
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
dholbachgood morning07:52
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TiMiDoman 5 days been waiting, still no luck, with my email, forward any help,?11:04
Tm_Tyour ubuntu.com email?11:07
AlanBelldid you send a request to rt@ubuntu.com?11:08
TiMiDoyes i did11:30
TiMiDojust right now11:30
TiMiDo[rt.ubuntu.com #19208] AutoReply: Timido11:30
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TiMiDois that it,?11:44
popeyTiMiDo: the update of ubuntu.com email addresses is a manual process, not automated. Sometimes it drops to the bottom of the pile because other more important stuff is ahead of it11:45
TiMiDoright, got it that's fine.11:46
TiMiDoi'll wait11:46
popeyTiMiDo: you can ask in #canonical-sysadmin though, thats where your rt goes - to that team11:46
TiMiDowhich nick does rt uses,11:47
popeyrt is the request tracker11:50
christeli suspect the email reaches the entire team, and that rt@ simply stands for request tracker :)11:50
popeymany people have access to it11:50
TiMiDooh lol11:51
TiMiDogot it now11:51
TiMiDobut i cannot login to it though, is odd11:53
TiMiDoYour username or password is incorrect11:54
christeli suspect you will need to communicate via emails to the RT and that only the sysadmin team has actual RT accounts :)11:56
popeyubuntu / ubuntu is username/password11:57
christelah! how wrong am i!11:57
popeyas I said, drop in #canonical-sysadmin and ask there11:57
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Fuchsdholbach: ping :)17:50
dholbachFuchs, pong17:50
Fuchsdholbach: kurz query ist okay?17:50
funkyHatActually I'm pretty sure any old launchpad account witll work with rt18:39
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m4vIRCC: I need help with #ubuntu-es-cafe, the channel is registered but has no founder that I can see. Can I get control of the channel? My intention is to move our -es-offtopic channel there.23:18
* AlanBell has a look23:20
AlanBellneeds more superpowers than I have23:21
AlanBellI wonder if super Myrtti is wearing the cape23:21
topylineeds staff i think, yes23:24
topylithe move itself is fine by me23:24
topyliand i like the cafe idea for an offtopic channel. i've often compared #ubuntu-ot to a 'lounge'23:26
Myrttiyou asked 10 minutes too late for me even to try anything, not going to attempt doing it with my phone23:27
Myrttisorry :-(23:28
topylinp, we'll ask someone else <323:29
Myrtti I love you anyway23:29
topylii'm talking to staff23:31
marienzso you are!23:32
marienzah, nvm, dax is faster23:32
m4vthanks everyone for helping :)23:40

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