
snadgewhere is smspillaz ;)01:51
thumpersleeping probably02:06
thumperIdeas for testing welcome: https://code.launchpad.net/~thumper/unity/fix-865840/+merge/8981202:24
bschaeferthumper, hey. So I have a question about what I should be working on next.02:29
thumperhow's your valgrind?02:30
bschaeferthumper, need to practice using it!02:30
thumperbschaefer: ok...02:30
thumperalias valgrind-unity='G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=gc-friendly valgrind --tool=memcheck --num-callers=50 --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --log-file=unity-valgrind.`date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S`.txt compiz --replace 2>&1 | tee /home/tim/unity-valgrind.`date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S`.log'02:31
thumperbschaefer: there is my alias02:31
thumperbschaefer: you'd need to change the path02:31
thumperbschaefer: what I do is switch to vt1 and make sure that the appropriate bits are exported02:31
thumperfunction use-local-compiz02:31
thumper  export DISPLAY=:002:31
thumper  export COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE=ubuntu02:31
thumperfrom my .bashrc02:32
thumperrunning under valgrind makes it very slow02:32
thumperbut it is gathering nice data02:32
thumpertry it a few times02:32
thumperand perhaps we could have a talk to go through some output02:32
bschaeferthumper, cool, I dont think I have ever used alias before but it makes sense02:32
thumperbschaefer: put that in your .bashrc file too02:32
bschaeferthumper, alright, doing that right now02:33
bschaeferthumper, ok, done with that. Now using that which will put the logs files in ~/unity-valgrind.* and looking thought those for mem leaks?02:37
bschaeferlooking through those*02:37
thumperone of those will be the output from the console02:39
thumperthe other will be the valgrind output02:39
thumperthe .txt file I think is the valgrind one02:39
thumperwith the .log being the console log output from unity02:39
thumperthere are interesting things with uninitialised reads/writes/jumps to02:40
thumperthey often relate to uninitialised variables02:40
thumperalong with the potential / definite leaks02:40
bschaeferthumper, you are right about it being slower, but it's all working02:41
bschaeferand cool this should be fun to dig through02:41
bschaeferthumper, so I just found 3 in LauncherModel.cpp. Should I just make a branch and request a merge?03:04
thumperbschaefer: sure03:17
=== dyams|away is now known as dyams
dyamsgood morning03:25
thumperhi dyams03:27
dyamsthumper: hi :)03:28
bschaeferthumper, alright done. https://code.launchpad.net/~brandontschaefer/unity/uninitialized-launcher-model/+merge/8981903:30
thumperbschaefer: hang on03:32
thumperbschaefer: those variables have default constructors03:32
thumperbschaefer: they are std::lists03:32
thumperbschaefer: they don't need to be explicitly initialized03:32
bschaeferthumper, hmm well valgrind doesn't seem to complain anymore about though03:35
thumperbschaefer: can you pastebin me the valgrind log?03:35
bschaeferthumper, it's not showing up anymore and I removed that one...which I shouldn't have but I was testing if valgrind would complain again03:37
bschaeferthumper, Ill delete the init and then restart valgrind one sec03:37
bschaeferit was a un inited stack error though; and it pointed to LauncherModel::Populate().03:38
thumperbschaefer: it and it2 :)03:49
bschaeferthumper, dang, I just saw it point to that file then saw the 3 Base vars were not inited and I couldn't find the class03:51
bschaeferthen you said it was a list, then I found the typedef...03:51
bschaeferthat explains that :)03:51
bschaeferthumper, It looks like just it2 needs to be removed; and it looks like it gets inited in the for loops03:52
thumperbschaefer: ok, so change your branch to revert your other commit (you could just uncommit it (then revert)), and change it to delete it203:54
thumperbschaefer: bonus points for changing the for loops to range based for loops03:54
bschaeferthumper, alright; and will try to change to use a range. (Looking it up!)03:56
bschaeferthumper, so I would use for_each and then make a new private function which does those 2 lines of code04:00
bschaeferthumper, opps never mind...04:03
bschaeferthumper, found out what I needed, I need to start reading the new c++ standard...04:04
=== dyams is now known as dyams|away
bschaeferthumper, alright pushed, getting bzr to push took a little04:41
=== dyams|away is now known as dyams
Saviqhey greyback, one question about testability-verify-...09:18
greybackSaviq: shoot09:18
Saviq`raise if PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS.include?...` sounds like it shouldn't raise if PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS contains that Exception class? do I get that right?09:19
greybackSaviq: yeah, that's correct. And I'm missing the definition of PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS in my MR!09:23
Saviqgreyback, but also, if I understand ruby correctly (and I might not), the line:09:23
greybackIt's so that the test runner won't catch errors like NoMemoryError, SignalException, Interrupt, SystemExit09:24
Saviqraise if PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS.include? $!.class09:24
Saviqwill _only_ raise if the condition is true?09:24
Saviqgreyback, I removed the Approved status from the MR so that tarmac doesn't merge09:24
greybackSorry, let me start again09:25
greyback"raise if PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS.include?" *will* raise if the exception thrown is one of the PASSTHROUGH exceptions, i.e. if NoMemoryError occurs, it is caught by run(), but then raised again09:26
Saviqah so those aren't treated as failures09:26
Saviqor errors09:26
Saviqthey basically stop the test09:26
Saviqmakes sense, only maybe we should call that list something else?09:27
Saviqlike CRITICAL_EXCEPTIONS or something?09:27
greybackCan do. I just copied what Test::Unit was using. But that's a better name IMO09:27
Saviqdyams, hey, re remove-unused-code-shell-launcher-animation - do you think we could have a test to ensure no regressions there?09:32
Saviqgreyback, that's actually a question for you, too ^ - do we yet have a plan of how to test transitions? are we targeting that at all?09:33
greybackSaviq: define "transitions" for me please, animations between states?09:33
Saviqgreyback, yes09:33
Saviqgreyback, the above is about animating the launcher position09:34
Saviqmaybe we could have visual verification with 3-4 steps along the way09:34
Saviqthat might not be fast enough, though09:34
greybackSaviq: right, I'd be concerned how reliable that would be09:35
Saviqyup, exactly09:35
Saviqwe could test the value of x along the way, though09:35
Saviqagain - in 3, 4 steps09:35
Saviqjust to verify it reaches the in-between states and doesn't go full-on at once09:36
dyamssaviq: one sec09:36
greybackThat's something that needs more research, how to do timing-measurements with testabililty. How to check a quantity changes smoothly from x to y in time t.09:36
Saviqyeah and also the issue I can think of now is that there's always a resolution, and qml uses reals for animations09:37
dyamssaviq: it was a dead code.. hence removed09:37
Saviqdyams, that's fine, but removing dead code calls for ensuring it was dead by a test ;)09:38
greybackSaviq: Checking the value a few times might do then09:38
Saviqbut you would have to use ranges09:38
Saviq'cause the actual value would be something like 23.213141232109:38
Saviqand again, it might miss 23 completely if the animation is fast enough that with every frame it skips some values09:39
Saviqthat calls for video verification...09:40
Saviqsome time later09:40
dyamssaviq: :) sure...09:40
Saviqdyams, nevermind, looks like there's no way yet to test that yet09:40
Saviqand the current tests already ensure the launcher works good enough09:41
dyamssaviq: true09:41
tsdgeosgreyback: some questions about testability-target-host-split, ready for them? or busy?09:41
greybacktsdgeos: in meeting, 5-10 mins09:41
JohnLeamhall119; hyia, to answer your earlier question:  each Lens should be for a specific data type, e.g. Music, Books, Sheet Music, News, Photos, Comics, etc...  If a Lens for a content type already exists, it is hoped other developers will contribute scopes to interface new sources of data with the Lens.  So if a 'Comics' Lens already exists, we would hope that a Indian comic fan would write a scope to pull content from say http://onlin09:41
JohnLeaeindiancomics.blogspot.com/ into the comics Lens.  We would want to discourage them from writing another Lens, because it is more useful to users to have less Lenses interfacing with more sources of content.  Part of the value the Dash gives to users is content aggregation, and while a proliferation of Lenses would make life more difficult, a proliferation of scopes is very useful and desirable.  Basically the rule is "If a Lens alre09:41
JohnLeaady exists for the data type, focus on writing scopes for that Lens.  No not create a new Lens, if you need to modify the Lens contact the Lens author and contribute a patch"09:41
Saviqdyams, one thing you could test close to that code is manualSliding09:44
Saviqwe don't yet have it in -shell09:44
dyamssaviq: ok, but this branch if for shell itself09:44
Saviqdyams, yes I know09:45
Saviqwill test and review properly soon09:45
dyamssaviq: thank you :)09:45
Saviqok dyams do your stuff, Kaleo will be doing the gesture stuff anyway, he'll do the tests for that09:45
dyamssaviq: ok09:46
=== dyams is now known as dyams|lunch
=== dyams|lunch is now known as dyams
dyamsnerochiaro: ping10:10
nerochiarodyams: yes ?10:10
dyamsnerochiaro: Bfb activate is using DBus to display Dash. no?10:11
tsdgeosdyams: no if you merge my branch10:11
dyamsnerochiaro: ah..ok10:11
nerochiarodyams: it was, but i'm removing this10:11
tsdgeosnerochiaro: you are?10:11
nerochiarotsdgeos: yep, we had a discussion with Kaleo yesterday and there will be some restructuring in that part10:12
nerochiarotsdgeos: what are you working on ?10:12
dyamsnerochiaro: sure. that was my concern.10:12
tsdgeosnerochiaro: i did that already10:12
tsdgeosthat = do not use dbus10:12
nerochiarotsdgeos: what do you use instead ?10:13
tsdgeosnerochiaro: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity-2d/unity-2d-shell_no_dbus_to_ourselves/+merge/8924710:13
nerochiarotsdgeos: dyams: nevermind, the stuff i'm working on is not related10:14
nerochiarowas my mistake10:14
tsdgeosnerochiaro: ok :D10:14
* nerochiaro needs another cup of tea10:15
nerochiarosorry guys10:15
Saviqtsdgeos, you saw my comment on that? can you please go through all the changes and ensure they are tested?10:15
tsdgeosSaviq: i did10:15
tsdgeosSaviq: there's two changes, 1 to bfb, that is tested already elsewhere, 2 to alt+f2 to open the dash, i'm trying to test that now but failing10:16
tsdgeossomehow i can get testability to introspect unity-2d-places (in unity-2d)10:16
tsdgeosany idea why that might be happening?10:17
dyamsnerochiaro: ok10:17
dyamstsdgeos: I hope removed that DBus call in your new branch already10:18
Saviqtsdgeos, you _can_?10:18
tsdgeosSaviq: i can't :D10:18
tsdgeoswell, i can but there's only one child shown in tdriver_visualizer10:19
tsdgeoswhich means it's not very useful10:19
Saviqtsdgeos, you'll have to take that with greyback10:19
tsdgeoswaiting for him10:20
dyamstsdgeos: one child of what?10:20
tsdgeoswas in a 5 min meeting 30 min ago10:20
tsdgeosdyams: in the tdriver_visualizer tree, there's the "sut" root and then there is just one child "unity-2d-places"10:20
tsdgeosbut i can't see the rest of stuff inside it10:21
dyamstsdgeos: ask tdriver to refresh in 5 secs, in the mean time open the dash and the lense you want10:21
tsdgeosthat worked10:22
dyamstsdgeos: yes10:22
greybacktsdgeos: ok, I'm free now. What did I miss :)10:27
tsdgeosgreyback: nothing important, just some comments about your merge for the split thing10:28
greybacktsdgeos: they're very important :)10:28
Saviqgreyback, your fail-not-error branch got merged (even though I changed its status to Needs Review...)10:28
tsdgeosgreyback: there's a "sleep 1" in a test that seems like it might be better to do in a separate MR?10:28
greybacktsdgeos: Hmm, possibly. I noticed that the delay was needed when I made that split. It caused the test to fail, so I added it.10:29
tsdgeosgreyback: also i was wondering about the tests you have commented with "#Disabling this failing test due to poor window Xid detection by xdotool - fix on the way"10:29
greybackMy thinking was to keep the tests passing.10:30
tsdgeosgreyback: not that i care much about that sleep 1, i understand it's a "fix the test because of this feature uncovers a bug in the test", so it's ok10:30
tsdgeosgreyback: when is the "fix" for those arriving?10:30
tsdgeosgreyback: i'd say it's better if we keep them failing so we realize there's some things that don't yet work?10:30
greybacktsdgeos: yeah, xdotool's search gives you every XId an application has. Often an app has more than one. xdotool gives you them all, but only one is the actual visible window, and it's not obvious which10:31
tsdgeosnot sure if we use those features though10:31
greybacktsdgeos: I've a branch with a in-progress fix in my machine10:31
greybackIf we are testing if an application is started by the dash, or want to move application window around, we need a reliable search10:33
greybacktsdgeos: I've no objection to having tests failing in trunk right now. In which case I'll remove these comments & stuff10:34
tsdgeosso i'd prefer if we keep the failing tests10:34
tsdgeosas something we know has to be fixed10:34
greybackfair enough10:34
tsdgeosgreyback: also are we getting an "official" qttasserver in precise? Would be cool not to depend on your ppa10:34
greybacktsdgeos: Yeah, that's something I mean to do :(10:35
greybackit's on my todo list10:35
Saviqtsdgeos, greyback what about disabling them with xtest?10:36
Saviqso that they don't contaminate the test results? I know that might reduce the apparent need to fix them10:37
greybackSaviq: I also have on my todo list a way of counting all disabled tests, so they're not forgotten about10:37
tsdgeosSaviq: i'm not sure a real fail is a contamination of the test results, but i'm ok with wathever the bigger team decides i was just exposing my opinions :-)10:40
Saviqtsdgeos, remember that once the auto- stuff is implemented a failed test means no merge10:41
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, then yes, we need to hide fails10:42
tsdgeosgreyback: i'll approve the MR then10:42
greybacktsdgeos: I'll remove those little comments & bits.10:43
tsdgeosgreyback: read up, Saviq has a good reason to leave that commented10:43
greybacktsdgeos: ah yes. You had another comment about me missing something from the README10:44
tsdgeosgreyback: it is in the README, but not in the wiki, the stuff about adding the ppa10:44
greybacktsdgeos: ohhh, that had me confused10:45
Saviqtsdgeos, re root file tests - only the last test actually fails10:47
Saviqlooks like verify_not() works kind of weird10:48
tsdgeosSaviq: what you mean with "only the last test actually fails" ?10:49
Saviqtsdgeos, the first two tests pass10:49
Saviqthe first one is ok to pass10:49
Saviqbut the second should fail, no?10:49
tsdgeosall of them should pass10:49
Saviqtsdgeos, not when I only merged the tests on stock unity-2d-shell10:49
Saviqtsdgeos, I'm testing the tests themselves10:50
tsdgeoswell, you can't tests the tests on stock unity-2d-shell10:50
SaviqI can10:50
tsdgeosbut does not make sense10:50
tsdgeosthe feature is not there10:50
Saviqso the tests should fail10:50
Saviqthat's exactly what tests should do10:51
Saviqif the feature isn't there10:51
tsdgeosthat if the previous code was good enough10:51
tsdgeosi can't help that when previously you gave10:51
tsdgeosit did not fail10:51
Saviqtsdgeos, yes, of course10:51
Saviqtsdgeos, but the second test should fail10:51
tsdgeosso let's start again because i'm confused then :D10:52
Saviqtsdgeos, "Verify app does not start without a rootqml parameter" does not fail10:52
Saviqon stock shell10:52
Saviqunity-2d-shell launches fine10:52
Saviqand that should be a fail, shouldn't it?10:52
tsdgeosit should10:53
Saviqit doesn't10:53
tsdgeosi see10:53
tsdgeoslet me have a look10:53
Saviqtsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity-2d/unity-2d-shell_choose_root_file/+merge/89290/comments/19348010:53
Saviqtsdgeos, just `bzr merge lp:~aacid/unity-2d/unity-2d-shell_choose_root_file -c922` into unity-2d-shell10:54
SaviqI'm not sure the first test makes sense, though10:55
Saviqnot as part of root qml file test, at least10:55
Saviqwhether shell launches or not should probably be a separate test somewehre10:55
tsdgeosi can remove it if you want10:55
SaviqI think it's just cruft in there10:55
Saviqdyams, please do not commit tests in one commit with the fix, makes it difficult to check whether the tests fail without the fix10:58
dyamssaviq: ok10:59
dyamssaviq: will have separate branch for tests from now on.10:59
Saviqdyams, not necessarily separate branches10:59
Saviqdyams, just separate commits at least11:00
dyamssaviq: ok, sure11:00
Saviqdyams, we'll probably have some guidelines on that soon11:00
Saviqalready discussed that with Gerry and Ugo11:00
dyamssaviq: ok11:00
greybackSaviq: dyams: tsdgeos stand-up?11:04
Saviqgreyback, I've a meeting, IIRC, let me verify11:04
greybackSaviq: np11:04
Saviqah no, it got moved11:04
Saviqnerochiaro, standup?11:05
nerochiaroSaviq: sure, hold on11:05
Saviqdyams, ?11:06
Saviqdyams, standup11:06
dyamssaviq: oops11:09
Saviqdyams, come on in, we already started11:09
dyamssaviq: yes...coming11:10
didrockshey greyback11:13
greybackdidrocks: yo11:13
didrocksgreyback: small question, I'm implementing the unity settings for https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ILTJDiDCd25Npt2AmgzF8aOnZZECxTfM0hvsbWT2BxA/edit?hl=en_US#heading=h.jztfy8l5q9v511:13
didrocksso, the question is: do you have similar settings for 2d?11:14
didrocksif not, it will be good that you point the same value :)11:14
greybackIndeed. So, we have our own dconf value for autohide on/off11:15
greybackWe used to have the left-corner option, I can't remember if it was removed or not.11:15
snadgefix the god damn focus problem11:15
snadgebeforei put my fist through several pcs11:15
snadgei cant believe that doesnt shit anybody else to tears ;)11:15
greybacksnadge: unity or unity2d?11:16
snadgesame problem manifests as 2 symptoms in particular.. right click menu, sometimes disappears when you move the mouse over it11:16
snadgealso the autocomplete feature when typing into firefox location bar.. doesnt work.. even though you are clearly typing text into it.. both problems happen when you switch from another workspace to the workspace in question11:17
snadgeand its not easily reproduceable.. some kind of race condition11:17
snadgesmspillaz knows about it at least11:18
didrocksgreyback: hum, so I'll need to listen to unity-2d and 3d keys it's a pain :/11:19
didrocksgreyback: especially that one is in gsetting and the other in gconf11:19
snadgeit happens on every pc i use unity on though11:20
didrocksgreyback: anyway, let's do it this way for now, I'll look at the settings, you need to have the icon size though11:20
greybackdidrocks: we need it? Really?11:23
didrocksgreyback: well, the option will be there11:23
htorquehi all! is indicator-loader3 supposed to work with the appmenu right now?11:23
htorquewhen i try to start it (running metacity), i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/814857/ and an empty loader window.11:23
didrocksand you will get bugs I guess about "why does it work in 3D"11:23
greybackdidrocks: sure.11:23
greybackdidrocks: ok, we had preliminary work done on that, will revisit11:24
greybackdidrocks: I'll send you a email with where we save settings.11:25
didrocksgreyback: thanks :)11:25
SaviqKaleo, we'd like you to come in to discuss approaches to multimonitor support in unity-2d-shell11:26
SaviqKaleo, dyams is only here for another hour, otherwise we can do it tomorrow morning11:26
Saviq(yes, I know you only have half an hour now)11:26
dyamssaviq: Will have the same QML FilterCheckOption.qml for new renderer filter-check-option-compact too.11:27
Saviqdyams, yup11:27
dyamssaviq: Or shall we have a separate one already? Just for future purpose?11:28
Saviqdyams, the file will have to be named FilterCheckOptionCompact.qml, 'cause that's how we're loading the filter renederers11:29
Saviqgetting rid of hyphens and word/camelCasing11:29
Saviqdyams, it's probably best to either have an abstract one11:29
Saviqand two inheriting from them11:29
Saviqor just the compact one inheriting from the standard one11:30
Saviqfor such a small difference the latter is probably better11:30
dyams saviq: sure, lets have separate qml already11:30
dyamssaviq: yes, very small difference indeed11:35
tsdgeosSaviq: pushed a change to the tests of the rootqml thing, should behave correctly now (i.e fail without the feature and work with it)11:37
Saviqtsdgeos, thanks11:37
Saviqgreyback, did you see that your fail-not-error branch got merged? you didn't manage to get the tweaks in11:39
greybackSaviq: yep:( Revert or do follow-up?11:40
Saviqgreyback, follow-up11:40
greybackSaviq: *nod*11:40
tsdgeosgreyback: you say merge error fixed in https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-2d/testability-target-host-split/+merge/89743 but last commit is from 18 hours ago?11:41
Saviqtsdgeos, the qml file in root-qml-arg is +x?11:41
greybacktsdgeos: hmm, didn't I push?11:41
tsdgeosSaviq: should not be, let me check11:42
tsdgeosSaviq: it's not here, do yo see it there?11:42
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, I wonder why11:42
Saviqoh no11:43
Saviqit's not now11:43
SaviqI think it's VBox's shared folder issue11:43
tsdgeosok :D11:43
tsdgeosgreyback: seems not?11:44
greybacktsdgeos: did you do an actual pull? I did push11:44
tsdgeosgreyback: no, i'm just looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-2d/testability-target-host-split/+merge/8974311:44
* tsdgeos pulls11:44
greybacktsdgeos: yeah me too. But just in case LP is confused11:44
tsdgeosno, nothing got here when pulling11:45
tsdgeosr877 is the last one11:45
greybacktsdgeos: hmmm11:45
greybacktsdgeos: wrong fecking branch.11:45
greybacktsdgeos: sorry, my bad11:45
SaviqKaleo, added you to https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity-2d/unity-2d-shell_choose_root_file/+merge/89290 - please have a quick look and comment whether that's what you had in mind11:47
Saviqdyams, are you working in a RTL env?11:48
Saviqdyams, if so, it would be great if you could tackle the RTL issues as it's difficult to test for us11:48
greybacktsdgeos: ok, should be there now. Sorry about that11:49
tsdgeosgreyback: approved that for you11:50
dyamssaviq: no, but i needed to check it, hence tried once11:50
greybacktsdgeos: thank you11:50
dyamssaviq: I'm LTR only :)11:50
Saviqdyams, oh ok11:50
Saviqthat's actually what I thought, but just noticed all the RTL related things you put on the wiki11:51
Saviqdyams, also, the [] is supposed to show who's working on the issue11:51
dyamssaviq: yeah11:51
Saviqare you working on the RTL issues you encountered?11:51
Saviqor plan to11:51
dyamssaviq: who is working... oh ok..11:51
dyamssaviq: :) it is the name of the reporter yet11:52
dyamssaviq: no, thats what I felt :)11:52
Saviqdyams, please get rid of those you've assigned yourself to that you don't plan on working on11:53
dyamssaviq: i remove my name there11:53
dyamssaviq: yes, done11:54
greybackSaviq: note this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~haggai-eran/unity-2d/rtl-rebased/+merge/8215111:54
greybackSaviq: he's done a lot of work on RTL support for unity-2d11:54
Saviqgreyback, yeah, I know11:54
greybackSaviq: ok good11:54
dyamsgreyback: I think it should have been split into pieces.11:55
dyamsgreyback: I mean Haggai's branch11:55
greybackdyams: me too11:55
Saviqdo you? the diff isn't that big, really11:56
greybackSaviq: it wouldbe easier to test in smaller chunks11:56
SaviqI don't like the "switch keys" approach11:56
Saviqah nvm11:57
Saviqit's just used in one place anyhow11:57
Saviqgreyback, no, left/right11:57
greybackSaviq: oh right11:57
Saviqhe has a function there that switches left for right and the other way around if RTL11:58
greybacktrue, I thought it was wordaround for panel-service not being rtl friendly11:59
greybackSaviq: the resizable-tiles stuff is needed for unity-2d.12:01
Saviqgreyback, hrm?12:01
greybackSaviq: you removed it from shell, no?12:02
Saviqgreyback, you mean resizable launcher?12:02
greybackSaviq: yes that's it, sorry12:02
tsdgeosnerochiaro: did you discover how to invoke slots from testability?12:02
Saviqgreyback, yeah I reverted it for it needed revisiting12:03
Saviqgreyback, there was a whole bunch of 0.21321434312 * some value12:03
greybackSaviq: yeah, I didn't like that either12:03
dyamstsdgoes: call_method() might work12:03
Saviqgreyback, we should probably discuss that with design - what're the designed proportions between all the parts12:04
Saviqwhether it's a preset margin12:04
Saviqstuff like that12:04
Saviqgreyback, so that's going to be supported in unity in 12.0412:04
greybackSaviq: must talk to Kaloe about it. I assume he showed that work to the Designers12:04
Saviqand we need to have that in -2d, too?12:05
greybackSaviq: there'll be a setting for it, so yes12:05
Saviqok, then maybe that calls for a design bug to describe the layout like that12:05
greybackSaviq: there's a setting for it in gnome-control-centre, and unit supports it, so I guess we should too12:05
Saviqif they say tile.width == 0.23242341 * launcher.width then that's what we'll do12:06
Saviqbut I don't think we should reverse-engineer it12:06
Saviqapplying those values to the commit I reverted should be easy enough12:06
greybackSaviq: sure12:06
greybackWhy do I expect a "do what Unity does" reply :)12:07
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
nerochiarotsdgeos: sorry, didn't see the message. no, i didn't because all i needed was to click something so i just used the tap() method that all objects returned from testability have12:08
tsdgeosnerochiaro: ok, i found call_method, that is supposed to work according to docu, but doesn't either :-/12:08
nerochiarotsdgeos: :(12:09
nerochiarotsdgeos: why do you need to call methods anyway ? clicking on things will be too complex ?12:09
tsdgeosnerochiaro: well it's a method that happens when you alt+f2, wanted to go the method way instead of alt+f2, but i'll just "type" the shortcut12:10
nerochiarotsdgeos: seems a better test to me to actually simulate the shortcut12:11
nerochiarotsdgeos: so you test that it works too12:11
tsdgeosthogh that is not what i specifically wanted to test :D12:11
tsdgeosi just want to test that stuff still works after not using dbus anymore12:11
tsdgeosbut yeah12:11
tsdgeosit doesn't hurt using Altf212:11
nerochiarotsdgeos: the only time when one shouldn't do this kind of stuff is when the position of what i need to click is too complex to find out, IMHO. and yeah, you want to test something else, but if alt+f2 doesn't work it doesn't really matter if what comes after works or not, after all ;)12:12
=== Saviq is now known as Saviq|mtg
kamstrupJohnLea: as soon as you have time, can you do a design review of https://code.launchpad.net/~kamstrup/unity/home-lenses/+merge/89669 please? I attached two screenies12:28
kamstrupping me if you need more12:28
JohnLeakamstrup; thanks, give me 10 min and I'll get back to you12:29
mhall119kamstrup: the code samples in https://code.launchpad.net/unity-lens-sample look to be based on Unity 312:42
mhall119can we either get those updated or removed?  They seem to be causing some confusion with new Lens developers12:43
kamstrupmhall119: I can only agree... What do you think? Is it worth the effort to update them, or are there enough examples out there in the wild?12:47
kamstrupI guess the biggest deal about them is that we have some "canonical examples" of lenses12:48
kamstrup(not meaning "canonical" as the company, but as the word :-))12:48
tsdgeosgreyback|lunch: i guess i have to rewrite all my unmerged tests now that you merged your split stuff, right?12:52
* dyams launchpad is slow today...or is it my connection?13:05
JohnLeakamstrup; sorry for the delay in doing the review, still on my to do list.  will get back to you soon13:08
=== dyams is now known as dyams|away
JohnLeakamstrup; looks good to me, other than the missing divider line (ignoring the layout positioning issues that affect the Dash as a whole).13:14
kamstrupJohnLea: yeah, that's another bug. I already pinged MacSlow about it13:18
mhall119kamstrup: I think we have enough python examples, but the developers I heard from is using vala, are there any good vala examples?13:19
mhall119kamstrup: I also think we should provide more comprehensive examples in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Lenses13:20
mhall119for instance, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Lenses#Using_the_Lens_Object never shows the proper constructor for the Lens daemon13:21
mhall119so the developer was using the constructor from the unity-lens-sample branches, which still use the Unity 3 Unity.Activation parent13:21
arandWhich resolutions for icons does Unity use by default? Is there any benefit to installing x64 and x128 versions if they are just resized versions of a x256 image?13:22
Saviq|mtgtsdgeos, hey, reviewing your struts branch now - any reason why you did create an onChanged signal for enabled but not for edge?13:23
Saviq|mtgtsdgeos, also, looks to me like we can drop the useStrut property altogether?13:24
kamstrupmhall119: right. The default unity lenses are a tad complex as introductory examples, so it might be worth doing. Shouldn't be a big job anyway13:24
Saviq|mtgtsdgeos, adding as comments on the MR13:25
=== Saviq|mtg is now known as Saviq
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
greybacktsdgeos: sorry yeah, they'll need changes. Since it's my fault, I can fix them up for you13:27
mhall119kamstrup: I shared a google doc with you13:39
mhall119JohnLea, davidcalle and I are working on a set of recommendations for lens and scope authors13:39
mhall119and I would appreciate your input as well13:40
kamstrupcool, i'll have a look tonight, right now I am crazy busy :-)13:41
mhall119no problem13:42
tsdgeosgreyback: no, it's ok, i'll do them13:46
greybacktsdgeos: ok. apologies again13:46
dandraderhi. "super + w" shows all windows from all workspaces. Is there a shortcut for showing only the windows from the current workspace?13:51
JohnLeamhall119; did you get my message in IRC from earlier today?13:53
tsdgeosSaviq: Launcher is also valid, but i changed it for consistency sake13:56
Saviqtsdgeos, thanks13:56
tsdgeosSaviq: i mean, otherwise the verify would complain13:56
tsdgeosif you put some random text there it does13:56
Saviqtsdgeos, I know13:56
Saviqbut I was just surprised to see Launcher there13:57
tsdgeosSaviq: yeah, c&p from the wrong place13:57
jo-erlendthere's no session menu in the 12.04 lightdm greeter. How do I switch to another session? I'd like to test Unity 2D.13:57
tsdgeosSaviq: don't merge any of the _test_ branches yet, they need changes due to greyback's changes today13:57
mhall119JohnLea: yeah, I've added that to the doc, thanks13:58
Saviqtsdgeos, I'm not, they're assigned to Gerry, I'll let him do it, I'm just commenting where I find things while testing stuff for shell13:58
greybacktsdgeos: Saviq I plan to write a mail with guidelines today. Do:/Don't: etc13:59
mhall119JohnLea: I think we just need something explicitly description the purpose of scopes, and then just some polish and it's good to go13:59
tsdgeosSaviq: want to discuss https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity-2d/unity-2d-shell_readd_struts_support/+merge/89690 ?13:59
Saviqtsdgeos, sure13:59
tsdgeosSaviq: by droping the useStrut propertly you mean from unity2dpanel ?14:00
Saviqtsdgeos, yes14:01
Saviqtsdgeos, I didn't see any uses for it anymore?14:01
tsdgeosSaviq: unity-2d-panel uses it14:01
Saviqtsdgeos, ok then I didn't find that14:02
tsdgeoswell, not the property itself, but the methods, i can remove the property declaration if that's what you meant14:02
mhall119can anybody help jo-erlend with switching sessions in the new lightdm?14:02
tsdgeosthe property itself is not really needed per se14:02
jo-erlendI tried editing .dmrc, but that seems to get overwritten so that session=ubuntu-2d becomes session=ubuntu.14:03
tsdgeoswops :D14:03
jo-erlendI've also tried to edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf, but that didn't change anything either.14:03
tsdgeosSaviq: did you read what i said about "i can remove the property but not the methods", i think it still makes sense to have the property if we have the methods and the property was there already after all14:04
Saviqtsdgeos, of course, I didn't see it used anywhere at all14:04
tsdgeosSaviq: about the changed signal, i did only add the one for enabled since it was the one that i really needed to propagate to unity-2d-panel siince it had that signal, i can add the one for edge if you want, do it?14:05
Saviqno, that's fine14:06
SaviqI simply missed its use there, must've not looked at the code carefully enough14:06
jo-erlendok. I take the hint.14:06
tsdgeosSaviq: about the StrutManager "location", yeah i am unsure about it myself14:06
Saviqtsdgeos, the "other managers" fit in the shell itself, I'd rather have it there14:07
tsdgeosok, let's put it there and see if it still works14:07
Saviqremember to have its width and height be that of launcherLoader14:07
tsdgeosnot sure i understand what you mean there14:08
tsdgeosyou mean14:09
tsdgeosheight: launcherLoader.item.height14:09
Saviqtsdgeos, no item in thee14:11
SaviqlauncherLoader.height / launcherLoader.width14:11
Saviqthat's what the shape uses, too14:11
tsdgeosSaviq: oki, pushed14:23
Saviqtsdgeos, yup, seen that14:23
Saviqgoing to test again and approve14:23
Saviqthere's going to be a huge code-dump into shell soon ;)14:35
Saviqtsdgeos, any pointers as to how to adapt the tests for super / alt+f2 to -shell?14:43
SaviqI tried adding an objectName to the Dash and using @app.Dash() but failed, what am I missing?14:44
tsdgeosSaviq: no sure, actually i haven't done it, i can do that after fixing the other tests that need tweaking after greyback changes14:44
Saviqtsdgeos, if I don't manage within 5 mins I'll leave you to it14:45
* AlanBell likes the look of the HUD stuff14:50
Saviqtsdgeos, think I got it14:53
Saviqtsdgeos, here's a diff from your test branch http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/815405/14:56
Saviqwill be useful when merging14:56
tsdgeosmakes sense14:57
SaviqI only wonder why we're getting strings instead of bools, any idea?14:57
tsdgeoseverything is returned as string14:58
tsdgeosif you see in lots of places we to14:58
greybackyep, everything14:58
tsdgeosto get the integer14:58
Saviqso .to_b will get me bools14:58
greybackand there's no to_b :(14:58
tsdgeosnot sure if there's a .to_bool :D14:58
greybacknope, checked14:58
greybackIt can be added, but pfft14:58
tsdgeosor .to_i "works" for bools too14:58
greybackdoes it? ruby complains about mixing types usually14:59
Saviqtarmac is going to crap on me in a sec, I just know it15:00
tsdgeosgreyback: updated my 3 _test_ MR to use the new split target/host commands15:01
greybacktsdgeos: thank you, will look at them in about an hour15:02
greybackhave lightning talk to prep15:02
tsdgeosno worries15:04
greybackSaviq: ah, PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS is ok, since I inherit from a class which defines it15:04
Saviqgreyback, oh ok15:07
Saviqno point in renaming, too, then15:07
greybacknot really15:07
Saviqtsdgeos, hey we got a conflict in struts15:07
Saviqcan you merge please?15:07
Saviqtsdgeos, not your fault, I was merging 5 MRs one after the other15:08
tsdgeosSaviq: pushed15:16
Saviqtsdgeos, thanks15:16
Andy80Kaleo: ping15:21
tsdgeosSaviq: you creating all the kanban cards?15:24
Saviqtsdgeos, yes15:25
tsdgeosanything i have to do with them?15:25
tsdgeosmove them to coded/done ?15:25
Saviqtsdgeos, not yet15:25
* tsdgeos does nothing15:25
SaviqI'll let you know when it's ready for you guys to move them around15:25
Saviqtsdgeos, you updated the wiki I see with all the merges I did?15:27
tsdgeosSaviq: yep15:28
tsdgeosSaviq: well, only for those marked with [ALBERT]15:28
Saviqtsdgeos, yes, of course15:31
mhall119kamstrup: can you tell me what happened to the UnityActivation interface from Unity 3?15:39
mhall119was it replaced by something new in Unity 4, or just not needed at all anymore?15:39
kamstrupmhall119: from 3 to 4 we went from overriding an async method in a ginterface (utterly unlikely to ever work in pygi in our lifetimes) to using a signal based approach where you subscribe to a bog standard gobject signal15:40
kamstrupand from 4 to 5 it was unchanged15:40
mhall119kamstrup: so it's not needed anymore?15:41
kamstrupmhall119: is UnityActivation still in libunity? That would be weird...15:42
kamstrupphew, it's not :-)15:43
kamstrupjust Unity.ActivationResponse... that is an enum used as return val for the signal15:43
mhall119kamstrup: right, but it's still in the old sample code we were talking about earlier15:45
mhall119I'm writing a response to someone who's still trying to use it15:45
kamstrupmhall119: ah, that way15:45
mhall119so the answer is to use scope.activate_uri.connect(on_uri_activated); instead, right?15:45
mhall119(in vala)15:46
tsdgeosgreyback: Saviq: "Move the mouse away from the launcher area, press alt+f1, move the mouse to the launcher, press esc" this behaviour is different between unity-2d and -shell, i think the unity-2d behaviour is the correct one, can you verify so i add it to the merge plan?15:54
Saviqtsdgeos, I think it's already added as "Toggling the Dash by hitting Super key twice, taking focus away from the previous application."15:59
Saviqyup, looks related16:00
Saviqmight just need a comment about the other way to trigger that issue16:00
greybacktsdgeos: yes, unity-2d behaviour is correct (I remember this from a few months ago)16:02
tsdgeosSaviq: not sure they are related, i'll add it just to make sure we don't miss it16:03
SaviqKaleo, "ruby run-tests.rb -n test_`cat | sed s/\\\\W/_/g`"16:05
Saviqafter you run that paste the name of the test into the terminal16:05
Saviqand go ctrl+d twice16:05
mhall119davidcalle: hey, would you have some time today to talk about your experience with the ARB process for your utility lense?16:15
jonotedg, hey16:27
jonois the HUD code available now?16:27
tedgjono, To everyone but you, I don't want to see your crazy patches :-)16:28
jonotedg, LOL16:28
tedgGPLv3 + the standard jono clause16:28
jonois there a place to file bugs yet?16:28
tedgHeh, NO!16:28
Saviqtsdgeos, can you run the test suite on current unity-2d-shell and see whether you get a weird behavior from the launcher (I do)16:28
tsdgeosSaviq: in a sec16:29
jonotedg, cool - and which PPA will it be in now?16:29
tedgjono, It's in Unity Team, HUD16:29
tedgjono, ppa:unity-team/hud16:29
jonothanks tedg16:29
jonoI will move to that PPA16:29
jonoand file bugs in indicator-appmenu16:30
* tedg needs to too16:30
jonodo I need to tag the bugs in any way?16:30
tedgjono, Uhm, haven't thought about it.  I guess we'll solve that problem if we get a bunch...16:30
tedgI guess I should write up what is the most useful.16:30
jonoif I do ubuntu-bug indicator-appmenu, will it work on a package from a PPA though?16:31
tedgjono, Err, I don't know if I've got the apport hook in that package...16:31
tedgjono, Yeah, looks like it.16:32
tsdgeosSaviq: i get some unexpected errors yes16:35
Saviqnerochiaro, tsdgeos: all the cards are in leankit now, please update them as your progress goes16:36
tsdgeosSaviq: http://paste.kde.org/~tsdgeos/192038/ Errors 1, 2 and 4 are expected because of the "Dash Home" thing, the others, no idea why they fail16:36
nerochiaroSaviq: ok. thanks for putting them there16:36
Saviqtsdgeos, actually for me the suite passed16:37
gordtedg, think we need to turn off ignoring terminals now?16:37
tsdgeosSaviq: lol :D16:37
Saviqtsdgeos, but the launcher showed at x = LAUNCHER_WIDTH at some point16:37
tsdgeosSaviq: no, didn't get that16:37
Saviqtsdgeos, as for the others16:37
Saviqyou didn't built getshape did you16:37
tedggord, Heh, yeah, probably.16:37
tedggord, Probably not the standard use-case anymore ;-)16:38
tsdgeosSaviq: hmmm, i did make, do i need something extra?16:38
gordtedg, apart from hud-cli people of course :) actually seen a lot of interest in that16:38
Saviqtsdgeos, cmake first?16:38
tsdgeossure :D16:38
Saviqtsdgeos, verify that you have a tests/getshape/getshape binary16:38
Saviqand that it runs16:38
tsdgeosah, maybe it doesn't support out of dir builds16:38
Saviqmaybe make clean first16:38
tsdgeosmust be that16:38
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
Saviqunity-2d doesn't support shadow builds at all :D16:38
davidcallemhall119, I don't have the time right now, but tomorrow?16:39
tsdgeosi've been building in a separate dir since the beginning with no problem at all16:39
mhall119davidcalle: tomorrow would be great, just let me know when you're available16:40
Saviqtsdgeos, very interesting, where do you get your qml files from, then?16:40
davidcallemhall119, sure16:40
tedggord, https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-appmenu/+bug/92105616:40
Saviqas they are not (well, were not) copied when building in a shadow dir16:40
tsdgeosSaviq: from where the source code is16:40
tsdgeosjust works16:40
Saviqmust've gotten fixed at some point16:41
Saviqwhen I wasn't paying attention16:41
gordAlanBell, ^^ :)16:41
tsdgeosSaviq: but no i did not see stuff move around weirdly, maybe you had a unity-2d-launcher around while testing unity-2d-shell and that caused the weirdness ?16:41
tsdgeosi had that situation before16:41
tsdgeosand it's confusing :D16:42
Saviqmight have16:42
Saviqlet me try again16:42
* AlanBell tries HUD with Orca16:43
Saviqtsdgeos, it's the always visible test16:43
Saviqtsdgeos, I'm thinking available_area takes struts into account16:44
tsdgeosSaviq: hmmm, ah, right, merged struts + resizing16:44
tsdgeosand it moves itself16:44
Saviqwe need a test for that16:44
Saviqadding a card in the kanban16:44
tsdgeosSaviq: do we have kanban cards for stuff like "    Move the mouse away from the launcher area, press alt+f1, move the mouse to the launcher, press esc, launcher should not close"16:45
AlanBellhmm, can't see any of unity with orca right now :(16:46
brendandi've just installed the HUD and it's pretty neat, but not behaving at all like i'd expect it to16:47
Saviqtsdgeos, yes16:48
Saviqtsdgeos, nerochiaro is taking care of that16:48
tsdgeoshmm, my name is in the wiki :D16:48
Saviqtsdgeos, it's in "Next" in Bug Fixes lane16:48
Saviqtsdgeos, must've missed the change somewhere16:48
brendandif i have Firefox open and type 'Sou' then it shows Tools > Web Developer > Page Source as the first option16:49
Saviqif you're already on it, assign the card to yourself16:49
brendandif I continue to type 'Sour' that option disappears16:49
brendandif i type 'Source' then there is nothing16:49
tsdgeosSaviq: well, none of the one in nerochiaro are that bug, it turns out the bug is in intellihide, nothing to do with what is written in those cards16:49
brendandThis happens in pretty much every app with any menu item you can think of16:49
brendandAlso, I don't think it's necessarily a good idea to show options from the menus of other open applications16:50
seb128brendand, like which other applications?16:50
Saviqtsdgeos, I thought 'Ensure dash toggle returns focus' would take care of that, looks very similar16:51
seb128brendand, the example you describe seems like a bug, ping ted when he's around I guess or file a bug16:51
Saviqunless I misunderstood your issue, let me try again16:51
tsdgeosSaviq: it's not about focus, it's about the launcher clsoing when it should not16:51
AlanBellgord: ok, I restarted and orca reads unity now16:51
brendandseb128 - mainly from g-c-c16:51
seb128brendand, g-c-c = gnome-control-center? that has no menus16:51
AlanBellI get "HUD frame" and it can read the content of the field you type in16:51
Saviqtsdgeos, ok I see16:52
AlanBellgord: but it does not read the items in the list below the field you can navigate to and flat review mode doesn't work there either16:52
Saviqtsdgeos, your description didn't have a "have a window overlapping the launcher"16:52
Saviqtsdgeos, feel free to add the card and assign yourself to it16:52
tsdgeosSaviq: bug in the bug description :D16:52
jackyalcineJust got an update about the HUD interface for Ubuntu and how it dealt with speech control16:52
Saviqtsdgeos, I've to EOD16:52
jackyalcine*speech recognition I meant.16:52
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, will do16:52
brendandseb128 - ok. with Thunderbird in focus, searching for 'Settings' starts to bring up e.g. Sound Settings16:53
Kaleonerochiaro: there are no automated tests yet for either the panel or the dash, interesting16:53
AlanBelljackyalcine: yeah it needs to generate jsgi files for the grammar of the menu structure I think16:53
gordAlanBell, yeah I need to do some work there16:53
nerochiaroKaleo: there are some indirectly for the dash in the shell directory16:53
brendandseb128 - file bugs against unity? or something else?16:54
seb128brendand, indicators are always listed16:54
Kaleonerochiaro: that's not in trunk16:54
seb128brendand, unity tagged "hud"16:54
nerochiaroKaleo: it's in shell, yes16:54
Kaleonerochiaro: not very helpful for me16:54
AlanBelljackyalcine: then use sphinx or pocketsphinx to get words16:54
seb128brendand, the idea is that you can do stuff like mute the sound or reply to a contact which has a pending message in the messaging menu from it16:54
jackyalcineThe programmatic approach for recognition is quite simple, it's a matter of accuracy.16:55
seb128brendand, that behing anywhere, so it's not really a bug16:55
nerochiaroKaleo: i was planning to add some as part of this task for the panel/dash interaction (i have them already in a shell branch but i might as well add them in with this stuff we're looking at in trunk)16:55
brendandseb128 - ok. but perhaps the focused app should be higher priority?16:55
seb128brendand, that's likely yes16:55
Kaleonerochiaro: only add tests that test what you changed please16:55
jackyalcineAlanBell: tbh, if I could find someone that's presently working on it, I'd collab with them.16:55
jackyalcineDo you know of any?16:55
Kaleonerochiaro: (for these MRs)16:55
nerochiaroKaleo: fair enough16:55
nerochiaroKaleo: i'll add the others as part of the MR to add back panel buttons for the dash in shell16:56
SaviqKaleo, there are some tests awaiting merge16:56
Kaleonerochiaro: I foresee 2 tests for the first MR16:56
Saviqat least one merge is for the dash, none for panel, though16:56
Kaleonerochiaro: 1st test: depending on the dconf key making sure the maximisation state is respected16:57
Kaleonerochiaro: 2nd test: clicking on the maximise button in the panel; making sure the dash reacts properly16:57
Kaleonerochiaro: what do you reckon?16:57
AlanBelljackyalcine: I am interested in doing some proof of concept stuff around that16:57
KaleoSaviq: are any of the tests you are thinking about testing these kind of things?16:58
nerochiaroKaleo: also bring out the dash, change dconf key, check dash has changed state properly16:58
SaviqKaleo, there are tests for the dash showing on <super> and <alt+f2>, so definitely a good place to start16:58
Kaleonerochiaro: fair enough16:58
mhall119who can I ask questions to about the new HUD?16:58
KaleoSaviq: we can maybe borrow test code from there indeeed16:58
Kaleomhall119: I thing tedg wherever he is16:59
Kaleomhall119: gord too I believe16:59
Saviqnerochiaro, btw, your input-shape tests will be broken by your dash-buttons-in-panel change, no?16:59
nerochiaroSaviq: no, they don't change the shape16:59
Saviqnerochiaro, but there's no button17:00
Saviqah wait17:00
nerochiaroSaviq: :)17:00
Saviqthe button is for collapsing17:00
Saviqoh, btw, maybe that's what we should use the minimize button for17:00
Saviqinstead of the weirdly placed X17:00
Saviqit's not going to be minimize per-se but still17:00
nerochiaroSaviq: might be a good idea, but let's respect the design for now17:01
Saviqaaanyway, EOD, see you all tomorrow17:01
Saviqof course17:01
nerochiaroSaviq: see you17:01
mhall119oh ew, HUD messed up my alt+tab scale plugin17:04
mhall119super+tab that is17:04
mhall119so, maybe not HUD, but something in that last dist-upgrade17:04
mhall119it was the launcher switcher initiation that did it, fixed now17:06
greybackKaleo: I've some dash tests that were reviewed, need fixing. One of which tested Dash maximize by clicking panel maximize. Then nerochiaro started something similar, so I've laid off it a little and then got diverted. Will get back to it 2moro17:07
greybacknerochiaro: that wierdly placed X is not in the design any more. It probably will go, replaced by new home screen17:08
jackyalcineWhere do I find code to pick at on the HUD? C++ dev here.17:11
Kaleogreyback: please give that test to nerochiaro so that it can finish it :)17:16
gordjackyalcine, depends on your interestest, the backend service that provides the data is at https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-appmenu/hud whereas the client side code lives at http://code.launchpad.net/~gordallott/unity/hud17:16
nerochiaroKaleo: i have already tests that do the same thing, as greyback said17:17
greybackKaleo: I pointed him to it some time ago17:17
nerochiaroKaleo: they are in the branch to bring back the dash buttons to the panel in the shell17:18
nerochiaroKaleo: greyback: so, no worries, there will be tests for the dash buttons in the panel17:18
nerochiarobut right now i have this annoying headache so i'm gonna lay down for today with a nice painkiller. i may get back to this stuff later tonight17:19
nerochiaroKaleo: greyback: ^17:19
greybacknerochiaro: go rest17:20
greybackI'm hoping it's not testability's fault :)17:20
Kaleonerochiaro: take care!17:21
Kaleogreyback: it's your fault :)17:21
Kaleoisn't it always? :)17:21
nerochiaronah, it's just me not sleeping enough yesterday for totally unrelated reasons17:22
greybackKaleo: harsh :(17:22
Kaleonerochiaro: rest well friend17:23
greybacknerochiaro: take it easy17:23
greybackKaleo: no good-manager cookies for you :P17:23
Kaleogreyback: I just had 2 cookies17:23
Kaleogreyback: but whatever :)17:23
balloonsa little feedback on HUD guys -- the blog postings don't seem to mention you need to hit 'alt' to have HUD show up (I was able to find it buried on Oli's page I believe tho). Just an FYI, overall everyone I've spoken to has been really excited by it17:39
jackyalcineballoons: this is a fact.17:41
jackyalcineyou know who's planning to begin the speech work?17:41
balloonsjackyalcine, ?17:42
jackyalcinehttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/hud-new-unity-feature/ mentions that Hub would include speech recognition.17:43
balloonsahh.. voice recognition you mean17:44
balloonsyes, I am not sure who/when will be doing that work, but it's certainly another compelling piece of using this17:45
jackyalcineballoons: well, I'm hoping to work on it with those involved.17:59
mhall119gord: where should we file bugs against HUD?18:00
gordmhall119, ui side, http://bugs.launchpad.net/unity - matching, tracking and all the other stuff. http://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-appmenu18:01
mhall119gord: thanks18:01
mhall119is there a wiki page for HUD yet, that has links to those and the description of which to use for what kinds of bugs?18:02
mhall119and for /unity bugs, should we use a certain tab for HUD bugs?18:02
gordno wiki page yet, if you want to tag the unity bugs with "hud" that would help18:03
utlemmingquestion about the HUD pre-release....how do I invoke the HUD?18:31
utlemmingoh, nevermind18:33
jackyalcineutlemming: gotta press alt right?18:59
utlemmingjackyalcine: right, it seems a bit flaky for me though19:00
mhall119just tap alt, if you hold it it focuses on the global menu19:06
mhall119gord: can you give me any details about how an app developer would give initial "hints" to the HUD?19:09
gordmhall119, ask tedg :) he's in #ayatana and #ubuntu-devel19:11
balloonsgord, mhall119 I'm writing a blog post containing a howto for filing bugs on HUD.. if you have anything additional to add, speak now :-)19:22
DaekdroomAww. I was about to file one.19:23
mhall119balloons: I'm going to get a wiki going for it, if you can fill in the bug filing part19:29
balloonssure thing19:29
mhall119balloons: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/HUD if you could fill in details19:55
thumperballoons: make them add a tag for hud :)19:56
balloonsthumper, yes, in my post I mention tagging hud bugs in unity with hud19:57
balloonscheck it out and see if I missed anything19:57
balloonsthanks ;-)19:57
balloonsmhall119, is there a pre command of some sort for the wiki? or how would you format commands meant to be entered in the terminal?20:00
mhall119{{{ }}} I think20:00
mhall119{{{\n command\n }}}20:00
balloonsi'll try.. thanks20:00
mhall119aren't wikis fun?20:01
balloonsused to mediawiki syntax...20:01
balloonsbut yes, I <3 wiki's -- apparently I'm one of the few20:01
mhall119that's okay, we'll break you of that20:01
mhall119uh oh, I think the wiki is dead20:02
tedgmhall119, Is this useful for your wiki page?  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-appmenu/hud/download/head:/hudarchitecture.svg-20111019043745-t9zh424t1ldhnz7k-2/HUD%20Architecture.svg20:04
tedgmhall119, It was done originally to explain the concepts, not sure if it's useful generally.20:04
balloonsmight work as part of the arch section20:05
balloonsmhall119, {{{ }}} worked, thanks20:05
mhall119tedg: sure would be20:06
mhall119tedg: I took the text in the overview section from mark's blog, can you you check over it and maybe add a bit of an introduction?20:08
mhall119thumper: when will be a good time to chat again today?20:09
tedgmhall119, Hmm, let me revise that diagram.20:09
thumpermhall119: in a few hours20:10
mhall119thumper: 2200 or 2300?20:11
mhall119actually, I can't do 2300 today20:11
mhall119if you can't do 2200, how about tommorrow?20:11
tedgmhall119, Can you repull that diagram?  I simplified it a bunch.  I think that makes it clearer.20:20
mhall119tedg: done20:25
tedgmhall119, Great!  Thanks!20:25
balloonsunity --reset seriously rules..20:55
thumpermhall119: it'll have to be tomorrow21:14
mhall119thumper: ok21:17
I4NII have a question for those who would be willing to answer it.21:30
I4NIIn my attempt to update the repositorys after getting the ppa for unity-hud it has failed to fetch the packages stating a 404.21:31
I4NIHow do I fix this?21:31
popeyI4NI: hello21:35
popeyI4NI: can you install pastebinit and then issue "sudo apt-get update | pastebinit"21:35
I4NIOkay, did that21:37
popeydid it give you a link?21:37
popeyI4NI: are you running 12.04?21:38
I4NIno, 11.1021:38
I4NIdoes it require 12.0421:38
I4NIoic ty21:39
* popey wonders why the hud doesnt find the 'download' menu in firefox21:40
varun06can we try HUD in Oniric?21:43
popeyI think it's only available for precise right now21:44
balloonsyes, no ppa for oneiric21:56
balloonsthe changes are large, requiring new versions of unity, etc21:56
varun06can I use precise as daily driver21:57
varun06I mean is it stable enough to try21:57
balloonsvarun06, depending on your comfort level, yes.. The goal this cycle is to have daily quality with no breaking updates21:57
bschaeferthumper, thank you for signing that. I also just push more to this merge.  https://code.launchpad.net/~brandontschaefer/unity/uninitialized-launcher-model/+merge/8981921:58
varun06update-manager-d should update my 11.1021:58
bschaeferthumper, which cleans it up a bit21:58
balloonsUsage: update-manager [options]21:59
balloons  -c, --check-dist-upgrades21:59
balloons                        Check if a new Ubuntu release is available21:59
balloons  -d, --devel-release   Check if upgrading to the latest devel release is21:59
balloons                        possible21:59
balloonsyw.. just make sure your comfortable with the idea that things could break, and there will be bugs :-)22:01
varun06I am a tester, so not a new thing :)22:02
balloonsgreat! feedback and bug reports would be wonderful22:03
varun06don't know why, but update-manager-c/d not working on my machine22:07
varun06I am entering command and pressing enter22:07
varun06nothing is happening22:07
balloonsyou need to use sudo varun0622:20
balloonssudo update-manager -c -d22:20
berniewould it be possible to make the workspace switcher icon go away if the expo plugin is not enabled in compiz? it took me a long time to figure out why in my desktop it's a dead icon and it took me a long time to figure out why i had this dead icon on my dock...22:33
thumperhi bernie22:35
thumperbernie: do you only have one workspace?22:35
DaekdroomThe icon does something even when you have only one workspace.22:36
Daekdroom(or atleast it used to)22:36
thumperwhat does it do?22:36
berniethumper: no, I have 4 workspaces arranged horizontally22:37
thumperbernie: and you don't like the expo?22:38
DaekdroomIt's possible it doesn't work for 4 workspaces arranged horizontally.22:38
bernieDaekdroom: in my case, it doesn't do anything when i click on it. If I enable the Expo plugin in compiz, then it comes back to life.22:38
thumperDaekdroom: it does, I used to have the arranged that way22:40
thumperbernie: it seems reasonable, can you file a bug on unity?22:41
berniethumper: sure, thanks22:44
mhall119gord: tedg: why would HUD find inkscape's "File > Export Bitmap" when I type "Exp" but not "Export"?22:49
mhall119infact, it seems to be better and finding a near match than an exact match22:50
Daekdroommhall119, that might explain why I never find what I want to22:50
mhall119it also doesn't seem to work on gnome-terminal when that has focus, instead showing me options for chromium still22:51
mhall119it seems that whenever one of my gnome-terminal windows has focus, it uses the menu of the previously-focused app22:51
tedgmhall119, Yes, we've blacklisted the terminal for debugging.22:56
tedgmhall119, The search is basically untunned.  We got it in a good state, but it needs to be much better.22:56
mhall119ah, so I probably didn't need to file https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/92126922:57
mhall119tedg: can you comment on that bug about blacklisting gnome-terminal for now, in case others stumble upon it too22:57
mhall119I assume it'll be unblacklisted eventually22:57
berniethumper: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/92127123:00
thumperbernie: ta23:00
berniethumper: btw, in enabling and disabling Expo i managed to make compiz hang. Then, when I killed compiz, the whole X session died!23:03
berniethumper: do you know who could take a look at my Xorg.0.log?23:03
tedgmhall119, Can't right now, but I will.  Need to get dinner ready.23:03
tedg'night folks.23:03
bernieit's a long-standing bug, I've seen it at least twice: http://codewiz.org/pub/Xorg-crashed-on-compiz-close.0.log23:04
bosyihi people23:04
bosyiwhen trying to instal HUD on 12.04 with ppa of unity 5.0 also it propose to me to delete ubuntu-desktop and unity23:06
bosyisomeone have that issue?23:09
mhall119who knows whom I could talk to about uTouch from an application developer's perspective?23:09
thumpermhall119: try cnd23:10
cndmhall119, if you don't mind, hop into #ubuntu-touch :)23:10
cndthat's where the utouch devs hang out23:11
AlanBellanyone know what hud-dump-application   hud-list-applications  hud-verify-app-info actually do?23:15
SaviqAlanBell, they're debugging tools that deal with the HUD database23:25
AlanBellSaviq: yeah, I can't get them to do a lot23:41
AlanBellI kind of want all the strings of an application's menus23:41

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