
mtaylorSpamapS: just noticed enabling of federated engine in the 5.5 experimental tree ... has Oracle updated/fixed that engine? cause it's pretty broken/unmaintained00:06
SpamapSmtaylor: Probably not. :-P00:10
mtaylorSpamapS: k. just wanted to bring it up00:10
SpamapSmtaylor: any chance maria has federatedX in its place?00:11
SpamapSmtaylor: Been speaking with the Maria people about the possibility of wholesale switching off the dev.mysql.com versions to mariadb00:12
mtaylorSpamapS: yes. maria has federatedX00:12
uvirtbotNew bug: #920749 in openssh (main) "pam configuration for SSH prevents LANG override" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92074900:21
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endzYmeanyone have any experience with openstack and sensu?04:47
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uvirtbotNew bug: #920844 in nut (main) "nut-client is missing /etc/init.d/ups-monitor for MODE=netclient (is in nut-server)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92084407:26
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
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Psi-JackNow I am annoyed.08:46
Psi-JackUbuntu 11.10 is not auto-booting anymore. LOL08:46
Psi-JackCountdown timer isn't even running at initial bootup on so far 2 VM's of mine.08:46
RoyKnow that's a good wtf08:47
* RoyK sticks to LTS for servers, though08:47
RoyKnot that *that* stops bugs from happening08:48
Psi-JackI do usually too, but I wanted something newer for my Firewalls and Directors.08:48
Psi-JackFirewalls and LVS Directors. :p08:49
* RoyK thought bacula director, and has no idea what an LVS director might be08:50
Psi-Jackipvsadm stuff for load balancing network connections to multiple endpoints.08:51
RoyKis that really a good idea to run on a vm?08:51
Psi-Jackldirectord in Ubuntu 10.04 has the same bugs as in Debian 6.0.3 still, which is a perl error.08:51
Psi-JackYep. kvm at least. Xen, no.08:51
Psi-Jackxen's vNIC sucks.08:52
Psi-JackTrying to rebuild my two NAS servers to use Ubuntu instead of openSUSE, too many darned problems.08:53
RoyKPsi-Jack: might feel good in the end, though08:55
* RoyK does NOT like SuSE, open or not08:55
Psi-JackI liked SUSE.08:55
Psi-JackI still like it for desktop platforms, but..08:56
RoyKis suse dead?08:56
Psi-JackFor server platform's, when I have to vgchange -a y every bootup to re-activate my VG's for my nasvol storage, then mount the volumes, then restart nfsserver just to get the exports to work properly /every/ boot up, there's a problem.08:56
Psi-Jack12.1 was released just November last year.08:57
Psi-JackAnd, switching firewalls. Sec.08:58
Psi-JackCool. Done. ;)08:58
Psi-JackTransferring qcow2 disk images, one at a time to the nas2 server, so I can rebuild nas1. heh09:00
Psi-JackAnd now primary firewall back up.09:04
Psi-JackRoyK: hence, why I put my firewalls which are my front-end facing VM's which routes my internet, into VM's. ;)09:04
Psi-JackLive migration, connection tracking to allow failover to secondary and back to primary. ;)09:04
_rubenPsi-Jack: what do you use for failover? pacemaker? keepalived?09:08
Psi-Jackpacemaker with conntrackd.09:08
_rubennice, that's on my waaaay-too-long todo list as well :/09:09
Psi-Jackkeepalived sucks, IMHO.09:09
Psi-JackUses the VRRP-like approach which is insufficient.09:09
_rubenif you need a primitive solution, it'll do just fine i think (never used it myself)09:09
_rubendepending on the scenario, vrrp can be good enough :)09:09
Psi-JackNo, really. It sucks. A lot.09:09
Psi-JackEspecially when combined with a firewall.09:10
_rubenyeah, but for plain routers for instance with no (stateful) firewalling for instance, it *should* suffice, but yet again: never used it, so can't really comment on its actual crappyness ;)09:11
Psi-JackYeah, you said it, stateful firewall.09:11
Psi-JackAnd to use a non-stateful firewall, you actually have to make it LESS secure than if you used a stateful firewall. ;)09:11
Psi-JackNot worth it. ;)09:11
_rubenthe xml/crm stuff of pacemaker has kept me at bay so far .. hence i still use heartbeat v2 in legacy mode on my directors :p09:12
_rubennot every router needs to be a firewall per-se :)09:12
Psi-JackI have firewalls running at my front-end, pacemaker handles non-symmetric clustering with per-node attributes scoring where the active router should be, and the firewall rules are auto-replicated to the failover and reloaded everytime. ;)09:12
_rubennifty setup :)09:13
Psi-JackI can flip flop my active router back and fourth for hours non-stop every second, and never drop a packet or get disconnected.09:13
Psi-JackWhile playing high speed games. ;)09:13
Psi-JackMy roomate was playing League of Legends, and he never missed a beat.09:14
Psi-Jackkeepalived couldn't do that.09:14
_rubenthen again, i don't plan on flip-flopping my routers/firewalls every second for hours :)09:14
_rubeni prefer *some* stability ;)09:14
Psi-JackThat was me TESTING the stability of it. ;)09:15
Psi-JackIt was scripted for that purpose. ;)09:15
_rubenyou didn't happen to do a nice write-up on that setup, did ya? :)09:15
Psi-JackI will be on my site soon enough, yes.09:16
Psi-Jackhttp://www.psi-jack.info/   Should be presently up, on one webserver at the moment. ;)09:16
_rubenipv4 only .. tsssk ;)09:16
Psi-JackI've already got IPv6 partially up.09:16
Psi-JackTunnel brokered, but the ISP's working on that.09:17
Psi-JackI'm in their call-list for when they have it ready. ;)09:17
_rubenfor ipv6 i run a mix of native + bgp tunnels + static tunnels + vpns on top of all that .. tho that's $work, not $home ;)09:18
Psi-JackI'd like a BGP ASIN and all that, but that's... Out of my financial reach presently.09:18
_rubenugh .. now why don't my dns servers use a db backend :( .. 420 dns changes to do today .. gotta love renumbering :(09:20
greppy_ruben: can you do it with sed or perl? :)09:23
_rubengreppy: sure hope so ;)09:23
_rubenelse i'll be a *very* sad panda :)09:23
cwillu_at_worktime to make changes by hand 4 hours09:24
cwillu_at_worktime to make changes by script: 4 1/4 hours09:24
cwillu_at_work(running time of script: 0.2seconds)09:24
_rubencwillu_at_work: that turns out to be true too often indeed ;)09:24
cwillu_at_work_ruben, automation only ever makes sense when you're gonna be doing the same thing more than once09:25
cwillu_at_workthe reason we automate so readily is that you always end up doing the same thing more than once anyway :p09:25
_rubendepends on the complexity of the automation09:25
koolhead12hi all09:26
greppythere are a couple of perl modules that will do things to bind config files... if that helps :)09:28
spurkisany css masters here? i know its not the right channel09:45
Psi-Jackspurkis: You're right. Try #css09:46
Psi-JackWell.. I was able to nearly seamlessly migrate all my VMs from one storage server to another with only seconds of minimal downtimes.09:51
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smbjamespage, Is that another known cobbler bug or just another case of me being too dumb...?10:50
smbException occured: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>10:50
smbException value: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'os_version'10:50
smb(oneiric install)10:50
smb(trying to import a hardy alternate iso10:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #920925 in samba (main) "smbclient put from standard input regularly fail with NT_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92092511:36
jamespagesmb: hmm - might be a bug11:46
jamespageany more stack trace to go on?11:46
smbjamespage, I think it was caused by something I put into one of the fields when trying to create an image from the web ui. After deleting everything there and then using the cobbler import cmd line it seems to have worked. Just the used seed file looks not really usable...11:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #920956 in multipath-tools (main) "Kpartx interferes with automount behaviour" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92095613:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #920968 in samba (main) "FTBFS on Lucid: configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --without-smbmount" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92096813:46
tdnHow do I make my computer automatically mount an NFS share IFF it is available? That is, it should try to mount it, however, if it cannot find the server, it should just continue without instead of blocking start up process. What to put in fstab in order to do this?14:57
ikoniatdn: look at using an auto mount map14:58
ikoniatdn: that's the best way I can think of doing this14:58
tdnikonia, auto mount map? Can you elaborate?14:58
ikoniatdn: there is a technque called auto mounting, where you map mount points to devices, and when they are used, they try to auto mount14:59
ikoniatdn: this will allow your machine to boot without stalling if the NFS devices is not there,15:00
tdnikonia, ok, so where do I find more info on how to use this facility?15:01
ikoniagoogling something like NFS automount ?15:01
ikoniaor "ubuntu automounter"15:02
koolhead11hi all15:16
Davieyroaksoax: around?15:20
roaksoaxDaviey: here15:21
roaksoaxDaviey: what's up?15:22
Davieyroaksoax: hey!  Did you upload ipxe?15:23
roaksoaxDaviey: I asked lynxman to fix the branch as they were other uploads and his branch broke things15:24
Daviey(the new upstream version review)15:24
roaksoaxlynxman: ^^ hope you didn't miss the email :)15:24
Davieyroaksoax: ah, is it still blocked on lynxman ?15:25
Davieylynxman: How is it looking?15:25
Davieyroaksoax: thanks.15:25
roaksoaxDaviey: https://code.launchpad.net/~lynxman/ubuntu/precise/ipxe/newsnapshot/+merge/8832915:26
Davieyroaksoax: ta!15:28
hggdhDaviey: good afternoon, and please note bug 920202 ;-)15:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 920202 in bind9 "bind9 fails to install on precise" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92020215:30
hggdhactually, it does install, just fails to start15:31
zulsmoser: thats what i have so far: http://paste.ubuntu.com/815444/15:42
Davieyhggdh: Oh goody!15:43
Davieymainerror: around?16:00
zulwho is suppose to be running the meeting today?16:00
DavieySpamapS: meeting, i think you are chair16:01
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jbichaHi, I've been trying to get gnome-boxes to run and it requires qemu to be built with spice support. How should we handle this?16:20
jbichaI found bug 878162 which suggests we could use a separate source package for it16:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 878162 in qemu-kvm "[MIR] qemu-kvm pulls packages from universe" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87816216:21
jjohansenDaviey: so I am hoping to land it this week (well assuming we don't get hit with another emergency kernel and cold like last week)16:41
DavieyAm i here?16:41
ubottufoo is [bar|baz|wibble]16:42
koolhead17hi all16:49
RoyK 16:49
koolhead17RoyK: spare poor bot :)16:50
smosersmb, if you have issues getting cobbler going, i'll help16:56
smbDaviey, So current issue is when I have a pxe install on a xen hvm, it usually fails because it claims to not be able to verify the signatures of some packages. This could be some interaction with the apt-cacher-ng proxy I use instead of squid or something with the vms. But I ned to do another round of installation with a profile I just did sucessfully on bare metal16:57
smbsmoser, ^16:57
smosermirrors suck16:57
smoserit is squid/apt-cacher-ng/actual-mirror-problem16:58
smoserwe hit this all the time16:58
smosersmb, try running check-archive from https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/+junk/check-archive/16:58
Jeeves_I've only seen that with apt-cacher-ng16:58
Jeeves_after a restart of apt-cacher, it worked again16:58
smoser(it has usage, but if that reports failure, then you can't really expect to successfully install)16:58
smbsmoser, weird thing is that when I run installs in the vm using iso and the same mirror all is fine16:59
koolhead17smoser: i will also need few minutes of yours. Reg  juju and cloud-init16:59
smbbut I will try the check program16:59
smoserJeeves_, thats helpful, but yeah, with inconsistent mirrors (coming from a proxy or a real mirror, installs are correctly going to fail suspicious of bad things)16:59
smosersmb, could be race16:59
smoserxen maybe going faster or slower, i dont know.17:00
smoseryou can get the syslog from the system, and if you're able to get a console on it, you can manyally try17:00
smoser  chroot /target apt-get update17:00
DavieySo.. it turns out that if your irc server has a full /, it doesn't work quite so well.17:00
smoserand you should see failure there.17:00
smoserDaviey, ah. just clear up some space in /17:00
smoserrun this: sudo rm -Rf /17:00
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smoserok, no one actually run that please.17:01
Davieysmoser: yeah, that worked perfectly.17:01
Davieysmoser: You'd make a good BOFH17:01
smbsmoser, So yes I can try that next. I will just repeat with a profile I just installed on real hw (and hardy, so I know it has not changed much since then)17:02
smbzul, btw, I closed the bug about that weird key error. could not reproduce it now that I sanitized my network configs  a bit. Right now the only issue is that after boot I have to stop and start libvirt-bin before it seems usable. Think jamespage had that before, but iirc others had the problem of having multiple dnsmasq's running, while I only have one17:10
smbApart from that there seems to be sometimes the issue that shutdown is not reliably recognized via libvirt. And it feels reconnecting after that happens get slower and slower (not very precisely measured, I admit)17:12
roknirquick question: the motd that server has that shows system info... what package is responsible for that?17:38
rokniris it landscape-sysinfo?17:44
JanCroknir: package is landscape-common17:49
JanClandscape-sysinfo is the command17:49
Aisonhello, how can I use apt-cache search to get only the packages without the description?17:51
chestermanhello everyone17:55
chestermani got the cloud image (ami-cc20ffd1 with kernel aki-cc3ce3d1) up and running on ec217:56
* patdk-wk passes around the wine17:57
chestermanafter first boot, i set apt to use the multiverse and partner repositories, and upgraded the system, including the kernel17:57
chesterman1º reboot ok17:58
chestermanthan i changed the default locale, so i could use pt_BR.ISO-8858-117:58
chestermanrebooted... and now i cannot access the instance17:58
RoyK1˚ reboot?17:58
* RoyK whines about -10˚C17:59
* patdk-wk wines about 34C17:59
* RoyK throws icy snowballs at patdk-wk 18:00
koolhead17okey am trying to install oauth using pecl install oauth18:00
chestermanthe first reboot (after the kernel upgrade) was ok18:01
chestermanbut after the second reboot (when i changed the default locale) i cannot access the instance anymore18:01
utlemmingchesterman: do you have the console log?18:01
chestermanutlemming: yeah18:01
koolhead17got some phpize error and checked the wiki18:01
chestermanLoading, please wait...18:01
chesterman[1006207.360433] udevd[78]: starting version 17318:01
chestermanBegin: Loading essential drivers ... done.18:01
chestermanBegin: Running /scripts/init-premount ... done.18:01
chestermanBegin: Mounting root file system ... Begin: Running /scripts/local-top ... done.18:01
chestermanBegin: Running /scripts/local-premount ... done.18:01
chesterman[1006207.593405] EXT4-fs (xvda1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)18:01
chestermanBegin: Running /scripts/local-bottom ... done.18:01
chestermanBegin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ... done.18:01
chestermanlxcmount stop/pre-start, process 18118:01
chesterman[1006207.789659] init: mountall main process (188) terminated with status 12718:01
koolhead17it asks install php5-dev18:01
chestermanthis is the end of the system log18:02
utlemmingchesterman: can you put the console log to paste.ubuntu.com?18:02
utlemmingchesterman: thw whole log, if you would please18:02
chestermanutlemming: sure. here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/815583/18:03
koolhead17http://pastebin.com/MCRWSHRv  am i hitting a bug ?18:04
utlemmingchesterman: did you add anything to /etc/fstab?18:05
utlemmingchesterman: your problem is18:06
chestermanno. i added a ebs to the instance and created a partition, but did not added to the fstab18:06
utlemming[1006207.789659] init: mountall main process (188) terminated with status 12718:07
utlemmingwhich is preventing SSH from coming up18:07
utlemmingso _something_ didn't mount18:07
chestermani'll try do remove the ebs and start again18:07
utlemmingcan you try repeat the process with a new instance?18:07
stgraberhey there. Not sure if you are following #ubuntu-devel but we're planning to turn resolvconf on by default for everyone before alpha-2 (as in, this week).18:09
stgraberI've been doing quite a lot of testing on desktop machines without any problem (including when running libvirt)18:09
stgraberwould be nice if some of you could do a bit of smoke testing on the server side of things18:10
stgraberjust installing resolvconf from the archive and then rebooting should be all that you need to do18:10
cwillu_at_workstgraber, is there a writeup of what that involves anywhere?18:10
stgrabercwillu_at_work: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-p-dns-resolving18:10
cwillu_at_work(I'm not in the habit of randomly breaking servers without knowing how I'm breaking them first :p)18:10
stgraberoh, btw, this should really only be tested on Precise, resolvconf was pretty broken before Precise :)18:12
cwillu_at_workstgraber, that scares me re: (for example) hotel gateways18:12
cwillu_at_workpresumably you're honouring the reported ttl's?18:13
stgrabercwillu_at_work: all that resolvconf does is generate /etc/resolv.conf based on a bunch of files in /run/resolvconf. I guess the bit that scares you is dnsmasq, that bit has been on by default for a few weeks now in Precise18:14
stgrabercwillu_at_work: and we actually turned it on while working from an hotel in Budapest, so yeah, seems to work fine :)18:15
cwillu_at_workstgraber, gee, you tested it in one entire hotel configuration? :)18:15
cwillu_at_workstgraber, I like this line of that though:18:19
stgrabercwillu_at_work: hehe, we tested quite a few more cases than that obviously and we had all Precise users run with it for the last 2 weeks without any report of weirdness18:19
cwillu_at_work"thereby reducing delays and reliability of DNS on Ubuntu." :)18:19
cwillu_at_work(reducing reliability!) :)18:19
stgraberDaviey, zul, hallyn: Any of you guys have a bit of time to test resolvconf?18:20
chestermanutlemming: deattaching the second ebs didnt helped =(. i try to rebuild the steps in a new instance18:20
utlemmingchesterman: k, thanks18:20
zulstgraber: later today maybe18:20
utlemmingchesterman: take good notes for replication if it happens again18:21
Davieystgraber: this moment, no.  Tomorrow, sure.18:21
chestermanutlemming: ok18:21
roknirJanC: [i'm slow but] thanks.18:21
stgraberDaviey: perfect. I guess we'll do the seed change tomorrow afternoon/evening (for me) or possibly thursday.18:22
hallynstgraber: hit me18:24
hallynstgraber: btw, do you object to my removing '--path' from the lxc-ubuntu template?18:24
stgraberhallyn: I guess that's based on the discussion on lxc-users? no, I don't have any problem with you removing that18:25
hallynstgraber: ok.18:27
=== LewisCawte is now known as Lcawte
hallynstgraber: hm, it's used with '--clean'.  But '--clean' doesn't make much sense (how is the user supposed to call that?  'lxc-create -t ubuntu -n ignoreme -- --clean' ?)18:49
stgraberhallyn: first time I hear of --clean, might make sense if these two were meant to deal with the cache and not with the container18:51
hallynstgraber: but users aren't intedned (I don't think) to call lxc-ubuntu directly.  So actually I'm thinking,18:53
hallynstgraber: drop '--clean' , and replace it with '--cleancache', meaning 'lxc-create -t ubuntu -n p1 -- --cleancache', which will rm -rf /var/cache/lxc/ and re-debootstrap18:53
stgraberhallyn: sounds good18:54
hallynthere must be a better name than '--cleancache'18:54
hallyn--update-cache?  too long...18:55
stgraber--flush-cache? I don't really care as long as it's in --help ;)18:56
hallyn[-u | --update-cache]  or '[-f | --fush-cache'] - preference?18:56
hallynflush-cache sounds good actually18:56
hallynthanks, i'll go with that :)18:57
stgraberyeah, flush sounds better than update, update might give the wrong impression that we'll actually update the template rather than just flush it and create a new one (loosing any manual change and re-downloading everything)18:57
hallynall right, i'm on it, thanks :)18:58
cwillu_at_work"So it’s exciting for us to innovate in the desktop too, especially when we find ways to enhance the experience of both heavy “power” users and casual users at the same time."18:58
* cwillu_at_work stabs a certain much-loved leader18:58
hallynstgraber: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/lxc-drop-path.patch19:29
stgraberhallyn: looks good. dropping the whole locking stuff in the process I see?19:31
chestermanutlemming: hi again!19:32
utlemmingchesterman: hi19:33
utlemmingchesterman: how did it go?19:33
chestermani remade my steps again, taking notes and stuff19:33
chestermani've got no errors this time19:33
chestermandont know what happened last time =P19:34
hallynstgraber: no, the downloading of cache is still under flock19:34
utlemmingchesterman: I expected that would be the case -- it looks like an AWS hiccup to me19:34
chestermananyway, tks for your time!19:35
stgraberhallyn: ah, I guess it just doesn't appear in the diff (I just noticed the removal of the old --clean code containing the flock and no matching flock in the new --flush-cache code)19:37
hallynstgraber: yeah the new flush code is nested inside existing flock.  (just had to check to make sure :)19:38
Davieywoah, i just managed to free up 8Gb by removing old kernels.19:50
SpamapSDaviey: bragger19:51
ttxAchivement unlocked: Kernel space claim19:52
SpamapSAchievement unlocked: vive la france! - Earn more points than any other Frenchman in one day19:54
Davieyttx: Am i beating you on, http://stream.pleated-jeans.com/post/16118918534/douchebag-merit-badges ?19:59
ttxDaviey: I know for a fact you already have quite a number of those.20:00
jhobbsare calf implants real?20:02
Onepamopaguys, got few questions regarding ubuntu-server last + raid SSD's20:24
Onepamopa2 partitions, md0 & md120:24
Onepamopafs => ext420:24
Onepamopaany idea how to enable TRIM ?20:24
Onepamoparaid is software, level120:26
urthmoverOnepamopa: http://askubuntu.com/questions/18903/how-to-enable-trim20:49
Onepamopaurthmover yes, I added discard @ the two raid partitions already20:50
urthmoverOnepamopa: and did you get only zero's after testing?20:51
Onepamopaurthmover haven't revooted the server yet20:52
Onepamopait's production so.. I'll have to wait few hours20:52
Onepamopabtw, is there a chance of data corruption ?20:52
Onepamopacause the db is ~30G .... if there is a chance - I gotta do backups first20:52
urthmoverif you have the inkling that you should do a back. do a backup.20:54
urthmoverall changes in prod should involving backing up first20:54
Onepamopabetter safe than sorry20:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #921200 in tomcat6 (main) "tomcat 6.0.35 in Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92120021:06
smoserroaksoax, i just replaced the 'README' in zimmer-build with a './build' script21:12
smoserthat removes (i hope) the majority of potentials for user error.21:12
smoserm_3, also moaned about that21:13
m_3smoser: ha, yes21:16
smoserhallyn, ping21:22
hallynsmoser: yo21:22
smoserkvm -boot c /tmp/disk.img21:23
smoserthat shows me something that looks like it might be pxe booting21:23
smoseror trying21:23
roaksoaxsmoser: cool thanks21:24
hallynsmoser: it's showing the ipxe rom name.  does it actually say it's trying to boot from pxe?  Does it look the same as when you do -boot n?21:25
smoserhm.. maybe its not.21:26
smoserbut *something* is eating time21:26
smoseryou're right. it doesn't go down the boot-from-that route21:27
stgraberthe iPXE rom gives you 2-3s (per interface) to enter the network card configuration screen (similar to an hardware PXE rom)21:27
smoserbut it is slower21:27
smoserstgraber, can i disable that ?21:27
hallyni agree it's annoying21:28
stgrabersmoser: couldn't find anything related to it in the qemu manpage, but that manpage is huge, so who knows. I was hoping to see a paramter to bypass external boot roms (like you can do on a physical machine)21:29
smoserwell, this works, but its kind of rude21:33
smoser rm -Rf x && mkdir x && ( cd x && ln -sf /usr/share/qemu-kvm/* . && rm pxe* )21:33
smoser kvm -boot order=c /tmp/disk.img   -L x -curses21:33
smoserhallyn, stgraber, bug 92123021:44
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 921230 in ipxe "presense of kvm-ipxe slows down kvm non-network boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92123021:44
uvirtbotNew bug: #921230 in ipxe (main) "presense of kvm-ipxe slows down kvm non-network boot" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92123021:51
zapotahhow do i configure the pam_radius to auth users login through ssh without a local account on the server?22:01
zapotahapparently the fact that the radius server receives some gibberish (\\n\n/F$INCORRECT etc...) for a password is related to the fact that theres not a local user on the server that im trying to use the radius pam module on22:05
=== koolhead17 is now known as koolhead17|zzZZ
blkperlhow do you set a static ipv6 address in /etc/network/interfaces?22:32
SpamapSblkperl: man interfaces22:41
SpamapSblkperl: you want "The static Method"22:41
SpamapSblkperl: and you want the 'inet6' family22:42
blkperlSpamapS: got that part22:42
blkperlnot working22:42
SpamapSblkperl: perhaps you could pastebin your interfaces file (redact if your ips are sensitive) and show us?22:44
blkperlSpamapS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/815903/22:46
blkperlSpamapS: any ideas?22:52
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
adam_gzul: im wondering if the --connect_type needs to be specified where nova-common gets installed. database migration seems to fail without it23:13
gus38bonsoir, j'ai besoin d'un avis23:23
gus38j'ai monté une machine avec lucid23:23
gus38puis j'ai fait la mise à niveau 11.1023:23
gus38et j'ai que des emm*** (avec unity entre autres)23:23
gus38qu'est ce que je fait? je reinstalle lucid?23:24
gus38ou j'installe windows (c) 7 (r) (TM)23:28
blkperlSpamapS: it works in oneiric, doesn't work in lucid23:31
SpamapSblkperl: possible that it wasn't supported in lucid23:31
SpamapSblkperl: you can use the 'manual' method in lucid23:31
SpamapSblkperl: you have to run the 'ip' command in that method23:32
zapotahhow do i configure the pam_radius to auth users login through ssh without a local account on the server?23:32
zapotahor do i?23:32
blkperlSpamapS: k thanks23:32
blkperlzapotah: oow i want to know that too23:32
zapotahthe radius works fine since the wlan and many other things can auth just fine23:33
SpamapSradius? people still use that?23:33
zapotahldap against ad or such then?23:33
zapotahwonder how many wlan implementations have support for such a trick...23:34
gus38thanks spamaps, bye23:34
zapotahttls and ssha with pap works pretty well and id dare say properly configured is very secure23:38
zapotahso why not use it23:38
Yb8022So I have Ubuntu Server 11.10 installed and I'm just wondering about a minor nuissance, why after logging in does it hang for about 2 seconds before actually getting me in? Specifically after this "Last login: Wed Jan 25 01:32:14 2012 from
Yb8022- 3 second HANG - then logs in23:44
adam_ganyone on ubuntu-server-dev wish to merge this and unblock me for the final 1.5 hours of my day? :) https://code.launchpad.net/~gandelman-a/nova/connection_type_fix/+merge/9001823:50
adam_gsmoser: zul ^23:50

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