
kscloudHey, can someone clue me in as to whether there is a debug command line option for USC? I'm getting a segmentation fault.00:39
jbichakscloud: are you using the ubuntu-desktop ppa?00:41
kscloudI think so.00:42
jbichathat's a known bug with webkit 1.7.4; perhaps it will be fixed when the next webkit build happens in a few hours00:43
kscloudOh, okay, I was worried it might be something much worse.00:43
TheMusojbicha: Is there an ubuntu-desktop branch for gnome-shell for oneiric?00:57
TheMusojbicha: I thought you would use that instead if there was one.00:57
TheMusoHrm seems not, at least according to the packaging metadata.01:00
jbichaTheMuso: no I don't have a published branch for oneiric but I do have one now for oneiric01:13
TheMusojbicha: Np, anyway please see my review comments, I think you forgot the SRU paperwork...01:14
micahgjbicha: I was going to ask why there's an ubuntu-desktop branch for gnome-shell, it's not in main, nor maintained by the desktop team01:20
jbichamicahg: because it's part of desktop-extras and a packaging-only branch makes things a lot easier01:38
jbichaif there's a better place for me to keep it, I can do it...01:38
micahgjbicha: desktop-extras packages shouldn't be in ubuntu-desktop IMHO, it's bikeshedding and kinda defeats the purpose of having a separate packageset that others can apply for01:39
jbichabut where should I put it? should I create a separate desktop-extras team?01:41
micahghmm..we should already have a team, give me a minute01:42
jbichathere is a gnome3 team...01:42
micahghmm, I have to look into this, it seems we're missing the desktop-extras team01:43
micahgjbicha: even that isn't necessarily a good solution as it's still bikeshedding (MOTU and ubuntu-mozilla-uploaders wouldn't be able to commit)01:44
jbichawhy doesn't motu have branches? and would adding motu to a potential desktop-extras team be bad?01:47
stgraberI'd strongly recommend using the UDD branches as that way LP uses the same way to check for upload rights01:52
jbichahow do those branches work? uploading automatically updates the UDD branch but what if it was already updated?01:56
jbichaand I had this annoying problem: https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr-builddeb/+question/17185601:57
stgraberyou can push changes to these branches, the changes get imported into the branch only if there isn't a tag matching the current upload with an identical content01:57
stgraberah yeah, quilt can be a bit annoying, I seem to remember someone blogging about how to deal with that though01:57
jbichaok, I'll try that; packaging-only branches are so nice though :)01:58
stgraberjbicha: you may also be interested in bzr's lightweight checkouts to avoid pulling the whole upstream history02:01
TheMusoTHe Ubuntu desktop team uses packaging only branches, so if GNOME shell is not maintained by us, then I guess packaging branches are fine.02:02
TheMusoUDD branches that is.02:02
stgraberTheMuso: yeah, we're talking about what's part of desktop-extras so the new package set where non ubuntu desktop team members can be part of02:03
micahgjbicha: I thought about possibly adding MOTU as well, but IIRC, we refused to define the packageset by component, so I'm reluctant to add MOTU02:03
stgraberTheMuso: it seems wrong to say "we have the new shiny package set to make it easier for people who want to help with gnome components" but at the same time say that you need to save your changes in the ~ubuntu-desktop branches which these new contributors won't have access to :)02:04
TheMusoYup this is true.02:05
jbichastgraber: my main problem isn't the lightweight checkout issue (although that's annoying) but merging new versions is more painful & the packaging branches encourage/force using quilt patches02:06
micahgumm, shouldn't you be using quilt patches regardless?02:08
TheMusoThere was the mess of the .pc directory, but afaik thats fixed.02:09
micahgjbicha: also, why did you break out the -common package in the SRU, that's not normally done02:11
micahgah, I see why now in the bug, but still, IANA SRU team member, but sounds like something that won't fly02:11
jbichamicahg: I thought it was worth a try and it makes the breaks/replaces a bit easier02:12
micahgwhy do we need the breaks/replaces at all?  we shouldn't be pulling in new packaging changes in an SRU unless they're needed for the new version itself02:13
micahgoh, for precise, meh, that's the price of SRUing I guess...safer to have the diff than break the stable release IMHO02:15
micahgbut I encourage you to speak to an SRU team member about it02:15
RAOFThis SRU team member would be skeptical of breaking out a -common package in an SRU; what's the bug?02:16
jbichabug 92134302:16
ubot2`Launchpad bug 921343 in gnome-shell "[SRU] Update gnome-shell to on Oneiric" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92134302:16
RAOFHm.  That looks like it might be the least-bad solution.02:22
TheMusoThats what I thought...02:22
RAOFjbicha: It looks like that package merge won't work properly, though.  Have you actually added all the relevant files to bzr?  Particularly I don't see how gnome-shell-common isn't an empty package, and I don't see the referenced patches.02:23
* micahg would think a control.in file with the breaks/replaces version set based on distro would be least-bad02:27
jbichaRAOF: pushed revision 48 with the missing files02:31
jbichamicahg: hmm?02:31
micahgDebian breaks/replaces on their version, ubuntu breaks/replaces on upstream-0.1~ (so if we're importing/merging from Debian, we're covered)02:32
TheMusoIf everybody is happy, I'm happy to upload...02:36
* micahg defers to RAOF02:37
RAOFI'm not a fan of control.in magic; I'm ok with the -common split.02:39
TheMusoOk, will upload then.02:42
TheMusojbicha: Thanks for the paperwork.02:42
pittiGood morning05:47
pittikenvandine: I used a MP for unity-2d, I cannot commit to the branch05:47
pittikenvandine: you can work off lp:~pitti/unity-2d/fix-gsettings-migration if you want, that's the current archive version05:48
pittidesrt: wow, got accepted as a foundation member -- that was fast05:52
BigWhaleGood morning.05:57
pittihey BigWhale06:03
BigWhalesurprisingly it is not dark outside ... only ~60 days until spring.06:04
pittistill pitch black here06:04
BigWhalenot so much here ...06:07
BigWhalepitti, where are you from?06:08
pittiBigWhale: Augsburg, south Germany06:08
BigWhalenot that far away06:08
pittiwhere are you?06:08
pittiright, sounds like you should be 30 or 45 minutes closer to the sun :)06:10
pittishoudl be a similar longitude like Prague06:10
BigWhaleI'm around 46.4N, 15.56E :>06:11
BigWhaleWolfram alpha really gives quick and useful answers sometimes. :)06:12
pittiright, 10° 54' E06:12
pittiso, should be a delta of 20 minutes06:13
pittiBigWhale: heh, looked in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augsburg :)06:13
BigWhaleI actually googled and google's first result was wolfram alpha.06:14
BigWhaleOk, I have to get ready... today is office time... which means no slacking off writing some silly open source code. :>06:14
RAOFMan, a 20 hour PPA queue? :(06:27
BigWhaleRAOF, same thing happened to me last time ... yeah. Everyone is building something. :/06:27
rickspencer3good morning all06:38
pittihey rickspencer306:38
* bryce waves06:50
didrocksgood mornng06:56
rickspencer3good morning didrocks06:57
rickspencer3good evening bryce06:57
rickspencer3bryce, brilliant move with the xorg-xserver package copy thing06:57
RAOFGood evening/morning all ;)06:57
didrocksbonjour rickspencer306:57
rickspencer3RAOF, you too!06:57
pittihey didrocks06:57
rickspencer3way to maintain momentum for everyone06:57
didrocksguten morgen pitti06:57
brycerickspencer3, heya, yep it worked quite well.  Can't take credit for it though.07:00
rickspencer3pitti, jasoncwarner_, Sweetshark, I hate to be a downer, but I noticed the same few packages here the last few days:07:00
rickspencer3all armel :/07:00
brycekoffice?  anyone still use that?07:00
rickspencer3oops, not all armel, just LO07:01
pittirickspencer3: LibO armhf is in progress (arm team is workign on this)07:01
pittirickspencer3: calligra is the new koffice, kubuntu team said they are on it07:01
rickspencer3pitti, ok07:02
rickspencer3A2 is next week, so it would be could for Kubuntu and ARM if they had these resolved soon, I think ;)07:03
pitticalligra looks odd07:03
pitticalligra-libs conflicts with koffice-libs, but of koffice depends on koffice-libs07:03
pittirickspencer3: I haven't really looked into it07:04
rickspencer3pitti, I normally wouldn't have said anything, but it seems to have been dangling for some days07:04
rickspencer3I've gotten used to issues being resolved within hours ;)07:04
rickspencer3my expectations are now completely out of control07:04
rickspencer3hey didrocks, out of curiosity, are we going to get any new Unity features between now and Alpha 2?07:06
didrocksrickspencer3: no, this week was planned to get a compiz release only07:07
didrocksrickspencer3: but there are some issues around it07:07
pittiRAOF: thanks for fixing -173!07:07
pittididrocks: no HUD next week? :-)07:07
didrocksrickspencer3: next Monday, freeze of unity trunk07:07
* pitti just read sabdfl's blog post07:08
didrocksand so, hopefully, release on thursday07:08
didrocksjust post alpha2 release :)07:08
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didrockssalut seb12809:09
seb128lut didrocks, ca va ?09:09
didrocksça va, et toi?09:10
seb128ca va bien ;-)09:13
pittibonjour seb12809:20
seb128hey pitti, wie gehts?09:20
pittiseb128: gut, danke!09:20
seb128pitti, you are on amd64 right? could you try if the webkit update in the ppa fixes s-c segfaulting on start?09:34
pittiseb128: u-desktop PPA?09:34
seb128pitti, ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ppa09:34
pittion current precise, s-c starts up09:34
pittiinstalling PPA now09:34
seb128pitti, it was segfaulting with 1.7.4, we backported a fix in the current ppa version09:35
seb128that was basically the blocker bug for upload to the archive09:35
pittiseb128: dist-upgraded, got new webkit 1.7.4-0ubuntu1~build509:38
pittis-c starts up fine09:38
pittianything particualr I should try in s-c?09:38
seb128pitti, no, the patch was supposed to fix the issue so that's confirming, thanks ;-)09:38
pittithe comboboxes in the top bar (All apps, Installed) have a broken menu09:39
pittiwell, they have a pitch black background09:39
pittibut that seems unrelated09:39
pittimvo: http://imagebin.org/195416 -> known? want a bug for this?09:42
mvopitti: not known, thanks!09:51
pittimvo: I'll file a bug then?09:51
mvopitti: but it looks like its a side-effect of something else, its fine in oneiric09:51
mvopitti: yes, please do09:51
pittimvo: I just installed webkit from the desktop PPA; is it remotely possible that this is due to webkit? or is that a normal GTK widget?09:52
mvopitti: its a normal widget, I have it here as well in my box with the normal webkit09:52
pittiack, filing09:52
mvopitti: is webkit fixed? it used to crash when used in a offscreen window09:52
pittimvo: starts fine for me now09:52
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pittifiled bug 92147709:55
ubot2`Launchpad bug 921477 in software-center "drop down menus from app toolbar have black background" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92147709:55
seb128mvo, we backported the upstream patch to not use buggy calls on offscreen widgets10:03
mvoseb128: \o/10:03
czajkowskimvo: morning I was wondering if you knwo why I'd see this message on an upgrade on precise http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/815871/10:26
rix1234Hi all...What script is called when a user logouts from a session? I am using Ubuntu 10.1010:30
pittirix1234: no script in particular; gnome-session signals all programs that it's going to shutdown, and then closes the session10:31
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rix1234pitti, i am using multiseat on ubuntu 10.10. The problem is when user logouts, he doesnt get the login screen again...can u please help...10:33
pittirix1234: what do you mean by "multiseat"?10:34
mvoczajkowski: thanks! I have a look10:38
czajkowskimvo: cheers I dont mind logging the bug, just not sure against what10:39
mvoczajkowski: probably app-install-data-ubuntu - it would be nice if you could include the two files as a attachment there too10:39
seb128-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm  313M janv. 25 11:39 /var/log/kern.log10:39
mvoczajkowski: what is odd is that I don't get the error myself, do you use a different locale maybe? I wonder if its that10:39
seb128hum is that normal?10:39
mvoseb128: impressive10:40
seb128shouldn't that log be rotated or something?10:40
pittiseb128: it shuold10:40
pitti-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm 1457226 Jan 22 10:24 /var/log/kern.log.110:40
pitti-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm 670292 Jan 25 09:33 /var/log/kern.log10:40
mvoseb128: mine is much smaller and its rotated for me10:40
pittiseb128: is it really just from today?10:40
pittiseb128: check the first line in kern.log, it has a timestamp10:40
seb128it starts with10:40
seb128Jan 22 12:32:32 localhost kernel: [ 4271.719955] cfg80211: All devices are disconnected, going to restore regulatory settings10:40
pittithat seems fine, rotation-wise10:40
seb128ok, kernel is really verbose then10:41
pittiso apparently something got very talkative today?10:41
seb128I will drop that from the logviewer ui10:41
seb128the gtk widget doesn't like loading some hundred mbs text10:41
czajkowskimvo: I dont get it this morning either I use GB locale?10:41
pittiseb128: mine is 670 kB, which is not exactly small, but certainly far away from 300 MB10:41
pittido you see a lot of repetition there?10:41
seb128Jan 25 10:57:26 localhost kernel: [ 3201.475561] Valid eCryptfs headers not foun10:42
seb128d in file header region or xattr region10:42
seb128Jan 25 10:57:26 localhost kernel: [ 3201.475564] Either the lower file is not in10:42
seb128 a valid eCryptfs format, or the key could not be retrieved. Plaintext passthrou10:42
seb128gh mode is not enabled; returning -EIO10:42
seb128pitti, it's filed from those it seems10:42
pittiyeah, I get the ecryptfs stuff, too, all the time10:42
mvoczajkowski: thanks! so if you run "sudo update-software-center" it does not show this message anymore?10:42
seb128pitti, it's maybe proportional to the disk use and I used the disk a lot compared to you?10:42
czajkowskimvo: checking now10:43
czajkowskimvo: there it is again but says it was updated http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/816297/10:44
mvoczajkowski: thanks, could you pastebin the file please? pastebin '/usr/share/app-install/desktop/rar.desktop'10:44
czajkowskimvo: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/816298/10:45
mvoczajkowski: odd, that looks correct10:46
czajkowskiit was never going to be simple was it :)10:46
mvooh, excellent, I can reproduce it now10:47
czajkowskioh good!10:47
czajkowskiI dont feel like such an utter tool!10:47
czajkowskialways helpful when nautilus crashes for no reason and you try and fill in the summary box and have no idea what you've done to make it crash11:22
ubot2`Launchpad bug 909143 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with signal 7 in g_simple_async_result_complete()" [Medium,Confirmed]11:24
czajkowskiat least it filled it in11:24
seb128czajkowski, did you try to open a file which has no handler?11:27
czajkowskiI tried to play a movie file which told me it dint have the files it needed to watch which it did yesterday11:28
seb128czajkowski, ok thanks11:31
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jmlhello all12:47
jmlI'm trying to get a functional Ubuntu VM on my iMac. It's going well so far, but I can't seem to convince Ubuntu to run at the full 2560x1440 resolution12:48
jmleven after installing guest additions (which get me from max 1024x768 to 1600x1200)12:48
jmlhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/98393/how-do-i-get-2560x1440-resolution-within-virtualbox-on-a-mac (for those who'd prefer points)12:52
jmlok. I feel stupid. switching to full screen did the trick. I thought I had tried that.12:53
nessitamvo: hi there! wanted to check if this is a known issue in softwarecenter: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/816405/13:21
mvonessita: thanks for the notification! I fixed it this morning13:25
nessitamvo: awesome :-)13:30
seb128mvo, hey13:30
mvohey seb12813:30
nessitathat's the advantage of being in that time zone! you do stuff before the rest :-P13:30
nessitahola seb12813:30
seb128mvo, can you try the updated webkit from the ppa with s-c and give you thumb up or down for precise upload?13:30
seb128nessita, hey, how are you?13:30
nessitagreat, thanks13:30
mvoseb128: if it works for you and pitti that is good enough for me13:30
nessitaa little puzzled by gtk3, but good13:30
mvojust "a little" ? ;)13:31
seb128mvo, ok, you got asked before upload, if there are other issues I deny responsability :p13:31
pittiupload! upload!13:31
pitti(better than on a Friday)13:31
pittiseb128: gnome-terminal and apt-get work fine, what more do you need *duck*13:31
seb128yeah, I'm a strong believer of the no fridays upload rule13:31
seb128pitti, who use apt-get when you got dselect? ;-)13:32
* seb128 hides from mvo13:32
jbichaseb128: new webkit works here13:32
seb128jbicha, thanks13:32
* pitti uses ar p foo.deb data.tar.gz | sudo tar -C / -x13:32
pittiis that not how it's supposed to work?13:32
jbichaI prefer Saturday updates myself ;)13:32
pittihey jbicha13:32
pittijbicha: I followed up to the Debian bug about freerdp and committed two small fixes, FYI13:33
mvopitti: I'm about to fix that, new apt is >< close13:33
seb128pitti, jbicha: is somebody working on getting freerdp 1.0 in?13:34
pittimvo: how can that break ar and tar? :-)13:34
pittiseb128: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/freerdp.git13:34
seb128pitti, excellent, thanks ;-)13:35
pittiwhoops, pushed my other commit13:35
mvopitti: heh :)13:35
seb128pitti, I had it on my list of "try to look at it if it turns out nobody has interest in it"13:35
seb128but I'm glad I don't have to do it :p13:35
pittijbicha: meh, so they didn't bump the soname for the final release?13:35
pittithat's the only thing that holds it back AFAICS13:35
jbichapitti: nope, I opened this for it: https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP/issues/36613:36
pittiseb128, jbicha: we just have one rdepends, so if needs be, we could deal with it13:36
seb128yeah, one rdepends seems like an easy breaks use13:37
pittiI wonder if there is a new version of remmina-plugin-rdp which works with 1.013:37
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jbichapitti: perhaps http://sourceforge.net/projects/remmina/files/0.9/13:39
jbichaoh, nm, it's 2012 not 201113:40
pittiit's a year old13:40
pittiso, seems it's underway, but not there yet13:41
ubot2`pitti: Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Sourceforge instance at 0xa5a310c> bug 3440035 not found13:41
jbichaI guess we'd need a git snapshot or bug them to make a release https://github.com/FreeRDP/Remmina13:41
pittiah, if git head works, that sounds doable13:42
pittibut now that 1.0 is out, I guess they want to roll a release13:42
seb128pitti, speaking of remmina or freedrp with the "roll a release"?13:42
seb128pitti, check your email13:43
seb128pitti, sorry I though you were Cced on that discussion13:43
seb128pitti, I fwd you an email about remmina and rdp 1.013:43
pittiah, sweet13:44
seb128pitti, the remmina guys basically work on a schedule to match the precise release, they should have their 1.0 on time for the lts13:44
seb128but it's not there yet13:44
pittijbicha: so I guess we could add a Breaks: remmina-plugin-rdp (<< 1.0) to libfreerdp0?13:45
seb128pitti, feel free to reply to the email, there was only one reply so far from robert_ancell to say that we want the new reminna but we just need to make sure it matches our quality standards and is there on time13:46
pittithen this could get to experimental, and through MIR again13:46
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dobeydavidcalle: ping. you volunteered to make music lens work with rhythmbox at UDS. any news on that?14:06
debfxKaleo: the qt patch kubuntu_92_qml_memory_leak.diff (bug #723956) causes crashes in qtcreator and bug #831663 has a similar backtrace14:08
ubot2`Launchpad bug 723956 in unity-2d "[dash] memory usage increases slowly - memory leak?" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72395614:08
ubot2`Launchpad bug 831663 in unity-2d "unity-2d-places crashed with SIGSEGV in QMetaObject::metacall()" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83166314:08
davidcalledobey, working on it. I have a working python one, I'm porting it to Vala with the help of mhr3.14:08
debfxKaleo: since upstream has rejected it and warned about crashes I'm inclined to drop it14:08
mhr3davidcalle, where my "help" consists of saying "please port it to vala"? :D14:09
dobeydavidcalle: cool. where is the code?14:09
davidcallemhr3, wait until tomorrow ;)14:10
davidcalledobey, python or vala?14:10
dobeydavidcalle: yes :)14:11
davidcalledobey, yes to python?14:11
dobeydavidcalle: both14:11
davidcalledobey, ok, let me push the python to Launchpad. The Vala is not ready, except if you just want a bin you can use to display your Rhythmbox library in a terminal ;)14:13
DBOis nvidia-current-updates no longer a valid thing in Prancing Pony?14:14
dobeydavidcalle: code is code. even if it's not finished you should be pushing commits to launchpad when you make changes14:14
SarvattDBO: it just got missed in the transition, tseliot just uploaded the update14:15
davidcalledobey, right.14:15
DBOSarvatt, is there a practical difference right now?14:15
Sarvattno, there only is after a release14:15
* tseliot nods14:15
DBOsuper duper14:15
* DBO switches14:15
DBOoh did the iommu thing get fixed?14:16
Sarvattyep 3.2.0-10 afaik14:16
davidcalledobey, https://code.launchpad.net/~davidc3/+junk/rhythmbox-precise/14:17
Kaleodebfx: please drop it :)14:59
Kaleodebfx: it's a shit patch14:59
* ogra_ looks for his nose-clamp14:59
mandelguys, we are implementing proxy support for ubuntuone and we wanted to store the creds for auth proxies. We have though about using the keyring, this is the right things to do, isn't it?15:07
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mdeslaurmandel: aren't you simply using the system proxy settings and credentials?15:09
mandelmdeslaur, well, we use the system proxy settings, that is true, but where do we get the credentials for a proxy that requires auth15:10
mdeslaurmandel: when someone configures the system proxy, they typically configure it as username:password@host15:11
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mdeslaurmandel: there's an upstream bug to make it better though: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64635415:12
ubot2`Gnome bug 646354 in Network "Network proxy has no proxy authorization" [Normal,New]15:12
kenvandinedidrocks, unity and indicator-appmenu needs a rebuild in the unity-team-hud ppa, want me to do an upload?  or do you have packaging branches for those somewhere?15:14
didrockskenvandine: I can push a packaging branch to you15:15
didrocksas there are cherry-pick15:15
mandelmdeslaur, uh, that is a little ugly but I'm sure we can work with that :)15:15
kenvandinedo you have indicator-appmenu too?15:15
mdeslaurmandel: I agree it's pretty ugly, but I guess you should be consistent will all the other desktop apps that use the proxy setting15:16
mandelmdeslaur, well, we certainly prefer to be consistent then15:16
didrockskenvandine: no, just apt-get source for this one15:16
didrockskenvandine: lp:~ubuntu-desktop/unity/hud-ubuntu15:17
mdeslaurthat being said, I haven't personally used a proxy since 1996, so I'm not quite sure how the others handle it :P15:17
didrocksyw :)15:17
kenvandinedidrocks, i had to add -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations in unity's CMakeLists.txt to get it to build15:17
kenvandinein precise15:18
kenvandineseems it's a pita to work around setting CXXFLAGS with cmake15:18
didrockskenvandine: yeah, there is a new deprecation for the last 2 days15:18
didrockskenvandine: seems my bot rejected some merges because of that :)15:19
alecumdeslaur, by "username:password@host" you surely mean in the http_proxy env var, and not in the gnome proxy settings nor gsettings.15:19
kenvandinedidrocks, is there a better way besides patching CMakeLists.txt?15:19
alecumandel, ^15:19
mandelalecu, got you in a little alarm :)15:19
didrockskenvandine: removing -Werror from CXXFLAGS doesn't work? It used to last time I did15:19
mdeslauralecu: AFAIK, that's the way you set it in gnome also, no?15:19
kenvandineit seemed to just ignore that15:19
didrocksoh weird15:20
kenvandinenot in the rules file anyway :/15:20
kenvandineseb128 told me last time he just patched it, so i went with it :)15:20
alecumdeslaur, gnome used to have a dialog to set the username and password; now it's gone, but the gsettings keys still remain.15:20
didrockskenvandine: can't really check right now, but I did something similar and it worked, anyway, thanks for the notice, it will surely be fixed with the release if people wants to get more branches in :)15:21
mdeslauralecu: upstream bug seems to indicate the preferred way is to enter username:password@host in the g-c-c dialog15:22
mdeslauralecu: are you saying g-c-c will split them out into separate gsettings keys?15:22
alecumdeslaur, no, I'm just saying that the gsettings keys are still there (though empty).15:23
mdeslauralecu: awesome15:23
mdeslaurmandel: so, proxy support is b0rked on the desktop15:24
mdeslaurmandel: so do as you wish15:24
kenvandineyay... there is already a pending build for indicator-appmenu in the ppa :)15:24
alecu"gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.system.proxy" shows both authentication-user and authentication-password15:24
mdeslauralecu: so I guess applications have to parse those keys, _and_ parse the user:pass@ syntax15:25
alecuawesome indeed :-)15:26
mdeslaurmandel: ^15:26
alecumandel, mdeslaur: still, if the user sets a proxy host/port without setting the credentials, the webclient library will find out that credentials are needed, and the app should prompt the user for those.15:28
alecumandel, mdeslaur: if the user then enter the credentials in the dialog provided by the app, they should be stored somewhere...15:28
alecueither those gsetting keys or the keyring.15:28
alecusince I'm not keen on storing credentials in plaintext on gsettings, the keyring makes much more sense.15:29
debfxKaleo: ok, will do15:29
alecuI can see that chrome is storing credentials there (not sure if proxy creds too), so I wonder if there's a standard way to store proxy creds in the keyring. Or if we should propose some.15:29
mdeslauralecu: I'm not keen on storing separate proxy credentials for each app...is there a standard way to do it?15:30
Kaleodebfx: thanks!15:30
alecumdeslaur, don't know yet. That's why we (mandel, me) are asking here :-)15:31
mdeslauralecu: oh, hehe, sorry15:31
alecumdeslaur, we'll probably continue by trying a few apps with a proxy requesting credentials and watching them store the credentials somewhere.15:32
alecumdeslaur, thanks for your input too. btw: can you paste the link to that upstream bug you mentioned?15:34
mdeslauralecu: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64635415:34
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ubot2`Gnome bug 646354 in Network "Network proxy has no proxy authorization" [Normal,New]15:34
alecumdeslaur, thanks!15:34
mdeslauralecu: and stuff like this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/65828/how-can-i-configure-proxy-authentication15:34
alecuI'll tell mandel about all this after the net-split. mdeslaur: thanks again.15:38
alecumandel, here's the backlog: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/816557/15:39
mandelalecu, thx got it, stupid network :P15:40
dobeyalecu, mandel: aren't the proxy passwords stored in keyring now?15:44
mandeldobey, AFAIK they are not, but I'm stupid :)15:44
seb128desrt, hey, got what I was saying?15:48
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desrtseb128: that you hate gnome? ;(15:51
seb128desrt, no15:51
seb128 desrt, is that a bug of yours? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/816567/ or saw it before?15:51
seb128desrt, I get that in nautilus for a bit, I think it might be due to glib15:51
seb128or "for a bit", "it started recently"15:52
desrtlooks unrelated to glib15:52
desrtgapplication is in the backtrace, sure, but only in the same way that g_main_loop_run() would be...15:53
seb128well the nautilus code is one call to "g_application_run()"15:53
desrtya.  that's generally how it should be done.15:53
dobeyalecu, mandel, mdeslaur: it appears that maybe gnome3 stuff doesn't support authenticated proxies yet :(15:54
seb128desrt, well, so why does it hit an invalid read?15:54
mandeldobey, cute!15:54
desrtseb128: it hits the invalid read in GtkTimeline...15:54
mdeslaurdobey: awesome++15:54
seb128desrt, doh, I can't read today it seems15:54
desrtseb128: :)15:55
seb128desrt, sorry for the noise ;-)15:55
desrtseb128: that's accessing the pirv structure of the timeline rather direcdtly15:55
desrtseb128: so i'd guess it's either a use-after-free or someone passing a completely invalid thing to gtk_timeline_run_frame()15:56
desrthum.  that's internal to gtktimeline15:56
seb128desrt, ok, I'm a bit puzzled by the valgrind log15:56
desrtseb128: hum.  i think if you unref a timeline while it is running then it is likely to cause what you see here15:56
seb128desrt, I'm surprised that there is no nautilus code lines before the gtktimeline one15:56
desrtseb128: it's because it's a mainloop dispatch15:56
desrtgtk_timeline_start() sets up a timeout to call the frame update function15:57
desrtwhich is what you're seeing called15:57
desrtmeanwhile, the timeline has clearly stopped existing in the meantime15:57
desrtit looks to me like someone in unref() the timeline while it is running15:57
seb128desrt, thanks15:57
desrtit's not entirely clear if that should be valid or not...15:57
seb128now if only valgrind was not spammed by libpixman errors that would help to get an useful log15:58
seb128==18574== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)15:58
seb128==18574==    at 0x5223A10: sse2_combine_over_u (pixman-sse2.c:620)15:58
seb128==18574==    by 0x5210068: delegate_combine_32 (pixman-implementation.c:174)15:58
seb128==18574==    by 0xE989257: ???15:58
desrtsupressions, dude :)15:58
desrtactually, i'm not so sure anymore15:58
seb128desrt, I need to learn how to do that ;-)15:58
desrtit looks like the source gets destroyed on finalize15:58
gordseb128, hey, so it turns out totem is sending out an <alt> key-press every 30 seconds to inhibit the screensaver - obviously messes with HUD. sound like something we can distro patch out?15:59
desrtis it always the same place?15:59
desrtlike, always sse2_combine_over_u ?15:59
seb128gord, we probably can yes16:00
seb128desrt, yes16:00
gordseb128, cool, i'll get a patch going16:00
desrtseb128: so you need a supression like16:01
desrt  pixman stupid problem16:01
dobeydesrt: hey. you might know this. is there really no way to handle authenticated proxies in the new gio/gsettings proxy related stuff, and every app has to handle it manually themselves?16:01
desrt  Memcheck:Value416:01
desrt  fun:sse2_combine_over_u16:01
desrtyou may need to change value4 for value8 or value16 or value1 or so16:02
desrtit's an annoying thing that valgrind doesn't tell you the size of the read that caused the invalid conditional jump :/16:02
desrtMemcheck:Cond is probably the correct one for that case16:02
desrtnow that i think about it16:02
seb128desrt, thanks, trying16:03
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seb128desrt, that did it, thanks16:08
desrtseb128: so back to the drawing board on the original problem :)16:09
seb128desrt, yeah, trying to get a stracktrace16:13
desrtseb128: i can't see any problem within gtktimeline itself16:13
dobeydesrt: do you know anything about proxy support in gnome3?16:13
desrtseb128: can you give me a bit more context from the crash?16:13
desrtdobey: i know you should make sure glib-networking is installed if you want it to work properly16:14
desrtthat's about it, though :)16:14
desrtseb128: ie: the 'reason' part of the complaint16:14
desrt(ie: recently freed, or not recently freed, etc)16:14
dobeydesrt: actually, that does help. thanks :)16:15
seb128desrt, not really, I didn't hit the issue on real user16:15
seb128desrt, though I often get a g_critical about a g_timer call, I should have noted it16:15
seb128desrt, I was just valgrinding nautilus for another bug and spotted that error in the log16:16
seb128desrt, so I figured I would take the opportunity to at least record it in a bug report16:16
desrtseb128: gonna need more info, i'm afraid :)16:16
desrtseb128: where did http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/816567/ come from?16:17
seb128desrt, valgrind nautilus16:17
desrtseb128: you copy/pasted bits of it out, right?16:17
seb128I get it every time I run nautilus under valgrind16:17
seb128desrt, no, that's all I get16:17
desrtlet me see if i can get it to happen here, then16:17
desrtoh.  weird?16:17
desrti wonder if valgrind has again become less useful16:18
seb128desrt, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/816616/16:21
seb128it's a full valgrind log16:21
desrt==6230==  Address 0x103f9664 is 84 bytes inside a block of size 88 free'd16:21
desrt==6230==    at 0x4C2882E: free (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)16:21
desrt==6230==    by 0x858F79A: g_type_free_instance (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgobject-2.0.so.0.3110.0)16:21
desrt==6230==    by 0x85938A2: g_value_unset (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgobject-2.0.so.0.3110.0)16:21
desrt==6230==    by 0x858802A: g_signal_emit_valist (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgobject-2.0.so.0.3110.0)16:21
desrt==6230==    by 0x85881B1: g_signal_emit (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgobject-2.0.so.0.3110.0)16:21
desrt==6230==    by 0x654D406: gtk_timeline_run_frame (gtktimeline.c:337)16:21
desrtthis is the part i was looking for :)16:22
seb128desrt, I don't get that here :-(16:22
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desrtseb128: i think you need --leak-check=full16:22
desrtmakes it slower but you get much better output16:23
desrtanyway.  figured out the problem now.16:23
seb128desrt, do you want a bug report and on what component?16:24
desrti'll report it.  i already have a patch16:24
desrtthanks for the poke16:24
seb128desrt, thanks for looking into it16:24
seb128desrt, ok, better with the standard options16:25
seb128GLib-CRITICAL **: g_timer_stop: assertion `timer != NULL' failed16:25
seb128==19657== Invalid read of size 416:25
seb128==19657==    at 0x4A38E47: g_type_check_instance (gtype.c:4070)16:25
seb128==19657==    by 0x3FEFFFFF: ???16:25
seb128==19657==  Address 0x10043318 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 60 free'd16:25
seb128==19657==    at 0x402906C: free (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-x86-linux.so)16:25
seb128 16:25
seb128desrt, so yeah, my not useful log is because rather than using my normal alias I tweaked the command to try to get ride of the pixman stuff :p16:25
desrtoh :p16:26
desrtwant to test a patch?16:26
seb128desrt, sure16:26
desrtlet me make sure it compiles first :)16:26
seb128desrt, can you give me the bugzilla bug number when you get it?16:26
jbichapitti: actually freerdp's soname was updated, do we still need a breaks against remmina?16:28
pittijbicha: oh, it was between beta and final?16:28
pittijbicha: no, if there's a libfreerdp1 now, we don't of course16:28
jbichaI don't know but it helps if I read the lintian errors ;)16:29
pittijbicha: heh16:30
pittijbicha: so, with that fixed it seems all good to me16:30
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desrtseb128: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66867516:38
ubot2`Gnome bug 668675 in general "GtkTimeline: protect the timeline from unref" [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:38
desrtseb128: seems to fix it for me locally16:39
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pittigood night everyone16:48
seb128'night pitti16:49
desrtpitti: ciao16:49
desrtseb128: looks like release team is going to bring back some sort of dependency tracking/control for next cycle16:50
didrockshave a good night pitti16:50
seb128desrt, \o/16:50
desrti don't know what the form will be... but anything is better than nothing :p16:51
DBOdoes anyone know if it would be evil to do this: XFixesQueryExtension(m_X11Display, &_xfixes_event_base, &_xfixes_error_base); multiple times?17:16
mterrykenvandine, thanks for fixing the indicator path stuff for unity-greeter, was just about to roll my own patch17:17
mterrykenvandine, did you merge-request that?17:17
kenvandinei did17:17
kenvandinemterry, it was a must have for the libindicator abi bump17:17
mterrycool, thanks17:17
seb128desrt, your gtk fix seems to work for me as well17:38
seb128desrt, sorry it took a while, I got sidetracked in other things ;-)17:38
desrtno worries.  it didn't get any review upstream yet either :)17:39
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RainCTagateau_: Hey, around? :)17:44
agateau_RainCT: yep, not for long though17:44
RainCTagateau_: Just wanted to ask what's the API for recent documents in GTK/Qt since I can't seem to find it :/.17:45
agateau_RainCT: I don't think there is a specific Qt-only API,17:47
agateau_RainCT: KDE apps uses the KRecentDocument API17:47
agateau_RainCT: http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kio/html/classKRecentDocument.html17:47
RainCTagateau_: Thanks. What's some example app that uses this, Kate?17:48
agateau_RainCT: this stores files in ~/.kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments17:48
agateau_RainCT: yes, any app which uses the KDE file dialog17:48
RainCTagateau_: ok, thanks :)17:50
RainCToh it uses .desktop files.. weird :p17:50
* didrocks waves good evening17:54
jonohey folks18:08
jonoI just upgraded Precise and see no indicators - anyone else having this issue?18:08
jonoI saw there was a bunch of indicator updates18:08
RainCTagateau_: if you're still around, do you know what an usual value for maximumItems() is?18:10
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dobeyjono: indicators working for me after latest upgrades on precise, and a reboot, on my laptop.18:54
micahg_umm, just got this after I tried restarting the panel after it crashed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/816878/19:55
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micahgright now I have no unity panel, this is on an oneiric machine19:56
* micahg wonders if any unity people are here20:15
mterrymicahg, unity people are best found in #ubuntu-unity20:35
micahgmterry: I'm there and tried with no luck20:35
OwaisL_I upgraded Unity from staging ppa today and indicators are gone from the panel.21:12
OwaisL_anyone else experiencing this?21:12
dobeyDBO: if I have a shell script which runs "java foo.jar" and a .desktop file for the shell script, is there any way to make bamf resolve to that .desktop file for that java app?21:17
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micahggah, a 7hr webkit build :(23:17
TheMusomicahg: I feel your pain, I went through something similar when I was working on openjdk recently.23:24
micahgI'm just lamenting it building on amd64 on crested23:38

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