[03:20] hey all i need some help with a bash script I am writing [03:20] http://pastebin.com/4sDFF9mZ [03:20] it is not getting into the if statement [03:20] am i missing something [03:21] thewrath, you running fedora? [03:23] this script will be [03:23] i have a similar one i will be running in ubuntu [03:24] thewrath, you might try ##linux or #fedora if you don't get an answer. :D [03:39] quick question, how do I upgrade my version of grub? [03:39] deper29, you running grub-legacy [03:40] I don't know? [03:40] grub-install -v gives grub-install (GNU GRUB 1.98-1ubuntu12) [03:40] deper29, what release? [03:41] of ubuntu [03:41] 10.04 [03:41] deper29, why do you want to upgrade [03:42] that's grub 2 the upgrade would still be grub 2 if there is a way of doing it. [03:43] so I can upgrade ubuntu to 11.10 so I will have some of the latest video/audio support for my system. However, with as much trouble as I've had, seems 11.10 doesn't like UEFI [03:43] I was reading this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting [03:44] deper29, you don't upgrade grub to upgrade a OS [03:45] you would get the upgrade grub with 11.10 as well 1.99 [03:46] if I just try to upgrade to 11.10 I end up with a black screen :/ [03:46] deper29, I think there was a lucid to natty upgrade am I right? [03:46] yeah [03:47] deper29, you have an nividia card [03:48] how did you know? :P [03:48] you have to reinstall the driver if you upgrade, could that be the problem? [03:48] black screen. :D [03:48] hmmm, it could be. [03:48] you going to be on for a while? [03:49] yeah, but graphic cards are not really a skill here, I just see this sort of stuff. [03:49] clone the lucid for a backup if you upgrade [03:49] I'll try this upgrade and see what happens. If I get a black screen again I'll boot into windows. how do I clone lucid? [03:49] clonezilla.org [03:50] kk, I'll do that now :) [03:50] bootable disc pretty straight forward text stuff [03:51] I can just mount the iso and go from there, no? [03:51] deper29, you would boot it. [03:51] oh, I see [03:52] I see now haha [03:52] how big is the partition and gig amount? [03:52] 500GB [03:52] how about data [03:52] you meant for what lucid is on, right? [03:52] yeah [03:53] yeah, I have the OS and data on that 500GB drive [03:53] I have an external. can I clone to an external? [03:54] deper how much data though, gparted will tell you? yeah the external is best it will shrink it some but you need about the same date amount space [03:54] data [03:55] I'm lazy I use gparted to check the data amount [04:00] just give me a sec [04:00] cool [04:00] just run sudo gparted? [04:02] deper29, you have it installed? [04:02] yeah [04:03] gksudo it is in the menu as well [04:03] gksudo for graphic stuff [04:04] yes, I forgot about that :p [04:04] I do the same :D [04:04] so I see unallocated, ext4, extended and linux-swap [04:04] hats the ext4 say as far as how full [04:04] whats [04:04] 228GB used [04:05] okay you will need that amount on the external to clone it, t will take awhile as well I would guess about 3 hours at least. [04:06] yikes [04:06] so all I do is reboot with that bootable disc then? [04:06] just wanted toi make sure you knew whats up, I store all my data on externals for faster clones. [04:07] yeah, it has instructions [04:07] kk, I guess I'm rebooting [04:07] thanks for the help thus far :) [04:07] no problem [04:07] if this doesn't work, I'll be sad at myself [04:07] deper29, you wont bvreak it with a clone [04:07] I know [04:07] break [04:08] I meant the upgrade after haha [04:08] deper29, you could shrink the lucid and install natty and the transfer stuff as well [04:08] then [04:08] I'll do a full clone [04:09] my concern is always a back up of a working setup [04:09] back in a long while. thanks again :D [04:09] np [04:09] likewise [05:57] How to read shell output one page at the time ? [05:58] Pipe it into more (As in lspci |more ) [05:59] Unit193: Thanks. [06:01] I missed this essential command for so long that I'll remember. [06:02] Less is another good one [06:06] opposite of more ? allows backward movement in the file as well as forward movement ? [06:06] Sorry, have sometimes troubles to understand English. When do you use less ? [06:07] About the same, but you can pageup, pagedown, scroll up and down [06:07] q to exit [06:09] Cool, I just tried to see the difference but didn't try that. [06:09] Just learned to read 'info' because of Emacs's nice reader. It stimulates me to use more commands instead of GUI. [06:09] Thanks to learn me some. [06:11] Also this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal and I'd suppose you already know apt-get and apt-cache? [06:18] I know most from that page but often needed my notes for details. apt-get is familiar but not apt-cache. Its all hard to remember so I need helpers like info-reader, autocomplete etc. [06:19] manpage helps [06:21] The format in terminal exhaust me within seconds. Info-pages in a reader are the first UNIX help I can read complete. [06:32] I see link above links to a 'good practice' tut. Thats what I continue with. Thanks & Good luck. === mang0|zzz is now known as mang0 === coalwater is now known as coalwater-temp === coalwater-temp is now known as coalwater [10:50] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11636256#post11636256 xfce themes, conky configuration. Please help me! [11:27] Hi, does anybody know how I can monitor windows drives I mounted using Samba and start scripts as soon as such a drive comes on- or offline? === duanedes1gn is now known as duanedesign === yofel_ is now known as yofel [17:01] Does a shared home partition work with all distro's ? [23:03] hey, I'm hoping someone can help me. I tried upgrading my ubuntu from 10.10 to 11.04 and now all I get is a black screen after the one where I choose my kernel [23:19] hey, I'm back [23:52] deper29: i would try upgrading if you can get in... see if there are package updates [23:52] if not, i would guess its graphics card related