
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
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cjwatsonhi folks16:00
=== bdmurray_ is now known as bdmurray
cjwatsonslangasek's feeling a bit off today and asked if I could run the meeting16:01
cjwatsonsorry I missed most of the mumble call - my connection seems bouncy today16:01
cjwatsonso if I drop off, somebody else take over? :)16:01
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Jan 25 16:01:38 2012 UTC.  The chair is cjwatson. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.16:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired16:01
cjwatson#topic Lightning round16:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round
cjwatson$ echo $(shuf -e cjwatson barry doko stgraber jodh ev bdmurray slangasek)16:01
cjwatsonstgraber slangasek barry bdmurray cjwatson doko ev jodh16:01
* stgraber waves16:01
stgraber- Testing tracker16:02
stgraber - Helped bdmurray put in production the updated lp-integration script for the ISO tracker16:02
stgraber- Networking16:02
stgraber - Uploaded the SRU for bug 87682916:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 876829 in ifupdown (Ubuntu Precise) "Oneiric's ifupdown breaks ip aliases" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87682916:02
stgraber - Uploaded new ifupdown with some more label fixes and NetworkManager integration fix to Precise16:02
stgraber - Updated vlan and bridge-utils to better deal with ifupdown checking their return code16:02
stgraber - Found and fixed another race condition in ifenslave-2.6 (/sys/class/net/bonding_masters only appear 0.5s after the kernel module is loaded)16:02
stgraber - Got to test some configs from comments on my blog that were even weirder than my weirdest one, so far everything works!16:02
stgraber - Uploaded SRU for vlan, bridge-utils and ifenslave-2.6 to Oneiric16:02
stgraber - Reviewed dhclient-script for resolvconf integration. Current resolvconf dhclient hook overrides the functions from dhclient-script, a bit ugly but it works.16:02
stgraber - Filed MIR for resolvconf and poked server team to run some tests before we turn it on for everyone. (bug 921135)16:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 921135 in resolvconf (Ubuntu) "[MIR] resolvconf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92113516:02
stgraber- ARB16:02
stgraber - Finished packaging, reviewing and uploading unity-lens-sshsearch to extras.u.c16:02
stgraber - Some more discussion on what should be moved to the commercial process and how to deal with the backlog16:02
stgraber- Friendly Recovery16:02
stgraber - Started working on the upstart job, starting setvtrgb, mounting /run and starting udev16:02
stgraber- TPM16:02
stgraber - Tested the new opencryptoki, trousers and tpm-tools from my PPA, no luck so far, will need to test with Natty again.16:02
stgraber - Will do a TPM reset and some more tests next time I have to reboot my laptop (I used to say next time it crashes, but that didn't happen yet in Precise)16:02
stgraber- Other16:03
stgraber - Created rfkill-store/rfkill-restore jobs to save the RF kill switch soft state across reboots.16:03
stgraber - Rebased Edubuntu's LTSP ubiquity plugin on what we did last cycle with ltsp-live.16:03
stgraber - Tried to port edubuntu-artwork to gsettings only to notice Ubuntu still ships some default gconf settings, so ended up having edubuntu-artwork ship both gsettings and gconf...16:03
stgraber - Fixed handling of /etc/lightdm/unity-greeter.conf in edubuntu-artwork which is a conffile that was being altered by edubuntu-artwork (bad!), moved to using dpkg-divert + symlink to another conffile (ugly but works)16:03
stgraber- TODO16:03
stgraber - Some more bugfixes for the ISO tracker and trying to get the user subscription page back for alpha-216:03
stgraber - Continue working on network SRUs, friendly-recovery and TPM16:03
slangaseksorry, count me out - heading off to have a lie-down16:04
barryfeedparser 5.1 for python 3 uploaded & submitted to debian; python-defer sync'd from debian for py 3 support; python-keyring for py3. wrote blog on debian packaging for py2/py3. some work on flufl.* package for DM application and learning more about dual py2/py3 support. helped ubuntuone folks with some weird dbus-python issues.  pyqt for python 3 reviewed and (almost) uploaded (a few linitian warnings need fixing).  reviewed packaging16:04
barrybranch for multitouch team. did an interview and filled out travel expenses. dbus-python 1.0.0 released upstream and into debian - has py3 support!  will look at sync'ing to ubuntu.  done.16:04
cjwatsonslangasek: GWS16:04
bdmurraybug triage of iso-testing bug reports16:05
bdmurraybug triage of ubuntu-installer bug reports16:05
bdmurrayupdated update-manager apport hook to not double gzip attachments16:05
bdmurraybug bot modification to deal with corrupted packages where dpkgterminallog is in the bug description16:05
bdmurrayfixed bug gravity in python-launchpad-lib toolkit16:05
bdmurrayadded package bugs gravity code to ubuntu-reports16:05
bdmurrayworked with jsalisbury regarding writing bug patterns16:05
bdmurraywith stgraber improvements to ubuntu-qa-website's lp integration so that bugs are commented on16:06
bdmurrayteam-recent-bug-packages-json.py imporvements to collect apport- tagged bug counts16:06
bdmurrayteam-recent-bug-packages graphing work to display apport- counts of bugs16:06
bdmurrayinvestigation into initramfs-tools install script errors and persistent media16:06
bdmurraycall with qa team regarding reports web page16:06
cjwatsonFixed gnome-games and libwmf upgrade bugs.16:06
cjwatsonTried to learn how to track down upgrade failures from Jenkins, not to very much avail so far.16:06
cjwatsonFixed ResourceWarning from lsb_release with Python 3.2.16:06
cjwatsongrub2 SRU for lucid (bug 563895, bug 623609).16:06
cjwatsonpartman-iscsi/kickseed SRUs for lucid/maverick/natty (bug 810068).16:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 563895 in grub2 (Ubuntu Lucid) "grub2 fails to boot or install when an LVM snapshot exists" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56389516:06
cjwatsonSwitched Ubuntu Studio to a live DVD.16:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 623609 in grub2 (Ubuntu Lucid) "grub-pc needs some help in uec instances" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62360916:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 810068 in partman-iscsi (Ubuntu Natty) "kickstart iscsi option broken" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81006816:06
cjwatsonFinished python-debian port to Python 3.  Pending upstream review.16:06
cjwatsonRemoved lots of packages that had been removed from Debian.  A few uploads/syncs to get other packages in line with that.16:06
cjwatsonMerged debhelper, to ensure that Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9) will work in precise.16:06
cjwatsonFixed almost all of the ocamlopt stack on armhf.  Many fewer build failures now.  A few packages starting from coq are still broken.16:07
cjwatsonFixed xcp-storage-managers for Python 2.7.16:07
cjwatsonSwitched gnutls-bin and gnutls-doc back to being built from gnutls26 rather than gnutls28.16:07
cjwatsonFixed libgtkdatabox, kluppe, and vcdimager build failure.  Various syncs for other failures.16:07
=== ogasawara is now known as Guest1558
=== jackyalcine is now known as Guest1073
cjwatsonev: I guess doko isn't around?  go ahead16:09
ev- Prepared and uploaded Whoopsie 0.1.3 to precise. Followed up on the MIR bug,16:09
ev  explaining that Whoopsie is now ready for the security review.16:09
ev- Setting up a Windows 7 VM with the Chromium Embedded Framework, so that we16:09
ev  can build something for the agency to test the new slideshow work with.16:09
ev- Meeting with Christian to discuss the slideshow plans.16:09
ev  - We'll instruct the agency to keep the slideshow under 1 MB.16:09
ev  - Christian will look into seeing just how many of the Ubuntu fonts we need,16:09
ev    and then we'll make a determination if we have room to embed them in Wubi.16:09
ev  - I've provided Christian with a means to test the slideshow on Ubuntu16:09
ev    (WebKitGtk sample browser), and Windows (Chromium Embedded Framework16:09
ev    sample browser).16:09
ev  - I will look at the WebKitGtk DOM API, to see what our best option is for16:09
ev    bidirectional communication with the view.16:09
ev- Write the system UUID to the UserOOPS ColumnFamily.16:09
ev- Meeting with James to further discuss what hardware we need and its16:09
ev  configuration. He's committed to a week for the initial deployment.16:09
ev- James pointed out that we don't need the CAP_FOWNER stuff (ignoring +t on16:09
ev  just /var/crash), if we simply keep track of the crashes we've processed16:09
ev  with a .uploaded file. Changed the code to do just this.16:09
ev- Get rid of the intermediary processing step to figure out which architecture16:10
ev  queue to put a core dump on by having the client pass it as a parameter16:10
ev  instead.16:10
ev- Investigation around wiring StacktraceAddressSignature into all of this.16:10
ev- Mail to Martin and Matthew about reviewing the proposed UI changes to16:10
ev  apport, as well as an overview of the process around submitting a new crash16:10
ev  and core dump.16:10
ev- Fighting apport-retrace, only to find out via pitti that I was working on a16:10
ev  crash report without a Package field and out of date enough to fail16:10
ev  retracing.16:10
ev- Work on tying together the remaining retracing pieces.16:10
ev- Started work on defining a schema for the relationship between16:10
ev  StackAddressSignatures, stack traces and their hashes, and the bucketing16:10
ev  system that will eventually come into play.16:10
ev- Research into bidirectional communication with a WebKit view, in support of16:10
ev  the new installer slideshow.  Sending things through the title element is16:10
ev  still sadly the only game in town, even in WebKit 1.7/1.8.16:10
ev- Created a small sample application demonstrating this to Christian.16:10
jodhFinished fix for bug 912558, which required additional work to handle16:10
jodhrespawn jobs. Extensively tested. Finished first part of script to16:10
jodhauto-gen test confs but this can't be run (yet) due to the sheer number16:10
jodhof jobs it's creating (~4,200). Lots of #upstart interaction this week.16:10
jodhCurrently investigating an odd behavioural issue with16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 912558 in upstart (Ubuntu Precise) "log.c Assert failed - err=>number == EIO" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91255816:10
jodhgetty/Upstart/cttys with cjwatson which we need to understand wrt16:10
jodhthe Upstart logger semantics.16:10
cjwatson#topic Alpha 216:11
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
dokosorry, was still installing G+16:11
cjwatson#topic Lightning round16:11
cjwatsondoko: go ahead16:11
doko- didn't do much which I wanted to do this week ...16:11
doko- gcc-4.7 packaging updates (libstdc++ split) in preparation for the 4.7 test rebuild16:11
doko- gdb-7.4 release16:11
doko- binutils upload, ARM backport from trunk16:11
doko- gcc-4.6 update and Linaro merge16:11
doko- openjdk-6 update in preparation of the icedtea-1.11 release, still some packaging things to do16:11
doko- push some gcc patches upstream16:11
doko- interviews16:11
doko- eglibc-2.15 updates, available in the ubuntu-toolchain-r/glibc ppa16:11
cjwatsonyou and me both :-/16:11
cjwatson#topic Alpha 216:11
cjwatsonI'd like to quickly go over the milestoned bugs that are/should be assigned to us and make sure they're on track16:12
cjwatsonor if they should be deferred16:12
cjwatsonbug 850264 is now in Debian experimental and I'm told it's making progress16:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 850264 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "given a foreign architecture of i386 on amd64 machine, and an outdated libc, apt tries to remove libc-bin" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85026416:12
cjwatsonbug 869239 - anyone?16:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 869239 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "webcam screen should be resized for netbooks (Eee PC, 10")" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86923916:12
cjwatsonescalation from vmware16:12
cjwatsonI can probably take it if nobody else does16:13
stgrabercjwatson: I can have a look, when do we want that one fixed? (unlikely to find the time before alpha-2)16:13
evvmware? That's an odd request for them to make.16:14
cjwatsonalpha-2, I think - I'll take care of it and swap you for something else :)16:14
cjwatsonev: so says the bug16:14
stgrabercjwatson: ok :)16:14
cjwatsonev: apparently the default vmware screen size is 800x60016:14
cjwatsonbug 874727 - assigned to bdmurray?16:14
evah, interesting16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 874727 in apport (Ubuntu Precise) "media error bug report blocking is incomplete" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87472716:14
stgraberdo we support the 800 part of that resolution? I seem to remember the minimum for Ubuntu being 1024x600 (netbook resolution)16:15
evyeah, fitting in 800x600 is going to be really trickty16:15
cjwatsonapparently the webcam screen is the first bit that goes wrong so we'll see16:15
evtricky even16:15
cjwatson(one moment, being called away)16:15
bdmurraycjwatson: I'll look at or update it appropriately16:15
cjwatsonbug 879434 - does this mir need to be resolved for a2?16:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 879434 in liboggz (Ubuntu Precise) "[MIR] mutagen introduces b-d's on faad2 and liboggz" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87943416:16
cjwatsonbug 905754 - ev, have you had any chance to look at the mail I sent about this before Christmas?16:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 905754 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "Israel is not on the installer map" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90575416:17
cjwatsonI'm stalled on it at this point16:17
evah, not in depth16:18
evapols, I came back and panicked over getting caught up on the crash db work16:18
evlooking now16:18
cjwatsonbug 907113 - doko, is it urgent to remove libjpeg8 source for a2 or is it just "let's not forget"?16:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 907113 in libjpeg8 (Ubuntu) "MIR for libjpeg-turbo" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90711316:18
dokothe latter16:18
dokoyeah, I'll take care of that16:18
cjwatsonbug 912558 I know is in progress16:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 912558 in upstart (Ubuntu Precise) "log.c Assert failed - err=>number == EIO" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91255816:18
evit's supposed to cycle through on multiple clicks16:19
evbut perhaps we should widen the area that's considered a second click16:19
cjwatsonev: I couldn't make it do that at all16:19
evand provide some visual indication that this is possible16:19
cjwatsoneven holding the mouse absolutely stationary16:19
cjwatson(possible with a trackpad)16:19
cjwatsonbug 912563 not really in progress but I have the baton on that for the moment16:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 912563 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "ubiquity crashed with TypeError in partman_column_format: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91256316:20
evmaybe that got dropped with the timezone code moving from python to C16:20
* ev digs16:20
cjwatsonbug 813837 - stgraber, that's you with your community hat on, right?16:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 813837 in ltsp (Ubuntu Precise) "ltsp client not able to load boot file: ltsp/amd64.tmp/pxelinux.0" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81383716:20
stgrabercjwatson: that's me. Not sure with which hat on as that's only happening when installing from Ubuntu Alternate, we don't use the udeb for Edubuntu16:21
cjwatsonbug 861048 is mine, I think shouldn't be too hard at least as far as I've diagnosed so far16:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 861048 in grub2 (Ubuntu Precise) "have really quick '_' on boot before first purple screen" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86104816:22
cjwatsonbug 871726 - stgraber, you reported this so can clearly reproduce it, I don't suppose you might be able to fix it too? :)16:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 871726 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "ibus doesn't work from ubiquity-dm" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87172616:22
=== Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha
cjwatsonand I think that's mostly it for our team, although there are a couple of aptitude bugs in there that it'd be good if somebody could look over16:23
stgrabercjwatson: I can certainly find a fix for it, feel free to assign it to me16:23
cjwatsondone, thanks16:24
cjwatson#topic Patch pilot stints16:24
evcjwatson: theory confirmed; the multiple clicks stuff wasn't copied to C16:24
cjwatsondholbach asked that people be reminded about doing their patch pilot stints - if you don't know when yours is, ask m16:24
evI'll follow up on the bug16:25
cjwatsonev: *nod*, thanks16:25
cjwatson#topic AOB16:25
cjwatsonsorry, bounciness ...16:28
cjwatson16:25 <cjwatson> ev: *nod*, thanks16:28
cjwatson16:25 <cjwatson> #topic AOB16:28
cjwatson16:26 <cjwatson> Rick has asked us to pay more attention to upgrade failures, now that that's one of the major things failing in Jenkins; I'm currently trying to get a reliable way to reproduce them locally, but16:28
cjwatson                 I may ask for people to help with this at some point as it's probably more than one person's worth of work16:28
cjwatsonIf you've worked on this in the past (specifically testing upgrades starting from apt-clone metadata), I wouldn't mind a leg-up16:29
mvocjwatson: is the auto-upgrader-tester helping? I currently (in precise) get segfaults from kvm when I run it, but haven't traced it down yet16:29
cjwatsonI'm trying it with the chroot backend16:30
mvocjwatson: with the latest trunk of u-m it should be possilbe to run "./auto-upgrade-tester /tmp/apt-clone-file" - at least this is what jibel aded recently16:30
cjwatsonHow did you do it when you were investigating upgrade bugs in the past?16:30
mvocjwatson: aha, ok. that did not get that much testing recently, let me have a look16:30
mvocjwatson: I used the kvm backend, that is currently the most reliable (when its not segfaulting at least)16:30
cjwatsonhm, ok16:31
mvoits relatively slow of course16:31
stgraberkvm backend works great here (my upgrade testing host is Oneiric though)16:31
cjwatsonwell, I'll see if I can get chroot working and if not fall back16:31
mvostgraber: yeah, oneiric is fine for me too16:31
mvocjwatson: I run a quick test with it now to see what is missing16:32
mvo(with chroot)16:32
cjwatsonit falls over being unable to copy main.log to main_pre_reqs.log or some such - hacking around that16:32
cjwatsonanyway, thanks, that's enough to be going on with16:34
cjwatsonanything else?16:34
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Jan 25 16:36:17 2012 UTC.16:36
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-25-16.01.moin.txt16:36
cjwatsonthanks all16:36
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balloonsafternoon everyone17:00
kalosaurusrexmorning :)17:01
=== kalosaurusrex is now known as albrigha
balloonsI'll go ahead and get things started17:01
balloons#startmeeting Ubuntu QA Team17:01
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Jan 25 17:01:11 2012 UTC.  The chair is balloons. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.17:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired17:01
balloonswho's all here? and secondly does anyone have any topics not on the agenda they wish to add?17:01
shrisham here17:02
balloonsalright, some folks might trickle in late, we'll continue17:04
balloons[TOPIC] Previous Actions17:04
* gema is here too17:05
balloonsso, "alourie to feature AutomatedTesting wiki page prominently in wiki"17:05
balloonsI don't believe he is here.. I'll go check the wiki and see if any changes were made. If not, we'll push to next week for his update17:05
balloonsok, not seeing anything :-) next up is gema's action17:06
balloonsgema discuss case conductor with mozilla folks and provide update17:06
gemaballoons: you ended up doing it too x)17:07
gemawe are going to have a chat with the Mozilla folks on Friday17:07
gemasee how much of our original reqs they've been able to implement17:07
gemaso I guess the update will come next week17:08
balloonsthank you gema, I will roll that action now17:08
balloons[action] gema and balloons to provide feedback from mozilla caseconductor meeting17:09
meetingologyACTION: gema and balloons to provide feedback from mozilla caseconductor meeting17:09
balloons[action] alourie to feature AutomatedTesting wiki page prominently in wiki, based upon list discussion17:09
meetingologyACTION: alourie to feature AutomatedTesting wiki page prominently in wiki, based upon list discussion17:09
balloonsok, finally the last one was for me17:09
balloonsballoons to review test cases for i386,x64 and coordinate updates17:10
balloonsI began looking into the manual test cases and sent out some mails to the list. In addition, I started going thru the tests on the iso tracker, but have not finished getting thru and speaking with others about the tests I found17:11
balloonsDid anyone else take a look at manual test cases or the iso tests, or have any plans to do so? :-)17:12
* gema looks to the floor...17:12
balloonsI *believe* alpha 2 drops next week correct?17:12
gemaby drops you mean fails or you mean happens ? :)17:13
balloonsgema would you mind discussing that a bit after our scheduled agenda?17:13
balloonsI mean happens :-)17:13
gemaI hope jibel is around17:13
gemahe is the one coordinating alpha 2 from our side17:13
gemahe'll surely send an email later this week asking for collaboration17:14
balloonsok, on my action I will roll it over again to next week and try and get some more work done on that front17:14
gemait'd be good for you to run some tests for alpha 2 as well, balloons, to get the feel for it :D17:14
gemaand feel the pressure of the milestone .. the adrenaline rush, it's quite good17:15
balloons[action] balloons to continue test case review and provide updates on progress17:15
meetingologyACTION: balloons to continue test case review and provide updates on progress17:15
balloonsgema, yes I will definitely plan on it17:15
balloonsok, let's move on17:15
* txomon|home arrive17:16
balloons[TOPIC] Ubuntu Flavor Updates17:16
balloonsthanks to ScottK I got the terminology right this week (i hope)17:17
balloonslet's start with kubuntu -- anyone about?17:17
balloonsanything to share ScottK?17:17
ScottKThe KDE SC 4.7.4 update I mentioned last week transitioned to oneiric-updates on Monday.17:17
ScottKRiddell is working landing KDE SC 4.8.0 for precise as we speak.17:18
ScottKSo for KDE stuff we should be ~ready for Alpha 2.17:18
balloonsawesome -- and it releases next week also correct?17:18
balloonsI mean KDE17:18
ScottK4.8.0 is released today.17:18
balloonsohh.. feels early :-)17:18
balloonsawesome, so alpha 2 will ship with 4.8, great news17:19
ScottKThe biggest concern for Alpha 2 is we had to skip Alpha 1, so the installer hasn't had a big workout17:19
ScottKWe have some success reports, so hopefully it's all good.17:19
ScottKTha'ts it.17:19
balloonsthank you17:19
balloonshow about xubuntu?17:20
balloonsI don't see anyone here..17:20
balloonslet's move on. I know phillw is here -- anything to report from lubuntu?17:20
phillwour main issue is bug 918401 which is proving problematical for our Head of Dev to sort out as the proposed fix works on his system but for none of us testers :/17:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 918401 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Unity-greeter installed by default on Lubuntu, crashing on start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91840117:20
balloonsohh really?17:21
phillwyou CAN login, but blindly. Other new bits for precise seem to be behaving.17:21
phillwit may be causing a problem with Wubi, but we're not sure. That's all from lubuntu.17:22
balloonsthank you phillw17:22
balloonshow about ubuntu studio? astraljava?17:23
balloons:-), we'll move on again.. Finally, edubuntu. anyone around?17:24
balloonsok, let's change topics then17:24
balloons[TOPIC] Blueprint updates / discussion17:25
balloonsI know I skipped blueprints last week, but I thought I would provide a place if anyone wanted to mention anything specific regarding status or help for a blueprint17:25
balloonsok, sounds fine. That ends our scheduled topics.17:27
balloons[TOPIC] Other topics17:27
balloonsWe have two additional items to discuss. An update from me, and an update from jibel and gema on alpha 2. does anyone else have any other topics to discuss?17:27
balloonsif not, we'll begin with my item17:27
txomon|homemine is just to mention I contacted cobbler guys17:28
balloonsok txomon|home we can discuss it first -- what did you find out17:28
txomon|homeWell, I contacted cobbler guys in their list, and they mentioned that the docs where prepared for the original cobbler project17:29
txomon|homeAnd that they spected Orchestra guys could make a doc for the ubuntu version17:30
balloonstxomon|home, did you speak to Roakasoax?17:31
txomon|homeHe said it  was just a cascade style sheet and some kickstart addons, the documentation they had could be more use full17:31
txomon|homeballoons, don't know that name...17:31
balloonswhoops, have an extra a in there17:32
txomon|homeI expressed badly, I meant that the more changes Orchestra did, the less reliable would be the docs17:32
balloonsRoaksoax.. regardless, he would be a good person to contact on cobbler, specific to ubuntu17:32
txomon|homeI can pass you the mail btw17:32
txomon|home(to the list)17:32
balloonsok, sounds good17:33
txomon|homeI will try once more with cobbler17:33
txomon|homeI did some tests, and If you are using VMs to test, netboot is not necessary17:34
txomon|homethe most... Useful item is the proxy caché17:35
txomon|homethat's everything17:35
balloonsthank you.. I'm as curious as ever to see what you end up putting together for this..17:36
balloonsI'll go ahead bext. I am undertaking a point to highlight everyone in ubuntu community who is working on quality, and I wanted to make sure I included some good info and contact info on the different flavor qa teams in addition to ubuntu17:36
balloonsI will send a message to the list as well, but if someone from each flavor's QA team wished to send along (or better yet, point me to a web page) a couple sentence description of the work and a way of contacting that would be wonderful17:38
balloonsI trust that makes sense to everyone.. if no one has any questions, we'll get to our last item17:38
balloonsok, gema and jibel your up. can you talk a little about alpha 2 and what the qa team has planned?17:39
gemaballoons: jibel is not around, I think17:40
gemanext week is alpha2 week and we welcome all the testing everyone can do to help17:40
gemawatch out for jibel's email17:40
gemaregarding how to proceed17:40
gemahere is the explanation on how to help17:41
gemathat's all from me17:42
balloonsthank you gema. Ok, that concludes this week's meeting then. thanks for coming everyone!17:42
balloons#end meeting17:43
gemathank you for chairing, balloons !17:43
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Jan 25 17:43:13 2012 UTC.17:43
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-25-17.01.moin.txt17:43
phillwthanks for chairing balloons :)17:48
bdmurrayTime for the bug squad meeting18:02
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Jan 25 18:02:52 2012 UTC.  The chair is bdmurray. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.18:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired18:02
bdmurray[TOPIC] Previous Actions18:03
bdmurray#topic Previous Actions18:03
bdmurrayACTION: Ursinha to perform SRU verification of bug 90452718:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 904527 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu Oneiric) "apport package hook no longer installed" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90452718:04
bdmurrayThis was done and the package is now in -updates18:04
bdmurrayThanks Ursinha18:04
Ursinhanp :)18:04
bdmurrayThat was the only action from last week's meeting18:04
bdmurray#topic Engineering Team Bug Status18:04
bdmurraybil21al: hi18:05
bdmurrayUrsinha: do you have anything today?18:05
Ursinhabdmurray, no sir... I promise to have something next week18:05
bdmurrayUrsinha: no problem18:05
bdmurrayjsalisbury couldn't make it today and said he didn't have much news either18:06
bdmurrayI wanted to bring up one "bug" that was fixed in Precise18:06
bdmurraybug 91422018:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 914220 in apport (Ubuntu) "crash reports with DBus.Error.NoReply should be blacklisted" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91422018:07
bdmurrayThis is about prevent apport from reporting a certain classification of bugs18:07
bdmurraySome examples of the bugs that have been reported are found in the apport bug description18:08
bdmurrayThe error message looks like this18:08
bdmurray"DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply …"18:08
bdmurraySo this error indicates that a failure to communicate happened between the client and the server18:09
bdmurrayAnd we are getting the error from the client which isn't very informative18:09
bdmurrayWhat we really want is the error from the server - for example in bug 715523 - what happened to aptdaemon?18:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 715523 in gnome-codec-install (Ubuntu) "gnome-codec-install crashed with DBusException in _run(): org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71552318:10
bdmurrayThe point being there are certainly lots of bug reports with this DBus error message in Launchpad that are likely not useful in their current state.18:11
bdmurraySo I think there is some opportunity for cleanup / investigation into a lot of bug reports there.18:13
Ursinhasomething to do this week: check similar bugs and do a cleanup18:13
bdmurrayUrsinha: I suspect there are hundreds of these...18:14
phil-wongnice to meet you guys, I'm new to the bug squad. I'm sorry if I can't be much help to the meeting right now.18:14
Ursinhabdmurray, do you think we could blindly do something about those as they're not useful, as you said?18:14
bdmurrayphil-wong: welcome, thanks for coming.18:15
dlentzUrsinha, i did that with fglrx not too long ago, it was productive18:15
bdmurrayUrsinha: well we could invalidate them all but that seems unfair to me18:15
Ursinhadlentz, cool18:15
Ursinhabdmurray, thing is they won't be used by anyone18:15
dlentzso bdmurray, an example maybe, what would you do with18:15
bdmurrayI'd rather make a list of them and treat the ones that have an importance and tons of duplicates differently18:16
dlentzbug 65782118:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 657821 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Dbus NoReply when mounting a davs webfolder with authentification" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65782118:16
Ursinhaeven if valid bugs, what one could do with that incomplete information?18:16
bdmurrayWell its possible somebody investigated the server failure and added details to the bug18:16
Ursinhabdmurray, but they might be marked as dupes but actually not be dupes because the message is the same vague and generic one... am I talking nonsense?18:16
dlentzUrsinha, i get it18:17
bdmurrayUrsinha: no they maybe be marked incorrectly as dupes18:17
* Ursinha recalls tons of oopses with similar messages and totally unrelated problems..18:17
Ursinhalaunchpad oopses, that is18:17
Ursinhaokay, so it should be a case by case thing18:17
bdmurraybut I think we should build a list of these bugs and handle ones with a higher "gravity" manually18:17
Ursinhagreat, agreed18:17
bdmurrayand those with a low gravity progrmatically18:18
bdmurraymy keyboard is really messed up today ;-)18:18
Ursinhacould we add an action on that? maybe we could do this and check the progress weekly.. is that too much?18:18
Ursinhablame the tool18:18
bdmurray#action create a list of apport-crash bugs with "DBus.Error.NoReply" in the title with bug information regarding status, importance, number of dupes and users affected18:20
meetingologyACTION: create a list of apport-crash bugs with "DBus.Error.NoReply" in the title with bug information regarding status, importance, number of dupes and users affected18:20
bdmurraysound good?18:20
Ursinhathanks bdmurray18:20
bdmurrayOne other thing from me18:21
bdmurrayI've an upload for update-manager that'll fix an issue with a bug attachment being double gzipped18:21
bdmurrayThat should happen soon18:22
phil-wongis there a way I can help with this? I only just started yesterday examining and changing new bug statuses to incomplete18:22
=== bil21al is now known as bil21al_
bdmurrayphil-wong: I think creating the list is best done using the launchpad api so probably not yet18:23
bdmurrayphil-wong: however, when we have that list and need to do manual investigation we could surely use your help18:23
bdmurray#topic Bug Escalations (any High or Critical bugs that community members have seen that need attention)18:24
phil-wonggreat :)18:24
Ursinhaphil-wong, thanks :))18:24
bdmurrayso phil-wong (or anybody else) are there any important bugs that you have seen that we should be aware of?18:24
Ursinhaimportant being..18:25
bdmurrayUrsinha: bugs that should be, or are, High or Critical18:25
bdmurrayUrsinha: or a regression18:26
bil21al_bdmurray: not in empathy just one which is under the developer eye.18:26
Ursinhabdmurray, thanks :) in this case, no18:26
phil-wongwell, I am a real newbie. I literally don't know much about linux, I'm just looking to see if bugs are detailed enough at the moment.18:26
phil-wongSo, I am not aware of important bugs yet.18:26
bdmurrayMy thought was this is a good opportunity / time for bug squad members to escalate bugs to the defect analysts on the engineering teams18:27
dlentzi keep seeing complaints in ubuntuforums (and there apre probably even more in kubuntuforums) of muon and kpackagekit crashing after a fresh 11.10 install, which has to be very frustrating18:28
dlentzbug 91523518:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 915235 in muon (Ubuntu) "muon-installer crash" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91523518:28
bdmurraydlentz: looking18:28
Riddelldlentz: JontheEnchidna is often on IRC if you feel it needs a ping18:30
dlentzis software-center used as default in kubuntu?18:30
Riddelldlentz: no, Muon is18:30
Riddelland formerly kpackagekit18:30
=== bil21al_ is now known as bil21al
dlentzthanks, at least there's a workaround18:32
bdmurraydlentz: to be clear JontheEnchidna is Jonathan Thomas and he works on muon18:33
bdmurraydlentz: thanks for bringing this up - I'll take a look at it a bit more after the meeting18:33
Ursinhais this the case of adding the workaround to the bug and mark it as such?18:33
bdmurrayI think the workaround could use some additional verification18:34
bdmurray#topic Other Topics18:36
bdmurrayAnything else? Questions what have you18:36
bdmurrayhggdh: hi there18:38
bdmurrayhggdh: go ahead18:39
dlentzi'm relatively new (at doing this officially), and still a bit unclear on the difference between wishlist and something that sould go to ubuntubrainstorm18:39
hggdhI would like to remember all that Harvest is available to simplify searching for bugs one may be interested in18:39
hggdhand hi bdmurray ;-)18:39
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
* hggdh goes back to lurking18:40
bdmurraydlentz: it depends on the scope of the feature18:40
Ursinhahggdh, harvest is only for bitesize bugs or any bugs?18:40
hggdhUrsinha: there are many different categories of bugs you can search for; it happens one of them is bitesize bugs18:40
bdmurraydlentz: a brainstorm idea would be like ubuntu should have a global proxy configuration system18:41
bdmurraydlentz: while a wishlist bug might be it should be possible to sort by song title in easytag18:41
Ursinhathanks hggdh18:41
bdmurraydlentz: does that help at all?18:41
dlentzi see now that i re-read the wiki, ubuntubrainstorm is not for upstream stuff18:42
dlentzyes, the "scope" thing helps18:42
bdmurraydlentz: if you feel the wiki page could be improved please make the change18:42
dlentznext time, i'll ask for clarification in this channel if i see one of these, thanks18:44
bdmurrayUrsinha: in harvest you can find fixable bugs about a package and some triaging opportunities18:44
bil21albdmurray:empathy is finalized is there any other package  that needs the attention. and have a lot of bugs  do u know about that?18:45
bdmurrayfor triaging we have bugpattern-needed and sru verification needed tagged bugs18:45
bdmurraybil21al: perhaps rhythmbox?18:45
bdmurrayhggdh: hmm?18:46
bil21alhmm so i keep eye on empathy and rhythmbox both. thanks cheer:)18:46
hggdhI would also like to announce the soon-to-be Bug Controller... bil21al!18:47
dlentz i try to attend to rhythmbox bugs, since i like audio stuff; i did the massive dupe check a month or so ago18:47
bil21alhggdh:thank u so much18:47
hggdhbil21al has been very active on Empathy triaging, and has finally acquired enough knowledge of Ubuntu triaging to be accepted18:48
hggdhI will add him in as a member in a few18:48
hggdhthank you, bil21al, for all your help18:48
bdmurrayThat's great.  Congratulations bil21al18:48
bil21alhggdh:my pleasure18:49
bdmurrayI think thats a wrap then18:49
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Jan 25 18:49:50 2012 UTC.18:49
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-25-18.02.moin.txt18:49
Ursinhathanks bdmurray18:51
bil21althanks bdmurray and hggdh18:51
bil21aland all18:51
hggdhbil21al: you are welcome.18:52
hggdhALL: please do not hesitate in pinging us at #ubuntu-bugs on any questions you have on triaging18:52
micahgor if your bug has not gotten proper attention in a reasonable period of time (or is critical to be looked at immediately)18:54
hggdhindeed, thank you micahg for pointing this out18:55
Silverlionhey there19:04
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Silverlionhey phil19:35
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gilir#startmeeting Lubuntu Team meeting20:03
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Jan 25 20:03:13 2012 UTC.  The chair is gilir. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.20:03
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired20:03
gilirhi :)20:03
giliras usual, meeting agenda is on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/IRC%20Meetings/Agenda20:04
gilirnot many people today :)20:05
gilirok let's start20:06
gilir#topic gilir - Review ACTIONS from the last meeting20:06
gilirthe only item is the bug of unity-greeter / lightdm20:06
gilirI have to admit that I can't reproduce it after upgrading lighdm-gtk-greeter, and removing unity-greeter20:07
phillwit's still causing problems20:07
rafaellagunahello, a bit late20:07
jmarsden|workgilir: Has the newer lightdm-gtk-greeter made it into the daily builds yet?20:08
gilirjmarsden|work, not yet, I'll ping the one who work it currently to see if help is needed20:08
jmarsden|workYes, I think it will help a lot of testers can grab a new daily ISO and have it work OK.20:09
gilirbut even with this, it doesn't seem sto fix the problem for some people using precise (not on daily ISO)20:09
phillwgilir: no, we have grabbed the new one from staging & still have problems.20:09
rafaellagunaabout that, I'm trying to get it looking better: http://i.imgur.com/gqZ9b.png20:10
phillwI think wxl had even more problems today, if he'd like to say.20:10
gilir#action gilir to help pushing new lightdm-gtk-greeter in the archive if necessary20:10
meetingologyACTION: gilir to help pushing new lightdm-gtk-greeter in the archive if necessary20:10
gilirwell, until we have the new version, I can't really track down the others problems20:12
jmarsden|workRight, until then we are somewhat stuck, I think.20:13
giliryes :/20:13
njinI work ok with lxdm20:13
gilirswitching to lxdm is not a fix20:14
njinbut is a workaround20:14
gilirlet's continue with the next items, we can't say more about this for now20:14
gilir#topic phillw - Weekly report - Update from QA meeting and team20:15
phillwI'll leave out the bug.... Main thing upcoming is the pre-testing of alpha2 I'll email the list with further details of the pre-milestone release testing.20:16
phillwthey are still working on the automated tests and re-writing the manual tests. Once this is done I can start on the lubuntu specific ones.20:17
gilirphillw, did you have the time to look at the actual state of daily ISO ?20:18
wxlsorry i was stock on the wrong channel :(20:18
phillwI zsync it each time I'm going to do an install onto VM to give me a 'clean' iso to test.20:18
phillwmy last one was yesterday, with the exception of the known bug on greeter, and a minor glitch with the artwork ppa It installs fine.20:19
gilirit's still good news, it's not so broken :)20:20
gilirthe artwork problem should be fixed in the staging PPA with the next update of lubuntu-artwork20:20
rafaellagunaonly the wallpaper, isn't it?20:21
phillwwxl: what happened with you?20:21
gilirrafaellaguna, yes20:21
phillwyeah, a no wallpaper is not the end of the world.20:21
phillwpossiblt for Rafael, as I know he is a perfectionist.20:22
rafaellagunano, but a blank screen is sad for newcomers20:22
rafaellagunaphillw: yeah, you know me :)20:22
phillwrafaellaguna: it only affects those using the test artwork, there is a warning :)20:22
gilirit's the goal of the PPA ;)20:23
gilirphillw, anything more on QA ?20:23
phillwnothing more from the meeting, there will be an email re: alpha2 pre-milestone testing which I will forward.20:24
gilirok thanks phillw :)20:24
gilir#topic Unit193 - Weekly report - Update on IRC OP's team20:24
Unit193Right, nothing really that I haven't already said20:25
gilirok thanks Unit193 :) Anything new regarding new OPs on lubuntu chan ?20:26
Unit193Well, it's just to wait now20:27
Unit193There's a meeting Sunday20:27
gilirUnit193, ok thanks :)20:27
* gilir doesn't see MrChrisDruif around, moving to the next item20:27
gilir#topic phillw - Weekly report - Update from comms team20:28
phillwSilverlion: àre you on the way home?20:28
phillwhe doubted he would be here...20:28
phillwOkay, 1stly it does seem that OMGUbuntu do plug into http://lubuntu.net/ for information20:29
Silverlionphillw: just on the way heading home20:30
phillwso, for the people on the various teams, please do consider setting up a blog on there.20:30
gilirwe need some blog writers :)20:31
phillwthe release from OMG was clearly from there and the mailing list. The more we advertise ourselves on the likes of http://lubuntu.net/ the more likely we get picked up by OMG and Ubuntu News Weekly20:31
rafaellagunaI have a great candidate for that20:31
rafaellagunaI'll propose it to him20:32
phillwthe second one, sort of sneaky in a way, is that any announcement goes onto http://lubuntu.net/ before general release by email etc. That will concentrate the minds of those who want to report news onto an area we have control over :)20:33
phillwIt may only be a couple of hours... but a "you read it here 1st" does increase traffic :)20:34
gilirwell, maybe we need a bit more coordination for this :)20:34
gilirfor example, if a dev have somethng to annonce, maybe coordinate with a comm team member to advertise it right20:34
YorvykWhy not just mail the news team and OMGUbuntu direct?20:35
phillwthe comm team are here to serve, that would be more than okay :)20:35
gilirI personnaly fail to advertise right some of the stuff I do :)20:35
phillwYorvyk: they will receive it, have no fear. But, IMHO, nothing reported on NEWS should be after our own site has it?20:36
gilirYorvyk, that could be an idea20:36
gilirI don't have strong opinion on any way, just a idea I have in mind :)20:37
phillwYorvyk: if you join the comms team, I know you are involved with news stuff.20:37
YorvykI'll join and get involved20:37
phillwand lastly, we are still at an early stage, but we are looking to source some lubuntu branded items. Mugs are pretty much out as they are only 2.00GB to buy, then cost about 20.00GBP to ship out of UK.20:38
gilirso, if the comm team come with a solution, I'll be interested :)20:38
gilirphillw, is the items done by rafaellaguna are enough to order items ?20:40
phillwThere is a bit more artwork choices to do, so we can look at the pens + mouse pads offer.20:41
gilirok, anything more for comm team phillw ?20:42
phillwthat about sums it up.20:42
gilirthanks phillw20:42
gilir#topic gilir - Weekly report - Devs teams report20:42
gilirlxsession - I think it's pretty ready now20:43
gilirI done what I wanted for the next release, so I hope to upload it as soon as I can20:44
gilirlubuntu-artwork - for people using PPA staging, you probably noticed the new packages :)20:44
gilirartwork from previous version of lubuntu are available20:45
wxlsorry back for what it's worth. work got in the way :(20:45
giliryou need to install the package, like lubuntu-artwork-11-04 to install 11.04 artwork20:45
gilirunfortunatly, you have to manually change each part of the theme :(20:46
wxlgilir: why is that?20:46
gilirwxl, because lxapperance (the utility to change the theme) doesn't work globaly, like the one in GNOME for example20:46
gilirit's an improvement to do, maybe for 12.1020:47
wxlcurious. sounds like a borderline bug/feature request20:47
gilirits not so simple, there are many small part to change, and some design to discuss20:47
wxlsince we're talking dev stuff, my issues with unity-greeter are here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/918401/comments/25 although i just mention it just to mention it (since i was mentioning it on the wrong channel). i am curious what the latest version of lightdm-gtk-greeter is, though, just to check.20:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 918401 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Unity-greeter installed by default on Lubuntu, crashing on start" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:48
phillwwxl: it was covered while you were away :)20:48
wxlphillw: i know. initially i was chatting away about it, but in #ubuntu-testing :( THEN work got in the way20:49
gilirwxl, just try to update with the PPA staging, and to remove unity-greeter20:49
wxlas Unit193 knows, i'm really good at sending to the wrong channel20:49
wxlgilir: well, i have. that's why i want to check that my version is the expected version.20:49
gilirwxl, as we said, we are waiting to update it on daily, so I can check with daily ISO what's going on20:50
wxlgilir: ok, i'll shut up now ;)20:50
gilirand to finish, I plan to upload new default settings tonight (which are already on the PPA staging)20:51
phillwgilir: can you send an email to let us know when it is in daily for us to try.20:51
gilirwith Alpha 2, I hope to have some feedbacks on them20:51
gilirphillw, sure20:52
wxlphillw: i assume you mean to the qa list?20:52
phillwdefault works fine (you can tell - I never nagged). Just as an aside on that, when we try things from staging - is there a system of reporting how we get on seperate to bug reporting?20:52
phillwthe lubuntu-qa, yes please.20:53
gilirphillw, just ping people involve in the package in staging20:53
giliryou should not report a bug on launchpad for something in staging20:53
gilirping or mail on the mailing list20:53
phillwthanks. I guessed not. I have been using the ML :)20:54
gilirok, just 5 min for StephenSmally :)20:54
phillwJust lets me put it onto the lubuntu-qa wiki page20:54
StephenSmallyThank you ;-)20:54
gilir#topic StephenSmally Lubuntu Software Center 0.0.420:54
StephenSmallyWell, i want to just to tell you how the LSC development is going20:54
StephenSmallyI keep working on the main python branch, while Michael Rawson is working for the vala port (which hopefully will be ready for 12.10)20:55
StephenSmallythe current version is pretty stable and tested, with the latest commit i refined the interface (some visual fixes like padding between buttons).20:57
StephenSmallyin two or three days (i hope) i'll release LSC 0.0.420:57
gilirStephenSmally, good :) do you need any help in the release process ?20:58
StephenSmallywhich will be (again, i hope) be ready to put in the repos before february (and the feature freeze)20:58
StephenSmallygilir: yes, i think so :-)20:58
gilirStephenSmally, ok, I'll try to be around this week-end, ping me if you need help20:58
StephenSmallythank you.20:59
StephenSmallyof course, the current version will be in the PPA tomorrow (launchpad is building)20:59
StephenSmallythat's all folks :-P21:00
gilirthanks StephenSmally :)21:00
giliryes phillw21:00
phillwStephenSmally: with the last LSC, it launched in small window, which I had to maximise to see the on screen choices.21:01
StephenSmallyversion? (apt-cache policy lubuntu-software-center)21:01
gilirphillw, maybe you can report a bug on https://launchpad.net/lubuntu-software-center ?21:02
phillwStephenSmally: I'll grab you later, I don't have my VM for 12.04 running right now21:02
gilirit would be easier I think to discuss the issue :)21:02
phillwI will :)21:02
StephenSmallyok, well, it's weird21:02
StephenSmallysend me a mail or open a bug when you can.21:02
gilirok, it's time to end the meeting, thanks everyone :)21:03
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Jan 25 21:03:30 2012 UTC.21:03
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-25-20.03.moin.txt21:03
phillwgilir: thanks for chairing.21:03
gilirStephenSmally, I'll open a bug also for LSC, I have mixed language in the UI (french + english in the information window)21:04
Unit193Right, EOM21:04
StephenSmallyalso i need to know how to tell gettext to translate data/categories.ini21:05
gilirStephenSmally, it may be tricky :/ I'll try to have a look at it21:05
StephenSmallythankyou, i need to be translated only the names (name=*)21:06
StephenSmallysomething like the desktop file should work21:06
StephenSmally(is an .ini file too)21:06
gilirStephenSmally, yes, I think so, but sometimes, autotools do things ... not expected :)21:07
StephenSmallyXD i don't really like autotools, but i'm an old-style developer21:08
=== kirkland` is now known as kirkland
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Jan 25 21:18:50 2012 UTC.  The chair is AlanBell. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.21:18
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired21:18
AlanBell#topic why is this not working right I wonder21:19
AlanBell#topic can you do it now silly bot?21:20
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: can you do it now silly bot?
AlanBell#topic how about now?21:20
AlanBell#topic did that help?21:21
AlanBell#topic now?21:27
AlanBell#topic was it like that before I wonder21:29
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: was it like that before I wonder
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Jan 25 21:29:33 2012 UTC.21:29
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-25-21.18.moin.txt21:29
Unit193It didn't have +t21:29
AlanBellso who set it +t?21:29
Unit193I don't idle here21:30
micahgAlanBell: seems to have happened about 5.5 hrs ago21:32
* Unit193 waves to micahg 21:34
=== AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
AlanBell#startmeeting an important meeting21:35
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Jan 25 21:35:18 2012 UTC.  The chair is AlanBell. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.21:35
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired21:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | an important meeting Meeting | Current topic:
AlanBell#topic an important topic21:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | an important meeting Meeting | Current topic: an important topic
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Jan 25 21:35:33 2012 UTC.21:35
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-01-25-21.35.moin.txt21:35
AlanBellmust arrange a meetingology hack day to iron out some of the many bugs21:36
Unit193Any ubuntu/member can op :/  Alrighty, coolio21:37
AlanBellyeah, members can op here, anyone can /topic and the bot listens to the chair (person who started the meeting) and any ops21:38
Unit193Ah, any OPs too21:39
AlanBellso anyone who can op up can #endmeeting if the chair falls off the internet or whatever21:39
=== negronjl` is now known as negronjl

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