
mneptokFreeNET: did you want to try to resolve your ban? if not, we have a no-idle policy.03:24
bazhangPharaoh is back at it08:38
bazhangcinnamon is for ARCH?08:57
MyrttiI thought for Mint08:57
FreeNETmy english very bad08:57
bazhangdies_irae is asking for it08:57
MyrttiFreeNET: change your quit message08:57
bazhangI'm not comfortable giving out random PPA sites such webupd8 for software install suggestions08:58
MyrttiFreeNET: if we see it and don't like it and ban you again, getting unbanned will not be as easy. Understand?08:59
FreeNETMyrtti ok09:00
Myrttiok, hold on09:01
FreeNET* Cannot join #ubuntu (You are banned).09:01
MyrttiI just realised I've banned you last year about the same issue09:02
popeybazhang: I thought it was decided that ppa's were not supported?09:03
Tm_Tonly official (and supported by our teams) are supported?09:04
Tm_TI mean, there's plenty of stuff on ppa that are supported by the same team who does give support on ubuntu archives too09:04
bazhangpopey, right; they are not, and have never been so; often times people will recommend off repo things from websites such as webupd8 and the like though.09:05
bazhangthe only PPA I would ever feel ok recommending is the handbrake one, as its what the handbrake people themselves recommend, and is maintained by jstebbins at last check09:05
* Myrtti ponders what to do with FreeNET 09:06
bazhangso does support mean: don't mention it at all, or don't offer to fix when it breaks, or both09:07
bazhangwhoops not support09:07
MyrttiFreeNET: I've brought you here last september to discuss about your quit message, and now the SAME quit message is a problem again. Why is that?09:13
FreeNETMyrtti sorry09:14
FreeNETmy english bad09:14
MyrttiFreeNET: could you09:22
MyrttiFreeNET: could you *PLEASE* promise that in the future when you update your script/IRC client, you *WILL* check what quit message you have?09:22
FreeNETMyrtti i promise09:24
bazhangfor example: a user wants audacious to have sound menu support, but only 3.2 version has that , of which there is a PPA for09:25
ikoniabazhang: too much stuff is based around PPA's at the moment and there (and there can't be) checks for quality or support09:25
FreeNETMyrtti 10x very match09:25
bazhangikonia, agreed09:26
MyrttiFreeNET: you're wel....come, please try not to end up in here again09:26
bazhangthe whole PPA issue seems to conflict with Ubuntu using relatively stable software packages. tons of websites push them09:26
ikoniaPPA != ubuntu09:27
popeyi think you're making a sweeping generalisation about PPAs there09:34
popeytake the unity team one or the mozilla team one, both run by people who work on those projects for Ubuntu, who work for Canonical09:35
popeyso they are similar quality to the release09:35
Tm_T1104.30 <+Tm_T> only official (and supported by our teams) are supported?09:35
Tm_T1104.56 <+Tm_T> I mean, there's plenty of stuff on ppa that are supported by the same team who does give support on ubuntu archives too09:35
AlanBellif people want to help test stuff pre-release then a PPA is an awesome way of doing so09:35
Myrttipopey: the problem is that there's gazillion and one of these PPA's that are supported to varying degrees by Ubuntu and/or Canonical, and it's impossible for each op to remember which is verboten and which is kosher09:36
popeywhich makes it daft to make any rule about them being verboten or kosher09:37
Tm_TMyrtti: there's not that many of those I would support that I know, really09:37
Tm_Tbut yeah, it's not easy to draw a clear line there09:38
popeyso why have a line?09:38
Myrttiit's easier to "throw the kid to wolves" ie. to the developer IRC channel and let them handle the support, and us stick to the common parts everyone has access/interest to09:38
Myrttigive a finger to the devil or somesuch saying here09:39
Tm_TMyrtti: I agree it's easier, but I also feel we shouldn't do things certain way just because it's easier for us09:39
popeyit depends what your level of support is I gues.. "did you get that from a ppa? well you're unsupported, please leave", or "oh, you got that from a ppa, looks like joe schmo is responsible for that, contact him/her"09:39
Tm_Tsorry, but I am idealist (:09:39
Tm_Tpopey: I don't even consider the first being an option09:40
Tm_Twe always should point people to the right direction if the right direction is known09:40
Tm_Tand I believe, for example in Firefox case, I should tell people of that option (and mention that it's ppa so not supported by the ubuntu project as a whole)09:42
Tm_Tthat option being ppa09:42
Tm_Tsome random ppa? no, I would not let people recommend it at all if there's stable, supported option around09:43
Tm_T...and I'm not even sure if I am making any sense now09:43
Myrttiyes well I think the point bazhang was trying to make was that there's some weblog/ubuntu newssites that have their PPA's they mention in about half the stories they run09:44
popeyunsurprising really, often with the new crack people are itching to get it 'now'09:45
popeythey're servicing that need09:45
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa09:45
AlanBellsounds about right to me09:45
Tm_TMyrtti: indeed, oftentimes something what wouldn't meet the quality requirements09:45
AlanBella ppa is just a tarball that works09:46
popeythat description doesn't cover packages that are available in the archive, but are outdated09:49
AlanBellit is not always the case that a ppa is ahead of the archives09:51
jussiI fully recommend the Kubuntu PPA's09:53
bazhangthought moonlight/silverlight were dead10:00
Myrttimoonlight certainly is.10:01
jussisadly mtv3 doesnt think so :( (silverlight)10:02
MyrttiI wish I could have given him helpful advice.10:04
bazhang<Pharaoh> Guys!! I need help, I think my computer is part of a botnet.10:18
bazhanghe was asking for psychiatric help in #ubuntu earlier10:19
ikoniawe need a better factoid than !ot for things such as windows questions10:21
bazhanghe's just trolling. has been in multiple channels all day10:22
ikoniaand I've just ended it10:22
jussiikonia: I agree.10:22
bazhanghe's using windows, he knows it's ubuntu support earlier10:22
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents10:22
ikoniaand it's done now10:22
ikoniajussi: I meant windows just as an example10:23
ikoniaeg: how do I write a php web page10:23
ikoniathat sort of generic question10:23
ikoniasomething along the lines of "there are better more specific channels for your question, visit freenode.net to find the best channel for you needs"10:23
ikoniabut something that's factual10:23
bazhanghe was directed to ##windows . he continued nonetheless10:23
ikoniarather than what I've just made up10:23
ikoniabazhang: it's ended now10:23
bazhangthere's !alis10:24
ikoniasomething a bit more actually conversational seems better,10:24
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*10:24
ikoniayeah, that doesn't explain why we don't want to help, or the approach, just informs you of the bot10:24
jussiikonia: I agree, somethign that starts a nicer: Unfortunately your question is out of the scope of this channel....10:24
ubottuWe don't need factoids for *everything*, or ten factoids for the same thing ;)10:24
bazhangsince he was already asking really oddball questions earlier, ie about getting psychiatric help , it was clear where this was going10:25
jussibazhang: I think we are talking mor generically now10:25
bazhangjussi, ok10:25
ikoniasorry, yes, I just meant in general, not for this specific incident10:26
jussitheres a lot of this type of questions, I think finding a slightly more polite factoid would be nice - something friendly10:26
ubottuKrisDouglas called the ops in #ubuntu ()12:26
bazhang<amine> se ubuntu ce de la mlerde12:42
bazhangI think he means mierde, which is not nice12:43
LjLnice catch12:44
bazhangadvowork already got an answer for that, several hours ago12:52
ubottuDocumentation on the custom plugins for ubottu and clones is located at http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugin | Documentation for the official !Supybot plugins is located at http://ubottu.com/devel/supydoc/13:00
LjL!no botdoc is <reply> Documentation on the custom plugins for ubottu and clones is located at http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Documentation for the official !Supybot plugins is located at http://ubottu.com/devel/supydoc/13:00
ubottuI'll remember that LjL13:00
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (algo2 appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)13:33
bazhangnice new feature in the FB13:34
LjLnot very new13:34
LjLjust doesn't kick in too often13:34
bazhangconsecutive curses? is that what triggers it?13:34
LjLbazhang: kinda. it's a bit more complicated, will explain in -team13:34
bazhanghe immediately ban evaded to come back and curse us out13:35
bazhangalgo2 that is13:35
bazhang* [howdoi] (~algo@falkenstein.tunnelr.com): Algo13:39
bazhangban evasion #213:40
LjL[14:40:41] <howdoi> I can be back in 2 minutes on another VPN.  I just think it's stupid u banned me in the first place.13:41
LjL[14:41:06] <LjL> i didn't ban you, the bot did, because you were so abusive you triggered its filters.13:43
LjL[14:41:11] <LjL> so blame yourself if anyone.13:43
LjL[14:42:42] <howdoi> "requested by LjL"  That isn't a bot, it's you13:43
LjL[14:43:04] <howdoi> It's ok I have about 5 more VPN's I can use before I dip into Tor IRC13:43
LjL[14:44:39] <howdoi> Stay sharp whore, and see if you get the next one13:45
bazhangwhich will get a kline13:45
ikoniathats ok, just means he's got 5 vpns, so 5 more bans and he's done13:46
ikoniabest of luck to him13:46
bazhangthe open tor relay was a kill/kline I thought13:49
LjLhe's now joining, redirected to ##unavailable13:53
LjLkeep an eye open13:53
LjLPici: can i have op flags in #Ubuntu-proxy-users?13:57
Tm_Tcani bean!13:58
PiciLjL: done13:59
LjLPici: <313:59
LjLbanforwarded his tunnel there, ##unavailable seemed too harsh for a tunnel that other people may use too14:00
mneptokMyrtti: thanks for dealing with FreeNet15:17
* mneptok goes to install a new kernel15:17
=== mrmist_ is now known as mrmist
=== marienz is now known as 5EXAA07MX
=== 5EXAA07MX is now known as marienz
=== Gary_ is now known as Guest32137
=== maco is now known as Guest59992
=== Corey_ is now known as Guest51495
=== Guest59992 is now known as maco
* mneptok is now on the same side of things as services16:08
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
jpdsMost peculiar.17:13
jpdsdsg_ in #ubuntu typing in Cyrillic.17:14
ikonianot seen it,17:14
jpdsWell, I got tired of him.17:17
jpdsHaha, he join -ru and got kicked straight away.17:20
=== Guest51495 is now known as Corey
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from danielo)20:53
Picijpds: could you see if ubot4's factoid sync is working?21:27
MyrttiIĺl smack nyl to next week if he continues22:39
knomeĺ ? :P22:40
Myrttibluetooth keyboard without ' key where it should be22:41
Myrttifoldable nonFinnish layout22:41

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