
Myrttioh look00:03
Myrttiit's a wild ivanka00:03
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Azelphurali1234: just set up my server so that I have apache for my PHP stuff, and nginx to serve the large static files :D00:21
ivankaMyrtti: only sometimes.02:56
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] From Old To New Python GTK - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/01/24/from-old-to-new-python-gtk/07:15
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MooDoomorning all08:11
Pendulumhiya MooDoo08:11
AlanBellhi Pendulum who should be asleep08:12
popeyAlanBell: http://bartaz.github.com/impress.js08:18
popeyvia Daviey08:18
DJonesAlanBell: Just noticed this, quite interesting http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/news/extremadura-move-all-its-40000-desktops-open-source08:35
danfishmorning all - a bit damp out today08:59
* TheOpenSourcerer goes to check if any of his seed has germinated yet.09:00
danfishchili planting time already!09:03
smittixmorning all09:03
TheOpenSourcererdanfish: Indeed. Gone a bit mad this year: http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2012/01/21/ot-chillies-2012/09:06
smittixTheOpenSourcerer: It's not Hemp is it heh09:06
TheOpenSourcerersmittix: Nope something far stronger than that!09:07
smittixTheOpenSourcerer: Ghost Chillies?09:12
TheOpenSourcereryeah, I have 4 Naga (Ghost type) varieties.09:13
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Naga ?09:13
TheOpenSourcererBlack Naga, Bhut Jolokia, Dorset Naga & Naga Viper. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhut_Jolokia_chili_pepper09:14
MartijnVdS"While all naga corpses convey poison resistance when eaten, black naga corpses are also acidic."09:14
danfishTheOpenSourcerer: yikes! I've not even ordered seed yet!09:15
TheOpenSourcererI'm a week earlier this year, but have for the last 2 years started them at the end of Jan.09:16
TheOpenSourcererSown in pots some of the seed will take 4-6 weeks even to germinate.09:16
danfishI am going to concentrate a bit more on crops in open ground this year09:17
TheOpenSourcererUsing my "how-I-used-grow-hemp" technique I'm getting good germination rates in around 1 - 2 weeks.09:17
danfishah, home grown hemp for clothing of course ;)09:17
MartijnVdSWhy is it that all people I know who grow pepper got started with hemp first09:17
TheOpenSourcererAlready planted Garlic and Eschalotte in Nov. And just planted some Jermor (banana shallots this weekend.09:17
TheOpenSourcererFirst early spuds are chitting too :-)09:18
TheOpenSourcererAlong with the Naga, I also have the Trinidad Scorpion "Butch T" this year - The current world's hottest chilli. :-D09:20
oimonadverse weather conditions09:22
smittixTheOpenSourcerer: Nice, I need to get round to planting some.09:23
daubersgtk3 question (as it's a PITA): How can I force a gtk window to refresh? I've been using a while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() type loop, but this seems to randomly not work at times. I remember seeing something about another way of doing this? Does anyone have a clue what that might have been?09:32
MartijnVdSdaubers: ask aquarius, he's a GTK Guru09:32
JamesTaitG'mornin' all! :D09:33
MartijnVdSGood morning!09:33
daubersGTK makes me a sad panda sometimes09:33
MartijnVdSdaubers: what with the gothic make-up and everything?09:34
daubersHah! No09:34
dwatkinshi folks09:37
daubersbah, add a print to it and it works09:38
dwatkinshaha "hastebin.com" - pastebin without the rest of the UI09:38
bigcalmMorning :)09:58
christelmorning lovelies10:10
occupy64kgoog morning10:10
occupy64kor good10:10
funkyHatHi christel ⢁)10:10
christelhai hai :D10:11
funkyHatI'm not sure I like this being awake in the morning nonsense10:11
andylock1anmorning guys - anyone used Synology NAS Solutions? I want a low-maintenance device rather than building something myself - as I'm not here at Linux Admin.10:12
gordeverything time i use google docs i get frustrated. just have to keep reminding myself, at least its not open office10:12
andylock1angord: amen to that10:13
occupy64kare google docs that bad?10:13
funkyHatUse LaTeX ;)10:13
gordgoogle docs would be fine, if it wasn't glitchy10:13
gordi've had it suddenly just insert the html of the google docs page into the document before10:14
occupy64kmaybe that's a feature10:14
funkyHatgord: google hates you10:14
gordup until recently using it with a corporate account when you also had a gmail account was a nightmare too. had to use an entirely different browser10:14
occupy64kJust use Emacs org mode10:15
daubersGTK sucks10:19
daubersWhy the hell doesn't it tell me if the mainloop can't run?10:20
=== andylock1an is now known as andylockran
gordwhy wouldn't the mainloop be able to run?10:20
gordif its being blocked by something, then there isn't much it can do about it10:20
daubersI don't know? It just stops responding!10:20
gordwell see there is your problem, something else is blocking the mainloop from running, the mainloop code can't get called because of this other thing. the other thing is your problem, not the mainloop10:21
daubersI'd also love to know why it doesn't redraw things a lot of the time10:21
gordit sounds like a poorly constructed application ;)10:22
daubersWould be less poorly constructed if there where some adequate docs for gtk310:22
gordwell gtk2 applies in most cases, apart from the nitty gritty stuff10:23
gordthe actually drawing code for example10:23
dauberswhich  seems to be where I get all the stupid issues10:23
daubersI'd love to know what gtk_list_store_iter_next: assertion `priv->stamp == iter->stamp' failed means too10:24
gordsounds like you are modifying a list model whist iterating over it (bad idea)10:26
daubersNothings ever simple is it :)10:26
daubersSo is the recommended way to create a second list without the thing you want to remove in it and then switch them?10:27
gordits been a loooooooooong time (years unfortunately :((( ) since i worked with gtk list models, but iirc, you should be able to remove by iter10:28
gordso find the iter, break out, remove by iter10:29
* daubers waits to see if that broke anything else10:30
dauberssomething else broke10:30
daubersgord: Ta, shall have to shout at it some more10:31
gordnp. i kinda miss gtk programming, a lot of people don't really know how to use it anymore and gnome has everyone all confused. you can make really nice stuff with it if you bend it to your will ;)10:32
daubersturns out its my loops that wait for stuff to redraw10:33
gordah ;) mainloops don't like you doing that - use signals and timeouts10:34
gordonjcpgord: yeah10:34
daubersgord: Can't find any docs on them annoyingly. Was trying too earlier10:34
gordonjcpgord: http://www.gjcp.net/~gordonjcp/lysdr.jpg10:34
daubersgord: https://code.launchpad.net/~daubers/+junk/rdghackauthbot is what I'm screaming at today10:35
* MartijnVdS would never accept commit messages like that ;)10:36
daubersMartijnVdS: The "moar stuffs" message?10:36
MartijnVdSdaubers: and "arduino stuff"10:37
MartijnVdS"more work"10:37
MartijnVdS"a few more functions added"10:37
daubersMartijnVdS: You can tell I'm doing this for me can't you :)10:37
Laneywhy can't I get into the habit of using 'less' instead of 'more'?10:37
MartijnVdSalias more=less10:37
daubersLaney: because less is more?10:37
MartijnVdSLaney: because you're old and inflexible?10:38
Laneyi don't want to fix it with an alias that has to be done on every machine10:38
jpdsLaney: sudo apt-get install most10:38
Laneydaubers: if less is more then i shouldn't have any trouble transitioning :(10:38
Laneyjpds: hah10:38
AlanBell!info most10:40
lubotu3most (source: most): Pager program similar to more and less. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0.0a-2 (oneiric), package size 46 kB, installed size 168 kB10:40
AlanBellis it good?10:40
lubotu3Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:40
jpdsAlanBell: Only one way to find out.10:41
AlanBellit *is* good :)10:43
AlanBellalias less=most10:43
Laneyit doesn't let me press end to go to the end10:45
kvarleyYou know when you press up in gnome-terminal? Where are the previously run commands stored?10:48
LjLkvarley: ~/.bash_history10:48
kvarleyLjL: thanks10:49
LjLkvarley: you can also type "history" to see the list, or use ctrl+r to search in the list on the fly10:49
Laneywell, $HISTFILE10:49
jpdskvarley: echo $HISTFILE10:50
jpdsNot all of us use bash.10:50
LjLanother shell might not even have history at all, i talk about the defaults, especially when someone doesn't specify and says something like "press up in gnome-terminal"10:51
jpdsdefault --- anything that is not your fault. ;)10:53
kvarleyI am using bash. =] I'm yet to try zsh10:56
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:57
daubersurgh..... realised that to make this work I need to get my mqtt stuff into a function I that GTK can call while it's idle instead of a running it as a thread11:01
oimoni notice redhat are making more bugs "private" so that those without paid support cannot see the bugs or KB articles referred to11:08
daubers\o/ fixed it11:09
davmor2morning all11:09
popeyhmm, firefox 10 seems to have opengl disabled on 12.0411:10
popeymaybe just my laptop11:10
daubersgord: Ta muchly for the tips. Stripped out all the threads and done it as idle functions now :)11:10
popeyabout:support under graphics I have GPU Accelerated Windows 0/111:10
danfishcd /usr/src/11:11
davmor2popey: is it not a plugin?11:12
popeydont think so11:13
popeyhmm, mozilla blog post says they dont plan on enabling it on linux11:13
gordi enabled it on firefox once, wasn't any faster and made bad stuff happen to the rest of the stack, not a fun experience11:16
oimoni'm getting "kernel: swapper: page allocation failure. order:1, mode:0x20". apparently i'm running out of low memory - anyone understand what's happening?11:20
popeyoh well look at that, it just works in chrome11:21
AlanBellpopey: the impress.js thing?11:22
AlanBellworks for me in firefox on 12.0411:22
popeyit works11:22
AlanBellway smoother in chrome11:22
popeybut 1fps11:22
popeyits doing software rendering in frefox11:22
ali12345Autojoin :/11:36
davmor2hmmmmmmm tis a happy day now that lp has reordering on bugs especially the age fields :D11:38
ali12345Cool. I remember listening to the uds stream about that11:39
davmor2popey: is that using the latest X?  today had an update for it11:42
* czajkowski hugs davmor2 Good day! 11:43
popeydavmor2: its not x, its firefox11:43
davmor2czajkowski: proddington prod11:43
davmor2popey: no just checking that it was a driver issue with the latest X or something11:44
popeydont think so11:44
davmor2what's the URL I'll try it here I have a couple of precise boxes knocking about11:47
davmor2as you do11:47
davmor2popey: and have you tried it in another browser epiphany or chrome/chromium or rekonq11:48
popeyyes, as I said, it works fine in chrome11:49
davmor2popey: it's working but not as smoothly as it could I think,  I'm using the demo at, bartaz.github.com/impress.js/#/bored11:51
popeyyes, that is the issue11:51
popey3d rendering is disabled in firefox by default on linux11:52
popey(it seems)11:52
oimonwhich ff you using popey?11:52
popeyin 12.0411:53
ali12345Popey: did you see my question re screencast?11:53
popeyi didnt11:54
ali12345You mentioned somewhere that nvidia is choppy and nouveax is faster11:54
popeymaybe in the past..11:54
ali12345But you did a screencast of minecraft11:54
popeyi have multiple machines, one nvidia, one intel11:55
ali12345Which crashes everytime wth nouveau for me11:55
popeymost recently minecraft ones have been on intel i711:55
davmor2popey: about:config see if you can enable it11:55
popeydavmor2: i have11:55
ali12345Minecraft works on intel now?11:55
davmor2popey: any better now?11:55
oimonyeah, sucks a bundle on this precise box11:56
popeydavmor2: no,11:56
ali12345Anyway, the situation is still poor re screencasting and nvidia11:56
popeyali12345: works okay, better than it did, but still has graphical artifacts here ansd there11:56
popeykazam is coming along nicely, but still has issues with flicker and that stupid drop shadow11:57
ali12345Yeah its a driver issue though imo11:57
popeyi spoke to the kernel guys and they laughed at me11:58
popey'oh, you bought intel on a tick ,you should have waited for a tock'11:58
ali12345Never had much trouble wth the drop shadows tho11:58
AlanBellso the stupid dropshadow, is that part of the background?11:58
popeyits drawn on top of everything11:58
popeyit's a png file11:58
popeyI ususally rm it11:58
popeylooks like a stacking bug11:59
ali12345Someone finally fixed the interlace bug in intel driver11:59
ali12345Now that nobody has an interlace tv any more12:00
AlanBellit looks daft when you zoom in to the desktop and the shadow gets detached from the top bar12:00
* AlanBell pops to the shops to get a haggis12:00
ali12345How do you zoom? enable ezoom in ccsm?12:00
danfishAlanBell: did you order a male or female haggis?12:01
czajkowskidanfish: England V Ireland Saturday 17th March 2012 17:00 Gonna be a epic way to celebrte paddys day!12:03
danfishczajkowski: absolutely! Don't be too upset when we beat your lot to a pulp ;)12:09
czajkowskidanfish: see folks said that and were very upset last year in the pub12:15
danfishhehe - I wonder who you are talking about :)12:19
czajkowskipoor TheOpenSourcerer12:20
* TheOpenSourcerer is being completely silent on the matter.12:20
oimoni wonder why google don't wanna open source picasa?12:57
oimonsuch a pain getting v3.9 installed12:57
popeymaybe they do, but can't12:57
oimonyeah, would be nice to hear something about it from the goog12:58
czajkowskiTheOpenSourcerer: danfish any predictions for the coming season?12:58
TheOpenSourcerer(12:20:32) ***TheOpenSourcerer is being completely silent on the matter.12:59
* daubers predicts a large number of people will get grumpy at a large number of other people13:04
daubersThough that applies to any sport really13:04
AlanBelldanfish: the more deadly female kind13:10
AlanBellalso found out some fun gender related information about sleeping bags13:10
AlanBellI was looking in Millets for some kids sleeping bags and asked what the difference was between the model 200 and 200w13:10
AlanBellturns out the 200w is a womens sleeping bag - which I expressed some surprise that there was any difference. You can also get them in "left" and "right" which is the side the zip goes13:11
AlanBelland you can zip together a 200w to another 200w, or a 200 to a 200, but you can't zip a 200 to a 200w13:12
popeywhats the difference?13:12
hamitrongender of the zip?13:13
AlanBellthe 200w is 20cm shorter13:14
oimonthe 200w steals the covers from the 200 in the night13:14
oimonand denies it13:14
Myrttileft and right atleast in Finnish ones mean that if you've got one each you can zip them together and make one big *double* sleeping bag13:15
AlanBellMyrtti: yes, thats what it means on these ones13:15
TheOpenSourcerer^^--^^ Ewww. Can't imagine why anyone would want to do *that*13:21
* AlanBell draws TheOpenSourcerer a diagram13:22
TheOpenSourcererimagebin it :-) AlanBell13:23
hamitrontent has pole in the middle :/13:29
kvarleyAnybody know of any applications to test the performance of flash memory? (microSDHC, etc)13:35
oimondouble sleeping bag is like sleeping with a 5ft hot water bottle = nice13:37
davmor2czajkowski: what with a 24-6 win to England :P13:50
czajkowskidavmor2: :)13:50
czajkowskidavmor2: go see pm :)13:50
czajkowskiand behave13:50
davmor2czajkowski: NO! :P13:51
hamitronkvarley, I wouldn't test write performance.... could shorten the life of it13:51
diploafternoon all13:59
gordhttps://plus.google.com/112811220238447511854/posts/XWYJQhYATdG *cough* http://www.markshuttleworth.com/ *cough*14:08
gordsuch a bad *cough* today - http://www.pcpro.co.uk/news/372385/ubuntu-rips-up-drop-down-menus *splutter*14:09
* AlanBell prepares to slap gord if it doesn't work with orca14:09
AlanBellbut it does look pretty14:09
gordi may have completely forgotten about orca ;) i'll make sure its fixed and talk to the qa guys about integrating orca into the tests14:10
Mez_Great fun - I've been tasked with "work out something for the team to do for a day that can be used to show an iterative agile process.  Something like a paper airplane, but something that the whole team can work on).14:10
Mez_Anyone have any ideas?14:10
=== Mez_ is now known as Mez
* AlanBell gets out a haddock and slaps gord round the face with it14:10
AlanBellit looks like a great idea gord, I can see this being quite popular14:11
davmor2AlanBell, gord: I can see people who hate unity crying into hankies now, me on the other hand I think it's cool :)14:12
AlanBelllol at the windows adverts in the video14:12
AlanBellooooh to hudCLI14:14
AlanBellgord: so when is it landing in precise?14:16
gordAlanBell, next unity release is next week, so if everything goes well, then14:16
czajkowskigord: you work on funky stuff14:17
TheOpenSourcererThat looks quite cool. Might make unity more [ahem] usable. I especially liked the hud-cli. Neat14:19
TheOpenSourcererlol "EMACS users just grunt and… nevermind"14:20
MyrttiMez: spaghtti and marshmellows14:22
MezMyrtti: not sure that'd take them all dya.14:23
MyrttiMez: real life Angry Birds then14:23
MezNot too sure the RSPCA would like that :P14:24
Myrtti"build the best trebuchet you can. success of the team is measured by the strength, beauty and performance of the device in use of hurling stuffed Angry Birds toys"14:24
Myrttiavailable material: wooden sticks, rubberbands, hot glue, sellotape, paperclips14:25
AlanBelland number of pigs destroyed14:25
Myrttior distance of birds traveled14:25
MezYeahYeah - thats where your first comment had me going.  Nott too sure whether we'd have the materials ... but could be done.14:25
* bigcalm expects a live demonstration from gord on Thursday :P14:25
czajkowskigord: when are you coming down here14:26
Mezbigcalm: it's for friday.14:26
MezIt's actually more for the product owner than anyone else.14:26
gordczajkowski, here? where is here?14:26
czajkowskisee I'm getting the lingo right, everything north of London is NORTH :)14:26
czajkowskigord: London14:26
TheOpenSourcerergord, what triggers the hud to appear? I would like it to be when I cough in a particular way.14:26
czajkowskiright beside the London eye14:26
gordczajkowski, ah, no no. not if i can avoid it. trip to london means 5am get up and not home till 9pm14:27
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: if your cough is enough to press the alt button then I think it should work14:27
gordTheOpenSourcerer, tapping alt14:27
czajkowskigord: stay over!14:27
AlanBellgord: when the 350MB of updates today installs I should have the hud from the PPA14:29
czajkowskijust doing an update14:29
czajkowskimay not have been wise considering I want a working machine in 30 mins14:29
popey14:26:20 < czajkowski> gord: when are you coming down here14:30
popeyit's "up here", always 'up' towards the capital city14:30
popeyeven if you're going north14:30
czajkowskivery confusing14:31
* czajkowski goes back to her books to get the lingo right14:31
* gord questions popey's reasoning14:31
czajkowskianyone going to FOSDEM - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fosdem/201214:32
* oimon reads shuttleworths post. unity is becoming a concept OS!14:35
oimoninterestingly not a tablet friendly idea.14:37
AlanBellit is perhaps a fairly significant thing to be dropping into the LTS at this stage14:37
gordoimon, well, until voice recognition is hooked up14:37
DJonesI'm just looking at this http://www.pcpro.co.uk/news/372385/ubuntu-rips-up-drop-down-menus14:37
AlanBellgord: is that the plan (it would work quite well actually)14:38
oimoni like this idea though, rather clever14:38
daubersI'm quite intrigued to try the hud thing. Think it's one of those things that looks a bit odd till you try it14:39
gordAlanBell, yeah, eventually. not soon14:39
Laneydoes it offer a way to explore a program's capabilities?14:39
AlanBellit has the menu content already, that could be made into a grammar table on the fly for pocketsphinx to look at14:40
oimondoes it make heavy use of zeitgeist?14:40
hamitronwhat if you don't know the name of the app?14:41
gordoimon, doesn't touch zeitgeist, what would zeitgeist have to use?14:42
gordonjcpAlanBell: so the future of the Unity GUI is in fact the command line?14:42
AlanBellso it seems gordonjcp14:42
* hamitron moves to xterm14:42
popeyhamitron: hud isnt for apps, its for menus14:42
popeyyes, menus14:43
hamitronhow you get the menu with apps?14:43
* popey notes hamitron probably hasn't read the article14:43
hamitronI have sort of14:43
popeyok, I'll stop talking till you have14:43
hamitronso what would you type to insert a spreadsheet?14:45
hamitronpopey, I mis-read the first time14:45
davmor2gord: when does that hit 12.04?14:45
gorddavmor2, next week14:46
AlanBellgord: have you looked at creating jsgf files from the menu content?14:46
davmor2gord: you can give me a demo on thursday then :)14:46
hamitronthe worst thing I can see about 12.04, too many changes from 10.04 for users to get used to14:47
gordAlanBell, nope, but you should talk to tedg if you have ideas there14:47
hamitronbe almost like the jump I had from Windows 2000 to Windows 714:47
AlanBellhamitron: well they still have a year to think about it14:48
hamitronjust thinking, staff training, etc14:48
hamitronlike, I still hate the new windows 7 menu14:49
oimonxfce is similar to gnome2 in 10.0414:49
oimonnot too hard to include that option14:49
gordyou can set the windows 7 menu to be "classic" can't you?14:49
gordi think i remember doing that14:50
hamitrongord, no14:50
hamitronyou could in vista14:50
hamitrontbh, it wasn't such a big jump from XP14:50
hamitronbut I was from 200014:50
hamitronand I'm probably the sort of person who doesn't like change so much14:51
gordi can imagine - though weirdly xp -> vista is a larger jump than xp->714:51
hamitronI never used XP much14:51
hamitronwhen i did, set it on classic menu14:52
hamitronI will ofc try the next ubuntu14:52
hamitronbut just got a bad feeling, I won't be happy14:52
hamitrondunno how unity works yet14:53
hamitronsuppose could maybe use LXDE14:53
oimonlxde is quite like winxp14:54
hamitronit is?14:54
hamitronI'd compared it more to win9514:54
directhex<hamitron> the worst thing I can see about 12.04, too many changes from 10.04 for users to get used to <-- i am dreading this for my users14:54
hamitronyeh, be worse when you are in charge of them14:56
hamitronat least I can tweak stuff for personal use14:56
oimonmind you , when i upgraded my users to RHEL6, nobody complained about KDE414:56
oimonand it's the buggy 4.3.x version they use14:57
hamitronhow does Unity compare to Gnome2 and KDE?14:57
hamitronis it easy to "pick up"?14:57
oimonhamitron: where have you been?14:57
popeyfor newbs, totally14:57
oimontry a live cd :D14:57
directhexin my testing, unity has been easier for gnome2 users than shell14:57
hamitronlive cd are a large download14:58
directhexbut the HUD thing changes matters14:58
hamitronmost machines here had a vista license, so just moved them onto that14:58
hamitronso no rush14:59
oimoni've never seen a machine than vista works on15:00
hamitronseems ok so far15:00
oimonexcept my dad's laptop. all others slow to crawl and disk is thrashing, and is unusable (literally)15:00
hamitronoh dear15:01
hamitronwell, ok so far15:01
hamitronmy main worry, they only have 2Gb ram15:01
awilkinsgord: I see in that HUD screenshot, the normal menu isn't there - there is room for it, did you decide not to present it in the top bar of the HUD (or HUM - Head Up Menu) when you open it?15:04
gordawilkins, yeah its not present when you have the hud open, but its not removed or anything. its the same design as the dash, when you open the dash, the panel goes transparent and the menu vanishes15:06
awilkinsgord: if you hold alt, does the "real" menu appear (the current behaviour). Not that I care, I mouse menus, but I know people who are freakish about keyboard usage of menus15:07
gordawilkins, ah thats a good point, right now no its not opening the menu, but thats my bug :) will fix15:09
ubuntuuk-planet[Laura Czajkowski] FOSDEM 2012 - http://www.lczajkowski.com/2012/01/24/fosdem-2012/15:15
davmor2bigcalm: you saddo ;) brain the size of a planet and you make it connect to you phone ;)15:16
bigcalmA sign that I'm getting old: Twenty Twelve sounds like a futuristic date even now15:16
bigcalmdavmor2: ;)15:16
davmor2bigcalm: no that is just a sign that you were born a century ago :D15:17
bigcalmdavmor2: do you have a case? I've ordered one of these: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B005ARXH0815:17
davmor2bigcalm: I just got the rubber one so I didn't knock it off things as I walked passed :)15:17
bigcalmI can see mine travelling with me15:18
bigcalmI wonder if it's worth getting a bt keyboard15:19
davmor2bigcalm: mine will with me I might treat myself to a more appropriate case at a latter date but mine is mostly just there when I need it:)15:19
bigcalmFair enough15:20
popeyi want a boxee remote15:20
popeyor 315:20
daubers"I want doesn't get" as my mum always used to tell me15:21
popeyyeah, i tell my kids that too15:22
popeybut I have a job, so meh15:22
daubersheh :p15:22
gordthe crappy windows vista remote popey recommended to me years ago has served me surprisingly well15:22
popeyyeah, i just ordered another one of them!15:23
popeyno good for ubuntu tv tho ☺15:23
* bigcalm adds a bt kb to his amazon wishlist. Enough spending has been done recently!15:23
gordthe mouse driving it does is really horrible to use, but in a pinch, its really useful15:23
* daubers seems to be gaining vast amounts of samsung kit recently15:25
daubersphone, TV, monitor.....15:25
bigcalmICS on the phone yet?15:25
daubersNot yet... supposed to be february15:25
bigcalmAh, goodo :)15:26
bigcalmApril can't come soon enough for me!15:26
TheOpenSourcererlol - love the fact that Canonical's pr firm email me interesting things after I have already read them via twitter.15:26
oimonis gord a secret OMG lover?15:28
davmor2oimon: there is no secret about it :D15:29
gordwhy what have a i done now?15:29
oimonwhoever made the video,15:30
gordi didn't make the video :)15:30
gordolli did http://www.olli-ries.com/?p=66915:30
bigcalmI think I sucked air though my teeth while talking to a potential new client on the phone. I should be working in a garage15:31
AlanBelloimon: whoever made the video spends time looking at microsoft stuff15:31
AlanBellgoogle adsense for me is always alfresco adverts15:31
popeyi get ads for red diesel15:33
popeyI can't, I'm on a dfiet15:33
bigcalmAre you a farmer?15:34
popeyOoo arrr15:34
bigcalmOr am I thinking of something else?15:34
oimonpopey: preapre to get swamped by twitter spammers after your latest tweet15:34
oimoncertain keyword15:34
popeyi already have them all15:36
oimonor maybe fans of carry-on films will match on phwoooar15:36
oimoni'm not unity's biggest fan, but slashdot commenters are all luddites15:37
bigcalmYour fault for reading /. comments15:38
bigcalmOr /. at all really15:38
oimonevery time i restart hotot, the ui has changed a bit and i have to find where the buttons are this time :D15:39
davmor2bigcalm: you terry pratchett fanboy ;)15:40
bigcalmdavmor2: I wouldn't say fanboy, but I do enjoy his work15:41
davmor2bigcalm: pic lists your wireless connection name :D15:41
bigcalmOh, yes :)15:42
oimon90% of /. commenters think this is a alt-f2 app chooser thing rather than app menus15:49
daubersoimon: 99% of /. commenters don't read the article15:52
oimondaubers: i thought it was 101% :P15:52
jpdsWhat article?15:52
daubersoimon: Well 1000% of statistics are made up to fit the statisticians evil purposes15:52
gordonjcpAlanBell: HUD looks quite fun actually15:54
gordonjcpAlanBell: from a programming point of view will we need to do any magic?15:54
AlanBellgordonjcp: no magic, if your app doesn't break global menus15:55
oimonjust noticed linuxconf.au talks are now on youtube15:55
dauberswhere's the PPA for that btw?15:55
AlanBellppa for HUD?15:57
jutnuxHad a biology exam today15:57
jutnuxAnd hello everyone :-)15:57
kvarleyjutnux: hi there15:58
daubersAlanBell: Ya15:59
ahayzenAre the global menus still going to remain as a way of accessing the menus? Even when the HUD is fully implemented?16:00
jutnuxkvarley: Howdy16:01
daubersAlanBell: Ta muchly16:01
AlanBellahayzen: I would imagine they would have to be, hopefully they will make them more pretty to match16:02
ahayzenAlanBell: Thanks.... Hopefully we will end up with both ways. The HUD for Keyboard use and global menus for mouse?16:02
=== shane__ is now known as shaneo1
shaneo1hi I have just installed LTSP on 11.10 server, but having issues with defaulting to unity 2d as unity 3d does not work on the thin clients at the moment16:05
shaneo1any ideas16:05
jutnuxCan I ask why you are using the server install rather than the desktop one?16:17
AlanBellgord: ok, so this HUD thing, I can't work out what it is doing. doesn't seem to pop up when I have gnome-terminal running16:32
gordAlanBell, step by step, explain ;)16:32
AlanBellI installed from the ppa, started gnome-terminal, hit alt, nothing happens16:33
AlanBellah, hang on, it is doing stuff now16:34
gordi may have been a little stingy with the timeout to consider a "tap"16:35
AlanBellooh, a very very fast tap16:35
=== shane__ is now known as shaneo1
AlanBellerr, those are not gnome-terminal menu items it is showing me16:36
gordproblem is that we don't have the code in to detect if the user did say alt+h right now, its really more complicated than you would think to figure that out. so i'm being stingy to stop those cases coming up too much16:36
gordAlanBell, we ignore terminals right now, for debugging reasons16:36
AlanBellaaah right, I will stop testing it with that then :)16:37
AlanBellok, now it is making more sense, I couldn't figure out what was going on with terminal having focus and it showing me nautilus menu options16:38
* AlanBell thinks this has been written by someone who does not have enough monitors16:39
gordi have two16:39
AlanBellis it going to pop up on the same screen as the global menu would do for an application?16:39
gordmaybe after the multi-monitor work lands16:40
AlanBellok, if you focus one application and use the HUD, then focus another and press alt, you get the icon of the first application until you press a letter16:41
oimon if i'm using nautilus, hit alt, and type network, i don't see network16:41
oimonam i holding it wrong?16:41
oimonwould expect to see go -> network16:41
ahayzengord: On the video it shows a song being selected in banshee... however (in oneiric) there is no entry for Bookmarks and then the songs ... So my question is how does the HUD know what songs are in banshee and how to play them?16:42
lubotu3another contentless ping... sigh...16:42
gordoimon, yeah that should show network, there is some clever fuzzy matching going on thats not matching there, file a bug against indicator-appmenu?16:43
oimongord, sure thing, wanted to check i was using it right16:44
gordahayzen, tools -> bookmarks?16:44
ahayzengord: Oh yh ... sorry ...16:45
gordnp ;)16:45
popeythis stuff should go in a FAQ16:46
ahayzengord: I was thinking it was something cleaver going on with the Music lens or DBus ... oh well lol16:47
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== deegee is now known as drussell
* daubers goes home17:28
ubuntubhoyis ubuntu freaking out when unplugged from the mains in a laptop running 64bit a common issue, or will it be a hardware compatibility issue my side ?17:52
bigcalmDoesn't happen to me17:55
popeydefine freak out17:55
MartijnVdSpopey: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqupk71a-O0 ?17:57
bigcalmMartijnVdS: just what I was thinking17:58
ubuntubhoypopey, as in dumps me to a text screen with no input, should really have taken note of the actual text, but basically a screen full of tuff crashing out17:58
ubuntubhoyhappens both with Oneiric, and Precise17:59
gord sounds like X dies17:59
ubuntubhoy32 bit works fine, as does windows18:00
bigcalmGrrr, Spotify are really pushing facebook connection thingy on my client. Getting irritating. I paid the monthly subscription to stop the irritation :(18:00
popeybigcalm: tell them in #spotify18:01
* MartijnVdS replaces bigcalm's hand with a hook, gives him an eyepatch and a hat18:01
gordnetflix on ps3 is awful for that18:01
MartijnVdSbigcalm: in case you want to drop your support for Spotify ;)18:01
gordthere are like five genres and one is "facebook"18:01
gordthe selection is really limited, really rather surprising18:04
bigcalmSod, dog walking day and I'm late18:11
=== ianto_ is now known as cgriff
gorddavmor2, you about?18:35
davmor2gord: I am18:39
gorddavmor2, cool, so oil rush was a pre-order on the software centre right?18:40
davmor2gord: indeed18:40
gorddid they push up alpha builds until it released? or was it just quite literally a pre-order18:40
davmor2gord: no it was pre-release I think not pre order you got software18:41
gordcool, thanks :)18:41
=== LewisCawte is now known as Lcawte
davmor2gord: iirc I think there is at least one update in the packaging queue unless it has gone out already it all becomes a blur18:42
davmor2gord: it's an awesome game but it don't half suck the go go juice out of your system :)18:49
davmor2gord: you install ryzom yet?18:49
gorddavmor2, though honestly my time for pc games since we last talked about has been zero :(18:50
gordbusy busy18:50
davmor2no seriously welcome to my world ;)18:50
davmor2gord: even when I've got down time I got so much that has been on the back boiler there is no time free18:51
davmor2gord: on a plus side hud looks cool18:54
davmor2gord: you don't really see my work :(18:54
SuperEngineerweee! Google+ relaxes real name policy to allow pseudonyms http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-1670090218:55
gorddavmor2, true, but then again sometimes i'd call that a blessing ;)18:55
smittixHow goes daubers ?20:11
=== jutnux_ is now known as jutnux
TheOpenSourcererHah - Just typed "Growing Chiilies" into Google - I'm #220:40
brobostigoncool :)20:41
MartijnVdSgrowling chillies?20:41
jutnuxHowdy all20:59
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] The HUD: Call For Testers - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/01/24/hud-call-for-testers/21:15
jacobwhud looks great, the mockups looks like its been developed for a while21:23
jacobwis canonical trying to do apple style suprise new stuff?21:24
popeylike we haven't before?21:25
popeyfont... design.. branding.. unity...21:25
ahayzenI guess it is a good way of hitting the news and getting more publicity, the HUD is everywhere on the news at the moment21:27
* jacobw looks forward to 12.0421:27
popeyand releasing when the time is right is also wise21:28
popeynot saying the time was right, just saying thats wise ;)21:28
popeyalso, keeping it under wraps till you've developed it means other people can't... 'borrow' it and say they made it themselves21:28
jacobw'borrowing' is killing open source man :p21:29
popeygord: firefox, tap alt, type 'down' expect to see 'downloads' but don't21:34
popeyi see shutdown options21:34
jutnuxAlanBell: popey: Do you reckon you could remove my pin from the "Where are we" page? :-)21:39
popeyi dunno that I can, AlanBell will know21:39
jutnuxOkie dokie.21:40
jutnuxHow are you all then?21:40
popeytickety boo21:40
gordpopey, looks like the service has a hard time with firefox, can you file a bug against indicator-appmenu?21:40
popeyubuntu-bug or plan lp?21:40
AlanBelljutnux: sure21:43
AlanBelljutnux: it is in the trash now, should be gone21:43
popeybug 92123121:43
lubotu3Launchpad bug 921231 in Application Menu Indicator "HUD can't find download menu item in firefox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92123121:43
jutnuxAlanBell: Thanks :-)21:47
jutnuxTHe HUD looks extremely nice.21:47
smittixouch, new laptop lasts about 20minutes on battery with 11.1021:55
smittixtime to get to work by the looks of things.21:55
gordgrrr stupid popey, his ping whilst i was walking about with my ps3 controller has lead to me putting down the ps3 controller somewhere that i don't know where i put it and now i can't find it. its obviously entirely his fault21:55
popeygord: should I buy a PS3?21:56
gordstupid wireless technology21:56
popeygord: name 3 must-have games on PS321:56
kvarleypopey: No. Don't do it!21:56
gordonly three? ;)21:56
popeydid you see the launchpad guy who brought his ps3 to the rally in budapest?21:57
gordi love my ps3, but if you don't play much games now, or get enough from steam, its not really worth it :)21:57
popeyhe was playing at like 160x120 on a projector21:57
gordthere was a ps3 at budapest?!21:57
jutnuxpopey: Little Big Planet 2 and I have an Xbox.21:57
gordno one tells me these things :(21:57
popeygmb knows who he is21:57
gordin orlando we played left4dead 2 multiplayer on two projectors, that was fun ;)21:57
popeyi told him to use our room which has an hdmi equipped projector, he was using composite out ☺21:58
popeycouldn't read the text his friends were typing21:58
czajkowskigord: were you in a corner eating all the bisscuits!21:58
popeyexaggeration for comedic effect22:03
popeyi can't remember his name but i do recall showing him a video of a family guy character and saying he sounded like it22:03
gordwell.. i guess i need to shop for a new controller on amazon, seeing as the one i had in my hand 15 minutes ago is lost to the sock and screw dimension22:03
AlanBellhmm, hud-cli isn't in the ppa22:04
gordAlanBell, indicator-appmenu-tools22:04
AlanBellah right, a new package22:05
czajkowskianyone seen issues like this on 12.04 on running todays updates22:06
gordturns out i put it behind the sofa, not sure the reason why, maybe ghosts put it there22:10
czajkowskiwas it the cat?22:11
gordthat makes too much sense for it to not be the cat22:13
czajkowskipopey: do you know if its possible to take a screen capture in Ubuntu the way you can on a mac by selecting a certain area, I dont want to have to crop each and every image afterwards22:28
bigcalmWhat should I get Hayley for her 40th birthday in May? Not sure how to trump the ### quid pen I gave her at xmas22:30
bigcalmczajkowski: you can alt-printscreen to capture the active window22:30
AlanBellczajkowski: gnome-screenshot -i22:31
popeyczajkowski: install shutter22:31
popeyits a really nice screenshot tool22:31
czajkowskiok so how does shutter work ?22:32
popeyinstall it, run it22:32
popeypress one of the buttons to take a screenshot22:32
czajkowskibigcalm: aye I dont want the active window writing stuff for a manual which means I only want images22:32
bigcalmFair enough22:32
czajkowskibigcalm: I do that for bugs tis handy thanks22:34
czajkowskiAlanBell: might look into that if I can select the area22:34
smittixI hate laptops sometimes!22:34
czajkowskithanks folks22:34
AlanBellczajkowski: you can22:34
AlanBelland it is the same tool as alt+prtscr22:34
AlanBelltop tip, if you like alt+prtscr to take a screenshot, then HUD might not be ready for you :)22:36
* popey once again recommends shutter ☺22:36
smittixdoes anyone else get continuous head parking on a laptop?22:37
bigcalmAlanBell: can HUD be bound to Alt Gr?22:37
czajkowskiAlanBell: maybe UI'll try HUD after this manual is written22:37
AlanBelldunno, ask gord22:37
czajkowskiam close to killing the developer22:37
czajkowskino documentation so I've to test things 3-4 times to see if I'm getting what I think I should be getting22:38
bigcalmYou're a trooper!22:39
czajkowskino I'm insane22:41
czajkowskiI did this for a mate22:41
czajkowskinot expecting a 46 page manial22:41
czajkowskilotta diagrams22:44
czajkowskiand explainations22:44
* bigcalm takes soap away from czajkowski :)22:45
AlanBellbigcalm: yes, in ccsm you can bind it to other keys22:57
popeybug 92127022:57
lubotu3Launchpad bug 921270 in Application Menu Indicator "HUD picks the wrong application to search" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92127022:57
AlanBellI have hud bound to the funny windows right click context menu key22:57
bigcalmOh, the context menu key22:58
AlanBellpopey: I think it is just the icon not updated22:58
popeyyou may be right22:59
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
AlanBellpress a key and it updates and searches the correct app, that confused me too22:59
AlanBellthere is some very screwed up searching going on23:00
* popey updates bugs23:01
AlanBellbug #92127523:08
lubotu3Launchpad bug 921275 in Application Menu Indicator "HUD searching method is hard to fathom" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92127523:08

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