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mhall119anyone know why my BCM4312 wifi doesn't work after upgrading to Precise?01:26
aBoundHey is anybody using Unity 5.0?01:28
mhall119anybody on Precise is01:29
pjswhere do I set boot options to disable the default window manager from loading?01:29
mhall119yay, wifi is working again!01:38
* snadge is on precise :D01:41
snadgeon about erm... 6 systems01:42
mhall119boo, thunderbird calendar extension is broken01:42
snadgethankfully i dont use it so i didn't notice ;)01:42
snadgeonly 2 of those systems had issues.. my htpc, i screwed it royally01:42
snadgelightdm was failing to start01:43
snadgebut if i logged into console and service lightdm start .. started fine01:43
snadgeand no.. im not a complete noob, i could see that upstart was starting lightdm.. checked the lightdm logs01:44
Fudgeanyone experiencing gnome control center close when in sound01:58
dD0THi there. Running 12.04 on my Dell Latitude 131L and the kernel module for my built-in wifi (BCM4311) doesn't automatically load. I have to modprobe b43 after every boot to get it up and running. Any suggestions on how to best continue for getting this fixed? Thanks.03:36
jbichamhall119: is ^ similar to your problem?03:40
mhall119jbicha: sounds it03:41
mhall119but b43 is still blacklisted for me03:42
mhall119I ran dpkg-reconfigure bcmwl-kernel-source03:42
mhall119not sure if that actually fixed it or not, but it worked after that03:43
dD0Tmhall119: Hm. Seems like I have a b43 blacklist entry in blacklist-bcm43.conf. I take it that's the same you see?03:44
dD0Tmhall119: The dpkg-reconfigure didn't change anything for me. Still blacklisted and not loading on startup (just checked). Any hint on the actual reason yet?03:52
mhall119dD0T: try modprobe-ing wl03:54
dD0Tmhall119: Hm. Doesn't seem to do anything without me manually loading b43.03:57
mhall119dD0T: well b43 isn't loaded on mine ,maybe it's a chipset different03:57
mhall119I have BCM431203:57
dD0Tmhall119: Hm. Maybe one isn't supposed to use b43 anymore and the driver is in wl? Not that familiar with the linux wlan arch. I only remembered the last time it worked it used the b43 so I tried loading that and it worked.03:59
dD0Tseems like that is actually the case. Explains the b43 blacklisting...now the question is how do I figure out why wl isn't working...04:01
mhall119that I can't help with, sorry04:12
dD0TWhat is strange though is that ssb and b44 for the BCM4401 built-in ethernet are loaded automatically...those should be blacklisted...I wonder whether it actually uses that blacklist...04:12
dD0TUnloading them and trying to load wl still doesn't make it work. I guess I'm back to square one: Any suggestions on how to best continue from here? ;-) Thanks.04:23
urlin2uAny news on kernel panics with the live cd, or on installs?04:56
urlin2uAny news on kernel panics with the live cd, or on installs?05:14
urlin2uany body seeing any panic on the live cd?05:59
dnivrahello. I was checking on snort and found that the version available in the repository is quite outdated. I found from the launchpad devel page that the version of snort being packaged for precise pangolin is while the latest avialable version is 2.9.2-1 uploaded less than a week ago. 2.9 version has introduced several new features and changes-radically different from 2.8.x series.07:26
dnivrait'll be great if the newer version were packaged instead of an older version, for the next Ubuntu release.07:27
urlin2uany body seeing any panic on the live cd?08:01
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iGooglemy theme become ugly. default theme of precise. http://imagebin.org/195219 , if anyone know how to reset it. reinstall is no help.08:51
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Fudgehi compiz is using 100% cpu, i just installed the flrg dirver or what ever its called for radeon cards11:34
Reaper507hello all, it's a post of hate :( After the last update of 12.04 window decorations and gnome terminal became transparent. HOW TO DISABLE THIS -censored-? Help please.12:14
Ben64you might want to show a pic12:14
Reaper507ok moment12:15
aguitelwhat version of xorg using precise ?12:42
LjLaguitel: do "apt-cache policy xserver-xorg" or "X -version" not tell you?12:54
aguitelLjL, is not with conflict with nvidia-173xx ?12:55
LjLhave no idea12:56
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aguiteli am using nvidia-173 driver ,the last upgrade kill x ,why ?13:21
aguitelneed to remove all nvidia driver to run x13:24
aguitelAndre_Gondim, why this nick ?13:31
Ian_CorneI'm thinking it's an automated thing?13:32
Ian_CorneA server still running somwehere13:33
Ian_Corneor a homage13:33
Ian_Cornepeople can leave messages?13:33
jo-erlendMy lightdm greeter doesn't have a session menu anywhere. Where has it gone, and more importantly, how do I switch to another session now? I'd like to give Unity 2D a try.14:00
mhall119jo-erlend: I found two possibly related bugs14:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 920971 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Lost icon selection session" [Undecided,New]14:07
mhall119and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/91807214:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 918072 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Selecting other session in login screen doesn't do anything" [Low,New]14:07
jo-erlendyes, I'll just uninstall Unity and see what happens.14:07
mhall119jo-erlend: since this is in light-dm, I'm not sure doing things to Unity will have any effect14:08
jo-erlendUnity cannot possibly start if it doesn't exist.14:08
mhall119oh, I see what you mean14:09
mhall119jo-erlend: robert_ancell seems to be the person to talk to, but I'm not seeing him online atm14:10
jo-erlendyes, that did the trick.14:10
mhall119jo-erlend: which of those two bugs was most like your problem?14:10
jo-erlendI have no idea. I didn't look at any of them.14:11
mhall119one says there is no icon for changing session, the other says that the session menu just has no effect14:11
jo-erlendfrom the subject, it sounded like the first, since there is no menu to choose from.14:11
BluesKajHiyas all15:09
articodentrohi all guys15:46
articodentroi'm in trouble trying to install precise pangolin on my eeepc15:46
articodentroseems like ubiquity goes crazy trying to remove conflict files15:47
articodentrofrom a formatted partiion15:47
articodentroi've tried alpha 1 and daily builds with no results15:49
BluesKajarticodentro,  not sure but there are some caveats about eeepc and power pcs on the DL site16:11
BluesKajI thought I saw something about that16:12
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aguitelwith the last upgrade my system crash ,no x16:22
aguiteli am using nvidia-173 drivers16:24
BluesKajaguitel,  why not use nvidia-current , if your card is less than 5yrs old16:27
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aguitelBluesKaj, is Geoforce fx 550016:41
aguitelBluesKaj, it use 173 series16:41
BluesKajaguitel,  does admin/additonal drivers recommend the 173 ?16:42
aguitelBluesKaj, jockey-gtk say that16:43
aguitelBluesKaj, nvidia.com too16:43
* BluesKaj wonders about HUD for Kubuntu , http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/93916:58
jonarveI just upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 and I'm having problems with mysql: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) Does anyone have any advice?17:15
jonarveOr is there any way of downgrading from 12.04 til 11.10?17:17
bazhangfull reinstall17:19
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jonarveCan anyone help out getting mysql 5.5 up and running on 12.04? Will pay17:30
jtayloris the server running?17:32
jtaylorif not what error do you get on starting it17:32
jtaylormy guess its some issue with the /run transition17:33
jtaylorreinstall might help17:33
jonarveYes it's running17:33
jonarveSeems like mysql isn't installed properly17:35
BluesKajmy other 12.04 pc keeps spitting this out after update/upgrades ,  sh: 1: /usr/bin/gdbus: not found ..I guess not, there's no gdbus in /usr/bin17:45
BluesKajany ideas ?17:54
BluesKajahh fixed it , missing, libglib2.0-bin, libglib2.0-0-dbg, libdbus-ruby18:06
cjohnstonGreetings. I was updating my system using update-manager -d.. I got an error about a mirror failed.. Everything had crashed except for terminal, I rebooted the machine, and now I don't get past a blank dark purple screen.. any ideas?18:07
BluesKajcjohnston,  can you get to a TTY prompt , ctl+alt+F1 or F218:08
cjohnstonBluesKaj: no.. the first time i hit ctrl alt f1, there was a brief flash of a cursor, but then back to purple18:10
BluesKajcjohnston, did you try holding down the shift key right after the bios scrn 'til the grub menu appears?18:12
cjohnstonBluesKaj: that didnt do anything18:19
cjohnstoni was able to boot an old kernel18:19
cjohnstonand im on tty118:19
cjohnstoni ran sudo dpkg --configure -a18:19
BluesKajcjohnston,  yes was gonna suggest that command,  then do , sudo do-release-upgrade -d18:23
cjohnstonBluesKaj: ty18:24
cjohnstonBluesKaj: i got a ui back18:36
BluesKajcjohnston,  desktop ?18:37
Ian_Cornexserver update safe for ati OS drivers?18:37
cjohnstonBluesKaj: yes18:38
cjohnstonand a compiz crash! lol18:38
Ian_Corneguess not :p18:38
toasty95are dual monitor displays going to have more time put into them this round???18:39
Ian_Cornemine is working "flawelessly"18:41
Ian_Corneeven with one monitor turned18:41
toasty95in 12.04 nvidia drivers are not so good18:42
Ian_Cornethey'll come along18:42
Ian_CorneI'm using ati atm18:42
toasty95wanted to know before i upgrade my dist.18:43
toasty95dual display has come far in linux / BSD also18:44
Ian_Cornewell, if you can't live with an unstable system, don't18:44
toasty95I love testing, debian at the moment18:44
jo-erlendhow has the x upgrade gone for you people? I'm doing it now.18:45
BluesKajtoasty95,  depends on your driver and card , nvidia is working very well atm , but i havent tried dual monitors net18:45
jo-erlendthis is by far the least unstable development version of Ubuntu ever.18:45
Ian_Cornejo-erlend: you on ati?18:45
Ian_CorneI'm to scared to try :p18:46
jo-erlendyes. Radeon HD 5850.18:46
Ian_CorneOS drivers?18:46
jo-erlendI'm doing it now, so I can tell you. :)18:46
Ian_CorneI'm on 685018:46
Ian_Corneok nice18:46
jo-erlendI think I'm using fglrx at the moment, actually.18:46
Ian_Cornefglrx is a disaster for me18:46
Ian_Cornelast time I tried18:46
Ian_Cornealso to scared to try it again18:47
Ian_CorneI don't think fglrx will work with the newest xserver18:47
Ian_Corneit never does, until the release18:47
jo-erlendIan_Corne, we'll see.18:47
BluesKaj12.04 is working here , nvidia 7600gt graphics , m-audio 192 audio , amd 64 dual core, 3G RAM18:47
toasty95BlueKaj, Xorg.conf flops every time. Recomended or unstable18:49
toasty95BlueKaj,- nvidia 7600gt, intel i5 dual core 8gb ram......whats wrong ?18:51
toasty95same card diff board...18:52
jo-erlendI think update-manager has become extremely slow lately. I mean the GUI.18:53
toasty95Is it intel ?18:53
jo-erlendbrb, reboot18:53
jo-erlendthanks :)18:54
jo-erlendeverything seems fine. Fglrx is even working.18:58
Ian_Corneok nice19:02
Ian_Corneyou mind trying with OS drivers? :p19:02
jo-erlendyou mean just removing fglrx and use radeon to see if it works?19:02
jo-erlendabsolutely not. I usually do that.19:03
jo-erlendrestarting x afterwards should be sufficient, right?19:04
Ian_Cornenot sure19:04
Ian_Corneyou can check what's running right?19:04
Ian_Cornewith lsmod19:04
jo-erlendoh, I need to reinstall Unity again as well then. I removed it to check Unity 2D since there's no session menu in lightdm anymore. :)19:04
Ian_Corneyou could still get to it19:05
Ian_Corneif you switch to another user's focus19:05
Ian_Corneand then back to yours19:05
jo-erlendIan_Corne, -vvv?19:05
jo-erlendoh, you mean in the login screen?19:06
jo-erlendI'll give it a go.19:06
sneumann_Hi, I have a problem booting a laptop with current 12.04 (actually all the time since 11.10, but 10.04 works fine).19:18
sneumann_Grub2 drops me into a busybox shell, and has "forgotten" to lvchange -ay, so LVM partitions are unavailable19:19
sneumann_this is on i386, current 12.0419:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 596554 in udev (Ubuntu) "Unable to mount root LVM partition" [Undecided,New]19:19
sneumann_The separate /boot is on a non-LVM /sev/sda219:20
jo-erlendIan_Corne, it works, but there were glitches.19:21
Ian_Cornewas just gonna say you didn't return yet :p19:21
Ian_Cornetell me, are they workable?19:21
jo-erlendthat might not be a driver issue though. It seemed to want to start Unity, which I had uninstalled. I don't know why it attempted that.19:21
jo-erlendseems fine.19:21
Ian_Corneok thanks19:22
jo-erlendactually, quite smooth.19:22
Ian_Corneit's working very smooth for me now too19:22
Ian_Cornewith 2x 1920x1200 screen pushing19:22
Ian_Corneone tiled 90°19:22
jo-erlendI'm tempted to say that the radeon driver is more smooth than fglrx.19:23
jo-erlendscreen pushing?19:23
jo-erlendI have two 1920x1080. One is vertical. It's working great.19:23
Ian_Corneyes, the same then :)19:24
Ian_Cornewell yeah, it has to push more pixels!19:24
Ian_Corneand i'm using normal unity, with compiz19:24
Ian_Corneeverything is _very_ smooth19:24
jo-erlendI am too now, though Unity 2D 5.2 is awesome.19:24
Ian_CorneI find the lack of hotkeys disturbing19:24
jo-erlendit needs to recreate the alt+tab dialog, and it's missing some keyboard shortcuts.19:25
Ian_Cornethe ctrl alt numpad thing19:25
jo-erlendah, right. I didn't test that.19:25
Ian_Corneanyone with dual gfx card here?19:25
jo-erlendyes, there are still some minor issues.19:25
Ian_Cornenvidia preferably19:25
sneumann_Any early boot / initrd experts around ? I am dropped into initrd busybox, after "vgchange -ay" I can exit and normal boot resumes.19:35
sneumann_My /boot is ext3 on sda5, my / is ext4 on LVM19:36
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Ian_Cornegoing into screensaver/lock screen made the rotated screen not work anymore jo-erlend :p20:04
jo-erlendIan_Corne, does here.20:12
Ian_Corneit works again20:12
Ian_Corneafter disable/enable20:13
Ian_Cornei'm updating20:13
FernandoMiguellatest kernel has no support for my ETH20:35
Ian_Corneewhat's an ETH20:36
FernandoMiguelethernet dude!20:38
FernandoMigueloh boy.... major X11 upgrade..... this might be the last day I came here LOL20:40
aguitelwith the last upgrade my system crash ,no x i was using nvidia-173 drivers20:43
aguitelFernandoMiguel, do you read me?20:44
FernandoMiguelaguitel: I do20:45
FernandoMiguelI'm on Intel20:45
aguitelFernandoMiguel, do you have some problem with last upgrade in 12.04 ?20:46
FernandoMigueldoing them now20:46
aguiteli have separate /home and i will installed with alternate cd from today20:48
FernandoMiguelI don't usually reinstall20:49
aguitelFernandoMiguel, i did many times with all distros20:49
PatrickCi keep getting the following error when trying to update to 12.0421:06
hggdhPatrickC: some of the packages shown are quite old, have you 'apt-get update'?21:09
PatrickCno i havent21:09
PatrickClemme try that21:09
PatrickCfailed to download some files21:10
hggdhPatrickC: well... the one that failed states it is for Hardy (and a PPA, at that)21:12
hggdhand you are running Oneiric...21:12
* PatrickC is a total linux newb21:12
PatrickCtrying to fix that though21:12
PatrickCwell, i know basic linux21:12
PatrickCbut not much21:12
hggdhdon't worry21:12
PatrickCi use webOs daily, and that has a linux command line on it :)21:12
PatrickCi actually run a 11.04 chroot on it21:12
PatrickCso how would i fix that? so i can update to 12.04? :)21:13
PatrickCi have a friend who works for Canonical (sorry if i butchered the name) .. hes trying to get me more into linux then windows :)21:14
icerootdo we have a strange change on xserver/touchpad? when moving the mouse, stoping it but still holding the finger on the touchpad the mouse-pointer is still moving21:14
hggdhPatrickC: well. Right now, disregard the error, and try 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'21:14
PatrickCrunning now21:14
PatrickCand it has to download over 1000 mb lol21:15
PatrickCim on about a 3mb download21:15
ubuntufanPatrickC, I have recently tried linux on a big monitor and it seems to behave a lot more expectedly than when I'm using my laptop's monitor, keyboard, and moue21:15
PatrickCthanks :) ill let you guys know when its done21:15
hggdhiceroot: I do not quite follow you: are you using the mouse *and* the touchpad at the same time?21:15
PatrickCthanks for the help hggdh21:15
PatrickCubuntufan, huh?21:15
hggdhPatrickC: yw21:15
ubuntufanthere seems to be some bugs not yet completely worked out in the dell xps m1530's drivers21:15
albert23iceroot: sounds like bug 92108221:15
iceroothggdh: only touchpad21:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 921082 in xorg (Ubuntu) "after touchpad movement and stop, pointer continues in same direction at a steady pace" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92108221:15
ubuntufanfor keyboard, video, and mouse21:16
ubuntufanwell, not video so much21:16
icerootalbert23: thanks21:16
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ubuntufanPatrickC, I have a usb adapter for an external keyboard. I also have a large-screen monitor21:16
ubuntufanPatrickC_Away, when I use those, linux behaves better21:17
ubuntufanbut I'll let you go now :)21:17
PatrickC_Awaythanks :)21:17
PatrickC_Awayhopefully 12.021:17
PatrickC_Away12.04 will install cleanly*21:17
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icerootthis touchpad bug is so ugly....21:28
Fudgeis HUD already in precise?21:56
jtayloronly a ppa so far I know21:57
Fudgejtaylor  I guess it would follow the existing menu structures do you think?21:58
Fudgeso should be accessible as any menu item with orca21:59
jtaylorhaven't tried it yet21:59
aguitelis the driver nvidia-173 working in precise ?22:05
aguitelis the driver nvidia-173 working in precise ?22:43
aguiteli have Geoforce fx 5500 (working only with nvidia-173) and with upgrade from today x are not running22:45
Fudgeeverything keeps falling over on me lol, especially gransmission-gtk22:46
FernandoMigueluploading bootcharts http://bootcharts.f.fernandomiguel.net/22:48
aguiteli have Geoforce fx 5500 (working only with nvidia-173) and with upgrade from today x are not running23:03
pqatsiLinux root exploit was fixed too in 3.2 kernel for precise?23:24
pqatsiIm asking here because i cant dl changelog for 3.2.0-1023:25
trismpqatsi: yes, the fix is in 3.2.0-10.18 but it is still building on some archs23:30
pqatsitrism: amd64 appears to be ok23:31
pqatsiVersion: 3.2.0-10.1823:31
urlin2uanybody seen the live crash?23:33
urlin2uactually panic and freeze heading for the tty.23:34
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PatrickC_Awayman.. this upgrade is taking forever23:46
PatrickC_Awayand i have no "desktop" icons23:46
PatrickC_Awaylike, no task bar or anything :)23:46

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