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rick_h~ /topic15:23
=== rick_h changed the topic of #launchpad to: Topic for #launchpad: Help contact: rick_h | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is Open Source | This channel is logged
rick_hadeuring: sorry for the late relief15:23
wolfgangb_mthaddon: Hello, me again. It seems we are blocked again (I contacted you a couple of times two weeks ago). This time we are back to normal number of users, just two or three from the same IP address.15:25
wolfgangb_Could it be a problem with our versions of bazaar and bazaar explorer that locks are being kept too long?15:26
mthaddonwolfgangb_: yeah, we saw 365 established connections from your IP address earlier today and it brought the service to it's knees15:26
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
wolfgangb_there was only one person today that should have used it from our IP address15:27
mthaddonwolfgangb_: so I think we *really* need to figure out what's going on here, and I'm not really sure of the best way to do that15:29
wolfgangb_mthaddon: the one person that used bazaar today said it worked fine initially and then later he got the timeout. He uses versions bzrlib 2.4.2, bzr explorer
rick_hwolfgangb_: I'll check the logs and look into it. It'll take a few15:36
wolfgangb_rick_h: Thanks. Do let me know if you want us to update to a certain bazaar version. I am on bzrlib 2.3.4 and bazaar explorer 1.1.4. One colleague mentioned that he found the newer version a bit unstable so I haven't upgraded yet.15:38
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rick_hwolfgangb_: so wonder if you can pass along some info for me16:11
wolfgangb_yes, I can try16:11
rick_hwolfgangb_: can you pass along the .bzr.log files for the users?16:11
rick_heither via pastebin or you can email them to me16:11
rick_hemail in a PM16:11
rick_hwe can take a peek and see if anything jumps out as possible bugs16:12
wolfgangb_will send it to you16:12
rick_hwolfgangb_: ty16:12
deryckrick_h, I'll take IRC now, though obviously you're still helping wolfgangb_16:13
=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: Topic for #launchpad: Help contact: deryck | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is Open Source | This channel is logged
rick_hderyck: thanks16:13
mgzhey all.16:21
rick_hhey mgz wolfgangb_ is having the issue16:21
rick_hI've got longs on the way, but I want to make sure I ask any other really smart questions while he's available16:22
rick_h /longs/logs16:22
=== Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha
mgztwo main things I'm curious about wolfgangb_:16:22
mgz1) how you're working with remote launchpad branches. are you treating it as a central server with bound branches? running any other commands like the graphical log against lp: as well as just local branches?16:23
mgz2) what symptoms you get if any (before getting booted) for too many connections, and if you're all affected or it's just some of you who end up with lots of ssh connections.16:24
rick_hwolfgangb_: what is the username of the user/connection?16:26
rick_hthe logs haven't shown up yet so I can see there16:27
wolfgangb_mgz: 1) I am not the expert in this area (can only ask him tomorrow). Launchpad is our central server and the branches are shared repositories we think.16:32
wolfgangb_mgz: 2) symptoms are that it just stops working at some point with a timeout. Then this seems to affect all of us the same (who are on the same IP subnet)16:33
mgzwolfgangb_: no problem. the logs should help here regardless.16:34
mgzthanks for persisting :)16:35
rick_hok, logs have arrived16:35
wolfgangb_mgz: I am not often rebooting my computer. Could this cause connections to stay open. However, I normally close and reopen bzr explorer regularly during the day.16:35
rick_hI'll forward these to mgz  and start going through them. Thanks wolfgangb_16:35
wolfgangb_thanks again16:35
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mgzwolfgangb_: no, it doesn't seem like it's anything that could be caused by your individual workflow, or lots more people would have similar issues16:36
mgzone last thing: do you use any plugins apart from the normal ones that get bundled with bzr? running `bzr plugins` will give you a full list.16:37
mgzwolfgangb_: also, 'Plugin-ins' under the 'Bazaar' menu in explorer has the same info16:40
wolfgangb_mgz: It is probably just the normal bundle. automv, bzrtools, colo, explorer, extmerge, fastimport, launchpad, loom, netrc_credential_store, news_merge, pipeline, qbzr, rewrite, svn, upload, xmloutput16:41
mgzyup, that's typical looking, thanks.16:42
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rick_hmgz: forward the email with logs to you. The one log that's just .bzr.log shows the connections denied. The other one doesn't have anything form today16:43
mgzthanks rick_h16:43
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mgzokay, those logs are really useful, and both users have the same mad ssh forking symptom with paramiko17:10
wolfgangb_I'll be offline in a minute17:11
wolfgangb_can check the chat again tonight or tomorrow morning then17:11
mgzI'll catch up with you tomorrow then, thanks17:12
wolfgangb_ok, thanks17:12
LinuxApprenticeis this the channel MSP430 launchpad?17:23
james_ware the download buttons on https://launchpad.net/lazr.config visually broken?18:07
mgznot in lynx18:09
rick_hjames_w: the 6% padding does seem excessive.18:09
mgzlooks like the circle with the down arrow might want a bit more padding18:10
rick_hwonder if that was meant to be 6px or something18:10
mgzyeah, that seems likely18:10
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james_wfor me the highlight doesn't span the whole rectangle, and isn't rounded18:38
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rick_hjames_w: what browser?18:48
rick_hjames_w: ah, that's the fancy web2.0 button looking crazy due to how large it is.18:52
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=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: Topic for #launchpad: Help contact: abentley | https://launchpad.net | Launchpad is Open Source | This channel is logged
abentleyderyck: My turn19:00
deryckabentley, thanks, sir!19:01
pmatulisif someone has attached what consitutes a 'plugin', is that considered a patch as far as l/p attachments are concerned?19:44
dobeypmatulis: if it's a completely new plug-in, it should probably be packaged as a separate source package. example?19:45
ubot5`Launchpad bug 628940 in kupfer "Session Management plugin for LXDE" [Wishlist,New]19:46
pmatulisdobey: ⤴19:46
dobeypmatulis: well, it's up to the owner of the project to decide how to deal with it. given the trunk branch is owned by ~vcs-imports, i'm guessing that launchpad isn't where patches are supposed to get submitted19:48
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pmatulisoh well20:06
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fst8r12how can i register my nickname21:45
dobeywhat do you mean?21:47
dobeyon launchpad?21:47
fst8r12no on irc nick name21:48
fst8r12is there any irc nick reg channel?21:49
beunofst8r12, http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup21:53
beunoalthough it has nothing to do with launchpad  :)21:53
dobeyfst8r12: appropriate channel for freenode questions would be #freenode21:54
fst8r12yes i losted  :)21:54
dobeythis channel is about http://launchpad.net/21:54
dobeyif you need help with irc, or your nickname registration, you should ask in one of the freenode channels21:54
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