
Ttechadded a few photos from Ubicon.00:21
philipballewcan i use those photos Ttech ?00:32
=== DarkwingSCALE is now known as Darkwing
pleia2I lost my 3DS :(05:08
Ttechyou were not joking when you said you had umode -i set. :P05:09
TtechAccidentally double clicked your nick. :P05:10
pleia2ugh, this sucks05:11
Ttechdid you leave it at scale?05:11
pleia2must have05:11
TtechProbably did this, but did you try calling the hotel?05:12
pleia2Ttech: yeah, no luck05:15
Ttech:( thats no good05:15
philipballewi lost my router power adapter as well. my neighbors are now mad that they cant have free internet05:19
Ttechyikes. you need to get one of those strings to keep all your stuff on05:20
Ttechphilipballew, power adapters are cheap though05:20
philipballewTtech, thats true05:20
Ttechright before the trip I lost all my microusb cables05:21
Ttechand ended up buying some - they arrived when I got back. :P05:21
pleia2yeah, there's no way I can afford to replace my 3DS right now05:21
pleia2I'm usually insanely careful about stuff like this, I think I was just overwhelmed this weekend05:21
Ttechit was quite busy and you seemed to be primarily the only one manning the booth several points.05:22
Darkwingpleia2: I let the rest of the SCALE staff know that you are missing a 3DS. If someone (Even hotel) turned it over to anyone then we'll find it.05:39
pleia2Darkwing: thanks, I dropped a note to Gareth05:39
Darkwingpleia2: anytime.05:39
Darkwingaaaaaand, I'm crashing. I'm so tired it's not funny.05:39
pleia2I am really quite angry at myself for losing it05:39
pleia2I don't deserve nice things!05:40
pleia2I bet!05:40
DarkwingIt was a blast though.05:40
pleia2yeah :)05:40
Darkwingpleia2: How hard is it for your other half to get google T's?05:40
DarkwingOr, even a google hoodie?05:41
Ttechthey were giving out google hoodies?05:41
pleia2his discount at the goog store is not very good anymore05:41
DarkwingNo, T-shirts.05:41
philipballewbkerensa, I breifly answered your questions, however I can answer all in depth questions here as well05:54
nhainesbkerensa: let me know if you have any questions about Ubucon.  My email is my nick @ubuntu.com17:05
Ttechnhaines, yo23:50

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