
=== Jack87|Away is now known as Jack87
smp4488so im trying to CC an arm kernel, http://pastebin.com/r9Ej93GH06:22
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brendandis it known that the pandaboard is droppping wireless a lot with precise?09:27
brendandhow do i get my package to build for armhf?09:42
xranbyTheMuso: hi, I am testing your fix to make openjdk swing applications work in combination with at-spi. I plan to send the patch upstream to icedtea to make the AtkWrapper the default for all distro openjdk builds.09:48
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xranbyTheMuso: all in all, I can get accessibility to work under precise by using the AtkWrapper.09:52
xranbyTheMuso: i still have some problems getting the atk-wrapper to work under oneiric09:52
entropia_Hi, I was trying to boot ubuntu 10.10 on my BB-xm. Keyboard, mouse and moniotr are connected to the board and the board itself is connected with my pc. After inserting the microsd with U10.10 I have a typical output in my console, ending with Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel. After this, I can't do anything, also the screen remains dark. Is there anything I can do to make it work?11:44
ogra_use a newer release11:44
ogra_might well be that your board revision wasnt supported by 10.10 yet11:45
ogra_we often have the case that TI releases HW right around or right after an ubuntu release ... generally you should take the latest release, thats most likely to have all support for your HW11:46
entropia_Oh, ok. Thank you.11:46
rbasakNCommander, when you see this, what the plan with bug 921137? Do we need another bug for the default to be fixed so that netinstall works again? I use it for my dev multiple times a day and without an automated workaround I'm getting really slowed down12:00
ubot2`Launchpad bug 921137 in flash-kernel "Flash-kernel-installer doesn't support d-i debian-installer/add-kernel-opts in preseed " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92113712:00
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ogra_bug 54064512:57
ubot2`Launchpad bug 540645 in plymouth "no fsck messages shown in details mode (no splash on cmdline)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54064512:57
sebjanppisati: it appears we are missing cpu_freq into the precise kernel config (ti-omap4 branch)13:12
brendandogra_ - ping13:22
ogra_brendand, hi13:29
ppisatisebjan: right, any preference for the governor?13:33
ogra_sebjan, i think the x86 kernels were moved to cpuidle insted of cpufreq, seems that was carried into the arm kernels13:33
ogra_(by accident i guess)13:34
ppisatiactually they are trying to move arm to cpuidle too13:35
ppisatibut it's no ready yet13:35
ogra_right, so we should keep whats working in the distro kernel and leave the crack bits to linaro ;)13:36
sebjanppisati: by default we can select performance. user space will enforce ondemand after a while13:38
ogra_right, we have an upstart job for that13:38
sebjanppisati: we also miss some flags for enabling the kernel thermal management13:40
brendandogra_ - is there anything specific we need to do to make a package build for armhf?13:41
sebjanwe need the changes in this commit: http://dev.omapzoom.org/?p=integration/kernel-ubuntu.git;a=commitdiff;h=c9b8185d6ebb87e4beacd0874dc50a8eca8c39e913:41
ppisatilet me see13:41
ogra_brendand, the debain/control file should have armhf in it if its not "any" and lists things like armel separately, beyond that it should just build13:41
ogra_all "any" packages usually do13:42
brendandogra_ - ours has 'all' (same thing?)13:42
ogra_well, no, "all" is usually only built on x86 adn copied over since defining "all" means there arent any arch specific bits in it at all13:43
ogra_at least thats how it is done in the archive, i think PPAs work a bit different, not sure though13:43
brendandheh, well i was wrong. it is 'any'13:44
ogra_ah, k13:44
ogra_then it should just build13:44
brendandogra_ - maybe we need to build again. is armhf builds a recent introduction?13:44
ogra_we have the arch since two months or so13:45
ppisatisebjan: OMAP_DIE_GOVERNOR seems doesn't exist in our tree13:45
ogra_what package is that ?13:45
* sebjan looks13:45
ppisatisebjan: neither OMAP_THERMAL13:46
sebjanppisati: you have both, but they depend on disabled flags13:46
ppisatisebjan: right13:47
ppisatisaw it just now13:47
brendandogra_ - this is a PPA by the way. maybe some change needs to be made to the PPA?13:47
brendandi'm just guessing13:47
ogra_brendand, oh, indeed, you need to file an RT to get armhf enabled (if your PPA already has armel thats quick and easy)13:48
brendandogra_ - an RT? ok - but how would you do it as a non-canonical person?13:48
brendand(i am, so this point is moot, but...)13:49
ogra_brendand, we dont allow non canonical people to use arm PPAs yet (security issues that will be solved soon)13:49
brendandogra_ - i see13:50
ogra_so this only works for private PPAs atm13:50
ogra_of teams that have only canonical people in them indeed13:50
reiseihi, all. How can I setup dvi as a default screen? I use ubuntu-oneiric (only kernel, btw, but it doesn't matter)14:16
ppisatisebjan: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ppisati/ubuntu-precise.git;a=commit;h=cd3338daa84b6d891f4d9812b2f545e664b5fa9714:19
ppisatisebjan: and http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ppisati/ubuntu-precise.git;a=commit;h=9beb67b9255a6c7e47a8c12f46f76ad3f74d98a014:19
ppisatii'm building a test kernel right now14:19
sebjanok cool14:22
ppisatisebjan: how do i check if the themal/cpu_freq is working well?15:01
sebjanppisati: hum, you can try by loading your pandaES a lot, and monitor the cpu frequency15:03
ppisatisebjan: i don't have a pandaES15:03
sebjanppisati: if you can share your .deb, I can git it a try and tell you15:03
ppisatisebjan: ok15:03
ppisatisebjan: http://people.canonical.com/~ppisati/linux-image-3.2.0-1404-omap4_3.2.0-1404.6~thermalrevcma_armel.deb15:06
sebjanppisati: I'm installing it and will test. I'll let you know then15:08
sebjanppisati: ok, I just tested your .deb. The freqs scale well, and the thermal fwk effectively reduces the freq when appropriate. It's good for me!15:34
ppisatithanks for testing15:41
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rbasakNCommander: ping16:16
=== Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha
rbasakGruemaster: ping17:12
ogra_there he is !17:14
ogra_GrueMaster, soo by reading the kernel ML it seems like ppisati is already pushing the patch for the kernel fis, no need to mangle your preseed stuff for a new kernel cmdline17:17
ogra_should be fixed by A217:17
GrueMasterA2 doesn't help today.  Mangling the preseed is easy and immediate.17:18
ogra_i'll make sure to drop all mem= args for A2 too17:18
GrueMasterAnd easily reversed.17:18
GrueMasterppisati: What is the fix for the mem= issue?17:19
ogra_disabling CMA17:19
ogra_as discussed here last night17:19
GrueMasterBut that will disable a lot more (USB Cameras, etc).17:20
ogra_i dont think so17:20
ogra_it should just affect the internal camera interface17:21
GrueMasterOk, that means blaze.17:21
ppisatijust the omap4 camera17:22
ppisativ4l i resent a new pull req17:22
ogra_and panda ...17:22
ppisatiwith some PM stuff in17:22
ogra_(there is a camera interface on the panda too, not that we make any use of it indeed)17:23
GrueMasterok, so this just brings us up to date w/ Ti then I take it?17:23
ppisatii didn't even know there was a dedicated camera interface17:23
GrueMasterWe don't use the camera interface, but community members do.  I have seen some discussions on the pandaboard mailing list about it.17:23
ogra_on the socket header17:23
ppisatiGrueMaster: they can move to Q (or install stuff from the ppa_17:24
ogra_right, and in #pandaboard too17:24
ppisatiat least the kernel17:24
ogra_if they use the camera they probably also want to accelerate the displaying of the movies they take, so the PPA is needed anyway17:25
GrueMasterFair enough.17:28
GrueMasterrbasak: In my preseed, I added "sed -i 's/splash/fixrtc console=ttyO2,115200 mem=456M@0x80000000 mem=512M@0xA0000000/' /boot/boot.script;flash-kernel;echo 'ledtrig-heartbeat' >>/etc/modules" to the preseed/late_command.  Worked fine (and I also get the blinken(tm) lights back).17:30
GrueMasterActually interesting to watch 4 pandas in a stack all blinking in time with daft punk.17:31
S0NiChmm can anyone tell me, why ubuntu(11.10) is so slow on my pandaboard?17:31
S0NiCis there any possibility to enchance speed=?17:32
GrueMasterS0NiC: Are you running from SD?  That is the main issue.17:32
S0NiCGrueMaster: yes17:32
GrueMasterNot much can be done there.17:32
S0NiChmm shoot...17:32
GrueMasterBut I see a speed increase of ~6-10x running from USB drive.17:33
S0NiChmm maybe deaktivate unity?17:33
ogra_a lot can be done there .... but it starts with changing the SDHC spec ;)17:33
S0NiCogra_: ;D17:33
rbasakthanks GrueMaster, I'll try that!17:34
GrueMasterogra_: What is the plan for armel image builds?  How soon can we start phasing them out?  At least for omap/omap4.17:36
ogra_we wont17:36
ogra_but we will stop testing them after FF17:37
GrueMasterIf they are available for milestones, they are tested (or I get constant nagging).  That's why I ask.17:38
ogra_well, they will still be there for A217:38
ogra_but after that they are "community" images and we explicitly wont test them17:38
ogra_as long as we carry armel in the archive we need to give users an install opportunity, even if its untested17:39
GrueMasterWhat's this "we" stuff?  I test all images during milestones (even kubuntu).17:39
ogra_and armel wont go away before Q17:39
ogra_it was discussed several times in budapest17:39
S0NiCis that normal, that i have to wait about 10 seconds till ff starts?17:40
ogra_"we" as in paid people working on arm stuff17:40
ogra_S0NiC, on SD thats actually pretty fast ... i have seen things like 30sec in the past17:40
S0NiCogra_: ok thx17:41
S0NiCmaybe it speeds up if i choose gnome instead of unity?17:41
GrueMasterS0NiC: If you want a little boost in performance, try the armhf images for precise.17:41
ogra_that wont change the speed of your disk access17:41
GrueMasterNo, but app performance is better.17:42
S0NiCthx guys... hmm if i open software center i only get a grey window. maybe iam to impatient? ;D17:43
ogra_it also reads from disk a lot17:44
S0NiCnow i have a touchpannel... i wonder it works out of the box... ;D17:44
S0NiCbut its not realy precisce17:44
S0NiCmaybe i have to high prospects...17:47
S0NiChmm reboot17:54
jayabharathFolks do anyone on this channel knows if the Ubuntu Precise Pangolin daily configure the PandaBoard ES to run @ 1.2Ghz?19:34
jayabharathIn the 11.10 release it was only configured for 700Mhz.. I dont know if the right patches have been integrated into the Precise Pangolin dailys for ES....19:34
infinityjayabharath: Upgrading and testing the kernel is a surefire way to find out.19:46
infinityjayabharath: But, AFAIK, precise fully supports the 4460.19:47
jayabharathinfinity: thx? it used to be supported even in 11.10.. but I was more concerend about speed?19:51
infinityjayabharath: Hence why I said "fully supported".19:51
infinityjayabharath: In oneiric, I believe it was artificially limited for thermal reasons, and that's been resolved now.  But I don't have a 4460 here to check.19:52
jayabharathinfinity: Great.. I guess I will give it a spin19:52
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
S0NiChmm did anyone get a touchscreen to work under ubuntu-arm?20:18
S0NiCiam using ubuntu 11.10 and i have a egalax driver. and it works out of the box. but the finger is not there where the mouse is...20:19
S0NiCany ideas?20:19

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