:56
gliorosHumbedooh: Yes, no desktop environment. And it is important to do not install anything on it.09:56
Humbedoohcoolstar-ipod, read it in french09:56
ikoniacoolstar-ipod: what part of "report it in #ubuntu-ops" am I not making clear09:56
gliorosHumbedooh: So, is there any way to do a speed test?09:57
Peiohello lolo09:57
Humbedoohglioros, when you say download speed, do you mean how fast your server can download, or how fast you can download from it?09:57
ponrajuganeshhow to unistall a complete package09:57
ponrajuganeshi need to un install maven2 package09:57
gliorosHumbedooh: I need to check upload/download speed09:58
lolo__je ssuis blonde a forte poitrriiinnee09:58
bazhanglolo__, wrong channel09:59
AFDwhen I type $ groups username is the first group in the list the user's primary group?09:59
Humbedoohglioros, you would probably need a program for the upload speed, but for download speeds, you could try wget with some random big file from the internet09:59
llutzAFD: yes09:59
AFDllutz: thanks ;)09:59
gliorosHumdedooh: This is the issue. I am not allowed to move files and/or install anything on the server...09:59
llutzAFD: "id <user>" shows it more clear10:00
Humbedoohglioros, well then you have a problem I suppose :)10:00
PseudoephedrineHow can i see a list of some of the software i have installed on my server?10:02
llutzPseudoephedrine: dpkg -l |grep ^i10:03
llutzPseudoephedrine: or aptitude search '~i'10:03
Cheerywhatever has happened to preferred-applications?10:04
kieppiehi guys. does anyone know anything about xwit?10:04
Cheerykieppie: http://www.slack.com/sw/xwit-man.html10:04
kieppieCheery: I've read the man10:05
kieppieI'd like some help, please10:05
Cheerykieppie: good. okay, what kind of help do you need?10:05
kieppieI have a system running X with no desktop env, and I'd like to resize a window that I've xinit. xwit seems to fir the bill, but the following has no effect: xwit -resize 1360,768 -all10:06
kieppie(& other variations)10:07
Ivozanyone know, on ubuntu server should /dev/pts exist? I'm getting ssh can't allocate me pty, but I can sftp in10:07
kieppieCheery: any advise, please?10:07
Ivozits in fstab, "non /dev/pts devpts rw 0 0"10:07
Ivozoh no, the directory exists....10:08
Ivoz"Server refused to allocate pty"... how can I debug this?10:10
Cheerykieppie: I can as well just try the command you shown.10:10
Cheerykieppie: are you sure you see what are you doing?10:11
Cheeryxwit -resize 1000,1000 yells at me10:11
Cheerykieppie: try: xwit -resize 1000 100010:11
kieppieok - I'll try thanks10:12
Cheerywow lulz. it's powerful command10:12
mecoHow do I change from GNOME to XFCE?10:13
Myrttimeco: if you have both installed, you can choose it at login10:13
CheeryI try configure my ubuntu to use uxterm instead of gnome-terminal because former is too slow10:13
mecoMyrtti: OK, I only have the default, GNOME.10:13
bazhangmeco, install the xubuntu-desktop package if not10:13
mecobazhang: ok.10:14
bazhang!purexfce | meco if you want to go pure (ie zero gnome)10:14
ubottumeco if you want to go pure (ie zero gnome): If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »10:14
kieppieCheery: nope - no dice. the setup is thus: I have XBMC running straight on X, no w/m or d/e, and I have a script withing XMBC calling GMPC along with xwit. GMPC load fine, but not in the correct size10:15
StPierehow to make vim color theme to work in terminator shell?10:16
jattterminator shell?10:16
theadminkieppie: Since GMPC is an X application, if it is, it should accept the regular -geometry flag.10:16
theadminkieppie: Read up on that...10:16
kieppietheadmin: thanks, I will10:17
=== HQRaja is now known as JohnLemon
JohnLemonImagine all the CITRUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS...10:17
Ivozwhere can I put a command to be executed at the end of boot?10:20
dirtydevilikonia: still getting that cannot find a device for /mnt/boot/grub after I mounted that /dev/sda5 to /mnt10:20
Ivozit seems I need to run sudo update-locale but I have no terminal to do so atm, only sftp10:20
CheeryI wonder why update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator doesn't seem to work10:21
kieppietheadmin: are you seeing that -geomerty is univeral for all GUI apps; that it's implied?10:21
=== xsl is now known as Guest24356
nlkohi, i have installed java (open jdk) and now I want the sun one, I cant remember which package I used, is tehre a way to list the package associated with java?10:24
nlkoi want to apt-get remove <java>10:24
Snicksienlko, it seems the 'default' sun package is removed, so you'll have to download that manually. it used to be sun-java6 or something like that... doesnt work anymore because of security issues and legal issues :)10:24
Kimmennlko: dpkg --get-selection lists the installed packages, then you can grep on java or whatever you like10:25
nlkoyeah I will download it myself, thanks thats what i was looking for, list my packages then I can remove cleanly, thanks both10:25
Snicksienlko, more information on java is here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java10:25
kieppietheadmin: I've tried adding the geometry arg, but it didn't help. do I need to invoke the app using a command similar to xinit for it to take (X is already init'd)?10:26
=== xsl_ is now known as xsl
Ivozhow can i get my server to execute update-locale when I can't get a pty through ssh, but I can sftp?10:27
paulus68with rsnapshot is it normal that the target directory remains empty?10:28
AntstheguyAnyone know how to setup UbuntuOne on headless server?10:28
llutzIvoz: have you access to /etc/cron.d? put a cron-job running your command in10:28
balone of the package not working and the erro  how to remove it or correct the erro10:28
balTraceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 968, in simulate     trans.unauthenticated = self._simulate_helper(trans)   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 1092, in _simulate_helper     return depends, self._cache.required_download, \   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/apt/cache.py", line 235, in required_download     pm.get_archives(fetcher, 10:28
xslis it possible that a network device on my LAN is causing IRQ interrupts on the network card facing my LAN ?10:28
bali try to remove the package but it is not working10:29
Ivozllutz: do you think @reboot update-locale would work on a default install of ubuntu server?10:29
ryannathansI cna't get my wifi working10:29
llutzIvoz: it should10:29
IvozI'm not sure if that's an interactive command10:29
ryannathansi am using sudo modprobe ath9k && sudo wicd && sudo wicd-client10:30
ryannathansi get 'bad password' but i know it's correct10:30
xoxlbrotha, whare we can used some bot10:30
gammaxThe icons in the upper area of unity, what programming language are they created in?10:30
theadminSorry, my system just rebooted on me. Who was I helping?10:30
balhow to correct this erro10:30
balis there any way to remove this error10:31
kieppiehi theadmin: X app & geometry10:32
theadminkieppie: Yes. Well, -geometry is a flag implied by Xorg. However, I'm not *exactly* sure all apps follow the standards of implementing it.10:32
ryannathanscan someone help me get wifi working?10:32
kieppiethe GTK app didn't take it. I tried the same command on my own desktop, & get the following error: "** ERROR **: Failed to parse commandline options: Unknown option -geometry"10:32
theadminkieppie: Bah.10:33
kieppieyou were right though: http://www.xfree86.org/current/X.7.html10:33
kieppiethe X docco's imply they should, but I'm not sure if GTK will honor that10:33
theadmingammax: Most of Unity is written in C and C++, some parts might be in Python10:34
balerro in depencey how to correct10:34
gammaxtheadmin,  is there anyone that can assist in creating a very basic notification icon?10:34
theadmingammax: #ubuntu-devel might be a better place.10:34
kieppieis there an X wrapper I can run that would allow me to programatically resize the window10:37
balhow tor remove this erro : "The package scim-ml-phonetic needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."10:37
balhow to remove one partly installed packege ?10:41
ali3n0hi folks. I'm trying to debug the init script sequence, ubuntu server 10.04. Is there a way to have just the classic sequential one without the new /etc/init one?10:42
kieppietheadmin: is there a way to hardcode that geometry arg into xorg.conf, so that all apps loaded use that size?10:42
xoxlany body know how to make bot at home pc10:42
xoxlany body know how to make bot at home pc for irc10:42
ali3n0xoxl : check out eggdrop10:43
theadminkieppie: Is this what you are looking for? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man1/xdotool.1.html10:43
paulus68with rsnapshot is it normal that the target directory remains empty?10:43
kclemenshi guys, anyone can help me to set up cpu frequency scaling properly?10:43
balhow to remove  correpted package form ubuntu?10:44
balhow to remove  correpted package form ubuntu?10:46
theadminbal: Stop repeating.10:46
rXbotHOLA FLOOD BOT 1 2&310:47
baltheadmin:  ok, i am new to this so sorry .10:47
=== xoxl is now known as eRerspond
icerootbal: why to you think a package is corrupt?10:48
bali put the erro  in the top10:48
baliceroot:   i alredy put the erro on top10:48
=== LjL-Deluxe is now known as LjL
ali3n0I need to make an init script stop after another, ubuntu 10.4. The usual /etc/rc.0/ scripts order doesn't seem to work10:48
icerootbal: what is the output of "cat /etc/issue" "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and "dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii | grep -v ^rc"10:49
iceroot!paste | bal10:49
ubottubal: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:49
kieppietheadmin: yea - pretty nasty, but could do the trick10:50
xslHello all, anyone knows a bug related to RTL network cards and IRQ interrupts?10:51
kieppieheadmin: wondering if I should'nt look for an extremely lightweight window/desktop manager10:51
theadminkieppie: Nasty? Just use "xdotool windowsize %1 640 480" or something10:51
kieppieany suggestions?10:51
im25hi i am chandru from bangalore, indian10:51
theadminkieppie: Openbox maybe. I use that myself and am fully satisfied.10:51
kieppietheadmin: oh sorry - reading that now. though I had to simulate keypress to do what I want10:52
baliceroot:   cat /etc/issue=Ubuntu 11.10 \n \l10:52
stevekenyahi all10:52
hroiIm trying to set a process to run every wednesday using crontab10:52
im25hi to all friends10:53
kieppie theadmin: openbox/fluxbox/ec?10:53
hroianyone know how I set the * * * * * strings10:53
theadminkieppie: Openbox is faster than Fluxbox for all I know. Also, xdotool automates pretty much everything so...10:53
stevekenyaam trying to install a zte ac272610:54
drussellhroi: http://adminschoice.com/crontab-quick-reference10:54
mang0Is it possible to get more than 4 workspaces? I'm using xfce, if that helps. Ubuntu 11.10.10:54
stevekenyasudo apt-get install wvdial10:54
ashutosh_talk about ubuntu one10:54
LjLashutosh_: there is an #Ubuntuone channel10:55
theadminmang0: Yah, you need to change your workspace switcher applet settings10:55
stevekenya wvdial: Depends: libuniconf4.6 but it is not going to be installed10:55
stevekenya          Depends: libwvstreams4.6-extras but it is not going to be installed10:55
ashutosh_join /ubuntuone10:55
ashutosh_join /#ubuntuone10:55
LjLashutosh_: /join #ubuntuone10:55
zhownxhi all... is there any way to install using apt-get but dont install stuff we dont need...?10:56
mang0theadmin: Ah, thanks.10:56
theadminzhownx: Huh?10:56
mang0zhownx: Just install, and then use "sudo apt-get autoremove" to remove un needed packages.10:56
LjLzhownx: apt-get doesn't install "stuff you don't need". it installs dependencies, which as the name implies, are necessary to make the package you're installing work.10:56
zhownxeg: we want to install wine, but dont want to install ttf-mscorefonts-installer?10:56
theadminzhownx: Wine needs Microsoft fonts.10:56
baliceroot: The package 'scim-ml-phonetic' is in an inconsistent state and needs to be reinstalled, but no archive can be found for it. Do you want to remove this package now to continue?10:57
zhownxtheadmin, mang0, LjL... oh I see... thanks =)10:57
theadminbal: Yes, remove it. Unless you do need it. Which I doubt anyway.10:57
baltheadmin:  yes i give the command10:58
ashutosh_how i know about channels10:58
theadmin!alis | ashutosh_10:58
ubottuashutosh_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*10:58
LjLzhownx: sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install wine10:58
LjLzhownx: that's a "recommended" package, it's not strictly necessary, so you *can* avoid installing it. APT in Ubuntu installs recommends by default.10:58
zhownxLjL, so when wine will still work when I didnt install the ttf-mscorefonts-installer?10:59
baltheadmin: still the erro message is there10:59
zhownx* LjL, so wine will still work when I didnt install the ttf-mscorefonts-installer?10:59
LjLzhownx: yes, although fonts might not be shown ideally, i suppose.10:59
xslhow can i disable power management on ubuntu?11:00
shaDykhanso i just installed xfce and anytime i exit the terminal i get an error saying 'Failed to execute default Terminal Emulator'11:01
farrukhjonhi all!11:02
baliceroot: what next11:02
ashutosh_msg aloril hi11:03
hroidrussell: thanks, ehm this is what I have seen, the fifth slot represents days of the week, however I have not found an example of how to implement the day of the week slot11:03
ashutosh_MSG aloril hi11:04
hroidrussell: perhas 10 30 * * 3   is 10:30 every wednesday?11:04
hroidrussell: or perhaps 10 30 * * /3 ...11:04
geirhahroi: 30 10 * * 311:04
farrukhjonhow auto-completing in Run command (Alt+F2) in Unity like in Gnome Shell pressing Alt+F2 enter first 3 character of app and press Tab key for completing full name?11:04
hroigeirha: right, 30 10,11:05
drussellhroi: what geirha said :o)11:05
LjLashutosh_: you want /msg alis list *keyword*11:05
hroidrussell: geirha: thanks11:05
geirhahroi: man 5 crontab  # for reference11:05
hroidrussell: geirha: will wait until wednesday to see if this works :S11:05
balok see u11:06
hroigeirha: thanks, man crontab didns show any, what the 5 represent?11:06
baltheadmin: iceroot : THANK YOU ,  see you agine11:06
meeto /whois bagz11:07
geirhahroi: The category (typically a number from 1-9). See man 1 intro; man 5 intro11:07
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=== om26er- is now known as om26er
paulus68with rsnapshot is it normal that the target directory remains empty?11:10
chris--hey all11:13
chris--this is not an ubuntu related problem, but maybe u can help me anyway11:13
chris--im at a friends, and he has a stone-age linux server as smb fileserver. also he used to print over smb. since he tried to print reminders last week ( like each month )11:14
chris--the pinting stopped after ~15 reminders and now he cannot print anymore11:14
chris--when i acces the printer via smbclient and try to print something i always get this error11:15
chris--ERRDOS - ERRbadfile (File not found.) opening remote file FILENAME11:15
chris--ERRDOS - ERRbadfile (File not found.) opening remote file11:16
chris--oh sorry11:16
eRerspondwhy used ubuntu and why we used fedora / debian can give me explan11:16
lordjjHi, I'm on Ubuntu 11.04. upowerd is occassionally freezing my laptop with 100% CPU usages. What can I do about this? Is it safe to uninstall upower?11:17
Mcl0vinhow can i stop squid and only run it manually11:19
Mcl0vinand how do i check if its working or no11:20
=== Mike___ is now known as Mike__
zhownxI use oneiric, and want to connect to windows pptp vpn... any idea?11:23
theadminzhownx: What's your problem? Open the network manager, go to the VPN tab, add a PPTP connection, all done11:23
LjLMcl0vin: look into "update-rc.d"11:23
zhownxtheadmin, is there any way to do it with cli? just wondering =)11:24
Mcl0vinLjL: where is it located ? /etc/init.d?11:24
LjLMcl0vin: no, it's a command11:24
theadminzhownx: Yes, "pptpsetup" to configure, "pon" to connect and "poff" to disconnect.11:24
lordjjI'm on 11.04. upowerd is occassionally freezing my laptop with 100% CPU usages. What can I do about this? Is it safe to uninstall upower?11:24
LjLMcl0vin: you'd probably want "sudo update-rc.d squid remove"11:24
Mcl0vinLjL: whats the password for sudo?11:25
* Mcl0vin just kidding with you man :)11:25
kieppie theadmin: nope - xdotool, has no effect. nice idea though11:25
kieppieI'm off to bed....11:25
jattlaptop freeze might be a symptom of defective hardware...11:25
jattcheck your memory11:26
theadminkieppie: :(11:26
theadminkieppie: Should've worked. Sad. Oh well.11:26
_B00That had happened to me on 11.10/gnome3shell. I noticed it woulkd freeze then my laptop fan would kick off, about 20-30 seconds later, then dekstop would unfreeze...11:27
_B00It has happened since I reinstalled ubuntu 11.1011:28
kieppietheadmin: is openbox the most lightweigh d/m?11:31
theadminkieppie: It's very lightweight, but there are even more lightweight alternatives... Like i3, awesome, dwm...11:31
diverdudeWhy is it that the drag area for windows is SO small in ubuntu? If i want to customize the size of my window in ubuntu by dragging its edges its almost impossible to hit that very small margin where the cursor turns into a drag-cursor - so that i may drag. How can i change that and enlargen that margin?11:32
Rider_I'm wondering, is there a way to retrieve the log from when Ubuntu last shut down?11:34
joe_LK-,  fdsasafasd234asadf11:35
Pumpkin-Rider_: Try running "last". Obviously it will only have an orderly shutdown, not a powercut or the like11:35
paulus68is there a specific reason that the target directory remains empty after executing rsnapshot?11:37
Rider_Pumpkin-, That gives me a bretty basic list11:37
diverdudeWhy is it that the drag area for windows is SO small in ubuntu? If i want to customize the size of my window in ubuntu by dragging its edges its almost impossible to hit that very small margin where the cursor turns into a drag-cursor - so that i may drag. How can i change that and enlargen that margin?11:37
Rider_I need to know exactly what was going on last... Ubuntu's shutting itself down and I need to see why11:38
namoamitabuddhaThe wireless is bad.11:38
llutzpaulus68: how did you execute rsnapshot?11:39
namoamitabuddhaI ping the route, and 72% packets loss.11:39
namoamitabuddhaHow can I fix it?11:39
paulus68llutz: rsnapshot hourly -t and afterwards tried it again without the -t11:40
mecokieppie: That's the assertion I based my using on at least....11:40
mecousing it11:40
XOXO1hello. how can I enable wifi on command line? I tried "ifconfig wlan0 up" and "wpa_supplicant -wlan0 -Dwext -B" but it was unable to connect, altough I have wpa_supplicant.conf all set up11:40
llutzpaulus68: did you get any output when using -t?11:41
Rider_My Ubuntu shuts itself down for some reason, I need to find a way to see what's going on just before it does so I know why it's happening. Can anyone help me out? :)11:43
KitinzHello everyone11:44
paulus68llutz: echo 4194 > /var/run/rsnapshot.pid11:44
llutzpaulus68: nothing else? then you haven't configured /etc/rsnapshot.conf correct. check the "backup POints/Scripts" part11:45
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
KitinzIm not sure if this is the right place to get support for Ubuntu on ARM processor11:46
llutzpaulus68: those lines "backup   what/   /where/    options"11:46
Kitinzcan someone provide me help?11:47
paulus68llutz: understand I have there backup /home/  backup /etc/  backup /usr/local/11:48
paulus68llutz: to my opinion I should at least backup these files or am I wrong here11:48
llutzpaulus68: you have to specify "where" it should backup those things to11:48
paulus68llutz: snapshot_root/media/backup/rsnapshot/  is where I point it to11:49
=== pfsmorigo is now known as Guest30977
Rider_My Ubuntu shuts itself down for some reason, I need to find a way to see what's going on just before it does so I know why it's happening. Is there a way to view the logs from shutdown?11:50
paulus68llutz: directory is created but remains empty and no errors found in the log after I finished11:51
llutzpaulus68: change one of the backup-lines to read "backup /home/ localhost/"   and try again11:52
=== christian is now known as Guest78160
paulus68llutz: getting error that the "/usr/local/localhost/" doesn't exist11:54
KitinzIm trying to install a pre-installed Ubuntu 11.04 image into a Devkit8000 (Which is a clone of the BeagleBoard) with an ARM processor. I followed the instructions on the ubuntu wiki, extracted the image into the sd card, but when botting the board, it recognizes the kernel image but freezes at the Starting Kernel" message. Any advice about this? :D11:54
llutzpaulus68: check for typos11:55
llutzpaulus68: could you pls pastebin "grep -Ev '^#|^$' /etc/rsnapshot.conf"11:55
jaapvisserDoes anybody know a webmail package that has support for mobile browsers. Looking for an adaptive theme for reading imap mail via a mobile browser11:56
paulus68llutz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/814204/11:57
=== smog is now known as smoggy
llutzpaulus68: "backup  /home/ localhost/"  same for all line following. you already set "snapshot_root   /media/backup/rsnapshot/" so down in "backup what where" you have to specify a dir relative to it12:00
llutzpaulus68: so your backups got to "/media/backup/rsnapshot/localhost"12:00
llutzpaulus68: and make sure /media/backup/rsnapshot/ exists12:01
paulus68llutz: the media backup rsnapshot exist however I want it to go to that directory and not to /media/backup/rsnapshot/localhost12:02
DragonSlaygood eve #ubuntu12:02
paulus68llutz: what do I need to change to make it go to /media/backup/rsnapshot?12:02
llutzpaulus68: then set "snapshot_root   /media/backup/"  and "backup  /home/  rsnapshot/"12:02
diverdudeWhy is it that the drag area for windows is SO small in ubuntu? If i want to customize the size of my window in ubuntu by dragging its edges its almost impossible to hit that very small margin where the cursor turns into a drag-cursor - so that i may drag. How can i change that and enlargen that margin?12:03
shaDykhanim on ubuntu 11.10 and everytime i click on my home folder it wont open12:03
llutzpaulus68: that'll be confusing if you backup more than one host that way12:03
paulus68llutz: it's just for 1 host12:03
llutzpaulus68: then set "snapshot_root   /media/backup/"  and "backup  /home/  rsnapshot/"12:03
dlentzshaDykhan, is it on a separate partition12:03
shaDykhandlentz, the folders open when i boot with xfce12:04
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
=== Commander1024_ is now known as Commander1024
KitinzIm trying to install a pre-installed Ubuntu 11.04 image into a Devkit8000 (Which is a clone of the BeagleBoard) with an ARM processor. I followed the instructions on the ubuntu wiki, extracted the image into the sd card, but when botting the board, it recognizes the kernel image but freezes at the Starting Kernel" message. Any advice about this? :D12:05
paulus68llutz: this is the new one http://paste.ubuntu.com/814209/  with this as output echo 4245 > /var/run/rsnapshot.pid12:08
* zlszk 12:09
AdvoWorkI'm trying to mount a folder in Ubuntu, in /etc/fstab for a folder on another server on the network. Its giving: mount request denied from for /mnt/Data/FILES/NEW where .10 is the server im running the mount command in /etc/fstab and the path is on another folder. Any suggestions please?12:09
jattwhy not mounting it with the graphical interface?12:10
llutzpaulus68: and /media/backup  is on a unix-fs not on vfat/ntfs? i cannot see anything wrong in your conf, so i don't have an idea why it won't work12:11
paulus68llutz: it's on a ntfs if I am not mistaken but not certain12:12
llutzpaulus68: you cannot use ntfs for that, ntfs cannot preserve linux-permissions nor can it use hardlinks12:13
wagnorhow to disable escape sequences ? e.g. when I press escape key in a terminal with bash - I want it to immedietly send an escape, do not wait for sequence12:13
AdvoWorkjatt, prefer doing it via terminal, fixed now though12:13
paulus68llutz: can it be tested on a local hd to be certain?12:13
llutzpaulus68: sure12:13
diverdudeWhy is it that the drag area for windows is SO small in ubuntu? If i want to customize the size of my window in ubuntu by dragging its edges its almost impossible to hit that very small margin where the cursor turns into a drag-cursor - so that i may drag. How can i change that and enlargen that margin?12:14
llutzpaulus68: just point snapshot_root to any existing dir12:14
paulus68llutz: hold on it's an empty drive how do I format it to linux partition?12:15
llutzpaulus68: sudo fdisk /dev/sdX    change partition type into "linux" , then sudo mkfs.ext4 -m0 /dev/sdXY12:15
llutzpaulus68: or use gparted, but i cannot tell you how. i don't use it12:16
f13oanyone know about open source DynDNS server to recommend_12:18
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:22
paulus68llutz: how to check if this is done correclty since the folder /media/backup/rsnapshot still exists?12:22
paulus68llutz: correction didn't succeed12:23
KitinzIm trying to install a pre-installed Ubuntu 11.04 image into a Devkit8000 (Which is a clone of the BeagleBoard) with an ARM processor. I followed the instructions on the ubuntu wiki, extracted the image into the sd card, but when botting the board, it recognizes the kernel image but freezes at the Starting Kernel" message. Any advice about this? :D12:26
paulus68llutz: formatted drive to ext4 tried the same command to start rsnapshot same output as before :(12:30
paulus68llutz: do you have a working example?12:31
paulus68llutz: brb12:31
KitinzIm trying to install a pre-installed Ubuntu 11.04 image into a Devkit8000 (Which is a clone of the BeagleBoard) with an ARM processor. I followed the instructions on the ubuntu wiki, extracted the image into the sd card, but when botting the board, it recognizes the kernel image but freezes at the Starting Kernel" message. Any advice about this? :D12:33
paulus68llutz: back12:34
OerHeksHello how do i print a txt file from Nautilus ?12:36
OerHeksprinter is working, but no MENU entry anywhere12:36
llutzpaulus68: this works here since years, backing up 21 computers the same way http://pastebin.com/ufmJWdaS12:41
namoamitabuddhaMy wireless connection is unstable and slow. How can I fix it?12:42
azrielDoes anyone know where i can get an ubuntu 10.10 .iso with xfce instead of gnome?12:43
Cradamhello, i was wondering if anyone could tell me where ubuntu installs eclipse?12:43
LjLCradam: dpkg -L eclipse12:43
namoamitabuddhaar0nic: Xubuntu12:43
azriel... shoot me C:12:43
llutzazriel: http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/mirror/cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/10.10/release/12:44
azrielI don't deserve to use the internet! D,x12:44
=== microbe is now known as Guest18553
CradamLjL: hmm, those dir's dont seem to contain any binaries12:45
Cradamwell, that is the ones which actually contain just eclipse things12:45
Cradamim trying to update eclipse from 3.5 to 3.712:46
splatfishwhen I restart my computer, my network connection doesn't come up. But if I run sudo dhclient -v eth0 then it works. How can I get this working automatically when I boot? Unforunately I don't really understand how network manager works.12:46
KitinzIm trying to install a pre-installed Ubuntu 11.04 image into a Devkit8000 (Which is a clone of the BeagleBoard) with an ARM processor. I followed the instructions on the ubuntu wiki, extracted the image into the sd card, but when botting the board, it recognizes the kernel image but freezes at the Starting Kernel" message. Any advice about this? :D12:46
LjLCradam: you're right, "eclipse" is just a metapackage. try typing "which eclipse" instead12:47
Cradamhmm, it can't be just 1 binary, can it?12:47
zagibueclipse can just be extracted anywhere, it's perfectly self-contained12:48
LjLCradam: no, it's actually scattered in a number of packages12:48
LjLCradam: and what zagibu said. don't try to overwrite the Eclipse from the repositories, if you want to run the newer version, just put it in your /home12:48
zagibuI would never use eclipse from the packages...12:48
CradamLjL: ok12:48
namoamitabuddhaHow horrible it is.12:49
zagibujust dl official newest tar from homepage and put wherever you want12:49
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OerHeksHello how do i print any file from Nautilus ?12:50
f13oon the file12:50
f13o@OerHeks, right click on the file and send to printer12:50
OerHeksf13o, try it yourself, it gives no entry for printing12:51
OerHeksnor the menu on your panel12:51
paulus68llutz: this is the last part of my logfile does this seem to be correct http://paste.ubuntu.com/814239/  after running rsnapshot hourly it just went back to the next command line12:51
f13oopen the file in gedit12:51
f13oor similar text editor12:51
f13oand then12:51
llutzpaulus68: looks ok12:51
FloodBot1f13o: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:51
OerHeksf13o so i have to open 101 files before i can print it ? awesome :(12:52
f13owell, no... in that case12:52
f13oyou need to use some scripting or similar12:52
KitinzAnyone can provide me some help with installing Ubuntu in a ARM architecture?12:53
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paulus68llutz: is there a way to check that it's doing something? I mean the folder snapshot is created however no input there according to your example I have now this output http://paste.ubuntu.com/814242/12:53
llutzpaulus68: change some files, run rsnapshot hourly again, see the hourly.0/hourly.1 differences12:55
paulus68llutz: still nothing in this folder :(12:58
ryannathansLogging in to X as root may cause very serious trouble. -- why?12:59
aeon-ltdryannathans: running everything as root13:00
aeon-ltdryannathans: unneccessary risk, just use sudo and a regular account13:00
ryannathansi know13:00
ryannathansi just saw it on wiki13:00
ryannathansand was like, does stuff break13:00
ryannathansi'm aware of security implication13:00
MonkeyDusti guess windows is vulnerable for virusses, because it does everything as root13:01
llutzpaulus68: sudo apt-get install rsync13:01
paulus68llutz: already installed13:01
skilzy server is running apache and squid, I just installed squid now I can't access it just times out unless I disable the proxy in my browser, do I have to edit something?13:02
jitaWhat tool can i use to make simple rectangles or marking an image ?13:02
zagibuWindows is vulnerable for viruses, because Microsoft has contracts with Anti Virus Software Developers13:02
llutzpaulus68: you run it as root/using sudo?13:02
aeon-ltdzagibu: good conspiracy13:03
jpdszagibu: https://www.examiner.com/images/blog/EXID9341/images/TinFoilHatArea.jpg13:03
paulus68llutz: yes do you have sync_first enabled or not?13:03
MrGandoI need that for the folder /var/www when my user testuser creates a file the permissions are g+rwx and the files belong to the group www-data13:03
jribjita: gimp?13:03
MrGandoany idea of how to do this ?13:03
jitajrib, i was thinking of some basic tool13:03
llutzpaulus68: i always have it, not sure if that matters13:03
jribjita: why?13:03
jitajrib, dont have to install it13:04
jribjita: meh, I would just install gimp.  I don't know of a basic tool that's installed by default (isn't gimp installed by default?)13:04
pangolinjrib: not anymore13:05
llutzpaulus68: "rsnapshot -t daily" does it list lines like "/usr/bin/rsync -ax --delete --numeric-ids --relative ....."?13:05
llutzpaulus68: set loglevel and verbose 5    to get more outout13:06
paulus68llutz: /media/backup/snapshot/hourly.5 not present (yet), nothing to copy13:08
llutzpaulus68: ok, will change after the 7th run of hourly13:09
paulus68llutz: ok so this means that I am fine or13:13
MrGandoHey guys, how can I set the default permissions for files created inside  /var/www to be 775 ?13:14
llutzpaulus68: yep, so there is stuff backed up to "/media/backup/snapshot/hourly.?" now?13:14
jribMrGando: use ACLs13:14
MrGandojrib: ACLs ? :), could you enlighten me ?13:15
paulus68llutz: the hourly is missing here at the moment :(13:15
jribMrGando: « man setfacl », « man getfacl », « man mount » (you need to mount partitions with "acl" option)13:15
llutzpaulus68: ls -lRa /media/backup/snapshot/13:16
llutzpaulus68: "mount |grep backup"13:17
MartianBuddyhey how can i install the driver for my hp printer-scanner?13:17
paulus68llutz: /dev/sdd1 on /media/backup type ext4 (rw)13:18
bazhangMartianBuddy, what does linuxprinting.org suggest13:18
MartianBuddybazhang, whats that13:18
bazhangMartianBuddy, a database, check your printer there13:19
MartianBuddylinux standard base13:20
paulus68llutz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/814271/13:23
llutzpaulus68: sry out of ideas13:23
rijadsI have currently 3 hdds in my pc, one is 320gb, 2nd is 250gb and 3rd is 1tb, I want to make fresh install of my windows 7 to hdd that is 320gb, so i can use whole 1tb only for data, and the one that is 250gb, I want to install linux on it, whats the best way to do this13:24
rijadsI have both installation cds for ubuntu and win7, and all my data is backed up on extarnal disk, so I can format every disk.13:24
paulus68llutz: ok thanks for your help13:24
meerkatswill this work on 11.10? iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 9080 -j ACCEPT13:25
meerkatsor, is there any other way I should open my firewall for port 8090?13:26
meerkatsits for yacy13:26
paulus68llutz: We have a snapshot root under which all backups are stored. By default, this is the directory /.snapshots/. Within this directory, other directories are created for the various intervals that have been defined. In the beginning it will be empty, but once rsnapshot has been running for a week,13:31
MartianBuddyhey i try to install my hp all-in-one printer, with hp-setup but i get no ppd found error. how can i fix this?13:32
paulus68llutz: that explains it all13:33
llutzpaulus68: that'll mean it ignores snapshot_root from /etc/rsnapshot.conf? how sick is this?13:34
azrielhow can i record the sounds coming out of my computer?13:35
azrielmy computer is making the most awesome sound ever and i MUST record it13:36
paulus68llutz: it's strange I agree13:36
llutzpaulus68: where is that text from?13:36
llutzpaulus68: snapshot-Howto?13:36
azrielplease for the love of god help me with this, i have audacity but i don't have time to google this, just someone tell me13:37
paulus68llutz: http://rsnapshot.org/howto/1.2/rsnapshot-HOWTO.en.html13:37
azrielsrsly u guise13:37
mang0http://boards.4chan.org/wg/res/4528621#4529819 Can anyone help me? It's not offtopic, and it's SFW. It's to do with the equiv of rainmeter in Ubuntu.13:38
llutzpaulus68: yeah, but its overridden by setting "snapshot_root".13:38
LjLazriel: i've never done it, but http://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/Recording_audio_playing_on_the_computer has info13:38
tito_I have Fedora 16 an Ubuntu 11.10 installed on my desktop. I had two disks sda and sdb, I removed the sda (where supposedly the GRUB was), now I cannot update GRUB when ubuntu updates kernel and when I run "update-grub" in Fedora, it says command not found13:39
guest_speak up people13:39
ikoniatito_: what was on /dev/sda ?13:39
=== SouLEZ is now known as Guest91371
azrielguise come on how can i record the sounds playing out of my speakers without resorting to such faggotry as placeing the mic next to the damn speakers13:40
LjLazriel: control the language please13:40
ikoniaazriel: LjL has just given you a link13:40
tito_ikonia: no OS was on /dev/sda . I think Ubuntu had its GRUB installed on sda, Fedora had it on sdb13:40
mang0azriel: Look at the link ikonia sent you.13:40
ikoniatito_: ok, so both ubuntu and fedora are on /dev/sdb13:40
mang0LjL: sent you*13:40
ikoniatito_: correct ?13:40
tito_ikonia: yes13:40
tataHelp, what now,....my name@debian:~$13:40
azrielhold on please i just forgot how to breathe C:13:40
ikoniatito_: ok, so what you need to do is re-apply grub to the mbr of /dev/sdb13:41
ikoniatito_: can you boot ubuntu at all ?13:41
Lp63cyrobsb ??13:41
tito_ikonia: yes I can boot all OSes. When fedora updates the kernel, it comes up on the boot menu, when ubuntu updates, it does not :(13:41
Lp63slacker_HD1 ??13:42
ikoniatito_: ahhh,13:42
LjLLp63: please don't highlight people at random13:42
meerkatswill this work on 11.10? iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 9080 -j ACCEPT13:42
cyrobsbBrasil / Brasilia13:42
ikoniaLp63: what are you doing ?13:42
ikoniatito_: this is the problem with dualbooting and how grub2 works now13:42
Lp63i'm on pinguy OS based on Ubuntu13:42
ikoniatito_: ubuntu's implementation of grub2 is not useful for dual booting13:42
ikoniatito_: the best thing I can suggest (and it's not a good solution) is to install grub2 to the ubuntu partition (not disk - partition)13:43
LjLLp63: then you probably want to be in #PinguyOS13:43
ikoniatito_: and then tell fedora to chainload that grub2 if you want to use ubuntu13:43
MartianBuddyhey i get this13:43
MartianBuddyNo PPD found for model photosmart_c5100_series13:43
tito_ikonia: Okay. Thanx. And well, I'm a noob. :P13:43
Lp63<LjL>: but i still like ubuntu :p13:43
tito_ikonia: so, please tell me how to proceed13:43
ikoniatito_: does what I've said make sense ?13:43
LjLLp63: ok, just, please keep in mind this channel is for Ubuntu support, not for support of other distros or chit-chat.13:44
tito_ikonia: yes I understood the concept, but I don't know the terminal commands13:44
bonhofferif i can sftp to a server, does that mean i can scp?13:44
ikonia!grub2 > tito_13:44
ubottutito_, please see my private message13:44
Lp63LjL: but this distro has everything to do with Ubuntu...... it even has Ubuntu1 Ubuntu Software center13:45
LjLLp63: doesn't matter, it's not Ubuntu. if it's so identical to Ubuntu, then why is it not Ubuntu?13:45
ikoniatito_: the pm ubottu just sent you will explain how to put grub2 onto a disk - just change the disk to partition13:45
tito_ikonia: thanx a lot. Will try it :)13:45
MartianBuddycan someone help me with the ffff printer?13:46
tito_ubottu: thanx a ton :)13:46
ubottutito_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:46
meerkatswhat does "iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 9080 -j ACCEPT" do?13:46
Lp63LjL : the site said that it is based on Ubuntu 11.1013:46
LjLLp63: many distributions are based on Ubuntu. they are not Ubuntu.13:47
ubluntumeerkats: looks like it opens port 908013:47
MartianBuddyNo PPD found for model photosmart_c5100_series13:47
MartianBuddywhats with this?13:47
Lp63LjL: Oh ! Which version of Ubuntu r u using ?13:47
LjLLp63: Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin).13:48
oopsOkay, this is odd. LibreOffice is Randomly starting itself up. Literally Random. Theres no LibreOffice processes running after I close it. I have not crontabs so that cant be it. On top of that, I've even deleted all the configs and reinstalled and its still doing it. :S13:48
oopsCan anyone help me?13:48
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ubluntuoops: like it starts for no reason when you are doing something else ?13:48
meerkatsubluntu, is that command the same as going to firestarter - policy - allow service - 8090?13:48
bazhang https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/13166 martianbuddy13:49
bazhangah he quit13:49
ubluntumeerkats: I *think so*13:49
Lp63LjL: you mean the Beta Version ?13:49
oopsubluntu: I've observed it the most when I close teamsepak3 or come back from suspended mode.13:49
LjLLp63: yes13:49
LjLLp63: anyway let's move over to #ubuntu-offtopic so we don't clutter this channel with non-technical-support things13:50
oopsubluntu: but its done it when I've done nothing too.13:50
ubluntuoops: yea thats very weird. I have never used that program nor have I had a similar issue so i'm not sure I can help, maybe check the libreoffice website for known bugs or something ?13:50
oopsubluntu: I did but I couldn't find anything on it and other leads I've followed were dead-ends.13:51
Lp63LjL: i tied to make it into Macubuntu did u try it ? was it successful?13:51
LjLLp63: no, i didn't, i have no interest in making my Ubuntu look like a Mac...13:52
Lp63LjL: Any windows apps you use on Ubuntu with wine etc. ??13:53
LjLLp63: not usually. i find it better to look for Linux alternatives.13:53
LjLLp63: anyway again, let's move to #ubuntu-offtopic, this is not technical support we're doing.13:54
=== microbe is now known as `microbe
bonhofferis there a good ubuntu sftp client13:59
Tm_Tbonhoffer: other than the regular filemanager of yours?14:00
bonhofferTm_T, ok, so i can set up a sftp using nautilus or whatever comes on 11.10?14:00
oopsbonhoffer: filezilla all the way14:00
mortogramwitam :)14:00
geirhabonhoffer: Yes, file -> connect to server -> type: ssh ...14:00
Tm_Tbonhoffer: I would assume so, I haven't installed separate app for that for ages14:00
bonhoffergeirha, i only have sftp access . ..14:01
bonhofferno scp or ssh14:01
bonhoffercommand line is killing me14:01
oopsbonhoffer: filezilla does sftp and it works amazing.14:01
bonhofferfor sftp14:01
oopsbonhoffer: and it has a gui14:01
bonhofferfilezilla is the way to go, thanks!14:01
geirhabonhoffer: it uses sftp under the hood14:01
bonhofferthat is what i need14:01
oopsbonhoffer: just make sure to setup the connection through the site manager to make sure its using sftp14:02
oopsbonhoffer: ^_^ No prob bob.14:02
geirhabonhoffer: sftp connects via ssh and runs an sftp program on the remote end...14:02
skilzy server is running apache and squid, I just installed squid now I can't access it just times out unless I disable the proxy in my browser, do I have to edit something?14:03
mang0What's the heading for a bash script? I've forgotton14:03
LjLmang0: #!/bin/bash14:04
oopsmang0: #!/bin/bash14:04
geirhamang0: #!/usr/bin/env bash   See http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide14:04
diverdudeWhy is it that the drag area for windows is SO small in ubuntu? If i want to customize the size of my window in ubuntu by dragging its edges its almost impossible to hit that very small margin where the cursor turns into a drag-cursor - so that i may drag. How can i change that and enlargen that margin?14:05
geirhadiverdude: Hold down Alt and drag with the middle mouse button14:05
bonhoffergeirha, oops, Tm_T -- working! thanks a ton14:05
Tm_Tgood (:14:06
mang0LjL: oops geirha Thanks.14:06
oopsmang0: no prob ^_^14:06
skilzHow do I configure mailserver?14:06
geirhaoops: Your nick gets very confusing ^ :)14:07
mang0oops: Is your nick not annoying? How many times do you get pinged?14:07
oopsmany many times mang014:07
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oopsI just like to think everyone is talking about me.14:08
geirhaoops: Everytime someone makes a mistake, they're blaming you14:09
oopsgeirha: Thats okay, everybody blames me anyways. :P14:09
diverdudegeirha, that does nothing14:11
tatahome@debian:~$.....what now, how to run this???14:11
_MarcusHello, I was wondering if it was possible to use a bash script to capture everything written in a java program on Ubuntu. If this isn't the place to ask please tell me where I should14:11
geirhadiverdude: Near the edge of the window14:11
LjLtata: no idea what you mean. also this channel is about Ubuntu, not Debian14:11
studiogrynnGood day all!14:12
studiogrynnFor several days I have been struggling with a Unity issue. After installing and removing X11vnc, Unity lost several of it preferences.14:12
studiogrynnIt was failing to hold it's setting in both Unity and Unity 2D, and would boot to the desktop without unity. External disks no longer automount in nautilus and my previously hidden desktop now refuses to hide.14:12
zthi have xinerama active with dualhead (and 2 separate monitors, not clone), but whenever i play a game in fullscreen the screens becomes clones and i have to log out + log in for it to not be clones but separate again. any soloution to this in order to avoid having to relog?14:12
studiogrynnSo far I have tried: sudo Unity --reset, re-enabling the Unity plugin in ccsm, dumping and resetting (gconf, dconf, metacity, and Unity config files), purging and reinstalling (ubuntu-desktop and unity).14:13
studiogrynnI have also tried settings in gconf-editor and dconf-editor. Even though the desktop is not set to show, it does not hide.14:13
studiogrynnI have followed dozens of blog posts and forum posts to get where I am now:14:13
studiogrynnUbuntu desktop and Unity have been purged and re-installed. Unity now loads without intervention, but disks still will not show up or automount in nautilus (they do show up in dolphin) and Unity will not hold any items I add to the launcher. There could be other issues I have not yet discovered. So after 5 days of trying to fix this on my own I am reaching out to the gurus.14:13
tatadebian-ubuntu it is same14:13
LjLtata: no14:14
LjLtata: #debian for Debian support14:14
tataok thanks14:15
jribstudiogrynn: you should say what your original issue was and what exactly "followed dozens of blog posts and forum posts" entails14:15
studiogrynnjrib: original issue: Unity lost several of it preferences.14:16
studiogrynnIt was failing to hold it's setting in both Unity and Unity 2D, and would boot to the desktop without unity. External disks no longer automount in nautilus and my previously hidden destop now refuses to hide.14:16
Extinctorhi, i got a question. Does anyone have experience to set up a tunnel with the gogo6 (gogoc) Tunnelbroker in Ubuntu? I cant get it working and i tried everything i know already (including google)14:16
jribstudiogrynn: create fresh new user, does issue persist?14:16
ExtinctorI´m pretty much lost...14:17
studiogrynnjrib: I will give that a shot and report back. Thank you.14:17
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:23
oopsubottu: Hi14:23
kenwoodi'm hungry14:25
oopsSo am I, can I have a sandwich?14:25
Extinctorhi, i got a question. Does anyone have experience to set up a tunnel with the gogo6 (gogoc) Tunnelbroker in Ubuntu? I cant get it working and i tried everything i know already (including google)14:26
azariah4Hi! Is it possible to pipe two files into one?14:26
Extinctorroot@welpe-laptop:~# gogoc -n14:26
Extinctorsh: /etc/init.d//template/openbsd.sh: not found14:26
LjLazariah4: like, concatenate them?14:26
kenwoodi have nothing to eat14:26
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:26
ubluntuExtinctor: you have two // after init.d14:26
Extinctori do nothing, because you can not set any path in the config file14:27
Extinctoryou can only set "linux" "freebsd" or "openbsd"14:27
Extinctorthats why i dont know where to fix it14:27
Extinctorgoogle gave me no help :(14:27
azariah4LjL: I want todo cat file_which_will_soon_get_new_data | read -n 114:27
riccardosouth park?14:27
azariah4LjL: but for two input files14:27
ubluntuExtinctor> sh: /etc/init.d//template/openbsd.sh: not found     note the double // after init.d14:27
cordovalwhat is the command to install ImageMagick (convert)14:27
LjLubluntu: i don't think two // should cause an issue though...14:28
pangolincordoval: sudo apt-get install imagemagick14:28
LjLazariah4: hm, not sure.14:29
cordovalstill that does not install the convert14:29
sattu94Is ImageMagick OSS ?14:29
ubluntuLjL: really... ?14:29
cordovalpangolin: i have that already14:29
cordovalyeah st14:29
cordovaland i also need composite14:29
cordovalcomposite and convert14:29
cordovalfrom imagemagick14:29
LjLazariah4: perhaps you could use "merge" with a null delimiter? really though, i wouldn't know.14:30
LjLubluntu: i've just tried with a random file, it works.14:30
cordovaloh i need to include it in extension14:30
ubluntuok. thats good. just didn't think it would.14:30
cordovalyum install ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel14:30
sattu94Is ImageMagick OSS ?14:30
cordovalsattu94: yes14:30
LjLcordoval: ... yum?14:30
cordovaltrying to find the equivalent14:31
sipiorazariah4: you might have a look at the "Process Substitution" section of the bash manpage, if i understand your question correctly.14:31
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xslwhere can i find the optimal partitioning scheme for ubuntu with its options of /etc/fstab ?14:31
cordovalI got it :D14:32
studiogrynnjrib: I have created two new users - a standard and an admin. Both exhibit the same issues14:32
lenovomornin gang14:32
pok0jHi! I've got a technical question. My PC is 'getting old' and I want to change to some lightweight distro and I wonder is there truly a diffrence between a light-distro (like Crunchbang or Lubuntu) and using Ubuntu with fluxbox or openbox? Is it really more 'light'?14:33
LjLpok0j: it takes up less disk space (assuming you don't remove the "heavy" packages from Ubuntu), but otherwise, no14:33
ubluntupok0j: I use ubuntu with fluxbox and its very light / configurable14:33
azariah4LjL: sipior mkfifo /tmp/fifo; cat f1 >/tmp/fifo& cat f2 >/tmp/fifo& cat /tmp/fifo seems to work14:34
dondon_hi, my (fresh) ubuntu installation says the wired network isn't coennected eventhough it is! also the network card does not flash a light. i'm using a asrock p67 pro. any issues know?14:34
azariah4sortof the reverse of tee14:34
LjLazariah4: nice. what happens though if both files get data at roughly the same time though, i wonder?14:34
pok0jLjL: thanks!14:35
pok0jubluntu: thank you!14:35
azariah4LjL: no idea :P just messing around14:35
studiogrynnpok0k: the lightest distro I have found is puppy linux. Super fast download you can load on cd or thumb drive and boot from there for a test.14:35
dondon_the network connections works fine on the same pc in windows. i assume this is a driver problem (during ubuntu installation the network was working too)14:35
pangolindondon_: so the problem is it works?14:35
ubluntuyou could build a very very light gentoo if you wanted also pok0j14:36
oopsdondon_: Make sure your connection is tight. Maybe try plugging and unplugging the network card (if its a card)14:36
ubluntudondon_: which kernel module is it? rmmod it and modprobe it again some times that works.14:37
studiogrynnjrib: are you still with me?14:37
jribstudiogrynn: I don't know much about unity so can't suggest much more. Look for something interesting in ~/.xsession-errors14:37
studiogrynnThank you : ) will do!14:38
dondon_it worked during the installation process but after rebooting it doesn't! oops: i've tried plugging it in and out several times - but since it works in windows that can't be the problem14:38
dondon_the network card is integrated in the motherboard (asrock p67 pro)14:39
ubluntuwell is it a realtek or what ?14:39
oopsdondon_: and you're on this computer right now?14:39
sipiorazariah4: why not simply use "cat f1 f2"?14:39
ubluntudondon_: pastebin lspci | grep network14:39
ubluntudondon_: pastebin lspci | grep net14:40
azariah4sipior: I wanted 'read -n 1' to terminate as soon as one of the two files changed14:40
azariah4didn't work with cat file1 file2 | read -n 114:40
pok0jubluntu: Well, I have Sempron 2000Mhz and 1GB of RAM and my Ubuntu is running slower and slower, that's the emergency call so I'm looking for some alternative :)14:41
sipiorazariah4: use process substitution, with each file corresponding to a term like "<(cat file1 | read -n 1)"14:41
geirhaazariah4: Perhaps you want inotifywait14:42
dondon_ubluntu: http://pastebin.com/AjbjQrZx14:43
dondon_oops: no i'm using my notebook since the network does not work on the other machine. how can I find out which kernel module i'm running?14:43
auronandacepok0j: you using unity?14:44
ubluntudondon_: sudo rmmod r8169 && sudo modprobe r816914:44
nikos_join greece14:44
nikos_helo is anybody here?14:44
XouriiWhen 12.04 comes out, will I just be able to upgrade or will I have to burn a new CD for 12.04 or boot from a 12.04 USB?14:44
LjLnikos_: /join #ubuntu-gr    for greece14:45
pok0jauronandace: yes, but older one, Unity 2D14:45
bazhang!final | Xourii14:45
ubottuXourii: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.14:45
=== Jens_ is now known as quasselcore_jens
auronandacepok0j: considered using a lighter desktop?14:45
nikos_hello ho knows about pure-ftp?14:45
bazhangXourii, you can just upgrade from 11.1014:45
dondon_ubluntu: after i used your commands and deactivated+activated the network connection it did work, thanks a lot!14:46
ubluntudondon_: no problem.14:46
gbrtGuys, I do realize this is not the "right" place for it but, I was wondering if you guys could help me...  How in the name of god do I reset my NickServ password?14:46
nikos_look channel i cant create a user on pure ftp14:46
LjLgbrt: ask staff in #freenode to send a reset email14:47
gbrtOkey, thanks.14:47
pok0jauronandace: yes, lighter desktop or distro, I consider fluxbox or openbox and also I want to try out Crunchbang distro (because it uses deb/ubuntu repos)14:47
toasty95When are stable dual monitors coming ???14:48
nikos_i write the command useradd -g ftpgroup -d /home/symlal symlal  and pure-pw -u symlal -g ftpgroup -d /home/symlal14:48
auronandacepok0j: they are available on ubuntu, no need to change distro14:48
nikos_and wen i try to connect it say that its wrong passwd14:48
robertzaccourEvery time I record gameplay video with my HD-PVR the color looks all washed out. I record with 'cat /dev/video1 > whateveriwannacallit.avi any suggestions?14:49
nixmaniackHi, I'm having trouble in creating HotSpot (ad-hoc) network. It doesn't work under Gnome 3 but works in Unity.14:49
a1fahi. i have dual display monitor with ATI Open source drivers. for some reason, the active monitor wants to be the right one... how can i switch it so the left monitor is the "active"14:50
robertzaccournixmaniack: have you tried Linux Mint with Gnome 3 and Mate?14:50
nixmaniackrobertzaccour, nopes. I have this Ubuntu installed a year before. I just keep it updating14:50
pok0jauronandace: hmm, ok. for AMD Sempron LE-1250 2000Mhz it's better to use 32bit or 64bit distro?14:51
auronandacepok0j: if it supports 64bit, use 64bit14:51
toasty95anyone, I have nvidia dual monitors and only one works at a time, even with drivers14:51
derpladeehey guys can i easily play a sound from the gnome terminal?14:51
auronandacepok0j: look it up on wikipedia14:51
derpladeelike maybe a simple "beep" ?14:51
Raymond_how do i make a tar.bz2 into the executable binaries14:52
LjLRaymond_: a .tar.bz2 can contain many things, not just "executale binaries". but anyway you can decompress it by doing "tar xf filename.tar.bz2"14:52
=== Brandonian is now known as Brandonian-away
a-sainthello guys I've been having an issue while update upgrade am using last version of ubuntu upgraded from the 10.04 here's14:53
bazhanga-saint, 10.04 to what14:53
a-saintto 11.0414:54
bazhanga-saint, in two steps, right?14:54
pok0jauronandace: Thanks! I'll try to revive my PC and look for some tips to improve performance. :)14:54
a-saintbazhang not following what you mean14:55
auronandacepok0j: no worries :)14:55
pangolina-saint: you upgraded to 10.10 first and then to 11.04?14:55
bazhanga-saint, 10.04 to 10.10, 10.10 to 11.0414:55
a-saintbazhang pangolin am not sure if i upgraded to 10.10 it was a while before i plugged in my external SD14:57
pangolina-saint: leapfrogging version to upgrade is not supported and will cause issues. if that is what you did you are better off doing a clean install of 11.04 rather than trying to figure out what is broke.14:57
uncle_fungushello, I'm trying to get ubuntu-core for armel working inside a chroot environment (on an android phone). The ubuntu-core image works fine when I chroot into it, and installing a selection of apps works well too.14:57
pangolina-saint: if you do a clean install I suggest you install the 11.10 version.14:58
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=== eric is now known as Guest5593
uncle_fungusUnfortunately, after I tried to install gnome-core, the apt-get process failed at some point and has now left me with an essentially unusable system, with coreutil commands like `ls` now segfault14:59
uncle_fungusIs there any way to fix this without having to just reinstall from scratch?14:59
a-saintpangolin checking my version i do have the 11.10 http://paste.ubuntu.com/814343/15:00
uncle_fungusI can't strace (not installed), nor can I use ldd as that segaults too15:00
pangolina-saint: ok, so what issues are you having specifically?15:00
uncle_fungusls appears to work on an empty directory15:00
a-saintpangolin I paste bin it earlier15:01
toasty95can not get my xorg.conf to except dual monitor ?  Any Ideas15:01
a1fadoes anybody know how to force rammina rdp to go fullscreen on a specific monitor?15:02
a-saintpangolin http://paste.ubuntu.com/814337/15:03
pangolina-saint: I have never seen those errors before. not sure what to tell you.15:03
xgt001anyone succesffull in playing videos without any fan noise in ubuntu with catalyst?15:03
oopsalfa: goto the developers website and check their f.a.q.15:03
pangolinbazhang: you got a clue about these errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/814337/15:04
a-saintpangolin thanks anyway glad you tried15:04
a-saintbazhang it seems that my previous version was the 10.1015:05
a-saintI have written it on my cd15:05
a-saintbazhang I have tried with apt-get update --fix-missing tried autoremove then auto clean and finally settled on those errors in this pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/814337/15:08
NimeshNeemawant to establish VNC connection to my Home Ubuntu desktop from my office. I have a static IP address at home. Need help15:08
MonkeyDustNimeshNeema  you need your public ip address15:10
marceloawhere are the jaunty packages for PPA for GNU Telephony15:10
auronandacemarceloa: jaunty is no longer supported15:11
NimeshNeemaMonkeyDust: i have a static IP address. I am already able to access web server and all running at my home from anywhere.15:11
malik_hi all,15:11
NimeshNeemamalik_: hi15:11
auronandacemarceloa: even if it was, ppas aren't supported either15:12
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malik_How do i change screen resolution in Ubuntu 10.04, I just installed the 10.04 and after that the nVidia Drivers. I can not have ubuntu detect my Dell 20" LCD monitor15:12
NotSystem preferences monitors15:13
Raymond_where is a good place to extract and instal a tar.bz215:13
ikoniaRaymond_: anywhere you want15:13
malik_Monitor appears as CRT-0 and therefore no higher resolution than 1024x768 is available15:13
marceloaauronandace: what does that mean not supported15:13
marceloaI found repository for jaunty15:13
auronandace!eol | marceloa15:13
ubottumarceloa: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:13
LjLRaymond_: depends on what is *in* the .tar.bz2, as i hinted, a .tar.bz2 in itself is just a compressed archive. like a ZIP file.15:14
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malik_Not,  any idea why the OS is not detecting the monitor, or do i need to install the monitor drivers manually?15:14
scueyAlright, the unity bar is stuck open. It's in the mode where the top button "Dash Home" is a white or light grey color. I can't figure out how to toggle this. Does anyone know?15:15
marceloaubottu: I know what it means15:15
ubottumarceloa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:15
marceloaubottu: dosen't mean there isn't a repository for it15:15
ubottumarceloa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:15
marceloaah fuck15:15
LjLmarceloa: then why did you ask15:15
LjL!language | marceloa15:15
ubottumarceloa: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:15
LjLmarceloa: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/15:16
marceloacause I want a repository for PPA ?15:16
marceloaLjL: yes I have thatone15:16
marceloamaybe there is for PPA as well15:16
Raymond_LjL, broadcom 4306 drivers.tar.bz2 file15:16
marceloafor jaunty15:16
LjLmarceloa: PPA for what?15:16
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auronandacemarceloa: if it is not supported then we can't help you15:16
robertzaccourI'm completely confused on how to install this Linux driver http://www.hauppauge.com/site/support/support_hdpvr.html would it be easier to do in windows?15:16
scueyCould anyone help me with my unity question?15:16
LjLRaymond_: then drivers need to be installed in very specific places, and with much care. are you sure you know what you're doing? are you sure the card won't work with Ubuntu drivers?15:17
imbezolscuey: which version of ubuntu? i saw that often under 11.0415:17
LjLRaymond_: have you already perused https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx ?15:17
auronandacemarceloa: if you'd lie some help you'd need to use a supported release15:17
a1fagod remmina desktop is pissing me off15:18
biebI have an update from the command line question.. if I run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y, I know that the first part looks for new packages, the second part installs the new packages automatically, since I used the -y switch. Is there an additional switch that can be used to reboot the machine if necessary? I want to run the update from a cron job, this is for a kiosk at work.15:18
scueyimbezol: oneiric15:18
a1faanybody know how to force remmina desktop to go fullscreen in a specific monitor15:18
hemanshucan anyone help me how to install itunes on ubuntu?15:18
auronandace!itunes | hemanshu15:18
ubottuhemanshu: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee15:18
imbezolscuey: ah. i'm sure there's a solution because it seems to do it all the time. i don't use unity myself15:18
hemanshuoh yeah i know about that but i need to sync it with my iphone15:19
auronandace!iphone | hemanshu15:19
ubottuhemanshu: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod15:19
NimeshNeemai am using vino as the VNC server. How do i know whether it is running ???15:19
scueyimbezol: OK, but you don't know it. I'll keep searching. :)15:19
ubluntuNimeshNeema: ps aux | grep vino15:20
biebhemanshu: you can do it with WINE..15:20
imbezolNimeshNeema: "ps auxw | grep vino" or netstat -upntv | grep 590015:20
Raymond_LjL, yes i have read the website. i have tried the firmwareb43installer for natty from packages.ubuntu.com, it doesnt work. i think its a matter of turning on the pci card itself.15:20
imbezolNimeshNeema: probably a good start but you can check the docs too.. might be a log you can check15:20
NimeshNeemaimbezol: can you please point me to the docs ?15:20
NimeshNeemayou mean man pages ?15:20
imbezolNimeshNeema: never used vino15:21
NimeshNeemaimbezol: :-( i can't find the man pages15:21
LjLRaymond_: ok. well generally, you extract a .tar.bz2 like that into your home somewhere, then you "make" (compile) the program, and then you "make install" to install it in the appropriate places. you can also use "checkinstall" to be able to remove it later. note that this is all done outside of Ubuntu's packaging system, so it can break things.15:21
PseudoephedrineHi, im just curious where i can download some fonts for Ubuntu and how i go about installing them?15:21
LjLPseudoephedrine: there are several fonts in the repositories, "apt-cache search font" will show a lot15:22
LjLPseudoephedrine: especially "apt-cache search ttf"15:22
PseudoephedrineLjL: Awesome thanks!15:23
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Raymond_LjL, would a .deb file work better15:24
LjLRaymond_: yes, it would generally be better.15:24
hemanshuthanks ubottu will check it out15:24
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PseudoephedrineLjL: After i apt-get the font i want.. does it install automatically and is it able to use straight away?15:26
LjLPseudoephedrine: it should yes15:26
wdonkeyhow the hell do you setup a LAN between two Ubuntu computer  ?15:28
wdonkeyi tryed that ad-hoc thing, didnt work out that great15:28
MonkeyDustwdonkey  both computers must be in the same network, you can then use ssh15:28
NimeshNeemawdonkey: were you using a straight cable ?15:28
wdonkeythey're on the same network15:29
a-sainthello, what is samba 4 can i safely remove and reinstall ?15:29
NimeshNeemawdonkey: you need an access point15:29
monnyguys help why i cant connect to  any webpage , only can connect with ip address , for example- typing www.google.com canno't connect , when i type i can connect15:29
ikoniaa-saint: it is a file sharing protocol to enable interactions with windows machines15:29
LjLNimeshNeema: not necessarily, ad-hoc mode doesn't require access points15:29
wdonkeyi would like this to work the right way, but i  could live with the fact i have to wire them together15:29
ikoniamonny: dns not setup / working15:30
biebI have an update from the command line question.. if I run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y, I know that the first part looks for new packages, the second part installs the new packages automatically, since I used the -y switch. Is there an additional switch that can be used to reboot the machine if necessary? I want to run the update from a cron job, this is for a kiosk at work.15:30
monnyikonia how i can fix it ?15:30
NimeshNeemaLjL: how can i setup ad-hoc wireless connection between two ubuntu comps ?15:30
a-saintikonia thanks15:30
reloa206Hai guys, what is the best alternative for Visual basic in linux? I want to do a project in native linux!15:30
MonkeyDustwdonkey  first try the network with a normal cable, then try wireless15:30
ikoniamonny: what's in /etc/resolv.conf15:30
ikoniareloa206: there isn't one15:30
ikoniamonny: that's the issue15:30
pioneerhello can you help me. then im using ubuntu or xubuntu live cd i can chose any resolution of montior but after instaliation i cant chose resolution more than 800*600 sorry for my english15:30
monnyhow to fix it ?15:31
ikoniamonny: put the line "nameserver x.x.x.x" where name server is the ip address of your dns server15:31
ikoniamonny: do what I just said15:31
wdonkeyMonkeyDust: the router is kinda far underneath the house, are you talking about wirering the computer together or wirering them both to the router ?15:31
LjLNimeshNeema: not sure, i don't have wifi on the Ubuntu computer, but i thought Network Manager had an ad-hoc option. if not, "wireless_mode adhoc" in /etc/network/interfaces15:31
MonkeyDustwdonkey  i meant to the router15:32
PseudoephedrineLjL: how can i manually install a font?15:32
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LjL!font | Pseudoephedrine15:32
ubottuPseudoephedrine: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/15:32
wdonkeycan't be done easily15:32
wdonkeyMonkeyDust: any other option ?15:32
PseudoephedrineLjL:  thanks15:32
wdonkeyi dont want to share printers, only files15:32
monnyikonia my etc folder is empty15:32
ikoniamonny: not what I said15:33
ikoniamonny: /etc/resolv.conf15:33
LjLwdonkey: maybe this is not relevant and you already know it, but aside from putting your interfaces into ad-hoc mode, you will also need to manually give them correct IPs, since DHCP won't be served...15:33
monnyikonia /etc/resolv.conf where i can find it ?15:33
wdonkeyLjL: its relevant thanks15:33
MonkeyDustmonny  type cat /etc/resolv.conf15:34
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ikoniamonny: in /etc15:34
ikoniamonny: I asked you to tell me what was in the file /etc/resolv.conf and you said "nothing" so - you must know where it is15:34
monnywhere i can find this etc?15:34
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monnymy etc folder is empty15:35
ikoniamonny: when I asked you to see what was in that file and you told me "nothing" what did you do to check the file as I asked15:35
LjLmonny: no it's not15:35
LjLmonny: type "ls /etc" and you'll see it's not15:35
MonkeyDustmonny  are you familiar with the terminal?15:36
monnyD:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc this folder i's clear my english is bad :(15:36
ikoniaoh come on15:36
ikoniamonny: are you using ubuntu ?15:36
monnycan you speak in russian15:36
MonkeyDustmonny  you're working in windows15:36
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:36
wdonkeyLjL: what would a correct ip be ?15:36
scueyimbezol: Well, my solution for now is "killall unity-2d-launcher" ...that will do for now.15:37
monnywhat was is unbutu ?15:37
LjLwdonkey: depends on what IPs you are already using for your other LAN (i assume you have one?) you could use 192.168.0.x or 10.0.0.x15:37
daxumonny:if you use windows ,you can use arp -d15:37
reloaded__ikonia: I want to make simple project in linux , like , A GUI app for recording  data into a database (RDBMS))15:37
ikoniareloaded__: there isn't anything like VB15:37
ikoniamonny: you are currently using Microsoft Windows yes/no ?15:37
monnyikonia yes15:37
ikoniamonny: ok - this channel is not for you15:38
DMTarmeyhello i have tried to duel boot two linux os ubuntu and fuduntu but fuduntu have over written grub 2 with its own and i cant load ubuntu anymore15:38
monnywhat was is unbutu is something new ?15:38
LjLikonia: "gambas" is pretty much like VB15:38
MonkeyDustwdonkey  in a terminal, type dig|grep SERVER15:38
ikoniamonny: this channel support Ubuntu Linux Operating System15:38
wdonkeyLJL : so i go into ipv4 settings and chose manual, then add lets say?15:38
ikoniamonny: try "/join ##windows" for Microsoft Windows help15:38
ikoniaLjL: Hmmm, maybe, I guess15:38
monnyikonia thanks15:38
LjLwdonkey: yes for example. if you use 192.168.0.x, then give a netmask of
reloaded__ikonia: then how to make a app that use sql data base in ubuntu15:39
ikoniareloaded__: well, LjL suggested Gambas15:39
a-saintam having this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/814386/ related to samba 4 any idea how to fix this it's been causing me trouble updating packages15:39
LjLikonia, reloaded__: yes, and Gambas does offer SQL support15:39
reloaded__ikonia: which lang is used to create app in gambas15:39
LjLreloaded__: a flavor of BASIC15:40
ikoniaa-saint: that looks like you've tried to configure samba and not finished it15:40
reloaded__LjL: can I use any other lang like c++?15:40
wdonkeyLjL: shall i check the available to all user square ? it is by default on my 11.10 but not on my 11.0415:40
a-saintikonia I never messed with samba15:40
ikoniaa-saint: someone has15:41
ikoniareloaded__: c++ is available on Linux sure15:41
mneptokreloaded__: the language you are going to need to know, without a doubt, is SQL. do you already know it?15:41
wdonkeyand thanks MonkeyDust im not ignoring you, im glad i get some help for this15:41
DMTarmeyhi can anyone tell me how to repair broken book loader15:41
a-saintikonia lets say in a way I did "just saying" how can i fix this15:41
ikoniaa-saint: configure it properly or remove it15:42
LjLwdonkey: i'm afraid i don't know what that is, but i *suppose* it's just to tell NetworkManager whether to use it for when other people log in too, in that case, that's your choice15:42
reloaded__ikonia: but I dont know? This is my starting15:42
ikoniareloaded__: then if you don't know, you have to learn it15:42
wdonkeyLjL: so ok, i've created that wireless connection, but when i try  connecting onto it, it disconnects me from my router and from internet15:43
a-saintikonia ok thanks I will try and reinstall it15:44
reloaded_ikonia: I have  no problem to learn a new lang15:44
LjLwdonkey: uh well, i can't say i'm too familiar with NetworkManager at all, but... you do have it clear that you can't use a single wireless card to stay connected to two different networks?15:44
monnyi kill my dog what i need to do , to fix it ?15:45
LjLmonny: no trolling, kthx15:45
wdonkeyLjL: i guess i am now15:45
LjLmonny: next time you will get a ban. stick to Ubuntu support.15:45
reloaded_ikonia: I created a simple project in VB using ms access as database15:45
ikoniareloaded_: how is that relevant ?15:45
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monnyLjL can you help with windows operatins system ?15:46
ikoniamonny: you've been told ##windows15:46
LjLmonny: no15:46
ikoniamonny: you are in that channel and you are asking for help - get help there15:46
LjLwdonkey: it might or might not be possible (i don't know) with some cards and drivers to connect to two different SSIDs that are *on the same channel*, but i have no idea how to go about doing that, or even 100% sure it's actually possible15:46
MonkeyDustmonny  type /join ##windows15:46
ikoniaMonkeyDust: he's already there15:46
ikoniaand asking15:46
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DMTarmeyhi can anyone tell me were i might get help with book loader issues15:48
wdonkeyLjL: alright, thanks for this. ill be right back15:48
llutzDMTarmey: boot-loader you mean?15:48
valerie_Hi guys, where is wlan0 ( WiFi ) configuration file located? I know eth0 is configured in /etc/network/interfaces , but where is wlan015:48
ikoniavalerie_: same place15:49
DMTarmeyllutz yes15:49
llutz!details | DMTarmey15:49
ubottuDMTarmey: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:49
gebbionehi all, i am having a strange problem where fstub does not mount my hardisks after removing one of them. At start up mount fails on the hardisks still connected15:49
deadlytacklerhi can somebody guide me how to add "acpi_pm_good" in kernel15:49
gebbionehas anyone got a suggestion that could help fixing this?15:49
valerie_ikonia: do you have a wifi card in your computer ? - because I cannot see anything about wlan0 though my card works?15:50
DMTarmeyllutz im running ubuntu 11.10  hello i have tried to duel boot two linux os ubuntu and fuduntu but fuduntu have over written grub 2 with its own and i cant load ubuntu anymore15:50
mang0!grub | DMTarmey15:50
ubottuDMTarmey: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:50
ThePendulumIt seems like Chrome for Ubuntu doesn't load fonts as set in a stylesheet, but Firefox does. Does someone know the source of this issue?15:50
xgt001deadlytackler, dont tell me you want it for saving battery life?15:50
LjLvalerie_: Ubuntu currently uses NetworkManager, so there may not be anything about your cards in /etc/network/interfaces, although it's still possible to use that file to override NetworkManager15:50
MonkeyDustvalerie_  you may need wpa_supplicant for wifi15:50
deadlytacklerno I am having trouble in logging in to my system 'coz of PM timer bug15:51
mang0I'm running with xfce, and I want to install a theme. What sort of theme do I need? GTK2? GTK3? XFCE? From http://www.xfce-look.org.15:51
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Raymond_is a tar.bz2 a source file15:52
ikoniaRaymond_: it can contain source files, yes15:52
NimeshNeemaNeed suggestion... Twitter Client for Ubuntu. Something comparable to Tweet Deck. Already tried Gwibber and Gwibber Lens.15:52
ikoniaRaymond_: it is a compressed archive file15:52
ikoniaRaymond_: I believe LjL told you this already15:53
robertzaccourwould anyone here be able to help me with reverting my hd pvr firmware to a previous version that is more Linux compatible? http://www.hauppauge.com/site/support/support_hdpvr.html15:53
OerHeksNimeshNeema, i use the tweetdeck plugin in chromium15:53
ikoniarobertzaccour: what are you stuck with ?15:53
NimeshNeemaOerHeks: Just landed on the same app15:53
NimeshNeemathanks anyways15:53
deadlytackler@xgt001 i want to disable the workaround15:53
mang0NimeshNeema: I'm interested in what you use. Let me know15:53
mang0tweet deck?15:53
NimeshNeemamang0: Use Chrome App15:54
robertzaccourikonia: I have no idea how to install the driver after downloading the link. there's no clear instructions and clicking my way around didn't work.15:54
mang0Righto, I'll have a look NimeshNeema .15:54
crolaxIs there a specific reason why Unity 3D is a slideshow on an AMD gpu?15:54
xgt001deadlytackler, may be recompiling the kernel is the way to go15:54
IbisAnyone know of a software I can use to know if my router supports gigabit speed?15:54
NimeshNeemamang0: shure....15:54
aquinorcd_Hi, I am testing Linux and need help to fix a boot problem Can anyone help me15:54
DMTarmeyubottu im using a mix os fedora mix ubuntu called fuduntu and im not sure how to use terminal commands with this15:54
ubottuDMTarmey: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:54
xgt001crolax, install the latest unity, turn on vsync in ccsm15:54
mang0!ask | aquinorcd_15:54
ubottuaquinorcd_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:54
teh_augmenterIbis: I would look up the router in Google and see if what the specs read15:55
LjLDMTarmey: ask in their support channel or forum, we can't help you with things that aren't Ubuntu here15:55
Ibisaquinorcd_: Specifically state what you're experiencing please. (Boot problem can be caused by many things)15:55
Ibisteh_augmenter: But mines doesn't tell me if it can do gigabit or not.15:55
crolaxxgt001, I have the latest unity + prop. drivers; Unity 2D is perfect, 3D games work perfect too. Unity (3D) is just crap15:55
teh_augmenterIbis: what is the router model?15:55
crolaxxgt001, how would enabling vsync in ccsm help?15:55
IbisI only know that it's a Netgear WPN824v3.15:56
DMTarmeyLjL im asking here because i was only trying it and there dosnt seem to be anyone on there support channel and i need to access my ubuntu to do somwe work15:56
teh_augmenterIbis: I put DD-WRT on mine so there is more information available on the router15:56
ikoniarobertzaccour: what is in the file you downloaded ?15:56
mneptokIbis: Netgear's site doesn't tell you? really?15:56
aquinorcd_I am having a busy box v1.18.4 Ubuntu 1:1.18.4-2 Ubuntu2 built-in shell (ash) (initramfs) message. Then the boot locks out. I tried to work on the grub but it does not recognize it15:56
xgt001crolax, ok basically on my laptop if i run unity with ac power i get it done properly, i had seen some bugfixes hey wait15:56
deadlytackler@xgt001 fine will try to recompile.  is there any option to go to kernel file and edit it from terminal15:57
Ibismneptok: It only provides me documentations on how to set it up and trouble shooting. Nothing about speed in megabits.15:57
PseudoephedrineCan i use a PFB on linux somehow??15:57
LjL!restoregrub | DMTarmey, try following this15:57
ubottuDMTarmey, try following this: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub15:57
teh_augmenterIbis: looks like its only 10/100M which means it is not gigabit15:57
xgt001crolax, so sorry there is a ppa (don remember the exact name) but it is specifically with amd fixes :) google out15:57
teh_augmenterIbis: dd-wrt.com15:57
crolaxxgt001, a ppa for unity?15:57
xgt001crolax, a ppa for unity with workarounds for amd issues,15:58
ikoniarobertzaccour: I've just looked at the contents of that file and it doesn't appear to contain any Linux compatible files (or mac for that matter)15:58
teh_augmenterIbis: you search your model number and get instructions. DD-WRT is a linux firmware for routers enabling more advanced settings15:58
valerie_LjL and MonkeyDust thanks15:58
teh_augmenterIbis: Its pretty sweet, if you have roommates or similar you can control bandwidth between them through a Quality Of Service (QOS) Setting15:59
Gentoo64Ibis: you wont need custom firmware to see if your router can do gigabit :s15:59
mneptokFive 10/100 (1 internet, and 4 LAN)15:59
mneptokports equipped with auto-sensing15:59
aquinorcd_Ubottu  thank you.15:59
mneptokIbis: http://kbserver.netgear.com/datasheets/enus_ds_wpn824_13mar07.pdf16:00
crolaxxgt001, ah, no thanks, that will probably introduce more problems than it'll solve :)16:00
xgt001crolax, my apologies for not remembering the name , i had read it somewhere, sometime back, i am on arch now16:00
teh_augmenterGentoo64: already told them. Its only 10/100M aka not gigabit16:00
mneptokIbis: i found that in less than 3 minutes. your Google-fu needs time at the dojo.16:00
xgt001crolax, it fixed the slideshow issue for me actually16:00
teh_augmentermneptok: ditto lol - 2 second google fu16:00
crolaxxgt001, you know if Gnome Shell works with AMD cards on Arch?16:00
Gentoo64crolax: bit vague16:01
Gentoo64if its a modern amd card it will16:01
pangolinask in #archlinux16:01
teh_augmentercrolax: Arch works with anything, lol. Its Arch. All about your setup, join #archlinux16:01
Ibismneptok: Lol, I landed on a different netgear page that only had firmware and documentation on how to set it up. :'(16:01
crolaxGentoo64, no modern AMD card works with Gnome Shell when using non-open drivers on Ubuntu afaik16:01
IbisThanks anyway.16:01
Gentoo64crolax: it should16:02
IbisLooks like I won't be getting 1000Mbits.16:02
crolaxGentoo64, I know it should, but it doesn't ;)16:02
teh_augmentercrolax: wht card is it?16:02
crolaxteh_augmenter, HD4850 on my desktop, HD5450m in my laptop16:03
rabbi1my pidgin status doesn't change to Available from Away after when I come back ... ? confused ..16:03
Gentoo64crolax: ive had a 4870 before and it ran gnome shell16:03
administartorhow to change IRC?16:03
Gentoo64that 4850 is more than powerful enoughj16:03
=== administartor is now known as koll
teh_augmentercrolax, I have an HD5770 in my desktop. No issues. hmmmmm16:03
crolaxGentoo64, I know it's powerful enough, it's just that the non-open drivers give corruption all over the place with Gnome Shell16:04
teh_augmentertype /join #channel16:04
Gentoo64koll: the client? or the xchannel16:04
crolaxteh_augmenter, what drivers do you use? (I'm talking about Gnome Shell btw, not Unity)16:04
teh_augmentercrolax, I don't use unity either. I just use the file from AMD that you have to sudo bash16:05
Gentoo64crolax: not sure why its giving corruption, do you even need the prop drivers/16:05
Ibiskoll: What do you mean by "Change IRC"?            Is that to go to another IRC Network?             Or to join another Channel? (Channel meaning chatroom, such as #Ubuntu, #Freenode, ##hardware)16:05
IbisOr you want to use another IRC chat client other than Xchat?16:05
crolaxGentoo64, prop. drivers are needed to play games, but most importantly: power consumption is way lower with prop. drivers16:05
teh_augmenterIbis, I think he already left16:05
teh_augmenterIbis,  yup16:05
Gentoo64crolax: ah i didnt kno you wanted games16:06
IbisRight after I said something.16:06
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crolaxGentoo64, I don't play games16:06
teh_augmenterwonder whats in there16:06
IbisLOL @ #SOPA16:06
crolaxteh_augmenter, yeah, I used that file from AMD too (it has an option to create .deb files, that's what I used)16:06
Ibisteh_augmenter: You go there, and have a look for us and report back...16:06
IbisAssuming if you make it. *giggles*16:06
teh_augmenterIbis, 344 users and no activity16:07
emmait's a honeypot set by the RIAA16:07
teh_augmenteremma, lol16:07
emmathey will put you on The List16:07
teh_augmenteremma, watch out they're after us16:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:07
crolaxteh_augmenter, so you get no corruption when using the drivers from AMD with your HD5770 in Gnome Shell?16:07
d3ngarI seem to have a major problem with my laptop monitor: it doesn't show anything. It is connected and recognised though. Once Ubuntu boots, I can see stuff on the second screen16:08
teh_augmentercrolax, what kind of curroption are you talking about? video distortion?16:08
HexaditidomHaving problems connecting to the internet. Followed this http://sourceforge.net/projects/ath9k-htc/ , but I'm unsure what to do next. How do I get my usb wifi adapter to appear in ifconfig?16:09
crolaxteh_augmenter, basically this: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-gnome-maintainers/attachments/20110629/8afa9f76/attachment-0001.png16:09
AFDis there a way to have empathy chat logs backed up to ubuntuone?16:09
AFDI would like them synced between machines16:10
teh_augmentercrolax, gnome 3 - I bet if you used arch your gnome would work. They're still on gnome 2 some revision iirc16:10
crolaxAFD, you can link the log folder to a folder in your Ubuntu One folder16:10
Gentoo64teh_augmenter: gnome 2 is gone ages ago16:11
crolaxteh_augmenter, Gnome 3 is much more productive for me...16:11
teh_augmenterGentoo64, if it aint broke don't fix it16:11
talexbI'm on Ubuntu 11.10 and trying to enable the Remote Desktop. And failing. I have no System menu, and don't see anything helpful in the Applications -> Other menu.16:11
FSKgood day!16:11
Gentoo64you have to move to gnome 3 unless you want outdates system16:11
talexbI'd love to be able to see the System menu again ..16:11
crolaxtalexb, press the Windows key (next to Control-key) and type  "Remote"16:11
talexbhttp://ubuntugenius.wordpress.com/2011/10/17/ubuntu-11-10-upgrade-missing-your-system-menu-preferences-administration-launchers/ doesn't help me.16:11
Gateway`hello guys, here is one the rules that I set on the gateway server : iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $ilan -s -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 312816:12
teh_augmentercrolax, try opening up about 15GB for arch and sharing the home partition with ubuntu, your files will be located in the same spot and you can give it a shot16:12
talexbcrolax, Nothing happened.16:12
crolaxteh_augmenter, I've ran Arch for some time, still prefer Ubuntu's package system16:12
Gateway`normally all machines having an ip address between and have to pass by the squid server16:12
crolaxtalexb, did you install the default Ubuntu 11.10 desktop version?16:13
FSKi'm sorry to disturb but does anybody use backtrack?16:13
LjL!backtrack | FSK16:13
ubottuFSK: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition16:13
MonkeyDustFSK  type /join #backtrack-linux16:13
talexbcrolax, I moved to the Gnome classic -- couldn't make head or tail out of Ubuntu One or whatever it was called.16:13
onelineri guess with the new .15 generic all the people with realtek woes are going to return here for more, can someone update the realtek pains blog entry to reflect dkms usage?16:13
FSKthanks MonkeyDust16:13
talexbcrolax, I have Applications and Places menus. I restarted my machine after the last update and I'm trying to restart the Remote Desktop thing.16:14
crolaxtalexb, Ubuntu One is a file-syncing service, you're looking for "Unity"; I first didn't like Unity too, but then I saw it works a lot faster16:14
AFDcrolax: ~/.local/share/TPlogger/logs has the conversations stored from Empathy... are they not encrypted or something? will it "just work"?16:14
crolaxAFD, give it a try16:14
Gateway`can somebody help please ?16:14
Gentoo64crolax: how long have you been getting screen corruption for?16:14
teh_augmentercrolax, that kind of corruption is probably the most annoying thing I've seen. is this a desktop?16:14
Gentoo64crolax: and when did you move from open to prop driver16:14
Gateway`or just give me his opinion about what I've said16:14
rabbi1my pidgin status doesn't change to Available from Away after when I come back ... ? confused ..16:15
teh_augmentercrolax, what output are you using? what resolution, refresh rate, etc16:15
crolaxGentoo64, teh_augmenter, got the corruption the minute I started using Gnome 3 Shell + fglrx16:15
teh_augmentercrolax, might be a driver issue with the refresh rate.16:15
Gentoo64crolax: sounds like some forumware issue, ive had similar before moving from nouveau to nvidia. leabe the prop driver on. power off the pc and turn the plug off16:15
crolaxteh_augmenter, I think it's an issue independent of those things; the screenshot I showed you was just from a quick Google16:15
Gentoo64crolax: then hold the power button down for few secs to drain the power, and try again16:16
Gentoo64it might sort it16:16
crolaxGentoo64, I doubt that will do anything16:16
talexbcrolax, Right, Unity. Didn't make sense to me. Gnome is fine, but I can't figure out what menu will allow me to enable remote desktop. I had it on before.16:16
Gentoo64crolax: try it16:16
teh_augmentercrolax, Gentoo64, it clears the resisters on the motherboard, it actually does do something16:16
talexbI'll do it from the command line if necessary.16:16
Gentoo64it fully drains the power yes16:16
teh_augmentercrolax, it also will clear out the resistors on the video card too16:16
sweeetWireless problem: Before I can start to use WiFi with my USB-dongle I need to issue the command "sudo ip link set wlan0 up". How come this has te be done upon every reboot?16:17
Gentoo64capacitors you mean :)16:17
teh_augmenterGentoo64, yeh mb16:17
talexbteh_augmenter, You probably mean caps (capacitors), not resistors.16:17
teh_augmenterGentoo64, I've only ever tried that on a laptop16:17
crolaxtalexb, really, Unity works a lot faster; but you can always do Alt+F2 and run "vinagre"16:17
tortibhow do I add a static IP address to my eth0?  I edited /etc/network/interfaces with this article i found but it caused my network interfaces to no longer come up when i ran /etc/init.d/networking restart16:17
tortibsorry static ipv6 IP16:17
psychognitesweet u cn make this run fstab file16:17
Explodingpiglets.ns identify sagittariusahasaneventhorizonthatmeasuresinlightyears16:17
Gentoo64well the screen corruption happened to me like i said, going from nouveau to nvidia16:17
Gentoo64and i drained the power and it sorted it16:18
Gateway`is there a channel that can help with iptables issues ?16:18
crolaxGateway`, #networking16:18
LjLGateway`: #netfilter16:18
LjLi guess16:18
Gateway`crolax, thanks16:18
teh_augmenterGentoo64, when you do that on a desktop do you have to switch off the power supply?16:18
crolaxteh_augmenter, I know that it does something, but not something that would help resolve this16:18
d3ngarHelp, my laptop's screen is dead during boot and even thereafter!16:18
Gentoo64no juts unplug it or turn the wall switch off16:18
d3ngarWhat can I do?16:18
teh_augmenterGentoo64, like I said, only did that on a laptop16:18
teh_augmenterGentoo64, that works16:19
teh_augmentercrolax, its worth a try imo, that limits it to strictly software after that16:19
teh_augmentercrolax, it could be mixed data in the card, that should clear it out16:19
crolaxteh_augmenter, well, for the sake of completeness I'll give it a try16:19
teh_augmentercrolax, only should take a minute anyway16:20
teh_augmentercrolax, I g2g now, wish you luck!16:21
tortibhow do I add a static ipv6 IP address to my eth0?  I edited /etc/network/interfaces with this article i found but it caused my network interfaces to no longer come up when i ran /etc/init.d/networking restart16:21
housamhow r u16:21
d3ngarwhere does Ubuntu 11.10 store the xorg.conf nowadays?16:21
Gentoo64d3ngar: it doesnt it autodetects16:21
LjLd3ngar: still /etc/X11 as always, it's just empty by default16:21
Gentoo64d3ngar: you can manually add one and it overrides16:22
Gentoo64tortib: use network manager16:23
tortibI don't have physical access to the box16:23
Gentoo64tortib: mhm hang on16:23
Gentoo64i got one in a vm16:23
Gentoo64to paste16:23
d3ngarGentoo64: Any idea why my network main screen wouldn't work all of a sudden? It seems to be discovered correctly16:24
d3ngarI can't seem to enable it though and after the boot splash screen (even before the grub menu) it turns black16:25
Gentoo64tortib: http://dpaste.com/692368/16:25
golfhalla kann mir jemandt eine gute soundkarte sagen16:25
LjL!de | golf16:26
ubottugolf: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:26
Gentoo64d3ngar: no idea :s16:27
jd_user_23234ıs there any command line app which prints the process id from the window id ?16:29
pip__hi, I'm running 11.10 mini + Ice WM on a Crusoe 1GHz cpu.  How does this work?  I thought the Crusoe was i586 & nothing after 10.04 would work properly.  Not that I'm complaining as it works quite well.  My next question would be: Would it be worth going back to 10.04? (although I'd only get one more year of support)16:29
scoateshello. on 11.04-server, when I have a (virtual) machine crash (without a proper shutdown), grub stalls at the menu. Is there an easy way for me to make grub just load the default kernel, always?16:29
d3ngarMaybe it's a Kernel update related issue?16:29
d3ngarHow can I select the default Kernel to boot?16:30
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premutos1980guten abend kennt sich jemandt mit soundkarten aus16:32
Gentoo64premutos1980: #ubuntu-de16:32
Gentoo64d3ngar: im not sure with grub2.. in grub1 its /boot/grub/menu.lst16:33
gammaxHello all, My wireless will not work as it says wireless is daed by hardware switch. There is a hardware switch but it is controlling the bluetooth... ?sabl16:33
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:33
tortibhow do I add a static ipv6 IP address to my eth0?  I edited /etc/network/interfaces with this article i found but it caused my network interfaces to no longer come up when i ran /etc/init.d/networking restart16:33
Gentoo64tortib: i pasted mine...16:33
d3ngarOkay, I want to uninstall the latest kernel update16:33
Gentoo64mine works16:33
Gentoo64tortib: http://dpaste.com/692368/16:33
tortibGentoo64: oh i didn't see it, can you paste the url again16:33
d3ngarUsing Synaptic, is it right to remove all the linux-generic package?16:34
Gentoo64d3ngar: whats the actual problem?16:34
tortibGentoo64: and that works whenever you do /etc/init.d/networking restart ?16:34
Gentoo64tortib: yes16:34
tortibok thanks16:34
d3ngarThe laptop's main screen does not work. It's recognised, but I can't use it16:35
d3ngarGentoo64: pretty useless for a laptop16:35
d3ngarGentoo64: I need to take it later and I can't even boot into recovery16:35
Gentoo64you could do it from livecd16:35
Gentoo64whatever it is you want to do16:35
d3ngarGentoo64: because as soon as the BIOS boot sequence is over, the GRUB menu is not displayed16:35
d3ngarGentoo64: I think of using Synaptic to remove the last Kernel update 3.0.0-1516:36
d3ngarAnd just use and earlier version that worked16:36
Gentoo64hm i really dont know16:36
d3ngarI try my luck16:36
scoatesah, I see. in /etc/grub.d/00_header16:37
jd_user_23234 ıs there any command line app which prints the process id from the window id ?16:38
roadfishwhat low level libraries do system monitors use to get the download-rate?16:38
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mang0Is it possible to get mounted volumes off my desktop?16:41
MonkeyDustmang0  you need gnome-tweak-tool16:42
mang0MonkeyDust: K, thanks.16:42
mang0!info gnome-tweak-tool > mang016:42
MonkeyDustmang0  make that Advabced Settings16:42
mang0MonkeyDust: eh?16:42
=== milind is now known as abyss42
savantHi all16:47
savantI'm planning on using 11.10 on an AWS instance, and was wondering if python is installed by default or if I have to install it manually16:47
CyberDawg!info gnome-tweak-tool > CyberDawg16:47
savantjust doing some preplanning for server installation16:47
auronandacesavant: 2.7 is there by default16:48
savantah sweet, so no extra song and dance?16:48
savantwhat about pip?16:48
samrathow do i edit the grub menu?16:48
auronandacesavant: no idea what pip is16:49
savantit's a dependency management tool for python packages16:49
mang0eugh! I just entered root nautilus with gksudo nautilus, and it changed my wallpaper back to default ubuntu (purple thingy stuff). I can't seem to change it back!16:49
auronandacesavant: unless it is part of python 2.7 i doubt its there16:50
daulityhow do i set a network interface to share? like shared to other computers16:50
savantauronandace: had someone check for me, apparently not16:51
savantauronandace: thanks for your help though :)16:51
samratwhere can I find grub menu.lst?16:51
samratplease help16:51
LjLsamrat: GRUB2 doesn't use menu.lst16:51
AlanBell!ics | daulity16:52
ubottudaulity: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing16:52
auronandacesamrat: that is part of grub legacy in /boot/grub16:52
d3ngarsamrat: It's now /boot/grub/grub.cfg16:52
jnylenhi all, what program on my ubuntu 10.10 system is stealing the key combination Mod4+x (win+x)?16:52
jnylenhow can I find that out?16:52
mega2on server10.04 how do i list all drives16:52
auronandacesamrat: grub2 uses grub.cfg, which you're not meant to edit directly16:53
LjLmega2: sudo lshw -C disk16:53
samratauronandace: how do I edit it then?16:53
auronandacesamrat: instead you edit the files in /etc/grub.d16:53
LjLor just /etc/default/grub for some things16:53
d3ngarauronandace: Can I somehow force to load a different kernel?16:54
mang0How do I restart nautilus?16:54
d3ngarauronandance: I don't know if you read my earlier messages, but I have a major problem with my screen16:54
auronandaced3ngar: if you edit grub, sure16:54
samratauronandace: I want to edit the GRUB menu, whuch file do I need to edit?16:54
jnylenno one knows how to tell what program has Mod4+X mapped?16:54
mega2how do i list all partictions16:55
auronandacesamrat: what do you want to do exactly?16:55
LjLmega2: sudo fdisk -l /dev/drivename16:55
auronandacemega2: mount16:55
samratauronandace: I want to add another OS to the boot list16:55
auronandacesamrat: then you edit one of the files in /etc/grub.d16:56
samratauronandace: which file exactly?16:56
auronandacesamrat: if grub-update doesn't add it automatically16:56
auronandacesamrat: what OS are you adding?16:56
samratI'm trying to install Arch16:57
auronandacesamrat: a simple grub-update would add it automatically16:57
auronandacesamrat: sudo grub-update16:58
LjLauronandace: i think you mean update-grub16:58
auronandacesamrat: or sudo update-grub (i never remember which way around it is)16:58
samrat auronandace: ah, thanks16:59
auronandacesamrat: no worries :) (happy arch user too)16:59
MonkeyDustwhere are the users and groups located, i'm using the CLI16:59
dat0mhey, I just tried to boot into kubuntu from a live cd (I bought the original CD) on my XPS 17, but it failed, it loaded for a while, then it just hang up and nothing else happened. I tried with normal ubuntu from usb too, it hangs up too, with SCPI error (or something like that)17:00
dat0mdoes anybody use ubuntu/kubuntu on the XPS 17?17:00
ikoniadat0m: I do on a xps 1317:01
gulzarauronandace: Arch?17:01
dat0mikonia, did you have any problems while booting the livecd/installer?17:01
auronandacegulzar: yes17:01
gulzarauronandace: me too17:02
dat0mweird, it doesn't even boot for me17:02
dat0mwhat could I do? I don't want to be on windows only :P17:03
gulzardat0m: do media check17:03
dat0mwell, I'm downloading debian via unetbootin now17:03
dat0mgulzar, what do you mean by media check?17:04
mang0How do I restart X?17:04
mdobhow to update libc.so.6?17:04
zalgorHello. When updating a package, ubuntu detects changed configuration files. Is there a hash stored somewhere?17:04
mega2disk /dev/sda1 doesn't contain a valid partition table how do i create one and format it17:04
gulzardat0m: Ok./. you have live cd.. lets see17:04
LjLmega2: /dev/sda1 is a partition, not a disk17:04
dat0mgulzar, I'll reboot now17:04
auronandacemang0: by restarting gdm or lightdm17:05
dat0mwith debian17:05
gulzardat0m: Ok17:05
gulzarmega2: for formatting use gparted or gnome-disk-utility but /sda1 is a partition not a disk17:05
mang0auronandace: Ty17:05
mega2i do know that but when i looked at it thats what it told me how do i format it17:06
SPRINGNULLhola  a todos17:06
LjL!es | SPRINGNULL17:06
ubottuSPRINGNULL: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:06
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LjLmega2: /dev/sda1 should *not* contain a partition table, because it *is* a partition. what did you type exactly?17:08
=== Mud is now known as Guest5099
mega2sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda117:09
LjLmega2: well that's wrong. i told you to put a *drive* name there, not a *partition* name17:09
LjLmega2: so, sudo fdisk -k /dev/sda17:09
LjLmega2: so, sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda17:09
LjLnot -k17:09
mega2its giving me a list of 3 partitions17:12
LjLmega2: then those are the partitions on your /dev/sda drive.17:12
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d3ngarIs there a way of booting into an older kernel?17:14
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LjLd3ngar: sure, as long as that older kernel is or can be installed. just select it from the GRUB boot menu.17:14
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oCeand3ngar: sure, hold shift during boot, this will bring up the grub menu, then choose your kernel17:14
guilhermebaSomeone is Xiphos Bible software user in Ubuntu 11.10?17:15
d3ngarLjL: I can't access the Grub menu during boot17:15
LjLd3ngar: why not?17:15
d3ngarLjL: Can I somehow select it as the default option17:15
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d3ngarLjL: Since the kernel update the laptop screen DOES NOT work17:15
LjLd3ngar: yeah you can change the default in /etc/default/grub17:15
d3ngarSorry caps17:15
=== kamil is now known as ozior
LjLd3ngar: but GRUB runs *before* the kernel even starts.17:15
LjLd3ngar: so that should be irrelevant.17:16
auronandace!info xiphos | guilhermeba17:16
ubottuguilhermeba: xiphos (source: xiphos): environment for Bible reading, study, and research. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.4-3 (oneiric), package size 308 kB, installed size 828 kB17:16
d3ngarLjL: So I thought too17:16
d3ngarLjL; But it's the only thing that has changed17:16
d3ngarWhy does the screen not work anymore?17:16
imbezolif it truly doesn't work.. it has nothing to do with the kernel17:16
imbezolotherwise, your grub is perhaps not loading properly17:16
d3ngarimbezol: It truly does only show green lines after the bios sequence17:17
d3ngarGreen lines during grub menu17:17
d3ngarIf I press a key it doesn't continue17:17
OerHeksd3ngar, just hold left-shift @ boot to enter grubmenu17:17
imbezolmay have to boot off a rescue cd and install grub again17:17
d3ngarOerHeks: I have the grub menu on by default17:17
d3ngarimbezol: But once the screen passes, everything is fine and it continues to boot17:18
d3ngarThe second (attached) screen goes on at the log-in screen17:18
imbezolwell if your bios menu works your screen is obviously working17:18
d3ngarimbezol: I just can't enable it in Linux17:18
d3ngarSo I thought17:18
d3ngarAnd Grub is fine, since it boots up without issues17:19
d3ngarJust I can't take the attached screen with me17:19
d3ngarAnd I need to have the laptop with me17:19
d3ngarI'm going away now for three days17:19
=== irritum is now known as Guest90146
d3ngarimbezol: I don't think the screen is recognised correctly17:20
imbezolboot the old kernel17:20
d3ngarIs there something I can do before Grub loads?17:20
d3ngarWhere was the setting for the default kernel again?17:21
oCeand3ngar: /etc/default/grub17:21
IDWMasterI'm working on developing a new P2P social network program for Ubuntu, Windows, and Mac. Where would be the best place to host the code for this project? Should I put it on Launchpad, or GitHub?17:21
oCeand3ngar: choose the menuentry you need (default it's 0) from the command  grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:21
jd_user_23234is there any command line app which can give me the process id from window id?17:21
=== Brandonian-away is now known as Brandonian
auronandaceIDWMaster: not really a ubuntu support question17:21
LjLIDWMaster: try asking the people in #ubuntu-offtopic17:22
IDWMasterOK. Thanks17:22
delacI'm doing "sudo tcpdump -w capture.log" which of course creates a log file only readable by root. Any way to do the capture to normal user readable file without using chown afterwards?17:22
d3ngarOCean: should be 3, yes?17:23
d3ngarJust count?17:23
ikoniadelac: not really, you are running the process as root, it will write as root17:23
SachHow do I copy my Firefox history and bookmarks from one computer running Ubuntu 11.04 to another running the same?17:23
imbezoldelac: you can set the umask17:23
oCeand3ngar: yes, but start at 0, so it might be 3rd entry, which is actually 2  (0,1,2)17:24
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d3ngargot it17:24
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NimeshNeemaSo Ubuntu got this Mac style Expose. Lovin it17:27
NimeshNeemaJust hold WinKey + W (Make good use of that Windows key) ;-)17:27
SachHow do I copy my Firefox history and bookmarks from one computer running Ubuntu 11.04 to another running the same?17:27
MonkeyDustSach  Bookmarks > unsorted > import and backup > export bookmarks17:27
h00kNimeshNeema: you mean the 'Super' key ;)17:28
NimeshNeemaSach: use export import feature in bookmarks manager17:28
h00kSach: you can also use Ubuntu One to keep them in sync17:28
NimeshNeemah00k: didn't knew it waz callled super key (wrong name neways)17:28
SachMonkeydust  Is that only to backup my bookmarks?  what about my browsing history?17:28
h00kNimeshNeema: it is :)17:29
NimeshNeemaSach: copy folder configuration settings directory17:29
MonkeyDustSach  can't say17:29
mang0I'm trying to stop my mounted volumes appearing on the desktop, using gconf-editor >> apps >> nautilus >> desktop >> volumes_visible [FALSE] but they're still there? I've tried logging out, same thing.17:29
NimeshNeemah00k: thanks buddy17:29
Sachnimeshneema  where do i find the configuration settings directory?17:30
MonkeyDustmang0  i guess you need dconf17:30
NimeshNeemaSach: it's a hidden directory (probably under ur home directory)17:30
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mang0MonkeyDust: Wassat?17:30
NimeshNeemaSach: let some kinder, more knowledgeable soul17:30
trismSach: ~/.mozilla/firefox/randomprofilename/17:32
mang0!dconf > mang017:32
user1has 11.10  learned to hibernate and wakeup yet on netbooks?17:33
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h00kuser1: works here, I suppose it depends on the netbook.17:34
h00kuser1: I lied, I don't use 'hibernate,' rather 'suspend'17:34
Sachtrism  can i simply copy my .mozilla directory to the same location on my other computer?17:34
o67pcHi people17:34
o67pcI have an Dell Inspiron N4050 the other name is Dell Inspiron 1417:35
jd_user_23234o67pc: hi! :)17:35
trismSach: should work, I would make sure to back up your bookmarks first as suggested above just in case17:35
o67pcAnd the bluetooth isn't working17:35
Sachtrism  ok, thanks!  so will that copy both my bookmarks, browsing history, saved passwords etc ?17:35
user1h00k: well its asus 1215B. does it atleast suspend and wakeup so that i can cover that blinking with a cloth and sleep17:35
trismSach: yes, everything should be stored there17:35
Sachtrism  you rock!  Thanks!17:35
h00kuser1: my suspend/resume works great, but as I said, I suppose it depends on the model. I have an Asus EEE, also an XPS M1500, also a Dell E1505 that it works with17:36
o67pcWhen I buy it, the first thing I do is install ubuntu, when I installing when the files get copy, the bluetooth was worked.17:36
h00kuser1: give it a try, maybe even from a USB drive to tes tit.17:36
o67pcI install17:36
h00kuser1: *test it.17:36
o67pcand not worked anymore, I put the pendrive for installation again but don't work (I have run it on live CD, i not format the disk)17:36
user1h00k: is it fixed recently. i mean i haven't apt-get update for a month now. do you have any links where they say its fixed?17:37
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o67pcNow, the icon of bluetooth appears,17:37
h00kuser1: I guess it was never 'broken' for me, but kernel upgrades should probably help.17:37
o67pcI click to shutdown bluetooth, I click to "shutup" bluetooth17:37
Lemon|mbpi'm about to update my cherokee install (1.2.*) that i installed with apt-get to 1.3 from source17:37
Lemon|mbpany things i have to look out for?17:37
o67pcand nothing returns17:37
Lemon|mbpdoing sudo apt-get remove cherokee would be enough to remove everything?17:37
o67pcSomeones know what is it?17:38
theadminLemon|mbp: Yes. Use checkinstall and do "sudo apt-get --purge remove cherokee"17:38
borudevHello, how is everyone? I had a quick question troubleshooting my ubuntu 11.10 server installation. I installed the same OS on 2 different servers and I'm experiencing the same problem. What happens is I turn on the server, it's ok for few hours, and then when I try to SSH to it, it get a time out, when I plug in the keyboard, and type something then I can connect to it again. Seems that it's17:38
borudevgoing to some kind of sleep mode. Note, no desktop was installed just pure server OS. Anyone had this issue before? what could cause it? Thanks17:38
user1h00k: also how's ur firefox youtube performance on EEE. mine just crashes on windows and ubuntu. dont know if CPU is overheating due to fan dust or whatever. also have you tried cleaning the fan17:39
MonkeyDustborudev  http://serverfault.com/questions/27365/why-does-my-ssh-timeout-vary-with-network-location#2742017:39
h00kuser1: I don't normally use Firefox for browsing, I use Chromium-browser, but I can check it out right now. Give me a second.17:39
theadminuser1: Aurora works fine on the eeepc's I've had if that's of any help.17:39
h00kuser1: flash/Firefox works just fine, here17:40
borudevMonkeyDust, thanks ill check that out17:40
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user1h00k: i think mine is fan problem. for even videos of 480p on firefox it crashes and system is off.17:41
h00kuser1: It may be overheating, yeah. Try something else that may burden your CPU/Fan a bit too17:42
Sicpthere's ethereal on Back|Track isn't there?17:43
bazhangSicp, ask in backtrack support channel17:43
Sicpthere's no such thing17:43
borudevMonkeyDust, my problem is a little bit different, after some time i can't even ssh to the server17:43
bazhang!backtrack | Sicp17:43
ubottuSicp: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition17:43
bazhangSicp, /join #backtrack-linux17:44
Sicpyep, got it17:44
Sicpthank you17:44
MonkeyDustborudev  i used 'ssh timeout' as keywords, here's something else i found: http://ocaoimh.ie/2008/12/10/how-to-fix-ssh-timeout-problems/17:45
user1h00k: well others are ok. they dont turn system off. but this firefox+adobe flash is deadly. its discussed from 2008 - http://forums.adobe.com/message/1000703 no idea how to diagnose. i need to learn to clean the fan though.17:45
h00kuser1: check if one of the updates is a flashplayer update17:47
NimeshNeemauser1: happened with me too. Flash in FireFox crashed17:48
user1NImeshNeema: mine is system CPU everything crashed. the plugin container went to use all CPU for a video!!17:49
NimeshNeemauser1: woops17:49
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OerHeksHello how do i print a file from Nautilus ? printer is working, but no MENU entry anywhere18:00
NimeshNeemaOerHeks: seems like you have to open the file first18:01
OerHeksi noticed that, not really an option when i print 20 pages+18:01
NimeshNeemaSomeone must be having idea. There must be some package which can enable to print file from content menu entry (without opening the file)18:03
sstaNimeshNeema: tricky to do18:07
NimeshNeemassta: you know the workaround ?18:07
sstaopen the file and print it?18:07
sidneyhow do I fix a usb drive used as backup that i cant write to18:07
theadminNimeshNeema: Write a nautilus script18:08
NimeshNeematheadmin: am n00b at those18:08
theadminNimeshNeema: Well, the one you want should be as simple as "lpr $@"18:08
NimeshNeematheadmin: okies18:08
abysiMosomebody who can help me with arch in virtualbox ?18:08
theadminNimeshNeema: Well, and a #!/bin/bash on the first line18:09
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theadminabysiMo: ArchLinux is not supported here. PM me if you want, I might help.18:09
NimeshNeematheadmin: hmmm. Thnks a tonz18:09
sstayou really wanty to improve nautilus, come up with a non-hack way to disable the damned rubbish bin!18:11
pip__with a Crusoe cpu am I better off with the longrun utility or laptop mode tools?  Can I use both? Do they do different things making these questions show how much of a newb I am?18:12
trismssta: Edit/Preferences/Behavior/Include a Delete command that bypasses the trash? or shift+delete?18:12
sipiorNimeshNeema: might be useful to you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121329318:13
melikhas anyone here played with Dell OMSA?18:13
NimeshNeemasipior: Super Thanks to ya18:14
MonkeyDust!anyone| melik18:14
ubottumelik: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:14
NimeshNeemaubottu: i have heard this before18:14
ubottuNimeshNeema: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:14
OerHekssipior, thnx, try that.18:15
N86eALLooking for help configuring a wireless network card so that it can connect to a WPA-protected router.18:15
sipiorOerHeks: ?18:15
OerHekssipior, it was me, asking about printing from nautilus18:15
sipiorOerHeks: ah, missed that.18:16
sstatrism: that's NOT disabling the rubbish bin.  But yes, I knew about it.18:16
Sicpany record my desktop software that you can recommend?18:16
SicpASIDE from recordmydesktop18:16
Sicpit's really crappy18:16
sstatrism: I thought I was in -offtopic when I posted that anwyay...moans and rants don't really belong in here :)18:16
Ivozanyone have any idea why this is happening? http://pastie.org/private/wkddp5nyedciyu2lvgyw I don't remember uninstalling nvidia drivers...18:17
bazhangSicp, eidet, if memory serves. one other, let me check18:17
wdonkeyLjL: are you there ?18:17
IvozAlso, if anyone knows which/where in kernel logs to check...18:18
wdonkeyHi, Im able to connect both my computer to an Ad-hoc "network" but i dont know what to do to be able to share files after18:18
SicpI didn't find "eidet" anywhere, bazhang18:19
bazhangSicp, just a moment please18:19
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tables_how do you make wireless not connect automatically on ubuntu?18:19
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bullgard4tables_: I've got the same problem.18:20
sidneytrism, how do i get to Edit/Preferences/Behavior18:20
yumboJust wanted to mention that Ubuntu Unity 3D works much faster when "vsync" is disabled in CompizConfig Settings Manager when using an AMD card.18:20
IvozAnyone know where further to look to find out why nvidia drivers aren't loading for some reason? http://pastie.org/private/wkddp5nyedciyu2lvgyw18:23
trismsidney: open up nautilus (the file browser) then go to the edit menu/preferences and click the behavior tab18:23
bazhanghttp://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/record-screencasts-in-ubuntu-linux-with-kazam-screencaster/ Sicp #kazam is the channel, still confirming the other18:23
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GleasonGrailsHey what is the deal with the upgraded kernel18:25
GleasonGrailsmy breaks my mounting18:25
dat0mokay, I'm trying to boot kubuntu live cd on my XPS 17, error: udevd-work [104]: '/sbin/modprobe -bv pci:v...' unexpected exit with status 0x000918:25
dat0mand then it hangs up18:25
GleasonGrailsif I boot up using recovery I can get in but only log in as guest, when I hit ctrl+alt+fx I can sign into sudo but don't see anything in the /home dir18:26
GleasonGrailsif I boot to the old version everything works18:26
bazhangSicp, well the person who really knows seems to be away for the moment, you should check out kazam in the meantime'18:26
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:26
dat0mcan somebody help me with my kubuntu boot problem on my XPS 17, please?  error: udevd-work [104]: '/sbin/modprobe -bv pci:v...' unexpected exit with status 0x000918:27
MrWhistlerwhat is the most common "eye-candy" add on for ubuntu 11.1018:29
MrWhistlerI'm looking to jazz up my desktop18:29
ZiioynxDoes anyone know how to disable that annoying multi touch even that brings up handles on each corner and center of the active window? My touchpad is super sensitive and it pops all the time!!18:29
GleasonGrails<MrWhistler> Compiz Configuration Manager?18:29
ZiioynxI can't figure out what the event is so i am not sure what to disable...18:30
MrWhistlerGleasonGrails: Thats def one… is there one that has the word "fusion" in the name?18:30
HopugopEstou com um problema com meu Ubuntu 11.10 64x. Depois de aplicar algumas atualizações, quando dou alt+tab o Unity trava por completo e o teclado para de responder (não consigo nem ir para o terminal alt+f1). No entando o mouse continua funcionando perfeitamente. Alguém pode me ajudar?18:30
HopugopI'm sorry18:30
HopugopI'm currently having a problem with Ubuntu 11.10 64x. After appling some updates, sometimes when I hit alt+tab Unity goes crazy and sometime even stops responding (most of times it only restarts). My keyboard dies as well and I can't even get to the terminal (control+alt+f1). The mouse and applications keep working correctly though. Can somebody help me?18:30
dat0mI know why18:30
dat0mthe problem is my hybrid GPU18:30
mang0but he's not gonna say18:30
dat0mbecause I have one internal intel graphic card and one nvidia gpu (the strong one)18:31
NephyHey, I have a problem with my screen resolution I tried this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-change-display-resolution-settings-using-xrandr.html but still wont work18:31
sidneytrism, thanks18:31
dat0mlet's reboot! :P18:31
Nephyany suggestions ?18:31
GleasonGrailsMrWhistler I am pretty sure that is just the generic compiz project at this point I think Emerald and such are still extensions18:32
IvozMrWhistler: fusion doesn't exist anymore18:32
MrWhistlerokay cool18:33
sidneyHow do I take ownership of a usb drive?18:33
OerHeksdat0m, look at bumblebee 3.018:33
IvozNephy: you can usually find a GUI tool to change screen res for you18:33
Rancid8700ciao a tutti18:35
ubuntu_noobletHello guys, I have been down a pretty deep rabbit hole here. Hoping someone can pull me back out...18:35
HopugopCan somebody please help me? I'm currently having a problem with Ubuntu 11.10 64x. After appling some updates, sometimes when I hit alt+tab Unity goes crazy and sometime even stops responding (most of times it only restarts). My keyboard dies as well and I can't even get to the terminal (control+alt+f1). The mouse and applications keep working correctly though.18:36
ubuntu_noobletFirst problem was that I can't remember the password, 2nd issue is apparantly there was no GKSU or GKSUDO provided with 11.04 so I can't even follow the instructions I have here.18:36
ubuntu_noobletI downloaded the gksu-2.0.2.tar.gz and extracted it.... don't see anything with GKSU that is runnable, just opens a text file when I double click it18:37
dat0mOerHeks, how does i work?18:37
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dat0mOerHeks, I don't even get into the install wizard18:37
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theadminubuntu_nooblet: You need to use apt-get to install gksu... And Ubuntu DOES come with it.18:37
ubuntu_noobletwhen I load my LiveUbuntu gnome, and mount & hit alt+F2 and type "gksu nautilus" it says file not found18:37
Tixoswhat updates just broke my UNITY bar? some updates within the last week just broken CCSM?18:37
theadmin!password | ubuntu_nooblet18:38
ubottuubuntu_nooblet: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords18:38
ubuntu_noobletgksudo nautilus does the same thing, ok18:38
OerHeksdat0m, i don't own one, but the optimus support is growing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee18:38
dat0mOerHeks, "open a terminal", not possible18:38
Jordan_Uubuntu_nooblet: What version of Ubuntu are you using? You almost never want to "install" something from tar.gz, certainly not gksu.18:38
OerHeksdat0m, open terminal ctrl + alt + T18:38
dat0mOerHeks, no18:39
dat0mOerHeks, I have windows pre-installed18:39
dat0mand can't boot ANY linux18:39
dat0mit hangs up18:39
Tixoslol stfu !18:39
ubuntu_nooblettheadmin can you describe real quick the app-get command to install it? I have been on this for so long not sure I have time to read that18:40
theadminTixos: Get out if you don't want to listen.18:40
oCeanTixos: such language is not acceptable here18:40
dat0mTixos, are you talking to me? Because, if you do, please highlight me :P18:40
theadminubuntu_nooblet: sudo apt-get install gksu18:40
theadminubuntu_nooblet: But you need your password for that...18:40
Tixostheadmin: what recently broken CCSM18:40
Tixosthe unity bar sucked before, i fixed it by removing reveal, no its hiding itself again18:40
ubuntu_noobletI dont think I set a password, but system disagrees. I already deleted the keychain but I can't use cheesebooth webcam without the master password. I know I either put "a" or "123" or blank or mirrored the username but those didn't work18:41
theadminTixos: Well I have no idea about Unity, I don't use that stuff. I don't use Compiz, either... And not even Ubuntu. So, can't really help there if it's something really recent.18:41
Tixoshmm ok18:42
Tixoskinda sucks :(18:42
theadminTixos: Wait for someone else I guess18:42
iruleI upgraded to latest stable, now I have 14 GB disk use, how may I reduce that?18:42
Tixospretty sure i didnt notice anything related that i updated, just kernel to *.1518:42
theadminubuntu_nooblet: Oh, that. It's asking for your login password most likely.18:42
ubuntu_noobletpretty sure I left it blank unless ubuntu installer didn't allow that18:43
ubuntu_noobletused 11.04 gnome18:43
theadminubuntu_nooblet: It doesn't allow blank passwords.18:43
ubuntu_noobletthen I used the most basic allowed. Do you know the requirements?18:43
dat0mcan somebody please help me?18:43
Tixos4chars or something18:43
dat0mI need linux18:43
theadminubuntu_nooblet: Yeah, basically anything that's longer than 0 symbols xD But... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword18:43
dat0mor at least bsd18:43
dat0mI need something unix based18:43
theadmindat0m: That doesn't even make sense.18:43
Tixosdat0m: i was polite before, whats your mess with windows effecting your install18:44
Tixosits stupid18:44
ubuntu_noobleti tried 1234 and sagar and Sagar (username) but those didn't work18:44
ubuntu_noobletcan't imagine what else i would have put....18:44
dat0mTixos, hm?18:44
Tixosubuntu_nooblet:  are you actually asking us to tell you your own password?18:44
dat0mtheadmin, it doesn't?18:44
dat0mtheadmin, I can't boot any linux distro, it just hangs up18:44
dat0mthat doesn't make sense?18:44
ubuntu_noobletIt takes like 10 minutes for this live cd to boot. Do I need to load from the hard drive?18:44
theadmindat0m: ...doesn't indeed, because it's totally weird18:45
ubuntu_noobletdon't want to leave this live unless I have to18:45
revoltI can help18:45
Tixosdat0m: what are you on about, how are you booting it ?18:45
theadminubuntu_nooblet: To recover your password? Yes, you need to be on live.18:45
theadminubuntu_nooblet: That, or recovery mode, doesn't really matter18:45
revoltburn the distro at the lowest speed 4.0x it will pick18:45
ubuntu_noobletok I'm there, ran that sudo command you told me and nothing happened. gksu still says not found18:46
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theadminubuntu_nooblet: Eh, well, not the problem right now, what we want right now is chroot into your installed OS and change your password.18:46
Semidiosdoes anyone know why Ubuntu 11.10 can see AFP shares in nautilus?18:46
=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
ubuntu_noobletits looking in home/linux/gksu for the file and can't find it18:46
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Tixosman i cant deal with these questions lol, good luck theadmin :P18:47
ubuntu_noobletits actually on the desktop I just extracted it18:47
Tixosill come back later :)18:47
theadminubuntu_nooblet: It won't be there...18:47
tcheck8hi everyone i'm having some trouble with generating ssl certificates. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSSL <-- i'm following the directions here but as soon as i try to even create the first directories i receive a permissions error. i don't think the command was meant to be run as sudo, either.18:47
theadminubuntu_nooblet: Ugh, never mind, look, I can't really help you right now >.< Sorry.18:47
ubuntu_noobletwhat directory is it in?18:47
=== Knorre`BNC is now known as Knorre
ubuntu_noobletall i need is to open nautilus with root access18:47
theadminubuntu_nooblet: /usr/bin of course, like any other binary18:48
ubuntu_noobletk ill try that18:48
geekster_how can I send mail with ubuntu server?18:49
theadmingeekster_: Using your own mail server or a public one?18:49
tdnOk. so here's the problem. I accidentially deleted my /etc/fstab. How do I recreate it?18:49
geekster_postfix tries to connect to port 25, mail server at port 58718:50
tcheck8would anyone be able to help me through the process of generating an self signed ssl cert for my server? i'm running into permissions issues where i dont think there should be any18:50
geekster_theadmin: nope, public one. telnet works there18:50
theadmingeekster_: Try a mail client then :P18:50
theadmingeekster_: mutt is a good one18:50
ubuntu_noobletI'm in usr/bin and hit Alt+f2 and typed "gksu nautilus" then it says "Could not open location 'file:///home/linux/gksu%20/nautilus'18:51
geekster_theadmin: but I wanna use like sendmail :p18:51
oCeantcheck8: just so you know, there's #ubuntu-server channel, with specific server help, might find more help there18:51
theadmingeekster_: Err, uh, I don't think sendmail works that way... Not sure18:51
tcheck8oh, thanks! didn't know about that.18:51
theadminubuntu_nooblet: That doesn't make sense... You need to install gksu... "sudo apt-get install gksu". From a TERMINAL, not Alt+F2.18:51
geekster_theadmin: yes it works, got it working some time ago with different server, but now can't remember how I did it...18:52
tdnThat is not really what I need. What I need is to recreate fstab on a running system. By either dumpung /proc/mtab or manually parsing 'mount' or something like that. The system is still running.18:52
theadmintdn: Then do exactly what you said, look at the output of "mount" and write an fstab respectively.18:53
ubuntu_noobletthanks, but now it says sudo: apt-get: command not found18:53
theadminubuntu_nooblet: Err... You're not using Ubuntu.18:54
theadminubuntu_nooblet: And that means we can't support you here.18:54
tdntheadmin, I need to figure out uuid's for disks and such things.18:54
tdnNot sure how.18:54
ubuntu_noobletI have gnome Terminal, Linux 32-bit Terminal, and Xterm18:54
theadmintdn: blkid for that...18:54
ubuntu_noobletI thought gnome was ubuntu18:54
theadminubuntu_nooblet: ...Gnome IS used in Ubuntu, although it's not the same thing as Ubuntu.18:54
xanguaubuntu_nooblet: try: "sudo" instead of "sudo:"18:55
ubuntu_noobletThis was installed from an Ubuntu install disc label 11.04...18:55
theadminxangua: That didn't make any sense just now. "sudo: blah: command not found" is the usual output of "sudo blah".18:55
theadminxangua: If he was using "sudo:", he'd get "bash: sudo: command not found"18:56
theadminxangua: :P18:56
ubuntu_noobletIf 'sudo:' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this: cnf sudo:18:56
theadminerr, even "sudo:: command not found"18:56
oCeantdn: I pasted example fstab at http://paste.ubuntu.com/814570/   use command  sudo blkid  to list the UUID of your partitions18:56
theadminubuntu_nooblet: You are using SuSE, not Ubuntu, okay?...18:56
theadminubuntu_nooblet: Only SuSE gives messages like those. Ask in their support channel...18:56
ubuntu_noobletalrigth thanks I'll see if I can find an IRC for that.18:56
theadminubuntu_nooblet: Is #suse (on Freenode)18:57
DuncanTHi. Is it possible to turn off the remote host fingerprint check using a command line option to ssh? I'm really hoping to avoid using expect here18:57
ubuntu_noobletthis is weird tho because when I burned this disc I know I was looking for latest Ubuntu and at the time was told 11.0418:57
tdnoCean, thanks.18:57
sstaDuncanT: you can have it add the keys to known_hosts automatically, but I don't think you can turn the checking off entirely18:59
DuncanTssta: Adding automatically would be fine19:00
ubuntu_noobletthanks for being patient.19:00
DuncanTssta: I'm poking newly-created vms, and I can just clear known_hosts later19:00
sstaDuncanT: set StrictHostKeyChecking to "no" in ~/.ssh/config I think (that's from memory, so check the manpage for ssh_config to make sure I'm remembering correctly)19:00
ActionParsnipssta: maybe in /etc/ssh/sshd_config ?19:01
sstaActionParsnip: no, it's a client thing, not a server thing19:02
DuncanTssta: Ah ha, that can also be done with "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"... adding to that the "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" I'd already found and I've won19:02
ActionParsnipssta: ahh19:02
DuncanTCheers :-)19:02
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TitanoboaOh hi19:02
cristian_cI installed Lazarus, but when I open it or open a project. lpi I got errors. The problem is due to not installing some components. I downloaded bgrabitmap and I ran the steps to install the .lpk file in the package. I've compiled through its lazarus window reached by one of its menu, but after it completed the installation of the component it has failed and an error box appeared. The popup window says: 'The package b19:02
Tixosseriously, this is doing my head in, how can i lock this unity bar as active19:03
Tixoswithout any stupid applications that get broken with package updates19:03
TitanoboaI've been trying to install VMware on my (ubuntu 11.04) and it gives me an error when trying to open the installer19:04
Titanoboa(what i need is windows 98 on my computer)19:04
dat0mTixos, btw, "stfu" doesn't sound very nice to me :P19:04
ActionParsnipTixos: active in what sense?19:04
cristian_cI clicked Yes, and I think it did not seem to have happened at all. But then all the lazarus windows have gone to freeze not showing more their content. Finally, the program is closed, but then reopened. But reopening continued to require automatic lazarus components despite I had just installed one. How do I understand something more? Did something go wrong in the installation of the component?19:04
Tixosalways shown ActionParsnip19:04
sidneywhy dosen't this work sudo chown sidney: /media/Music/backup19:04
Tixosdat0m: deal with it ;)19:04
sidneyno such file or dir19:04
sstaTitanoboa: "an error"?  What error?19:05
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
Tixosive previously used CCSM, gconf and such, but i just updated some packages from repos, and its broke :O19:05
ssfdre38sidney, you dont have a group so do sudo chown sidney:sidney /media/Music/backup19:05
Titanoboassta: hold on, i'll reproduce it and give you the error19:05
dat0mTixos, also, does "mess with windows" mean "windows sucks badly and is useless"?19:05
ActionParsnipTixos: afaik you set it in ccsm. There is also the tool myunity which may help19:05
oCeanTixos: don't tell others to 'deal with' your attitude. There are clear channel guidelines, you have to deal with those19:05
ActionParsnipdat0m: wi19:06
TixosoCean: respond to me in PM if you have an issue, thanks.19:06
ActionParsnipdat0m: windows has uses19:06
Titanoboassta: http://pastebin.com/tjHdRQwq19:06
dat0mwell, if it does, it's not true. I fully support linux, but windows is also pretty good19:06
dat0mit has the best driver support, for example19:06
dat0mit works out-of-the-box19:06
TixosActionParsnip: yea CCSM unity plugin doesnt work with some package updates from the last few days...  i know im a bit early but cmon.. this should be default settings, not a 3rd party app ?19:06
dat0mit's best for gaming19:06
oCeanTixos: if you wish to discuss channel rules, you're welcome in #ubuntu-ops. If you don't want to follow our channel guidelines, you'll find yourself outside the channel soon enough19:07
sstaTitanoboa: umm, that's the windows installer for vmware, you need the linux installer19:07
dat0mwould you play games with opengl? lol :P19:07
TixosoCean: quit moaning.19:07
Titanoboassta Oh I see :D19:07
dat0mwell, brb19:07
Tixosego maniac19:07
linuxnewbspeaking of gaming19:07
Titanoboassta: why does linux have so be so picky??? just swallow the windows installer plz :<<<19:07
ActionParsnipdat0m: try playing games marked as garbage in winehq app list. Then try on windows19:07
sstaTitanoboa: Windows wouldn't use the Linux installer either.19:07
linuxnewbhow the hell do i get wow to run ubuntu? i snagged wine, but it keeps crashing19:07
Titanoboassta: I'll try to find it, thanks for the help :P19:07
Titanoboait's supposed to be for linux though. http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5391426/VMware-server-1.0.8-126538_%28old_free-version_server_for_linux%2919:08
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ActionParsnipTixos: if it works, who cares. Ubuntu is made of 3rd party apps19:08
sstaTitanoboa: umm...not a good idea to say that you pirated it here...19:09
sstaTitanoboa: why not use virtualbox?19:09
christian__hello my friends19:09
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sstaTitanoboa: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose19:09
Titanoboa(i reached that "torrent" by googling and it doesn't look illegal does it? it's just a free version)19:09
mrlee121hey guys,19:09
Titanoboassta: okay if that's good i'll do that!19:09
ActionParsniplinuxnewb: did you check the appdb? There is an extensive howto there19:09
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christian__i have a question, i need to mount /mnt/analysis    because a program wants to mount this directory, but i dont need it to be mounted to a remote fielsystem or whatever, it really doenst matter where the dir. lies, so i would like to mount the dir. to a local direcotry inside the same OS, is that possible ?19:10
mrlee121is there anywhere that people could recomend i could go the get a bit of advice for a beginner without having the shit ripped outta me?19:10
christian__i know, that is not what mount is used for19:10
oCeanmrlee121: control your language here, please19:10
xangua!language | mrlee12119:10
xanguaa very vague question also19:10
ubottumrlee121: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:10
ActionParsniplinuxnewb: i can't phrase it any better19:10
christian__but it wasnt my idea that there is no option implemented to work without mounted directoies19:10
mrlee121oh sorry,19:11
linuxnewbyeah i did19:11
ActionParsnipmrlee121: just ask what you gotta ask19:11
linuxnewbfollowed all the directions and still nothing19:11
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mrlee121oh okay thanks19:11
christian__short question is it possible to "mount /mnt/dir1 /mnt/dir2" ???19:11
NastyNazguys ive been configuring a server as root and ive been told its bad, how do I add another user and log in as them?19:11
mrlee121well i was setting up a ubuntu server here at home19:11
mrlee121had everything pointing and working fine with a domain19:11
AelingilHow can you access the CLI from Grub?19:11
ActionParsnipmrlee121: i'd use a symlink19:12
mrlee121i shut down the machine and added a new hard drive19:12
NastyNazalso how do I run commands as different users? I got one called 'deluge' and I want to log in but its a system user19:12
mrlee121now nothings showing to the WAN but nothings changed in any of my firewall settings and the machine is still in the dmz19:12
mrlee121but i only get local access and cant access it via the domain19:12
mrlee121just wondered if i'd missed a startup command or something like that19:12
ActionParsnipAelingil: you can add the boot option: text    or boot root recovery mode19:12
ssfdre38mrlee121, did your ip address change?19:12
mrlee121Nope, it's still the same19:13
sstaNastyNaz: sudo -u username someCommand19:13
n3urOn_if im to check if i got java installed, java -version should be right?19:13
mrlee121thats the first thing i checked19:13
NastyNazssta: cheers19:13
ssfdre38mrlee121, static ip?19:13
mrlee121Yeah it's static19:13
franz__Hi, how to create Windows Xp usb installler?19:13
franz__mrlee121: I'm in KDE19:14
mrlee121the ubuntu machine was litterally off for 2-3 minutes and when it's come back on the domain aint connecting anymore and i cant get any wan access to it. only local19:14
ssfdre38mrlee121, use /notice to tell me the ip address so i can ping it to still if its still live19:14
ActionParsniplinuxnewb: i'd ask in #winehq  its more specific to your issue19:14
mrlee121i've pinged it myself from another server and it's timing out19:15
wdonkeyim trying to get rid of the password prompting. im in the visudo tool in a terminal, modified the string that i had to, now how the hell do i save and exit ?19:15
sstawdonkey: depends on editor.  Try ctrl-X19:15
linuxnewbactually i just found a lil thing in wine i hadnt found before, its installing everything and downloading it all formme XD thanks for your halps <319:15
n3urOn_ctrl+o and ctrl+x ssta?19:16
wdonkeycool ssta thanks19:16
sstan3urOn_: ctrl-X should offer to save if there's a change since the last save19:16
ssfdre38mrlee121, yea its dead ip address so it can be due to ISP19:16
AelingilActionParsnip, thank you, i'll try that. Any time we boot into "Recovery Mode" our keyboard & Mouse freezes. I wanted to see if text only would cause it also19:17
mrlee121i dont understand how it could be dead though? it was all working about 20 minutes ago the only thing that changed is the machine was turned off and turned back on again19:17
ActionParsnipn3urOn_: assuming you installed it for that, yes. You can extract the oracle java archive and link it to your browser, but java will still say openjava19:17
n3urOn_ActionParsnip, i dont know if its installed... i was reading about its removal19:18
n3urOn_i need it for another app, independent of the browser19:18
g105bI've installed the proprietary video drivers and ever since get `The selected configuration for displays could not be applied` when trying to enable my 2nd monitor - is there a way I can easily uninstall the ati drivers?19:18
ActionParsnipn3urOn_: how did you install it?19:20
fakewaffleWhen I create a new user in server, tab autocomplete doesn't work, there are no colors, and up does not show the last command. What is not set correctly?19:20
n3urOn_i didnt install it, thats what im saying :) this desktop is pretty much "stock" ActionParsnip19:20
AelingilActionParsnip, Where will i enter "text" is it a stand alone or behind a line?19:20
ActionParsnipfakewaffle: do you have ~/.bashrc  file?19:20
fakewaffleActionParsnip: yes19:21
ActionParsnipAelingil: i'd add it on the same line as: quiet splash19:21
teh_augmenterwoops /join derp19:22
ActionParsnipfakewaffle: uncomment the last if statement, that loads the feature. Save the new file and rin: source ~/.bashrc19:22
ActionParsnipn3urOn_: if you can hang 10 mins I have a script to install oracle java 1.7_219:23
fakewaffleActionParsnip: It is uncommented already. :/19:24
n3urOn_ActionParsnip, sure man, if you can PM me, i have to get me some ciggs... thanks :)19:24
ActionParsnipfakewaffle: ok: run:  source ~/.bashrc19:25
fakewaffleActionParsnip: just tried that, -sh: source not found.19:25
PseudoephedrineHey, i am trying to setup VNC on Ubuntu11.10, using RealVNC on my iPhone, but i am having a but of trouble connecting.. I have also downloaded x11vnc19:26
ActionParsnipfakewaffle: check the file exists and watch you use of case in the command. Linux is case sensitive19:26
vivekimsithow can i execute a command by storing it in some variable?19:27
ActionParsnipn3urOn_: what is the output of: uname -m19:27
theadminvivekimsit: Simple... var="something" && $var19:28
paulus68how can I see that rsnapshot is doing what it suppose to be doing?19:28
osunaWhat is this?????19:28
wdonkeycan i setup a wlan with a old wireless router, my desktop and my laptop all on ubuntu ?19:29
vivekimsitlike can i do: var="ls" && $var19:29
bazhangosuna, ubuntu support19:29
paulus68wdonkey: why shouldn't this work?19:30
tetrebCan  I rearrange the terminals in Terminator?19:30
wdonkeypaulus68: because i've been trying since 20 of the last 36 hours19:30
wdonkeymind to give me a hand on this ?19:30
ActionParsnipn3urOn_: great let me hit work19:30
vivekimsittheadmin: thankx! it worked, one more thing , when i did exec ls my terminal closed why?19:30
paulus68wdonkey: you make sure that your router is connected to your isp router19:31
theadminvivekimsit: "exec" gives the shell control over to the app, meaning that when the app ends, well, the shell ends too19:31
wdonkeypaulus68: it is, both my computer are wirelessly connected to it and i have internet on both19:31
wdonkeyhow do i set up file sharing19:32
wdonkeywhile still having access to internet19:32
vivekimsittheadmin:ok! means my command is executed at the backend but i cannot see the result19:32
paulus68wdonkey: do you have ssh server installed on every machine19:32
theadminvivekimsit: No, that's not what it means -_- If you want to execute a command in the background, use "command &disown"19:32
wdonkeymaybe not19:32
jeagleAnyone know if there is a command to send that will allow you to use OCR (text recognition) of a PDF document? I've been searching like crazy but haven't found much results.19:33
paulus68wdonkey: run  sudo apt-get install openssh-server19:34
Atlantic777is there a script for uploading text to paste.ubuntu.com? I'know that there are some other solutions (pastebin.com, lodgeit, etc... ) but I'm interested in posting to ubuntu's service.19:34
theadminAtlantic777: I think pastebinit does that.19:34
theadminAtlantic777: I mean, as an option19:34
paulus68wdonkey: on every machine on your network19:35
Atlantic777theadmin: thanks19:35
chris_hi can someone please tell me what package to install for apache/php/mysql thanks in advance?19:35
wdonkeyalright paulus68 done19:35
paulus68Chris_ run tasksel if you are in ubuntu 10.1119:36
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paulus68wdonkey: in your terminal type ssh yourusername@ipremotepc19:36
chris_hi can someone please tell me what package to install for apache/php/mysql thanks in advance?19:37
paulus68wdonkey: example ssh wdonkey@
paulus68chris_ what ubuntu version do you have?19:38
MonkeyDustchris_  try tasksel in a terminal (task selection)19:38
chris_paulus68 none at the moment19:39
wdonkeyok, paulus68 do i have to enter my password ? and do i have to do it on both computer19:39
chris_monkeydust is that for a lamp?19:39
MonkeyDustchris_  yes19:39
paulus68wdonkey: if it requests you to enter your password you do19:39
chris_monkeydust is that what i should do only i had to install individula packages before19:40
paulus68wdonkey: and no only in the terminal where you want to connect to19:40
MonkeyDustchris_  tasksel offers a menu in which you can (de)select whatever you want19:41
spliff!vhost ano1542@vhost.here19:41
wdonkeypaulus68: i did it on both is this gonna cause a problem ?19:41
paulus68wdonkey: no19:41
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wdonkeythanks btw19:42
paulus68wdonkey: what is the result did you succeed in connecting?19:42
chris_MonkeyDust, thanks19:42
spliff!vhost ano1542@vhost.here19:42
wdonkeypaulus68: connect where ?19:42
g105bIs there a way I can totally back up every singe setting to do with CCSM? - just made unity die *again*19:43
oCeanspliff: /join #freenode if you have a request for a cloak19:43
dat0mI know why linux distros don't boot on my XPS 1719:43
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dat0mI just checked my bios and it said: UEFI Secure Boot v A1619:43
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mrwhiteguys, how can I have 2 predictive dictionary thingys, I have being checking all the menus and cannot find the right one19:43
paulus68wdonkey: what happened when you tried ssh wdonkey@ be replaced by ip remote machine)19:43
wdonkeypaulus68: says welcome to oc83 (my machines name) and gives me my last login time19:45
theadmindat0m: Secure Boot. Disable that.19:45
theadmindat0m: That's your problem.19:46
dat0mtheadmin, not possible!19:46
dat0mit's locked19:46
theadmindat0m: Contact your system's manufacturer then, Linux currently does not support UEFI's secure boot feature.19:46
paulus68wdonkey: this means that you are connected to your remote machine are you in desktop or in server ubuntu?19:46
mega2i have 3 partitions on my hd can i merge them using server10.04 if so how19:46
dat0mtheadmin, I know, that's the problem :/19:46
paulus68wdonkey: if you are in desktop ubuntu you go to your filesystem and there you select connect to network if I am not mistaken19:47
theadmindat0m: Well, if you're willing to patch the kernel to add the support, you're welcome to ;)19:47
paulus68wdonkey: it will ask you to enter the ip adres and how you want to connect you are going to use ssh19:47
dat0mtheadmin, I don't think UEFI Secure Boot is meant to boot linux :P19:48
oCeandat0m: I think Dell announced there are going to make it user en/disabled, but for now :(19:48
MonkeyDustmega2  best is to backup the data on the partitions, you can then easily merge the partitions with gparted19:48
paulus68wdonkey: it will ask your login credentials and you will be connected to your remote desktop19:48
theadmindat0m: Yeah, it's designed for Microsoft systems mostly. I mean, it's mostly their idea.19:48
dat0moCean, any dates when the new version with en/disable function will be out?19:48
dat0mtheadmin, I know :(19:48
oCeandat0m: no Idea. Better contact Dell support.19:48
jeagleAnyone know if there is a command to send that will allow you to use OCR (text recognition) of a PDF document? I've been searching like crazy but haven't found much results. :)19:48
dat0mbut windows sucks miserably for sysadmins :P19:48
wdonkeypaulus68: seems to work, hold on19:48
theadmindat0m: Linux might do signed kernels sometime soon, well, watch out for it19:49
theadminOr signed grub or whatever it is to be signed19:49
MonkeyDustdat0m  a friend of mine contacted Dell suuport for hardware issues, they're very friendly19:49
paulus68Does anyone have a good rsnapshot script available? I can't get it to work correctly or I am not able to check if its working ok19:49
dat0mMonkeyDust, it's not really a hardware issue19:49
theadmindat0m: Well, it is.19:49
wdonkeypaulus68: do i need to open the terminal and type in ssh myusername@remotemachinesip everytime ?19:50
dat0mtheadmin, grub is what needs to be patched. also, the bios is not hard-ware for me :P19:50
tetrebcan I turn off the gnome dock and only start applications with a keyboard shortcut instead?19:50
theadmindat0m: Err, no, BIOS (actually, you have no BIOS... You have UEFI :/) is a part of the motherboard, so it IS hardware.19:50
dat0mUEFI is a BIOS :p19:50
paulus68wdonkey: no this was only to check if ssh is working correctly, however now you also have a way to connect to your remote pc using the terminal19:50
dat0mand it can be flashed, it's STORED on the motherboard ;)19:51
theadmindat0m: UEFI is a *replacement* for BIOS.19:51
dat0mtheadmin, the definition of BIOS is Basic Input Output System, and that's what UEFI does too ;)19:51
dat0mbut, I don't want to argue about that now, lol19:51
paulus68wdonkey: you can do it perfectly through nautilus19:51
ano1542!vhost ano1542@vhost.here19:51
theadmindat0m: I spose so lol19:51
dat0mI'll contact the support19:51
theadmindat0m: Yeah, that's the best idea there19:51
dat0mtheadmin, but, you were right, it is a weird issue ;)19:52
theadmindat0m: Very much so.19:52
LjLdat0m: BIOS is not a generic term for "boot firmware", it refers to the IBM-compatible firmware. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIOS19:52
wdonkeypaulus68: sorry for the dumb question, i should check it out myself, but what is nautilus ?19:52
oCeanano1542:  /join #freenode if you have a request for a cloak19:52
dat0mLjL: BIOS has two definitions19:52
paulus68wdonkey: the explorer of your filesystem19:53
jeaglewdonkey: I think the Nautilus is a ship from the book 20,000 leagues under the sea. :)19:54
LjLwdonkey: Nautilus is GNOME's file manager19:54
mega2when i run gparted it says (gpartedbin:3496) Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display how do i fix this19:55
wdonkeypaulus68: ok, thanks, another thing. i have multiple hdd on one of the computer, but i only seem to have access to the partitionned hdd section where ubuntu was installed. there must be a way to get to my other hdds ?19:55
MonkeyDustdat0m  http://paste.ubuntu.com/814625/19:55
paulus68wdonkey: what filesystem is on there windows?19:55
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paulus68mega2: you are running a server?19:56
wdonkeypaulus68: windows is on its separated partition, i just have like 4 other partition with data19:56
paulus68wdonkey: then you have to use fdisk19:56
jeagleAnyone know if there is a program for the command line that will allow you to use OCR (text recognition) of a PDF document? In other words, make it so the text in a pdf file will be selectable. :)19:56
paulus68wdonkey: my bad19:57
wdonkeywhats fdisk ?19:57
wdonkeypaulus68: sorry, im trying hard to keep up19:57
MonkeyDustwdonkey  in a terminal, type sudo fdisk -l and see19:57
_cbI am running ubuntu server. If I put a usb, how do I mount it from the command line?19:58
mega2paulus68: yes i am running server10.0419:58
wdonkeycool, these are my devices19:58
wdonkeyhow do i use fdisk in my particular case ?19:59
LjLmega2: server doesn't have a GUI by default. do you have a GUI? gparted is a GUI program.19:59
murphsWHat logger does ubuntu usually run? I don't think it's .. running.19:59
mega2well how do i merge the partitions20:00
LjLmega2: either install the GUI, or learn to use "parted" (without the "g") from the terminal.20:00
wdonkeypaulus68: how do i get access to those partitions with fdisk or whatever ?20:00
wolterAll my settings inhibit my display from sleeping but it still sleeps, does anybody have a solution for this?20:01
wdonkeythere he goes20:01
wdonkeymind to take the relay MonkeyDust  ? i think im almost done setting this up, or rather, you guys are almost done setting me up20:02
mega2how do i make myself a superuser20:02
LjL!sudo | mega220:03
ubottumega2: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:03
xtgyalHello, how do I get vftpd to allow access to /var/www ?  it looks like FileZilla can read folders outside of /home/ but cannot upload to it20:03
MonkeyDustwdonkey  read this first http://www.basicconfig.com/linux/linux_fdisk_command_check_hard_disk_partitions20:04
wdonkeyalright, thanks MonkeyDust20:04
dat0mokay, seems like I have to use windows until they release the new version of UEFI :P20:05
dat0moh btw, it shows: BIOS Version: UEFI A1620:05
new2netin Nautilus, if you right click a folder containing items and go to properties, you'll notice "5,002 items, totalling 449.4 MB"  totaling is spelled wrong20:07
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xtgyalI think that's a British spelling20:07
xtgyallike travelling :-P20:07
new2netxtgyal, :)20:07
wdonkeyok MonkeyDust the device checks the partition and everything, can i have access to those partition by ssh in nautilus from my remote computer ?20:07
xtgyalso vftpd help?20:08
=== Mud is now known as Guest24666
MonkeyDustwdonkey  it's possible but tricky, make sure you don't accidentally modify or delete the running partition20:09
MonkeyDustwdonkey  let me rephrase that, i'm thinking20:10
wdonkeyi didnt even knew what nautilus was 5 minutes ago, it doesnt sound safe to do that by myself20:10
xtgyalya just says "File Browser"20:10
xtgyalnautiloids are so much cooler though20:11
SamWharfeHey. I've converted from Windows 7 to Ubuntu as of this morning. Loving it so far. Anything that I need to know? Like commands etc?20:12
dat0mhmm, could I boot grub using the windows bootloader?20:12
xtgyalsp how do I get vsftpd to allow uploads to var/www ?20:13
dat0mxtgyal, change the permissions of the /var/www folder20:13
ubluntuyou can reinstall grub dat0m20:14
xtgyalI was told not to?20:14
xtgyalsaid it was too much of a security risk20:14
dat0mxtgyal, it is20:14
dat0mubluntu, no, it needs to be booted by the windows bootloader20:14
ubluntudat0m: what does ?20:14
xtgyalis there another way?  FileZilla can read the files but can't upload to var/www20:14
dat0mubluntu, grub20:15
Browncoyote /msg nickserv register Redstar1 browncoyote30@gmail.com20:15
dat0mxtgyal, oh, then there is something wrong with the ftp user. SFTP or FTP?20:15
ubluntudat0m: what are you talking about booting a boot loader with another boot loader20:15
xtgyaljust regular FT20:15
dat0mubluntu, like wubi20:15
dat0mubluntu, but without the limitations of wubi20:15
ubluntuubluntu: wubi = waste of time do a real install20:15
MonkeyDustwubi :(20:15
notNicolaswhy would ubuntu use Unity by default? It has huge performance problems20:15
ubluntulol I talked to my self, atleast im only crazy if I answer :-P20:15
LjLBrowncoyote: next time, please type such commands in the status window, not in the channel, so you don't risk posting them here by accident like you just did :)20:15
dat0mubluntu, MonkeyDust: I have UEFI on my laptop, I can't boot grub ;)20:15
Browncoyotesorry I am new20:16
BrowncoyoteI am trying to register my nicc20:17
ubluntudat0m: im not familiar with UEFI sry20:17
dat0mubluntu, linux/grub does not support it yet20:17
theadmin!register | Browncoyote20:17
ubottuBrowncoyote: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:17
dat0mthat's why I want to boot it using the windows bootloader :P20:17
xtgyalis there another way besides changing the ownership of var/www ?20:17
dat0mxtgyal, not the ownership :P20:17
theadmindat0m: You're a genius lol, boot plop using Windows bootloader and then have it boot Linux :P20:17
xtgyalit's currently owned as root20:18
xtgyalI'm logged into FTP as myself20:18
dat0mxtgyal, that would really work? :O20:18
dat0mxtgyal, you are using a root account?20:18
* Browncoyote Thanks 20:18
dat0mxtgyal, why is it owned by root, then?20:18
a-sainthello guys is it me or someone else is having problem with aircrack-ng ......................... 22:15:20  Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: **:**:**:**:**:**) on channel -1 22:15:20  mon0 is on channel -1, but the AP uses channel 620:19
dat0mxtgyal, you should disable the root account on your server (security issues)20:19
guntbert!manual | SamWharfe have a good reading :)20:19
ubottuSamWharfe have a good reading :): The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:19
LjLxtgyal: the proper way would be making a group specific to reading/writing that directory, and then making yourself and/or the FTP server's user a member of that group.20:19
xtgyalthere's only one user account here, me, var/www is owned by "root" as default for security, I can only upload to it locally using sudo20:19
LjLdat0m: what are you talking about? the fact that /var/www is owned by root is normal and absolutely doesn't imply that the root user is enabled20:19
dat0mLjL, uh, it's owned by www-data here :P20:20
LjLdat0m: might depend on ubuntu version.20:20
xtgyalprobably depends on your server, I have the defualt Ubuntu LAMP stack20:20
flintwingelxtgyal: have you thought about using scp instead of ftp.... it's easier & more secure20:20
xtgyalwhat is scp?20:20
dat0mlamp -_-20:21
xtgyalI basically just want to be able to upload files to my home server from other computers is all20:21
LjL!scp | xtgyal20:21
ubottuxtgyal: scp is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/20:21
dat0mxtgyal, or SFTP20:21
flintwingelxtgyal: part of the ssh familiy ssh=secure shell20:21
wdonkeyMonkeyDust: thanks i've found a way, thanks again for helping me!20:21
xtgyalI'm not sure that would work, I would need to upload files from my university computer lab, they don't allow installations, I don't think that's in the installed programs, they have FileZilla though20:22
flintwingelxtgyal: if it's a linux server it may already be running, if not it's usually trivial to install. It's a standard part of pretty much every distro20:22
LjLxtgyal: what's the problem with doing what i outlined though?20:23
xtgyalI would need that particular application installed on whatever computer I wanted to access my homeserver from?20:23
flintwingelxygyal: http://filezilla-project.org/client_features.php20:23
flintwingelxtgyal: http://filezilla-project.org/client_features.php - see point 220:23
JoseeAntonioRHello! I have a few touch keys in the upper part of my keyboard, and I want to know how can I set their functions.20:24
xtgyalI don't see SCP listed?20:24
flintwingelxtgyal - ssh also includes SFTP20:25
xtgyalis that the same as SCP?20:25
ikoniaxtgyal: scp is part of the ssh package20:25
xtgyaloh ok20:25
LjLxtgyal: no, but both SCP and SFTP are more secure than FTP20:26
flintwingelxtgyal: not quite.... but close enough20:26
a-sainthello guys is it me or someone else is having problem with aircrack-ng ......................... 22:15:20  Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: **:**:**:**:**:**) on channel -1 22:15:20  mon0 is on channel -1, but the AP uses channel 620:26
xtgyalwhat program do I need to install to set up an SCP server then?20:26
borudevHello, how is everyone? I had a quick question troubleshooting my ubuntu 11.10 server installation. I installed the same OS on 2 different servers and I'm experiencing the same problem. What happens is I turn on the server, it's ok for few hours, and then when I try to SSH to it, it get a time out, when I plug in the keyboard, and type something then I can connect to it again. Seems that it's20:26
borudevgoing to some kind of sleep mode. Note, no desktop was installed just pure server OS. Anyone had this issue before? what could cause it? Thanks20:26
ikoniaxtgyal: openssh-server will instal sshd which listens for transfers20:26
ikoniaxtgyal: the client you need to install ssh which contains scp20:27
ubluntuborudev: sudo setterm -blank 020:27
flintwingelxtgyal: what distro? ubuntu/debian, if it's not install already apt-get install ssh should do it20:27
xtgyalthe default FileZilla installation on Windows should be able to access the SCP server?20:27
xtgyalI'm on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS20:27
borudevunbluntu what will this do?20:27
LjLxtgyal: probably not, but it will be able to access the SFTP server (which is in the same openssh-server package)20:29
LjLxtgyal: anyway, it's not like any of this is going to solve the permission issues :P20:29
borudevubluntu: what will this do?20:29
xtgyalai, so why am I installing it?20:30
LjLxtgyal: because security. the permission issues would be solved the way i outlined, i don't think there is another sensible way. unless you decide to make a symlink from /var/www/something to your home, and put the files there.20:31
xtgyalyes, I am reading https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html does seem better20:31
xtgyalwould the symlink reduce any security?20:32
xtgyalhow does that work?20:32
flintwingelxtgyal: it's a lot easier to get the right permissions... and it's safer to sign in as root. FTP sessions are clear text. vsftpd also put a layer of  user mapping in the way. You should probably set to ownership or /var/www to something other than root, but NOT the same user and the webserver uses20:32
LjLxtgyal: not as far as i'm aware. however, you'd have to make a sub-directory inside /var/www, so later you can't access your site as http://hostname/ but you need http://hostname/subdirectory/, that may or may not be ok with you.20:33
xtgyalI thought I'm not supposed to sign in as root?20:33
xtgyalhm ok yeah my indexpage is at localhost/index.htm20:33
xtgyalfish don't bark...20:34
flintwingelxtgyal: rule of thumb... normally you wouldn't. Setup a new user on you server, set the ownership of /var/ww to that user then use sftp to sign in as that user20:34
arooni-mobilehey folks; lenovo t420 here with ubuntu 11.10;  suspend works about 40-50% of the time.  any idea on what i need to do to make resume more reliable?20:35
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ikoniaarooni-mobile: sort the video card compatability out is the common issue20:35
LjLxtgyal, what *i'd* personally do, though, is: make the ownership of /var/www and friends root:www-data, and make your user a member of www-data20:35
xtgyalhm ok yeah like a special webadmin account on the computer?  will that reduce any security from having it owned by root though?20:35
arooni-mobileikonia, i have the intel card20:35
LjLxtgyal: if by "reduce the security" you mean "let you access the files at all", then yes, it will reduce the security ;)20:36
xtgyalI'd rather deviate from the defualt security settings as little as possible20:36
flintwingelxtgyal: no... justas long as it is NOT the same user as the webserver and is NOT world writeable20:36
xtgyalwhat do you mean by same user as the webserver?20:37
xtgyalthere is currently only one user account on the computer20:37
LjLxtgyal: err, i think you'd be surprised.20:37
LjLxtgyal: "cat /etc/passwd" will show that the webserver most likely has its own user.20:37
xtgyalwell user account that I've created20:37
shalowhal76old dell dimension 4600 p4 3.0x2, 1gb ram pc3200, agp radeon 512 mb, seems to be running fine after 11.10 update for the most part but has some noticable lag that wasnt ther befor .probably due to low ram but all nd all seemes like a really great computer for $60.0020:37
LjLxtgyal: users get created automatically for services.20:37
xtgyalyes I know20:38
flintwingelxtgyal: every process on a unix is "owned" by a user, it controls what they have access to20:38
xtgyalI meant accounts I actually log into20:38
KohiniteHow is that website called, where people post problems, and other people post solutions which later are rated by other users?20:38
flintwingelxtgyal: if you run ps -ef you will see all the processes and their owner20:38
xtgyallemme check that20:38
a-saintanyone http://paste.ubuntu.com/814670/20:38
bazhangKohinite, askubuntu.com ?20:39
xtgyalok I see nicole root and a www-data20:39
shalowhal76loving it20:39
ikoniaa-saint: what about it ?20:39
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arooni-mobilefor suspend to work properly; do i need 1) same amount of swap as ram?  i have 8gb of ram; but only 4gb of swap?  2) free space = ram working set?  i regularly use 4-5gb of ram; but currently only have 3gb free on hard disk20:39
LjLarooni-mobile: you only need enough swap space, no need for other free space on the disk.20:40
xtgyalwww-data looks like the Apache user20:40
a-saintikonia having trouble with aircrack-ng error with what's in the pastebin20:40
Kohinitebazhang, it looks a lot like askubuntu.com, but that website was a bit different... Or maybe it got updated?20:40
LjLarooni-mobile: ideally it should be at least the same as your RAM, but if you're using little RAM, then it might work with less.20:40
flintwingelxtgyal: www-data is the onwer of the httpd process... the webserver. For the webserver to serve up pages it must have read permission on the files that make up the web pages20:40
arooni-mobileLjL, so i dont have enough free swap space?20:40
shalowhal76i think im coming up on about $140. 00 real soon20:40
ikoniaa-saint: that doesn't look like a n error20:40
a-saintikonia what wouldit be?20:40
ikoniashalowhal76: what has this got do do with ubuntu ?20:41
shalowhal76bunt is free20:41
xtgyalI still think creating a link to/from the home directory seems safer than messing with user settings20:41
flintwingelxtgyal: what you don't want is for the webserver to have write permission20:41
ikoniaa-saint: it appears to be delling you the device is listening on a different channel than the AP20:41
shalowhal76couldnt do it without bunt20:41
ikoniashalowhal76: what are you talking about ?20:41
LjLshalowhal76: this channel is for Ubuntu technical support, please keep it free of other chatter.20:41
ikoniashalowhal76: you are an an ubuntu support channel - do you need to use that resource20:41
bazhangKohinite, stackoverflow.com perhaps20:41
xtgyalok so that's a no go then, I want to be able to write to the var/www folder remotely20:41
a-saintikonia but i made sure to airmon-ng start wlan2 620:41
shalowhal76i swear to god if i ever make it rich im going to donate like 1000.00 to ubuntu.20:42
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ikoniashalowhal76: enough20:42
bazhang!ot | shalowhal7620:42
ubottushalowhal76: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:42
LjLxtgyal: not if you insist on not changing its ownership... if you aren't root, and the stuff is owned by root, there's no way you're going to write to it, is there? unless you make it writable to anyone, which *is* a big security risk ;)20:42
ikoniaa-saint: not according to that log20:42
a-saintikonia I did ......20:43
ikoniaa-saint: not according to that log20:43
shalowhal76you guys ar all a bunch of cry baby bitches in all these rooms i swear.20:43
xtgyalyes but what was the "symlink" thing mentioned earlier?  copy my var/www data to the home folder and then link var/www to it?20:43
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a-saintikonia wait i will try and post20:44
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AegirAegir (Has quit)20:44
Kohinitebazhang, how is this "rating system" called? Stackoverflow and AskUbuntu.20:44
flintwingelxtgyal: symlink (ln -s) is just a way of redirecting a file operation somewhere else. Apache can be setup to ignore symlinks and it doesn't really get you around the file ownership/permission problem20:45
Vibahay alguien k español k hable20:45
LjLxtgyal: well no, linking the *whole* /var/www to it would be the same as just making /var/www owned by you. i was thinking of making a *subdirectory* in /var/www linked to something in your home.20:45
xtgyalhm ok20:45
LjL!es | Viba20:45
ubottuViba: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:45
xtgyalohh ok20:45
xtgyallike var/www/newfiles20:45
LjLxtgyal: but of course, as flintwingel hints, the actual directory in your home directory will be owned by *your user*, so if you're this wary about ownership, it changes nothing20:46
xtgyalwhich links to home then I can copy & paste them once I'm back on this computer20:46
winterpk66Hey guys.  I'm trying to get our new Ubuntu 10 server on our network, but having problems with routing and DHCP.  DHCP does not seem to be setting everything properly as it should.  It seems to be connecting to the router, but when I try to ping an external address it give me "Host address unable to resolve".20:46
AegirAegir (Has quit)20:46
ikoniawinterpk66: look into the dns settings20:46
xtgyalactually yeah doesn't seem to solve much20:46
a-saintikonia http://paste.ubuntu.com/814682/20:47
xtgyalI'll just leave it be, it looks like I can read the files remotely, so I'll have to download them, edit, and then FTP them to home, and then wait until I get back on this computer to copy & paste them to var/www20:47
killfoohi! is there really no usable port of ubuntu one to fedora?20:47
LjLkillfoo: ask in #ubuntuone20:47
LjLkillfoo: (or #fedora)20:47
ikoniaa-saint: that's fille with errors20:47
theadminkillfoo: There might be one. There is one for ArchLinux. Better ask in #ubuntuone or #fedora20:48
killfoo<theadmin>, LjL: thx20:48
ikoniaa-saint: the error is still the same20:48
ikoniaa-saint: mon0 is on channel -1 and the AP is on 620:48
mang0Where abouts in the ubuntuforumes would I post a q about conky?20:48
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a-saintikonia yes but i started airmon-ng on channel 620:49
ikoniaa-saint: it doesn't change the fact that it's not working20:49
a-saintikonia it shows with the pastebin20:49
a-saintikonia and what might be the problem20:49
ikoniano idea, try #aircrack20:50
a-saintikonia ok thanks20:50
nimanhi every one i used gnome and when i turnon my pc when gnome loaded metacity not run how can i set run automatic ? when metacity not , run my window border dont work and without window border very hard to work20:50
bs0dHello guys20:51
dilmiHI man20:51
bs0dcan anybody tell me where can I get libicu22 package from the ubuntu repository? I have libicu44 but need llibicu42 and get an error dependency cannot be found20:52
dilmihow can i add keyboard layouts on xubuntu?20:53
lancetusu] q20:54
nimanhi every one i used gnome and when i turnon my pc when gnome loaded metacity not run how can i set run automatic ? when metacity not , run my window border dont work and without window border very hard to work20:55
al_nz1could anyone please help with a tftp install (removal) error? http://pastebin.com/cCZZQ1dG20:56
N86eALHi, I am trying to configure my wireless network card with wpa_supplicant and it isn't going that well. All guides I stumpled upon are all extremely old to the point where the syntax for wpa supplicant has changed(or at least so it seems).20:56
mega2is there anything that would do the same as microsoft exchange20:57
sagitario25alguien q me pueda hechar una mano??20:58
familyi'm trying to install JRE1.6 I havea tar.gz but have no idea what to do with it. I have looked inside and can't find an install .sh etc.. Do i need to compile?20:58
LjLal_nz1: it works for me. a quick and dirty (and possibly damaging) solution would be to put "exit 0" on the second line of the file /var/lib/dpkg/info/tftpd-hpa.postrm - a better solution would be running the commands in that file manually, and seeing what goes wrong.20:58
LjL!es | sagitario2520:58
ubottusagitario25: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:58
sagitario25ok, tanks20:59
familyi'm trying to install JRE1.6 I havea tar.gz but have no idea what to do with it. I have looked inside and can't find an install .sh etc.. Do i need to compile?21:00
LjLjamil_1: you can find instructions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java#Oracle_.28Sun.29_Java_6 though i haven't tested them21:01
adachow to remove an user from a group on command line?21:05
LjLadac: deluser username groupname21:06
mega2is there anything that would do the same as microsoft exchange21:06
adacLjL, does this also delete the user?21:07
LjLadac: no. "deluser username" would delete the user.21:07
guntbert!repeat | mega221:07
ubottumega2: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:07
Toph2what is a good program for downloading utube videos with Ubuntu 11.1021:08
LjL!info youtube-dl | Toph221:08
ubottuToph2: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube. In component universe, is extra. Version 2011.08.04-1 (oneiric), package size 33 kB, installed size 168 kB21:08
=== Mud is now known as Guest27004
bazhangToph2, firefox download helper plugin21:09
LysiProblem: websites don't load, when ff is closed router ping is ok, when firefox is open router ping has 100 percent package loss21:09
adacLjL, thank you a lot!21:10
adacLjL, and adding an user would be simply:  "adduser username groupname"?21:11
=== ozior is now known as intelektualista
MonkeyDustmega2  try zimbra21:12
al_nz1LjL: nice - that installs now21:12
=== Sera_ is now known as Guest99937
al_nz1but if I tftp localhost21:12
al_nz1I get the tftp prompt21:12
al_nz1but if I type get boot.txt21:13
al_nz1nothing happens21:13
fexilalhas the decision to ship ubuntu with Unity (the worst desktop environment I have ever seen) been well received?21:14
cousin_luigiDoes anyone happen to know how to register a new URL handler?21:15
aevlkmbonjour comment fait on pour installer flash player x64, je viens de telecharger le fichier mais comme je debute je ne sais pas ou et comment l'installer21:15
MonkeyDust!fr| aevlkm21:15
ubottuaevlkm: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:15
=== max is now known as Guest44862
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
Ivan1hi i need help abouth edubuntu with creating partition, how to created if someone knov how21:20
Guest93350somebody reads me?21:20
guntbertGuest93350: we can see you, yes21:21
Vivaay alguien español o k hable español21:21
al_nz1LjL: u still here21:21
guntbert!es | Viva21:21
ubottuViva: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:21
=== a-saint is now known as Guest21986
NephyHey, I installed ubuntu 11.10 a few hours ago and I just noticed some applications are missing menu buttons.Is there a fix for this ?21:25
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guntbertNephy: you are supposed to get them via the "dash"21:27
snowrichardNephy you can click on the top icon, brings up a search box, type the first few letters of the app name21:27
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Nephyno, no I don't mean applications are missing from my menu21:28
=== Guest21986 is now known as asaint
alainghow do i chmod a specific folder?21:28
NephyApplications are missing menu options, like "file" ,"edit" stuff like that21:28
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ortsvorsteheralaing, which rights do you want to have on that folder?21:29
snowrichardoh haven't seen anything like that21:29
snowrichardthe menu goes to the top of the screen now21:29
guntbertNephy: move the mouse pointer to the top panel...21:29
guntbertalaing: don't21:30
ortsvorsteheralaing, try chmod 777 foldername21:30
ortsvorsteheralaing, which folder is it?21:30
=== JK-Mikke is now known as Prowo
Nephya lol, didnt see that, Is there a way to restore them to "normal" ?:D21:30
alaingactually i might go with 75521:31
ortsvorsteheralaing, and which folder is it?21:31
alaingits a plugins folder for a cms that I'm using21:32
alaingfor my website21:32
=== Prowo is now known as ozior
ortsvorsteheralaing, i would not give rights for everyone an such a folder.21:33
guntbertalaing: every attacker could make good use of that21:33
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=== filipke is now known as ozior
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=== ozigs is now known as ozior
guntberts /every/any/      s /could/will/21:35
guntbert!nickspam > ozior21:35
ubottuozior, please see my private message21:35
Zzzsssshi ..21:35
Zzzssssi have basic question. how can i setup ssh with keys authentication, i want to use only servers keys21:36
oziorok, i'm sorry, i forgot i'm here21:36
Zzzssssi dont want to create keys from putty and then upload in auth file..21:36
Zzzssssany one know ?21:37
Zzzssssssh-keygen > cp private key to local system > change sshd file > convert that key from puttygen and then connect it with that key?21:38
Zzzsssswhich options should be NO in sshd conf ?21:38
guntbertZzzssss: see https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html21:38
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=== Guest87217 is now known as mattfrog
Zzzssssgubtbert: i dont want to do this step :  Now copy the id_dsa.pub file to the remote host and append it to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys by entering:21:39
Zzzssssi want to do some thing like this.. read after half part21:40
jayijohi all21:40
bitcycleHey all.  Can someone point me to a good tutorial on setting up davmail and integrating it with lightning on the client side?21:40
Zzzssssgunbert: ?21:42
=== Fantom1989 is now known as Fantomm
* _B00 Notepad 21:45
* _B00 slaps Notepad 21:45
imanchey what is the terminal command i can enter to see a list of software driver errors etc.?21:46
LjLadac: yes21:48
=== alaing is now known as funkymonk
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:50
owenllAm trying to help someone who's new to Ubuntu who's trying to play supertuxkart. Gets error GLX support. This is the output of lspci http://paste.ubuntu.com/814753/ does he have two graphics cards?21:51
Zzzssssi want to setup this thing..21:51
LjLowenll: seems so21:51
Zzzssssbut its not working..21:51
FloodBot1Zzzssss: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:51
=== Fantomm is now known as Fantome
=== Fantome is now known as Fantom
Zzzssssohh flood :)21:52
=== Fantom is now known as Guest55781
Tellmarchowenll, probably one integrated in the cpu + a mobile card?21:52
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owenllThanks LjL  Tellmarch - any advice on how he should continue?21:53
LjLowenll: dunno, are the proprietary drivers for the card he's using (i'd expect that to be the ATI card) installed?21:53
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Tellmarchnot sure. my laptop has 2 GPUs, i had to choose one over the other, so i can only use one now21:54
Tellmarchdon't know if there is a good way to handle such things21:54
dewarhi, im in real trouble, i used muon to delete muon and cant load any programs21:54
LjLdewar: "sudo apt-get install muon" from a terminal won't fix it?21:54
Zzzsssshi room21:54
dewari tried apt get install and itdoenst work21:55
LjLdewar: what does it say?21:55
dewarunable to locat package21:55
LjL!info muon21:55
ubottumuon (source: muon): package manager for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.1-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 81 kB, installed size 328 kB21:55
LjLdewar: pastebin the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list file21:55
dewarpaste here ok?21:55
bitcycleHey all.  Can someone point me to a good tutorial on setting up davmail and integrating it with lightning on the client side?21:56
LjLdewar: no, use a pastebin21:56
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:56
owenllTellmarch: LjL Ubuntu tells him AMD/ATI proprietary driver - FGLRX - not activated - and he can't activate it21:56
Tellmarchowenll, it might be possible to disable the intel GPU in the bios, to clarify things for ubuntu21:56
yumbo_When will a patch for the memory vulnerability be rolled out?21:56
Tellmarchif you want to use the amd HD card21:56
owenllTellmarch: OK thanks I will google for instructions and advise him to do so21:57
owenllLjL Tellmarch - thanks both!21:58
yumbo_(the memory vulnerability that allows a ~200 line script get root access with any normal user)21:59
Tellmarchthere is such a vulnerability?21:59
compdoca ~200 line script is no small thing21:59
yumbo_Tellmarch, see http://blog.zx2c4.com/74921:59
trismyumbo_: it already has for oneiric, http://pad.lv/91911522:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 919115 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "CVE-2012-0056" [Medium,In progress]22:00
yumbo_trism, thank you22:01
Tellmarchdidn't know about that exploit22:01
hydesterwhat is the simplest approach to migrate an existing install to LVM/encrypted?  the installer only offers to blow away the whole drive for disk encryption.  i was hoping to resize my partition to 1/2 drive and install fresh lvm encrypted partition and copy my data over22:03
mateowhen I maximize a windows in unity 2d, the window buttons overlap22:04
Tellmarchuf, my 10.04 server is safe right? kernel is older than 2.6.3922:04
adacHow can I activate dhclient on start?22:04
yumbo_trism, it says there is a fix released for Ubuntu Oneiric, but I can't seem to find it; Could you point me to it?22:05
Tellmarchyumbo_, just update your kernel i think22:07
Tellmarchif you get 3.0.0-15.26 you should be safe22:07
yumbo_I see, thanks22:08
mega2how do i list all users on server10.0422:08
littlebithello people, i want to add kde to my ubuntu, what package is it called???22:10
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yumbo_littlebit, the full KDE Desktop Environment is called "kde-full"22:11
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RadiumCatlittlebit, sudo-ap-get install kde-desktop22:11
littlebitfull or desktop??22:11
littlebitit is for my laptop22:12
Tellmarchif you have hard drive space go for full22:12
yumbo_littlebit, I should give kde-desktop a try first and do kde-full if you like it22:12
yumbo_littlebit, oh, I think it's called "kde-standard" for Ubuntu 11.10 actually22:13
redj_join backtrack-linux22:14
compdocsome get a rope, and I'll grab redj_22:14
lee32hello, is there a repository for skype for oneiric?22:15
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga22:15
MoDDDhi all22:15
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jepsterwie kann man gnome beenden und den webserver weiterhin über die konsole weiterlaufen lassen?22:18
LjL!de | jepster22:18
ubottujepster: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!22:18
jepsterah.. sorry22:18
ScuniziI just got another kernel update.. that's 2 in a week.  What's this one for?22:19
TrentonDAdamsI'm finding IO scheduling performance to be extremely poor on Ubuntu 11.04.  Is there going to be a fix for this, that anyone is aware of?  I run hourly backups, and they worked just peachy with 10.10, but now my load average jumps to 3, 4, 5, sometimes even 80.22:20
TrentonDAdamsThey worked so well with 10.10 that they could accumulate 5-10 hours of overlap, due to auto cleaning my backup directories, and still be bearly noticable.22:21
booh-I'm trying to install and configure freeradius and storage to postgresql.  Radius answer request but always reject access...22:23
booh-It's the first time I play with freeradius.22:23
booh-I do a test with radtest22:24
compdocit would be nice to use an authentication server22:24
booh-I installed dialupadmin and I can create users22:24
trismScunizi: possible local root exploit because of issues with a writable /proc/pid/mem22:25
kaddihi, i have a somewhat weird question: A friend of mine has an old sony with jaunty installed on it. The cd-drive is dead and the bios doesn't support usb-boot. Is there a way to get the machine upgraded to something supported (lucid or oneiric). He isn't opposed to a clean install. So is there a way to do a clean install by downloading the iso in jaunty and launching th einstall from it?22:26
mrdesignbsr tt l mond22:26
kaddii've been looking at the networkinstall, but i don't think that'll work either22:26
kaddii'm essentially looking for a wubi that would install within jaunty :p22:27
MonkeyDustkaddi  download the iso and use unetbootin to create a bootable thumbdrive22:27
kaddiboot from USB is not support in BIOS MonkeyDust :/22:27
kaddithere's no floppy drive either22:27
Scunizitrism: thanks.. it doesn't happen often (kernel updates)22:28
bobo37773kaddi, Will an external optical drive work?22:28
kaddibobo37773: from what he said no.. as it's also a usb device22:29
koleopteroneed some help here from you fellow ubuntuers: Does anyone use empathy with irc?22:29
bobo37773kaddi, Yeah, I guess that makes sense.22:29
MonkeyDustkaddi  so no usb, no cd and no floppy?22:29
Brian__having trouble getting ubuntu to boot up help22:29
MoDDDkaddi ,u can try with an external dvd-rom22:29
kaddiMonkeyDust: yes, just to make it interesting ;)22:29
Budylicioshi guys im a little new with linux and i have a question : why when i try 2 boot boot 10.10 livecd the screen getz blurry and goes to power save after a wile22:30
kaddiMoDDD: he has an external CD drive with which he tried and he said it didn't show up in bios22:30
mrdesigng besoin d'install un server sur ma machin22:30
LjL!fr | mrdesign22:30
ubottumrdesign: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:30
mrdesignmais g n sais cmt faire22:30
mrdesigni want to install a server on my computer22:30
kaddiis parted installed by default on jaunty?22:30
mrdesignbut i can'tt22:30
mrdesigni'm new on ubuntu22:31
MonkeyDustmrdesign  same to you: use tasksel in a terminal (task selection)22:31
MoDDDkaddi, gparted is on jaunty22:31
Brian__HELP newbee to Ubuntu22:31
mrdesigni'm gonna try22:32
mrdesigni'm make sign after22:32
koleopteronoone uses irc with empathy? >.<22:32
bobo37773kaddi, lubi maybe?22:32
kaddiMoDDD: also once you install it, I was under the impression it's just on the live-cd and if you wnat to use it on the done install you need to install it yourself22:32
kaddibobo37773: there's such a thing as lubi? THat would be cool22:33
MonkeyDustyes, it's on my website too22:33
bobo37773kaddi, Yeah, i am pretty sure there is22:33
Sachwhat command do i need to know how many bits my computer has? (32 or 64)22:33
qmrhow do I get a source package?22:33
qmrSach: cat /proc/cpuinfo22:33
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_B00Look at the sticker... oops sorry22:33
kaddibobo37773: cool, thanks. That may do the trick!22:33
MonkeyDustSach  type dmidecode|grep 6422:33
Budylicios hi guys im a little new with linux and i have a question : why when i try 2 boot boot 10.10 livecd the screen getz blurry and goes to power save after a wile !!!22:34
rcmaehlWhy can't other people see: 22:34
LjLrcmaehl: i can see it just fine22:34
qmrrcmaehl: character set22:34
_B00I can see it rcmaehl !22:34
bobo37773kaddi, Not sure how you are going to go about getting rid of the host system though.22:34
kaddibobo37773: once the new ubuntu is installed can they delete the old install and use it as a data partition22:34
ewokbotsee what?22:34
Sachqmr -- thanks, it worked.22:34
kaddicross post ;P22:34
rcmaehlLjL: It says ubuntu right?22:34
ewokboti dont see anything after the colon its blank22:35
koleopterorcmaehl: nice22:35
rcmaehlsome peopel say it says something else too22:35
koleopteroesp the ubuntu logo, how on earth did you do that?22:35
Sachis it worth upgrading from 11.04 to 11.10, in terms of stability and functionality?22:35
bobo37773kaddi, Yeah, I don't know. Not sure how it is installed. If it is anything like wubi... good luck22:35
rcmaehlkoleoptero: character map22:35
ewokbotSach, no22:35
ewokbotSach, really dumb idea - just makes you a test subject22:36
Sachewokbot, why do you say that?22:36
koleopterorcmaehl: yeah but I see it in the ubuntu font whereas I'm using terminus, that's why I ask22:36
ewokbotbut no distro admins are going to tell you that22:36
koleopteroin a terminal with irssi too22:36
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rcmaehlI"m in irssi22:36
ewokbotthere could be some upstream x org stuff but unlikely22:36
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koleopterooh, so I guess no compatibility issues between us hahahah22:37
Sachewokbot, so what version do you suggest I stick with?22:37
M1that's because it's one ascii symbol that includes the ubuntu text and the logo22:37
kaddibobo37773: well it's a good start.. at least he'll be able to get the clean install.. we can always talk about hacking lubi later :)22:37
ewokboti say stay with 11.04 if you are on it22:37
MonkeyDustkaddi  http://lubi.sourceforge.net/index.html22:37
Sachewokbot, thanks :)22:37
ewokboti thought it was pretty nice in classic no effects fall back mode22:37
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kaddibobo37773, MonkeyDust, MoDDD thanks!22:37
Sachyes, i think so too...22:37
MoDDDkaddi good work! :)22:38
ewokboti put pn the weather applet in the panel thing did you Sach22:38
Sachewokbot, absolutely! :)22:38
ewokboti am in debian gnome right now for debian has the same sort of stuff as classic fallback22:38
mrdesignmonkeydust: i'm select lampserver22:39
Sachthe only thing i hate is libreoffice in comparison to Word...i still find bugs..22:39
ewokbotor whatever i dont really know what the wm is- but i recognixze the tools from ununtu22:39
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mrdesigni click enter22:39
bobo37773kaddi, Wait. Couldn't you just extract the iso and add an entry in grub pointed to the appropriate kernel / ramdisk?22:39
mrdesignbut nothing else22:39
ewokbothmm well i never used Micro soft long enough to like it22:39
kaddibobo37773: what would that do? Would that launch the install?22:40
mrdesigni think that something wrong22:40
koleopterocan't anyone help me with some problems I have with irc and empathy?22:40
kaddiHow would I make sure I don't partition over the appropriate kernel ramdisk?22:40
Sachyea, i'v been on ubuntu for 6 years now, but Word is the only thing i miss..22:40
acerimmerkoleoptero: I might be able to help22:40
mrdesigni want install lampserver22:40
MonkeyDustmrdesign  select the components you need22:40
qmr.... LaTeX22:40
kaddisach have you tried libreoffice? I think it has a very finished feel to it22:40
mrdesigni do this22:40
bobo37773Seems like it would. No harm in trying if you are adding a seperate entry in grub. In theory it should work.22:40
kaddipersonally i think it's much nicer than openoffice22:41
kaddi(also what qmr said ;p)22:41
mrdesignmonkeydust i do this by pressing enter22:41
Sachkaddi, yes, i use it, although still find a few bugs..have you also come across any bugs?22:41
koleopteroacerimmer: thank god, I set it with freenode and my nick and it says authentication failed22:41
kaddisach, nope I only use it rarely. I mostly use latex22:41
kaddibobo37773: the thing is, once the PC is unbootable it stays unbootable.. :p22:41
kaddiso trial and error only works on a limited scale22:41
bobo37773kaddi, Yeah, but if it was a seperate entry in grub then you can just pick the working one if it doesn't work22:42
kaddibobo37773: well the idea would be to format over the existing ubuntu install with the new one. So if the whole thing stops working half way through, because I formatted part of the files needed by the CD I have lost both22:43
kaddithe working install and the installer22:43
acerimmerkoleoptero: I used to get those too.  upon logging into freenode, I would get "nick already in use or not recognized" or similar.  Once I /msg nick "Acerimmer", it was fixed.  that might not be EXACTLY the message but it's close...22:43
kaddiwhich is why I'm worried about where to install the new version of ubuntu to22:43
koleopteroacerimmer: so it's an empathy quirk? because I was able to connect with an unregistered nickname (koleop2) but then it wouldn't join any channels \o.O/22:44
Sachis it possible to do a FRESH install of 11.04 without a disk; only internet?22:44
koleopteroso see I hit two things at once lol22:45
kaddibobo37773: it seems what you suggested is an official way to install ubuntu though: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/NetbootInstallFromInternet22:45
kaddiit doesn't answer my worries baout formatting what shouldn't be formatted unfortunately22:45
MoDDDkaddi: you have find the solution online?22:46
bobo37773kaddi, If the custom kernel loads and you get to the ubuntu installer then what would be the difference?22:46
bobo37773kaddi, It would be the same as a livecd wouldn't it?22:46
kaddibobo37773: well i guess my question is when I get to the ubuntu installer, does it load EVERYTHING it needs into RAM or does it rely on the files remaining available throughout the install22:47
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kaddibecause if it loads everything into RAM, then I'm fretting over nothing22:47
Sachis it possible to do a fresh (formatted) install of 11.04 from an ISO image on my external harddrive?22:47
bobo37773kaddi, Oh. It may need to mount partitions to run itself. I didn't think of that.22:47
kaddisach check the link i just posted, it may anwser your wuestion22:48
kaddiquestion even22:48
Sachkadi, thanks -- you're quick!22:48
bobo37773kaddi, Maybe a custom fstab would help (or maybe look at the one in the extracted livecd)...22:49
kaddisach Im actually asking the same question as you ;)22:49
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kaddibobo37773: yeah, i already asked for the disk-structure.. I'm waiting for my friend to get back to me.. I'm contemplating abusing a virtual machine in the mean time ;) Just to see what happens22:49
bobo37773kaddi, That is great idea. VMs can take a good beating22:50
MoDDDkaddi: try with virtual machine :)22:50
marcesanhello there I have a question, I installed Ubuntu 11.10 in my new laptop and it warm up too fast22:50
kaddithey've already taken several good beatings unfortunately.. let's see if they can be persuaded to boot at all :p22:51
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.22:51
marcesanok I will try lmsensors22:52
hovorkaI was wondering if I could get some help; when I attempt to boot Ubuntu 11.10 on my netbook, it "glitches out" and throws me into a root terminal.22:52
Sachif my "Address size" is: 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual, how do I know the bits of my cpu? (ie. 32 or 64?)22:52
svetlanakHi! I have a network problem that i hope you guys can i help me with. I'm using a laptop computer with wireless connection. When i close my computer, it goes into sleep(as it should do ofc). BUT, when i open it, i cant connect to my router again, i have to restart my computer and my router after this, to make it work again. This doesnt happend to my other computers. So, can anyone help me? :)22:53
svetlanakI use 10.04 btw22:53
acerimmerkoleoptero: sorry I booted myself.22:53
OerHeksSach PAE is only acailable on 32 bit cpu's22:54
koleopteroacerimmer: no worries, I'm slowly resigning myself to using irssi22:54
SachOerHeks, PAE?22:54
acerimmerkoleoptero: option - chatzilla plugin to firefox.  very sweet imho22:54
bobo37773kaddi, I think you will need to create an additional partition for this to work with the contents of the iso. Better go with fat3222:54
koleopteroacerimmer: nah, I just thought to set up empathy since it's already running all the time for google talk22:55
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info22:55
kaddianyone familiar with this error message from virtualbox: failed to load VMMR0.r0 (VERR_SUPLIB_OWNER_NOT_ROOT)?22:55
kaddii'm kinda reluctant to run VB as root22:55
koleopteroI can use irssi just fine22:55
hovorkaIs there any reason why after booting Ubuntu 11.10, you would be thrown into a fullscreen root terminal?22:55
acerimmerhovorka: Root or Boot?22:56
Sachunder what circumstances would one install the (unrecommended) 64-bit 11.04?22:56
hovorkaacerimmer: It gives me a prompt that says "root@ubuntu:/#".22:57
aBoundSach, I'd stick with 10.04 LTS more or less.22:57
OerHeksSach, 64 bit runs fine, next version 12.04LTS will recommended 64 bit.22:57
acerimmerhovorka: yeah, that's root.  Not an issue i'm familiar with, sorry.22:57
Sachoerheks, so is 32 bit fine for 11.04?22:58
hovorkaacerimmer: Thanks anyways.22:58
OerHeksSach 32 bit is proven to be stable and give no worrys. 64 is next.22:59
bobo37773kaddi, Did you read this:    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185785422:59
peczusjoin /#tychy23:00
peczusjoin /Polska23:01
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hexacodecan anyone tell me the default location of svnserv.conf23:04
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ActionParsniphexacode: not got one here23:05
kaddibobo37773: ty, i was still busy hating VB... I've screwed up my install badly anyways and it's time I do a clean restart with the VMs.. but it's so much owrk :P23:05
seangibbzIf I install via WUBI, is there a way to get a graphical boot selector, as opposed to the Windows text-based boot selector?23:05
chuckhexacode: In your repository23:05
kaddibobothatfix ed it though23:05
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ActionParsniphexacode: may help http://pmungai.wordpress.com/linux/sun-solaris/solaris-install-svn/23:06
bobo37773kaddi, All for VirtualBox?23:06
hamaxhei, is someone here familiar with BAMF?23:06
hamaxI can't find any documentation23:06
ActionParsnipseangibbz: burg exists but its 2rd party and not supported here, not sure if it works with wubi either. Considering it's on the screen for a few seconds I wouldn't be bothered23:07
kaddino, i meant I screwed up the VB install badly. I've moved files around a bit too much in order to free up space and half the Vms have quite working on me while others are getting erratic23:07
chuckhexacode: There is a conf/svnserve.conf for each repository that you have create with svn23:07
kaddiit would be best if I started out new, but I have some 10VMs configured and I don't want to redo them all >.>23:07
kaddithough i have porbbably wasted more time saving the config than it would have taken to start new23:08
hexacodechuck thanks23:08
bobo37773kaddi, You can backup and restore VMs23:08
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seangibbzkaddi: shouldn't the VMs be saved in a seperate place than the actual VM program23:08
chuckhexacode: you're welcome23:08
kaddiseangibbz: the are by default saved in .Virtualbox in your home directory23:09
dewarhi mitlin23:09
seangibbzkaddi: if so, then just backup the VMs, reinstall the virtualization program, and put back the VM files23:09
ActionParsnipkaddi: I'd recreate the VMs but use the standing drive images23:09
kaddiwhich in myc ase has 20GB, becuase i have a big ntfs data partition i share between linux and windows..23:09
dirtydaveafter inserting ubuntu disk to install. i get prompted for password and log information, even though it is not installed yet. The hardrive is clean23:09
kaddii may have messed a bit with the xml files >.>23:09
[[thufir]]DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS"   apt-get -u dist-upgrade  should be ok, right?23:09
seangibbzkaddi: ah23:10
ActionParsnipdirtydave: press CTRL+ALT+F1 and run:  passwd ubuntu     set a pasword then press CTRL+ALT+F7 and log in23:10
seangibbzdave: where did you get the ubuntu disc?23:10
ActionParsnip!upgrade | [[thufir]]23:10
ubottu[[thufir]]: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:10
MitlinI've just installed a fresh version of ubuntu 11.10. Everything is working except for 1 thing. The brightness is very very high.23:10
MitlinAny way to change that?23:10
dewaryes mitlin23:11
[[thufir]]seangibbz: no disc, just apt-get23:11
dewargo to system settings23:11
Mitlini've looked in the Option Screen but i dont have a brighness option23:11
ActionParsnipMitlin: what make and model system?23:11
aBoundMitlin, On the top right go to System Settings >> Screen >> From there you can change brightness.23:11
dewaropen power management23:11
seangibbzkaddi: you could remaking the VMS, but once they're made (don't bother actually installing anything on them) replace the virtual hard disk of the new VM with the one from the old VM.23:11
Mitlin@ dewar theres no option to change the brightness their either23:12
kaddiseangibbz: that won't work due to the intenral identifiers23:12
dewari found it on my laptop23:12
kaddiif i could just point an existing VM to an existing screen shot I would be fine23:12
hatchhow do I add something to this quicklaunch bar in 11.10? I need to exectute a script on clicking it like you would do in 10.04 quicklaunch bar23:12
Mitlincould i be that i installed it on a desktop?23:12
kaddii'll work it out eventually, at least for the ones I really need.. but for now, I'll just start over new23:12
kaddii think23:12
dewarif you go to power mode23:12
dewarpower profiles system settings23:13
ActionParsnipMitlin: what make and model is the system please??23:13
renxx___DOes anyone know good tutorial for bash scripting?23:13
ActionParsniprenxx___: the guys in #bash will probably have a few23:14
renxx___Ill try that ty ;)23:14
seangibbzkaddi: you could still try.  Say, for example, you have a VM with a virtual hard disk "vm1.vhd".  You could just back that up, then delete it from the folder that it was originally stored in.  Then make a new VM with a new virtual hard disk also titled "vm1.vhd", then exit the program, put back the old vhd, overriding the new one, and restart the program.23:14
hatchso can't do custom application launchers in 11.10?23:14
seangibbznot sure if it'l work, but it's work a shot23:14
Mitlin@ Actionparsnip it's a mix of some parts. A Hd 6450 radeon, E6450 processor, P5n-e Sli motherboard23:15
studentwhats up everyone23:15
bobo37773kaddi, Yeah be sure to back up the xml files just in case you run into xml hell. Also, I meant there is an option to export / backup VMs in VirtualBox itself. Like officially I mean.23:15
bobo37773student, hey23:15
studenti need help are you good with ubutu comps23:16
kaddibobo37773: i know that now too.. sadly i corrupted the ones I needed before I found out about that :p23:16
ActionParsnipMitlin: does:   lspci -s 0:2.0 -xxx     show brightness23:17
aBoundstudent, What's a ubuntu comp?23:17
studentcomp computer23:17
acerimmer!ubuntu certified23:18
acerimmerstudent: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/23:18
Mitlinlets see23:19
graingertwhen moving windows about, I get a strange hissing sound on my speakers23:19
studentyeah ok my morzilla doesnt show the web address bar anymore itslikke its in full screen all the time and i need help on how to get it back23:19
graingerteg whenever the screen updates, I get interference23:19
hovorkaWhen I boot up my computer, the GUI doesn't seem to start, and instead I am presented with a root terminal: "root@ubuntu:~#". Does anyone know what causes this?23:19
graingertthis does not happen on windows23:19
ActionParsnipMitlin: may help too23:19
ActionParsnipMitlin: http://askubuntu.com/questions/55096/display-brightness-scaling-is-incorrect-on-a-vaio-cw23:19
ActionParsnipMitlin: once you find the right file / folder you can spit percentages to it with echo+tee and it will change23:20
xanguastudent: on 'custom toolbar' preferences select to restore default values23:20
Mitlinaah oke. Im trying it now23:20
bobo37773kaddi, Maybe something like this -->     http://bobpeers.com/linux/hard_drive_install23:20
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studentno i have eee pc surf model it wont i have to press f6 just to see tab bar cause i downloaded something and the web bar disapeared\23:22
Mitlin@ actionparsnip im installing the tool that is required to use the command you gave me.23:22
ActionParsnipMitlin: you could run: sudo find /dev > ~/output.txt    and read or grep the file to see if anything looks likely23:22
aBoundstudent, To get out of full screen mode for Firefox press F11. But if you aren't seeing your web address bar simply right-click in the top middle of the browser and click "Navigation toolbar"23:23
studentwhen i right click nothing happens23:25
chaihi, I'm having trouble installing ubuntu on a second partition of a raid 0 drive23:25
=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
chaiin the ubuntu installer, the second partition (currently NTFS) shows up as "unusable"23:25
bobo37773student, You are not right clicking the right place23:26
chaitrying again with the daily build... anyone have experience dual-booting on raid 0?23:26
bobo37773student, try clicking where the menu bar is (file edit view etc) or where your bookmark toolbar is23:27
aBoundstudent, See where my mouse is in this picture: http://i.imgur.com/iISly.png23:27
aBoundstudent, Try to find an area like that and right-click it'll bring up a small dialog box.23:28
=== emma is now known as em
rats_cd /home/ratts23:30
rats_cd /home/ratts23:31
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
ActionParsnipchai: ask in #ubuntu+1 for precise23:32
aBoundstudent, Or try pressing F10 and than going to View >> Toolbars >> Navigation Toolbar.23:32
studenti cant right click anywhere everything is gone23:33
chaiActionParsnip, will do thanks23:33
studenthow do you take a screenshot23:34
aBoundstudent, Press "Prt Screen" aka "Print Screen" on your keyboard.23:35
=== HQRaja is now known as JohnLemon
studenthow do you take a screenshot23:38
flowerpotstudent, https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=how+do+you+take+a+screenshot+ubuntu&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-823:40
flowerpotstudent, http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=344823:41
=== Tabstar is now known as Tabmow
flowerpotanswer: press the print-screen button and, if you're using 10.10, you'll get a prompt that lets you save it and stuff.23:41
hovorkaWhen I boot up my computer, the GUI doesn't seem to start, and instead I am presented with a root terminal: "root@ubuntu:~#". Does anyone know what causes this?23:41
flowerpothovorka, no idea, but you may want to start by looking through the error logs on your machine.23:42
jimmiePossibly a bit of an odd question but does anyone here play Minecraft? Im having trouble with something on 11.1023:42
philip__Hello guys. I have two os on my hdd. both are ubuntu, 10.10 and 11.10. My system is slow since yesterday on both distros. cpu seems to be ok, ram also, and my hdd seems healty, but i still have my doubts about that. What should i do next?23:43
studenti think i have an oder version of ubuntu look up my pc model:  asus eee  pc surf model23:44
studenti think i have an oder version of ubuntu look up my pc model:  asus eee  pc surf model23:44
aBoundstudent, I assume your Asus Eee PC uses Ubuntu Netbook Edition.23:45
studenti dont know23:46
FloodBot1NyanCat-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:47
Juv1228hi, I just finished building a new pc, and I plan on installing ubuntu on it. but it also has a 64gb SSD, and im looking for some pointers on the best way to optimize performance using it23:47
aBoundJuv1228, As long as you're running 64-Bit and an SSD I doubt you can go wrong. :P23:48
Juv1228aBound, i mean in terms of partitioning/swap etc23:48
Juv1228it also has a 500gb hdd i would like to use for /home23:49
aBoundJuv1228, You could use an alternate Ubuntu ISO which allows you to customize it. In terms of SSD you won't have any performance problems.23:49
aBoundAs I use an 80GB SSD.23:49
pp7_32gb here :P23:49
student2tb here23:49
Juv1228in terms of swap, do i really need it if I have 16gb of ram?23:49
pp7_student: SSD?23:50
aBoundJuv1228, lol I have 16GB too.23:50
Juv1228will not having any at all have any negative effects?23:50
LjLJuv1228: with 16GB, realistically, no, but the thing is also that swap space is needed to hibernate, so if you want to do that....23:50
studentno hard drive23:50
pp7_student: what u using then?23:50
aBoundJuv1228, Realistically 16GB of RAM is overkill unless you're doing some high-end work.23:50
pp7_oh u meant" "no, hard drive" ?23:51
Juv1228aBound, i run multiple vm's on a daily basis23:51
studentyeah thats what i meant]23:51
aBoundJuv1228, I doubt you'd have any issues.23:51
Juv1228so the ram is needed23:51
aBoundAs I have 16GB of RAM too.23:51
=== drako is now known as drako689
pp7_aBound: do your VM's run super fast?23:52
pp7_i meant Juv122823:52
aBoundpp7_, I tried a few but they felt a bit sluggish I assume I need some performance tweaking. :P23:52
aBoundAhh... lol23:52
drako689i tryng to install php5-xsl in ubuntu23:52
drako689and appears that msg23:52
pp7_aBound: with SSD?23:52
pp7_or using ramdisk?23:53
drako689i can update? or can i mess my php configs?23:53
aBoundpp7_, Yeah, it's probably due to not giving the VM enough RAM.23:53
aBoundI think last time I gave Debian a gig of RAM.23:53
Juv1228on my current build, i only have 4gb ram total23:54
Juv1228so it presents some issues when running more than one vm23:54
aBoundJuv1228, Awesome multiple VIMs. By default I noticed the Ubuntu installation tends to take care of everything and just installs.23:54
philip__Am i on the right channel for hardware issues assistance?23:54
studenthow can i restore the factory settings to my laptop23:54
pp7_anyone here use nvidia cuda?23:54
aBoundPrograms load up quickly with an SSD though hehe.23:55
aBoundnVidia cuda not that I know of.23:55
Juv1228also, how does ubuntu handle intel hd graphics 3000?23:56
Juv1228i went with no gpu for this build23:56
=== mike_ is now known as Guest37826
roadfishHow do I get internet sharing between my two Ubuntu PCs? They are connected with an ethernet cable and I already have SSH setup. But "ping" fails (using gnu.org's IP address as example).23:58
aBoundJuv1228, I can't say how well it handles Intel HD Graphics 3000 as I use an nVidia card.23:58
aBoundJuv1228, Lemme guess you use a System76 machine?23:58
whoeveri am having a problem printing emails, everything else ie: libre office docs webpages print fine, but when I try to print an email from gmail only the left side of the page will print . can someone assist ?23:58
=== Scama` is now known as Scama
edysonai cui sunt ?23:59
Scamaplm stie23:59
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList23:59
Scamadar sunt multe chanale23:59
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
Scamasuck me LjL23:59
edysonya me to23:59
Scamasa moara mata23:59
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro23:59

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