
tjagodadisk sounds loud in this laptop00:04
tjagodaMight be the excuse that breaks my will and has me plunk down for an SSD =(00:05
rick_hssd ftw00:20
tjagodajust dont want to spend the $$ tho00:25
tjagodaHas the market leveled in terms of performance?00:26
tjagodaI remember when Intel was king of SSD's.00:26
rick_hyea, some, but I'm still hesitent to move outside of intel00:27
rick_hbut I'm not a big risk taker00:27
BlazeixI like OCZ, but it can be a gamble00:27
BlazeixI happened to win that gamble, and have a really fast ssd, but i've heard horror stories about reliability00:28
tjagodaDoes canonical tell you if they reject your app?00:34
rick_hnot sure how the app process works00:35
rick_hI'd imagine they would, they're very eager to help/get people involved00:35
tjagodaIt says "open," I was unsure if they actually go through and cull out the hordes00:35
tjagodaOr if they only communicate to the serious candidates00:35
rick_hnot sure00:36
tjagodaYour SSD, is it your primary drive?00:40
rick_hon my laptop it's my only drive00:43
rick_hand on my desktop it's / and /home is a normal drive00:43
snap-ltjagoda: They'll let you know if they don't accept your app01:23
snap-lit's pretty impersonal, but at least they have a response.01:23
tjagodaoh, cool01:23
snap-lNot that I would know or anything. :)01:23
snap-lWent and looked at fish tanks this evening01:25
snap-lWhen it's all said and done, this is going to be rather expensive.01:25
snap-lSeems like there's a huge price increase when you hit 20+ gal01:25
tjagodaAre you investing in fish futures?01:30
snap-lhopefully in their long living futures.01:30
snap-lThat good, eh?12:09
rick_hfeel like crap today, rough morning12:10
snap-lrick_h: Sorry to hear that. :(12:21
Wolfgergot my thanks-but-no-thanks from Canonical12:42
snap-lWolfger: Sorry to hear that12:43
snap-lOn the flip side, I've gotten quite  few of those.12:43
rick_hmakes you feel better I got a pair of those12:43
snap-linsert 'a" in there12:43
rick_hand we go for the same line12:43
snap-lrick_h: Yep12:44
snap-lWolfger: I know exactly how you feel, though12:44
WolfgerWell, at least I know and I'm not waiting to hear. Wonder if tjagoda got his or if he's in the hunt12:44
WolfgerThey were probably "Michigan, again? We need to spread it out more." :-)12:45
rick_hhah, state quota exceeded12:46
snap-lWE need more uruguayans12:50
snap-lhttp://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/postgresql-for-wordpress/ <- I wish Wordpress supported PostgreSQL out of the box12:52
snap-land without a plugin12:53
rick_hproblem is scaling requires a non-crappy ORM and they just ditch it and go mysql12:54
snap-lSadly, they need someone smart like Michael to make it work12:54
snap-l(Bayer, iirc)12:55
snap-lWow, people are really demanding of html512:56
snap-lhttp://html5please.us <- rather12:56
snap-lwaiting for html5makemeasandwich.us12:57
rick_hlove this https://twitter.com/#!/alex_gaynor/status/16179741393643110513:22
brouschthat has convinced you to switch?13:25
brouschyou have a lot of porn site ideas in the queue?13:25
rick_hI just think that's a great summary for a project13:32
rick_h"we make porn and big media sites kinda easy...might help with other things to, but meh we're not following that too close"13:32
snap-lWasn't that one of the other things that made Turbogears awesome too?13:42
rick_hyea, TG biggests site was a porn site long ago13:43
rick_hhard to put on the wall of fame to show off your framework :)13:43
brouschdepends on who you're catering to13:46
brouschfor instance, i would not be offended by that13:46
snap-lJust have a LOT of pixellation.13:48
snap-l"Sites using (framework): bobsfish.com, quickietshirts.com, anal-destroyers.com13:50
brouschshows it's scalable13:52
brouschspeaking of anal-destroyers ...13:57
tjagodaI am opposed to this title.13:58
brouschwell then you shouldn't have missed last night's meeting where it was voted on13:59
tjagodaBut I was here last night, and definitely witnessed no meeting =(14:00
* tjagoda smells skullduggery 14:00
jrwrensnap-l: is that pgsql for wordpress maintained?14:14
tjagodaWindows Live Essentials and Bing Bar are my most frequently uninstalled applications.14:18
tjagodaBlasted users.14:18
jrwrenwhat is wrong with live essentials?14:18
jrwreni need my live writer!14:19
brouschbing bar?14:19
brouschyou let your users user IE?14:19
jrwrenlol, good point.14:19
snap-ljrwren: It allegedly runs up until 3.2.114:19
snap-lhas a date of 9/2011 as the last release14:20
jrwrensnap-l: not bad.14:20
snap-ljrwren: It's more recent than the other attempts14:20
snap-lbut I still don't trust it14:20
jrwreni like the idea.14:21
jrwrenthough it seems like if you are gonna do that, might as well go all the way to nosql14:21
jrwrenwordpress on mongodb :p14:21
snap-ljrwren: I'm glad it exists, but I'm really hoping native PGSQL comes soon14:21
snap-ljrwren: That would be sweet.14:22
jrwreni don't think it is a goal at all.14:22
snap-ljrwren: From the discussion, it seems like a "yeah, we really should do this, but it's non-trivial"14:22
Raggshi, can Debian and ubuntu share a /home dir?14:25
rick_hI call this the successful completion of gnome do taking over ubuntu14:25
rick_hRaggs: probably wouldn't reccomend it14:25
rick_hthey'll be competing over the same .gnome and such directories14:25
snap-lRaggs: At the same time? No14:25
rick_hand the software will be the different versions/etc14:25
snap-lrick_h: ++14:25
Raggssnap-l, well only one will be booted at a time14:26
tjagodaI have to let my users use IE14:26
snap-lRaggs: I'd recommend if you need files with both versions to create a shared area14:26
tjagodaAutomotive supplier websites that dont work outside it14:26
snap-land put the files that are to be shared in that area.14:26
Raggsyep, sounds like an idea14:26
tjagodaAnd asking them to use two browsers would frankly blow a few of their minds. =(14:27
tjagodaDont get me wrong, my users are not mindless drones14:27
tjagodaBut yeah =(14:27
brouschmine use FF for everything but those crappy sites14:33
brouschit does not hurt their minds14:34
tjagodaDo yours refer to everything as "the internet?"14:38
tjagodaor alternatively, e-mails14:38
snap-lhttp://www.pcpro.co.uk/news/372385/ubuntu-rips-up-drop-down-menus <- Ugh14:39
rick_h... waiting for adfarm.mediaplex.com14:40
rick_hthere it goes14:40
snap-lOK, it's a little interesting14:41
snap-lbut accessibility is just taking it in the neck, isn't it?14:41
snap-lWhy is this going into 12.04, as well?14:42
snap-lI thought the idea was stability, quality, etc14:42
rick_hwell technically it can be more accessable if it helps allow better search through menus vs hunt/peck :)14:42
snap-lApparently it's quality, unless there's a really cool feature14:42
rick_hbut yea, this is agiant whatever14:42
rick_hbut check out Mark's blog post. They've got 90% test coverage14:43
snap-lYeah, that's awesome.14:44
snap-lI'm just trying to figure out how to explain this new interface to my parents14:45
snap-lthey're still on 10.0414:45
snap-lAS long as it degrades nicely for apps that are, well, Java, this should be pretty interesting.14:46
tjagodaI am a fan of hunt and peck14:50
tjagodaespecially when I cant remember wtf the name of my program is14:50
tjagodaMost frequently happens with Libre office14:51
tjagodawhenever I need to remember what the powerpoint equiv is called14:51
_stink_even though my workflow is pretty well established, and i will likely never use any of this new GUI stuff... i have to say i'm so happy someone is pushing the envelope.14:52
snap-lI'm just pissed focus follows mouse is dead14:52
_stink_can't you just use twm?14:53
tjagodaI refuse to believe that anybody other than a reanimated Steve Jobs can advance UI design!14:53
brouschsnap-l: FFM works well for me14:54
brouschalso, my computer looks pretty much like 10.0414:54
tjagodaSame here14:56
tjagodaOnly less orange, and more blue14:56
brouschi'm sure you could find an orangish theme14:56
snap-lbrousch: Yes, I'm sure it does, but I'd have to get over a new problem14:57
snap-lmainly throwing up in my mouth every time I moused over something.14:57
brouschyour prejudices are clouding your mind14:57
brouschfree yourself from your gnomish bonds14:58
brouschok, that made me snort14:58
snap-lOK, meeting time14:59
rick_hsnap-l: tell the family I said hello :P15:00
mydogsnameisrudywhats a good command to see all computer ip/s on my local network15:01
rick_hmydogsnameisrudy: nmap http://nmap.org/book/man-host-discovery.html15:02
mydogsnameisrudythank you15:02
rick_hThe point: evaluate the technology against your problem, and aim to get good fit.15:09
rick_his what I meant to paste15:09
rick_hstupid synergy15:09
tjagodaThat makes me sad15:21
tjagoda=( *15:21
brouschrick_h: wow, that is scary15:37
rick_hyea,  that's the kind of room I'd love to be sitting in the back in15:37
rick_h"Jobs was a sucky blow hard!!!!" and then run out15:38
WolfgerOooh, HTML 5 Cookbook on dotd15:50
brouschok, wow. copying big files through dolphin, it puts the whole file into ram15:58
snap-lOk, I don't have that one yet.15:58
snap-lbrousch: You're doing it wrong15:59
brouschcopy, paste15:59
snap-lbrousch: You're doing it wrong15:59
snap-lrsync FTW15:59
brouschrsync from my camera?15:59
brouschi took HD video of last night's meeting. it's in 4 files of 2-3GB each16:00
brouschthat 3GB is gonna be a bitch16:01
brouschi really need more ram16:01
snap-lIs it mounting the camera as a Mass Storage Device?16:02
snap-lbecause if so, rsync should work. :)16:02
WolfgerI have mixed feelings about this: http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/24/tech/web/judge-defendant-decrypt-laptop/index.html?hpt=hp_bn616:02
brouschok, i took the sd card out and tried again16:04
brouschwith just sd card it does not copy the whole thing into ram16:04
rick_hWolfger: I hate that myself16:05
brouschthrough camera, it does16:05
brouschthe camera mounts as some goofball kind of device16:05
brouschdamn, that's much quicker16:08
snap-lbrousch: PTP, iirc.16:09
snap-lIt's some goofy protocol they use.16:09
brouschsounds right16:09
brouschworks fine for photos, but is a bitch one these videos16:10
snap-lMeans it doesn't mount the device, but it's a lot slower IMHO16:10
brouschi'll just have to keep that in mind16:10
krondorbrousch:  it's probably accessing the camera through PTP16:21
krondorsnap-l:++ didn't see your post :)16:22
krondormy lack of reading comprehension means its time for lunch bbiab16:22
WolfgerHmm. The word "heimlich" translates to "secretly"... Gives a whole new meaning to "the heimlich maneuver"16:31
WolfgerSounds like something I'd want those IR video recording binoculars for16:31
snap-lI am weak. Have barely touched the other HTML5 books, and I purchased the HTML5 cookbook16:39
snap-lDamn you, O'Reilly16:39
snap-lThey're books, not Pokemon16:40
Wolfgergotta catch 'em all16:42
snap-lOldie: http://james-iry.blogspot.com/2009/05/brief-incomplete-and-mostly-wrong.html?17:17
snap-lrick_h: Did you see this: http://bytefluent.com/vivify/17:25
rick_hnice, no17:25
snap-lLooks like the ultimate way to waste a day in vim. :)17:25
rick_hbooo, doesn't update url so I can share the link17:26
snap-lfuck, I'm starting ti tile my windows18:10
snap-lWhat's happening to me?18:10
rick_hit's inevitable18:10
snap-lThis keyboard? It's too quiet.18:10
snap-lMy desk, I need to stand18:11
* snap-l heads to shop.lenovo.com to calm down18:11
brouschsnap-l: please tell me you didn't eat the tin of green M&Ms rick_h left in his desk18:11
snap-lbrousch: Worse, I touched the Dr. Pepper18:12
snap-lDiet Dr. Pepper18:12
tjagodaDo you have Das Keyboard?18:17
tjagodaGot a follow up email from canonical18:29
jjessei'm sorry there are already too many canonical employees that are a member of #ubuntu-us-mi we need to share the love to more user groups?18:30
tjagodaSounds like they want to communicate the scope and my expectations regarding the role.18:32
snap-ltjagoda: Nice!18:49
snap-lAt least you got past the first hurdle18:49
rick_htjagoda: sweet19:00
rick_hlamo, ok I feel better now https://twitter.com/#!/ganson/status/16179937131325440119:01
tjagodaPraise the lords for google, and easy time zone conversion tools19:02
snap-lrick_h: I desperately hope this is for the little children sent to buy mommy and daddy cigarettes.19:06
snap-lbecause if not, I weep19:06
rick_hhmmm, getting that urge to punch babies. How the !@#! do make files, buildout files, and all that crap actually work?19:07
snap-lWhat's the trouble with make files?19:08
rick_h"something is building a build/js/yui directory...who is doing it?"19:08
snap-lGot root on the machine?19:09
rick_h"oh, so make runs some buildout stuff, buildout has tepmlates for bin-templates/xxx files that get put into /bin/xxx and then those get magically operated on by unicorns with directory variables back from the make files"19:09
snap-lmake the directories, run chmod 0000 on them as root, and see what blows up19:09
snap-lNot elegant, but it should work19:10
Blazeix( http://www.snopes.com/photos/signs/expresslane.asp )19:10
rick_hBlazeix: boooo quit messing with my happy bits of the day19:11
snap-lBlazeix: It's just a matter of time until it's a real sign19:12
snap-lI firmly believe Idiocracy is a roadmap19:12
snap-l"It's got what plant's crave!"19:12
snap-lnote the apostrophe usage. I feel stupider already.19:13
Blazeixthat movie has forever ruined the word 'electrolytes' for me.19:13
* krondor contemplates an order of brawndo 'the thirst mutilator' from http://www.brawndo.com/19:20
rick_hwho was it saying the path was php-> ruby ? https://twitter.com/#!/nbashaw/status/16189165016620236819:25
tjagodaI wonder how I can test my cell for inbound international calling.19:29
snap-ltjagoda: Post your cell # on reddit and see what happens.19:29
snap-lrick_h: I think that was either you or me19:29
snap-ltjagoda: Or head into Ubuntu-COmmunity-Teams and ask someone in there to call you19:30
rick_hcan't believe I'm sitting down with a book on Make19:33
rick_hsnap-l: tell John to quit making the staples_dash tests fail :P19:35
rick_hI must still be setup in there in jenkins, getting failed to build emails19:35
snap-lAre you still getting e-mail? :)19:35
rick_hbah, note to self. Read the OReilly email BEFORE you buy the book so that you can use the fancy discount codes19:37
snap-lDid you have the ebook version or the print version registered?19:38
rick_hno, just bought a new ebook and then saw 20% off deals in their periodic email19:38
snap-lOh, nuts19:38
rick_hyea, doh!19:39
snap-lI usually make a trip to retailmenot.com for non dotd oreilly purchases19:39
snap-lThey're really good about keeping some form of special running19:39
brouschyour user groups should have a discount code19:41
rick_hbrousch: yea, I signed us up for it and forget to ever use it19:41
snap-lWe used to(?) not sure if we still do19:41
snap-lrick_h: POst to discuss? :)19:41
rick_humm, no :P19:42
brouschwe hvae buy 1 get 1 free code DSUG219:42
rick_hyea, that one was in the email I read after buying19:43
brouschwrite it down, use it19:43
rick_hand a series of 20% codes for various conferences oging on19:43
rick_hand our group code is 35% if I recall19:43
snap-lrick_h: Why not? That might be useful information (for a change). ;)19:43
brouschif i were smart i'd put them all in an evernote so i could find them easily19:45
brouschsave 40% on print books and 50% on ebooks with DSUG19:54
jrwrenim so happy that rick_h is going to be a make guru, now I can ask him stuff20:18
jrwrenrick_h: get the autotools stuff too20:18
snap-lYeah, rick_h, you should be able to make a configure file by hand when this is done. ;)20:18
jrwrenlol @ configure by hand.20:19
jrwrenthat is NUTS20:19
snap-lI've written one by hand (while looking at some examples). It's not fun.20:20
snap-lI think I just gave up and tried to make the Makefile more intelligent20:21
snap-lbeen a while.20:21
snap-ljrwren: why?20:21
jrwrenyes why?20:21
snap-lwhich why? writing one by hand?20:22
snap-lStupidity? Youthful exuberance?20:22
jrwrenfair enugh20:22
snap-lNot knowing about how autotools worked20:22
snap-l(that's the real reason)20:22
jrwrenthat falls under stupidity and youthful exuberance :)20:23
snap-lHmm... seems __del__ is not called whenever I raise an exception20:24
snap-lInteresting too that they're calling SUSE the first Linux vendor to the Del OEM technology Partner Program20:53
brouschi'm loving google chome apps lately. have one for evernote and google music21:04
Blazeixbrousch++, me too21:10
brouschoh cool. in kubuntu i can set it to always open on a specific desktop maximmized21:13
brouschso i can pin it to desktop 9 and it'll always be there21:14
Blazeixunder Awesome i basically have a tag per chrome web app, so I have my music workspace, email workspace, etc.21:14
brouschyeah, so desktop 10 is google music app, 9 is evernote app21:14
brouschby convention desktop 1 is my work browser crap, 2 is personal browser crap, 3 is pidgin, 4 is actual work21:15
Blazeixso... "intenterface"21:31
mydogsnameisrudyHUD hmmm21:53

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