
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
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DaMummy|PNDok well apparently live doesnt like to boot off a SD card, which i was trying, works dandy off a real USB flash drive00:14
GridCubeit might depend on the sd card reader?00:22
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Da|Mummyi lost read/write permission on my main filesystem, how do i get it back?03:36
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ghengiscoinwhat's the story on firefox fo xubuntu upgrades?04:13
w30ghengiscoin, welcome04:13
ghengiscointhanks w3804:13
nanotubew30: you got a +8 :)04:14
w30ghengiscoin, all I know is I have Firefox 9.0.1 Mozilla Firefox for Ubuntu canonical-1.004:15
* Unit193 FF1104:16
w30nanotube, 8 bit player, ha04:16
ghengiscoinhmm - mine is 3.6.24 - when i use apt-get install firefox i get message already at most recent version04:17
nanotubeghengiscoin: which version of xubuntu? probably lts or some such?04:19
nanotubeyou could try adding a repository with a more recent firefox, such as firefox-stable, or ubuntuzilla04:19
w30ls -la /usr/bin/firefox04:19
w30lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 2011-12-28 04:33 /usr/bin/firefox -> ../lib/firefox-9.0.1/firefox.sh04:19
w30ghengiscoin, check and see how you are calling up firefox04:21
w30ghengiscoin, maybe you have both versions installed?04:21
ghengiscoinboth versions of firefox checking on Xubuntu version04:22
ghengiscoinmake that both versions of ??04:23
ghengiscoincmd is firefox with start-up notification04:24
ghengiscoinpretty sure I'm running xfce4 not sure how to check04:26
Unit193lsb_release -rd04:26
w30ghengiscoin, with firefox loaded try in a terminal ps aux | grep firefox04:26
ghengiscoinUbuntu 10.1004:27
ghengiscoini see still calling firefox-3.6.2404:28
ghengiscoinI will try to add a repository04:28
ghengiscoinand get back to you all - thanks!04:29
w30ghengiscoin, I run 11.10; I am not familiar with 10.1004:29
ghengiscoini think it's the latest with xfce desktop04:29
ubottuFirefox 6 has been released as a security update for 11.04. For 10.04 and 10.10, you can use the unofficial and unsupported PPA at https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable04:30
ghengiscoinhmm - so I'm behind the times - but I do have an older laptop04:33
ghengiscoinI added the ppa you recommend but it's not updating for some reason - probably needs some time04:48
nanotubetry also ubuntuzilla - i've been using it to good effect for years. (and i'm partial to it because i maintain it :) )04:52
Unit193Or try running sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:53
gvtmaththat did it - sudo apt-get dist-upgrade downloading now04:55
gvtmathsay, is it reasonable to donate to the opensource foundation instead of to each org from which I get SW?04:56
gvtmaththanks for all assistance - now running firefox 9.0.105:00
gvtmathgood night all05:00
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mecoDo I need a cd to switch from ubuntu to xubuntu or could the entire process be done online?10:21
PopeJobyou dont need a CD10:23
Myrttino, you just install the xubuntu-desktop package like bazhang told you in #ubuntu10:24
PopeJobyou only need to install xubuntu-desktop10:24
mecoWould that be like 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop'?10:25
mecoI was just told this: "from my experience, xfce is no longer more lightweight than regular GNOME (compared to GNOME2, 3 I havent compared)"10:31
mecoAny comments on that?10:31
PopeJobyou will be able to choose gnome/unity or xfce on startup. if you want to get rid of ubuntu or xubuntu later on, see here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome10:32
mecoNah, that wasn't the point as I read that text. It basically says that there isn't much to gain with respect to freed system resources by switching from ubuntu to xubuntu. Or am I reading it wrong?10:34
kclemenshi guys, anyone knows how to set up cpu frequency scaling properly on xubuntu?10:42
_Pete_kclemens: define properly? for me it works properly out of the box10:57
kclemens_Pete_: heres what cpufreq-info gives me11:07
kclemensanalyzing CPU 0:11:07
kclemens  driver: acpi-cpufreq11:07
kclemens  CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 0 111:07
kclemens  CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 011:07
kclemens  maximum transition latency: 10.0 us.11:07
kclemens  hardware limits: 800 MHz - 2.67 GHz11:07
kclemens  available frequency steps: 2.67 GHz, 2.67 GHz, 2.13 GHz, 1.60 GHz, 800 MHz11:07
kclemens  available cpufreq governors: conservative, ondemand, userspace, powersave, performance11:07
kclemens  current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 800 MHz.11:07
kclemens                  The governor "ondemand" may decide which speed to use11:07
kclemens                  within this range.11:07
kclemens  current CPU frequency is 800 MHz.11:07
kclemens  cpufreq stats: 2.67 GHz:0.00%, 2.67 GHz:0.00%, 2.13 GHz:0.00%, 1.60 GHz:0.00%, 800 MHz:100.00%  (2)11:08
kclemensit is not scaling the frequency up above 800 MHz11:08
kclemensno matter what i specify with cpufreq-set11:08
lordjjHi, I'm on 11.04. upowerd is occassionally freezing my laptop with 100% CPU usages. What can I do about this? Is it safe to uninstall upower?11:21
augustlsomeone recommended I get a package from the next ubuntu release (precise), namely the erlang package. How do I go about installing that?12:49
augustldo I just add precise sources to my sources.list?12:49
MyrttiI wouldn't12:50
Myrttiit's bound to break stuff12:50
augustlI need a erlang version other than R14B0212:50
augustlapparently, it's broken on 64 bit, according to #couchdb12:50
augustlis it better if I build my own erlang?12:51
augustlbuilding my own ;)13:01
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fletcher353Xubuntu Rules13:59
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=== philippe is now known as Guest25340
Guest25340I just did a fresh install of xubuntu 10.10 and it's asking for password everytime I want to restart or shutdown17:37
GridCubetry to reinstall?17:39
GridCubei never had that problem17:39
Guest25340I just did a fresh install :(17:39
GridCubei know17:41
GridCubebut something might have went wrong?17:41
Guest25340I will reinstall17:41
GridCubedunno, i've heard of someone asking a similar thing a few days ago17:41
Guest25340and did reinstall help them?17:41
GridCubedunno if they fixed it or not17:41
Guest25340oh ok17:41
GridCubehe never came back17:41
Guest25340I will try a reinstall17:41
Guest25340I will come back and let you know17:42
GridCubeno problem17:42
liveXubunon xubuntu11.04 liveUSB stick: Can not run 'update-grub' won't run_after editing /etc/default/grub. Newbie--HELP pls.18:00
GridCubeliveXubun, did you tried sudo update-grub?18:02
liveXubunyes, my command was 'sudo update-grub'. tks GridCube18:03
GridCubeok, well18:03
GridCubei never tried to update-grub from a live session18:04
GridCubei don't know if that possible18:04
liveXubunthis is also first time i've tried it w/ liveusb__man page shows reference to 'update-grub2'__tried that too.18:10
liveXubuni noticed that '/boot'grub/grub.cfg' does not exist__can anyone else help?18:12
GridCubehey liveXubun what are you trying to do?18:15
liveXubunwant to completely disable ipv6 on liveUSB18:22
liveXubundont want to have to enter a command manually after each live boot.18:23
JT-oneRebHas anyone else had issues with their mouse not working after the latest update?18:25
liveXubunGridCube, tks for ur ideas. Anyone else know how to run 'update-grub' on liveUSB?18:35
liveXubunP.S. Live Xubun 11.04 is working GREAT, except for disabling ipv6 via grub. THANKS to developers!18:40
=== Pieman is now known as Paimun
liveXubuni'm leaving__will check again for help on 'update-grub', w/ liveXubun 11.04 usb stick.19:08
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TheSheep!hi | b9119:48
ubottub91: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!19:48
JT-oneRebafter updating today I'm having problems with my mouse, can anyone help?20:19
GridCubewhat kind of problems?20:20
JT-oneRebMouse just doesn't work after restarting20:21
TheSheepJT-oneReb: anything in the x logs?20:23
JT-oneRebI don't know, I'm really limited without a mouse20:24
JT-oneRebToday's update was a fairly large one with new grub20:25
JT-oneRebI ran the update and restarted the computer and then my problem started20:25
GridCubeJT-oneReb, tried un-plugging the mouse, and replugin it again?20:28
GridCubeif its usb it might restart in the moment20:28
GridCubeif its not then you might need to restart the computer without the mouse and then again20:29
JT-oneRebI just unplugged the mouse and plugged it back, not working20:31
JT-oneRebit's not a USB mouse20:31
GridCube:/ ok20:31
JT-oneRebI think that the update screwed things up20:32
TheSheepJT-oneReb: is it a com mouse?20:32
TheSheepJT-oneReb: if it is, xubuntu has no way to detect it, you need to configure it in xorg.conf20:32
JT-oneRebCan you tell me how to get my terminal to open the typical ctr alt t isn't working20:33
JT-oneRebxorg.conf is command not found20:42
TVasEyesman 5 xorg.conf20:45
JT-oneRebOk I'm not real sure what that is going to do to get my mouse to work again OMH20:50
GridCubeJT-oneReb, you need to create a xorg.conf20:53
GridCubeusing x --configure after killing the current session20:54
GridCubethen you need to add the pointer to the pointers section20:54
GridCubeif its not there you will need to create it20:54
JT-oneRebcommand not found when I type xorg.conf20:55
knomeyou need to create, not run20:55
trinikronoGridCube: i believe you can go on one of the terminals and kill the current x session then run x --configure21:00
trinikronosudo service lightdm stop21:00
trinikronoto stop the x21:00
trinikronoi believe :D21:00
GridCubetrinikrono, :) im not the one with the problem, its JT-oneReb, but yeah thats exactly what he has to do21:01
trinikronowhoops lol21:01
JT-oneRebok I'll try that21:03
JT-oneRebI'm still not real sure about what it is that I'm doing21:03
m1chaelhello... i've got xubuntu installed.. everything works perfect, but i tried to install a printer today (Canon MP620) .. it detects and everything, but the printing is bad... colors dont come out right, font is oversized, printing is just weird.. any ideas?21:09
GridCubem1chael, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176302721:11
m1chaelthanks GridCube... so I should expect a different outcome? rather than just plugging it in, choosing the printer, etc21:12
m1chaelthanks GridCube, it worked perfectly!!21:41
xubuntu335wow...possible de surfer pdt l'insytall de xubuntu ?!21:54
b91oui :)21:54
xubuntu335je sents que je vais aimer cette séparation de mon seven21:55
xubuntu335z'avez une idée de la durée de l'install depuis usb ?21:57
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:09
DexterFfresh 11.10 on a thinkpad r51 (intel celeron 16., radeon r200 or r300 on free drivers): suspend-to-disk won't properly wake up. black screen, the end. anything I can do about that? it's been like this on 10.10, too22:37
autifDexterF - Try Ctrl-Atl-F1, wait 4 seconds, Then Ctrl-Alt-F722:37
eightyaper9ght then, oinstalled ubuntu 11.10 with all updates and i cant get no hotkeys, the acpi is whacky, sound keeps disappeariing too22:38
eightyapeli2727 fujitsu siewank. cant get any dual monitor support without weird res on the external22:38
eightyapecertainly not ddual but a parallel is doing ok22:39
eightyapenext tiem i buy amd22:39
eightyaperealtek 268 sound card integrated22:40
eightyape965 chipset22:40
eightyapeno hardware monitor bright control and all i can google up is how to fix the wifi which i done already by adding a different card22:40
eightyapebroken it amny times already trying fixes with acerhk- modprobe special amilo keys22:41
eightyapeNOONE HOME/22:42
eightyapeseemingly its acpi support im missing -and gma drivers for both settings22:44
eightyapedual monitor and graphics controls22:44
eightyapex3100 shitset22:44
eightyapeplease can anyone help or is it impossible...22:45
eightyapeand wghats the command for raising the brightness through the console?22:45
eightyapelinux sucks arse22:47
eightyapebetter than windows and im not going back even if you ignore my sorry arse22:47
Myrttiseems a bit harsh22:51
eightyapebeen trying to fix myself but im shit and intelgrated graphics dont like opensource things22:52
eightyapethat russian guy hasnt even cracked the overclock yet- onthe x310022:52
Myrttiwell your cussing doesn't really improve your chances of getting helped22:53
pleia2that language is not at all appropriate here, please calm down, if someone can help you with your question they will speak up, just wait22:53
eightyapei wasnt cussing at you22:53
eightyapei was cussing at billybob gates22:53
eightyapeits called chat22:53
pleia2do not cuss at anyone here22:53
eightyapei exprtess myself22:53
eightyapeyou retort22:53
eightyapelike some sort of catholic priest ,all pious and condescending22:54
eightyapeyou are not a robot22:54
eightyapeor a policeman so there is no need to be quite so insufferably proper and officious22:54
eightyapepleia?? who exactly did i cuss at?22:55
pleia2eightyape: stop22:55
bazhangeightyape, lets move one please22:55
eightyapeim tempted to do some cussing......22:55
eightyapeim rather goofd at it22:55
Myrttidid you want help with your system or not?22:56
bazhangeightyape, did you have a support question?22:56
eightyapewould be nice22:56
eightyapeproblems are myriad22:56
eightyapepower system behaves funny with no bootup on first attempt sometimes22:56
eightyapefujitsu asmellio22:57
eightyapejust a light22:57
eightyapeintegrated graphics i have no control over22:57
eightyapeexternal moniutor showing wrong resolution22:57
eightyapeno bright control22:57
eightyapehardware bright control22:58
eightyapeno hot keys22:58
eightyapecept audio22:58
eightyapeup down and mute all work ok22:58
eightyapeaudio arratic22:59
eightyapeaudio erratic22:59
eightyaperun all the bios updates as suggested on forums, broken system twice with acerhk22:59
eightyapeooh the touchpad on/off hotkey works as well, but not wireless or brightness23:01
eightyapecant even change brightness in power manager23:03
eightyapehave to use xbacklight23:04
eightyapefrom the terminal which doesnt work either- i just found23:06
eightyapeis generally broken23:06
eightyapeanyone got any ideas- just getting the brightness to 100 percent would be a start23:09
trinikronoeightyape: why dont you try the 12.0423:12
trinikronoit would have the newest kernel23:12
eightyapecan you point me in the right direction- had no iidea there was new new version23:12
trinikronoeightyape: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/20120123/23:12
trinikronoyou would be able to download a iso that you can burn to a cd or usb drive to test it out23:13
eightyapeare they any further on with embedded intel stuff is the question tho23:13
eightyapeseems to be centred around that23:14
trinikronowell the newer kernels tend to fix things that where broken with older ones23:14
trinikronoso its always a good idea to test the latest ones first23:15
trinikronoor if you want to go backwards instead to lucid where it might of worked23:15
eightyapeyep some folks havent had so many issues with 10.04 bu t the last config from another use with the same comedy laptop was back on 8.0423:16
eightyapecan you tell me nthe meantime haow i might set the backlight?23:16
eightyapeim getting a haedache23:17
trinikronoi did a quick google and found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9619735 eightyape see if it helps lol23:17
xubuntu160avrei una domanda da porvi; su un computer lento mi conviene di più installarci xubuntu o lubuntu?23:18
eightyapelooked at that already, no /video file in my acpi folder23:19
Myrtti!it | xubuntu16023:19
trinikronoxubuntu160: xubuntu :D23:19
ubottuxubuntu160: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:19
trinikronoeightyape: is somethign wrong with the screen?23:20
eightyapefile tree just points to what are presumably config files for ac adapter and battery modes23:20
eightyapenope its the acpi ok linux really doesnt like it23:21
trinikronowait its a intel 96523:21
trinikronojut now i did some messing around with those23:21
eightyapei managed dto BRIGHT_FILE="/proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness"hneg the brightness using that command you posted too but since i reinstalledca23:22
eightyapeits all gone very wrong23:22
eightyapexrightness worked but i set it to ff by mistake not 10023:23
eightyapeand the thing dimmed23:23
eightyapeno iset it and it wont play ball23:23
trinikronoare you in the terminal or within lightdm or whatever23:23
eightyapeseems like at the top of the process tree and first decision the onbaord wants is23:24
trinikronowhat you can try is to make a manual xorg file23:24
trinikronowe needs infos on the xorg intel driver23:24
eightyapewhteher im on ac or battery and t has two different config folders for both eventualities23:24
trinikronothe modes etc23:24
eightyapeyou tell me how23:24
eightyapeand i will23:25
eightyapehang on google might know23:25
trinikronohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting eightyape23:25
trinikronoif its intel most likely a the x intel driver23:25
trinikronoyou should really test the latest daily image23:25
trinikronoit would have all the intel fixes23:25
trinikronothe newest ones23:26
eightyapewill do23:26
mdiviestihey folks... I just installed xubuntu... I'm trying to find a way to use dual monitors but don't see it in the settings manager.23:26
eightyapei bet you a pound its another 96523:26
eightyapewhat chipset are you running mdiviesti23:27
trinikronolspci | grep VGA23:27
mdiviesti01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G86 [Quadro NVS 290] (rev a1)23:28
mdiviestitis a dell tower23:28
trinikronomdiviesti: did you install the non free drivers already23:28
trinikrononvidia has they own setting manager23:29
mdiviestiHmm.. how do I find them to install?23:29
=== emma is now known as em
mdiviestikind of n00bish...23:30
mdiviestihm.. I see nvidia server settings..23:31
DexterFautif: did that, didn't help23:35
DexterFwell, I'll test that some more23:35
eightyapedownloading fresh image now..23:39
eightyapegot xbacklight working but only seems to switch between dim and slightly less dim23:39
eightyapeand does like percentage inputs23:40
eightyaperight then -wtf is xorg23:40
eightyapexthis xthat23:41
eightyapechicken, noone wants to take on the 96523:41
eightyapeeven mr gma booster failed and he had my 950 set running 720p23:42
eightyapeattached to the measly single core atom23:42
eightyapeno hotkeys, no dual monitor, crazy audio- the xp disc beckons23:43

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