
brendandmvo - hi08:18
mvohey brendand08:21
brendandmvo - do you keep the coverage data for swc anywhere on the web, or do i always need to run tests/generate myself?08:22
mvobrendand: gary put it on the web, but it appears to be stale at this point: http://people.canonical.com/~tremolux/software-center/software-center-test-coverage.png08:24
mvobrendand: what do you need, just the rough numbers? or the html? I can run a generation for you if you want08:24
brendandmvo - i was looking for the actual html08:26
brendandmvo - i guess it's ok. it's not too much trouble to run the tests08:27
brendandi was just wondering08:27
brendandin case it was there08:27
DavieyHola, has anyone looked at the server daily results?09:49
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jibelDaviey, server is back to normal. We'll blame the network.10:48
Davieyjibel: Can i blame you instead?10:49
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wxllatest unity-greeter is crashing lubuntu again https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/91840120:01
ubot4`Launchpad bug 918401 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Unity-greeter installed by default on Lubuntu, crashing on start (affects: 7) (dups: 1) (heat: 44)" [Undecided,Invalid]20:01
wxlmaybe because unity-greeter is rearing it's ugly head in precise ;)20:06
wxlgilir: i just added to it this morning. we're back to segfaults20:07
wxlgilir: what version of lightdm-gtk-greeter?20:07
wxli have 1.1.1-0ubuntu1~ppa2 of lightdm-gtk-greeter20:08
wxlyeah i don't have a daily iso, so that's curious20:09
wxli'll check that out20:09
wxli did, however, did a new install a day or two ago and it had the other problem (where the greeter didn't display but the display manager still worked)20:10
wxlthis morning, i have segfaults20:10
wxlunity-greeter is actually crashing20:10
wxlyeah check this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/918401 -- i left details on this morning's experience at the end20:11
ubot4`Launchpad bug 918401 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Unity-greeter installed by default on Lubuntu, crashing on start (affects: 7) (dups: 1) (heat: 44)" [Undecided,Invalid]20:11
wxlbut we can call that topic done for now i think. i'll double check with a new daily. in fact, i'll start the zsync now.20:12
wxlgilir: what version are you pushing up?20:12
gilirwxl, you know you are on the wrong chan ? :)20:15
wxlsorry everyone20:17
wxlubuntu-TESting is too much like ubuntu-MEEting :(20:17
mxhrIts alright - I missed many meetings because I had the opposite problem20:20
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