
aguiteli have not nvidia drivers working with last upgrade00:05
urlin2uaguitel, you have to reload them on upgrades00:06
urlin2udistro upgrades that is00:06
PatrickC_Awayalmost done :) (i think)00:08
PatrickC_Awayjust finished setting up locals00:08
aguitelurlin2u, how reload00:11
aguitelurlin2u, explain to me00:13
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urlin2uaguitel, look in additional drivers and see if there is one waiting.00:19
urlin2uaguitel, did you upgrade from oneiric, or just a update-upgrade in precise?00:21
urlin2uaguitel, you can run this command if you have no driver waiting I believe  sudo apt-get install nvidia-current00:23
aguitelurlin2u, this is upgrade in precise and nvidia-current is not working with my card00:32
urlin2uaguitel, not sure then otherwise sorry.00:32
aguitelmy card is geoforce fx 550000:35
bjsnideraguitel, try nvidia-17300:47
aguitelbjsnider, this is the driver but when iinstalled x crash00:49
Will123456hey guys. i'm running the 12.04 alpha and only the ... 'default' lens works. all the specific ones (apps/files/music etc.) show nothing - either when i search or not02:14
Will123456are they broken for everyone or is it just an alpha-ish glitch on my end?02:15
snadgewhats a lens02:17
snadgeoh those other icons in the umm.. dock menu thingy02:17
snadgeyes they work for me.. but i never use them02:17
Will123456snadge: really? hm, i guess something's broken on my end then. thanks!02:18
Will123456i wonder if there's a cache or something i can obliterate02:18
snadgedash.. my bad.. i should be up with the lingo ;)02:18
snadgeyeah.. umm, from experience.. you can delete your entire home directory.. (j/k)02:18
snadgebut theres things in there like .compiz err just have a look02:19
snadgeand also try unity --reset02:19
snadgewhen deleting the settings make sure you're logged out of X02:19
Will123456snadge: i think i'll just take a hammer to my harddrive. :P or try unity --reset - i forgot about that one! thanks :)02:19
snadgetry purging gconf and other things failing that02:19
snadgeand if it still fails.. create another user.. and log in with that02:19
snadgeif that works.. blow away your home directory ;)02:20
Will123456tried resetting unity, no luck. i'll check .compiz, but it could be something a bit more backend-y02:20
Will123456(that's a technical term, by the way - i'm not being rude)02:20
Will123456unity.glib.dbusproxy GlibDBusProxy.cpp:276 Calling method "Search" on object path: "/come/canonical/unity/lens/applications" failed <=== that sounds pretty relevent02:21
snadgehmmm.. something seems busted02:25
snadgetry logging in with a freshly created user02:25
snadgecreate a new login... "unityblowsgoats" ;)02:26
snadgeor "goatse"02:26
Will123456snadge: i'll try a new user, but for now this seems to be my bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-lens-applications/+bug/87221902:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 872219 in unity-lens-applications (Ubuntu) "Applications lens "disappears"" [Medium,Confirmed]02:27
PatrickCthis isnt good...02:35
PatrickCwhen i got home from letting 12.04 install, i have no desktop at all02:35
PatrickCand i have no close/etc. icons02:35
PatrickCcame home to the command line saying "Errors were encountered while processing:02:35
Will123456PatrickC: no desktop? does unity 2D work at all?02:36
PatrickCWill123456, as in i have no desktop at all02:36
PatrickCthe only thing i see on my screen are the programs that were open before i started the update02:36
PatrickCno top bar, no unity side bar, no menus on applications02:36
PatrickCno nothing02:36
PatrickClemme take a picture02:37
Will123456PatrickC: ctrl + alt + backspace might kick you into the login screen so you can choose an alternate desktop for now. other than that you can try running unity --reset02:37
PatrickClemme try the ctrl+alt+backspace02:38
Will123456PatrickC: it will kill all your running programs02:38
PatrickCi have an irc bouncer02:38
Will123456PatrickC: i'm not sure what that is, but it sounds impressive :P02:38
PatrickCit keeps me connected to IRC even when my client dies02:39
urlin2ucrtl-alt-t get you a terminal02:39
PatrickCi have one open02:39
Will123456PatrickC: ah okay :P i hope you manage to repair your desktop!02:39
PatrickCwell, unity --reset kinda seemed to maybe work02:40
urlin2uyou run unity --replace02:40
PatrickCunity --reset brought back unity02:40
PatrickChow do i check if the distro update went ok?02:40
PatrickCas it errored out at flashplugin02:41
urlin2urun the update again is what  I would do to see what is in the terminal02:41
PatrickCthats what happened to the desktop02:43
PatrickCwell, it completed successfully02:43
PatrickC(sudo apt-get dist-upgrade)02:44
Will123456looks like compiz is dead. did unity --replace not work?02:44
PatrickCunity --reset did02:44
urlin2ulooks like a compiz problem it gas a poor refresh rate unity right, I have the fusion icon on the desktop to re;oad it02:44
PatrickCim installing cinnamon though.. so i wont have to deal with unity anymore :P02:44
PatrickCshould i do a unity --reload?02:45
PatrickCafter the unity --reset02:45
Will123456PatrickC: if it happens again, --replace is less invasive. --reset resets all your settings (surprise!) but replace just reloads compiz/unity02:45
urlin2ugenerally you can run compiz --replace it is a compiz problem generally02:45
PatrickCok cool02:45
PatrickCis there a place to make sure im on 12.04 now?02:46
PatrickCor just the sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?02:46
urlin2ureplace or reset I forget, I just have the icon to do it.02:46
Will123456PatrickC: lsb_release -a02:47
Will123456I get "Description: Ubuntu precise (development branch)02:47
PatrickCDistributor ID:Ubuntu02:48
PatrickCDescription:Ubuntu precise (development branch)02:48
PatrickCok cool02:48
Will123456snap :P02:48
PatrickCtime to install cinnamon :)02:48
urlin2ulsb_release -a02:48
urlin2udoh you got it02:48
Will123456yeah, take that urlin2u. :P    good luck patrickC :)02:49
PatrickCWill123456, thanks :)02:49
Will123456snadge: guest session works fine, so it's probably my user account causing the problems02:56
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=== PatrickC_Away is now known as PatrickC
PatrickChmm... how do I select a different desktop on 12.04?03:00
Will123456PatrickC: from the login menu03:01
PatrickCI found it :)03:01
PatrickCdidn't see the cog for settings03:01
Will123456yeah it doesn't always seem to appear for me unless i switch user accounts in the list03:01
Will123456see you!03:02
PatrickCuh oh03:03
PatrickCI think I might have broke my wireless...03:03
urlin2uPatrickC, broadcom?03:04
PatrickCnot sure03:05
PatrickCI have a phone which runs linux (as its underlying OS) and connected via USB tether easily03:05
PatrickCcan debug more now :)03:05
urlin2ulspci | grep -i wireless03:06
PatrickCgot nothing from taht03:06
urlin2uah your using the phone.03:06
PatrickCas the internet, yeah :)03:06
urlin2unot sure there.03:06
PatrickCit has an option to USB tether03:06
PatrickC(via homebrew)03:07
PatrickClemme disconnect from it and run that again03:07
PatrickCwell, actually, wireless should still be on.. hmm03:07
PatrickChmm.. got wireless back up03:10
PatrickCbut it won't connect to my router03:10
urlin2uwhat does that command show?03:11
PatrickCstill... nothing.....?03:11
urlin2uhmm not my area really never had problems so I know nothing.03:11
Will123456fixed. turns out zeitgeist was acting up, so nuking my .local/zeitgeist directory and then logging back in fixed everything03:11
PatrickCnow it connected03:12
PatrickChowdy Will12345603:12
urlin2uit is the beast grab the holy water. :D03:12
Will123456PatrickC: arent't you glad i picked such a snappy and convenient username03:20
PatrickCtab complete FTW ;)03:20
Will123456PatrickC: woah! i had no idea that existed. thanks :P03:21
PatrickChmm. can i run HUD and cinnamon? :)03:41
PatrickCbah.. stupid Adobe Air03:51
navatwoHey, so I accidentally upgraded.. now I don't appear to have nVidia drivers and can not load the regular interface. Any help?05:00
Essobiand he's gone05:05
urlin2uI gave them a nomodeset in #ubuntu we will see just how savvy they are, lol05:06
* PatrickC is really liking Cinnamon05:09
Fudgedoes this error make sense to anybody? tried to use apport to file a bug on mangler http://paste.ubuntu.com/816162/06:12
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Fudgeanyone know if xubuntu precise is usable with gnome-orca yet06:43
nordif i'm getting "ERROR: device-mapper target type "mirror" is not in the kernel, when booting alternate on a intel fakeraid system, then it surely must be something iffy with the kernel settings on the boot CD? fedora 16 works right out  of the box, while I had the same problem with 11.10...09:02
bazhang!info audacious09:20
ubottuaudacious (source: audacious): small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.4-1 (precise), package size 403 kB, installed size 1564 kB09:20
htorquejo-erlend: hi! about bug 921276 - do you use the xorg-edgers ppa by any chance?09:35
htorque!info audacious09:36
htorquehm, ubottu dead.09:36
ubottuaudacious (source: audacious): small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.4-1 (precise), package size 403 kB, installed size 1564 kB09:37
jo-erlendhtorque, no.09:57
htorquetoo bad09:57
bazhangz3r0c007, ^09:58
z3r0c007bazhang, thanks09:59
bazhangyou have to search for the PPA z3r0c007 and as with all PPA it is not supported should things go wrong10:00
z3r0c007bazhang, what's the update of the latest 12.04, lots of bugs or whats10:01
bazhangz3r0c007, its still in the alpha stages, so...10:01
z3r0c007bazhang, i have the PPA right now, i'm just wondering if i'm going to install the alpha version or i going to wait the final version of 12.0410:02
bazhangz3r0c007, I'd wait, as it's some months off, unless you wish to do some bug fixing/reporting10:03
z3r0c007bazhang, i'm just fixing some bugs / reporting of 11.10 ubuntu because ubuntu is the best desktop OS and server10:05
MechanisMhello. just after updates I'm unable to login in ubuntu. smth wrong with video drivers i think10:26
MechanisMI can't get root with networking to reinstall drivers or update system as well as I'm unable to see console or even recovery mode can't do anything10:28
MechanisMtrying to chroot from livecd now and fix it10:28
aguitel i have Geoforce fx 5500 (working only with nvidia-173) and with upgrade from today x are not running12:02
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aguitelanyway to install nvidia-173 in 12.04 ?12:45
aguitelanyway to install nvidia-173 in 12.04 ?13:00
zniavrethe kernel is updated to 3.3 ?13:02
Pici3.2 currently.13:02
zniavrethank you13:11
aguitelanyone know how install nvidia-173 in 12.04 ?13:14
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aguitelanyone know how install nvidia-173 in 12.04 ?14:10
icerootaguitel: is 173 in the repos?14:12
aguiteliceroot, yes14:12
icerootaguitel: so what is the problem when installing it?14:13
aguiteliceroot, but conflict are with xorg version14:13
icerootaguitel: what is the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"14:13
iceroot!paste | aguitel14:14
ubottuaguitel: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:14
aguiteliceroot, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/540505/14:15
icerootaguitel: why deb http://ar.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-proposed main restricted universe multiverse ?14:15
icerootaguitel: that will normally break a lot14:16
icerootaguitel: and i guess nvidia or xorg from your system is installed from proposed14:16
icerootits only a good idea to enable proposed if you want to test some bugfixes which are not yet in the main-repo14:17
icerooti mean 12.04 is unstable but with proposed its even more unstable14:17
aguiteliceroot, you say to erase all proposed lines?14:17
icerootaguitel: if you dont know what proposed is, yes14:18
aguiteliceroot, new is:http://paste.pocoo.org/show/540509/14:22
icerootaguitel: sudo apt-get update14:22
aguiteliceroot, and then apt-get dist-upgrade14:23
icerootaguitel: yes14:23
icerootaguitel: if that fails you already have proposed stuff installed14:23
aguiteliceroot, not fail14:24
aguiteliceroot, just making upgrade14:24
coz_hey guys,  should I do the current updates?  any issues?14:27
coz_I dont see much in the list of updates that may cause serious issues  but wanted to check first14:28
icerootcoz_: you are using a notebook with touchpad?14:28
coz_iceroot,  no desktop14:29
coz_rather I am using a desktop,,14:29
icerootcoz_: then i cant report a show-stopper14:29
coz_iceroot,  excellent :) thanks14:29
icerootcoz_: but i am not on unity :)14:30
coz_iceroot,  ah ok...gnome3?14:30
coz_iceroot,  ok cool,  I have not seen the current version of lxde,,,  I dont think it support dual monitors yet14:31
icerootcoz_: of course it does :)14:32
coz_iceroot,  oh?  last I used it it did not14:32
icerootcoz_: started lxde with 10.10 and it was fine with that setup14:33
coz_iceroot,  mm  isnt the window manager  pcman  somthing?14:33
coz_I admit it has been about a year since I used it last14:34
icerootpcmanfm is the filemanager14:34
coz_iceroot,  last I used it, although I could impliment a dual monitor set up , it would fall back to gnome libraries for that,,, I dont recall the conversation with the developers  about14:35
icerootthere are still gnome-libs in use14:36
icerootcoz_: there is a nice tool now for dualview14:38
icerootin lubuntu14:38
coz_iceroot,  ecellent,, I will have to try it out then14:38
icerootcoz_: its worth looking at it (imo)14:38
coz_ iceroot  yeah ,,  I will try it again , thanks14:39
BluesKajHey all14:44
coz_BluesKaj,  hey guy :)14:44
BluesKajhi  coz_14:44
coz_BluesKaj,  anything new on the KDE front?14:44
BluesKajnot so far , afaik14:46
BluesKajstill on 4.814:46
coz_BluesKaj,  ok cool, I intend to install current kde on 12.04  somethime this week14:46
BluesKajwell , if you did am upgrade to 12.04 , kde 4.8 should be default14:47
coz_BluesKaj,  no I did clean install14:47
BluesKajeven more so ...you didn't get 4.8 with the install ?14:48
BluesKajmust be an older 12,0414:48
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coz_BluesKaj,  ah.... actually I didnt even check "(  doing dist-upgrade right now  will check when finished14:49
coz_BluesKaj,  I used the daily build  may have been a few days or one week old14:49
BluesKajcoz_,  then you should have 4.814:49
BluesKaj4.7.79 to be precise :)14:50
coz_BluesKaj,  ok will check it out then  ,, thanks :)14:50
ikoniaBluesKaj: did you see riddles call for 4.8 testing ?15:06
coz_I might like test that but I would wait for BluesKaj   report on it :)15:06
BluesKajikonia,  no I did not15:07
ikoniaBluesKaj: give riddle a ping15:07
ikoniait was in #kubuntu15:07
ikoniaBluesKaj: worth maybe trying to get involved15:08
BluesKajI just joined 30 mns ago so....15:08
ikoniait's not in my buffer sadly, but contact riddle15:08
BluesKajjust to be clear , you mean Riddell , right15:10
ikoniaoops, yes sorry15:10
aguitelanyone know how install nvidia-173 in 12.04 ?15:15
bazhang!find nvidia-17315:16
ubottuFound: nvidia-173, nvidia-173-dev, nvidia-173-updates, nvidia-173-updates-dev15:16
bazhangsudo apt-get install nvidia-17315:16
aguitelbazhang, nvidia-173 : Depends: xorg-video-abi-10 but it is not installable15:18
aguitelbazhang, Recommends: nvidia-settings but it is not going to be installed15:19
aguitelbazhang, E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages15:19
aguitelbazhang, but i see no broken package i have15:19
bazhangaguitel, tried to fix the broken packages yet?15:20
aguitelbazhang, no broken i found15:20
bazhangaguitel, how did you check15:20
aguitelbazhang, in synaptic15:20
aguitelbazhang, in custom filters15:21
aguitelno broken15:21
bazhangaguitel, sounds like a bug then; have you filed them before15:21
aguitelbazhang, it occours yesterday with daily upgrade i make in precise15:22
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PatrickChttp://flic.kr/p/biqB3T hmm.. cinnamon seemed to crash16:12
PatrickChttp://flic.kr/p/biqB3T hmm.. cinnamon seemed to crash16:12
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PatrickC(sorry if thats a double post, nickserv said i wasnt identified)16:13
jo-erlendwhat's the status of  Ubiquity these days? Should I expect it to work? I thought I'd give my computer an early spring cleaning. :)16:15
jo-erlendit was a double post, but the channel doesn't seem to be too active anyway :)16:15
PatrickCjust wondering why cinnamon looks this way.. i dont have the icon in the upper lefthand corner and the icons on the bottom are huge16:16
jo-erlendwe have cinnamon in Precise now?16:16
PatrickCi installed it with the PPA16:16
PatrickCbut it works fine for me (except for this little hiccup :))16:17
jo-erlendoh, ok. You're adventurous then. An unstable software in a development OS :)16:17
PatrickCyep :)16:17
PatrickCUbuntu is my "second" OS16:17
PatrickCwindows is still my main16:17
* PatrickC hides16:17
PatrickCbrb switching back to unity :/16:18
jo-erlendnothing wrong with that. In a perfect world, Ubuntu would solve all your problems making Windows obsolete and unnecessary, but the main thing is that you get your stuff done. :)16:18
PatrickCyep ":)16:18
jo-erlendmethinks I shall give Ubiquity a go and see how well it works.16:19
=== PatrickC is now known as PatrickC_Away
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PatrickCwhats that?16:20
* PatrickC just switched back to classic.. ahh :)16:20
jo-erlendgraphical installer from the live cd/usb session.16:21
PatrickCi just did a straight distro update16:21
PatrickCone of the things i like about ubuntu. did a distro update and didnt have to reboot!! :D16:21
jo-erlendGnome Panel is quite nice. I think it's still missing indicator support. I hope that gets fixed before release.16:21
PatrickCin my opinion, this alpha build is as nice as most production windows builds16:22
jo-erlendyou do in order for everything to be used though...16:22
jo-erlendyes, this cycle is very nice.16:22
jo-erlendit's probably more stable than the beta for 11.10.16:22
PatrickCnow, if only we could get major companies like Trillian on board to make their apps compatible with Ubuntu without the need for wine :)16:23
zniavrejo-erlend,  http://www.webupd8.org/2011/11/indicator-applet-ported-to-gnome-3-can.html16:23
jo-erlendzniavre, yes, I have it installed, but it's not included in the distro, I think.16:24
zniavreno it s not16:24
zniavresorry for misunderstanding16:24
jo-erlendI would also like for the super+alt keypress necessity to be patched away for Ubuntu. We don't need to make it look and feel like Gnome Shell. We should aim at making it feel as close as Gnome Panel in 10.04, I think.16:25
zniavrewhat does super/alt ?16:25
PatrickChttp://flic.kr/p/biqY3c why would adobe air be giving me this message when gnome-keyring is installed?16:26
jo-erlendIn Gnome Panel 3, you have to press super+alt and right-click to access the menus in order to add applets, move them around, etc.16:26
jo-erlendPatrickC, this is pure speculation, but it is possible that it was made for the old version of the keyring. The format has changed in Gnome 3 if I recall correctly.16:27
PatrickCwhere is the super button? i dont see the Superman S on my kb :P16:27
PatrickCmaybe.. now to figure out how to get around that... hmm..16:27
jo-erlendsuper is the key that causes your Ubuntu keyboard to advertise for Windows. :)16:27
jo-erlendPatrickC, it would be _very_ difficult. You'd have to either patch AIR or the keyring, I believe.16:28
jo-erlendbut as I said, that's pure speculation. I don't _know_ that this is the case.16:28
PatrickCmight as well try and update air16:28
jo-erlendtry searching for "Adobe AIR Gnome 3" or something.16:28
PatrickChow do i launch the system update? lol16:28
PatrickCcant find the icon :P416:29
PatrickC:P *16:29
jo-erlendPatrickC, it's called "update manager". You can launch it by pressing super and entering "up".16:29
jo-erlendit'll likely be the first hit.16:29
PatrickCi love linux command linke16:29
PatrickC(i cant type today lol)16:29
PatrickCupdate-manager launched it16:30
jo-erlendI don't think AIR is in the repos though?16:30
PatrickCnot sure16:30
PatrickCi forget how i installed it to tell you the truth :)16:30
jo-erlendit's not.16:30
jo-erlendand if I recall correctly, Adobe dropped AIR support for Linux a while back.16:30
PatrickCyeah, which is the sad thing16:31
PatrickCas a lot of the programs i run need Air16:31
jo-erlendI've used it all of five minutes myself, and that was a year ago, so I'm not sure.16:31
PatrickCa client i use for a blog that i work for uses something called Hipchat and they have a desktop app, but its in AIR :/16:32
jo-erlendthat's what VirtualBox is for, no? :)16:34
PatrickCheh.. dont have a windows install CD :)16:34
PatrickCand i have windows on the main partition :P16:34
jo-erlendunless it's Windows XP, I think you can convert it.16:35
jo-erlendwell... You can convert XP as well, but that takes a weekend. :)16:35
lupzzthere will be a wayland preview in precise?16:42
PatrickCjo-erlend, sorry, was AFK16:45
PatrickCmeh, ill just use windows as my main for now still16:45
jo-erlendlupzz, we have wayland-demos. Seems to be the same version as in 11.10.16:47
PatrickCtweetdeck doesnt support ubuntu anymore? :S16:49
jo-erlendlupzz, this is a very conservative release. I would expect things like that to be held until 12.10 or something. I'm looking forward to it myself. That and btrfs.16:49
jo-erlendPatrickC, why do you say that?16:49
PatrickCcause they dont have it as supported on their website16:50
jo-erlendoh, ok.16:50
jo-erlendoff to play  my guitar for 24 minutes until the daily image is downloaded :>16:51
PatrickCthat short to download?16:52
PatrickClucky lol16:52
Ian_Cornei don't see files on my desktyop anymore16:56
jo-erlendIan_Corne, since..?16:57
Ian_Cornei normaly don't look at my desktop :p16:57
Ian_Corneso i have no idea16:57
jo-erlendthere are some changes I don't like in Nautilus. For instance, the desktop folder is hidden from your home directory even if the folder isn't hidden. I think that's a bad thing to do with no config option.16:59
Ian_CorneI still see it in my home folder17:01
jo-erlendyou do?17:03
jo-erlendheh.. So do I now. Only a couple of days ago, I didn't. :)17:03
Ian_Cornean error ?17:05
jo-erlendit annoyed me for about five minutes and then I moved onto something else to annoy me. :)17:08
Ian_CorneI wouldn't really care about my desktop17:08
PatrickCim a mobile developer. computers are always annoying me with their stupid non-helpful error codes haha17:10
lupzzjo-erlend, thanks.17:12
imnicholYesterday I started experiencing something when I use two-finger scrolling on my trackpad, the window that currently has focus will jump up several lines17:28
imnicholAnyone else seeing that?  I'm using an HP elitebook 846017:29
BluesKajno luck with kmail setup , ISP email account not recognized due akonadi not responding quickly enough and the email server request times out ...tried different approaches but it's no use to me any . direct access with a web browser works for me . akonadi is defintely the encumberance there in my situation , and that terrible kwalletmanager contantly intereferes because my settings there won't stick.17:57
BluesKajoops , wrong channel :)17:58
jtayloryey I get an immediate logout when I start vlc or mplayer :/18:09
Ian_Cornejtaylor: not logout, x crash18:10
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jtaylorlucky my system is not screwed up, was updating with eatmydata at the moment :)18:32
jtaylorthougs could have gone very wrong18:32
pooltablelook for ubuntu 12.04 with hud for testing or add hud for testing now ???18:37
trismpooltable: http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2012/01/testing-hud-heads-up-display.html18:47
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=== PatrickC_Away is now known as PatrickC
ryan__Hello. Is there a way to force down the ubuntu-wallpapers version?20:17
icerootHUD looks really good and usefull. hope its also available for other desktops instead on unity/gnome only20:41
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balloonsis there a u+1 team in launchpad?22:16
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FernandoMiguelguys, nite... have to sleep. job interview tomorrow morning23:41

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