
littlegirlHey there, I got this email and wonder if it's legitimate: "We have recently moved our forum to vBulletin, and part of moving to this new software requires you to reset your password.  For security reasons, passwords were not migrated over.  If you follow this link and enter your email address you will be emailed directions to resetting your password."00:30
littlegirlIt's from support@kubuntuforums.net if that helps any.00:30
mydogsnameisrudyyou a member of kubuntuforums?00:32
littlegirlBut not as a moderator or anything - just a user.00:32
Riddelllittlegirl: kubuntu forums is an independent site and nothing to do with us so I'm afraid I don't know00:33
Riddellkubuntuforums.net does have a new look I see and it says it's using vbulletin00:33
littlegirlRiddell: Okay, thanks anyway. (:00:34
littlegirlRiddell: Ah, then maybe it is legitimate. But I think I'll just try to log in rather than following the link. (:00:34
Riddelllittlegirl: yes very wise00:34
littlegirlThanks for the help. (:00:35
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jjman6Muon software center or updater doesn't seem to have access to do updates anymore.  where as Kpackagekit had no problems prior to upgrade01:58
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datruthwhat are some light weight stable distro's that can run kde4?03:18
dies_iraedatruth: Gentoo03:19
dies_iraeor puppy03:19
datruthi remember hours of compile time in gentoo03:20
James147datruth: kde isnt normally considered lightweight ^^03:20
James147datruth: thus, you dont normally find it on "lightweight" distros...03:21
datruthbut for the linux distro itself I am looking for something lightweight with maybe more support for my laptop03:21
James147datruth: if you want a minimlist distro (without the compile time) then archlinux might be a good choise03:21
dies_iraedatruth: what your specs+03:21
datruthi7 2.2ghz 12gb ram03:22
dies_iraeu don't need lightweight03:23
datruththis is true03:24
James147dies_irae: there is a difference between need and want ^^03:24
datruthbut thats what im aiming for03:24
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dies_iraeGentoo + fluxbox03:26
James147datruth: also, you can try installing  kubuntu-low-fat-settings to improve preformance of kde in kubuntu03:27
* datruth is thinking of debian03:27
dies_iraedatruth: asking for a different distro on the distro channel u don't want is counter productive if not hostile.03:28
dies_iraedatruth: plz    ask in #linux03:28
datruthhrmm I think this is the best channel to ask as I still want to run kde03:29
James147datruth: there is also #kde03:29
datruthI'll try them to03:30
datruthhrmm so kubuntu is not kde4?03:30
James147datruth: it uses kde403:31
datruthso then kubuntu is not ubuntu?03:38
James147datruth: kubuntu is the ubuntu base system with kde install instead of gnome03:39
James147datruth: they both share the same repos and you can install both kde and gnome for a hybrid between them by installing either kubuntu-dekstop or ubuntu-desktop03:40
datruthso installing kubuntu-desktop from ubuntu should be ok? or should I format and install with the kubuntu iso?03:40
datruthmy plasma-desktop keeps crashing :(03:41
James147datruth: that is fine, you can remove gnome as well if you dont want to use it anymore03:41
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »03:41
datruthyeah ive done that already03:41
James147datruth: create a new user and see if it crashes with them, that will tell you if its a user config or system problem03:42
datruthhave new user created03:52
datruthhrmm profile seems to load ok03:52
datruthFor those who use kubuntu or ubuntu+kde4 how long does it tkae to boot up normally?03:53
James147datruth: inital login takes alittle longer as it has to set things up03:56
datruthJames147: true whats the normal boot time on a fast machine?04:00
James147not sure, but under a min from power on to desktop04:01
pangolinhey James147 I just wanted to thank you for the help this morning and let you k now i got it all sorted out thanks to your nudge in the right direction.04:05
James147pangolin: no problem :) waht was your solution?04:06
pangolintrick was to first: not loose patience. second: selecting the correct device to boot from in bios.04:07
pangolinfor some reason it was trying to boot from the external HDD which has no os on it.04:08
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datruthHow can I fix my sound it plays through the headphonesx and laptop sxpeakers04:49
tristan3299why is it that dolphin doesnt work unless under root05:29
tristan3299any body here???05:29
domenicas in you have to do sudo dolphin05:41
domenicfrom a terminal?05:41
domenichey guys/girls05:41
domenici messed up my Kmix05:41
domenicso i uninstalled, and reinstalled05:42
domenicall the audio works again, but I don't have the ability to manipulate volume-per-application05:42
domenicis there a way to restore this functionality?05:42
FloodBotK3domenic: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:42
Shaan7tristan3299: try kdesudo dolphin05:44
domeniche shouldn't have to.  Sounds like you have a permissions problem.  Find where dolphin is installed and make sure the executable isn't restricted05:46
len__I have some questions about ibus.  I'm trying to get Japanese input set up.  There is not a lot of good documentation on how to set this up properly in kde, but I got it mostly working.05:57
len__First problem is that is is working in everything except Libre Office.05:57
len__Second problem is that that if I launch ibus-kde manually from the command line, I get the ibus system try icon, but if I add ibus-daemon to the autolaunch, it loads the ibus daemon ok, but I don't get the system tray icon.05:59
len__*first line should say "If I launch ibus-daemon from manually"06:00
len__sans from06:00
len__Is anyone here using ibus?06:01
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LINKSWORD2Hey guys, I'm running Kubuntu 10.04 and need to upgrade to 10.10, but the next distro that Kubuntu is finding to upgrade with is 11.04.07:08
LINKSWORD2I've heard that skipping over distros in the upgrade process can cause some nasty problems... So how do I upgrade to 10.10?07:08
LINKSWORD2Hmm.... I just tried sudo do-release-upgrade, and got an error that "apt-get" or "aptitude" may already be running...07:12
LINKSWORD2No help at all? Come on...07:17
openportsyep nothing has help jest a help button07:23
DaemonFCa problem had been bugging me for quite a while now and I just noticed it again today07:38
DaemonFCever since Kubuntu 10.10(?), kdm has been set to reset the X server on log out instead of terminating it and spawning a new instance07:39
DaemonFCand all that seems to cause it for the system tohang07:39
DaemonFCdoes anyone ever plan to fix that?07:39
Tm_Tis this been reported?07:42
DaemonFCI don't know, each time I go to upgrade to a new release I just fix it myself07:43
DaemonFCI noticed it is still doing it in 12.0407:44
DaemonFCbut it did it in 11.10, 11.04, and 10.10 as well07:44
DaemonFCuncommenting #TerminateServer=True in /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc fixes the problem\07:44
Tm_TDaemonFC: please report this, and provide all related information of your setup (what graphics card (chip), drivers you use etc)07:45
Tm_Tit could be more of a bug in display drivers for example (:07:46
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DaemonFCit doesn't happen in any other distribution that uses kde07:46
DaemonFCso I don't see why it would be a video driver bug07:47
Tm_Tit still could, there's many variables07:48
Tm_Tand it was just an example, why this should be reported with as much details as possible so the root cause is possible to be located and fixed properly07:48
DaemonFCother distributions seem to use the terminate server option07:49
DaemonFCKubuntu comments that out07:49
Tm_TI understand07:49
DaskreechDaemonFC: You mean it doesn't terminate the server or it doesn't hang?07:50
DaemonFCthere is a block of comments explaining that option07:51
DaskreechDefault for that is don't terminate?07:52
DaemonFC"Restart instead of resetting the local X-server after session exit. # Use it if the server leaks memory etc. # Default is false"07:52
DaemonFCthey say that's the default, but Fedora's KDE spin has obviously changed that line07:52
DaemonFCto uncomment TerminateServer=True07:53
DaemonFCso they've probably had problems with trying to reset it and have given up07:53
DaskreechAnd Suse?07:53
DaemonFCI don't know what Suse does, I won't use it07:54
DaemonFCMageia and Mandriva both change it07:54
DaemonFCI've seen Chakra doing that too, but it's been a while07:55
DaskreechDaemonFC: file a bug with Launchpad then07:55
DaemonFCI don't know what they do right now07:55
DaemonFCI tried hitting submit and Launchpad says "There was 1 error"08:05
DaemonFCand does not specify what the error was08:05
Daskreech:-) Brilliance08:05
DaskreechI would say submit a bug on launchpad about that error but ....08:05
DaemonFCuh huh08:06
DaemonFCI need to file another one while I'm at it08:07
Daskreechwhat's that one?08:07
DaemonFCFirefox KDE support quit working entirely in Precise (grrr)08:07
DaemonFCIf I had a dollar for every time that started messing up...08:07
DaskreechFirefox has KDE support?08:08
DaemonFCDaskreech: It uses a stupid ld preload hack on Firefox08:08
DaemonFCto slap it silly and make it use the KDE file picker08:08
DaemonFCit's nice when it works, but obviously Mozilla doesn't give a crap if it does08:08
DaemonFCso it sometimes stops working B-)08:09
DaemonFCand sometimes it stops bringing up a file picker at all08:09
DaemonFCthough at least this time, it does bring up the GTK one08:09
DaemonFCapport needs to let you file bugs against things that are not currently installed08:11
DaemonFC"DUH, of course it's not installed! It broke, I removed it!"08:11
Daskreech:-) hard to run debug against something that isn't there08:12
DaemonFCwell, I have an idea08:12
DaemonFCoh it does now08:13
DaemonFCthat means I don't have to lie to it like I was about to then fix it later08:13
jussiTm_T: Ill ask here because people dont like us talking kde in there :P Do you know how to get gmail contacts in Kmail/Kontact? I have gmail calendars...08:43
Tm_Tjussi: I know how it should work, as I did set up it here08:44
jussiTm_T: so... tell me.... :D08:44
Tm_Tjussi: let me check if it actually works first (:08:44
Tm_Tjussi: I think it syncs "my contacts" here, which is empty in my case, awww08:45
jussiTm_T: Ive just been googleing... seems it was easier than I thought...08:45
Tm_Tjussi: I did just add "akonadi google contact resource"08:45
Tm_Tor similar08:45
jussiand it worked :=)08:45
Tm_Tback in the day when I fought with it previously, it wasn't so easy08:46
jussiexcept a bunch of contacts dont have names, but still, not bad08:46
Tm_Tjussi: I wonder if using exchange protocol would be any better08:47
Tm_Tor the other options it offers08:47
jussiTm_T: doubt it. I think its that the contacts are unnamed in google - coming from chat or somehtign08:47
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Riddell** KDE SC 4.8 testing needed, message me to find out how11:05
ikoniaSC ?11:08
Tm_Tikonia: Software Collection I recall11:08
Tm_TKDE is an umbrella project, and KDE SC is the main product11:09
ikonianever heard that before11:09
Tm_Tikonia: skillfully managed to avoid then (:11:09
Tm_Tikonia: http://dot.kde.org/2009/11/24/repositioning-kde-brand11:10
Tm_Tah, Compilation (;11:11
dies_iraeikonia: u never heard of SC??11:11
dies_iraeikonia: how about trying different software for a change?11:12
dies_iraethere's a whole world out there outside ubuntu gnome cozzy bubble11:13
dies_iraewow, just wow.11:13
ikoniadies_irae: I don't use ubuntu gnome, so get of your high horse11:14
Tm_Tdies_irae: that is not constructive use of this channel, so let's keep that kind of comments away from here, please11:15
ikoniaI had never heard the phrase "SC" in terms of the release.11:19
m1lt0nHello. I have a question: I downloaded the kubuntu 11.10 cd image (I've replicated the issue with other distros, too, so there is nothing wrong with the created cd) and despite the fact that on boot, it seems that the CD is starting to load (no message on the screen, though), fedora (I have fedora 16 with gnome 3 and Windows 7 dual boot) loads (without showing the grub menu in order to choose)11:23
m1lt0nany idea?11:24
m1lt0nI've changed distros several times before, and I'm facing this problem for the first time.11:24
gribouillewhen will the kde 4.8 packages be released?11:35
Tm_Tgribouille: when all is ready (:11:37
gribouilletm_T: when?11:37
Tm_Tone cannot predict the future reliably11:37
gribouilletm_t: are the package for the RC?11:41
Tm_Twhat package?11:42
gribouilletm_t: kubuntu packages11:43
Tm_Tgribouille: yes, there's RC packages available, see http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.7.9711:44
Tm_T4.8 release packages are incoming, but not yet ready for public consumption, especially as the release isn't out yet11:44
gribouilletm_T: the final KDE release should be nearly identical to the latest RC, so there should be no problem11:46
James147gribouille: but if kde hasnt been released yet how can it be packaged?11:47
gribouilleJames147, I'm not saying it should already be packaged11:47
gribouilleI'm just saying jubuntu packages should be released soon after the KDE release11:48
James147gribouille: and it normally does, within a reasonable time frame11:48
James147gribouille: 1-2days at most normally11:49
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James147given there arnt any unforseen delays11:50
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Riddellgribouille: want to test?13:05
Riddellor James14713:05
gribouilleRiddell, no thanks. I don't want to break my system13:17
Riddellfair enough, then wait is what you'll have to do13:18
aguitelwhat repo need to install last kde in kubuntu 11.10 ?13:20
Riddellaguitel: we are looking for testers for the unreleased 4.8 if that is what you are asking13:24
Riddellelse see kubuntu.org13:24
gribouilleRiddell, when do you plan to release?13:26
ts2gribouille: once everything is packaged and tested, more people helping means quicker release ;)13:27
gribouillets2, but there have been betas and RCs for quite some time13:28
ts2if the team packaged every alpha/beta/rc, they'd just have far too much work to do13:29
ts2the work currently is for the full release13:29
aguitelRiddell, yes13:30
gribouillets2, do you mean nothing is packaged before the full release?13:30
ts2gribouille: no, I mean that it's physically impossible for the Kubuntu developers to package every pre-release version13:31
ts2they still work on packaging the actual releases though, by working with the KDE project13:31
Riddellgribouille: when it's ready and when I've found people to test it13:34
Riddellgribouille: betas and RCs have also been packaged and tested before we release them but this is the final one so we can't just release without testing13:35
gribouilleRiddell, are there a lot of differences betwen the last RC and the final release?13:38
Riddellgribouille: depends on your scale for "lot" but there are differences13:42
RiddellKDE has never treated RCs as RCs13:42
gribouilleRiddell, do you mean they treat RCs as betas?13:46
Riddellgribouille: yes, they always expect to make changes between RCs and final release13:47
Riddellwhich is why I'm still waiting on testers :)13:47
gribouilleRiddell, I doubt they made a lot of changes in three weeks13:52
Tm_Tgribouille: I'd say Riddell is in good position to have his opinion (if it can be counted as opinion) (:13:53
gribouilletm_t: sure13:53
gribouilletm_t: I'm not saying he's wrong13:54
Riddellgribouille: Tm_T's testing has found two major problems already13:55
gribouilleRiddell, whic ones?13:55
Riddellby major I mean package dependency issues13:55
Riddellakonadi had one because it only did a release last last night so no beta etc for us to test with13:55
Linkmasterim wanting to get the following graphics card to build my own rig, and im looking at the reviews, but im not seeing anything about linux..http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=14-121-435&SortField=0&SummaryType=0&Pagesize=10&PurchaseMark=&SelectedRating=-1&VideoOnlyMark=False&VendorMark=&IsFeedbackTab=true&Page=2#scrollFullInfo14:06
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RiddellLinkmaster: Geforce is nvidia I think so that'll mean binary driver fun14:18
LinkmasterRiddell: thats what i was afraid of...its not a super new card though, so i was hoping otherwise. i also asked in ##hardware, hopefully they can give some insight as well14:19
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RiddellLinkmaster: #ubuntu as well is fine to try, ask for experiences of ubuntu with geforce14:20
excognachi all anyone knows how to check the toner in a dell laser priner?14:24
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BluesKajHey all14:44
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BluesKajRiddell,  , you were calling for kde 4.8 testers ? I'm running 4.8 on 12.04 , if that helps .15:14
RiddellBluesKaj: yes want to help?15:15
Riddellmsged details15:15
BluesKajok yes , I'll check it out15:15
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RiddellBluesKaj: how did you get on?  can you join us in #kubuntu-devel to say?15:47
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saviohow install splah screen ?16:17
savioany help?16:17
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BarkingFishCan i get some help with apper please?  I'm pulling updates, and some of them have a Yellow Shield with a black ! in the middle, does it mean something is wrong with the update, or it's unsupported, or what? :)16:25
peace_BarkingFish: sudo apt-get update16:30
peace_BarkingFish: sudo apt-get upgrade16:31
BarkingFishright, back in a bit, upgrade requires that I reboot16:37
BarkingFishsee you in a few moments16:37
johannes__hey, kopete won't work with icq. everytime connect, but nothing happens.16:39
johannes__can anyone help me?16:39
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acidrainneed a little help16:39
aguitelhow install kde sc 4.8 in 11.10 ?16:44
aguitelneed to enable special repo ?16:45
Riddelloh aguitel left before I could tell him16:51
Guest32572hello is anyone to help me17:00
BrixSatGuest32572:  just ask, dont ask for help.17:01
BrixSatim cant compile an app getting this error checking for KDE... configure: error: in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE libraries installed. This will fail. So, check this please and use another prefix!17:01
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ilkmgfQuestion, hope I'm framing it sensibly: I've been using mplayer on the command line to stream an internet radio station, but it's annoying because I have to type out the url every time, or scroll back through my bash history to find it. Is there a way to use KIO slaves to simplify this process?17:32
neo69someone mixed the components on my bottom bar, is there some way to make it look like the default?17:38
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James147ilkmgf: is it the same url (or set ot urls) each time?17:58
Roge152Was the dual boot option taken out of the installer now ?18:39
Roge152I seem to remember an option to install along side windows.18:39
James147Roge152: I dont think it was, but the option you get will depend on your system setup18:41
Roge152The only option given to me is, to use the entire disk.18:42
James147Roge152: if the option isnt there then you shold beable to pick the manual partition option and setup the partition manually the way you want. So long as you dont delete teh windows partition grub should find it and add it to the menu18:43
Roge152Fair enough then, thanks.18:43
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 11.10 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.10-release, upgrade with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OneiricUpgrades/Kubuntu | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines | Kmail users read this before upgrading: http://bit.ly/o841iy | KDE Plasma & Apps 4.8
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines | Kmail users read this before upgrading: http://bit.ly/o841iy | KDE Plasma & Apps 4.8 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.8.0
RiddellKDE Plasma & Apps 4.8 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.8.018:49
James147Riddell: upgrade done rebooting now18:51
gribouilleWill I break my system if I update to KDE 4.8?18:57
hassure ai galera?19:03
hassurspink portuguese19:03
James147gribouille: you shouldn't, but somethings things do go wrong :)19:05
hassuresse bate-bapo é tecnico?19:06
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danieloi have problem with distro upfrade to 4.819:21
danieloplis help19:22
danielodanielo@danielos:~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:23
danieloCzytanie list pakietów... Gotowe19:23
danieloBudowanie drzewa zależności19:23
danieloOdczyt informacji o stanie... Gotowe19:23
danieloNależy uruchomić "apt-get -f install", aby je naprawić.19:23
FloodBotK3danielo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:23
danieloNastępujące pakiety mają niespełnione zależności:19:23
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danielocan You help me?19:25
domenichey guys19:32
domenici was hoping someone could help me with KMix19:33
domenicI broke it, uninstalled, and reinstalled it19:33
domenicand now it no longer shows per-application volumes19:33
danieloHey Guys, I am looking for help. I wanted to have brand new kde 4.8 so I've added backports ppa and I have done sudo apt-get distro-update. Everything have been downloaded, but the error came out:19:34
danielohere You have19:34
danieloIt goes about dependencies, but I do not know How to resolve the problem.19:34
danielonow I am afraid If I will restart my kubuntu want not to run anymore19:34
FloodBotK3danielo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:34
peace_danielo: ppa are not supported19:34
danielowhat does it mean?19:34
James147danielo: try running "sudo apt-get install -f"19:34
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa19:34
danieloI've tryied it19:34
peace_danielo: now you know because add a ppa is dangerous19:35
peace_next time don't do it19:35
James147danielo: then remove the repos, and run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -f" readd the repos and then run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sduo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"19:35
danielohere is an output19:36
peace_James147: typo :P19:36
danielowitch repos should I disable?19:36
James147danielo: run "sudo dpkg --configure --pending" first19:37
James147danielo: the backports repo19:37
James147peace_: where?19:37
peace_James147: sduo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"19:37
danielobut if I do it I would not have kde 4.8 right/???19:37
James147peace_: o yeah :)19:38
danielosuch I waste :(19:38
James147danielo: basically what you have to do is remove the repo, fix your packages then add it again and update19:38
danieloI am runnig it right now "sudo dpkg --configure --pending"19:39
danieloIt seams to work...19:39
danieloI have question http://paste.ubuntu.com/816863/19:41
James147danielo: dosnt much matter what you answer, Y to reset kdm to its default settings, N is you have changed kdms setting at all19:42
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Guest61537hi all. where should i report bugs in KDE 4.8 ppa oneiric packaging?19:45
Guest61537too bad no comments possible at kubuntu.org site19:45
danieloand I've got that output http://paste.ubuntu.com/816868/ its look like the list of errors, and now I do not know If that configuration will run?19:48
James147danielo: what dose sudo apt-get install -f say?19:54
danielohere is output for sudo apt-get install -f19:55
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James147enter "y"19:56
Guest61537prepend LC_ALL=C to get messages in English19:56
James147danielo: then run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"19:57
Guest61537"LC_ALL=C sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"19:57
James147danielo: remove the backports repo first19:57
danieloI've gave You an output, see it19:57
danielothere are some errors19:58
Guest61537the usual solution is to install the package manually with dpkg -i --force-all19:58
Guest61537then rerun apt-get -f install19:58
Guest61537you can find packages in /var/cache/apt/archives19:59
danieloJames147 what to do? remove backports repo first? then run it  "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"20:00
James147danielo: remvoe the repos, then run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -f"20:00
James147danielo: then add the repos and do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"20:01
James147and "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"20:01
TaiChiMustDoTodays upgrade dies updating Kiriki.20:03
danieloJust does 2 entries??? #deb http://pl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric-backports main restricted universe multiverse20:03
danielodeb-src http://pl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric-backports main restricted universe multiverse20:03
James147danielo: yeah20:03
danieloI got few errors about 404 not found20:06
danielocan I ignore it???20:06
James147danielo: during which command?20:07
danielosudo apt-get install -f20:07
James147danielo: did you run "sudo apt-get update" first?20:08
danielothe eror cames with command  $ sudo apt-get update20:09
danielonow next http://paste.ubuntu.com/816893/20:10
TaiChiMustDodanielo: you should always use 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' first. 'sudo apt-get install -f' should prompt you for this.20:10
sheytansomeone already on 4.8 in oneiric?20:11
danieloSheytan I am tryin20:11
sheytandanielo means you're installing, downloading or havin issues right now?20:12
danieloI have installed but errors with dependencies came up, so now it is a struggle with dependencies20:13
TaiChiMustDoI'm finishing upgrade now after Apper crashed. Now on CLI using 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'20:13
sheytani'll try too ;) Greets  from Poland btw :D20:13
danieloI am from POLAND20:14
sheytani see ;]20:14
danieloTry it and give back a solution :p20:15
sheytandanielo i will. downloading pkgs now20:16
danielo<james147> I got problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/816906/20:18
danieloSheytan maybe You would check that http://paste.ubuntu.com/816906/20:21
sheytandanielo: it doesn't say nothing to me :) am not a dev, just a user :D20:21
James147danielo: and "sudo apt-get install -f" says?20:23
TaiChiMustDodanielo: 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'20:23
danieloIt is really  a mess20:24
James147danielo: always answer y to taht prompt20:24
danielook. now I got it http://paste.ubuntu.com/816917/20:25
TaiChiMustDo'sudo dpkg --configure -a'20:26
danieloTaiChiMustdo now i got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/816922/20:27
danielodependencies error20:27
James147danielo: uninstall the packages that are causing the error20:28
danieloso??? this one??? kde-workspace-bin20:28
danielo kde-window-manager20:28
danielo kde-window-manager-common20:28
danielo linux-image-3.0.0-15-generic20:28
danielo libtaskmanager4abi320:28
FloodBotK3danielo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:28
danielo plasma-netbook20:28
James147yes that list20:29
TaiChiMustDoWooHoo! KDE 4.8.0! Nice20:30
danieloI wonna to :(20:31
TaiChiMustDoAlittle glitchy on the upgrade using Apper but CLI using 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' fixed that.20:31
TaiChiMustDoMaybe I can help?20:32
danielowhat now?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/816931/20:35
danieloI got that errors all the time???20:35
James147danielo: remove the offending packages20:36
danieloI am trying but http://paste.ubuntu.com/816937/20:38
danieloerrors errors20:38
James147danielo: "sudo dpkg -r --pending"20:38
TaiChiMustDodanielo: Are you interrupting the process? "dpkg-deb: error: subprocess paste killed by signal you (Broken pipe)"20:38
danielomaybe I will delete the source.list20:39
danieloIt can be messed20:39
danielosudo dpkg -r --pending gives nothing :D20:39
sheytandanielos do you have or had icon tasks plasmoid installed before you begin to upgrade?20:40
danieloI was using it for a long time20:41
sheytanme too, had problems with deps right now.20:41
sheytangot to apper, remove plasma icon task20:41
sheytanagree to install other software20:41
sheytanafter that do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:41
sheytani just did, all went fine, going to reboot :D20:41
sheytanwish me luc20:41
danielosheytan give me the feedback20:43
=== mzanetti_ is now known as mzanetti
TaiChiMustDodanielo: "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo dpkg --configure -a"20:53
danieloI've done this20:53
danielosudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:53
danieloand now I got:20:53
danieloPrzetwarzanie wyzwalaczy dla install-info...20:53
danieloWystąpiły błędy podczas przetwarzania:20:53
danielo /var/cache/apt/archives/plasma-dataengines-addons_4%3a4.8.0-0ubuntu1~oneiric1~ppa1_i386.deb20:53
danieloE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)20:53
FloodBotK3danielo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:53
BluesKajdanielo,  what are you trying to upgrade , KDE or the OS to 12.04?21:00
danieloonly kde21:01
domenichey guys, i was hoping someone could help me with KMix.  I broke it, uninstalled, and reinstalled it21:04
domenicIt no longer shows per-application volumes21:04
BluesKajdanielo,  alt+f2  kdesudo dolphin /etc/apt/sources.list.d , delete any ppas there , then in the terminal sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports , then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-upgrade , afterwards , sudo dist-upgrade21:05
BluesKajdomenic,  set your volumes in alsamixer in the terminal21:06
BluesKajsudo apt-get upgrade, danielo , but you probly already fixed that21:08
danieloshould I delete all files?21:09
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macramupdating to kde-sc 4.8.021:50
macramany issues i should notice?21:50
excognachi all21:56
excognacI have some trouble with the update...21:56
excognacplease, it would be very nice if someone could help22:04
excognacgoogle doesn't22:05
BarkingFishwhat is your question ?22:05
* BarkingFish may be a lot of things; Psychic is not one of them :)22:05
excognacI have a very strange trouble with using sudo apt-get update  gives E: unable to locate. more precisely http://paste.kde.org/192824/22:06
BarkingFishI see what you are doing22:07
BarkingFishWhen you do upgrade and update - you don't need the word "install" as part of the sudo apt-get command22:07
BarkingFishit's just sudo apt-get update22:07
BarkingFishand sudo apt-get upgrade22:08
BarkingFishwhat it thinks you are trying to do is install a package called update22:08
excognacif it would hurt i would scream22:08
BarkingFishto make it easier, you can use an interface to install packages22:09
excognacno thanks, I prefer this way22:09
BarkingFishthat's ok :)22:09
BarkingFishI do some of my stuff on CLI too22:10
BarkingFishbut for packaging and updates, I use apper22:10
BarkingFishso much easier :D22:10
BarkingFishanyhow excognac - try those commands as I showed you them, hopefully you should be able to do what you need :)  If you still have problems, you're welcome to pop back and I or someone else will try and fix them22:11
excognacBarkingFish: thanks again,  it works now properly22:12
RiotingPacifistmy powermanagement plasmoid doesn't suspend take any actions after my laptop has been idle (I can suspend and everything fine though), don't know where to start on this one22:21
aguitelhow restore default setting in kde (kubuntu11.10)22:29
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howlymowlyhi poeple...  i got a short question:22:39
howlymowlymy knetworkmanager isn#t wrking at all for the wifi networks i need to access (eduroam, anroid tethering)22:39
howlymowlyso.. I want to use the old nm-applet from gnome.. but can not find it.. any idea?22:40
James147aguitel: kde settings are stored in ~/.kde ... renaming this folder will restore all kde applications to their defalts22:41
James147howlymowly: what chipset is your wifi card? (lspci can tell you)22:41
aguitelJames147, ok22:43
howlymowlyJames147: i use a broadcom adapter  though I am not able to see it right now in lspci22:43
James147aguitel: application configs are in ~/.kde/share/config  application data is ~/.kde/share/apps22:43
howlymowlyahh well   James147  there it is:   06:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)22:44
aguitelJames147, how to make dolphin to read ./folders22:44
James147aguitel: other setings (autostart for instance) are also stored somewhere in ~/.kde22:44
James147aguitel: .folders are hidden folders, you can just navagate to them in the address bar, or tell dolphin to show hidden folders (via menus or press alt+.)22:44
James147howlymowly: have you installed the broadcom drivers? (additional drivers in the menu should beable to do it)22:45
aguitelJames147, i cannot see the menu in dolphin22:45
aguitelJames147, ok i see22:46
James147aguitel: its on the right of the toolbar22:46
aguitelJames147, thanks22:46
howlymowlyJames147: jepp...  It says "this driver is activated and currently in use"22:46
James147howlymowly: what exactly isnt working about the network widget?22:47
howlymowlyJames147: I can not connect to the eduroam network and android tethering over wifi...  the status stays at "configuring interface"22:49
James147what encryption is the android device using?22:49
howlymowlyi know that tathering works for example, as I can connect to it with another cell phone. I can also connect to eduroam using the exact same settings with my cellphone22:49
howlymowlyJames147: I turned encryption off22:50
howlymowly(just to test why i can not connect to the cellphone, of course)22:50
James147strange ^^22:50
howlymowlybut it still isn#t working22:50
howlymowlyfunny thing is:  if i start using wifiradar it works22:50
howlymowlybut I really donät like wifiradar, as I can not plug in my umts-usb-dongle  and it will automatically connect to the internet22:51
James147howlymowly: have you tried deleteing and recreating the connections?22:51
howlymowlyJames147: hundrets of times :)22:52
James147howlymowly: could you try connecting from a new user (just to rule out a wacky config)22:53
howlymowlyhold on22:54
howlymowlyhmm..  or James147 I think I need to give up today on this issue22:54
howlymowlyI really got to go to bed :)22:54
howlymowlysorry mate, but thx for your efforts, anyway22:55
howlymowlygn8 all22:57
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aguitelJames147, what ppa need to add to take the last firefox browser ?23:11
James147aguitel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion23:12
aguitelJames147, thanks23:14
aguitelJames147, anyway to install kde 4.8 in 11.10 ?23:29
new2netHas anyone else experienced trouble starting mysqld due to apparmor on 11.04 after installing these recent updates?23:37
jjman6how can i force uninstall something w/ apt  (it won't let me because of a pkg w/ unmet dependancies needs to be reinstalled but i'm out of HD space so i want to uninstall some pkgs)23:48
new2netjjman6, maybe make a ramdisk to temporarily store a couple GB?  mount -t tmpfs -o size=2G ramdisk /mnt/ramdisk23:49
jjman6new2net: what does that achieve. it won't upgrade the broken pkg because there's not enough space and it won't let me uninstall other stuff to free up space on that partition23:50
James147jjman6: try "sudo apt-get clean"23:57
James147^^ it will delete downloaded debs and should give you more space23:57
jjman6umm only on the partition that the debs are stored which is not /usr23:58
James147jjman6: its /var23:59
jjman6right which does me no good.  i need to free space on /usr so it will fix broken dep. on but there's not enough free space on /usr23:59
James147jjman6: any perticular reason you chose to have a seperate /usr partition?23:59
jjman6yea because its the wise thing to do23:59

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