
twblilstevie: do you know if TF has a "multi-channel sound card" ?04:07
twbI'm afraid the answer is no, which makes me sad04:08
twbI tried using two mpg123 processes at the same time, the second one gave up04:09
infinitytwb: Try running mpg123 under padsp so it passes through a software mixer?04:50
twbinfinity: pulseaudio?04:55
twbI don't allow pulse on my systems :P04:56
twbI was asking because I'm trying to get emacspeak up and running again04:56
infinitytwb: Heh.05:00
twbI can't actually get emacspeak to work at all yet05:05
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jamespagehello - anyone around who can help me with this armel/armhf build failure - bug 92087112:20
ubot2`Launchpad bug 920871 in zookeeper "zookeeper 3.3.4+dfsg1-2ubuntu2 FTBFS on armel and armhf" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92087112:20
jamespagenot quite sure where to start :-)12:21
jamespage(have reproduced locally)12:21
ogra_jamespage, does this help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Thumb2 ?12:28
jamespageogra_, yes thanks12:35
rbasakI'm having bus powered USB disk issues on the pandaboard. Should I just give up? Does this work for anyone else?13:35
tarutirbasak: I have an usb disk but it wants external power with the pand13:36
rbasakso doesn't work without?13:37
rbasakeven though it in theory should?13:37
tarutinot sure why, that is just my experience13:37
rbasakI'm giving the panda a beefy enough PSU I think. But perhaps a varying load is causing issues. I get combinations of kernel panics and disk spindowns13:37
ogra_rbasak, the PSU TI shipped with my first panda is 5V 4A, what do you use ? i wouldnt go below 3A for hub powered USb disks13:39
rbasak5V 4A, and I also have been trying a 200W AT PSU13:39
ogra_well, that should work, whats the issue you see ?13:40
rbasakkernel panics13:40
ogra_actually USB related ones ?13:40
rbasakand sometimes the disk keeps spinning on and off in a fast (maybe 0.8s) cycle13:41
rbasakI don't think the panics are USB specific13:41
ogra_well why blame the disk then ? :)13:41
rbasakI suspect maybe the disk is causing the board voltage to drop, though I've metered it I won't be able to see short interval drops13:41
rbasakonly this disk does it. my sata/usb docking station which is externally powered does not have the same issue13:41
ogra_hmm, well, might even be a driver issue13:42
ogra_i think there are plenty people running host powered usb disks on their pandas ... not that i have empirical data though13:42
rbasakOK I'm pretty sure it's a power issue. taruti gave me an idea - I connected the second bus power connector to a usb hub powered by my AT PSU instead of into the panda. And powered the panda from the power brick I have. Now it seems to be going OK13:43
rbasakPerhaps I need to make a "USB power boost" harness which supplies 5V to those secondary connectors outside the panda13:44
rbasakperhaps this particular drive model causes more noise on the usb power affecting the panda?13:46
rbasakI just bought the cheapest one13:46
rbasakit's an intenso 320GB13:46
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tedgHey folks.  I was curious if someone could build the HUD feature for ARM and check to see if it's responsive.15:48
tedgIt's very much so on my computer, so I haven't spent much time optimizing, but I'd like to ensure that's across platforms.15:49
tedgI'm not super worried, but I want to make sure :-)15:49
ogra_if it is as responsive as the dash it will take 10-15sec to come up15:49
tedgogra_, On Unity or UnityQt?15:50
ogra_can it run in unity-2d too ?15:54
ogra_(GLES support for 3D unity isnt merged yet, so we can only run under -2d)15:54
ogra_-2d == Qt15:54
tedgogra_, 2d is Qt only until Qt5 is out, then they're all 3d :-)15:55
ogra_we only have the Qt version on arm atm until the GLES patches from linaro get merged into unity15:55
tedgogra_, I thought Unity could run on the Pandaboards?  no?15:55
tedgogra_, Is that with the ES patches?15:55
ogra_right, they are a) not merged (waiting since the dublin sprint) and b) still have a few bugs15:56
ogra_so all we can currently run proper is unity-2d (Qt)15:56
GrueMasterrbasak: Most USB powered drives require two USB connectors to get enough power, but unfortunately even then the panda doesn't deliver enough power from the usb ports.  All of my USB<>SATA drives have separate power source, which isn't easy to find on 2.5" enclosures.15:57
tedgogra_, Hmm, okay.  Is that plan updated?  I thought there was a plan to merge those branches discussed in Budapest.  Have you talked to the Unity guys about that since then?15:57
rbasakGrueMaster: aha, that'll be my problem then. I've tried connecting the second connector to an external source but that only seem to work some of the time. Thanks!15:57
ogra_tedg, once a week, yep. its in the process and hopefully ready by feature freeze15:57
tedgogra_, Cool, I'll leave you to it then!  :-)15:58
ogra_tedg, btw, the HUD is public stuff now ?15:58
* rbasak wonders what to do with this drive that's going spare now15:58
* ogra_ didnt see any blogpost yet 15:58
tedgogra_, Yup: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/93915:58
ogra_ah, k, had no time to follow planet since budapest15:59
tedgogra_, But you're a voracious reader of OMG! Ubuntu!, right?  ;-)15:59
ogra_heh, rather planet than OMG :)16:00
LetoThe2ndk1l: didn't know you also hang out here ;)16:15
GrueMasterppisati: Any chance of getting the omap4 kernel fixed or at least removed from the pool today?16:23
rbasakGrueMaster, AIUI ppisati sent a fix to the list today16:30
ppisatiGrueMaster: yep, sent, waiting for the upload16:32
ppisatibtw, do anyone know why the arguments for the kernel cmdline changed?16:32
ppisatidpkg -S /boot/boot.script says it doesn't belong to any package16:33
ppisatiso it must some hand-crafted stuff coming from the installer16:33
ppisati*it must be16:33
GrueMasterThe boot script is generated during install, not by any packages.  For preinstalled, it is created by jasper.16:33
GrueMasterFor netinstall, it is generated by f-k-i (I think).16:34
ppisatiand do we have a changelog of it? why an arg was added/deleted?16:42
GrueMasterWhat arg was added/deleted?16:43
ppisatiGrueMaster: mem=456M@0x80000000 mem=512M@0xA000000016:44
ppisatiGrueMaster: these two are not of boot.script anymore and one of the feature of our kernel (CMA) craps out without it16:45
GrueMasterThat arg is only necessary when using the closed source video decoder.  Shouldn't have any affect when running server/headless.16:45
ppisatiit has with CMA16:45
ppisatiwithout these args it doens't initialize the pool at boot, and when the usb ask for some DMA buffers, kaboom16:46
ppisatithat's what you get yesterday16:46
ppisatii sent a revert of this CMA16:46
ppisatisince it's not mandatory and it's not even in mainline16:46
ppisatibut the camera driver needs it16:46
ppisatiwe either drop the camera driver, or we revert these args16:46
GrueMasterThen that is a new change, as I have been running w/o those settings on all headless images since Maverick.16:47
ppisatiit was bropught in with the last TI bits16:47
ppisatibtw i had these args since i started working here16:47
ppisatithat's why i didn't notice CMA panicng at boot16:47
GrueMasterAs to the netinstall cmdline parameters, they were never added when netinstall was created.  I'd have to look, but I'm not sure they are even in the server preinstalled images.16:48
ppisatiuhm ok16:48
ppisatianyway the revert is on its way16:48
GrueMasterThose parameters create a hw memory hole so that a specific hw device can use that address range.  Not sure why it can't be a bit more intelligent and request it on module load.16:49
ppisatiperhaps because if you don't explicitely say so at boot time, the entire memory would be mapped (and couldn't be reclaimed later) i guess16:50
GrueMasterOk, those parameters are on the server preinstalled (which makes sense as they are hardcoded in jasper).16:51
GrueMasterI'll bug NCommander to add them to the netinstaller when he comes online.16:52
ppisatino no16:52
GrueMasterBut as I said, we were told they were only needed for the closed source decoder bits.16:52
ppisatii already asked for the revert16:52
ppisatithese won't be necessary anymore after nex upload16:52
GrueMasterBut is that what TI wants going forward?16:53
ppisatiwell, CMA is not even mainline16:53
ppisatiso when it will hit mainline, we'll see16:53
GrueMasterIf their patches are now enabling it, then we should make sure all images are consistent.16:53
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GrueMaster(we should make sure netinstall is consistent anyways).16:54
ppisatii was wondering why linaro has no such problems16:54
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GrueMasterThey may have that parameter as default on their images.16:56
ppisaticould be16:56
ppisatii tried to ask it to agreen16:57
ppisatibut he didn't answer yet16:57
GrueMasterFor now, if that is all that is required for netinstall to work, that is easy to fix (w/o reverting the patch).  Netinstall can be preseeded to include those parameters during install and the netinstall image can be fixed to have them on boot.16:57
ppisatiyes, that would fix it16:57
GrueMasterMy concern now is that by reverting it, are we causing issues to TI's development work down the road?16:58
ppisatirevert the patches?16:58
ppisatithis is just for 3.216:58
ppisatiand since TI won't support it/as, we stay as it is16:59
ppisatifor 3.3 we will get it, and bunch of new drivers exploiting it (i guess)16:59
GrueMasterThen we are better off leaving the kernel as is and fixing netinstall.  Less pain in the long run.17:00
ppisatiGrueMaster: when you say the binary driver, do you mean the pvr-omap4 dkms?17:01
GrueMasterNot sure if it is that one or the gstreamer code (think it was gstreamer though).17:02
GrueMasterogra_ would know.17:02
GrueMasterOr ndec.17:02
* ogra_ looks up17:03
* ndec too17:04
ogra_the cmdline is created at buildtime, only the root= parameter is added by jasper17:04
ogra_the memory hole is needed for ducati (the multimedia framework)17:04
ndecppisati: GrueMaster: i saw the email on kernel list, i am not sure i understand what the proposed fix is17:05
ppisatindec: the problem is in the new memocry allocator (CMA)17:05
ndecdoes it require the memory hole in bootargs?17:06
ppisatithis CMA has never been in mailine, but we got it via tilt17:06
ogra_GrueMaster, the netinst images should have that cmdline params too, if not, NCommander should add them at build time17:06
ppisatibecause the camera driver needs it17:06
ndecyes, it's in tilt because we use it for v4l2 camera driver.17:06
GrueMasterogra_: Ok.  I'll file a bug and assign to him.17:06
ndecand later for MM with syslink3.017:06
ppisatisince the usb crap was due to this memory allocator, i reverted it and now everything works17:06
ogra_GrueMaster, great, if he doesnt have the time, infinity or i can do it as well17:07
ppisatidunno why it doesn't init the pool at boot time if we don't pass the args stuff17:07
ndecthe camera driver should not need it. or there is something else missing.17:07
ppisatithat's what agreen told me17:07
ppisatibut i handed a couple of kernels without this cma to rbasak today, he testd it17:07
ppisatiand all the panicing on boot&c are gone17:07
ppisatiso i pushed the revert since we are close to kernel freeze17:08
ndeci think the memory hole is just helping to hide another issue ;-)17:08
GrueMasterogra_: iirc, we (NCommander and I ) had this discussion last cycle.  Iirc, there was a problem getting others to accept the change.17:08
ndecI will look into this, i would prefer we make the real fix instead.17:08
ppisatindec: that's why i don't want it in (i mean the CMA)17:08
ndecand our MM stuff with syslink3 will no longer require the memory hole anyways.17:08
ppisatibut that's 3.3+ and we talking about a P kernel17:09
ndecppisati: no, i think we should keep it, but you might be missing another config somewhere.17:09
ndecif you revert this one, you might want to revert the v4l2 camera driver as well, to ensure that nobody will attempt to use it.17:09
ppisatilet me check one thing17:10
ndecon the other hand if you keep it, and if we fix it properly, then all the boards that have a camera (blaze have, and some panda do) will get support for camera out of the box with 12.04...17:10
ppisatindec: does our kernel boot on that boards?17:10
ndecsebjan maintains blaze support in tilt tree17:11
ndecppisati: let me reply on the mail and let's try to sort it out. you can use the mem hole as a temp workaround. since it's really no longer needed moving forward, i would prefer to get rid of it...17:12
* ogra_ wouldnt be opposed 17:13
ogra_its one hack less we have in the image builds17:13
ppisatiok, but then remember to get the memory hole back in place17:14
ogra_ppisati, i thought ndec just proposed to get rid of it17:14
ppisatiogra_: actually the opposite17:15
ppisatiogra_: he wants to reintroduce it to workaround this problem17:15
ogra_ppisati, anyways, we didnt change anything wrt kernel cmdline in precise yet17:15
ppisatiogra_: yep17:16
ogra_its still there, hasnt gone anywhjere17:16
ppisatiogra_: it's just that this cma came via last kernel update17:16
ogra_unless you used a netinstall17:16
ppisatiogra_: and my default boot.scr has those mem args in it17:16
ppisatithat's whty i didn't notice the panic on boot17:16
ogra_you will only see it on netinst since apprently NCommander didnt take them into account when building the image *or* in f-k-i17:17
ogra_not sure where they are missing there exactly17:17
GrueMasterSo, what is going to be the goal here?  a) fix netinstall to include the hole, or b) fix the kernel cma to not need the parameter on the cmdline?17:18
ogra_sounds like b) as the final goal and a) as the interim17:19
ogra_not sure how long b) will take17:20
ogra_if its only a few days, changing netinst might be wasted time17:20
ogra_GrueMaster, so the answer is "depends ... "17:21
GrueMasterWell, we can work around the netinstall issue for now, but I wouldn't recommend it long term.17:21
GrueMasterIf the kernel can be fixed before freeze, then netinstall workaround is the way to go.17:22
GrueMasterIf not, a more permanent netinstall fix is required.17:22
GrueMasterUgh.  Now I remember why it wasn't in the netinstall (or at least on my testing).  u-boot cmdline is limited to ~256 characters.  I'm getting ready to verify it now, but if that is still the case, it screws up automation in a huge way.17:26
GrueMasterGrrr.  And netinstall doesn't seem to care about debian-installer/add-kernel-opts in the preseed.  grumble.17:33
ndecGrueMaster: does latest 12.04 image boot on panda and es?17:40
ndeci was told (didn't try) it wouldn't boot17:40
ndecon es17:40
GrueMasterI just booted today's daily-preinstalled desktop image ok.17:41
GrueMasterAnd I have a couple of systems running netinstall now.17:41
ndecon panda ES?17:41
GrueMasterThe desktop is running on my 4460 ES.  Haven't seen any issues.17:41
ndecok. thx17:44
GrueMasterI haven't done a "full" test, but desktop is installed and running.  I'm currently sitting in unity2D with an open terminal.  Couple of kernel warnings in dmesg (early during boot), but nothing serious.17:44
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ogra_bug 92061818:22
ubot2`Launchpad bug 920618 in debian-installer "Setting "d-i base-installer/kernel/image none" fails to ignore installation w/o kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92061818:22

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