
ubuntuuk-planet[Dominic Watkins] Prompt with colour-changing smiley dependant upon exit code of command - http://rowla.dyndns.org/blog/2012/01/24/prompt-with-colour-changing-smiley-dependant-upon-exit-code-of-command/00:15
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diploMorning all08:09
AlanBellgah, home keys08:37
TheOpenSourcererlornisng AlanBell08:38
* AlanBell goes to top up the cofeee levels08:39
popey;prmosmh AlanBell08:41
TheOpenSourcererOooh Chiral superconductivity08:41
TheOpenSourcererThis effect breaks time-reversal symmetry08:42
TheOpenSourcererIs there *anything* that graphene can't do? http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2012/01/graphene-may-exhibit-exotic-superconductivity.ars08:42
daubersTheOpenSourcerer: Solve p vs np?08:44
DJonesTheOpenSourcerer: Solve bug1 ?08:44
daubersMake cheese?08:46
smittixGood Morning Fellow Ubuntu'ers09:07
oimonAlanBell: would you say bug 921275 is a dupe of 921068?09:14
lubotu3Launchpad bug 921275 in Application Menu Indicator "HUD searching method is hard to fathom" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92127509:14
lubotu3another contentless ping... sigh...09:15
lubotu3pong is an old atari game. It's fun!09:15
TheOpenSourcerer!Leslie Phillips09:16
TheOpenSourcererNice. Visit this link from your mobile data connection: http://lew.io/headers.php On O" they send your Mobile Phone Number to every site you visit...09:20
danfishanybody know anyone who works at giffgaff?09:34
danfishthey've made a complete horlicks of porting my wife's mobile phone number :(09:34
TheOpenSourcererNot really -  They use a fairly "opensource" method of support ;-)09:34
TheOpenSourcererdanfish: Have you seen the noise about O2 this morning? sending your mobile # to every site you visit.09:36
bigcalmWould be nice if trac were to email me when a client adds an attachment to a ticket :|09:36
danfishTheOpenSourcerer: oh that's just the cherry on top of the icing. I'm setting up my own mobile network.09:37
* danfish orders a thousand carrier pidgeons09:37
danfishat least if they don't work you can eat them09:37
TheOpenSourcererWonder if O2 might be trending soon...09:38
TheOpenSourcererEwww - Scary plane landings... http://news.cnet.com/8301-13772_3-57365171-52/dont-fly-this-at-home-video-of-scary-landings-goes-viral/09:40
andylockranhowdy all09:45
andylockrananyone used a Synology NAS before?09:46
andylockranThey look really neat, do two-way sync and also backup and 'time-based backups' to Amazon S3.09:47
TheOpenSourcererHah Hah: https://twitter.com/#!/o209:49
andylockranman, I need faster internet..09:50
andylockrancrikey TheOpenSourcerer they're in a spot of bother :D09:53
bigcalmWow, nice morning for o209:53
AlanBelldamage control mode ON!09:53
AlanBelland just when I was going to re-code our website to text adverts to visitors09:53
TheOpenSourcererOoops: http://blogs.ec.europa.eu/neelie-kroes/donottrack/ "... it’s a directive to protect us against all kinds of malware and spyware,  to ensure the confidentiality of your electronic communications, and to  outlaw automated unsolicited marketing phone calls and spam without the  consent of the receiver."09:56
bigcalmHi czajkowski10:20
rml_homeO2 customers, this is for you - http://lew.io/headers.php10:24
andylockranthat's nice :D works a treat on my O2 phone.10:26
DavieyOne more reason to use a VPN :)10:26
Daviey or proxy.10:27
gorddo vpns/proxies work on mobiles?10:28
czajkowskigord: there is the option for a vpn on my phone though never tried it10:28
rml_homeFWIW I'm a fraud investigator, and using proxies is a big red flag.10:29
Davieyrml_home: uh?10:30
Davieygord: yes, they do.10:30
gordproxies are pretty common10:30
oimonrml_home: what kind of fraud?10:31
danfishwhat happens when a fraud investigator is suspected of fraud? Are there fraud investigator investigators?10:32
gordwhat about fraud investigator investigators that are su... yeah lets not do that10:32
rml_homeDaviey/oimon:  My company takes online payments.  Peeps coming via an anonymising proxy stand out a mile10:33
* danfish decides to setup the vpn he's meant to do for yonks10:33
popeyrml_home: like every virgin media customer?10:34
oimondon't the FBI own some tor nodes?10:34
Davieyrml_home: who said anything about anonymising proxies?10:34
rml_homeDaviey: I read a whole subtext into your "uh?"10:35
Davieyrml_home: considering proxies as a whole as a red flag is concerning... :)10:37
rml_homeDaviey: I look at a lot of other stuff too, but coming via an anonymising proxy is a legitimate concern10:39
oimonin your line of work i can see why.10:40
rml_homeit's a red flag, not a ban hammer10:40
DavieyAt no point was i suggesting a "anonymising proxy".10:40
DavieyAlthough, i'd be interested in seeing how you determine an "anonymising proxy".. unless it is from a provider which specalises in this.10:41
rml_homeDaviey: There are sites which specialise in this stuff unfortunately10:42
Davieyandylockran: feeling bored?  Fancy writing a page that grabs the phone number from the headers, and inserts it into asterisk to call them and say "thanks for visiting my web page 'foobar' ?10:43
Davieyrml_home: right.. :/10:43
rml_homehttp://hidemyass.com/ is one of my favourites right now10:43
DavieySomeone on my team used to work for Anonymizer.10:44
DavieyI used to use SafeWeb, which was CIA funded :)10:46
rml_homeI try to do the best I can for my employer to mitigate fraud.  Most of our customers don't do tricksy stuff.  The ones that do get extra scrutiny10:46
MezI'm looking for a way to get a dessktop boot locked down to only be allowed to use the browser.10:48
MezAnyone have any suggestions on this?10:48
bigcalmMez: quick google gave me this for ubuntu: http://www.instructables.com/id/Setting-Up-Ubuntu-as-a-Kiosk-Web-Appliance/10:49
popeyMez: google for ubuntu kiosk mode10:49
popeyindeed, thats the first hit10:49
oimonmez, also disable the firefox restore sessions thing if using firefox ...10:51
oimonhmm that guide is more for display screens than what you're after i guess10:52
Mezwell, without --kiosk it might be suitable.10:53
oimonkde3 used to have kiosk admin tool10:54
czajkowskihuzzah found bug that's beeng annoying and developer couldnt confrm but now can, dont feel like an tool10:54
oimonsomeone should do a live cd of this really10:54
popeydelete all users and logon as guest ☺10:55
czajkowskigreat now my batter is swigging from being empty to being charged all within a min or so10:56
popeymy laptop lasted for 5 hours the other night when i tested it10:57
czajkowskipopey: aye I'm getting just short of 6 now10:57
czajkowskiloving it10:58
smittixMy laptop lasted 19 minutes last night.10:58
bigcalmI'm pleased with the battery life of my Xoom so far10:58
gordmy laptop would last 8-10 until platform sprint :( new kernel came out and the awesome power management stuff went away11:02
bigcalmRead that as 8-10 mins. Most confusing11:04
andylockranDaviey: I would if I had the time.. busy man with new work :D11:05
danfishpff - call that battery life! I've gotton a year out of a AA cell....on an arduino ;)11:08
Davieyandylockran: an awesome person like you, should take, what 3 mins?11:10
gordi've never had to replace the batteries in my ps3 blutooth remote ever!11:11
Mezandylockran: that o2 stuff apparentl affects giffgaff too!11:12
smittixMy Pacemaker battery is lasting along time too11:12
gordaa batteries obviously last the longest, will have to jerry rig my laptop to run on them11:13
* popey gets his giffgaff sim out11:13
bigcalmOh matron11:14
DavieyMez: it goes back a long time it eems11:14
daubersdanfish: How did you get around the silly voltage regulatory eating mAh?11:16
AlanBelllaptop with AA batteries -> http://www.norhtec.com/products/gecko/index.html11:16
* daubers installs the hud11:17
danfishdaubers: some rather clever code (obviously not written by me!) from this guy http://jeelabs.org/2012/01/19/the-beat-still-goes-on/11:18
daubersdanfish: Ah, are you using arduinos or jeenodes?11:18
danfishjeenode with this for power http://jeelabs.com/products/aa-power-board11:19
daubers:) That'll be why11:19
daubersThe voltage regulator on the arduino eats power even when the atmega is set to idle11:19
daubersor idle power down11:19
danfishyeah, it's not the most efficient one they could have chosen11:20
gordonjcppower efficiency isn't really a goal11:21
danfishgordonjcp: quite right...it's a journey not a goal11:24
daubersheh :) I've just been taking arduinos appart to get the to the power efficiency I want11:27
gordonjcpyou're starting from the wrong place11:28
danfishgordonjcp: eh?11:30
gordonjcpdanfish: if you want it to be power efficient, forget the arduino11:31
gordonjcpand indeed the ATMega 8-bit family11:31
gordonjcpyou wouldn't start building a fuel-efficient car by getting a V8 and a 3-speed auto box, would you?11:31
AlanBelleveryone got a haggis?11:46
bigcalmMmmm, haggis11:47
bigcalmIs it burns night?11:47
* popey is making pizza tonight11:48
popeynobody else in the house likes haggis11:48
DJonesIf anybody is bothered about the O2 mobile leaking mobile numbers, pocketlint have a work around http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/44141/o2-leaking-phone-number-to-websites11:48
popeymight pop out and get some tho11:49
=== AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting 2nd February 21:00 UK time #ubuntu-uk-meeting | "Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face, Great chieftain o' the puddin-race!"
* DJones thinks haggis is a great idea11:49
* popey suspects waitrose would be the best place to go11:49
danfishhaggis crumbled on pizza?11:49
popeyheh, nice idea!11:49
bigcalmpopey: waitrose sell lovely pre-sliced haggis that you microwave for 1 minute11:50
bigcalm2 slices per pack11:50
DavieyDJones: Please don't spread that around.. it's making it really hard for those trying to abuse this.11:50
bigcalmSo a sensible amount11:50
DJonesDaviey: Heh, you better tell pocketlint as well11:50
AlanBellI saw that yesterday bigcalm, but went and got a more propper one11:51
DavieyDJones: heh11:51
DJonesDaviey: Post a link to the pocketlink story on /. it'll be as good a DOS attack on pocketlink :)11:52
DJoneseww. Waitrose sell haggis in a tin, that doesn't sound good11:54
popeyit is actually11:55
popeyits in the usual sack thing11:55
AlanBellthey also do a huge haggis for £15 that feeds 10 people11:55
DJonesAlanBell: Or 2 people with normal appetites11:55
christeli have never had haggis :s11:57
AlanBellDJones: I was slightly tempted, but it looked a bit big even for me11:57
AlanBellchristel: sainsburys in town has them11:57
DavieyDJones: good thinking11:58
danfishAlanBell: can't you just get some of your chicken feed, marinate it in a puddle for a week, then wrap it in a sock - would look very similar to most haggis I've eaten :P11:59
* popey goes to waitrose to look for haggis11:59
DJonesoi Leave some for me11:59
brobostigongood afternoon everyone.12:09
AlanBelldanfish: that is approximately how it works I believer12:10
sagacijust updated my virtualbox instance and the mouse won't move :S12:10
matttholy crap12:13
matttyou guys see that stuff about o2?12:13
DJonesWhy isn't there a "Tab" key on the right hand side of a keyboard, it would make navigating websites/filling numerical boxes in much easier12:15
davmor2morning all12:19
ubuntubhoyDJones, they expect you to have 2 hands12:19
ubuntubhoyunless your a pirate12:19
davmor2czajkowski: prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod prod your get the idea12:20
DJonesubuntubhoy: Yeah, but one is moving a ruler up and down a piece of paper, it'd be less RSI with one on the right12:20
bigcalmAfternoon Dave212:21
bigcalmAfternoon davmor2 as well12:21
gordand to all other daves a good afternoon too12:25
davmor2bigcalm: morning12:26
davmor2morning gord12:26
bigcalmDaviey: get a better timezone12:26
davmor2bigcalm: haha tab fail12:26
DJonesgord: And good afternoon to you too12:26
Davieybigcalm: wilco12:26
bigcalmI'm easily amused: https://twitter.com/#!/bigcalm/status/16214705208256102412:26
czajkowskidavmor2: hello my der12:28
davmor2bigcalm: hahaha12:28
gordreflection makes it look like its bent12:28
bigcalmSearch for 'snake 97' on the android market12:29
davmor2bigcalm: I have like work to do ;)12:30
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bigcalmActually quite playable on my phone12:31
bigcalmJust silly on the Xoom12:32
ubuntubhoywould be better used as a dialler12:32
ubuntubhoythat would be nice12:32
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Neoti_Laptopare there any PHP masters in here ... ?13:15
dwatkinsNo, just padouin.13:16
dwatkinspossibly spelled Padawan13:17
davmor2Naughty 02 http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=350885713:17
davmor2o2 even13:17
dwatkinsdavmor2: yeah, I checked with Three and Vodafone, it's just O2 that's sending the telephone number in the headers13:17
directhex<thom> essentially, all mobile providers do it, but they whitelist the sites they send that header to. O2 are saying a router upgrade dropped the whitelist in the skip13:18
dwatkinsi'd like to know which sites they send it to, then.13:19
oimonsounds legit13:19
dwatkinsPerhaps it's a scam to find out what the most popular phone is amongst hackers ;)13:20
directhexdwatkins, payment portals13:25
directhexdwatkins, so you can pay for android market etc via your phone bill13:25
dwatkinsdirecthex: ah yes, that makes perfect sense13:25
dwatkinsI vaguely wondered how that worked last time I used one.13:26
* mattt has an o2 phone :(13:33
matttbut fortunately it's a work phone13:33
dwatkinsmattt: likewise :) I can turn it off when I want to13:34
smittixA few additional arguments passed to grub has boosted my battery :)13:51
smittixAnd I have screen brightness control back. YAY!13:51
bigcalmMade myself a 3 large egg omelette for lunch. Wondering if it was sensible now13:51
bigcalmNice one, smittix13:51
smittixbigcalm: mmmm omelette13:52
bigcalmTrying to cut down on my carbohydrate intake. So went for the most protean laden thing I could think of (and could make)13:53
bigcalmNot something I'll be eating every day though13:55
czajkowskihas the min max x boxes gone for anyone else today running Precise?14:02
popeynot me14:03
czajkowskiI cn only alt f4 them to close14:03
popeysounds like compiz crash14:03
oimonunity --reset?14:03
popeycompiz --replace14:04
czajkowskipopey: http://twitpic.com/8bintd14:04
popeyput the mouse up there14:05
oimonoeer missi14:05
popeyor hold down ALT14:05
popeymenu and buttons hide by default14:06
popeyhave done for ages14:06
czajkowskipopey: http://twitpic.com/8bioau14:06
czajkowskidanit it not capturing the moue14:06
popeydoes the menu not appear when you put the mouse at the top left?14:06
czajkowski  nope14:07
czajkowskibut does if I go half way down14:07
popeyhave you installed all updates?14:07
popeyI'd logout and back in again14:07
czajkowskiyup did more this morning14:09
czajkowskiand mvo could recreate my s/w center bug as well14:09
popeyI am properly liking 12.0414:09
popeyexcept for the bugs14:09
czajkowskiaye there are some annoying onces14:10
smittixMight install it this afternoon.14:11
smittixIs it usable or very buggy?14:12
czajkowskivery useable14:12
czajkowskisome slight annoying bugs14:12
czajkowskibut it's a lot better than previous early stages14:12
oimonprobably subject to breakage when a lot of new packages come down the update chute14:12
popeywe had new x yesterday14:13
popeyvery few issues14:13
smittixCool, will check it out.14:15
dwatkinsnew on stable or testing release, popey?14:23
dickie_what do Ido now15:07
DJonesHello dickie_15:11
dickie_Hello all15:13
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gordy'know i've been working on unity in its various forms for over two years now. but i still sometimes close the terminal that i started unity with...15:27
popeygord: you should start unity from tty115:30
gordpopey, not good for watching debug messages15:30
popeydo it in screen?15:30
popeythen if you close the terminal its fine15:30
gordtrue, but really i just need to stop being an idiot15:31
popeythere is that15:31
bigcalm_Grumble sticks15:33
davmor2gord: you're not an idiot, a bit of a muppet maybe but not an idiot ;)15:34
bigcalm_That'll be why then15:34
=== bigcalm_ is now known as bigcalm
davmor2bigcalm: what will be why then15:35
bigcalmdavmor2: why I was having freenode trouble15:35
davmor2bigcalm: why's that then?15:35
bigcalmNet split15:35
bigcalmAnd nickserv isn't available for me to identify with15:36
monsterwizardIs it possible to do a programming internship after my degree?15:36
monsterwizardis it heard of?15:37
gordwhy wouldn't you just go for a full job?15:38
oimonmonsterwizard: i think you are fixated :D15:38
oimontry to enjoy your degree too!15:39
monsterwizardgord more job prospects?15:39
monsterwizardoimon I'm so attached to the grades it's depressing.15:39
gordmonsterwizard, how would having a real job instead of an internship make any difference?15:40
davmor2monsterwizard: you don't think you'll get experience from a full-time job?15:40
monsterwizardYou're correct :P15:40
oimonyou're wrong15:40
oimonin my humble opinion...15:41
dwatkinsMy first job was effectively an internship - they paid me very little to learn as I went.15:41
monsterwizardI'm worried that they'll look a my grades..and no one in the entire world will hire me.15:41
dwatkinsgrades aren't everything15:41
bigcalmI got my job with few grades (no A levels or degree)15:42
oimonby grades, you mean shcool grades or uni exam marks?15:42
dwatkinsI don't have a degree.15:42
monsterwizardIt's mainly group work. I haven't found friends to work with so I get put with the drop outs :/15:42
monsterwizarduni grades.15:42
oimonuni grades don't count - only final degree mark counts15:42
dwatkinsor experience, oimon ;)15:43
monsterwizardIt's my first year and the grades don't count but I have the chance to do an intership after year two15:43
hamitrondon't uni grades affect the final degree mark? o.O15:43
gordwhy on earth does totem send the alt keypress every 30 seconds... if its to stop the screensaver coming up i'm going to scream15:43
* czajkowski hugs gord 15:43
czajkowskimonsterwizard: which uni ?15:43
monsterwizardWest England.15:43
oimonmy sis went there15:44
dwatkinsmonsterwizard: a year in industry between 2nd and 3rd year? Which degree, out of interest?15:44
davmor2gord: muhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa15:44
monsterwizardComputer Science.15:44
hamitronmonsterwizard, imo, that experience can be useful15:44
* dwatkins agrees with hamitron 15:44
monsterwizardif they accept me.15:44
dwatkinsMy brothers did that, was very useful15:44
hamitronI didn't do it, and wish I had15:44
monsterwizardbut are you making a living?15:45
dwatkinslikewise, I dropped out before going to work for Siemens in Munich15:45
monsterwizardcan you provide food for yourself?15:45
* dwatkins grins15:45
monsterwizardWhile buying the odd electronic device and book?15:45
davmor2gord: if it's a any key press chage it to tab you'll soon find out :)15:45
dwatkinsmonsterwizard: despite what you may have been told, having a degree is not essential in order to get a job you enjoy and that pays well15:45
dwatkinsIt's just a very good idea to start off with.15:46
monsterwizarddwatkins will that be the case in the future as these qualifications become more important.15:46
dwatkinsmonsterwizard: I can't say, but it depends who you're being compared to15:47
oimondegree isn't esssential but can involve a bit of luck getting started in your career15:47
dwatkinsImagine you're in an interview against your closest friends at uni, monsterwizard15:47
oimoni'm sure we have this convo every few weeks. try to chill :D15:47
monsterwizardhaha yeah I must15:48
dwatkinsif you have the edge, more experience etc. you're more likely to get the job15:48
monsterwizardand just one more question.15:49
monsterwizardI feel if I become a sys admin I would of failed15:49
monsterwizardit's not that bad of a job, right?15:49
dwatkinsThat's quite a generalisation.15:49
smittixpopey: How do you manage your iPhone within Linux?15:50
hamitrongetting any job you enjoy, is not really failure15:50
smittixOr don't you?15:50
dwatkinsI'd love to be the sysadmin of an interesting place with fun people, monsterwizard, but I'd hate to be a sysadmin for a small company that's going nowhere15:50
smittixmonsterwizard: I started as a sysadmin15:50
* dwatkins also started as a sysadmin, in a sense15:50
monsterwizardahh ok.15:50
smittixwe all have to start somewhere.15:51
popeysmittix: define 'manage' ?15:51
smittixpopey: Do you add content via linux?15:51
popeyi pull photos off it with shotwell15:51
oimonsysadmin with linux is fun. sysadmin with windows is downtime and patching and apologising and stomach aches.  just my experience15:52
monsterwizardsmittix you're right15:52
monsterwizardBut I do want to be involved in creating something.15:52
monsterwizardI love building stuffs.15:52
oimoni create happiness15:52
dwatkinsoimon: depends on the office, our sysadmin is fairly chilled-out, doesn't need to worry about updates etc.15:52
oimonand build infrastructure15:52
dwatkinsoimon: are you building the great British firewall? ;)15:53
oimonis there one?15:53
dwatkinsoimon: not that I'm aware of, I'm being silly about the US laws which were proposed, SOPA, PIPA etc.15:54
smittixWhere I started was an SME. With a terrible infrastructure.15:54
oimonmaybe my feigned ignorance is proof that i'm working on it15:54
smittixSo I had the chance to prove myself.15:55
dwatkinsoimon: cunning15:55
* dwatkins hands oimon a fox to pet15:55
* oimon installs linux on it15:55
* bigcalm would like nickserv to come back :)15:55
dwatkinscan we just invite it, bigcalm?15:55
Dave2We all would.15:55
ahayzenyey i'm back :)15:56
* bigcalm feels naked and exposed15:56
monsterwizardAnyway, cheers everyone for making me feel better.15:56
ahayzenok that was scary wht happened?15:57
jpds!netsplit | ahayzen15:57
lubotu3ahayzen: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit15:57
bigcalmahayzen: Dave2 had something nasty for lunch15:57
ahayzenjpds: thx15:57
ahayzenbigcalm: lol15:57
bigcalmOr what jpds pointed at15:57
dwatkinsczajkowski / TheOpenSourcerer - http://blog.o2.co.uk/home/2012/01/o2-mobile-numbers-and-web-browsing.html15:58
davmor2gord: hud why is it not showing me urls from history in FF?15:58
TheOpenSourcererdwatkins: Seen it. Thanks.15:58
davmor2gord: it does on the video ;)15:58
bigcalmdavmor2: we should get a live demonstration of a fully working system tomorrow ;)15:58
gorddavmor2, iruno,  maybe it hates you? i don't really do the backend ;)15:59
TheOpenSourcererAnd cz<tab> already posted that link15:59
TheOpenSourcerer(15:43:08) czajkowski: http://blog.o2.co.uk/home/2012/01/o2-mobile-numbers-and-web-browsing.html15:59
dwatkinsoh cool, TheOpenSourcerer :)15:59
czajkowskidwatkins: thanks though15:59
dwatkinswelcome :)15:59
dwatkinsI was on the phone when you pasted this, czajkowski - thought it was the original story16:00
dwatkinsanyhoo, moving on...16:00
TheOpenSourcererIt was interesting how "relatively" quickly the issue spread and got dealt with. I doubt that would have happened without Twitter/Facebook etc.16:00
davmor2gord: gee that's okay then ;)16:01
dwatkinsabsolutely, TheOpenSourcerer16:01
AlanBell"We share mobile numbers with selected trusted partners for 3 reasons: 1) to manage age verification, which manages access to adult content," that is reassuring16:01
dwatkinsI was just wondering about that too, AlanBell - how do they know my age, though?16:01
Dave2You pay £1 via a credit card16:02
popeythey dont, but they know if you have a credit card16:02
Dave2(They then give you £2.50 credit)16:02
AlanBellyou can phone up and get the age bar lifted, you have to do that if you want to get access to hardcore sites like the ubuntu forums16:02
Dave2You don't need to phone up any more, I did it all online.16:02
dwatkinsall that sedicious content...16:02
hamitronforums are just too exciting ;/16:02
AlanBellit was Orange that classified them as 18+ I think16:03
TheOpenSourcererThey also block (censor) access to Tor apparently... https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tale-new-censors-vodafone-uk-t-mobile-uk-o2-uk-and-t-mobile-usa As does most other UK mobile telcos16:03
AlanBellI had a tedious conversation with Orange about the forums once16:04
davmor2AlanBell: let me guess they saw it as a chat client and didn't want minors exposed to it16:05
AlanBell"can you adjust your filter to not include this site?" "yes sir, I will change your settings so you can look at all the porn you want sir . . ." "no, that isn't what I mean . . ."16:05
oimon"can you reclassify the site as non-adult"16:05
AlanBellwent round in circles for 10 minutes and I gave up16:05
oimonwho does the classification? orange or 3rd party?16:05
AlanBell3rd party16:06
AlanBellit might have changed now, that was some years ago when 3g dongles were a novelty16:06
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* bigcalm bounces16:08
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KrisDouglasWhat is the point in relationships, very stressful and you can't use your computer 24/7 :)16:36
popey→  #relationships16:36
oimonis there such a room?16:37
popeyno idea16:37
popeybut it's not here ☺16:37
oimonmaybe at 2 in the morning16:37
oimoni never read the scrollback..i don't know what happens in here at the lonely hour of 2am16:37
KrisDouglasI feel that it's a valid point, ubuntu is too attractive nowadays.16:37
KrisDouglasAnyway, I actually have a valid question16:38
KrisDouglasWith the new Java license, and not being able to distribute it, are you responsible for keeping it up to date on ubuntu?16:38
Neoti_Laptopanyone know kdenlive and MTL ?16:39
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* AlanBell puts the haggis on :)17:05
AlanBellKrisDouglas: openJDK is the new hotness17:06
AlanBellsun java is old and busted17:06
KrisDouglasAlanBell, when it comes to OJDK, what's its performance like in comparison? I heard it has been improving, but things like Minecraft aren't quite right yet?17:20
popeyi have been running minecraft with ojdk for over a year17:21
KrisDouglaspopey, damn, I feel like I've missed the boat here.17:22
KrisDouglaspopey, how does it run on your machine?17:22
bigcalmIt's only 5 blocks of wood, make a new one17:23
KrisDouglasbigcalm, hurr.17:24
davmor2AlanBell: Take the haggis off your head it was a fun gag when you were 10 but not any more ;)17:24
davmor2KrisDouglas: I run sikuli on ojdk I get the odd issue with rendering but nothing worth writing home about17:25
bigcalmWhat's the betting that the Xoom case I ordered will arrive tomorrow?17:25
davmor2bigcalm: You know it will17:26
bigcalmOpen the Software Centre on the far right monitor to install a new .deb. Admin password window appears on the far left monitor. Odd and confusing as it looks as though nothing is happening17:30
davmor2bigcalm: write a bug for it I'll pass on the info17:34
bigcalmI'm using xfce, not sure if that'll make any difference17:35
davmor2bigcalm: it might :(17:35
davmor2bigcalm: it may be that you installed on one screen and then went to the other and because of that it opened on the left screen maybe?17:37
bigcalmdavmor2: chromium downloaded a .deb. I clicked and ran it though Software Centre. This is all on the right hand monitor17:38
bigcalmI believe that my left hand monitor is set as the default one17:38
bigcalmI live with it, once I realised where the password box had gone ;)17:40
davmor2bigcalm: see USC triggers policykit for the user password but I'm assuming it should open in the desktop that has focus but I don't know how well xfce handles that17:41
davmor2w3m you know what's missing an ascii art plugin everyone would browse the web from there tty if only w3m had ascii art :D17:46
bigcalmI recall playing mplayer and quake through the ascii video driver17:47
bigcalmQuite enjoyable17:47
popeyKrisDouglas: no different than with sun jdk17:48
davmor2bigcalm: there is an ascii tv app17:48
KrisDouglasInteresting, thanks for the info popey, I will have to (re)install it and have a play17:49
KrisDouglasSIlly old me.17:49
davmor2bigcalm: You've never seen static till you see it through ascii art17:49
KrisDouglasdavmor2, I bet that is something else.17:50
brobostigonreminds of vlc's terminal output.17:50
AlanBelltelnet towel.blinkenlights.nl17:51
davmor2AlanBell: ah starwars from 20th century Text17:55
KrisDouglasAlanBell, I should have left the office by now. Damn you and your ASCII Starwars!18:14
danfishw00t! Despite the problems on the O2/giffgaff network, they've finally sorted my wife's number port :)18:21
danfishVPN setup for web browsing as well18:22
davmor2KrisDouglas: Well if you will play rather than work then whose fault is it :P18:24
AzelphurI ported my number to giffgaff went pretty smoothly :D18:25
AzelphurOnly thing that irritates me about giffgaff is the coverage isn't as good as 3 :(18:25
danfishAzelphur: my port went fine as well18:31
danfishThe coverage is the same as O2 and in the SE is pretty good18:32
gordonjcpdanfish: giffgaff == O218:33
gordonjcpwhich is why the coverage is the same18:33
Azelphurlies, SE coverage is bad18:33
AzelphurAt my aunts in Ashford I get no bars a lot of the time :/18:33
Azelphurand all around my cousins in romney it's bad too18:34
danfishgordonjcp: exactly!18:35
danfishAzelphur: mileage may vary - does Ashford have fire yet? :P18:36
Azelphurdanfish: dunno, you could say that about romney, but Ashford is a major travel hub xD18:36
danfishAzelphur: true - prob should switch that round18:37
danfishtime to bath the monkeys/children18:38
Azelphurhaha, thats odd, according to the map there's masts all over the place right near my aunts18:39
Azelphursense, makes none.18:39
danfishAzelphur: there was a problem with data in the early days of the iphone in the south east - too many iphones!18:40
Azelphuroh, it found the wrong road that's why, dam having multiple roads with the same name :P18:40
aquariusbirmingham people: you coming out to play on Saturday evening? :)18:47
smittixEvening all19:57
AzelphurPeople on O2/Giffgaff: http://conversation.which.co.uk/technology/o2-sharing-mobile-phone-number-network-provider/19:57
zleapevening, how are you20:16
jacobwsedentry, yourself?20:18
jacobwyo SuperEngineer20:18
popeyEvening slackers20:18
jacobwevening popey :)20:18
SuperEngineeryo 2u2 jacobw20:18
bigcalmMorning popey20:19
jacobwgmt relevant salutations only20:19
MartijnVdSGood $DAY_PART, $PERSON20:19
bigcalmThe thought of going to Wolverhampton tomorrow is making me feel tired now. Not a good start20:20
jacobwwhere are you now?20:20
bigcalmNewport, Shropshire20:20
bigcalmI should check time trains20:20
SuperEngineerbigcalm: oh scheiss - that's where the boss lives - you don't know me - never heard of me - i don't exist etc20:21
zleaphi,  got some news today,  computer programming group i suggested to local youth service,  has been approved in principle,  i need to sort out some paperwork, then start to promote / advertise the group20:21
Azelphurzleap: sounds awesome :D20:22
bigcalmI work from home. Tomorrow is a monthly work place day with some mostly Canonical people20:22
jacobwdo you have enough instructors zleap ?20:22
zleapi am going to stick to open source  or free software tools, e.g python,  scratch,  ruby,  etc,  as these are available to everyone,  I am sure Visual studio education edition has restrictions20:23
Azelphurzleap: nice :D20:23
Azelphur+1 for python20:23
zleapjacobw, well i am looking at kids teaching them selves and getting help from peers,   after all the raspberry pi people want to get back to what we had in the 80's where people were self motivated20:23
dwatkinszleap: I like the idea of using free stuffs, hope all goes well :)20:24
zleaphowever having somewhere to meet up and swap notes,  get help from others is a good thing to teach collaboration20:24
jacobwsounds great20:24
zleapdwatkins, yeah,  well the budget is probably zero, they can install scratch and kidsruby freely20:24
dwatkinsI have a friend who teaches ICT, he tries to teach "word processing" as opposed to "how to use MS Word" and other such things20:24
zleapsounds good20:25
dwatkinsbetter to have them learn how stuff works and that the computer is a tool etc. than where to click, I'd say20:25
jacobwi'm not quite what word processing is supposed to be20:25
zleapi am also going to try and get people in to helping with OSS projects as this i think is a good way to show what you can do,  get respect from the community etc20:25
Azelphurzleap: where is this going on?20:25
zleaplocal youth centre in Paignton20:25
dwatkinszleap: I suspect there will also be a lot of people asking for help fixing computers ;)20:26
Azelphurdam you and your being on the wrong side of England :(20:26
dwatkinsI had a reputation where I used to live in a block of flats as the computer guy as I was spotted carrying various SGI machines into the flat when I moved in20:26
zleapyeah,  well this is aimed at young pepple 11+  , oh yeah i got asked for some help yesterday  so could end up fixing things,20:26
Azelphurdwatkins: haha, I have that reputation amongst anyone that knows me, I don't particularly mind20:27
AzelphurI just follow a simple policy, If (windows box) { nope not helping }20:27
smittixCOD4 time20:27
dwatkinsheh, I'm quite a long way from Paignton - 500 miles20:27
Azelphurbarring special circumstances anyway20:28
dwatkinsAzelphur: yeah, I don't mind either - it's amusing when I get questions on facebook like "we reset the laptop to factory settings but Vista still boots up, what do we do to reset it?"20:28
Azelphurdwatkins: 266 here :(20:28
zleapAzelphur, i know someone in brixixham like that,,  however he is willing to help fix windows as long as they agree to try Linux,   so far quite a few people have asked for help migrating to Linux as its better20:28
Azelphurdwatkins: haha :D20:28
* dwatkins is in Edinburgh20:28
dwatkinsI'm guessing they'd just reset the BIOS, Azelphur20:28
Azelphurzleap: yea, I'm sort of like that, If you've got a decent reason for sticking to Windows I will generally help, or if your willing to give Linux a shot :)20:28
Azelphurrandom things, I made a cool IRC bot in python+twisted with in 30 minutes20:29
dwatkinszleap: for these same people, I put Ubuntu on their hard disk as a backup OS, since their kids had managed to riddle Windows with viruses, so they could still get online and do stuff when (not if) it happened again20:29
zleapideally what i would like to do is bring in external groups,  to give talks,   on related subjects,   or organise events where this can happen,20:29
jacobwwhat does it use twisted for?20:29
Azelphurjacobw: IRC?20:30
Azelphurtwisted being a networking framework and all20:30
jacobwi would have thought python had its own irc modules20:30
Azelphurbasically, it can send notifications from pretty much anything to IRC20:30
zleapdwatkins, sounds a good plan  I have a stack of Linux cd's here,  from 10.04. 10.10 and some 11.0420:30
Azelphurfor example, typing "uptime | irc" in a terminal results in (20:20:53) `TheServer:  15:21:24 up 20 days, 19:52,  3 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.06, 0.0920:31
dwatkinszleap: trouble is, they understood windows little enough, Ubuntu confused them as they didn't know what to do with it20:31
dwatkins"Where's the internet, you know, the blue 'e'...?"20:31
Azelphurso I just have a bash script that monitors when game updates are available, and it just echo "Update available" | irc \o/20:31
zleapwell if its introduced properly  by people who care (like me) then that may change20:31
dwatkinsindeed, zleap :)20:31
popeydwatkins: thats just a user education thing20:32
zleapanyway raspberry PI runs Linux, I want to promote that too20:32
popeyi gave ubuntu to a guy who went "Oh, firefox! I know that!"20:32
popeyi haven't heard from him since20:32
zleapthis is where the open cd is handy  people get used to the same software that is in Linux20:32
dwatkinsI setup a machine once for someone who insisted on using some hoopy website's software for chatting to people, she'd been on there years. It had its own custom client, but of course was windows-only.20:32
dwatkinsI spent hours installing anti-malware software.20:32
popeyheh, nice20:33
jacobwshow new users a 'hacker' pose of multipe tmux windows on a console with vi open and editting some network stack code and tcpdump capturing something20:33
zleapwell the place where i am doing this is literally 5 mins away,  so a  chance of perhaps getting some sort of Ubuntu related event down here,  I want things like bar camps and unconferences too,  so people can showcase what they can do20:33
zleapwhen i first met with the volujnteer co-ordiator she suggest we have a open day type thing so people interested can come along,  i vision either a hand ful of kids or a huge group turning up,  in the case of teh latter it could change things slightly due to the level of interest20:36
AlanBellAzelphur: can you do tail -f | irc ?20:38
AzelphurAlanBell: haha, I wonder, let me try :P20:39
jacobwshould definately20:39
* jacobw ponders20:40
AzelphurAlanBell: yes, that works :)20:40
AlanBellcool :)20:41
AlanBellcan I have a copy?20:41
Azelphuryea sure, It's not too pretty but I'll zip it up :)20:41
* jacobw is also interested20:41
AzelphurIn that case I'll pretty it up a bit and github it20:41
jacobwdon't break it! ;)20:42
AlanBellI am not too worried about pretty20:42
AlanBelltwisted is a good framework20:42
Azelphurwell, just enough so that you don't have to dive into the code to get it to do things :P20:42
* popey resists making jokes about AlanBell and 'pretty'20:43
jacobwi've been messing with perl today20:43
jacobwmy brain hurts20:43
MartijnVdSjacobw: I mess with perl for a living.20:43
MartijnVdSjacobw: My brain doesn't.20:43
jacobwMartijnVdS: i pity thee20:43
jacobwmeh meh20:43
MartijnVdSjacobw: it pays well ;)20:43
jacobwi like `if ($foo =~ /bar/)` etc20:44
jacobwi prefer the regular expressions in perl to those in python20:45
MartijnVdSWhat don't you like?20:45
MartijnVdSno in Perl :)20:46
jacobwmostly DBI20:47
Azelphurnow I actually have to figure out how to use github :D20:48
MartijnVdSDBI is better than how PHP does it. Prepared statements!20:48
MartijnVdSjacobw: also, DBIx::Class makes it even better (ORM)20:48
Azelphurand git, haha20:48
jacobwbetter than PHP isn't great :p20:48
* jacobw will look in to that20:48
jacobwalso, perl can't decide if its OO or not20:49
jacobwperhaps perl6 will decide20:49
MartijnVdSjacobw: https://metacpan.org/module/Moose is the solution for that problem20:49
MartijnVdSperl6 is dead imho. Or at least a completely separate language20:49
jacobwi'm not sure there's much demand for a new version of perl20:51
AlanBellAzelphur: or launchpad and bzr20:51
jacobwits the modules that people depend on not the language features20:51
MartijnVdSjacobw: the 5.*-version is still going strong.20:51
AzelphurAlanBell: haha20:51
MartijnVdSand they're going to do deprecation of the REALLY odd bits20:51
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
zleapis there a perl 7 then or is perl 6 an upgrade from perl 521:02
brobostigon!info perl unstable21:03
lubotu3perl (source: perl): Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language. In component main, is standard. Version 5.14.2-6 (unstable), package size 3610 kB, installed size 11192 kB (Only available for any all)21:03
brobostigon!info perl experimental21:04
lubotu3'experimental' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, unstable21:04
AzelphurAlanBell jacobw popey https://github.com/Azelphur/Twisted-IRCat here you go :D21:04
jacobwcheers man21:05
popeynice one21:06
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palnjhi guys :P21:39
zleaphi,  palnj long time no see, how ya doin ?21:48
palnjvery well, thanks, zleap21:48
palnji had a ton of coursework to do :P21:48
palnjexams and stuff21:49
palnjScience, mainly21:49
zleaphow did they go >21:49
palnjfound it proper easy most of the time though :) which was good (obviously)21:49
palnji get my results March 16th...so i dont know (yet)21:49
AlanBellthanks Azelphur21:49
Azelphuryw :D21:49
zleapwell good luck and hope you did well :)21:50
popey http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-1673107121:50
jacobwwoop woop21:52
AlanBell"When you've been using it for a little while it seems like it's reading your mind, in a good way." if you have the correct sort of mind21:54
jacobwpalnj: which science?21:55
palnjjacobw: all three, but only the first three modules21:55
jacobwseperate sciences?21:56
palnjdoing modules 4/5/6 for bio/phys/chem at the end of this year and then module 7 (adv. science / applying principles) end of next year :P21:56
jacobwmy school did double award when i did my gcses21:56
palnjyep, i'm in year 1021:56
jacobwthat sounds great ;)21:56
palnjah, I do triple Science21:56
palnjThree exams over two years for each Science21:56
palnjSo nine exams in total21:56
jacobware you planning to do science a levels?21:56
bigcalmMade use of the Ubuntu font via google fonts in a new client project. It's still in dev so unlikely to make it to production. But it's pleasing me none the less21:58
AlanBellI put it on all kinds of places as the default font, but not via google fonts22:01
gordonjcphmm, I tried the HUD on 12.04 but pressing alt just brings up the normal menu22:04
gordonjcpany hints on how to troubleshoot it?22:05
AlanBellyeah, you need faster fingers22:05
AlanBelljust a quick tippy tap of the alt key22:05
jacobwsudo apt-get install faster-fingers22:06
gordonjcpnow I have no menu at all22:07
bigcalm120 updates for the laptop. Best do this now rather than on iffy wifi in Wolverhampton tomorrow22:09
AlanBellI have had the hud installed all day and have not used it once22:09
gordonjcpokay, restarted X, if I just tap <ALT> I get a brief flash of the normal menu22:10
popeygord: is it intentional that if you tap alt, then tap it again to get rid of HUD, the window that has focus loses it?22:13
popeyif you press escape instead of alt, you get focus back to your app, but not if you alt, then alt22:14
AlanBellthere is a bug about that22:14
gordoh really? i knew about the losing focus thing but didn't know it worked with escape22:18
popeyyeah, reproducable22:18
AlanBellgord: are bugs supposed to be in unity now?22:19
AlanBellnot indicator-appmenu22:20
gorddepends if its a shell bug or a backend bug22:20
gordpopey's bug is a shell bug22:20
gord"doesn't find x" is a backend bug22:20
popeygord: what should I file this against?22:22
AlanBellbug 92124922:25
lubotu3Launchpad bug 921249 in unity "HUD: Using HUD often results in window losing focus" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92124922:25
popeyexcellent thanks22:25
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gordwish i could figure out the power management problems in ubuntu, makes me sad to hear that fan constantly whining whilst if i log in to windows its all silent22:40
gordeven if i completely shut down X and any session, it carries on. can't be something in the user space22:40
popeybug 92145022:43
lubotu3Launchpad bug 921450 in xorg (Ubuntu) "nVidia GPU lockup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92145022:43
popeymost annoying bug of the moment22:43
gordonjcpah, it needs to be unity, not unity 2d22:45
gordnot quite22:46
gordi'm obviously in unity and i don't get lockups22:46
gordI've seen the youtube causing things to get laggy and unresponsive thing on intel though22:46
gordonjcpsorry, that was in reference to my own lack of HUD22:46
gordfelt like it was a memory leak in youtube22:46
gordonjcpyeah, I'm on intel graphics22:47
gordonjcpunity 3d doesn't really work22:47
gordonjcpI've been logged in for three minutes and now all four case and CPU fans are screaming at full speed22:47
gordonjcpand the display is nothing but stripy garbage22:48
gordonjcpbut HUD is pretty cool22:48
gordyour drivers don't work ;)22:48
gordstripy garbage = driver texture corruption22:48
gordespecially on intel22:48
gordonjcpI know22:49
gordonjcpis there a way to get normal menus too?22:49
gordmenus are there22:49
gordin the top bar? where they always are22:50
popeyooo lightdm has regressed in latest update22:51
gordonjcpthey're not there22:51
popeyno option for changing session22:51
gordonjcpI had to switch back to Unity 2d22:51
gordonjcpa) the stripy garbage was annoying me, and b) gedit wasn't working well in HUD22:52
gordonjcpnothing from any of the menus come up22:52
gordonjcpwell, you can open some files22:52
bigcalmGosh darn it22:57
bigcalmThis Symfony 1.4 project is now 318MB in svn22:57
gordapport is being a pain in the bum tonight :(22:58
bigcalmMust remember to take cash tomorrow morning!23:00
popeybug 92186723:03
lubotu3Launchpad bug 921867 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Lightdm regression, possible g-s-d crash, no session menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92186723:03
popeyanyone fancy rebooting to see if they get that in 12.04?23:03
AlanBellpopey: so you can still log in and get to the desktop right?23:05
popeybut the desktop looks like it has no theme23:09
gordonjcpnow menus just plain don't appear23:10
AlanBellupgrading now popey23:10
gordonjcpman, this is going to be the fourth reinstall since monday23:11
gordonjcpthis is getting pretty old23:11
gordonjcpgranted the first two turned out to be due to a failing hard disk23:12
gordyou know about ppa purge right? just downgrade your indicator-appmenu23:12
gordonjcpgord: that still leaves me with 12.0423:12
gordonjcpmy PC is struggling to run it23:13
popeyi forsee myself buying a thinkpad tomorrow23:13
gordif you get an x220, you get to join the rest of us in the secret club23:13
gordno macbooks allowed23:14
gordonjcpI wish I was in a position to buy a PC that can run Ubuntu23:14
ubuntuuk-planet[Dominic Watkins] Automated ssh reconnects and handling slow connections - http://rowla.dyndns.org/blog/2012/01/25/automated-ssh-reconnects-and-handling-slow-connections/23:15
* gordonjcp extracts cat23:15
AlanBelland back again23:16
popeyAlanBell: you didnt get the issue then?23:24
AlanBellonly part of it23:24
AlanBellI updated the bug, the cog thing happened a couple of days ago I think, I wasn't sure if it was a bug or a feature23:24
AlanBellI wish unity stuff would make it more obvious when it is a bug and when it is a feature23:26
AlanBellanother bug/feature thing, the close, minimise, maximise buttons on the dash and hud. Are they supposed to look like that?23:26
ubuntubhoyif they can fix it, its a  bug. If they cant, its a feature23:27
AlanBellubuntubhoy: you would think23:27
ubuntubhoyand as for the buttons, not the best design23:28
AlanBellsome things based on the results of user testing are rather questionable features23:29
ubuntubhoyHUD you can excuse23:29
ubuntubhoybut dash should be more polished by now23:29
AlanBellyou get just the red and white badly anti-aliased outline buttons?23:29
ubuntubhoynot updated today though23:29
AlanBellgordonjcp: you will be pleased to know I just lost my menus23:34
AlanBellHUD still works (for small values of works)23:35
gordonjcpAlanBell: yeah, it looks like it has potential but it's not *quite* there yet ;-)23:36
AlanBellyeah, which is fine23:36
gordonjcpI ran ppa-purge to get back the non-HUD appmenu23:36
AlanBellthere is a mahusive bug in the search at the moment that means if you type a full word it won't find that word23:36
gordonjcpand it really went on what I can only describe as a PCP-fuelled shotgun rampage23:36
AlanBellso it does fuzzy matching great, but you have to be a fuzzy person to use hud23:36
gordonjcpyeah, I noticed that23:37
gordonjcpI still find the matching in the alt-f2 window not exactly great23:37
* AlanBell is not sufficiently fuzzy to use HUD23:37
gordonjcptype "gnome-terminal" and most of the time you'll get "gnome-calculator"23:37
mgdm_Does it cater for the "I don't know what I'm looking for but I'll know when I find it so I'm reading all the menus" use case?23:37
mgdm_Because without that, I can't work GUI apps23:37
gordonjcpin fact, as I just found out there, I can repeatably get it to do this23:37
AlanBellmgdm_: no, it caters for the "um, think it is called options or something like that" use case23:38
gordonjcppress alt-f2, type "gnome-terminal", wait for 30 seconds or so until it finishes searching, click on the gnome-terminal icon, and it starts gnome-calculator23:38
AlanBellactually the "I think it is called opti or something like that" use case. "Options" won't work23:38
mgdm_AlanBell: hmmmm23:38
gordonjcpI really just want alt-f2 to work the way it did in Gnome 2, or XFCE, or if you're using lxpanel23:39
mgdm_AlanBell: what about typing 'Preferences' when the app calls it 'Options', or vice-versa?23:39
=== mgdm_ is now known as mgdm
AlanBellmgdm_: the discoverable menus are still there23:39
mgdmaaaah, ok23:39
mgdmI misread23:39
AlanBellmgdm: that should in theory work or be made to work23:39
AlanBellas long as you call it preferen23:39
mgdmI do find that when I'm on the Mac, 90% of the time I forget about the dock and just use Spotlight or occasionally Alfred to start things23:40
mgdmso I can imagine it would work for me, but I want my pointy-clicky fallback :-)23:40
AlanBellhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/hudcontrols.png are those the min/max/close buttons other people see on the dash/hud?23:41
ubuntubhoyas an additional interface option it might prove useful, just as long as it is not intended to replace anything23:41
ubuntubhoyAlanBell, yeah23:41
AlanBellubuntubhoy: I don't see how it can replace menus, it relies on the applications being designed to have menus in order to work23:42
AlanBellI can imagine people using it in preference to menus most of the time23:42
ubuntubhoyfor me its a kinda Ubutnu Gnome Do thingy23:43
ubuntubhoyin that way it will work well I think23:43
ubuntubhoybetter integration & more scope23:43
gordonjcpright, off to reinstall23:43
AlanBellit is a neat trick, but not massively compelling23:44
AlanBelllenses are a bigger deal23:44
AlanBelljust wish they would provide a framework for doing lenses that require authentication23:45
ubuntubhoyweird, net split on every other channel I'm on but here, and this is the busiest23:47
AlanBellit is a bit splitty today23:48
gordonjcpI know 12.04 is only an alpha but I really hope that's nothing like representative of the finished version23:48
ubuntubhoystill 3 months to go23:48
popey2.5 ☺23:49
gordonjcpI tried it on a new PC at work23:49
gordonjcpit's *just about* usable on an i5 with 4G of RAM23:49
ubuntubhoypopey, I always wait a couple of weeks before downloading or updating installs that I need :d23:50
gordonjcpmy desktop at home is somewhat behind the curve, being a 3GHz P4 with 2G of RAM23:50
popeyworks fine on my 2.2GHz laptop23:50
popeypretty snippy23:50
popeydual core though, which I guess helps23:50
AlanBellIntel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU       M 330  @ 2.13GHz works well23:51
gordonjcppopey: on my desktop it sits at 100% CPU usage and 100% RAM usage, with just the desktop and a single terminal23:51
gordonjcpall the fans screaming away full blast23:51
ubuntubhoyworks ok on my netbook23:51
AlanBellCpu(s):  2.6%us,  2.1%sy,  0.0%ni, 95.3%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st23:52
popeynn all23:52
popeyCpu(s):  1.7%us,  0.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 97.8%id,  0.2%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st23:52
popeywith firefox, 2 terminals and thunderbird open23:52
popeymodel name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz23:52
gordonjcpyeah, it would be nice if Ubuntu could be run on something other than the latest and greatest23:53
AlanBellI do have 8GB ram, and it is using 3233 of it23:53
gordonjcpAlanBell: yeah, if it's going to take that much memory I'll switch distros23:54
gordonjcpI don't like Unity *that* much23:54
AlanBellI dunno what it is doing with the ram, I do have a few applications open, no virtual machines though23:55
gordonjcpurgh, I give up23:56
gordonjcpI need some stuff packaged for Ubuntu23:56
gordonjcpwho wants paid to do it?23:56
AlanBelland I am driving a reasonably large desktop http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/desktop.png23:56
AlanBellis it stuff that can go into Debian first?23:57
gordonjcpie. there's nothing stopping it going into Debian first23:57
gordonjcpapart from the sheer opacity of the debian packaging process23:58
AlanBellyeah, it does rather expect you to know 20 years of evolution23:59

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