
=== Pi|gaming is now known as perilouspillow
BluesKajHey all14:44
BobJonkmanGood morning, BluesKaj16:07
BluesKajhi BobJonkman16:11
BobJonkmanQuick note for mars: There's a Waterloo Python group starting up: http://watpy.ca16:12
marsBobJonkman, neat, thanks for the heads-up16:13
BobJonkmanActually, it's a quick note for anyone in the Waterloo area who's interested.16:13
BobJonkmanAlbert O'Connor says the first meeting on the 9th will be an organizational meeting, to see if there's enough interest to set up a group.  Probably no coding...16:14
dscasselI'll be there! At least for a little bit.16:15
* dscassel has a kwartzlab board meeting that evening as well.16:15
=== james_w` is now known as james_w

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