
tertl6how can I enable accelerated video on my vmware host05:38
Unit193Type this into a terminal:  glxinfo | grep rendering   and see if it says "direct rendering: Yes"05:41
tertl6one sec05:43
tertl6ah ok05:46
tertl6it says yes05:46
tertl6what does grep do?05:46
tertl6it searches for that word05:46
Unit193Basically, gets that line05:48
Unit193Now you'll just need to enable it on VMWare05:48
Unit193May also want to try  glxgears05:49
tertl6Unit193 ok05:49
tertl6one sec again, i closed it05:50
tertl6i just installed cinnamon05:50
Unit193Can't help you there, not used it (and that'd not be Lubuntu anyway :P )05:51
tertl6well, I am useing lxde still05:52
tertl6i just saw some peeps talking about it05:52
tertl6it works fine05:52
tertl6glXGEARS wokrs05:54
Unit193Righto, your hardware is good to go05:55
Unit193Now is where I say "There should be a setting in VMWare to enable it somewhere" :P  I can try to find it, but as I've never used it...05:58
tertl6there is05:59
tertl6its under Display05:59
tertl6any idea how to let me open files to and fro VMware06:37
holsteintertl6: o/06:38
holsteinyou want a shared folder or whatever?06:39
Unit193Well, as I said I haven't used it, but I know VBox has a Shared folders option, might be something like that06:39
Unit193But #vmware may be of more help than I :P  (Unless holstein knows)06:39
holsteinyeah, that "just works" in theory06:39
holsteinthe setup is more on the guest end06:39
tertl6oh I thought it would open the entire drive06:41
holsteinnah, they are pretty isolated unless you want them not to be06:42
crshbndcthey guys06:57
crshbndctdoes lubuntu 11.10 have apt disable or something?06:58
Unit193Apt disable?06:59
crshbndctif i try to update, do apt-get, or remove anything, the system just sits there doing nothing06:59
Unit193sudo apt-get update   gives you nothing?06:59
crshbndctit just moves down to the next line like it as about to do something, and then sits there07:00
crshbndctctrl+c doesnt even kill it07:00
Unit193How long do you wait?07:00
crshbndctit isnt unresponsive or anything, i can still do other stuff07:00
crshbndctabout 5 minutes07:00
crshbndcti am looking for a nice light distro to put on my old but still very functional laptop, but if it doesnt have apt it is a bit of deal breaker for me07:01
Unit193I use it almost daily07:02
crshbndcti know07:02
crshbndcti tried the 3 different terminal emulators it came with07:03
crshbndctno result07:03
Unit193You can't know that, I just told you :P  Right, can you use "sudo $something?"07:03
Unit193(Something being pick lspci ro something)07:03
crshbndctwhen i said i know i meant, yes that is self evident :P07:04
crshbndctno i cant do that wither07:05
crshbndctseems the issue is with sudo, actually07:05
crshbndctnice catch07:05
Unit193"Or you may just see the next command prompt without any action being executed. "07:06
crshbndctstrange that it is broken on a fresh install. but meh07:07
crshbndctno it is telling me that it is a read only file system. so step 2 of those instructions fails07:14
Unit193There should be a "remount read/write" or something07:15
crshbndctin the root terminal?07:16
Unit193Recovery mode07:17
crshbndctok i worked it out..07:20
crshbndctbit of a bug there. but hopefully it is okay from here.07:20
crshbndctseems all the major distro's have a major dealbreaker bug on first boot after reinstall.07:21
Unit193Heh, I only hit on upgrade :P07:21
crshbndctwell i have been tryng a few different distros07:22
crshbndctubuntu doesnt have a working browser07:22
crshbndctarch doesnt have a working package manager07:23
crshbndctfedora.... well i wont go into that07:23
crshbndctso something as small as having to run visudo and fix broken entries is minor really07:23
Unit193So, you like this or going on to the next one? (AntiX or Puppy on that list?)07:24
crshbndctalready tried puppy.. no wifi with that.07:25
crshbndctno wifi with this one either, but i havent really tried much07:25
crshbndct(and i didnt have any sudo access :P)07:25
Unit193!wifi |I can toss you this :P07:26
ubot5I can toss you this :P: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:26
crshbndctlol i wasnt gonna ask that.. but thanks i would have eventually ended up there.07:26
crshbndcthmmm it looks like a disaster. is this machine possible just too slow for lubuntu?07:31
crshbndctpentium m 720(2ghz), 1.25 gb ram, 40gb hdd07:31
Unit193Better than what I have07:35
crshbndcti dont know what witchcraft you must be doing then :) the system is totally overcome by running update manager.07:40
bioterrorit's the hard drive07:41
crshbndcttoo slow?07:41
bioterrorprobably so07:41
bioterror5400RPM with almost non cache is slow07:41
crshbndctthats odd. given that i can run kubuntu on this machine alright. i thought lxde was supposed to be lighter than KDE?07:42
kanliothey crsh i know you from LAS channel sup!07:44
crshbndcttask manager shows 100% cpu usage load average 1.9507:44
crshbndctyet top is not showing any kind of process which could be hogging cpu07:45
bioterrorif cpu usage is 100%, then it should show you processes that takes CPU07:45
crshbndctokay rebooting now07:47
crshbndcti will keep digging away at it, thanks for your help anyway07:48
crshbndctno it seeme to be horribly broken08:00
crshbndctcross that one off the list then08:00
kanliotprobably drivers08:07
icerootwhat is the name of the program coming up on "alt+f2"?08:58
icerootthe latest dist-upgrade (12.04) is tryxing to pull "libbluray" because it depends on gnome-mplayer which is coming from lubuntu-desktop. is that legal that lubuntu-desktop comes per default with libbluray?09:06
icerootif i am correct it was not allowed to ship "libdvdcss" so i guess the same goes for "libbluray"09:07
Unit193iceroot: That's part of lxpanel09:07
SillionI'd like to change the colour of the status window (the one which pop up when there is something going on)09:08
icerootUnit193: thank you, then i will create a bug against lxpanel09:08
Unit193No, not that part....09:08
Unit193lxpanelctl run is alt+f209:08
icerootUnit193: thank you09:09
icerootUnit193: but lxpanelctl is coming from lxpanel, so it should be correct to open a bug against the package lxpanel09:10
Unit193What's wrong with it?09:10
icerootUnit193: no focus after alt+f2 for the run-window09:10
icerootno focus = run-dialig behind all other windows09:11
Unit193Try searching a little bit at least before reporting bugs >_<09:12
icerootUnit193: would be great if launchpad would to that when creating bugs09:13
icerootlike the bugzilla from mozilla.org09:13
Unit193Bug #890395 it does09:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 889414 in lubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #890395 Run dialog opens up in the background" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88941409:13
icerootUnit193: thank you09:14
Unit193And for blueray, are you sure it's not libbluray1?09:15
Unit193Did you even look at what the package does?09:15
Unit193"Most commercial Blu-Ray are restricted by AACS or BD+ technologies and this library is not enough to playback those discs."09:15
icerootLegal: libbluray is DRM-circumvention free, and thus, safe to integrate in your software.09:17
icerootok, then i was wrong09:17
icerootUnit193: thank you for the info on lxpanel and libbluray1209:19
awsomei'm on lubuntu :D10:16
morrihi guys15:15
morriis there any thing world changing new in firefox 9.0.1?15:16
holsteini usually add the stable PPA https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable15:16
morriand when I use the shut down button sometimes the dialogue only contains a few options such reboot or hibernate etc but not shut down. mostly if I cancel and do it again it shows all the options. anyone got an idea why that may be?15:17
holsteinsomething with power management and your specific hardware maybe?... i would try applying all upgrades and see if that helps.. if you are up to date, you can try an earlier kernel version and see if the performance is different15:18
morriwell since it is a normal pc(not laptop) it is on normal pc power management15:19
morriit doesnt do it alway though just occasionally15:19
holsteinright.. still the kernel is a good place to start...15:20
morriI'll have a look into previous version ,15:21
holsteinyou can set a shortcut or script to use sudo shutdown -h now15:22
holsteinyou can search around for a bug relating to your hardware... in my experience, the shutdown button triggers nothing from LXDE or lubuntu, and i assume its misconfiguration on my part, or something i have not yet aquired the skill to setup15:23
morriyea- I use the terminal sometimes anyway- buit as I say it is seemingly random whether it does it or not and it shopws everything at second try anyway15:23
txomon|homeany lightweight ppt viewer? Or do I have to install libreoffice?16:21
epictetustxomon|home: web based ones16:24
epictetusi.e. google apps16:25
epictetusor various "web meeting" sites that let you upload and view powerpoint16:25
txomon|homepuff so no16:28
txomon|home_I meant apps16:28
thor_Hi i am testing lxfind in lubuntu 12.04. And find do not works in it, get error that it can not get access. Only locate works17:26
thor_using lxfind_0.0.1-0~1717:28
WulongDoes someone have a script for wifi-connection verification & connect I can run with cron each 5min?18:41
holsteinping work for you Wulong ?18:41
Wulongif iwconfig wlan0 | grep -o "Access Point: Not-Associated"; then do-some-rutine;fi works18:44
WulongBut I need the routine.18:45
WulongI need to send some call to NM to reconnect18:46
WulongNetworkManager is pretty dumb when it comes to reconnection.18:46
Wulongsudo service network-manager restart seems to do it.18:48
venik212How do I get ICONS ONLY for the task bar?19:09
wxlvenik212: that's in the guides19:09
wxlone sec19:10
venik212I right click on the task bar19:10
smile4evervenik212: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXPanel#Icons_only19:10
wxlvenik212: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#Changing_running_applications_in_panel_to_icons_only19:10
smile4everbye :)19:34
Ahmucki know that ubuntu is using thunderbird for e-mail, what are they using for calerding now?20:59
Unit193You may want to ask a channel that has a better chance of knowing.... Thunderbird has a calendar extension that is rather good though21:01
Ahmuckit's getting tiring switching from one to the next to the next.  what is lubuntu using for calandering?21:07
wxlAhmuck: man cal21:07
wxlj/k ;)21:08
wxlseriously, though, there's no out-of-the-box support for calendars like you mean it21:08
ubot5Do you like to hug alot? - http://bit.ly/aVDMTo22:50

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