
=== peterpops_ is now known as peterpops
=== mycosys1 is now known as mycosys
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qwebirc1111does anyone know the default mysql password for the mytconverg db01:16
qwebirc1111i am trying to configure a remote connection to the db on mythbuntu 11.1001:16
qwebirc1111the password of the default user does not seem to work01:16
dmbretonDoes anyone know what the default mysql password is for mythbuntu 11.1001:19
dmbretoni am trying to configure a remote connection to the db01:20
dmbretonfigured it out01:32
dmbretoninstalled the frontend and looked in the setup01:33
davez0rhaving a weird issue with mythfrontend: no recordings available, or screen loading06:07
davez0r...yet my recordings show up fine in mythweb06:08
davez0ranyone seen that before?06:08
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tgm4883davez0r, I had that happen last night. The backend was hung and there were two backend processes running. Stopped the backend, killed any remaining backend processes, restarted the backend server and everything worked out13:38
Seeker`tgm4883: are there problems starting/stopping the backend with mythbuntu? I'm not sure that sudo service stop works correctly18:37
Seeker`neither does stopping the service while updating18:38
=== dekarl is now known as dekarl_bbl
rhpot1991Seeker`: not that I'm aware of19:01
Seeker`I saw someone else with a similar problem the other day, and I can't find the cause of it19:14
=== dekarl_bbl is now known as dekarl
=== dekarl is now known as dekarl_zZz

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