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ilmarispam comment: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aptitude/+bug/181406/comments/1608:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 181406 in aptitude (Ubuntu) "aptitude crashed with SIGSEGV in pkgRecords::Lookup()" [Critical,Fix released]08:09
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rick_hadeuring: relieving you, but do you know how to delete comments? or hide them at least for the spam comment linked above?13:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 181406 in aptitude (Ubuntu) "aptitude crashed with SIGSEGV in pkgRecords::Lookup()" [Critical,Fix released]13:00
adeuringrick_h: go to the maim bug page and click the "hide comment" link below the offending comment13:02
rick_hadeuring: ah ok thanks13:03
kalikianais it possible to tell LP the email to use for certain projects?13:09
kalikianaI could only find mailing lists in the email options, which is close but not enough13:10
rick_hkalikiana: the email used for what? If you setup a team to own the project, the team can have a team email address13:21
rick_hkalikiana: https://launchpad.net/people/+newteam13:21
kalikianarick_h: the email to send notifications, bugs, etc to13:22
kalikianait'S not "my" team13:22
rick_hkalikiana: so you'd have to create a team for that email and then subscribe with that team that you administrate I believe13:24
kalikianaso the team would only contain me and represent me?13:25
rick_hso you want to subscribe to projects but have the email for those go to different places?13:25
rick_his it not enough to filter on the X- headers for it?13:25
rick_hI guess I'm not following 100% what you want to do13:25
kalikianarick_h: taking mailing lists as the working example: I have some go to my personal address, and others to my work address13:27
kalikianabasically I'd like bug mail to behave exactly the same13:27
rick_hkalikiana: yea, it's not setup the same as the mailing lists13:28
rick_hyou can either use the teams or you can create filters from the one address to forward to others. If you edit your bugmail settings you can name the subscription which will add headers to the email to filter on13:29
kalikianarick_h: ah, so the name appears in the header13:35
kalikianaclose but... I'd really like it to physically end up in the right inbox13:36
rick_hkalikiana: exactly, it's how I sort mine.13:36
kalikianait feels wrong to mix work and private stuff13:36
kalikiana(and in some cases may include confidential details)13:37
kalikianaI guess there's no way to solve it for now13:37
rick_hkalikiana: yea, at that point though you're really heading to seperate accounts13:37
rick_hI'm looking to see if there's an existing bug for what you want to do13:37
rick_hat least give you something to follow13:38
kalikianawell, I already have separate mail addresses for lists - seems logical to me to take that to the next logical step13:38
rick_hyea, not seeing a bug, you could report it as one13:39
kalikianaokay, thanks. I'll file it then13:39
kalikianaoh, lp is great at finding dupes, got this after I typed the title: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/2868813:41
ubot5Launchpad bug 28688 in Launchpad itself "Receive mail about different products/packages/etc (roles/"hats") at different e-mail addresses" [Low,Triaged]13:41
rick_hhah, my search foo < dupe detection13:42
dobeykalikiana: welcome btw. when did you start?14:10
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deryckrick_h, my turn.16:03
rick_hderyck: ty16:03
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ilmariwhy the triple "Topic for #launchpad:"?16:10
deryckheh, just noticed.  I'll fix it.16:11
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deryckthanks for the heads up ilmari16:11
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exarkunWhat changed about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/851187 just now?18:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 851187 in ubuntuone-dev-tools trunk "Progress bar does not appear on launcher" [High,In progress]18:51
exarkunI see.   A bunch of things that you don't get to see unless you look at the "Full Activity Log".18:51
exarkunMaybe if they're not worth rendering on the page, they're not worth sending email about.18:51
bdmurrayderyck: Do you know how long is staging expected to be down?18:54
deryckbdmurray, I don't actually, I can check.18:54
bdmurrayderyck: that'd be great as I'd like to use it for testing a bug reporting process19:01
deryckbdmurray, should be 10-15 minutes.  I'm guessing longer than that already?19:09
bdmurrayderyck: 35 if my math is right19:10
bdmurrayderyck: and if I noticed right when it started ;-)19:11
deryckright. :)19:11
treavesDo whiteboards support any kind of markup?20:15
derycktreaves, no, they don't.20:28
deryckabentley, over to you sir.20:28
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abentleyderyck: ack20:29
bdrungjelmer: Are you working on bug #402814?20:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 402814 in Bazaar "Importing revisions with submodules is not supported" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40281420:36
jelmerbdrung: yes, or at least parts of it20:52
bdrungjelmer: do you have a rough ETA when the git to bzr import could work?20:53
jelmerbdrung: that already works, it just requires an experimental bzr format at the moment20:54
jelmer(and the nested tree support in bzr working trees is still problematic)20:54
bdrungjelmer: the question is when this bzr format will be stable enough and rolled out20:57
jelmerbdrung: the next version will probably have sufficient repository level support20:59
jelmerbdrung: so it depends a bit on whwat you need20:59
jelmerbdrung: working tree level support won't be there before 2.620:59
bdrungjelmer: what i am waiting for is a working launchpad bzr import of vlc21:00
bdrungjelmer: currently i am running a local script that just copies the files from git to bzr -> https://code.launchpad.net/~videolan/vlc/master-manual21:00
jelmerbdrung: are there just submodules in the history somewhere, or also in tip?21:01
bdrungjelmer: it think the submodules are just in the history21:01
jelmerbdrung: a resolution of the first situation is probably going to happen reasonably soon21:01
jelmerbdrung: the latter will take some more time21:01
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: Topic for #launchpad: Help contact: - | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is Open Source | This channel is logged

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