
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
bryceapw, so this cycle it appears Intel has again shifted to a new drm-whatever branch as the new cool thing they're asking users to test.  drm-intel-fixes03:18
bryceapw, the drm-intel-next-proposed branch seems to have been abandoned.  How irritating would it be to drop that branch and add drm-intel-fixes in the autobuilder?03:19
ohsixbryce: talk to Sarvatt, i think he knows more than you'd hope to ask about that :D03:36
bryceohsix, I take it it's already been looked into?03:38
bryceI pm'd about it the other day in fact, but haven't gotten his reply yet03:39
ohsixabout your question specifically i don't know, but he knows about all the trees and the intel drivers03:39
bryceohsix, ok thanks.03:42
=== smb` is now known as smb
* apw yawns ...09:06
* cking offers apw some coffee09:13
* apw offers cking a gold star09:13
ckinghow nice09:13
apwcking, we need a mumble tie breaker to know who is broken09:14
ckingapw, what have you broken?09:15
apwcking, who knows, mine is above average in the working department normally09:17
* apw cries09:17
ckingapw is stuck in a twisty maze of pulse audio and mumble complexity09:18
apwcking, right i will have to reboot, but i have an update in flight ... so ... i'll be a while09:19
smbapw, Have you got the special pulse running there?09:21
ckingwhat changed since yesterday (apart from a shed load of updates?)09:22
smbone thing that sometimes helps me is09:22
smbdoing the usual killing of mumble and pulse09:22
smbthen start mumble but not immediatly connect09:22
smbthen go to config and set output to something like alsa09:23
smbapply and set it back to pulse09:23
smbthen connect09:23
smb(of course apply going back to pulse too)09:23
jk-bah, mumble misbehaving09:32
* jk- heads out09:32
apwbryce, ok switched that intel branch over to drm-intel-fixes09:39
reiseihi, all. I have a question about DSS. So, in 2.6.38 with bootarg omapdss.def_disp=dvi I can choose the default screen. I start the system and when I plug the cable, the image appears. In 3.0.13 screen stays black and goes to power-saving mode. How can I fix it in 3.0.13?09:41
bryceapw, sweet, thanks09:45
Davieydiwic: around?10:04
diwicDaviey, hi there10:05
Davieydiwic: heya10:06
apwdiwic, Daviey has a mac 7,1 which is playing up10:06
Davieydiwic: so... i have a ma10:06
Davieythanks apw 10:06
Davieydiwic: The sound, following a fresh boot - the audio plays sounds 'out of order'10:06
apwOH, Daviey this fix which went into that very very latest precice kernel10:06
apwthats for a 7,110:06
diwicbug 90941910:06
ubot2`Launchpad bug 909419 in linux "[Several MacBooks (with PCI SSID 10de:cb89)] Choppy sound. Videos play double speed" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90941910:06
DavieySo, for example, if i played audio saying "hello" the speakers would play "el-he-lo""10:07
apwDaviey, do you have Ubuntu-3.2.0-10.18 ... if not get that and test10:07
* apw will be a bit dissapointed if it works :)10:08
Daviey3.2.0-10-generic :(10:08
apwDaviey, check the # number10:08
apwas the fix is only in the second -1010:08
apwLinux dm 3.0.0-16-generic #2610:08
apwthat # number10:09
apwnope that linux-meta10:09
apwok, there is an update then10:09
apwdiwic, you will be pleased to know i slipped your fix in with some security updates10:09
apwdiwic, did you see anything about my mic in that dump by the way ?10:10
Davieyapw slips it in.10:10
diwicapw, security fixes for 3.2? or are you talking SRU here?10:10
apwdiwic, yep for 3.2, vary rarely we get asked to expedite things out10:11
apweven into development10:11
diwicapw, so given the last bunch of testing (thanks for organising!), if I rebase my branch and add signed-off-by and remove "sound.git" where applicable, you think it's good enough to be merged before friday's upload?10:14
diwicthe jack-detection branch (sorry for changing topic)10:15
apwdiwic, arrrg ... got the link to that wiki page10:15
diwiccking just reported that his regression was fixed10:15
diwicapw, and still waiting for response from arges but I'd assume it's the same one10:16
apwcking, if your regressions are sorted can you fix your entry on the wiki ^^10:16
apwdiwic, i think i lean to having it in if the testing is looking reasonable10:17
diwicapw, and xyzzyman I've been in contact with and his regressions are resolved as well10:17
apwas there is no better time than an alpha to get some testing10:17
apwdiwic, ok can you update his entry or get him to, that helps with convincing people10:18
* apw will test another box today at least10:18
apwdiwic, ok the PPA has kernel and pulseaudio, what is the ramifications if just the kernel makes it in10:19
ohsixi think the kernel just enables the jack functionality to userspace, so without pulse the jacks wont work as a user expects10:20
diwicapw, hmm, I'd make sure PulseAudio makes it in if the kernel does, but for the hypothetical/transient question: in general same behaviour as it is currently 10:22
diwicapw, individual machines might get better jack detection10:22
diwicapw, but the kernel must go first in order not to regress10:23
apwi think mine does just with the kernel10:23
diwicdoes what?10:24
ohsixbetter jack detection10:25
apwi think my acer had better behaviour with just the kernel change10:25
apwi believe thats when it first split the volumes for headphone/speakers10:25
apwok so... we need to go first anyhow10:25
Davieydiwic / apw: Doh, fresh boot - audio works fine.. thanks!10:27
DavieyI was sure i tried postional_audio already tho :/.. oh well.10:27
apwDaviey, users who moan when there is nothing wrong ... 10:27
apwDaviey, ,.. and can't do testing right :)10:28
Davieyapw: right.. damn slackers.10:29
* apw goes find a patch to stop Daviey's machine working again is some other subtle way10:30
Davieyapw: honestly, there isn't much more you could do to make my experience less fun.10:31
apwDaviey, don't challenge me10:32
diwicapw, just so I get this right. You wanted old-commit, blank line, signed-off-by <me> line, cherry picked from <sha> line. Is that correct? 10:38
diwicor signed-off-by under the cherry-pick line?10:40
apwdiwic, old commit commentry and signed off by _them_ // <blank> // (cherry-picked ...) // BugLink: (if any) // S-o-b: _you_10:53
apw#define ACC_MODE(x) ("\004\002\006\006"[(x)&O_ACCMODE])11:00
diwichmm, this one I wrote, so there's already a sign-off by me11:05
rbasakWhat's the plan on getting the fix for bug 920511 applied please (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2012-January/thread.html#18628) I realise that the issue is more complicated but I can't automate the workaround so my dev cycle is like treacle right now. Can we just get the reversion into the archive and sort the details later?11:05
ubot2`Launchpad bug 920511 in linux-ti-omap4 "Regression: netinst on panda armhf fails" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92051111:05
rbasakAIUI, 921137 prevents me from automating the workaround11:06
rbasakbug 92113711:06
ubot2`Launchpad bug 921137 in flash-kernel "Flash-kernel-installer doesn't support d-i debian-installer/add-kernel-opts in preseed " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92113711:06
rbasakThis means that Ubuntu Server on ARM is uninstallable right now11:07
apwbug 92051111:09
ubot2`Launchpad bug 920511 in linux-ti-omap4 "Regression: netinst on panda armhf fails" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92051111:09
apwrbasak, i am being told that the arm team don't want the revert in, which is why we are holding it, they are happy with the work arround11:13
ppisatirbasak: the arm decided for the booargs workaround, please ping orga/gruemaster/ndec/etctec11:13
ppisatirbasak: see yesterday #ubuntu-arm log for a disucssion about it11:14
rbasakOK, I wasn't aware of this. I'll speak to them - thanks11:14
apwrbasak, so you either need to get them to agree we apply the fix, or pound on whoever supports flash-kernel11:14
diwicapw, modified commit messages now pushed to http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=diwic/ubuntu-precise.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/jack-detection-backport . Verified that all patches are in Linus' tree with same SHAs. 11:21
apwdiwic, excellent thanks11:22
apwbryce, ok the first build is done and published11:35
apwdiwic, know anything about optimising mumble so it doesn't eat your machine alive ?11:45
ppisatiback in 10mins11:46
* apw drops to test a kernel11:51
apwdiwic, so just testing your new kernel on an oneiric userspace11:59
apwdiwic, and that also seemed to work, and gave me a new mic :)  the internal one, properly listed separatly12:00
apwdiwic, with its own mute so i can mute the internal and not the external mic, nice12:00
apwdiwic, ok on my dell the headphone is listed as unknown all the time, but does the right thing12:15
apwdiwic, as in the destination changes as expected, but the kernel doesn't know12:15
apw(is that working or broken ??)12:15
* apw pokes diwic12:47
tgardnerherton, don't forget to upload Lucid LBM whilst doing the Lucid kernel13:53
hertontgardner, ok13:53
* apw re-pokes diwic14:08
tgardnercking, are you able to mount ecryptfs file systems using the current 3.2.0-10 kernel ? I'm getting this in dmesg: 'Mount on filesystem of type eCryptfs explicitly disallowed due to known incompatibilities'14:09
ckingtgardner, I'm running 3.2.0-10 fine with ecryptfs14:11
tgardnercking, how about if you do this: 'mkdir -p .junk junk;mount -t ecryptfs .junk junk' and accept the defaults ?14:11
ckinglemme see14:12
tgardnercking, hmm, maybe its because its stacked. it works in /tmp14:13
ckingworks for me - but my home is not ecrypted14:13
tgardnercking, I first noticed this on a server where /home is not encrypted. lemme try there on /tmp14:14
ckingtgardner, I get that now if I repeat those steps in my encrypted Private directory14:15
tgardnercking, how are you stuffing the keyring ? dmesg: 'ecryptfs_parse_options: You must supply at least one valid auth tok signature as a mount parameter; see the eCryptfs README'14:17
ckingtgardner, this is where the pain begins14:17
tgardnercking, mount normally prompts for these inputs14:18
ckingtgardner, fs/ecryptfs/main.c specifically checks that the lower fs is ecryptfs and then bails out with that error message "Mount on filesystem of type eCryptfs..."14:18
tgardnercking, I get that, but now I'm trying on a server with no ecryptfs file systems mounted.14:19
ckingtgardner, and you still get that message?!14:19
tgardnerthis is something that used to work14:19
tgardnerlemme make sure it works on gomeisa (which is lucid)14:20
ckingtgardner, the README is rather impenetrable - I've not had much luck with the non-Private setup so far14:21
ppisatitgardner: don't pull the cma revert yet, there's one patch missing and i've two config diffs that can stuffed in the same upload (thermal management&c)14:21
tgardnerppisati, ack14:22
tgardnercking, hmm, same behavior on gomeisa, but its running a 3.0 kernel.14:22
ckingtgardner, so how are you normally mounting this?14:23
tgardnercking, this used to work on a Lucid desktop, so the keyring may have been stuffed: mount -t ecryptfs .junk junk -o key=passphrase,ecryptfs_cipher=aes,ecryptfs_key_bytes=16,ecryptfs_passthrough=n,ecryptfs_enable_filename_crypto=y14:25
* cking compares his runes he was using yesterday..14:26
tgardnercking, ok, it _still_ works on my Precise desktop, but only outside of the ecryptfs mount  point, e.g. /tmp14:27
tgardnerso, I think my issue on the server is the keyring14:27
tgardnercking, can you send me your server runes ?14:28
ckinghrm, however, I was banging my head against the wall trying to mount using: mount -t ecryptfs -o key=passphrase,ecryptfs_cipher=aes,ecryptfs_key_bytes=16,ecryptfs_passthrough=n,ecryptfs_enable_filename_crypto=y,passphrase_passwd=$ECRYPT_MOUNT_PASS $ECRYPT_PRIVATE_DIR $ECRYPT_CRYPTED_DIR14:28
ckingI had no luck and hence discussed this with dustin last night but got side tracked today. Lemme install Lucid on a spare box and see if this works on that14:29
tgardnercking, I'd think a VM would work for testing this14:30
ckingtgardner, yup, good idea, I've got powerful enough H/W14:30
tgardnercking, before you go to that trouble, lemme walk over to my server console and login. I'll bet this is a PAM vs SSHD issue.14:33
* cking should config up a lucid box, so it's work that needs doing anyhow..14:34
tgardnercking, hmm, same behavior even after a login to the console. perhaps we should consult our local expert tyhicks14:37
ckingtgardner, when he eventually comes on line later today then14:38
ckingso it works on lucid for you?14:38
tgardnercking, only on a desktop. it didn't work on gomeisa14:39
ckingI was having issues with this yesterday trying to make it work on top of a loop back mount - I wonder if this is a generic issue 14:40
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ogasawaratgardner, apw: I'm planning to pull in diwic's jack detection patch set and smb's reboot syscall patch for Alpha-2.  Anything else I'm missing?15:07
apwogasawara, nothing i know of at the moment15:08
diwicapw, back. So if it's listed as unknown all the time (in PulseAudio), it might help with the PulseAudio in the PPA, if that does not help, well - there are still machines to fix15:08
tgardnerogasawara, has diwic pushed his fix? I've not seen the regression fix announcement come across the mailing list15:08
apwdiwic, i am not concerned as the user consumable behaviour seems ok15:08
diwicapw, in particular machines using the model parsers inside the codec drivers, if that tells you anything15:08
apwdiwic, you should probabally send out a new pull request, as you have updated the patch commentary to make it pretty15:09
diwictgardner, the only regression found in the kernel was pushed and resolved the issue15:09
argesdiwic, hey that fix for pulseaudio worked for me. when your patches get in, will the pulseaudio package be updated as well?15:09
apwdiwic, and there you can say whats good15:09
diwictgardner, there have been two PulseAudio regressions whereas the second one is waiting to be build in a PPA.15:09
apwdiwic, those are not in the 'existing' pulse i assume right? so if the kernel goes in they don't get tickled15:10
diwicarges, once the kernel is uploaded I'll try to push the new PulseAudio asap15:10
apwdon't get triggered, only if you have the PPA pulse15:10
ogasawaradiwic: I assume if I upload the kernel by Friday, will that give you enough time to coordinate the PulseAudio upload?15:10
ogasawaradiwic: I can get it uploaded sooner if it helps15:11
diwicogasawara, I'm counting on that; would that be Friday morning/evening US time?15:11
ogasawaradiwic: I'd usually wait till the evening on Friday in case of any last minutes patches thrown at us, but I can do the morning if that's easier for you.15:12
diwicogasawara, but yeah, doing it today or tomorrow gives me better margin15:12
ogasawaradiwic: let me shoot for today.15:12
diwicogasawara, excellent15:12
ogasawaradiwic: that should then be built by tomorrow and I can still upload again on Friday if I need to.15:12
apwogasawara, upload fun15:13
ogasawaraapw: I'm just waiting for the OMG we need these patches that will roll in on Friday at 5pm because no one bothered to test until Friday at 4pm15:14
apwogasawara, can i suggest we both have friday off, tgardner too15:14
apwthat might learn em15:15
tgardnerogasawara, yeah, I might have to skip out Friday for a power day.15:16
ogasawaratgardner: you been getting a lot of snow?15:17
diwicor a lot of babies ;-)15:17
tgardnerogasawara, we did, but its all gonna melt today. 40F plus high winds15:17
ogasawaratgardner: so you'll have a nice layer of ice over all that powder :)15:17
tgardnerogasawara, yep, it'll suck15:17
ogasawaradiwic: just want to confirm git://kernel.ubuntu.com/diwic/ubuntu-precise.git jack-detection-backport is the correct branch to pull from and up to date with your latest changes?15:20
diwicogasawara, that is correct15:20
=== bdmurray_ is now known as bdmurray
tyhickstgardner: Hey - still having trouble with the eCryptfs mount command above?16:01
tgardnertyhicks, I'm about to send an email to you and kirkland` in a sec. 16:02
tyhickstgardner: sounds good16:02
tgardnertyhicks, email sent16:04
=== ogasawara is now known as Guest1558
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=== SpamapS_ is now known as SpamapS
tgardnerapw, git://github.com/sconklin/autotest.git17:21
=== zz_bigbash is now known as bigbash
apwppisati, zinc should be better now17:46
* ppisati -> out for some grocery18:28
* tgardner -> lunch18:34
elopsI've started to use zram(ubuntu package zram-config) and I've noticed it gets full and then it's no help any more.  So I wrote a script to run every 5min that swapoff/on all the zram swaps at once.  The attempt is to force the population of disk swap to free up zram swap for less persistent swapping.19:17
elopsI beleve this is something that can better be handled by the linux VM machine, perhaps a component or sub-component of zram itself.19:18
* tgardner -> EOD20:57
=== kirkland` is now known as kirkland
kirklandogasawara: howdy!21:56
ogasawarakirkland: heya21:56
jsalisburykirkland, o/  Good to see you around :-)22:00
kirklandjsalisbury: hiya bud!22:02
kirklandjsalisbury: *loved* the xmas card :-)  thanks!22:02
jsalisburykirkland, glad to hear it :-)22:02
bjfogasawara: heads up, i was playing with the security tests and one of them is hanging, the jjohansen is looking into it23:47

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