
LjL@mark #ubuntu Scama Abusive, but claims he's going to "stop". Maybe I should have banned, but whatever.00:05
ubottuThe operation succeeded.00:09
ubottuIn #ubuntustudio-devel, astraljava said: ubottu.com lists the different factoids, but it's interface is a little... meh.02:57
urlin2ucould you take a look at this users starte responses in #ubuntu03:10
Jordan_UI need sleep. Can someone deal with Gaurang in #ubuntu?09:04
AlanBell"Find" isn't an approved bot is it?10:22
AlanBell10:13 < Promille> !port | azriel10:23
AlanBell10:13 < Find> »»» Connection to | port azriel = Refused «««10:23
ikoniaI wonder how it's got a cloak when it's only 3 days old10:42
Myrttiwhat is?10:44
ikoniathe bot "find"10:44
ikoniait's 3 days old yet it's got a cloak,10:44
Myrttithe account has been registered over a year ago afaik?10:45
Myrttino hold on10:45
MyrttiI'm blind10:45
ikonia10:41 -NickServ(NickServ@services.)- Information on FIND (account FIND):10:45
ikoniaha ha10:45
ikonia10:41 -NickServ(NickServ@services.)- Registered : Jan 21 10:00:51 2012 (3 days, 00:40:57 ago)10:45
Myrttitoo much blood in my caffeine circulation10:46
* Tm_T passes an ubuntu mug full of hot coffee to Myrtti10:46
bazhangsomeone is logging on using his account?13:35
Myrttibazhang: huh?13:37
LjLMyrtti: Andre_Godim is dead, but just joined #ubuntu+113:37
bazhangMyrtti, in +113:37
MyrttiI thought that happened a few times when his wife/whoever started the computer and IRC was on autostart/connect/join13:38
LjLi thought something like that was the cause13:38
bazhangrenice to -20 ?14:07
bazhangbelzebub in #ubuntu14:09
LjLyeah, what about it14:09
bazhangthat seems an extreme renicing14:11
LjLi guess14:11
bazhangdebian repo force upgrade every day what could go wrong14:34
bazhangis that for real? that aceofspade ident looks very familiar14:36
bazhangdoes not the most recent version of ubuntu allow one to 'dd' to make a bootable flash stick? whats that feature called?15:17
LjLbazhang: "hybrid image" possibly, i know that from other OSs15:17
bazhangLjL, thats it, thanks15:18
bazhangI believe that the hybrid image in 11.10 iso's allow one to dd to make a flash stick a la unetbootin15:18
LjLuhm, maybe that's the reason why people are saying Mac OS can't mount the 11.10 ISO15:18
bazhang<rcmaehl> why doesn't ubuntu have forkbomb protection?   <--- huh?15:23
FlannelWhat's the 'huh' about?15:25
LjLmaybe he's thinking of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fork_bomb#Prevention15:25
ikoniahe's just read that and now quoting it inhere15:25
bazhangLinux kernel patch grsecurity15:26
bazhangdr. who is great, though15:59
MyrttiI've seen about 10 episodes16:00
bazhangMyrtti, which dr16:00
bazhangerr season16:00
Tm_Tbazhang: see -ot I guess16:02
=== mrmist_ is now known as mrmist
ubottuIn ubottu, DJones said: hud is Ubuntu 12.04 LTS will include the first step in a major new approach to application interfaces, the Head-Up Display, or HUD, which will ultimately replace menus in Unity applications. See http://goo.gl/KRG6e for the background on this and discuss it in #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-offtopic16:19
bazhang!hud is <reply>  Ubuntu 12.04 LTS will include the first step in a major new approach to application interfaces, the Head-Up Display, or HUD, which will ultimately replace menus in Unity applications. See http://goo.gl/KRG6e for the background on this and discuss it in #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-offtopic16:20
ubottuI'll remember that, bazhang16:20
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS will include the first step in a major new approach to application interfaces, the Head-Up Display, or HUD, which will ultimately replace menus in Unity applications. See http://goo.gl/KRG6e for the background on this and discuss it in #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-offtopic16:20
AlanBellnot sure it replaces menus16:23
AlanBellenhance maybe16:25
AlanBellI might be wrong, but I think the menus stay and this is another way to press them16:25
bazhangreading  omg and mark's blog that seems correct16:26
AlanBellI will log out in a sec and find out :)16:26
AlanBellI installed the ppa16:26
Flannelfrom mark's blog: Say hello to the Head-Up Display, or HUD, which will ultimately replace menus in Unity applications.16:29
LjLoh lord16:52
=== apachelogger is now known as sadpanada
=== sadpanada is now known as sadpanda
mneptokO Panada, I stand on guard for thee!16:54
=== sadpanda is now known as apachepanda
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
mrmistfind has been removed from a number of channels as it seems to be a !seen bot.17:02
ikoniait's back in ubuntu again17:02
ikoniaahhh it was banned on cloak17:03
ikoniaback under just iP17:03
bazhangwent from cloaked to uncloaked17:03
mrmistthat was probably our fault then :)17:03
ikoniaremoved the old ban and re-banned the new ip17:04
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
bazhangthought jediael was advised to reinstall17:10
bazhanghe just seems to be repeating17:10
bazhangblackbuntu ? is that for real?17:19
bazhangah its like backtrack17:20
bazhang!find mintmenu18:05
ubottuPackage/file mintmenu does not exist in oneiric18:05
* popey shudders18:33
h00kIt's not all that bad.18:38
* funkyHat pushes h00k 18:40
* h00k falls down the stairs awkwardly18:40
h00kmint. busted.18:46
bazhang<Rafig> I want to report abuse20:05
h00kLoco Team abuse, apparently20:07
bazhangRafig, hi20:11
bazhangRafig, whats the issue please20:12
Rafighow to complain to Canonical?20:12
Rafighelp plz20:12
bazhangabout what?20:13
LjLRafig: i see you aren't listening.20:13
LjLRafig: if you have an issue with a LoCo team, it's not Canonical that you want to complain to, not initially at least.20:13
RafigI want to complain about the moderators in my community.20:13
LjLRafig: #ubuntu-locoteams is the right place to expose your issue.20:13
Rafigthere are everything is silent20:15
Rafigoh ok20:15
LjLRafig: waiting two minutes in a channel without an immediate answer hardly qualifies as "everything being silent"20:16
Rafigme was told that Canonical have address for complaints20:19
LjLRafig: for complains about Canonical, perhaps.20:20
LjLRafig: but you have a complaint about something else.20:20
Rafiga friend said to write directly to Canonical20:21
beunoRafig, Canonical doesn't deal with community conflict (I work for Canonical), the community does20:22
beunothere's a set of boards that deal with it, and ultimately, the Community Council20:22
beunoif the problem is with a LoCo, talk to the LoCo Council first20:22
beunoif not, escalate to the Community Council, which is as high up as there is20:22
Tm_Tusually something is wrong if one has to escalate it to there20:23
Tm_Tatleast I wish to think that way (:20:23
RafigMe was told i can write directly to Canonical. Bypassing locoteam.20:23
beunoRafig, you were told wrong  :)20:24
beunoCanonical is a company, so unless it's a commercial complaint, there's nobody who can help you20:24
RafigI was told it20:24
beunoand yes, having to escalate to the community council means a bunch of things failed  :)20:24
Rafigautotyrans sorry20:25
Rafigfriend said me it20:25
LjLyou can keep repeating that20:25
LjLdoesn't make it right20:25
pangolinRafig: there is a process to follow in these cases. First step is to speak with the LoCo leaders if that fails you can speak to the LoCo council.20:25
Tm_Tto make it short and simple: Ubuntu community is separate from Canonical, they don't mess each others business really20:25
Rafigok i know u dont know adress (20:26
* LjL sighs20:26
pangolinthe address is #ubuntu-locoteams and that ^20:27
Rafigadress of Canonical20:27
* Tm_T huggles Rafig20:27
pangolinCanonical does not have an address for community disputes20:27
RafigCanonical too have adress for it20:27
beunoRafig, did I mention I work for Canonical already?  There is no address20:28
Rafigand just for disputes?20:28
pangolinthis is not a complicated concept. The community handles its own issues20:28
Tm_TRafig: there, no community disputes mentioned? http://www.canonical.com/about-canonical/contact20:28
bazhangRafig, #ubuntu-ru ?20:28
RafigCanonicla does not solve the problem of teams but have email adress for complains u not undestand (20:29
bazhangRafig, which local team20:29
RafigI do not want to raise the extra noise20:31
bazhangRafig, Russian loco?20:31
RafigSorry confidential information20:32
bazhangRafig, ok20:32
pangolinif you won't explain we can't help you.20:32
pangolinWe told you what we could based on the information you gave us.20:32
bazhangRafig, you got the email for the loco team mailing list. email them20:32
RafigI would like to speak with the boss20:32
pangolinThere is no boss.20:33
LjLthere is no boss20:33
bazhangthey are the boss20:33
Tm_Tthere is no "the boss", there is community20:33
Tm_Tbazhang: 4/4 now (;20:34
RafigI just do not need to write in locoteam, please do understand me20:34
bazhangRafig, need more info then20:34
bazhangRafig, which team.20:34
Rafigis a personal matter20:34
bazhangok Rafig well you have the correct email.20:35
pangolinagain, we can not help if you don't provide us with more information.20:35
Rafigwe must solve it without extra ears sorry20:35
LjLRafig: ok so it's clear that we can't help you.20:35
Rafigin any case, you already said you did not know this address20:36
MyrttiRafig: loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com20:36
LjLcorrect. we do not know of a Canonical address for community complaints20:36
LjL(because there isn't one)20:36
LjLso we can't help you20:36
Rafigcan you ask it for the future20:36
Tm_TRafig: beuno already gave the answer, let's stop this now20:37
Rafigit exists, just that you do not have20:37
beunook, sure20:37
topyliRafig: this is clearly useleless. if there is nothing else, please leave the channel. we don't allow idling or useless chatter here20:38
Rafigoh, np20:39
bazhangis pinportal making any sense?20:39
Rafigsorry if what20:39
Rafigi go find adress in google20:40
Rafigbb all!20:40
Tm_Tbye, good luck (:20:40
Rafigone m plz20:40
Rafigadress of Shatlwort please?20:40
LjLfind it in google20:40
pangolinyou can find it on his blog20:40
topyliRafig: this has nothing to do with your problem. you can find mark shuttleworth's address with any search engine20:41
topyliplease leave this channel20:41
Rafigjust i want talk with Mark about future of Ubuntu20:42
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ubottuauronandace called the ops in #ubuntu ()22:27
h00kI'm not playing with that anymore :(22:28
FreeNET* Cannot join #ubuntu (You are banned)23:24
FreeNEThelp me pls23:24
FreeNETwhy me banned?23:25
LjLlet me see23:36
LjLFreeNET: you should change your quit message. we have a language policy in the channels.23:37

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