
MrChrisDruifYou were surprised by something bkerensa ?01:05
mcbaine1MrChrisDruif, Nice rig ! :: http://goo.gl/jWYpf01:10
mcbaine1MrChrisDruif, nightie night .. -_-01:13
dholbachgood morning07:52
* Silverlion waves16:59
pleia2summary day! need lots :)17:28
akgranerpleia2, whatever isn't finished when I end my day  - I'll tackle or review depending on the status of the summaries17:52
pleia2thanks akgraner17:53
pleia2akgraner: btw, ubuntu.com/news still goes to canonical news19:53
Silverlionhey there ...20:46
akgranerpleia2, hmm they said it was fixed23:41
akgranerI'll re-open the RT ticket23:41
pleia2I never actually saw it working, I was hoping it was just taking time to "update the caches" but it's been 5 days23:42

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