
SarvattRAOF: thanks a bunch!00:14
RAOFSarvatt: No problem; thanks for the fix.00:42
tjaaltonhuh, xa can't find any headers08:42
tjaaltonnamely the bits/ include dir08:42
tjaalton/usr/bin/makedepend: warning:  xa_tracker.c (reading /usr/include/features.h, li08:43
tjaaltonne 323): cannot find include file "bits/predefs.h" not in /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/include/bits/predefs.h not in /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/include-fixed/bits/predefs.h08:43
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tjaaltonthere, libxatracker & vmwgfx built10:29
jcristaubryce: abort() is raise(SIGABRT), not SIGSEGV14:37
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Sarvattso https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/921384 is ~2 months away from making it into a fglrx public release, something to keep an eye on and dupe to that bug because i'm sure we'll get a ton of dupes15:01
ubot4`Launchpad bug 921384 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashes when trying to play a video (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Confirmed]15:01
jcristauSarvatt: it takes them that much time to fix an embarrassing crasher? oh my.15:08
seb128is that a known issue?15:49
seb128==18430== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)15:49
seb128==18430==    at 0x522379B: sse2_combine_over_u (pixman-sse2.c:558)15:49
seb128==18430==    by 0xFC3FDC3: ???15:49
seb128it's making nearly impossible to valgrind nautilus15:49
seb128I was wondering if that's a known bug or if there is a known workaround15:49
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Sarvattholy crap -rw-r--r-- 1 sarvatt sarvatt 28M Jan 25 11:03 ../libgl1-mesa-dri_8.0~rc1-1_i386.deb vs 2.7mb with dricore and galliumcore, that prettyy much maps 1:1 with livecd space used16:14
Sarvatttjaalton: so you said xatracker needs gcc-multilib on amd64? not having any problems compiling it on i386 straight from debian-experimental with http://sarvatt.com/downloads/patches/0001-Add-libxatracker-packaging.patch16:34
tjaaltonSarvatt: can't check the link, but it might just be some issue on my box17:48
tjaaltonwill have a closer look tomorrow17:49
Milos_SDGuys, if anyone had problems with Intel+Ati hybrid graphics in Ubuntu, try new version of AMD drivers 12.1 :D19:17
Milos_SDthey worked for me on HP ProBook 4530s with Sandy Bridge + AMD 649019:18
bryceSarvatt, can you add a comment to 921384 about that?  (At least mention AMD is already aware of it and has plans for a fix)20:08
stgraberhey there, I'm doing some tests with friendly recovery and noticed that when resuming from it, my X server starts with vesa, no intel driver21:11
stgraberthis is apparently caused by a missing /dev/fb0 which is apparently linked to the recovery mode using "nomodeset"21:12
stgraberdid we loose UMS support recently for intel and now absolutely need KMS?21:12
Sarvattstgraber: lucid was the last release that supported UMS, yeah :(21:17
Sarvattsame situation on nouveau21:17
stgraberok, I'll investigate why we added that to start with and will remove the nomodeset if that won't break recovery mode for some people (which I'm really quite worried about)21:21
stgraberSarvatt, bryce: How bad would it be for you if the recovery mode was to use KMS too? Do you know if people currently use it to debug X/video drivers issue with mode setting?21:24
Sarvattfrom my perspective making it use KMS would be really bad, the situations I use it in are ones where the video driver is borked and I need something that just works to recover, UMS/vesa works great there21:26
brycestgraber, why do you ask?21:27
stgraberbryce: because one of the option of friendly-recovery is to "resume" the boot and currently that's broken as X will start with vesa instead of the usual driver as we boot with nomodeset21:28
brycewell, I suppose we could have two recovery modes, one friendly-recovery with KMS, the other grumpy-recovery with VESA21:30
brycein fact the latter probably could slot in well with failsafe-x mode21:30
Sarvattthe alternative is someone booting an intel machine with eDP where KMS doesn't work (happens quite often..) and having to figure out kernel command line options to pass to grub to even get the system up21:30
stgraberyeah, might end up doing that then, I don't particularly like adding entries to grub but well...21:31
brycesounds good21:32
brycewhile not adding stuff to grub is important, unfortunately toggling between UMS and KMS can only effectively be done in grub, and due to the nature of the failures has to be done pre-boot.21:37
bryceand unfortunately this class of bugs that requires it is still not quite rare enough that we can ignore it21:38
stgraberyeah, just talked a bit with slangasek about it, we really don't want to add an entry so what we'll do instead is start in UMS as we always did and show a warning to the user when he askes to continue the boot, telling him he may need to reboot to get the right screen resolution21:39
brycestgraber, ok, what will display that warning?21:40
brycestgraber, thanks21:41
Sarvattpixman bug we'll probably run across https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4500921:43
ubot4`Freedesktop bug 45009 in libpixman "minor graphical glitches" [Normal,New: ]21:43

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