
head_victimsagaci: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Timetable - you might be interested in covering how to set up a dev environment?09:32
* benonsoftware would attend a session like that :)09:33
benonsoftwarehead_victim: I will not be able to attend the next IRC meeting (school) but could I add a note to http://is.gd/YCbG3z asking for ideas for a Melbourne release party?09:36
head_victimIf all you're doing is brainstorming the ML might be a better avenue to catch more people with ideas09:37
benonsoftwareOk, thanks09:37
benonsoftwareEmail sent :P09:41
head_victimJust trying to get the most out of it all :)09:41
head_victimBasically you pick a time and place and put it on loco.u.c and it's set to be honest. It can be fine tuned if need be later on :)09:41
benonsoftwareFirst we need to find a place :P09:42
head_victimCool, on that note, I'm off for a while09:44
benonsoftwareSee you09:44
sagacihead_victim: I'd much rather the masters of #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-motu to take that10:02
sagaciI think I could do a basic session but other than that, I'd rather have something who knows what they're talking about if things go awry10:03
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
head_victimsagaci: fair enough, I just thought after watching your youtube vids you might be up for an intro class :D11:17
head_victimNo pressure, just making sure you knew it existed.11:17
sagacibesides, dholbach is already doing it12:16

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