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lenastraljava: Looked at the bugwork for the latest mudita bug #65570800:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 655708 in smb2www (Ubuntu) "package smb2www 980804-38 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65570800:26
lenOpps wrong bug set. anyway. It looks like it is an amd64 issue. 00:32
lenThe meters seemed to work fine on what I tested...00:32
lenIt seemed to indicate it was all the meters.00:42
astraljavaailo: len: Yeah, I was referring to the new snapshot which is now in sid. mudita24_1.0.3+svn13-302:35
lenAnd? You would like?02:35
lenastraljava: I can't test the amd64 version. Just the x86.02:36
astraljavalen: Where do you live?02:39
lenCourtenay BC on Vancouver Island.02:40
astraljavalen: http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/pool/main/m/mudita24/mudita24_1.0.3+svn13-3_i386.deb02:41
micahglen: I think you meant debian 65570802:41
ubottuDebian bug 655708 in mudita24 "mudita24: meters don't work" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/65570802:41
* micahg was just demoing the bot for next time :)02:42
lenIs there anything in particular you me to test it for?02:42
astraljavaYup, got it. :)02:42
astraljavalen: Well, just that that's the latest in sid now.02:42
astraljavalen: I'm not sure about whether the meter issue happens for everyone, so if they worked for you, that's great. Please test the latest, though.02:43
lenI figured I had done it wrong. If I just say bug it figures ubuntu, but if I say debian bug that works too. OK02:44
astraljavalen: Yeah, it defaults to ubuntu, being that we're in that namespace.02:44
astraljavaI believe there are other bug trackers as well, for instance gnome and kde.02:44
lenIs there a web page with irc instructions?02:46
lenBTW, these all seem to think they are version 1.0.4 mudita2402:54
astraljavaubottu.com lists the different factoids, but it's interface is a little... meh.02:57
astraljavascott-work: No, unfortunately the server seems to have dropped that pm. Please report.03:04
lenastraljava: The latest mudita24 seems to work fine. I found no issues with it.04:03
lenI am guessing it is compiled static?04:04
lenOr are the libs from US 10.04 still mostly the same to 12.04?04:04
astraljavaI'm not sure static compiling is in fashion in debian or derivatives. The depends list isn't long, and probably not too quickly progressing. Are you installing the snapshot on lucid, then?04:10
lenI did.04:25
lenI did the first snap on both that and 12.0404:25
lenBoth went without complaints.04:28
ailoGood morning everyone04:29
ailoWhat are doing up so late/early, astraljava? :P04:29
astraljavaListening to Sharks @ Oilers.04:33
astraljavaWell, as I said, the depends are quite generous, and don't really require the latest 'n' greatest. Lucid truly fulfills them all.04:52
lenLooking at the work flow web page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Workflows/Audio06:09
lenThe workflow with audacity is wrong. (I think)06:10
len It should use jackd.06:10
lenI know it is more trouble to set up, but... PA does funny things with it.06:11
lenI found that if I set up levels with anything other than pulse tools, that pulse would change the levels as soon as play is hit06:13
lenFor example, recording a conversation with a mic.06:14
lenI have found that my mic boost at +20db gives more noise than at 30db.06:15
lenso I would set it to 30 and the capture a bit lower to compensate or I might set it at 10 with the capture full up.06:16
lenAs soon as I hit record, audacity asks pulse for a port and pulse sets the levels to default...06:17
lenJack doesn't have this feature.06:18
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micahgScottL: sorry, my piloting got pushed back a day or two, but I'll get your stuff in as soon as I do it14:02
ailoWe may be getting somewhere with rt priv for users, administered by installing jack14:55
ubottuDebian bug 656910 in jackd2 "Group "audio" is used for two incompatible things" [Normal,Open]14:55
holstein"It's a discussion that started at the Ubuntu devel mailing list and it's15:02
holsteinabout a lack of knowledge, that changing the groups name would make no15:02
holsteindifference with PAM and that there could be different15:02
holsteinmulti-user-accesses, several users using the PC one after the other or15:02
holsteinat the same time and this would effect the usage of audio."15:02
holsteinsorry for the flood15:02
ailoYea, I'm not too concerned with that though15:17
ailoI'm only in this to get realtime priv by installing jack directly15:17
ailoSeems like it could be happening15:17
astraljavaI really don't understand the hassle with this, though. These kinds of machines are quite separated from normal desktop usage, no? Is it not possible to use a separate user that belongs to audio group, and you just acknowledge the impossibility of fast-user-switching when that special user is logged in?15:17
ailoWhy make things difficult?15:18
ailoWhen it could be so simple15:18
astraljavaDavid's email suggests it's not that simple.15:18
ailoastraljava: He suggests two things. One, that the name is already taken - no worries, we can change it. 2. when using jack in realtime, you can't access the sound device with multiple users -  np15:19
ailoThe group itself doesn't do anything until it's used15:20
ailoI don't know if there could be any security issued with having a default "audio" group for all users15:20
ailoSo far, I have not seen anything that would say it is15:20
holsteinwhat are the chances... someone knows that our users are in the audio group by default.. can they do something malicious with that remotely?15:21
ailoOnly if they become a user15:21
holsteincan some audio playing create a security concern?15:21
astraljavaRight. Well, I really don't have any passion in dealing with this matter. No one needs to use my machine that handles these issues, so I'll just tune it so that it suits my work flow, and be done with it.15:21
astraljavaholstein: Some mp3 vulnerabilities have emerged at some point.15:21
ailoThere is another thing that might need to be changed too15:22
astraljavaholstein: But I really don't think that's a very high profile impact in any case.15:22
ailoThe group for firewire devices in the ffado rules file15:22
ailoNot sure how that works15:22
ailoholstein: Can you use firewire in non-realtime with jack, if you're not a member of audio group - I don't remember15:23
holsteinailo: i need to try again15:24
holsteinwhen we do more testing int 12.0415:24
holsteinused to be, no15:24
holsteinhad to be audio and video15:24
holsteinor do some other permissions hacking15:24
ailoholstein: Since 11.10 we only need to be apart of audio group to get realtime with firewire15:25
holsteinailo: i need to actually fire it up and confirm.. that would help i suppose15:25
ailoNothing else needed, since there's a udev rules file for ffado devices15:25
ailoBut, I'm wondering if you can use the device in non realtime, even when you're not a member of audio group15:26
holsteini dont think it will take much for US to get back on top15:26
ailoSince, the ffado devices also point to @audio15:26
ailoI think US could do much more15:27
holsteinwe'll see15:27
ailoBut, now I'm finding that a regular Ubuntu install will already be a good system for multimedia15:27
holsteinthese little details are the things i think it has been missing15:27
ailoThis is what I've been concerned with from the start. The base.15:28
ailoThe kernel, realtime..15:28
holsteinwe gotta have it15:28
holsteini feel like so much of the community is jaded about US15:29
holsteinand rightly so15:29
ailoThe situation is improving now15:29
holsteinyou mention it in #ardour for example, and its still like.. "yeah, well what do you expect"15:29
holsteinif we have done our part to make it work properly, or what we consider to be proper, and folks just dont like it, thats fine15:31
ailoYeah, but there's been a lack of developers, as has been noted before, and that just makes things difficult15:39
holsteini wish a few of the folks complaining about it had stepped in15:39
holsteinit really wouldnt take much help from a few of those savvy ardour folk... but whatever15:40
holsteini know they are busy15:40
ailoIf I had nothing else I needed to do in life, I'd gladly spend the rest of my life coding GNU apps15:49
falktxailo: me too15:52
falktxIf only there was a way to get rich easily... err...15:52
ailofalktx: If you spend all your time coding, all you need is a heated nice house, a working computer that is not too noisy, and some food to keep you going15:53
falktxailo: well, that needs money...15:54
falktxthat is the main issue15:54
falktxI surely don't have a 'heated nice house', my house super cold15:54
falktxor super hot in the summer15:55
falktxscott-work: ScottL: ping15:55
scott-workhi falktx 17:32
falktxscott-work: you only ping me when I'm about to leave...17:33
falktxscott-work: I may still have some minutes, what is the state of live-installer/ubiquity patch?17:34
scott-workfalktx: astraljava has expressed interest in it17:34
scott-workfalktx: what i would like to do is get a list of things needed and by when and then as a group look at it17:34
scott-workfalktx: then we can decide who really should work on it to get all things done by the desired due date17:35
falktxscott-work: do you know what is needed to do?17:37
falktxI assume we're creating an ubiquity package variant17:37
falktxwith US slideshows and text17:37
falktxthen a page with checkboxes for installing/enable workflows17:37
falktxscott-work: is that correct?17:37
scott-workfalktx: i think that is the general thrust of it17:38
scott-workalthough it probably will be staged17:38
scott-worki.e. get the ubiquity plugin to work first17:38
scott-workthen work up the slides17:38
scott-workbut just use the existing edubuntu slides for the time being17:38
falktxscott-work: sounds good. is this anything still keeping us from doing this?17:39
falktx*is there17:39
scott-workfalktx:  not really, just someone spending time doing it17:40
scott-workfalktx: although i think we were more or less waiting until cjwatson got the live-dvd up and running17:41
falktxscott-work: I will want until you ping me about this then17:42
falktxI'll be glad to help17:42
falktxscott-work: is there anything I can do right now?17:42
scott-workfalktx:   thank you17:43
scott-workfalktx: tonight i will send an email to the mailing list about what i think are outstanding items17:43
scott-workfalktx: let me do that and then we can start making sure priorities are correct and then start assigning people17:43
scott-workfalktx: so hopefully in the next day or two we will know better17:43
falktxok, great17:44
scott-work_did my last comment about the live-dvd make it to the channel?  webchat hung up for me17:47
scott-work_TheMuso: have you had a chance to look at the lowlatency kernel at all?17:52
scott-work_TheMuso: do i need to redo the kernel for the new version?17:53
scott-work_TheMuso: do i need to worry about "component mismatch" and "no original tarball" warnings?17:53
ailoJust read about HUD18:58
scott-work_ailo: what is HUD?19:06
scott-work_i'm only aware of Heads Up Display19:06
ailoscott-work_: The new menu system Ubuntu is developing for 12.0419:14
ailoSearch based. You start typing, and options appear19:19
ailoIt seems strange at first, but after having gotten used to Gnome3, and it's menu (which is sort of similar to Unity), it does really speed things up a lot19:19
ailoYou can find things intuitively19:20
scott-work_did anyone see that i said that cjwatson has built the live-dvd image?19:23
scott-work_i presume it should be built tonight and available tomorrow through the automated build system19:24
scott-work_this might change the directory name so some links may not work possibly19:24
ailoscott-work_: Nice19:28
ailoscott-work_: btw, just to clarify. Menus for programs, not the program menu. 19:29
scott-work_email sent to the list about the remaining work items for precise22:12
scott-work_astraljava: i tried various times to PM you but didn't get a response so i just made the work items list and mailed it22:12

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