
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!00:00
=== Gskellig is now known as Gskellig|away
Scama!ro linuxgate`00:00
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro00:00
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw00:00
ActionParsnipwhoever: which email client?00:00
whoeverActionParsnip: gmail web ui no client00:01
LjLthis channel is about Ubuntu support, and in English. please stick to that. last warning. also, /msg the bot in private.00:01
LjLScama: stop00:01
justinfront_Hi I downloaded installl files for haXe and extracted I have just installed ubuntu 64 on a mac via virtual drive but not sure how to open the file - newbie to linux00:01
LjLScama: i just explained why.00:01
LjLScama: this channel is about Ubuntu support, and in English. please stick to that. last warning. also, /msg the bot in private.00:01
ActionParsnipwhoever: does it happen the same in all browsers?00:01
Juv1228aBound, a whatnow?00:02
LjL!bot > Scama00:02
ubottuScama, please see my private message00:02
tech936ok im looking for channel Operators for my channel it will be a chat area for users on my private server if your interested please private me00:02
aBoundJuv1228, www.system76.com00:02
aBoundbrb gotta reboot00:02
whoeverActionParsnip: i found a email cups driver  but is to new to be in the repos, do you know anything about it http://sourceforge.net/projects/cupsemailptr/00:02
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:02
LjL!ot | tech93600:02
ubottutech936: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:02
linuxgate`Spam Scama00:02
LjLroadfish: please stop that.00:03
FloodBot1Scama: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:03
tech936sorry my bad didn't really see anything wrong with recruiting my bad wont happen again00:03
ActionParsnipwhoever: do you click the print button in the gmail UI or use file->print in the browser?00:04
justinfront_hi guy's I am not sure if I can partially install haXe in 64bit ubuntu or not.00:04
roadfishLjL:ok, sorry ... I was just curious about other channels for Linux. I just wanted see their conversations.00:04
ActionParsnip!info haxe00:04
ubottuhaxe (source: haxe): Web-oriented universal programming language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.7+20110131-3 (oneiric), package size 1162 kB, installed size 6196 kB00:04
LjLroadfish: fine, but please /msg the bot in private to investigate it00:04
ActionParsnipjustinfront_: seems to be available00:04
flowerpotjustinfront_, only one way to find out00:04
roadfishLjL: ok thanks ... use /msg00:05
justinfront_I downloaded and extracted but not sure how to get it to run I have tried open but nothing happens00:05
whoeverActionParsnip: i have used ctl+p and file> Print both same result00:05
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ActionParsnipwhoever: what browsers have you tried?00:05
whoeverActionParsnip:  chrome and FF00:07
fission6how do i sync my time00:08
studenthow can i restore the factory settings to my laptop00:09
tech936so i know im not allowed to recruit but anyone interested ?00:09
justinfront_The link address for linux installer for haXe is http://haxe.org/file/hxinst-linux.tgz  it's like a cross platform language a bit like java/c++/as3 but also has functional language overtones, compiled by ocaml, I wanted to try using in on linux, maybe I should try 32bit ubuntu?  Or maybe I should try compiling from source, how would I get to a terminal in the latest ubuntu and to get ocaml...00:10
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justinfront_...and gcc?00:10
ActionParsnipwhoever: try the print button actually in the web UI rather than file -> print00:10
tech936student what os is your laptop00:10
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shadykhanis there a way to change permissions to the folder and the subfolders?00:12
justinfront_would it be better to use a different linux installation, not seeing easy access to a terminal?00:12
ActionParsnipshadykhan: look into  chmod and chown00:12
shadykhanActionparsnip, im using chmod but it only changes the folder i target00:12
ActionParsnipjustinfront_: install guake (I assum Gnome desktop0 and you can hide and show it with a shortcut key00:12
ActionParsnipjustinfront_: or use CTRL+ALT+T to show the terminal00:12
tech936in what os00:12
ActionParsnipshadykhan: add the -R option for (r)ecursive00:13
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ActionParsnipshadykhan: and it will do the stuff below00:13
whoeveradan0s: wher is the print button  in the gmail ui ? i can't seem to find it in the new ui and never used it in the old00:13
shadykhanActionParsnip, Thank you where do i put -r right after chmod?00:13
MetroshicaI'm trying to save a grep output as a bash variable by using the command $value = grep '[0-9]\{8\}' $input00:14
Metroshica, where value is the variable I want to save it to, and input is the variable containing the file's name. I'm new to bash, so could someone let me know what I"m doing wrong00:14
student_how can i restore the factory settings to my laptop00:14
student_linux ubuntu xfce gnome or some like that00:14
student_linux ubuntu xfce gnome or some like that00:15
acerimmerstudent: you mean the windows factory settings??00:15
endafymy left bar is getting cramped with all the applications I use most often, how do I put icons on the desktop?00:15
shadykhanthanks i got it00:15
student_how can i restore the factory settings to my laptop00:15
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endafyI wish I could right click on an icon and put a shortcut on the effin desktop!00:16
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Metroshica, where value is the variable I want to save it to, and input is the variable containing the file's name. I'm new to bash, so could someone let me know what I"m doing wrong00:16
acerimmerstudent_: you mean the windows factory settings?00:16
endafyhow do I put icons on the desktop wow what was that lol00:16
student_i dont have windows00:17
acerimmerstudent_: so you mean ubuntu factory settings?00:17
endafyoh my god whoever the fuck is logging in and out fucking stop it is getting annoying00:17
justinfront_ok using vmware I am in terminal and when I type su it does not accept the password I setup is this to do with vmware or is there something I don't know on ubuntu?00:17
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acerimmerstudent_: 2 options - go to your home directory, display and delete all hidden files.  Log out/log on and you'll have to rebuild all configurations, settings and profiles00:18
endafyI want to so badly, drag an icon onto my desktop and have it stay!00:18
endafywhy is this impossible00:18
acerimmerstudent_: or create a new user.  it'll be defaulted.00:18
ChotazHey can, how can I use the shell to check a directory for sfv files and use cksfv on them?00:19
bsmith093does anyone knoe of a lossless cbr cbz to pdf converter?00:19
ActionParsnipshadykhan: it's -R  not -r00:20
ChotazHey guys*00:20
student_i have an older version of ubuntu00:20
whoeverActionParsnip: wher is the print button  in the gmail ui ? i can't seem to find it in the new ui and never used it in the old00:21
MaxHRHello, just tried installing takeoff from http://code.google.com/p/takeoff-launcher/wiki/Downloads?tm=2 and got an error that kdelibs is not installable, any ideas to fix?00:21
MK13what is the way to stop the kernel(?) messages from being printed to the console? I had solved this awhile ago with a different system, but I can't seem to find anything on it now.00:22
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ActionParsnipwhoever: to the right of the subject line in an open email...00:22
drako689anyone can help?00:24
drako689in install php5-xsl in ubuntu?00:24
ActionParsnip!info php5-xsl00:24
ubottuphp5-xsl (source: php5): XSL module for php5. In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.6-13ubuntu3.3 (oneiric), package size 12 kB, installed size 80 kB00:24
drako689the problem is00:24
ActionParsnipdrako689: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install php5-xsl00:24
doateshi can anyone help me please i am fairly inexperienced with ubuntyu00:25
drako689appears that http://pastebin.com/wFaERctc00:25
ActionParsnipdoates: ask away00:25
drako689and i can't upgrade my php version00:25
doatesthankyou kind sir00:25
ActionParsnipdrako689: try:  sudo apt-get -f install00:25
drako689i need to stay in the installed version00:25
doatesfor some reason i have trouble consistenly connecting to my default network so i wish to uninstall and reinstall windows, but when i put my windows disc in it doesnt autorun and clicking setup.exe does not work00:26
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drako689ActionParsnip i can't upgrade the php5 version00:26
drako689i only need to install php5-xsl00:26
drako689can  i do that?00:26
ActionParsnipdoates: setup.exe won't work from ubuntu, you need to boot to the cd00:27
triforcemikehow do i restore factory settings on my laptop00:27
ActionParsnipdrako689: the app needs those versions to run00:27
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doatesi have the disc in the drive but when i restart computer it doesnt autorun00:27
acerimmertriforcemike: create new sudo account.  login.  all settings will be default'd00:27
drako689ActionParsnip but i gona have problems if i upgrade php5 version?00:28
robertfi need to seed torrent files. I'm using transmissioncli. How to do it? transmissioncli file1.torrent file2.torrent?00:28
acerimmertriforcemike: or go to the /home, display and delete hidden folders.  logout/login and rebuild settings, configs, profiles00:28
whoeverActionParsnip: that seemd to work but i get something like 26pt font , is that adjustable00:28
ActionParsnipwhoever: not sure there, try in setting in gmail00:29
doatesActionParsnip: is there a cmd that will let me boot from disk?00:29
whoeverActionParsnip: i don't see a print settings link, i'll google for it and let you know00:30
Chotaznvm "find «path» -iname '*.sfv' -exec cksfv -g {} \;" worked :D00:30
MK13Alright, found the offending file for the flooding of kernel messages. It's in the /etc/sysctl.conf file. A line specifically stated that :) Oh well.00:31
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whoeverActionParsnip: for FF http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/gmail/thread?tid=6b08e08655b5c9f8&hl=en , now lookng for chrome00:32
yaboowhat is the best rss reader on ubuntu00:36
ubottuyaboo: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:36
qbert__hi: i always get this error when linking 32bit applications ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libSDL.so when searching for -lSDL What am i doing wrong00:36
CaptAnonDoes anyone have any experianse with raname00:37
ActionParsnipwhoever: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/gmail/thread?tid=73d3db1d4719b1e0&hl=en00:38
drako689ActionParsnip http://pastebin.com/wFaERctc00:38
drako689what you think?00:38
drako689i can do the upgrade :) and no problem with my ubuntu server?00:39
doatescan anyone help me?00:39
dagerikHow can I sort on third column when separator is \t?00:40
ActionParsnipdrako689: you'll need to satisfy deps dude, its all I can say00:41
ActionParsnipdagerik: sure00:41
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:42
doatesactionparsnip how can i boot from disc00:42
=== Guest37826 is now known as NotaGuest
whoeverActionParsnip: thx , the one i found  i would have to set the font globaly , but it didn't occur to me to cancel the print promt and ctrl +/- the ctrl p00:46
ActionParsnipdoates: have it put in at boot and set the BIOS to boot from it. Be careful if you do not want to remove your ubuntu install00:46
ActionParsniptriforceMIKE: how is a new motherboard related to ubuntu?00:47
doatesactionparsnip i have no idea how to do that and i do wat to remove ubuntu completely00:47
=== jack is now known as Guest21065
triforceMIKEidk lol00:47
ActionParsnipdoates: I'd ask in ##windows00:47
zabomberHi guys00:48
zabomberany idea why my folders and files look like this?00:49
doatesactionparsnip im curretly running ubuntu but cant use the windows install disc that is curretly in my drive00:49
zabomberim running 11.10 64bit. and it just happened over night00:49
jeremiah_I am new here. How do i install certain things in lubuntu?00:49
Juv1228if i have 16gb ram, whats a reasonable size for swap partition00:50
Juv1228if all i plan to do is use it for hibernate?00:50
ActionParsnipdoates: then your issue is with Windows00:50
ActionParsnipJuv1228: 16Gb00:50
doatesokay thankyou00:50
jeremiah_I am new here. How do i install certain things in lubuntu?00:50
acerimmerjeremiah_: what do you want to get00:51
ActionParsnipzabomber: tried a different theme?00:51
jeremiah_Flash, java and some more stuff latter on00:51
zykotick9jeremiah_: "sudo apt-get foo" where foo is the name of the program.  Is one method.00:51
jeremiah_so sudo apt-get java?00:52
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: flash is installable by enabling the partner repo and installing adobe-installer00:52
zykotick9does lubuntu have an lubuntu-restricted-extras package?  for jeremiah_00:52
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: java isn't an option of apt-get00:52
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: are you using 32bit Ubuntu?00:53
jeremiah_then how do i get it?00:53
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »00:53
jmscomtechyjermiah_ u could also try " sudo apt-get lubuntu-restricted-extras " is another00:54
nancy--can anyone recommend a "trustable" well renouned vps (with root access) host    for $10 /month  . i signed at fdcservers.net but they  cancelled my order because they were unable to verify card. strange  ?00:54
flowerpotnancy--, ec2 offers a free virtual machine for 1 year.00:54
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: if you run: http://paste.ubuntu.com/814945/   it will install 32bit Java for Chromium :000:54
nancy--flowerpot,  that will not have quality00:54
flowerpotnancy--, what do you mean?00:54
nancy--flowerpot,  a machine for free will not give reliablitiy00:55
flowerpotnancy--, it's exactly the same as every other virtual machine on EC2.  how reliable it is is up to you00:55
flowerpotnancy--, ec2 is reliable enough for thousands of mainstream companies; I don't see why it shouldn't be reliable for you, too00:55
* flowerpot is proxing his IRC connection through a free EC2 virtual machine right now.00:56
jeremiah_and flash?00:56
crassusflowerpot: what AMI are you using?00:56
nancy--flowerpot,  why does it gives free ?00:56
crassusare there any AMIs for Lucid?00:56
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: it will install with the ubuntu-restricted-extras package00:56
crassusflowerpot: I signed up for free tier and unfortunately got some fees :(00:56
ActionParsnipcrassus: what is an AMI?00:56
flowerpotnancy--, because they can.  The idea is that you use it free (within limits) for a year, learn to use it, like it, and stick with it so you pay the next year00:57
jeremiah_i am new. i don't know what that exactly is.00:57
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: use software centre00:57
nancy--flowerpot,  what is ec2 web address?00:57
flowerpotnancy--,  http://aws.amazon.com/free/faqs/00:57
crassusActionParsnip: it's basically a VM image that you can load into Amazon EC2 to use. There's thousands of them, mostly community-generated. Some for specific tasks; like a SuSE one setup with mono, or a Ubuntu 11.10 one setup for Ruby on Rails, etc.00:58
flowerpotnancy--, crassus: you do need to be careful though.  not everything qualifies for their free tier.  As long as you're aware of what you're running, it isn't a problem.00:58
crassusActionParsnip: Amazon has a one-year free tier usage plan for new users too00:58
jeremiah_I can't find it in the bird circle thing00:58
flowerpotcrassus, I'm using ami-30fe7300 in us-west-2.  It has nothing installed on it; it's just the vanilla Amazon Linux image.  I'm proxying via SSH.00:58
crassusflowerpot: yeah, I think I sort of crossed the line, in that I wanted to find a 10.04/Lucid AMI, couldn't find one, so just picked out the simplest Lucid one and prayed for the best. Amazon was thankfully very understanding and waived my charges after I killed those instances.00:59
crassusflowerpot: cool, what's it built on? slackware?00:59
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: jeez, press CTRL+ALT+T and run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade; sudo apt-get -y install lubuntu-restricted-extras00:59
flowerpotcrassus,  AWS tends to be nice about that kind of thing00:59
jeremiah_sorry. i am just a newbie01:00
flowerpotcrassus, Amazon Linux.01:00
flowerpotwhich i believe is based on redhat?01:00
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: you need to be a little braver with your OS dude01:02
jeremiah_uh what is os?01:02
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: (o)perating (s)ystem01:02
jeremiah_I know i am stupid!!01:02
ActionParsnip(o)perating (s)ystem01:02
jeremiah_thank u01:02
crassusjeremiah_: nah, you're just new01:02
jeremiah_someone told me i should never give up. and if i have to look stupid,  or start as a newbie, i will01:03
genewitchwhere's the guide for installing UEC on 11.10? the installer doesn't say anything about cloud anymore01:04
al_nz1I am installing dhcpd-server and next it says to edit /etc/dhcpd3/dhcpd.conf - but after install the dhcpd3 directory does not exist?01:04
phazeroot<jeremiah_> also try buying a couple of books or reading free tutorials you may want to try youtube as well01:04
pseudomanderDoes anyone know where the startup programs tab saves it's data01:04
jeremiah_i will01:05
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jeremiah_i know some of linux just not very much01:05
wolfmitchellHow do I start Ubuntu without X?01:05
pseudomanderI need to edit the contents but cannot access the account I need to edit it on01:05
genewitchwolfmitchell: why01:05
genewitchwolfmitchell: like, just once or all the time01:05
somsip!text | wolfmitchell01:06
ubottuwolfmitchell: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode01:06
wolfmitchellAdd it to the end?01:06
cschuckhey is there a way I can setup a 3 speaker system (left fr, right fr, sub/amp0)01:07
cschuckor is that just worthless01:07
somsipwolfmitchell: append = "add it to the end", yes01:07
pseudomanderWhere does the Startup Programs Tab store the data informing X what to run at boot-time?01:08
doateshi can anyone here help me01:08
cschuckposs. whats up01:09
triforceMIKEi probably can01:09
pseudomanderI have a syntax error in a code I attempted to add and now can no longer boot :(01:09
cschuckwhat were you trying to add?01:09
MK13pseudomander: what file is the code in?01:09
cschuckother than a code?01:09
doatesim currently running on ubuntu and im trying to put windows back on remove ubutu i put in the disc for windows but it wont autorun and nor does the setup.exe01:09
pseudomanderI tried to add a script to a user account which required root01:10
MK13doates: boot from the windows disc01:10
doatesmk13 how can i do that01:10
cschuckyeah. you can't run .exe files on ubuntu (obviously) but yeah.. what mk13 said01:10
pseudomanderSo I added a sudo to the code expecting it to ask me to enter the password again during boot.01:10
pseudomanderinstead everything just pauses waiting for input01:11
pseudomanderand I cannot get past X's loading screen01:11
jribpseudomander: so remove it?01:11
MK13doates: you keep the disc in the drive, then set the bios to boot from the CD01:11
cschuckpseudomander: can you enter characters and terminal's responsive?01:11
doatesMK13 can you go into further detail please01:12
doatesim new to ubuntu01:12
pseudomanderNo I can't sadly :(01:12
MK13doates: what kind of computer do you have?01:12
aBounddoates, Welcome to Ubuntu. :)01:12
doatesrunning an hp laptop01:12
MK13aBound: apparently about to leave as well :(01:12
pseudomanderI have access to other accounts though, and was looking for were the cose would be stored in home/pseudomander. If that's where it would be01:12
doatesaBound thankyou!01:12
aBoundMK13, Leaving ubuntu or the channel?01:13
cschuckdoates: put the cd into the disc drive. restart your computer. there should be a "choose boot screen"01:13
MK13aBound: ubuntu01:13
aBoundMK13, Awww, any reason for leaving Ubuntu?01:13
doatesi know the choose boot the options are all ubuntu / ubuntu(safemode)01:13
MK13doates: that boot screen is past the BIOS01:14
cschuckdid you delete windows or something when you installed ubuntu?01:14
cschuckyou should be able to boot between windows and ubuntu01:14
doatesyes i took windows off cause i had a virus then on here my connection would always disconnect randomly01:14
doatesits not dual partition01:14
cschuckahhh gotcha01:14
MK13aBound: it's doates leaving btw01:14
cschuckyou might have to re-partition your harddrive01:15
cschuckim not completely sure though01:15
MK13doates: did you say that you want to remove ubuntu completely?01:15
cschuckim new to ubuntu too but im running irc client from terminal so im not that far off01:15
aBoundMK13, Confusing me you're doates? Or are you saying doates is leaving.01:15
cschuckdoates is leaving01:15
MK13aBound: sorry, doates is the one leaving01:15
aBounddoates, You can't leave us. :P01:16
MK13aBound: i just got up and running on my ps3 :D01:16
doatesaBound story is i got a virus on windows uninstalled and single partitioned ubuntu but on ubuntu i have trouble connecting to the default network constantly so i wanna go back to windows using my windows disc01:16
aBoundMK13, Woot I thought they removed OtherOS?01:16
MK13aBound: they did, hackers brought it back01:17
nancy--can anyone recommend a "trustable" well renouned vps (with root access) host    for $10 /month  . i signed at fdcservers.net but they  cancelled my order because they were unable to verify card. strange  ?01:17
aBounddoates, Ahh, understandable.01:17
aBoundMK13, I suppose you need a downgrade for the firmware right.01:17
triforceMIKEi have xubuntu does anybody know how i restore factory settings without creating new user01:17
cschucktheres a partitioner on the ubuntu software store I know01:17
cschucknot sure what its called.01:18
pjshey all.. I have a fresh install of ubutun 11.0 and by default it's starting the default window manager. How do I disable this? I dont want any WM running at all. Just a root prompt. I thought it was gdm, but there are no init scripts for that01:18
MK13aBound: I believe so... i hadn't updated this one in a while (broken blu ray drive) so i just updated to the custom firmware01:18
ActionParsnippjs: add the boot option: text01:18
somsipcschuck: there are a few, but gparted is probably the one I hear anout most01:18
acerimmertriforceMIKE: display the home folder.  show hidden folders.   delete hidden folders.  logout/login01:18
aBoundMK13, Awesome.01:18
MK13doates: when you boot your computer their should be a message to push a specific key to enter setup01:19
poincare101I'm on command line ubuntu, what file schanges the resolution of the display in Gnome/Unity?01:19
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ActionParsnippjs: you will be able to log in as your user at CLI and use your OS as usual there01:19
aBoundCrap accidentally left the chat room.01:19
MK13doates: something like esc, del, f1 or similar01:19
XenethEvening peeps01:20
doatesill see if not ill be back01:20
MK13doates: alright, good luck01:21
MK13doates: look for an option boot order and make sure cd is b4 hdd01:21
aBoundAnybody using Unity 5.0?01:21
max_noobIs there any kind soul out there that can help me with a laptop that doesn't shuts down using ubunto unless it is unplugged?01:21
MK13aBound: I ran full speed away from unity :(01:22
ActionParsnipaBound: its default in precise and only installable via ppa, so either way its not supported here01:22
[[thufir]]trying to mount alternate cd iso as so:  http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1460012  what's wrong with that?  says no such file01:22
EvilResistancemax_noob:  did you try the command 'halt' via command line?01:22
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aBoundActionParsnip, I know but dang I just can't wait.01:22
max_nooblet me try then01:22
aBoundMK13, I like Unity simplifies things.01:22
EvilResistancemax_noob:  try using the 'halt' command or 'shutdown -h now'01:22
EvilResistancemax_noob:  either of those will require sudo if i remember right...01:23
MK13aBound: i use either xfce or xmonad01:23
aBoundMK13, Ubuntu is like the distro where you can just go about your business like Mint. :P01:23
aBoundxmonad never used that before or ever heard of it.01:23
pjsActionParsnip thanks. Where do I add that?01:23
MK13aBound: it's just a window manager, not a DE. Windows can be managed using only the keyboard01:24
evernoobis unity available for any other distro?01:24
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aBoundMK13, Sounds like you like it for it's keyboard shortcuts.01:24
acerimmerevernoob: every other ubuntu sure.  not sure beyond that...01:24
somsip_evernoob: no01:24
MK13aBound: not much else to like it for01:24
zykotick9evernoob: nope.  a few people where trying, i believe they man have given up - "too many bugs"01:24
somsip_evernoob: http://www.thevarguy.com/2012/01/23/why-dont-other-linux-distros-use-unity-a-few-thoughts/01:25
aBoundMK13, True that it does look ugly but I'm sure it can be useful.01:25
max_noobI dont think halt is working the laptop is saying "will now halttooth" but its still working :S01:25
evernoobI personally hate it - but one thing keping me from persevering is the thought that it "locks me in" to ubuntu medium term01:26
jediaelhello, my audio is not woking01:26
max_nooboh well I guess I just have to push the power button for 8secs again01:26
narkotikhello, how can i fix wlan0? it says its for ethernet but its working as wireless how do i change it back?01:26
aBoundIs there a channel for Ubuntu Precise?01:26
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:26
aBoundacerimmer, Thanks.01:27
ActionParsnippjs: #ubuntu+101:27
jediaelMy audio is not working01:28
ActionParsnipevernoob: you can install xfce4, log off, log in to xfce session and not use unity..01:28
pjsActionParsnip, sorry?01:28
ActionParsnipjediael: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh01:29
ActionParsnippjs: the channel for Precise is #ubuntu+101:29
evernoobAction, yes, I do01:29
ActionParsnipjediael: and can you expand on 'not working', it doesn't tell us much01:29
jediaeli am not able to hear any audio01:29
[[thufir]]why does gksu give a syntax error?  http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1460013  I'm following the upgrade guide01:29
MK13narkotik: what wireless card?01:30
ActionParsnipevernoob: so how are you "locked in"?01:30
xangua[[thufir]]: 'sudo gksu' o_O01:30
jediaelActionParsnip i am not able to hear audio01:30
ActionParsnipjediael: from speakers? over HDMI? from headphones?01:30
max_noobhalt and shutdown -h now dont seem to work with my laptop while plugged, does anyone still have any suggestions for this ?01:30
zykotick9[[thufir]]: you can't "run" an iso eitehr01:30
ActionParsnipmax_noob: what model system??01:31
walbertCould anyone help me with setting up X to work with dual monitors, each with its own video card? - specifically a laptop with one of those "Optimus" NVidia cards which collaborates with a weaker intel chipset card? I can't seem to get the display plugged directly into the nvidia card's port to function01:31
MK13max_noob: poweroff reboot ? they may be aliases of shutdown01:31
pjsActionParsnip, thanks. I'll ask there too. Unless you just wanna tell me the file name? :)01:31
MK13max_noob: two seperate commands btw01:31
evernoobwhat I meant was, time spent learning and customising Unity is applicable to Ubuntu only - I did use quotes for "locked in"01:32
jwpeddleHow do I disable/change the unity launcher shortcut? (super/windows key by default)01:32
max_noobso I try sudo poweroff ?01:32
MK13max_noob: yea, it just might work01:32
[[thufir]]I  ran sudo as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades  which says to use gksu on the iso.01:32
jediaelActionParsnip: from any of sources.01:32
jediaelhow do i comunicae with u only ?01:33
ActionParsnipjediael: ok, run the command in a terminal and select to upload to the server, it will make a URL. What is the URL?01:33
max_noobsince normal restart works, and shutdown if its unplugged01:33
ActionParsnippjs: file name of what?01:33
MK13jediael: /msg <name> but ask if it's ok first01:33
pjsActionParsnip, I assume to edit the boot option so I can add : text to it. I just dont want the WM to run at boot01:34
jediaeloh ok01:34
zykotick9[[thufir]]: you need to follow those directions more carefully.  You need to mount the ISO first, then run a file from the mounted iso.  you're trying to run the iso.01:34
ActionParsnipevernoob: user tend to customise their desktop, its just something different to tweak01:34
MK13max_noob: i actually think i remember my old laptop doing that... I always just used reboot and pushed the power button at BIOS01:34
ActionParsnippjs: gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub01:34
MK13max_noob: an update eventually fixed it01:34
aBoundMK13, Have a good one I'm hopping outta here.01:34
pjsActionParsnip: thank you!01:35
ActionParsnipevernoob: persevering is the thought that it "locks me in" to ubuntu   is what you said...01:35
max_noobsudo poweroff worked but I wonder if there was a way to fix this in order for the normal button to work01:35
xim_isn't 8 minutes a lot of clock drift for 55days?01:36
ActionParsnipxim_: you could cron a job to sync time every few hours or so to keep it accurrate01:36
walbertdepends on how fast you're going01:36
max_noobor I wonder if there is anyway to contact a developer about this, I already tried 12.04 alpha 1 and it has the same bug has 11.10 :(01:37
pjsActionParsnip: So just add "text" to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" line in /etc/default/grub file?01:37
Raymond_anybody good with wireless 'broadcom 4306/3'01:37
Raymond_not working o natty01:38
xim_ActionParsnip, thanks01:38
pjsActionParsnip: or do I just uncomment GRUB_TERMINAL=console ?01:38
jediael<ActionParsnip> it says information uploaded to sever01:38
Raymond_are there any packages that will conflict with firmwareb43install01:38
ActionParsnippjs: adding the boot option is the way I know, not sure about GRUB_TERMINAL01:39
pjsActionParsnip, ok so add it to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT?01:39
ActionParsnipmax_noob: precise is only suported in #ubuntu+1 until release day. I suggest you report a bug01:39
[[thufir]]zykotick9: I did mount it as so:  http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1460014  and I can see it on my desktop.01:39
ActionParsnippjs: the line that says:  quiet splash     add the option in the quotes01:39
max_noobhow do I repport a bug ?01:39
urlin2umax_noob, you would file a bug report, if it is a bug.01:39
jediaelTerminal says to me to tell you it has been uploaded01:40
ActionParsnippjs: then save and close the file and run:  sudo update-grub01:40
ActionParsnipmax_noob: ubuntu-bug packagename01:40
urlin2u!tab | max_noob01:40
ubottumax_noob: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:40
zykotick9[[thufir]]: you're still trying to run the iso image...01:40
ActionParsnipjediael: yes, paste the URL in here please01:40
max_noobsry for the dumb question but I really dont know how to report bugs in ubunto01:40
zykotick9[[thufir]]: also, gksu (or gksudo) REPLACED sudo - you don't need "sudo gksu ..."01:40
pjsActionParsnip: thanks again man01:41
Find-Ping- genewitch : 2.69 second/s01:41
jediaelit gave me no url01:41
urlin2umax_noob, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs01:41
jediaelcan you give me the code again ?01:41
ActionParsnipjediael: when prompted, select YES to upload and a URL will be generated01:41
borudev Hello, how is everyone? I had a quick question troubleshooting my ubuntu 11.10 server installation. I installed the same OS on 2 different servers and I'm experiencing the same problem. What happens is I turn on the server, it's ok for few hours, and then when I try to SSH to it, it get a time out, when I plug in the keyboard, and type something then I can connect to it again. Seems that it's01:42
borudevgoing to some kind of sleep mode. Note, no desktop was installed just pure server OS. Anyone had this issue before? what could cause it? Thanks01:42
borudevi checked syslog and kernel log there's nothing there01:42
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Raymond_how do i uninstall ubuntu 11.0401:45
max_noobok I found out how to open the ubunto-bug window, when I select other problem and click ok I get an error message saying I need to specify a package, how do I do that ?01:46
Raymond_from a dual boot system winxP01:46
zykotick9Raymond_: install your new OS over it01:46
jediael<ActionParsnip> its taking too long01:47
jediaelit says uploading info01:47
pjsActionParsnip: hrmm, I did that and the update-grub call and now it's just hanging at startup after "checking battery state"... grrr01:47
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:47
urlin2umax_noob, you registered with launchpad?01:49
jstooneHow can it be that when i01:50
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max_noobyeah, why ?01:50
jediaelActionPasnip its still uploading infomation01:50
acerimmerRaymond_: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-safely-uninstall-ubuntu-in-windows-dual-boot-environment/01:50
jediaelis this normal ?01:50
urlin2umax_noob, just checking you have to be to report a bug, you saw the link  assume, i have never reported one so that is my best shot at helping.01:51
jstooneHow can it be that when I do 'md5sum -t text.txt" where test.txt is "jstoone" and the md5 sum differs from what goog.li gets?01:51
max_nooboh :( thanks alot anyway I leat I managed to open apport XD01:51
zykotick9max_noob: to report bugs you do need to know the affected package name.  what are you having problems with?01:52
VoidMNEcan i ask a question01:52
h00kjstoone: is the file 'text.txt' empty?01:52
zykotick9!ask | VoidMNE01:52
ubottuVoidMNE: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:52
CaptAnonwhat effect does the - key have at the start of a file name??01:52
max_noobwell a laptop that doesent shutdown while its pulleg in so I'm guessing its the kernel or something like that01:52
zykotick9max_noob: sorry i'm not sure what package that would be, good luck.01:53
VoidMNEi installed ubuntu on my laptop and it cant seem to recognize when i insert a dvd in the dvd tray, nothing happens. what should i do01:53
CaptAnonVoidMNE,  Stop trying to ask me and ask me01:53
jstooneh00k: nope the file 'text.txt' contains my name 'jstoone' made with  -    'echo "jstoone" > text.txt'01:53
jstoone!ask | VoidMNE01:54
ubottuVoidMNE: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:54
VoidMNEi installed ubuntu on my laptop and it cant seem to recognize when i insert a dvd in the dvd tray, nothing happens. what should i do01:54
jstooneVoidMNE: Sorry, piped wrong01:54
zykotick9VoidMNE: do regular data cds get autorecognized?01:54
VoidMNEno cd gets recognized01:54
h00kjstoone: okay. goog.li literally took the text 'text.txt' and md5sum'd that. If you want to try goog.li, use the text jstoone in there01:54
jstooneVoidMNE: Sorry, when you join just ask the question ;)01:55
zykotick9VoidMNE: are you using Unity/Gnome?01:55
VoidMNEunity i guess01:55
booh-How to force clients to connect authenticate to radius without any cleartext password... and only crypted or challenge respond protocol?01:55
h00kbooh-: you'd make those changes on your wireless AP/Radius server01:55
jediaeli need help01:56
Juv1228hi, i have an intel i7 with hd graphics 3000, and a fresh copy of 11.1001:56
Al_nz1can someone please help me with dhcp01:56
jediaeli was being helped but i have had no esponse01:56
booh-It's my own java app that connect to radius server for auth.01:56
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eeeeelvisAl_nz1: specify01:57
Juv1228are there any drivers out there that will at least allow me any form of 3d acceleration? in the current state i cant even play a youtube video01:57
zykotick9!pm | VoidMNE01:57
ubottuVoidMNE: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:57
h00kAl_nz1: ask the actual question01:57
h00kJuv1228: it depends on your video card01:57
Al_nz1h00k: I am trying to setup dhcp on my lan, which is just a workgroup. I now have internet, but cant resolve names?01:58
h00kAl_nz1: name resolution is done with DNS, do you have a local DNS server?01:58
VoidMNEi installed ubuntu on my laptop and it cant seem to recognize when i insert a dvd in the dvd tray, nothing happens. what should i do01:58
h00kAl_nz1: somewhere on the network?01:58
Juv1228h00k, its the intel hd graphics 3000 built into my i701:58
h00k!dns | Al_nz101:59
ubottuAl_nz1: To set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dns.html01:59
Al_nz1h00k: no, its just a workgroup. I assume name resolution is handled by my router/gateway? so I set dns to be the routers address01:59
CaptAnonA large number of files start with a "-" how do I remove it?01:59
Find»»» could not resolve | «««01:59
BlueProtomanAnyone here have any idea why my hardware acceleration isn't working?  I'm running Ubuntu 11.04, on a Samsung QX411-W01 with Optimus GPU-switching (between a nVidia GeForce 520M and a Intel HD Graphics 3000).  I've had hardware acceleration working before with Ironhide, but it doesn't seem to work now.01:59
wolfmitchellHow  do I connect to a XDMCP server from Lightdm?01:59
ActionParsnipVoidMNE: what data is on the DVD?01:59
h00kAl_nz1: I guess make sure your router that does DHCP also does DNS01:59
Al_nz1h00k: my linux box I just want for DHCP - router can handle all the other stuff01:59
ActionParsnipBlueProtoman: optimus is only supported on Windows. There is a project called Bumblebee which may help01:59
CyberDawgVoidMNE, Is it a Dell laptop by chance?01:59
jstooneh00k: I did i just entered 'jstoone' in the text field. Here are the outputs - http://paste.ubuntu.com/814994/02:00
BlueProtomanActionParsnip: Ironhide is an improved version.  I've used it successfully, but it doesn't seem to work anymore.02:00
VoidMNEActionParsnip: its regular data dvd with some documents and songs02:00
Al_nz1h00k: router not doing DHCP - linux box does DHCP02:00
sidney_trouble getting rid of open office with this command gksu apt-get purge "openoffice*.*"02:00
VoidMNECyberDawg: no its asus02:00
ActionParsnipBlueProtoman: is it from the Ubuntu repos?02:01
zykotick9sidney_: *.* probably won't help, look for the openoffice-common (or similar package name) and try removing it (there might be some package left over after though)02:01
BlueProtomanActionParsnip: No.02:01
ActionParsnipBlueProtoman: not sure how supported 3rd party aps are here dude02:01
slakcphoneWhat is the mint channel?02:01
h00kjstoone: md5sum is also taking a fingerprint of the filename02:01
CyberDawgVoidMNE, I hae a Dell XPS and have never figured out how to eject my DVD without rebooting02:01
xangua!mint | slakcphone02:02
ubottuslakcphone: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:02
h00kjstoone: I think goog.li is only taking md5sum of the text you enter in02:02
h00kjstoone: I think. What's your goal, here?02:02
darbeubuntu updated messed up webmail addon02:02
yaboohave bluetooth on my hp laptop, but when I go to detect a bluetooth device, it tells me the bluetooth device is disabled02:02
zykotick9acerimmer: next time with spaces between the | ;)02:02
yaboois there a way to enable the device02:02
wolfmitchellIs there a way I can use XDMCP from lightdm02:02
VoidMNECyberDawg: i dont have ejecting problem, my laptop simply wont recognize that the dvd is insertet. the tray opens and closes normaly02:02
acerimmerzykotick9: :)  tyvm.  noob moment02:02
CyberDawgVoidMNE, Id rather hae my problem ;)02:03
Juv1228BlueProtoman, i too am unable to use my intel hd gfx 3000 in ubuntu02:03
jediaelmy audio is not working02:03
jstooneh00k: Well, got some... strings... that I need to compare ;)02:03
Juv1228have 11.10 installed02:03
jediaeli cant hea no audio02:03
cheapiejediael: Have you checked your audio settings?02:03
jstoonejediael: What soundcard are you using?02:03
VoidMNECyberDawg: heh, yea, but nobody here seems to want to help me...02:04
urlin2u!audio > jediael02:04
ubottujediael, please see my private message02:04
cheapieVoidMNE: What's wrong over there?02:04
VoidMNEcheapie: i installed ubuntu on my laptop and it cant seem to recognize when i insert a dvd in the dvd tray, nothing happens. what should i do02:04
CyberDawgVoidMNE, its abusy place... be patient... Google is your friend02:04
jstoonejediael: If it's a new labtop with a new soundcard that has "dolby" sound in it, you need a pulseaudio patch for it.02:05
VoidMNECyberDawg: i googled for like 3 hours to no avail, everything i tried didnt work02:05
cheapiejediael: DO you mean how to access the settings? VoidMNE: Can you access the disc through Nautilus (the file manager)?02:05
h00kAl_nz1: I'd recommend doing DNS/DHCP on the same machine, whichever you prefer02:05
urlin2ujediael, have you checked additional drivers02:05
VoidMNEcheapie: the dvd doesnt show anywhere, so no02:06
jstooneh00k: Thank you for the info, I'm glad for the feedback.02:06
urlin2uVoidMNE, have you tried more than one?02:06
cheapieVoidMNE: Have you tried this drive with other operating systems?02:06
jediaeli dont know how to try divers02:06
zykotick9VoidMNE: do you have a /dev/cdrom device?  "ls -l /dev/cdrom" in a terminal02:06
jediaelits not a new laptop02:06
VoidMNEurlin2u: yes02:06
urlin2ujediael, there is a app called additional drivers take a look there.02:06
VoidMNEcheapie: yes it works normaly02:06
mohamezhow to install packages using terminal ?02:07
zykotick9mohamez: "sudo apt-get install foo"02:07
mohamezwhat's the command line ?02:07
cheapieVoidMNE: Try showing us the result of `ls -l /dev/`02:07
zykotick9mohamez: consider "command line" and terminal the same thing...02:07
cheapiemohamez: That thing that says <your name>@<computer name><folder>$02:08
mohamez"command line" in programing ?02:08
jediaelhow do i fing this app02:08
VoidMNEzykotick9:  ssays no such file or directory02:08
cheapiejediael: What are you looking for?02:08
VoidMNEcheapie: the list is too big, anything particular i should be looking for02:08
zykotick9VoidMNE: that sould be a problem.  i take it "eject" from terminal doesn't work either?02:08
jediaelurlin2u said that there is an app called dditional drivers02:09
VoidMNEzykotick9:  nope02:09
zykotick9VoidMNE: the system doesn't think you have a cd/dvd drive right now.  I don't have any suggestions, sorry.02:09
cheapieVoidMNE: Try "ls -l /dev/ > ~/devices" and open the created file, and put it on pastebin for us to see.02:09
urlin2ujediael, you running the unity desktop?02:09
jediaelmy problem is only that i cant hear any audio from my computer02:10
urlin2ujediael, top button in left panel opens a search type the app name02:10
VoidMNEcheapie: im on my desktop right now, my laptop is next to me, any other way i could provide it?02:11
cheapiejediael: Try "lspci | grep audio" and see what that says. VoidMNE: Try adding " | grep cd" to the end of the command.02:12
wolfmitchellI need a way to use XDMCP via LightDm02:12
CaptAnonDoes anyone have any experiance with the rename bash thing?02:12
VoidMNEcheapie: im sorry, what command02:12
bobo37773CaptAnon, rename bash thing?02:13
cheapieVoidMNE: The command would be "ls -l /dev | grep cd"02:13
[[thufir]]ok, thanks for help, think the install is going now:  http://pastebin.mozilla.org/146001602:13
zykotick9jediael: for cheapie's command to work you probably need to use "lspci | grep -i audio" (or i did anyways)02:13
VoidMNEcheapie: it did nothing :\02:13
mohamezwhat is the diffrence betwen command line and the command in terminal ?02:14
CaptAnonbash command?02:14
jediael00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)02:14
Sachhow do I upgrade directly from 9.10 to 11.04?02:14
zykotick9mohamez: think of them as the same thing02:14
cheapieVoidMNE: Hmm... Your computer doesn't seem to see a CD drive.02:14
h00k!upgrade | Sach02:14
ubottuSach: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade02:14
cheapiejediael: Please wait...02:14
xanguaSach: make a clean install off 11.0402:14
sbts-tv_CaptAnon: do you mean the "rename" command in bash?02:14
bobo37773CaptAnon, What exactly are you trying to do?02:14
zykotick9mohamez: it's just different terminology for the same thing02:14
VoidMNEcheapie: but it worked on xp02:14
mohamezcommand line in programming yes ?02:15
EvilResistanceVoidMNE:  don't compare linux to XP :P  they're different beasts02:15
FlannelSach: There's no supported way to do that.  You'll have to go 9.10 to 10.04 to 10.10 to 11.04.  If you're willing to wait a few more months and want 12.04, you can upgrade directly from 10.04 to 12.0402:15
[[thufir]]Sach: you have to upgrade like three or four times.  download alternate cd's02:15
cheapieVoidMNE: Is it some odd nonstandard drive?02:15
Sachthurfri, i dont have a cd drive02:15
[[thufir]]Sach: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1460016  I just have to upgrade twice.  this is one of two for me.  lol.02:15
VoidMNEcheapie: no. regular dvd rw drive02:15
jstooneh00k: It can't take the fingerprint of the filename 'cause when you try piping a string into md5sum you get exactly the same output so if you do 'md5sum -f test.txt' and then 'echo "jstoone" | md5sum', it's the same.02:15
[[thufir]]Sach: no need for cd drive02:15
VoidMNEEvilResistance: im merely stating that on xp it recognized cds, while on ubuntu it doesnt :\02:16
CyberDawgCOFFEE TIME!!!!02:16
Sachthurfri, is it not possible to bypass what I dont want (ie go directly from 9.10 to 11.04?)02:16
[[thufir]]Sach: just free space on hard drive02:16
jstooneCyberDawg: Hell yes!02:16
CaptAnonWell, I want to remove numbers from the start of the file name, but I want to learn to fish rather then just get a fish, if you know what I mean, and I can't find any explanations of what the charictors do like ^ and such02:16
[[thufir]]Sach: nope.  I have to do it twice.  you, like four times.02:16
sbarakoswell guys i am using a simple script restarter.sh on my ubuntu for a program  iwant to be up 24/7 so i got an infinite loop that runs and restarts a program in an sh form. This loop was working just fine but since yesterday for somereason it seems to be broken :S02:16
EvilResistanceVoidMNE:  as i said, dont compare the two :P  Just because something worked in Windows doesnt mean it works out of the box with Linux :P02:16
sbarakosanyone can help me wiht this?02:16
FlannelSach: There's no supported method.  If you're willing to venture outside of supported methods (meaning it may not work), then you can try it, yes.02:16
VoidMNEEvilResistance: its not like im trying to do anything advanced. i just want my laptop to read dvds02:17
Titanoboatrying to install Win98 on VirtualBox OSE (i've never done anything like it before). it doesn't want to boot the installation CD at all02:17
Titanoboawhat might be the problem?02:17
CaptAnonI seen somewhere it mentions it is perl02:17
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zykotick9Titanoboa: try #vbox02:17
pjsActionParsnip: So I had to not use "text" but remove "splash" and then do "echo 'manual' > /etc/init/lightdm.override" and that did the job02:18
CaptAnonSo Should I have to learn a little bit of perl to know what I am doing?02:18
ActionParsnipSach: I'd hold on til April and clean install Precise LTS. Or use the Alpha2 release now...02:18
cheapiejediael: I'm still searching...this might take a few minutes...02:18
bobo37773CaptAnon, perl is not bash02:18
sbts-tv_CaptAnon: something like "rename 's/^[0-9]*//' *.bak" should work for files ending in .bak.....but test *very* carefully first. I make no promises and have not tested it.02:18
ActionParsnippjs: sweet, I'm guessing you ran: sudo -i   first, or the echo command would fail02:18
sunboyAnyone know how to stop Oracle Virtual Box from crashing X?02:18
bobo37773CaptAnon, You are trying to rename a file from the command line? Is that correct?02:19
ActionParsnipsunboy: I'd ask in #vbox02:19
pjsactionparsnip yea :)02:19
ActionParsnipsunboy: are you using the OSE?02:19
pjsActionParsnip: thanks again for the help!02:19
sunboyActionParsnip: Just downloaded 4.0 and 4.1 from the site02:19
Al_nz1hey ActionParsnip02:19
Al_nz1could someone please help me with dhcpd config on ubuntu? I cant seem to get dns resolution02:20
=== snowrichard_ is now known as snowrichard
Al_nz1infact I am not even sure if I am running dhcpd or dhcpd3 ?02:20
ActionParsnipAl_nz1: run:  echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf    and you will have a web DNS setup02:21
ActionParsnipsunboy: then I'd ask in #vbox02:21
cheapiejediael: OK... try sudo insmod snd-via82xx02:21
sbarakoswell guys i am using a simple script restarter.sh on my ubuntu for a program  iwant to be up 24/7 so i got an infinite loop that runs and restarts a program in an sh form. This loop was working just fine but since yesterday for somereason it seems to be broken :S02:21
[[thufir]]hypothetically, what would happen were you to run out of space during an upgrade?02:21
sbts-tv_ActionParsnip: I would not recommend running 'sudo -i' just to get an echo to work. try 'echo "abcd" | sudo tee -a /filename' instead02:21
Flanneljstoone: your file has a line feed at the end of it.02:22
CaptAnonyes bobo37773 , Ok sbts but what is the ^ character  for and what is it stopping from not removing every number from the file name sbts-tv_ , also I have allready ruined the filenames so I am just leaning how to use it better for next time02:22
Al_nz1ActionParsnip: wow - that was neat02:22
Al_nz1ActionParsnip: though I would like to learn where I was going wrong with my DHCP?02:23
sbarakosnoone can help me? u all hate me?02:23
Al_nz1All I wanted to do was transfer DHCP from my router, to my linux box for my LAN02:23
cheapiesbarakos: I don't remember reading your question. Can you please restate it?02:23
[[thufir]]sbarakos: pastebin02:23
sbarakoswell guys i am using a simple script restarter.sh on my ubuntu for a program  iwant to be up 24/7 so i got an infinite loop that runs and restarts a program in an sh form. This loop was working just fine but since yesterday for somereason it seems to be broken :S02:23
Al_nz1ActionParsnip: that shouldnt be too hard right?02:23
sbarakoscheapie: there you go02:24
cheapiesvarakos: Can you put it up on pastebin so I can take a look at it?02:24
_RythIs there a specific package I must install to have the ax_lua.m4 macro included with autoconf?02:24
jediaelcan i be helped now ?02:24
cheapiejediael: OK... try sudo insmod snd-via82xx02:24
sbarakoscheapie: yess02:24
FloodBot1Al_nz1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:25
=== Jogranda is now known as metasansana
sbts-tv_CaptAnon: the s/^[0-9]*// is a regular expression. regex for short. read the following man pages. sed, grep, regex(7)02:25
jediaelit says no diectoy found02:25
cmolendai should be able to do a "/msg nickserv help"  for info on registering w/ nickserv correct?02:25
cheapiesbarakos: Do you need help using pastebin?02:26
Flannelcmolenda: yes02:26
sbts-tv_CaptAnon: the easiest way to read manpages is from a terminal by running (for example) 'man sed' or 'man 7 regex'02:26
cheapiejediael: Try it with snd-hda-codec-via02:26
Flannelcmolenda: `msg nickserv help register` to be specific02:26
sbarakoscheapie: http://pastebin.com/AxeF5F3002:26
_RythOr can someone explain to me how to include m4 macros in my autoconf script?02:26
zykotick9!register > cmolenda02:26
ubottucmolenda, please see my private message02:26
cmolendaFlannel: Ah, i'll try that.02:26
cheapiesbarakos: Please wait while I examine the script...02:26
MrGeneralDid this ever happen to you? How can you fix this? If chrome crashes, it gets fixed. http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/7926/chromeissue.png02:26
cmolendaThanks guys02:27
CaptAnonOk thanks sbts-tv_02:27
mordofIs it possible to have my user logged in on my desktop (and using it) meanwhile remotely logging into the same user from my laptop (in a different session basically, but with all the programs and whatnot available)?02:27
mordofor am i asking too much? lol02:27
=== cmolenda is now known as chadwickvm
Al_nz1ActionParsnip: you still here?02:28
=== chadwickvm is now known as cmolenda
sbts-tv_CaptAnon: in short the 's/a/b/' substitutes "a" for "b" in your case a='^[0-9]' and b=''02:28
cheapiesbarakos: Does the directory the script is in have a bin subdirectory?02:28
sbarakosits under bin02:28
sbarakoson root02:28
[[thufir]]sbarakos: http://pastebin.com/AxeF5F3002:28
cheapiemordof: How would you like to log in?02:28
cheapiesbarakos: Your script is in "/" ?02:29
johnnyjimmI was wondering if anyone could help me. I am new to Ubuntu, and would like to list, from the terminal,  all the files in a directory containing descriptions of all the devices that can be mounted in the filesystem. The directory is already set.02:29
mordofcheapie: not sure? my main problem is that my current hard drives aren't share-able over the network due to mounting permissions. i haven't been able to get that to work properly02:29
sbarakoscheapie:   /opt/restarter.sh02:29
mordofcheapie: so i'm using synergy through my laptop, but want to share files..02:29
bobo37773CaptAnon, The "^" is used in regular expressions. Usually with grep, sed, awk etc... To just rename a file use the "mv" command02:30
sbts-tv_CaptAnon: for a='^[0-9]' the '^' matches the start of the line. '[0-9]' matches any digit and the '*' says that the digit will be matched 0 or more times02:30
cheapiesbarakos: So /opt/bin/oregon-core exists, right?02:30
sbarakosthats why i do cd bin02:30
sbarakosits under ~/bin/02:30
MK13johnnyjimm: sudo fdisk -l should show all partitions that can be mounted02:30
mordofcheapie: thought - if i can't get that working right, i wondered if i could essentially log in with the same user to gain access.. but that just seams like a hackish bypas to doing the proper thing first, lol02:30
=== usuario is now known as josete
sbarakosbut it works, i mean it runes the problem is not with the directory, for some reason it doesnt run infinite02:31
=== josete is now known as josetetec
johnnyjimmthank you MK1302:31
cheapiesbarakos: Odd...02:31
=== Kardos_ is now known as Kardos
cheapiemordof: So...VNC, SSH, LTSP, how are you wanting to login? You have to pick one...02:31
sbarakosyep :S02:31
MK13johnnyjimm: if you have just plugged in a usb device and have several, dmesg will print out that latest kernel messages and you can usually tell which device is the most recently plugged in02:31
mordofcheapie: VNC wouldn't work as that'd require only one user to be logged in / using the computer at the same time right?02:32
sbts-tv_bobo37773: CaptAnon wants to bulk rename files, this can be done using the "rename" (commandline) program that is standard on most systems. it uses regex's to do the job02:32
ActionParsnipAl_nz1: i'm in and out, wassup?02:32
MK13mordof: what are you trying to do?02:32
cheapiemordof: I don't know. I've honestly never tried it. LTSP is rather hard to set up, but extremely versatile. SSH with X forwarding might be what you want. What are you wanting to do again?02:33
TheWitnessHey everyone02:33
bobo37773sbts-tv_, Gotcha. Never heard of it. That is why I like irc. I learned 3 new things since last night.02:33
mordofcheapie: get access to my main desktop's hard drives on my laptop, lol02:33
jediaelhey, it said that there is no such file diectoy02:33
mordofcheapie: i should just fix the problem..02:33
bobo37773TheWitness, Hey02:33
cheapiemordof: Have you considered FTP?02:33
ActionParsnipmordof: or sftp ;)02:33
cheapiemordof: Or samba?02:33
TheWitnessDoes anyone know any good website to start learning about linux?02:33
ActionParsnip!manual | TheWitness02:34
ubottuTheWitness: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:34
MK13mordof: I would setup SSH on the server and access then through scp sftp02:34
mordofcheapie: samba doesn't work due to permissions - that's what i'm struggling with02:34
sunboyHi. Does anyone know what might be causing vbox to crash ubuntu 10.10?02:34
sbts-tv_mordof: do you want to remote access from a GUI or commandline?02:34
cheapiemordof: Well, you might want to set up FTP or SFTP then... is this on your local network or exposed to the internet?02:34
MK13mordof: server = linux machine, not necessarily a server02:34
mordofMK13: i don't want a solution where i'm copying duplicates02:34
mordofsbts-tv_: gui02:34
ActionParsnipmordof: when you access the share, what happens? Are you asked for a username & password?02:34
MK13mordof: copying duplicates?02:35
MK13mordof: is the other computer windows or linux?02:35
mordof"Unable to mount location" "Failed to mount Windows share"02:35
ActionParsnipsunboy: I suggest you uninstall the virtualbox version, remove the PPA then install virtualbox-ose from the Ubuntu repo and try that02:35
mordofthey're both ubuntu 11.1002:35
mordofActionParsnip: ^-- the second last post02:35
MK13mordof: you can mount stfp in ubuntu :D02:35
MK13mordof: sftp*02:36
johnnyjimmthank you <MK13>, i will write that down02:36
Al_nz1ActionParsnip: I was trying to get DHCP on my workgroup handled by my linux box rather than my router. I have turned it off on router and on, on my ubuntu box. Thats when my DNS issued started. I have entered my ISP's dns servers into my dhcpd.conf file, but that didnt help. Your fix did, but I would still like to know what the permenant fix it?02:36
sbts-tv_if that is the case, from in your file manager (on the machine you want to use the drive from) click on 'file->connect to server' then choose ssh as the protocol02:36
MK13johnnyjimm: no prob02:36
sunboyActionP: Ok, will try that. I actually didn't install from ppa. I dld the dep from their site02:36
sbts-tv_mordof: ^^^^02:36
ActionParsnipmordof: try:  smbtree     do you see the shares on the samba server. Run it on both02:36
cheapiemordof: You can also use FTP that way, but SFTP might be better.02:36
mordofMK13: yeah - true. but that's still bypassing my original problem of not having my paritions mounted properly02:36
ActionParsnipAl_nz1: you'll need dnsmasq afaik to give a DNS service02:36
MK13mordof: what about the partitions is incorrect, what errors is it causing?02:37
mordofActionParsnip: the problem is that my hard drive is mounted from IN nautilus after login, because i suck at setting up auto mounts02:37
mordofso it's attached to my user - that's my guess02:37
sbts-tv_mordof: I would not recommend anything smb or samba or cifs (or whatever it is) unless you *have* to use windows machines02:37
jstooneFlannel: How do I get rid of that line feed?02:37
mordofsbts-tv_: why?02:37
MK13mordof: which partition... just a data partition?02:37
mordofMK13: *nods*02:38
Al_nz1ActionParsnip: what about "option domain-name-servers xxx.xxxx.xxx.xxx" in the dhcpd.conf? isnt that what the line is supposed to do? provide dns for any DHCP clients?02:38
sunboysbts_tv_: why is that?02:38
MK13mordof: do you have the entry for it already in fstab?02:38
startehey can anyone tell me if its possible to set up a three speaker system for my music? I have a left front, right front, and a subwoofer/amplifier.02:38
sunboyI use that for my network drive02:38
* cheapie wonders what just happened with "Bry8Star{GB"...02:38
startelike with banshee or something02:39
[[thufir]]grr.  ran out of space for upgrade.02:39
sbts-tv_mordof: samba (etc) does not handle permissions correctly, along with some horrible glitches and protocol nastyness. it was designed by microsoft for the first version of windows (pretty much) and just got worse from there02:39
mordofMK13: hmm.. hold on, i forgot to add it :\ lol. been so long since i've done any of this02:39
mordofsbts-tv_: so you're saying sftp is a better idea in general?02:39
_RythAnyone here good with autotools?02:39
MK13mordof: once it is added to fstab it should be automatically added on boot02:39
zykotick9sbts-tv_: actually SMB was developed by IBM i believe02:39
starteoh and i changed my nickname from "cschuck" to "starte" btw. so i was there for the whole darea convo about the windows cd partition02:40
startea hour ago or so02:40
starteanyone know how to set up speakers on ubuntu?02:40
sbts-tv_mordof: definately. and nautilus can manage connections to remote machines automatically for you. as I said use the "connect to server" option in the nautilus "file" menu02:41
mordofsbts-tv_: ok02:41
CaptAnonThanks very much sbts-tv_  and bobo37773 ,  I will get the hang of it eventualy02:41
mordofso i'll fix my fstab, and then set up sftp02:41
startei am going to kick a puppy if somebody doesnt start helping me02:41
mordofstarte: :\02:41
mordofstarte: my speakers just worked - so no i don't know how02:42
=== Bry8Star2g is now known as Bry8Star{GB
startemordof: well yeah mine do too, im listning to yngwie malmsteen right now02:42
startebut i have a subwoofer too02:42
starteand the sound really is only coming out of the left and right front02:42
danny18174363829I need help fixing the boot up of my brothers computer, it no longer boots up02:42
sunboyVbox ose does the same thing. kicks me out of ubuntu02:43
startemordof: wait. i just thought of something. can I partition my already created ubuntu disk drive to add more memory?02:44
danny18174363829Hi can anyone help me fixing my brother's computer, I've already gone into recovery mode and tried to repair broken packages but it says that it can't connect to the internet02:44
JoseeAntonioRHello! Anyone here knows how to change the functions of a key?02:44
startedanny18174363829: your username is a complete bitch to try to reply to. its so long02:45
sunboy ubuntu 10.10 - try to load virtualbox (4.1, 4.0, ose) -> crashes X02:45
danny18174363829Ill change it02:45
MerrittHi - Using the latest Ubuntu with Gnome Shell - seems as though the hotkey for overview is set to only the left side Windows key. Can this be set to the right side key? I've had no luck with google.02:45
ejvstarte: the [tab] key will autocomplete in most irc clients, try it.02:45
startedanny18174363829: update your drivers02:45
=== danny18174363829 is now known as dannyfog
startedannyfog: haha thanks. but update your drivers02:45
dannyfogHow do you update your drivers when the computer wont boot up at all?02:45
ActionParsnipAl_nz1: not something I've used dude, sorry02:46
cheapiedanny18174363829: Try ifconfig - see if it says anything about "eth0" or "wlan0".02:46
startedannyfog: damn. is it a partition on a windows?02:46
ejvupdating drives is a nonsensical windows response02:46
starteejv: well it worked for my internet connection02:46
cheapieejv: Nice...02:46
dannyfogNo, ubuntu is using the entire hard drive, I tried connecting it to ethernet so that it could repair system packages, but it still didnt work02:46
cheapiedannyfog: See if "ifconfig" mentions "eth0"02:47
sunboydoes anyone know why virtualbox would crash ubuntu?02:47
dannyfogok will let you guys know in one second02:47
startedannyfog: id wipe the bitch then. honestly, something went really screwy with the code. but get someone's advice who actaully knows ubuntu02:47
ejv!language | starte02:47
ubottustarte: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:47
startedannyfog: unlike me02:47
viteHi nice people of ubuntu02:47
starteejv: nobody cares02:47
johnnyjimmHi vite02:48
starteejv: its not even a swear word02:48
RandomizeRi have a fresh installation of ubuntu server 11.10 set up as a LAMP server. i would like PHP's sendmail command to work, do i need to set up all of Postfix for that or is there a simpler way to do that?02:48
zykotick9sunboy: linus recently made some very stong remarks about to poor quality of vbox kernel stuff...02:48
dannyfoghaha, yeah, I kinda wanna just wipe it but my brother says he REALLY needs to keep the files that are on it02:48
ejvthe ops care, abide by the rules or you'll find yourself removed by an Op.02:48
sunboyzyko: wasn't doing this before.  Is there a version I should be installing?02:48
cheapievite: You arrived just after somebody complained that they would kick a puppy if we didn't help them. We're just *usually* nice.02:48
startedannyfog:did he use ubuntu one?02:48
startecheapie: settle down02:49
viteI was wondering. regarding the U C, is there anyway of installing the clound on terminal + nodes... and just installing a lamp on the terminal without installing virtual instances02:49
ejvsunboy: https://www.virtualbox.org/report/1202:49
vitewould it make the nodes work as one lamp?02:49
dannyfogNo, he never used it. But I think something involving Wine messed it up, because he was trying to update the firmware to his mp3 player using an EXE on his computer and then the next time he tried it out it woulldnt boot02:50
viteor would I need to setup eucalyptus and install instances individually?02:50
cheapiestarte: Yeah, I think I'm going insane from helping here for too long.02:50
RandomizeRi have a fresh installation of ubuntu server 11.10 set up as a LAMP server. i would like PHP's sendmail command to work, do i need to set up all of Postfix for that or is there a simpler way to do that?02:50
MetroshicaI'm currently using grep to find a number in a file, saving it to a bash script, and then incrementingit by one. What can I use to then replace the original number with the modified one? I'm trying to use sed but I seem to be failing at it02:50
zykotick9!repeat | RandomizeR02:50
ubottuRandomizeR: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:50
startecheapie: because I really called you insane. quit putting words in my mouth. i wasn't actually serious but you take everything seriously apparantly02:50
dannyfogifconfig isn't showing anything at all02:50
KcharleHI, can anyone help me out? Just installed the newest version of ubuntu and im getting an error when i try to install updates02:51
bobo37773Metroshica, sed should work. What switches are you using?02:51
ejvhow about02:51
Sachmy cd drive is buzzing uncontrollably.  how do I force unmount?02:51
ejvnumber = $(expr $number + 1)02:51
RandomizeRzykotick9: sorry, the room is so busy i figured nobody heard the first one02:51
Metroshicabobo37773, I'm using the -e switch and that's it02:51
startekcharle: im assuming you can connect to the internet02:51
startekcharle: right?02:52
bobo37773Metroshica, Maybe the -i switch?02:52
Kcharlestarte: yea, it says it has to install untrusted packagess02:52
dannyfogStarte what does it mean when i type ifconfig, and there's no response from the machine. It just goes to the next "root@chris-laptop:~#"02:52
shadykhanit is possible to install photoshop with wine correct?02:53
MK13dannyfog: try 'ifconfig -a' though you might wanna get used to ip02:53
urlin2uKcharle, can you run a update in the terminal and pastebin the whole text02:53
Sachhow do i force eject my cd?02:53
zykotick9!appdb | shadykhan02:53
ubottushadykhan: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help02:53
startekcharle: check the box for source code in the ubuntu register02:54
Kcharlestarte: http://paste.ubuntu.com/815019/02:54
zykotick9Kcharle: your issue is with oneiric-backports, it might require a specific key to be added?  (i never used backports on ubuntu so not sure)02:56
startekcharle: good lord02:56
Kcharleuh ohh02:56
OerHeks<Sach> thurfri, i dont have a cd drive ? <Sach> how do i force eject my cd?02:56
Kcharlethat doesnt sound good?02:56
OerHeksSach explain pls02:57
SachOerHeks, my cd drive currently has a very loud, consistent buzz,02:57
Sachand I am unable to eject it02:57
[[thufir]]Sach: ?02:57
startekcharle: go to system settings/softwaresources02:57
[[thufir]]OerHeks: ?02:57
zykotick9Sach: you could try running "eject"02:58
Sachtried that, didnt work02:58
zykotick9Sach: is it mounted?  "mount"02:58
OerHeksSach, running a live-cd ?02:58
zykotick9OerHeks: good check!02:58
Sachyes, it's mounted02:58
startedannyfog: systemsettings/softwaresources02:58
Sachnot a live cd02:58
Kcharlestarte: ok there02:58
zykotick9Sach: so "sudo umount /where/its/mounted" then "eject"02:59
startedannyfog: what boxes are check? the first four?02:59
dannyfognot me,mine wont boot remember?02:59
Kcharlestarte: the first 2, adn the last are checked02:59
viteso I guess it cant be done?02:59
startedannyfog: ha sorry. got confused03:00
Kcharlestarte: this is just a fresh install from the download btw i havent mucked with any settings03:00
dannyfogits ok, thanks03:00
startekcharle:yeah check the first four boxes and uncheck the "source code" one03:00
MerrittHi - Using the latest Ubuntu with Gnome Shell - seems as though the hotkey for overview is set to only the left side Windows key. Can this be set to the right side key? I've had no luck with google.03:01
Sachzykotick9, nothing happens, the cursor in the terminal just flashes at the end of that line (even though I pressed enter)03:01
Kcharlestarte: ok now retry updates?03:01
niccoscan anyone tell me why in a new install of ubuntu 11.10 gnome shell extensions (such as user theme) will not load?03:01
startekcharle: yeah03:01
startekcharle: *crosses fingers*03:01
Kcharlestarte: thru terminal or graphical03:01
zykotick9Sach: ? well, good luck.03:01
Sachlol, thanks zykotick03:02
OerHeksSach as a last resort: use a paperclip to open the tray, but that could damage the cd03:02
startekcharle: update manager03:02
niccosany idea at all?03:02
bobo37773Metroshica, Did you figure it out?03:02
SachOerHeks, thanks :)03:02
Kcharlestarte: The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources. libgdata-common libgdata1303:03
[[thufir]]Sach: how about top? any runaway processes?03:04
Sachthurfri, top?03:04
zykotick9Kcharle: where does "apt-cache policy libgdata-common" report it's coming from?  repository i mean.03:04
startekcharle: thru what app does that popup?03:05
CaptAnonIs it possibe to run GUIs without a desktop?03:05
sbts-tv_starte: try running alsamixer (amixer from the command line) and see if anything there helps03:05
Kcharlestarte: the update manager03:05
Kcharlezykotick9:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/815023/03:05
zykotick9sbts-tv_: alsamixer from cli is a lot easier03:05
bobo37773CaptAnon, Without a desktop? You mean X server?03:06
startekcharle: i know this sounds stupid... but are you running the recommended driver for your system03:06
sbts-tv_zykotick9: that could be, but as I understand it M$ is responsible for 90% of the way the extant proticol behaves.03:06
dies_iraeOut of memory: Kill process 11311 (firefox) score 460 or sacrifice child03:06
zykotick9Kcharle: your issue with (again) with oneiric-backports03:06
Kcharlei should be? im runing it in VMWare if that means anything03:06
dies_iraeKilled process 11427 (threaded-ml) total-vm:2099304kB, anon-rss:669880kB, file-rss:39264kB03:06
startedies_irae: cool story bro03:06
dies_iraehow does it determine ff to be first on the kill list?03:06
XouriiIs there a way to have some kind of bar at the bottom that shows what windows I have open?03:07
zykotick9sbts-tv_: oh, i agreed with your origional statement (except who created it) ;)03:07
startedies_irae: i have no clue. sorry03:07
sbts-tv_starte: if you use an irc client like irssi you can tab complete nick's :)03:07
dies_iraestarte: retard03:07
dies_iraestarte: don't talk to me03:07
startesbts-tv: im currently running irssi03:07
Kcharlezykotick9: so whats that mean?03:08
acerimmerXourii: yes in gnome...03:08
startedies_irae: says the guy begging for help... asswipe03:08
XouriiHow would I go about getting to that? (total n00b here, sorry)03:08
acerimmerXourii: no apology req'd.  what version of ubuntu do you have.03:08
startexourii: it'd be on the left of your screen i believe. I'm still kind of a noob too03:09
startexourii: doubleclick on the currently running app and X number of windows will pop up03:09
dies_iraestarte: 'cool story bro' does that look like a helpful response??03:09
XouriiI mean, like at the bottom of the screen, like in XP or 703:09
dies_iraestarte: this is not 4chan03:09
acerimmerXourii: yes.  what version of ubuntu do you have???03:10
zykotick9Kcharle: "apt-cache search backports" do you see anything about a key? perhaps?  i have no idea man, sorry I never used backports on ubuntu.03:10
startedies_irae: posting a random line of code without a question attached seemed like you made a mistake and accidentally posted that here03:10
Kcharlezykotick9: is there a way to disable it or something?03:10
startedies_irae: my apologies for making a joke03:10
dies_iraehow about waiting a lil for more?03:11
zykotick9Kcharle: software sources03:11
startezykotick9: that's where he runs into problems tho03:11
sbts-tv_dannyfog: if there are some file that *really* need to be kept, just boot the machine from a live cd (like you would before doing a reinstall) then use file manager (nautilus) to mount the drive and copy wanted files off to another disk. should be easy, in many cases it is enough to make a complete copy of the /home directory03:11
XouriiI'm running 11.0403:11
trismdies_irae: http://linux-mm.org/OOM_Killer03:11
zykotick9starte: i'm not shocked ;)03:11
CaptAnonI think so bobo3777303:12
dies_iraetrism: that wasn't my question.03:13
dies_iraeafter this last firefox OOM my sound is gone but Left/Right test do work03:13
dies_iraewhat happened?03:13
zykotick9CaptAnon: your question doesn't make much sense.  What do you want a GUI without a desktop?  A GUI is the desktop???03:13
DesignerGuytrying to run "apt-get install update-manager-core" and getting "E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?" ---- help?03:13
sbts-tv_dannyfog: if it blew up after running a windows exe, don't discount the possibility of malicious software. in theory it shouldn't happen, but who knows03:13
XouriiSo is it possible?03:13
dies_iraeall the cards are gone from systems settings, you know where you move up and down.03:14
dies_iraeonly remains pulse03:14
bobo37773CaptAnon, I think you need some kind of window manager to run a gui. Unless you wrote a gui that was also a wm.03:14
dies_iraehow to fix this?03:14
acerimmerXourii: you've got unity.  I've got gnome.  sorry.  I'm sure there's an applet, but someone who runs 11.04/11.10 may be able to help03:14
dannyfogsbs-tv, thanks for the advice about the live cd, I think I'll do it03:14
trismdies_irae: you never asked that question before now03:14
XouriiOk, thanks03:14
dannyfogWill it matter if it was password protected??03:14
ActionParsnipdies_irae: try:  kilall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*03:14
dies_iraein 'Device Pereference' cads be gone03:15
Kcharlestart, zykotick9 : just unchecked the 4th box in the software sources03:15
dannyfogsbs-tv: thanks for the advice about the live cd, I think I'll do it03:15
bobo37773CaptAnon, You can just use X if you want.03:15
dies_iraeActionParsnip: w00t03:16
dies_iraeActionParsnip: actually your first command failed but sound is back with only second command oO03:16
juxtai'm trying to get dropbox running on a headless ubuntu server. whenever I try to launch it, it just hangs at the console rather than giving any useful output - does anybody have any experience with it or suggestions?03:17
ZiefinDoes Ubuntu use network manager?03:17
sbts-tv_Metroshica: sed is the right tool. try something like 'sed "s/$OldNumber/$NewNumber/" filename' once the output looks right to you, just add the -i option to edit inplace. you may need to have more than just the number to prevent a number elsewhere in the file from being killed.03:17
zykotick9Ziefin: yes03:17
Merritt Hi - Using the latest Ubuntu with Gnome Shell - seems as though the hotkey for overview is set to only the left side Windows key. Can this be set to the right side key? I've had no luck with google. If I go Keyboard>System>Show the activies overview it will not accept a single key as a hotkey, only a combination (eg Super+Space)03:17
ZiefinI know this is an Ubuntu room...but what flavor of *nix is the best for webhosting besides RHEL03:18
xangua!ot | Ziefin03:18
ubottuZiefin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:18
CaptAnonbobo37773,  Can I not open up one gui program with out having a desktop?03:18
bobo37773Ziefin, You mean for a server?03:18
dies_iraeActionParsnip: now there are way too many devices :/03:18
zykotick9CaptAnon: to open ANY Xorg programs, you need Xorg (shocking)03:19
ActionParsnipdies_irae: That defaults your sound options to default03:19
ActionParsnipdies_irae: its a really good first move for sound03:19
ActionParsnipzykotick9: really? weird03:20
bobo37773CaptAnon, I do not know what "desktop" means. But if you are saying what I think you are then zykotick9 is right.03:20
ActionParsnipCaptAnon: what app do you need? There may be a cli version..03:20
bobo37773CaptAnon, What are you trying to do?03:20
ActionParsnipCaptAnon: or equiv03:20
malikmasri am trying to setup a vpn server that i can connect my ipod to via pptp03:22
malikmasri cannot find my error, but everytime i attempt  to connect i get a fail error from my ipod03:22
malikmasrcan someone help me narrow down the causes?03:22
dwonCaptAnon: There's also xvfb - Virtual Framebuffer 'fake' X server03:24
malikmasri used this guide http://eran.sandler.co.il/2010/08/30/pptp-vpn-on-ubuntu-10-04-for-your-iphone-ipad/03:24
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malikmasrwow, i think it worked03:25
CaptAnonI would like to use ubuntu with out the gui(the desktop)03:25
malikmasrone sec03:25
djcobrai was wondering if anyone can help me setup a telnet server?03:25
Guest68782hi guise, i'm havig trouble with xubuntu 10.10, for somereason it says gedit isn't available im guessing this has something to do with my package list03:25
MK13djcobra: telnet for what...?03:25
dies_iraeActionParsnip: fixed, thanks03:26
urlin2uGuest68105, I think you want leafpad03:26
djcobraso i can remotely connect to my xubuntu box from work (using windows telnet)03:26
sbts-tv_dagerik: no shouldn't matter. you will just need to put in the password as you mount the drive. that is if it was drive level password. if just user password then won't matter at all.03:26
MK13djcobra: would be best to use ssh and then get a ssh client like putty for windows03:26
urlin2uGuest68782, I think you want leafpad03:26
dwonCaptAnon: Oh, that's easy.  Just get the "ubuntu server" distro (or the ubuntu "alternative" cd image---and then don't install X).03:26
Guest68782i think i dont03:26
zykotick9djcobra: FYI telnet sends all passwords in clear text, so if anyone eavesdrops on your connection - they have your password(s)03:27
dwonCaptAnon: Or install Debian. :)03:27
sbts-tv_dannyfog: no shouldn't matter. you will just need to put in the password as you mount the drive. that is if it was drive level password. if just user password then won't matter at all.03:27
djcobrai have sshd running but having trouble connecting to it03:27
Guest68782i type in sudo *etc et* gedit but it says no such package03:27
urlin2uGuest68782, gedit isn't ruh in xubuntu it is leafpad same thing03:27
MK13djcobra: any error messages?03:27
djcobramaybe i haven't set it up right03:27
djcobrawhen i try to login via my windows machine, putty disapears03:28
pnormandjcobra: can you connect from the machine to itself with ssh?03:28
CaptAnondwon,  and how will I change between progams in this or will it be possible? The main reason I wan't to do this is to force myself to get better at the command line03:28
zykotick9Guest68782: sidenote: DON'T use sudo with GUI apps, use gksu instead.03:28
MK13djcobra: is the computer you want to connect to the server or desktop version of ubuntu?03:28
ActionParsnipurlin2u: you can install gedit in xubuntu though ;)03:28
pnormanzykotick9: isn't it gksudo?03:28
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)03:28
djcobraits a desktop03:28
urlin2uActionParsnip, I know I was just telling them the stock set up.03:28
Guest68782zykotick9: thanks .-.03:29
dwonCaptAnon: LeftAlt-F1, LeftAlt-F2, LeftAlt-F3, etc. and/or you can install the "screen" package and use that.03:29
ActionParsnippnorman: similar but slightly different :)03:29
dies_iraewhere's firefox history in plain text??03:29
dies_iraeI need it03:29
ActionParsnipurlin2u: logical03:29
Guest68782i mean sudo apt-get install sudo03:29
dies_iraeI can't start firefox cuz got 400 tabs.03:29
zykotick9pnorman: both should work03:29
Guest68782*sudo apt-get install gedit03:29
CaptAnoncool, Thanks dwon03:30
MK13djcobra: how much have you already done w/ ssh?03:30
dwonCaptAnon: If you want to avoid using the GUI, you're probably better off using Debian, though.  Ubuntu works fine as a CLI-only distro, but Debian probably has more users who use it that way.03:30
zykotick9dwon: ;)03:30
djcobraMK13, i can login using: ssh (internal ip) in the xterm and connects03:30
ActionParsnipdies_irae: its stored in historyMINE.dat03:30
djcobrabut having trouble when i'm in windows03:31
CaptAnonBut I would like to return to normal after I improve my skills dwon03:31
ActionParsnipdies_irae: found this: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=50930503:31
djcobrai believe i have both ssh and sshd installed03:31
MK13djcobra: when you are windows, are you still in your local network?03:31
zykotick9djcobra: you'd need to forward port 22 (by default) to your ubuntu box from your router, to get outside connections03:31
ActionParsnipdjcobra: can you ping the system?03:31
MK13zykotick9: you keep stealing my thunder :)03:31
ActionParsnipdjcobra: are you connecting with an account on the allowed list?03:31
djcobrai've set up the router to forward to the xubuntu box03:32
zykotick9MK13: sorry ;)03:32
ActionParsnipdjcobra: if its on the LAN the forwarding won't matter03:32
djcobraoh... even if my windows box is on a different ip03:32
CaptAnonCan I not boot into CLI only?03:32
MK13djcobra: as long as it is on your lan port forwarding won't matter03:33
ActionParsnipdjcobra: each PC on the network will have a different IP03:33
ActionParsnipCaptAnon: sure, add the boot option: text03:33
djcobraokay.. so why am i having trouble when i try to connect remotely (work)03:33
flowerpotWhile installing Chef, I had to modify my path to include a certain directory.  Since Chef relies on commands in this directory to do its business, and it looks like it assumes the path is set correctly, I want to make sure that this directory is always contained in the path whenever a command is run from any shell.  How can I do that?03:33
MK13djcobra: if you don't work at home then you most likely aren't on the same lan03:33
djcobraeven if my router has been adjusted to forward to that xubuntu box03:33
ActionParsnipdjcobra: check the port forwarding in the router, you need to forward port 22/TCP to the IP of the system running the SSH service03:34
MK13djcobra: are you able to connect to it from another machine while at home?03:34
djcobraokay let me check03:34
djcobraMK13, yes03:34
ActionParsnipdjcobra: there are websites to scan for open ports which you can use to see if it's working03:34
ActionParsnipdjcobra: you may need to reboot the router too, some home grade routers need taht03:34
zykotick9flowerpot: see .profile03:34
flowerpotzykotick9, isn't that only for login shells?03:35
cheapieQuick question: can somebody explain the difference between a "thin client" and a "zero client"?03:35
MK13you can tell the popular problems to help fix... they get 3+ people helping, lol03:35
pseudomanderHey, could someone help me out with a problem I'm having logging in.03:35
cheapiepseudomander: What's the problem?03:36
flowerpotcheapie, sounds like jargon/buzzwords to me...a thin client is just a client that doesn't have a lot of software/hardware installed and usually exists only to interface with something else that does have the main stuff03:36
ActionParsnipcheapie: zero clients have no local OS, they boot via PXE and rely solely on the network03:36
ActionParsnipflowerpot: it's a thing03:36
flowerpotzykotick9, my goal is to ensure that the directory is included in the path for every possible shell03:36
dies_iraeI was thinking a paper about this --> 'However, recent study of the VP4 protein has shown it to be highly conserved amongst many serotypes of Human rhinovirus,[11] opening up the potential for a future pan-serotype Human rhinovirus vaccine.'03:37
dies_iraedamn wrong chan03:37
cheapieActionParsnip: So I *am* using a "zero client". Thanks!03:37
pseudomanderI tried to add a code to my startup programs tab03:37
flowerpotActionParsnip, didn't know that!  thanks for explaining03:37
zykotick9flowerpot: and i think you'll find .profile will do that for you.  but i'm no 100%03:37
CaptAnonCool, ActionParsnip  How would I go about that?03:37
pseudomanderbut I made an error in the code and can't login to remove it.03:37
CaptAnoncan I just click a button during start up?03:37
MK13djcobra: what ip are you using to access your server while at work?03:37
CaptAnonNo, That would be too easy03:37
cheapieCaptAnon: Go about what?03:37
CaptAnonbooting in text mode03:37
flowerpotzykotick9, unfortunately bash only reads ~/.profile when it is invoked as a login shell03:37
brandon123anyone know if the last round of updates to 11.10 might have caused focus issues?03:38
pseudomanderIs there any way to startx without it running the startup files?03:38
ActionParsnip!text | CaptAnon03:38
ubottuCaptAnon: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode03:38
zykotick9flowerpot: use .bashrc then?03:38
cheapiepseudomander: Not that I know of.03:38
ActionParsnippseudomander: startup files like what?03:38
zykotick9flowerpot: i still believe it's .profile you want though...03:38
CaptAnoncool, Thanks very much, Now I am off into the unknown, Cheers ActionParsnip03:38
zykotick9flowerpot: the ~/bin PATH is established in .profile - that certainly applies to all terminals (login or not)03:39
flowerpotzykotick9, it seems ~/.bashrc is only invoked if the shell is interactive but not a login shell03:39
pseudomandera command I added to  system>>preferences>>startup applications03:40
djcobradid a port test... said it passed and it's stealth03:41
MK13djcobra: stealth means it's not accepting connections03:41
zykotick9djcobra: you want 22 to be open...03:42
flowerpotzykotick9, the trick, i guess, is that I don't really know where PATH is originally defined.  it doesn't seem like /etc/profile and /etc/bash.bashrc cover all possible cases, but i could be wrong03:42
sbts-tv_pseudomander: in the login screen you can change to failsafe session type03:42
cheapiedjcobra: Actually, stealth also means that it is simply not responding.03:42
djcobrawas about to ask, how do you open it.. is there a script i need to edit03:42
cheapiedjcobra: When you start a program that needs it, it should open...03:42
djcobraplease bare with me.. i've been out of the linux game for awhile. college days.03:43
zykotick9flowerpot: where $PATH origionates is a bit of a mystery to me (and i've looked into it a couple of times).  I'd just try ~/.profile and test.03:43
djcobrafor some reason it isn't open...03:43
kahhey, I'm trying to install ubuntu on a windows 7 virtualbox03:43
MK13pseudomander: check /etc/xdg/autostart and see if what you added is in there?03:43
kahshould i use 10 lts or 11?03:44
cheapiedjcobra: What port is it, and what are you trying to run that listens on it?03:44
kahand should i use the windows installer?03:44
Buhdabotdoesnt every path start at / which means root03:44
djcobrai'd like to open up port 2203:44
djcobraor 2303:44
zykotick9Buhdabot: every "absolute" path does, not relative paths ;)03:44
cheapiekah: Well, are you wanting to avoid updating for a while, or have the latest software?03:45
dwonfilesystem paths and the PATH environment variable are two different things03:45
cheapiedjcobra: For...?03:45
phy1729How does one disable Network Manager. I thought I had killed it; however it keeps reverting my iptables.03:45
sbts-tv_flowerpot: zykotick9 the system wide path originates in /etc/environment03:45
kahI'm just looking to program with ruby on rails03:45
MK13djcobra: have you made sure it is forwarding to the correct internal ip? it could have changed if not static03:45
ActionParsnipkah: I'd use the latest stable03:45
djcobraMK13, yes. i've set it up in my router03:45
cheapiekah: Yes.03:46
ActionParsnipkah: or take the plunge with 12.04 pre-release03:46
kahor long-term stable 1003:46
zykotick9sbts-tv_: lol, not here: "0 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 15 16:11 /etc/environment"03:46
dwonphy1729: apt-get remove network-manager03:46
kahand should i use the windows installer?03:46
ActionParsnipkah: its released in April and is LTS03:46
Buhdabotwhats the wm for 12.04 ?03:46
ActionParsnipkah: no, mount the MD5 tested ISO in virtualbox and boot to it03:46
phy1729dwon: I thought I did that but let me make sure03:46
flowerpotsbts-tv_, thank you!03:46
cheapiedjcobra: And are you sure you have an ssh daemon running?03:46
ActionParsnipBuhdabot: in Gnome based ubuntu, compiz as usualy03:46
dwonphy1729: although don't do that if you're on a wireless network, unless you know what you're doing =)03:46
zykotick9phy1729: careful removing it!  if you define something in /etc/network/interfaces it will autodiable N-M from that interface03:46
MK13djcobra: do you have a firewall on the desktop machine?03:46
flowerpotsbts-tv_, so if I add a directory to the $PATH defined in /etc/environment, it will be present in every shell no matter what?03:47
ActionParsnipBuhdabot: looks and feels similar to Gnome based ubuntu in 11.10..03:47
phy1729nope all wired and static IPs03:47
Buhdabotok thanks ActionParsnip03:47
djcobracheapie, yes i'm running it. i can login using my internal ip address in xterm03:47
kahActionParsnip: I'll stick with 11 for now, upgrade later.. and what does mds stand for?03:47
sbts-tv_zykotick9: that is strange. it is on any machine I have worked on for the last 10 years03:47
cheapiedjcobra: Are you behind a NAT?03:47
ActionParsnipBuhdabot: if you use a different desktop then the WM will be different03:47
djcobraMK13, is there a command that will display what i'm running03:47
dwonphy1729: Also, what zykotick9 said.  (I'm just trigger-happy when it comes to network-manager. :) )03:47
cheapiedjcobra: "ps ax | less"03:48
phy1729hrm yea it did seem to do that03:48
ActionParsnipkah: MD5, its a test so you know the ISO you have is complete and consistent03:48
ActionParsnip!md5 | kah03:48
ubottukah: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:48
sbts-tv_flowerpot: yes. but you will need to at least logout and back in first, if not reboot03:48
ActionParsnipkah: it's MD5, not MDS03:48
MK13djcobra: not too sure on that one... could be quite a few firewalls or even iptables03:48
djcobrafilter NAT in my router is unchecked.03:48
dwondjcobra: "ps fax | less" is a bit better; it gives you the process hierarchy03:48
flowerpotsbts-tv_, cool.  thank you!03:48
kahOk cool03:48
cheapiedjcobra: Do you have multiple computers on this network?03:49
kahIt would be neat is MIRC could have a conversation break down, for easier viewing03:49
kahor *irc03:49
ActionParsnipkah: there are logs of the channel03:49
BuhdabotActionParsnip, breaks it down03:49
djcobracheapie, yes i have multiple computers on the LAN03:49
phy1729All fixed, thanks dwon and zykotick903:50
cheapiedjcobra: Have you set it to forward to the correct computer?03:50
sbts-tv_djcobra: can you ssh to that machine from a different machine on your local network?03:50
djcobracheapie, yes.  internal is set to
ActionParsnipdjcobra: can you connect over LAN ok?03:50
dannek71Hey all03:51
cheapiedannek71: Hi, what problem are you having?03:51
djcobraon my windows box using telnet i can connect to my ubuntu box fine using internal ip, however cannot connect when using my isp ip address03:51
kahActionParsnip: hey, why wouldn't my ubuntu iso be legit?03:51
cheapiekah: That's not what MD5 is for - it's to make sure it's not corrupted.03:52
djcobralet me try using putty on the windows box (using internal ip) port 22 brb03:52
=== whoever is now known as Guest89451
sbts-tv_djcobra: ssh and telnet are totally different things. and run on different ports.03:53
MK13kah: you didn't think ubuntu was free did you ;)03:53
kahcheapie: how would it get corrupted?03:53
artichokussh ftw!!!!03:53
kahMK13: haha, that would be a crime03:53
cheapiedjcobra: If you're trying to connect to your external IP from inside your network, that's why it doesnt work...03:53
shovellhow do you output the contents of the terminal to a log file?03:53
ActionParsnipkah: its not a case of legit, the internet is not an incredibly reliable network and data can get damaged in transit03:54
zykotick9shovell: "ls > filename.txt"03:54
ActionParsnipkah: so you check the file so you know it is all ok03:54
djcobraputty doesn't seem to connect when using internal ip aswell03:54
djcobrajust hangs03:54
ActionParsnipdjcobra: then your issue is not the router03:54
artichokui just joined, may i ask what issue you are having03:54
cheapiekah: Sometimes packets will get corrupted, transfers will get mangled (especially over FTP)...03:54
shovellzykotick9, thanks is that as a program runs or just what is there03:54
[[thufir]]upgrading from an alternate cd brings up "getting new packages" which is a pain.  I opted for the networkless option.  hmm, maybe next upgrade just disconnect the ethernet cable or something?03:55
kahActionParsnip: I see, cheapie: yeah, fair enough03:55
ActionParsnipkah: protocols like torrents add extra checking which can help get a good image03:55
djcobratelnet works fine in windows using the internal ip address03:55
zykotick9shovell: > is a terminal built-in03:55
[[thufir]]can I get all those new packages for an upgrade via torrent or something?03:55
ActionParsnipdjcobra: is openssh-server installed on the server side?03:55
djcobracommand to find out quick?03:56
ActionParsnipdjcobra: sudo apt-get install openssh-server03:56
earlybirddwhat would be more stable windows running a vm of ubuntu or ubuntu running a windows vm03:56
ActionParsnipdjcobra: it'll either install or say its already in03:56
zykotick9djcobra: that actual cli command to find out would be "apt-cache policy openssh-server"03:56
cheapiekah: FTP is especially famous for mangling data. In fact, on older servers, it will get mangled by default...03:56
ActionParsnipearlybirdd: how do you mean 'stable'03:56
artichokuinstall ubuntu inside windows, or make a separate partition03:57
earlybirddwell ive got two laptops. A laptop server and my personal laptop.03:57
earlybirddI wish to run both OS's on the server....as a file/web server....but I am punned into which OS I should go03:57
[[thufir]]if I were to just disconnect the ethernet cable before upgrading, would that omit the part where "getting new packages" before the upgrade occurs happens?  or would it just not be able to upgrade?03:57
zykotick9earlybirdd: i consider anyone using Windows to host VMs, as a little crazy myself.03:57
kahcheapie: yeah, well it's good to know about this, plus MD5 looks like it is a breeze03:58
djcobraopenssh-server is already the newest version03:58
ActionParsnipearlybirdd: ubuntu server will use fewer resources so I'd virtualize ubuntu03:58
earlybirddI would like to learn the ups and downs of both OS's as a file/web server but I want them to both have access to the same files03:58
earlybirddis this possible?03:58
cheapie[[thufir]] If you have any packages installed that aren't included on the CD, the upgrade will probably fail.03:58
artichokui prefer windows 2008sbs03:58
artichokubut ubuntu is more secure03:58
cheapieearlybirdd: Do you need them to run at the same time?03:58
MK13djcobra: have you only been able to connect to the ssh locally from the same computer?03:58
ActionParsnipdjcobra: ok and what is the output of:  service ssh status03:58
ActionParsnipartichoku: its as secure as you make it....03:58
djcobraActionParsnip, ssh start/running, process 2653303:59
ActionParsnipearlybirdd: sure, if you set it up right03:59
artichokutrue so true, linux just comes secure out of the box03:59
ActionParsnipartichoku: thats teh bit you missed ;)03:59
djcobraMK13, yes i'm able to connect to while in the linux box03:59
artichokuwindows exploitation is something that you have to chase down all the time03:59
artichokualways something, since MS is always updating their booboo's04:00
MK13djcobra: your ssh daemon might not be setup to listen on anything other than the localhost adapter04:00
intokAnyone play Osmos on a Geforce 6200(NV44a) I can't see any of the menu text or objectives text in the game04:00
cheapieartichoku: Yes, Windows is as secure as Microsoft makes it (not very), most Linux distros are as secure as you make them, and Gentoo... well, it will be secure if it ever finishes compiling.04:00
djcobraanyway to adjust that MK13 `04:00
ActionParsnipdjcobra: ok, run:  ssh localhost     so you get offered to continue connecting (lots of output)?04:00
artichokusorry i looked away a second cheapie04:01
ActionParsnipintok: a few04:01
ActionParsnipintok: I don't play that game but I have gamed on the chip04:01
djcobraActionParsnip, ssh
djcobraand it connects fine04:02
intokActionParsnip any insight to the missing text? As stated, the game otherwise plays fine, but I can't change any options and can't read anything04:02
ActionParsnipdjcobra: ok that's good, we know the service is running and accepting connections04:03
djcobrayep internally :)04:03
ActionParsnipintok: let me search04:03
djcobraon the linux box04:03
ActionParsnipdjcobra: ok did you configure your firewall any?04:03
artichokuintok: iver never played the game, but does it offer the ability to change settings before the game starts04:03
MK13djcobra: check in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and look for an entry 'listenaddress' and let me know what that is04:03
cheapieartichoku: And, for (another) laugh about the same subject, here's dpkg's opinion about Gentoo: "Gentoo Linux causes global warming!  Needlessly recompiling everything uses power.  Fossil fuels  are used to generate that power.  See also <diminishing returns on bogomips>.  Hug a tree, use  Debian!04:03
djcobraMK13, okay04:03
artichokuomg cheapie04:04
artichokuyou know, i miss mandrake04:04
artichokumandriva's not the same04:04
MK13djcobra: the default is to listen to all interfaces, but yours might be different04:04
intokartichoku not allot, but it has some options, I've playedit on an Intel GMA900 and a Radeon HD2600XT04:04
ActionParsnipartichoku: I loved mandrake04:04
ActionParsnipartichoku: kde was good then :(04:04
cheapieartichoku: Maybe you should ask dpkg about that and see what he says - you can find him on #debian-bots.04:04
djcobraokay it has this: #ListenAddress ::04:05
cheapieActionParsnip: KDE3? I liked that too...04:05
artichokuintok: can you you kill any of the eyecandy in those settings? and also maybe change to window mode?04:05
MK13djcobra: then it should be listen on all adapters04:05
djcobrahas # infront.04:05
djcobrayeah thats what i thought04:05
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artichokummmm kde304:05
djcobramaybe it needs to be restarted?04:06
ActionParsnipartichoku: mmmm04:06
MK13djcobra: if it is commented out it should use the default, which is to listen to all interfaces04:06
ActionParsnipdjcobra: try it, can't hurt04:06
djcobrawhats the command again?04:06
ActionParsnipdjcobra: sudo reboot04:06
intokartichoku don't remember, only have this to use right now and these are the default settings04:06
djcobrahaha not the system04:06
djcobracan i just restart the sshd?04:06
MK13djcobra: service sshd restart?04:07
MK13can't check the command right now04:07
martianAnyone familiar with AutoSSH? I just can't seem to get it to work when using the same params as I do with normal ssh04:07
djcobra#ListenAddress ::04:07
djcobrasshd: unrecognized service04:07
ActionParsnipdjcobra: if that fails:  sudo service ssh stop; sudo service ssh start04:07
djcobrak i'll reboot04:07
FloodBot1djcobra: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:07
djcobrasorry about that04:07
artichokuintok: without having it in front of me, it's really hard to say what to try04:09
artichokuhow are your vid drivers?04:09
artichokuup to date?04:09
artichokudoes it work with other games?04:09
ActionParsnipartichoku: http://www.tuxmachines.org/images/mdv2006/desktop.jpg ;)04:09
djcobraargh... guess i'll reboot04:09
djcobrai'll do this tomorrow04:09
djcobrathanks for your help guys :)04:10
artichokuwell thats different04:10
artichokuthat's like windows 3.1 to xp04:11
spursncowboysHi everyone.04:11
intokartichoku Nvidia 280.13 Other games that play fluently are NAEV, Aquaria, CaveStory+, Open Sonic, World Of Goo04:11
ActionParsnipintok: penumbra series is awesome04:12
ActionParsnipintok: also grab urban terror if you like counterstrike (it has wall jumping too)04:13
spursncowboysHow do i open a .bin file04:13
ActionParsnipartichoku: thats the default mandrake 6 desktop, good times04:13
mordofdoes ubuntu have a command to check what brand/type of RAM i currently have installed?04:14
ActionParsnipspursncowboys: mark it as executable and run it, if it is nvidia drivers you don't need it04:14
ActionParsnipmordof: it will show type, not brand04:14
mordofActionParsnip: good enough04:14
ActionParsnipas far as I remember04:14
ActionParsnipmordof: dmidecode may help04:14
intokActionParsnip oh I know, before my C2D/ Geforce 8800GTS blew it's mobo I got through Penumbra and the Id games04:15
ActionParsnippenumbra is very worth the cash04:15
mordofActionParsnip: oh hey, this is interesting :o04:15
flowerpotsbts-tv_, I have a question for you: I've added /foo to the path defined in /etc/environment, and now if I type which bar then /foo/bar is returned.  However, sudo which bar returns nothing -- typing sudo foo says "sudo: foo: command not found"04:16
artichokuactionparsnip: sorry just looked. lots of pm's!04:16
flowerpotI'm sorry, disregard that - there was a typo.  I'll re-type:04:16
ActionParsnipmordof: its a great command04:16
ActionParsnipmordof: bios version and low stuff like that, good times04:16
mordofActionParsnip: was trying to find out what brand of RAM i have - as i want to buy another 8GB it. I *think* this (http://ncix.com/products/?sku=53427&vpn=CMX8GX3M2A1333C9&manufacture=Corsair) is currently what i have04:17
flowerpotsbts-tv_, I have a question for you: I have a program bar in directory /foo.  I've added /foo to the path defined in /etc/environment and rebooted, and now which bar returns /foo/bar but sudo which bar returns nothing.  Moreover, bar works but sudo bar results in: "sudo: bar: command not found" -- do you have any idea what's wrong?04:17
ActionParsnipmordof: could just open the case, you'll need to do that anyway to install it04:18
mordofActionParsnip: room mate is asleep xD can't make noise :\04:18
mordofor rather, don't want to04:18
* mordof shrugs04:18
mordofi'll wait til morning04:18
[[thufir]]cheapie: thx04:18
artichokufyi, unity pisses me off04:19
flowerpotI've modified /etch/environment to include /foo in my PATH, but root's PATH doesn't include /foo.  It's bizarre.04:19
mordofartichoku: i disabled it04:19
ActionParsnipmordof: I'd check later ;)04:19
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artichokuone friggin' compiz change and you're stuck in recovery mode for an hour04:19
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artichokui was trying out unity-rotated launcher04:20
artichokuit crapped itself and was stuck at the command line forever04:21
sbts-tv_flowerpot: check out the manpage for sudo. from memory sudo, by default, clears the path. there are options to change that behaviour04:21
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c_nickI upgraded to Ubuntu 11.10 Oneric Ocelot But somehow Can i change over from Unity to the older GUI (sorry I am a bit in love with the old one)04:22
intokActionParsnip Am I missing anything? http://www.gameolith.com/   http://www.desura.com/      http://www.playdeb.net/      http://www.quakelive.com/     http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/04:22
artichokuc_nick, when logging in, click the cog next to your name04:22
c_nicki did04:22
artichokuthen choose ubuntu classic04:22
c_nicki get Destop 2D Desktop04:23
sbts-tv_flowerpot: once again from memory, the best way to fix this would be to also add /foo to the path sudo uses. this should be configurable in /etc/sudoers I think04:23
artichokugo into compiz once you've done that04:23
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artichokuset it up like you normally would have04:23
ActionParsnipintok: looks fine04:23
artichokubut i warn you04:23
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artichokucompiz makes unity go boom04:23
flowerpotsbts-tv_, I am baffled: sudo echo $PATH shows /foo is in $PATH, but sudo foo fails with "sudo: foo: command not found".  I'll check out the sudoers file04:23
ActionParsnipc_nick: there is a guide on omgubuntu how to make it look like Gnome2.04:23
c_nickartichoku, I dont get Ubuntu Classic04:24
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flowerpotalthough it's possible that sudo echo $PATH might be showing me my $PATH instead of root's04:24
artichokuwhat r your options, mine says ubuntu classic04:24
ActionParsnipc_nick: personally I'd install xfce4 and use that desktop. Your Gnome apps will run just fine in xfce04:24
JuggernautHey guys. Quick question. I'm trying to execute a file in a different directory than my working directory. So I'm trying to execute a file in /xyz and the file name is /xyz/abc. But ./xyz/abc doesn't work.04:24
JuggernautI think I'm missing a key concept somewhere04:24
artichokubooooo xfce!04:24
ActionParsnipflowerpot: try:  sudo -i    then run:  echo $PATH04:24
artichokuno it's not bad04:24
artichokui'm just being an ass04:24
ActionParsnipJuggernaut: is the file marked as executable?04:24
artichokuxfce just doesn't have enough eyecandy for me04:24
artichokuthen again, i didn't play with it alot04:25
c_nickI am not an EyeCandy Person :D04:25
JuggernautActionParsnip: It executes using ./abc when I'm in its directory.04:25
c_nickI am a C Programmer :D :D :D04:25
artichokuthen go for it!04:25
intokActionParsnip artichoku Regnum will run on this 6200 as well, at absolute minimum settings, but it gets far too slow when more then like 10 people are around04:25
artichokusudo apt-get xfce404:25
flowerpotActionParsnip, /foo is included, but I think sudo -i preserves your own environment variables, so that would happen even if root's PATH didn't include /foo.04:25
ActionParsnipc_nick: same, this is my desktop: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/Desktop.png04:25
c_nicki could personally do with Ubuntu Classic too04:25
artichokudowngrade to the 173 driver04:25
sbts-tv_flowerpot: look at variable secure_path in man sudoers04:25
artichokusee if it makes a difference04:25
mordofartichoku: yeah, i like a certain degree of eye candy so many desktop environments are just "bleh" to me, lol04:26
ActionParsnipflowerpot: but you know root's path is right04:26
artichokui find it hard to live without my compiz cube04:26
ActionParsnipflowerpot: you could add to the bottom of ~/.bashrc     export PATH=$PATH:/foo04:26
flowerpotsbts-tv_, I notice that in sudoers, there's the line "Defaults    env_reset"04:26
IceDingoJuggernaut, leave the . off the front04:26
ActionParsnipartichoku: single desktop here, it's all I need04:26
JuggernautI'll try that04:26
c_nickActionParsnip, thats good Desktop :) And how is that less eye candy04:26
mordofartichoku: lol. compiz cube would mess me right up. i don't use workspaces04:26
flowerpotsbts-tv_, there is no secure_path in /etc/sudoers for me04:27
JuggernautIceDingo: That works! Many thanks04:27
ActionParsnipc_nick: where is the eye candy?04:27
artichokuactionparsnip: it's not what i neeeeeed persay, but i want desperately04:27
c_nickEye Candy = Good GUI :)04:27
IceDingoJuggernaut, no problem :)04:27
artichokumine looks like a borg cube04:27
mordofActionParsnip: your UI has images!!! = eye candy.. rofl04:27
sbts-tv_flowerpot: no, leave that one alone. by default secure_path is set to </usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin so just add you /foo04:27
artichokuback in the day, some dood made an "OS" in QuickBASIC04:28
ActionParsnipmordof: like a wallpaper?04:28
c_nickjk man ! but seems nice04:28
artichokuthat shit was hot, because all I had was DOS04:28
sbts-tv_flowerpot: that info is from "man sudoers" there are a lot of settings that have defaults and will not be in the sudoers file.04:28
mordofActionParsnip: well, i suppose if your UI supported gradients then it wouldn't need to be images04:28
mordofActionParsnip: *shrugs* :)04:28
ActionParsnipartichoku: yeah but if you had resident aps you had to hack himem.sys to free more ram so your app would run04:28
c_nickartichoku, what r u using ?04:28
ActionParsnipmordof: they are images, it's lxde + openbox04:29
mordofActionParsnip: ahh ok04:29
mordofActionParsnip: considered openbox at one point..04:29
ActionParsnipmordof: the default panel image is only 48pt high. I used image magic to stretch it so I could get a bigger lxpanel04:29
c_nickActionParsnip, so how to do that ? at-get install openbox04:30
artichokuc_nick: this very second, unity is on04:30
artichokubut i did set up ubuntu classic04:30
c_nickartichoku, how ?04:30
zykotick9!notunity | c_nick04:30
ubottuc_nick: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic04:30
artichokuc_nick: what do you mean?04:31
flowerpotsbts-tv_, OK, so if env_reset is set and I also specify secure_path to be /foo + the default, the environment will be reset (as it is currently) but the PATH will be forcefully set to what I've specified, right?04:31
ActionParsnipc_nick: sure, you can log off then and log on to openbox session, if you want something like that I would install LXDE04:31
yggdrasilhi can sl04:31
c_nickubottu replied04:31
ActionParsnipc_nick: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/how-to-make-ubuntu-11-10-look-and-feel-like-gnome-2/04:31
artichokuoooo c_nick: did you install 11.10 directly or did you upgrade?04:31
sbts-tv_flowerpot: yes that is correct. don't forget to use sudoedit to edit the sudoers file, it saves you from disaster!04:31
artichokuthat may be why i have ubuntu-classic option04:32
artichokui upgraded04:32
yggdrasilhi ca someone tell me why when i do sudo halt it hangs and doesnt actually shut down the computr?04:32
mordofartichoku: heh - there's about 11 options on my user login from fiddling with stuff, it's such a mess04:32
flowerpotsbts-tv_, righto, i'll give it a try. thanks04:32
almoxarifegiven that a script i need to run crashes more than it runs and i have a choice between 64bit or 32bit libs, running the 64bit now, would 32bit be any different?04:32
c_nickartichoku, fucker installed it directly04:32
artichokuthen do what ubottu said04:32
c_nickinstalling gnome-shell04:33
artichokumordof: rofl04:33
matt-someguyi am getting an error installing ubuntu using the wubi.exe on windows 704:33
WoCI'm trying to compile a irc client, but the configure script can find glib-config, shouldnt that be part of libglib-dev ? or what should i install to get glib-config ?04:33
sbts-tv_flowerpot: I think that sudoedit still defaults to useing vi as an editor, you may want to either read up on using vi, or check the manpage for sudoedit to find out how to use a different editor with it04:33
artichokudon't you wish ubuntu would clean up out messes04:33
zykotick9c_nick: gnome-shell = gnome3, gnome-panel = similar to gnome204:33
harishhi arti04:33
yggdrasilhi ca someone tell me why when i do sudo halt it hangs and doesnt actually shut down the computr?04:33
matt-someguyIOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'F:\\wubildr'04:33
WoCdang... s/can find/can not/g04:33
artichokumatt-someguy: go into windows and repartition04:33
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artichokuthen do a side by side install04:34
mordofartichoku: i somehow ended up on "User Defined Session" by chance, i was fiddling with compiz and i created a conflict that completely shut down Unity, lol.. I was so happy xD somehow that glitch got saved. Using AWN + compiz now04:34
artichokuand skip wubi altogether04:34
yggdrasilthismhappens on 2 of my b0xes04:34
ActionParsnipmatt-someguy: I suggest you grab the ISO, MD5 test it, mount it using magic disk or daemontools and run Wubi frmo there04:34
matt-someguyartichoku: i am a little less technical than that...04:34
mordofartichoku: couldn't tell you for the life of me how to do it again, hah04:34
artichokumordof: i love awn manager04:34
mordofyeah, it's nice04:34
c_nickzykotick9, ok its happening..04:34
matt-someguyActionParsnip: k, thanks, i'll take a look at it04:34
c_nickone if i log out should i see an option ?04:35
artichokumatt-someguy: go to control panel>administrative tools>storage> right click on windows partition>shrink volume> make it whatever size you want04:35
sbts-tv_yggdrasil: you need sudo poweroff *not* halt. halt just stops the machine, not power it down04:35
c_nicklogging out and seeing04:35
WoCyggdrasil init 0 also works04:35
mordofi've been using shutdown -P every time not knowing there was another way, lol04:36
artichokuinit 0 FTW!!!!!04:36
yggdrasilthank u i have always done halt04:36
matt-someguyartichoku: still is a pain in the ass, and i still don't know how to install as a side by side, hence the wubi04:37
ZeloZelosin xchat is there a way to make it stop telling me when someones name has changed?04:37
zykotick9sbts-tv_: i agree with you, BUT why does "shutdown -h now" power off the machine?04:37
artichokuwubi is much more a pain in the ass04:37
artichokuyou could install inside windows04:37
artichokuif you mount the image with daemon tools04:37
artichokuthen choose to install inside windows04:37
artichokuand you won't have to worry with wubi04:37
MerrittUsing Ubuntu 11.10 with GNOME Shell - I want to set my right Windows/Super key to trigger the activities overlay, however if I go Keyboard > Shortcuts > System > "Show the activies overview" , it will not accept a single key as a hotkey, only a combination (eg Super+Space). Any ideas?04:37
WoCSorry for the repeat but i made some major typos... I am trying to compile a irc client, but the configure script can not find glib-config, should not that be part of libglib-dev ? or what should i install to get glib-config ? or is there some other packages that would provide glib-config ?04:38
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artichokuthen when yur done playing with it, just uninstall like you would anything else04:38
mordofZeloZelos: yes.. i have no idea how though, lol04:38
artichokuit's be in your programs and features list04:38
matt-someguybut would it be running as its own OS if i botted it, or would it be running inside windows04:38
sbts-tv_zykotick9: fron the shutdown manpage "-h     Requests that the system be either halted or powered off after it has been brought down, with the choice as to which left up to the system."04:38
artichokuas it's own os04:38
zykotick9matt-someguy: Wubi runs inside of windows04:39
artichokuyou get the option when you're powering on04:39
matt-someguyok, sounds good04:39
HasselsaurusWubi doesn't run inside of Windows04:39
matt-someguyi'll take a look at it04:39
Hasselsaurusit installs inside of Windows04:39
zykotick9sbts-tv_: thanks ;)04:39
artichokuwhether you want to boot in windows or ubuntu04:39
Hasselsaurusbut runs natively04:39
Hasselsaurusit runs *almost* as fast as a native install04:39
matt-someguynow i have to download the ISO04:39
malikmasrif i have a vpn server setup on ubuntu, is there anyway i can see a log of ip addresses that have connected to my vpn?04:39
artichokui still say you should install on a partition04:40
artichokuyou'll get irritated with it04:40
artichokui did04:40
artichokuyou also can't share windows files04:40
HasselsaurusI use Wubi for temporary, short-term installations. Partition/wipe whole for long-term04:40
sbts-tv_malikmasr: /var/log/auth.log and maybe others04:40
artichokuso get your jump drive ready to move files04:40
Hasselsaurusor Dropbox04:40
artichokubecause you can't mount windows with wubi04:40
matt-someguywell, i am using ubuntu to learn about Unix systems as i need to learn it for IT jobs04:41
matt-someguyso i won't really be using it for years to come or anything04:41
artichokui agree hasselsaurus, like i did a wubi for 11.10 before i upgraded04:41
HasselsaurusIn that case - I suggest you try using several different distros. Wubi may be the right choice for you to easily test it out, and wipe it if you screw up/want something new04:41
artichokujust to make sure i liked it04:41
malikmasrsbts-tv, it doesnt seem to contain the ip address of the clients04:42
artichokumatt-someguy, you may want to try debian too, as ubuntu spawned from it04:42
zykotick9matt-someguy: fyi, ubuntu is NOT a good representative of Unix-like OSes.04:42
Scrabbiliskwhat is then?04:42
artichokui love ubuntu04:43
matt-someguyartichoku: i also intend to use freeBSD and looking into arch, however i cannot get arch to run through the VM yet04:43
mordofZeloZelos: yes.. i have no idea how though, lol04:43
mordofZeloZelos: sorry, lol.. wrong terminal xD (just hit up + enter_04:43
artichokufreeBSD is def unix-like04:43
ZeloZelosin xchat is there a way to make it stop telling me when someones name has changed?04:43
artichokubut don't expect anything pretty04:43
malikmasrsbts-tv_ it doesnt seem to contain the ip address of the clients04:43
artichokuit's down and dirty IMO04:43
matt-someguyzykotick9: i only need to learn about Unix for IT jobs like data rescuses and server stuff04:44
zhownxhi all... I want to connect ad-hoc with cli... the host is running windows... any idea?04:44
zykotick9ZeloZelos: right click the #ubuntu channel on the left, check for the option (sorry i don't use xchat anymore, so can't be specific)04:44
artichokufor that matter, just download putty and get a free shell account04:44
matt-someguyZeloZelos: do you have the source code?04:44
artichokuthat's how you're going to be doing server stuff anyways04:44
sbts-tv_malikmasr: strange, auth.log should have ip addresses of any machines that try to connect and get auth from the server. having said that I don't play with vpns so I may not be much help. virtually all logfiles on the system should be in /var/log though. btw you may need to be root to see everything04:45
matt-someguyartichoku: i'll take that into consideration04:45
mordofwhat's the cli name for the disk utility to resize/format partitions?04:45
mordof(the gui program)04:45
mordofif there is one04:45
matt-someguyZeloZelos: if you have the source code, just alter the code to remove that part and re-compile04:45
malikmasrsbts-tv_ i am root, maybe i have to enable loggin?04:45
mordofor should i use gparted?04:45
artichokugparted, good stuff04:45
ZeloZelosmatt-someguy hehee...yeah right.04:46
mordofcan gparted be run in ubuntu?04:46
mordofor does it always require me to restart04:46
artichokui've used gparted in ubuntu04:46
artichokucan't say i remember how04:46
Lesovyit is pretty simple04:46
mordofoh hey, it's in the repos!04:46
mordofi thought it was always an iso for reboot!04:46
matt-someguyZeloZelos: your new to coding, huh? just alter it to where user can define if he wants to see it, if true, displays name changes, if false, hides.04:46
zykotick9mordof: in regard to your origional question, the cli version of gparted is called parted04:46
mordofzykotick9: ok, thanks :)04:47
zykotick9ZeloZelos: it's already an option built into xchat BTW04:47
artichokuc_nick: hows your progress04:47
matt-someguyhell if i know if it is04:48
matt-someguyi am using Xchat-WDK04:48
neo_good n..04:48
OKTOKTI have a bunch of *.pcf fonts, where would I install these for use with all users?04:48
ZeloZelosi found where you can turn off/on join messages...its nbd though i was just wondering04:48
OKTOKTJust /usr/share/fonts/?04:48
mordofawe man04:49
mordofi can't resize my /home at the moment :\ lol04:49
artichokui swear if the adobe suite would work properly on linux, i'd never boot up to windows again04:49
CPhoenixartichoku: very, very true04:51
mordofis there a reliable to unmount /home while i'm logged in? xD04:51
* mordof wants to resize /home partition04:51
christian27hello.  i installed 11.10 coming from 10.04.  11.10 cannot read a filesystem for my second hard drive.  i can't remember what type of filesystem it is.04:51
mordofwithout rebooting, lol04:51
sbts-tv_mordof: palimpsest04:51
christian27is there a package to install for additional filesystem compatibility?04:52
mordofsbts-tv_: it likely won't allow me to unmount it though04:52
XouriiAnyone know where I can find a free guide for total newbies to Ubuntu?04:53
zhownxhi all... I want to connect ad-hoc with cli... the host is running windows... any idea?04:53
sbts-tv_mordof: not going to happen. you will need to at least log out and have nothing using /home so you can unmount it first04:54
mordofbah, that's no fun04:54
mordofooh wait04:54
XouriiAnyone know where I can find a free guide for total newbies to Ubuntu?04:54
mordofi can use my ubuntu live cd for that04:54
zykotick9!manual | Xourii04:54
ubottuXourii: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:54
mordofinstead of downloading+burning a gparted iso04:54
Xouriithank you.04:55
sbts-tv_zhownx: try putty from http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html04:55
artichokuback, sry, had to drop the kids off at the pool04:56
artichokuliek you wanted to hear that04:56
ActionParsnip!manual | xonix04:57
ubottuxonix: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:57
artichokumordof, did i just read that you wanted to unmount /home whilst you're logged in?!?!04:57
paulus68Rsnapschot is not working correctly there is no data arriving in the destination folder?04:59
zykotick9artichoku: keep in mind, that's only funny for ubuntu/mint type distros, distros with root could do it ;)04:59
BangBusRUsHi can somebody please do this for me press alt+0160 and copy and paste the code here04:59
artichokulol, true04:59
[[thufir]]in upgrading to 10.10 why does it say *5* hours to install the packages!?  They're already downloaded.  That seems excessive.05:00
artichokuhell i made my touchpad do it05:00
artichokuthufir, ouch05:00
artichokuwhy 10.10 and not 11.10?05:00
[[thufir]]can't go from 9.x to 11.10 directly.05:01
[[thufir]]thx for registering that that's, indeed, a bit much.05:02
artichokuthat's quite excessive05:02
artichokuwhat are your system specs?05:02
artichokuand is it saying 5 hours but dropping by 20 minutes at atime?05:02
artichokuor is really looking like it's going to take 5 hours?05:02
[[thufir]]quite ancient.  I can run freemem.  It's ddr ram.05:02
artichokuit should take like 20 minutes05:03
artichokudepending on how old, you may not want to upgrade05:03
[[thufir]]It dropped to four, but is staying there.  let me get my specs.05:03
[[thufir]]well, I wanted to upgrade ruby to 1.9, so...05:03
artichokuwhen you get to 11, unity is going to make your computer toss excrement05:03
[[thufir]]lol.  I can use gnome, thru configuration, right?05:04
ActionParsnipdon't have to use unity...05:04
artichokuright i know, but the first time he boots....05:04
artichokuoh no i guess not05:04
artichokuhe can change it before he logs in05:04
MrCleanWithHairtheres nothing wrong with unity05:05
ActionParsnipartichoku: not if you install xubuntu..05:05
artichokuunity is wonderful mrcleanwithhair, we're just discussing the machine it will be run on05:05
[[thufir]]now, is it still startx if I have problems along those lines?  I do have purple installed, so can probably get to irc without x if that happens.05:05
artichokuactionparsnip: i am unfamiliar with xubuntu :/05:06
zykotick9!xubuntu > artichoku05:06
ubottuartichoku, please see my private message05:06
spartan7having issues getting ubuntu to dual boot on ssd. nothing comes up after reboot. can anyone help?05:06
artichokuahhh like kubuntu05:06
ActionParsnipartichoku: its a lighter gtk based desktop05:06
intokartichoku ActionParsnip well crap the Nvidia 173.14.30 driver has the same issue with Osmos as the 280.13 driver05:07
artichokui hate that didn't work intok05:07
artichokuwhat's the next driver up, 180?05:07
ActionParsnipintok: if you add the xorg edgers update ppa (less fresh), you can try the 290 driver. Which nvidia chip do you have?05:07
[[thufir]]xubuntu, interesting. thx for letting me vent, all.05:07
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: lubuntu and kubuntu also do not have unity05:08
artichokuactionparsnip, when i put ubuntu on my hp touchpad, i was forced to apt-get xfce4, didn't realize it came as a distro05:08
intokActionParsnip NV44a the 6200 LE05:08
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: they can if you want though, unity is only a shell so you can add it if you desire05:08
ActionParsnipartichoku: xubuntu just uses xfce and some lighter apps by default, that's all05:08
CPhoenixActionParsnip: wouldn't KDE Plasma be just as bad as Unity on an old machine?05:09
ActionParsnipintok: I use a 6250LE onboard with the 290 driver05:09
ActionParsnipCPhoenix: possibly, kde is not light but it could be tweaked05:09
artichokui don't think he'll have an issue with gnome as long as he gets unity disabled05:10
CPhoenixI suppose turning compositing off would help. Hm05:10
[[thufir]]I like gnome.  it's just slightly too much for my system, tho.  it's on the bubble.  gnome3 will probably be too much.05:10
artichokuoh whats the other one05:10
[[thufir]]I can't run gnome+netbeans.  although netbeans on some windows managers is ok.05:10
CPhoenixThere's a Gnome classic with no effects option in 11.1005:10
artichokulde or something05:10
artichokuthat's cut down too05:10
artichokucrap i can't remember the name05:11
[[thufir]]gnome lde?  I'll google that.05:11
CPhoenixartichoku: LXDE?05:11
artichokuyeah that!!!05:12
artichokui couldn't remember05:12
[[thufir]]that one's pretty good.  only thing about GNOME I like is the ?panels? are more configurable to my preferences.  otherwise LXDE was quite nice.05:12
ActionParsniplxde is the bom05:13
artichoku2+2=fish | 3+3=eight | 7+7=triangle05:13
syslq_I wish to enable wake-on-usb, I have tried enabling it in /proc/acpi/wakeup and it does nothing, any ideas?05:13
syslq_Doesnt work on either ubuntu 11.10 or debian stable05:13
sbts-tv_zykotick9: actually that is not true. if you are logged in as a user you can not unmount /home   Unless the user's home dir is not in /home05:13
intokActionParsnip any issues updating with non distro drivers?05:14
ActionParsnipsbts-tv_: you can force unmount it05:14
XouriiIf I seeded an ubuntu torrent,could I contribute? I really want to help out :)05:14
artichokusyslq:sec i'll look into it05:14
spartan7Get no operating system when dual booting ubuntu on SSD. Can anyone help me get to grub?05:14
ActionParsnipintok: it gels into dkms so works well05:14
WoCis there an easy way to add glib1 and glib1-dev in Oneiric ? alongside with glib2 ?05:14
sbts-tv_zykotick9: as for ubuntu being different from others. it is not. ubuntu does have root.05:14
[[thufir]]at least my 11.10 alternate will be downloaded by then!  can I grab all the updates now as a torrent somehow?05:14
XouriiIf I seeded an ubuntu torrent,could I contribute? I really want to help out :)05:15
=== steven_ is now known as stubuntu
ActionParsnipXourii: sure, just seed it05:15
Xouriiawesome :P05:15
JimuHey, I've got this vertical stripy background image on my desktop, but no idea where to find it in the filesystem. it's not in /usr/share/backgrounds/ -  someone know this one?05:17
Jimuit's blue i should mention05:17
* toxic is tiox on a different machine05:18
toxicI am having an odd locale issue.05:18
=== toxic is now known as Guest91042
[[thufir]]Jimu: you changed background image and it's still there?05:19
Jimu[[thufir]]: i like it, i want to edit it05:19
artichokusyslq_: did you follow all of these steps: http://solutionsandtips.blogspot.com/2011/09/enable-wakeup-from-suspend-with-usb.html05:19
syslq_artichoku: yes05:20
artichoku1 more minute05:20
sbts-tv_ActionParsnip: yes, you can even in ubuntu, but if you are still logged in you are on borrowed time (if using X) if using cli only and you know what you are doing you may survive05:21
ActionParsnipsbts-tv_: yes but it can be done is my point05:21
LastArmsI need some help, not sure what to google. I have a 11.10 ubuntu server. for some reason it stops at "Starting MySQL server" and stops there. I can ssh in but I'm wondering why it doesn't show a login prompt...05:21
LastArmsI was hoping to run openbox on it...05:21
ActionParsnipLastArms: I'd check your SQL log05:22
LastArmsActionParsnip: you think SQL has a problem?05:22
ActionParsnipLastArms: well the service never gets started according to your text, so its a good place to look05:22
yabai_LastArms: Can you hit ctrl alt f2 and get to prompt?05:22
LastArmsyabai_: yes05:23
zykotick9sbts-tv_: root's home folder is intentially placed outside of /home, so on systems with root, logging in as root wouldn't require /home to be mounted.  (sorry, i guess you didn't understand my first comment, sorry)05:23
LastArmsActionParsnip: I can access my wordpress blog fine, so I dont' think sql has a problem...05:23
artichokustill with me syslq_?05:23
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
sbts-tv_ActionParsnip: anything can be done, even shooting yourself in the head, the real question is should it be done, and what are the consequenses05:23
ActionParsnipsbts-tv_: but you simply wrote that it cannot be done, which is untrue05:24
artichokusyslq_: try this package http://pkgs.org/ubuntu-11.10/ubuntu-main-i386/powerwake-common_2.15-0ubuntu2_all.deb.html05:24
LastArmsyabai_: f7 is the only that has X so I can run openbox right?05:24
sbts-tv_zykotick9: but even an ubuntu system has root. so yes *if* you are logged in as root and only root it can be done without risk.05:25
syslq_artichoku: I will, thanks05:25
artichokulet us know it it works05:25
artichokui'm curious to know05:25
yabai_LastArms: Not sure i understand you05:25
subb1hi all, guys please suggest the best bash scripting book or webpage to start with. :)05:26
azrielhey I want to turn my old laptop into a simple file server05:26
sbts-tv_ActionParsnip: Yes I did, this is an IRC channel that is commonly read by people that are less than knowledgeable about linux. I find that it is counterproductive to say (in a case like this) anything other than, no don't do it, or it can't be done.05:26
azrielnothing fancy just a way to access my files from the interwebs05:26
zlynx subb1: go to knowfree.net you can find a lot of ebooks there..05:26
syslq_artichoku: :), will do, that guide should work btw, wake on usb is enabled in my bios and unless there is a difference between sleep and suspend that shuld cut it05:26
LastArms@ yabai_ on f7, I don't get a login prompt. I want to start openbox. so I was wondering if that is possible to get a loginprompt on f7 so I can start a gui05:26
artichokuazriel: is that a question? lol sry05:26
artichokusyslq_: awesome05:27
sbts-tv_ActionParsnip: otherwise, the next question asked is "I force unmounted /home. it broke my system how do I fix it"05:27
yabai_LastArms: Sure05:27
zykotick9LastArms: do you have OB installed?  try running "startx" if you do.05:27
azrieland I already have it set up with ubuntu 10.10 but i do not DO NOT want to install ubuntu server edition, i have already gone through too much just getting this computer to work and yes its a question05:27
[[thufir]]for those enquiring minds, my (poor) system per lsh:  http://pastebin.mozilla.org/146011305:27
azriel?????????? <There question marks for ya05:27
yabai_LastArms: What you use to login? Gdm?05:28
tristan3199usso i have a few bugs.. hoping somebody has an idea whats going on.. when my laptop battery gets low my computer hibernates.. thats good except that in hibernates and wakes up over and over agin tuntill the battery dies.05:28
LastArmszykotick9: I can't do startx since all the screen shows are the commands it runs and stops at "Started MySql server" and doesn't allow me to login05:28
artichokuazriel: lol sry. ok well you're going to at least need the server packages05:28
LastArmsyabai_: I was hoping for a login prompt like the ones you see on f1 f2 f3 ..05:28
mordofOk so I tried to put my partitions into fstab, and place them in a /mnt/Folder scenario. when I opened the folder though, it was empty - there is quite a lot of data in my partitions :\05:28
tristan3199us*again until05:28
mordofI have no idea what would cause this05:28
artichokuapache, sql (if you need a db) php05:28
sbts-tv_ActionParsnip: If something is highly dangerous and only for the mad and insane then mortals probably should be told it can't be.05:28
azrielartichoku: sweet how could i get those?05:28
zykotick9LastArms: did you disable all your VTs somehow?  nothing on alt+f1 -> alt+f6?05:28
yabai_LastArms: Login from f1 and manually start openbox05:28
artichokusec i'll get you the apt's05:28
mordofazriel: sudo apt-get install lamp05:29
zykotick9mordof: lamp isn't a package05:29
subb1zlynx, thanks but i do not see any further categories or able to see 'Old Entires' for the wordpress site05:29
mordofzykotick9: since when?05:29
sbts-tv_ActionParsnip: on the other hand, perhaps I should of said "it can't be done under normal circumstances"05:29
zykotick9mordof: since before ubuntu05:29
LastArmsyabai_: failed to open display05:29
mordofwhat was it then05:29
mordofi know there is one in the repos..05:29
artichokuazriel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP05:29
zykotick9mordof: there is a "tasksel" for lamp perhaps05:30
yabai_LastArms: What command did u run?05:30
zlynxsubb1: i have lots of ebooks. i can send you some if you like ..what's your email ?05:30
artichokusudo apt-get tasksel05:30
LastArmsyabai_: openbox05:30
artichokusudo apt-get isntall tasksel*05:30
mordofwhy tasksel?05:30
zykotick9artichoku: tasksel is pre-installed05:30
tristan3199usis there a way to make dolphin default over nautilus??05:30
artichokuit didn't used to be05:30
artichokumer bad05:30
FloodBot1artichoku: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:30
yabai_LastArms: Try startx05:31
azrielGlamp it is, downloading now05:31
artichokusudo taskel install lamp-server05:31
artichokuyeah that05:31
mordofartichoku: what is tasksel?05:31
=== studioxps is now known as CyberDawg
LastArmsyabai_: yup I think I got it now. typing startx seems to start something on f805:31
artichokuit's getting late my hand and my brain ain't friends05:31
artichoku!taskel | mordof05:32
yabai_LastArms: Good05:32
azrielseems to be an alternative to the normal packaging tools05:32
sbts-tv_mordof: "This package provides 'tasksel', a simple interface for users who want to configure their system to perform a specific task."05:32
syslq_artichoku: solved, echo enabled > /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb3/3-2/power/wakeup  (it differs from usb device apparently, lsusb should tell you). This has to be done with along with enabling usb in /proc/acpi/wakeup05:33
syslq_artichoku: doh :), thanks for your help05:33
artichokunp man, glad we could get you up and running.... after it sleeps05:33
tristan3199usanyone know how why my computer wont hibernate when its low on battery.. its in an annoying loop where it wakes up, sleeps, wakes up, sleeps over and over again05:33
sbts-tv_azriel: mordof tasksel is not an alternative to normal packaging, it sits on top of it and automates installing a (potentially) large group of packages to meet a certain task05:33
artichokuby using tasksel, he'll get apache, sql, php and all the other crap all at once05:34
artichokuazriel : here's a walkthrough to get rolling: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP05:36
zykotick9sbts-tv_: and how would you go about explaining the difference between tasksel and metapackages ;)  <rhetorical>05:36
OKTOKTI installed some *.pcf fonts, but they are showing up as invalid characters / rectangles.05:36
artichokui would recommend disabling the gui05:36
artichokuit'l eat up system resources05:36
sbts-tv_zykotick9: do you really want to know? :))05:36
artichokuonce you're done, i mean05:36
zykotick9sbts-tv_: if you have an easy answer, sure.05:36
artichokudamn u government, where's my refund!!!05:37
[[thufir]]if you don't have a network connection, how would you upgrade between 10.x and 11, though?  can you download those updates onto a cd?  without updates, cannot upgrde.05:38
azrielthank you artichoku05:38
azrielupgrading is stupid05:38
artichokuyou know, i have a serious problem when i'll spend $2500 on my pc and buy $400 cars05:39
azrielput your /home onto a seperate partition and just download the new version onto cd05:39
artichokuazriel: np, hope it goes well05:39
LastArmsyabai_: do you know if openbox is hard to setup for newbs?05:39
azrielupgrading causes to many problems05:39
zykotick9!alternative | [[thufir]]05:39
ubottu[[thufir]]: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal05:39
[[thufir]]azriel: right, that's what I'm doing. but apparently it needs to update 10.x for that work.05:40
yabai_LastArms: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox05:40
artichokui don't want to go to bed, but i think i have to ... :(05:40
LastArmsyabai_: thanx05:40
artichokuwhy must we work to get paid05:40
yabai_LastArms: Not really difficult05:40
yabai_LastArms: Good luck05:41
artichokuhave a good night people05:41
azriel[[thufir]]: step one, find a way to back up all your files, step two get your hands on the cd, order one if need be, step three fuck what your old computer is saying restart wiht the cd in drive and use the partition manager to make a /home and / partition05:41
sbts-tv_zykotick9: tasksel is intended as install only, and actually uses metapackages to do much of its job. it is intended to simplify from a users perspective finding and installing the appropriate metapackage. once installed changes to a task in tasksel (eg adding another package) will not propogate into the system unlike changes to a metapackage05:41
zykotick9sbts-tv_: nice answer05:42
azrielstep three retrieve your files step four PROFIT05:42
[[thufir]]azriel: lol.  yeah.05:42
azrielyou don't need to update/grade anything do do those05:42
azrielyour computer is lying05:42
abhinav_singhin my server python process is running ..i do not want python in my server...how do I gracefully stop python process ...05:43
=== jack is now known as Guest44787
* [[thufir]] agrees05:43
* sbts-tv_ bows to zykotick9. I do try :)05:43
azrielpython is awesome x305:43
tristan3199uscan i turn off these notes in empathy so i dont have to see everytime someone joins or leaves..05:45
sbts-tv_zykotick9: btw *NEVER* and I mean *NEVER* uninstall a task using tasksel. use the package manager to uninstall individual packages. Using tasksel to uninstall will normally uninstall more than you bargained for, killing your system. (eg: many tasks may contain a dependancy on something as criticle as bash!)05:45
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
tristan3199ustrying to get assistance but everything scrolls by my little laptop screen so fast it hard to follow..05:46
zykotick9sbts-tv_: i can't remember that last time i used tasksel, it's been years for sure.05:46
yabai_tristan3199us: Ctrl s?05:47
Honey_  have an external hard disck but i can't mount in my ubuntu 10.1005:47
tristan3199usyabai_: no luck..05:47
yabai_Honey_: Why?05:48
zykotick9tristan3199us: you'd probably be better off, using an IRC client vs a IM client for IRC05:48
yabai_Plug it run dmesg from term05:48
ubottuirssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen05:48
tristan3199uszykotick9: any reccomendations..05:48
zykotick9tristan3199us: NOT irssi (not friendly, it's what i use though), xchat perhaps - it's a GUI and popular05:49
tristan3199usyabai_: "sudo apt-get irssi"?05:49
[[thufir]]Honey_: the iso is on your external or internal disc?05:49
Honey_i dono but iwas try to fix by typing sudo ntfsfix /dev/<device name> but til tehre is no solution05:49
[[thufir]]Honey_: external disc is via USB?05:49
tristan3199uszykotick9: thank u.. brb05:50
Honey_[[thufir]]:yeah it is USB05:50
yabai_tristan3199us: Irssi has a learning curve - not steep - but if you want point click choose xchat or something05:50
azrielHow do i use lamp the instructions aren't in complete-retardese05:51
ActionParsniptristan3199us: pidgin here05:51
yabai_Honey_: Windows file system on disc?05:52
zykotick9ActionParsnip: really?  you use pidgin?  what happened to weechat?05:52
yabai_Honey_: why u runnung ntfsfix?05:52
ActionParsnipzykotick9: ive always used weechat, unless like now I'm at work where I sue irssi over ssh05:52
ActionParsnipsorry not weechat, pidgin05:53
ActionParsnipbeen a lonnnng night05:53
* zykotick9 confused05:53
ActionParsnipive used pidgin since my mandrake days05:53
yabai_ActionParsnip: irssi is not so difficult, right?05:53
Honey_yabai_: becaouse i was trying to format in window os before after that iwas trying to format in ubuntu  in ntfs format05:53
ActionParsnipyabai_: its fine05:53
=== tristan_ is now known as Guest92616
yabai_Honey_: I would avoid ntfs and stick to FAT05:54
zykotick9yabai_: the "ease of use" between irssi and xchat is "night and day" imo05:54
ActionParsnipyabai_: I can give you my config if you want, it autojoins and auto identifies05:54
Honey_yabai_ so how coud i change to FAT05:55
yabai_ActionParsnip: Already running irssi :) that is all i use!05:55
Honey_yabai_ : now ths hard disck is not readable i mean i coudnt change it?05:55
yabai_Honey_: Use gparted05:55
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php05:55
zykotick9Honey_: FYI NTFS->FAT will delete everything on it i believe05:55
[[thufir]]Honey_: yeah, ntfs is bad news.05:56
ActionParsnipyabai_: ahh I see05:56
azrielcause yeah i don't know how to use glamp/lamp05:56
azrielcause i want to start my server05:56
azrielbut the instructions aren't in stupidese05:57
azrielcause im stupid05:57
azrielso yeah05:57
azrielany help would like rule05:57
zykotick9azriel: <sidenote> ease up on the enter key ;)05:57
[[thufir]]i mean, in general.  If you gotta, you gotta, but you can avoid that.  copy the iso to your local disc and go from there.  yes?  or, if your internal hd is ntfs, maybe format it.  save you a headache.05:58
azrielhelp! D,:05:58
Honey_yabai_ : even in gparted i coudn't format it it is disable05:58
Jordan_UHoney_: What error message do you get exactly?05:58
yabai_Honey_: Run dmesg in term05:58
Jordan_U!bootinfo | spartan705:58
ubottuspartan7: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).05:58
spartan7ubottu: will do thanks. brb05:59
ubottuspartan7: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:59
yabai_Honey_: Unplug it plug it back in and run dmesg06:00
ubottuMost of us don't speak American Sign Language; please try English instead. ✌06:00
azrielI know ASL06:00
* RaTTuS|BIG Gives e-bree to Uncle|Sam06:00
azrielone does not simply 'speak' ask06:00
tristan3199ok loaded irssi, can i set it up to stop showing when people join/leave06:00
zykotick9!quietirssi | tristan319906:01
ubottutristan3199: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS06:01
tristan3199zykotick9: thank you06:01
dxv7690Hey all tying to dual boot win xp with 11.10 and having a issue find the menu.lst , tryed the doc on https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/dualboot-custom.html tryed the sudo cp menu.lst  menu_backup.lst .....can`t seem to find it and I did dd it06:02
zykotick9dxv7690: grub2 doesn't use menu.lst06:03
ActionParsniptristan3199: sure06:03
bobo37774dxv7690: menu.lst is grub legacy06:03
tristan3199so i have a few little issues.. hope somebody can help.. im using a laptop and 10.10... when my battery gets low it hibernates.. then wakes up.. repetitively.. until the battery dies.. even if i hibernate it myself..06:03
zykotick9!grub2 | dxv769006:03
ubottudxv7690: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)06:03
urlin2udxv7690, you have grub 2 unles you installed grub legacy no menu.list06:03
dxv7690cool thks06:03
[[thufir]]whoo!  torrent complete, 11.10 downloaded!  now just waiting for 10.10 to install.  quite silly.06:04
ActionParsniptristan3199: run:  gedit ~/.irssi/config and add this to the bottom: http://paste.ubuntu.com/815096/  add it above the line with the brace and semicolon as tht must be the last line06:04
Honey_yabai_ : some part of the out put http://dpaste.com/692612/06:04
ActionParsniptristan3199: restart the app and it will be inplace06:05
yabai_Honey_: Looks good to me...hsvd you tried gparted?06:05
yabai_From dmesg looks like the drive was recognized as sdb06:06
Honey_yabai_ : can i format to fat32 or fat1606:06
bobo37774Are there any book specifically for learning c under gnu linux06:06
Jordan_Udxv7690: In general you should always look for documentation made for the release of Ubuntu you're using. That documentation is specifically for 8.04.06:07
yabai_Honey_: Pay careful attention to the drive you are formatting06:07
tristan3199actionparsnip: what does that do?06:08
Honey_yabai_ : ok06:08
[[thufir]]Honey_: but why FAT? or NTFS?  part of the drive can be NTFS, other part ext306:08
ActionParsniptristan3199: hides the join part noise for #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic  you can add more channels if you wish06:08
zykotick9tristan3199: if you've already run "/ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS" then running "/save" should save the settings without editing the config file06:08
yabai_tristan3199: Hit /save before you quit so it writes the config06:09
Honey_[[thufir]]:you mean thios is not correct?06:09
tristan3199actionparsnip: thank you, can u assist with another problem.. im using a laptop and it doesnt hibernate.. i think theres an application that keeps waking it up.. how do i find out which app is doin this..06:09
michalchikHello all06:09
gary_nick game1606:10
yabai_zykotick9: You read my mind :-)06:10
bobo37774michalchik: hello06:10
=== gary_ is now known as game16
bobo37774fail hehe06:10
michalchikDoes anyone know what piece of software I should install to capture stills from a mpeg?06:10
tristan3199thank you yabai_06:10
[[thufir]]Honey_: it may be correct, but still not a good idea.  what's your partition scheme?  are you dual booting?06:10
sbts-tv_tristan3199: try running powertop it may tell you something interesting06:10
Honey_yabai_ : it brings "An error occured while applying the operation"See the details for more information.  IMPORTANT If you want support, you need to provide the saved details! See http://gparted.sourceforge.net/larry/tips/save_details.htm for more information.06:10
ActionParsniptristan3199: I'd look for bugs relating to the make and model06:10
bobo37774michalchik: can't openshot do that?06:11
michalchikbobo Thanks06:11
Honey_[[thufir]]:no iam using only ubuntu06:11
yabai_Honey_: Sorry - not sure what other advice to give - i dont use gparted much...06:11
bobo37774michalchik: I am not sure. I think I remember seeing that option though.06:11
tristan3199actionparsnip: its a new problem on a laptop ive had for years..06:11
[[thufir]]Honey_: ah, then I can't imagine a reason to use ntfs or fat.06:11
Yusukeok guys, I can't open my web router login , i dont know whats wrong, i can open it with Windows XP06:12
Honey_[[thufir]]: so what might be the solution?06:12
yabai_[[thufir]]: Think he wants to access on a win machine06:12
ActionParsniptristan3199: not sure dude, my hibernate skills are limited as its not something I use06:12
bobo37774Yusuke: Weird. Are you using a web browser?06:13
Honey_[[thufir]]: yeah iwant to use on boss machine window and ubuntu06:13
intokartichoku ActionParsnip well apparently it's a font issue, the company says to update to 1.6.1 but provide no patch, but the FAQ says theres an auto update, at least for windows and give info on what to change in the config files to make it do so, but this was no joy, even when running the game under sudo http://pastebin.com/MemErSUZ06:13
Jordan_UHoney_: Can you pastebin the saved details?06:13
Yusukebobo37774 : web based router login and yes a web browser of course06:13
yabai_Yusuke: Try reloading the page06:13
[[thufir]]Honey_: ah, so that's dual boot.  then one partition is probably best as ntfs for windows.06:13
Yusukeyabai : reload? tried it 100x , reboot etc, tried and again, fail.06:13
tristan3199actionparsnip: thank you tho..06:14
[[thufir]]then, IIRC, you can just say "rest of disc is ubuntu" and it will figure that part out.06:14
bobo37774Yusuke: is it even bringing up the login popup?06:14
Yusukebobo37774 : yes, but recently it gave me blank page06:14
bobo37774Yusuke: you aren't using noscript or anything right?06:15
tristan3199who mentioned powertop... whats hrtimer_wakeup06:15
Honey_[[thufir]]: so can itry again in ntfs?06:15
Jordan_UHoney_: I want the saved details from gparted which are mentioned in the error message. That's not what you posted.06:15
bobo37774Yusuke: Did you try a different browser?06:16
Yusukemidori, chrome, and firefox. fail06:16
Yusukei think i've something bad in my ubuntu06:16
bobo37774Yusuke: It is getting weirder. hmmm Did you try spoofing your user agent in Firefox to make your router think it is internet explorer or a windows box?06:17
Honey_Jordan_U : now i delet it but it was says like this "An error occured while applying the operation"See the details for more information.  IMPORTANT If you want support, you need to provide the saved details! See http://gparted.sourceforge.net/larry/tips/save_details.htm for more information.06:17
Datalinkis there a way to make my SSH shares reconnect when they timeout or get disconnected?06:18
DatalinkSorry, could not display all the contents of "datalink": DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.06:18
michalchikWell, I have downlaoded and playedwith openshot and I don't see how to convert a frame into am image06:18
Yusukebobo37774 : nope, i dont even have addons in my firefox, oh well there's a flash video downloader06:18
bobo37774Yusuke: Wait a minute. Is it a java interface?06:19
Yusukethe last time, it gave me cgi-bin06:19
bobo37774Yusuke: Do you have java installed on your Ubuntu install?06:20
Jordan_UHoney_: Please read the error message very carefully, then read the link that the error message points to. I need that gparted_details.html file.06:20
[[thufir]]Honey_:   it depends.   windows is already on one partition, yes?  you've shrunk that partition to make room for linux?  what are your partitions going to be and why?06:20
* [[thufir]] shuts up06:20
tristan3199is there a way to make dolphin default over nautilus or will that break my system??06:21
Honey_Jordan_U : and now icant find the drive in gparted?06:21
MrCleanWithHairHoney_, you broke it06:21
ActionParsniptristan3199: sure, won't cause any issues06:21
Yusukebobo37774 : i think i have java06:21
ActionParsniptristan3199: if you right click a folder and select to open with a different app, you can select dolphin06:21
Honey_MrCleanWithHair:and the solution is?06:22
Honey_[[thufir]]: and now icant find the drive in gparted?06:24
tristan3199actionparsnip: could i make dolphin default?06:24
[[thufir]]Honey_: Jordan was asking for some error messages from ?dmesg?  you have those?06:25
yabai_dmesg is fine06:25
bobo37774Yusuke: Quite a mystery. Are you using openjdk or java?06:25
ActionParsniptristan3199: sure, you can use any file manager you like06:25
Honey_[[thufir]]: i was trying to give him from dmesg but it is not what he want he want from the gparted error message but now i coudn't find my drive to paste againe06:26
Jordan_U[[thufir]]: Honey_: I was *not* asking for error messages from dmesg.06:27
Jordan_UHoney_: Can you run "sudo parted -l" in a terminal and pastebin the output?06:28
bobo37774yabai_: goodnight06:28
blucalculatrTesting, hi?06:28
bobo37774blucalculatr: hi06:29
yabai_Honey_: Goodluk - you will figure it out06:29
blucalculatrokay, so, i started a thread in ubun tu forums,, and someone suggested i come here.06:29
mace_now that's an interesting question06:30
blucalculatrthe closest i can find is this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux06:31
Yusukebobo37774 : i think i installed both06:31
blucalculatris that what im looking for?06:31
mace_mind you I've never tried what you're asking but..06:31
blucalculatrme either, will be fun to try06:31
bobo37774Yusuke: both? openjdk and jdk jre? They don't conflict with each other?06:31
Honey_Jordan_U : this is the out put but when i plugn the drive also it syas " The folder conetnts coud not be displayed""5917-48C7" could not be found. Perhaps it has recently been deleted." and for the command you give me look likehttp://dpaste.com/692627/06:32
tristan3199where should i look to change to dolphin to default.. can i do this with the terminal?06:32
Honey_Jordan_U : http://dpaste.com/692627/06:32
mace_I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to partition that harddrive and then use the live CD to install ubuntu there06:33
blucalculatrwait. when you say live CD, do you mean just the files copy pasted, or what?06:34
mace_oh crap I forgot you don't have a CD available06:35
ActionParsniptristan3199: you can edit your mimetypes to open folders with dolphin06:35
Jordan_UHoney_: Is the "WD My Passport" the drive in question?06:35
tristan3199could he install the iso into a VM with unetbootin. then use that VM to install to the other diskdrive??06:36
blucalculatryeah, and my laptop doesnt have a cd drive. i guess its more of a netbook06:36
Honey_Jordan_U : yeah06:36
bobo37774ActionParsnip: /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache  ?06:36
Honey_Jordan_U : WD My passport is an external drive06:36
mace_honestly blu at that point you're going to need a good chunk of command line kung fu06:37
tristan3199blucalculatr: have u tried using a Virtual Machine on your desktop.06:37
ActionParsnipbobo37774: maybe, not sure. I know it can be dne that way though06:37
Jordan_UHoney_: OK. It looks to be fine from the parted output, and parted shares a most of the important code with GParted. Can you post a screenshot of the drop down menu showng drives in GParted?06:38
bobo37774ActionParsnip: Yeah, I am 100% positive you are right.06:38
blucalculatrtristan3199: i havent tried using a virtual machine, but i have no idea how to.06:38
blucalculatrmace_: im not opposed to that.06:39
zykotick9does anyone know any switches to sl other then -a and -l?06:39
OKTOKT 06:40
mace_blucalculatr: it's above my current knowledge level, but your link without Disk does show it off a little bit more. I'd look into the Arch linux FAQ a little more. They go more in depth with shell commands and such for setting up a working *nix box06:40
bobo37774zykotick9: No gnu long options or man page?06:40
mace_zykotick9 ls -l | more06:41
zykotick9bobo37774: omg, there is a man page.  thanks ;)06:41
bobo37774zykotick9: No problem.06:41
zykotick9bobo37774: "sl -F" flying ;)06:42
eightyeighthow do i boot the alternate.iso from grub2?06:42
tristan3199bluecalculatr: this gets you a VirtualMachine.. u can use it to install the iso to. i can help... sudo apt-get install virtualbox06:42
bobo37774zykotick9: ? What is sl anyways?06:42
eightyeightwhat should my menuentry look like for the kernel and/or initrd line? seems everything i see online is for the desktop.iso, using casper, which i don't want06:42
zykotick9bobo37774: ls backwards, it's a joke program.  i won't give it away though.06:43
[[thufir]]Jordan_U: honey is just trying to shrink the WD fat partition, I believe, to make room for ubuntu.06:43
Jordan_Ueightyeight: I may be wrong but I don't think that the alternate install iso is loop bootable. Both the Desktop and mini (netboot) isos definitely are though.06:43
bobo37774zykotick9: Oh, I see06:43
eightyeightJordan_U: can you point me to any documentation about that? also, what about the server.iso?06:44
tristan3199bluecalculatr: do u have unetbootin already?06:44
blucalculatrtristan2199 i downloaded it, havent used it yet.06:45
Jordan_Ueightyeight: This only applies to the Desktop iso, but may still be useful to you: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Loopback.cfg#How_do_you_use_a_loopback.cfg_to_boot_an_iso.3F06:45
tristan3199bluecalculatr: u have the iso already??06:46
Jordan_Ueightyeight: I think that the server iso is also not loop bootable. The mini iso can be used to install Ubuntu server, it's just that it needs to download all packages over the network.06:46
blucalculatrif i dont, i can get it quickly.06:46
blucalculatri have the iso06:47
eightyeightJordan_U: right. i'm trying to avoid that. i would prefer that a base install of packages be available offline on the usb disk06:47
tristan3199blucalculatr: did you run sudo apt-get install virtualbox?06:47
blucalculatri have not. will do now.06:48
bobo37774Yusuke: Did you figure it out?06:49
blucalculatri tried to, it said "Package virtualbox is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source"06:49
blucalculatrdoing sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade, see if that fixes it06:49
tristan3199blucalculatr: once its done.. open it.. it will be in applications/accessories/virtual box ose06:49
kkerwin1Hi. Are there any drawbacks with putting my apt repository in an NFS share to be shared between multiple machines?06:50
blucalculatrokay its not working.06:51
Jordan_Ueightyeight: Then these instructions should work (not using grub2 unfortunately): http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server/download06:51
blucalculatrPackage virtualbox is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:51
blucalculatrThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or06:51
blucalculatris only available from another source06:51
tristan3199ill send a link.. one min..06:51
zykotick9kkerwin1: setting up apt-cacher (or apt-cacher-ng) might be a better idea...06:51
blucalculatroops, didnt mean to paste that again, sorry. "Package 'virtualbox' has no installation candidate"06:51
xanguablucalculatr: what ubuntu version are you using¿06:52
kkerwin1zykkotick9: Why is that, if you don't mind me asking?06:52
blucalculatron the desktop, 11.04, on the laptop, im trying to install 10.0406:52
tristan3199blucalculatr: 11.10 but shouldnt matter..06:52
tristan3199blucalculatr: ill get you a link instead..06:53
steven_whats the diff between 11.04 and the new install06:53
zykotick9kkerwin1: it's a service that acts as a local mirror, when any connected machine downloads an update, everything else can get the local copy.  VERY handy.06:53
steven_is it worth upgrading06:53
blucalculatrokay, thanks tristan319906:53
Jordan_Ueightyeight: I was completely wrong it seems. I just downloaded the Ubuntu 11.10 Server iso and it does indeed contain a /boot/grub/loopback.cfg, which means that it can be loop booted with grub following http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Loopback.cfg#How_do_you_use_a_loopback.cfg_to_boot_an_iso.3F .06:54
zykotick9blucalculatr: fyi in 10.04 VB would be virtualbox-ose06:55
eightyeightJordan_U: yeah. i'm actually trying to create a multiboot usb drive that supports several versions of ubuntu, debian, etc06:55
kkerwin1zykotick9: I don't mean to argue, but setting up an NFS would accomplish the same thing. Is there something inhererently wrong with the NFS route? It would allow me to use my designated server (which I cannot run Ubuntu on) to host the files.06:55
* eightyeight clicks06:55
blucalculatrtristan3199 that was a windows link, im using ubuntu at the moment.06:55
MacoyHello guys can anyone help me find out where my hard disk space went? Disk analyzer isn't telling the whole story. Hehe06:55
zykotick9kkerwin1: not really, so long as 2 machines are updating at the same time.06:55
tristan3199blucalculatr: im sorry.. wasnt correct.. this is https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads06:56
=== demsking is now known as hans88
zykotick9kkerwin1: s/are/aren't/06:56
blucalculatrzykotick9: okay, thanks, that works.06:56
blucalculatrokay, tristan3199, i have virtualbox-ose installing06:56
tristan3199blucalculatr: cool.. let me know once its open and running..06:57
kkerwin1zykotick9: What is the purpose of the pkgcache.bin and srcpkgcache.bin files in the /var/cache/apt directory?06:57
blucalculatrokay. so what will i be trying to do, grand plan wise?06:57
zykotick9kkerwin1: i "believe" those might be the databases of the packages, not really sure though06:57
kkerwin1zykotick9: The /var/cache/apt directory contains the lock file when one of the machines is updating. But, I want both machines to maintain independent programs that are installed with a common cache.06:58
kkerwin1The /var/cache/apt/archives directory just contains the package files, so would not clobber the databases, if that's indeed what they are, but would also not have the lock file.06:59
zykotick9kkerwin1: your NFS method, "should" work - i dont' see why not.  But certainly apt-cacher is the "proper" way of doing this.06:59
tristan3199blucalculatr: just mount the iso.. it will say install ubuntu on the desktop.. you can mount your "external" drive and install directly to it.. thats all you should need to do..06:59
MacoyHello guys can anyone help me find out where my hard disk space went? Disk analyzer isn't telling the whole story.06:59
kkerwin1zykotick9: Ok. I think that you are correct. Thank you for your help and for your patience with me. :)06:59
blucalculatrtristan3199 okay. well, the program has just opened07:00
tristan3199see the button thats on the top left.. "new"07:00
blucalculatrokay. does the name have to be specific, or arbitary?07:01
tristan3199doesnt matter.. anything works..07:01
ActionParsnipMacoy: may help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97869607:01
blucalculatrokay. and OS linux(ubuntu)?07:01
ActionParsnipMacoy: I suggest you first run: sudo apt-get clean    and remove any old unused kernels07:01
tristan3199base memory size is fine as is..07:01
tristan3199blucalculatr: correct07:01
tristan3199blucalculatr: base memory is fine as is.07:02
blucalculatrokay. now its got tickbox "boot hard disk"07:02
tristan3199blucalculatr: yes.. thats fine07:02
blucalculatrso create neW?07:02
tristan3199blucalculatr: yes.. dynamically expanding07:03
blucalculatrokay. any particular size?07:03
tristan3199blucalculatr: no just default..07:03
tristan3199blucalculatr: pretty much just click next until finished.07:04
blucalculatrokay. nextfinishfinished, its on the main window again07:04
tristan3199blucalculatr: k.. double click the new entry.. what ever you named it..07:04
tristan3199now the first run wizzard..07:04
blucalculatrokay. Select Installation Media07:05
bobo37774Macoy: Did you try ncdu?07:05
blucalculatris that the ISO?07:05
tristan3199blucalculatr: point it to the iso.. correct07:05
Macoybobo37774: I'm not so techie with Ubuntu what's ncdu?07:05
blucalculatrokay. its now booting.07:06
bobo37774Macoy: It is an application. An ncurses front end for du07:06
tristan3199blucalculatr: good.. see the context menu on the top of that window?07:06
Macoybobo37774: Sudo apt-get install ncdu ?07:06
hot_wheelzhi all07:06
honey_Jourdan_U: are you there?07:06
bobo37774Macoy: Yeah07:07
blucalculatrMachine    Devices   Help07:07
tristan3199blucalculatr: click devices, and look for the external disk07:07
zykotick9Macoy: ncdu is NOT really required.  to see your current space used you might find output from "du -sh /* 2>/dev/null" useful.07:08
ActionParsnipMacoy: lowercase S for sudo07:08
hot_wheelzis anyone here I can talk to about http://www.ubuntu.com/tv07:08
blucalculatrthe external disk is under USB devices, but they're all greyed out (blacked ou t?) for want of a better term07:08
ActionParsniphot_wheelz: sure, just ask07:08
tristan3199blucalculatr: one moment..07:09
Macoybobo37774: after install what's next?07:10
hot_wheelzActionParsnip I have links with some content providers and was what is involed on thier side?07:10
chris_this is a stupid question(made a mistake): what happens if you delete everything in /etc/init.d07:10
hot_wheelzlike cost if any and alike07:10
blucalculatrtristan3199: the harddrive is connected to my computer via a SATA to USB bridge07:10
bobo37774open a terminal and run it. Like this --> ncdu /07:10
=== thedark is now known as Guest54438
onrechris_, the system will not boot correctly anymore. additionally, it won't shutdown correctly either07:11
chris_so as long as I dont shut it down I should be fine07:11
bobo37774Macoy: open a terminal and run it. Like this --> ncdu /07:11
onrechris_, as long as you don't shut it down, upgrade any packages related to running services or try restarting services :p07:12
Macoybobo37774: says 6gb used apparent size 8gb so about 1.6gb left. But I have 40gb and I don't know where it is? Haha07:12
hot_wheelzcan someone give me an idea please so i can go talk to them07:12
MacoyDisk analyzer confirms 40gb but same when it says only 1.6gb left07:13
ActionParsnipchris_: you may be able to copy the files from the liveCD once it's booted to, you could do this on another system then copy the files in07:13
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».07:13
bobo37774Macoy: What command did you use exactly?07:13
MacoyNcdu /07:13
honey_Jourdan_U: are you there?07:13
Macoybobo37774: can u teamviewer to my pc?07:13
bobo37774Macoy: What is teamviewer?07:14
ActionParsnipMacoy: the n is lowercase, linux is very case sensitive so you cannot throw in a capital because it takes your fancy, the command will not run07:14
chris_I was in /etc/init.d/ and I did rm -R *07:14
tristan3199blucalculatr: ok.. shut down that VM for now.. just the window with ubuntu should close07:14
chris_I did it in the wrong terminal07:14
ActionParsnipchris_: d'oh07:14
MacoyActionParsnip: yes sir. Auto caps on iPhone hehe07:14
yabooanyone using ubuntu on a tablet07:14
tristan3199blucalculatr: on virtualbox main screen. right click the name you chose and goto settings07:14
chris_I ment to delete /home/chris/backup07:14
ActionParsnipMacoy: i see, iphones are dumb07:14
honey_Jourdan_U: how can i paste  ths screen shot07:15
blucalculatrtristan3199: okay, opened settings07:15
ActionParsnipchris_: got another ubuntu pc?07:15
zykotick9!paste | honey_07:15
ubottuhoney_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:15
ActionParsnipchris_: perfect :)07:15
Macoybobo37774: remote control my desktop07:15
chris_the one I did this on was ubuntu server. Im running ubuntu desktop on this one07:15
blucalculatrtristan3199: im guessing go to USB, add, and then the external harddrive?07:15
[[thufir]]thirty nine minutes to go!07:16
bobo37774Macoy: Do I need to install teamviewer?07:16
ActionParsnipchris_: hmm, you may want to install virtualbox and copy the files from the live desktop to the host07:16
* [[thufir]] updates everyone on his upgrade because, well...07:16
tristan3199blucalculatr: sorry.. yep correct07:16
MacoyUnfortunately yes. That's what's installed here hehe07:16
blucalculatrtristan3199: okay. double click the name to start it back up?07:16
MacoyIf its ok with u.07:16
bobo37774Macoy: okay hold on07:16
tristan3199blucalculatr: yep07:16
tristan3199blucalculatr: now you should be able to see the external within the VM.. correct?07:17
honey_Jourdan_U: http://imagebin.org/19520907:17
Macoybobo37774: thanks07:18
chris_1) install ubuntu server on virtual box. 2) start up virtual box and run "sudo zip /etc/init.d/*" 3) use ssh to copy zip folder to /etc/init.d 4) run unzip init.d.zip07:18
bobo37774Macoy: No worries07:18
tristan3199blucalculatr: you may need to mount it still.. if so just open a folder in places an then click the drive you want mounted.. once its open its mounted..07:18
blucalculatrtristan3199: okay, doing that now07:18
tristan3199blucalculatr: then click install ubuntu from the virtual desktop..07:19
blucalculatrexcept i cant see it in "places"07:19
tristan3199blucalculatr: you wont see it.. just pick any folder07:19
tristan3199blucalculatr: once the window opens you will see your drive on the left..07:19
zykotick9VirtualBox OSE doesn't support USB!!!07:20
PaulIIIIIIIIi hawe a very intresting programming idea, but im not programmer http://www.hot.ee/keber/olympic.JPG07:20
chris_I was going to use ssh07:20
tristan3199zykotick9: its SATA07:20
tristan3199zykotick9: but will show as USB07:20
bobo37774Macoy: O.K. What now?07:20
bobo37774Macoy: Be right back07:21
zykotick9tristan3199: is it connected through USB?07:21
blucalculatrtristan3199: its SATA, but it's plugged into my desktop's SUB port07:21
chris_the virtual box on the oracle website does, the one in the repositories doesnt07:21
honey_Jourdan_U: http://imagebin.org/19521007:21
zykotick9blucalculatr: it won't work with the OSE version the new VBox doesn't have this issue, only the OSE07:21
Macoybobo37774: I pm you did you receive?07:21
urlin2u!spam | PaulIIIIIIII07:22
blucalculatrzykotick9: uh. so where do i get the new VBox? (im on 11.04 if that makes a difference)07:22
urlin2uPaulIIIIIIII, that is spam do not do that.07:22
chris_deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian natty contrib07:22
honey_Jordan_U: http://imagebin.org/19521007:23
zykotick9blucalculatr: 11.04 doesn't have "virtualbox"?  get it from Oracle (if you must, sorry i'm not a fan of Oracle/VBox)07:23
Al_nz1Im not sure I like the desktop in 11.10 - where is my file explorer gone?07:23
tristan3199zykotick9: should be possible.. he just installed it ten minutes ago from the oracle site..07:23
Jordan_Ueightyeight: If there is anything unclear in those instructions, or anything you think could be improved, please tell me.07:23
zykotick9tristan3199: so it's not the OSE version then?!?  is it or isn't it?07:24
honey_Jordan_U: http://imagebin.org/19520907:24
blucalculatrit was installed by sudo apt-get install virtualbox-OSE07:24
tristan3199zykotick9: nope.. its VirtualBox 4.1.807:24
[[thufir]]honey_: you need the error log.  it's a text or, IIRC, html file.07:25
tristan3199from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads07:25
zykotick9blucalculatr: are you being helped by tristan3199 - or is this two issues?07:25
blucalculatri was being helped by tristan3199. i think i downloaded the wrong one though07:25
[[thufir]]honey_: jordan asked for it a while back, I don't recall the precise name of the file.  GIYF?07:25
blucalculatrcause mine says its 4.0.407:25
tristan3199blucalculatr: did you open a file..07:26
=== xabbu is now known as Guest93108
tristan3199blucalculatr: or in devices is it still black?07:26
Jordan_Uhoney_: Is there anything stopping you from saving the gparted_details.html file and pastebining it now?07:26
blucalculatrin devices its still black07:26
zykotick9blucalculatr: apt-get remove the version you installed, then download the Oracle version (or add there repo and install virtualbox)07:26
tristan3199im using ose.. and i can use usb's just fine07:26
toloI can not boot into system, it says could not find module directory,,07:26
tristan3199i have never really had any issues wit that..07:27
tristan3199blucalculatr: are you able to access your drive??? try that first..07:27
zykotick9tristan3199: VBox-OSE didn't include USB support, the new VirtualBox package does.07:27
blucalculatrtristan3199: i can access it normally from my ubuntu07:27
tristan3199blucalculatr: what about when you click devices.. can you see it there??07:28
Guest93108Hi, I'm looking for some assistance as I have a server here that's been sitting disconnected from the internet for an extraordinarily long time... and I now have a need to get it to a recent version of Ubuntu. I'm doing an apt-get dist-upgrade but all of the links are 404ing and I'm worried that the upgrade path may no longer exist...07:28
blucalculatronly in USB Devices. where it's blacked out07:28
honey_Jordan_U: sorry jordan i cant save it or tell me how can i save it gparted_details.html?07:28
=== Guest93108 is now known as GwaiLo
chris_I have been having a slight problem with virtualbox. Before I can use it I alsways need to open terminal and run "sudo modprobe vboxdrv"07:28
blucalculatrhow do i tell whether i want i386 or AMD6407:29
Jordan_Uhoney_: Instructions for saving it are @ http://gparted.org/display-doc.php?name=gparted-live-manual&lang=C#gparted-live-saving-gparted-details .07:29
tristan3199blucalculatr: do you have a 64 bit machine or a 32 bit07:29
Jordan_Uhoney_: Is English your first language?07:29
urlin2uGwaiLo, what is the release?07:29
[[thufir]]lol.  I just found that link as well.07:29
GwaiLourlin2u, According to etc/lsb-release it's 8.1007:29
blucalculatrtristan3199: i can't remember. how do i check?07:29
[[thufir]]however, honey isn't using the live version, I believe.  but it should be similar.07:30
tristan3199blucalculatr: that link provides USB 2.0 support07:30
honey_Jordan_U: sorry no it is my second langouage it might be broken07:31
blucalculatrtristan3199:  okay. what do i do with the file?07:31
GwaiLourlin2u, it's 404ing both on security.ubuntu.com and also au.archive.ubuntu.com07:31
zykotick9blucalculatr: if you install that, it would be difficult to remove <warning>07:31
tristan3199blucalculatr:  wait this is more current  http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/4.1.8/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.1.8-75467.vbox-extpack07:31
honey_Jordan_U: file:///home/tewea/Desktop/gparted_details.htm07:32
Jordan_Uhoney_: No problem. There are channels in other languages if you prefer, but feel free to stay here if you'd like.07:32
chris_it seriously took less than 2 minutes to install ubuntu server on virtualbox07:32
blucalculatrtristan3199: okay. so how do i use a .vbox-extpack file?07:32
ActionParsnipGwaiLo: intrepid is very dead dude. I'd clean install oneiric or even precise prerelease as it will be LTS07:32
ZiioynxHas anyone had issues with their mic since the last kernel patch the other day?07:33
honey_Jordan_U: yeah i like that07:34
Jordan_Uhoney_: Run "firefox /home/tewea/Desktop/gparted_details/html" That should open the file in Firefox. Once the file is open, please copy all of the text from that page and paste it to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com .07:34
ActionParsnipZiioynx: none here. Never had a sound issue in Linux ever07:34
GwaiLoActionParsnip, I very much want to upgrade from it... it's just a storage server and unfortunately there's absolutely no way I can format and reinstall, I need to upgrade cause I just don't have the space to store the data while formatting and reinstalling07:34
zykotick9!eol | GwaiLo but seriously, upgrading that many times is crazy07:35
ubottuGwaiLo but seriously, upgrading that many times is crazy: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:35
ActionParsnipGwaiLo: do you not have a backup?07:35
tristan3199blucalculatr: please click on the main Virtualbox OSE Window07:35
ZiioynxActionParsnip, yeah nor have i... All of my speakers are working even the laptop volume keys work the mic just has stopped working07:35
urlin2uActionParsnip, can you use the eol upgrades on servers?07:35
GwaiLoActionParsnip, this is my backup server. I don't have anywhere else I can store the data07:36
honey_Jordan_U: http://dpaste.com/692633/07:36
ActionParsnipGwaiLo: a drive motor fails. The drive doesn't spin up. Where is your data?07:36
compositehow do i burn an iso to disc?07:36
ZiioynxAny idea's where i should start to try and debug this mic issue?07:36
tristan3199Back to Settings, i just tested it on my machine.. it works fine here07:36
GwaiLoActionParsnip, it has a parity drive and a hot swap07:36
ActionParsnipurlin2u: sure. Its the same OS, just no X and a slightly different kernel..07:37
zykotick9Jordan_U: I/O errors, what's your plan now ;)07:37
ActionParsnipcomposite: under what OS?07:37
urlin2uActionParsnip, thanks I wasn't sure, should  pass that on?07:37
blucalculatrtristan3199: im back in settings.07:37
chris_how do I send a file over using ssh over command line?07:37
compositeActionParsnip, i figured it out07:37
woo_composite, I use Brasero07:37
compositeyes brasero!07:37
zykotick9chris_: scp07:37
ActionParsnipGwaiLo: its go07:38
tristan3199blucalculatr: ok so you have added the usb drive?07:38
blucalculatrtristan3199: yes.07:38
ActionParsnipGwaiLo: gonna be a long climb07:38
indigochildAny chance someone could explain to me why linux uses so many different directories for programs? This is coming from an experienced Windows user trying to understand all this.07:39
ActionParsnipGwaiLo: intrepid to jaunty to karmic to lucid to precise07:39
GwaiLoActionParsnip, If I follow the instructions on the EOLUpgrade will I get there eventually?07:39
TmubuntuI am using ubuntu 11.10 and I have installed  xserver-xorg-video-intel. But still I am getting 1024x768 resolution. I've Samsung 20" monitor. Will you please help? thanks07:39
llutz_!fhs | indigochild07:39
ubottuindigochild: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier07:39
GwaiLoActionParsnip, I'm ok if it takes a week or two for the various updates to take place etc.07:39
tristan3199blucalculatr: i have successfully loaded a USB 2.0 flash drive.. no problem. is yours listed already07:39
ActionParsnipGwaiLo: eventually yes. Its going to be a lot of time and bandwidth07:40
honey_Jordan_U:  do you get this http://dpaste.com/692633/07:40
tristan3199blucalculatr: your ubuntu desktop is up and running also.. correct?07:40
zykotick9indigochild: a better question would be "why does Mircosoft use so few directories?" ;)07:40
urlin2uhoney_, you try a new partition table?07:40
blucalculatrtristan3199: not sure if you saw before, but i've got version 4.0.4, and the file you sent me i have not done anything with because i dont know what to do with it.07:40
Jordan_Uhoney_: Yes. That suggests that your drive might be failing. Can you pastebin the output of "sudo smartctrl --all /dev/sdb"?07:41
GwaiLoActionParsnip, I'll check with the housemates and see if it's worth the effort :) Thanks very much for your help... I'll follow the instructions on there and see what happens07:41
ActionParsnipGwaiLo: once you get to precise you are set for 5 years :-)07:41
tristan3199blucalculatr: u shouldnt need it..07:41
wookienzwhy when i run through my server logs in the ftp log does it have ftp connections for localhost?07:41
somsipGwaiLo: expat in China?07:41
TmubuntuWhen I run this command lshw -c video. I get this information. http://dpaste.org/WmD63/07:41
GwaiLoActionParsnip, haha07:41
Jordan_Uhoney_: And by "drive failing" I mean a hardware problem.07:42
GwaiLosomsip, No, just someone who was learning cantonese a while ago... I just checked and apparently I created this nick 9 years ago :)07:42
tristan3199blucalculatr: unless we cant get the USB to load.. when you click device USB it doesnt allow you to mount it into the VM???07:42
blucalculatrtristan3199: doesnt look like i can. its still blacked out in the USB Devices menu07:42
somsipGwaiLo: ah. Wo bu shi jiao gwailo! :)07:42
ActionParsnipindigochild: the commands are categorized and are put into folders to highlight this rather than windows where its all in one place07:42
somsipGwaiLo: but hey, well OT...07:43
honey_Jordan_U:  udo smartctrl --all /dev/sdb [sudo] password for tewea:  sudo: smartctrl: command not found cab i install smartctrl?07:43
GwaiLosomsip, haha, somewhat :)07:43
Jordan_Uhoney_: Yes. "sudo apt-get install smartmontools".07:43
zykotick9Jordan_U: i don't think smart can work across USB, i could be wrong07:43
Tmubuntuwill you please help?07:45
tristan3199blucalculatr: im doing a lil research to see what the difference between our machines is.. you using 11.10?07:45
pikkiehi all07:45
ActionParsnipindigochild: also Linux uses shared libs which are only loaded once in ram. If another app needs it then it can also access the one in ram making running apps faster. Windows would load another to ram which is wasteful. These files have a different folder to say admin commands and so on07:45
blucalculatrtristan3199: 11.0407:46
Jordan_Uzykotick9: It's less commonly supported, but it is possible with some enclosures.07:46
zykotick9Jordan_U: good to know.  sorry for bad info.07:46
tristan3199blucalculatr: goto the ubuntu software center.. type in the search bar virtualbox07:47
* chris_ crosses fingers07:47
pikkiei am running ubuntu server and added another drive for use as a data drive only. how do i find where the /srv/share file is as there is nothing this morning in my mapped drive. can all the data dissapear like that07:47
[[thufir]]why did parted -l show two drives as scsi when one is usb for honey?07:48
llutz_pikkie: check "mount", is you drive listed as mounted? check /etc/fstab for correct entry07:48
ActionParsnippikkie: did you add its partition/s in /etc/fstab ?07:48
pikkiethufir: yes i did it was working till last night07:49
llutz_[[thufir]]: all drives are mapped as scsi (ide, scsi, usb, s-ata...)07:49
blucalculatrtristan3199: it comes up with virtualbox OSE 4.0.4 and other things that dont have virtualbox in the name07:49
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: it is how its shown in the kernel. The functionality was added there07:49
pikkiethufir: will check  pls wait a sec07:50
chris_it worked!07:50
ActionParsnipchris_: wtg07:50
[[thufir]]ok.  good to know, that's for sure07:50
ActionParsnipllutz_: technically all drives are ide?07:50
* [[thufir]] reboots for upgrade in ten minutes! drinks on me!07:50
zykotick9ActionParsnip: you mean all drives are scsi right?07:51
chris_does cronjob requre the user to be logged in?07:51
llutz_chris_: no07:51
ActionParsnipzykotick9: not pata ones. Ide refers to the pcb on the drive.07:51
Al_nz1ActionParsnip: how is dns done in Ubuntu 11.10? dhcpd.conf or resolv.conf?07:51
[[thufir]]maybe the problem honey has with this i/o error in formatting the hd is that it's via usb?  can gparted handle that?07:51
oyvindbyHi, how do i completely remove sendmail from my system. It somehow got installed and totally messed up my postfix install, and I cant find a way to remove it.. cant even stop it07:52
zykotick9ActionParsnip: at a low level, all drives are scsi, boot Windows in safe mode - those are the scsi ids going past ;)07:52
chris_is there a place where I could add a startup program for all users on boot. Im wanting to do modprobe vboxdrv07:52
Muellioyvindby: sudo aptitude purge sendmail should do it.07:52
pikkiemthufir: no nothing there when i type mount07:52
zykotick9chris_: that's a module, not a program.  /etc/modules used to be used for this, not sure what's current on ubuntu.07:53
ActionParsnipzykotick9: old drives used to not have that and relied purely on the controller. New drives came out with IDEs and helped speed thingss up. These were called 'ide drives'. All new drives, even SAS have IDEs. People really mean PATA but the name just stuck07:53
JDog2pt0Anyone know how to change into runlevel 3 from recovery/grub?07:54
Jordan_U!runlevel | JDog2pt007:54
ubottuJDog2pt0: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.07:54
oyvindbyMuelli: it tells me package sendmail is not installed, still it tells me sendmail is answering on port 25 when i telnet locahlost 25 it tells me sendmail is answering07:54
ActionParsnipoyvindby: can you stop then start the service freely?07:55
Muelliwell oyvindby have you just removed that package? Anyway, it might not be sendmail itself but a sendmail replacement.07:55
chris_could I clone a whole hard drive by doing "sudo scp -R / root@ip /"07:55
chris_could I clone a whole hard drive by doing "sudo scp -R / root@ip:/"07:55
tristan3199blucalculatr: ok.. im running 4.0.4 ose and able to connect my usb fine..07:55
pikkiemthufir: when i sudo fdisk - l it shows all the drives, this is supposed to be sdc1, which i added under /media/250GB, but i cannot find that 250GB file. /media shows empty07:55
oyvindbyActionParsnip: yep, sudo service sendmail stop stops it07:55
chris_im assuming not07:55
ActionParsnipoyvindby: can you start it again though?07:56
tristan3199blucalculatr: install virtualbox from the software center and it should provide the rest of what you need for usb action07:56
blucalculatrtristan3199:  well, the problem might be with my SATA to USB interface.07:56
Muellioyvindby: I guess that's a bug. I'd expect the service to be stopped after you removed the package07:56
oyvindbyActionParsnip: not sure if I wanna try, im gonna check the postfix install first07:56
blucalculatrtristan3199: its hard enough to get it connected on windows...07:56
zykotick9pikkiem: using /dev/sdX# isn't a good idea, as these can change.  Using UUIDs or LABELs is a better idea.07:56
ActionParsnipchris_: got patience?07:56
chris_the server is always running. It just restarts at 12:05 am everyday07:56
tristan3199blucalculatr: shouldnt make a difference.. this should be all you need..07:56
JDog2pt0Ha! I tried messaging a bot. Lul07:57
blucalculatrtristan3199: well, how do you access your USB on there, then?07:57
blucalculatrtristan3199: maybe im just doing it wrong07:57
zykotick9pikkiem: you might want to check "dmesg | grep sdc" to see if it contains any hints07:57
chris_how long are you thing it will take actionParsnip?07:57
chris_its a gigabit network07:58
zykotick9chris_: that questions has a LOT of variables, impossible to answer really07:58
JDog2pt0So, can anyone help me with a vesafb error?07:58
ActionParsnipchris_: id just backup configs and data. If you want a backup of everything you will need an outage window to take an image or copy data to remote storage or usb07:58
chris_so perhaps not a good idea then. I was wanting to clone the whole drive for when I do something stupid again07:59
tristan3199im able to go into settings and add the device.. then to device and mount it.. your doing it correct. just need a tiny extension for the virtualbox package. after you install from the software center the last 20 mb it should work fine.. if not ill help scan thru the oracle site and find a solution..07:59
ActionParsnipchris_: depends on size and network load07:59
pikkie_mzykotick9: we had a power outage and now that drive is for some reason empty, all my data is on there07:59
llutz_chris_: sudo rsync -aux / backuphost:/path/07:59
chris_all important information is backed ip07:59
[[thufir]]pikkiem:  maybe that 250gb drive isn't mounted?07:59
zykotick9pikkie_m: sure hope you have a backup then07:59
GwaiLoActionParsnip, sorry to bug you again... but I've followed the EOL instructions, sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade seems to finish successfully, but when I do the do-release-upgrade, it fails when trying to extract the jaunty.tar.gz08:00
ActionParsnippikkie_m: time to use your backups...08:00
pikkie_mzykotick9: i have one from two days ago08:00
zykotick9pikkie_m: well, that's a lot better then none at all :)08:00
[[thufir]]zykotick9:  yes, use labels or other for drives.  although, in this case, one is 250GB and one 500GB, IIRC.08:00
chris_I actually have not heard of that command rsync. Ill try it out08:00
pikkie_mzykotick9: yes but i want to understand something, how can it just go empty08:01
ActionParsnipGwaiLo: you could grab the jaunty alternate iso, mount it and run the upgrade script in the root of the iso08:01
zykotick9pikkie_m: ?08:01
zykotick9pikkie_m: are you sure it's empty, and just not mounted?08:02
[[thufir]]pikkie_m: I suggest not doing anything unless you are positive which drive is which.  labels?  WD or ....?  size?08:02
tristan3199blucalculatr: apoligize for the extra steps.. usually i have a good experince with VirtualBox but of course its being a terd.. we will get it.. no worries..08:02
GwaiLoActionParsnip, cheers, that sounds like a good idea08:02
[[thufir]]also, I don't think you want to format it, that will *destroy* data.  you want to resize the partition, IIRC.08:02
pikkie_mzykotick9: can i attached it to another pc and see08:02
llutz_chris_: normally you shouldn't need to backup all the stuff, "sudo rsync -aux /etc /home /var /srv backuphost:/path/ " should be ok. add dirs you need + a list of installed packages08:02
ActionParsnippikkie_m: sounds like the fat / journal is damaged. The data will be there, the system just doesnt know which bits make up what files.08:02
blucalculatrtristan3199:  its okay. just uninstalled and installed using software centre08:02
[[thufir]]good god, this upgrade is endless.08:03
zykotick9pikkie_m: i guess?  i don't know, can YOU?08:03
[[thufir]]I thought I'd be done hours ago.08:03
ActionParsnippikkie_m: considered a UPS?08:03
pikkie_mActionParsnip: and how would i do that i am not that clued up08:03
chris_ive been using linux for about a year now and Ive learned what not to do. I make these mistakes all the time08:03
ActionParsnipchris_: mistakes teach best08:04
chris_so it would not be a bad idea to clone hard drives08:04
pikkie_mActionParsnip: have one which ran out while i was aslee[08:04
[[thufir]]pikkie_m: parted -l shows what?  which is which?08:04
chris_I always make sure I have /home on another partition08:04
chris_and never encrypt it08:04
blucalculatrchris_: yeah, i've learned my lesson about not encrypting filesystems.08:05
llutz_chris_: just backup your stuff on regular base (i.e. using rsnapshot) and you'll be fine08:05
pikkie_mthufir: hold on08:05
chris_rsnapshot, another program I have not ever used08:05
[[thufir]]how does rsnapshot work?  I just want to put in cd (sux) after cd and have the software figure it out.08:05
llutz_chris_: its a wrapper around rsync for automated backups08:05
pikkie_mthufir: it says nothing about my 250Gb08:06
blucalculatrtristan3199: so i've opened virtualbox again08:06
zykotick9pikkie_m: is the drive seen in BIOS?08:06
pikkie_mthufir: wait a bit08:06
chris_so I have set up a community comuter lab of 35 ubuntu computers with a windows 7 transformation pack. Is there a way to sync all software?08:06
[[thufir]]pikkie_m: well, see, I would stop right there and not proceed.  unless you can see both drives, then don't do anything.08:06
[[thufir]]now, maybe you just have to mount your 250GB drive, tho?08:07
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pikkie_mthufir: you may be right08:07
[[thufir]]250GB is WD? or ATA?  internal or USB?08:07
pikkie_mthufir: it shows in parted -l08:07
[[thufir]]ah, ok, well, that's good :)08:08
chris_currently I have a folder with all the ips and have ssh keys set up. I would do "for x in *; do ssh root@"$x" sudo apt-get -y install gimp; done" tp install gimp08:08
pikkie_mthufir: it is a SATA drive inside pc08:08
mang0Is it possible to hide mounted drives from the desktop? If so, how?08:08
tristan3199blucalculatr: i also have these packages selected in the software center, virtualbox-ose, virualbox-ose-dkms, virtualbox-ose-qt, virtualbox-dkms..08:08
zykotick9chris_: puppet would be the commonly used tool for such a setup, but your method might work?08:09
pikkie_mthufir: in /tec/fstab the line was added to mount the drive when the pc start08:09
tristan3199blucalculatr: i would try what just installed before adding these extra packages..08:09
[[thufir]]pikkie_m: and the 250GB internal SATA is ext4 formatted and running linux, which you are currently running from.  yes?  and you want to *resize*  (not format) the fat partition on the *other* drive, 500GB?  yes/no?08:09
pikkie_msorry in /etc/fstab08:09
blucalculatrtristan3199:  what SHOULD i be seeing in DeviceS?08:09
=== Knorre`BNC is now known as Knorre
llutz_!info mssh | chris_:08:09
ubottuchris_:: mssh (source: mssh): tool to administrate multiple servers at once. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 18 kB, installed size 112 kB08:09
zykotick9pikkie_m: if you used /dev/sdc1 in your /etc/fstab - THAT could be the problem...08:09
pikkie_mthufir: no, it was added after everything was up and running and the file system is ntfs08:10
tristan3199blucalculatr: did you goto settings and add the drive again? and is it still black in devices?08:10
pikkie_mzykotick9: i will check08:10
* [[thufir]] logs off to reboot. wish me luck with upgrade.08:10
blucalculatrtristan3199: it was still added, and its in Devices>USB Devices>black08:11
pikkie_mzykotick9: yes it says /dev/sdc1 /medai/250GB ntfs defaults 0 208:11
zykotick9pikkie_m: sorry, "NTFS" i just lost all interest in your issue.  good luck.08:11
llutz_pikkie_m: /medai/? typo?08:12
ales85anybody knows if Ubuntu 11.10 will get kernel 3.2?08:12
mang011.10 is out already...08:12
ales85read all please08:13
ales85i asked if it will GET kernel 3.208:13
pikkie_mzykotick9: thanks anyway08:13
zykotick9ales85: once ubuntu release is made, it's unusual for anything to get a version upgrade08:13
tristan3199blucalculatr: let me check there site.. one min.. weird that its acting like this..08:13
ales85ok thanx :)08:13
pikkie_m11utz: i have not changed a thing and it has been working like that for month or more.08:14
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SerythIs there any way to hide mounted volumes on the desktop?08:18
tristan3199blucalculatr: heres what im seeing https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch03.html#idp1118868808:18
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ponrajuganeshwhat are the various commands that are present to get the cpu and mem info used by a particular process08:20
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ponrajuganeshwhether could this be done/08:20
llutz_ponrajuganesh: man ps08:20
zykotick9ponrajuganesh: top would be one method08:20
tristan3199blucalculatr: try running it as root.... from terminal..08:20
blucalculatrtristan3199:  okay08:21
[[thufir]]woo!  reboot and upgraged to 10.10 without borking system!  god was that painful08:22
ponrajuganeshwhether could we have control over that zykotick9...08:22
ponrajuganeshsomething like only a specific info is needed something like that zykotick908:22
Seryth[[thufir]]: Hurrah! Now to upgrade to 11.04, 11.10, and then 12.04! :P08:22
blucalculatris there a way to remove the messages of XXX joined room?08:22
zykotick9ponrajuganesh: "ps aux | grep foo" where foo is your process perhaps?08:23
[[thufir]]lol.  I'm done. no more upgrades. ever.08:23
[[thufir]]or, do what I know is the right thing to do, repartition so that home is separate, then just use the cd/torrents.08:24
SerythIs there any way to hide mounted volumes on the desktop?08:24
tristan3199blucalculatr: i totally uninstalled and reinstalled my VirtualBox Packages.. so we should be identical now.. and i was able to locate my usb..08:24
[deXter]Seryth, You can use Ubuntu Tweak Tool for that08:24
zykotick9Seryth: also, things mounted though fstab don't show on desktop08:24
blucalculatrwell i've run as sudo, re-done the virtual harddrive setup thing, added USB again, starting up now.08:24
ponrajuganeshawesome zykotick9 ..08:24
Seryth[deXter]: Thanks. I tried gconf-editor >> apps >> nautilus >> desktop >> volumes_visible = false, but it's not working.08:25
ponrajuganeshbut any idea to get the cpu used , memeory used by a particulr process08:25
Serythzykotick9: What?08:25
tristan3199blucalculatr: i went to device and clicked usb, lexar [name on my usb] and it booted from the usb.. perfectly..08:25
[deXter]Seryth, did you logoff/logon after you did that?08:25
Seryth[deXter]: Yup08:25
llutz_ponrajuganesh: read "man ps"  ps -o xxx,yyy,zzz -p pid08:25
zykotick9ponrajuganesh: the ps output shows CPU/MEM info08:25
blucalculatrtristan3199: i open up "Home" and i can see it in the Places thing on the left. SUCCESS!!08:25
[[thufir]][deXter]: heh.  dexter.08:25
tristan3199blucalculatr: awsome.. now to move along... you see install ubuntu on the desktop??08:26
[deXter][[thufir]], O_o08:26
blucalculatrtristan3199:  yup.08:26
zykotick9Seryth: nevermind.  If you mount things the old fasion way, using /etc/fstab, they won't show up on the desktop.  Use [deXter]'s suggestion perhaps?08:26
[deXter]Seryth, Try Ubuntu Tweak, it's worked for me before.08:26
blucalculatrtristan3199: can i just say i admire your persistence?08:27
tristan3199blucalculatr: i guess we just needed permissions.. we should have ran as root in the beginning.. oh well now we know..08:27
Serythzykotick9: Actually, I do need to edit /etc/fstab, because I've got two HDDs, and one of them I want to mount to /mnt/HDD2 rather than /media/a2345ddsfhasd etc etc. I just can't remember how to do it :/08:27
ponrajuganeshI am little confused how am I to get the PID for the currently runnin process. Like say I am runnnig a shell script how am I to get that shell scripts PID? zykotick908:27
Seryth[deXter]: I will, ty.08:27
tristan3199blucalculatr: so have you already clicked the install icon??08:28
llutz_ponrajuganesh: pidof >processname>08:28
blucalculatrtristan3199: yes, just doing the keyboard selection at the moment.08:28
zykotick9llutz_: would that work for shell scripts?08:28
ponrajuganeshprocessname? is that shell scripts name ? llutz08:28
llutz_ponrajuganesh: no08:29
ponrajuganeshthen how to get the process name llutz_ whcih does that08:29
tristan3199blucalculatr: you should have no issues from here.. just install as you would normally.. but chose the USB disk to install to.. and if it wont let you.. use unetbootin to install it for you...08:29
blucalculatrtristan3199:  okay, thankyou very much.08:29
tristan3199blucalculatr: no worries.. ill be connected for a bit more.. let me know when its successful..08:30
ponrajuganeshsorry if I am asking something silly llutz_ not able to get ..08:30
overcluckerponrajuganesh: echo $$08:30
blucalculatrtristan3199: will do.08:30
blucalculatris there anywhere i can go to give love/positive review/say how awesome you are?08:30
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tristan3199naaa.. i just like learning..08:31
blucalculatrtristan3199:  fair enough. me too.08:31
blucalculatrtristan3199: on a side note, i intend to have fun screwing around with this virtualbox thing.08:31
fidelhi - not linux-specific - but i dont know a good place to ask: does anyone inhere uses some kind of self-hostable rss-reader (similar to google reader function-wise)08:32
tristan3199i always test new things in there.. sometimes it saves me from crashing my own systems.. i probably would have killed my computer a hundred times without it..08:32
llutz_ponrajuganesh: you could search for the shell-process running your script and searching child-processes08:32
blucalculatrtristan3199: yeah, the reason i killed the laptop in the first place was i was trying to install nethack on there08:32
tristan3199you can learn alot from breaking systems on purpose.. lol08:33
blucalculatran accidental placing of an * stuffed it alll up08:33
Guest54438banshee is not scrobbling my activity08:33
Guest54438I have the plugin installed and authorized08:33
Guest54438runnining Ubuntu 10.1008:33
Guest54438Banshee. 2.8.108:33
Guest54438sorry, 2.2.108:34
ponrajuganeshwhat does echo $$ get?08:34
user__ummm... guys... how to connect irc.forestnet.org network in x-chat?08:34
shareprint process id maybe08:34
llutz_ponrajuganesh: $$ = pid of actual process08:34
share19470 get08:34
tristan3199however i would reccomend keeping a usb drive with a bootable ubuntu or easybcd on it... just to help fix the big issues that come up..08:34
paulus68llutz_: Still no luck concerning the rsnapshot dirs remains empty I did find however this script https://github.com/mikaellanger/rsync-push-backup but having a view problems adapting it any thoughts on how to expand the backup from home to complete drive?08:34
ponrajuganeshso if I use the same within a shell script what process ID will it get llutz_08:35
llutz_paulus68: thats odd, i don't know how rsnapshot on ubuntu is different from debian, but i couldn't imagine whats wrong with your setup08:35
tristan3199my lil netbook has a SD card input.. i have a bootable ubuntu on that in case of emergency... and BAckTrack 5 on usb...08:36
llutz_ponrajuganesh: then shells pid08:36
blucalculatrtristan3199: yes, i had been doing that... but then suddenly none of my computers would boot from my USB anymore.08:36
share7msg nickserv identify SOPAsupporter08:36
ponrajuganeshwont I be able to use that then using "ps" command wont that get the cpu and mem info that were used by that shell script llutz_08:37
tristan3199blucalculatr: sound like your bios may need adjusted.. hold down F2 at boot sometime, sometimes its F12 or something.. change your boot device order..08:37
paulus68llutz_: with the script I sent in the link https://github.com/mikaellanger/rsync-push-backup the backup is working just need to find a way to expand the backup from 1 folder to the complete drive08:37
zykotick9share: example of why identifying in a channel is a bad idea ;)  good time to change your password, you SOPAsupporter08:38
Guest54438does anyone scrobble on Ubuntu? I am running 10.10 and Banshee 2.2.1 and the plugin is activated. However, it isn't scrobbling my audio tracks08:38
llutz_paulus68: sry cannot check the link, i don't have www atm08:38
sharezykotick9: xD08:38
blucalculatrtristan3199: well the weird thing is, the bios is fine, i can choose which harddrive/usb to boot, but when i tell it to boot the usb, it will just not boot anything at all.08:38
llutz_ponrajuganesh: sure but i doubt you really want to have ps-commands in all your scripts08:39
ponrajuganeshoh!! is there any other option other than this llutz_08:40
tristan3199blucalculatr: hummm. pretty strange.. upgrading bios via flashing is sometimes dangerous... not reccomended...08:40
tristan3199blucalculatr: did the install allow you to chose the [usb] to install to?08:41
Guest54438I guess nobody uses that plugin for Banshee? Or it is because I am using a Guest nickname?:(08:42
blucalculatrtristan3199: yeah, i picked my laptop's harddrive, the 160GB hitachi08:42
tristan3199guest what is scrobble??08:42
llutz_paulus68: the script uses rsync i assume. rsync can take more than one source-dir as an argument. can't you just add all the directories you want to backup in one line separated by space?08:43
tristan3199blucalculatr: good good...08:43
overcluckerponrajuganesh: you want a script to run ps on itself?08:43
Guest54438tristan: syncing with lastfm08:43
Guest54438tristan: I want to sync my activity in Banshee with lastfm08:44
=== cgtkd is now known as cgtdk
Guest54438the plugin is enabled but it isn't reporting my activity to lastm08:44
ponrajuganeshhmm.. sounds crazy na :( I need to get the cpu and mem info the shell script that is running to be used overclucker - u got any idea?08:44
Guest54438tristan: I am logged in and have given Banshee permission to access lastfm08:44
tristan3199i see..08:44
tristan3199ill try it out on my system..08:45
=== ubuntu_ is now known as AuroraBorealis
paulus68llutz_: didn't try it yet but will give it a go08:45
zykotick9Guest54438: and your surprised when microsoft software doesn't work as intended, i don't think that's news to anyone ;)  Banshee uses mono, even Ubuntu is abandoning this one.08:45
overcluckerponrajuganesh: have the script echo it's pid to a file?08:45
iGooglemy theme become ugly. default theme of precise. http://imagebin.org/195219 , if anyone know how to reset it. reinstall is no help.08:46
tristan3199zykotick9: i like banshee.. ubuntu is dropping it?08:46
zykotick9iGoogle: #ubuntu+1 is the channel you want.08:46
ponrajuganeshya so U say to echo the pid to a file and then form there to run a ps command is that so what u claim ? overclucker08:47
kanhiyaHelp me to solve my bluetooth problem, i am not able to send files from my pc to phone in Ubuntu 11.10 and kubuntu 11.10 as well08:47
zykotick9tristan3199: ya, because Mono won't run on ARM and ubuntu want's to go all smartphone/tablet soon08:47
AuroraBorealisi need help mounting my ecryptfs partition on a live cd. it keeps saying "encrypted private directory is not setup properly"08:47
kanhiyai am not having problem in the previous versions08:47
Jordan_UAuroraBorealis: How are you trying to mount it?08:48
overcluckerponrajuganesh: that is one way of doing it08:48
AuroraBorealisJordan_U, the guy's blog says to use ecryptfs-recover-private, but that produces the same error, i tried mounting it with just 'sudo mount -t ecryptfs /blah /blah", both mount correctly but then its just two files saying "run ecryptfs-mount-private' which produces the error.08:49
iGooglezykotick9: precise is same as 11.04, i think.08:49
paulus68llutz_: seperated it by a space however it just made a backup of the home folder08:49
Jordan_UAuroraBorealis: What is the exact command you ran, and its exact output?08:49
ponrajuganeshfine overclucker08:49
tristan3199zykotick9: dont think they will make another version.. like desktop vs netbook vs tablet...08:49
zykotick9!precise | iGoogle08:49
ubottuiGoogle: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+108:49
llutz_paulus68: do you call the script directly with the pathes or are they read from some configs?08:50
iGooglelol, ok08:50
zykotick9tristan3199: i believe Canonical has already stated, for the reason i gave, that they're removing Banshee08:50
paulus68llutz_: I call it as mentioned in the files as such08:50
tristan3199hummmm... hope they dont make me switch to debian.. i kinda like ubuntu...08:51
llutz_paulus68: try putting them in quotes "/dir1 /dir2"08:51
paulus68llutz_: ok hold on08:51
tristan3199backtrack on tablet and phone... thats where its at... with a few scripts and bam.. free internet and phone calls.. lol08:52
AuroraBorealisJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/93acSfy508:52
[deXter]tristan3199, Not really.. very, and I mean very few mobile wifi chipsets support injection and monitoring modes.. also the signal strength will be very low, so it's pretty much useless08:53
tristan3199well with droid for example.. you can get free portable hot-spots by "jail breaking".. my buddy has a really good connection everywhere within a hundred feet of his pocket..08:55
tristan3199you supposed to pay fifty or thirty a month for the wifi connection but jail-broke phones dont require you to pay for that service..08:55
paulus68llutz_:great this is working08:56
tristan3199and with backtrack you could teather it to a router.. ect..08:56
iceroot!ot | tristan319908:56
ubottutristan3199: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:56
tristan3199sorry iceroot..08:56
MacoyBig thanks to bobo37774 !!08:56
Gauranghey guys08:57
Gaurangi need help on the terminal08:57
Gaurangplease help!08:57
llutz_paulus68: nice08:57
=== robert__ is now known as robertzaccour
m4kI created a cd in maverick using aptoncd. This cd can i use in oneiric?08:57
Jordan_UAuroraBorealis: The error "WARNING: Based on the contents of [/root/.ecryptfs/sig-cache.txt],it looks like you have never mounted with this key before. This could mean that you have typed your passphrase wrong." Sounds like it may be significant, and continuing may have caused problems that didn't exist before ignoring that error. I may be completely off on that guess though.08:58
iceroot!details | Gaurang08:58
ubottuGaurang: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:58
icerootm4k: no08:58
AuroraBorealisJordan_U, its because i'm on a live cd. the passphrase is correct, thats why ecryptfs-recover-private works08:58
robertzaccourHow do I shrink a video box and put it into the corner of another video in a time line?08:58
GaurangUbuntu 11.10 Oneric Ocelot Question: Need Details on the terminal08:58
zykotick9Gaurang: what's the question?08:59
icerootGaurang: again, please post usefull details08:59
robertzaccourI have some ps3 online gameplay captured and I want camera video recording of me in real time with the game in the same video frame in the corner of the screen. how do I shrink the video of the recording of me and put it in a timeline?08:59
llutz_Gaurang: man gnome-terminal08:59
m4kiceroot: how to download oneiric packages in maveric to mave aptoncd08:59
GaurangUbuntu 11.10 Oneric Ocelot Question: Need Details on the terminal for using gnome 2 in it08:59
iceroot!nounity | Gaurang09:00
ubottuGaurang: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic09:00
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity09:00
Gaurangany details for linux mint09:01
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:01
Jordan_UAuroraBorealis: I would recommend asking in  #ecryptfs on irc.oftc.net ( irc://irc.oftc.net/ecryptfs ). Be sure to post all of that output when you ask.09:01
Gaurangok ubottu09:01
Gaurangalso i need details09:01
Gaurangto fasten unity in oneric ocelot09:01
Gaurangits too slow09:01
Gaurangplesae help09:02
m4kiceroot: any way09:02
Gaurang!ubottu to fasten unity in oneric ocelot09:02
ubottuGaurang: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:02
Gaurangto fasten unity in oneric ocelot09:02
Gaurangits toooooooooooo slow09:02
fidelGaurang: what are you actually looking for?09:02
fideland how ybout just using something different - if unity feels to slow for you09:03
Gauranglike what09:03
fidelthere is most likely no "make unity ueber-fast" switch ;)09:03
Gauranggnome 3 works tooooo slow too09:03
Gauranghow to do that uber thing09:03
fidellike using 'not unity'?09:03
Gauranggaurang@gaurang-desktop:~$ make unity ueber-fast make: *** No rule to make target `unity'.  Stop. gaurang@gaurang-desktop:~$ sudo make unity ueber-fast [sudo] password for gaurang:  make: *** No rule to make target `unity'.  Stop. gaurang@gaurang-desktop:~$09:04
Gaurangplease help09:04
fideldude are you kidding?09:04
Gaurangi wrote it in the terminal09:04
Gaurangim a newbee09:04
urlin2uGaurang, do you speak clean english?09:05
Gaurangplease help09:05
kanhiyais there anybody, who can help me solve bluetooth problem09:05
fidellesson 1: dont just enter random text you dont even know what it is supposoed to do in any terminal09:05
Gaurangyes i do09:05
Gaurangim indian09:05
Gaurangso sorry!09:05
kanhiyai can receive files but not able to send files09:05
kanhiyavia bluetooth09:05
kanhiyai also tried blueman09:05
kanhiyabut same result09:06
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Gaurang@fidel help dude09:06
kanhiyaUbuntu 11.10 disappointed me a lot09:06
wolfmanzGaurang try Xubuntu that's a lot better then Ubuntu from a resource point of view09:06
fidelGaurang: please talk to the channel - not a single person09:06
kanhiyai should use other version09:06
[[thufir]]Gaurang: can you "turn down" gnome?  minimal gnome?  I've read about it...09:06
fidelGaurang: and search for unity alternatives09:07
kanhiyaGaurang: What?09:07
Gaurang@wolf i tryed x bubuntu09:07
tristan3199lubuntu fidel??09:07
Gaurangits too boring09:07
tristan3199Light Ubuntu...09:07
fidelGaurang: in case both: unity & gnome-shell seems to slow for you - take a look on xfce or similar09:07
Gaurangwhats with lubuntu??09:07
Gaurangcan i install it in ubuntu09:07
Gaurangor should i download its deriative09:07
[[thufir]]no, that's why he suggested it.09:08
llutz_Gaurang: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop09:08
Gaurangor something??09:08
tristan3199Basic as heck Ubuntu.. Its instead of ubuntu.. you should goto ubuntu dot com09:08
Gaurangwill try it09:08
kanhiyaI should switch back to 11.04 or have to wait for09:08
Gaurangis kde better09:08
kanhiyaUntill than , i will prefer to use Windows09:08
tristan3199you know there are hundreds of options gaurang? literly endless... you shold do some reserch before crashing your computer completely09:09
Gaurangwindows is third calls09:09
fidelGaurang: there is no general BETTER09:09
Gaurangso please09:09
Gaurangok fidel09:09
wolfmanzKDE is tooooo buggy for me09:09
kanhiyaGaurang: Use live CD, if it suits all u need09:09
kanhiyathan install it09:09
Gaurangok wolf09:09
fidelGaurang: and in case of kde - it will most likely be not really faster - if both unity & gnome-shell are slow on your system09:09
cardielwhen i setup BATT_CPU_MINFREQ in laptop-mode-tools cpufreq. will it read the minfreq from /etc/conf.d/cpufreq.conf or from /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq ??09:09
Gaurangtry linux mint kanhiya09:09
llutz_wolfmanz: kde works fine here since >10 yrs. so what? ;)09:10
Gaurangits better09:10
Gaurangbut not for me09:10
Gaurangi use blender09:10
kanhiyaGaurang: otherwise don't take pain to install it and than messing with configurations09:10
kanhiyaGaurang: I also tried linux mint 12 ,it has same issue, because it is based on Ubuntu 11.1009:10
Gaurangok kanhiya09:11
kanhiyain linux mint 11 everything was fine09:11
Gaurangwell guys09:11
kanhiyai will switch back to it09:11
Gauranghow to make linux faster??09:11
fidelGaurang: tell us what is slow first ;)09:11
fideland how you measure that slowness?09:12
Gaurangxfce has got no repos09:12
tristan3199gaurang: what kind of computer are you trying to use???09:12
fidelcompared to what else - which is running faster on that specific hardware09:12
wolfmanzllutz KDE 4.7 i think it was gave me errors on several KDE based distros to the point i dumped it and went for XFCE in Xubuntu09:12
Gaurangim using09:12
kanhiyaGaurang: How much RAM u have, what processor u have09:12
Gaurangintel core2duo @2.93 ghz09:12
Gaurang1 gb ram09:12
Gaurang512 mb on board graphics09:12
kanhiyait's enough, i think09:12
Gaurang160 gb harddrive09:12
Gaurangubuntu crashes09:13
llutz_!ente > Gaurang09:13
fidelget more ram & install a smaller window-manager in case you want to test ... then start measuring what specific part might still be slow ....09:13
llutz_!enter > Gaurang09:13
ubottuGaurang, please see my private message09:13
cardielGaurang: maybe you could get some more ram. 1gb isnt much09:13
Gaurangfrom the 11:04 realease and onwards09:13
llutz_!details > Gaurang09:13
tristan3199gaurang: try lubuntu.... What are some other Super light OS's he could try...09:14
zykotick9Gaurang: 1GB RAM is required MINIMUM to use Ubuntu, updating that would probably be a benefit (for any OS).  You don't mention your graphics card, that could also be a big factor.09:14
kanhiyaGaurang: How much swap u have assigned and tell me how much memory is being used right now, from system monitor09:14
Gaurang@llutz_ I have problem with the speed. Im running 11.10 oneric and when i try to use xfce or lxde it crashes09:14
kanhiyazykotick9: 512MB09:14
Gaurang@llutz_ I have problem with the speed. Im running 11.10 oneric and when i try to use xfce or lxde it crashes09:15
Gaurangplease help llutz_09:15
fidelGaurang: asking third time now: speed of what?09:15
zykotick9kanhiya: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements09:15
Gaurangspeed of the session09:15
fidelhow do you measure that speed & to what do you compare it09:15
Gaurangi used to use 10.10, 8.04 and they were super fast09:16
Gaurangas compared to the current release09:16
kanhiyaGaurang: open system monitor and see what application is using most of memory09:16
zykotick9Gaurang: gnome2 was a much lighter system09:16
Gaurangbut unfortunately i cannot install it now09:17
zykotick9Gaurang: it's called progress (or regression, depends ;)09:17
tristan3199gaurang: powertop will tell you how your system is doing.. and where its using its resources...09:17
Lolina94gnome 3 or unity?09:17
tristan3199sudo apt-get install powertop09:18
Gaurang@kanhiya  compiz is taking most ram09:18
ponrajuganeshhow to check whether a paritcular process is running or not?09:18
llutz_ponrajuganesh: pgrep procname09:19
Gaurang@tristan3199 thanks09:19
kanhiyaGaurang: Is there any process which is taking most of CPU like 90% or more09:19
Gaurangok im lookin09:19
tristan3199gaurang: compiz is optional as well.. you shouldnt need it..09:20
zykotick9tristan3199: unity does09:20
ponrajuganeshThe thing is now looked over the top command "top -p pid" gets the various cpu usage and mem of that particular process - which could also be written inside a file, but the thing is I need to stop this writing once the process has died09:20
tristan3199zykotick9: hated unity.. never even messed around with it...09:20
ponrajuganeshhow to check that programatically09:20
blucalculatrtristan3199: install finally finished.09:20
Gaurangno process like that09:21
AlanBellGaurang: have you tried unity2d?09:21
blucalculatrtristan3199: will insert harddrive back into laptop to see if it worked.09:21
Gaurangi have09:21
Gaurangsame proble,09:21
Gaurangsame problem09:21
tristan3199blucalculatr: sweet.. fingers crossed..09:21
kanhiyagaurang: First try disabling compiz effects(From compiz fusion icon)09:21
Gaurangwhere is that icon??09:21
Gaurang@kanhiya where is that icon??09:22
AlanBellGaurang: well thats probably as fast as it will go with that spec of system, I would suggest adding a heap more ram which is a cheap upgrade which will make a big difference09:22
kanhiyaGaurang: type compiz in the search box of dash09:22
tristan3199gaurang: sudo apt-get install compiz-icon I THINK09:22
AlanBelltristan3199: no, that is not correct at all09:22
ponrajuganeshto make it simple I need to check whether a process is exsisting or not programmatically using a shell script09:22
tristan3199alanbell.. thank you...09:23
Gauranggot that09:23
Gaurangbut still my cursor is moving toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow09:23
zykotick9tristan3199: fusion-icon i believe09:23
AlanBellthe package is compizconfig-settings-manager but you don't need that09:23
kanhiyaGaurang: first measure drive performance09:23
Gaurangok kanhiya09:23
kanhiyai think , u are using several applications at once09:23
AlanBellGaurang: the mouse cursor is jerky?09:23
Gaurangthat is diskutil right??09:24
Gaurangyes its very jerky!!09:24
kanhiyaGaurang: yes, i think you are using many applications at once09:24
geirhaponrajuganesh: Assuming you have the pid, kill -0 $pid will return true if a signal can be sent to it.09:24
Gaurangno i aint09:25
kanhiyaGaurang: like music or moive play, firefox, downloading etc09:25
alexanderhi can somebody help me with a simple hostname problem?09:25
blucalculatrtristan3199:  IT WORKED! HAHA! YES! thankyou so much09:25
=== alexander is now known as Guest16072
Gaurangusing too many apps09:25
ponrajuganeshthanks geirha09:25
Tristan3199blucalculatr: awsome.. time for a nap.. lol...09:25
Gaurangalexander bank?09:25
AlanBellGaurang: what graphic card are you using?09:25
blucalculatrenjoy your nap good sir.09:25
Gaurangintel onboard09:25
Gaurang512 mb09:25
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Tristan3199will do... NIGHT GUYS....09:25
Guest16072I can ping testmachine1 without a problem, but doesn't matter what i try i cant ping testmachine1.example.lan09:25
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visual1cei installed acrobat 9.4.7 but the menus are blank - unity integration problem - ive read that i need to do something with env UBUNTU_MENUPROXY= acroread but I'm not sure where to put and to make it so that when I double click on a PDF file acroread opens up with menus working09:26
kanhiyaintel graphics worked well09:26
Gaurangyes i does09:26
Gaurangbut ubuntu doesnt09:26
Gaurangmy hardwares just09:26
Tristan3199gaurang   sudo apt-get install fusion-icon  if you want to turn off compiz..09:26
Gaurang2 years old09:26
kanhiyai don't know about your graphics :)09:26
erhancan somebody help me?09:26
visual1cemy laptop is almost 5 years old now09:26
visual1cerunning 11.1009:26
sins-ubuntu owns09:27
kanhiyaGaurang: Do one thing, just switch back to older version, safe bet, save your time,09:27
[[thufir]]why is ruby 1.9.1 virtual?  I want to install it.  DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 10.10"09:27
Gaurangok kanhiya09:27
[[thufir]]I don't have to upgrade again, do I?09:27
AlanBellTristam: no, fusion icon installs a tray icon to turn on and off fusion. Unity does not support tray icons, it has indicators, plus unity runs as a compiz plugin so turning off compiz is a *bad* idea with the unity 3d session09:28
kanhiyaGaurang: U should update if something is not working if everything is working fine , no need to update, except secuirty updates09:28
Gaurangubuntu is based on debian right??09:28
Gaurangim updating right now !109:28
visual1ceso anybody have any ideas regarding my question?09:29
[[thufir]]can you have ruby 1.9.1 on ubuntu 10.10?09:29
AlanBellGaurang: the mouse cursor being jerky when just moving around points to a total lack of memory or a very poorly supported graphics card09:29
Gaurangok alen09:30
Gaurangalso is debian good os??09:30
Gaurangand got repos like ubuntu??09:30
AlanBellGaurang: I would be surprised if the unity2d session was also jerky, I would be interested to know the output of lspci |grep VGA09:30
AlanBelldebian is cool, but not supported here09:30
Gaurangok alan09:31
nafcoolhey guys09:31
nafcoolI'm in a problem09:31
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!09:31
geirhavisual1ce: The easiest would probably be to use alacarte (you might need to install it). In alacarte, locate acroread and edit the item to add the env part in front of the command.09:31
nafcoolI've installed ubuntu 11.10 just now09:31
nafcoolBut I can't install any software...........09:31
visual1cethanx geirha09:31
nafcoollike sudo apt-get install just shows the error message.09:31
geirhanafcool: Did you keep your homedir from a previous Ubuntu release?09:32
AlanBellnafcool: what error message? pastebin it if it is more than one line09:32
nafcoolgeirha: I didn't get that. :)09:32
AlanBellGaurang: more ram is a cheap upgrade whatever you end up doing09:33
Gaurangok alan09:33
Gaurangi also got 4 gb swap memory09:33
Gaurangit should have worked fine!!09:33
geirhanafcool: Nvm. I was thinking of a different issue. if apt-get is failing too, it's not what I thought it could be.09:33
nafcoolits unable to locate package x09:33
nafcoolwhat to do?09:33
zykotick9nafcool: you do need to use "sudo apt-get install PACKAGENAME" right?09:33
AlanBellnafcool: what package?09:34
kanhiyaGaurang: Than there is problem with graphics card drivers in that version09:34
nafcoolzykotick9: right09:34
nafcoolAlanBell: any package09:34
zykotick9nafcool: so, what package are you installing?09:35
Gaurangok kanhiya i would like a solution to it please09:35
nafcoolAlanBell: no package is installing09:35
azrielI'm running (G)LAMP on my old computer determined to turn it into a file server, problem: I don't know how to acess it from the outside, tutorials assume i already do09:35
kanhiyaGaurang: Safe bet, if there is update available for graphics than do that otherwise switch to older version , just like me :)09:35
zykotick9nafcool: have you run "sudo apt-get update" ?09:35
AlanBellnafcool: ok, I will pick one then. do sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get install inkscape09:35
Gaurangyou use old relaease??09:35
nafcoolalso Ubuntu Software Center - when I select any software the install button isn't coming.09:35
Gaurangnaf cool09:35
kanhiyaNo, i have plannned to use ubuntu 11.0409:35
Gaurangfirst you should update your cache09:36
kanhiyaor linuxmint 11.0409:36
Gaurangnaf cool09:36
Gaurangfirst you should update your cache09:36
nafcoolAlanBell, zykotick9: alright09:36
Gaurangopen terminal with ctrl+alt+t09:36
Gaurangthen type09:36
Gaurangsudo apt-get updat09:36
Gaurangsudo apt-get update09:36
AlanBell!tab > Gaurang09:36
ubottuGaurang, please see my private message09:36
kanhiyaGaurang: Right now i am using ubuntu11.10 and only bluetooth problem presists09:36
AFDI am logged in as sudo on a server and want to move the home folder of a user. I was going to use this (sudo usermod -d /path/to/new/home -m) but where do I put the username?09:37
kanhiyaI need to use bluetooth many times, that's why i am switching back09:37
azrielSo yeah how would one go about finding out the right shit to type into a browser to access a file server using LAMP?09:38
visual1cescrollbar isnt working -  online i only find suggestions to use evince... i was but it was freezing with a particular PDF file - 17.5MB / 306 pages09:38
Gaurangi saw its review09:38
Gaurangits cool09:38
geirhaAFD: At the end09:38
AFDgeirha: thank you09:39
azrielCause ya know that would be a great help and all09:39
AlanBellazriel: just put in the hostname to get the apache home page if you have just installed a lamp stack on it09:40
AlanBellazriel: or explain the situation a bit more comprehensively09:40
azrielI don't know enough about the situation to explain it09:41
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azrielhears what i just read: just put in the goobdigook to get the apache home page09:41
azrielI live in the woods bro, I learn best with a teacher, google is useless to me09:42
nafcoolAlanBell, zykotick9: thanks. it worked09:42
AlanBellazriel: I don't know your server name, me guessing isn't going to be quicker than you finding out :)09:42
HarpyWarguys, I just found free mumble service http://cleanvoice.ru/free/mumble/en.html09:42
HarpyWarwhat are you thinking about?09:42
azrielhow do i find my server name?09:42
ZiioynxI have a weird internal mic issue (It was working fine until the last kernel update) dmesg is reading the pci but when looking at the sounds setting it isn't showing.09:42
SerythIn Ubuntu Tweak, what's the apt-cache? If I clear it, what happens?09:42
AlanBellazriel: do you know it's IP address?09:43
azrieli know my routers ip address from googling it09:43
Serythazriel: If the server is set up on your computer, go to http://www.ipchicken.com/ I think09:43
ZiioynxWhere should i start debuging this out... pulse? or Alsa09:43
azrielbut i know nothing more than that09:43
AlanBellazriel: do you have access to the server?09:43
zykotick9Seryth: /var/cache/apt/archive stores all your downloaded programs/updates.09:43
azrielits sitting next to me if thats what you mean09:43
AlanBellazriel: is the server running on your computer? if so in firefox just go to "localhost"09:43
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Serythzykotick9: So what would happen if I clear the apt-cache?09:43
azrielthat only works on the computer09:44
zykotick9Seryth: that space would be saved, but IF required, any packages for reinstall would need to be downloaded again09:44
azrieli want the thing to acess from OTHER computers09:44
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AlanBellazriel: right, fine you have another computer there right?09:44
Serythzykotick9: Okay, thanks.09:44
AlanBellok, and what did you call the server?09:45
azrielas in?09:45
azriellike what did i name the computer?09:45
AlanBellazriel: so when you are in a terminal it should say "azirel@mordor:~$" if you called the server mordor09:46
azrielok thats godcomplex09:46
AlanBellright, so in your other computer in the browser you can go to "godcomplex.local"09:46
azrielthanks by the way i know im not an easy person to help09:46
azrielkick ass now how could i access it from outside my local network?09:47
AlanBellazriel: you need to configure your router to do port forwarding of port 80 to your server. Can't really help you with that, all routers are different.09:48
AlanBellazriel: if you do ping godcomplex.local it will tell you the internal IP address of your server09:49
AlanBellyour router will need to redirect traffic from the outside on port 80 to that address. Might be called network address translation, port forwarding or virtual servers, depending on the router.09:49
tristan3199usalanbell: what if he put ddwrt onto his router.. is that complicated??09:50
ponrajuganeshwhen displayed the process with the ps command the time is display in the 00:00:00 format, so it does display only 1 sec for small processes, how to change this so that it does display milli and micro second09:50
AlanBelltristan3199us: it is completely unneccessary, but fun in itself09:50
azrielDon't make fun of me im not smart D:09:51
Serythazriel: To port fowards, go to http://portforward.com/ it's very easy.09:51
Guest54438so nobody here uses Banshee with lastfm?09:52
AlanBellSeryth: interesting resource, thanks!09:52
tristan3199usguest54438: i tried it out.. doesnt work...09:52
AlanBell!question | Guest5443809:52
ubottuGuest54438: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:52
tristan3199usguest54438: maybe its not supported anymore.. tells me i need to update firefox, chrome ect.. what browser do you use?09:53
SerythAlanBell: Hey. Yeah, it's very useful, they've got instructions for about 9999999999999999999 different routers, and if yours isn't there it's likely another set of instructions will work!09:53
Guest54438tristan: thank you for responding... I use chrome09:53
Guest54438tristan: but I already authorized it09:53
Guest54438tristan: no problem there...09:53
Serythhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11636256#post11636256 If anyone has a spare minute, problems with xfce themes.09:54
scbunnGuest54438: I use banshee with lastfm.. whats the issue?09:54
Guest54438tristan: it just doesn't show any of the tracks I have played09:54
tristan3199usguest54438: i did the same.. with firefox, and chrome.. perhaps last.fm has info on there site.. have you checked already?09:54
ponrajuganeshcould anyone help over this09:54
ponrajuganeshwhen displayed the process with the ps command the time is display in the 00:00:00 format, so it does display only 1 sec for small processes, how to change this so that it does display milli and micro second09:54
sanderjHow can I see when my system was last upgraded?09:54
ponrajuganeshhow to format like that09:54
scbunnGuest54438: its typical.. lastfm and any service (including the "official" last.fm client) are completely unreliable.. don't lose sleep over it..09:54
scbunnGuest54438: it will start scrobbling eventually09:55
sanderjwith apt-get upgrade09:55
tristan3199usguest54438: well my browser at last.fm's site knows what kind of music i have stored.. but banshee doesnt play from last.fm.. at least not for me..09:55
tristan3199usscbunn: does banshee play songs from last.fm for you??09:56
tristan3199usscbunn: and what about youtube scobbling? is that worth trying out??09:57
scbunntristan3199us: never tried.. I thought the issue was not scrobbling tracks.. but you can't play tracks from last.fm without paying a subscription.. so maybe thats it09:57
scbunntristan3199us: I didn't know you could scrobble youtube09:57
Guest54438tristan: yeah I have checked repeatedly09:57
tristan3199usscbunn: i just saw it when i was checking out the last.fm extension..09:58
Guest54438scbunn: it just isn't scrobbling my activity09:58
Guest54438is there another way to sync my playcount to a cloud? I need to sync my playcount across devices :(09:59
scbunnGuest54438: ^^ see my previous comment.. its just plain buggy and usualy on lastfm's side of the house.. currently banshee is double scrobbling all of my tracks.. not much you can do about it09:59
Guest54438scbunn: I see09:59
Guest54438scbunn: can you recommend another program/ service?09:59
azrielAll I want is a FTP server, why is this so difficult? C:09:59
Guest54438scbunn: I just want to sync my playcounts09:59
Guest54438scbunn: I am learning a language and want to keep track of how much I have listened to a given track09:59
scbunnGuest54438: not for syncing playcounts.. but libre.fm is the GNU version of last.fm and it usually works more reliably but typically requires trickery to setup and configure10:00
scbunnGuest54438: not sure if they have an API that you can tap into or not..10:01
Guest54438scbunn: I see10:01
scbunnGuest54438: it does seem like when you "authorize" a new service on last.fm it takes a day or so before it starts scrobbling so you might want to check tommarrow and see if it is scrobbling your tracks10:01
tristan3199uscan anyone tell me how to make dolphin default over nautilus..10:01
Guest54438scbunn: I can't believe that after all of these years iTunes and iPod are still the only/best way to reliably do that :(10:02
tristan3199usi know how to change default  audio / video apps ect.. but seems that i cant choose a default file manager.. what am i missing..10:02
scbunnGuest54438: yea.. last.fm was really good when it was audioscrobbler.. since the change the actually scrobbling part of the service is horrible..10:03
scbunntristan3199us: in stock unity system settings -> System Info -> Default Applications10:03
Guest54438scbunn: oh well... thank you for the info :)10:04
scbunnGuest54438: np.. hopefully it starts working for you :)10:04
Guest54438scbunn: by any chance, do you use Android?10:05
tristan3199usscbunn: all i see is web/mail/calander/music/video/photos10:05
Serythazriel: type "ftp user localhost 22" from terminal. Go to http://www.ipchicken.com/ . Copy the IP you see to the clipboard. Go to http://www.net2ftp.com/ . Put in the IP you copied, port 22, your username, your password, and /home/ for the initial directory. You can now access you computer. There are other things you should do to make it more secure, which you can PM me about.10:05
scbunntristan3199us: errr. nevermind.. when I looked at "dolphin" my mind jumped to android and I thought of a browser.. sorry I don't know10:06
Guest54438I want to get an Android phone... can any of them sync play count data with Banshee?10:06
Serythazriel: Make sure port 22 is fowarded before you do that, btw.10:06
azrielI can't forward ports D:10:06
scbunnGuest54438: Just moved over from an iphone to a galaxy nexus.. its uses MTP and works some of the time..10:06
llutz_Seryth: port 22 is ssh, not ftp10:06
Promilleazriel: portforward.com10:06
Serythazriel: Why not? Go to the site I linked to earlier http://www.portfoward.com/10:06
scbunnGuest54438: but I'll move back to iphone after my contract.. the galaxy nexus was a bait-and-switch program10:06
Serythllutz: Oopsie, 21 is ftp right?10:06
Serythazriel: Change 22 to 21, sorry.10:07
balhow to uninstall an therd parti application not installed properly?10:07
tristan3199usanyone know what config file stores my default file manager????10:07
azrielI went to portforward.com10:07
azrielit only works on WINDOWS10:08
Guest54438scbunn: *nod*10:08
Serythazriel: Not the program you silly muppet10:08
tristan3199usscbunn: thank you tho10:08
Serythazriel: Use the instructions10:08
FloodBot1azriel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:08
balhow to remove an correpted package ?10:09
azrielScrew it ill do it live ;.;10:09
Serythazriel: Wait10:09
tristan3199ussudo apt-get autoremove or sudo apt-get clean.. im not sure.. somebody else will.. but try those out..10:09
tricksor apt-get purge...10:10
zykotick9bal: you can try the general command "sudo apt-get -f install" to fix package problems10:10
tristan3199ussorry to repeat myself.. but somebody has to have some idea.. how do i change my default file manager... what file stores that option so i can change it manually..10:11
balzykotick9: the erro is like this "The package scim-ml-phonetic needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it " after puting above cmd.10:12
tristan3199usor maybe theres some terminal command i can use to do this??10:12
AlanBellbal: sudo dpkg -r scim-ml-phonetic10:12
llutz_bal sudo dpkg -P scim-ml-phonetic10:12
zykotick9bal: ahhh, 3rd party software - joys.  Good luck.10:12
Promilleport | azriel10:13
balAlanBell: dpkg: error processing scim-ml-phonetic (--remove):  Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should  reinstall it before attempting a removal.10:13
balnot working10:13
Promille!port | azriel10:13
Find»»» Connection to | port azriel = Refused «««10:13
ubottuazriel: For instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall10:13
llutz_bal sudo dpkg -P --force-all scim-ml-phonetic10:13
azrielhaterz gonna hate10:14
Promilleazriel: each router has a built-in firewall(usually) and there are different methods to allow incoming/outgoing connections. Portforward lists up the procedure to do this on different routers. It's not a program, just a set of isntructions10:14
tristan3199usnobody knows how to help me i take it... seems like a simple adjustment.. just not really finding any advice where i should be looking..10:15
balllutz_: dpkg: warning: overriding problem because --force enabled:  Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should  reinstall it before attempting a removal. (Reading database ... 356997 files and directories currently installed.) Removing scim-ml-phonetic ...10:15
llutz_bal: sudo apt-get -f install     after10:16
tristan3199uswell crap... guess ill just do some exploring in my file system on my own.. hope i can figure this out on my own...10:17
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balllutz_: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 10 not upgraded.10:17
=== MikeRat is now known as MikeTheRat
=== pradeepk is now known as FOXNET
llutz_bal: you don't need to post every message here10:18
sveinseIs it possible to mark *every* package on the system as auto and then unmark the top package (like ubuntu-desktop) as non-auto from the shell? I can use either apt-get or aptitude10:18
balllutz_: ok10:18
MikeTheRatI killed the system three times before I figured out how to install the drivers on ati video card...10:18
balllutz_: still there is erro singn in the menu bar10:18
FOXNEThi all, after installing ati proprietery drivers I am having a very choppy preformance can anyone one help me fix this10:19
llutz_bal: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:19
AlanBellFind: are you a bot?10:19
VictorCLhow can I check if a server has an specific port open?10:19
VictorCLtrough command line10:19
balllutz_: ok i will do that10:20
llutz_VictorCL: nmap -p portno host10:20
scbunnFOXNET: was everything working fine prior to installing the proprietary ATI drivers?10:20
VictorCL-bash: nmap: command not found10:20
FOXNETscnunn:everything is fine except the choppy performance10:20
llutz_VictorCL: man apt-get10:20
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FOXNETscbunn, everything is fine except the choppy performance10:21
scbunnFOXNET: well if *prior* to installing the drivers everything worked, then uninstall the drivers.. otherwise did you install the drivers from the repos?10:21
FOXNETscbunn, yes I used the repos10:22
scbunnFOXNET: well at this point I will have to defer to somebody that uses the proprietary drivers.. sorry10:22
FOXNETscbunn: np10:23
earlybirddIt's possible to run UBUNTU as a LIVE AS in A VM IN WINDOWS is it not?10:23
tristan3199usscbunn: check the ati website for a linux package for your EXACT video driver.. sometimes the repos dont install the best one..10:23
oopsearlybirdd: yes10:23
FOXNETIs anyone out here success full getting good performance on ati madisson working with ati prop drivers10:24
tristan3199usfoxnet: support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/index.aspx10:28
tristan3199usfoxnet: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/index.aspx10:28
tristan3199usfoxnet: let me know if this helps10:29
tristan3199usdoes anyone use irssi here??10:29
zykotick9tristan3199us: ask your real question10:30
tristan3199ushow do i paste?10:30
AFDI tried movign my empathy chat logs to a new machine which has the same username but a new password. I heard the logs are encrypted. Will they be decrypted if the user has a different password?10:30
tristan3199usrunning it in ctrl+alt+f2's terminal..10:31
fideltristan3199us: context-menu paste is 1 option- using ctrl-v should work as well10:31
nothingspecialtristan3199us, gnu screen has a copy/paste mode10:31
tristan3199uswhats it called when you push ctrl+alt+f2, not sure of the lingo.. ttyl 2?10:32
FOXNETtristan3199us, it seems the page has been moved and other url that might be useful10:33
=== tnm is now known as kubanc
FOXNET*anyother url that u think might be useful10:33
tristan3199usfoxnet: looking now..10:34
AdvoWorkif ive got say 60gb of small ish files, based on a date, how can i seperate these by month date or simlar?10:34
tristan3199usfoxnet: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/pages/index.aspx10:35
tristan3199usforgot to add /pages it there.. lol10:35
DroidIIhi all, anyone familiar with Network connectivity issues regarding WICD?10:36
tristan3199usWhats the shell "tty 2" really called.. is that correct?? u know when you push ctrl+alt+f2.. anyone..10:36
tristan3199usits a dumb question but i need to know..10:37
FOXNETtristan3199us, i tried the driver from this pages first infact thae latest one is more buggy than 11.11 driver10:37
tristan3199usfoxnet: ill see if i can find a better one..10:37
_skplTristam, console i think10:37
DroidIITristan3199us - yes, tty210:38
tristan3199usfoxnet le, lp, or pro10:38
tristan3199usdroidII: do you know how to paste in tty210:38
nothingspecialtristan3199us, install screen and run irssi inside that. To copy Ctrl-A [, move to text with arrows, spacebar to begin selection, use arrows to select, press space again to copy, Ctrl-A ] to paste10:39
FOXNETtristan3199us, what do you mean by le,lp or pro10:39
zykotick9tristan3199us: "virtual console"10:39
tristan3199usfoxnet: seems there are different versions of madisson. do you know exactly what hardware your using??10:40
cristian_cI installed Lazarus, but when I open it or open a project. lpi I got errors. The problem is due to not installing some components. I downloaded bgrabitmap and I ran the steps to install the .lpk file in the package. I've compiled through its lazarus window reached by one of its menu, but after it completed the installation of the component it has failed and an error box appeared. The popup window says: 'The package b10:41
tristan3199usis it more complicated than its worth to use irssi from tty2??10:41
FOXNETits mobility 573010:41
DroidIITristan3199us - try 'man wall'10:41
cristian_cI clicked Yes, and I think it did not seem to have happened at all. But then all the lazarus windows have gone to freeze not showing more their content. Finally, the program is closed, but then reopened. But reopening continued to require automatic lazarus components despite I had just installed one. How do I understand something more? Did something go wrong in the installation of the component?10:42
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tristan3199usdroidII: dont see info on pasting, am i not looking well enough??10:44
AdvoWorkif ive got say 60gb of small ish files, based on a date, how can i seperate these by month date or simlar?10:46
ikoniaAdvoWork: use awk and sort and "mv"10:46
FOXNETtristan3199us, its mobility 573010:47
tristan3199usfoxnet: im noticeing that amd doesnt make a driver that works.. but ill see if i can find a "universal" replacement10:47
tristan3199usam i being retarded trying to figure out how to paste into irssi on tty2? is it even possible or am i trying to learn something i cant learn..10:48
nothingspecialtristan3199us,  I already told you how10:49
debdjtristan3199us: u mean virtual console?10:49
Serythazhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11636256#post11636256 xfce themes, conky configuration. Please help me!10:49
igelHi. How can I turn on ufw on a remote box without locking myself out?10:51
FluxiFlax2023hi all my ubuntu 11.10 box says no more space left when I try to create a file but df -h shows 13GBs left, I am running as root with no quota mgmnt10:51
IvozI think updating the kernel broke my nvidia drivers... how can I fix this? I can't boot atm10:52
fidelFluxiFlax2023: how are you creating files?10:52
tristan3199usnothingspecial: man wall?10:52
tristan3199usdebdj: yes i do..10:52
geirhatristan3199us: You need to run something like gpm for copy/pasting in virtual consoles10:52
nothingspecialtristan3199us, no screen10:53
nothingspecialthe terminal multiplexer10:53
debdjtristan3199us: I dont think its possible. I tried many times. you cant pste in anything else xcept editors10:53
nothingspecialtristan3199us, https://mindloot.net/paste/werkzeug/gnu-screen-select-copy-paste/10:56
geirhaWith gpm you can copy/paste, using the mouse, between non-graphical virtual consoles10:57
tristan3199usnothingspecial: got screen running.. read the help.. what do i do screen -D?10:58
tristan3199usoh thank you10:58
senayarHow i can remove the unity ubuntu toolbar and got my old desktop ? toolbar ? :)10:59
tristan3199usnothingspecial: says that the site is untrusted.. is it safe??11:00
nothingspeciallooked ok to me but there are many other sites, don'y go if your browser says no11:00
tristan3199usgeirha: gpm huh?11:00
nothingspecialgpm gives you mouse support in the console11:00
nothingspecialtristan3199us, here is another http://www.serversignature.com/screen-how-to-copy-and-paste-in-screen11:02
tetrebHi, does Ubuntu block pings by default?11:02
tristan3199usgeirha: gpm is cool.. can i paste from the gui??11:03
geirhatetreb: No11:03
geirhatristan3199us: No11:03
AlanBelltetreb: no, it responds to ping11:03
tetrebThanks a lot!11:03
AlanBell!nounity | senayar11:03
ubottusenayar: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic11:03
senayari have just update my ubuntu and now my unity toolbar did not want hide it when she is not activate :(11:04
senayarbut thank AlanBell !11:04
senayarthe automatic hidden is broke :(11:05
iiitdwat' up everyone11:09
AlanBellsenayar: you can turn that on and off in the compizconfig-settings-manager (I turn it off by choice)11:09
=== Mud is now known as Guest85594
iiitdi heard some people say ubuntu 11.10 is *unstable* ,without any reason-is it actually so11:10
bazhangiiitd, no11:10
iiitdi mean i couldnt understand unstability in an OS sense11:10
AlanBelliiitd: no, it isn't unstable in either sense of the word (doesn't crash, package versions stay the same)11:10
bazhangiiitd, which version are you on now11:10
iiitdbazhang: 11.0411:11
iiitdI TRIED 11.1011:11
iiitdbut it crashed11:11
tristan3199usnothingspecial: thank you..11:11
gener1chey , i am looking for the font package that has gisha in it(its a windows system font)11:11
gener1ctried googleing it but didnt find anything11:11
iiitdbazhang: thanks for interpreting the question , but what really is unstability11:12
iiitdis it frequent slowdown or crashing11:12
iiitdAlanBell: thanks a tonne for the prompt reply,sorry for reading it late11:13
AlanBellgener1c: if that isn't in the msttcorefonts package then you are out of luck. You could copy the .ttf file from a windows machine, but I doubt they license you to do that.11:13
iiitdbut isn't GUI wise,fedora better,due to KDE11:13
gener1coh crap11:14
AlanBelliiitd: sorry it crashed for you, specifically what crashed?11:14
iiitdwhenever i run the software center for updates11:14
iiitdit crashes11:14
n3tw0rk3rfedora with kde sucks, mate11:14
NimeshNeemaNeed suggestion for IRC client for 11.10 !!!11:14
iiitdn3tw0rk3r: from a novice's point of view-whats the diff between kde and genome11:14
AlanBellNimeshNeema: I like irssi which is a command line client, smuxi is OK and xchat is OK too11:15
n3tw0rk3riiitd: I just thinks that gnome have a user friendly interface11:16
NimeshNeeman3tw0rk3r: iiitd they both are window managers. KDE is more resource intensive than Gnome11:16
n3tw0rk3rimho of course11:16
osmosiswhat in gods name does it take so long for the ubuntu software center to load? its like win9511:17
NimeshNeemaosmosis: use synaptic11:17
iiitdn3tw0rk3r: whats up with KDE11:17
n3tw0rk3riiitd: dude, its just not comfortable at all... thats it.11:18
iiitdn3tw0rk3r: thanks mate11:18
LjLNimeshNeema: GNOME and KDE are much more than just window managers11:18
AlanBellosmosis: if it is any consolation it should start a lot faster in 12.0411:18
osmosisAlanBell, yes..thats a relief.11:18
n3tw0rk3riiitd: one more time, mate. it's imho.11:18
NimeshNeemaLjL: Oh Hi. Thanks for the info. Can you please elaborate11:19
sveinseHow can I mark every package as automatically installed, except a few explicit ones?11:19
sveinsefrom the CLI11:19
tristan3199usfoxnet: no luck.. sorry11:19
iiitdLjL: can u elaborate on KDE11:19
iiitdand Gnome11:19
iiitdthey re much more than window managers11:19
LjLNimeshNeema: a window manager manages windows. GNOME and KDE both have a window manager (in KDE it's called KWin), but it's just a small part of the desktop environment.11:20
iiitdwhat else pivotal role do they play11:20
tristan3199usanyone know how to make dolphin file manager my default?? will it mess with the system to much??11:20
AlanBelliiitd: there is a different menu system, different filemanager different set of apps for most things11:20
AlanBell!kde | iiitd11:20
ubottuiiitd: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.11:20
LjLiiitd, NimeshNeema: they are basically the whole GUI. the include a window manager, of course, then they have a "shell" (like, panels or launchers or whatever), then they have a file manager (Nautilus in GNOME, Dolphin in KDE), and then the most intricate thing, they have libraries that programs use to show their GUI and do things. that's why there are "GNOME programs" and "KDE programs", even though GNOME programs can still run under KDE (they just need the11:21
LjLGNOME libraries) and vice versa.11:21
NimeshNeemaLjL: AlanBell thanks a lot11:22
iiitdLjL:what an explanation11:22
iiitdthanks a tonne man11:22
gener1cif a package in aptitude has v next to it i means its not installed right?11:22
NimeshNeemaLjL: AlanBell Can you give us good pointers where we can read in depth11:23
tristan3199usL jL: any idea how to make dolphin default in gnome...11:23
iiitdNimeshNeema: i second your point11:23
AlanBellNimeshNeema: the links ubottu gave you11:23
iiitdthanks guys,animated discussion went really well11:24
NimeshNeemaiiitd: you can ask anything to ubottu11:24
AlanBellscreenshots and stuff11:24
LjLtristan3199us: not sure, i use KDE, but maybe right click on a directory and select Dolphin as the default11:24
LjL!default | tristan3199us, like this11:24
ubottutristan3199us, like this: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.11:24
LjLNimeshNeema: not sure, i'd start from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desktop_environment11:25
NimeshNeemaLjL: thanks11:25
iiitdNimeshNeema: sorry got discon11:25
NimeshNeemaiiitd: np11:26
iiitdcould you repaste the msg you gave me11:26
* NimeshNeema said "you can ask anything to ubottu "11:26
* LjL adds "in PM"11:26
iiitdNimeshNeema: oh!,thanks a lot mate11:26
iiitdNimeshNeema: wherea re you from basically11:26
tristan3199usits like iits been blocked or something.. any file except a folder i can change the default app for.. but cant set nautilus as a default.. whyyyyy11:27
tristan3199usi do alot of downloading and dont have a ton of memory.. so its importand i can see how full my drives are all the time.. nautilus doesnt do that and dolphin does..11:27
=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
LjLtristan3199us: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1032491 seems to have a tip11:28
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tristan3199usLjL: THANK U.. best advice yet.. u think ill need to restart to make it active??11:33
LjLtristan3199us: probably at least logout11:33
tristan3199uscool beans..11:33
honey_jordan_U: u there?11:34
honey_jordan_U: sorry there is still connection problem11:35
[[thufir]]honey_: did you resize the partition?11:35
[[thufir]]where are you at with that?  you know which drive is FAT, it has windows, and you're positive that's the one to resize?11:37
honey_[[thufir]]:you mean?11:37
[[thufir]]well, before you do anything, it's to make sure you're working on the correct hd.  you know which hd is which?11:38
[[thufir]]either by label, or GB, or some other identifier.  hard to proceed until you're positive on that point.11:39
atossavahello all11:39
atossavatrying to install server 10.04 lts on a box that has a very large disk. installer wants to make it all a part of the root logical volume. I don't want this - but I don't seem to be able to find how to make the root lv smaller. Any ideas?11:40
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dddbmtanyone know of a good program for "quick and easy" taking screenshot (or partial screenshots)... sorta like "Skitch" for Mac.11:42
DJones!screenshot | dddbmt11:43
ubottudddbmt: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.11:43
=== theClaw_ is now known as theClaw56
fforwHello there.. since 3.0.0-15-25 or so, I keep seeing problems when the kernel is updated via update-manager. Updates runs fine, but doesn't boot. First I thought I might have resetted too early, but this time I paid attention. It was finished and asking me to reboot. an aptitude reinstall fixes the problem.. is this a known problem? any ideas?11:43
[[thufir]]honey_: how old is this hd?  less than a year?11:44
igneriousplease help me regarding windows cold boot issue11:44
OerHeksdddbmt, there is cheese, to make a screenshot easy11:44
dddbmtDJones, I know how to take a screenshot.. But I am tired of opening Gimp everytime I only want to capture part of the screen.. I am looking for a tool that let's me draw a square on the screen and capture that.11:44
[[thufir]]atossava: you can manually partition the hd first.11:44
igneriousplease anyone11:45
atossavathufir: the installer doesn't contain parted. fdisk doesn't work for >2TB partitions.11:45
atossava[[thufir]]: that would have been the obvious solution, of course (which I was looking for but the lack of parted makes life very hard)11:46
[[thufir]]atossava: you and honey should compare notes :)   live gparted seems the best way to go on that.  yes/no?11:46
igneriousplease help me regarding windows 7 cold boot issue11:47
[[thufir]]you can burn a cd, then partition correctly.  although, in your case, their might be caveats for large discs, but I don't think so.11:47
DJonesdddbmt: There's an app from the shutter-project which sounds like it will do want you want assuming your on Oneiric http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/shutter This is the website for it http://shutter-project.org/11:47
[[thufir]]I think you just need root and home partitions, but don't quote me on that.11:48
[[thufir]]and swap11:48
atossava[[thufir]]: wondering what to pick, really. centos6 doesn't have drbd, but installs nicely on this platform. centos5 has drbd, but doesn't like booting off GPT disks. ubuntu has drbd and would boot... but fucks up the partitioning by not allowing manual changes. on 24TB I am going to need a little more flexibility than root/home/swap.11:48
atossavaand obviously the intended use involves drbd...11:49
Tm_Tatossava: language, please11:49
[[thufir]]http://askubuntu.com/questions/58331/standard-partitioning-scheme-for-ubuntu-home-user  answer 2.11:49
atossavatm_t: seriously. thanks guys for all the help.11:49
OerHeksatossava you could try Gparted live iso11:49
* [[thufir]] agrees with OerHeks11:49
[[thufir]]for very large drives, maybe best to let ubuntu do that magic, err, logical volume stuff11:50
igneriousanyone please help me regarding windows 7 cold boot issue11:51
setnerhi everyone11:51
Serythignarps: #windows11:52
[[thufir]]apparently it's possible to have multiple logical volumes on one disc, if that helps.11:53
DJonesignerious: If you join ##windows they should be able to help you with windows 7 problem, this channel is just for Ubuntu support11:53
igneriousok thanks11:55
FloodBot1Biba: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:55
setnerhow can I know from command line what is my RAID controller details? e.g., what is the actual physical RAID model? I know from lspci that it is from Adaptec and driver in use is aacraid11:55
ikoniasetner: lspci doesn't show the driver in use, it just shows the identifier in the pci DB11:56
ikoniasetner: try lspci -v to get more info11:56
setnerikonia: thanks. But it only says "Adaptec AAC-RAID (rev 09)" and subsystem " Adaptec Device 02d1"11:58
setnerI can't know what is the physical controller model from this... I guess11:58
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:59
plassydoes someone know if there is a repo around where i get an xserver without the multitouch stuff? because i have some problems with my intuos4 tablet and i think it's caused by the multitouch stuff...11:59
ikoniasetner: reboot the machine, it will announce it's self before the machine boots11:59
setnerikonia: I can't for now. Its preferable to open it the case and see it for myself :D12:00
ikoniafair enough12:00
fr-zHi all. Does anyone use a software where you can log your all accounts: Google, msn, skype, etc12:00
LjLfr-z: empathy or pidgin?12:01
setnerikonia: I just figured it out12:01
[[thufir]]fr-z: a holy grail of social networking!12:01
setnerit tells me 02d1 is a Adaptec5405 (Voodoo40)12:01
setnerproblem solved12:02
=== gloscon is now known as khyati
mega1i have server 10.04 how do i make a backup of my install12:05
jrib!backup | mega112:05
ubottumega1: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:05
fr-zLjL: Thank you for your reply. I will try empathy. I think pidgin does not save yout blocked contacts list. Is that true?12:06
LjLfr-z: i wouldn't know that12:06
almoxarifefr-z: it does save12:06
fr-zLjL almoxarife thank you let me check12:07
earlybirddanyone know any resources to learn ubuntu basics?12:09
earlybirddLooking at setting up git, ftp and the likes12:09
love4linuxhello... I have a laptop running ubuntu oneiric with nvidia 9600gt connected to a LG lcd screen. The problem is that I cant transfer any windows to the LG screen although the mouse cursor can go from one screen to another.. does anyone know how to fix this?12:10
LjLthose are basic? O.o12:10
celltechHow did changing routers. Foul up my graphics? Now it's stuck in HUGE mode. and there's no option to make it "proper"12:10
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Reaper507hello all, it's a post of hate :( After the last update of 12.04 window decorations and gnome terminal became transparent. HOW TO DISABLE THIS CRAP? Help please.12:11
LjLearlybirdd: your request for "ubuntu basics" could be answered with a !manual, except i don't think !manual considers settings up git and ftp as "basics"...12:11
LjL!12.04 | Reaper50712:12
ubottuReaper507: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:12
Reaper507thank you12:12
celltechGraphics issua please?12:13
magnetroni want to add an entry to /etc/hosts . should i just edit the text file, or will ubuntu/nm regenerate it and remove my tweaks whenever the connection resets?12:13
LjLmagnetron: i don't think it's autogenerated12:14
magnetronLjL: oh, ok. i'll just try and see if it works. will read up on NM if it doesn12:17
od3ndoes anyone know where xchat is installed by default12:18
LjLod3n: dpkg -L xchat12:18
Raymond_what does GNU stand for12:18
YusukeGoogle Need U  to google what is GNU12:19
earlybirddHey guys I have ftp setup in an ubuntu VM running on windows hooked up to the internet...I want to know what steps it takes me to load up an external ftp client to gain access to the folders on that virtual machine?12:22
tristan3199how do i install kde's setting manager without installing kde??12:24
tristan3199anyone know the name of that package??12:24
tristan3199or where to find the name of that package?12:25
auronandacetristan3199: i don't think you can12:25
tristan3199its weird.. i know.. but thats what i want to do... i just want to change one setting that gnome setting manager doenst offer..12:25
tristan3199if i break my system then ill learn how to fix it..12:26
auronandacetristan3199: what setting are you looking for?12:26
tristan3199im trying to make dolphin default over nautilus..12:26
StrontiumCathi everyone, i want to enable farsi keyboard (and a method of switching from english keyboard <-> Farsi). So far, i've been able to add the keyboard I want in Settings Manager. Can't seem to find a way of switching between the languages. I've got SCIM installed, if that is relevant info..12:27
tristan3199been in the forums.. nobody knows.. so im going to try something new.. seems that people had the result i want on accident.. and i want to use that flaw to my advantage.12:27
auronandacetristan3199: i could tell you how to set the default file manager  under xfce, but i don't know about gnome or kde12:27
tristan3199well how about the xfce setting manager.. do you know where to obtain the package name..12:28
Raymond_./configure odesnt seem to work for the extracted tar.bz2 folder12:29
auronandacetristan3199: you do realise that the settings managers are for their respective desktop environments? changing the default file manager using kde settings will only change it for kde etc12:29
tristan3199auronandace: it seems that way.. but with adding kde to ubuntu you get some weird results.. and it seems people who added kde were getting dolphin to come up in ubuntu for some reason.. i want to work with that..12:30
tristan3199if i mess something up.. shouldnt be that hard to get back on track.. im not losing anything.. but time..12:31
StrontiumCatpffft. so much for support12:32
gulzarwhat is that app which shows sysinfo like distroname, hostname,kernal, WM, filesytem etc. in terminal whenever we open a new terminal winodw?12:32
gulzartristan3199: put the question12:33
Raymond_strontiumcat, be patient12:34
tristan3199gulzar: looking to install JUST the kde system setting manager.12:34
LjLtristan3199: the KDE libraries are required for that, you can't avoid installing them.12:34
gulzartristan3199: no prob with that but you will have to download many dependencies only for one package..12:34
tristan3199found it in the software center. but it needs to remove kdebase-runtime-data and plasma-scriptengin-declarative12:35
auronandacetristan3199: isn't there a gconf setting you could edit to change the default file manager?12:35
tristan3199dont know what those packages are so im not going to remove them12:35
tristan3199auronandace.. if so nobody knows where it is..12:35
sensirxglobal friend~so cool~~12:36
tristan3199auronandace: any idea of an easier way?? im open to suggestions.. otherwise im sure i can find just that one package somewhere..12:37
gulzartristan3199: install it from terminal .. {sudo apt-get install <packagename>}12:37
marvin_i've got a problem with my soundcard and tried everything i found in the internet. the card is a onboard chip (realtek alc888). so snd-hda-intel should be the ight module. under the live system everything works perfect. on the installed system not. annyone that can help me?12:38
tristan3199gulzar: any idea what kde-settings-managers name would be.. and what switch would i add to deny the extra packages it wants to load with them..12:38
auronandacemarvin_: do you hear any sound?12:38
marvin_@auronandace: no12:39
gulzartristan3199: sorry I am on Arch ... try to get name from synaptic12:39
auronandacemarvin_: try typing alsamixer in the terminal to check if it is muted12:39
LjLtristan3199: the best you can do is "sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends packagename". the dependencies, like the name implies, are necessary.12:40
marvin_it's not, everything on and set to maximum12:40
rajuhow can i check my graphic card memory information ?12:40
auronandaceraju: depends on your graphics card12:42
marvin_auronandace: i posted some things on http://pastebin.com/UtZZWKct   ... seems that the card is recognized12:44
tristan3199auronandace: do you know  how to make the gconf settings "stick". i did find them in home/tristan/.irssi/config12:45
auronandacetristan3199: no idea, i don't use gnome12:45
gulzarwhat is that app which shows sysinfo like distroname, hostname,kernal, WM, filesytem etc. in terminal whenever we open a new terminal winodw?12:45
gulzarlaw: its like showing distro logo + sysinfo and undet it we can type commands..12:46
jribgulzar: check /etc/update-motd.d/ .  It's probably landscape12:47
tristan3199well gulzar is on arch, auronandace is in something else.. whos accually using ubuntu?? or KDE???12:48
=== ^^ is now known as Guest21349
gulzartristan3199: ;(12:49
gulzartristan3199: ;-)12:49
theadmin|2gulzar: It's archey I beleive, but that's on ArchLinux... I dunno if Ubuntu's got anything like that12:50
tristan3199guess i may just be on my own with this..12:50
=== theadmin|2 is now known as theadmin
gulzarjrib: no deat its not.. its some thing else. On mint they show some thoughts... on archbang they show their logo and sysinfo.. but what exactly it is?12:51
jribtristan3199: no idea what your question even is.  Just ask your question and stop with the "guess I may be on my own", etc.12:51
jribgulzar: it is what I said12:51
auronandacejrib: he wants to change the default file manager from nautilus to dolphin12:51
tristan3199jrib: i already did.. for a few hours now.. just simply trying to put dolphin as default over nautilus..12:52
auronandacejrib: and he thinks installing kde settings is the way to do it12:52
theadminThere, better.12:52
tristan3199thank you auronandace12:52
jribgulzar: on ubuntu, the scripts in /etc/update-motd.d/ are what are responsible for what you see when you log in12:52
theadmingulzar: Archey is the one showing the Arch logo and sysinfo. The one showing quotes is "fortune"12:52
aguitelwhat version of xorg using precise ?12:52
theadminaguitel: Ask in #ubuntu+112:53
gulzartheadmin: ok...12:53
LjL!crosspost > aguitel12:53
ubottuaguitel, please see my private message12:53
aguiteltheadmin, the las stable what version is xorg12:53
theadminaguitel: You're not even making sense now.12:54
Guest21349know dev_c++ compiler?12:54
auronandace!info xorg | aguitel12:54
ubottuaguitel: xorg (source: xorg): X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.6+7ubuntu7 (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 112 kB12:54
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.12:54
ubottuTranslate Ubuntu into your own language, important translations that are needed are listed first. See https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/12:54
LjLnikos_: /join #channel         is what you want12:54
Guest21349know dev_c++ compiler??12:55
LjLGuest21349: what's your Ubuntu support question?12:55
gulzartheadmin: Yup its archey.. Thank You12:55
Guest21349LjL iam use windows12:55
Guest21349i need12:55
theadminGuest21349: Then this channel is not for you, we don't support Windows :/12:56
LjLGuest21349: ##windows12:56
Guest21349ok thanks12:56
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meerkatsis this my swap memory? if, so, how many GiB there are? /dev/sda5       613072593   625137344     6032376   82  Linux swap / Solaris13:06
meerkatsoutput for sudo fdisk -l13:06
XunilHi everyone, I got the following problem: I want to connect two computers using a cross-over-cable, so I turned on the "shared across other computer"-connection in the network-manager aof the first computer and wanted to connect to it using the second one13:08
Xunilconnection, however, failes13:08
XunilWhat am I doing wrong?13:08
=== Guest21349 is now known as Boo
=== Mud is now known as Guest33919
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=== Boo97 is now known as Freeziler
dragonballzciao a tutti13:10
bazhang!it | dragonballz13:11
ubottudragonballz: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:11
ouyesdragonkeeper, ciao13:12
meerkatshttp://imagebin.org/195249 should the fact that no swap is in use worry me?13:14
meerkatsplease confirm that my swap mem. is more than 5 GiB and is in use13:15
Slartmeerkats: swap is usually slow so hopefully your OS uses your memory before using swap13:15
meerkatsSlart, you mean the 4 GiB of free space I have...13:16
Slartmeerkats: I mean... let's take my system as an example.. I have 8 GB of RAM memory installed.. I also have swap enabled.. but unless I need more than 8 GB or memory space it won't use swap at all.. there's no reason to use swap since I can fit everything into regular RAM13:17
=== enchilado|dead is now known as enchilado
scruffuse swap only for lots of small, concurrent apps13:18
Slartmeerkats: the image you posted only shows a harddrive where you have a partition that is marked as "swap area" this doesn't mean your system is using that swap area.. it just means that it's marked as swap space on the disc13:18
scruffdatabase engine performance plummets if swap gets used13:19
Slart!swap | meerkats, here is some more info13:19
ubottumeerkats, here is some more info: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info13:19
Slartmeerkats: if you want to see how much swap you're using you can use the command "free", "free -m" will give you readings in MB, "free -g" will use GB and so on13:21
ankit_frenzHi Guys.... I was trying to install ubuntu (for the first time) ...my installation is stuck at "Waiting for network configuration" ...any suggestion what I should do next?13:23
ankit_frenzI have verified the md5 hash for the download and its all good13:23
Slartankit_frenz: is the computer connected to the internet? wired or wireless?13:23
ankit_frenznot connected to anything...no wireless support13:24
meerkatsSlart, wow, 8 GB; I only have 213:25
LjLankit_frenz: is this actually during installation, or at first boot?13:25
LjLankit_frenz: which version are you trying to install, by the way?13:26
Slartmeerkats: with 2 GB I would expect it to use some swap.. depending on what you're running on it.. what did "free -m" tell you?13:26
meerkatsdexter@dexter-M7X0SUN:~$ free -m13:27
meerkats             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached13:27
meerkatsMem:          2011       1890        121          0        220        15013:27
meerkats-/+ buffers/cache:       1518        49213:27
meerkatsSwap:         5890        331       555913:27
FloodBot1meerkats: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:27
LjLankit_frenz: well no idea, there are a few bug reports involving "waiting for network configuration", but they all pertain to booting, not installing. i could suggest trying the Alternate or the Minimal CD instead (those use text-mode installers)13:28
meerkatsslart, my machine runs slower since installing yacy, could it be related? I also changed from fallback to unity13:28
meerkatsSlart, ...13:28
* ankit_frenz tries for the last time before switching to other methods13:28
Slartmeerkats: see that last line.. the one starting with "swap".. it tells you that you've got 5890 MB of swap .. ie about 6 GB.. and you're actually using 331 MB at the moment13:29
Slartmeerkats: I'm not sure if unity uses more memory than fallback... haven't really compared the two13:30
GabrieleVHello, how do I disable the confirmation dialog that appears when I press the power button in 11.10 ?13:32
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brando_123hello, I got a new "HP Compaq 6200 Pro SFF PC" from work and I cannot make ubuntu detect my 2 identical monitors. So I cannot work on an extended desktop. Who can help me?13:34
DJonesGabrieleV: http://askubuntu.com/questions/69099/how-do-i-remove-the-shutdown-confirmation-menu Hope that helps13:35
brando_123ofcourse i can provide all the required hardware information13:35
NimeshNeemaLjL: i recently installed Ubuntu 11.10 on lot of office computers using pen-drive. but the installation seems to take like 80 -90 mins. what may be the reason13:36
LjLNimeshNeema: i don't know, it's usually pretty fast for me with pen drives and Unetbootin13:36
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:36
NimeshNeemaLjL: it takes longer if i connect to internet and install. Net is good at my end at arnd 1MBps13:37
bullgard4On my Ubuntu 11.10 computer '~$ w' displays: "14:35:11 up 4:32, 0 users" and does not list any USERs. What is going wrong here?13:37
brando_123Hello, ubuntu 11.10 doesn't detect my monitor properly on "VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)13:38
brando_123any ideas?13:38
bullgard4brando_123: Please reproduce your complete command and response.13:39
GabrieleVDJones: unfortunately it doesen't work :-(13:41
iingaIs there any way to block certain ports on a schedule?13:41
artichokugood morning13:41
GabrieleViinga: use a cron script to block and unblock them as desired13:42
geirhabullgard4: It means no user is logged in on a tty, which is normal for a desktop install.13:42
DJonesGabrieleV: I thought that would, have you restarted since the change, it may not detect the change until after the machine has rebooted13:42
seshagiriHey guys... Which is the developers channel of firefox?13:42
iingathanks GabrieleV13:42
iinganow i have a better idea what to look for13:42
GabrieleVDJones: I'll try13:42
=== karel is now known as Guest51776
dariushhello !13:44
Pepp-elitoHi, I'm trying to disable wifi on ubuntu 10.10. Right-clicking on network-applet/icon does not do it in ubuntu 10.10 (on 11.04/11.10 it worked). I do not use the wifi and would really like to shut it down as it has a very annoying light/led on the fron of my computer. anyone that knows how this could be done as the nor 2normal" way does not work?13:44
brando_123bullgard4: lspci | grep -i VGA13:44
bullgard4geirha: I beg you pardon? It is normal in Ubuntu that there is no user logged in on a tty? I am logged in on that computer.  Can you elaborate.13:45
dariushDoes anyone go this problem with pronterface, can control extrusion manually but motor is not used while printing ?13:45
Slartbullgard4: hmm.. how do you run that command, "w".. I get one user for each open gnome-terminal I'm running..13:45
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dariushpronterface+skeinforge, to be correct :°13:45
geirhabullgard4: You are logged in graphically, right?13:46
bullgard4Slart: I have no GNOME terminal open. But I have open one urxvt and one Tilda terminal program.13:46
bullgard4geirha: Yes.13:47
brando_123Ok, I'll ask my question differently. Has anyone managed to get a dual monitor setup(extended desktop) to work on "VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)13:47
Rick_I just installed Gufw.  But when i launch it it is all grayed out 0_o even sudo gufw is all gray13:47
geirhabullgard4: If you log in at one of the non-graphical virtual consoles, or log in via ssh, you'll get an entry in that table, but a graphical login will not.13:47
Guest11153hello ppls13:47
Guest11153can some one help me, looking for the config files for dhcp3-server13:48
Slartbullgard4: try opening a regular terminal, either gnome-terminal or one of the TTYs and run w from there.. you should get at least one user listed13:48
bullgard4brando_123: '~$ lspci | grep -i VGA' is to find out about your graphics card and not about your monitor.13:48
RaTTuS|BIGGuest11153 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/dhcp3-server13:48
Guest11153i found some stuff before but they seem outdated, i'll check this out13:49
Pepp-elitoHi, I'm trying to disable wifi on ubuntu 10.10. Right-clicking on network-applet/icon does not do it in ubuntu 10.10 (on 11.04/11.10 it worked). I do not use the wifi and would really like to shut it down as it has a very annoying light/led on the fron of my computer. anyone that knows how this could be done as the nor "normal" way does not work?13:49
bullgard4Slart: Opening a virtual terminal and running w from there, I get not one user listed. --  I do not understand why '~$ w' did not list me as a USER before.13:51
geirhabullgard4: A graphical login does not update any entries in the /var/run/utmp database. Only entries in there will be displayed by w13:52
Slartbullgard4: I have no idea how 'w' counts the number of users or why it counts the way it does, sorry13:52
ikoniait's based on when the login shell is executed13:52
bullgard4geirha: Correction: Opening a virtual terminal and running w from there, I get exactly one user listed. --  I do not understand why '~$ w' did not list me as a USER before.13:52
geirhabullgard4: Because until then, you weren't logged in textually13:53
geirhaor non-graphically if you will.13:53
Pepp-elitoHi, I'm trying to disable wifi on ubuntu 10.10. Right-clicking on network-applet/icon does not do it in ubuntu 10.10 (on 11.04/11.10 it worked). I do not use the wifi and would really like to shut it down as it has a very annoying light/led on the fron of my computer. anyone that knows how this could be done as the "normal" way does not work?. Does anyone know which commands should be run when selecting disable/enable wifi using th13:53
howlymowlyhi poeple..  short question:  why are there no new versions of chromium browser in ubuntu?13:53
bullgard4geirha: I take notice. I find that strange though.13:53
geirhabullgard4: historic reasons.13:54
bullgard4geirha: Right. --  Thank you very much for your help.13:54
GabrieleVHello, how do I disable the confirmation dialog that appears when I press the power button in 11.10 ?13:56
NaeblisSo I'm trying to install openbox. There seems to trouble with a lot of dependencies, like pango, glib, etc. Thing is, every 'dependency' requires some other stuff which I also don't have installed, so the process repeats itself. Any idea what I can do to speed it up?13:56
Pepp-elitoHi, I'm trying to disable wifi on ubuntu 10.10. Right-clicking on network-applet/icon does not do it in ubuntu 10.10 (on 11.04/11.10 it worked). I do not use the wifi and would really like to shut it down as it has a very annoying light/led on the fron of my computer. anyone that knows how this could be done as the "normal" way does not work?.  Simply unchecking wifi in network manager does not do it n ubuntu 10.10. Anyone?13:56
howlymowlythe latest chromium-browser package in ubuntu is chromium 15 but the google version already advanced to 1613:57
bazhangPepp-elito, what about sudo ifdown wlan013:57
howlymowlywhy does ubuntu lack behind?13:57
bazhangPepp-elito, or whatever you see in ifconfig13:57
GabrieleVPepp-elito: disabling in network manager does not manipulate the led light.13:58
bazhanghowlymowly, security not a problem, likely. check for a PPA perhaps13:58
Pepp-elitobazhang, Pepp-elito. On ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10 the led was disabled by uncheking the wifi option. Ifconf down does not do it.. Some total unload thing of the driver or something?13:59
SlartPepp-elito: if you google for "disable wifi led ubuntu" you'll get quite a few posts about different ways of doing it.. I'm not sure if it's different for different wireless chips or depending on driver but it might be worth it to try a few and see what happens13:59
=== greentux|ganteng is now known as greentux_
bazhangPepp-elito, not ifconf. look at ifconfig and see what it's listed as then try sudo ifdown wlan0 (if it's listed as wlan0)14:00
Pepp-elitobazhang, PGabrieleV. On ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10 the led was disabled by uncheking the wifi option. Ifconf down does not do it.. Some total unload thing of the driver or something?14:00
bazhangPepp-elito, ifconfig not ifconf14:00
Pepp-elitobazhang, sry my bad. I have tested the correct command =)14:01
igel_Hi, is there an ubuntu package of z? ( https://github.com/rupa/z )14:01
bazhangPepp-elito, what is it listed as14:01
Pepp-elitoSlart, will take a look, I have only googled disable wifi ;p14:01
bazhangigel_, apt-cache search package for it yet?14:01
bazhangigel_, or packages.ubuntu.com14:02
bullgard4Slart: Thank you for your help.14:02
Slartbullgard4: you're welcome14:02
theadminbazhang: If you search for "z" in apt-cache you'll get several hundred results, you kow14:02
igel_bazhang: yea, it isn't there.14:02
Pepp-elitobazhang, i think it was wlan0, I do not have access to it right now.. was looking for some options to try this evening..14:02
bazhangPepp-elito, I'd try that one sudo ifdown wlan014:03
igel_ahh, rubygems has it :)14:03
Pepp-elitobazhang, thanks i will give it another go..14:04
bazhangPepp-elito, perhaps when you can get to the machine, come back and can troubleshoot further14:04
Pepp-elitobazhang, I will if does not work.. (boring day at work ;))14:05
BELzEBUBi need some help with elevating the process priority on an ubuntu server14:06
BELzEBUBwhen i renice a process to -20 everything works well but when i start an xinetd job with the same user i cant elevate the priority14:07
dies_iraewhere's the fu command??14:08
au7hhello xD14:08
bazhangdies_irae, what?14:08
bazhangdies_irae, whats the question14:10
brando_123bullgard4: ok my monitor is "HP Compaq LA2306x" but afaik ubuntu doesn't care about that. Please correct me if i'm wrong14:11
SilfenX_When using a VPN, is it possible to cut network traffic entirely if it drops so it doesnt just default back to eth0/ and start to leak unencrypted?14:11
meerkatsubuntu 11.10, update manager prompted me to update, but the package YaCy is not recognized as trusted, what do I do? How do I add YaCy as a trusted source?14:12
theadminmeerkats: Tell it to ignore that -- I don't think the YaCy package would be signed14:13
bullgard4brando_123: Ubuntu does care if your monitor "HP Compaq LA2306x" obeys international standards and reports back its properties or not. --  I do not know if your monitor obeys thes international monitor standards.14:13
ircleuserhey guys14:15
=== ircleuser is now known as tas74
jediaelHi i am not able to hea any audio fom my speakers or earphones14:19
brontosIs it not possible to update my karmic to current version?  It looks like the repos are gone to do the update...14:19
theadmin!EOLUpgrade | brontos14:20
theadmin!eol | brontos14:20
ubottubrontos: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades14:20
pbosI just upgraded to ubuntu 11.10, and now gnome-terminal is ignoring the option whether to show or hide menubars by default, is this something known?14:20
jediaelHi i am not able to hea any audio fom my speakers or earphones14:21
tas74I have a quick question guys, I have a pretty big problem here.  One of servers has had some problems with apt;  someone swithed up the sources and whenever we go to apt-get install anything we have the following problems.... http://pastebin.com/1C72YMw1 . One of our systems admins said, "I am going to downgrade the current version to the one for Maverick and that should fix the issue.", but we have to do this on a package by package basis and i14:21
tas74I would like to fix this once and for all and have this issue resolved, how can I do this?14:22
nlkohow can i tell if my cpu is 64bit?14:22
Anomie21Just installed Ubuntu on one of my work PCs (I already have 2 running on the network) but it won't connect to the internet? I've tried manually entering the IPv4 settings too to match the other 2 ubuntu pcs?14:22
jediaelHi i am not able to hea any audio fom my speakers or earphones14:23
tas74I'm on: Linux alc 2.6.35-23-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 24 11:55:36 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux and Ubuntu 1114:23
Anomie21nlko: Find out what CPU is in it and google it?14:23
dlentznlko, look for lm or lahf_lm in cat /proc/cpuinfo14:23
pboshmm, nvm, seems awesome-related14:23
Anomie21nlko: Most computers are 64 bit now14:23
meerkatstheadmin, how do I do that?14:24
jediaelHi i am not able to hea any audio fom my speakers or earphones14:24
theadminmeerkats: I dunno, haven't dealt with that update manager14:24
dlentzbrontos, use an lts release if you can't be bothered to update every 18 months14:25
brontosdlentz, Yeah, I should have done that in the first place14:26
jediael Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)14:26
jediaelaudio is not woking14:26
meerkatswhat does 0 6 * * * root apt-get update && apt-get -y --force-yes install yacy do?14:26
LjLmeerkats: looks nasty.14:27
LjLmeerkats: but it's a crontab entry that force-updates yacy every day at 6am.14:27
meerkatsLjL, why nasty?14:28
tas74hey guys I asked a question a bit ago and really do need help with it, could anyone help out?14:28
tas74there are very specific details given14:29
jrib!helpme | tas7414:29
ubottutas74: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude14:29
bazhangtas74, patience please14:29
tas74okay, not a problem14:29
LjLmeerkats: because 1) i'd never "force-yes" an automatic install like that 2) why not just let yacy update when you update the rest of the system?14:29
meerkatsLjL, your second point would be ideal, but there is no trusted source, and I cannot update it via update manager14:30
nlkoAnomie21: does the network interface work locally? can you ping the other machines on the network?14:30
=== studioxps is now known as CyberDawg
LjLtas74: i don't get it, the pastebin you gave, it's instructions for something...14:30
LjLmeerkats: where are you getting the package from?14:30
CyberDawgis it better to install ubuntu 11.10 on sda2 or sdb6?14:32
meerkatsLjL, I added deb http://debian.yacy.net ./ to sources.list and configured, make, make install14:32
bazhangmeerkats, debian? with ubuntu?14:33
feraehey all, tightvnserver on my netbook remix 10.10 will connect to 5901 but it only see the background image with no ability to launch an app... any know why?14:33
LjLCyberDawg: err, it's your HD, how would we know?14:33
meerkatsbazhang, yes14:34
CyberDawgLjL, I have read opinins supporting both ways14:34
CyberDawgI was simply asking for an opinion14:34
feraerephrase: tightvncser works. The client can connect to 5901 but will only see the background image14:34
LjLCyberDawg: that simply makes no sense. sda2 and sdb6 might be anything depending on your setup.14:34
LjLmeerkats: there is a key in that repository, try downloading it and doing sudo apt-key add filename14:35
LjLmeerkats: also i don't get the "configured make and make install" part. the repository provides *binaries*...?14:35
MyrttiCyberDawg: sda2 and sdb6 refer to partitions on your two hard drives, we don't know what they are like at all so we can't give you any opinion14:35
Anomie21nlko: Hmm, weird. I tried plugging in an alternative ethernet cable so the guy could keep working on the temporary laptop, and the internet works with the new ethernet cable works. (even though the laptop works fine with the old one). It's loading websites but taking 20-30 seconds to pull up a google search for example....weird.14:36
ericPmy xfce login no longer starts a window manager (even after a reboot)14:36
ericPi suspect something is corrupted in the settings. any idea what .dir i should move away?14:36
auronandaceCyberDawg: better? it would make no difference14:36
feraeis there a problem with vncviewing in unity in general?14:36
CyberDawgIs it better to run Ubuntu on an extended partition from the primary?14:36
meerkatsLjL, are we talking about http://debian.yacy.net/yacy_orbiter_key.asc?14:36
LjLmeerkats: yes indeed14:37
auronandaceCyberDawg: i use logical partitions only (because i run multiple OS's so it frees up the primary partitions)14:37
I_am_NOT_rootdoes anyone know of a command line tool that checks .webm and .flv files if they are corrupted and complete (download did not abort)?14:37
CyberDawgI want to run winda 7 and Ubutu 11.1014:38
tas74LjL: the paste bin I get is an error14:38
auronandace!dualboot | CyberDawg14:38
ubottuCyberDawg: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot14:38
tas74every time that I go to apt-get almost anything I get that14:38
ikoniaI_am_NOT_root: how can a tool know a.) if a file is complete as it has no reference b.) where it was downloaded from c.) interact with a program to download them14:38
CyberDawgauronandace, thankk you :)14:39
auronandaceCyberDawg: no worries :)14:39
meerkatsLjL, do I have to save the whole text, including Begin pgp and End pgp?14:40
=== ozior is now known as DrWanot
LjLmeerkats: yes, just wget the file.14:40
=== DrWanot is now known as sesjaXD
LjLmeerkats: wget http://debian.yacy.net/yacy_orbiter_key.asc ; sudo apt-key add yacy_orbiter_key.asc14:41
meerkatsLjL, many thanks14:41
tas74LjL, the pastebin is what happens when I run apt-get install xyz; and then it says for me to upgrade the other packages, but I have to change all my sources in /etc/apt/list.sources or something14:41
LjLtas74: well i have no idea what's going on, but pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list so i can have a look14:42
I_am_NOT_rootikonia, a.) smplayer for example knows if a file is complete by displaying a playing duration and aborting before b.) why should a tool care where I downloaded the media file from?? it's youtube and c.) question not formulated clearly14:42
tas74LjL, okay14:43
ikoniaI_am_NOT_root: to be able to download the file if it's not complete, it has to know where to get it from14:43
GabrieleVHello, how do I disable the confirmation dialog that appears when I press the power button in 11.10 ?14:43
I_am_NOT_rootikonia: that doesn't matter. I just want a tool to tell on the command line if a media file is complete or not.14:44
auronandaceI_am_NOT_root: that doesn't matter? ikonia just told exactly why it matters14:44
ikoniaI_am_NOT_root: then you shouldn't ask for it to auto download the film if it is corrupt14:45
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ikoniaI_am_NOT_root: you already know smplayer can tell you if a file is complete or not, so job done14:45
Anomie21'Panic occurred - switching to text console'14:45
ikoniayou then asked for it to get the file for you if it was not complete - that's why it matters, if that requirements is gone, then you already know the answer, smplayer14:46
I_am_NOT_rootauronandace, ... smplayer does not know a thing, whether it is from youtube or not and how I downloaded it from there but it knows if a media file is complete or not; but since smplayer is not scriptable I need something like that on the command line14:46
ikoniaI_am_NOT_root: if you re-read your orignial question, that is why people are telling you it matters14:46
SlartI_am_NOT_root: why not try mencoder or mplayer.. see if there is some kind of option that might be useful14:47
SlartI_am_NOT_root: if smplayer can do it then surely mencoder or mplayer can do it too14:47
I_am_NOT_rootSlart, sounds reasonable...14:47
auronandaceI_am_NOT_root: what are you using to download these youtube videos? why doesn't that have some sort of file verification feature?14:47
tas74let's see here14:48
SlartI_am_NOT_root: this looks interesting http://mrbinitie.blogspot.com/2009/05/using-flvcheck-utility-to-authenticate.html14:49
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I_am_NOT_rootSlart, it's not in the Debian repositories14:49
I_am_NOT_rootSlart, and does it work on webm also?14:49
ikoniaI_am_NOT_root: it's in the ubuntu ones though and you are using ubuntu aren't you ?14:49
bazhangI_am_NOT_root, you're on debian?14:49
SlartI_am_NOT_root: nope.. and even worse.. I think you'll have to register with adone to download it =/14:49
ubuserHi everyone I have Ubuntu 11.04(natty) running on my netbook and most applications share their menu bar with the status bar at the top, saving some space.  Firefox used to then I did something accidentally and it stopped - how I do I undo that and get Firefox to share the status bar for the title and menu again? thx!14:49
SlartI_am_NOT_root: probably not..14:50
I_am_NOT_rootSlart, I have Debian and Ubuntu systems14:50
icerootI_am_NOT_root: dont use debian repos on ubuntu14:50
I_am_NOT_rooticeroot, I don't :)14:50
SlartI_am_NOT_root: here's another interesting link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/894903/how-can-i-validate-a-video-file-from-a-script14:52
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:52
bazhang!it | pippo32114:52
ubottupippo321: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:52
LjLSlart: heh i was reading that too14:53
SlartLjL: great minds google alike =)14:53
tas74LjL: http://pastebin.com/zARgx5Dy14:53
tas74there we go14:53
LjLtas74: ok so it's a perfectly standard sources.list except for "deb http://repo.r1soft.com/apt stable main"... tried commenting that out and updating?14:54
manisabriHi , I cant change my default monitor, it says it will take effect the next time I log in but  it falls back to what is was, any ideas?14:54
tas74hrm okay14:54
tas74let me try commenting it out14:55
manisabriI'm on 11.04 adm6414:55
manisabrino proprietary dirvers( they make the GUI sooo slow!)14:56
ubuserHi everyone I have Ubuntu 11.04(natty) running on my netbook and most applications share their menu bar with the status bar at the top, saving some space.  Firefox used to then I did something accidentally and it stopped - how I do I undo that and get Firefox to share the status bar for the title and menu again? thx!14:58
GeminiDominoGeek question: is there an inverse to a sticky bit? That is, setting up a directory (for SFTP use) that allows deletions WITHOUT allowing creating new files?14:58
=== GabrieleV is now known as GabrieleV__
LjLubuser: try "sudo apt-get install firefox-globalmenu"14:58
I_am_NOT_rootSlart, thanks, the ffmpeg line works for me14:59
SlartI_am_NOT_root: great.. you're welcome14:59
auronandaceGeminiDomino: maybe i don't understand your question, but if you've just set up the directory wouldn't it be empty? so what would there be to delete if there are no files there?15:00
tas74LjL: I get the following error: http://pastebin.com/FDZkzqM415:00
tas74this is when I tried to do... apt-get install apache2-prefork-dev15:01
tas74I commented out the line you told me to and ran `apt-get update`15:01
GarpMy wireless connection is not working. I really dont understand why. Could someone help? Thanks.15:01
GeminiDominoauronandace: It's a phenomenally stupid implementation that has been passed down from above. A data file will be dumped into the directory daily by a local cronjob, for external retrieval. I want these guys to be able to delete the files once they've got them, rather than crying to me when the file list gets unwieldy, without them being able to send anything to the server.15:02
RaTTuS|BIGGarp https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide15:02
GarpRaTTuS|BIG: thanks, I read and be back.15:02
GeminiDominoauronandace: And since I don't know WHEN they'll be getting it (manually) I can't automate clearing it out, either (I thought of that)15:02
RaTTuS|BIGGarp - it's the best I can offer15:03
LjLtas74: output of "apt-cache policy apache2-prefork-dev"?15:03
PTBDib ubuntu 11.10 is it not possible anymore to switch to classic view? it only shows me unity and unity 2d  I think15:04
LjL!nounity | PTBD15:04
ubottuPTBD: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:04
tas74LjL ^15:04
PTBDLjL, thank you15:04
GabrieleVHello, how do I disable the confirmation dialog that appears when I press the power button in 11.10 ?15:04
tas74err back15:06
tas74LjL: any clue?15:06
LjLtas74: not yet. "apt-cache policy apache2.2-common"?15:06
LjLGabrieleV: http://askubuntu.com/questions/69099/how-do-i-remove-the-shutdown-confirmation-menu15:08
SlartGabrieleV: check the file /etc/acpi/events/powerbtn  not sure that is used in a gnome enviroment.. might be worth to check out though15:08
tas74LjL: http://pastebin.com/c3NytxmE15:08
LjLtas74: ok you have a version of it not from the repos installed, and the package you want requires the older version. so "sudo apt-get install apache2.2-common=2.2.16-1ubuntu3.4", and if that works successfully, try again15:09
tas74okay trying15:09
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tas74LjL: nope, I get... The following packages have unmet dependencies:15:10
tas74 apache2.2-common : Depends: apache2.2-bin (= 2.2.16-1ubuntu3.4) but 2.2.17-1 is to be installed15:10
tas74E: Broken packages15:10
LjLtas74: you'll probably have to try and add a few packages to that line. try now "sudo apt-get install apache2.2-common=2.2.16-1ubuntu3.4 apache2.2-bin=2.2.16-1ubuntu3.4".  if you get another error message, add the packaged mentioned with the required version number, etc15:11
Vivekanandahello people. I would like to know of a back up program which recreates the complete folder structure at the backed up location and not a snapshot or a compressed back up.I looked at ubuntu site and tried out grsync , deja dup and simple back up but am still looking.15:11
tas74hrm okay15:11
VivekanandaPlease help15:11
bazhangVivekananda, clone?15:11
tas74I'll give this a shot, but it's quite crazy it seems15:11
tas74it seems like this is a big problem though and that I will encounter this again15:12
GeminiDominoVivekananda, what was wrong with grsync?15:12
Vivekanandabazhang, please tell me the name of the program? Are you referring to clonezilla?15:12
LjLtas74, not necessarily... but this is what happen when you add repositories not meant for Ubuntu ;)15:12
tas74hrm, we've had this problem many times15:12
tas74is there a way that we could check if this will happen again?15:12
tas74I really don't want to fix this on a case by case basis15:13
ikoniathen stop adding non-ubuntu repos15:13
auronandacetas74: to avoid the problem simply stick to just the ubuntu repos15:13
LjLtas74: i don't know of a way to check for all packages not coming from the repos.15:13
tas74so I got this...15:13
tas74The following packages will be REMOVED:   apache2 apache2-mpm-workerThe following packages will be DOWNGRADED:   apache2.2-bin apache2.2-common15:13
tas74when I ran the command you told me15:14
tas74seems like I should do this though?15:14
LjLtas74: well, this *will* temporarily remove apache2, depends whether you're ok with that.15:14
VivekanandaGeminiDomino, grsync is ok but there is not option for automated , time based back up15:14
tas74okay I see15:14
case`any one know of another good usb creator? I have been using unetbootin, but am finding it fails quite a lot when it comes to writing to usb15:15
GeminiDominoSince grsync is, AFAIK, just a frontend for rsync, couldn't you just use rsync with a cron job?15:15
Vivekanandayep I was thinking of doing that15:15
bazhangcase`, with which version of ubuntu15:16
case`bazhang> 11.0, i also use mint debian15:16
monohedronHi guys, I have a question you may have heard before, I'm trying to PXE boot CB10 and being asked for a username and password, I've looked over the web but none of the combinations worked, giving it an additional live before boot is not turning it15:17
Vivekanandabut I thought that there must be a program which already integrate these features and also integrates the snapshot and the tar gz compressed back up thing15:17
GeminiDominoNot unless something like "Amanda" (assuming that's even still around. I haven't used it in like ten years) does that, but even that's just a wrapper around what I'm guessing is rsync, dd, and tar, respectively15:18
tas74LjL: I'm still getting:  apache2-prefork-dev : Depends: libaprutil1-dev but it is not going to be installed15:19
tas74E: Broken packages15:19
tas74when I run apt-get install apache2-prefork-dev that is15:19
jediaelHelp audio is not working15:19
ubuserLjL: Thankyou, install firefox-globalmenu on its own didn't work, so I backed up my profile folder, did apt-get uninstall firefox then install firefox and restored profile folder now back as it was thx15:19
LjLtas74: try installing that manually (sudo apt-get install libaprutil1-dev) and seeing what it says15:20
auronandacejediael: what does alsamixer look like?15:20
Danno7help, I just created a partition and formatted it as ext4 but when I try to save it says access denied15:20
peter_parapanfor hackers >>>15:20
peter_parapanirc.anonops.li:6667 #opmegaupload join us !15:20
bazhangpeter_parapan, wrong channel15:20
tas74libaprutil1-dev : Depends: libaprutil1 (= 1.3.9+dfsg-3ubuntu0.10.10.1) but 1.3.9+dfsg-5 is to be installed Depends: libldap2-dev but it is not going to be installed Depends: libdb4.8-dev but it is not going to be installed Depends: libpcre3-dev but it is not going to be installed Depends: libsqlite3-dev but it is not going to be installed Depends: libmysqlclient-dev but it is not going to be installed15:21
tas74LjL: ^15:21
tas74then it concludes with: E: Broken packages15:21
LjLtas74: heh wonderful, this *is* going to be a mess. well you know the drill now, you need to downgrade all the mentioned packages...15:22
monohedronwhat is the username and password for the live image15:22
ikoniamonohedron: there isn't one, it auto logs you in15:22
bazhangmonohedron, there is not one15:22
rcmaehlwhy doesn't ubuntu have forkbomb protection?15:23
jediaelwhat do you mean by how alsa mixe looks15:23
monohedronikonia, nope15:23
bazhangrcmaehl, what?15:23
monohedronit sits there grinning at me and asking me for a username15:23
ikoniarcmaehl: what do you mean forkbomb protection ?15:23
LjLmonohedron: i believe it's ubuntu/ubuntu15:23
ikoniamonohedron: ubuntu/ubuntu15:23
auronandacejediael: type alsamixer in a terminal15:23
Danno7help, I just created a partition and formatted it as ext4 but when I try to save it says access denied15:23
ikoniaDanno7: save a file on it you mean ?15:23
monohedronmo joy15:23
rcmaehlAs in protection from forkbombs being executed15:23
ikoniaexecuted where ?15:24
Danno7ikonia: yes thats what I meant15:24
jediaeleverything is all the way up15:24
LjLrcmaehl: how would you protect from that? forkbombs can be crafted in a number of ways.15:24
ikoniarcmaehl: what do you mean, can you be specific please.15:24
ikoniaDanno7: you'll probably need to change the permissions, I suspect it is owned by the user root15:24
auronandacejediael: can you post a screenshot15:24
rcmaehlLjL: limiting the amount of recursive calls by a script to like 200015:24
Gibihello to everybody!15:24
rcmaehlor 500015:24
Danno7ikonia: so like a sudo chmod something or other?15:25
ikoniarcmaehl: that is not a wise thing to do for production machines15:25
jediaelhow do i do that ?15:25
ikoniaDanno7: chmod and chown yes15:25
auronandace!screenshot | jediael15:25
ubottujediael: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.15:25
rcmaehlor limit the maximum threads to 1000015:25
ikoniarcmaehl: why, multi threaded systems want threads15:26
ikoniarcmaehl: look at the default limits in ubuntu15:26
jpdsrcmaehl: Can you think of any Linux distro that does that?15:26
LjLrcmaehl: well, you can do that yourself if you want, but it wouldn't be a very good idea to arbitrarily limit what the machine can do by default.15:26
ikoniarcmaehl: they are set quite reasonable15:26
zxdhi, is there a reason after installing linux-image-2.6.38-13-generic-pae  /boot/vmlinuz* and /boot/initrd* become rw-------15:26
LjLrcmaehl: anyway maybe this would be better discussed in #ubuntu-offtopic15:26
concretevitaminHi All: I currently have a ubuntu dual-booting with a win7 (I installed ubuntu later). However, due to the small size of Ubuntu's partition, I think I have to take some action. Remove the Ubuntu and reinstall? Resizing the partition? Or do you guys have better ideas?15:26
VivekanandaGeminiDomino, hope you could throw some light one other small things messed up in my lucid install.One thing is that on each reboot the headphone volume is maximised in the alsamixer applet.Also the Amarok player is always full screen and there are no top right corner buttons to close or max/min.Also, amarok has no sound if I open any other app which requires sound eg if I open a browser.15:26
auronandacejediael: that looks good to me15:28
auronandace!sound | jediael15:28
ubottujediael: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:28
GeminiDominoVivekananda: Not sure, since I don't use Amarok, but going by the common keypress, is there any chance pressing "F11" will pull it out of fullscreen mode?15:28
VivekanandaIt does not work. the only thing that works is ctrl q15:29
jediaelbut i cant hea anything15:29
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Vivekanandawhat do you use as the music program btw?15:29
bazhang!players | Vivekananda15:30
ubottuVivekananda: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs15:30
bazhangVivekananda, depends on your needs15:30
GeminiDominoVivekananda, xmms15:30
cloudgeeklooking for intern in unix !15:31
GeminiDominoVivekananda, assuming you meant what I personally use15:31
bazhangGeminiDomino, you mean audacious, as xmms is no longer developed nor supported on ubuntu15:31
auronandacecloudgeek: this is ubuntu support15:31
GeminiDominobazhang: No? Then yeah, I guess it translates that way. :)  I mostly use ubuntu on the server-side.15:32
bazhangGeminiDomino, /msg ubottu xmms   gives a bit more info15:32
Danno7ikonia: ok I chown'd the owner to myself and off of root.  but that only lets me make changes to the drive. Which is ok. If I want to let the group users have access, what would be the way to let all users on this system have access?15:34
ikoniaDanno7: change the group owner from root and chmod it to 77115:34
rabbi1Which is the version eclipse IDE for ubuntu 10.04 on AMD 64 bit machine ?15:34
Danno7so the owner shoudl be user or it doesn't matter who the owner is as long as its chmod'd15:35
jediaeli still cant hear anything15:35
auronandace!info eclipse lucid | rabbi115:35
ubotturabbi1: eclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.2-2ubuntu4.3 (lucid), package size 45 kB, installed size 124 kB15:35
rabbi1auronandace: thanks15:36
auronandacerabbi1: no worries :)15:36
rabbi1auronandace: sorry, was looking for php15:37
auronandacerabbi1: that is a little trickier15:38
auronandace!find php lucid | rabbi115:38
ubotturabbi1: Found: cakephp, cakephp-instaweb, cakephp-scripts, dh-make-php, egroupware-phpbrain, egroupware-phpsysinfo, gphpedit, htcheck-php, libapache2-mod-suphp, libawl-php (and 185 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=php&searchon=names&suite=lucid&section=all15:38
rabbi1thanks again15:38
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!15:39
XouriiIf I have torrent software runnning and ubuntu takes me to the password screen, will the torrent stop?15:42
XouriiIf I have torrent software runnning and ubuntu takes me to the password screen, will the torrent stop?15:44
jd_user_23234helo everyone!15:44
XouriiHello :)15:44
bazhangXourii, pw screen for what please15:44
SlartXourii: what does "ubuntu takes me to the password screen" mean? what happens?15:44
XouriiLike, when you're inactive15:44
monohedronok fixed it15:45
bazhangXourii, the screensaver?15:45
Xouriiand it has a screen for you to put in a password15:45
XouriiIf the screensaver has a password field, yes15:45
monohedronyou need to add "config   quiet" to the normal append line15:45
bazhangXourii, depends, did you tell the computer to idle when you are away?15:45
XouriiLet me check.15:45
XouriiWhat's that under?15:45
jd_user_23234i use ubuntu 11.10 with gnome shell. how can i pause-resume a file copy proces (without a new app) ?. i mean gnome has not this feature?15:46
XouriiSo I can turn "lock" off and it'll just black the screen without interrupting my torrent?15:47
concretevitaminA small off-topic question: where should I go to ask a question on compiling c++ programs using gnu g++?15:47
icerootconcretevitamin: ##c++, #gcc15:47
Slartconcretevitamin: ther eis a c++ channel #c++ I think15:47
iceroot!alis | concretevitamin15:47
ubottuconcretevitamin: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:47
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XouriiSo I can turn "lock" off and it'll just black the screen without interrupting my torrent?15:48
jd_user_23234i use ubuntu 11.10 with gnome shell. how can i pause-resume a file copy proces (without a new app) ?. i mean gnome has not this feature?15:48
concretevitaminthanks guys, iceroot Slart ubottu15:48
bazhangXourii, power management, I'd imagine, and yes15:49
XouriiOK, thanks15:49
SlartXourii: the screen locking doesn't stop the torrent process.. or any other process running, afaik. You can configure your computer to go to sleep/hibernate or even shut down when you leave it for a certain time.. but just the screen lock won't interrupt your torrent software15:49
binarykinghey guys!15:50
binarykingthe install button in the software center isn't being activated even when I select a software to install.15:50
binarykingwhat to do?15:50
Promilleuse synaptic binaryking (alt + f2 + gksu + synaptic)15:51
jd_user_23234i use ubuntu 11.10 with gnome shell. how can i pause-resume a file copy proces (without a new app) ?. i mean gnome has not this feature?15:51
|Anthony|gat damn... kernel updates get on my nerves15:52
I_am_NOT_rootkeep away from GNOME, it SUCKS hard15:52
bazhangI_am_NOT_root, thats not really a support thing15:52
PromilleI_am_NOT_root: state your "facts"...15:52
I_am_NOT_rootbazhang, oh right, sry15:52
I_am_NOT_rootPromille, it is fact15:53
bazhangwelcome to chat about it in #ubuntu-offtopic though15:53
Mike33how are you men15:53
jd_user_23234i use ubuntu 11.10 with gnome shell. how can i pause-resume a file copy proces (without a new app) ?. i mean gnome has not this feature?15:54
binarykingPromille: synaptic isn't installed so I'm installing it now15:55
wolframnIs it possible to configure the taskbar to auto-hide?15:55
Promillejd_user_23234: maby this would be of interest: http://askubuntu.com/questions/17274/how-to-pause-resume-transfer-of-large-files15:56
Slartjd_user_23234: I seem to remember being able to do this in 10.10.. but I don't see it any more.. there are a lot of posts/threads/bug reports talking about it but nothing seems to be implemented15:56
ikoniaI_am_NOT_root: check your private messages when you get a moment please.15:56
Slartjd_user_23234: here's one discussion.. don't know if this is implemented yet http://live.gnome.org/Nautilus/ProgressWindow15:56
Mike33i like ubuntu15:57
Promillebinaryking: Do that. sudo apt-get install synaptic from terminal. ask if that didnt made sense :)15:57
Mike33i mean i do15:57
binarykingPromille: but why isn't the Install button click-able?15:57
Mike33Who like Doctor Who??15:58
DJones!ot | Mike3315:58
ubottuMike33: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:58
Promillebinaryking: I'm unfortunately not familiar with the Software Center, I've been using Synaptic for installing programs15:58
Promille!synaptic | binaryking15:58
ubottubinaryking: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto15:58
jd_user_23234Slart: Promille: thank you!15:58
compdocDoctor Who is great15:58
monohedronThe Doctor is the man15:59
PiciFeel free to discuss it in #ubuntu-offtopic, not here.15:59
Mike33so cool15:59
Promillejd_user_23234: sure thing :) good luck15:59
DrPoOHi all, I am running 10.04 LTS and I got  the following error the other day : "kernel panic vfs unable to mount root fs". I fixed it by choosing an older version of the kernel at load time. Is there a way for permanently avoiding the kernel to be updated?16:00
DrPoOOr is there another way around this?16:01
MoooookiEHi, I have successful installed glusterfs. I made an entry to the fstab (srv1    /mnt/glusterfs  glusterfs       defaults,noatime,_netdev        0       0) but its not mounted after a reboot. If I do a "mount -a" it gets mounted. (using ubuntu 10.04 on ec2).16:02
PromilleDrPoO: Same happened to me. Look here http://askubuntu.com/questions/41930/kernel-panic-not-syncing-vfs-unable-to-mount-root-fs-on-unknown-block0-016:02
DrPoOPromille, so did you fix it by using the livecd solution from the link you gave me?16:03
PromilleDrPoO: Yes16:05
PromilleDrPoO: Read the post under that one too. Can't remember if I did that aswell, since its some time ago, but i think I did16:05
antnashHi guys. My box keeps crashing and I have no idea why. How can I find out?16:05
PromilleDrPoO: Nevermind, the LiveCD post is updated/edited so it contains the same as the post below.16:06
antnashWhat logs can I look at, etc?16:06
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binarykingPromille: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/85650616:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 856506 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Install button is inactive" [Undecided,New]16:08
cpnangilso ubuntu is getting rid of the menu-system?16:08
cpnangilthats what i heard16:08
mrtrousersHello.. Im running Oeneric and having problems getting VIrtualBox to work..16:08
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DJonescpnangil: Probably best either discussiong that in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu+1 as it relates to the unreleased version16:09
mrtrousersWith earlier releases it was easy as..16:09
ikoniacpnangil: it's actually being discussed in #ubuntu-offtopic at the moment16:09
=== Mud is now known as Guest15871
binarykingPlease someone help me16:10
binarykingthe install button in Software Center is inactive16:10
binarykingwhat to do?16:10
Promillebinaryking: what are you exactly trying to install from software center?16:10
auronandacebinaryking: use apt?16:10
* binaryking didn't have a problem in software center in Ubuntu 11.04 but he's having in 11.1016:10
binarykingPromille: Chromium, Chrome and Skype. nothing's working16:11
binarykinglemme try it with installing Muon Software Center16:12
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jediaelCAN ANYONE HELP16:13
mrtrousersI like to poop on people..16:13
bentkus_shitcity material16:13
bentkus_mrtrousers: do you find many people who agree to be pooped on/16:14
Picijediael: stop repating.16:14
jediaelno one helps16:15
jpds!patience | jediael16:15
ubottujediael: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:15
Promillebinaryking: You can use a program called Synaptic instead of Software Center to find what you want of available packages. To install synaptic, press alt+f2 and enter gnome-terminal. In the terminal write "sudo apt-get install synaptic" without "" and then alt+f2 and write "gksu synaptic" and you use that instead of Software Center. Tell me if something here was not understandable16:15
hatchhow do I make custom application launchers in Unity?16:15
hatchyou can't rightclick on the bar to 'add' which is the normal use case16:15
Picijediael: Try providing more information. Like your audio card, Ubuntu version, etc.16:15
BarkingFishjediael: it would be a good idea for you to sit and wait out some moments, we're not always here at your beck and call. Sit, wait, be patient, someone will come.16:15
jediaeli have been trying to solve this for the past 6 months and noone helps16:15
BarkingFishWe can only help if we know the answer to your problem, if nobody can help, nobody will answer.16:16
hatchis there a popular application to add custom launchers to that quicklaunch bar?16:17
jediaelubuntu 11.10  Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)16:17
jediaeli tried these commands: sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; sudo apt-get install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils gdm ubuntu-desktop  linux-image-`uname -r` libasound2; sudo apt-get -y --reinstall install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils gdm ubuntu-desktop  linux-image-`uname -r` libasound2; killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*; sudo usermod -aG `cat /etc/group | grep -e '^pulse:' -e '^audio:' -e '^pulse-acc16:18
jediaeless:' -e '^pulse-rt:' -e '^video:' | awk -F: '{print $1}' | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's:,$::g'` `whoami`16:18
BarkingFishok, jediael - What type of computer do you have, a desktop or a laptop? and who makes it?16:18
jediaelthis one was supposed to give me an url but it doesnt wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh16:19
Promillejediael: are you using alsa / pulseaudio?16:19
BarkingFishPromille: if you read the commands he's used already, you'll see he's killed pulseaudio and removed its config :)16:19
jediaelits a gateway laptop 1GB  intel celeron16:19
Promillejediael: Try to "force" the right sound hardware to be use. Read up here: http://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/padevchooser/16:19
jediaelindont know o guess i am using als16:20
PromilleBarkingFish: Ok, sorry didnt see that16:20
BarkingFishif you've run all those commands, you will be using alsa, you've nailed pulseaudio already :)16:20
BarkingFishI have to defer at this point to someone with experience of Gnome, as I'm a KDE user - I don't know what you use to config sound in Gnome16:21
jediaelhow do i do that16:21
BarkingFishbut it sounds to me that you need to now pick the right devices and stuff and the right mixers, etc16:22
hatchcustom application launchers in Unity 11.10 anyone? lots of google results but they all seem to be for gnome 316:23
rabbi1can i update from 10.04 to 12.04 directly ? awaiting for 12.04 :)16:24
Picirabbi1: You will when 12.04 is released.16:24
rabbi1Pici: great. so my applications remain untouched ?16:25
=== Brandonian is now known as Brandonian-away
bentkus_are 04 the longterms or 10?16:27
jediaeland the websit deos not have suficient info16:27
rabbi1bentkus_: the alternate 04 s16:27
bentkus_im right in the not lts16:27
bentkus_in the one which is not lts16:27
bentkus_but whatever, once the support is over, world destruction will be iminent16:28
Dreaman11.10 is ok :)16:28
rabbi1bentkus_: what?16:28
BarkingFish!language | bentkus_16:28
ubottubentkus_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:28
Dreamanbut new kernel16:28
=== DoctorPhate is now known as Phate
rabbi111.10 is ok until 12.0416:29
Dreamani use 11.10 but kernel 3.2 :)16:30
Dreamanos[Linux 3.2.0-10-generic x86_64] distro[Ubuntu "oneiric" 11.10] cpu[2 x AMD Athlon(tm) 7750 Dual-Core Processor (AuthenticAMD) @ 2.70GHz] mem[Physical: 3.9GB, 76.9% free] disk[Total: 927.6GB, 44.2% free] video[ATI Technologies Inc RV730XT [Radeon HD 4670]] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia1: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI HDMI]16:30
rabbi1Dreaman: almost same, but i am in 10.04 will go to 12.04 once released, and will wait until 14.04 ;)16:31
Dreamanuse stable system :)16:31
Dreamanmy is testing :)16:32
=== Knorre`BNC is now known as Knorre
jediaelAudio problem still not solved16:33
rabbi1i can't be in testing, as i have lot of dependencies16:33
Dreamanvlc and pulsaudio16:33
jediaelAudio problem still not solved16:34
Dreamanrabbi1 low system performance or :)16:34
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=== thyri0n_ is now known as thyri0n
_cb mount /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom via ssh mounts the cdrom after a while as read only. Server screen displays buffer i/o errors. Is there a better mount command?16:35
rabbi1Dreaman: u mean?16:35
Dreamanubuntu for work16:36
Dreamanwhi use lts16:36
rabbi1Dreaman: First Linux for its performance and then Ubuntu for the support16:38
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wadWow, I'm scared! My Ubuntu desktop wants me to update the kernel to 3.0.0.... is this a good idea to do it right now, or should I let it bake for a month or so first?16:39
Dreamanwad update 3.2 kernel16:39
Dreamanrabbi1 i start with 7.04 ubuntu16:40
wadDreaman, so your point is that 3.0.0 is already pretty proven, as there is already a 3.2 kernel?16:40
bentkus_they changed the naming from (2.6).x to (3).x16:40
bentkus_it is not as big as from 2.4 to 2.616:40
wadOh, so it's not really a major version number, just a labeling thing, mostly. Got it.16:41
Dreamani use archlinux but pacman broke16:41
wadOkay, I'll update.16:41
rabbi1Dreaman: i started with 8.04, was using Win b4 that16:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:41
jediaelAudio problem still not solved16:41
rabbi1wad: lol :)16:41
bentkus_jediael: have you at least posted your computer specification?16:41
jediaelyes many many times16:41
mneptokjediael: try a Live session16:42
wadI do software development, and version numbers go MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO in my work. An increment of the MAJOR indicates, well, some major changes. :)16:42
jediaelGateway intel celeron 1GB audio info : Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)16:42
jediaelwhats a live session ?16:42
mneptokjediael: boot from the Live CD. off disc or USB media.16:43
rajujediael: Live session = Live CD16:43
bentkus_wad: I guess your software projects are not as big as the linux kernel16:43
jediaelwhy would i da that ?16:43
rajumneptok: you fast :p16:43
mneptokjediael: to see if sound works16:43
rajujediael:  if you wanna try How Ubuntu will be16:44
jediaelit does16:44
jediaeli have ubuntu installed aleady16:44
jediaelall its missing is the audio16:44
rajuthen try there16:44
jediaelfor the past six months16:44
wadbentkus_, of course. But should the size of a project impact the versioning paradigm? It just served to confuse me. Of course, I'm easily confused to begin with, so it wasn't a hard job...16:44
mneptokjediael: audio output has never worked on this machine since you installed?16:45
apacheloggerhow would the educated user ensure that global proxy envrionment variables are set after installation from an alternate cd?16:45
rajujediael:  use this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting16:45
bentkus_yes it should16:45
bentkus_its not a library to begin with16:46
mneptokjediael: but you say it works fine when booted from a Live CD.16:46
jediaelit worked on the pevious version too16:46
mneptokjediael: reinstall. the default installation is obviously fine, as the CD works.16:46
jediaeli tried16:47
jediaelthat already16:47
mneptokjediael: that series of apt-get commands you pasted earlier is an almost 100% guarantee of completely borking your sound16:47
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/16:48
jason_Question - if I DD a 4gb SD card to an 8 gb SD card, could I use GParted later to reszie the 4gb partition to the full 8?16:49
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auronandacejason_: dd deals with images, it won't recognise partitions16:51
jason_auronandace: but DD should take the entirety of the drive, regardless.16:51
auronandacejason_: it only takes up the size of the image16:51
giowckjason_: you could try with clonezilla16:51
jason_auronandace: right, which wold take up 4gb of space and 4gb unallocated.16:52
jason_so I would think I could resize it afterwards16:52
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auronandacejason_: not as simple as that i think, because when you dd it it won't be recognised as a partition so you can't resize it16:53
jason_auronandace: now that I think about it, I'm not sure I agree. Because DD takes every little bit as is...16:53
jason_auronandace: so I would think it would work16:53
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auronandacejason_: it directly copies the image regardless of what it was, it is a direct copy16:54
DeiuHas anyone seen this before: (eth0): device state change: unavailable -> disconnected (reason 'carrier-changed') ?16:54
jason_auronandace: which is exactly why it should, in theory, work16:54
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jason_I'm not even sure why I asked. Now that I think about it, it'll be fine.16:54
auronandacejason_: try it, you'll see there won't be a partition to manipulate16:55
jason_auronandace: actually, I know there will be.16:55
djhashjason_: you could just try it. worst case is the 8gb will be corrupt and you'll have to format it. then you can just copy the files directly.16:55
auronandacejason_: go for it16:55
jason_auronandace: DD takes everything, it doesnt care about partitions.16:55
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pangolinMorning. I installed windows 7 yesterday on a separate HDD and then I needed to reinstall grub2 to my Ubuntu HDD but now when I try to boot I get an error: NO INTERNAL DISKS PLEASE INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER. This happens with both HDD's present and also when I remove either of the HDD's to try and boot either OS. any ideas what I need to do here?16:55
jason_auronandace: so it should parse the remaining 4gb as unallocated16:55
auronandacejason_: thats exactly what i was saying16:55
jason_auronandace: which is exactly why it'll work.16:56
jason_auronandace: it won't care about partitions, but it'll take them 100% intact16:56
|Anthony|dd will copy any mbr and partition table, if those things reside in the blocks dd copied16:57
auronandacejason_: it won't parse the remaining as unallocated because there won't be a partition table, just the raw image16:57
Dreamanrabbi1 i use dual boot win7 ultimate an ubuntu16:57
neroninSomething very strange has happened to me, for some reason i lost the right to sudo, ubuntu says im not in the sudoers file. I suppose im no longer in the admin group. I restarted and tried to change the root password from failsafe mode, but when i do passwd root i get this: "authentication token manipulation error". What should I do here? I need to get back in the admin group/sudoers file16:57
rabbi1not interested in win anymore, and let keep this off topic :)16:57
jason_auronandace: there is no "image".16:57
auronandacejason_: then what are you dd'ing?16:58
jason_auronandace: raw data16:58
auronandacejason_: exactly, the raw data is the image file16:58
djhashauronandace: jason_ is dding an actual 4GB sd card full with files and partition table.16:58
jason_auronandace: but there's no imag efile if you're dding from 1 location to another16:58
jason_auronandace: if I use clonezilla and compress the image in the process, I have an image16:59
jason_there is no image with dd16:59
rabbi1unable to get the screenshot going with the "print screen" :(16:59
jason_just move this byte from A to B, etc16:59
jason_anyway, it's all right. we're good. it'll work fine.16:59
rabbi1unable to get the screenshot going with the "print screen" :( in 10.04.. What could be the problem ?16:59
nyrpnzrabbi1 try Applications->Accessories->Take Screenshot17:00
Mouse_No0BAlguem do Brazil ae?17:01
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:01
rabbi1nyrpnz: din't find that at all17:01
nyrpnzrabbi1 hmm, the print scrn button doesn't work on the keyboard?17:02
rabbi1nyrpnz: no idea, never came across, it was i guess before17:02
ubuntufreakI have a strange mouse cursor problem in my Ubuntu 11.10  even after editing the index.theme file to use DMZ-Black cursor i still get the DMZ-White cursor. Is there any way to remove the white theme completely ?17:02
rabbi1can't find "Take Screenshot" shortcut under accessories17:02
Dreamanhttp://uploadpic.org/storage/2011/VTB9MhceSVnXvvKtvuHNnAYNf.png   rabbi1 see my ubuntu 11.1017:03
nyrpnzrabbi1 try entering this in the terminal: gnome-screenshot --interactive17:03
rabbi1nyrpnz: yeah worked17:04
nyrpnzrabbi1 weird...17:05
rabbi1nyrpnz: i just found it now17:05
nyrpnzrabbi1 ah okay :)17:05
rabbi1nyrpnz: that its very strange17:06
rabbi1nyrpnz: should i install something ?17:06
nyrpnzrabbi1 thought you found it?17:06
rabbi1nyrpnz: Alt + Print Screen also not working17:06
rabbi1nyrpnz: found out the problem :)17:06
pangolinMorning. I installed windows 7 yesterday on a separate HDD and then I needed to reinstall grub2 to my Ubuntu HDD but now when I try to boot I get an error: NO INTERNAL DISKS PLEASE INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER. This happens with both HDD's present and also when I remove either of the HDD's to try and boot either OS. any ideas what I need to do here?17:06
graft_yo, i want to permanently boost my volume via ALSA, how do i do it?17:06
nyrpnzrabbi1: what is it?17:07
Dreamanpangolin reintall and conf grub17:07
_ravenmobile-internet +11.10: how to disable switching between hspa and umts? need only umts17:07
nyrpnzgraft_: try alsamixer in the terminal17:07
rabbi1nyrpnz: that my print screen not working in ubuntu17:07
pangolinDreaman: I reinstalled Ubuntu and I still get that same error17:07
graft_nyrpnz: alsamixer only goes so far, i want to add like 15db to the speaker volume forever all the time17:08
Dreamanboot part hdd17:08
nyrpnzgraft_ hrm I don't know then17:08
jediaelGateway intel celeron 1GB audio info : Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)17:08
Dreamanmy is 250 mb17:08
rabbi1nyrpnz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/73512017:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 735120 in unity (Ubuntu) "print screen key no longer works in unity" [Medium,Expired]17:08
jediaelaudio dont work i cant hea anything17:09
nyrpnzrabbi1: ouch17:09
_ravenmobile-internet +11.10: how to disable switching between hspa and umts? need only umts17:10
=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
OneSquaredHello, i need help. I would use odbc in my project in c. So i installed odbc in my laptop. But when i test the command isq.  I've an error :/17:12
OneSquared[ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect17:12
OneSquaredWho can you help me ?17:12
jonarveI just upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 and I'm having problems with mysql: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) Does anyone have any advice?17:13
xangua!pangolin | jonarve17:13
ubottujonarve: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:13
rabbi1nyrpnz: not a key problem physically17:14
jonarvexangua: Is it a future release?17:14
hramrach_I have rebuilt libgphoto2 as multi-arch: same but it it not installable17:14
hramrach_it requires adduser which is arch: all but it does not satisfy the dependency17:14
jediaelGateway intel celeron 1GB audio info : Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)17:14
_raven_mobile-internet +11.10: how to disable switching between hspa and umts? need only umts17:14
jediaelaudio dont work i cant hear anything17:14
nyrpnzrabbi1: dunno how to help, my system (10.04 with Gnome 2) has a working printscreen17:15
hramrach_jediael: are you ears working? ;-)17:15
rabbi1jediael: OS version and Audio Player ?17:15
hramrach_jediael: yes, all thos boring details17:15
rabbi1nyrpnz: i got the same ,, will resetting gnome will help ?17:15
jediaelyes, my eas a fully functioning17:16
rabbi1hramrach_: good one, i loved it :) lol17:16
hramrach_jediael: and try looking in alsamixer, perhaps you have an USB or HDMI cars as the default17:16
jediaeli dont17:16
jediaelcause i dont have HDMI17:16
nyrpnzrabbi1 I couldn't tell you17:16
mneptokjediael: you say the Live CD works. your installation does not. reinstall, since you ran so many apt-get commands that diagnosing the issue now is pointless.17:17
jediaelim not trying to use an audio player. my whole system is not providing audi17:17
rabbi1nyrpnz: oops, that's ok...17:17
nyrpnzrabbit1 what are you using it for?17:17
jediaelbut it worked before i upgrade to 11.1017:17
jediaelhow do you say its point less17:17
jediaelcan you do remote assistance ?17:18
mneptokjediael: so re-install 11.0417:18
nyrpnzrabbi1: most games and such have builtin printscreen functions17:18
_raven_mobile-internet +11.10: how to disable switching between hspa and umts? need only umts17:18
hramrach_jediael: so does alsamixer work?17:18
graft_jediael: yeah try alsamixer, one of your channels might be muted17:18
rabbi1nyrpnz: i don play games17:19
sumit_how can i use c programming in blackbuntu17:19
hramrach_jediael: try loading the oss compat modules and do cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp?17:19
* mneptok sighs17:19
bluenemohi guys, i'm trying to boot my live stick creation but i get "casper-premount /dev/sr0 no medium found" then it throws me to the init shell... :/17:19
hramrach_sumit_: apt-get install gcc17:20
nyrpnzrabbi1 only thing I can think of is using custom key bindings to make printscreen call gnome-screenshot17:20
LjLsumit_: this is Ubuntu support not Blackbuntu support17:20
sumit_i hv installed gcc17:20
sumit_but how to run it17:20
nyrpnzrabbi1 system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts17:20
hramrach_sumit_: try looking up a book on C17:20
nyrpnzsumit_ have you done C programming before?17:20
mneptoksumit_: gcc is a compiler only17:20
rabbi1nyrpnz: yeah, tried that keyboard shortcuts and changed the key and checked, but not luch17:21
hramrach_sumit_: because if you don't know how to invoke it we can't really help you17:21
graft_sumit_: basically, edit a .c file in your favorite editor (probably nano for you), then compile it with gcc17:21
sumit_ya i hv done in c but new to linux17:21
mneptokhramrach_: *ahem*17:21
nyrpnzrabbi1 okay then, sorry, not sure what else to try17:21
mneptokhramrach_: may i PM?17:21
nyrpnzsumit_ did you use visual studio or another IDE before?17:21
hramrach_mneptok: sure17:21
sumit_ dos windows in windows 717:22
hramrach_sumit_: what did you use in dos to do c programming?17:22
sumit_ok see when i use c programng in linux it show me error include<stdio.h> it's not in ur compiler somethng like dat17:23
nyrpnzsumit_ what command are you running to compile?17:23
hramrach_sumit_: you forgot a space there, and possibly a #17:23
sumit_can i pm u frnd ??17:23
sumit_okk hrmarch ..i ll try bro :)17:23
sumit_nd if i gt again some prob lll ask you17:24
nyrpnzsumit_ preprocessor line for stdio should be "#include <stdio.h>" without quotes17:24
=== deegee is now known as drussell
nyrpnzsumit_ basic linux compiling a C program guide here: http://www.linfo.org/create_c1.html17:25
nyrpnzsumit_ if you don't want to use the command line for compiling, you could try one of the IDEs for Linux like Eclipse or Code::Blocks17:26
mneptoksumit_: also, you are using Blackbuntu. this is Ubuntu support only. even of the questions are somewhat distro-agnostic.17:26
sumit_thnxx nyrpnz17:27
sumit_and menptok thnx bro's17:27
saftsackhey, for compiling for an embedded device i need gcc-4.3 on my ubuntu 11.10 machine. is this easily possible?17:27
nyrpnzsumit_ no problem17:27
nyrpnzsaftsack I don't see it in the repositories17:28
hramrach_sooo anyone who understands multi-arch here?17:28
OerHeks!info gcc17:28
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.107ubuntu5)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.6.1-2ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB17:28
saftsacknyrpnz, ok, maybe i try to copy a compiler from an old system.17:29
hramrach_saftsack: try adding older version repos but 4.3 likely conflicts with multi-arch because nobody rebuilt it for current systems17:29
nyrpnzsaftsack the versions on gcc are here: http://gcc.gnu.org/news.html17:29
Bonkerswhy would the ubuntu 11.10-desktop x86 livecd installer not see my hard drive partitions or allow me to create/select a new one to install to? the boot device selection dropdown sees /dev/sda, and I can ctrl-alt-f1 and 'sudo fdisk /dev/sda' just fine, but all the partition related buttons in the installer are greyed out so I can't create or select one to install to17:30
dajhornsaftsack: You can install the old Maverick packages. Look here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gcc-4.3&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all17:30
nyrpnzsaftsack good luck, getting a program to work properly is hard enough without worrying about the compiler17:31
OerHeksBonkers, probably you have the max of 4 primairy partitions ?17:31
papahow can I configure compiz in Ubuntu 11.10 without the risk of the desktop crushing please help17:31
BonkersOerHeks, nope, I even cleared the entire partition table, so there are 017:31
BonkersI just tried the latest mythbuntu a swell, still same exact problem17:32
mneptoksaftsack: create a minimal VM on Ubuntu and install an older release that has the gcc you need. use that machine to compile.17:32
iXXui transfered file via bluetooth to my ubuntu, where can i find that file ?17:33
OerHeksBonkers, is it a Sata drive ? and is the controler set to AHCI or IDE-compatible ?17:33
iXXutried file search, but didn't find it17:33
OerHeksBonkers, sata needs AHCi to be recognized17:34
saftsackthanks, mneptok nyrpnz and dajhorn . i will try your suggests in row, till i success.17:34
iXXumobile phone definately says it's transferred and ubuntu also shows up that the file was succesfully received17:34
nyrpnzsaftsack listen to mneptok, he knows what he's doing17:34
BobDillpwnhello mother fuckers17:36
LjL!language | BobDillpwn17:36
ubottuBobDillpwn: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:36
shadaloowhere can I remove ppa's I have installed17:39
BonkersOerHeks, the drive is certainly recognized, fdisk from the exact same linux boot works just fine, it's gotta be an installer oddity/bug, I can just ctrl-alt-f1 from the installer and fdisk, mkfs, mount etc just fine17:39
shadaloothey are failing to update when I update my sources17:39
LjLshadaloo: to remove the actual packages installed, "sudo apt-get remove packagename". to remove the repo, delete the files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/17:39
shadalooLjL: I see, the .d is new to me17:40
xanguashadaloo: you need ppa-purge to remove a }ppa and purge all the pacjages that installed17:40
xanguajum.... they always go17:40
iXXufound it in public folder. don't know why that folder isn't searched when i'm using gui to do a search on my filesystem17:41
iXXuthx anyway17:41
OerHeksBonkers, in IDE modus it will be recognized, but because the buttons are greyed out, my experience is this bios settin AHCI <> IDE is the problem.17:41
Nephyhey, is there a way to make all start up apps show up in start up manager in ubuntu 11.10?17:42
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theadminNephy: That doesn't make much sense.17:43
theadminNephy: If you mean those started at boot time, you have to check /etc/init.d or /etc/init/17:44
sumit_hey brothers cant we use clrscr(); and getch(); in linux c programming ??17:45
sumit_we can use dis in windows 717:45
theadminsumit_: getch() will certainly work, I'm not so sure about clrscr() but it might be.17:46
cawelis this a good place to ask for a bug I have with Ubuntu 11.10 ?17:46
theadminsumit_: You need to #include the respective headers of course17:46
theadmincawel: Yeah.17:46
MK14sumit_: the system() is the main thing to look out for... since that passes the command to the OS :)17:47
hramrach_sumit_: clrscr is non-standard function17:47
hramrach_sumit_: if you want something like that look at readline or curses library17:47
justa_does anyone know how to open a programme in terminal but hide terminal while program is open17:48
Nephytheadmin: I mean those in /ect/xdg/autostart, only some of them appear in "Startup Appilcation Preferences"17:48
justa_i've been using terminal more and more and it just gets messy17:48
theadminNephy: Hm... I'm not sure why is that so.17:48
hramrach_justa_: minimize gnome-terminal?17:48
NephyI was looking for an alternative to disable useless apps other than deleting them from /etc/xdg/autostart17:48
LjLjusta_: have you considered using a terminal like tilda or yaquake?17:49
justa_Ljl no17:49
justa_sounds interesting17:49
LjLjusta_: yaquake at least will hide when a new window comes up17:50
theadminLjL: It's spelt "yakuake"17:50
theadminIf I recall right17:50
hramrach_LjL: btw awn has a popup terminal too17:51
paradox_I have a problem17:51
justa_I will look it up i think a better question is how to run programs in terminal in a way as they don't stop terminal getting input17:51
LjLjusta_: programname &17:51
paradox_use &17:51
theadminjusta_: Easy enough. "progname &disown"17:51
hramrach_justa_: program&17:51
theadminOr just &, but that way it will stop working when the terminal is closed (which is no good)17:52
paradox_How to clear soft bad sectors from a hdd17:52
paradox_Hi everyone17:52
BonkersOerHeks, hmm, I guess I should also mention that this box is older than SATA, is there an easy way other than the graphical installer to install ubuntu these days?17:52
theadminparadox_: You can't "clear" bad sectors. Bad sectors mean your drive is *physically* damaged. You need a new one.17:52
justa_Ahhh there we go been looking for that command line thank YOU, when you close the programme after does it automatcly shut down all instances or can i shut down program in terminal after that command17:52
pk23I;d like to set up a public key authentication system for my ubuntu ssh server logged in from my remote windows computer17:53
OerHeksBonkers yes, the alternate cd is a text installer17:53
paradox_thank you admin17:53
theadminjusta_: You can just close the program, OR you can "killall progname"17:53
paradox_but I have read that formating might solve the problem17:53
justa_great thank you17:53
pk23Do I generate a public/private key pair on my ubuntu server and generate a public key on my windows computer using putty_generator with my ubuntu's private key?17:53
MK14pk23: only on the client i believe17:53
paradox_pk23: putty is telnet17:54
paradox_so enabling telnet on server might work17:54
MK14paradox_: putty is a ssh client as well17:54
iddwbpk23: you generate a key pair any any host you want to use keys 'from' and copy the public key to the remote host you want to shell in to17:54
cawelI need to boot my Dell Vostro 1500 with the wireless hardware switch off, otherwise it will hang mid way in the booting process. Once I'm logged in, of course I don't have any wireless capability. But when I switch the wireless hardware on, it will freeze my computer about 3-4 sec after doing so. Looking in /var/log/syslog as it comes in tells me that right after switching it on, there are 30 callbacks being suppressed, that the iwl3945 firmware17:54
cawelbeing loaded, and that iwl3945 is waiting for START_ALIVE timeout after 2000ms.17:54
pk23iddwb: i think that makes a bit more sense17:54
tablesThe upgrade needs a total of 58.0 M free space on disk '/boot'.17:55
hramrach_theadmin: disown is nice but it has the problem that it disowns the last job which may be some random job in the case the program dies quickly17:55
tablesi encrypt my harddisks so how do i resize /boot ?17:55
MK14pk23: i also go w/ what iddwb said17:55
cawelAnd the network-manager shows that the "device is not ready".17:55
BonkersOerHeks, thanks, I'll check that out17:55
pk23iddwb: so do I just generate the private/public key pair in putty_generator, and copy the .pub key to my server residing under the ~/.ssh as authorized_keys ?17:56
tableshow do i get rid of old kernels?17:56
iddwbpk23: yes -- when you copy the pub key to user destination host you will want to append it to .ssh/authorized_keys -- authorized_keys file can store multiple pub keys enabling you to setup multiple 'hosts' that you can ssh in from.17:57
LjLtheadmin, paradox_: *soft* bad sectors do not necessarily mean the disk is damaged (although it probably is anyway). it's theoretically possible to just try zeroing those sectors, but i don't know how that's done while preserving the filesystem. it's still possible to "fsck -c" (which runs "badblocks" and isolates and stops using the bad blocks)17:58
theadminhramrach_: Hm, well, I think that when you use it directly, i.e. "lol &disown" it will disown the very job created for "lol".17:58
iddwbI'm using ubuntu 10.10 on one system and 11.x on another. One feature that I like in 11 is to ability to type in a 'search' string in the menu to find an install app. Is there a way to added that to the menu structure in ubuntu 10?18:00
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:01
theadminiddwb: I think MintMenu which works very well on the older versions of Ubuntu as well has that feature, in case you're interested, here's the PPA: https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/mintmenu18:02
pk23iddwb: hm, putty is still asking for my password when i try to log in as my username account.  I've also pointed putty to my private key i generated on my windows client18:02
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iddwbtheadmin: thanks will look at MintMenu -18:04
Guest7142hello all18:05
Guest7142i have a problem with dhcp3-server, it says it is not configured to listen on any interface, even though i specify this in "/etc/default/dhcp3-server", any suggestions?18:05
iddwbpk23: first, I'm not sure what you have done. If you created your key pair, and copied the ssh public key to the remote host, AND appended it to the .ssh/authorized_keys file, AND assured that it has the correct file mode -- then check the /var/log/auth or /var/log/secure on the remote host to see of ssh is logging anything important which could help.18:06
dewarhello, ive been trying without success to install xbmc on kubuntu. has any one here got it working?18:07
MK14dewar: are you getting any particular errors? I don't run it but if you are getting a specific error or have a specific problem I might be able to help.18:09
theadmindewar: This script is supposed to do it for you: http://packages.pulse-eight.net/ubuntu/install-xbmc.sh18:09
=== Mud is now known as Guest87874
dewari follow the instructions on the web site, but the installer doesnt find at the ppa address18:10
MK14dewar: which website are you getting the instructions from?18:10
Guest7142i have a problem with dhcp3-server, it says it is not configured to listen on any interface, even though i specify this in "/etc/default/dhcp3-server", any suggestions?18:11
theadmindewar: Those instructions are somewhat outdated. Please try the script I provided.18:12
MK14Guest7142: can you give us the line in which you specified it?18:12
MK14dewar: did you enable the universe repository?18:12
Guest7142INTERFACES="wlan0 eth0"18:13
Guest7142trying to route some internet..18:13
c0fthe whole internet?18:14
dewardeb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric universe multiverse18:14
dewardeb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric universe multiverse18:14
c0fas much as i can18:14
dewarthese two lines are in sources18:14
Guest7142i see the wireless signal but it isn't assigning any IP address, MK14, what u asked for is up there ^18:14
MK14Guest7142: yea, i saw it. checking something right now18:15
sumit_bro give me link to download ubuntu source code ??18:16
theadmindewar: Don't you read what I say? These instructions are OUT OF DATE. Use the script at http://packages.pulse-eight.net/ubuntu/install-xbmc.sh to install XBMC on the recent Ubuntu versions, including Oneiric.18:16
theadminsumit_: You can't download the source-code for all of Ubuntu, use the apt-get source command to get the code for specific packages.18:16
dewarok thanks willl have a look at them18:17
MK14dewar: theadmin:prolly knows more about this than me18:17
dagerikI have a couple of different laptops. How can I easily synchronize code and documents?18:18
dewartheadmin: , do i run this script in terminal?18:18
h00kdagerik: You could use Ubuntu One for this18:19
dagerikh00k: Ubuntu over dropbox?18:20
dagerikh00k: Ubuntu One over dropbox?18:20
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theadmindewar: Yeah. Run the following to get XBMC installed: wget http://packages.pulse-eight.net/ubuntu/install-xbmc.sh -O xbmc.install && chmod +x xbmc.install && ./xbmc.install18:20
dewarok thanks theadmin18:21
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h00kdagerik: no, Ubuntu one is a service to keep files/bookmarks, etc in sync, similar to Dropbox, but built-in18:22
h00kubottu: ubuntuone | dagerik18:22
ubottudagerik: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone18:22
sachettohi there18:23
sachettoI trying update bumblebee on my machine but its hanging on this line in the post install script: grep -q '^nouveau ' /proc/modules18:24
MK14h00k: dagerik: not sure which was asking. I have heard good things about spider oak.18:24
sachettoif I try to make a cat /proc/modules it hangs and I can't kill the process18:25
h00kMK14: not myself :)18:25
spenser309Hi, are there any guides for packaging a simple shell script?18:26
jribspenser309: I would find a simple shell script that's already packaged and just emulate that.  See ubottu and visit #ubuntu-packaging and #ubuntu-motu for more18:27
jrib!packaging | spenser30918:27
ubottuspenser309: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports18:27
_ravenmobile-internet +11.10: how to disable switching between hspa and umts? need only umts18:28
sachettoI trying update bumblebee on my machine but its hanging on this line in the post install script: grep -q '^nouveau ' /proc/modules18:31
sachettoif I try to make a cat /proc/modules it hangs and I can't kill the process18:31
Guest7142M14, found anything?18:34
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Guest7142MK14, this is what i see18:35
Ronis_BRhi all, I have a printer configured in CUPS and I want that it becomes a network printer. Is it possible?18:35
MK14Guest7142: what do you have as the subnet?18:37
thesuperlogicalhi all - i have a (in my eyes) a bit advances ssh question regarding authentication18:37
aevlkmje cherche le chat francais svp18:38
Guest7142a lot of mix up, i'm tryig to understand as i go along, k i'll send u two, files, the one i gave up on and su'm i'm trying now..18:38
h00k!fr | aevlkm18:38
ubottuaevlkm: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:38
MK14Guest7142: have you edited the dhcpd.conf file yet?18:38
DasEi!fr | aevlkm18:38
aeon-ltdthesuperlogical: just describe it to the channel and the people will help if they can18:38
thesuperlogicalLet's say I have a server with the local user Bob. now bob adds the public key of Merry to his authorized_keys file. Merry ssh into the server and now has a session with the user Bob. How would you figure out, that it's actually Merry logged in.18:39
sachettoI'm trying update bumblebee on my machine but its hanging on this line in the post install script: grep -q '^nouveau ' /proc/modules18:40
fritz"Merry ssh into the server and now has a session with the user Bob." this does not compute18:40
Guest7142MK14: ya...http://pastebin.com/9CXM2AmS is the old one i was working on... and this is the one i have now  http://pastebin.com/EJFF4AUQ18:40
thesuperlogical... well - not with bob, but as user bob18:41
thesuperlogicallet's say she says ssh bob@yourserver18:41
cordycepsI used this program earlier. It automatically finds all the different bootables on your HD and writes the appropriate grub file. Next time you boot all your different OSes are listed in the menu. But I forgot the name of the program 'boot-fix' or'grub-restore' or ? Does anybody recall the name of this great program?18:41
fritztype users into the command line18:41
theadmincordyceps: update-grub18:42
ActionParsnipcordyceps: sudo update-grub18:42
Guest7142cordyceps, i use super grub disk for stuff like that18:42
* cordyceps sounds familiar18:42
Guest7142or that..18:42
thesuperlogicalusers says Bob18:43
cordycepsGuest7142: does it work from the command line? sounds like it goes on a usb thingee18:43
Guest7142it is a cd18:43
theadmincordyceps: You're looking for "update-grub" or "bootrepair"18:43
Guest7142you can boot from it and do grub repair work with windows and linux alike18:44
ActionParsnipGuest7142: the ubuntu CD can repair grub just dandy, no need for 2 disks..18:44
thesuperlogicalI'm asking because github uses the user "git" for everyone using ssh to interact with the repository - how might this be realized?18:44
Guest7142i use mint, i'm here for dhcp3-server help18:45
ActionParsnipGuest7142: mint isnt supported here18:45
Guest7142cause i'm about to pullout all of my long hair18:45
LjLGuest7142: this channel only support Ubuntu, try going to the Mint support channel18:45
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:45
fritzeverytime someone logs in as user bob then another bob will be added to that list18:45
fritzwhat does Error: fcntl(write-lock) locking failed for file /var/mail/.imap/INBOX/dovecot.index.log: Bad file descriptor mean?18:45
ActionParsnipfritz: does the file exist?18:46
Guest7142hm, kind ppl aren't we..18:46
fritzActionParsnip: yes18:46
ActionParsnipGuest7142: very18:46
ActionParsnipGuest7142: this is ubuntu support, you aren't using ubuntu18:47
Guest7142ok, i got u ActionParsnip18:47
David_Pepsihi. some months ago i tried to update my ubuntu 10.10 to 11.4, but i interrupted it. how can i repair it?18:48
ActionParsnipGuest7142: thanks18:48
kn100My 1280x1024 monitor is stuck at 1024x768 with nvidia drivers. What do I do18:48
ActionParsnipDavid_Pepsi: boot to root recovery mode and run:  apt-get -f install18:48
David_Pepsiokay, i'll try. thank you18:48
Guest7142MK14 understand any of it?18:48
David_Pepsi"root" recovery mode, what does that mean?18:49
ActionParsnipkn100: run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig; gksudo nvidia-settings    set the resolution to something and click 'save to x config file', then run:  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf    and change the resolution in the screen section to what you desire. Reboot to test18:49
MK14Guest7142: one sec.18:49
ActionParsnipDavid_Pepsi: hold shift at boot, select recovery mode, select root18:49
os__hi i get this error when i try to complete intall with ubiquity18:50
David_Pepsiokay, thanks. see you later18:50
ActionParsnipos__: do you have a web connection in the live CD?18:50
os__ Jan 24 12:39:11 mint Ubiquity [ 3619 log-out -f ubiquity laptop-detect18:50
Vivekanandahello everyone.I am trying to set up a simple no compression back up in lucid.Grsync + cronjob was suggested here but I want a pop up every 5 mins if the job has not been completed on schedule and preferably an email to my mail.help?18:50
ActionParsnipos__: are you installing mint?18:50
os__ActionParsnip: MINT18:51
ActionParsnipos__: mint isn't supported here...18:51
ActionParsnipos__: mint, the OS based on Ubuntu18:51
MronoHas anyone gotten gizmo daemon compiled recently?18:51
ActionParsnip!mint | os__18:51
ubottuos__: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:51
fritzActionParsnip: I tried logging in from thunderbird and it says my password is no good18:51
kn100ActionParsnip: Done, can I just restart X rather than rebooting and if so how xD18:51
ActionParsnipos__: mint has its own support chanels18:51
MK14Guest7142: are you using this box as a router/firewall/gateway/etc?18:51
os__OK THANKS18:51
Guest7142MK14 take your time, i'm just overjoyied ur helping ^^18:51
Guest7142MK14 yes18:52
Guest7142that's the plan18:52
kn100ActionParsnip: since they disabled the usual shortcut18:52
ActionParsnipkn100: sure, if you get no desktop, drop to root recovery mode and rename the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file18:52
kn100ActionParsnip: yep yep18:52
Guest7142i see the wireless signal on the other computer but it id not getting an ip address MK1418:52
MK14Guest7142: do you not like the prebuilt router/firewall distros ? :)18:52
Guest7142this is my work computer also18:53
Guest7142i have everything how i like it on this one18:53
h00kGuest7142: I really suggest you check the Mint channel, because you're running it, and it isn't supported here.18:53
ActionParsnipGuest7142: mint is offtopic here18:53
Guest7142i did h00k, thx for the suggestion18:53
_ravenmobile-internet +11.10: how to disable switching between hspa and umts? need only umts18:54
bazhangGuest7142, so stop asking here please18:54
Guest7142ah, ok18:54
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Vivekanandaanyone who can respond?19:00
David_PepsiActionParsnip, so I booted ubuntu in recovery mode and typed in: apt-get -f install19:01
David_Pepsiis that right?19:01
bazhangVivekananda, to?19:01
ActionParsnipDavid_Pepsi: yes, it will continue the install19:01
Vivekananda.I am trying to set up a simple no compression back up in lucid.Grsync + cronjob was suggested here but I want a pop up every 5 mins if the job has not been completed on schedule and preferably an email to my mail.help?19:01
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ActionParsnipVivekananda: you can use notify-bin and use the notify OSD to give alerts19:02
David_PepsiActionParsnip: well, it didn't work. error codes: W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock19:02
* h00k sighs19:02
ActionParsnip!apt-fix | David_Pepsi19:02
ubottuDavid_Pepsi: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:02
ActionParsnipDavid_Pepsi: was the update interrupted due to power loss on a laptop per chance...19:03
MronoHas anyone been able to install evrouter?19:03
cawelIf you feel like giving me a hand regarding a iwl3945 wireless card not working with Ubuntu 11.10, here it is: http://askubuntu.com/questions/98211/switching-the-hardware-wireless-switch-on-makes-ubuntu-11-10-freeze19:04
ActionParsnipVivekananda: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1411620  may help19:04
David_PepsiActionParsnip, shall I try what ubottu wrote?19:05
fritzimap(play): Error: fcntl(write-lock) locking failed for file /var/mail/.imap/INBOX/dovecot.index.log: Bad file descriptor19:05
mbeierldoes anyone know if there has been progress on getting banshee/libgpod/etc to sync with version 5 of the itunes library?19:05
VivekanandaActionParsnip: Thanks a lot and I have no clue how notify-bin or OSD works but I will read up on both and try to set it up myself. I was just wondering if there is already something out there which has all these features integrated already so I dont have to any codes/shells scripts myself.19:07
paulus68I have this crontab http://paste.ubuntu.com/815651/ however it's not executing what am I doing wrong here?19:07
David_Pepsii'll try. see you later19:08
paulus68the chat is slow here19:10
=== Mud is now known as Guest9123
bobo37774Any way to use mouse to scroll up in irssi?19:12
aeon-ltdbobo37774: i don't think so, i just use page up/down19:13
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matthewmatthewremap mouse scroll to page up/page down19:14
David_Pepsiubottu: did not work. still same error code after sudo dpkg --configure -a: dpkg:error:unable to access dpkg status area: Read-only file system19:14
ubottuDavid_Pepsi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:14
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David_Pepsioh, so !apt-fix was a command for ubottu. right, ActionParsnip?19:14
bobo37774aeon-ltd: There has got to be a way.19:15
PiciDavid_Pepsi: yes. see ubottu's response above.19:15
paulus68bobo37774:  irssi is commandline interface not able to use the mouse there19:16
David_PepsiActionParsnip: what can i try now?19:16
sneumann_Hi, I have a problem booting a laptop with current 12.04 (actually all the time since 11.10, but 10.04 works fine).19:17
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sneumann_Grub2 drops me into a shell.19:17
paulus68can someone tell me what is wrong with this crontab? http://paste.ubuntu.com/815651/19:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 596554 in udev (Ubuntu) "Unable to mount root LVM partition" [Undecided,New]19:17
aeon-ltdsneumann_: #ubuntu+119:17
sneumann_thx aeon-ltd19:18
martianpaulus68: that's not necessarily true; when you view a manpage, you can scroll with the mouse for example.19:18
paulus68martian: thx19:19
IntensityHi.  I'm wondering if it's possible for a user to mount an encrypted subdirectory via a GPG key.  If loop-aes were in the kernel, then I think gpgkey= parameters can be included in /etc/fstab.  But I don't know how to modify /etc/fstab otherwise.19:22
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:22
David_Pepsithat's what i tried.19:23
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TomSlominskihello. when I connect my USB webcam (Logitech C310) my internet goes off and won't come back on :/19:23
savidMy trackpad stopped working all of the sudden.  Is there a module I can reload to get it going again?19:25
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DFan247If I do a fresh install of 11.10, from dual boot to full install, will I lose all my files and such?19:28
bazhangDFan247, you have wubi now?19:28
martianDFan247: not if your /home is on a separate partition... which is why doing that is a good idea.19:28
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving19:28
bobo37774paulus68: Mouse works in ncurses. Don't be silly. Time to get my google on.19:28
DFan247bazhang: I used wubi to install to a partition for dual booting, I want to fully install, and was wondering if I needed to save my files on the cloud for later19:31
testiHow can I see my ubuntu one files on the web?19:31
David_PepsiCan someone else help me? I interrupted my update from 10.10 to 11.04 and now I can't boot it anymore.19:31
theadminDFan247: You can't use wubi to install to a partition19:32
fisahello everyone19:32
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dawid_cześć ziomki19:32
bazhangDFan247, you wish to move the wubi install to the hdd outside of windows?19:32
bazhang!pl | dawid_19:32
ubottudawid_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:32
fisadoes anybody knows why have been removed several gnome-shell packages from the repos today?19:32
DFan247theadmin: I want to fully wipe and fresh install of 100% linux on my laptop19:33
fisagnome-shell-extensions-user-theme, and such19:33
DFan247will I need to move my files off my computer in order to retain them19:33
theadminDFan247: Ok, well, copy your files somewhere if you still need them19:33
bazhangDFan247, in that case, sure19:33
Seryth!music >mang019:33
paulus68can someone tell me what is wrong with this crontab? http://paste.ubuntu.com/815651/19:34
jdog2pt0Hey, I'm using ubuntu live cd, and I'm trying to get it so that I can use synatpic to repair some packages on my harddrive19:34
theadminpaulus68: Are those shellscripts executable?19:35
paulus68theadmin: yes19:35
theadminpaulus68: Are you aware that you can use "@daily", "@monthly", "@weekly" and such instead of times in cron? :P19:35
theadminpaulus68: Not the problem though, but just saying19:36
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theadminpaulus68: Also, I'd want to look at the scripts if I may. Seems the problem is in them19:36
jdog2pt0Anyone know how to get a hardrive mounted in live cd so you can edit packages with synaptic?19:36
paulus68theadmin: tin these shells is just rsnapshot hourly/daily/weekly/monthly19:37
theadmin!chroot | jdog2pt019:37
ubottujdog2pt0: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot19:37
David_PepsiCan someone help me? I interrupted my update from 10.10 to 11.04 and now I can't boot it anymore.19:37
paulus68theadmin: if I excecute them outside of cron they are working correctly19:37
theadminpaulus68: Hm... okay.19:37
theadminpaulus68: Are you sure your implementation of cron supports username specifications?19:38
theadminpaulus68: Try removing the "root"19:38
paulus68theadmin: ok19:38
Seryththeadmin: o/19:39
Seryththeadmin: I'm mang019:39
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paulus68theadmin: no change :(19:43
theadminpaulus68: Are you getting any logs?19:43
bobo37774aeon-ltd: paulus68: Download this     http://wouter.coekaerts.be/irssi/scripts/mouse.pl Make a directory ~/.irssi/scripts     After that in irssi do this --> /RUN mouse.pl19:45
paulus68theadmin: in what logfile do I need to search19:45
theadminpaulus68: I dunno, check root's mail actually.19:46
bobo37774Can't be done psh19:46
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paulus68theadmin: nothing19:47
elb0wSo does unity have any plan to let me put a launcher on the bar on the left19:48
theadminpaulus68: Well then no idea, sorry. I guess the scripts are at fault. Can I see them?19:48
elb0wor is this their attempt to make people use nautilus19:48
theadminelb0w: Err, you can easily do so... Run any program, right-click it's icon and choose "Keep in Launcher"19:49
ActionParsnipelb0w: you can add what you want to the unity bar19:49
paulus68theadmin: sure it contains just 2 lines  #!/bin/bash and line 2 rsnapshot hourly19:49
ActionParsnipelb0w: nautilus has been the default file browser in Gnome based Ubuntu forever...19:50
paulus68theadmin: when I launch it with ./snapshot hourly it's working correctly19:51
theadminpaulus68: I see... Weird, but okay19:51
paulus68theadmin: correction ./hourly.sh its working19:51
theadminpaulus68: Has it got anything to do with $PATH not always being set correctly when using cron? Can you change "rsnapshot" in the scripts to /usr/bin/rsnapshot and see if that helps?19:52
paulus68theadmin: ok I'll give it a go19:52
god-workbenchhello, I've not used ubuntu in a few years, I'm more use to using Gentoo, but I have an older machine that I don't have much time to spend compilng on, and don't want to cross compile. so i installed ubuntu from a minimal cd.  i have discovered upstart services. I have tried finding a solution to some kind of configuration interface to upstart19:52
god-workbenchbut all i can find is manually editing the conf files for it to disable the services. is there not a more convienient way to to this with something similar to BUM?19:53
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto19:53
god-workbenchthat doesn't pertain to rc.d services ActionParsnip19:54
theadmingod-workbench: update-rc.d and rcconf both are great tools for configuring boot process (first one is CLI, second one is ncurses)19:54
god-workbenchupstart services*19:54
ActionParsnipgod-workbench: worth a crack19:54
god-workbenchActionParsnip, done tried that crack ;)19:54
god-workbenchtheadmin, i've not found anything effective at disabling services that are upstart jobs using traditional rc.d service configurations19:55
ActionParsnipgod-workbench: http://nixcraft.com/shell-scripting/542-ubuntu-linux-control-startup-services-scripts.html  may help19:55
theadmingod-workbench: "update-rc.d" and "rcconf" are programs. apt-get install them if they aren't and run them as root19:55
god-workbenchi've tried all those tools and it just doesn't work. it tells you they are disabled. but they still start each time with upstart19:55
theadmingod-workbench: Oh, okay. Odd.19:55
bobo37774Jeos: Hello19:55
god-workbenchi'd like to just find a way to replace upstart completely if it isn't too difficult19:55
ActionParsnipgod-workbench: http://superuser.com/questions/266040/how-do-you-disable-an-upstart-service-in-ubuntu-10-1019:56
god-workbenchActionParsnip, if that is referring to manually editing the upstart .conf files to comment out the start on line19:56
JeosI recently installed xubuntu, and the monitor was working great at 1280x1024. Today I turned my pc on and the only options available are 640x480 or 320x240. How can I fix this?19:56
god-workbenchthen i have already done that. i can do that myself, it just is tedious19:57
trismgod-workbench: http://upstart.at/2011/03/11/override-files-in-ubuntu-natty/ is currently the best method I believe until we get some scripts to automate it19:57
bobo37774Jeos: Nvidia or ATI ?19:57
trismgod-workbench: assuming you are using 11.04 or greater19:57
asainthello guys how do i restore my desktop left bar and icons i was playing with compiz fusion and now everything is gone .... left with the up title bar that have the file edit etc.....19:57
god-workbenchtrism, so nobody has really worked on a script that will run sed to comment out the run for the service.conf you are trying to disable19:57
ActionParsnipJeos: which nvidia chip?19:57
bobo37774Jeos: Did you try using nvidia-settings?19:57
god-workbenchor uncomment it accordingly?19:57
paulus68theadmin: manually launched it's working however not through crontab19:58
ActionParsnipJeos: and what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc    please19:58
trismgod-workbench: override files don't modify the .conf19:58
theadmingod-workbench: Disabling a bunch of services with upstart is as easy as: for i in crond gdm loldaemon ; do mv /etc/init/$i.conf /etc/init/$i.conf.DISABLED19:58
god-workbenchtrism, such a tool shouldn't be much more than a few lines of bash code. i just haven't took the time to write a script myself19:58
theadmingod-workbench: Reenabling them is just as simple as the reverse of that19:58
AntonioBlobwhat is the list of exams to get a bachelor degree in computer science at MIT??19:58
trismtheadmin: that isn't really the nicest way since you can't start them manually later19:58
theadmintrism: True, but works19:59
god-workbenchtheadmin, yea i can do all that, but i was just wondering if there wasn't a tool similar to bum or rc-config that done it19:59
ActionParsnipAntonioBlob: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic please19:59
trismtheadmin: but so does: echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/servicename.override;19:59
WordpressNoobwhen ubuntu goes to install, the logo and dots show up then nothing appears on screen19:59
WordpressNoobthe monitor goes into standby19:59
WordpressNoobany idea?19:59
ActionParsnipWordpressNoob: what GPU do you use?19:59
theadmintrism: Ooh, neat19:59
theadmingod-workbench: Write one :P19:59
asainthello guys how do i restore my desktop left bar and icons i was playing with compiz fusion and now everything is gone .... left with the up title bar that have the file edit etc.....19:59
god-workbenchmay i ask what the point of replacing the standard init style scripts with upstart was?19:59
ActionParsnipasaint: http://askubuntu.com/questions/70572/reset-unity-and-gnome-to-default-values20:00
god-workbenchi mean what is the key benefits?20:00
xanguaasaint: tried to reset unity¿ : unity --reset20:00
WordpressNoobEmbedded ATI ES1000 with 16MB memor20:00
JeosHmm opening the nvidia x-server settings shows this: "Unable to load x server display configuration page: failed to query NoScanout for screen 0"20:00
h00kasaint: try using alt+f2 and typing 'unity --reset'20:00
ActionParsnipWordpressNoob: try the boot option:  nomodeset20:00
WordpressNoobActionParsnip i've installed it before and it worked but i messed up something and want to start over20:00
WordpressNoobwhere would i do that? after the initial boot from usb?20:01
asaintyeah it works thanks guys20:01
ActionParsnip!bootoption | WordpressNoob20:01
ubottuWordpressNoob: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.20:01
god-workbenchtheadmin:: trism::  i have a very minimal install that i only use a browser on this system. similar to a chrome-OS. except it is linux. consists of openbox, and only a autostart for chrome.  so any dependencies for X or the minimal cd that got auto installed are all still services20:01
god-workbenchi only have 512mb ram with the system and its a p4 2.4ghz. so i just want to use it as a web terminal basically20:02
RafigHi all!!!20:02
shal3r_Where can i get default ubuntu-oneiric kernel config?20:02
ActionParsnipgod-workbench: I'd suggest you use xpud then ;) it boots in seconds and will give a browser20:02
god-workbenchbut i have quiet a few services that get started that i don't desire. and i can manually turn them off. i just don't like the way upstart has no good way to disable/enable services at boot temporarily or permanently20:03
aeon-ltdgod-workbench: shameless plug - try arch?20:03
god-workbenchActionParsnip, "a browser" isn't chrome20:03
mega1other than zimbra is there any other program that would do it20:03
RafigAt what email address to write a complaint to Canonical?20:03
ActionParsnipgod-workbench: it has firefox by default, but you can add chromium if you want20:03
god-workbenchaeon-ltd, doesn't arch have some weird new rc replacement too?20:03
RafigPLease help?20:04
JeosActionParsnip:  the output of lsb_release -sc  is oneiric20:04
god-workbenchActionParsnip, is xpud a distro or something for ubuntu?20:04
Rafigemail adress?20:04
ActionParsnipgod-workbench: no its completely separate but you can use ubuntu debs to make the packages for it20:04
h00kRafig: you could file a bug on Launchpad20:04
ActionParsnipRafig: try a FULL question rather that 2 meaningless words20:04
RafigI want to report abuse20:05
MyrttiRafig: where/by whom?20:05
ActionParsnipRafig: here on irc?20:05
lakomhow do can I clone a screen using the native resolutions of the monitors and using the full screensize?20:05
god-workbenchActionParsnip, i don't really see the point in changing anything, the only thing i dont like about this really is the upstart/plymouth stuff. i mean  for an old machine and for compatibility reasons is why i chose the ubuntu minimal cd20:05
paulus68theadmin: manually launched it's working however not through crontab20:05
aeon-ltdgod-workbench: services are managed here under daemons https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Rc.conf#Daemons20:05
Rafigby moderators in my community20:05
theadminaeon-ltd: That's in Arch, not Ubuntu...20:06
theadminaeon-ltd: Yeah, in Arch it's very simple20:06
bazhangaeon-ltd, dont recommend arch here thanks20:06
h00kRafig: a Local Community?20:06
god-workbenchi could use arch, but i just don't really like arch builds and pacman20:06
danovaOn latest 3.0.15 kernel update my dell latitude  E6410 is not detected anymore (unknown screen). Can anybody point to an answer. Intel chipset.20:06
god-workbenchsadly most things are written with ubuntu in mind.20:06
ActionParsnipRafig: i'd go to #ubuntu-ops20:06
theadmingod-workbench: Easy to get used to, and AUR has everything, but let's stay on topic, shall we?20:06
god-workbenchso like i said i went with ubuntu mini, just to keep compatibility and have a wide selection of binary packages for this old machine20:07
Rafigits what?20:07
h00kRafig: that wouldn't go to Canonical, rather perhaps you could head to #ubuntu-locoteams to discuss it20:07
god-workbenchtheadmin, im trying to stay on topic.20:07
ActionParsnipgod-workbench: makes sense20:07
buhdabotthey have to rework everything to make sure it works for ubuntu- not the other way around20:07
shal3r_Where can i get default ubuntu-oneiric kernel config? I want to try ubuntu kernel on non-ubuntu system20:07
ActionParsnipgod-workbench: most things are written with linux in mind ;)20:07
buhdabotit all works for debian is what it works for20:07
theadminshal3r_: sudo apt-get source linux20:08
danovaOn latest 3.0.15 kernel update my dell latitude  screen is not detected anymore (unknown screen). Can anybody point to an answer.20:08
ActionParsnipJeos: try the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=120:08
ActionParsnipdanova: which GPU?20:09
bobo37774I wish ubuntu had pacman20:09
god-workbenchActionParsnip: thats really not true.. look at most static binary pkgs in taballs, for instance skype.. the libraries that are used for most things are precompiled on ubuntu, making  you have to do nasty things in /usr/lib to get pkgs to work20:09
Rafigubuntu-ops or ubuntu-locoteams?20:09
danovaIntel chipset20:09
ActionParsnipdanova: try the boot option: nomodeset20:09
buhdabotand yeah it alll works for linux- almost al prop programs are bastardized open source ones it seems20:09
mega1what can i use for shared contacts on ubuntu server 11.1020:09
danovaok i give it a try and come back in a few miinutes20:09
=== Mud is now known as Guest13550
paulus68is there a way that you can test if cronjobs are working correctly?20:10
JeosActionParsnip: How do I try that boot option?20:10
emI am running Lucid and everything was going splendidly. Then I did an aptitude full-upgrade, turned off the computer, and when i turned it back on, it gets to the splash screen, but then, when it would let you log in, the screen just goes black, no video.20:10
emare there any ideas for things i might try when i go to try fix it?20:10
god-workbenchbuhdabot, ubuntu was originally based on debian package management, at one point there releases had pretty good backwards compatibility in the testing/unstable branches, but these days thats not the case. ubuntu has pretty much turned to its own distro using its own packages. and there isn't much cross compatibility at all anymore20:11
RafigThere are me not answer!20:11
RafigHELP PLEASE!20:11
dagerikI have a scripts which takes screenshot and uploads the png to an http server and provides an http link for it. How can I make ubuntu play a sound each time someone opens the picture?20:11
ActionParsnip!bootoption | jeos20:11
ubottujeos: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.20:11
bobo37774em: You could try a clen install instead. That is the only real thing I have ever heard reccomended as opposed to a distro upgrade20:12
LjLRafig: this channel is for Ubuntu technical support, please have some patience in #ubuntu-locoteams and actually *state your issue* there20:12
bobo37774em: clean*20:12
emgod-workbench: I don't think that's very accurate. Maybe not a lot of cross compatibility but most packages are still made by debian.20:12
paulus68is there a way that you can test if cronjobs are working correctly?20:12
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embobo37774: you mean the only way to fix it is to reinstall ubuntu?20:12
LjLem: start by booting in recovery mode and reading the logs20:13
emI'll try to get back here when i get to work where the machine is.20:13
god-workbenchbut anyway the only solution to having control of your upstart services is to either edit the .conf files. or to move them from the /etc/init directory? there isn't a simple tool to do something like: upstart-config remove atd default (to remove atd from the default runlevel)20:13
ActionParsnippaulus68: cron the same command, just nearer to the current time20:14
trismgod-workbench: no, I gave you a link earlier, but the basic idea is: echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/servicename.override; will stop a service from starting at boot but still allow you to start it manually (if you are using ubuntu >= 11.04)20:14
god-workbenchem most base packages may be made by debian, but when it comes to desktop packages and multimedia applications i'm almost certain that the ubuntu team packages those and patches those apart from debian20:14
trismgod-workbench: you could always write a script to create and delete those .override files I suppose20:15
paulus68ActionParsnip: 2  * * * *       /root/hourly.sh  is the current line which should run every 2 mins however it's not doing anything :(20:15
god-workbenchtrism, something so simple, i don't see why nobody has done something like that already20:15
ActionParsnippaulus68: is it cron'd as root? is the file marked as executable?20:15
god-workbenchi could do that and try to contribute it i suppose20:15
ActionParsnippaulus68: the file extension means nothing in Linux. Does the file have the top line:   #!/bin/bash20:15
paulus68ActionParsnip: the file is marked as executable I can run it manually by entering ./hourly.sh20:16
ActionParsnippaulus68: did you run:  sudo crontab -e   to cron as root?20:16
shal3r_theadmin, i'm not om ubuntu for that :)20:16
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god-workbenchguess i may just do:  for i in /etc/init/*.conf; do echo manual |sudo tee /etc/init/$i.override;done and then manually remove the ones from the override that i know i need to keep20:16
paulus68ActionParsnip: yes I did20:17
buhdabotgod-workbench, is that why debians flash package is 10kb and ubuntus is 60MB?20:17
ActionParsnippaulus68: i'd add a line in the script to email root, or display a notification using wall or notify-osd if you have a desktop UI20:18
god-workbenchbuhdabot, i have no idea. like i said i haven't used ubuntu in a few years regularly, nor debian, but i have used them enough to see the differences in packages, and differences in cross-compatibility20:18
JeosActionParsnip: Booting with that option did not change anything. I think that the problem can be solved by just adding the 1280x1024 option to the settings->display menu20:18
paulus68ActionParsnip: this is the script http://paste.ubuntu.com/815733/20:18
paulus68ActionParsnip: how would I that?20:18
god-workbenchquiet honestly ubuntu's rise in popularity and user base has made debian quiet unusable when it comes to using non-free .deb binaries you find online20:18
god-workbenchalthough i try to avoid them. it is really just easier to use ubuntu for compatibility with virtually everything..20:19
ActionParsnippaulus68: I'd add some sort of notification in the script, either visually or audibly20:19
buhdabotgod-workbench i think onse you have the sytem using gdebi its about the same with package installs20:21
danovanomodset fixed the black screen on my dell latitute 6410 with kernel 3.0.15. However i cannot change the resolution it is fixed and screen show unknownn20:22
bobo37774What do you guys think is too big for a tv as a computer monitor? 40 42 46?20:22
buhdabotprobably has to do with the size of the phophor emiiters20:23
bazhangbobo37774, thats not an ubuntu support issue20:23
buhdaboti would get something with that newr 1900 or whatever pixels but not so big that its messed up20:23
bazhangbobo37774, #ubuntu-offtopic please20:23
Jeosxrandr returns: "Failed to get size of gamma for output default"20:24
danovanomodset fixed the black screen on my dell latitute 6410 with kernel 3.0.15. However i cannot change the resolution it is fixed and the screen is showns unknown when i run detect display20:25
ViriisXPsalut à tous20:25
ActionParsnippaulus68: add a call to mplayer to play a short sound file20:26
LjL!fr | ViriisXP20:26
ubottuViriisXP: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:26
paulus68ActionParsnip: I am on a serverr20:26
ViriisXPok thx20:26
ActionParsnippaulus68: if you have your sound hardware setup, you can use mplayer in CLI...20:27
paulus68ActionParsnip: ok20:27
PromilleSomebody had any problems with the shortcut (alt+F2) dont work anymore, after upgrading to 11.10 from 11.04 ?20:28
ActionParsnipPromille: does it happen for all users?20:28
lakomis it at all possible to clone to an external screen with a different resolution using all the workspace?20:28
PromilleActionParsnip: Only have one user.20:29
ActionParsnipPromille: make a fresh user, your OS can hold literally billions of local users20:29
PromilleWill do, see if it helps..20:29
ActionParsnipPromille: I don't type that fast.I just pretyped it as it is a common reply..20:29
pinportalhello, i would like to know if ubuntu 12,04 will need to use terminal too?20:29
PromilleActionParsnip: ;)20:29
Promillepinportal: for what?20:30
ActionParsnipPromille: did you really think a modern OS would only support one user..20:30
pinportalfor everything20:30
PromilleActionParsnip: Ofcourse not, but I don't see why it would do any differance20:30
JeosActionParsnip: Disabling the nVidia restricted driver has allowed me to set the resolution to 1024x768, but not 1280x1024. The problem must be something related to that20:31
Promillepinportal: Will be an alternativ ofcourse, but not mandatory for most tasks. Something particular you have in mind?20:31
pinportalbecause i saw that this news version will not have terminal,20:31
ActionParsnipPromille: the new user would get default settings, if it works there then your settings are at fault, if not then it is the application itself20:31
PromilleActionParsnip: I see. Is there any way to just set the settings to default on the current user?20:32
trismPromille: which desktop are you using? if gnome-shell or possible gnome fallback, check System Settings/Keyboard/Shortcuts/System to make sure the shortcut is enabled20:32
ActionParsnipPromille: not sure there20:32
Promilletrism: gnome fallback is correct20:32
PromilleActionParsnip: Thanks though20:33
trismPromille: yes so check there, it was disabled when I first installed oneiric for me20:33
ActionParsnipJeos: all I can recommend is make an xorg.conf file using: sudo nvidia-xconfig, then run: gksudo nvidia-settings   and set the resolution to something and edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf    to set the res you want20:33
Promillepinportal: Probably just a misunderstanding. A lot of people prefer to have a terminal rady, so it wont be completely removed at least.20:33
Jeosthanks. Ill try it out20:33
shal3r_Where can i get default ubuntu-oneiric kernel config? I want to try ubuntu kernel on non-ubuntu system20:33
Promillepinportal: Maby more "hidden"20:34
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dsdaHi there, how do I change the icon theme in oneric?20:34
zykotick9does "apt-cache policy" show PPAs?20:34
trismdsda: install gnome-tweak-tool and you can change the themes20:35
ActionParsnipzykotick9: if the package comes from a ppa, yes20:35
ActionParsnipdsda: there is the appearence app in dash you can run20:35
zykotick9ActionParsnip: "apt-cache policy" without a package should list where all updates are coming from, i'm curious if PPAs are individual listed, or listed at all.20:35
dsdaActionParsnip: it doesn't allow me to change the icontheme however20:35
Onepamopaguys, any idea how to turn on TRIM on ssd software raid1 ?20:36
OnepamopaOS is already installed, fs = ext420:36
xsulfurhi. i have a kind of noob question,but hey. Is there any youtube-downloader-type app for ubuntu ?? except for  flashcache script,and youtube-dl and windows programs throught Wine.. any Gui app ?  Thanks20:36
xsulfurby the way,sorry for my bad english20:37
pinportalwhat is the better linux today? Ubuntu?Why?20:37
Promilletrism: Hey, it worked. Thanks man :)20:37
Onepamopaanyone about trim?20:37
acerimmerxsulfur: there's a plugin you can add to ffox that does the job20:37
aeon-ltdpinportal: there isn't one, just use one that suits your needs and fits within your pc's specs20:38
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paulus68ActionParsnip: the only thing that I can think of is that crontab is corrupted somehow since the seperate sh files are working correctly20:38
ActionParsnippaulus68: is cron running ?20:38
pinportalok, ubuntu 12,04 64bits will be recomended by canonical? why?20:39
NickHuHey guys, quick query regarding X11 forwarding20:39
xsulfuracerimmer, Yes,i know..i just wondering if i could find a standalone GUI app. Anyway, many thanks20:39
paulus68ActionParsnip: how can I check this?20:39
aeon-ltdpinportal: because it moves with technologic and software develpoments, also it's easy for users to use20:39
NickHuIs it like VNC in that the user on the remote computer that I'm connecting to can also interact with it?20:39
LjLpinportal: this channel is strictly about Ubuntu technical support, please discuss hypotheticals in #ubuntu-offtopic20:40
zykotick9NickHu: X forwarding doesn't typically provide as shared desktop no, you typically just start an application not the entire desktop (and the local user won't see it)20:40
pinportalok but i have a AMD 32 bits that  is running  ubuntu 11,1020:41
LjLpinportal: ok, what's the problem?20:41
NickHuzykotick9: Thanks :)20:42
Onepamopaany idea on how to enable trim on software raid 1 ssd's ? os is already installed, fs is ext420:43
pinportalhow can i use the ubuntu 12,04 because my processor is 32 bits20:43
ActionParsnippaulus68: ps -ef | grep -i cron20:43
auronandace!12.04 | pinportal20:43
ubottupinportal: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:43
acerimmerpinportal: use ubuntu 32 bit20:43
ActionParsnippinportal: the release is available in 32bit20:44
paulus68ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/815768/20:44
pinportalbut i heard that canonical changed the tcnology in ubuntu and now ubuntu 64bits will now the recomended version for everybody because it is faaster, my question is how canonical made that/20:45
acerimmerpinportal: why?  you said you have a 32 bit computer.  use the 32 bit software.  problem sovled.20:45
zykotick9Onepamopa: i haven't enabled trim on my SSD, but according to http://techgage.com/article/enabling_and_testing_ssd_trim_support_under_linux/ it's just a matter of adding "discard" to your fstab file?  good luck.20:45
ohzieWhat program handles media buttons on keyboards/laptops? Like my back/forward/play-pause/volumeup/volumedown/mute keys?20:45
ohziesometimes they work and sometimes they don't20:46
Onepamopazykotick9 nothing else ?20:46
Onepamopaif that's the case then - perfect20:46
ActionParsnippaulus68: its running then, cron may have a log file in /var/log20:46
shal3r_Where can i get default ubuntu-oneiric kernel config? I want to try ubuntu kernel on non-ubuntu system20:46
* auronandace admires acerimmer (what a guy!)20:46
ActionParsnippinportal: I'm on Precise 32bit right now..20:46
ohzieauronandace: Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back by morning.20:46
acerimmerohzie: depends.  some computers have supported media keys - like my dell 1545 laptop.  some don't.20:47
ActionParsnippinportal: 64bit isn't faster than 32bit overall.20:47
ohzieauronandace: I think that's the quote, I haven't seen it for years. Is it back by breakfast?20:47
pinportalok thanks, do you think that ubuntu is now sufficient advanced to chance my windows 7 ?20:47
ohzieacerimmer: Mine work part of the time and don't work part of the time. Sometimes I have to reboot to make them work. I am using an HP laptop, if that helps.20:47
ActionParsnippinportal: how do you mean "chance"?20:47
auronandaceohzie: yes, by breakfast (i fear we have hit offtopic)20:47
ActionParsnippinportal: and how do you mean "advanced"20:47
acerimmerAce's catchphrase is "Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"20:48
pinportalbecause i know that games as call of duty dont work!!20:48
LjLpinportal: that depends on what *you* need to do on your computer.20:48
ActionParsnippinportal: well, it's made for WIndows.20:48
ohzieacerimmer: Okay I was close. Like I said, it's been years.20:48
LjLpinportal: if you're into Windows games a lot, use Windows.20:48
ActionParsnippinportal: you can check the appdb to see how it runs in wine20:48
ActionParsnippinportal: if you use the PC mainly for gaming, I'd stick with windows. Running games doesn't make an OS advanced.It means the devs have neglected to code it for any other OS.20:49
acerimmerohzie: http://askubuntu.com/questions/61750/how-to-enable-the-hp-quickplay-buttons20:49
ActionParsnippinportal: so thats no reflection of the OS20:49
ActionParsnippinportal: games like urbanterror, Doom3, penumbra and return to castle wolfenstein ALL run natively on BOTH OSes20:50
bafhi guys, having recently problem to install flashplugin due broken dependencies. Anyone having the same problem?20:51
ubuntufanI had an issue where my machine locked up from running too many virtual machines on 11.10 (vmware). How do I prevent this from happening in the future?20:51
zykotick9ActionParsnip: RtCW single player has been problematic/non-functional on my recent system... just sayin' ;)20:51
NickHuzykotick9: Is it possible to get X forwarding to achieve this "shared desktop" effect?20:51
ActionParsnipbaf: can you give a pastebin of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'           Thanks20:51
zykotick9NickHu: perhaps, but i'm unaware of a method to do it.  I wouldn't even know how to ssh forward a full desktop, other then by piggiebacking on vnc.20:52
pinportali play only one: battlefield play for free, but i am exhausted to pay expensive to windows, because i bought a notebook with windows 7 in 2010 and now 2012 microsoft will show windows 8, and my OS will be old, in linux i can update for free but the programs are not so good than windows, so i dont know what to do....20:52
ActionParsnipNickHu: the apps you run will spawn new processes and display on the client only, so no.Why do you want to access the remote desktop?20:52
ubuntufancan I set a policy so that 5% of the cpu always remains free?20:52
ubuntufanfor user mode in ubuntu20:53
NickHuActionParsnip: To show my friend how to effectively use some linux stuff whilst talking over skype20:53
zykotick9pinportal: linux programs aren't as good as windows - that's funny.20:53
ActionParsnippinportal: Windows 7 is still supported by Microsoft even when Windows 8 comes out. You don't need to upgrade just because a new release is out20:53
bafActionParsnip : http://pastebin.com/9tYfQBth20:53
thyrantanyone know how to check md5sum on a file?20:53
zykotick9md5 | thyrant20:54
brando_123hello, can somebody tell me whether a dual monitor setup(extended desktop) on an intel integrated sandy bridge VGA card is even possible? I tried ubuntu 10.04, 11.10 & 12.04. I even tried xorg-edgers ... All to no avail20:54
ubottuthyrant: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:54
zykotick9!md5 | thyrant20:54
ActionParsnipNickHu: ahhh, a good use of VNC, you can use VNC via SSH tunnel for security20:54
ActionParsnipbaf: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-downloader:i38620:54
NickHuActionParsnip: Ah, okay, it's just I heard X11 forwarding uses less bandwidth, and I'd never used it before so I was curious :P20:55
WordpressNoobi tried installing ubuntu again, this time with --nomodeset20:55
pinportalon my chat is is always show that username X getting in, username Y get out, how can i stop that, because it is boring to conversation20:55
ActionParsnipbaf: then enable the partner repo and install adobe-installer    you will get 64bit bit flash for your 64bit OS20:55
WordpressNoobmy screen still goes into standby after the ubuntu logo and 5 dots load20:55
ActionParsnippinportal: what client?20:55
ActionParsnipWordpressNoob: it's nomodeset   not --nomodeset20:55
bafActionParsnip : cheers, but did not help http://pastebin.com/xnQr5Jhf20:56
ActionParsnipbaf: when did I say to install flashplugin-installer??20:56
bafActionParsnip : ahh, too quickly. I missed note from you20:57
myk_robinsonAfternoon, all20:57
mega1what can i use for shared contacts on ubuntu server 11.1020:57
ActionParsnipbaf: rad what I write, not what you think I write20:57
myk_robinsonI have a Lenovo Z570 1024 laptop, and the spec shows that it has up to 5 hours battery life. This spec is obviously with the included Windows 7. I'd like to know what I can do to get anywhere near that with Ubuntu20:58
WordpressNoobActionParsnip well i pressed tab on install, then type nomodeset20:58
genewitchmyk_robinson: how much are you getting now?20:58
WordpressNoobthe two dashes wer ejust there by default20:58
ActionParsnippinportal: http://xchatdata.net/Using/Assistant   shows how20:58
myk_robinsongenewitch: roughly 2 hours, maybe 10-15 minutes more20:58
ActionParsnipWordpressNoob: then its not right, i also suggest you remove: quiet splash      too20:59
myk_robinsongenewitch: also, it takes about the same amount of time to charge, which may be normal. Never really used it with Windows20:59
bafActionParsnip : thanx, will try20:59
genewitchmyk_robinson: since ubuntu uses a generic kernel you probably have to mess with power (apmd) settings using whatever interface you can, click your battery with your mouse and the dropdown click it again20:59
acerimmermyk_robinson: have you actually gotten 5 hours use on battery power under windows??20:59
genewitchmyk_robinson: you can see the current and rating of the battery20:59
genewitchacerimmer: i get waaaay more battery out of ubuntu than i do windows on a netbook20:59
genewitchbut i set it up to spin down discs and run with lower backlight and idle the CPU at a lower clockspeed21:00
acerimmergenewitch: right right.  I was questioning specs vs. reality21:00
genewitchacerimmer: well, here's the thing; myk_robinson you need to see if the battery is actually capable of holding the "rated" charge anymore21:00
zykotick9myk_robinson: "generally" windows will get longer batter life then gnu/linux (unfortunatly, blame the h/w makers)21:00
genewitchzykotick9: lol what21:01
myk_robinsongenewitch: here's the info you asked about the battery     http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/5b1hb90z/PowerStatistics_028.png21:01
zykotick9genewitch: sad but true i'm afraid.21:01
genewitchzykotick9: it's a KERNEL command you can send, the intel stuff uses more power on linux untill you fix the kernel settings21:01
genewitchmyk_robinson: so your battery is brand new21:01
myk_robinsongenewitch: I assume the battery is still in good shape, the laptop is less that a year old, bought it in August (after driving over my old laptop with my truck accidentally)21:01
genewitchmyk_robinson: yeah see that energy when full and energy(design) bit? that's what tells you how good your battery is21:02
myk_robinsongenewitch: this states that its current capacity is not too far off from new?21:02
zykotick9myk_robinson: a year is a long time for a battery, that's why batteries aren't typically included with one year warranties21:02
genewitchmyk_robinson: so you're using 5.5 Wh and you have 43.2 Wh, divide that, that's how long it should last doing whatever it is you were doing when you took that screen cap. obviously if you're watching videos or mining bitcoins.21:03
[]omegadarkest[]ubuntu 11.10 running samba, i have 2 nic's assigned connecting it through 2 different networks. I can access the share through eth0's ip just fine but when I try the eth1 network I can see the folders but says i don't have access to it. What might I be missing?21:03
genewitchmyk_robinson: give it a week of ubuntu to adjust the nubmers, but it's saying that you're actually doing better than the spec for the battery. don't worry, mine says that too. it's a good thing.21:03
myk_robinsongenewitch: Ubuntu has been installed on this since day one21:03
myk_robinsongenewitch: that said, what did you mention earlier about apmd or something to improve on battery performance?21:04
myk_robinsongenewitch: also, these days, does leaving a laptop plugged in most of the time negatively impact the battery?21:04
zykotick9myk_robinson: the powertop package might give you some insights?21:04
zykotick9myk_robinson: yes it does!  heat is a batteries worst enemy.21:04
myk_robinsonzykotick9: i ran powertop earlier today and adjusted some toggles. They don't seem to stick.. After a reboot, everything is right back to where it was.21:05
genewitchmyk_robinson: no you can leave it plugged in. it's bad to let ti go down like 40% then charge, then down 10% then charge. not horrible, but not as good as depleting it then recharging or just leaving it plugged in all the time21:05
PatrickCi keep getting this error when trying to upgrade to 12.0421:05
PatrickCcrap, wrong link21:05
PatrickC1 second21:05
PiciPatrickC: 12.04 support is in #ubuntu+1 at this time.21:05
zykotick9genewitch: modern batteries don't have a memory, no longer an issue.  charging them all the time is!21:05
PatrickCok thanks21:05
genewitchmyk_robinson: http://smackerelofopinion.blogspot.com/2011/12/improving-battery-life-in-ubuntu.html and another http://zinc.canonical.com/~cking/power-benchmarking/notes/reducing-power-consumption-tricks.txt21:05
myk_robinsongenewitch: so it theory, everything is probably fine, but Windows does some kind of magic to get these ridiculous claims of 5-8 hours?21:05
genewitchzykotick9: it's not memory, it's just the heat that dries out the goop in the batteries faster21:06
acerimmerPatrickC: AND it's still only an alpha release.  what do you expect?21:06
genewitchmyk_robinson: it allows the CPU to idle at a lower clock speed21:06
zykotick9genewitch: leaving it plugged in - is bad advice... all i'm saying.21:06
genewitchmyk_robinson: ubuntu can do it too, just not out of the box because it makes a machine feel sluggish when you wake it up21:06
genewitchzykotick9: my laptop stays docked 9 hours a day... the battery is fine21:06
zykotick9!wfm | genewitch21:07
ubottugenewitch: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/21:07
myk_robinsongenewitch: regarding powertop, how do I make my toggled adjustements "stick"?21:07
ShooterMGin ubuntu 11, where do i go to manually edit the screen resolutions/refresh rates?21:07
eventiare there any upstart experts here?21:07
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myk_robinsonhere's what powertop currently says      http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/upqlxd50/mykrobIdeapadZ570_029.png21:08
CyberDawgAnyone know how to change to boot page splash screen?21:08
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KimbleHi.  I need a filesystem-level clone tool for Ubuntu server that can run from a CD.  Googling reveals what I can only surmise as being block-level clones, which is no good for my purposes.  Any suggestions?21:08
zykotick9Kimble: rsync?21:09
Kimblemyk_robinson: I had this exact question.  PowerTOP settings are designed _not_ to stick.  This was a programming decision. They do not survive reboot. You have to manually apply them each time you boot.21:09
tyler_dI am trying to run scorched earth3d and it continues to tell me that it cannot render the graphics21:09
genewitchmyk_robinson: run it as root i imagine21:09
myk_robinsonKimble: seems kinda silly...Maybe its by design so that if you totally screw something up it will revert, but if it works well, i'm sure there's a way to make it permanent21:10
=== Mud is now known as Guest11285
tyler_dI don't really want to install the actual nvidia drivers as I have heard nothing but problems from them21:10
myk_robinsongenewitch: you have to run powertop as root. Kimble says this is normal, though21:10
Kimblezykotick9: ok.  How would I best use it to accomplish my purpose?  I'd rather it cloned to a single, portable file (like a tar or some such).21:10
genewitchmyk_robinson: googling "laptop ubuntu tweaks" is generally what i would do21:11
zykotick9Kimble: so why the filesystem level requirement?  clonezilla can clone drives to files?21:11
JoseeAntonioRHello! Do you know how to remap some keys?21:11
genewitchmyk_robinson: i have half the rated power in my netbook battery that it advertised (i bought a floor model) and i still get 5+ hours out of it between charges21:11
Kimblezykotick9: I need the ability to restore the clone to a partition of smaller size.21:11
genewitchi just googled around21:11
CyberDawgnobody knows?21:11
zykotick9Kimble: sorry, i'm not familiar with rsyncing to a file.  Good luck.21:12
Kimblezykotick9: np.21:12
tyler_dCyberDawg: whats the question?21:12
guest_how to install & work with xmonad21:13
Kimblemyk_robinson: check out the archives at the PowerTOP mailing list here: http://www.bughost.org/mailman/listinfo/power.21:13
CyberDawghi tyler_d  I would like to change the boot screen background ( Get away from the ugly purple one)  Any ideas how to do that?21:13
KimbleIt's not loading for me just now, perhaps you'll have better luck.  Go to this month's archives and you'll see a discussion there on your topic.21:13
WulongWhy does the service not get restarted when running it in crontab? * * * * * if iwconfig wlan0 | grep -o "Access Point: Not-Associated"; then service network-manager restart;fi21:14
tyler_dCyberDawg: I would highly recommend checking through some of the posts at gnome-looks as from what I gather there are several diff options to get this done.21:14
zykotick9guest_: install with "sudo apt-get install xmonad" for use check documentation/their site perhaps?  are you sure you know what you're getting into ;)21:14
CyberDawggnome-looks ?21:14
onelineri noticed the update manager is pushing a new kernel, but i got edgers video drivers, any one able to confirm headers wont break this install?21:14
JoseeAntonioRCyberDawg You can find instructions here: www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-easily-change-your-usplash-screen-in-ubuntu/21:15
tyler_dWulong: because network manager is run in x with sudo permissions, you have probably added that to your users crontab21:15
myk_robinsonreading this at the moment    https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/PowerManagement/PowerSavingTweaks21:15
CyberDawgJoseeAntonioR,  thanks mang21:15
zykotick9JoseeAntonioR: usplash != plymouth21:15
Wulongtyler_d: I have added it in roots crontab.21:15
guest_zykotick9, nah, i'm just trying it our. i've installed the package but when i login into xmonad session, i dont get anything(not even a welcome message)21:15
tyler_dWulong: what does it report the problem as?21:15
tyler_dWulong: moreover why are you doing that?21:16
zykotick9guest_: that doesn't surprise me.  Sorry i've never used xmonad, i recently started using awesome.21:16
WulongBecause network-manager sucks when it comes to reconnect21:16
tyler_dWulong: that does not really describe a problem?21:16
WulongIf it looses connection and not gain it within 30 sec it NEVER tries again.21:16
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
zykotick9guest_: awesome WM is the hardest windows manager i've ever used, but it is awesome once you get it working ;) if you like tiling windows managers21:17
CyberDawgJoseeAntonioR, when I tried that I got a message back thast says:  Virtual packages like 'usplash' can't be removed21:18
zykotick9CyberDawg: FYI usplash is WAY outdated!21:18
=== AJC_Z0 is now known as AJ_Z0
FSKgood day everone21:18
CyberDawgzykotick9, how do I do it then?21:18
JoseeAntonioRCyberDawg Realised that is an old tutorial. Maybe you can try with this one: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/customize-boot-splash-screen-logo-linux/21:19
ShooterMGin ubuntu 11, where do i go to manually edit the screen resolutions/refresh rates?21:19
zykotick9CyberDawg: sorry i forget now (i used to worry about suck eyecandy, not so much anymore).  good luck.21:19
sedekiI want to list all flags to a certain kernel module, how can I do that? (without going into the particular config file in question)21:19
CyberDawglol zykotick9 sorry for the newbie action21:19
ActionParsnipWulong: alternatives to network manager exist, there is wicd and wifi-radar I can think of quickly21:19
hexacodehey you guys, im trying to set up svnserve and it says i need to create a single svn user on my system then run the server process as that user...how can i do this?   i think i recalle using chown on certain files before? is this what i do?  do i chown the daemon executable ?21:22
berkesNow here is something weird: Somehow my remote is not handled by lirc, it seems. If I kill lircd/lirc processes it continues working!21:22
Rafigbb all!21:22
berkesAny idea what could be handling this remote? Could it be that Xorg thinks its an own device?21:22
berkes ~input device.21:22
=== ubuntufan is now known as DoYouKnow
MathuinHey all.  I set up Google authentication on my Ubuntu system so whenever I ssh in or run sudo I have to check my Android phone.  I'd like to remove the Android check on "local" (home net) ssh access.  How do I make PAM rules different for different IP addresses?21:24
=== Knorre`BNC is now known as Knorre
CyberDawg*sigh*... why are all the information site so out dated and not applicable to 11.10?21:26
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ActionParsnipCyberDawg: depends on the guide you look at *sigh*21:27
WulongActionParsnip: I know about the alternatives, but I want to keep the integration and simplicity. It's on a weak HTPC.21:27
CyberDawgActionParsnip, :P21:27
notlistening3G modem , needs reseting without a replug.... ideas welcomed21:27
CyberDawgActionParsnip, seems so simple to do but everything is pre 11.1021:28
ActionParsnipWulong: you can install wicd-curses and use it at cli, no gui app will run21:29
CyberDawgapparently there is no usr/share/images file any longer21:29
ActionParsnipCyberDawg: some still applies21:29
CyberDawgActionParsnip, "some" doesnt do it for me21:29
ActionParsnipCyberDawg: what are you wanting that folder for?21:29
MathuinActually, if there's any reference documentation for PAM that's newer than the 2006 stuff on kernel.org, that'd be helpful.21:29
StaticHello. I'm unable to receive sound through the headphone jack, when it's plugged in the sound continues to play through the speakers and nothing comes through the headphones. I'm running ubuntu 11.04 on a Sony Vaio pcg-91211m, any suggestions? D:21:30
issaI recently installed ubuntu 11.10 on a toshiba a500 laptop i7 nvidia and it heats up a lot ... I tried every solution out there but no good ... any help ?21:30
CyberDawgActionParsnip, I want to change my bootloader background21:30
ActionParsnipMathuin: so you are SSHing to your phone?21:30
StaticAlso, here's my alsa info: pcg-91211m21:30
Static* pcg-91211m21:30
ActionParsnipCyberDawg: why didn't you say that rather than some pathetic rant?21:30
MathuinActionParsnip: I am ssh'ing to my home server from work, and the password I enter is the verification code that is displayd on the Google authenticator.21:30
CyberDawgbecause I am on this end of the now long quest to get this done :)21:31
ActionParsnipMathuin: not seen that, what client are you using?21:31
MathuinActionParsnip: I installed libpam-google-authenticator and added the requisite lines to /etc/pamd/common-auth.21:31
MathuinStandard ssh client and server, the magic's in the PAM.21:31
MathuinFreaking epic, as long as I don't lose my phone.21:32
CyberDawgActionParsnip, can you help kind sir?21:32
ActionParsnipCyberDawg: if you wanted to change the bootloaderin Grub2, why didn't you just say that instead of all the "*sigh*" nonesense?21:32
hexacodehow do i run a server proccess as a specific user?21:33
MathuinThe lazy way around my problem is to install my private key on all my other internal servers. :-P21:34
CyberDawgActionParsnip, if you would have been here yesterday paying attention when I started this project you would not have seen the *sigh*'s you seem to be stuck on ;)21:34
ActionParsnipCyberDawg: its still of zero value, if you just state your issue, you get help faster. Simple21:34
ActionParsnipCyberDawg: http://www.multimediaboom.com/adding-background-on-grub2-in-ubuntu-11-04/21:34
CyberDawgActionParsnip, thank you again kind sir :)21:35
MathuinAs far as "updating the information sites", all I can say is that the Ubuntu folks seem to only care about the canonical (pardon the pun) sites being updated for launch -- and that you should "feel free" to update them. ;-)21:35
acerimmerActionParsnip: save this for later use?? http://troll.me/english-motherfucker-do-you-speak-it/21:35
ActionParsnipCyberDawg: just copy in the file and run:  sudo update-grub   easy peasy21:35
CyberDawgthank you21:36
ActionParsnipacerimmer: http://captionsearch.com/pix/i96v5pflr5.jpg21:36
cheapieWow... it's really slow right now...21:43
varun06can we try HUD in oniric?21:44
TL1Hi the brightness isn't responding in my hp laptop whatever I do.21:44
acerimmerTL1 do your other HP custom keys work?21:44
TL1I'm on natty 64bit can anyone help me plz ?21:44
TL1acerimmer: yes21:44
MrKeunerhi, am I alone hating "Clean up by Name" feature in gnome context menu? Is there a way to disable it?21:45
jeremiah_why is cronium so slow?21:45
TL1the brightness key respond but not the lcd21:45
MrKeunerjeremiah_, try using extesnions disabled21:45
VIPER-IIguys... Is there some kinda program to find out how hard my GPU is sweating in Ubuntu? I have a feeling that my vga-card is getting more than she can handle. So I need something to check how hard it's going while playing just 1 movie.21:45
ActionParsnipvarun06: i'd check on omgubuntu21:46
StaticI cannot receive sound through my headphones, it keeps playing through my speakers. Here is my sound info: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=04308d58bfb6b2bc1ccaa99034eb52bdc75f6e58 any ideas?21:46
jeremiah_so frusterating.  how do i get there21:46
MrKeunerjeremiah_, try opening a new profile21:47
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: tried the daily build?21:47
TL1my webcam is working, only the fingerprint and the brightness are the problems21:48
jeremiah_my internet is not working!!!! i am trying to install firefox  but can't because i don't  know how!!!21:48
kish|hey gubunut21:48
kish|u git oriblems21:48
kish|i got problems21:48
Si2100jeremiah_ What message does it say ?21:48
bazhangkish|, what with21:48
cheapiejeremiah_: Why can't you install it?21:48
VIPER-IIStatic: i think it has to do with your output settings.21:48
MrKeunerjeremiah_, good luck21:48
cheapiekish|: What's wrong?21:48
Fujkis 7% packet loss pinging my local router normal?21:49
VIPER-IIStatic: when you click on your speaker-icon21:49
jeremiah_for google and other stuf- webpage unavailable21:49
kish|i got problems with an overwritten grub.cfg .. im sent to grub rescue and the !grubrescue in debian doesnt work21:49
kish|cheapie. the problem is an overwritten grub.cfg21:49
jeremiah_i don't know how!!!!21:49
StaticVIPER-II: Sound Preferences?21:49
cheapiejeremiah_: So when you try to install Firefox as you were saying, what happens?21:49
TL1any thing I can do ( I tried acpi=linux and other kernel things)21:49
VIPER-IIwell it's that interface where you get the sound preferences indeed21:49
cheapiekish|: Try sudo update-grub21:49
=== ozior is now known as ozigs
VIPER-IIdifferent tabs21:49
VIPER-IIone of them talks about Sound Output21:50
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade21:50
VIPER-IIIf i can remember, there you can select what the output is.21:50
jeremiah_i do not know what to do. in windows i get a wizzard. this is linux you do not get a wizzard21:50
mega1in ubuntu server 11.10 how do i list all running programs21:50
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cheapiejeremiah_: Open the Software Center, find Firefox, click install.21:50
acerimmerjeremiah_: this ain't windows.  chocolate isn't vanilla either.21:51
cheapiemega1: Use "ps ax | less"21:51
StaticVIPER-II: There's one for my speakers and one for the HDMI output, but nothing on headphones.21:51
TL1mega1: run system monitor21:51
jiffe98I don't understand how the mysql-cluster-server wants to uninstall apache2-threaded-dev21:51
VIPER-IIoh snag... :S21:51
jeremiah_i know i just dont know what to do21:51
cheapieTL1: Server has a GUI now?21:51
MrKeunerjeremiah_, you get a wizard for installing firefox in windows?21:52
jeremiah_an i don't have software senter. lubuntu apperantly does not have it21:52
VIPER-IIStatic: sorry.... my knowledge ends there.21:52
TL1cheapie: mine does21:52
cheapieTL1: By default?21:52
ActionParsnipStatic: try:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa; sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*21:52
funkymonkhow can i upgrade my mysql currently its using 55.1.58-1ubuntu1 (ubuntu)21:52
jeremiah_and yes i doget a wizzard21:52
jiffe98someone messed up somewhere21:52
Staticmega1: run "ps aux" or install htop (sudo apt-get install htop)21:52
funkymonkhow can i upgrade my mysql currently its using 5.1.58-1ubuntu1 (ubuntu)21:52
MrKeunerjeremiah_, cool21:52
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: what are you trying to do? What is the wizard for?21:52
TL1cheapie: no21:53
jeremiah_oh my gosh. there is no wizzard!!!!21:53
cheapiejeremiah_: Try running "sudo synaptic" and see if "Synaptic Package Manager" opens.21:53
jeremiah_it is linux not windows21:53
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: what would it do if there was one?21:53
MrKeunerjeremiah_, do not panic21:53
ActionParsnipcheapie: gksudo for gui apps, not sude21:53
acerimmerjeremiah_: lubuntu has synaptic21:53
jeremiah_it brings a error about something21:53
MrKeunerjeremiah_, don;t worry21:54
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: what are you trying to achieve?21:54
jeremiah_synpac does not work21:54
cheapiejeremiah_ About what?21:54
StaticActionParsnip: Shall I restart my computer now I have done that?21:54
jeremiah_getting firefox21:54
ActionParsnipStatic: can't hurt :)21:54
TL1anyone with the brightness problem (does it go away with oneric ?)21:54
StaticActionParsnip: Okay, see you in a minute :P21:54
cheapiejeremiah_: What does it do?21:54
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: just run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox21:54
kish|dasei i see you'21:54
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:54
acerimmerActionParsnip: I've got lubuntu running in virtual box and can mirro jeremiah21:54
jeremiah_nothing. i do not know what to do21:54
Fujkshould auto-negotiation be on or off on my network card?21:55
VIPER-IIok guys..  come on.... Videocard-performance... where?21:55
DasEifirst link, Kish|, ask if you get stuck21:55
TL1you don't want firefox on lubuntu it's a ram monster get seamonkey or something lightweight21:55
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: run the command I gave in lxterminal (you can run one with CTRL+ALT+T) and you will get firefox21:55
ksbalajiMine is lucid 10.4 . While booting, power manager waits until / keeps waiting for checking / ?!  dvd which is unusual. I boot from my hard disk and there is no need for accessing the dvd drive. Also, I see nautilus accessing the dvd drive when I open other hard disk partitions. Why please?21:55
cheapieActionParsnip: I think we're pulling jeremiah_ two different ways at once. I'd like to help him myself...21:55
ActionParsnipacerimmer: I use lubuntu on all my systems, I've used LXDE for a looong time21:55
cheapiejeremiah_: Type "firefox"21:56
ActionParsnipcheapie: remember to use gksudo for gui apps though21:56
LtHummusis there some cli tool that can tell me how much data i'm currently transferring over a network interface (i.e. gives me info like Down: XXX Mbps, Up: XXX Mbps)?21:56
cheapie...in the search box and right-click the result21:56
cheapieand choose install21:56
ActionParsnipLtHummus: ntop21:56
LtHummusthanks ActionParsnip21:56
=== Static_ is now known as Static
Si2100cheapie, Gnome3 /-Shell FTW21:56
cheapieActionParsnip: Sorry, I just assumed we were working in a terminal... My fault...21:56
icerootLtHummus: vnstat21:57
StaticActionParsnip: Didn't seem to work :(21:57
ActionParsnipcheapie: you willbe to use that but sudo is not suitable for ui apps like synaptic21:57
TL1help plz my battery is getting dry on high brightness :-(21:57
ActionParsnipTL1: what make and model system?21:57
cheapiejeremiah: I meant to have you type "firefox" in synaptic's search box, not here...21:57
LtHummusiceroot: thanks21:57
SlartLtHummus: add 'nload' to the growing list of bandwidth monitoring tools =)21:58
cheapiejeremiah_ (I messed it up again! Is the underscore necessary?): I meant to have you type "firefox" in synaptic's search box, not here...21:58
LtHummusSlart: will do :)21:58
TL1ActionParsnip: hp 6177se natty 64 kernel 2.6--1321:59
Fujkwow this is amazing. my mobo network card kept disconnecting every 10 mins because of driver problems (I thought), so I bought a intel network card, and guess what? SAME PROBLEM! How the HELL is this possible?! I have 0 problems in windows!21:59
ActionParsnipStatic: try:  echo "options snd-hda-intel model=laptop" | sudo tell -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf21:59
ppetrakiis anyone suddenly the victim of lightdm login problems?21:59
jeremiah_the error when i tryed to open it Unable to get exclusive lock21:59
jeremiah_This usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) is already running. Please close that application first.21:59
cheapiejeremiah_: What else is running?22:00
ppetrakidoesn't matter how I login, guest or normal user, as soon as the desktop starts up, I'm kicked back out again to the login screen22:00
em is it normal for a live cd to take a long time to start?22:00
jeremiah_oh i mean xchat22:00
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: if you are using synaptic to install stuff or it is open, it will lock the packages. This means other apps cannot install stuff. Close synaptic and use cli only if you are wanting to use that22:00
cheapiejeremiah_: Try closing it, and running "gksu synaptic".22:00
emits on the splash 'ubuntu' thing with the red dots, but nothing is happening.22:01
ActionParsnipem: optical media are notoriously slow22:01
StaticActionParsnip: Done it, shall I restart?22:01
ActionParsnipem: what video chip do you use22:01
ActionParsnipStatic: go for it22:01
emim afraid i don't know.22:01
cheapiejeremiah: Not close xchat, close Synaptic.22:01
StaticActionParsnip: Okay, see you in a minute, again :P22:01
ActionParsnipem: does the system have a make and model22:01
emmy real problem is that everything was splendid and then i did a full-upgrade and when i restarted it makes it through the splash page and then NO VIDEO.22:01
ActionParsnipem: yes you may need a boot option to make the video load ok22:02
emI thought maybe somehow i can try fixing things with a live CD22:02
cheapiejeremiah_: Are you still there?22:02
emwhat's a boot option?22:02
javier_Hi! One question. Is Ubuntu safe to habkers attack?22:02
ActionParsnipem: you can, what is the make and model of the system. Then we can give it22:02
jeremiah_i tryed brough up the same message and i have nothing running22:03
emwell the motherboard is a gigabyte.22:03
cheapiejavier_: It's as secure as you make it - usually very secure.22:03
TL1javier_: depends on the hacker type22:03
cheapiejeremiah_: Odd...22:03
sstajavier_: umm, out of the box it's pretty secure22:03
ActionParsnipjavier_: the default security model is pretty good22:03
emActionParsnip: it's a computer put together from parts.22:03
jeremiah_i know. i can't do anything22:03
jeremiah_my pc is messed22:03
cheapiejeremiah_: Would anybody else be logged in?22:04
ActionParsnipem: try the boot option:  nomodeset22:04
emActionParsnip: oh it looks like the live cd maybe is finally making it here.22:04
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: use the command line as I said. I suggest you reboot first22:04
StaticActionParsnip: Didn't seem to work :(22:04
jeremiah_no. there are no other users on my pc22:04
TL1 :'(  brightness22:04
emActionParsnip: in the live cd or in the normal start up of the installed ubuntu?22:04
cheapiejeremiah_: Try restarting it.22:04
jeremiah_you mean "try turning it off and on again"22:05
ActionParsnipStatic: you need to change that line in alsa-base.conf   til you find one that works22:05
emActionParsnip: good news is that the live cd finally started. And there is video on the live CD. So i know it's not hardware.22:05
cheapiejeremiah_: Yes.22:05
jeremiah_did you get it?22:05
javier_cheapie, good to know. Some of my friends are having problems with a hacker, he's entering their computer (based on the fact they are friends of his ex-girlfriend), reading their mails and facebook things and revealing true and false information to other people they know. I want to make sure my system is as secure as possible in order to prevent this to happen to me. Fortunatelly I feel safer with ubuntu than in windows :). But, how to make my system as saf22:05
javier_e as it is possible?22:05
jeremiah_the IT Croud22:05
ActionParsnipem: never doubted the hardware, sometimes hardware causes the need for bootoptions so the kernel runs ok22:05
auronandacejeremiah_: yes, it crowd reference22:05
StaticActionParsnip: How many possibilities are there? D:22:05
cheapiejavier_: They might have your passwords to those websites.22:06
smittixdoes anyone know how to get brightness keys working within 11.10?22:06
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: ive seen it.it does help. If you've worked in IT you'd get the joke better22:06
balloonscan anyone point me to a channel where the xserver guys hang out?22:06
ActionParsnipStatic: a good few22:06
emActionParsnip: perhaps I an put the boot options in some config some place? I seem to hav a live session maybe I can mount the file system and add it.22:06
cheapiejeremiah_: Wait, what?22:06
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jeremiah_well i will see what happens. bye!22:06
ActionParsnipballoons: #xorg possibly22:06
StaticActionParsnip: Is there a list somewhere?22:06
emActionParsnip: im not sure how to do a boot option at startup. Also I use encryption so i have to type in my password at startup.22:06
balloonsActionParsnip, thanks, but I was wondering if there was perhaps a ubuntu specific channel22:07
ActionParsnipem: you apply the boot option on the boot, before the CD starts to boot properly. Its not in a config file. The cD is read only22:07
ActionParsnipballoons: right here22:07
ActionParsnip!bootoption | em22:07
ubottuem: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.22:07
javier_And how to reach maximum security in ubuntu? I guess it's involved as well mail and facebook security, and that getting good and long passwords there is also important22:07
DasEikish|: getting bywith boot repair ?22:07
emActionParsnip: oh so you are saying this is for booting the live CD?  The live CD has now booted, and it has video. My problem is that I don't have video when i start my normal installed ubuntu.22:07
ChipDSnowHave a scripting question.22:07
TL1 :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'( 30%22:08
ChipDSnowI'm always converting video files from *.3gp to *.mpg, would like a script that I could call up anywhere, and convert it to a file name that I designate.22:08
ActionParsnipjavier_: you can configure the inbuilt firewall. You can help lock stuff down. If you use a home router you should be ok22:08
TL1I'm Charging22:09
ActionParsnipChipDSnow: http://www.icelab.eu/en/blog/ubuntu-and-linux-12/converting-3gp-videos-to-mpeg-on-ubuntu-65.htm22:09
varun06don't know why, but update-manager-c/d not working on my machine  I am entering command and pressing enter nothing is happening22:09
LtHummuswhat day does ubuntu 10.10 become unspported?  I know it's in april, but i don't know when...it's it at the end of april? before?22:10
ActionParsnipem: you can hold shift at boot and edit the grub boot options on the fly for that boot only22:10
javier_ActionParsnip, I use a home router. Am I ok without configuring inbuilt firewall? I have the idea that someone can enter my things by reading my router incoming and sending packets. How to prevent that? Is it a long password in my router enough? shall I do things like filter MACs?22:11
cheapiejeremiah_: Welcome back! Is Synaptic working now?22:11
StaticActionParsnip: How do I know what to put in that line of the alsa configuration? D:22:11
ActionParsnipjavier_: i don't configure any firwall, works ok here. Obviously if its a mobile system then configure it22:11
ActionParsnipStatic: find guides online for your make and model system22:11
javier_ActionParsnip, I see. Should be ok then. Just will make safer my passwords22:12
TL1Does installing the ati driver affects the brightness ?22:13
javier_ActionParsnip, my problem then is that I need to boot windows sometimes, because I work on some applications which I can't install in Ubuntu. Will try to get a good firewall tehre22:13
cheapiejeremaih_: ...ish?22:13
cheapiejeremiah_: ...ish?22:14
jeremiah_ya. i got it working but there is no signs that it is installing except that the download bar popped up22:15
emActionParsnip: when do you hold down shift?  On my computer the first thing it does is ask for the encryption password because I have full disk encryption on it, then it goes to the ubuntu splash screen. When it works I never see any grub at all.22:15
cheapiejeremiah_: Is said download bar doing anything?22:15
ActionParsnipem: as soon as the system starts to boot22:16
DasEiChipDSnow:#bash is there, do a textfile, let's say conv.sh start #!/bin/bash first line, ad your commands , save make exucatable, have in userdir22:16
cheapiejeremiah_: Odd. Does it show a download rate?22:17
cheapiejeremiah: Are you chatting from the same computer?22:18
omega__Hey, question, what is better to use for testing ubuntu, wubuntu or virutalbox?22:18
zithcan anyone confirm it's possible to switch the NV4200 to discrete mode in the bios on the thinkpad T420 so that i can use it in ubuntu?22:18
acerimmer!best| omega__:22:18
ubottuomega__:: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:18
auronandaceomega__: virtualbox22:18
cheapiejeremiah_: Try expanding the window and see what it says.22:20
auronandacezith: hybrid graphics are not well supported yet under linux22:20
jeremiah_it says...22:20
TL1auronandace: and that's cause a problem with brightness I'm hybird graphics22:20
cheapiejeremiah_: Black or white?22:20
=== max is now known as Guest23024
ziggidI have a question, how do I get Low Orbit Impact Cannon (LOIC) to run in Windows22:21
jeremiah_there is just a bar22:21
TL1auronandace: but i've disabled the discrete does that make me regular ?22:21
ziggidit keeps giving me this error that I get when I don't ahve the .NET framework installed22:21
cheapiejeremiah_: When you expanded the details, whas it black with a flashing box or white?22:21
=== ozigs is now known as ozior
auronandaceTL1: no idea sorry22:21
cheapie!windows | ziggid22:22
ubottuziggid: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents22:22
ziggidoh ok22:22
ziggidWhat are some good, proven, tried and true Remote Linux exploits22:22
TL1auronandace: fine thx22:22
ziggidin these days of closed ports22:22
DasEiomega__: vmware, or install to an usb22:22
emthere is no way to press shift before it boots22:22
cheapiejeremiah_: Try canceling it, and running, in a terminal, "sudo apt-get install firefox"22:22
ksbalajiIs it normal for nautilus to access dvd drive when I click to open folder in a hard disk drive?22:22
ziggidIs anyone here taking part in the big Facebook.com DDoS?22:22
emActionParsnip: you mean when it's in the bios stuff?22:22
emActionParsnip: I have full disk encryption on my machine so I enter my password when it starts.22:23
ActionParsnipem: when the BIOS data shows, yes. Hold shift22:23
DasEi!usb | omega; err virtualbox is safer then wubi22:23
ubottuomega; err virtualbox is safer then wubi: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:23
TL1ziggid: an attack ?22:23
omega__DasEi: does live really work that well?  i heard it is REALLY slow22:23
cheapie!illegal | ziggid22:23
ubottuziggid: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o22:23
emActionParsnip: I have no problem getting that far, and i even successfully enter the password. Only then when it would normally start GNOME does the video go black and then nothing.22:23
Pumpkin-ziggid: no but I think you are doing a fine job of getting yourself removed from this channel, but I guess you knew that already.22:23
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ziggidTL1: Yes22:25
DasEiomega__: it is laggy, true, if you justwant to test, install either to a usb least 4g in size , virtualbox or vmware, that'sjust my taste, I'd use vbox from their hp22:25
ziggidThey tell you to download Loic to help participate in the DDoS22:25
ziggidI don't know about you, but I'm joining them22:25
jeremiah_I know what. I think the internet is not working. I will reset the server and modem22:25
zithauronandace: i realize this, but according to some people you can force the T420 to use the graphics card at all times, thus not running into the problems with software switching22:25
zithi just wanted to confirm this was the case22:25
jeremiah_I will be back in ten min.22:25
ksbalajiMy dvd drive is being accessed whenever I access my hard disk drive. It keep delaying work. How to fix this please?22:25
TL1ziggid: thank you this is not appropriate to the channel22:25
emActionParsnip: when i just press shift from the very start and hold it down it eventually goes to a black screen with a blinking underscore in the upper left hand corner, and it doesn't change after that.22:25
cheapiejeremiah_: OK.22:26
cheapiejeremiah_: I can wait.22:26
TL1ziggid: this is evil and serve no purpose except battling companies22:26
auronandacezith: whatever you can do in the bios is completely seperate to ubuntu (or any os for that matter), so short answer: check your bios22:26
=== ozior is now known as ozigs
=== ozigs is now known as ozior
ziggidOn January 28, 2012 at 12 AM they are asking us as Internet users to DDoS Facebook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUpad4TKi5o22:26
ziggidThey need all the help they can get22:26
=== ozior is now known as ozigs
DasEiomega__: specs of your box (cpu,ram)?22:26
ziggidalso click here: http://www.doj.gov22:26
=== ozigs is now known as ozior
xanguaziggid: please stop22:27
TL1ziggid: if you wan't to do something usefull then come join open source world22:27
ksbalajicheapie, If jeremiah_ s internet is not working, how xchat is working? I wonder.22:27
cheapieziggid: Once again...22:27
cheapie!illegal | ziggid22:27
ziggidI have.  I have written perl scripts for hacking22:27
TL1ziggid: pherhaps you might fix my brightness problem22:27
ziggidand released them to the public22:27
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!22:27
=== ozior is now known as hehe_alerozpierd
cheapie..and it won't work...22:27
ziggidWhat's a good way to get past IP filters22:27
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Myrttiauronandace: what?22:27
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h00kziggid: Not in here.22:28
ziggidIs the facebook.com DDoS on January 28 legiot22:28
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auronandaceMyrtti: ziggid is persisting in offtopic talk22:28
ziggidit's at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVSQ3JIgIXE22:28
bazhangziggid, stop it22:28
DasEiMyrtti: ziggi..22:28
=== pedofil is now known as to_wam_da
ziggidAnonymous Message On How YOU Can Be A Part Of #OpGlobalBlackout FACEBOOK ATTACK 12 AM EST USA22:28
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Myrttiziggid: please stop. NOW.22:28
TL1ziggid: you really don't get the idea that there is a channel for everything ?22:28
zithauronandace: you are right of course, i was hoping someone in here had one of these laptops and could confirm this before i bought one, but i guess i could find a more relevant channel to ask22:28
ziththanks though22:28
auronandacezith: i got a t510, but that just has a nvidia card22:28
carolvshello everyone22:32
kasiiiron lion zion22:32
ettoreciao a tutti22:33
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:33
=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:33
ubottuettore: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:34
ettoreok grz22:34
rciovatihi guys i made a mistake with tasksel tool and it removed part of gnome. how can i restore it? i need an installation dvd?22:36
blkperlhow do you set a static ipv6 address in /etc/network/interfaces?22:36
jeremiah__ok i am back22:36
douginhoHey guys, I ran some updates this evening and since then, my wireless has been down :(22:37
zabomberhi guys. im running 11.10 64bit. my natilius? or folder browser now looks like this http://imagebin.org/195175 ??? this just happened overnight? how do i fix it?22:37
arooni-mobilehi folks;  running ubuntu 11.10 here.  when i try to connect to a wireless network for the first time (when i havent connected to it previously)... and i enter the wrong password; there seems to be *no way* to change the password if i got i t wrong the first time.  ubuntu keeps trying to reconnect with the wrong password22:37
Slartblkperl: there's nothing in "man interfaces" =22:37
blkperlSlart: iface eth0 inet6 static doesn't seem to be working22:38
Slartblkperl: less /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/network-interfaces.gz    might give you some ideas22:39
blkperlSlart: theres no ipv6 examples in that file :(22:40
Slartblkperl: oh.. it was much shorter than I expected..22:40
Slartmy bad22:40
cordycepsinstall boot-repair fail. Here's the tail off the error msg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/815897/22:40
Slartblkperl: here's an example.. http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-ipv6-networking-configuration/22:41
chuckzabomber: try to change the gnome theme22:42
DasEi!ipv6 | blkperl22:42
ubottublkperl: For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv422:42
milehighAny idea what would cause ubuntu 10.04 to change it's RSA key randomly, sometimes every few hours, sometimes every few days? I'm on a static IP we are absolutely positive no one else is using, verified the problem exists with multiple different clients, changed to a different static IP, reinstalled openssh-server, and reverted to the default config with no change22:43
douginhoHaving some trouble with my wireless on 11.1022:43
Coreymilehigh: When you say RSA key, are you referring to the RSA host key?22:44
Coreymilehigh: For SSH, specifically.22:44
milehighCorey: I think so, whenever we ssh into the system, it says the RSA key has changed22:44
jeremiah_cheapie: thank you for helping! I got it installed!!!22:45
milehighnot whenever, sometimes it works for a few sessions...22:45
Coreymilehigh: ls -al /etc/ssh/ss_host_rsa* and note the modification times, are they recent?22:45
Coreymilehigh: ls -al /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa* even22:45
milehighCorey: thanks, I'll check that tomorrow when I'm back on-site22:45
=== matt is now known as Guest37627
milehighWhat would cause that though?22:46
milehighI thought hte RSA host key was only generated during post-install of openssh-server22:46
SlartIs there any way of customizing the "recent documents" part of the unity application menu thingy? specifically pdfs and documents (libreoffice)22:47
hexacodewhat does the ws do in this command "sudo chmod -R g+ws /var/svn/$REPOS"?22:47
Slarthexacode: set write and setuid permissions, I think22:47
Al_nz1how would I stop just the tftp service on Ubuntu? It talks about stopping it via xinetd - but I am not sure if stopping it that way stops other services?22:48
Slarthexacode: it's all described in "man chmod"22:48
cordycepsinstall boot-repair fail. Here's the tail off the error msg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/815897/22:49
jeremiah_why do my videos that i watch on youtube chug?22:50
MoDDDhi all22:50
blkperlSlart: the example didn't work :S22:52
douginhoCan I have some help please?22:53
Slartblkperl: have you checked the url to the ubuntu wiki? the one ubottu sent you22:53
jeremiah_why do my videos chug when i watch them?22:54
Slartdouginho: just ask your entire question.. include what version of ubuntu you're running, what hardware you're using, if you're seeing error messages etc.. if you don't get any answers just repeat the question after 15 minutes or so22:54
cordycepslubuntu-11.10 apt-get install boot-repair fail. Here's the tail off the error msg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/815897/22:55
h00k!ask | douginho22:55
ubottudouginho: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:55
Slartblkperl: I've never used ipv6 myself so I can't really help you other than point you towards existing howto's and such22:55
jeremiah_how do you install java/22:56
douginhoI'm running Ubuntu 11.10 on a Dell Inspiron 6400. I ran some updates this evening and then shut down my computer. When I turned it back on, my wireless stopped working. The touchpad also stopped working for a bit but I got that to work...22:56
Slart!java | jeremiah_22:56
ubottujeremiah_: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.22:56
DasEicordyceps: apt itself is fine? like apt-get autoremove -y && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade    throws no errors ?22:57
cordycepsyes, it's just this one (so far) pkg.22:57
MoDDDdouginho: but now touchpad work?22:57
douginhoYes the touchpad is OK now22:57
jeremiah_so i just choose one?22:57
blkperlSlart: yeah the bot's link isn't that helpful either o.O22:58
blkperlSlart: if i add the ip addr manually it works, just cant get interfaces to cooperate22:58
cordycepsDasEi here's the page I'm following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176948222:58
DasEicordyceps: trying from a livecd ? samearchitecture ?? which distro are you using ?22:58
cordycepslubuntu-11.10, like I said22:58
MoDDDdouginho: on terminal write "rfkill list all".. what u see?22:58
jeremiah_so i just choose one?22:58
Slartblkperl: bah.. one of these days I'll have to setup a virtual ipv6 network just to play with.. until then I'm sorry I can't be of more assistance.. try asking the channel again. Perhaps someone else knows more22:59
Slartjeremiah_: what do you want to do? why do you want to install java?22:59
Slartjeremiah_: you checked the link ubottu sent you?23:00
jeremiah_i want to install java23:00
deper29hey, I'm hoping someone can help me. I tried upgrading my ubuntu from 10.10 to 11.04 and now all I get is a black screen after the one where I choose my kernel23:00
jeremiah_and i never got one from ubottu23:01
meowsusHey. I notice that when I pull, for example, a 60 gig folder from a Mac that i'm fixing onto my Ubuntu machine, the when I look at the properties of the folder the file size is right around 60 gigs, but the size on disk is, like, 480 gigs23:01
meowsusWhat is going on here?23:01
DasEicordyceps: trying from a livecd ? same architecture ?? which distro are you using ?23:01
Slart!java > jeremiah_23:01
ubottujeremiah_, please see my private message23:01
DasEijeremiah_scroll little up,slart already triggered, you prbly want java sdk, again :23:01
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.23:02
ChelseaHi all, Are there ppl here that allready tried the new Unity's HUD (cli) with Xmonad? It would seem like a perfect match.23:02
psusimeowsus, does the folder contain a million 1 byte files?23:02
jk779meowsus maybe you encrypted your home directory wit ecryptfs?23:02
jeremiah_now i got one.23:02
deper29is it possible to fix this error? or to go back to 10.10 or 10.04 but keep my data? anyone?23:02
Slartdeper29: I've seen that error mentioned before.. I can't really remember the fix for it though23:03
Slartdeper29: does this help in any way? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/ubuntu-11-10-black-screen-after-boot-screen-908044/23:04
deper29Slart: I'll take a look :)23:04
deper29thanks a bunch23:04
Slartdeper29: and just to give you some good news.. your data is probably ok.. just the system that won't start up properly.. if you boot from an install cd you'll be able to access all your files and such23:05
MoDDDdeper29: with a live cd u can reach all your file23:05
deper29Slart: I can't boot into recovery at all :/ i can press c for command line(which is very limited) or e for edit23:06
deper29MoDDD: if I mount the harddrive that my data is on, I should be able to access it, correct?23:06
Slartdeper29: hmm.. and no errors, even when you choose recovery? just a black screen? tried pressing CTRL+ALT+F1 ?23:06
DasEideper29: sudo init 1 from terminal ?23:06
aguitelhow enable 3D with nouveau drivers ?23:06
MoDDDdeper29: yes23:07
deper29it runs a bunch of checks on my system, then stops23:07
deper29DasEi: I can't get into a terminal23:07
Slartdeper29: you don't get a menu where you can chose all kinds of repair stuff?23:07
amaroksFirefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.23:07
amaroksbut this time No Lock file ,not parent lock file23:07
amaroksany idea??23:07
deper29I can try CTRL+ALT+F123:07
urlin2uamaroks, in the terminal killall firefox wil close it23:07
MoDDDamarkos: terminal -> ps -aux | grep firefox and kill firefox process23:08
deper29I have to reboot to do this, so I will disappear23:08
Slartdeper29: we'll be here when you get back23:08
deper29is there anything else I can do after that?23:09
denniejoin #creuna23:09
Slartdeper29: any kind of text on your screen would be a good indication23:09
razillaUbuntu log in will not accept my password, is tere a fix?23:09
amarokshow do I kill? urlin2u23:09
darkcrimsonHello, all23:09
blkperlSlart: i used an up/down hack, which is working, but probably not the correct way23:09
urlin2uamaroks, killall firefox     in the terminal23:09
amaroksokay didn't do it23:09
Slartdeper29: the first step would be to get to a terminal prompt.. then we can try working from there23:10
amaroksstill gives the same message23:10
MoDDDamaroks: no you have to kill the pid of the firefox process23:10
Slartblkperl: hopefully they will expand the ipv6 wiki article as it gets more common23:10
amaroksHow do I know the process ID?23:10
acerimmeramaroks: ps -x in the terminal23:10
thomedyokay i have a wireless connection everywhere but my inlaws house which is where i m at righ tnow23:11
amaroksits not in there23:11
urlin2uamaroks, maybe be several instances, I use htop which you have to install there is a search f3 and kill, look at the bottom bar for the f commands, but as you see there are multiple ways.23:11
thomedyi really need to get work done and i cant23:11
MoDDDamaroks: try type in the terminal ps -aux | grep firefox and u see in the first number u read is the pid of the process23:11
thomedyi think its the wpa supplicant but i have followed 2 tutorials that have not gotten me there23:12
thomedyi am running 11.123:12
amaroksMoDDD: bash: kill: (2985) - No such process23:12
reggalIs anyone else participating in the newest Anonymous facebook DDoS attacks?23:12
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reggalhow do i run loic in linux23:12
reggalcan I compile it somehow using mono23:12
thomedywhat is ddos23:12
Slartreggal: wrong channel.. just plain wrong..23:13
reggalloic is the program they tell you to download to take part in the DDoS23:13
reggalwhy I'm using ubuntu23:13
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com23:13
MoDDDamarocks: try kill -9 PID23:13
hiddensoulreggal, really off topic23:13
ubottureggal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:13
amarokssame thing23:13
urlin2uthomedy, you seeing the connection right? post the link to the instructions you have used.23:13
reggalno it's not, I'm trying to get a program to run for the upcoming Facebook.com DDoS23:13
reggalok I'll join #ubuntu-offtopic23:13
Slartreggal: channel policy is pretty clear on borderline shady stuff.. no piracy, cracking and son.. certainly no ddosing23:13
thomedyi would have to find them again but i followd the link from ubuntuforum and help.ubuntu23:14
thomedyand i do see the connection when i iwlist sccan and jus tin my gui as well23:14
MoDDDamaroks: strange.. seems to be u have no firefox process running.. u can't open now??23:14
urlin2uthomedy, you sure it is wpa?23:14
thomedyi dont know enough to be sure of anything i only think23:14
amaroksWarning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See http://procps.sf.net/faq.html23:15
amaroksmody      3119  0.0  0.0   4444   796 pts/1    S+   01:14   0:00 grep --color=auto firefox23:15
reggalthomedy: A DDoS attack is taking many people's computers and doing an IP traffic TCP/IP flood against a single website to take it offline23:15
amaroksthe first number changes everytime i run the ps aux ....23:15
thomedy.okay thankyou that sounds mean but whatever23:15
MoDDDamaroks: ok.. now try open again firefox23:15
emSo i did a full-upgrade on Lucid and when i restarted i get no video. I am now back on it in 'safe-graphics mode' are there any ideas for how i might recover my full graphics?23:15
amaroksMoDDD Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.23:15
hiddensoulthomedy, not only mean but in most cases illegal23:16
thomedyand mean23:16
thomedyjk fortunately for me i just want to fix  my issue23:16
urlin2uthomedy, try a wep and a wpa personal you can right click the wireless icon and edit the password and type.23:16
Slartem: what kind of graphics card are you using? tried reinstalling binary drivers?23:16
phibxramaroks: did you try 'killall -9 firefox' and 'killall -9 firefox-bin'?23:17
douginhoMoDDD: dell-wifi: Wireless LAN23:17
douginhoSoft blocked: yes23:17
douginhoHard blocked: yes23:17
urlin2urazilla, you might change the password.23:17
thomedyandi do know that i can do taht but when you say try a wep anda wpa personal what exactly do you mean23:18
razillaow my23:18
thomedyi have checked the pass and its good23:18
amaroksYes none worked phibxr23:18
phibxramaroks: ah. :/23:18
amaroksI will try to reboot23:18
amarokshope it fixes it23:18
phibxramaroks: check this: http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Firefox%20is%20already%20running%20but%20is%20not%20responding23:19
razillah0w. my h key dont work sorry23:19
deper29hey, I'm back23:19
urlin2uthomedy, if you right click the wireless icon then edit it opens the gui for this click on wireless and you will see any you have set up, you can edit it, there is a dropdown for types of keys wep is one type wpa personal is another.23:19
Slartdeper29: any progress?23:20
urlin2u!wireless | ThomasBoxley23:20
ubottuThomasBoxley: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:20
deper29I booted up my netbook so I could talk to you guys at the same time23:20
razillahow chage pass?23:20
deper29giving it a shot right now23:20
urlin2u!wireless > thomedy23:20
ubottuthomedy, please see my private message23:20
thomedyso i will click on my icon and try to find that one sec and ill also look at the pm23:20
Slartdeper29: here's what it's supposed to look like when you boot the recovery mode http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPsyHQQ8rks23:20
urlin2urazilla, that your computer or xchat pass23:20
amarokssorry guys, I forgot that the profile folder is on another partition (windows) and I had to delete .parentlock from there instead of .mozilla23:21
emi think that my X is borked somehow. When i do startx from the command line the screen just goes black.23:21
douginhoMoDDD: Here's what came up from the rfkill list dell-wifi: Wireless LAN23:21
douginhoSoft blocked: yes23:21
ThomasBoxleyurlin2u, I think you had the wrong person :p23:21
emany ideas?23:21
douginhoHard blocked: yes23:21
razillaubuntu lo in admin pass?23:21
razillalo in23:21
MoDDDamaroks:no problem :)23:21
urlin2uThomasBoxley, yeah sorry about that. :D23:21
thomedyubottu i am actualaly pretty sure that is one of the docs/tuts i read and followed23:21
ubottuthomedy: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:21
urlin2urazilla, passwd   in the terminal will ask for the original and then a new one with a confirmation.23:22
MoDDDdouginho: try type rfkill unblock all and then rfkill list all23:22
thomedyokay no w im dumb23:22
razillamy key board is o23:22
razillamy key board is messed sorry23:22
douginhoMoDDD: Same thing23:22
Pantherkinghey everyone, need some help. I'm running ubuntu off a usb drive in hopes to back up some data from a fucked hard drive before i attempt to reformat but i cant get my external HDD to mount23:22
urlin2u!wireless> urlin2u23:22
ubottuurlin2u, please see my private message23:22
deper29Slart: I'm in recovery23:22
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Slartdeper29: you got to the menu?23:23
deper29now what should I do?23:23
MoDDDdouginho:ok.. u have to try to unload and reload the wirless driver23:23
Slartdeper29: hehe, hang on.. have to check what the original problem was.. .. ah. black screen23:24
deper29lol, k23:24
Slartdeper29: try typing this into the terminal.. "apt-get install -f"23:24
razillaso what do i enter in terminal urlin2u?23:24
reggaldoes anyone know a good port scanner FASTER than SuperScan23:24
reggalI know nmap is really slow23:24
deper29so I want to go intoa  root prompt shell?23:25
urlin2urazilla, passwd    ten put the original it will then ask for the new one then a confirm of the ne one.23:25
Slartdeper29: what kind of graphics card are you using?23:25
Slartdeper29: yes, root shell23:25
reggalI mean I can configure stuff23:25
deper29don't hate me, but Nvidia23:25
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reggalI mean I can configure proxyhunter.exe to scan, but it doesn't record host responses23:25
razillaurlin2u, exact command please?23:25
reggalDamn rubbity jibbs23:25
urlin2urazilla, passwd23:25
reggalwon't answer!23:25
FloodBot1reggal: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:25
deper29Slart: It didn't install anything23:26
Slartdeper29: why should I hate you? =) nvidia.. I wonder if the new nvidia driver has messed something up23:26
razillasudo passwd old new?23:26
urlin2urazilla, no   passwd      that is all23:26
Slartdeper29: try this    "apt-get install nvidia-current"23:26
urlin2urazilla, just   passwd and read the terminal23:27
deper29it's installing23:27
Pantherkinghello anyone?23:27
urlin2u!hello | Pantherking23:28
Slartdeper29: when it's done you can try typing just "exit".. and then reboot and see if things have improved23:28
urlin2uPantherking, state your problem.23:28
MoDDDhello Pantherking23:28
Pantherking I'm running ubuntu off a usb drive in hopes to back up some data from a fucked hard drive before i attempt to reformat but i cant get my external HDD to mount23:28
BarkingFish!language | Pantherking23:29
ubottuPantherking: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:29
urlin2u!language > Pantherking23:29
ubottuPantherking, please see my private message23:29
thomedyis there a way i can figure out whether im wpa or wep23:29
Fujkso can an expert tell me why I have 4% packet loss on my newly bought intel PCI card? same shit with the onboard card, ubuntu is broken seriously. works 100% in windows 723:30
xaashihi anyone familiar with building xen dom0 kernels, the hypervisor doesnt seem to want to load any of the kernels i build .. and freezes at point of loading the kernel23:30
blkperlSlart: works in oneiric, doesn't work in lucid23:30
xaashisee http://pastebin.com/PRtwaEeM23:30
deper29Slart: it is installed now23:30
IdleWarshipWhere can I find the scripts that flick on/off my webcam - diagnostically, I suspect - during startup?23:30
Slartblkperl: that's odd.. I would have thought these things would look the same no matter what version23:31
Slartdeper29: ok, type exit and reboot23:31
blkperlSlart: maybe lucid isn't ipv6 ready :P23:31
deper29I'll give that a shot23:31
shovelltrying to run a game under wine and am having issues would any of you be willing to help?23:31
Slartblkperl: hehe.. that would just be great.. LTS release and no ipv6 =)23:32
Slartshovell: tried asking in #winehq? that is the official channel for wine support23:32
shovellwill do thank you23:32
Slartshovell: you can ask here too, if you want, but I think you'll get better answers in there23:32
shovellwell first thing i ran  wine with >logfile 1&2 or something like that where would i find the log?23:34
deper29Slart: doesn't seem to be working. I have a dark screen with a blac border23:34
Pantherkinganyone can help mounting a usb hdd?23:34
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Slartdeper29: ok.. back into recovery mode23:34
Fujkso can an expert tell me why I have 4% packet loss and get disconnected on a regular basis on my newly bought intel PCI card? same shit with the onboard card, ubuntu is broken seriously. works 100% in windows 723:34
Slartdeper29: there are some more tricks we can try23:34
hiddensoulPantherking, it should just mount when you plug it in23:34
ubottufujk: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:34
Pantherkingbut it doesnt23:35
IdleWarshipI'd like to alter my webcam's config to somehow store a single frame every time it's activated.23:35
deper29okay :)23:35
Fujkyeah I would be calm if Ubuntu didnt waste my  $30  on a new network card that doesnt work23:35
Slartdeper29: do you have a working network connection when you're in that root shell?23:35
ekaleidoif i wanted to use sysctl to gauge bits or bytes output on a given nic, which arguments to sysctl might i find useful?23:35
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hiddensoulPantherking, try this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB23:36
Pantherkinglooked through it and none work23:36
urlin2uFujk, there is a wiki that tells you what ones known to work.23:36
shovellwell that was interesting23:36
acerimmerFujk: ubuntu doesn't make the hardware drivers.23:36
deper29I was able to download that nvidia driver23:36
hiddensoulis the USB HDD powered by USB or an external powersupply ?23:36
Slartdeper29: great.. lets install a little utility that posts files to the pastebin.. so we can see some log files23:37
OerHeksFujk, how do you know windows has no packet loss ?23:37
Pantherkingexternal, fdisk -l returns it showing up thrice, sdh sda and sdb23:37
deper29I shoud reboot back itno recovery root shell?23:37
FujkOerHeks: because I ran a ping test for 30 mins and connected to IRC via mirc23:37
urlin2udeper29, please use the nic your talking top tab will autocomplete the nic. :D23:37
FujkOerHeks: when I do the same in ubuntu I get disconnected on a regular absis and packet loss23:37
Slartdeper29: yes23:37
Slartdeper29: back to that root shell23:38
Yb8022So I have Ubuntu Server 11.10 installed and I'm just wondering about a minor nuissance, why after logging in does it hang for about 2 seconds before actually getting me in? Specifically after this "Last login: Wed Jan 25 01:32:14 2012 from
Yb8022- 3 second HANG -23:38
deper29urlin2u: what do you mean?23:38
MoDDDPantherking: try plug in your usb HDD and in the terminal type mount.. u find some as like /dev/sdc1?23:38
FujkOerHeks: like now23:38
SlartYb8022: I have the same problem.. it's really annoying.. let me know if you find anything23:39
urlin2udeper29, what you just did when you are talking with a person use their nic, the channel is busy and it helps a great deal. :D23:39
Pantherkingthe ntfs signature is missing when i try that23:39
reggalanyway, since I can't talk in #ubuntu-offtopic23:39
reggalIs this for real: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2012/01/anonymous-no-we-wont-attack-facebook-jan-28.html23:39
reggalI mean is the anonymous DDoS on Facebook real or fake23:39
meowsusSorry, walked away from my computer. I've run into this issue a few times. When I'm backing up peoples files from their Windows or Mac computers onto my machine, I've noticed that the preferences for the folder (in Ubuntu) show that a folder that is 60gigs shows up as 60gigs for it's actual size, but the size on disk is way higher, like 500gigs or so. What could be causing this? And is there anyway to compress that back down23:39
meowsus to be the correct size again?23:39
reggalI"m building up shells to take it down23:39
reggalso is it real23:39
ninjaiQuestion: If I do a dist upgrade and it says "mysql-server-5.0" is being removed, am I going to lose my databases too or will I still have my databases?23:39
FloodBot1reggal: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:39
reggalSlaggy mc pit street.  Hustler hova heeva Chickova heeva ova heeva.  Braxalarian blalalxrals.  snuggity rab rab rabbits.  Snuggies aren't selling anymore.  most people don't know what a "snuggie" is.  Halla micka wheel wyaujtkchtpt.23:39
OerHeksreggal, stop it please23:39
deper29Slart: Now recovery doesn't want to wor23:40
urlin2umeowsus, how are you doing the back up?23:40
Slartdeper29: huh? but it worked before, right?23:40
shovellwell first thing i ran  wine with >logfile 2>&1 or something like that where would i find the log?23:40
deper29Slart: it said "loading initial ramdisk ..." and just hangs there. Yes, it worked before23:41
Pantherking"sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb /media/fantom" returns NTFS signature is missing. Failed to mount '/dev/sdb': Invalid argument The device '/dev/sdb' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.23:41
Slartdeper29: try shutting the computer off totally.. wait 10 secs and then turn it on again23:41
shovellaaah nevermind23:41
SlartPantherking: sure you want /dev/sdb and not /dev/sdb1 ?23:41
Pantherkingi've tried both. tried sda1, sda, sdb1, sdb, sdh1, sdh23:42
ekaleidoif i wanted to use sysctl to gauge bits or bytes output on a given nic, which arguments to sysctl might i find useful?23:42
urlin2uPantherking, you need the partition number, if it has one.23:43
gh0ztI'm not having any luck getting my Linksys AE 2500 USB adapter to be recognized in Ubuntu.  I found some online help, but it did not work and I think the reason why is because the guy who got it running used Windows XP drivers, and he got it working in the 32 bit version of Ubuntu.23:43
deper29Slart: I'm at a root promp23:44
MoDDDPantherking: take a look here http://askubuntu.com/questions/85487/unable-to-mount-external-usb-hard-drive and also here http://thenubbyadmin.com/2011/03/08/getting-a-stubborn-ntfs-drive-to-mount-in-linux-was-this-trip-really-necessary/ if u find some can u help u23:44
Slartdeper29: it worked now? perhaps you have to do the total shutdown for it to work...23:44
urlin2uPantherking, the disc utility will mountbpartitions as well gparted, look at the usb with gparted and see if there is a ntfs.23:44
Slartdeper29: ok.. first thing we're going to try is to disable the xorg.conf23:44
dagerikWhat does this do? echo -e "\c"23:44
Slartdeper29: but lets start looking at some logs23:45
deper29Slart: okay, how so?23:45
Slartdeper29: apt-get install pastebinit23:45
Slartdeper29: that will install an application that will take a file and send it to a pastebin..which is just a website where you can post text and let others see it23:45
deper29Slart: okay, it's installed23:46
Slartdeper29: ok.. try this    pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:46
Slartdeper29: it will print out a link to the webpage where that file will be posted23:46
Slartdeper29: it's a log that is created when X triest to start.. it will contain some info on what graphics card you've got.. which resolutions it tries and so on23:47
kirby92I need help getting my wireless network card to work.23:48
deper29Slart: http://paste.ubuntu.com/81595523:48
meowsusurlin2u, just copy over a network. Say it's their My Photos directory, I'd just copy it over to my desktop, or whatever.23:48
Slartdeper29: ok, check line 134.. that might be what's wrong23:49
urlin2umeowsus, your description is convoluted, your getting the actual size of the transfer, why would the 500 gigs be a factor?23:50
deper29Slart: how do I fix that?23:50
Slartdeper29: when you installed the nvidia-current package.. did you get any errors?23:50
gh0ztkirby92: same here.  I have a linksys AE 2500 usb network adapter and i cannot find any drivers for it.23:50
tippeneinhaving problems with network manager losing connection every 20 seconds or so.  added "auto wlan0 \n iface wlan0 inet dhcp" to /etc/network/interfaces, because wireless wasn't working at all, but now...23:50
urlin2umeowsus, or I'm reading it wrong just trying to understand23:51
deper29Slart: I didn't see any23:51
Slartdeper29: try running this in the root shell "modprobe nvidia"23:52
mega1how do i create a shared folder on ubuntu server 11.10 and be able to be see by windows23:52
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kirby92I've installed the b43legacy wireless driver and my wireless card still will not work.23:52
meowsusurlin2u, I'm saying that once I get the folder on my desktop, if I right-click on it and select "Properties" to see how big it is, the actual size is correct (for example: 60gigs) but the "size on disk" size is ridiculously bigger. For example, I should be able to put that 60gig folder on my 250gig external hard drive, but I cant because the size on disk is way larger (for example: 500gigs)23:52
deper29Slart: nothing happened23:53
shovellthe game is startrek armada 2 and i have tried a few things that the appdb suggested but i get this  a list of errors that i dont understandhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/815952/ is the output23:53
arooni-mobilehi folks;  running ubuntu 11.10 here.  when i try to connect to a wireless network for the first time (when i havent connected to it previously)... and i enter the wrong password; there seems to be *no way* to change the password if i got i t wrong the first time.  ubuntu keeps trying to reconnect with the wrong password23:53
MoDDDkirby92: type in the terminal rfkill list all and say what u see23:53
shovellhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/815952/ oops sorry23:53
urlin2umeowsus, ah thanks, not sure there really.23:53
Slartdeper29: hmm.. I wonder why it's not working... nvidia is usually quite easy to work with23:54
=== marco is now known as Guest66061
SarynitiHi I'm installing 11.10 32bit on a usb drive. After I ran an upgrade I got an errore that the new linux image wasn't successfullyt updated. Now it requires me to login with the only option being "Other" and to manually type a username and password but none were created in the installation. This is my second attempt and both have failed following an upgrade. Any ideas? Thanks.23:54
FujkUbuntu hurts my soul and I want to cry in my sleep23:54
Slartdeper29: ok.. back to basics.. in the root shell... "apt-get purge nvidia-current nvidia-current-updates"23:54
Slartdeper29: that will remove the nvidia driver23:54
kirby920: hci0: Bluetooth Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: no 1: phy0: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: no Hard blocked: yes23:54
deper29Slart: unable to locate package nvidia-current-updates23:55
DarkfrostBeen a week now, still can't get Wi-Fi working D:23:55
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Slartdeper29: ok, just uninstall the first one then23:56
Slartdeper29: "apt-get purge nvidia-current"23:56
urlin2ukirby92, please tab complete the nic of who your addressing or type it.23:56
deper29Slart: how?23:56
myk_robinsongenewitch: Me again, not sure if my last message went out, I had a connection problem.23:56
deper29Slart: oh, I see.23:56
myk_robinsongenewitch: anyway, if I recall, did you say that RATE in the power thing is a measurement of how much power I am actively using?23:56
deper29Slart: done23:57
urlin2uDarkfrost, you know the card is it a broadcom?23:57
Slartdeper29: and then we install it again.. "apt-get install nvidia-current"23:57
Gentoo64kirby92: i think that means if its a laptop, either the wireless switch is off, or you need to turn it on with the fn shortcut key23:57
kirby92urlin2u: not sure what you mean23:57
DarkfrostYeah, BCM431223:57
Gentoo64kirby92: i dont know much about wireless though23:57
Darkfrostrfkill list always shows Hard blocked, no matter what I do :-/ Tried wl and b4323:58
kirby92It's a desktop23:58
myk_robinsongenewitch: if so, I got it down from about 22W to 7.5 and its still working as normal. Charging the battery now to give it a discharge test in a bit. Thanks for your tips23:58
gh0ztgentoo: do you know anyone who has had any luck getting the Linksys AE 2500 usb network adapter working in ubuntu 11.10?23:58
urlin2ukirby92, the card is a type, run this command and post what it is  lspci | grep -i wireless23:58
Slartdeper29: and last but not least..       mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup23:58
Gentoo64gh0zt: no idea23:59
kirby92urlin2u: 05:05.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4303 802.11b Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)23:59
deper29Slart: all installed, just renaming that file23:59

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