
cjohnstonpleia2: ty re: email00:50
akgranerDual Monitors rock!  Loving how Precise is just working :-)03:10
* mhall119 loves how *fast* precise is working03:18
akgranernods now if impress would work I would be happy03:23
akgranernothing like getting ready to present and when you hook up the projector your presentation goes away03:24
nigelbakgraner went from NTEU to being a geek with two monitors!03:24
* nigelb runs03:24
akgranernigelb, after the weakest geek at SCALE I don't know if I will ever call myself a geek.  I think I need therapy now03:25
nigelbwhat happened?03:25
akgranerjust ask jcastro abd pleia2  about it - I didn't answer a single question correctly, but I was kinda funny though :-)03:25
pleia2actually I missed it, exhaustion struck :)03:26
akgranerfor example one of my questions was was - who said  - "its a trap" my answer - My husband the day I he proposed.03:27
akgranerMy husband the day he proposed03:27
akgranerI mean I chocked on stage - I couldn't even remember what BSD meant - DOH03:28
akgranerchoked even03:28
akgranerDang it - I give up03:28
akgranerI can't spell a @#$% thing tonight03:28
pleia2the memory of it was so traumatic it causes her to choke upon recalling it :)03:28
akgraner+1 pleia203:29
akgranerI told Gareth that I was sending my therapy bill to SCALE he laughed :-)03:30
akgranerBecca's teacher wants to know what technology we have at home...:-/03:32
akgranerthis ought to be fun...Becca just said, "Nooooo you had to use the words Linux and Ubuntu! Seriously, now she is going to want me to explain this to her."03:34
mhall119akgraner: lol03:46
mhall119akgraner: you'd be proud of Michelle, she was at a PTA meeting the other night and one of the teachers said they wanted to have more educational software, but they knew the school couldn't afford it03:47
mhall119so she put on her FOSS hat :)03:47
akgranermhall119, nice!03:48
akgranerhmm the warning box that shows up to say something is wrong and to check for updates failed :-( but updating manually seems to work03:57
bkerensagnight all06:44
dholbachgood morning07:52
MrChrisDruif...and also here07:55
dpmgood morning all08:14
dholbachhola dpm08:14
dpmhey dholbach08:16
jokerdinohey guys, is there a release notes somewhere for the 12.04 alpha1?09:05
=== ara is now known as Guest18025
jussihello czajkowski10:19
dholbachhey czajkowski10:20
dholbachhey jussi - how are you doing?10:20
jussidholbach: wrecked10:21
jussiso tired not possible to describe :10:21
dholbachjussi, been waking up a couple of times during the night?10:22
jussidholbach: a couple of times? ...10:22
dholbachthought so10:22
* dholbach hugs jussi10:22
jussibut its amazing, Im tired as hell but very happy. ust wish I could help more for Sari - there are certain things I just cant do...10:23
czajkowskijussi: how she doing?10:25
jussiczajkowski: super, no issues, just lots of work :)10:25
* dholbach will soon run out of Marketing juice11:39
* dholbach just finished https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Sessions11:39
dholbachtime to write the announce11:39
czajkowskidholbach: posted to fb locoteams page12:08
akgranerdholbach, just tweeted, FB, and g+'d it for you12:49
dholbachmuchas gracias12:52
MrChrisDruifhttp://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/939 because of the large image it's all moved to the bottom, can someone give a head's up to Mark when he's around?13:11
* MrChrisDruif wanted to say jono, but realised it was Mark ^_^13:12
popeyMrChrisDruif: looks fine here13:16
popeyare you viewing the internet in a 160x120 pixel window?13:16
MrChrisDruifIt moves down from the HUD image13:20
akgranerlooks fine here as well13:20
MrChrisDruifMust be something in Chromium 18.0.997.0 (Developer Build 116462 Linux) Built on Ubuntu 11.10, running on Ubuntu 12.0413:25
MrChrisDruifAwkward text btw, build on 11.10, running 12.04 <_<13:25
dholbachUDW announce is out, I also posted on Fridge, OMG! and sent to LWN15:13
dholbachany other place I should send it to too?15:13
dholbachah, forums15:13
dholbachcan somebody please sticky http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11639184 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11639185 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11639186 please?15:22
jcastro<-- caffeine refill!16:01
=== bodhi_zazen is now known as Guest59853
technovikingdholbach: I will look around for a staffer16:12
dholbachsweet :-D16:13
cprofittdholbach: hey16:21
cprofittthe 21:30 slot works best for me, but the 21:00 is ok too.16:21
technovikingdholbach: I just mailed the forums council, could not find any forums staff online in irc.16:23
cprofitttechnoviking: did you try Joeb454?16:24
cjohnstonjcastro: too much email for you?16:25
technovikinghe is away it looks16:25
jcastroheh, yeah16:25
dholbachthanks a bunch technoviking16:25
cjohnstonpoor jcastro16:25
dholbachhey cprofitt16:25
cjohnstonjcastro: only a 2300 line code change today16:25
czajkowskitechnoviking: hardly recognised you in the pics! KUDOS!16:26
dholbachcprofitt, I mailed warp10 and you - if you can just resolve it together (I think he said that the original slot for him would probably work too) and let me know if the schedule needs changing, that'd be great16:26
* mhall119 hates taking the car to the mechanic16:27
mhall119this must be what non-computer people feel like when they need their PC repaired :(16:27
technovikingczajkowski: thanks16:27
czajkowskimhall119: lol16:28
cprofittdholbach: ok16:28
dholbachthanks a bunch16:28
cprofittnot a problem16:28
=== james_w` is now known as james_w
dakerHELP, i am going to throw my PC from the window17:05
mhall119daker: I'm too far away to help you lift it, sorry17:06
dakermhall119, what are going to lift? a P4 with 512M RAM, i915 and X crashing every 10mins17:24
mhall119daker: to help you throw it out the window ;)17:25
jcastrohey daker17:27
jcastroyou see my bug about the AMI browser?17:27
dakerjcastro, yes sir17:27
jcastrowhat do you think?17:28
jcastroalso, hey if I wanted to make these changes myself, I could just do a merge proposal right?17:28
dakerjcastro, no :/17:29
dakerthe branch is in +junk17:29
dakermaintaining becomes hard :/17:30
dakerand deployment too17:30
jcastroah bummer17:30
jcastroyeah, I can't fix deployment yet, that will take a while17:30
jcastrocan you do the change for the AMI browser though? I can push that through.17:30
dakersure give me 5min17:30
jcastrohey dholbach17:31
jcastroWe do have an ad for developer week if you want to reuse it: http://meta.askubuntu.com/a/2191/23517:32
dholbachah yes, right17:33
dholbachlet me add it17:33
dholbachthanks jcastro!17:33
jcastroI made ads for all the IRC workshops17:34
dholbachnice :)17:34
dakerjcastro, do you want it to be opened in a new window (tab)?17:36
jcastronope, just straight up please17:36
dakerjcastro, done https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/%2Bjunk/uecv2/17:39
jcastrois there a way we can move that branch to the trunk of the project?17:39
jcastrothat way I can make changes and just submit them to you?17:39
dakersure will do it later17:41
jcastroI'll file an RT and just have them pull from here for now17:41
* jcastro high fives daker 17:41
dakerargh the fan is accelerating again17:43
koolhead17hi all17:46
* dholbach hugs daker17:46
jcastroRT filed, woo.17:47
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day17:51
dholbachhave a great evening17:52
jcastrodpm: hey so what do we need to do wrt. disqus?18:31
jcastroor do we just wait for legal?18:31
dpmjcastro, wait, there was another update yesterday, but it seems jono only CC'd me. It seems sorted out and now the ball is on me to talk to ISD to install it with a few modifications18:33
jcastroooh can you fwd me pls?18:34
dpmjcastro, sure!, give me a min18:34
jcastroheya mhall11918:54
mhall119hey jcastro18:54
jcastroI randomly ran into a bug while reporting a hud bug18:55
jcastroso basically Ted needs to be poked X amount of time on X projects about patches.18:55
jcastro49 weeks and 11 weeks.18:56
mhall119I'm supposed to have a call this thumber this afternoon about patch pilot again18:56
mhall119woot! still under a year!18:56
mhall119it's only pre-11.0418:56
mhall119meaning pre-(unity by default)18:56
mhall119I can only assume the patch won't properly apply to current trunk18:57
jcastroI'm more worried about two contributions just sitting there this whole time18:57
jcastroone thing I wish launchpad would do18:57
jcastrois when someone attaches a patch18:57
jcastrojust make a branch and plop it into the merge queue18:58
jcastrobut until we have magic like that he should be checking the patch view at an interval that is smaller than 11 weeks18:58
jcastromhall119: now the question is, how many of unity's components have the same kind of thing?18:59
jcastroanyway, something to think about it18:59
jcastroI've already ridiculed Ted, so no need to go there yet.18:59
jcastrohah, oh man19:00
jcastromhall119: are you sitting down?19:00
mhall119jcastro: ouch19:03
mhall119I'll bring that up with thumper this afternoon19:03
jcastroa bunch are probably worthless19:03
mhall119that's not a 'poke someone' list, that's an institutional problem list19:03
jcastroI can understand preferring merge proposals19:03
mhall119probably, but worthless patches are usually easy to spot, and should therefore be (gently) refused19:04
jcastrobut that doesn't mean ignore old school patches19:04
mhall119we could probably do a modified tarmac that would generate MPs19:04
jcastroif that how a person wants to roll but still contribute then that doesn't mean they deserve an ignore stick, heh19:04
mhall119I just have to get nigelb_ fired so he has time to make it19:04
jcastroyeah, anything to make those more visibile would be awesome19:04
jcastrothough I do remember a bug report I filed on having any patch just be made a branch somewhere in LP19:05
mhall119jcastro: I can probably add "Bugs with patches" to daniel's bug stats graphs19:05
technovikingjcastro: will get back to the phpbb and salt charm if I sorry getting call back to work for emergency:)19:12
jcastrohey no worries19:13
jcastrothe charm store doesn't freeze like the archive19:13
jcastroroll at your own pace yo19:13
technovikingOracle really harshes my mellow19:33
mhall119jcastro: https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-appmenu/+patches19:57
jcastrowoo! one down!19:58
mhall1192 down20:02
mhall119one won't fix, one fix committed20:02
koolhead17http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-16731071  I think everyone is aware of this Ubuntu in BBC story :)21:43
mhall119koolhead17: first I've seen it,  thanks for posting21:47
koolhead17mhall119: The changes were revealed on a blog posted by Mark Shuttleworth, the lead designer at Canonical - the London-based firm behind Ubuntu.21:48
koolhead17seems like some typo there21:48
mhall119aw, mark was demoted? poor guy21:49
koolhead17mhall119: :P21:49
koolhead17someone should contact the guys and get it fixed!! :P21:50
cjohnstonWell.. Is that not one of the many things that fall under sabdfl21:50
popeyProduct Strategist is his actual job title21:52

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