
YoBoYgood morning06:49
dholbachgood morning07:52
czajkowskihmmm how is spam getting to loco contacts list 09:55
czajkowskiI'm a modertor and not approving it 09:55
head_victimczajkowski: are they subbed?11:25
czajkowskinot sure trying to find out 11:28
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h00kso, we have a really sweet logo that a marketing/PR department made for a talk we're going to have at a library.18:42
RafigHi all!20:09
Rafighow to complain to Canonical?20:10
Rafighelp plz20:10
LjLRafig: state your issue instead of asking such a generic question (and a wrong one since you most likely *don't* want to complain to *Canonical*)20:11
RafigI want to complain about the moderators in my community.20:13
paultagyeah, that's not canonical20:14
ubot4`Factoid 'loco-council' not found20:14
ubot4`lococouncil is The Loco Council is itnet7, czajkowski, paultag, huats, leogg, popey - they are there to help, just ask! :) You can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com20:14
paultagoh ffs20:14
paultagczajkowski: fix that willya!? :)20:15
paultagRafig: email loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com with your complaint20:15
huatspaultag: I was about to say it20:15
paultagRafig: for file a bug against http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-locoteams20:15
* paultag hugs huats 20:15
paultagRafig: not canonical, since canonical's not involved with this20:15
* huats hugs paultag back !20:16
paultaghuats: what's new?20:16
huatsI am moving on friday20:16
Rafigand who is involved with this?20:16
huatsand noone to help me :)20:16
huatswhat about you ?20:17
paultag20:15 < paultag> Rafig: email loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com with your complaint20:17
huatsI have seen about your new job :)20:17
paultagRafig: the ubuntu loco council20:17
paultaghuats: I'm stoked!! It's so great20:17
paultaghuats: I'm about to move too :)20:17
huatsRafig which community is this ?20:17
huatspaultag: hehe :)20:17
paultaghuats: Where are you moving to?20:17
huatspaultag: same place but in another part of the town20:17
huatsstill Toulouse :)20:18
paultaghuats: oh, awesome20:18
huatsthe greatest rugby team (ask czajkowski :))20:18
huatswhat about you ?20:18
paultaghehehe :)20:18
mhall119paultag: they'll never let you out20:18
PiciRafig: who is involved with what?20:18
paultaghuats: same place (boston), but downtown20:18
paultagmhall119: totally20:18
paultagmhall119: I'm working on making a revamped API for our little lens project here20:18
Rafigme was told that Canonical have address for complaints20:19
paultagtotally :)20:19
mhall119paultag: cool20:19
paultagRafig: you don't want canonical if you have a locoteam complaint20:19
huatsRafig: which community is this ?20:19
paultagit's not canonical's place to govern that set of the community20:19
Rafigconfedicial information20:20
paultagRafig: email loco-council20:20
paultag20:17 < paultag> 20:15 < paultag> Rafig: email loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com with your complaint20:20
huatsthen I think I can't helpyou to find out who to ask for help20:20
Rafigi Sorry confidential information20:30
RafigI would like to speak with the boss20:30
mhall119the boss of what?20:36
mhall119canonical does not run the community20:36
mhall119if it's a local community, 'the boss' is the loco-council20:37
mhall119if it's any other community, 'the boss' is the community council20:37
Rafigand adress of bosses of Canonical please20:43
mhall119Rafig: is this about the company itself or an employee of the company?20:44
Rafigand adress of bosses of Canonical please20:44
mhall119I'm sorry, I can't give you that20:44
Rafigabout company20:44
mhall119but I am an employee and I would be more than happy to help you in any way I can20:44
Rafigu can what?20:45
mhall119in any way that I can help20:45
Rafigu know adress plz?20:45
mhall119I know lots of addresses, if you can tell me a bit about the problem I will know which one to give you20:46
mhall119feel free to PM me if you want20:46
RafigI just wanted them to put things in order in my community.20:47
mhall119can you tell me which community that is?20:48
RafigModerators delete comments and punish us for nothing. :(20:48
mhall119on forums?20:48
mhall119ok, I'm going to tell you what other have already told you, Canonical the company has no authority over the local community teams20:49
mhall119the loco-council has the authority to put things in order for your community20:49
mhall119an email to loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com will be kept private between you and them, and they will be able to help you20:50
Rafigthey say you broke the number of N nad punish , but we did not break.20:50
mhall119unfortunately I'm not on the loco-council, so I can't directly help you20:50
mhall119but once again, if you send an email to that address, they will contact the  moderators and correct the situation20:51
RafigA friend said, they can do nothing. And he said to write in a special address to Canonical.20:52
mhall119your friend was mistaken, they will be able to help20:53
huatsRafig: I am sorry but there is no special address in canonical in that case20:54
Pici(fyi: we've been through all this in #ubuntu-ops)20:54
RafigRussian community uses copyright of Canonical. Canonical will be able to put pressure on them and fix it.20:54
huatsyou should write to the loco council20:54
czajkowskipaultag: 'we've asked nobody seems able to fix it 20:54
RafigA friend has passed through it. He all know.20:55
huatsthe loco council has the delegation to approuved or no a team (like the russian one)20:55
czajkowskiwhats up folks20:55
* czajkowski is on the loco council 20:55
huatsczajkowski: how are you ?20:55
czajkowskihuats: MUNSTER is the onlly rugby team! 20:55
huatswe'll see that in semifinal may be :)20:55
czajkowskiRafig: Can I be of any help?20:57
RafigYou do not know. This arrogant bad people.20:58
czajkowskiRafig: eh I'm on the loco council so if its a locoteam issue I am the person to talk to 20:58
mhall119Rafig: Canonical doesn't use its trademark against local teams, they give that authority to the loco-council20:59
RafigThey spit on loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com20:59
czajkowskiRafig: how about you start from the top and explain and I'll see what i can do 21:00
czajkowskihows that 21:00
RafigYou could not help sorry21:02
RafigCanonical can only21:02
mhall119Rafig: I don't know who told you that, but it's simply not true21:02
Rafigand only because of copyright21:03
czajkowskiRafig: if its regarding locoteams them I'm afraid you're wrong, it;s the loco council who deal with any issues there and if we cannot then it gets escalated to the CC 21:03
czajkowskiRafig: but unless you actually tell me the issues we're going around in circles 21:03
czajkowskiso either tell me here or email me please 21:03
mhall119Rafig: please let czajkowski and the loco-council help you21:04
RafigWhat they can do to Russian community? Russian Community no subject, no one, controlled now it. Do you understand?21:06
Rafigthere anarchy. they are themselves.21:06
paultagczajkowski: wtf :)21:07
czajkowskipaultag: eh?21:08
czajkowskiRafig: look unless you email us there really is nothing more we can do 21:08
RafigI will write to Canonical. Let them take away these scoundrels logos and copyrights.21:09
LjLRafig: and you will receive a reply that says "It's not our business, write to the LoCo Council".21:09
LjLand you will have wasted your time and their time.21:09
Rafigyou can not do anything, you are not holders  of copirights21:10
czajkowskiRafig: what exactly needs explaining re copyright ?21:10
czajkowskido you need permission to use something 21:10
czajkowskior has someone used it and you want to see if its ok?21:10
RafigYou are not lawyers and do not understand what I mean21:11
czajkowskiRafig: you wont explain what you are talking about21:11
czajkowskiwe're trying to help you21:11
RafigCanonical may prohibit the use of their copyrights21:12
czajkowskiRafig: for example this could be of some use to you http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy21:12
Rafigto prohibit any community21:12
popeyRafig: Canonical are quite relaxed about the way people use the Ubuntu logo.21:12
popeyRafig: if you have a community issue then I'd strongly recommend you talk to the loco council or the community council21:13
popeyRafig: I suspect there is a language barrier here, some misunderstanding perhaps?21:13
czajkowskiRafig: also http://www.canonical.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy  could be of some use 21:14
czajkowskiagain if you could explain what the issues is I will try to help21:14
Rafigcan only affect so to they 21:14
Rafigi unddestand u21:15
paultag20:54 < czajkowski> paultag: 'we've asked nobody seems able to fix it 21:16
paultagczajkowski: also, we've got complaints about .ru before21:16
Rafigyou simply do not understand why Russian community must obey?21:16
paultagczajkowski: remember the whole racism/sexism fourms thing?21:16
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popeyRafig: obey what?21:16
paultagpopey: the law, duh21:16
czajkowskipaultag: aye and factoid is now fixed :D 21:17
popeyRafig: what rules do you think have been broken?21:17
paultagpopey: also, hi! :)21:17
popeypaultag: not helpful21:17
Rafigthey do not obey anyone, and do not listen21:17
paultagczajkowski: wooo, thanks :)21:17
paultagpopey: I'm joking, no need to get snippy21:17
czajkowskipaultag: Pici and myrtti worked their voodo21:17
paultagczajkowski: rockn'21:17
Rafigthanks u friends!21:18
RafigI will fight on for freedom!21:18
Rafigand write to Canonical21:19
czajkowskiwell Rafig if we can help please do contact the loco council as they look after loco teams21:19
Rafigautotranslate is bad translate :(21:20
Rafigbut i un21:20
Rafigbb all!21:20
JanCI'm sure we can fine some "trusted people" who know Russian if that's needed...21:29
mhall119never should have let paultag off the council21:33
mhall119he's enjoying it being not his responsibility a little too much21:33
paultagmhall119: :D21:41
paultagmhall119: I sure am21:41
paultagit's great21:41
* czajkowski waves her wodden stick 21:43
paultagthe Shillelagh of death21:43
h00kI just read the backlog after sending Rafig here22:14
paultagh00k: why did you tell him he should go to canonical?23:14
h00kpaultag: :p I didn't, silly.23:15
paultaggood :)23:15
h00kI thought I'd mitigate that misnomer he had by sending him here23:15
paultagh00k: czajkowski gave him the trademarks line, so perhaps he went off that way23:15
paultagso I think he just bailed on the idea of loco-council23:16
h00kpaultag: perahps, yeah.23:16
pleia2paultag: have a moment for a PM?23:16
paultagpleia2: sure thing23:17

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