
=== smb` is now known as smb
* smb rolls in08:32
_rubenrollin' rollin' rollin' ... rawhide!08:40
smbhehe... codin', codin' codin', 'though the hands are swollen, velocity gets rollin', precise! :-P08:43
diwicsmb, I posted a patch for some macbooks at 13/1 to the kernel-team ML, but it was never applied (or paid any other attention). Could you apply/review it?08:51
diwic(I was poked by yet another macbook user yesterday who wondered why his audio was choppy...)08:52
smbdiwic, Let me see whether I can find it again. just depending on which release this is intended for, it needs more than one to look at.08:53
diwicbug 909419 08:53
ubot2`Launchpad bug 909419 in linux "[Several MacBooks (with PCI SSID 10de:cb89)] Choppy sound. Videos play double speed" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90941908:53
diwicsmb, it's for 12.0408:53
smbfound it08:55
smbdiwic, Looks ok and is actually in the queue for the next stable release. Will comment on your mail but ogasawara or apw may decide to just wait till the whole stable update comes out.09:01
diwicsmb, ok09:01
_rubensmb: moonlighting as a singer/songwriter? :)09:06
smb_ruben, Unlikely as a singer. There are laws against that. ;) Now songwriter... probably get beaten up for some sense of humor...09:08
* cking reboots09:35
apwdiwic, hey about ?   you got a branch with the current jack patches including the backported fix?10:31
diwicapw, sure10:31
apwi wanted to test and may as well do so with an up to date kernel10:32
diwicapw, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=diwic/ubuntu-precise.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/jack-detection-backport10:32
diwicapw, once tested, feel free to report to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/PreciseJackDetectionTesting :-)10:35
apwdiwic, that was the plan, i was thinking 7 people was a bit poor, so thought i could add a couple of test cases10:36
diwicapw, nice, thank you10:36
apwof course my machine may not work once this shiney X update is installed :/10:37
apwdiwic, you haven't digned off your backport patch10:37
apwor indeed any of them10:37
apwand as they are coming via you they should be, and i assume all this is now upstream in 3.3 right?  so we should know if the sha1s are stable and in linus10:38
diwicapw, they should be in 3.3 all of them yes...10:38
apwdiwic, so if we are to take it, we will be asking you to confirm the sha1s are the same and update the cherry-picks to remove the git:// bit and to add a s-o-b to them all10:39
apwdiwic, in better news the patches trivially rebased to the -10 kernel10:40
diwicapw, okay10:40
apwdiwic, i would say also add a blank line above the cherry picked/backported line and your signed off under it so it looks all shiney10:41
apwpicky picky apw10:41
diwicapw, so how is it looking? That is if you don't find any regressions, and I do what you ask for this afternoon...?10:43
apwdiwic, heh not looked at the patches at all, just the commit messages, will let you know how my testing goes10:44
apwthough i have a fair bit of updating to go10:45
DroidIIHi all, im still running 11.04 with a 2.6.38-11 generic kernel. Just wondering if there is a kernel that wont crash my thinkpad, or if i can get some assistence building my own...10:50
diwicapw, btw if you build a kernel source package, you can send it to me, I can sign and upload it to the ppa. If you like.10:52
apwDroidII, unsure ... what ones have you tested10:52
apwDroidII, and which thinkpad nightmare is it10:53
DroidIIthe last one i tried was 2.6.38-16 i think the last officail release for 11.04, laptop would not resume from standby, often crashed on reboot ...10:54
DroidIIhaha, the T50010:54
DroidII38-11 has been great,but, im getting a lot of network issues, network manager died big time whilst overseas, and now WICD wont connect to cabled connections properly10:55
DroidIIi could be on 4 or 5 differant networks every day10:55
apwyep networking in the main is very poor when you are in that environment, UDS is always a nightmare10:56
apwDroidII, have you tested any later kernels?10:56
apwdiwic, i don't normally make source packages for test builds10:57
DroidIIi havetried to install a ver 3 kernel, but to no avail -- cant get grub to load it, so sorry, no10:57
apwDroidII, i wonder why that would be, lucid can load them10:57
DroidIImaybe im doing it the wrong way then...10:58
apwDroidII, you don't have powernap installed do you ?11:00
DroidIIlooking in Synaptic package manager, the lastest available is 2.6.38-13.53....11:00
DroidIIno, I dont think so11:00
apwworth checking as it kills most thinkpads on s/r11:00
DroidIIno, not installed11:00
apwDroidII, is there an lp bug open for this ?11:03
DroidIIsorry, i have no idea11:04
apwi'd say if you haven't filed one, that we say likely not11:04
apwit would be the obvious first step, filing a bug aginst the kernel saying which one it works in and which not, and including the symptoms11:05
rbasakppisati: any news on bug 920511? I think the same issue is affecting the installer now. If we can't get it fixed today, can we roll back to a known working version in the archive?11:21
ubot2`Launchpad bug 920511 in linux-ti-omap4 "Regression: netinst on panda armhf fails" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92051111:21
ppisatirbasak: i already have a working kernel, but i'm doing some more testing11:22
apwppisati, can i assign that LP to you then (as i have it open on my screen) ?11:23
ppisatiapw: yep11:24
apwrbasak, i see you have a work around to keep working yes ?11:25
rbasakapw: I did have, but now the issue is in the installer, and my brief attempt at using the same workaround there hasn't work. I haven't worked out what's going on yet.11:25
rbasakMy installer cmdline has always been a bit different: "console=ttyO2,115200n8 earlyprintk=ttyO2 text fixrtc omapfb.vram=0:24M vram=48M priority=critical"11:26
rbasakNo idea why, that's just what everyone else used and it worked11:26
rbasakSo I tried to merge this with the cmdline ppisati gave me yesterday and got: "console=ttyO2,115200n8 earlyprintk=ttyO2 text fixrtc elevator=noop vram=32M mem=456M@0x80000000 mem=512M@0xA0000000 priority=critical" but this doesn't seem to have worked11:27
ppisatito make cma work, you just need these two: "mem=456M@0x80000000 mem=512M@0xA0000000"11:30
ppisatiwithout thse, at boot time, the kernel doesn't reserve a pool where doing the allocation later11:31
ppisatiand thus drivers doing large allocation fail11:31
ppisatisince cma is not yet part of mainline11:31
ppisatiand since i've found at least one "home made" fix for this cma11:31
ppisatii think the best solution is to revert it11:32
ppisatirbasak: if i hand you a kernel, can you try it with the installer?11:32
apwppisati, sounds appropriate to me as well11:32
rbasakppisati: sure, but one moment - I think my complaints about the installer may be some hardware I swapped today. I'm trying it with the old disk.11:33
rbasakok, console=ttyO2,115200n8 earlyprintk=ttyO2 text fixrtc elevator=noop vram=32M mem=456M@0x80000000 mem=512M@0xA0000000 priority=critical in the installer does appear to work11:39
rbasakso that's a new thing today - I've had to change the installer kernel cmdline, but that's trivial for me11:39
apwbah where did diwic go11:39
rbasakapplying the workaround after the installer is a pain though, because I have to physically pull out the sd card and write to it, and I can't automate that11:40
ppisatirbasak: what if i hand you the kernel and you try it iwth the default cmdline?11:40
rbasakppisati: happy to test any kernel on the installer - that's really easy for me to do - I just need to know which cmdline to use, there is no default afaik.11:40
rbasakppisati: I have a script that wraps cobbler, I just need to give it URLs (or local files) for the kernel image, initrd image and the cmdline to use.11:41
ppisatirbasak: cool, let me upload it11:41
ppisatirbasak: http://people.canonical.com/~ppisati/linux-image-3.2.0-1404-omap4_3.2.0-1404.6~revertcma_armel.deb11:42
rbasakand I seem to have a separate bug that causes a kernel panic when installing onto a new usb disk I ordered that arrived today :-(11:42
ppisatirbasak: uhm, strange11:43
rbasakmight be the disk. it's usb bus powered11:44
ppisatirbasak: ah, then if you don't have a proper ac feeding the board it could be a power issue11:44
ppisatirbasak: anyway, please test it and tell me how it goes11:45
rbasakppisati: hmm. I was expecting u-boot wrapped kernel and initrd images. I can make a kernel image, but what should I do about the initrd? Will the installer need matching kernel modules?11:45
rbasakright now I'm running this: python toecap.py --kernel=http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/precise/main/installer-armhf/current/images/omap4/netboot/uImage --initrd=http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/precise/main/installer-armhf/current/images/omap4/netboot/uInitrd --preseed=/root/preseed --mac-address=2e:40:74:ee:6c:0a --kopts='console=ttyO2,115200n8 earlyprintk=ttyO2 text fixrtc elevator=noop vram=32M mem=456M@0x80000000 mem=512M@011:46
rbasakxA0000000 priority=critical'11:46
rbasakso if I can have a replacement kernel and initrd in the format as at those urls then I can drop in a replacement for test11:46
ppisatirbasak: ok, i'll upload the uImage and initrd11:47
ppisatirbasak: wait11:47
ppisatirbasak: i'm cleaning up initrd of all you stuff...11:49
ppisatirbasak: http://people.canonical.com/~ppisati/1404-revertcma/11:54
ppisatirbasak: .deb the kernel and the uImage/uInitrd it generates11:55
rbasakppisati: thanks, trying now. I'm to use the cmdline I was using last week, correct?11:55
ppisatirbasak: right11:55
* rbasak switches back to yesterday's hard drive too11:55
rbasakppisati: there's an initrd problem but the kernel booted ok11:58
ppisatirbasak: can you try with the panicing usb hdd?11:59
rbasakppisati: it also works (but initrd fails) with the panicing usb hdd. http://paste.ubuntu.com/815282/ for this last run. But I think the panicing usb hdd may just be faulty12:02
Kanohi apw , how about adding drm backports to 3.0 kernel?12:03
Kanothere are backports12:03
ppisatirbasak: ok, then i'll send the fix12:03
Kanoerr 3.0 is also availabel12:04
rbasakthanks ppisati!12:04
rbasakSo this USB disk is causing a voltage drop of 0.1V, powered off the pandaboard off USB which is powered by an AT PSU. Measuring at the board supply, it seems to hold >4.7V all the time. But the drive just keeps spinning up and down during boot. It seems to work OK on my laptop. When I was working with ppisati's workaround, this drive was causing the kernel to panic, but not always at the same point. Any tips? Still a power issue?12:12
ppisatirbasak: AFAIK, it's common for the disk to spin up/down during reboot (at least that's what mine does)12:17
rbasakI mean constantly, regularly, maybe about a 0.8s interval12:17
ppisatirbasak: ah no, that's not common then12:18
rbasaksounds very similar to a failed disk clicking12:18
ppisatirbasak: btw, i'm using a power supply capable of 3.8A @ 5V12:19
rbasakI was using one of those, then I switched to an AT PSU which I presume can do quite a bit more12:19
ppisatirbasak: don't know12:20
rbasakI might measure the current. Wish I had a CRO!12:20
rbasaklooks like max 1.2A when spinning up, 0.9A once spinning - including the panda12:24
rbasakbut it's only a cheap multimeter, I can't see spikes12:25
ppisatiok, fix sent12:26
rbasakto the archive?12:30
apwcking, smb, http://people.canonical.com/~apw/jack-detection-precise/ <-- those jack patched kernels12:35
apwhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/PreciseJackDetectionTesting for results12:36
diwichi, my Lucid machine just oopsed with 2.6.32-38 13:13
diwicnever seen it with 2.6.32-3713:13
diwiccaps lock and scroll lock are both blinking13:13
Kanoapw: which command do you use to build the final kernel from git with orig file?13:20
Kanoi mean the source package13:21
ppisatirbasak: to the kernel ml13:56
apwKano, dpkg-buildpackage -S though you need to clean the tree first13:59
Kanohow do you clean it13:59
apwfakeroot debian/rules clean13:59
Kanothat does not insert changes or?13:59
apwnope that just cleans and preps the tree14:00
Kanocurrently i am working on a script that rebases the tree and adds some changes+commits. 14:01
Kanoi just dont get my commits in the changelog14:01
apwif you add a new changelog entry with fakeroot debian/rules startnewrelease14:02
apwthe f d/r insertchanges which insert a summary of the git log since the last release commit14:03
apwogasawara, hey, i am thinking about uploading just the three commits (as they arn't ABI bumpers) on the top of the precise tree14:09
apwas one is an urgent CVE14:09
ogasawaraapw: go for it14:10
ogasawaraapw: I can then upload if one is an urgent CVE14:10
apwogasawara, i have already got the tree ready, if you are happy i'll just push it14:11
ogasawaraapw: sounds good14:11
apwdiwic, did you see cking's brokenness14:11
apw+1)  ||14:11
diwiccking, hrm, that's pulseaudio bug I believe I fixed, what is the installed version of PulseAudio (apt-cache policy pulseaudio) ?14:13
apwdiwic, is the pulse fix in your PPA only ?14:13
apwdiwic, i have just noticed that i have independant volume levels on headset and speakers now14:15
apwdiwic, as in they are presistant and independant14:15
apwis that something new in precise or something your jack patches allow14:15
apwdiwic, also i seem to have a dead internal mic on my aspire one, but thats not a regression, is that easy to debug ?14:15
diwicapw, 1) the fix is only in the PPA, but the bug should only be in the previous version of the PPA as well, so...which is why I'm curious what version of PulseAudio cking is running14:16
apwogasawara, have you been using a .orig yet on precise ?14:16
ogasawaraapw: I have14:16
diwic2) do have independent volumes you'll need support in both kernel and PulseAudio. PulseAudio support came in 11.10. Hardware support is increasing with the jack detection patches being a huge leap forward.14:17
diwicapw, alsa-info for your acer aspire please (for triaging the internal mic)14:18
apwdiwic, will do14:18
=== Guest71075 is now known as panda|x201
ckingsmb, the old workaround was: http://smackerelofopinion.blogspot.com/2009/11/audio-weirdnesses.html14:21
smbdiwic, Gosh remembered that to be the same on my older Aspire. Its the mic left and right channel being phased for complete annihilation14:21
smbcking, I basically mute one half in alsamixer14:21
diwicsmb, yeah, that's what I was thinking of as well14:22
diwichowever for some realteks we have a fix for that, so if we're lucky apw has one of those and we can quirk it14:23
* cking wonders if most of the driver is basically quirks14:23
smbNeed to check my codec. I have little hope to have the same as him, but if it is realtek it probably is another addition to magic quirk14:24
diwiccking, the problem with that workaround is that when you start changing between internal and external mic, you will essentially cancel out the non-inverted mic14:24
ckingdiwic, ah, ok, so that's a cking fail then14:24
smbMine is Realtek ALC26814:24
apwdiwic, http://paste.ubuntu.com/815376/14:25
diwiccking, a significant part of it. It used to be the majority, but Takashi is working on simplifying most of the quirks so things are improving.14:25
diwiclet me check ALC272X and ALC26814:25
smbdiwic, I would guess this also needs the exact model and maker14:26
diwicnope, we have fixes only for ALC271X and ALC269 at the moment :-(14:27
hertondiwic, were you able to get a trace on the lucid crash? May be 2.6.32-38 introduced a regression14:27
diwicherton, I took a photo but it didn't show much really, and the next time I booted it worked fine14:28
diwicherton, first line of what was visible on screen was .... exit_notify+0x13/0x17014:30
diwicand two lines down it says something about print_oops_end_marker, indicating I was not looking at the original error (I assume?)14:30
hertonhmm ok, yes, probably the real problem had scrolled up already14:31
diwiccking, that's at least my logical conclusion from looking at your fix, but I haven't really tested it so I might be wrong14:32
diwicbut yeah, the inverted internal mics are one of the more common problems today that I haven't figured out how to best resolve yet14:33
diwicherton, if it happens again, is there something one can do to see more of the original error?14:34
hertondiwic, may be using serial console/netconsole debugging or checking if something ends up saved on logs, or if there is some way to reproduce reliably14:36
tgardnerogasawara, its not gonna work dropping linux-firmware into -backports because LBM is in main and we can't have a dependency like that.14:40
ogasawaratgardner: ack14:43
tgardnerogasawara, I'll probably just SRU the new iwlwifi ucode bits14:44
smbdiwic, If you need the complete data http://paste.ubuntu.com/815390/14:44
diwicsmb, thanks...14:49
* diwic wonders what Windows 7 would do about inverted mic14:50
mattiHi folks.14:50
mattiHow would I found out that #805341 is included in latest proposed from Ubuntu?14:51
mattiI cannot seem to be able to find it in changelogs, therefore I assume that the kernel wasn't built yet? :)14:51
Kanoapw: how about adding: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git;a=commitdiff_plain;h=93165b7774a04cf76bc46eb6c9181ab7a8b545d714:51
* matti is still looking.14:53
apwKano, that commit was in 3.2 ?14:53
apwdiwic, http://paste.ubuntu.com/815376/ for my alsa-info.sh14:58
Kanoapw: yes14:58
Kanoit works for more or less any kernel14:59
diwicapw, thanks14:59
Kano1:1 from the knc1 site14:59
apwKano, so then its already in precise as uploaded, if it is wanted before then then someone has to file a bug and test it14:59
* diwic wonders if we can tweak the capture control node to always mute the right channel whenever internal mic is set as the input...hmm14:59
Kanowell 3.2 is problematic with rt2800pci15:00
Kanotherefore i use the 3.0 drm backports15:00
Kano+ knc1 patch15:01
Kanothe drm in 3.0 is not enough to drive 2 ports on intel snb correctly15:02
apwdiwic, i like the fact it says the mic is "Ext Left" when its on the right :)15:02
Kanois ndiswrapper in 3.2 p already?15:02
Kanoand aufs15:03
diwicapw, color and location is often wrong, probably since Windows 7 does not use that information...15:03
diwicapw, or because the codec vendors do not know how the machine looks like 15:03
apwKano, no and no15:03
diwicapw, with the advanced tab in hda-jack-retask you can correct that so it is on the right :-)15:04
apwheh nice15:04
Kanofakeroot debian/rules startnewrelease15:05
Kanofakeroot debian/rules clean15:05
Kanothat does not add my changes to the changelog15:05
apwindeed, if you read the scrollback you need f d/r insertchanges15:05
hertonmatti, it should be landing in proposed this week15:06
hertonmatti, you can check the linux-image package changelog, the bug will be cited on it15:07
Kanoinsertchanges i tried first...15:07
* herton -> lunch15:07
jsalisbury** Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting15:30
* ogasawara back in 2015:36
hertonlamont, about bug 920649, what's the previous kernel running on that machine which worked (probably there is still something in the logs, or even the previous installed kernel on that machine could give a hint)15:50
ubot2`Launchpad bug 920649 in linux "ntp keeps resetting system time, losing sync" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92064915:50
apwogasawara, ok tree is all updated, upload is in the hole15:53
ogasawaraapw: thanks16:03
mattiHi herton 16:28
mattiherton: I did dig it out in the end :)16:28
mattiherton: I did not know where to look initially :)16:28
mattiherton: Too many places :)16:29
tgardnerogasawara, I forgot to mention that Lucid i386 LBM FTBS'd. Have you had a look at that ?16:37
ogasawaratgardner: it did? hrm, I'll take a look16:37
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
tgardnersconklin, your mumble is silent16:46
apw$ glxinfo -l | grep -i GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE16:59
apw    GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 819216:59
=== jsalisbury changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tues Jan 31, 2012 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
hallynapw: so, going with Linus' suggestion of all devpts mounts being newinstance, out boot sequence would have to made /dev/ptmx a symlink (or bind mount), otherwise you can't get ptys.  That aside I see no problems (just an fyi).  not sure if that's deemed acceptable17:11
sconklinI'm back18:24
* tgardner --> lunch18:53
linuxis anyone there18:54
linuxhello i have question regarding customization of kernel18:55
diwiccking, what regressions are you seeing?18:57
ckingdiwic, E: [pulseaudio] module-alsa-card.c: Assertion 'jack->path && jack->path->port' failed at modules/alsa/module-alsa-card.c:299, function report_jack_state(). Aborting.18:59
ckingAborted (core dumped)18:59
diwiccking, both machines?18:59
ckingnope, just the X220i18:59
diwicwhat regression on the other one?18:59
linuxactually i am facing booting time error18:59
ckingdiwic, no regression, /me made a typo, lemme fix the data, sorry19:00
* cking waits for the wiki to respond...19:01
diwiccking, ok, *phew* -- what version of pulseaudio are you using on the x220?19:01
diwicapt-cache policy pulseaudio19:01
linuxplease can anyone help me  around over here19:01
ckingdiwic, let me see if I've got the latest, I need to dig it out of my pile of boxes19:02
diwiccking, because it looks like a bug I've already fixed 19:03
ckingdiwic, I've got a bad feeling that I didn't pull in the update after doing the add-apt-repository19:04
ckinggimme 5 mins19:04
diwiccking, sure. Thanks for testing, btw. :-) 19:05
linuxi am facing sum issues in booting up the customized   kernel19:05
ckingdiwic, pulseaudio: 1:1.0-ubuntu5-jackdectection219:07
diwiccking, thanks, that's the right one19:08
linuxplz someone help me get out of this issue19:10
apwlinux, it would help if you provided some details on what you are seeing, and indeed what is customised19:11
ohsixhalp i built my root fs out of my kradleet kernelz19:12
linuxyes actually i used make menuconfig utility to customize19:12
apwand what happens19:13
linuxkernel was customized successfully19:14
linuxgenerated two kernel header files with extension .deb19:14
linuxthen i extracted them and updated grub19:15
linuxlet me send you link from i followed the process19:16
linuxwell if u can give me your mail id i can send you my issue with snapshots19:16
diwiccking, if you're still around, can you send/pastebin me a pulseaudio log: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio/Log 19:25
ckingdiwic, will do19:25
ckingdiwic, http://paste.ubuntu.com/815683/19:29
ckingdiwic, is that enough to be going on with for the moment? I need to pop-offline now19:39
diwiccking, feel free to pop offline19:40
diwiccking, I'm probably going to poke you tomorrow19:40
diwictoo tired to resolve the bug right now anyway19:40
ckingdiwic, sure, no problem :-)19:40
arges_apw, was it you or cking that was having issues with the jack detection patches?20:03
apwarges_, cking20:31
arges_apw, ah thanks. just updated the wiki and send an email to david20:32
jsalisburytgardner, Is there someone that is familiar with ppc: bug 91965420:54
ubot2`Launchpad bug 919654 in linux "Very long delays during boot - BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 24s! [modprobe:290] - BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 21s! [Xorg:896]" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91965420:54
arges_jsalisbury, looking20:58
jsalisburyarges_, cool, thanks :-)20:58
tgardnerjsalisbury, looks like the nouveau driver is pausing for a long time in nouveau_wait_eq() for a register value that it never gets.21:00
tgardnerjsalisbury, I assume this is a regression ?21:01
jsalisburytgardner, It may be.  The bug report stated this is a fresh install and he has no previous intstall to compare against.21:01
arges_jsalisbury, don't have powerpc hardware anymore though... 21:01
jsalisburytgardner, I can ask him to try and install previous releases.21:02
tgardnerjsalisbury, you might also ask BenC. I think he's got some ppc HW21:02
jsalisburytgardner, ok will do, thanks21:03
tgardneralthough he may not have nVidia HW21:03
* tgardner -> EOD21:46

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