
snap-lYay for updates that require reboots. :)00:48
snap-lWow,  might have another interview for OMC12:18
snap-lon top of the one scheduled for tomrrow, and the one that I might have, were Jono able to get back with me.12:18
rick_hsnap-l: awesome12:31
rick_hand morning and all that12:35
snap-lMOrning. :)12:37
rick_hBlazeix: lmorchard snap-l smoser widox reminder that CHC is LONG edition tonight 7pm12:39
snap-lrick_h: Thanks!13:04
Wolfgersnap-l: interview? Trying to turn $NEW_JOB into $OLD_JOB already?13:23
brouscheh? what'd i miss?13:33
rick_hWolfger: I think it's an OMC interview13:33
brouschSome of you are Android devs, right?13:37
rick_hkrondor has messed with it some13:39
rick_hI've looked, but not made anything13:40
* rick_h looks at the android book on the shelf13:40
mydogsnameisrudysudo apt-get remove -- purge Obama.gov13:44
snap-lWolfger: OMC = Open Metalcast13:48
Wolfgerah, ok. Now that I know what OMC says, it all makes sense. :-)13:53
Wolfgers/says/is/... I need more sleep :-P14:01
snap-lheh. :)14:03
snap-lOK, I need to be smacked.14:12
widoxrick_h: yay14:26
widoxjust realized yesterday its the long edition14:26
Blazeixsnap-l: ow14:56
Blazeixthat joke is painful14:56
snap-lBlazeix: ;)14:56
_stink_brousch: ColonelPanic001 is an android dev.15:00
ColonelPanic001I build androids15:00
_stink_bleep blorp15:01
ColonelPanic001why have I been summoned?15:02
ColonelPanic001doth someone seek android knowledge?15:02
ColonelPanic001I read "Rapidsparts" as "RapidSharts"15:02
Blazeixbrousch: you have three questions, and three questions only. choose wisely.15:02
_stink_you don't open all links that brousch posts?15:02
_stink_ColonelPanic001: --^15:02
ColonelPanic001I rarely open links posted in IRC15:02
ColonelPanic001I'm at work and stuff15:03
_stink_you can trust brousch15:03
snap-lI trust him like I trust the imgurl posts in #rgvc15:03
ColonelPanic001ah. this sounds interesting, but it's in Grand Rapids.15:03
snap-lie: trust them to not be safe for work.15:03
brouschof course it is. we have all the good stuff15:03
ColonelPanic001and I have dinner with my parents this friday15:03
brouschblow them off15:04
brouschwhat have they done for you?15:04
ColonelPanic001I'd consider going otherwise though, this actually is something I'd like to learn. Not that I can't just read the docs, but all the same15:04
ColonelPanic001good point15:04
ColonelPanic001it's also a 3 hour drive, sayeth Google15:05
brouschmaybe 2.5 since it's right off I9615:05
ColonelPanic001unless that event comes with sexual favors, I'm not driving 2.5 hours each way15:05
brouschno wandering through town15:05
snap-lColonelPanic001: Ask brousch after the meeting for those15:06
brouschis that what your parents are giving you?!15:06
_stink_ /join #ubuntu-us-mi-favors15:06
ColonelPanic001no, but my parents are 2.5 hours away15:06
ColonelPanic001that is a channel that needs to be joined15:06
snap-lbrousch: I believe ColonelPanic001 is the result of sexual favors.15:06
snap-lGod bless the internet.15:08
* snap-l is listening to some metal that will be in a future episode15:08
snap-lClub Metal, likely15:08
brouschi know it's a long shot. i just wanted to make sure you east siders saw it. krondor usually sees my g+ posts15:08
snap-lbut it's not industrial15:08
snap-lMore like The 69 Eyes15:08
snap-lGrimFaith - Hearts and Engines (on Jamendo)15:13
rick_h@#$#@ did crockford just invent doctests for JS? https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSDev/15:52
snap-lrick_h: Looks that way. ;)15:59
rick_hcrockford, <3...but I'm going to b@#$ slap you15:59
rick_hsorry, pasted it in the middle of a split16:02
rick_hrick_h> @#$#@ did crockford just invent doctests for JS?  https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSDev/16:02
ColonelPanic001@#$#@ is rich princess leia16:02
ColonelPanic001dollar sign for a head, cinnimon bun hair on the sides16:02
rick_h!#$@#$@%^ then16:03
ColonelPanic001Now she's just been shot by a storm trooper16:03
ColonelPanic001you jerk16:03
snap-lColonelPanic001: Let the wookie win. ;)16:03
ColonelPanic001good advice16:03
snap-lI don't understand the hatred some folks have for Avenged Sevenfold16:05
brouschsnap-l: seriously? they do $THAT_OBVIOUS_ANNOYING_THING ?16:14
ColonelPanic001I think I listene dto them once or twice. They didn't stand out to me much, but they weren't bad, iirc16:19
brousch90%wa in top means my HD is my bottleneck. right?16:28
rick_houch, this just took a shot at a couple of start ups http://arstechnica.com/business/news/2012/01/amazon-ties-in-house-disks-to-cloud-storage-for-backup-and-fast-access.ars16:30
rick_hhttp://www.nasuni.com/ for instance16:31
snap-lHm, wonder what Amazon is calling me about16:35
snap-lDIdn't leave a message16:35
ColonelPanic001it wasn't important, then16:36
ColonelPanic001probably just wanted to offer you the job of your dreams16:36
snap-lYeah, nothing big. ;)16:36
rick_hthey want that ec2 billed paid!16:37
Blazeixor amazon, as a company, decided to prank call snap-l.16:38
snap-lWOnder if it's for AWS16:39
ColonelPanic001probably just wanted to offer you the job of your dreams16:47
Wolfger"We need a senior Java developer, and your name was given to us."17:00
* Wolfger makes a note to refer Java headhunters to snap-l17:05
Wolfgerjjesse: there was a link the the original G+ posting? Huh. I completely missed that somehow.17:07
snap-lMmmmmmmmm.... leftover brisket from Lockharts. :)17:15
* rick_h runs over to snap-l's place17:16
snap-lJoDee saw some Japanese BBQ on No Reservations, and had a hankering for BBQ last night17:17
rick_hI knew I liked her :)17:22
snap-lNice! Oil Rush is finally out17:23
snap-lI'd like to see if that will even run on my computer that already has trouble with the UNigine demos17:23
snap-lrick_h: https://github.com/raganwald/homoiconic/blob/master/2011/12/jargon.md#readme17:30
rick_hsnap-l: I've got that on my screen to read at lunch17:30
rick_hI'm guessing the title is a bit flamebait17:30
snap-lIT's not what you think it is.17:31
rick_hyea, that's what I figured...oh well. I'm sure it'll get me ready to rant anyway :)17:31
rick_h*sigh* coffeescript...I'll refuse you for so long and one day have to write you...17:46
rick_hI really want to do more of this: http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/python-faq17:47
Blazeixhm, so is heroku completely free for low usage? that's pretty awesome17:57
rick_hBlazeix: yea, exactly. And can run simple .wsgi apps really easily17:57
rick_hI think I might try to move my pastebin there to play with it17:57
rick_hbut it's pgsql only, so my sqlite db of things would go boom17:58
rick_hand wonder if PIL and such will work there17:58
rick_hand then you can use: http://addons.heroku.com/17:59
rick_hanyway, I love the idea of app engine, but heroku seems more of an app engine idea I can get behind17:59
Blazeixhm, 5MB db only in the free version, that's a bit rough17:59
Blazeixbut for free I shouldn't complain17:59
rick_hright :/18:00
rick_hit'd be sweet if I could get bookie to run there, but with all the special dependencies and the whoosh fulltext indexing it's not close to able to run18:02
snap-lWhat's their price?18:05
* snap-l clicks the friendly Pricing link18:05
snap-lWOw, that gets expensive for home use quick.18:06
rick_hhow so?18:07
snap-lIt's kinda confusing18:07
brouschhow does their free teir compare to GAE?18:07
rick_hyea, it is18:08
rick_hbut anything cloud like that is18:08
rick_hsee recent crazy stuff with AE18:08
rick_hbrousch: basically the free stuff is a single cpu + 5mb of db18:08
brousch5MB? that's like 1 record18:08
brouschi store all my data as TIFFs18:10
rick_hbrousch: heh, then that's not a record, that's a file18:10
rick_hand yea, no local files stored18:10
rick_hso you'd probably not run that app there18:10
brouscha tiff stored in the DB18:10
brouschthe biggest problem with GAE is the nosql DB. if heroku has a real DB that would be a big advantage18:11
brouschactually, 5MB would work well for the GRPUG web site. i should try it18:12
rick_hbrousch: yea, pgsql by default, with add ons for mysql, redis, mongo18:12
jrwrenheroku <318:35
brouschhm, now i'm not so sure about it18:37
brouschjrwren is always on the opposite side of what i <318:37
jrwreni thought we were agreeing.18:38
brouschapple, ruby, dotnet18:38
snap-lrick_h: Book club?18:40
snap-llike book of the month club?18:40
snap-lor Oprah's Book Club. ;)18:40
rick_hsnap-l: yea, talk of a canonical book club which seems interesting since I'm cranking through a few fiction books a month right now18:40
jrwrenapple, ruby, dotnet via mono, I all <318:42
jrwreni'm jealous. I've not made time for fiction in a while.18:43
rick_hyea, I've gone the other way, I've not read much tech but tons of fiction the last few months18:43
rick_hnice to take the break18:43
brouschyour skills are stagnating!18:44
rick_hyea, well it's been good though. lots of fiction and having fun, but also been getting lots of code written lately18:45
rick_hand now I'm reading a book on Make...so I'm now doomed18:45
Blazeixyou should switch all over canonical from make to mk.18:47
Blazeixs/over canonical/of canonical over/18:47
rick_hdude, remind me at CHC to show you the LP make file tonight18:47
rick_hthat's part of the problem "Let's learn how this works by looking at this giant monstrosity of an example"18:47
rick_hat least I know wtf PHONY means now18:47
Blazeixhah, i've seen that word before.18:48
Blazeixi can do the hello world of make files, but that's about it.18:48
jrwrenwhat fiction you reading?18:52
snap-lHe's reading something JoDee is reading (Pandora's Star)18:52
jrwrenby whom?18:52
snap-lPeter F. Hamilton18:53
rick_hhttp://www.goodreads.com/review/list/6943667-mitechie?shelf=currently-reading does that load?18:53
Wolfgercurrent fiction read: Making Money by Terry Pratchett19:20
Wolfgerit took getting a Kindle for me to feel sufficient shame about my dead tree books I never read to actually start reading them.19:21
WolfgerRead a few things on the kindle to get back in the reading habit, now I plan to switch between eBook and paperback until I've read the stack of unread books on my dresser19:22
Wolfgerif only I could trade the paper in for their ebook equivalents...19:24
Wolfger"Look here. I bought your book, now I'd like to exchange it for this version that costs you virtually nothing to make me a copy of. You can even have the old one back and resell it."19:25
rick_hsome oreilly stuff you can "upgrade" to get a digital copy for $519:25
Wolfgerle sigh19:25
WolfgerYeah, that's better than most publishers will do19:26
snap-lpress will let you upgrade for $1019:26
Wolfger$10 is more than I spend on a book in the first place (still talking fiction)19:26
snap-lWhich is also why they're my first stop whenever I'm looking for a book on a particular topic19:27
snap-lWolfger: Yeah, there's no way around it19:27
snap-lat least not currently19:27
snap-lWhat disgusts me is when publishers price their material at hardback levels19:27
snap-l$24.99 for an eBook that I can't sell afterward is way too much19:28
WolfgerOh wow. I just learned there was a made-for-TV movie of Going Postal. I'll have to see if I can find that19:28
WolfgerYeah, I won't pay hardcover prices for an ebook. That's just silly.19:29
WolfgerI'll sooner not read your story and tell you why.19:29
Wolfgerstill looking forward to the movie version of Wee Free Men19:30
Wolfgerhoping they don't turn them into smurfs19:30
snap-lI'm looking for the movie version of The Decline And Fall of the Roman Empire. ;)19:30
snap-lOr Pac Man: The Movie19:31
WolfgerThey're turning Asteroids into a movie, so (sad to say) Pac Man is likely your best bet.19:32
snap-lYeah, which is about as braindead as they come19:32
WolfgerDoom. Street Fighter. Has there ever been a good, or even decent, video game movie?19:34
WolfgerI'm betting "no", yet they keep making more.19:34
snap-lMortal Kombat was decent19:34
snap-lnot fantastic, but decent19:34
snap-lbut that's mostly because the game had a backstory outside of "you meet, you fight"19:35
WolfgerI need to talk to a Hollywood producer, immediately.19:36
snap-lUh huh19:36
WolfgerNo more comic book movies or video game movies. The wave of the future is pinball movies.19:36
WolfgerBlack Knight19:36
snap-lNo Good Gophers19:37
snap-lOh, even better: Addams Family and Twilight ZOne. Those would be good pinball movies. ;)19:37
WolfgerThe one that showed the alligator in the fishing boat, whatever that was called19:37
WolfgerThose were movie pinballs. You're working the wrong direction there.19:37
snap-lNo, I'm being an ass19:38
WolfgerI'm being polite19:38
Wolfgersad that as much as I loved pinball games, the only name I can remember is Black Knight. And, of course, Black Knight 200019:38
Wolfgerback when 2000 was still the future19:39
snap-lI love pinball19:40
snap-lex-friend had a bunch of machines19:40
snap-lsome machines I hadn't heard of before (Did you know Capcom made pinball machines?)19:41
jjesseis there a good android pinball app?19:42
brouschi kept windows nt around for years just for the pinball19:43
snap-lPInball Hall of Fame is pretty good for console pinball19:44
snap-lI like the Wii versions19:44
snap-lEspecially the Williams collection19:44
snap-lGottleib collection is decent as well, but there's a lot of games that I don't recognize19:45
snap-lI think they had a version for iPhone, but not sure re: Android19:45
Wolfgerthere's no such thing as "a good pinball app"19:46
Wolfgerpinball needs to be a physical game19:46
snap-lWolfger: I agree, but reality is you're not going to spend the $$ for a real table19:47
snap-land store it19:47
snap-lI find the simulations that use an LCD screen to be fascinating19:47
Wolfgerwith analog flippers where you can feel the ball hit, and let off a little bit to cushion the landing19:47
Wolfgersnap-l: the only real obstacle is storage space19:48
krondorjjesse: http://www.androidguys.com/2011/04/19/pinball-apps-android/19:48
WolfgerI would totally buy a pinball game if I had room to put it19:48
snap-lWolfger: They're like chips: you can't have just one.19:49
Wolfgerall I need is Black Knight19:51
snap-lYou and everyone else. ;)19:51
Wolfgerthat got me through 3 years of college19:51
snap-lThat's like trying to find a non-repro Ms Pac Man or Galaga19:51
snap-lYou'll find it, but you won't want to pay for it. :)19:52
Wolfgerhave to admit I haven't shopped19:52
snap-lLast I heard, they were ~$1K19:52
WolfgerJust need to set it up at $1 per play for the neighborhood kids...19:53
WolfgerThey'll probably be all, "What's *that*?"19:53
snap-lkids don't understand pinball19:54
WolfgerNeed to force feed them some Happy Days19:54
snap-lOh, THAT'LL work19:55
WolfgerI mean, uh, correctamundo19:55
Wolfgerthen force feed them some MASH so they'll know why they should care about Tony Packo's19:56
snap-lYou're killing me here.19:57
krondor"You have to use your hands? That's like a baby game!" -- Back to the Future 220:01
rick_hok, bookie js building ported over to a make file from fabric20:05
rick_hfast, and the ability to only fire if the files have changed is nice20:05
brouschisn't that like selling your nissan leaf for a model T?20:09
Blazeixfabric isn't actually a build system, though, right? more of automation software?20:10
rick_hbut it's darn handy for creating tasks you run a lot20:11
rick_hand that can have deps/code things to occur in pure python20:11
rick_hplus ssh/remote execution if you want20:11
Blazeixhave you looked at the waf build system? it's pythony20:13
rick_hno, waf and paver are supposed to be more python builds20:13
Blazeixthe only reason it's on my radar is because 'waf' are my initials :D20:14
rick_hI've looked at paver (written by kevin dangoor of TG fame)20:14
rick_hthis is more about LP uses Make and so I'm trying to figure it out20:14
rick_heither I work with the current giant LP make file, or start small with stuff for bookie20:14
Blazeixah, right20:14
snap-lAwesome! My sis-in-law is coming to Penguicon this year20:31
snap-lassuming they have the registration / hotel page up soon. ;)20:31
rick_hfor anyone that knows anything of Make http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9009829/have-make-build-minimize-js-files-that-have-changed20:35
snap-lrick_h: How are you invoking?20:38
snap-lI wonder if the wildcards are messing up make20:41
snap-lalso, you don't have an all: directive20:41
rick_hI'm sure that's some part of it right. I must need to use a make internal variable for it to pick up the files20:41
rick_hsnap-l: right, don't need it yet20:41
rick_hmake defaults to running the first item20:41
rick_hthe first item does all the combining20:41
rick_has it expands I'll do an all, but just extra garbage atm20:41
snap-l$(BOOKIE_JS)/y*.js: $(JS_BUILD_PATH)/bookie20:44
snap-lI think that might be the rule that's causing it to run all the time20:44
rick_hright, I want that rule to only execute for changed files that match20:44
rick_hbut unsure how to do that20:44
snap-llist each of the files. ;)20:45
Blazeixboo jqtouch20:49
Blazeixrick_h: floated that question out to some of my make-happy friends, hopefully someone will know the answer20:50
rick_hBlazeix: thanks, end of the day it's not a killer20:51
rick_hbut it's messing with my "understanding" of how things should work20:52
snap-lEvery now and again Full Disclosure gives me a chuckle: http://lists.grok.org.uk/pipermail/full-disclosure/2012-January/085363.html20:56
Blazeixrick_h: my friend answered your SO post21:00
rick_hdoh! see I knew I was missing some make-ism. Makes sense21:01
snap-lAh, that's cool21:01
snap-lvoted up21:01
rick_hhah closer, now it just copied all of the files except the one I changed21:07
snap-lAwesome. :)21:07
rick_hok, this seems to work21:26
rick_htook some extra reorg21:26
waldo323_is chc at 7 today?21:31
Blazeixwaldo323_: yes21:32
rick_hok, this part is hotness :) http://paste.mitechie.com/show/515/21:48
greg-grick_h: what is taking care of those runs?23:09
rick_hgreg-g: what?23:35
rick_hgreg-g: oh, I'm working on learning make and creating a makefile for some bookie stuff23:35
rick_hone of the things I get annoyed with is that in development I run the app, the combo server for js, the sass css generator, and livereload23:35
rick_hso turning that into a single make command :)23:35
greg-goh, those are gnumake? interesting23:40
rick_hgreg-g: yea23:41
rick_hwe use it for launchpad so I'm diving into actually learning wtf that gnu make magic crap is23:41

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