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toabctlis there a command line tool to compare package versions in debian and ubuntu?07:21
tumbleweedrmadison can tell you the versions in both07:25
tumbleweedwhat sort of differences are you looking for?07:25
toabctltumbleweed, i want to compare package versions.07:26
tumbleweedtoabctl: across the entire archive?07:26
toabctltumbleweed, no. just for a given source package07:43
tumbleweedrmadison is probably sufficient then07:43
toabctltumbleweed, maybe i should use requestsync07:43
dholbachgood morning07:52
toabctlhi dholbach08:08
dholbachhey toabctl08:09
* philipballew highfives dholbach 08:13
dholbachhey philipballew :)08:13
philipballewhey dholbach how goes the morning?08:13
dholbachgood good - how about you? :)08:14
philipballewnot bad. just got back from scale, gave a talk there. lots of canonical people there and a good ubuntu presence08:15
philipballewbut now its late and college work takes my time. its overrated :)08:18
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dholbachhey Adri200009:05
Adri2000how long are we going to support universe/multiverse in precise? 3 years?09:05
tumbleweedit's best-effort09:06
tumbleweedthe community supports whatever it wants to, really09:06
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dholbachhey Laney - do you know if there was some discussion about format of the -changes mails after the addition of the sponsored attribute?09:22
Laneydholbach: no, but it comes up in Signed-By — is that not right?09:55
dholbachso if A does a change in Debian, B asks for a sync and C sponsors it, what will be in Changed-By and Signed-By?09:59
LaneyFrom: is the person being sponsored10:02
LaneySigned-By: is the sponsor10:02
dholbachand for an auto-sync from Debian?10:02
LaneyChanged-By: is the person who did the original change10:02
Laneythey don't get mailed10:03
dholbachah ok10:03
dholbachgreat, thanks10:03
Laneybut you should be using our cool UDD table instead of the mailing lists :P10:03
dholbachhow can I use it? :)10:05
Laneyit's imported into ubuntuwire10:11
Laneyso you can query it there to do whatever you need, or get an official mirror setup10:12
dholbachok, let me have a look :)10:14
Laneywe don't keep the Debian creator though10:19
* dholbach nods10:20
dholbachLaney, I guess I would need access to the machine to toy around with the database and try to write my own script?10:26
Laneyit's pretty easy to set up a local UDD instance10:26
Laneybut ajmitch can get you access to the ubuntuwire machine if you ask nicely :-)10:27
dholbachah I guess it's http://wiki.debian.org/UltimateDebianDatabase/CreateLocalReplica10:28
dholbachalright, I'll let you know what I find in the next days :)10:29
dholbachLaney, so the fix is in LP and everything's nice and dandy now?10:29
Laneyor if you have an alioth account then you can access it from wagner10:29
Laneyseems to work afaics10:29
dholbachgreat work10:30
ajmitchLaney: what's up?10:33
Laneyajmitch: dholbach might be looking for an account on skylone to do some udd stuff10:34
dholbachlet me toy around with the local dump first and see how far I get :)10:34
dholbachif I can put up some nice stuff on ubuntuwire I'll ping you again10:34
dholbachthanks again :)10:34
ajmitchdholbach: ping me when you have something to play with10:34
dholbachwill do :)10:35
ajmitchdholbach: actually just try & log in to syklone.ubuntuwire.org, I added an account with your ssh key from LP10:38
Laneycustomer service!10:39
ajmitcheasier than waiting ~12 hours for me to be awake again :)10:39
dholbachI can't guarantee that I will have some ready to play with in ~12 hours though ;-)10:39
ajmitchdoesn't matter, you can do what you need when you're ready now10:40
dholbachthanks muchly10:40
ajmitch'psql service=udd' should get you the udd data, if the cron job has been working properly it should only be a couple of days old10:41
dholbachajmitch, do you know how often it is updated?10:42
ajmitchlast update was sunday10:43
ajmitchthank tumbleweed for poking me about it :)10:43
Laneythe UDD import?10:44
ajmitchat least the cron job to resync it10:44
ajmitchI know you asked a few times about it as well :P10:44
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Laneyjust didn't know how often you were running it10:46
ajmitchafaik the source data is only dumped every few days10:46
dholbachajmitch, for udd.sql.gz, I get this:10:51
dholbachIn [14]: conn.headers.dict["last-modified"]10:51
dholbachOut[14]: 'Mon, 23 Jan 2012 08:09:33 GMT'10:51
Laney0 8 */2 * * /org/udd.debian.org/udd/scripts/dump-db.sh10:52
dholbachmaybe that'd be a good way to update it more regularly? save last-updated and check last-modified10:52
dholbachok, ignore me :)10:52
ajmitchit's a possibility, do you need more frequent updates?10:53
dholbachno, I just thought that it'd be good to automate it if it was done manually up until now and nobody knew when it was updated on udd.d.o10:54
dholbachbut Laney answered that question :)10:54
ajmitchit's a weekly cron job on syklone, I can adjust that10:54
* dholbach nods10:55
dholbachgreat :)10:55
ajmitchnot a manual reload, that'd be annoying10:55
dholbachyeah :)10:56
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MTecknologyThis is interesting... Apparently the binary and debug packages built, but the common files and docs package didn't build... http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=nginx&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all16:58
MTecknologyAny ideas what's going on there?16:58
MTecknologySomeone filed it as bug 920110 - not sure what I can do about it16:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 920110 in nginx (Ubuntu) "nginx-common precise needs packaging or -depends on nginx-*" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92011016:59
AmpelbeinMTecknology: bug 915257, but I'm not sure why that happened.17:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 915257 in nginx (Ubuntu) "FTBFS nginx 1.1.12-1 in ubuntu precise except amd64" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91525717:03
AmpelbeinMTecknology: The arch-all packages are built on i386 only so 920110 is fallout from this failure.17:04
MTecknologyAmpelbein: so when that's fixed, both of those bugs should be resolved?17:05
AmpelbeinMTecknology: Yeah.17:06
MTecknologyAmpelbein: thanks! Any bug link for that issue?17:06
AmpelbeinSee above, the 915257, but like I said I don't know WHY that happened.17:06
MTecknologyooh- i thought you meant there was some general known error17:07
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Rhondagreat, wesnoth-1.10 is in debian unstable  :)18:10
ZhenechRhonda, hint hint, while syncing wesnoth, please also sync pokerth 0.9.1-1 :)18:13
RhondaWill sync pokerth right now.  Can't sync wesnoth-1.10 yet (read: am too lazy to write the text myself and requestsync doesn't like to pick it up yet)18:14
RhondaZhenech: Sync request filed as bug #921118: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/92111818:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 921118 in pokerth (Ubuntu) "Sync pokerth 0.9.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]18:15
Zhenech*hug* thanks18:15
Rhondarequestsync tells me to use syncpackage instead …18:15
Rhondawhere does requestsync/syncpackage check for the package? rmadison?18:51
tumbleweedRhonda: launchpad and rmadison19:08
Rhondathen I need to wait for udd to pick up the upload …19:09
tumbleweedRhonda: which pkg?19:11
Rhondawesnoth-1.10.  Like said, I am lazy to write the bugreport myself if there is a tool doing all the boring job for me :)19:16
tumbleweedRhonda: when you see it here, you can sync: https://launchpad.net/debian/+source/wesnoth-1.1019:16
Rhondaah, good to know19:17
tumbleweedno need for bugs any more: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2012-January/000923.html19:17
Rhondaoh, nice.  Guess I should grab that new ubuntu-dev-tools then19:19
tumbleweedif requestsync is telling you to use syncpackage, it's already new enough19:20
tumbleweed(but a newer version can sponsor syncs)19:20
Rhondaah, don't need that part, thanks for the clearification19:24
* Rhonda . o O ( and I really should read more mails … )19:25
tumbleweedoh right, there's also the blacklisting bug that laney mentioned19:25
tumbleweedthat hits some packages19:25
Rhondashall I request blacklist for wesnoth-1.11 right ahead?19:27
Rhonda… speaking of  ;)19:28
technomancydoes the build environment for PPAs allow you to pull in dependencies through systems other than apt? say using bundler for ruby gems?19:28
technomancyI know this is not allowed for official Debian packages, but it's not clear whether the same rules apply for PPAs19:28
tumbleweedheh, no the bug here is that lp decides to blacklist some versions of some packages by itself. So we now ignore those19:28
ajmitchtechnomancy: no, it's not possible, the ppa buildds also have no network access19:29
technomancyajmitch: ok, thanks.19:29
technomancyso basically you can't use a PPA for something that doesn't already have all its dependencies in apt?19:29
ajmitchif you need it at build time, it needs to be in a package, or in the source you upload19:30
ScottKYes.  This is a feature, not a bug.19:30
technomancysure, it just means PPAs are not intended for what I have in mind. that's fine.19:31
alkisgHi, I'm confused by this: $ apt-cache show mahara | grep ^Section20:26
alkisgSection: universe/web20:26
alkisgIf I do put "universe/web" in my package's debian/control though, lintian complains about it being an unknown section.20:26
alkisgWhat's the correct section to use in debian/control? Just "web", without "universe", right?20:26
tumbleweedjust web20:26
alkisgThank you20:27
tumbleweedall new packages go into universe20:27
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