
ChinnoDogPeeps that don't do Ubuntu for a living: What is a good way to list your involvement on a resume?00:39
teddy-dbeardang paws!00:43
teddy-dbearhave someone else do it for you ;-)00:43
=== Joe_CoT is now known as Marvin_CoT
n2diyLooking for opinions on using Dropbox?01:30
EvilResistanceugh evil system explosions are evil >.>01:31
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andurildid the system eat too much indian food?01:37
anduriln2diy drop box is pretty rad. I love synching stuff between my multiple computers, phone, etc.01:37
EvilResistancenope, hard disk corruption01:37
n2diytab doesn't work here!?01:38
n2diyanduril, yes, I like the idea of having off line back ups.01:39
EvilResistancen2diy:  why are you using xchag 0.26.1?01:39
EvilResistanceyou should upgrade to 2.8.x01:39
anduriln2diy keep in mind though they're only offline once they've synch'd. so, I wouldn't really call it a "backup"01:40
anduriland if a file is corrupted on one machine it could go to all machines01:40
n2diyEvilResistance, I just upgraded to 11.04, and this is what came with the packages.01:40
EvilResistancen2diy:  did you enable multiverse and universe?01:40
EvilResistancebecause if you enable those you get newer versions01:40
n2diyEvilResistance, no, not since I upgraded.01:41
EvilResistanceyou should :P01:41
n2diyEvilResistance, yes, I will in a second. :)01:41
n2diyanduril, roger that, between U1 and Dropbox, I think I'll be ok.01:42
* EvilResistance drops dropbox's security flaws list into n2diy's lap01:42
n2diyEvilResistance, multiverse and universe are enabled, so that carried over from the upgrade, synaptics is showing version 1.601:46
EvilResistanceif so, you need to slap yourself01:46
EvilResistanceand reenable multiverse and universe01:46
EvilResistanceand dont rely on synaptic to tell you if they're reenabled01:46
EvilResistancebecause they arent01:46
andurilEvilResistance trusting anyone thats a "cloud" is retarded. However, welcome to the internet01:47
andurilyou want shit secure bury it under 10ft of concrete unplugged01:48
n2diyDon't trust synaptic! =:O01:48
EvilResistanceanduril:  or bury it in a bunker and seal the bunker.  and disconnectit as well :P01:49
andurilnah I like a volcano01:49
andurilit seals itself01:49
* EvilResistance would rather just encrypt the drive and then reencrypt it, and then encrypt it a third time01:49
EvilResistanceand then i'd shoot the computer :Pp01:49
andurilthermite is the only answer01:50
EvilResistancecould just set a 5 pound brick of C4 on the hard disk, run away and then watch the fireworks :;p01:50
andurilthermite is alot prettier01:50
EvilResistanceunless you just want to watch something explode and not melt :P01:51
EvilResistanceooh ooh i knowe01:51
EvilResistanceincendiary explosives.  :P01:51
n2diyI didn't see an easy way to view sources with apt-get?01:51
EvilResistance(thermite isnt an explosive)01:51
EvilResistancen2diy:  sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list01:52
anduriln2diy terminal01:52
anduriloops too slow01:52
n2diynano? ha ha01:52
andurilnano rocks01:54
n2diyuniverse and multiverse are listed in sources.list01:55
andurilespecially since its not so gdamn strango/complex as vim/emacs01:55
n2diyanduril, roger that! It's so much easier to just double click on the file in Thunar (Xubuntu)01:56
n2diyok, I'm off to play with Dropbox.01:58
MutantTurkeywaltman: next time, I ended up in a rather boring debugging session for cmake builds of tde..03:46
MutantTurkeywednesday I'll be around03:47
waltmanMutantTurkey: I have a research talk online? News to me!03:49
MutantTurkeyYeah on youtube03:51
waltmanWhat was I talking about?03:51
waltmanSomething to with perl?03:52
MutantTurkeyno you were talking about one of your research papers03:52
MutantTurkeycanonical something03:52
waltmanOh, that!03:53
MutantTurkeyyes that04:07
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InHisNameGood Morning14:08
n2diyI'm confused about how you refer to a hidden file or diretory, /home/darryl./kde/... doesn't look right?14:34
andrewn2diy: ^14:38
andrewThe dot prefixes the filename14:38
n2diyandrew, ok, thanks.14:39
andrewPutting the dot in when naming the folder/file tells the system that it's a hidden file, unlike in windows where it is a flag14:44
sadin_Drupal is starting to look like a very promising CMS16:26
MutantTurkeyclass is so dull16:40
adomwhat class?16:46
MutantTurkeyPoli Sci16:53
adomoh. yeah that's not fun.16:54
MutantTurkeykilling me16:54
MobileTurkeyweeep woop17:04
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=== adom_ is now known as adom
MobileTurkeyanother sleepy day on the channel20:23
adomi just solved a huge issue with my FOG imaging deployment server20:23
SadinMobileTurkey im really starting appretiate drupal20:25
Sadinhuge fucking learning curve :/20:25
MobileTurkeyDrupal is cool I guess20:27
SadinMobileTurkey i kinda lik it cause its by everyone more or less20:28
Sadinyou know php right?20:28
SadinMobile Turkey cool ever look into the fuel framework?20:29
Sadinwoops MobileTurkey20:30
ChinnoDogI think that is an xkcd but I can't find it in the archive20:31
MobileTurkeyChinnoDog: use tineye20:31
MobileTurkeyno I haven't. I don't keep up with such stuff usually20:31
SadinMobileturkey well here its really nice and fun to use http://fuelphp.com20:32
MobileTurkeycool I'll check it out20:33
ChinnoDogMobileTurkey: that is pretty cool but still doesn't tell me where the original image came from20:33
MobileTurkeyChinnoDog: huh20:37
MobileTurkeysomething dwarf fortress relatd20:37
MobileTurkeythats what terms popped up with it20:40
Sadingrrr building subthemes in drupal 7 is hard to learn21:45

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