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tsdgeosRiddell: morning10:32
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Riddellnew akonadi due tonight14:40
Riddellphew, KDM theme upgrade script done, that was a trivial three lines that took ages to test15:30
ScottKRiddell: Qt automated testing discussion in #u-meeting.  FYI.15:37
RiddellScottK: thanks15:47
Riddellok still lots to do on 4.8: language packs, throw oneiric backports at PPA, testing, I think I want to include the new NM with it for convenience to users, akonadi tar coming soon, then release tomorrow or whenever upstream want16:29
ScottKDid you see the mail to packagers about the ark patch.  I don't think there was an updated tarball after that.16:36
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ScottKNevermind.  New ark and kgpg tars.17:02
Quintasan_yofel: Wish me luck, installing 12.04 LTS on my workstation17:49
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RiddellQuintasan: good luck17:50
yofelgl, works mostly fine on my thinkpad17:52
Riddellyofel: but does the install work or just getting it by upgrade?17:53
yofelI never tried to actually install it - that was a pre-alpha upgrade17:53
Riddellyeah I've a nasty feeling that might have an issue that needs looked at before alpha 217:54
yofeldid you look at kdepimlibs? If we get all updated I can do the backporting later17:56
RiddellI need to update kgpg and ark tars17:56
Riddellthen I'll just do a mass backport and throw it at the PPA and hope it sticks, worked for previous versions17:56
Riddelllanguage packs to be done too17:57
Riddellthen testing17:57
Riddellthen we're good to go17:57
Riddellbut first I need food17:58
shadeslayerRiddell: I'll be free after 8 PM IST tomorrow ;D18:25
Riddellshadeslayer: your name occured to me because dholbach was looking for people to do talks 18:28
shadeslayerI did see the call for talks, Not sure if I have the time though :(18:33
shadeslayerLemme have a look at the timetable18:34
shadeslayerUhm, sorry, can't make it18:35
* shadeslayer goes off to study for his last exam in exactly 14 hours18:36
Riddellgood luck shadeslayer 18:44
Quintasanhuzzah for sound in Flash!19:19
QuintasanRiddell: Works.19:19
QuintasanThough Skype is not installable19:19
Quintasannow how do I test recording19:19
Quintasanoh wait19:21
QuintasanIt works19:21
QuintasanI think19:21
Riddellwhat happened to batl10n?20:40
Riddellhow is l10n best packaged now?20:40
yofelRiddell: see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging/L10nOperatorGuide20:42
Riddelloh yes of course20:42
Riddellhmm kde-l10n has stopped making the automatic patch for local changes and I don't know why22:07
afiestasback on kubuntu ! this time I want to have more time for fine tunning :p22:16
afiestasotherwise I'm always running late for everything xD22:16
Riddellafiestas: yay!22:16
Riddellafiestas: so you're using precise?22:17
Riddellah, l10n packages need auto-commit in debian/source/options22:17
afiestasRiddell: yes 22:17
Riddellafiestas: how did you install?22:18
afiestasdownloaded latest nightly, dd if of to a pendrive22:18
afiestasand installed it without any problem, next next next basically22:18
Riddelloh that's great to know22:19
Riddellmaybe my fears are unfounded22:19
afiestasRiddell: what fears? the cd size being larger than 700Mb ?22:20
Riddellno just that when i tried an install something broke and I haven't had a chance to look at it more22:21
Riddellcd size is an issue too of course22:21
Riddellbut same for ubuntu desktop22:21
afiestaswell they have more users (I guess?) so size is less of an issue for them22:23
Riddellafiestas: it's still an issue if they advertise that it burns onto a CD and it doesn't!22:25
afiestasindeed 22:29
afiestasare we finally going to keep rekonq?23:11
Riddellafiestas: that's the status quo and it's what I'm in favour of23:16
Riddellnew version needing packing too I see23:16
afiestasawesome :)23:16
afiestassomething I was wondering, is there any reason why ktorrent is installed instead of the simpler kget?23:17
RiddellI've never liked kget, it added loads of toolbar buttons to konqueror for no reason when we used it and it had a weird circle floating on your desktop23:19
Riddellhaven't tried it in years so dunno if it's changed23:19
Riddellafiestas: do you think we should?23:28
Riddellktorrent has all the features, and the UI to match23:28
afiestasRiddell: well, it is simple with 4 buttons now the needed ones for download torrent-ftp-http files23:44
afiestasI have been using it for a few days and it works great though maybe we should ask ktorrent-kget developers before even discussing the change23:44
afiestassince we must be sure that kget-torrent will be maintained and healthy :p23:45
ScottKWhen has anything to do with kget ever been healthy?23:46
RiddellScottK: how do you mean?23:46
* ScottK doesn't like it either.23:46
ScottKAnyone doing akonadi?23:47
afiestaswell it has improve alot imho23:47
debfxdanimo: I'm pretty sure that the qtcreator crash is caused by one of our qt distro patches. bisecting that will be "fun"23:47
RiddellScottK: yes23:47
afiestasScottK: if by doing to mean "using", I am23:48
ScottKafiestas: No, I mean packaging
Riddelldebfx: no backtrace to find out where the cause is?23:48
* ScottK leaves it to Riddell then.23:48
RiddellI am packaging 1.7 as I type23:48
* ScottK is working out barry's latest python3-pyqt4-dbus patch so maybe we can have a python3 dbus mainloop.23:50
debfxRiddell: I have a backtrace but it's not really helpful except that it has to do with QtDeclarative.23:51
RiddellScottK: upstream missed out some vital part?23:52
ScottKRiddell: Yes.  Upstream wrapped QtDBUS, but didn't port the stuff in the PyQt4 dbus dir as you still need with PyQt4 or PyGi to provide a mainloop.23:53
ScottKIf we just want to depend on PyGi we can, but that seems 'wrong'.23:53
Riddellwhat's PyGi?23:54
ScottKPython Gobject Introspection.23:54
ScottKGnome thing.23:54

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