
cjohnstonmhall119: james_w discussing the daily bug01:11
cjohnstonmhall119: how can i rewrite that to include .date in the second one01:11
mhall119cjohnston: (utc_date+day).date01:12
james_wfor slot in summit.slot_set.filter(start_utc__gte=utc_date.date, start_utc__lt=(utc_date+day).date).order_by('start_utc'):01:12
james_wcjohnston, ^01:13
mhall119hey, that's what I said01:13
james_wthat's what it should be I think01:13
cjohnstonit doesnt fix it01:13
james_wanything that starts today01:13
james_wcjohnston, I changed two other things01:13
james_w__lt rather than __lte01:13
james_wso that it's less than, rather than less than or equal01:13
mhall119ok, actually rebooting now01:13
james_wotherwise it will still do two days as you saw01:13
james_wthe other change is end_utc to start_utc01:14
cjohnstonjames_w: should it be start, start?01:14
james_wso that tests don't fail around midnight01:14
cjohnstonstill doesnt seem to work01:14
cjohnstonfor slot in summit.slot_set.filter(start_utc__gte=utc_date.date, start_utc__lt=(utc_date+day).date).order_by('start_utc')01:14
james_wstill showing the same slots?01:15
cjohnstonfor slot in summit.slot_set.filter(start_utc__gte=utc_date.date, start_utc__lt=(utc_date+day).date).order_by('start_utc')01:16
cjohnstonsomething is invalid ^01:16
cjohnston 91.                 lookup_view = getattr(import_module(mod_name), func_name)01:16
cjohnstonFile "/home/chris/.virtualenvs/summit/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/utils/importlib.py" in import_module01:16
cjohnston  35.     __import__(name)01:16
cjohnstonException Type: SyntaxError at /lcq1-12/2012-02-07/01:16
cjohnstonException Value: invalid syntax (views.py, line 77)01:16
james_wcjohnston, missing colon at the end of the line01:20
cjohnstonstill get01:20
cjohnstonTuesday >01:20
cjohnston16:15 - 17:00 06 0201:20
james_wwhich day are you viewing?01:21
cjohnstonits actually a problem with start date and not end date01:21
cjohnstoncause the summit goes until 0200 on the next day utc01:21
cjohnstonso end date isnt the problem01:21
james_wso it's really an issue with the fact that this summit crosses a utc day boundary?01:22
cjohnstonjames_w: somehow it needs to be done based on local time01:22
cjohnstonbecause its showing the last two sessions from monday on tuesday01:22
james_wI still think we should keep that change as well01:23
cjohnstonwhich would be 00-01 and 01-0201:23
james_wutc_date = summit.delocalize(viewdate)01:23
james_wit does call that01:23
james_woh, I think I know01:23
james_wfor slot in summit.slot_set.filter(start_utc__gte=utc_date, start_utc__lt=(utc_date+day)).order_by('start_utc'):01:24
james_wtry that one?01:24
james_wwe don't want to use .date which will take the start of the day in UTC, we already have the date as the start of the day in localtime, so just use the 24 hours after that01:26
cjohnstonstill not working01:26
james_wsame results?01:28
james_wsorry, but I have to go now01:28
james_wI hope you get this fixed01:28
cjohnstonis there some way that we can change it from utc to local tz01:28
cjohnstonty james_w01:28
danilosnigelb, hi, I've heard from cjohnston about the problems with allowing people to be added to the private meeting directly15:57
danilosnigelb, I wonder what the status on that is and whether I can help anyhow? (if you are around, of course)15:57
mhall119nigelb: I wasn't sure if you've started on that or not, and if so how far you've gotten15:57
nigelbdanilos: I played around, but now I figure I need a new form to do it.16:03
nigelbI never got around to actually doing it.16:03
danilosnigelb, right, I guess we can't add a reference to the model to be able to easily add it to the form as well :/16:04
mhall119danilos: no, since we're actually two relations apart16:05
mhall119we need to create what Django calls an inline formset16:06
nigelbyeah, that.16:08
danilossounds interesting16:18
* danilos reads up on that16:18
danilosbtw, is the rest of the private meetings stuff up? can I have Stephen test it16:19
cjohnstondanilos: we have one more bug that came up that we need to fix before pushing live.. otherwise it will break the plenary stuff again16:20
cjohnstonremoving the linaro hacks introduced a bug with the plenaries because last uds there were multiple plenaries16:20
danilosoh, right, so code burped on the last UDS data16:22
cjohnstonkinda.. ya16:24
daniloscjohnston, anything I can look into to make it chug along?16:28
cjohnstondanilos: in truck, plenaries are not currently displayed16:29
daniloscjohnston, have you tried a regular car? :)16:29
cjohnstonadd that mp, and plenaries are displayed, but i believe mhall119 has last uds in his db, which is what caused the error16:30
cjohnstondanilos: from trunk, you can import-live-data uds-p and then you will have the data from the last uds to test against16:31
cjohnstonim currently in the middle of debugging ubuntu one16:31
cjohnstonso im stuck for a bit16:31
daniloscjohnston, cool, thanks16:31
mhall119danilos: we don't have a staging area for summit, but I can fire up a cloud instance for testing16:35
danilosmhall119, I'll try the import-live-data approach first, I used to have a DB dump myself, but since I am not really keeping up with things, I'll see how it goes16:35
danilosmhall119, cjohnston, nigelb: so, I've gotten a deadline to make this ready for use by EOD tomorrow, so if there's any help I can get, I'd appreciate it :)16:36
cjohnstonthis and the participants is it16:36
mhall119danilos: import-live-data only gets the schedule, nothing about attendees or participants16:37
danilosmhall119, right, so it's not going to be sufficient? I guess I need to run a few scripts for that (one the get the XML for the sprint and parse it, another to re-read all the BPs)16:37
cjohnstonthat should work for the pleanry thing tho16:38
mhall119you'll need to create an Attendee record for yourself in the admin for some of the features to be available16:38
mhall119but otherwise it'll work16:38
cjohnstonwell.. that too16:38
mhall119I was just letting you know that it won't import everything that is in production16:38
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
danilosmhall119, right, thanks16:41
danilosmhall119, cjohnston: I also don't see the import_live_data among the commands of manage.py, I wonder if I am missing something16:43
cjohnstondanilos: ^16:44
daniloscjohnston, I don't see that either (and it reports "unknown command" for either _ or - version)16:44
cjohnstondanilos: you updated from trunk I assume?16:45
daniloscjohnston, yes, I can see the import_live_data.py file and the rev I have is r259, let me try to clean up the tree and rebuild it16:46
mhall119cjohnston: it has underscores16:48
cjohnstonoh.. i thought it was -16:49
danilosgot it working, trying manage.py from the wrong path, it'd be nice if it set the sys.path to appropriate values itself16:57
danilosI am also going to use lpupdate command to get all the users in17:06
daniloscjohnston, I've pasted the modification which makes it work for me, it's very simplistic fix which ensures it doesn't crash, correctness can be debated (it gets the first agenda)17:20
mhall119cjohnston: it's hyphens in LTP17:22
mhall119but hyphens in python files makes them useless as python modules17:22
cjohnstonmhall119: gotcha17:24
daniloscjohnston, yes, want me to push a separate branch and create an MP?17:29
=== Ronnie1 is now known as Ronnie
daniloscjohnston, mhall119: fwiw, for that particular problem with plenaries for uds-p — https://code.launchpad.net/~danilo/summit/fix-plenaries/+merge/8996318:03
cjohnstonmhall119: can you throw that into mine from earlier that you were working on and test it please? I'm now trying to get my desktop back18:08
mhall119cjohnston: which one of yours?18:08
mhall119cjohnston: can  we just land his, I know what it's doing and i'm okay with it18:09
cjohnstonthats fine18:10
cjohnstonthen land https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/summit/daily-updates/+merge/8982518:11
danilosmhall119, I've set cjohnston's branch as a pre-req in LP, so if mine is landed, his will be included as well18:16
daniloshttps://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/summit/920751/+merge/89806 <- this one18:17
mhall119approved both18:21
mhall119tests pass, no more error on the wide display, thanks guys18:21
cjohnstonmhall119: can you do the daily updates branch18:22
cjohnstonmhall119: if you could also review the other two branches... the open graph and the twitter18:23
cjohnstonill push to production and push a release18:23
cjohnstonthen we can release the participants part when we get it18:23
cjohnstondanilos: afaik the only thing left is the participants stuff18:24
cjohnstonnigelb: can you hit tarmac please18:24
daniloscjohnston, right, I'll look into that as well, but I'll probably switch locations and stay off IRC while I do that to get more dedicated hacking time for it :)18:25
cjohnstonok.. should we leave it with you then danilos /18:25
cjohnston(for that part)18:26
daniloscjohnston, well, I'll only look into the problem tonight, I'll connect with nigelb tomorrow morning to see where he's at18:28
cjohnstonsounds god18:29
cjohnstonthanks danilos18:29
danilosno, thank you guys :)18:29
cjohnstonmhall119: tarmac sucks sometimes18:32
mhall119cjohnston: open graph branch approved, landing it by hand becuase of a conflict with trunk18:36
mhall119cjohnston: the twitter one had two more conflicts, can you update them please?18:38
mhall119also, what happens if a summit has no hashtag?18:39
mhall119I do like the social networking stuff on the meeting page though, that's nice18:39
cjohnstonmhall119: i can do either an if, or require a hashtag18:41
mhall119do an if, since old summits won't have one18:41
mhall119and new summits might not have one when they are first created18:41
mhall119cjohnston: danilos: all your fixes have landed18:54
cjohnstonmhall119: pushed19:10
cjohnstonmhall119: for the participant stuff.. is it the inline formset thats needed?19:11
mhall119cjohnston: I think so, yes19:11
cjohnstonya.. that doesnt look like fun19:12
cjohnstonmhall119: if you can do a quick review of the hashtag thing, as soon as everything finishes merging, ill get it released19:12
mhall119cjohnston: the twitter feed pushes the schedule lists down quite a big19:29
cjohnstondo you want it to the left?19:31
cjohnstonmhall119: we need a new hash tag for uds19:32
mhall119yeah, i know19:32
cjohnston#devsummit >19:33
cjohnstonits no less ubuntu than uds19:33
mhall119yes it is19:33
cjohnstonlong as crap19:34
mhall119#uds-q ?19:34
mhall119or #udsq19:34
cjohnstoni like not changing it each time19:35
cjohnstonmhall119: what do you want me to do with the schedule list19:39
mhall119cjohnston: I'm not sure19:55
cjohnstonmerge it and we can decide later?20:12
cjohnstonmhall119: where did you get your little sound icon from?20:17
cjohnstoncan you get one for chat?20:18
mhall119cjohnston: I stole if from the desktop icon set20:19
mhall119and yeah, I can get a chat one20:19
cjohnstoncould you email it to me please?20:19
cjohnstonor tell me where in the folder structure i could find it20:19
cjohnstonmhall119: what do you think about changing the QR code on the display screen and the daily screen to link to that same page on your cell phone20:21
cjohnstonwell.. to link to the daily page on your cell phone20:21
mhall119not yet, maybe when we have a decent mobile web interface20:21
cjohnstonmhall119: whats your thought about making the daily page and the display page automatically refresh every 5 minutes20:23
mhall119display page yes, daily page no20:25
cjohnstonwhy no?20:25
cjohnstonthe ability doesnt exist on the daily page to make it refresh by ?refresh20:26
cjohnstonwhat about removing     "django.core.context_processors.i18n", from settings.py too20:27
cjohnstonand turning USE_I18N = True False20:27
mhall119the daily schedule shouldn't be auto-refreshing, IMO20:33
mhall119it's only for desktop use, it should conform to normal webpage usage20:34
mhall119i18n might be used by the admin20:35
cjohnstonI think I removed it all from the admin20:40
cjohnstonor are you saying outside of what we can control by code20:40
mhall119yeah, the django.contrib.admin stuff21:01

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