
urlin2ukirby92, sorry I meant gthat when your addressing another on the channel use their nic, you can autocomplete it with the tab.00:00
Gentoo64gh0zt: google tells me ndiswrapper is needed for that adapter00:00
deper29Slart: now what?00:00
gh0ztI tried that but it didn't work.00:00
urlin2u!broadcom > kirby9200:00
ubottukirby92, please see my private message00:00
gh0ztI downloaded the xp drivers and when i tried to load them, it didn't work.  i think its because whoever got that working, only got it for the 32 bit ubuntu00:00
Slartdeper29: now it's time for another reboot.. do a full shutdown again.. then try and see if it works00:00
javier_Hi! Someone can help me compiling a program=00:01
=== Mo888 is now known as MoDDD
Gentoo64gh0zt: really no idea. you can get usb-ethernet adapter that work out box on linux for ~£3 though00:01
Fujkis there a desktop ubuntu version for 64-bit with support for 4 GB of ram? last time I installed ubuntu I had to install the server edition because there was a ram limit...00:01
Darkfrost@javier, What program?00:01
urlin2ukirby92, the bot has a link for setting those up make sure you identify it when you post if it does not get running, it will help the pro's. :D00:01
SlartFujk: all 64 bit versions support more than 4 Gb of RAM00:02
MoDDDkirby92: if don't work try to unload and reload b43legacy module00:02
urlin2ujavier_, naming the program will go a long way, youmay not need to.00:02
javier_Darkfros: is a program called BEAST. I have the folder with .sh file and makefile00:02
hexacodehey you guys, what does g+ws mean in the following "sudo chmod -R g+ws /var/svn/$REPOS"  ?   ive never seen s before, and im also just plain used to using octal notation00:03
kirby92MoDDD: I've already tried the post and tried unloading and reloading it.00:03
gh0ztGentoo64: which one do you recommend?00:03
Fujkis there a desktop ubuntu version for 64-bit, intel core i5 with support for 4 GB of ram? last time I installed ubuntu I had to install the server edition because there was a ram limit or cpu limit (can't remember the reason)...00:04
SlartFujk: all 64 bit versions support more than 4 Gb of RAM00:04
hexacodeoops i meant chmod00:04
FujkSlart: do you remember why you had to go the server edition? this was like a year+ ago00:04
Gentoo64gh0zt: i just ordered one for a really old laptop today that apparently works out the box: http://goo.gl/4k0q200:04
deper29Slart: It's turning on!00:05
MoDDDkirby92: ok try this.. unload your b43 module, load ath9k module, reload b43 module and unload ath9k.. I know is crazy but with me this solution work :)00:05
deper29Slart: no x though, just a black screen asking me to login00:05
SlartFujk: 32bit desktop had a limitation .. something along the lines of 3.5 GB. Server kernels used the PAE extension which allowed you to use 32bit ubuntu with more than 4 GB of ram00:05
Slartdeper29: ok.. at least things are happening.. =)00:05
deper29Slart: I agree :) I was happy to see that00:06
FujkSlart: ok so this is fixed now, so it was only ram limit, not core cpus?00:06
MoDDDkirby92: and after that try again rfkill list all00:06
kirby92MoDDD: OK I'll give it a try.00:06
gh0ztgentoo:  Oh I see waht you got.  I want a wireless usb adapter though.  this is usb -> ethernet00:06
shovellthe only reason i ask here is that i belive it is a ubuntu issue more than wine00:06
SlartFujk: oh.. I have no idea about that.. I don't think I've ever been close to those limits..00:06
MoDDDkirby92: thx xD00:06
Gentoo64gh0zt: ahh ok, i bought one of them the other day too that works fine: http://goo.gl/rnesp00:06
Slartdeper29: so, you can you log in with your regular username/password?00:06
Gentoo64gh0zt: just have a look around on the item comments, most people will say if it works on linux or not out the box00:07
Gentoo64that tiny little one i linked to is pretty decent and cheap actually00:07
deper29Slart: I can :)00:08
Slartdeper29: great.. now run this      tail -n 50 /var/log/syslog    it will print out the last 50 lines from your system log00:08
Raymond_i have a usb netgear wireless access point. it connects to the network, but nothing shows up in the browser. any ideas00:09
Slartdeper29: I'm not sure about this.. but there might be stuff in that log file you don't want to share with the world.. just look at the printout and see if you see anything obviously personal00:09
aBoundRaymond_, Any chance you may have set your Firewall to block the port 80 or router?00:09
Fujkif I reinstall from lucid lynx to latest 11.x, will it preserve my docky, gnome do, terminal themes etc?00:10
deper29Slart: nothing personal in there00:10
Slartdeper29: if you've looked it over and it looks ok you can run this command     tail -n 50 /var/log/syslog | pastebinit     it will send the same thing you saw to the website we talked about before00:11
Raymond_abound, no00:11
tellonemy fan so quiet after last update, is there any reason i should worry?00:11
aBoundFujk, They have an upgrade version for when you install Ubuntu 11.10 but I can't say for certain if it'll preserve your settings.00:11
Gentoo64tellone: i wouldnt worry00:11
aBoundRaymond_, Have you checked if you were connected to the access point? By the way are you able to access anything other than the web browser?00:12
ablysshi, does anyone know if the ubunto one program for windows has to be open and minimized for files to be synced ?  It seems if its closed nothing is being synced00:12
deper29Slart: http://paste.ubuntu.com/81597400:12
MoDDDkirby92: work?00:12
Slartdeper29: ahh.. you see those lines about NVRM in there?00:12
tellonebut i like the fan disappeared during  the reboot to get the upgrades to kick in00:12
OerHeksablyss, no, once logged in, minimize won´t interrupt sync00:13
telloneit's like00:13
Slartdeper29: you installed the nvidia binary driver from the nvidia site, right?00:13
deper29Slart: once a long time ago, yes00:13
deper29Slart: I still have that file somewhere00:13
Slartdeper29: it's still hanging around in there... that's probably what has been messing things up..00:13
Raymond_abound, software center doesnt work, how would i check if it connected to the access point00:14
Slartdeper29: if you have the file you can run     sudo sh NVIDIA-blablablabla --uninstall    I think that will remove the driver00:14
deper29Slart: how would I go about removing it?00:14
deper29Slart: blablabla is what the rest of that file is called I presume :P00:14
deper29Slart: I'll explore a bit here and see00:15
Slartdeper29: hehe.. yes.. it's a long name with version numbers and whatnot00:15
aBoundRaymond_, Depends from within Ubuntu 11.10 you can easily click the "Wireless Signal" button and see what access point it's currently using.00:15
aBoundRaymond_, Should be on the top right.00:16
deper29Slart: the file has .run at the end, I wouldn't include that would i?00:16
Raymond_abound, i am using lucid, and it is connected to the access point00:16
wolfmitchellUgh client randomly quit00:17
Slartdeper29: yes, include that in the command00:17
Raymond_abound, i type in startpage.com and the site does not come up00:17
Slartdeper29: so...     sudo sh NVIDIA-blablalb.run --uninstall00:17
wolfmitchellNvm g2g00:17
aBoundRaymond_, Have you used this device before? Perhaps the driver isn't supported by the kernel.00:18
XrDRaymond_ can you ping anything from a konsole00:18
arooni-mobilehi folks;  running ubuntu 11.10 here.  when i try to connect to a wireless network for the first time (when i havent connected to it previously)... and i enter the wrong password; there seems to be *no way* to change the password if i got i t wrong the first time.  ubuntu keeps trying to reconnect with the wrong password00:19
aBoundRaymond_, Like XrD said open a terminal and type: ping localhost00:19
Raymond_abound, first time using, its a netgear wg111 USB i dont think netgear makes a driver to install on ubuntu, but the driver may be on the device itself, idk.00:19
aBoundRaymond_, The driver might not be installed by default or be supported in the older kernels.00:20
aBoundNewer kernels usually contain newer built-in drivers.00:20
aBoundIf the device is new it might not be installed by default for the 2.6 kernel that Lucid uses.00:20
deper29Slart: I get a blue thing with an error: File '/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.sl' is not a symbolic link00:21
Slartdeper29: yes, that's ok.. can you click ok?00:21
deper29Slart: other than that, it uinsatalled. I clicked ok00:21
deper29Slart: time for another reboot? :P00:21
aBoundRaymond_, Can't setup a  printer without a driver right the same philosophy goes with the USB device. Try to open a terminal and type: lspci | grep Network00:21
Slartdeper29: hmm.. you might want to run this first    sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current   just to be sure00:22
mega1how do i create a shared folder on ubuntu server 11.10 and be able to be see by windows00:22
Slartdeper29: in case that other nvidia driver removed something that we need.. these are two installers that mess with the same set of files, after all00:22
tweethi all ! I have issues with grub 1.99 here..00:23
tweetI did an update and I see 3.0.0-15 in the grub.cfg, yet the boot menu does not reflect that00:23
Brunogood night00:24
Brunoeu need help00:25
Brunoi need help00:25
=== Bruno is now known as Guest41698
aBoundtweet, To see the currently used kernel being used by the distro open a terminal and type: uname -r00:26
Guest41698i would like start my apache2, and i am not achieve00:26
tweetI am aware of that it gives me 3.0.0-12-generic00:27
XrDGuest41698: whats the error00:27
deper29Slart: just rebooting :)00:27
urlin2utweet, you try a update-grub?00:27
Guest41698the error is this apache2 -k restart00:27
Guest41698apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}00:27
Guest41698i am new at linux00:27
urlin2utweet, if you have a dualboot with another linux it may have the grub control as well.00:28
tweetsince I log into a previous version... There is no error. I did a sudo update-grub and mkconfig.. I even tried using startupmanager which reads the grub.cfg properly with Windows 7 and kernel 3.0.0.-15.. Somehow the latest changes are not reflected on the boot menu00:28
XrDGuest41698: try: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart00:28
pablomujik_hello somebody will help me00:28
urlin2utweet, startup manger will not move the stanzas in a upgrade it is deprecated.00:28
Guest41698ok i will try00:28
tweet<urlin2u> can you please guide me on this?00:29
urlin2utweet, maybe, you have ubuntu and windows only?00:29
DasEi!ask | pablomujik_00:29
ubottupablomujik_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:29
tweetyes, I have Win 7 and Ubuntu 11.10 - both 64 bit00:30
pablomujik_somebody con help me to install ubuntu with other win7 partition? the installer dosnt recognice my partitions00:30
Slartdeper29: so.. did it work?00:31
urlin2utweet, the startup manager is deprecated so that is no good to start with, but ut sounds like even without it your not seeing the kernel. hat do you see when you run sudo update-grub00:31
DasEipablomujik_: sure, both to be fresh installed ?00:31
tweetsudo update-grub00:32
urlin2upablomujik_, run sudo fdsik -lu in the ubuntu terminal and pastebin the output.00:32
rhomguy! I install the virtual (guest os) with virtualbox with raw drive. Now its unknown partition is there way to read it?00:32
Guest41698so, i am directory root@bt:/etc/init.d00:32
aBoundEh, looks like raymond left.00:33
tweetsudo update-grub00:33
tweetGenerating grub.cfg ...00:33
tweetFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-15-generic00:33
tweetFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.0.0-15-generic00:33
tweetFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-14-generic00:33
FloodBot1tweet: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:33
tweetFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.0.0-14-generic00:33
deper29Slart: you won't like this...black screen again00:33
deper29Slart: the dark screen with a black border00:33
XrDGuest41698: K so you logged in as root? Could try to start it but i'm not sure if Apache will tell you not to run directly from root acc.00:33
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».00:33
Slartdeper29: hmm.. does CTRL+ALT+F1 do anything?00:33
Guest41698yes i am root00:34
DasEirhom: raw ? I don't understand.. you installed vbox and now want a virtual os in there ?00:34
Guest41698i am logged in as root00:34
urlin2utweet, it is at the top of the list, did yoiu run this before you installed startup manager?00:34
tweeturlin2u, yes I did00:34
XrDGuest41698 when in that dir, type ./httpd2 start  but I am not sure if you should be running that as root really..00:34
rhomDasEI: raw is the the virtual drive on the physical disk00:35
dcplayaAnyone help me with a mounting issue. when I try to change directories to my /media mount (edited fstab to automount ntfs drives) it just sits there, doesnt respond00:35
Guest41698i undstood00:35
rhomDasEi: raw is the the virtual drive on the physical disk00:35
DasEirhom: I see, let's take the conversation to #vbox00:35
Guest41698so do i need to use sudo ?00:35
urlin2utweet, strange not sure why it does not show in the grub menu.00:35
deper29Slart: I rebooted into recovery, that did nothing :(00:35
Slartdeper29: bah.. and I really thought we fixed it00:36
XrDGuest41698 that wont be of much use if you are already logged in as root00:36
DasEirhom: enter /j #vbox in your messenger00:36
deper29Slart: damn, I have to shutdown again. recovery is doing that silly thing again :(00:36
tweeturlin2u, this has been bothering me since last evening00:36
Guest41698so, how do i ?00:36
Slartdeper29: well.. someone else will have to take it from here.. I have to get to bed.. but do the pastebin thing again and ask the channel.. give them the links to those log files. I'm sure someone here can help you from there..00:37
deper29Slart: thanks a bunch again :)00:37
lm12Guest41698: Whats prob?00:37
Slartdeper29: tell them you had the nvidia binary driver installed before.. that might save them a couple of minutes00:37
Slartdeper29: you're welcome.. hope you get it fixed00:37
deper29lm12: i have a black screen upon boot :(00:38
urlin2utweet, have you moodified grub to put windows at the top of the list?00:38
tweeturlin2u, yes00:38
XrDlm12: he is trying to start apache but get's the user error and has now logged in as root to try it from there, doesnt seem like the best idea.00:38
tweetI edited 40_custom00:38
XrDHas anyone seen Infinity?00:38
urlin2utweet, just guessing but I suspect that is the problem, I don't really know though nor an answer, you might make a thread at the ubuntu forums as well.00:39
dcplayaCan anyone help me with a drive mount issue? fstab is set up and worked before I upgraded to 11.1000:39
tweetbut doesn't update-grub update the cfg file? My windows comes from the custom file00:39
gbaseI would like to know if anyone has a bit of spare time to help me setting up a wireless access point00:39
LucidGuyI have a system that randomly crashes.  I was able to capture this at the console.  Thoughts?   http://paste.ubuntu.com/815996/00:40
urlin2utweet, supposed to, but it seems to not be, not sure why.00:40
=== me is now known as Guest65553
lm12Guest41698: Just to ensure I know where you stand, did you attempt a dual boot, or install Vbox or KVM etc..?00:41
Guest41698at one time when i installed the apache2 had run00:41
Guest41698but now i need to run him00:41
XrDGuest41698 you may wish to read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80443600:41
urlin2utweet, here is agrub 2 wiki you may already know this url, just passing it on. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:41
lm12Well, I'm not sure how you got in the situation, but you could try booting from a live disk00:43
tweeturlin2u, i saw that link earlier..was not very helpful00:43
lm12So you can see the FS and possibly the prob.l00:43
urlin2utweet, grub is a bit complex that is why I suggest the forums as well, if you post there give all the info I have discovered by asking questions I.E. the grub modification...etc00:44
tweeturlin2u, I moved the grub.cfg to another file and generated a new one - even this one has the windows entry00:45
tweetpicked from th 40-custom file..00:45
tweetlet me see if it helps00:45
urlin2utweet, cool00:46
aBoundMan that spaghetti got to me.00:46
urlin2utweet, I'm mostly familiar with setting up multibooting with grub not the other custom stuff.00:46
tweeturlin2u, time for me to try a reboot00:48
urlin2utweet, cool00:48
aBoundGood thing for IRC.00:50
tweeturlin2u, no luck..00:50
msepsisI'm looking for a command that will tell me what driver is currently in use for my video card00:51
synthetixxoneiric is eating all my cpu!  (kworker threads) does anyone have a fix for this?00:51
msepsis/sbin/lsmod | grep _______00:51
Guest41698i already try all manner, i guess a manual about it, but00:55
urlin2utweet, to bad I wish I knew the answer.:(00:55
Raymond_abound, lspci brought up the internal wireless device, and the ping was
aBoundtweet, There's always Ubuntuforums too if some of us don't know the answer.00:56
urlin2u!tab > Guest4169800:56
ubottuGuest41698, please see my private message00:56
msepsisohhhh is someone having wireless issues?00:57
msepsisRaymond - what's the problem?00:57
lm12Whats prob?00:58
aBoundRaymond_, You might be able to check from here if the device is supported: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Devices00:58
aBoundRaymond_, lspci | grep USB00:59
lm12Your getting looped back00:59
lm12127 is lo00:59
Yb8022So I have Ubuntu Server 11.10 installed and I'm just wondering about a minor nuissance, why after logging in does it hang for about 2 seconds before actually getting me in? Specifically after this "Last login: Wed Jan 25 01:32:14 2012 from
Yb8022- 3 second HANG - then logs in01:00
Yb8022anyone have a clue?01:00
Raymond_abound, thanlyou01:00
deper29hey, can someone help me get ubuntu working :P I get a black screen after I boot. I am trying to run 11.04.  upgraded from 10.10. I had nvidia binary drivers installed, then removed them and installed nvidia current. I still get a black screen though, and can only boot into recovery.01:00
lm12Check logfiles.01:00
lm12deper29: Try a clean NVIDIA install (it has that option when you download the latest driver)01:02
lm12To wipe previous config etc.01:02
deper29lm12: how do I do that? I am in recovery root shell right now01:02
aBounddeper29, Downgraded from 11.04 to 10.10?01:03
deper29aBound: I don't know how to downgrade :/01:03
lm12Driver should be in repository.01:03
lm12for Ubuntu01:03
aBoundlm12, I don't think he can get to a GUI.01:03
deper29aBound: you are right, no GUI01:04
Yb8022lm12: nothing in log files01:04
Yb8022Jan 25 02:59:46 ro-ISP sshd[954]: Accepted password for bob from port 58725 ssh201:04
Yb8022Jan 25 02:59:46 ro-ISP sshd[954]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user bob by (uid=0)01:04
aBounddeper29, Are you able to get a login shell by pressing ctrl-alt-F101:04
Dr-Willisdeper29:  reinstall is the only real way to 'downgrade' to a older release.01:04
Dr-Willisdeper29:  the nomodeset option may help in your case.01:05
lm12try apt-get, not sure the package name01:05
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:05
deper29aBound: no,  only shell I get is in recovery. i was able to boot up before and it gave me a shell screen to login into. now I just get the black screen...after the splash screen with ubuntu 11.0401:05
deper29Dr-Willis: how do I use nomodeset?01:05
urlin2udeper29, look at the nomodeset Dr-Willis asked the bot to show.01:06
aBounddeper29, Have you tried typing: startx01:06
Dr-Willisread the url the bot gave deper29 .01:06
deper29oh, sorry01:06
Dr-Willisfor some of my nvidia systems i have to yuse the nomodeset option, untilli get the nvidia drivers installed from the pacakjge manager.01:07
Dr-WillisHopefully the next release will make Nomodeset less and less needed. I only need it rarely these days in 11.10. needed it all the time in 11.0401:08
cawelIf you feel like it, I could use some help to prevent my iwl3945 wireless driver from freezing my Ubuntu 10.11 http://askubuntu.com/questions/98211/switching-the-hardware-wireless-switch-on-makes-dell-vostro-1500-freeze01:09
cakemanhow can i get the terminal to play a sound whener i enter a command01:11
scott__'fraid I need some mounting-drive help:  i was copying some files from external ntfs drive to internal ext3 drive (was mounted through fstab) and all of a sudden it stopped...I rebooted and internal drive would not mount...tried manual fsck and got an error 201:11
deper29Dr-Willis: I'm just reading this URL01:11
Dr-Williscakeman:  the bash prompt has a feature to run a external command, so it could be done that way. Check the bash prompt howto at tldp.org perhaps.01:11
Dr-Williscakeman:  it would play a beep or whatever whenever the prompt returns however.. not when you hit enter. :)01:12
lm12try this sh nvidia-bug-report.sh01:12
cakemanDR-Willis: thanks i'll read the howto01:12
deper29Dr-Willis: when I go to do the edit, at the end of quiet splash I have vt.handoff=7_01:13
deper29should I leave that there?01:13
=== DaZ is now known as OficjalnyDaZ
Dr-Willisdeper29:  leave it there.01:13
deper29Dr-Willis: just put nomodeset behind it?01:13
deper29er, in front of it01:14
Dr-WillisI think that tells the console to switch to vt 7.  nomodeset befor or after it. shouldent matter.01:14
Dr-WillisI always change mine to be just 'noquiet nosplash nomodeset' :) because I perfer to disable the boot eyecandy01:14
lm12or if you can get the file, run sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6629-pkg1.run --advanced-options01:14
Dr-WillisI also set it where grub always shows.01:14
scott__could someone help me with this fsck & drive mounting problem?01:15
scott__please? heheh01:15
artichokuhowdie folks01:15
artichokumy dear friends, who's in the mood for destroying a "hacker"01:15
tippeneinanyone help me with /etc/network/interfaces file ?01:16
Yb8022I changed ssh protocol from 2 to 1 in the config, it failed to start so I reverted the config back to protocol 2 and now it still won't start, giving me this: start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.7" (uid=1000 pid=1642 comm="start ssh ") interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart"01:16
Yb8022(uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init")01:16
OerHeksartichoku, wrong channel, this is Ubuntu support only.01:16
tippeneinI added 2 lines because wireless wouldn't connect and now it disconnects ever 20 seconds or so01:16
artichokui know it's ubuntu, just realized alot of my peeps aren't on01:16
artichokugenerally i'm helping :)01:17
artichokui'll /list01:17
deper29Dr-Willis: it worked! my resolution is wacky01:17
deper29but it worked01:17
scott__Dr-Willis: i know you were helping someone, but perhaps that task is done now?  you're my god on this channel, and it's been a long time :)01:18
Dr-Willisscott__:  ive barely been here the last 2+ weeks :)   I can try. but im gettint ready to head to work in about an hr.01:18
Dr-WillisI havent even had my Ubuntu box on in over 2 weeks..  To much overtime work.01:19
scott__Dr-Willis: well it's been months/years since you helped me last...now i'm on my son's desktop and one of my drives just stopped...01:19
Dr-Williswith a hard drive. check 'dmesg' output when it 'stops' and look for any error messages. Hard drives eem to be the most common point of failure ive had on any suystem these days.01:20
Dr-WillisGotten where i backup my backups these days.01:20
scott__er....his drives...it was mounted through fstab, was copying files from external drive to it, and allofa sudden the copying stopped, I rebooted, and it won't mount at all...noway nowhow01:20
aBoundI'm off. :P01:20
Dr-Willistry to mount by hand, look for error messages, and dmesg output.01:20
scott__Dr-Willis: tell me about it :(   i'm in one hell of a mess here01:21
scott__Dr-Willis: i did try to mount by hand before i came into the channel, but it didn't work...01:22
scott__this is what i typed in: sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/tempstore01:23
agI'm trying to change the max upload size of owncloud using this cmd ''gksu gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini'' but it say cannot open display. i need help01:23
scott__and this is error message i got: mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist01:23
somsipag: are you sshing to connect to the server?01:24
scott__Dr-Willis: did this hdd just die, while the copying was going on, and before i rebooted?01:24
Guest41698friends i achieved01:25
Dr-Willisscott__:  this is an external USB HD? or interlal sata?01:25
agsomsip: now yes, but in the morning i was connected to the server01:25
Dr-Willisscott__:  ive had hdd die without warning, sometimes they come back up/awake.01:25
scott__Dr-Willis: internal pata01:25
somsipag: gedit needs X to display, so you'll have to use a command line editor instead01:25
scott__no, wait, it is sata, through a promise card01:26
sdferfxHi. I want to have system-wide JAVAOPTS so every instance of Java launches with the same options. How can I get that?01:27
Dr-Willisscott__:  check sudo fdisk -l  output. It Might be on a  differnt  device. When i have problem drive like this. i tend to pull them out and put them in a exteranl usb enclosure. If you cant even hear the drive spin up when powered on.. thats very bad.01:27
agsomsip: which other i can use? i'm learning ubuntu. Thanks01:27
scott__the mobo didn't have sata support, it's that old, but the promise card enabled me to use the sata drive01:27
somsipag: pico and nano are usually the easiest if you are a beginner. other options include vi and emacs01:28
agsomsip: so i have to run: nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini01:29
somsipag: sudo nano /etc/...php.ini01:29
scott__Dr-Willis: the fdisk command only gave me 4 sda partitions...no sdb partitions at all01:29
scott__yet i know for a fact there are 2 physical drives in this box01:30
agsomsip: it give me a black screen and it say new file at the bottom01:31
scott__Dr-Willis: does that mean this linux box isn't even registering the second drive at all?01:31
scott__we know it's not mounted, but fdisk should still recognize it?01:32
somsipag: you did the full path? I just avoided typing the whole thing in my previous comment. So "sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini" if that's where it is located01:32
ptosianican you suggest a IRC client for ubuntu?01:32
SwedeMikeptosiani: irssi.01:33
agsomsip: yes i did the full path01:33
somsipptosiani: irssi, xchat..then there are weechat and browser plugins01:33
somsipag: show the output of "ls /etc/php5/apache2"01:33
ptosianiOK, I'm n xchat, i'm trying to add a new channel: irc://irc.freenode.net/symfony-es01:33
ptosianibut it keeps saying that the URL is wrong01:34
urlin2uptosiani, /join chanel name01:34
nivyajI'm setting up a dual boot HD Windows and Ubuntu, and want to make sure I get what's going on. Can someone talk me through the partitioning schemes? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes01:34
ptosianith irc.// is a channel name?01:34
agsomsip: how i run that?01:35
somsipag: you copy what I typed, paste it into a terminal, and press enter01:35
varun_hello everyone01:36
scott__Dr-Willis: does that mean this linux box isn't even registering the second drive at all?01:36
agsomsip: i did and it say no such of file or directory01:36
scott__we know it's not mounted, but fdisk should still recognize it?01:36
urlin2uptosiani, /join #synfony-es01:36
somsipag: so where is the file you are trying to edit?01:37
urlin2uptosiani, sorry /join #symfony-es01:37
Dr-Willisscott__:  id reboot and see if the BIOS is even seeing the hard drive.01:37
Dr-Willisscott__:  it may be the controller or drive has died. in such a way that the hardware is not detecting the hd.01:38
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=== radferret is now known as Gskellig
varun_I have ubuntu lucid and an external toshiba hard drive.The the disk utility shows the drive now has 3 bad sectors.Is there a way to correct bad sectors and not just to keep the system from trying to store data there. I read that a low level formatter can do it and also that it is dangerous to use fsk?01:38
ptosianik, but I need to add the full server URL somewhere? I'm in xchat / network list trying to add a new network01:38
jagjrCan someone help me with a Hardrive problem?01:38
agsomsip: i'm thinking here /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini01:38
somsipag: best to confirm if it exists rather than assuming it does01:39
scott__yeah...that was the next thing i was gonna check out...perhaps I'll turn to the laptop problem, which is even bigger:  had to try the toshiba recovery tool and it exitted with an error -- after it wiped the partition with the system on it01:39
agsomsip: so how i can check if exist or not?01:39
varun_jagjr:please state the problem also along with your request.01:39
jagjrUbuntu 10.04 and Backtrack 5 R1 won't recognise my Hardrive - It's got windows 7 on it but it saying it's empty01:39
Dr-Willisscott__:  there are windows 7 recovery/reinstall images you can get  legally online if all else fails. I think i got links to them at http://delicious.com/dr_willis01:40
urlin2uptosiani, doesn't my command get you there, when I used connect on a right click of the url it opened.01:40
somsipag: do "ls /etc" and see if php5 exists. do "ls /etc/php5" and see is apache2 exists.01:40
Raymond_how do i ./configure make and install a tar.bz201:41
urlin2u!tar > Raymond_01:41
ubottuRaymond_, please see my private message01:41
christelenchilado: yus darling01:41
scott__Dr-Willis: thx! I'm writing it down...god knows it's all legal here, the laptop being just over a year old01:41
nivyajI'm setting up a dual boot HD Windows and Ubuntu, and want to make sure I get what's going on. Can someone talk me through the partitioning schemes? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes01:41
nivyajI'm setting up a dual boot HD Windows and Ubuntu, and want to make sure I get what's going on. Can someone talk me through the partitioning schemes? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes01:41
FloodBot1nivyaj: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:41
DasEi!compile| Raymond_01:42
ubottuRaymond_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall01:42
jagjrIt's saying it's unallocated space atm01:42
urlin2univyaj, you on the ubuntu right now the live cd?01:43
agsomsip: php5 exist, when i run php5 to see apache2 exist I can see apache2filter01:43
john_rambohttp://pastebin.com/6pV4yYsk  <<<<Cant update01:43
scott__Dr-Willis: i take it there's an underscore symbol in the url you gave me ^^? as per your name?01:43
somsipag: hang on - you're on a shared host are you?01:43
Dr-Willisscott__:  its dr_willis  yes.01:43
scott__that's how I remembered your handle to be :)01:44
agsomsip: is my own server01:44
scott__my poor boy...he's been so good with this new win7 laptop of his...and now it's totally out of commission for days...01:44
ptosianithank you urlin2u, I manage to enter the symfony channel01:45
scott__he's almost religious about running spybot, lavasaoft, firewalls, avg...and still the OS just dies all of a sudden01:45
somsipag: so you have built your own server, have apache2 and php5 installed, and you're trying to edit php.ini to change the upload limits?01:45
nivyajurlin2u: this is a back up HD-  that i was  using. I have ubuntu on a flash drive to boot, and windows CD. I'm cleaning up the HD to put both OSes on01:45
agsomsip: yes. i want to have my own cloud01:46
scott__i'm sure he'd love to go linux, but as a budding audio engineer, the software is all proprietary windows stuff01:46
somsipag: type "locate php.ini"01:46
urlin2univyaj, you just want the ubuntu on the extra HD?01:46
agsomsip: nothing happen01:47
urlin2univyaj, I see same HD.01:47
nivyajurlin2u:  both OSes.01:47
nivyajwhat happened was the HD crashed. So I've been running ubuntu on a smaller HD till I could deal with the backups.01:47
somsipag: dpkg --get-selections | grep php01:47
john_rambohttp://pastebin.com/6pV4yYsk  <<<<Cant update01:48
jagjrUbuntu 10.04 and Backtrack 5 R1 won't recognise my Hardrive - It's got windows 7 on it but it saying it's empty01:48
Dr-Willisscott__:  ive found hard drives to be the weakest link in pc's these days/01:48
jagjrIt's saying it's unallocated space atm01:48
Dr-Willisscott__:  for every new laptop i get. i always buy a spare hd to image the original to. Just in case.01:48
nivyajurlin2u: so i found the article on how to set up the partitions, I just want to know what's  going on there. amd to make sure i'm doing it right01:48
agsomsip: what i'm supposed to see?01:49
urlin2univyaj, if your hd is a standard mbr setup you just have to be aware of max partition types, ethier 4 primaries which windows runs in, or 3 primaries and a extended that Ubuntu can go in, the extended allows more logical partitions to be added, and can have a ntfs there for a shared partition for ubuntu and windows.01:49
somsipag: do I need to put "type this into a terminal"?01:49
somsipag: sorry - ignore that. Too hasty. You're loking for php5 being installed01:49
urlin2univyaj, max in how many01:50
agsomsip: sorry, no, no, i got that. after run the cmd01:50
scott__Dr-Willis: i would too, but I don't buy them that often, and this is all done/not done by my boy01:50
nivyajurlin2u: I cleared all the partitions on it.01:50
scott__if u can call a 23-year-old a boy :)01:50
agsomsip: i can see php5 install01:50
somsipag: how long ago did you install it?01:50
urlin2univyaj, cool do you understand my post?01:50
agsomsip: last night01:51
urlin2univyaj, so you have which windows release?01:51
nivyajvista 6401:51
artichokuare there any base64 decodes for ubuntu?01:51
somsipag: this is a very long winded way of trying to find out where php.ini is, but maybe you need to 'sudo updatedb' and then 'locate php.ini' again01:52
Guest41698i am with this problem not::E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?01:52
urlin2univyaj, you know how to do a custom install of it so the main partition is the size you want so you have unallocated space for ubuntu?01:52
urlin2univyaj, vista that is01:52
dagerikI need to print all .c files. Why does this fail: ls *.c  ?01:53
nivyajurlin2u:  that's actually an issue. the HD is 300 GB- so I wanted to partition it in a way to not lose space.01:54
fluffmanis there a way to revert to kernel 3.0.0-15.2501:54
nivyajurlin2u: I was going to do 150 GB for windows (and windows programs), 90 for ubuntu and programs and the remainder for back-up01:55
fluffmancomputer just upgraded to 3.0.0-15.26 and it sucks01:55
urlin2univyaj,  I see, you know how to install vista so it is that size on install from the vista partitioning gui?01:56
agsomsip: it show that is at /etc/php5/apache2filter/php.ini and /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini and /etc/php5/cli/php.ini01:56
somsipag: so 'sudo nano  /etc/php5/apache2filter/php.ini" should get you to where you wanted to be originally01:57
jagjrUbuntu 10.04 and Backtrack 5 R1 won't recognise my Hardrive - It's got windows 7 on it but it saying it's empty01:57
jagjrIt's saying it's unallocated space atm01:57
urlin2univyaj, you might just get on the #windows channel for tat part really, I can't really explain all of its installation on this channel.01:57
nivyaj urlin2u : no.01:57
Dr-WillisGuest41698:  make sure all other package manager tools are closed.01:57
trismfluffman: there is only one change from .25 to .26 and it shouldn't mess with anything01:57
urlin2u!backtrack > jagjr01:58
ubottujagjr, please see my private message01:58
acerimmerjagjr: saw this the other night.  YOur ubuntu is 11.10??01:58
fluffmantrism: I had a lot of hacks on my x220 and now I'm getting graphical glitches and half the battery life01:59
goddardhow can i take a picture of just some part that i select?01:59
jagjrnope 10.0401:59
melkorWhat dev package do I need for opengl headers?01:59
acerimmerjagjr: ok.  first, did you md5sum your iso??01:59
jagjrurlin2u - Ive tried ubuntu first, no success, then BT ... still none.. so it's an ubuntu issue01:59
jagjracerimmer yes02:00
acerimmerjagjr: your partitions are invisible on installation or on liveboot??02:00
urlin2ujagjr, if your trying to fix ubuntu cool but anything backtrack is not supported is all, I don't make the rules but you will get no help for it here is all just saying. :D02:00
goddardhow can i take a picture of just some part that i select?02:01
jagjracerimmer: on liveboot . Ive tried to install but it just says unallocated space02:01
acerimmerjagjr: confirm: you DO see our partitions on live boot??02:01
jagjracerimmer: no02:02
acerimmerjagjr: suggestion: install via text mode  - little more work but more control.02:03
jagjracerimmer: Any reason why it's not recognising my hardrive then? Id like to fix the problem than avoid it02:03
fluffmantrism: thanks. looked back through my logs and found an xorg update as well. I'll try to revert that02:04
acerimmerjagjr: in 11.10, the gui partition manager didn't see it, but it was visible under gpartd.  Why?  idk.02:04
jagjracerimmer : Gparted can't see it aswell02:05
Raymond_ a tar.bz2 is a archive that i extract then compress and install into ubuntu?02:05
jagjracerimmer : Just shows unallocated space with a warning triangle02:05
acerimmerjagjr: wait i DO remember - it was bcz the HDD had been partiitioned as GPT at some point.02:05
petmanhi, is it possible with apt-get to select a path to install to?  i.e.  apt-get install -p /media/mountpoint/ <packagename>?02:05
Raymond_has anybody made a program that can convert a tar.bz2 to a .deb file02:06
jagjracerimmer: Ive never partitioned my hardrive since ive got it? :L02:06
DasEi!packaging | Raymond_02:06
ubottuRaymond_: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports02:06
acerimmerjagjr: wait one - looking up the command02:07
DasEiRaymond_: by the way, what are you missing (concerning earlier qestion about compiling) ?02:07
wolterdoes dbus monitor disc insertions?02:08
Raymond_dasei, what i am trying to do is ./configure, make, make install a tar.bz2, its a driver for the wireless device02:08
DasEiRaymond_: ah, I see02:09
wolterRaymond_, make sure it is compatible before installing!02:09
acerimmerjagjr: sudo fdisk -l should show all partition information.  paste plz02:10
Raymond_dasei, the directions are confusing to me on this site, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware02:10
DasEiRaymond_: so before we go there,which chip is it ?02:11
jagjracerimmer: unable to seek on /dev/sda02:11
acerimmerjagjr: are you in sudo ?02:11
Raymond_dasei, a broadcom 4306/302:11
jagjracerimmer: yes02:11
DasEiRaymond_: sec, I try tofind it02:12
acerimmerjagjr: df -H02:12
=== GreedyB_ is now known as GreedyB
Raymond_dasei, i have tried b43fwcutter and firmwareb43installer, didnt work02:12
jagjracerimmer: http://pastebin.com/vt2Dv5ZZ02:13
acerimmerjagjr: ok that's your live cd/dvd get the /dev info for your HDD and run the command with that02:14
jagjracerimmer: what do you mean?02:15
acerimmerjagjr: if you're still in live boot, look at system>administration>disk utility02:16
wolterdoes dbus monitor disc insertions?02:16
jagjracerimmer: my disk is there - just not on the installer02:16
acerimmerjagjr: print scrn and paste02:17
DasEiRaymond_: listed as supported, solet's again do the steps from02:17
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:17
Jordan_Ujagjr: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"?02:18
jagjrJordan_U invalid argument during seek for read on /dev/sda02:18
acerimmerJordan_U: my theory is that his HD may be gpt partitioned...02:19
DasEiRaymond_: which distro are youusing?02:19
Raymond_dasei, natty, 10.04 LTS02:19
Jordan_Ujagjr: Is sda the drive in question? Is there no other output?02:19
jagjracerimmer: http://i42.tinypic.com/1568eoi.png02:19
jagjrJordan_U : Yes , Thats my main drive02:20
xanguaRaymond_: natty is not lts02:20
jagjrJordan_U : My Only Drive02:20
DasEiRaymond_: restricted repository available?02:20
agsomsip: it really work!!! Thanks a Lot! I found the file and i was able to edit it. Thanks again02:20
somsipag: jolly good :)02:20
Raymond_xangua, its 10.04 LTS02:20
oguzgood night02:20
DasEiRaymond_: lsb_release -a in terminal gives correct name02:21
DasEiRaymond_: 10.04 would be lucid02:21
acerimmerjagjr: jordan_u Disk Utility shows the Windows partition 250G02:21
Raymond_dasei, ah yes, i was using natty before02:21
DasEilucid so, fine,are the restricted repos in use ?02:22
jagjrJordan_u: http://i42.tinypic.com/1568eoi.png02:22
agsomsip: I really like ubuntu. I'm hoping learning more.02:22
acerimmerjagjr: *facepalm* the unallocated area is the empty area for your new ubuntu partition.02:22
Raymond_dasei, i dont know what you mean02:23
DasEiRaymond_: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list,  make sure the lines with restricted in it don't start with an #02:23
jagjracerimmer: erm.... No...  My entire HDD is 241GB Windows takes 200GB - I have 30GB free on Windows02:23
flowerpotIn /etc/init.d/skeleton, there is the line [ -r /etc/default/$NAME ] && . /etc/default/$NAME which is described as "# Read configuration variable file if it is present" -- what does the . after the && mean?02:24
Raymond_dasei, the wireless device doesnt come on when i boot into ubuntu..all right be right back02:24
acerimmerjagjr: have you sized that windows partition to 30g's already??02:24
acerimmerjagjr: rephrase have you resized your windows partition??02:25
jagjracerimmer: no - there is 30Gb left as free space on windows02:26
Jordan_Ujagjr: Is this drive, or has it ever been, part of a raid array?02:26
jagjrjordan_U: No - It's a laptop02:26
Jordan_Ujagjr: That's a02:27
Jordan_Ujagjr: ... That's a very odd error.02:27
jagjrJordan_U : Your Telling me, Ive been struggling for the past week -_-02:28
acerimmerJordan_U: what if he resized a windows partition in live boot and installed ubuntu to the new part?02:28
NimanickaNo 4 ACTA02:30
cak3does anyone know where I can go to get some help with photoshop?02:30
acerimmercak3: adobe.com02:31
jagjracerimmer: jordan_u : I can View my drive in Disk utility, just not Gparted or Ubuntu Install?02:31
NimanickaTry ps #02:31
acerimmerjagjr: this issue in 10.04 is new to me.  sorry idk02:32
jagjrAnyone Else?02:32
cak3acerimmer: Not the website, they wont give me tutorials. thanks though02:32
cak3anyone else?02:33
XrDcak3: have you tried Google? "Photoshop tutorials" or anything of the sort..?02:34
jagjrjust got loads of updates through -_- some for apsci02:34
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cak3XrD: it is a specific thing I am looking for, and yes I have tried. I need to convert over 100 photos to 24-bit bmp.02:36
cak3sorry for the delay in the reply02:37
acerimmercak3: imagemagick02:37
cak3thank you02:37
acerimmerjagjr: your in live boot.  no updates will stick02:38
jagjracerimmer: But they could fix it that i can install :)02:38
aukWhat command can I run to find out my current Display/X manager?02:42
acerimmerjagjr: suggest you reboot, F6 and install via text only.  if your partitions show up, you're good to go.02:43
=== auk is now known as Ibyss
Nach0zauk: xset -q might work02:43
Nach0zor Ibyss, try xset -q02:43
Nach0zIbyss: if that don't work, 'export DISPLAY=":0.0" && xdpyinfo'02:45
Raymond_dasei, no lsb mods avail. and the second showed nothing02:46
IbyssI was hoping to see info on the whole gmd/lightdm thing.02:46
DasEiRaymond_: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list,  make sure the lines with restricted in it don't start with an #02:46
kfizzUnder the hardware tab in the sound preferences, there's an option for "Digital Stereo (IEC958) Output." Does this use a standard 3.5mm jack or is this just listed in case I had a special jack like SPDIF?02:46
IbyssI guess I used wrong terminology to describe it. xD02:46
Raymond_dasei, does it open getit?02:47
DasEiyes, see02:47
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories02:47
DasEiRaymond_: in the sources list you tell ubuntu where to lookfor software, lines beginning with an '#' are read as comment and won't be processed02:48
=== chalced is now known as chalcedony
mister_mhow do I make the nivdea settings manager not screw things up for me when I put in a second monitor02:53
NimanickaWhat is canonical position aboute : sopa / acta ?02:53
moosiecakWould anyone be able to offer some help regarding a wubi install through windows 7 that keeps spitting out a log file and Not installing?02:53
FlannelNimanicka: That's offtopic for this channel, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.02:54
=== MrGando_ is now known as MrGando
=== moosiecak is now known as moosiecakes
urlin2umoosiecakes, you might try the ubuntu forums tere are a couple of people there that might know.02:56
zabomberhow do i lock the side panel in 11.10?02:56
NimanickaHmm a freedom is of top ? Qewl story bro . Hope t dont wake up In orson's reality02:56
zabomberso that it doesnt autohide02:56
moosiecakesalright, thanks02:56
urlin2uzabomber, install the compizconfig settings manager it is in the unuty plugin02:57
mafatahna@zabomber, don't can klik right lock?02:57
mafatahnai am sorry, i still use 10.04 :D02:58
urlin2umafatahna, if you tab the nic after a few letters it will auto complete02:58
ParkerRIs there a way to have Ubuntu remember elevated privileges per session like debian?02:58
IbyssParkerR: I thought that's the point of sudo... To later forget for security reason.   If you want to be in root forever, run: sudo su03:00
mafatahnaurlin2u, ok..03:00
IbyssParkerR: Then to leave root, run: exit03:00
urlin2umafatahna, not sure if the @ notifies the nic your pinging. :D03:01
Ibyssmafatahna: Why? o_O03:01
ParkerRIbyss, I understand that. What I was thinking was like for when apps want elevated privileges like synaptic and such03:01
mafatahnaurlin2u, hehe.. ok :D03:01
urlin2uParkerR, you don't want synaptic elevated.03:02
urlin2uall the time03:02
ParkerRurlin2u, I was gonna say XD03:02
ParkerRWb almoxarife03:02
Ibysssynaptic is something I never leave open, or ever use. I use Ubuntu's/mint's easier package manager. :303:03
IbyssBut I do not even use that, I prefer commandline apt-get03:03
Bikerbobanyone help why my make is not working? http://paste.ubuntu.com/816082/03:03
Bikerbobheaders and essential s are upto date and installed.03:04
Bikerbobbut I cant get past this error and I cant figure out why03:04
jnylenBikerbob: google the key error message03:04
ParkerRIbyss, I find when debugging packages having the search functionality of synaptic helps03:04
jnylenwhich is:  implicit declaration of function ‘init_MUTEX’03:04
IbyssAh, yea, then again, I never get into any bugs involving those, but I once got into dependancy hell).                Most of my fixes were:         apt-get -f install03:05
ParkerRluciferclinton, So you have an evil guy and the devil? XD03:05
jnylenand in that order?!?03:06
ParkerRjnylen, Technically reverse order XD03:06
ParkerRWas trying to make a joke XD03:06
luciferclintonlucifer = hillary03:06
artichokusup ppl03:06
ParkerRluciferclinton, Hehe03:06
urlin2uot topic and sexism how becoming03:07
jnylenwhat are you, a woman03:08
urlin2ujnylen, no03:08
Bikerbobtried..  jnylen, but not sure I understand..03:09
BikerbobSo there is something I am missing in the kernel that will allow this build?03:09
jnylenBikerbob: the third link, when you google that string03:09
jnylenindicates that you need to change all instances of init_MUTEX to sema_init, and add a second parameter03:10
jnylenand, if you want to be super nice and helpful, you could submit this as a patch back to the original project03:11
linociscohow to install VZO chat software on ubuntu?03:12
ubottulinocisco: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:13
DasEilinocisco: never heard of it,is it a client ?03:13
acerimmerlinocisco: wine might work.03:13
Bikerbobthanks for that jnylen, is a Realtek 8176 a broadcom ?? I thought Realtek was its own chipset?03:14
jnylenBikerbob: it's certainly plausible that other drivers would have the same issue03:14
emwhat is the most recent version of Ubuntu?03:14
DasEiBikerbob: no it's a realtek03:14
Bikerbobok.. so then I am no further ahead then.03:14
emurlin2u: you think its a good one?03:14
jnylenBikerbob: not true, same issue03:14
linociscoDasEi: www.vzochat.com03:15
urlin2uem, sure, depends on your needs you familiar with the unity or gnome 3 desktop.03:15
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linociscoDasEi: it is lighter than skype and all other webcam chat application03:15
linociscoDasEi: work with lesser internet bandwidth03:16
urlin2uem, lots of other desktops though.03:16
DasEilinocisco: fyi,pidgin in conjunction with gmail also allows video-chat, though I can't tell about it's footprint03:16
Bikerbobso try and open and modify the script I have ?? ok.. can look anyway03:16
linociscoDasEi: what is the meaning of footprint?03:17
DasEilinocisco: how much ressource it takes03:17
DasEilinocisco: as in lighteror heavier03:17
linociscoDasEi: thanks03:18
linociscoDear all, I have never been successful using IRC clients to use #ubuntu or other channels in my network03:19
linociscothat is why , I am to use only webchat.freenode.net03:19
linociscocould anybody suggest me?03:19
urlin2ulinocisco, what?03:20
zabomberlinocisco: smuxi works perfectly03:21
zabomberits a client for IRC int he repo03:21
urlin2ulinocisco, you tried xchat I think it is fedora03:21
linociscoI am sorry. I am now on windows XP. I want to use the one which is working on both linux and windows. Is pidgin ok for that?03:22
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urlin2ulinocisco, pidgin will run in both never used it though.03:25
linociscourlin2u: thanks03:25
linociscourlin2u:  to use web in our office network, I need to point proxy server and port + authentication(username/password)03:25
Ibysslinocisco: Open up Xchat,     and configure server, add  irc.freenode.org             Set port number to 6667            Then connect.            Or simply type: /server irc.freenode.org03:25
urlin2ulinocisco, sure, I see downloads for both anyway.03:25
linociscourlin2u: though I have tried entering correct settings, I was never able to connect and use IRC on client03:26
urlin2ulinocisco, could be a block from the office netork, not sure really03:27
DasEilinocisco: yes, pidgin is for xp available, too03:28
DeviceZer0anyone running fluxbox? Trying to figure out how I can get all my applications to show up in the menu03:29
urlin2uDeviceZer0, been awhile but I think you have to add them.03:30
DeviceZer0urlin2u, ...by hand?03:30
DeviceZer0please dont say by hand lol03:30
urlin2uDeviceZer0, I believe so, forget how.03:30
DeviceZer0cuz yea. no f'in way ill be adding each app by hand then manually doing that each time I install something lol.03:30
DeviceZer0think that'll be a deal breaker for me hehe03:31
urlin2uDeviceZer0, just the location of the bin to a menu line.03:31
PatrickChmm.. im getting an error when trying to use adobe air03:31
urlin2uDeviceZer0, look for better advice though I could be wrong.03:31
PatrickCit tells me to make sure that gnome-keyring or kwallet are installed03:32
DeviceZer0yea. I've come to the conclusion....if its not done automatically....chances of me doing it are slim to none lol03:32
PatrickCwhen i ran sudo apt-get install gnome-keyring it told me that it was already installed03:32
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fongweekimHi everyone, I need help with Ubuntu 11.11 installation. I had installed it on Acer Aspire 5680. Ubuntu was working well until these 2 new problems developed03:33
DeviceZer0urlin2u, yea. apprecaite the help....but it seems you may be more or less correct. There seems some hacky 3rd party tools exist...but...yea.....this is 2012 lol...no end user should be having to manually create their own menus...perhaps customizing them...but no user needs to create a whol emenu from scratch03:34
fongweekim1) The delete button on my keyboard no longer works. It was working well previously until 3 days ago03:34
DeviceZer0god I hate gnome303:34
DeviceZer0and all its ruined03:34
PatrickCi dont even use gnome anymore (afaik)03:34
PatrickCi use cinnamon03:34
PatrickC(not sure which graphics engine its based off of)03:35
fongweekim2) On startup, the bios gave an alarm (long didididi sound) and then I need to press Esc to get past it. After which, there are no problems. Anyone knows where is the problem03:35
urlin2uPatrickC, looks like the fallback on ubuntu.03:35
urlin2uPatrickC, gnome 2 1/203:35
PatrickCbut the one thing i dont get with it is why would air be erroring out saying i need gnome-keyring when i have it..?03:36
dies_iraehow to chmod something to be useful for ALL users??03:36
dies_iraesomething shared? how to chmod it?03:36
BikerbobI am not savy enough to know what the equiv change is in my file jnylen03:36
dies_iraechmod 666 -R ??03:36
BikerbobI tried and it did not work03:36
jnylenBikerbob: what did you try?  you changed what to what?03:37
helo1How do I get static DNS entries to stick in my resolve.conf? It keeps going back to "# Generated by NetworkManager" and then can't resolve anything.03:37
jnylenhelo1: static DNS entries go in /etc/hosts03:37
urlin2uhelo1, I set that in my router myself03:37
Bikerbobchanged init_MUTEX to sema_init03:37
jnylenunless you are talking about forcing dns servers03:37
jnylenBikerbob: you also have to add a second parameter03:37
helo1Not static entries. Static DNS servers.03:38
artichokuheyyy patrickc!03:38
artichokua name i recognize tonight03:38
jnylenso,  init_MUTEX(whatever);  becomes  sema_init(whatever, 1);03:38
PatrickChey artichoku03:38
Bikerbobwhat second parameter.. since the init_MUTEX had no second03:38
PatrickCartichoku, mind if i ask why you recognize the name? :)03:38
* PatrickC doesnt remember your nick03:38
dies_iraeDNS info goes into /etc/resolv.conf03:38
PatrickCsorry :)03:38
jnylenhelo1: there is some other file you need to edit03:38
jnylenh/o, trying to find it03:39
artichokubecause it's a real name03:39
artichokunot your runofthemill handle03:39
helo1dies_irae: It always changes back to "# Generated by NetworkManager"03:39
artichokuand we've goofed off a bit in here03:39
artichokui'm pretty new03:39
PatrickCdont remember that.. lol03:39
helo1jnylen: searches all say the resolv.conf Any ideas?03:39
Bikerbobso I have some idea of what I did.. what does the ,1 do jynlen03:39
artichokui've been having fun with a wannabe blackhat failz0r03:40
artichokuit's been a good night03:40
jnylenhelo1: can you not set that setting in NetworkManager03:40
jnylenI forget, I ripped it out because it was pissing me off03:40
helo1jnylen: how do I do that from ssh/cli?03:40
Bikerbobso I have some idea of what I did.. what does the ,1 do jnylen03:41
jnylenBikerbob: I am not entirely sure03:41
jnylenit's just an extra parameter that sema_init needs but that init_MUTEX doesn't have03:42
jnylenhelo1: I can't seem to find that information03:42
artichokubikerbob i'm sorry to admit i laughed at your name a sec03:42
artichokui thought it said bikerboob03:42
jnylenhelo1: /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf03:43
emis natty an LTS?03:43
jnylenhelo1: there's a line that says prepend domain-name-servers - uncomment it and change the IP address(es)03:44
somsip!lts | em03:44
ubottuem: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)03:44
urlin2uem, no 10.04 and 12.04 are though03:44
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110403:44
helo1jnylen: that file doesn't exist on my system. the directory is empty03:45
urlin2uem, 12.04 is in development though.03:45
jnylenhelo1: ubuntu? what version?03:45
em12.04 comes out in April huh?03:45
dies_iraeem: yep, unless there is a worlwide catastrophe.03:46
* PatrickC is running 12.04 now03:46
jnylen12.04 will be out and probably 12.1003:46
jnylenbut not 13.0403:46
helo1jnylen: Ubuntu 11.10 generic03:47
dagerikIs nano a fine editor for programming?03:47
jnylendagerik: not really, you should learn vim or emacs03:47
PatrickCnano is cool for command line editing IMO03:47
dies_iraejnylen: that sounds horrible!!03:47
cthompsondagerik, no, use vi improved03:47
cthompsondagerik, or are you just trolling cause the question is a bit silly03:47
PatrickCi just like plain old text editors03:47
dies_iraevim the way to go03:47
helo1I like nano :)03:48
PatrickCi prefer gedit/kate :)03:48
jnylenjoe is pretty good too, good features but not a huge learning curve like vim03:48
cthompsonkate has some nice plugins, but thats not cli03:48
Cyberspaceloahuge fan of ViM03:48
dies_iraedagerik: cat > foo  <--- another way03:48
PatrickCcthompson, i know :)03:48
Cyberspaceloait's super quick for coding03:48
cthompsondidn't say you didn't PatrickC03:48
PatrickCcthompson, i prefer to use the terminal for commands only03:49
dies_iraenano is weird as hell03:49
PatrickCi like full editors03:49
cthompsonahh... see I like vi or vim. not much use for anything else03:49
linociscocthompson: use nano03:49
jnylenhelo1: i'm not sure why that would be03:49
dies_iraeif nothing else works there's always m$$$ word03:50
jnylenon my system, that file comes from package dhcp3-client; do you have that package installed? how about dhcp-client?03:50
cthompsongross linocisco03:50
* jnylen /kick dies_irae03:50
PatrickCdies_irae, how dare you mention that horrible excuse for a program03:50
fongweekimSorry can anyone help with my keyboard issue whereby Ubuntu can't detect my Del button on Acer Aspire 5680? Or give idea how to resolve whether it is a hardware or software issue03:51
* OficjalnyDaZ reinvites dies_irae03:51
jnylenfongweekim: sounds like a hardware issue03:51
Bikerbobwell that did it.. going to reboot see if I have wifi03:51
* dies_irae run before getting tied to a pole and burned in a pyre03:51
jnylenbut you could try going to the real console (ctrl+alt+f1) log in and see if it works there03:51
Bikerbobthanks jnylen03:51
jnylenBikerbob: you shouldn't really need to reboot03:51
fongweekimThanks jnylen. How to test it conclusively03:51
jnylenyou're welcome03:51
chromaticwtdoes dell still sell ubuntu with laptops?03:52
dr_willisfongweekim:  does it work as a backspace?03:52
PatrickCnever knew they did03:52
Bikerbobhow do I test.. just do a lsusb now?03:52
jnylenBikerbob: sudo insmod output.ko03:52
jnylenwhere output.ko is the kernel module that you built03:52
dies_iraefongweekim: which key?03:52
fongweekimdr willis: it does nothing at all. Del key03:52
Bikerbobi did a make install03:52
dies_iraeuse xev to find out the keycode the do some concotion.03:52
Bikerbobits built into the kernel now right?03:52
jnylenBikerbob: oh, maybe that did take care of it then03:52
jnylennot sure, depends on how they set it up but probably03:53
dies_iraeoh delete key?? not a multimedia key or laptop specific key?03:53
fongweekimdies_irae: Its the Del key.03:53
shovellanyone here had problems playing startrek armada 2 using wine?03:53
Bikerbobhmm not there in an lsmod03:53
jnylenfongweekim: yeah try going to the real console03:53
michaelgambleis their a command i can run in linux to tell if a flavour is in fact ubuntu and what version?03:53
jnylenBikerbob: do this from the source code folder: find -iname '*.ko'03:54
jnylenany results?03:54
dies_iraeshovell: try #wine03:54
fongweekimSorry jnylen. I don't get you. am a complete noob. Just switched over03:54
dies_iraefongweekim: that sounds messed up03:54
shovellill check but i think it might be a problem in ubuntu03:54
jnylenfongweekim: press ctrl+alt+f1, then log in -- you'll want to know how to get back to the graphical environment -- that's alt+f7 or alt+f803:54
fongweekimYes. It's rather painful to work with only the backspace03:55
OficjalnyDaZmichaelgamble: cat /etc/issue?03:55
jnylenfongweekim: if it doesn't work in text-only mode then it's a hardware problem03:55
fongweekimThanks Jnylen. Will try it out03:55
=== OficjalnyDaZ is now known as DaZ
* dies_irae realizes never uses del key03:55
dr_williscant say i even use the del key much03:56
jnylenBikerbob: sudo insmod 8192cu.ko03:56
shovelldies_irae, i belive id is a problem with ubuntu03:56
dies_iraefongweekim: run xev program then type del key03:56
dr_willisctrl-h is del or backspace... i recall03:56
jnylenctrl+h = backspace03:56
dr_willisold skool03:56
dies_iraenot even xev picks it up?03:57
Bikerbobthanks again jnylen03:57
BikerbobI would never have known about the ,103:57
jnylenBikerbob: I just googled it - I've seen similar stuff before03:57
jnylenread that forum post again and see if you can spot it03:57
dies_iraeha ha cool ctrl+h03:57
dies_iraethere's also ctrl+w and ctrl+u03:58
dies_iraefongweekim: there u go no need for del key :D03:58
michaelgambleit says Debian GNU/Linux 5.003:59
Juv1228hi, just got ubuntu 11.10 installed on my new rig, and im having some audio buzzing problems03:59
DaZthen it's probably debian gnu/linux 5.0 :x03:59
linociscowhich tablet has durable battery life and good to use?04:00
Juv1228lspci doesnt show my alc892, which is the onboard04:00
moz`dephJuv1228: that's Natty Narwhal right?04:00
Juv1228only shows an "Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller"04:01
Juv1228moz`deph, oneiric04:01
Juv1228natty is 11.0404:01
oconnore__Hi, I recently installed ubuntu 11.10 on my laptop, and now it's won't boot (stuck on the initial boot animation). Any ideas?04:02
Bikerbobhere on wifi.. nice04:02
dies_iraeoconnore__: what sort of ideas??04:03
dagerikhah, I was on irc from a plane last year04:03
Juv1228oconnore__, for what its worth, i had a similar issue with some VM's once04:03
fongweekimthanks everyone04:03
oconnore__dies_irae: well, preferably ones that resulted in me being able to use my laptop again04:03
Juv1228check your kernel boot args in grub04:03
oconnore__Juv1228: what should I be looking for? It's just a stock install.04:04
oconnore__And it worked for about a week before it suddenly stopped booting.04:04
dies_iraeoconnore__: boot in text mode, check where stuck, problemo solved.04:04
Juv1228in that case it probably isnt it, mine was an issue with the d-i04:04
oconnore__dies_irae: It doesn't make it that far, the kernel is not booting04:04
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Juv1228yes it is04:04
Juv1228if you can get to grub, you can boot in text mode04:05
[[thufir]]last time when I upgraded, I didn't have to edit fstab.  why now?  http://pastebin.mozilla.org/146090104:05
AzelphurAnyone know how I can give a specific user permissions to set a processes niceness without sudo?04:05
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oconnore__Juv1228: eh, I hit alt-f1 and there is no output04:05
oconnore__i'll try text mode specifically04:05
dies_iraeoconnore__: I am pretty sure is going somewhere04:05
dies_iraeoconnore__: I am note sure in ubuntu but something like this, in grub type ESC then pick text mode. Or if that's not an opiton type E in the first line the add some text mode to kernel optinos04:07
malikmasrcan someone please help me trouble shoot my l2tpd vpn, it refuses to connect, and i have no idea why04:10
jnylenAzelphur: define a sudoers rule04:12
Azelphurjnylen: isn't there a group the user can be added to to be allowed to set a processes niceness?04:12
jnylenthey will still use sudo, but they will only be allowed to execute a very limited set of commands04:12
oconnore__dies_irae: wow, good call. I thought alt-f1 to escape the splash would show me the same thing... It was trying to automount an ecryptfs and the password prompt was hidden. Stupido04:12
jnylenAzelphur: maybe, I'm not aware of one04:12
dies_iraeoconnore__: glad that worked. I've been booting into text mode since ever, so that's the first thing to do that came to mind.04:13
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fongweekimThanks jnylen for your help04:13
jnylenfongweekim: any progress?04:14
dcplayaanyone know why when I remote desktop into my 11.10 ubuntu PC, there isnt any way to run apps via gui?04:15
gh0zthas anyone gotten the linksys AE 2500 to work with ubuntu 11.10 x64?04:15
shaneodoes anyone know where ubuntu tweak stores the backups it creates using deesktop recovery04:18
Mariorocks0099Hello ubuntu users!04:19
Mariorocks0099I am installing ubuntu 10.10 on my desktop computer tomorrow.. it is a Compaq Presario S4020WM..04:20
DaZwhy not something newer than 10.10? :x04:21
Mariorocks0099here is a lot more info about the computer http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/product?cc=us&lc=en&dlc=en&product=326832    I am wondering.. Since the live CD works correctly should the operating system  install correctly?04:21
FastPuttyhow can i reconfigure my.cnf in mysql torught apt-get04:24
FastPuttymysql server doesnt want to start anymore after upgrading from 10.04 to 12.0404:24
shaneo12.04 is in beta04:24
shaneo11.10 is latest stable04:25
Mariorocks0099answer my question! :p04:25
FastPuttyhow  can i resinatlla  package then?04:25
Mariorocks0099answer my question  should ubuntu install if the live CD works on the computer?04:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:28
gardarMariorocks0099: yes, running off livecd is slow04:29
urlin2uMariorocks0099, whats going on/04:29
gardarhaving ubuntu installed is much faster04:29
Mariorocks0099I'm planning to install ubuntu.  since winXP is giving errors...04:29
Mariorocks0099the live CD works04:29
Mariorocks0099i am wanting to know will ubuntu install correctly on the old 2003 computer?04:30
pangolinMariorocks0099: if everything is working in live cd then yes.04:30
gardarMariorocks0099: if the livecd works perfectly, then there is no reason why it shouldn't work once installed04:30
Mariorocks0099ok thanks for the help :)04:32
Mariorocks0099it will be good to get away from winXP's windows file protection  windows files are missing popups04:33
Mariorocks0099sometimes but very rarely on the live CD i get busybox thingy..04:35
Mariorocks0099what is busybox screen thingy  anyways?04:36
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=== danny__ is now known as Guest64698
Guest64698hello is there an ubuntu equivalent to windirstat? and program that vissualizes all the space u are using up on ur harddrive and sorts it into what kinda of file it is04:42
rasta1alguien habla español04:42
ariane5im from poland04:42
ariane5i speak english04:42
ariane5acta close wikipedia ?04:43
FlannelGuest64698: try baobab04:43
rasta1entiendo muy poco el ingles04:43
Flannel!es | rasta104:43
ubotturasta1: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:43
urlin2uariane5, on here.04:45
doug___what the difference between gnome and x1104:45
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aszuromdoug - x11 is the graphical desktop system, and gnome is a window manager that runs on top of that04:46
aszuromgnome, kde, enlightenment, etc all rely on the common x11 stuff04:47
doug___i just installed ubuntu server I'm having fun with the ssh - but is it possible to get a GUI windows with it04:48
dwondoug___: run tasksel (as root)04:48
doug___i tried several whay04:48
doug___:  )04:49
dwonor apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:49
TiMOiDany sparc ubuntu users here?04:49
urlin2uTiMOiD, no myself but I see this on the web.04:51
doug___i thought spare processor were dead04:52
doug___i meant sparc04:52
agI need help. I have a server with two hard drive, how i can use the secondary hard drive as the storage? actually i'm building my owncloud server04:54
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doug___why are people winning so much over unity04:55
doug___is it that bad04:55
FloodBot1doug___: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:55
paulus68ag: create a mountpoint to that drive and  direct your backup program towards this mountpoint04:55
urlin2udoug___, hard to change, adaptation can be a struggle, but this is a #ubuntu-offtopic topic04:56
doug___i got 4 computers with same configuration - trying to make a cluster - any suggestions?04:58
magicJhow can I trigger on the event of the lap top lid being opened?04:58
agpaulus68: i'm new in ubuntu. how i can do that? Thanks04:58
linociscoag: me too04:58
doug___all 4 computers have 500gb is it possible to link them together so it looks like one?04:58
Hetephola, am getting good connection for various programs e internet browsers are not working. Can a person assist?04:59
navatwoHey, so I accidentally upgraded.. now I don't appear to have nVidia drivers and can not load the regular interface. Any help?05:00
tristan3199i use irssi. new to it tho.. how do i change my default nick05:00
urlin2u!nomodeset | navatwo05:01
ubottunavatwo: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter05:01
rhomdefault Tibetan font kinda gloomy  something like this "ཨོཾ" any idea to fix it?05:01
cainzare there any gotchas for setting static IP? I followed the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html but I can no longer connect to internet. Any ideas?05:01
paulus68ag: you start with sudo mkdir /mnt/backup  this is creating a folder in mnt with the name backup05:01
navatwourlin2u: I don't have a GUI at the moment.05:01
navatwourlin2u: I'm running irssi from a tty05:02
cainzif i am using a usb network adapater, will that affect how i need to set up a static ip?05:02
me0hHi Everyone!05:02
urlin2unavatwo, you don't need one you can put npmodeset in the kernel at the grub menu.05:02
agpaulus68: and after that?05:02
navatwoso just put that in the boot params?05:02
paulus68ag: what is the name of your 2nd harddrive? normally it should be something like /dev/sdX05:03
urlin2unavatwo, hit e for edit and use the arrow keys to navigate to the kernel where it says no splash and put in nomodeset.05:03
urlin2uin the kernel that is05:04
me0hanyone know how to find if no key is pressed while terminal is in 'raw' mode?05:04
agpaulus68: i dont remember, i think the format is ntfs, the server was a windows before05:05
paulus68ag: type in sudo fdisk -l05:06
paulus68ag: is you second harddrive listed there?05:07
wifioregonI have ubuntu 10.04 and 11.10 installed side by side.  I noticed now I have the option of going back to the old 2.6 kernel but still use 11.10.  It works great except my builtin wifi doesnt work, but my usb wifi does.  Everything works great when I use the new kernel with 11.10 but when I use the old kernel with 11.10, not so much.05:08
agpaulus68: it show two05:08
Coreywifioregon: Yes, older kernels and newer hardware.... :-)05:09
agpaulus68: one is /dev/sda and the other is /dev/sdb05:09
wifioregonCorey: but when I use 10.04 with the old kernel it works great with both my wifi adapters.05:09
paulus68ag: type in df -h is your drive shown there the sdb one05:10
wifioregonIs there a way to get 11.10 with the old kernel working with both my wifi adapters? or am I stuck using 10.04?  Whats the downside to using 10.04? it seems WAY more stable05:10
urlin2uwifioregon, have you considered getting the 11.10 kernel working?05:11
agpaulus68: no05:11
doug___they don't care05:11
wifioregonurline2u: the 11.10 kernel wont work with MANY programs of mine...no patches available05:12
urlin2uwifioregon, okay then.:D05:12
paulus68ag: sudo mount -a /dev/sdb1 /mnt/backup05:12
wifioregonI guess I'm stuck going back and forth between 10.04 and 11.10...I really hope 12.04 is more stable than 11 has been. I know its supposed to be a stable release...(*keeps fingers crossed, and waits till april)05:13
vaevubuntu uses UUID for partitions instead of device names in /etc/fstab.. I'm trying to replicate that behaviour in a custom system. does mount understand UUID out of the box and is it related to a setting in kernel?05:13
agpaulus68: i forgot to mention that under the system name theres one that say extended and is /dev/sda205:14
agpaulus68: and the other say Linux05:15
paulus68ag: do you work with desktop ubuntu or server?05:16
agpaulus68: ubuntu server05:16
doug___if i have 4 computers is it possible to join all 4 hd so they look like one?05:17
PharaohCan anyone help me? I need help with my behavioral problems and need some self-help advice.05:17
doug___yep i can help join the psychiatrist room05:17
wifioregonPharaoh...try ubuntu-offtopic...05:17
wifioregonPharaoh: I really like Smart recovery http://www.smartrecoveryforum.org ..they have a chat room05:18
wifioregonPharaoh: its a secular science based group05:18
paulus68ag: sudo mkdir /mnt/disk205:18
paulus68ag: sudo mount - a /dev/sda2 /mnt/disk205:19
paulus68ag: cd /mnt/disk205:19
PharaohWifi thank you brother.05:19
PharaohIs there a psychiatrist room?05:19
wifioregonPharaoh: they use congnitive therapy methods and is very well done05:19
FastPutty12.04 is save to use?05:19
urlin2uPharaoh, nop and #ubuntu-offtopic is not as described05:19
urlin2uwifioregon, please don't do that.05:20
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paulus68ag: ls -al05:20
Pharaohurlin2u what do you mean?05:20
urlin2uPharaoh, your being liued to.05:20
paulus68ag: does this show the content of your harddrive you had under windows?05:21
urlin2uPharaoh, if you really need help see a counselor.05:21
PharaohI'm too broke man!05:21
PharaohI need help understanding why I'm so unproductive.05:21
PharaohAnd why my brain is always in auto-pilot mode.05:21
urlin2uPharaoh, your not going to find out why on the irc.05:22
agpaulus68: this is what it say:  total 8 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2012-01-24 23:18 .05:22
paulus68ag: was there something on it before you changed to ubuntu?05:22
agpaulus68: no it was empty05:23
paulus68Pharaoh: go to one of your best mates/parents and try to get some advice from him/her05:23
paulus68ag: ok then this is normal so if you type in df -h does it show now 2 or 3 harddrives?05:24
agpaulus68: it show just one /dev/sda105:26
tristan3299hello, looking to find out what file contains the info for my default file browser setting05:27
paulus68ag: sudo mount -a /dev/sda2 /mnt/disk205:29
agpaulus68: it say you must specify the filesystem type05:30
tristan3199why is it that dolphin wont show any files unless under root???05:31
paulus68ag: that's out of my league here05:31
paulus68!fstab | ag05:31
ubottuag: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions05:31
tristan3199anybody here familiar with using other file managers than nautilus.... im trying to figure out a few small issues.. first is why wont dolphin show any files with out being in root..05:32
linociscohow could I use real photoshop in ubuntu 11.10? i dont like GIMP or others05:33
linociscousing wine is so slow like using on VM05:33
somsiplinocisco: use wine - some version of CS apparently run fine05:33
tristan3199linocisco: what about playonlinux..05:34
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hiddensoullinocisco, short of using wine or VM there is no other way to run PS in linux05:34
lagboxhello ... just upgraded to 11.04 ... how do i remove this piece of crap desktop interface and get my normal desktop and panels back ive been using for ever ?05:34
tristan3199does anybody know what may be causing dolphin to not be able to operate unless in root???05:34
somsip!nounity | lagbox05:35
ubottulagbox: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic05:35
lagboxthx :)05:35
somsiplagbox: sorry - !classic would have been more helpful for 11.0405:35
lagboxyea quite a shock when i just booted back up05:36
tristan3199hey i dont want to flood.. if anybody would just respond and say they have no idea ill go away.. and just figure this out solo.. but help would be nice..05:36
tristan3199i am trying to understand why dolphin wont run correctly unless as a root user05:37
NastyNazim having file permission nightmares, can anyone help please?05:37
genewitchtristan3199: dolphin the emulator?05:37
linociscois there any tools to convert pdf to ms word file?05:37
tristan3199genewitch: the file browser05:37
NastyNazi have a file in /var/www that is written by user 'mc5', however www-data needs to be able to read the file. how can i make that happen?05:38
genewitchtristan3199: oh. no idea. does it open any ports?05:38
NastyNazif I CHOWN the file mc5 will overwrite it with its own permissions05:38
genewitchNastyNaz: add www-data to the same group as mc505:38
lagboxsomsip, can you give me more info for 11.0405:38
NastyNazgenewitch: how can i do that?05:38
somsip!classic | lagbox05:38
ubottulagbox: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity05:38
genewitchNastyNaz: man gpasswd05:38
lagboxthx :)05:38
NastyNazgenewitch: thanks05:38
lagboxawesome .. brb05:39
somsiplagbox: gah - doesn't help nuch either. Basically, when you log into GDM, you should have a drop down at the bottom and you can chose Gnome Classic from there05:39
tristan3199genewitch: not really sure what you mean by opening ports.. its not related to anything online05:39
NastyNazhow can i list all current groups? if i make a new group and add users A and B, do members of that group automatically have all permissions of A and B?05:40
makarahi. I can't turn off the standard toolbar. It keeps reappearing, floated in the middle of the screen. I'm on Ubuntu 11.1005:41
tristan3199anybody familiar with dolphin??05:41
makaraon LibreOffice05:41
somsipNastyNaz: cat /etc/group. And, no05:41
tristan3199or even knowledge of file permissions in nautilus might point me in the right direction05:42
NastyNazwhats the command to create a group?05:42
lagboxthx for that ... i guess i have to setup all my old compiz settings again aswell05:43
tristan3199everytime i open dolphin in usr mode it doesnt show any files.. but in root it works perfectly.. what could be going on??05:43
lagboxhow do you add the ... shutdown/lock/logout thing back to the gnome panel ?05:44
makaraNastyNaz: groupadd05:44
tristan3199lagbox: they changed the panel a bit.. try alt + right click05:44
tristan3199lagbox: then choose add to panel05:44
makaraNastyNaz: I found it with 'apropos group'05:44
lagboxthey are seperate items05:44
tristan3199lagbox: im wrong accually, ill click around for a bit..05:45
lagboxthere used to be a default one ... that would let you do everything ...   thx tristan319905:45
NastyNazi dont get it, i made the group 'mapgroup' and did 'usermod -g mapgroup mc5' but under /etc/group mc5 doesnt show up as having a group05:46
genewitchtristan3199: then i'd google it, maybe that version is broken or something, or maybe it needs to run as root once to do something, who knows05:47
tristan3199lagbox: right click the bottom panel.. then click add to panel05:47
genewitchNastyNaz: look under mapgroup05:47
Gskelligif i have ./executable where do I put it so I can run it anywhere?05:48
tristan3199lagbox: while holding alt05:48
genewitchNastyNaz: it looks like mapgroup:abunchofcrapnumbers:user1,user2,user3,05:48
NastyNazi did it just says mapgroup:x:1003:05:48
bobo37773tristan3199: Did it just start happening?05:48
Gskellig /usr/bin ?05:48
somsipGskellig: somewhere in your path, possibly ~/bin or /usr/local/bin if you want it to be widely available05:48
tristan3199bobo37773: yep..05:48
lagboxtristan ... using classic05:48
lagboxjust right click05:48
tristan3199lagbox: yeah.. its picky about where you click.. i just clicked in the middle of the empty space with all my windows minimized05:49
bobo37773tristan3199: Did you try renaming the config files so that the program is forced to recreate them? That is probably where I would start. Maybe reinstalling it too05:49
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mark_morcomhI - Please help - I am using Ubuntu Oneiric and my keypad stopped working but now it cotrols my mouse - I found some Hardy fixes for the same problem, but it does not work - The Hardy solution was Ctrl+Shift+Numlock05:49
NastyNazI fixed it, I had to do 'usermod -a -G mapgroup mc5'05:49
mark_morcomHow can I fix it05:49
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tristan3199bobo 37773: do you know where to locate said files.. i have looked for them but with no luck finding them yet..05:50
mark_morcomOh, Im using Gnome  and not Unity05:50
lagboxlets get passed the clicking part ... what option do you see that combines logout/shutdown/etc ... into one item like the default panel05:50
mark_morcom*Gnome 305:50
bobo37773None in $HOME?05:51
bobo37773tristan3199: None in $HOME?05:51
tristan3199lagbox: its in the list that pops up.. ill look05:51
tristan3199bobo37773: ill unhide my files and double check real quick..05:51
lagboxnope it is not05:52
bobo37773tristan3199: If not there maybe ~/.config/ or /etc/05:52
NastyNazok still doesnt fix problem. When I run a program on mc5 it alters files in /var/www such that the owner and group become 'mc5' - 'www-data' still cant access the file. any ideas how to fix?05:52
bobo37773tristan3199: Also, are you loading it from a shortcut somewhere or straight from the terminal? If you load it in the terminal is there no terminal output?05:53
lagboxand what the poo is with it adjusting my compiz settings ... every damn time, its getting old this game05:53
mark_morcomHow do I disable Mouse Keys in Oneiric with Gnome 3 and Not UNITY?05:54
Ben64mark_morcom: alt+shift+numlock ?05:55
tristan3199bobo3773: yes there is output.. errors... ill put one in here..05:55
tristan3199lagbox: seems that they dont have the one your talking about now.. but its more customizable i guess...05:55
sysRPLtristan3199: hey man05:56
androidbrucecould anyone assist me in setting up my ubuntu server as my webhost and nameserver05:56
tristan3199sysRPL: yea05:56
sysRPLtristan3199: you need to fix your internet router05:56
sysRPLtristan3199: i cna see it from here05:56
lagboxno it is still there .. just not in the menu .. i had this issue before the upgrade ... when the panel doesnt load correctly it just starts removing sh...stuff05:56
tristan3199sysRPL: how do i fix that.. and what can you do with it???05:57
sysRPLi can pretty much screw you ... you need to fix that asap05:57
lagboxwhats the deal with unity anyway ... reminds me of an osx clone05:57
tristan3199sysRPL: how where u able to notice that?05:58
sysRPLwith the finger command05:58
tristan3199dolphin(13385): No ksycoca4 database available!05:59
bobo37773tristan3199: That is the error when you run it as normal user?06:00
tristan3199sysRPL: thank you.. how do i correct this??06:00
tristan3199bobo37773: correct06:00
tristan3199bobo37773: or the most significant one.. there are a few..06:00
tristan3199bobo37773: screen fulls06:01
makara_androidbruce: a very unlikely request06:02
bobo37773tristan3199: Do you run kde or just dolphin by itself?06:02
androidbrucemakara_, yeah06:03
tristan3199bobo37773: just dolphin,, should i show you a couple of the other errors..06:03
androidbrucemakara_, just need some direction06:03
tristan3199dolphin(13456)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig:06:03
tristan3199QFile::remove: Empty or null file name06:03
androidbrucemakara_, i know how to setup apache2 and sql, but what about nameservers06:04
lagboxwhats the deal with losing all your configurations after upgrades .... how does that make any sense at all06:04
tristan3199sysRPL: how do i hide??06:05
makara_androidbruce: http://nixcraft.com/getting-started-tutorials/525-ubuntu-linux-setup-configure-domain-name-server-bind.html06:05
lagboxhas compiz been replaced ?06:05
genewitchNastyNaz: you ahve to put www-data,mc5 in that group entry06:06
makara_lagbox: no06:06
genewitchNastyNaz: use gpasswd or just edit the file with sudo nano06:06
bobo37773tristan3199: Do you have a command on your system called "kbuildsycoca"?06:06
lagboxthen why does a new version of gnome remove my settings06:07
JessehHello can someone please tell me what --user does and what the local directory is primarily used for06:07
bobo37773tristan3199: Maybe kbuildsycoca406:07
somsiplagbox: no, just some functions are less than compatible with 11.04, even if you back out of Unity06:08
makara_Ubuntu is pushing for its own interface with Unity06:08
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lagboxwhat is the benefit to unity, because i dont see it and already switched back to classic06:09
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somsipJesseh: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/ will tell you about local06:09
wolfmanzunity is for tablets:)06:09
tristan3199bobo37773: trying to create local folder /home/tristan/.kde/cache-tristan-LT20: Permission denied06:10
JessehAlright, what do I hit when im on that page06:10
Jessehim lost already ahha06:10
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somsiplagbox: a significant proportion of users stay with it and it seems to be the fixed way forward for stock ubuntu installs06:10
lagboxi see06:10
Jessehthe PDF is fine i guess06:10
bobo37773tristan3199: What is that from? The command I gave you?06:10
androidbrucethanks makara06:10
androidbrucemakara, this bind config is a bit complex eh?06:10
tristan3199yep: i just have kybuildsycoca406:11
lagboxis unity gnome3 or are they seperate entities ?06:11
tristan3199sysRPL: any advice?06:11
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somsiplagbox: separate06:11
tristan3199bobo37773: correct06:11
makaraandroidbruce: I leave it to OpenDNS06:11
lagboxam i losing something besides the unity interface by using classic ?06:11
rigved!unity | lagbox06:12
ubottulagbox: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity06:12
makaralagbox: you lose plenty. just set the Unity Launcher to hide, install Docky and customize the heck out of compiz06:12
rigved!gnome3 | lagbox06:12
ubottulagbox: GNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty/11.04, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.06:12
makaraandroidbruce: why you setting your own dns may I ask?06:13
lagboxthat doesn't make any sense .... at all06:13
somsiplagbox: it is a matter of personal preference. Unity is moving forward with things like the global menu bar, lenses and the hub. You may not get any of these without unity, and possibly other functionality06:13
androidbrucemakara, want to host my own site completely from home.06:13
androidbrucemakara, i have a commercial account with static ip at home06:13
tristan3199bobo37773: but there is no home/tristan folder existing06:13
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lagboxunity is the dfault ui since 11.04 ... gnome3 is the desktop environment on which unity is based ... gnome 3 is not supported b y 11.04 and may break your system06:14
thrillERboyHi Guys, How do I login to a remote SSH with my SSH Keys, the remote server is set up with my keys.06:14
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ro0otHey, I was wondering if there is a way I can change my gnome (ubuntu 9) to unity without upgrading...is this possible?06:14
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hallowHey, I was wondering if there is a way I can change my gnome (ubuntu 9) to unity without upgrading...is this possible?**06:15
tristan3199bobo37773: should i create one?? and include a file by that name at the path its looking for??06:15
hallowsorry for the double message06:15
hallowI just had some lag.06:15
somsiplagbox: unity is a bit like G3 in concept and design, that the similarity ends there as far as compatibility is concerned. G3 is still in beta for 11.10 AFAIK so it cannot be recommended06:15
lagboxwell that makes more sense06:16
kroonrsthrillERboy: if your public key has been added to your user accounts' authorized_keys in .ssh , you should simply be able to ssh <username>@<host>06:16
makaraandroidbruce: still not sure why you need a nameserver for that. Unless you've got a LAN tucked behind the server that needs some serious routing.06:17
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bobo37773tristan3199: What? How could you not have a home folder?06:17
rigvedlagbox: in 11.04, unity was based on gnome2. since 11.10, unity is based on gnome3. gnome3 is only supported since 11.10, not on 11.04 or before as it conflicts with gnome2.06:17
tristan3199bobo37773: i have a home folder.. but there is no folder named tristan inside of it..06:17
androidbrucemakara, hosting requires nameserver, how can I host without a nameserver?06:17
somsipandroidbruce: you can't. Look at a service like DynDNS or Route5306:17
bobo37773tristan3199: Did you create a user named tristan in the past?06:18
thrillERboykroonrs: My key is .ssh directory with id_rsa and id_rsa.pub. Should I manually add those keys to user accounts?06:18
Ben64androidbruce: your registrar should have nameservers you can use06:18
androidbrucei used dyndns when I had a dyanmic ip somsip06:18
lagboxso i guess i might as well continue my upgrade chain to 11.1006:18
androidbruceBen64, AH true06:18
androidbruceBen64, then just have the DNS point to my home IP06:18
somsipandroidbruce: they provide a nameserver service for custom domains IIRC06:18
androidbruceand config apache06:18
hallowHey, I was wondering if there is a way I can change my gnome (ubuntu 9) to unity without upgrading...is this possible?06:18
bobo37773tristan3199: Open a terminal and type "pwd"06:19
lagboxhallow, why would you want to06:19
tristan3199bobo37773: i apoligize.. i do have home/tristan.. and also home/home  it seemed i was in the wrong spot lookin around.. sorry06:19
Ben64androidbruce: home based servers aren't a very good idea though06:19
NastyNazhow do i use pipe properly? nano | locate php.ini <-- doesnt work06:19
androidbruceBen64, commercial internetz with no cap06:19
somsiphallow: no06:19
kroonrsthrillERboy: I guess those keys are on your local PC, and you want to be able to ssh to a server.  In that case, you've got to put the contents of id_rsa.pub into .ssh/authorized_keys in the home dir of your account on the server06:19
androidbruceBen64, I am a business essentially06:19
hallowlagbox: I have modified my kernel to meet specific needs that would be a paint to attempt with the new OS.06:19
Ben64androidbruce: static ip?06:19
androidbruceit's not as "reliable" I suppose06:19
androidbruceBen64, yup06:19
bobo37773tristan3199: Try this: Rename your .kde folder to .kde.backup or whatever and rerun the command06:19
seanismi found a great tutorial on SSH06:19
Ben64androidbruce: what kind of bandwidth?06:20
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majorHELLO... I need help... I can't ssh my servers06:20
lagboxhallow, no ... why would you want unity is my question ... just wondering which feature you are looking for that it provides06:20
androidbruceBen64, 25/1206:20
androidbruceBen64, 25 down and 12 up06:20
hallowlagbox: it just looks nice, really.06:20
kroonrsmajor: can you ping your server, or access a website on the server?06:20
makaraandroidbruce: if a user can find your nameserver, why can't they find your website?06:20
hallowlagbox: do you know of any tutorials that exist for it?06:20
tristan3199bobo37773: when i try to enter the folder .kde it says You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of ".kde".06:20
lagboxNastyNaz, pipe goes left to right06:21
androidbrucemakara, they can. I was just trying to go about it the "proper" way06:21
majorkroonrs: no no I lost the keyring because I formatted my netbook06:21
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Ben64androidbruce: not bad for a small site, yeah just set the ip on your registrar and set up apache06:21
lagboxhallow, no not at all ... if there is even one out there06:21
smp4488im trying to cross compile a kernel for arm and im get weird errors http://pastebin.com/r9Ej93GH06:21
androidbruceBen64, yeah06:21
bobo37773tristan3199: Then use root to rename directory06:21
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tristan3199bobo37773: awsome.. will do06:21
lagboxhallow, the ubuntu forums would be a good place to start06:22
kroonrsmajor: so the problem is that you have forgotten your passwords?06:22
NastyNazlagbox: so how do I get nano to open the output from 'locate php.ini' ?06:22
hallowlagbox: thanks06:22
majorI know the passwords kroonrs but I can't access06:22
bobo37773tristan3199: sudo mv /home/tristan/.kde /home/tristan/.kde.backup06:22
lagboxNastyNaz, read the man on nano and see if you can actually pass it data like that ... if not put the output into a file and nano the file06:23
kroonrsmajor: what happens if you type ssh <username>@<host> ?06:23
makaramajor: you need to login into your host and reset the ssh details06:23
tristan3199bobo37773: done06:23
bobo37773tristan3199: Are you still getting the same error?06:23
lagboxand now my computer doesn't know what to do with certain files ... yay for that06:23
lagboxif im just going to have to reconfigure everything after an upgrade im just going to format and do a clean install06:24
tristan3199bobo37773: i can enter the .kde file now but still empty windows..06:24
majorkroonrs & makara: I created an id_rsa key and server support replaced the old key in "authorized_keys" but I'm still getting (access denied)06:24
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bobo37773tristan3199: you should not be able to enter .kde if it does not exist. How did you recreate it?06:25
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lagboxGskellig, make up your mind06:25
lagboxi was kidding :)06:26
makaramajor: download it again and put it in .ssh folder06:26
NiteHawkcan yall help me06:26
tristan3199bobo37773: i opened a file with dolphin.. did i jump the gun06:26
bobo37773tristan3199: With kbuildsycoca?06:26
lagboxNiteHawk, whats your question06:26
tristan3199i removed the file..06:26
NiteHawki cant connect to my home server06:26
majormakara: download what exactly?06:26
Gskelligtheres a nick war going on in another channel06:27
GskelligI'll stop lurking here so it won't bug you lol06:27
makaramajor: the id_rsa key06:27
tristan3199bobo37773: do i need kbuildsycoca or will kbuildsycoca4 be enough06:27
lagboxNiteHawk, okay ...06:27
NiteHawkaurora.ca.us.serenity-irc,net 666706:27
majormakara: dones aroud 3-4 times and still the same thing06:27
bobo37773tristan3199: no kbuildsyscoca4 is probably right06:27
kroonrsmajor: can't you get server support to remove all your keys, so that you can login with your password?  Then you can manually set up the keys yourself?06:28
tristan3199bobo37773: should i type kbuildsycoca4 in the teminal now...06:28
kroonrsmajor: or do you have multiple keys authorized?  In that case, they may have replaced the wrong one?06:28
majormakara: I booted server on rescue and did it myself 3-4 times06:28
bobo37773tristan3199: Yeah, give it a shot06:28
lagboxNiteHawk, you have to be more specific than that06:28
lagboxNiteHawk, what is the problem06:28
tristan3199bobo37773: thank you so much... its good now..06:29
NiteHawki cant logon days server not found06:29
bobo37773tristan3199: Dolphin is working correctly now?06:29
lagboxNiteHawk, can't connect from where06:29
lagboxNiteHawk, what OS ... what OS are you on ... isp ... etc etc06:29
tristan3199bobo37773: yes it is...  is there a way to make it default over nautilus..06:30
lagboxNiteHawk, you can't connect to a computer at your house from your house ?06:30
tristan3199bobo37773: i have managed to make the "places" drop down menu use dolphin but not the desktop yet06:30
Hyper_ShaHi Guys, does anyone knows how to split a 5GB txt file into smaller sizes? like 2GB each?06:30
majorkroonrs: the weird thing: I created another key outside ~/.ssh and it worked... also the copied the denied id_rsa file outside ~/.ssh and it worked too06:30
NiteHawk;ey me try again06:30
bobo37773tristan3199: Of course. There are a couple of ways. Do you want to keep nautilus?06:30
makaramajor: can you sftp into your server?06:31
tristan3199bobo37773: just as a back up in case i mess something up.. but i dont really like it..06:31
kroonrsmajor: sounds like a misconfiguration of ssh on the machine where that happened06:31
zeknoxHyper_Sha: depending on the layout you could use head + tail commands in linux to split the text up06:31
lagboxhow do i tell my system ... using gnome-classic that a torrent file is to be associated with a torrent application and why the hell do i have to manual configure this after an upgrade06:31
majormakara: what is sftp?06:32
bobo37773tristan3199: Look at /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache06:32
zeknoxmajor: secure file transfer, typically runs over port 22/tcp06:32
Hyper_Shazeknox: it's a wordlist file06:32
majorkroonrs: 99% it's all here06:32
kroonrsHyper_Sha: man split06:32
zeknoxHyper_Sha: split it up with head and tail in linux then06:32
majormakara: no I'm getting access denied on anything06:32
warrensheetshi all06:33
Hyper_Shakroonrs: thx06:33
Hyper_Shazeknox: thx06:33
warrensheetsim ne to lenix06:33
majorit is something related to keyring, or seahorse06:33
kroonrsHyper_Sha: np :)06:33
zeknoxkroonrs: I never even knew about the split command...haha06:33
lagboxwarrensheets, Linux06:33
FastPuttyguys what is the site again to test pin from many country arround the world06:33
kroonrsmajor: sorry, don't think I have any more useful suggestions - I hope makara/someone else can help you further :(06:33
FastPuttyi completly forget it06:33
FastPuttytest ping**06:34
makaramajor: who is your host?06:34
majormakara: digicube06:34
bobo37773tristan3199: Maybe ~/.local/share/applications/ too06:34
makaramajor: check their forums or google for similar issues06:34
majormakara: tried06:34
tristan3199bobo37773: for this line application/x-gnome-saved-search=nautilus.desktop;nautilus-folder-handler.desktop;??06:34
makaramajor: could access denied be a blocked port on your machine? I don't know06:36
bobo37773tristan3199: I think its inode/directory06:36
bobo37773thats mine06:36
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bobo37773tristan3199: keep looking06:37
bobo37773tristan3199: Its line 349 in mine06:37
bobo37773tristan3199: Should be alphabetical order06:38
tristan3199bobo37773: i have less than fourty lines.. one is inode/directory=kde4-dolphin.desktop;banshee.desktop;vlc.desktop;06:38
tristan3199bobo 37773: from mimeapps.list06:39
tristan3199bobo37773: in local/applications06:39
bobo37773tristan3199: yeah thats the line06:39
bobo37773tristan3199: what file are you editing?06:40
bobo37773tristan3199:  /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache    right?06:40
wookienzguys if i chmod 000 a file, should they sill be able to access iva thr web?06:40
warrensheetsim tring to make my own server can anyone help06:41
bobo37773wookienz: ?06:41
tristan3199bobo37773: yep.. just found what your pointing me too..06:41
wookienzsorry a bit obscure... i have a php file, i want people to not access it, can i just chmod 000 it?06:41
tristan3199line 35406:41
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bobo37773tristan3199: Yeah. What does it say?06:42
warrensheetscan anyone tell me how to host my own web site from lenix06:43
lagboxdoes 11.04 still use nautilus ... i mean what the fudge .. i have a crippled desktop now ... why06:43
tristan3199bobo37773: now it reads inode/directory=dolphin.desktop;kde4-dolphin.desktop;dolphin-folder-handler.desktop;06:43
lagboxcant even up a damn folder06:43
bobo37773tristan3199: Did you change it to that or is that what is said already?06:44
lagboxive been using linux since 98 and have never had as many problems as i have had with the upgrade to 10.10 and 11.04 so far06:44
majorlagbox: please read http://pastebin.com/5n13tmyH06:44
tristan3199bobo37773: what about x-content/blank-bd=brasero-nautilus.desktop;06:45
tristan3199should that read x-content/blank-bd=brasero-dolphin.desktop;06:45
RedfleaHi - Noob here, trying to install Ubuntu for dual boot...10.04.3 on CD, on a Sony VPC CW290L laptop - Nvidia graphics, Win 7 Pro.  Every time I start install, or demo, or anything requiring Ubuntu to display anything (other than language selection and the initial menu in Demo mode) the screen goes blank...things appear to be running, but no display.  Anything I can do, or does that mean this laptop won't install/run ubuntu. <sad>06:46
linociscowhere and how to register an IRC account to use with pidgin?06:46
lagboxRedflea, it probably will install .. it may be loading the wrong graphic driver after that point06:46
bobo37773tristan3199: Not sure.06:47
majorlagbox: any ideas?06:47
aeon-ltdlinocisco: you mean registering a nick(name)?06:47
Redflealagbox: how do I fix it/get it to display anything during (and after, LOL, install?  Can't install if I can't see anything..06:47
tristan3199bobo37773: also x-content/unix-software=nautilus-autorun-software.desktop;06:47
bobo37773tristan3199: No no no06:47
lagboxRedflea, your talking about booting into a livecd ?06:47
bobo37773tristan3199: those entries must exist06:47
RedfleaI've got a CD 10.04.3 32 bit that I burned from an ISO in the CD drive...06:47
lagboxmajor, i have no idea06:48
Redflealagbox: trying to run the install from that CD...screen goes black...06:48
lagboxRedflea, your probably going to have to pass the kernel a special command or manualy through command line have it load a different driver for xorg06:48
lagboxi cant think of how to do that or what is the right thing off the top of my head though06:49
bobo37773tristan3199: The ones you have to choose from are in /usr/share/applications   open a terminal and type "ls /usr/share/applications"06:49
Redflealagbox:  Thanks...any idea where I can find out what to use?06:49
tristan3199bobo37773: ok..06:49
tristan3199bobo37773: done06:49
Redflealagbox:  I'm happy to read/learn, but am a linux noob...06:49
lagboxRedflea, the ubuntu forums will probably have some good insight into the boot menu of the cd06:49
bobo37773tristan3199: You can't just 'wing it'. brasero-dolphin.desktop probably doesn't exist...06:49
goddardhow much faster would ubuntu be if i compiled it for my machine?06:50
tommynmwhi all06:50
Redflealagbox:  OK, thanks...I'll go spend some time there, ask questions, do a little searching/reading.  Thanks very much.  later06:50
tristan3199bobo37773: gotcha..06:50
lagboxRedflea, it is common, or was, to have to pass boot parameteers to the kernel for different issues06:50
bobo37773goddard: hard to say06:50
ultrixxgoddard: are you using 64 bit version?06:50
Redfleacool...hopefully I will triumph.  :)06:50
bobo37773goddard: Everything from source?06:50
lagboxbut im probably not the guy to ask at the moment im already thinking of switching to another distro06:51
goddardultrixx: ya06:51
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ultrixxgoddard: then probably almost nothing06:51
lagboxthe last 3 or 4 version have pissed me off06:51
goddardultrixx: why do you say that?06:51
bobo37773goddard: What compile options / make options are you going to use?06:52
sjihsHi, What is the difference b/w thread_siblings and core_siblings in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology?06:52
linociscoaeon-ltd: yes06:52
goddardbobo37773: well i could try the intel compiler for my intel machine06:52
goddardbobo37773: if that even works06:53
lagboxsjihs, im not upon the multi core thing but they are def different06:53
ultrixxgoddard: you already have the 64 bit instructions/registers and sse/sse2 that are used by the 64 bit version06:53
bobo37773goddard: Hmmm. Do you mean just recompiling the kernel?06:53
goddardbobo37773: i guess i wasn't exactly sure was curious if any part of the system could be improved upon if i compiled it for my system06:54
goddardsimilar to mac06:54
sjihslagbox: yes, I read the linux-2.6/Documentation/cputopology.txt. But couldn't understand the description06:54
ultrixxgoddard: in 32 bit environment it makes a difference between i386 and i686 instructions06:54
bobo37773goddard: Yeah, it is not really the Ubuntu way for the most part. Compiling your kernel may help though.06:54
bobo37773goddard: Are you having speed issues?06:55
lagboxsjihs, im not sure of the terminology that is used to describe the space in which threads exist in relationship to cores06:55
bobo37773goddard: like too slow I mean06:55
goddardbobo37773: i have a good laptop and speed is fine but was impressed by OSX and the speed of the interface06:56
Super_Mario_MidNIs Ubuntu actually better than Kubuntu?06:56
sjihslagbox: same here06:56
goddardSuper_Mario_MidN: that isn't a fact based question06:56
lagboxSuper_Mario_MidN,  kubuntu is ubuntu with kde ... i believe06:56
ultrixxSuper_Mario_MidN: kubuntu uses kde, ubuntu uses unity06:57
ultrixxSuper_Mario_MidN: so if you belong to the people who don't like unity and who like kde, then kubuntu is better for you.06:57
lagboxrick james06:57
ultrixxSuper_Mario_MidN: the rest of the packages are the same06:58
lagboxsjihs, i got out of lower level programming before the multicore thing became an issue06:58
jiltdilis there any 64 bit oracle xe .deb package available06:58
bobo37773goddard: I went through that same thing a while back.06:59
lagboxive had a 64bit processor for 6 years and have never used it outside of 32bit so idk06:59
sjihslagbox: ok06:59
lagboxi suppose the support for it has caught up by now07:00
Super_Mario_MidNI like windows 7 better07:00
bobo37773goddard: My solution in the end was switching to arch and optimizing my system to the max (custom kernel, preloading applications, running my own dns server etc etc..).07:00
lagboxSuper_Mario_MidN, you would07:00
sjihslagbox: Yes, definitely.07:00
lagboxbobo37773, why not use gentoo if your all about optimization ?07:00
ejvcmon fellas, #ubuntu-offtopic07:01
lagboxto who ejv07:01
bobo37773lagbox: Never tried it... ok ejv ok Back on topic07:01
ejvyou and anyone who's offtopic07:01
Super_Mario_MidNjk I love Ubuntu07:02
Super_Mario_MidNAny one with NXP chip experience here?07:02
bobo37773goddard: ssd drive would probably help or preloding applications into ram07:03
bobo37773goddard: Oh, and e4rat is super awesome07:03
honey_what does the indication of the red ! in Gparted of partion like http://imagebin.org/19539507:03
bobo37773honey_: Hover over it with the mouse or click it. It should tell you something07:04
lagboxis that a ubuntu question07:05
bobo37773goddard: You know what would make a huge difference? Try a different window manager.07:05
lagboxbobo37773, nice :)07:05
lagboxdoes ubuntu still offer window maker ?07:06
bobo37773lagbox: I am in love with openbox.07:06
lagboxunderstandable   nice and light weight07:06
bobo37773lagbox: I tried awesome but just couldn't get into it. What is window maker? You have to design it yourself?07:07
lagboxi love how we are the only ones talking and some how this is off topic07:08
somsipbobo37773: awesome is great, but no suited to everyone07:08
bobo37773lagbox: Hahaha. I went to offtopic earlier and it is boooooring07:09
lagboxill have to check it out ... if it is in ubuntus repo07:09
bobo37773somsip: I gave it an honest try. I just couldn't get into it. Now I have to have pytyle though hahaha thanks awesome geesh07:09
somsipbobo37773: got to try alternatives as long as it takes you to somewhere that works for you07:10
bobo37773somsip: True true. I forgot what it was like to use nautilus07:10
_skplhow can i stop nautilus from opening a new window everytime i click on something07:11
bobo37773somsip: I miss compiz enhanced zoom desktop though. A lot07:11
tristan3199bobo37773: no luck getting the desktop icons to funtion.. i have edited and saved mimeinfo.cashe07:12
somsipbobo37773: never missed that. The only thing I really liked was CTRL-drag to screenshot, but I found xsnap so easily replaced07:12
lagboxi liked Enlightenment ... wish the guy had more support though ... have stuck with gnome07:12
bobo37773_skpl: Every time you click a folder it opens a new window? Did you look in the preferences menu?07:12
lagboxugg .. single click opening stuff07:13
bobo37773tristan3199: Desktop icons? Is this a new problem?07:13
lagboxala microcrap07:13
tristan3199bobo37773: i want my desktop folders opening in dolphin as well..07:13
ratz_hi friends07:14
bobo37773Do you mean you have shortcuts on your desktop for folders?07:14
bobo37773ratz_: Hey07:14
ratz_i have installed linux mint on my HP Netbook and wish to make it a DNS Server can someone please guide me?07:14
lagboxheres an ontopic one ... where in 11.04 using gnome-classic, do you set the default filemanager ?07:15
bobo37773lagbox: Are you talking about e17 same thing?07:15
tristan3199bobo37773: i learned that /etc/gnome/defaults.list allowed me to get the places dropdown menu opening in dolphin07:15
lagboxbobo37773, yes and the previous ones07:15
ratz_paulus68: i didnt understand what do u mean07:16
tristan3199bobo37773: now for the desktop folders such as my computer and home to open in dolphin as well..07:16
bobo37773lagbox: Gotcha. Yeah, I don't like it. I tried that before openbox. If I remember correctly it kept crashing07:16
paulus68ratz_: there was a package called bind which is used to make a dns server07:16
paulus68ratz_: don't know if this is changed by now07:17
bobo37773tristan3199: Create new shortcuts?07:17
chris_I got a bluetooth card with my wireless mouse. When I have it plugged in, bluetooth turns on and off rapidly07:17
tristan3199bobo37773: like remove "my computer" in settings and then add it back?? or maybe i should reboot?07:17
bobo37773tristan3199: Nautilus is drawing the desktop. Also, nautilus shortcuts will probably open nautilus07:17
bobo37773tristan3199: No need to reboot07:17
bobo37773linocisco: hi07:17
ratz_paulus68: is there any step by step guide for this07:18
lagbox_skpl, did you solve your prob .. its in nautilus preferences07:18
shovelli know it is off topic but can you guys help me with an issue in wine i am trying to play startrek armada 2 and there is a few problems here is the output of the console07:18
tristan3199bobo37773: sorry, not good with words i suppose.. im curious if the changes i just made should have made the desktop icon "my computer" open in dolphin07:18
bobo37773tristan3199: Can't you edit the shortcuts directly?07:19
bobo37773tristan3199: No I do not think a reboot will change your shortcuts07:19
chris_forgot its wednesday. I need to go07:20
shovelltristan3199, i have altered shortcuts and reboot diddnt change them07:20
bobo37773tristan3199:Can you right click and open with? I don't remember if nautilus has that feature07:20
tristan3199bobo37773: on normal files.. yes.. on the desktop.. no...07:21
paulus68!bind9 |ratz_07:21
paulus68!dns |ratz_07:22
ubotturatz_: To set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dns.html07:22
lagboxwhere to set default file manager in gnome-classic   ubuntu 11.0407:22
ratz_thanx ubottu07:23
tristan3199bobo37773: im almost there.. just this last kink.. if i open a folder from the desktop it opens nautilus still..07:23
bobo37773tristan3199: Can't you create new shortcuts from dolphin? Like right click on the folder you want and create shorttcut on desktop07:23
bobo37773tristan3199: Remove nautilus shortcuts with gconf or ubuntu tweak or something07:24
tristan3199bobo37773: gotcha.. they are system links.. but dont need them to be...07:24
bobo37773tristan3199: Yeah. What I am trying to say is remove old shortcuts and make new ones07:24
tristan3199bobo37773: thanks so much..07:25
bobo37773tristan3199: You're welcome. Glad I could help07:25
shovellhave any experience with fixing wine problems?07:26
tristan3199bobo37773: shoot.. the new links open in nautilus as well..07:27
tristan3199bobo37773: oddly enough.. two identical links... one in panel and one on desktop.. panel uses dolphin and desktop uses nautilus.. even tho they are exact copies..07:28
shovellhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/816177/  i know it is off topic but can you guys tell me if this is a ubuntu issue?07:30
bobo37773tristan3199: New link? Did you create it with Dolphin?07:30
bobo37773tristan3199: From dolphin?07:30
lagboxwhat happened to system settings and default applications in gnome ... preferred applications is useless07:30
bobo37773lagbox: Edit the mime types directly07:31
young_chookI need help please, in stupid speak to backup Thunderbird07:31
tristan3199bobo37773: yes sir...07:31
lagboxofcourse why would they keep such a usefull tool07:31
bobo37773shovell: Do you have d3d installed?07:31
lagboxi need to set nautilus as default file manager ... because right now it is saying some stupid command is the default one and it can't be run07:32
bobo37773lagbox: hahahaha Yeah the new gnome is so smart you don't need to be able to control it07:32
bobo37773lagbox: hahaha07:32
lagboxi am using gnome-classic07:32
bobo37773lagbox: What? Then why would the options be different?07:32
shovellbobo37773,  i was looking at that and i dont know for sure i think i did install it but?????07:32
lagboxnot for nothing you can get so user friendly that it becomes a problem ... and that is what i have noticed since 10.04 ... its like didn't we notice where microcrap failed07:33
bobo37773shovell: Try winetricks or playonlinux07:33
shovellbobo37773,  sure07:33
bobo37773lagbox: I think 10.04 was the best ubuntu ever07:33
shovellbobo37773,  it was07:33
richardcavellIt was pretty good07:33
lagboxi meant from then on07:33
ultrixxbobo37773: why not 10.10? you could still disable unity07:34
richardcavellI went back to 10.04 from 10.1007:34
tristan3199bobo37773: should i get back into those mime files and see if anymore editing may be required... is there a location that i missed..07:34
richardcavellI'm hoping 12.04 is similarly good07:34
ultrixxrichardcavell: why did you go back?07:34
richardcavellmore stable07:34
young_chookhow do you backup thunderbird please07:34
bobo37773tristan3199: No you just need to create a custom shortcut. How about a simple script?07:34
lagboxwell i am just about ready to go back to it myself at this point07:34
_skpldoes anyone know how to disbale the global menu in ubbutnu 11.1007:34
richardcavellIf Unity doesn't ruin 12.04 then I'm hoping it will be as good as 10.0407:35
tristan3199bobo37773: i edited /ect/gnome/defaults.list to get the places dropdown menu from the panel to work with dolphin...07:35
lagboxyea .. stop using unity07:35
shovellunity======= hate07:35
lagboxif i wanted a mac i would get a mac07:35
ultrixxrichardcavell: well you could still use kubuntu07:36
bobo37773tristan3199: Maybe just create a script like dolphin /user/directory/blah   and then point it to whatever icon you want to use07:36
lagboxits time to give mint a try i suppose07:36
aeon-ltd!register | linocisco07:36
ubottulinocisco: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode07:36
bobo37773lagbox: Why? More "user friendlyness"07:36
ultrixxrichardcavell: i prefer ubuntu but kubuntu 11.10 is awesome and you don't have to use gnome 3 or unity07:36
aeon-ltdlinocisco: i apologise for my lateness07:36
lagboxi suppose not then07:37
richardcavellultrixx, I want GNOME 207:37
lagboxhas debian fixed its dependency problems yet ?07:37
lagboxor run out of toy story characters07:37
bobo37773dependency problems?07:37
mark_morcomHi - i need help - The problem is detailed here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=191478907:37
wookienzguys how do i grep something, which returns about 10 thing, then run each of those through another function?07:38
bobo37773mark_morcom: Can't enable numlock?07:38
mark_morcomThe light comes on but the numpad controls my mouse07:38
bobo37773wookienz: Maybe a for each loop?07:38
lagboxmark_morcom, maybe a xorg problem ?07:39
mark_morcomSorry, Im new to minux - what is xorg?07:39
bobo37773mark_morcom: Numpad controls your mouse? Do you mean numlock isn't working?07:39
lagboxwookienz, right a bash script or perl07:39
tristan3199do i save a script as example.lnk or example.sh or ?07:40
mark_morcomWhen I googles it - It says that mouse keys is enables, I found a Hardy solution that said I had to press ctrl+ship+numlock - This did not work07:40
bobo37773tristan3199: You don't need a file extension07:40
bobo37773tristan3199: Just call it Home or Videos or whatever07:40
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lagboxmark_morcom, that file probably keeps getting written to by gnome07:41
mark_morcomlagbox, is there a way to stop that?07:41
lagboxwhat version of ubuntu07:41
bobo37773as long as the first line reads #!/bin/bash    the file extension does not matter07:42
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mark_morcomlagbox, 11.1007:42
bobo37773tristan3199: It may be better to create a real shortcut though now that I actually think about it07:42
bobo37773tristan3199: a .desktop file07:43
lagboxoh crap ... does xorg even have a config file in 11.1007:43
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bobo37773tristan3199: Like Home.desktop07:43
tristan3199bobo37773: thank you.. ill see what i can do07:43
sjihslagbox: This URL was very helpful to me. http://www.admon.org/about-cpu-the-logical-and-physical-cores/07:44
lagboxsjihs, sweet ... thanks07:44
bobo37773tristan3199: Refer back to /usr/share/applications/ for an example07:44
mark_morcomlagbox, when I sudo that config file I get the following output: http://codepad.org/RQwsUoV807:44
bobo37773tristan3199:       cat /usr/share/applications/dolphin.desktop07:45
bobo37773tristan3199: or whatever those are all shortcuts more or less07:45
XunilHi everyone, I got two problems 1) I am trying to connect to ubuntu computers using a cross-over-cable and setting one computer to "shared internet" and the other normal - but it cannot connect and 2) npviewer.bin is taking all my CPU and nautilus all my RAM07:46
lagboxmark_morcom, sudo doesnt do what you think ... or you phrased that wrong ... what file07:47
bobo37773mark_morcom: does that directory exist?07:47
mark_morcomI typed this into the terminal to edit the xml file that controls mousekeys07:48
mark_morcomsudo gedit /home/mark/.gconf/desktop/gnome/accessibility/keyboard/%gconf.xml07:48
bobo37773wookienz: Did you figure it out?07:48
lagboxXunil, how about pinging the other computer07:48
mark_morcomThe output was as above07:48
lagboxmark_morcom, dont07:48
lagboxmark_morcom, and stop trying to edit that file07:48
shovellbobo37773,  what is d3d anyways?07:48
mark_morcomThe folder does not exist by the way :)07:49
lagboxmark_morcom,    are you mark on your system07:49
bobo37773I don't think %gconf.xml is something you want to mess with07:49
bobo37773shovell: directx direct3d stuff     it is for windows games07:49
gemunuI've installed XBMC on ubuntu 10.04.3 and now I wanna add xbmc session to GRUB boot loader. Is it possible?07:49
nemessyshow can instal internet explorer and messenger?07:49
bobo37773shovell: Are you trying to run a game in wine or something?07:49
Xunillagbox: Doesn't work07:49
shovellbobo37773,  yes07:49
Xunillagbox: nm-applet can't even connect to the wired network07:49
lagboxXunil, i don't know much about cross over networking07:50
lagboxXunil, what wired network ?07:50
bobo37773shovell: Do you have winetricks or playonlinux installed?07:50
wookienzbobo37773: yeah i was using find command, so i used -exec to run it. thanks07:50
Xunilwell - DHCP-connection (normal network) on the one PC and "shared internet on the other" - or is that a wrong configuration?07:50
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shovellbobo37773, yes to both and i cant figure out playonlinux07:50
bobo37773wookienz: Right on07:51
subb1hi, I have the following fdisk o/p : http://paste.ubuntu.com/816193/   . Is it possible for me to create a new partition of 1G size?07:51
wookienzguys i have a bin file that was used to infect my webserver. I have no idea what it does but i would like t ruin it locally to see what it does. Any ideas on how i could do this safely?07:51
lagboxXunil, i don't know if that is correct ... it is more of a direct connection then a network07:51
lagboxwookienz, maybe a virtual box07:52
bobo37773shovell: run "winetricks d3dx9_36" or just winetricks to open the gui07:52
Xunilso - what would the correct configuration be? I also tried "manual" configuration using some 172.16.-ips and "link-only"07:52
CyberspaceloaVM sandbox is the only option I can think of, wookienz07:52
lagboxmark_morcom, you tried system -> preferences -> keyboard -> mouse keys ?07:52
bobo37773shovell: What is the name of the game you are trying to play?07:53
shovellbobo doing now07:53
shovellbobo37773,  sorry i am doing it now07:53
bobo37773shovell: You may need some other stuff too for the game to run right depending on the game07:54
shovellbobo37773,  star trek armada 207:54
shovellbobo37773,  i looked in appdb and there is no real help07:54
mark_morcomlagbox, In Gnome I can't find Preferences: I did find system setting and I looked at the keyboard setting and there is no mouse key options07:54
bobo37773shovell: you might need to also do -->           "winetricks corefonts vcrun6"07:55
shovellso wth does this mean?07:56
shovellbobo37773,  fixme:x11drv:X11DRV_desktop_SetCurrentMode Cannot change screen BPP from 32 to 1607:56
dranhello, what should i do if i accidentally removed /boot ?07:56
bobo37773shovell: No idea. Did you try "winetricks corefonts vcrun6" already?07:57
shovellbobo37773,  just did07:57
lagboxmark_morcom, did you say 11.10 ?07:57
shovellbobo37773, i am also having audio issues lol07:57
bobo37773shovell: What driver / video card are you using?07:57
mark_morcomYip lagbox - and running Gnome 3 - because I hate UNITY07:58
Kartagisif I'm seeing a stranger IP in netstat -antlp, how can I trace its process and shut it down?07:58
bobo37773shovell: Yeah, audio can be a nightmare sometimes07:58
shovellbobo37773,  amd something i cant remember the command to look07:58
lagboxmark_morcom, gnome-keyboard-properties07:58
shovellbobo37773,  it is a built in video card07:58
bobo37773shovell: nvidia or ati?07:59
HumbedoohKartagis, using lsof maybe?07:59
lagboxmark_morcom, in gnome2 it has an option for what you need07:59
bobo37773shovell: Does the game load at all now?07:59
KartagisHumbedooh: lsof gives me a too long list07:59
shovellbobo37773, radeon?07:59
bobo37773shovell: Yeah, that's ati07:59
Humbedoohyou could shorten it down through grep or by selecting the port to check :)08:00
shovellbobo37773,  yes it loads but it fails after some time08:00
bobo37773shovell: Are you using the closed source drivers or opensource?08:00
shovellbobo37773,  closed i am sure08:00
HumbedoohKartagis, if fx it was listening on port 80, you would do 'lsof -i:80'08:01
mike_egawhat's wrong with my downloaded ubuntu 11.10 live cd.. it hangs in boot. I never succeed loading it, even the version 10.10. I think the 8.10 version is better.08:02
bobo37773shovell: What version of wine?08:02
shovellbobo i just upgraded to 1.3.37 i think08:02
shovellbobo37773,  i just upgraded to 1.3.37 i think08:02
lagboxmike_ega, you might need to pass some arguments to the kernel at boot time08:02
=== Knorre`BNC is now known as Knorre
* Humbedooh saw 1.3.37 and immediate thought "That's an oooold Apache..."08:03
bobo37773shovell: I don't see why it wouldn't work. It has good ratings on winedb08:03
bobo37773shovell: Weird08:03
KartagisHumbedooh: seems to work, thanks08:03
dranhello, I accidentally formatted my boot partition, can someone help?08:03
mark_morcomlagbox, There is no option for that: This is the available options: http://codepad.org/FXiJu3vO08:03
Humbedoohyou're welcome08:03
Kartagislast night some IP from korea was in my netstat list08:03
shovellbobo37773, i am gonna run the game and have it print the output to a file and see how it goes08:04
chromaticwthow do I sha256sum a mounted cd as an iso image? will it have the same sum as the original .iso I burned it from?08:05
bobo37773shovell: I cannot analyze wine errors. It still looks like heiroglyphics to me. Sorry man08:05
shovellbobo37773,  no problem i appreciate the help you have given me08:05
Kartagisis it possible to filter top to show only some lines? namely lines 1-6 and httpd processes08:06
mike_egathe farthest I gone is in the shell.08:06
jason404how do I check if something is installed from the repository, witout actually installing it?08:06
bobo37773shovell: No problem. I hope you figure it out. Make sure to check on winehq.org08:06
Kartagisjason404: dpkg -l *package*08:06
mark_morcom1212121212 - lagbox - I just typed that on my numpad - Somehow - with all the messing around it got fixed - Im just not sure how :/08:06
jason404Kartagis: thanks08:07
metaspikeKartagis: probably.08:07
bobo37773chromaticwt: Use k3b or similar to create a new iso from the disk you burned. That should produce the same checksum08:07
lagboxmark_morcom, well hope for the best i suppose08:07
Kartagisjason404: np, metaspike: how?08:07
_skplfor some reason after i select my os from the grub menu it takes forever to load ubuntu, anyone knwo why?08:07
lagboxmark_morcom, i know nothing about gnome308:07
mark_morcomThanks for you time and help lagbox - It is greatly appreciated08:07
Cyberspaceloajason404: I always use dpkg --get-selections | grep package08:07
metaspikeKartagis: im not sure about it's switches, but you can grep it.   top | grep httpd08:08
XunilSo - does anybody have a link helping on configuring computer-to-computer ethernet connections?08:08
bobo37773later everyone take care08:08
lagbox_skpl, after the boot menu, hit enter a bunch and see if that causes a change08:08
Ben64Xunil: 1. connect ethernet cable 2. done08:08
lagboxXunil, did you try the ubuntu forum ?08:08
jason404Kartagis: that does n;t seem to work. I'll try what Cyberspaceloa said08:08
CyberspaceloaXunil: are you talking ad-hoc networking?08:08
lagboxbobo37773, be good08:08
Kartagisjason404: sorry, did you prefix in with sudo?08:09
Xunillagbox: Yeah08:09
XunilCyberspaceloa: Yes08:09
XunilBut not using wlan, using cable08:09
ZynuiMaicheHello!  Does anybody have time to help a n00b get internet working with ubuntu-netbook?08:09
jason404Cyberspaceloa: cheers, that workd08:09
Kartagissudo dpkg -l *package*08:09
jason404Kartagis: ues, of course08:09
XunilBen64: Well ... doesn't really work for me, so I think I need to configure someething08:09
Cyberspaceloajason404: no prob08:09
Ben64Xunil: do you have a router08:10
ZynuiMaichekind of08:10
CyberspaceloaXunil: I seem to remember that Wicd has some tools for ad hoc08:10
ZynuiMaichei dont have access to the router08:10
jason404Kartagis: ah sorry, I was typing -i08:10
ZynuiMaichejust that i can connect through wireless (apartment complex)08:10
Kartagisjason404: no sweat08:10
metaspikeif your life support system runs ubuntu, is there some way to prioritise your request for help?08:10
MestreLionZynuiMaiche: what do you mean by "ubuntu-netbook" ? You mean 10.04 Lucid Lynx Netbook Edition ?08:10
XunilBen64: Yes, but "somewhere else". I am connected to the router by wlan08:11
bullgard4'~$ sntop; HOST=Gator; STATUS=Down; COMMENT=local linux/alpha server'. What kind of host is »Gator«?08:11
Xuniland I am using different internet connections for each computer (due to some network stability problems)08:11
Ben64Xunil: ok... so then explain what you want to do, you're not being very clear08:11
XunilCyberspaceloa: Thanks, will try that08:11
Slartmetaspike: I think there are several options for paid support from canonical and others.. relying on an irc-channel for supporting your life-support-system seems a bit.. scary =)08:11
ZynuiMaicheUmmm.  It's 10.04 netbook remix I think08:12
XunilBen64: I want to connect the computers in order to be able to do fast VNC/ssh -X/file transfer/etc.08:12
ZynuiMaichelet me verify real quick08:12
CyberspaceloaXunil: I'm looking for some material I may have found once08:12
metaspikeSlart: dont be alarmed, it was a hypothetical question that's been bugging me. thanks :)08:12
lagboxi still cant get nautilus to open as default file manager ... what the f* is gnomes deal with that08:12
Ben64Xunil: then hook both of them up to the router with a cable08:12
MestreLionmetaspike: Cannonnical offers paid support for that exact reason ;)08:13
XunilBen64: I don't have a that long cable and it would be rather uncomfortable08:13
lagboxis there a gnome version of kde's systemsettings ?08:13
Xunilthey are located  on different floors08:13
MestreLionmetaspike: it is it's main revenue, besides Mark's pocket ;)08:13
ZynuiMaicheI downloaded the file "ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso.torrent" under the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS section on alternative downloads08:14
Ben64Xunil: if you can't connect them, then what do you want to do?! you're asking about hooking them up via ethernet!08:14
MestreLionZynuiMaiche: its the same I use... I could help you... PM if you want08:14
rhomhow to copy the specify font frm  /usr/share/fonts it really confusing coz the display name and the file name is different!08:14
ZynuiMaicheOk will do, thanks Jason404 for the help too :)08:14
CyberspaceloaXunil: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=129300508:15
CyberspaceloaXunil: that might be a good research starting point08:15
ZynuiMaichei can't pm...08:15
lagboxWhy the hell does gnome hide exo-preferred-applications ... as a completely seperate app then the Preferences -> Preferred Applications .... what a load of crap ... why is that not in the menu08:15
ZynuiMaichei'm just using the website08:15
XunilCyberspaceloa: Thanks - Ben64: No, I want to create a direct connection between them using a cross-over-cable08:16
CyberspaceloaXunil: obviously in order to utilize the connection you'll need at least a single service running, which may have been the original poster's problem08:16
Ben64Xunil: hook them up with a crossover then, and set ip addresses08:16
XunilBen64: I tried that - using "manual" settings in NetworkManager, but what do I need to set as gateway?08:17
Ben64don't need gateway08:17
MestreLionZynuiMaiche: when addressing someone here, try to type the persons name before your line... (just try "mest" and then hit TAB to auto-complete)... otherwise most people will fail to see you lines among the other ones08:17
CyberspaceloaXunil: here is a possible alternative to crossover cables - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc08:18
MestreLionZynuiMaiche: oh, website IRC access? install xchat right now :P08:18
XunilBen64: ok, than could I set one IP to, the other to and configure the subnetmask to
Ben64Xunil: yep08:19
XunilBen64: Ok - so I did exactly that and couldn't even ping to each other computer.08:21
XunilCyberspaceloa: Adhoc-Networks do work, but unfortunately I need the wifi-connection for connecting to the internet08:21
metaspikelagbox: something like this: sudo update-alternatives --config file-manager08:22
CyberspaceloaXunil: Ben64's direction seems to agree with this thread here - http://forums.techarena.in/networking-security/1138960.htm08:23
metaspikeXunil: does ifconfig show a eth connection?08:23
Ben64make sure its a crossover cable08:23
i42nmetaspike: yes08:24
Xunilmetaspike: Yes08:24
XunilAh, so maybe I shouldn't use as adress, but and upwards?08:24
Ben64doesn't matter08:24
metaspikemight want to take a look at the routers designated range? also, dhcpd can help, if you use dhcp...08:25
CyberspaceloaXunil: do you have any firewall rules running?08:26
specelectronкак установить isq08:27
XunilCyberspaceloa: Not explicitly08:27
Xunilmaybe ubuntu has configured something automatically08:27
CyberspaceloaXunil: check with "sudo iptables-save"08:27
Kartagis!ru | specelectron08:29
ubottuspecelectron: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.08:29
CyberspaceloaXunil: or "sudo ufw status" if you have ufw08:29
rhomany idea how to copy ttf fonts?08:31
metaspikerhom, install or extract from usr/share/08:32
CyberspaceloaXunil: here is a simple how-to for crossover cable networking in ubuntu - http://www.ehow.com/how_7193141_set-up-ubuntu-crossover-cable.html08:32
Cyberspaceloasorry, but I have to lurk for a while. Hope I helped a bit, Xunil08:32
aBoundLurking around.08:32
tristan3199sysRPL: you there?08:33
metaspikelurkers o_o08:33
tristan3199how do i add security to my router??08:33
theadmintristan3199: That doesn't make sense at all :P08:33
aBoundTristam, Doesn't sound like a Ubuntu problem.08:33
aBoundOops tristan3199 hehe08:34
theadminspecelectron: Используйте Empathy (он предустановлен) либо Pidgin (есть в репозиториях), официальный ICQ-клиент под Linux пока в разработке. Так же посетите #ubuntu-ru , здесь русский не приветствуется08:34
PharaohWhat's the best operating system for a noob like me?08:35
tristan3199sysrpl mentioned earlier that i was vulnrablue.. im using ubuntu and need to add some sort of security it seems.. was brought to my attention that people could mess my stuff up..08:35
metaspiketristan3199: there are many was to tighten a computers security, let me explain in brief...08:36
theadminPharaoh: You're asking this in #ubuntu and won't get an objective response. Can you PM me? I'll try to find the right thing for you :D08:36
icerootPharaoh: the one you like most08:36
somsiptristan3199: usually a router can allow, or disallow, traffic to flow through from one side to the other. Normally you have little (if any) going form the net to your PC, but al traffic is usually open from your PC to the net. I would not rely on what someone else has told you about the openness of your system. Check it yourself using something like Shields Up at www.grc.com08:38
rhomis there anything about the listing of the fonts?08:38
bazhangPharaoh, wrong place to poll. #ubuntu-offtopic please08:38
somsiprhom: only if you the whole thing08:38
tristan3199metaspike: it was in this room sysrpl said he "fingered" me and i felt a lil vulnrable..08:38
iceroottristan3199: you should have a look what "finger" means on irc08:39
tristan3199thank u somsip08:39
somsiptristan3199: It may be that sysrpl is dead right with what he says, but maybe no need to be alarmed until you know you have cause to be alarmed08:39
rhin0anyone know why i can't get packages these days from synaptic08:40
rhin0is just stalled08:40
metaspiketristan3199: in ubuntu, the LTS release is in principle the most mature and secure. more running services means more space for exploitation to occur, as does a tight firewall configuration, as does an extensive blacklist, as does proper use of user permissions for running programs.08:40
XunilCyberspaceloa: Sorry, status: inactive. Thanks for the howto, will try it out @home08:40
rhin0how do I manually donwload/install packages from synaptic08:41
rhin0of synaptic08:41
rhin0where are they what format are then - .deb?08:41
rhin0synaptic doesn't work anymore08:41
metaspike* eep, consider a tight firewall config... etc.08:41
icerootrhin0: sudo apt-get install packagename08:41
rhin0ok i know that it says cannot find running update08:42
rhin0ok -=- ddint' have repositories tickbox clicked08:42
rhin0sorry - np08:42
mufflonrhin0: perhaps is your source down this moment08:42
rhin0no its that08:42
programmeduserAnyone know how to remove the authentication request every time you try to do something?08:43
Bry8StarHi, what would you recommend as a Firewall for an Ubuntu used on desktop/workstation/laptop?08:43
rhin0brystar ufw08:43
rhin0"unlimited firewall"08:43
rhin0use the ubuntu firewall08:43
Slartprogrammeduser: if you get an authentication request every time you try to do something you're probably doing something wrong.. or doing very specific things.. but you can check the sudoers configuration file.. that might let you get away with more things without entering passwords08:44
Bry8StarIs there Firewall that can give out instant popup of any new traffic and wait for its user's response, and also checks which app has initiated that traffic, shows ip, port, host, reverse-address, etc in that popup08:44
programmeduserFirestarter aswell.08:44
somsiprhin0: ufw - uncomplicated fire wall08:44
rhin0Bry8Star its actually called "uncomplicated firewall"08:44
exogrimanyone that can help me with the ssh config file? i get the message /etc/ssh/ssh_config: line 55: Bad configuration option: Hostkey08:45
Bry8Star... I see, thanks rhin008:45
rhin0brystar its the simplest one - and robust08:45
somsipexogrim: what are you trying to do?08:45
SlartBry8Star: I've never seen a firewall with those specs on linux.. iptables is more of a "runs in the background, never to be seen" kind of app08:45
exogrimssh into a server i have08:45
programmeduserI generally happens when i'm getting apps off of USC Slart :08:45
somsip!tab | exogrim08:45
ubottuexogrim: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:45
somsipexogrim: ok...what are you trying to achieve by adding Hostkey to the config file?08:46
exogrimsomsip, sry08:46
somsipexogrim: just makes it is - np08:46
Slartprogrammeduser: yes, installing stuff will require authentication.. as it should, imho08:46
PharaohBazhang I'm already getting helped.....08:46
Bry8Starso ubuntu/linux remains unprotedted, without an effective firewall?08:46
exogrimsomsip, i havent added anything to the config file, its fresh from installation08:46
metaspikeexogrim: host requres authentication key?08:47
icerootBry8Star: there is no reason for a personal firewall08:47
Bry8StarIs it thats why there so many hacks possible on Linux by the hackers?08:47
Bry8StarThats there is no effective firewall!08:47
dies_iraewtf is the new ubuntu HUD thingie???08:48
Slartdies_irae: no need for the language.. even in shortened form08:48
metaspikeBry8Star: the most effective security goes unnoticed - if you want to see your traffic with a handy gui consider wireshark08:48
somsipexogrim: ah - ssh_config not ~ssh/.config. My mistake. Can you edit /etc/ssh/ssh_config and see what it at line 55?08:48
programmeduserIt just remind me of Windows with that damn uvc pop up :(08:48
dies_iraeSlart: 'what the fun'08:49
ripthejackerbuntu software center says no internet connection when im connected to internet08:49
ripthejackerplease help08:49
Slartdies_irae: nice try..08:49
exogrimsomsip, Hostkey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key08:49
Bry8StarI find it very odd and that so much advance in various area, and yet there is no GUI based good firewall in Linux!08:49
blackhex666can someone explain me how to package a java app08:49
metaspikeBry8Star: firestarter08:50
dies_iraelawl@GUI based firewall08:50
bazhangBry8Star, try gufw08:50
rhin01Bry8Star its robust - it works - the commands are simple - you do not need a gui for a firewall08:50
dies_iraeand lawl@GUI=advanced08:50
rhin01ufw commands are about as simple as they can be08:50
CyberspaceloaBry8Star, the functionality you're asking for is modular in linux08:50
icerootBry8Star: who says that there are many hacks possible on linux?08:50
bazhangdies_irae, lets stop the extraneous commentary please. #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat08:50
somsipexogrim: does that file exist?08:50
CyberspaceloaBry8Star: for network analysis, consider the netstat command08:50
rhin01go into it look at it - it's actually easier than a gui -- btw there WILL BE a gui frontend somewhere for ufw08:50
Bry8StarSomething that can give out instant popup with all info on a traffic/packets so that proper rules can be created quickly... In a firewall...08:50
ripthejackercan somebody help me08:50
exogrimsomsip, yes08:50
Swarnavai tried to install Ubuntu on top of Windows 708:50
Swarnavai mean with dual boot08:51
rhin01besides it08:51
Swarnavabut i cant08:51
Swarnavacan anyone help me08:51
bazhangBry8Star, gufw is the gui for ufw08:51
Bry8StarIf there is no hacks on Linux.. Then how GOd and other sites went belly-up?08:51
rhin01it should resize windows08:51
Swarnavai have 3 drive with NFTS format, and windows is loaded on C08:51
Swarnavaand i want to install Fedora on D08:51
rhin01if you have the windows 7 disks -- consider running widnwos 7 within virtual box within ubunt :)08:51
Swarnavasorry i mean Ubuntu08:51
rhin01you're going to have to play aruond a bit with installation media and ensure you have backups08:52
ripthejackerSwarnava, so what error u get when installing08:52
Jordan_USwarnava: Before we can help you, you need to explain what problem you had trying to do it.08:52
Swarnavarhin01: i have backup08:52
rhin01having windows as a little minimilizable window within ubuntu is nice08:52
icerootBry8Star: normally a website is taking down by bad passwords, sql infection and so on08:52
Bry8StarThanks... Bazhang... Metaspike.. I wil try out those08:52
exogrimsomsip, from what i can read it contains my private host key...08:52
ripthejackerSwarnava, is there enough free space in d08:52
Swarnavathe D is totally blank08:52
Swarnavabut 3 drive are in NFTS format not ext408:53
Bry8StarThe first thing a computer needs after installing an OS... IS a FIREWALL08:53
Bry8StarNothing else08:53
Swarnavawhen i go to select drive08:53
icerootBry8Star: no08:53
Swarnavai choose D08:53
ripthejackerand then?08:53
icerootBry8Star: and stop telling those lies please08:53
Swarnavahe said that no /root folder or somethingfound08:53
rhin01Bry8Star "sudo ufw enable" (password) enables the firewall08:53
Swarnavanot found*08:53
blackhex666Swarnava: delete the partition from ubuntu install and then create you`re "D" partition08:53
somsipexogrim: you got me here. I can't find anything about that keyword in man08:54
Swarnavai tried to delete it complete then i create a new drive08:54
Swarnavasomething sda608:54
Swarnavabut still it not work08:54
blackhex666what extension?08:54
Bry8StarThanks, rhin01.. I'm getting into it08:54
Swarnavasame error08:54
bullgard4'~$ sntop; HOST=Gator; STATUS=Down; COMMENT=local linux/alpha server'. What kind of host is »Gator«? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gator: "Gator may refer to: Gator, or 'Gator AdServ a piece of adware or spyware shipped with many pieces of peer to peer software'.08:55
Jordan_USwarnava: Follow these instructions to install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download08:55
blackhex666Swarnava:  what extension did you make the new partition?08:55
metaspikeSwarnava: sda6? I suspect incorrect LVM (logical volume management) use?08:55
programmeduserSwarnava: Are you running windows aswell?08:55
Swarnavacurrently i am using Windows 708:55
dies_iraehow to downloand Cinnamon?08:56
Swarnavai have Ubuntu CD08:56
FluxiFlax2022hi all I am compiling a maptile for a GPS app and it creates hundres of thousands of files in a partition, the partition is 20GB at 6.xGB usage I get an error no more space on disk, I remove a tile image and was able to replace it with a 5GB file, which makes me assume tha the problem is with the nubmer of files created rather than the size of the files, I am running this as root on 11.10 ... the max number files I could reach was 130864808:56
metaspikeso much easier to install linux to its own harddrive...08:56
Myrttidies_irae: this is #ubuntu, not a Mint channel08:57
FluxiFlax2022filesystem is ext408:57
programmeduserSwarnava, the simpleset way i found installing 11.10 was using the Wubi.exe as mentioned by Jordan_U. it saves alot of heartache.08:57
dies_iraeMyrtti: Cinnamon is not a distro08:57
Jordan_Uprogrammeduser: Swarnava: I did not, and generally do not, recommend using Wubi.08:57
Myrttidies_irae: and Cinnamon isn't officially available or supported in Ubuntu08:57
metaspikeFluxiFlax2022: have a look at btrfs on wikipedia it has higher limits but some disadvantages also..08:57
Swarnavaprogrammeduser: i use dialup modem so my net connection is too slow to download ubuntu via wubi08:57
somsipexogrim: got to suggest it, though it might be a bad idea - comment it out and see what you get08:58
SlartFluxiFlax2022: I'm not sure what the limits are for number of files.. have you checked in wikipedia? I think they have a list of specs for different file systems08:58
metaspikeFluxiFlax2022: also, the limits of ext4 are probably tunable- not sure how though.08:58
programmeduserJordan_U: My apologies, i thought you linked the Wubi link. XD08:59
blackhex666so anyone can explain me how to package a java application??preferably step by step08:59
Swarnavai ordered cd from store08:59
exogrimsomsip, brb, have to logg on my other network without internet08:59
rhin0why is there a delay from canonical for packages now -- has been like that for weeks08:59
programmeduserWell, i take that back, thats my recommendation.08:59
rhin0takes ages waiting b4 it commences download08:59
somsipexogrim: it does seem that is a directive for sshd_config, not ssh_config09:00
metaspikeblackhex666: package? you mean.. compile a .jar file?09:00
dies_iraeMyrtti: weird, may I know why??09:00
blackhex666metaspike: making a .deb09:00
ripthejackerSwarnava, what option did u choose for installation alongside windows or create partition manually?09:00
ripthejackerand somebody please help me with software center09:01
Swarnavai tried both09:01
blackhex666Swarnava: neither worked?09:01
Swarnavaprogrammeduser: Jordan_U blackhex666 ripthejacker metaspike  should i try to disable Kaspersky Security Firewall?09:01
ripthejackerhow will that help u09:01
=== vincent is now known as Guest7447
exogrimsomsip, it worked, thanks for the help09:02
programmeduserSwarnava, try disabling your Internet all together.09:02
Swarnavai dont know why this is not work :(09:02
metaspikeblackhex666: i guess you could use the dpkg-buildpackage method?09:02
exogrimsomsip, dont know why i didnt think about trying that before asking :S09:02
somsipexogrim: might be worth just checking a bit more to make sur eI haven't told you to disable something vital. I still think that's a sshd directive thought09:02
Swarnavai will try and come later09:02
dies_iraeMyrtti: what do you mean by not supported? there's a Ubuntu .deb package on Cinnamon site.09:02
ripthejackerplease someone help me09:03
dies_iraeI don't understand09:03
exogrimsomsip, i'll do some more research to see if it can damage my system09:03
Myrttidies_irae: it's not in Ubuntu repositories then, is it?09:03
metaspikeripthejacker: software-centre has no internet connection? does the computer have a connection otherwise/09:03
somsipexogrim: cool09:03
ripthejackermetaspike, yes i am connected to freenode by that09:03
ripthejackerright now09:04
=== jack is now known as Guest12541
dies_iraeMyrtti: no idea, I am on LiveUSB atm.09:04
Myrttidies_irae: you can package everything and the kitchen sink into a .deb package and distribute it at your website, it doesn't make it supported by Ubuntu09:04
ripthejackermetaspike, even my network manager says no internet connection09:04
dies_iraeMyrtti: oh I see your point.09:04
Myrttidies_irae: same goes for PPA's09:05
dies_iraeMyrtti: the way you worded it earlier sounded like it's was blocked or something.09:05
metaspikeripthejacker: did you install anything or change something before this started?09:05
ripthejackermetaspike, no, it has been like this forever09:05
Myrttidies_irae: it's not blocked, you can break your system whichever way you want; we just refuse to help you in the effort and try to convince no to try09:06
metaspikeripthejacker: weird... for starters try a complete update. in console: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:06
ripthejackermetaspike, everything is updated09:07
Dixie_whats broken? o.O09:07
wookienzguys im looking for a commadn that searches all permissions on directories and lets me know if it is owed by a certain user09:07
ripthejackermetaspike, i can use synaptics to install packages09:07
theadminwookienz: ls -l blah09:08
Dixie_what are we troubleshooting here? i feel left out09:08
metaspikeripthejacker: let me guess 11.10?09:09
ripthejackerwhy should software center look up network manager to see if system is connected to internet?09:09
ripthejackermetaspike, yes09:09
metaspikeyep... there's probably a workaround (damn buggy freakin *grumble gruble)09:09
wookienzi want to search the entire server adn note every directory that has the group user. ls -l wont cut it09:10
bazhangDixie_, ubuntu09:10
Dixie_i figured that lol, no wireless or something?09:10
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ripthejackerDixie_,  software center says im not connected to internet when i am09:10
llutzwookienz: find path/ -user <username>09:10
bazhangDixie_, whose problem are you addressing09:10
metaspikeripthejacker: http://askubuntu.com/questions/60004/ubuntu-software-center-not-recognising-my-network-connection09:10
AlanBellripthejacker: how are you connected to the internet? by an analog modem or something netwokr manager doesn't manage?09:10
ripthejackerAlanBell, something network manager doesnt manager09:12
ripthejackerits apppoe connection09:12
smittixwookienz: For finding files owned by a certain user you could do "find / -user username09:12
AlanBellripthejacker: ok, that will be the problem then :( so firefox keeps flipping to offline mode and gwibber doesn't work etc. etc.09:13
ripthejackerAlanBell, thankfully firefox and every other applis that require internet works09:13
ripthejackerAlanBell, its just the software center09:14
AlanBellnetwork manager can do pppoe connections these days I think09:14
ripthejackermetaspike,  what do i put in dns and gateway it changes all the time i connect to isp09:15
ripthejackermetaspike, sorry for being noob09:15
aBoundripthejacker, We were all that way. :P09:16
ripthejackerAlanBell, i tried that but it takes a lot of time and still does not find any pppoe services09:16
ripthejackerAlanBell, so i used rp-pppoe for it09:16
metaspikeripthejacker: open a terminal, ifconfig -a , take a look at your connected device, and all the details should be there.09:17
bullgard4'~$ sntop; HOST=Gator; STATUS=Down; COMMENT=local linux/alpha server'. What kind of host is »Gator«? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gator: "Gator may refer to: Gator, or 'Gator AdServ a piece of adware or spyware shipped with many pieces of peer to peer software'.09:18
metaspikeripthejacker: you can deliberately run the network manager applet with nm-applet. ensure there's nothing else conflicting, wicd or whatever.09:18
ikoniabullgard4: not an ubuntu issue09:18
ripthejackernm-applet is running what should i do with it09:19
ripthejackerand the gateways address changes every time i connect09:19
metaspikeripthejacker: what are you using to connect?!09:20
ripthejackerrp-pppoe :P09:20
ripthejackerbut it should not be an issue since every other application can detect my internet connection09:20
ripthejackerincluding xchat09:21
metaspikemobile broadband?09:21
ripthejackerno cable09:22
metaspikethe link i posted earlier suggested dummy interfaces as a workaround untill the bug is fixed via updates.09:23
BuzzbyDoes anyone have vmware 7 runnin in the latest Ubuntu?09:23
ikoniaBuzzby: vmware 7 ?09:23
metaspikeBuzzby: i use qemu instead :)09:23
DeiuAny ideas why I have a persisting problem with ubuntu one? -> File Sync error. (auth failed (AUTH_FAILED))09:24
Buzzbyvmware workstation 709:24
DeiuI tried clearing cache, removing password keys, etc.09:24
BuzzbyI am not too familiar with qemu.09:24
ikoniaBuzzby: nope, the guys in #vmware maybe though09:24
AlanBellripthejacker: yeah, applications that just try to connect will work. "Well behaved" applications should query network manager via dbus to get the online status, and these don't work.09:25
metaspikeDeiu: it's been suggested that one can -  sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/ubuntuone - to remove dirty bits then resync, worth investigating before execution.09:26
bullgard4Ubuntu 10.04.3 Synaptic notices for the DEB program package »ntop« version 1.4.3-4: "Canonical does not provide updates for sntop. Some updates may be provided by the Ubuntu community." Why does Ubuntu 11.10 not notice the same?09:26
Deiumetaspike, I tried that already, it doesn't work.09:27
Guest7477Deiu> u there?09:28
stkrMy notifications stopped working, so no wireless, no battery, no notifications of any kind. I think it happened after an upgrade. Any idea how to debug ?09:28
DeiuGuest7447, yes09:28
stkrthis is 10.04.3 LTS09:28
Guest7477it tells me that i need something to join a channel09:29
Guest7477Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services09:29
Guest7477thats what it says09:29
Guest7477how can i solve that?09:29
stkrnetwork is also down, btw (dunno how to start the graphical network tool)09:29
FloodBot1Guest7477: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:29
Guest7477is there a main help channel?09:29
metaspikeDeiu: is your computers clock correct?09:29
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bazhang#freenode Guest747709:29
Deiumetaspike, not really, you got a point there!09:29
jattjoin hardware09:29
bazhangjatt, /join ##hardware09:30
metaspikeDeiu: if the clock is wrong, time-stamped authentication keys will fail- worth a shot09:30
DeiuYeah, I know.09:31
DeiuDidn't notice the clock was wrong..bleah.09:31
metaspikei would set it in bois or use an ntp server. i have to type this stuff out when it comes up or i forget it :D09:32
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xslhello all anyone has issues with RTL8169sb cards? i'm getting kernel interrupts on the card IRQ, it's disabled then it becomes slower.09:37
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dies_iraedamn!! is this  usual??09:40
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dies_iraelawl, this insane!!09:43
Myrttiwhat is?09:43
dibblegoI regularly get a dialog telling me that a new version of ubuntu is available -- how do I disable it?09:43
dies_iraeMyrtti: this join/quit flooding, is endless!!09:44
Myrttidies_irae: welcome to the one of the biggest channels of freenode09:45
ripthejackermetaspike, thanks its working now09:45
ripthejackeri just had to make a dummy dsl connection in nm09:46
metaspikeglad to hear it!09:46
metaspikei wish solving issues here unlocked achievments or something, ubucreds09:47
ripthejackermetaspike, one small doubt rite now i have put in valid values as address and gateway09:48
ripthejackermetaspike, can i put in dummy values and still expect it to work?09:48
ripthejackermetaspike, because the address changes everytime i connect to isp and i have to put in manually09:49
z3r0c007it is possible to install HUD(Head-Up Display) in ubuntu 11.1009:51
metaspikeif you're using mobile internet, that's normal. if you're using a router, with dhcp - then the router denotes your ip, you should be able to specify your ip permanently with the network manager though09:51
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z3r0c007it is possible to install HUD(Head-Up Display) in ubuntu 11.1009:52
z3r0c007anyone can help or advise09:53
bazhangz3r0c007, the one from upcoming release you mean?09:53
z3r0c007bazhang : yes the upcoming release09:54
bazhangz3r0c007, the current version is only in PPA, and only available for 12.04 (#ubuntu+1)09:56
z3r0c007ok, where i can find installer of ubuntu 12.0409:57
bazhangz3r0c007, the daily build? check #ubuntu+109:57
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AdvoWorkhi there, ive got ubuntu 11.10 and firefox 9 and am trying to get moonlight working. Any ideas please? trying to view some sites with silverlight and I can't find a suitable alternative :S09:59
quick-how ca n i disable the default root access in recovery mode in ubuntu 11.0410:00
BuzzbyBesides Netflix, what is silverlight used for?10:00
MyrttiAdvoWork: Moonlight has been abandoned some time ago and it will not work with anything with DRM in it.10:01
AdvoWorkMyrtti, any alternatives for how I can view things with silverlight?10:02
quick-how can i disable the default root access in recovery mode in ubuntu 11.0410:03
MyrttiAdvoWork: without you giving any specifics what you are actually watching and trying to find if there's any non-silverlight options available, all include installing Windows one way or another. I personally would suggest finding something else to watch, like PBS/BBC :-/10:03
metaspikeAdvoWork: get IE and silverlight running in wine (ha?), run a virtual machine with windows in it, just run windows or send a message to whatever site your trying to view and tell them their idiots for using silverlight.10:04
metaspikeprehaps and/or10:05
dogbixAny idea how to change the default screen dim time while on battery in ubuntu 11.10 ?10:05
quick-dogbix:  you  can change it in power options10:06
dogbixquick: really? I've looked.10:06
metaspikequick-: recovery mode, single user mode or runlevel 1 - is root, i dont think there's a way to change it10:06
dogbixquick-: only options in power settings are to do with going into standby10:07
metaspikequick-: you could boot into a non graphical, standard multiuser mode with a bit of trickery im sure10:07
quick-metaspike:  except that i enable the root account with a passwd . i guess that will work ?10:07
Paddy_NIWould anyone know how to remove tvmobili? Installed using a deb on their site10:08
quick-dogbix:  check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=171126110:08
Paddy_NIdoes not show up in synaptic, apt-get purge does not remove it10:09
dogbixquick-: thanks , looks good.10:09
quick-metaspike:  Would you please elaborate . how to enable the multi user mode .10:10
quick-dogbix:  tel me if it works :)10:10
metaspikequick-: learn a bit about runlevels fmi10:10
quick-metaspike:  fmi ???10:10
metaspikeand grub runlevel implimentations... for more information ;)10:11
xslAnyone has issues with d-link network cards ? (r8169 driver) i get kernel interrupts randomly10:11
fidelquick-: for more information10:12
quick-metaspike:  fidel  thanks :)10:12
xsland it disables the IRQ the card is on10:12
dogbixquick-: first link didn't work, followed to this link which worked for 11.10 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1024735&highlight=changing+the+dim+display+idle+time&page=210:17
varikonniemihello, should i be worried that automatic updates have started to install without asking a password, some months ago i first noticed this10:17
varikonniemisome rootkit, compromised system or wrong settings?10:17
PharaohGuys!! I need help, I think my computer is part of a botnet.10:18
bazhangPharaoh, why do you say that10:18
PharaohWhenever I leave my computer unattended and my monitor goes off by itself the harddrive on my computer gets really loud.10:18
PharaohAlmost like an anti-virus is scanning it.10:19
PharaohOr something is scanning it.10:19
varikonniemiare you running windows10:19
varikonniemithats the problem10:19
bazhangPharaoh, this is ubuntu support10:19
txdv2this is the #ubuntu channel?10:19
ikoniaPharaoh: re-install then10:19
varikonniemithis is an ubuntu channel,,, but i will say probably prefetch, defrag or some other automatic shit10:20
ikoniaPharaoh: if you are concerned your machine is compromised you need to re-install10:20
bazhang##windows Pharaoh10:20
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ikoniavarikonniemi: drop the language10:20
txdv2if you use windows 7 it is prefatch10:20
quick-\quit "got to go "10:21
PharaohOh okay, so it's prefatch that's doing it.10:21
txdv2join ubuntu channel, ask windows question10:21
bazhang!ot | Pharaoh10:21
ubottuPharaoh: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:21
ikoniaPharaoh: are you using ubuntu yes/no10:21
xslis there a way on ubuntu to change on the fly the resoltution of tty1 ?10:21
bazhangikonia, windows10:21
Pharaohbazhang leave me alone10:21
ikoniaPharaoh: are you using ubuntu yes/no10:21
Pharaohyou're always harassing me.10:22
PharaohYes ikonia10:22
ikoniaPharaoh: stop, answer the question10:22
ikoniaPharaoh: right, in that case if your machine has been compromised, the only option is to re-install, discussion over10:22
Pharaohi loled10:22
PharaohWhat is ubuntu?10:26
rix1234Hi all...What script is called when a user logouts from a session? I am using Ubuntu 10.1010:30
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linociscohi i dont know how to add proxy authentication for terminal. my office network requires authentication10:35
sunlifterHey everybody, anybody uses ircII? I wonder how to make windows for different chanels.10:35
metaspikerix1234: depends? typically xinit10:35
linociscofor firefox, I can do.10:35
linociscobut for terminal. I dont know where.10:35
metaspikerix1234: or gnome-session or such10:35
linociscoi tried username:password@host10:35
linociscobut not ok10:36
metaspikemaybe gdm :D  i just kill the session manager to logout :p10:36
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NepheriusAnyone else having trouble with chrome on ubuntu 11.10 ?Mine keeps crashing10:37
dubeyi want to install xen kernel on Ubuntu 11.10 server edition 64bit10:37
szaldubey: and?10:37
dubeywhat is the pkg name for xen and kernel10:37
szaldubey: tried searching your favourite package management app for 'xen' yet?10:38
dubeyszal: apt-cache show : xen-hypervisor-4.1-amd64 - Xen Hypervisor on AMD6410:39
overcluckersunlifter: does ircii not have /help ?10:42
linociscowho could help me issue?10:42
squallfirst time with xchat10:43
squalland irc10:43
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sunlifteroverclucker: It only mentions possibility, not actual path to achieving it.10:43
squalli try to find some solution to download tvshow or something10:43
szaldubey: the guys in #ubuntu-virt might be more of a help in your case10:43
linociscoI dont know where to put proxy setting authentication for terminal10:43
parkdriverIf your server is running for 260 days is it recommended to reboot? (Even without any errors/complaints?)10:43
szaldubey: see also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen - not exactly current, but contains some links to other sources10:44
szalparkdriver: unless you're on a pissing contest regarding uptime or can't afford the downtime a reboot takes, you should do that every once in a while, yes, at least after kernel updates10:45
metaspikehuh, i just figured out a crazy way to reconfigure everything - whoops.10:46
andynIrssi uptime: 272d 13h 5m 9s10:46
andynthe last time this server was rebooted when the janitor yanked the power cord.10:46
SerythI've just switched to xfce on Ubuntu, and installed dropbox. However, when I right click a file in the public folder, the "copy public link" option isn't there? What's happened? :/10:48
onreandyn,  12:47:40 up 1756 days, 22:11,  0 users,  load average: 0.76, 0.73, 0.7910:48
Seryth10:48:37 up 3 days, 15:51,  0 users,  load average: 0.11, 0.40, 0.4610:48
andynso #ubuntu just actually turned into an uptime pissing contest.10:48
ikoniawell it shows how stupid some people can be, that they think uptime = good, rather than security maintained10:49
Serythuptime: 5803215 days, gawd10:49
ikoniaok - enough now10:50
jattwow 1756, some security holes in that box10:50
Serythikonia: That's just for my personal computer, not a server ( 3 days) and I've just got a local server, so meh.10:50
onreikonia, ever heard of cases where you end up with a legacy system in your hands that you just can not reboot, because there's no guarantee that services running on it can ever restart again? :)10:51
ikoniaonre: many times, they are migrated off with haste10:51
onreikonia, well, if you have the resources to do that, then good for you. the box in question is very problematic, it still runs one app whose earliest possible migration window is next summer.10:52
dubeywhat is linux-image-server ?10:53
ikoniakernel package10:53
dubeyikonia: xen ?10:53
dubeyikonia: install xen-vertualization > rebooted it and now want to confirm that i am in xen mode10:54
dubeyhow can i ?10:54
gunfirei am new to ubuntu, i want to compile a weechat application using cmake, pls can someone guide me ?10:54
ikoniadubey: what ?10:55
metaspikeSeryth: it could be a permissions thing?10:56
Serythmetaspike: I don't think so, I've got access to everything10:56
Serythmetaspike: I think it's to do with xfce and nautilus10:57
dogbixdubey: try the command xm10:57
metaspikeone could, sudo chown -hR Seryth:Seryth ./folder ' to make sure, nautilus= dunno i use xfe :)10:57
dubeydogbix: xm gives me some list of commands10:57
metaspikeacutally no i dont, i use terminal :(10:57
dogbixdubey: xm list10:58
Serythmetaspike: I'll try. And I use xfce too, and I think dropbox is nautilus only, which is where thep roblem is?10:58
bullgard4Ubuntu 10.04.3 Synaptic notices for the DEB program package »ntop« version 1.4.3-4: "Canonical does not provide updates for sntop. Some updates may be provided by the Ubuntu community." Why does Ubuntu 11.10 not notice the same?10:58
dubeydogbix: giving Domain-0 etc.10:58
dogbixdubey: sounds like xen is running then10:58
ikoniabullgard4: ok ?10:59
dubeyWhen i do uname -a, output is not showing anything related to xen10:59
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ikoniadubey: -xen postfix was dropped with 3.X kernels10:59
Guest46847hi ubuntus11:00
bullgard4ikonia: Your message is too short to be comprehensible.11:00
ikoniabullgard4: your message had no question to it11:00
Serythmetaspike: Nope, didn't work. Do you use dropbox?11:01
bullgard4ikonia: My message has a question mark at its end. Therefore it is a question.11:01
ikoniaa question mark does not make it a question11:01
ikoniaa dog is yellow ?11:02
ikoniathat is not a question11:02
Benkinoobyis there a name for a server/computer that caches updates for a whole network?11:02
dubeyikonia: thank you, useful info11:02
ikoniabullgard4: are you actually asking why the wording / description has changed ?11:02
Ben64Benkinooby: something like this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpdateServer11:03
bullgard4ikonia: I am asking why Ubuntu 11.10 Synaptic does not attach the same notice to that package as Ubuntu Synaptic did before.11:03
ikoniabullgard4: because it's a different version of the package ?11:03
bullgard4ikonia: No. It is the same version.11:04
klosehey guys, i'm thinking in give a try on ubuntu 12.04, but i have some doubts: 1) how can i report a bug that eventualy can appear; 2) where can i download the last daily version?11:04
ikoniabullgard4: you'll have to contact the package maintainer to find out why he has changed the text in the description field, only he can tell you that11:04
Noctiferhi, i have empathy running but the icq protocol is not available? i.e. i can't even select it when i add an account to empathy11:04
ikoniabullgard4: it doesn't really matter, it's an ubuntu package, coming from the ubuntu repos, so the validity of the package is still the same11:04
zvacetBenkinooby: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Apt-Cacher-Server11:04
bullgard4ikonia: 'I see your point. --  Thank you.11:05
LjLikonia, bullgard4: isn't that message shown when the package is in Universe rather than in Main?11:05
ikoniathe package has always been in main though hasn't it ?11:05
bullgard4LjL: Just a second.11:05
ikonia!info ntop11:05
ubottuntop (source: ntop): display network usage in web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:4.0.3+dfsg1-3build1 (oneiric), package size 642 kB, installed size 1720 kB11:05
metaspikeSeryth: worker for xample or -xfe- the fm not -xfe4- the wm. maybe sudo apt-get --reinstall install natilus or dpkg-reconfigure it and rm it's config.11:05
ikonia!info ntop lucid11:05
ubottuntop (source: ntop): display network usage in web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:3.3-13 (lucid), package size 2556 kB, installed size 10724 kB11:06
LjLikonia: the package is in Universe for me11:06
BenkinoobyBen64, zvacet those two links are pretty much what i am looking for... now i have some keywords and can investigate further... thank you both, you were very helpful11:06
Noctiferubuntu is 10.04 lucid lynx11:06
ikoniaahh, it's always been in universe by the looks of it, so the package description shouldn't have changed11:06
Serythmetaspike: It's to do with the fact I need the thunar plugin. I think it's sorted, found some stuff via google etc11:06
geekster1Hi, The only way I can access DistroWatch.com is through hidemyass.com. Any1 else have trouble?11:06
zvacetBenkinooby:  yw11:06
LjL!ot | geekster111:07
ubottugeekster1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:07
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)11:08
metaspikehere it is. dpkg-reconfigure debconf (choose low) && dpkg-reconfigure -a  ... show most questions, reconfigure everything. o_o11:10
metaspikei dont recommend it really..11:11
trumpetanyone using ubuntu one on window7 , my u1 client on windows doesn't work, it just keep 'starting file sync' :(11:12
LjLtrumpet: try asking in #ubuntuone11:12
llutzmetaspike: just "dpkg-reconfigure -plow -a"11:12
renegade_mwhy is that when I boot on live cd of ubuntu 11.10, i always end up to console.. same with zorin..11:14
renegade_mi can't go to the desktop11:15
metaspikerenegade_m: does it have internet? cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit11:17
renegade_mwhat do you mean?11:17
metaspikethe live cd :)11:17
renegade_mi booted just a while ago with the live cd.11:18
renegade_min this laptop i am using..11:18
renegade_mexcited to see zorin.11:18
renegade_mbut it fails, as ubuntu 11.10 fails me yesterday.11:18
bullgard4LjL: No, the Section has remained the same. In both cases: "universe/net".11:18
metaspikewell. if your in a console, you can startx - read what it sees, thery'll be your error or where described above :)11:19
renegade_mi see.. i will try that again.11:19
amfgHi, i've got a problem on my lucid x64 with 3.2.0 generic kernel... I've got toshiba L750D. here is my dmesg http://fpaste.org/h2ST/raw/ .. I'm having trouble detect actual battery state11:20
LjLbullgard4: well i don't know, i don't normally use Synaptic, but my suspicion is it was Synaptic's own information line for Universe packages and it has now been removed11:20
renegade_mcan it be hardware driver error?11:20
renegade_mi have no problem loading with 8.10 ubuntu.11:20
ikoniacontact the package maintainer to find out why the wording has changed11:20
amfgI should also say that windows is fine with my bat11:20
Rainpebbleanyone on here?11:21
ikoniaRainpebble: 1400+ people11:21
Rainpebbleoh wow11:21
Rainpebblewhat is this chat for?11:21
metaspikerenegade_m: definately, or kernel related. or use dmesg and such.11:22
JLucim the 1551th11:22
JLucand i got a question11:22
Rainpebblethis is really awesome11:22
Ben64Rainpebble: ubuntu support11:22
Rainpebblecan I go into other rooms?11:22
metaspikeamfg: are you using amd64 release?11:22
LjLikonia, the package description has not changed. that message must be something from Synaptic itself.11:22
renegade_mi will11:22
amfgmetaspike: yes11:22
Rainpebbleummmm i think so11:22
Rainpebblehow do I Get to another room?11:22
Ben64Rainpebble: how did you find this? this channel isn't for chatting, its for ubuntu support only11:22
JLucPlz Is there a way to switch the /home folder on another partition once install is finish and ubuntu running ???11:23
amfgRainpebble: /join #channel11:23
Rainpebbleoh..... ok11:23
Rainpebbleso I come here when I need help with ubuntu?11:23
Rainpebblethis program is not for anything else?11:23
LjLRainpebble: that's the idea11:23
Ben64what "program" ?11:23
LjLRainpebble: the *program* is for chatting. this *channel* is for Ubuntu support.11:23
zvacetRainpebble:  just ubuntu support nothing else11:24
JLucthere are lots of other channels you can get through this same programm11:24
RainpebbleSo I do have a question, whenever I am on a flash website that supports webcams, I cannot click accept to accept the data transfer. What is that about?11:24
ikoniaLjL: sorry, got disconnected then, as you suggesting synaptic has appending/not appending that message11:25
LjLikonia: well i'm not a Synaptic user so i don't know, but yes that's what i suspect. i know it's not in the actual description, because i checked that on http://packages.ubuntu.com/ and it's unchanged11:25
renegade_mi have run the fedora 16, though quite slow with kde in live cd11:25
ikoniabut also not something I'll loose sleep over11:26
amfgHi, i've got a problem on my lucid x64 with 3.2.0 generic kernel... I've got toshiba L750D. here is my dmesg http://fpaste.org/h2ST/raw/ .. I'm having trouble detect actual battery state.. I should also say that windows is fine with my bat11:26
bullgard4LjL: Thank you very much for your comment.11:26
honey_is there any  converter to AVI and mpeg which is graphical rather than winff?11:27
LjLhoney_: VLC i guess11:28
Ben64honey_: avidemux?11:28
renegade_mguys, thanks, i will try your suggestions!:) be right back later11:28
honey_Ben64:is that graphical?11:30
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LjLhoney_: yes11:30
Ben64of course, mencoder works great on command line :)11:31
etzWhat's the new version of Ubuntu?11:31
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases11:32
LjLetz: the current release is 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot)11:33
bullgard4amfg: Why does your dmesg show the line: "[    0.874511] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT1] (battery absent)"?11:33
amfgbullgard4: i wonder as well11:34
bullgard4amfg: So please enquire.11:34
amfghow should I?11:34
ranxihello, i have a wi-fi connection problem with my ubuntu. i keep disconnecting every ten second. suggestions?11:35
bullgard4amfg: First see if there is an intermittent contact to your battery.11:35
amfgit can't be11:35
amfgI'm running just on battery right now11:36
bullgard4amfg: Second, visit an Ubuntu users club and ask a knowledgable person to check your hardware.11:36
bullgard4amfg: If this dmesg message repeats right now, file a bug report.11:37
amfgok, i'll try something when i get home11:37
amfgi'm afraid that i run out of energy in a few minutes11:37
amfgso i'll be here in about 2 hours11:37
bullgard4amfg: IDoes your computer have two battery slots?11:39
m1lt0nmorning. Hello. I have a question: I downloaded the kubuntu 11.10 cd image (I've replicated the issue with other distros, too, so there is nothing wrong with the created cd) and despite the fact that on boot, it seems that the CD is starting to load (no message on the screen, though), fedora (I have fedora 16 with gnome 3 and Windows 7 dual boot) loads (without showing the grub menu in order to ch11:42
m1lt0nello. I have a question: I downloaded the kubuntu 11.10 cd image (I've replicated the issue with other distros, too, so there is nothing wrong with the created cd) and despite the facwithout showing the grub menu in order to choose)11:43
m1lt0nany idea?11:43
level09how to troubleshoot a cronjob?11:43
icerootlevel09: like?11:43
level09I am executing  a script11:44
icerootlevel09: to see if it runs? to debug the script inside?11:44
level09and it is supposed to log stuff11:44
level09no to see if it runs11:44
level09I added the script to 1 min cron11:44
icerootlevel09: less /var/log/syslog11:44
level09aha thanks11:44
icerootlevel09: cron logs every start of a task there11:44
level09yeah I can see that , cool thanks11:45
level09now it is clear : Error: bad username; while reading /etc/crontab11:46
earlybirddi have ubuntu running as a live CD what is the best way for me to run ubuntu as  VM from windows 711:48
earlybirddshould I keep the VM running from a live cd or can i download ubuntu to the system from LiveCd?11:48
fidelearlybirdd: you should be able to install ubuntu right from the live cd11:49
fidelso basically - tell your vm-environment to boot from the ubuntu.iso you have and then just start the install11:50
level09why is cron unable to find a command while I can execute it when logged as the user ?11:50
lvinayearlybirdd: the live cd has a tool to make space in your HD for ubuntu11:51
fidellevel09: working with full path?11:51
icerootlevel09: PATH is the answer11:51
level09I should specify the full path11:51
icerootlevel09: if you type "ping" the system is looking in thr PATH Variable where that command is11:51
icerootlevel09: normally ubuntu should set PATH by default when using crontab -e11:51
icerootlevel09: but its always a good idea to use full path to commands in cronjobs/scripts11:52
level09iceroot: great, but how do I find the full path to my command ?11:52
level09whereis ?11:52
icerootlevel09: "which command"11:52
Ultiis there a way to prevent thumbnail previews in Nautilus based on MIME type? SVG rendering is killing my machine...11:52
level09great thanks11:52
m3asmiwhere is the file tomcat webapps folder in ubuntu ?11:57
LjLm3asmi: not sure what you're talking about i'm afraid, but in general, you can see where files/folders from a package are by doing "dpkg -L packagename"11:58
LjLm3asmi: so something like "dpkg -L tomcat7", just maybe it's not that specific package11:58
level09when writing shell scripts, is it okay if I use commands like cd /path/to/dir/  ? or is there a better way for doing it ?11:58
LjLlevel09: i don't see anything wrong with "cd", but i'm hardly an expert in shell scripting. have you tried asking in #bash?11:59
m3asmiLjL: thakns a lot ;)11:59
level09LjL: never knew about that , will take a look12:00
z3r0c007how to remove old kernels12:04
LjLz3r0c007: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-whatever (be careful not to remove them all!)12:04
LjLz3r0c007: at least, that will stop them from showing up in the boot menu, then there are other packages (headers, modules) you might want to remove. i think they ought to be removed automatically when you do "sudo apt-get autoremove", though.12:05
z3r0c007ok thanks LjL12:05
bazhangz3r0c007, why would you want to? they are not very big in size12:05
z3r0c007i have a 4 image kernel in my laptop12:06
LjLbazhang: eh, -image might not be, but the rest of the packages kind of are12:06
bazhangz3r0c007, always good to have an extra kernel around, ie dont remove them all12:07
z3r0c007i have 2.x.x.x, 3.0.x.12, 3.x.x.13, 3.x.x.14 and the latest 3.x.x.1512:07
z3r0c007i have 4 kernels12:07
z3r0c007 and the latest 3.x.x.1512:08
makaraanyone set up an Airport Express on Linux before?12:10
iceroot!anyone | makara12:13
ubottumakara: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:13
Lantiziahey i've mounted an nfsv4 share and everything shows up as owned by 4294967294:4294967294 when on the nfs server they are nobody:nogroup like they're supposed to be - any ideas?12:16
RaTTuS|BIGmakara http://www.1ph0ne.com/2009/10/16/how-to-setup-ubuntu-to-works-with-airport-express/12:16
makaraiceroot: ?12:18
TreetsHello. How to remove a program with all its now unneeded dependencies with apt-get?12:18
LjLTreets: sudo apt-get autoremove packagename12:19
TreetsThank you :-)12:20
DatalovaHey guys, join us on channel #TahrirOps we're going to be in touch with the 25 January 2012 demonstrations12:22
richthegeekhi, I got a new mobo today that uses UEFI - will GRUB work with this automatically (from a fresh install) or do I have to do something more?12:24
KrisDouglasrichthegeek,  I have not had any problems with my UEFI board12:24
DatalovaHey guys, join us on channel #TahrirOps we're going to be in touch with the 25 January 2012 demonstrations12:25
richthegeekKrisDouglas: thanks - i'll give it a shot in a few hours (in work atm) but hopefully it'll work like a charm (unlike my gfx card)12:26
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!12:26
KrisDouglasrichthegeek, what graphics card do you have?12:26
richthegeekAMD 685012:27
richthegeekfeels wrong saying AMD instead of ATI ...12:27
richthegeekit was working on a prior install but it just doesn't have 3d accel anymore12:27
KrisDouglasI haven't had a problem with that card if you use the binary drivers from the ATI website12:27
KrisDouglasshould in fact automatically install ones that will give you 3D from the 11.10 driver manager12:28
richthegeekKrisDouglas: any terminal magic I need to do? something like "aticonfig --initial" for example?12:28
KrisDouglasassuming you are on 32bit (there is a x64 one too): http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
KrisDouglaswill do it all for you12:30
richthegeekKrisDouglas: thanks :)12:30
KrisDouglasdownload it to your home directory12:30
KrisDouglasreboot into recovery mode, open a terminal window12:30
KrisDouglassudo chmod +x <driverfilename>12:30
blackarchancan i replace Unity with gnome2???? i mean replace it not install gnome3 and run it in -fallback12:30
KrisDouglasthen ./<driverfilename>12:30
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KrisDouglasrichthegeek, on a fresh install that works every time for my 695012:31
richthegeeknice - i'll take a look when i get home and have built my computer (new mobo and ram)12:32
icerootblackarchan: no12:33
KrisDouglasblackarchan, I don't actually think it's possible without breaking your system. The best recommendation I have is to try XFCE12:33
icerootblackarchan: and its not a good idea to install gnome2 because gnome2 is no longer supported (by the gnome-project) and dont get sec-updates12:33
blackarchanbad luck... i really loved gnome212:34
KrisDouglasblackarchan, have a look at cinnamon by the linuxmint team12:34
blackarchanon XFCE can i run everything that i run on gnome2(ubuntu 10.04) and unity?12:34
icerootblackarchan: yes12:34
blackarchani heard about cinnamon but i gues it will be a wile till they will release a stable version12:35
aguitelhow downgrade xorg ?12:35
icerootaguitel: why?12:35
aguiteliceroot, conflict with nvidia-17312:36
icerootaguitel: on 11.10?12:36
aguiteliceroot, no12:36
icerootaguitel: sounds like the 12.04 bug12:36
icerootaguitel: why are you asking here and in #ubuntu+1 if you know this channel does not support 12.04?12:37
aguiteliceroot, nobody here12:37
icerootaguitel: doesnt matter12:37
aguiteliceroot, nobody there12:37
icerootaguitel: this channel is not for 12.04 also its a bad idea to use alpha-software if you dont know how to fix issues by your own12:38
icerootaguitel: but to answer your question, a downgrade is normally not possible12:40
aguiteliceroot, ok12:40
icerootis there an easy way to read a changelog with apt-get for a different ubuntu-version?12:42
aminese ubuntu ce de la mlerde12:42
monnywhere i can get some help with execel12:42
aguiteliceroot, what is xorg version in 11.10 ?12:42
icerootmonny: ##windows ##office or other strange channels12:42
monnywhere i can get some help with excel ?12:42
iceroot!info xorg12:43
ubottuxorg (source: xorg): X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.6+7ubuntu7 (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 112 kB12:43
ikonia!fr | angryferret12:43
ubottuangryferret: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:43
monnyhow i can repair problem with system driver12:43
ikoniamonny: explain the problem12:44
icerootmonny: you are using ubuntu?12:44
monnyi had some problems with routinh12:44
monnyi had some problems with routing12:44
LjL!language | amine12:44
ubottuamine: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.12:44
Culiforge10.04 trying to loop mount iso on usb drive.. using "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/New Volume /dev/sdx" I get 'More than one install devices?' and the grub syntax screen. Could someone help me with my command line?12:45
overcluckerCuliforge: escape that space in root path with \12:46
icerootCuliforge: New\ Volume12:47
icerootCuliforge: its always a good idea not to use whitespaces in file/path-names12:47
Culiforgeso \ <space>?12:47
LjLCuliforge: yes, or put the whole thing between quotation marks12:48
DamienCassouI have many little bugs with respect to the desktop environment on Ubuntu 11.10. Am I the only one?12:50
sherifanyone use cairo dock?12:50
Culiforgehmm, neither route is successful. but the message changes to 'Volume/boot/grub' is not a directory...12:50
MonkeyDust!anyone| sherif DamienCassou12:50
ubottusherif DamienCassou: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:50
icerootCuliforge: please post the exact command you used12:50
Culiforgesudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/New\ Volume /dev/sdx12:51
sherifdoes anyone use cairo dock?12:51
Culiforgesudo grub-install --root-directory="/media/New Volume" /dev/sdx12:51
LjLsherif: err, the "does" was not the problem with your question12:51
bazhangsherif, whats the real question, of course some people do12:51
LjLsherif: the problem is that you should ask about your issue with cairo dock, not ask if anyone uses it12:51
sherifok sorry im just new to ubuntu12:51
AdvoWorkanyone know a way around DRM/silverlight for ubuntu? Moonlight works, but it wont play stuff that needs DRM, ie love film12:52
sherifwell guys i want to know how to make it start when ubuntu starts12:52
overcluckerAdvoWork: nope12:52
LjLAdvoWork: i doubt there is a way.12:52
DamienCassoufor example, when I click on an icon in the top bar, I often get a contextual menu that is the one of the next icon, not the one I clicked.12:52
sherifi mean everytime i start ubuntu need to open cairo dock application12:52
Culiforgeiceroot: should /sdx be sdc?12:52
sherifanyone got me?12:53
DamienCassousherif: yes, there is a way. Open the 'startup applications' application12:53
soulnafeinUfo13 hello ;-)12:53
LjLCuliforge: well, it should certainly not be sdx, it should be something that makes sense for your system :P12:53
bazhangsherif, put in startup applications12:53
icerootCuliforge: sure12:53
DamienCassousherif: then you can add your application there12:53
icerootCuliforge: it should be the drive you want12:53
DamienCassousherif: just press 'add'12:53
icerootCuliforge: sudo fdisk -l  will tell you the name12:53
nullucashi, it there a tool that can be used for backups that checks if the files have been copied correctly AND also checks periodically whether such files are still accessible and corruption free?12:54
sherifafter add?12:54
DamienCassousherif: you type the name of the command you use to launch12:54
DamienCassousherif: or you can just browse12:54
Ufo13hi guys I have a problem, after installing ubuntu 11.10 I am missing grub.. could it be related to some AHCI settings? My boot order is AHCI DVD -> AHCI HDD then I have an IDE HDD too where I have installed Ubuntu... But I do believe I have installed GRUB on the AHCI HDD12:54
DamienCassousherif: how do you launch it usually?12:54
Ufo13it just straight boots to Windows XP12:55
sherifhow wud i know the name of the command12:55
sherifi think i will just browse12:55
Ufo13soulnafein: hi12:55
soulnafeinPlease help Ufo13... he's so unlucky with computers :D12:55
sheriffrom start12:55
sherifsearch for it12:55
DamienCassousherif: how do you launch it usually?12:55
aguiteliceroot, is there some issue about nvidia-173 in 11.10 ?12:55
sherifwill it be in C drive?12:55
DamienCassousherif: look in /usr/bin/cairo<something>12:56
DamienCassousherif: there is no notion of C drive on ubuntu12:56
sheriflet me check12:56
soulnafeinUfo: in the meanwhile check this answer http://askubuntu.com/questions/24479/no-grub-after-installing-ubuntu-10-10-beside-windows-7-straight-to-windows12:56
sherifhow can i use ur name when reply12:56
icerootaguitel: i dont know, i am not using nvidia cards12:56
LjL!tab | sherif12:56
ubottusherif: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.12:56
honey_ Unable to read the contents of this file system! Because of this some operations may be unavailable. The cuase might be a missing software package. The following list of software packages is required for fat32 file system support: dosfstools, mtools. what is the solution12:56
aguiteliceroot, ok12:56
Culiforgeiceroot: ok, great. but still getting problems with the  'Volume/boot/grub' is not a directory... i'm sure i'm not using the quotes correctly12:56
DamienCassouubottu: you are great. What is your parser?12:57
ubottuDamienCassou: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:57
DamienCassousherif: ?12:57
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:57
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sherifwut is the function of tab12:57
llutzCuliforge: ls -ld /media/New\ Volume/boot12:57
soulnafeinUfo13: try also this http://askubuntu.com/questions/24479/no-grub-after-installing-ubuntu-10-10-beside-windows-7-straight-to-windows12:57
sherifu there12:58
DamienCassousherif: I don't understand what you ask12:58
soulnafeinUfo13: I meant https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair12:58
DamienCassousherif: when you want to talk to me privately, I guess you can just double-click my name on your IRC application12:58
honey_ Unable to read the contents of this file system! Because of this some operations may be unavailable. The cuase might be a missing software package. The following list of software packages is required for fat32 file system support: dosfstools, mtools. what is the solution12:58
LjLDamienCassou: ubottu is a supybot with some custom plugins, see /msg ubottu !botclone12:58
DamienCassousherif: or you can prefix your messages with "damien:"12:58
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Culiforgellutz: drwx------ 3 gary gary 4096 2012-01-25 07:48 /media/New Volume/boot12:59
DamienCassouLjL: thanks12:59
llutzCuliforge: ls -ld /media/New\ Volume/boot/grub12:59
Culiforgellutz: drwx------ 2 gary gary 4096 2012-01-25 07:48 /media/New Volume/boot/grub13:00
nlkowill i notice a big different when moving from 32bit, 4gb ram and normal disk, to 64bit ubuntu, 8gb ram and a SSD13:00
llutzCuliforge: strange owner/group + permission on it13:00
llutznlko: you will, but only because the ssd speeds things up13:01
nlkocool, yeah, the SSd is the biggest change13:01
llutznlko: 32/4gb vs 64/8gb is not that much different.13:02
honey_ i have an external hard disck and when i was trying to format in gparted it brings looks like this with an  exclamtion marc Unable to read the contents of this file system! Because of this some operations may be unavailable. The cuase might be a missing software package. The following list of software packages is required for fat32 file system support: dosfstools, mtools. what is the solution13:02
nlkollutz: just a few more VM's loaded maybe13:03
Culiforgellutz: would changing /media/New Voume to dev/sdc1 be more in line or is that a bad idea?13:03
nlkolooking forward to the SSD, it should be here any minute13:03
llutzhoney_: 1. why didn't you say what your issue is before? 2. sudo apt-get install dosfstools13:03
m|kaelhello, im trying to set two ips on my home server, one static and one dhcp, but it doesnt seem to work, this is the config http://pastebin.com/RZEffVuq please help13:03
amineubuntu merde vive windows13:03
llutzCuliforge: /dev/sdc1 is  your /-fs?13:03
Culiforgellutz: sdc1 is the usb I'm trying to boot iso from13:04
Culiforgellutz: which seems would make the /dev/sdc1 at the end of the line redundant...?13:05
DamienCassouWhen I click on an icon in the top bar, I often get a contextual menu that is the one of the next icon, not the one I clicked. Is it a known bug?13:06
honey_llutz: sorry for but it is alradey installaed dosfstools13:06
fidelDamienCassou: topbar of what?13:07
Culiforgellutz: iceroot: thx for the help.. time for work gotta go13:08
DamienCassoufidel: I meant the top bar of the desktop environment. The bar with the date/time, my name... I'm on Ubuntu 11.1013:08
=== Culiforge is now known as cul_away
fidelDamienCassou: that is still not 100% clear ;)13:09
fidelor in other words: are you running unity, unity23, gnome-shell etc etc13:10
DamienCassoufidel: I'm on Ubuntu 11.10, standard installation with Unity.13:10
m|kaelhello, im trying to set two ips on my home server, one static and one dhcp, but it doesnt seem to work, this is the config http://pastebin.com/RZEffVuq please help13:10
DamienCassoum|kael: what did you expect from your configuration? Why do you say it doesn't work?13:12
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[u]serhow can i make samba share the home folder of a user when the user is logged in?13:14
MonkeyDustm|kael  there is no gateway, like Gateway =
DamienCassou[u]ser: and remove the share when the user logs out ?13:16
heisenminkI'm configuring ubuntu on my laptop13:17
heisenminkI have a broadcom wireless card13:17
heisenminkthe prop. driver for it sucks, but do I have to have it to get full speed?13:17
[u]serDamienCassou, exactly13:17
heisenminkor can I use the shipped OSS driver without any drawbacks?13:18
lordjjWhat book/website would be the definitive guide to Linux?13:18
Noor_egyhello i installed ubuntu 11.10 but cant install quanta is there is any way to do ???13:19
MonkeyDust!info quanta13:19
ubottuPackage quanta does not exist in oneiric13:19
DamienCassou[u]ser: sorry, I don't know. To create the share, you can write a script and put it in the startup applications list. But I don't know the equivalent for log out applications13:19
ikonialordjj: there is no such thing, however https://help.ubuntu.com is a good introduction to Ubuntu13:19
bazhang!rute > lordjj13:20
ubottulordjj, please see my private message13:20
Noor_egyi installed trinty desktop so may be it help but it didnt13:20
bazhangNoor_egy, trinity? is that kde3?13:20
LjLbazhang: yes, Quanta is KDE3-only13:20
bazhangLjL, ok13:20
Noor_egytrenty kde 3 but quanta not found there13:21
lordjjWhat book/website would be the definitive guide to Linux?13:21
m|kaelMonkeyDust: thanks, i will try that13:21
ikonialordjj: I've just told you13:21
ikonialordjj: if you are not going to listen, please don't bother re-asking13:22
DJones!manual | lordjj13:22
ubottulordjj: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:22
lordjjikonia sorry i got disconnected. Can u repeat it?13:22
ikonialordjj: there is no such thing, however https://help.ubuntu.com is a good introduction to Ubuntu13:22
MonkeyDustlordjj  the five on top, in capitals http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/html/howto.html13:23
DamienCassouis there a way to get a newer version of ubuntu13:23
ikoniaDamienCassou: sure, download the latest version from ubuntu.com13:24
ikonia!upgrade > DamienCassou13:24
LjLDamienCassou: newer than what?13:24
ubottuDamienCassou, please see my private message13:24
DamienCassouLjL: newer than Ubuntu 11.10 with all updates installed13:24
DamienCassouLjL: sorry, stupid me. I meant a newer version of Unity :-)13:25
LjLDamienCassou: 12.04 will be the next version, but it's not yet released. you can run it anyway, but you do that at your own risk as it's unsupported and could break.13:25
DamienCassouikonia: s/ubuntu/unity/13:25
LjLDamienCassou: ok, there might be a PPA for that, let me look13:25
DamienCassouLjL: I haven't found any, but please tell me if you find one13:25
heisenminkDo I need the broadcom propretiary driver to get the full speed out of my card or should the build in driver shipped with ubuntu suffice?13:25
LjLDamienCassou: there is https://launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/ppa13:26
LjLDamienCassou: (remember PPAs are unsupported too, however)13:26
DamienCassouLjL: thank you very much. This version might help me with all my tiny bugs13:27
krisedAnyone worked with remastersys ? It seems that when i do an install of Ubuntu. Costumize it then remastersys it into an iso and attempt to run it it. It will stop at "Checking battery" (well most likely whatever is right after that) even though its a workstation. Im told its graphic related but how can it be ? When i do a install from a clean ubuntu it works just fine.13:28
DarsVaedahi, can I force to get the app menu in unity somehow?13:29
bazhangkrised, contact the remastersys people yet?13:29
krisedbazhang no.  I thought it would be an Ubuntu issue since its that which fails after install.13:30
algo2How can I get the left taskbar to the bottom?13:30
bazhangkrised, remastersys is a3rd party app not produced by  ubuntu , better contact them13:30
MonkeyDustalgo2  you need a PPA for it13:30
algo2What is a PPA? On windows I can just drag and drop.  Simple13:31
MonkeyDustalgo2  http://www.unixmen.com/move-unity-launcher-to-the-bottom-with-unity-bottom-launcher-ppa-ubuntu/13:31
bazhangkrised, I dont think it even maintained anymore, so good luck with contacting them13:31
fidelalgo2: linux isnt windows ;)13:31
algo2So a 3rd party program? That isn't like Gnome or KDE at all.  Idiots13:31
MonkeyDustalgo2  please don't start13:32
krisedbazhang dang. Do you know of any other alternatives to it ? i need to turn an installed ubuntu with updates and scrapping unity back into a working iso i can liveboot and install.13:32
fidelalgo2: ppa means personal package archive13:32
LjLalgo2: please control the language and avoid insults if you want to use this channel13:32
fidelor in short- yet another source to install specific packages from13:32
bazhangkrised, you want to have a custom install iso? like a clone of your current one?13:32
algo2Ubuntu is shit.  Why did I download this crap shit that didn't even have the Synaptic manager? Now I have to rage when I go to close a program b/c the fucking taskbar opens?  FUCK UBUNTU.  This isn't LInux it's shit.  Ubuntu is shit.  FUck this. You all are are drones13:33
fidelin most cases maintained by some activst willing to take care about that specific package13:33
Paddy_NIHey does anyone here know how to prevent users deleting the browser history on chrome/ubuntu?13:33
LjLalgo2: thank you for banning yourself and sparing me the trouble13:33
Paddy_NI#chromium seems dead quiet13:33
krisedbazhang well the thing is: im making a costum version of latest ubuntu which lets domainusers log in. Then i have it add a few things to gtk-bookmarks and stuff like wallpaper and such. After that is configured i need that stuffed back into an iso so every install of that iso will yield my changes13:34
Paddy_NILjL, Still hanging in there I see :-)13:34
krisedFor some reason i made that work once.. so i only have one iso which works. If i install using that iso then remaster that back into an iso it wont work.. it stops at checking battery..13:34
algo2I didn't get  banned by name, so you're stupid.  Just like Ubuntu13:34
krisedIm told that the next thing after checking battery is graphics card13:35
MonkeyDustalta189  wrong channel13:35
Paddy_NII feel sad now13:35
earlybirddPaddy_NI:  WHy not log it eleswhere...so they 'think' theyve deleted it and all the addresses are stored in a different directory13:36
Paddy_NIearlybirdd, Sounds sneaky and cunning13:37
nikos__ftp:No address associated with hostname ??? do you know why i get this wen i try to connect in ftp server ?13:37
samthebestHow do create my own server on this IRC chat thingy??13:37
DamienCassouLjL: the PPA you sent me is for Precise only. Shall I try to force its use on oneiric?13:38
bazhangsamthebest, channel?13:38
LjLDamienCassou: oh sorry i forgot to check for that13:38
LjLDamienCassou: probably not a good idea to try forcing it13:38
fidelsamthebest: sure you want host an irc-server or just open a new channel in an existing network?13:39
LjLDamienCassou: but no, it actually has an oneiric version, at least according to http://ppa.launchpad.net/unity-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/13:39
=== bil21al_ is now known as bil21al
howdoiHow do I join this channel when you're all mean and also too stupid to ban nick's and multiple world-wide VPN's? Also Tor.  Banning someone w/o addressing an issue is MEAN and cowardice.13:39
LjLDamienCassou: so just add it with "sudo apt-add-repository ppa:unity-team/ppa" and you should get the oneiric version13:39
DamienCassouLjL: it looks empty for oneiric. I added the ppa but no update were proposed13:40
warrensheetscan any one tell me how to pake a privit sever with my computer13:40
samthebesthow do I create my own channel on Xchat-gnome IRC???13:40
bazhangsamrat_, /join ##channelname13:40
bazhangsamrat_, help in #freenode13:41
fidelsamrat_: or just read the docs at the freenode page13:41
bazhangwhoops sorry samrat_13:41
=== Mud is now known as Guest73741
bazhanghe quit13:41
fideli expected that to be his second session bazhang ;)13:41
bazhangfidel, could be13:42
fidelmost likely not ;)13:42
DamienCassouLjL: do you confirm it's empty? do you have any other solution?13:42
LjLDamienCassou: it does seem empty, and i don't see any other PPA :(13:43
DamienCassouLjL: ok, thank you. I think I will leave with my annoying bugs and hope for a better future :-)13:43
LjLpmicky: what are you trying to do?13:44
fidelDamienCassou: how about just using gnome-shell for some weeks and then test unity again - maybe thats enough to have your bugs fixed alrteady13:44
pmickyLjl. test13:44
fidelDamienCassou: consider reporting the bugs if you can reproduce them13:44
LjL!test | pmicky13:44
ubottupmicky: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )13:44
gumushi all13:46
DamienCassoufidel: I'm a bit tired of reporting bugs. I spent many hours reporting bugs (including major ones but not only) but I rarely get any answer. But you are right, I will try again13:46
gumuswhat was the command for editing subtitles ?13:46
gumusI can't see french characters13:46
fidelDamienCassou: well dont expect something to be fixed if you dont even do the first step - reporting it13:46
fidelbut yeah - is can be frustrating - but on the other hand -> it is the way to go ;)13:47
gumusI remember I used to write a command which makes a new file with utf-813:47
propokrHello, Good morning.13:47
DamienCassoufidel: I know I know :-). I will fill another one. But I often feel alone13:48
_cbis there a better way to mount a read only cd than sudo mount /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom? (This command mounts the cd but takes it a long time. Think it is trying to write to it because there are io errors13:48
ikoniait's not trying to write13:49
LjL_cb: there's probably *read* errors13:49
pmickyjoin #ubuntu-it13:49
LjLpmicky: /join #ubuntu-it13:49
FloodBot1pmicky: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:49
gumusI can't see french letters in subtitle can anyone help me ?13:50
* richthegeek is an idiot and didn't notice that AM2+ != AM3+13:50
_cbLjL but same cd on Ubuntu desktop is fine. no problems. It is just on server, where I use the CLI, that it shows errors on the server screen.13:50
LjL_cb: maybe the CD drive on your server is less good than the one on your desktop...13:50
_cbLjL, good point.13:51
=== ar0nic is now known as marowanna
gumuscan anyone help me with that. vlc can't recognise some letters.13:54
gumusI mean the subttle13:54
DamienCassougumus: can you open a terminal and type 'file <name of your file>' ?13:56
krisedHmm It appears that i cant get remastersys rep installed in synaptic..  anyone else getting this ?13:56
Pici /j ##unavailable13:57
LjLPici: duh13:57
insanekiller1anyone? i need some help13:57
icerootkrised: what is the exact error?13:57
PiciLjL: thanks :P13:57
gumusokay it's ISO-558913:57
iceroot!details | insanekiller113:57
ubottuinsanekiller1: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:57
gumusISO 885913:57
gumusDamienCassou: it's ıso885913:58
geirhagumus: install recode and use it to convert it to utf-8.  recode latin1..utf8 thefile13:59
krisediceroot after i add the deb line (using 11.10 it should be oneiric version right ? Synaptic says: Cannot get http://www.remastersys.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/InRelease unable to find expected entry 'main/source/Sources' in release file (wrong source.list entry or malformed file13:59
krisedWhat does that meain ?13:59
kosshello everybody, I need some help after I updated today13:59
icerootkrised: and what is telling you to add that line?13:59
gumusgeirha: I did.let's see if it worked14:00
fidelkoss: give us some more details about the issue/problem14:00
DamienCassougumus: follow geirha advice, that's the best solution. Another one is to configure vlc to read iso-5589 by default14:00
krisediceroot: http://www.remastersys.com/forums/index.php?topic=1923.0 here it tells me "the firefox way".14:00
gumusDamienCassou: it worked. Thanks !14:00
gumusgeirha: Thanks !14:00
icerootkrised: output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"14:01
iceroot!paste | krised14:01
ubottukrised: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:01
=== incubus is now known as Guest56610
kosslubuntu 11.10 amd64 system, updated today and installet gtk and qt parts ... i can see detail in log, now I see video playback slowed in vlc and issues in game eve-online ander wine 1.314:01
fidelkoss: that sounds like a gfx-driver issue - what driver&card are you using right now?14:02
kossradeon 587014:02
krisediceroot pastebin.com/C3aCJij14:03
kossand catalist 11.8 glfx proprietary14:03
krisediceroot sry just a sec14:03
icerootkrised: unkown pasteid14:03
krisedThere we go14:03
icerootkrised: http://www.remastersys.com/ubuntu/  40414:04
icerootkrised: so the repo is not available14:04
iceroot!remaster | krised14:05
ubottukrised: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility14:05
krisedthanks iceroot14:05
icerootkrised: also in the repos there is "oem-config-remaster" maybe that is what you are looking for14:06
kossfidel - tell me please - what should i try to resolve my video issues after update ?14:06
insanekiller1i'm trying to install the xf86-input-wacom-0.13.0 via the shell, but when i hit ./configure i get at the end that it needs xextproto to be >=  7.1.99 and that the version i have 7.1.2, but i installed x11proto-xext-dev 7.2.0-3 from the ubuntu software center... i'm using ubuntu 11.1014:06
krisediceroot thanks ill give it a try14:06
icerootinsanekiller1: why not using xserver-xorg-input-wacom?14:07
shane__Hi guys, I am trying to use chmod to grant 777 permissions to a file, for a specific user only. I have googled around and looked at chmod's help files to no luck.14:07
icerootinsanekiller1: its the wacom driver14:07
icerootshane__: dont use 77714:07
shane__iceroot: Why not?14:07
slava_dpcan someone please do an ``ls /boot/grub/'' for me?14:07
icerootshane__: but the syntax is "chmod 644 filename"14:07
icerootshane__: 777 means read/write access to everyone14:08
insanekiller1iceroot: actually i have it installed, but my wacom bamboo fun needs more drivers to run fine...14:08
iceroot!permissions | shane__14:08
ubottushane__: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions14:08
shane__iceroot: Ok, thanks. So how can I allow read/write/execute permissions for a specific user?14:08
insanekiller1i went to the wacom's page and it says i need that driver to run my wacom with full features14:08
icerootshane__: have a look at the link ubottu gave you14:08
shane__by the way, this is what I have done: http://pastebin.com/PkPbgW8U14:09
shane__ubottu: Thanks, I will let you know how that goes14:09
ubottushane__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:09
icerootshane__: you want to set 777 on /var/www?14:09
shane__iceroot: Yes, so I can read, write and execute files.14:10
shane__execute cgi files14:10
icerootshane__: never ever!!! in your whole live do that, beat the person which told you to do that14:10
shane__Ok, one second.14:10
shane__Ok I beat him. Now what? :P14:10
icerootshane__: beat him again14:10
icerootshane__: then read the link from ubottu14:11
icerootshane__: and then beat him again14:11
shane__Am reading now.14:11
=== root is now known as Guest7958
shane__iceroot: So I can not apply permissions to any specific user, correct?14:12
icerootshane__: sure14:12
icerootshane__: but 777 sets the rights to everyone14:12
shane__Ok thanks14:13
icerootshane__: read the link from ubottu that will tell you how to set rights for the owner, the group and all others14:13
propokrHello, Good morning.14:13
deitarionHow do I check which packages depend on certain packages that an `apt-get dist-upgrade` would remove? (I'm getting tired of being offered a partial upgrade in the update manager)14:13
LjLshane__: well if really needed you can set per-user permissions with setfactl14:13
shane__iceroot: I understand now that the first number is the owner, the second number is group and the third is other.14:13
LjLshane__: setfacl*14:13
_B00Can you paste that link again please? I would like to know client specific rights please!?14:13
icerootshane__: correct14:13
krisediceroot when i attempt to start the "Prepare for shipping to end user" program it tells me the file dont exist.14:14
icerootkrised: what file?14:14
shane__LjL: Thanks. iceroot: So what does 'other' cover?14:14
krisediceroot oem-config-prepare14:14
LjLshane__: anyone who's not the owner or the group14:14
icerootshane__: you never want to give "others" write access (on /var/www)14:15
shane__iceroot: I understand that now, so what does 'group' cover then?14:15
LjLshane__: a file is owned by a user and a group. anyone who's a member of that group can do the operations the group permissions allow on that file.14:15
LjLshane__: the command "groups" will tell you what groups your currently logged in user is a member of.14:16
shane__LjL: Ok, thanks. So if I wanted to set permissions for only 1 group that is NOT the owner of the file, I would need to use setfacl?14:16
LjLshane__: no, if you want to set group permission you just do chmod g+whatever. if you want *multiple* groups or other more baroque things, then you need setfacl14:17
shane__LjL: Thanks, so correct syntax would be chmod g+www-data 000 (where 000 is the permissions)?14:18
icerootshane__: no14:18
MonkeyDust!info acl14:18
ubottuacl (source: acl): Access control list utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.51-3 (oneiric), package size 41 kB, installed size 176 kB14:18
shane__iceroot: Please explain?14:19
icerootshane__: 000 does not make sense14:19
LjLshane__: no, chown user:group sets the group (if it's already www-data, then no need to do that), while chmod g=permissions sets the permissions. in letters, not numbers, where "r" is for reading, "w" is for writing, and "x" is for executing. so something like chmod g=rw14:20
shane__iceroot, I said (where 000 is the permissions) - by that I meant replace with appropriate permissions, eg 66414:20
icerootshane__: sudo chown -R root:www-data /var/www && sudo chown -R g+w /var/www14:20
LjLshane__: the numeric format includes permission info for *all of* owner, group and others. if you want to change the group permissions individually, you need to use letters.14:20
shane__iceroot: I do not want www-data to own /var/www?14:20
icerootshane__: that will set www-data as the group and gave write-access to that group14:21
icerootshane__: you can also set www-data as owner14:21
shane__LjL: So I use chmod www-data=(perms) then?14:21
LjLshane__: ... no14:21
icerootshane__: i am always using myusername:www-data on /var/www  so i can change things and www-data can read/write14:21
LjLshane__: if you don't want www-data to be the group for /var/www, but at the same time you want it to have write permissions, then you will need setfacl. but i don't see why you'd do that.14:22
shane__iceroot: Doesn't that mean that mysername must be a member of the www-data group?14:22
LjLshane__: no14:22
LjLshane__: it doesn't have to, what's important is that when you want to write, whoever writes is a member of www-data (or the owner)14:22
shane__Ok so the group part is completely independant of the username?14:23
icerootshane__: yes14:23
LjLshane__: yes14:23
shane__And then any member of the group, and ALSO the username will be owners?14:23
regeHi, anybody can help me, when i try get to my ssh i recieve14:24
icerootshane__: "owner" is not the correct word14:24
LjLshane__: in a way. but the actual owner and rthe group can have different permissions.14:24
regessh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host14:24
LjLshane__: you could tell it that the owner can write, the group can only read, and others can do nothing, for example.14:24
somsipshane__: just want to say - stick with it. You're getting good advice and it's real easy to mess permissions up and regret it later14:24
icerootshane__: rwx(owner),rwx(grouop)r-x(others)14:25
icerootshane__: so you have different permissions for a owner, for a group and all others14:25
icerootshane__: is that a public server?14:25
shane__iceroot: What would be the correct word then? LjL: Ok, I understand that part now. somsip: I know I am getting good advice - they are really patient, aren't they. And I am listening to them but by asking questions I learn more.14:25
somsipshane__: good for you. Great attitude to have :)14:26
shane__iceroot: Ok, and no it is (currently) a private server. That may be changed soon.14:26
LjLshane__: just "file's group" i believe14:26
shane__somsip: Thanks, as long as my great attitude doesn't wear down those who are teaching me :P14:26
ratcheerLjL: It is the group of the owner of the file.14:26
LjLratcheer: not really14:27
shane__Ok thanks. I will do that now - set www-data as the group of the file.14:27
LjLratcheer: it can be entirely unrelated to groups that the file's owner belongs to.14:27
ratcheerLjL: Yeah, I guess you're right. The owner could be in multiple groups.14:27
icerootshane__: also think about "its not a good idea to make every file writeable for www-data"14:28
LjLratcheer: and the group of the file could be one that the owner is *not* in14:28
shane__iceroot: That is correct.14:28
icerootshane__: and please never use 77714:29
shane__So I have run the following command: sudo chown shane:www-data /var/www  Now if I run chmod 661 /var/www  will that give me the appropriate permissions?14:29
shane__And thanks, I will keep that in mind.14:29
icerootshane__: 1 is wrong14:29
icerootshane__: apache needs to read and execute14:30
llutz6 on dirs also is wrong shane__14:30
shane__iceroot: Apache is a member of www-data, I have set that group to the file, now all I need to do is add the permissions, so wouldn't apache run off the group permissions?14:30
shane__llutz: Can you please explain?14:31
llutzshane__: 755 is most likely what you want14:31
llutz!permissions | shane__14:31
ubottushane__: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions14:31
icerootshane__: 75014:31
LjLshane__: why don't you use letters? i always found it much easier to understand :)14:31
icerootshane__: you can read/write, apache can read, others cant do anything14:31
shane__llutz: I have already read that, this file is a webserver file, so 'others' don't need to execute from the folder.14:32
llutzshane__: ok, then use iceroots 75014:32
shane__iceroot: Then apache will not be able to execute cgi files from the www dir?14:32
icerootshane__: why not?14:33
icerootshane__: apache = www-data14:33
shane__iceroot: Yes, sorry I meant write to directory sorry.14:33
icerootshane__: 5 = r-x  so read and execute14:33
icerootshane__: correct14:33
shane__I am confusing write and execute.14:33
icerootshane__: 770 so that apache can write14:33
shane__Thanks iceroot.14:34
icerootshane__: why? write == write, execute == execute14:34
CalliopeQ about mounting RAID at boot, please14:34
iceroot!details | Calliope14:34
ubottuCalliope: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:34
shane__iceroot: write = 2, execute = 1 but in my brain, write <> 4 and execute <> 4 but write ~= execute and execute ~= write. Get that? :D14:34
icerootshane__: r(4),w(2),x(1)14:35
icerootshane__: ubottu links have that infos14:35
shane__Have read links, just need brain to not get confused over it.14:35
CalliopeI have a problem with mounting my RAID when booting14:36
iceroot!details | Calliope14:36
icerootCalliope: so lets go over to usefull details :)14:36
rabbi1I am using eclipse for php, where should i install eclipse on ubuntu ?14:40
icerootrabbi1: sudo apt-get install eclipse14:42
nyrpnzrabbi1: the ide shouldn't be affected by its location...?14:42
icerootrabbi1: use the one from the repos14:42
nyrpnziceroot: my first thought, wonder if there is a newer version14:42
icerootnyrpnz: normally, yes14:42
icerootnyrpnz: why you need a newer version?14:42
rabbi1iceroot: i have already downloaded, repos provide the older version, anyway i have downloaded the install files14:43
nyrpnziceroot: no, but rabbi1 may be wanting it14:43
icerootnyrpnz: ah sorry14:43
nyrpnziceroot: no problem14:43
icerootrabbi1: why you need a newer version?14:43
nyrpnzhaving synaptic open in the backround is immensely helpful in this channel14:43
rabbi1just wanted to know the best directory to install it, as i will be doing an ubuntu upgrade for precise14:43
icerootrabbi1: precise is alpha14:44
eros! list14:44
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:44
rabbi1iceroot: for better performance, neither i need a latest one, i have downloaded a stable one though14:44
icerootrabbi1: i can just suggest to use the one from the repos and dont update to 12.0414:44
icerootrabbi1: if not, install it somewhere in your home14:45
rabbi1oops, let me keep it simple, i have got eclipse install files, which is the preferred location to install... that's it :)14:45
Tellmarchin your home is fine if you're the only one using it14:45
nyrpnzrabbi1: I put manually installed things in /opt14:45
rabbi1iceroot: i am in my home right now.... :) lol. just kidding. thanks a lot ....14:45
nyrpnzrabbi1: easy to clean up if things go wrong in install14:45
shane__iceroot, LjL: Thanks for your help guys14:46
iNzzaaaneeeAnyone have time to help me? Cant install latest ubuntu server.. it tries to detect the CD-ROM but fails, tried google but no luck..14:46
boghogcan ubuntu run inside a vm (virtualbox) that has no 3d acceleration?14:47
rabbi1it doesn't get installed at all, kool.14:47
boghogwith unity14:47
nyrpnzboghog: You will be switched to Unity2D or Unity Classic or whatever they call it14:47
boghogoh, excellent14:47
nyrpnzboghog: iirc14:47
nyrpnzboghog: tried installing it on a low-power netbook and that happened14:48
=== Guest40315 is now known as jack^_
alfredomy blogilo doesn't work with blogspot help14:48
MonkeyDust!info blogilo14:48
ubottublogilo (source: kdepim): graphical blogging client. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.4+git111222-0ubuntu0.1 (oneiric), package size 243 kB, installed size 936 kB14:48
boghogI was worried because with gnome3 it switches to a fallback mode which is basically gnom2 and wil be removed in the future at some point (I wonder how one is supposed to run gnome3 in a vm then :s), glad to hear Unity does it differently14:48
nyrpnz!details | alfredo14:48
ubottualfredo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:48
* nyrpnz has never switched from Gnome 2.14:49
alfredo!info blogilo14:49
ubottublogilo (source: kdepim): graphical blogging client. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.4+git111222-0ubuntu0.1 (oneiric), package size 243 kB, installed size 936 kB14:49
rabbi1how to remove netbeans ide, which i have not installed from synaptic manager :?14:49
fidelrabbi1: how was it installed?14:50
tyjhfyjhi all!14:50
rabbi1fidel: CD, like a windows program14:50
martianWould anyone who uses chrome and has folders in your bookmark bar mind telling me if you have to click each folder separately to get them to open, or if they are sticky like a typical menu? I feel like this behavior changed recently for me, and in a winxp virtual machine the bookmark folders are 'sticky'. Sorry if this is a bit OT14:50
tyjhfyjhelp please!14:50
fidelrabbi1: so was is a .deb file?14:50
tyjhfyjKDE 4 autostart script with parameters!?14:50
rabbi1fidel: yeap14:50
MonkeyDust!help| tyjhfyj14:51
tyjhfyjЦРУКУ Ещ ШТЫУКЕ,14:51
ubottutyjhfyj: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:51
nyrpnztyjhfyj: can you provide some more details?14:51
rabbi1fidel: sorry, guess so, don't remember... as i can't find that in synaptic manager14:51
tyjhfyjWhere to insert?14:51
tyjhfyjPlease help14:52
fidelrabbi1: i would try 'dpkg'14:52
martiantyjhfyj: it's not clear what you want to do14:52
tyjhfyjxgamma -gamma 214:52
nyrpnzrabbi1: this seems to be the solution: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=24582214:52
tyjhfyjautostart it14:52
regehi how to check whats wrong with my ssh i recieve error   ssh_exchange_identification: Connection14:52
rege              closed by remote host14:52
martiantyjhfyj: does gdm start up? do you have a graphical login screen?14:53
alfredowait please14:53
rabbi1nyrpnz: thanks, but is there a add/remove in ubuntu ?14:53
tyjhfyjall good14:53
tyjhfyjxgamma -gamma 214:53
nyrpnztyjhfyj: http://www.ab9il.net/linux/autostarts-kde.html14:53
FloodBot1tyjhfyj: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:53
alfredoblogilo work but can't import my blog14:53
martianrege: on the remote system (the server) check /var/log/auth.log14:54
alfredowhen I go to blog add blog14:54
tyjhfyjhelp please14:54
iheartubuntuI'm setting up automatic updates (security only) on Ubuntu server and I'm setting up apticron.  It asks what configuration I want to set and I don't know which to choose14:54
nyrpnzrabbi1: not sure what you mean by add/remove, are you referring to a specific program?14:54
regebut this is only shell14:54
martiantyjhfyj: we're trying, but it's hard to understand what you are trying to do14:54
rabbi1nyrpnz: to your suggested post, anyway, searching for the uninstall file14:54
regemartian: i dont have access to remote computer14:54
rabbi1nyrpnz: to your suggested post, anyway, searching for the uninstall file14:55
nyrpnzrabbi1: good luck14:55
tyjhfyjautostart script14:55
tyjhfyji want14:55
nyrpnztyjhfyj: did you see the link I wrote?14:55
alfredoI filled blog/homepage URL:14:55
regemartian: you think this is remote computer issue14:55
alfredoAND MY USERNAME14:55
alfredoAND PASSWORD14:55
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.14:55
tyjhfyjno work14:55
alfredothen i go to auto-configure14:56
tyjhfyjыщ руку ш фь14:56
martianrege: most likely. It could be that you have been added to the hosts.deny file in /etc/ or... something else. it's tough to say without access to the server14:56
tyjhfyjso here i am14:56
alfredoand appears14:56
MonkeyDust!ru| tyjhfyj14:56
ubottutyjhfyj: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:56
alfredoFetching BlogID Failed.14:56
alfredoPlease check your Internet connection.14:56
tyjhfyjthere are no help14:56
tyjhfyjthey not undestand14:56
martiantyjhfyj: neither are we :) did you see nyrpnz's link?14:57
janweikI am new to Ubuntu and am at first just trying this out.14:57
nyrpnztyjhfyj: it's pretty straightforward, just add a .sh script in ~/.kde/Autostart/14:57
tyjhfyjthey not KNOW sure OMG THEY nOT KNOW14:58
tyjhfyjundestand but not know14:58
nyrpnzalfredo: which program are you using (it is hard to understand when the question is broken into ten lines)?14:58
rabbi1nyrpnz: thanks for the link, seems working :)\14:58
nyrpnzrabbi1: yay, glad I could help :)14:58
janweikOK, a question. When I start Dash Home there is a field "Search" on top. But I cannot enter anything there to search for. I cannot write anything in that space.14:58
rabbi1nyrpnz: pleasure14:59
alfredook. Im using blogilo14:59
tyjhfyjhelp please14:59
tyjhfyj~/.kde/Autostart/ not work14:59
tyjhfyjwhat is END in script?14:59
MonkeyDusttyjhfyj  try /join #ubuntu-ru15:01
nyrpnzalfredo: found this: http://blogilo.gnufolks.org/forum/topic/failing-miserably-configuring-blogspot-account15:01
jerryeahhello i am new15:01
alfredook thanks15:01
tyjhfyjthey not know15:01
tyjhfyjhelp here please15:01
nyrpnzalfredo: if you are running chrome you can autotranslate this page (http://blogilo.gnufolks.org/forum/topic/failing-miserably-configuring-blogspot-account) which seems to have the answer15:01
nyrpnzalfredo it is in spanish15:01
martiantyjhfyj: you can stop saying, "please help". Perhaps you could post the script to http://paste.ubuntu.com/15:01
MonkeyDusttyjhfyj  we not know15:01
nyrpnzalfredo: looks like you need the BlogID, not the url...?15:02
tyjhfyju know15:02
alfredoI see that15:02
nyrpnzalfredo: had you already tried that?15:03
nyrpnzalfredo: k then, good luck15:03
alfredowhen I press in advanced Fetch ID15:04
bazhangtyjhfyj, whats your question.15:04
alfredoapeears: Fetching BlogID Failed.15:04
alfredoPlease check your Internet connection.15:04
bazhangtyjhfyj, all on ONE line15:05
tyjhfyjxgamma -gamma 215:05
nyrpnzalfredo: where is the Fetch ID button, in the program or in Blogger?15:05
tyjhfyjautostart script in KDE415:05
alfredoin program15:05
nyrpnzbazhang: As far as I can tell he wants `xgamma -gamma 2` to be executed on start in KDE415:05
alfredoin blogilo15:05
bazhangnyrpnz, ok thanks15:06
alfredonot worry, Im going out15:06
nyrpnzalfredo: try going to your settings in Blogger, and in the url should be something that looks like &blogID=XXXXXXXXX, copy the number into Blogilo15:06
regeok thanks for help15:06
alfredothanks for all friend15:06
nyrpnzbazhang: no problem15:06
ActionParsniptyjhfyj: so you want to add that to your kDE autostart?15:07
nyrpnztyjhfyj You said that it didn't work when you put the .sh in ~/.kde/Autostart/ ?15:07
nyrpnztyjhfyj try changing the .sh permissions to executable15:07
ActionParsnipnyrpnz: gone15:07
nyrpnzActionParsnip: thanks15:08
ActionParsnipnyrpnz: the file doesn't need the .sh extension, it doesn't change anything15:08
nyrpnzActionParsnip: there is more leaving and arriving in this channel than talking15:08
nyrpnzActionParsnip: helps me know what it is, I guess I suggested out of habbit15:08
ubuntu__I was wondering if somebody could lend  me a hand?15:09
ActionParsnipRainpebble: wassup?15:09
ActionParsnipubuntu__: ask away15:09
nyrpnz!ask | ubuntu__15:09
ubottuubuntu__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:09
derpladeehey how do i make a program start up when i log in?15:10
ActionParsnipderpladee: in which desktop?15:10
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hexbasehi, when i start squid3, 2 process start, one from proxy user and the other is from root user. i've compiled squid3 myself15:11
ikoniahexbase: that's normal15:11
ikoniahexbase: why did you compile squid instead of using the one from the repo ?15:11
g105bhere we go...15:12
nyrpnzRUSUSER: ask away15:12
RUSUSERit script no work15:12
ikoniaRUSUSER: you need to ask a question15:12
ActionParsnipRUSUSER: what does the script do?15:12
ubuntu__I have just installed Ubuntu onto a partition on my computer that came with windows 7, but rather then now booting into GRUB, it is still booting into windows. Do you know how I can make it boot into grub? The computer I am using has an efi boot, rather then the normal BIOS, if that makes any difference.15:12
hexbaseikonia, i needed a special option. well, if it's normal, why when i want it to close the init script doesnt work?15:12
RUSUSERif i have script in it folder then KDE not start (15:12
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nyrpnzRUSUSER: it helps us help if you ask one one line15:12
fidelikonia: ;)15:12
ActionParsnipRUSUSER: is the file marked as executable?15:12
g105bRUSUSER: remove the script again?15:12
ikoniahexbase: did you write the init script or are you using the ubuntu init script ?15:12
hexbaseikonia, ubuntu init script15:13
derpladeeActionParsnip, gnome i think15:13
ActionParsnipubuntu__: boot to liveCD and you can reinstate grub215:13
hexbaseikonia, it starts well, but it doesnt stop15:13
ikoniahexbase: ok, so that's why, that's upstart managed,15:13
derpladeeit's just the standard desktop that comes with ubuntu15:13
derpladeeonly thing i changed is that i am using compiz for window manager15:13
ikoniahexbase: you've probably not laid out the custom squid build in the same style so it can't get the status correctly (just guessing)15:13
RUSUSERnow i do it15:13
nyrpnzubuntu__ if I'm not mistaken, holding shift on some computers brings up the BIOS...?15:13
ikonianyrpnz: never seen that15:13
martianRUSUSER: did you set the script to be executable? Are you sure the script works? Have you tried running it manually?15:13
nyrpnzikonia: hrm, okay, then I am mistaken :)15:14
ActionParsnipderpladee: then you can either run the startup items app, or put a .desktop to run the command in ~/.config/autostart15:14
hexbaseikonia, then how do i fix it?15:14
ActionParsnipRUSUSER: if the file isn't marked as executable, its just a text file15:14
MonkeyDustRUSUSER  = tyjhfyj15:14
hexbaseikonia, any workaround?15:14
ikoniahexbase: you need to make your service upstart complient/configured15:14
ikoniahexbase: or write your own init script15:14
RUSUSERthx brb15:14
pworkHello, I ve a big problem : I ve a 2.6.35 natty kernel with an ATI Radeon HD on it. I had a driver issue, so I uninstalled all : fglrx, reconfigure xserver and so. I just placed a trustful vesa xorg.conf15:14
pworkBut it won 't boot15:15
hexbaseikonia, are you sure it's normal to have 2 squid process?15:15
ikoniahexbase: yes15:15
ikoniahexbase: I'm surprised you've not read up on this before making a custom compile15:15
nyrpnzpwork: what's the problem?15:15
pworkAnd I can't boot in single user mode neither : I enter a LUKS pass, text mode, then screen jumps to X, resolution changes, and I see mount points check15:15
nyrpnzpwork: okay, missed that line15:15
hexbaseikonia, no i've not. squid wiki doesnt say anything15:15
pworknyrpnz: hello, thanks. Problem is that I can't access my machien anymore, through single user mode or not15:16
derpladeeActionParsnip, thanks15:16
ikoniahexbase: wiki != reading up about the software you are trying to build15:16
ActionParsnippwork: add the bootoption: xforcevesa     may help15:16
hexbaseikonia, whoever makes the squid build for ubuntu, should add the --enable-http-violations.15:16
pworkI tried to chroot from a Ubuntu live CD, and reinstall repositories fglrx, but with no success (failed on "uname -r", that was the host one, and not the chroot one)15:16
hexbaseikonia, i know, i thought i've read enough15:16
nyrpnzpwork: it gets into X?15:17
RUSUSERgamma increases, but the next moment it has become common.15:17
Dreamannot use fglrx15:17
Dreamanfree drivewr is good15:18
pworknyrnpz: Yes, when starting into single user mode, it gets in to X, what I don 't want. In normal mode, it goes X as expected, but X crashes15:18
RUSUSERgamma increases, but the next moment it has become common.15:18
nyrpnzpwork: fglrx severely screwed up my computer, so much I had to reformat15:18
hexbaseikonia, then i'll have to make a custom stop script15:18
pworkI just have an underscore blinking at top left, black screen15:18
nyrpnzpwork: try ctrl-alt-f1..?15:18
nyrpnzpwork: if you are given a login, you probably have a misconfigured xorg.conf or are missing the appropriate driver packages15:19
RUSUSERKDE4 autostart script xgamma -gamma 2 .kde/Autostart HELP PLEASE!15:19
nyrpnzpwork: if you don't get a login you are far past my knowledge15:19
pworknyrpnz: I'm given no login, but a LUKS/crypted HDD pass prompt15:19
pworkIt s the earlier step15:19
smjmsso how do I know whether my flash player actually cares about /etc/adobe/mms.cfg?15:19
nyrpnzpwork right, I mean after the black screen with the blinking cursor15:20
ActionParsnipRUSUSER: wil you please quit the caps. Its really unnecessary15:20
nyrpnzpwork: press ctrl-alt-f1 then15:20
ActionParsnipRUSUSER: we can read lower case15:20
pworkAfter this screen, I go nowhere15:20
smjmswhen I set FullScreenDisable to 1, full-screen still works in YouTube15:20
pworkIt stays in this state. Ctrl Alt F1 did not work :)15:20
citr-mint-745Greetings all, I'm working on creating a Public Access Workstation. It will have Internet access. But needs some level of security so they can't do any system level installs or changes. Any ideas on the best setup for this?15:20
ActionParsnipRUSUSER: everybody else is using lower case and getting assisted aren;t they?15:20
nyrpnzpwork: ctrl-alt-f2 would be my last idea, sometimes ttyl1 doesn't work15:21
MonkeyDustcitr-mint-745  use the guest-account15:21
smjmsI'm testing Flash Player 11.2 and YouTube videos have red and blue channels swapped15:21
pworknyrnpz: I tried to, with no luck15:21
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: just keep them out of the admin group15:21
ActionParsnipRUSUSER: try adding a sleep command in the script15:21
smjmswhich is why I'd like /etc/adobe/mms.cfg to actually do something in order to configure stuff15:21
ActionParsnipRUSUSER: again with the caps. stop the damn caps15:21
citr-mint-745And by doing that ActionParsnip they will still be able to use most of the productivity apps and such??15:22
nyrpnzpwork: sorry, it's beyond me15:22
ActionParsnipRUSUSER: because its against channel policy15:22
SerythWhat program is it that opens 7z files? I remember installing something before...15:22
pworkI can read "Starting CUPS printing spooler/server", then it seems idled15:22
ActionParsnipRUSUSER: its harder to read15:22
RUSUSERi about sleep15:22
ActionParsnipRUSUSER: it looks like you are shouting15:22
pworkI see this when doing ctrl + alt +F715:22
citr-mint-745Seryth: 7zip15:22
ActionParsnipRUSUSER: its unnecessary15:22
nyrpnzpwork: yeah, that's normal15:22
ActionParsnipRUSUSER: want me to continue?15:22
nyrpnzpwork: if X is down15:22
smjmsso where should I ask if this channel isn't very helpful?15:23
ActionParsnipRUSUSER: quit with the caps15:23
Serythcitr-mint-745: sudo apt-get install 7zip?15:23
pworknyrnpz: I should have a root user prompt at this step so far ?15:23
RUSUSER #!/bin/sh xgamma -gamma 2 end15:23
ActionParsnipRUSUSER: add a sleep command towait 10 seconds or so before running the command15:23
citr-mint-745i think so Seryth it is in there somewhere15:23
nyrpnzpwork: but if you see the CUPS boot message... I don't have any clue why the ctrl-alt-# doesn't work15:23
ActionParsnipRUSUSER: add the command:   sleep 10    to the script....15:23
citr-mint-745Thanks for the help, I'll go try to make a new users who isn't apart of the Admin group15:24
ActionParsnipRUSUSER: obviously add it above the gamma command or it will achieve nothing15:24
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: its the default user model.15:24
citr-mint-745what do you mean ActionParsnip ?15:25
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc    on the system please?15:25
citr-mint-745ActionParsnip: this is Ubuntu 11.10 32bit with Gnome3 loaded15:26
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: the default user model for oneiric is to not be in the admin group, admins must then add the user to the admin group if they are wanted to be admins15:26
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: unlike windows where the default user model is admin15:27
citr-mint-745ActionParsnip: Gotcha, so if I wanted a generic user, who can just use apps and programs and such, but can't install or change anything, then I can create such user?15:27
citr-mint-745ActionParsnip: or just use the default user, as long as the public doesn't know the password?15:28
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: sure, a fresh user will only be able to use the OS, not perform and admin tasks15:28
SerythI'm running Ubuntu with xfce. I've just downloaded a theme from xfce-look.org, and it contains a few different files, which I'm not sure wehre to put. Could someone give me a hand? The folders the zip contains are: gtk-2.0, gtk-3.0, xfce-notify-4.0 and xfwm4.15:29
citr-mint-745and what about using USB jump drives and such.... because they aren't an admin, they can't install viruses? I'm more worried about all the other Windows Computers around it15:29
citr-mint-745ActionParsnip: this is for a university library, but it is part of their public access computers. So anyone can use it and not have to log on. I'm trying to give people more access to more tools for education and such15:29
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: they will need the password to log in. I would either make a new account or use the guest account15:30
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: or make individual accounts15:31
citr-mint-745ActionParsnip: like a user named: public and password 'password'15:31
gusbruhello! someone have a good material about how to implement modules in ubuntu, e.g. module load ...15:32
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: the guest account already exists15:32
ActionParsnipgusbru: if you add the module name in /etc/modules    it will be automatically loaded for you15:32
citr-mint-745Ok thanks ActionParsnip15:33
rabbi1nyrpnz: got eclipse running great, thanks, now moving on to php project setup s ... take care15:33
gusbrutks ActionParsnip!15:33
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EffexIs it possible to use grep to exclude a specified word in it's output?15:39
llutzEffex: grep something file|grep -v notwantedword15:39
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Pumpkin-that excludes all lines that contain the word15:39
Pumpkin-not sure if thats exactly what you want15:39
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xslanyone knows how that a machine that has X installed... goes by default for tty115:40
xslbut i want X to be up15:40
chromaticwtdo ext4 partitions ever require defragmenting?15:40
EffexYeah, that's pretty much it. I'm trying to filter out CRON jobs from a log I'm tailing15:40
xsland i do CTRL-ALT-f7 to show it15:40
llutzchromaticwt: yes15:40
chromaticwtllutz: how do I defragment the partiton, and how can I find out if the partition needs this?15:41
llutzchromaticwt: from 12.04 there will be "e4defrag" which is supposed to to the defragmentation-job.15:42
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llutzchromaticwt: to find the level of fragmentation, run fsck and check "non-contiguous files" cout15:43
hexbaseikonia, i fixed it15:44
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hexbaseikonia, it was a wrong pid filename the problem15:44
hexbaseikonia, thanks and bye15:44
SerythHow can I restart the notifications deamon?15:44
llutzchromaticwt: some info http://prefetch.net/blog/index.php/2011/11/04/defragmenting-ext4-file-systems-with-e4defrag-coming-soon-to-a-distribution-near-you/15:45
xslanyone knows how i have by default the system booting for tty1 instead of tty7 ( X session ) even if i have X installed and running, i want to CTRL-ALT-F7 manually15:45
chromaticwtsay that again?15:45
xslchromaticwt: me?15:46
chromaticwtI missed the last post to me.15:46
chromaticwtI think it was something about info.15:46
Seryth<llutz> chromaticwt: some info http://prefetch.net/blog/index.php/2011/11/04/defragmenting-ext4-file-systems-with-e4defrag-coming-soon-to-a-distribution-near-you/15:48
cordycepsLubuntu-11.10 here. I just heard my APC cutting in and out. Does anyone know where this activity is logged?15:49
SerythHow can I restart the notifications daemon?15:50
RaTTuS|BIGcordyceps - try cat /var/log/syslog - and do you have the lead plugge din ....15:51
cordycepsRaTTuS|BIG: yes it's plugged. not in syslog15:52
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RaTTuS|BIGcordyceps - tail -f /var/log/syslog and pull the plug .... ?15:53
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RaTTuS|BIGcordyceps - tail -f /var/log/syslog and pull the plug .... ?15:54
pratheek_hello :D15:55
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benveiow shit :o15:55
ahayzenbenvei: I think the server is back up :)15:56
dil3mm4they're back15:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:56
benveiahayzen, hehe :p15:56
nlkohey, i just installed ubuntu 64 bit, and opted for the disk encryption. at the first boot the resoltuion of that boot image was fine, now i have installed a driver that ubuntu asked me to, the resolution for the crypto password form has gone bad, where is this edited?15:57
pratheek_hello , how to I get started on developing apps for ubuntu ?15:57
ActionParsnipman tail     always makes me chuckle15:57
dil3mm4ive just installed ubuntu oneiric 32 bit, but only on the desk i got a white square instead of cursor.... can anyone tell me why it happens and possibly how to fix it?15:57
ActionParsnipdil3mm4: what GPU do you use?15:57
Picipratheek_: See #ubuntu-app-devel and http://developer.ubuntu.com15:57
ActionParsnipdil3mm4: are you fully updated?15:58
pratheek_Pici: Thanks !15:58
xslanyone knows why apparmor takes long time to load?15:59
dil3mm4Pici,  an answer for me? :P15:59
ActionParsnipdil3mm4: I asked you some questions.....16:00
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dil3mm4ActionParsnip, sorry...16:01
dil3mm4ActionParsnip, i'm not fully updated right now...16:01
dil3mm4ActionParsnip, and i use an old RAEDON 9200 SE16:01
hjack76sup guys, i'm having a nvidia-related resolution issue, can anybody lend me a hand? i get no response from #nvidia...16:01
ActionParsnipdil3mm4: run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade   ad get full updates16:01
ActionParsniphjack76: what is the issue?16:02
dil3mm4uhm... and if the problem comes up again ActionParsnip ?16:02
ActionParsnipdil3mm4: we'll cross that bridge if we get there16:02
hjack76ActionParsnip, i can't set a specific resolution, 1600x90016:02
ActionParsnipdil3mm4: getting updates fixes a lot of things16:03
ActionParsniphjack76: does nvidia-settings give an error when it's launched/16:03
hjack76ActionParsnip, i'm on a philips HDTV, i know it can do it and i can even set it to 1080p16:03
nlkoanyone know why my resolution for my full disk encryption has changed after installing a new driver? or where i edit the conf to get it back16:03
hjack76ActionParsnip, no, it actually just won't display that res in nvidia-settings16:03
hjack76ActionParsnip, i tried adding the mode using xrandr16:04
hjack76ActionParsnip, it "kinda" works, but parts of the screen are missing16:04
derpladeehey is there any way to play a sound from the terminal? i have a program that i run from terminal and i want the terminal to play a sound when the program has executed so i know it's done16:05
ActionParsniphjack76: if you run:   gksudo nvidia-xconfig; gksudo nvidia-settings     set the res to something and click "save to x config file". Close nvidia-settings and run:  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf     and change the resolution in the screen section to what you desire and rebot16:05
ActionParsniphjack76: if you get no display, drop to root recovery mode and rename or delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf    and reboot. Note the X in X11 is CAPITALIZED, Linux is case sensitive16:06
ActionParsnipderpladee: mplayer and aplay can play sounds in cli16:06
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hjack76ActionParsnip, gonna try it now, ty in advance16:07
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Linkmasterim planning on building my own box, and im looking to get this graphics card, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=14-121-435&SortField=0&SummaryType=0&Pagesize=10&PurchaseMark=&SelectedRating=-1&VideoOnlyMark=False&VendorMark=&IsFeedbackTab=true&Page=2#scrollFullInfo, and im wondering if it works well with linux, i didnt see anything with linux on the reviews16:08
citr-mint-745ActionParsnip: Me again :) I created this public user, in the user account area. But it didn't ask for a password, I told it to login automaticlally but don't know the password?!16:08
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Linkmaster*specifically the *buntus16:08
mneptokLinkmaster: what are you planning on doing with this machine?16:09
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: you can run:  passwd name     (change name for the actual username) and you can set the password16:09
Linkmastermneptok: regular desktop usage16:09
mneptokLinkmaster: Linux only?16:09
citr-mint-745ActionParsnip: why can't you do that in the Gnome3 gui? seems odd to me16:10
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Linkmastermneptok: preferably. i dont want to deal with windows, cept through wine if necesary. im building the machine from the ground up16:10
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: irc is a text based interface so giving command line commands rather than typing. Click this, then select and click this, is laborious16:10
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ActionParsnipLinkmaster: if you aren't gaming a cheaper card will be fine16:11
mneptokLinkmaster: that card is overkill for basic Linux desktop usage16:11
citr-mint-745I was referring to the GUI for the account settings16:11
PiciLinkmaster: It will work though, phoronix actually reviewed that card for Linux here: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=nvidia_gtx_550ti16:11
Linkmasterill be doing some gaming as well as high-cpu tasks16:11
citr-mint-745but thanks I did change the password via cli :)16:11
ActionParsnipLinkmaster: getting an nvidia card is good but something mid range will be cheaper and more likely to work with the driver in the repos16:12
mneptokLinkmaster: GPU != CPU16:12
Linkmastermneptok: sorry, typo16:12
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mneptokLinkmaster: what GPU intensive tasks do you have planned for Linux?16:13
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: same bag, I try and use CLI stuff so users can copy and paste commands rather than thempossibly clicking the wrong thing16:13
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flintwingelGPU's are good for password cracking ;)16:14
Papav3rohacking around here... ù.ù XDDD16:14
Linkmastermneptok: running linux games for one, im going to be using wine with my windows games as well, im doing some programming, compiling, etc etc16:14
BarbariandudeI can attest to that. My one can do 20 mill attempts per second16:14
Barbariandudenot too bad for a laptop16:14
Linkmaster^and that =P16:14
mneptokLinkmaster: Linux games are still not going to need that much GPU. Windows games will. and WINE is not how you want to be gaming, by all accounts.16:15
citr-mint-745good point16:15
RyuGunsWhat is a good sandbox software for ubuntu?16:15
* mneptok is not a WINE user, nor a PC gamer16:15
RyuGunsEww Console games :O16:15
ActionParsnipLinkmaster: urbanterror runs well on my Sempron AM2 with onboard nvidia 6150LE GPU with 512Mb video and 2Gb DDR2 RAM :)16:15
Barbariandudemneptok, I game on WINE with sc2, it's ok. And it works just as fast as windows for OpenGL games16:16
Linkmasteri dont want actual windows, since that involves duelbooting or a VM, both of which i dislike16:16
ActionParsnipLinkmaster: VMs won't game well at all16:16
mneptokLinkmaster: then be aware that game performance may be spotty. choose titles carefully.16:16
LinkmasterBarbariandude: wine is faster for me on my netbooks with linux then it is on windows itself, when i can get it to work16:16
ActionParsnipRyuGuns: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/07/glimpse-linux-offers-safe-sandboxed-testing-unstable-apps/16:16
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BarbariandudeLinkmaster, yeah, that can be a bit tricky16:17
mneptokLinkmaster: "when i can get it to work" is key16:17
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ActionParsnipLinkmaster: the Penumbra Series is very worth the money16:17
Linkmasterhahah, but my little netbook doesnt have the power of the machine im building, so i think thats the key16:17
BarbariandudeLinux gamers do need to pick titles carefully. My big change was from LoL to HoN when I made the switch16:17
RyuGunsNo good linux FPS. :(16:18
LinkmasterIm wanting to play HoN, but it doesnt work very nicely ):16:18
LinkmasterRyuGuns: openarena =P16:18
ActionParsnipRyuGuns: penumbra or urbanterror16:18
BarbariandudeRyuGuns, Xonotic and Warsow16:18
ActionParsnipRyuGuns: world of padman16:18
Barbariandudeme personally, don't like padman or urbanterror16:18
RyuGunsMost of them look like they were made 2 years ago..16:18
Barbariandudeand openarena is dated16:18
ActionParsnipRyuGuns: I've also played halflife2, doom3 and postal2in wine and they ran VERY well16:19
BarbariandudeXonotic is modern16:19
Barbariandudepostal 2 is native linux now16:19
RyuGunsActionParsnip: I hate using emulation software for applications, just using windows is better.16:19
BarbariandudeRyuGuns, seriously, check out Xonotic. I think you'll like it.16:19
ActionParsnipBarbariandude: last release or openarena was 4 days ago, not dated at all16:20
bullgard4Doesn't Synaptic give an information as to what Section a certain DEB program package belongs? (Gor example 'universe')16:20
bullgard4Doesn't Synaptic give an information as to what Section a certain DEB program package belongs? (For example 'universe')16:20
artichokuhi there16:20
artichokustruggling over here with wireless issues16:20
artichokui just did a fresh install and STA came on. Removed it because wireless wasn't working and rolled back to b43 driver16:21
bullgard4!wireless | artichoku16:21
ubottuartichoku: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:21
ActionParsnipbullgard4: you can use apt-cache   and it will say16:21
RyuGunsBarbariandude: Okay, looks good.16:21
artichokunow the wireless works, but monitor mode is stuck in channel -116:21
cawelartichoku: tell me about it. I've been rebooting my laptop dozens of times because of my wireless card in the last 3 days.16:21
ActionParsnipbullgard4: apt-cache show mplayer | egrep 'verse|main'       will do it16:21
RyuGunsI was looking for a more realistic kinda FPS..16:21
RyuGunsLike COD or BF16:21
cawelStill haven't found out a solution. http://askubuntu.com/questions/98211/switching-the-hardware-wireless-switch-on-makes-dell-vostro-1500-freeze16:21
bullgard4ActionParsnip: Yes. But can you tell me why Synaptic does not?16:22
ActionParsnipRyuGuns: urbanterror is a lot like counterstrike16:22
ActionParsnipbullgard4: no idea, I don't use GUI for packages, I find them too slow16:22
mrdebwhen will steam be on ubuntu16:22
RyuGunsAs far as I see no steam on ubuntu.16:22
artichokufor that matter, i'll be more than happy just ton install 9.10 where it worked perfectly, if i could find a damn download for it16:22
bullgard4ActionParsnip: Right. Thank you very much for your help.16:22
artichokuanyone have a link for 9.10?16:23
MonkeyDustRyuGuns  mrdeb http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/html/games.html16:23
ActionParsnipartichoku: why, its not supported anymore...?16:23
artichokubecause my wireless card used mon0 correctly16:23
cawelartichoku: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/16:23
citr-mint-745ActionParsnip: my public user can browse to the contents of the admins home folder, should that be the case?16:23
Barbariandudemrdeb, Valve has no plans to do that. I think they don't see enough profit in it to warrant the port.16:23
artichokuty cawel16:23
mrdebbarbar, but without it linux has no real games so now what16:24
Linkmastermneptok: Barbariandude thanks for supplying me with help on the card (: and mneptok, i also want it for bragging rights, haha xD16:24
Barbariandudemrdeb, www.desura.com16:24
artichokulest i can fix t his mon0 channel issue, i'll be forced to go back16:24
MonkeyDustdesura has gone open source16:24
mrdebis this wine16:24
mrdebbec wine is bad16:25
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: you can run (as your admin): chmod -R o-rwx   and only the your user will have access16:25
rhin0I take it it is possible now to change back to gnome classic on ubuntu 11.10 - because I am now going to use 11.1016:25
ikoniaartichoku: are you trying to use wireshark by any chance ?16:25
citr-mint-745OOhh.. thanks ActionParsnip16:25
Barbariandudemrdeb, no, it's all native linux games, 100+ of them last time I looked16:25
rhin0because a month ago I was told it wasn't possible16:25
ikoniaartichoku: if you join #wireshark, the guys in there have a fix for that in their factoids16:25
rhin0can I change back to gnome classic on ubuntu 11.1016:25
mrdebwow ok16:25
ActionParsnipartichoku: i suggest you upgrade to a supported release soon. Precise is out soon too, You could use that16:26
rhin0hell I can't even get the bash prompt in unity16:26
rhin0i hate un ity16:26
Psi-Jackrhin0: Not Gnome Classic, but you can install gnome-shell which is Gnome 3.216:26
ikoniarhin0: ok, don't use it, it's that simple16:26
Barbariandude!nounity | rhin016:26
ubotturhin0: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:26
MonkeyDust!notunity| rhin0 please don't start16:26
ubotturhin0 please don't start: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:26
ActionParsniprhin0: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/how-to-make-ubuntu-11-10-look-and-feel-like-gnome-2/16:26
mrdebrhi, you hit ctrl atl and t for term16:26
BarbariandudeMonkeyDust, c-c-c-combo breaker16:26
MonkeyDustBarbariandude  ?16:26
rhin0gnome 3.2 was what shell what verion of ubuntu was that on16:26
ikoniaartichoku: sorry, not wireshark, aircrack16:27
artichokui'm going to check #wireshark16:27
ikoniaartichoku: sorry, wait,16:27
ActionParsnipThe whole "I hate unity" is getting real old now16:27
BarbariandudeMonkeyDust, simultaneously giving the same command to ubottu16:27
rhin0actionparsnip its for apple freaks16:27
ikoniaartichoku: it's #aircrack, not #wireshark16:27
ikoniarhin0: don't use it, stop ranting16:27
rhin0i can't deal sorry16:27
rhin0can't even find the bash shell16:27
ikoniarhin0: you've just been told how to get it16:27
* rhin0 cries16:27
MonkeyDustrhin0  type ctrl-alt t16:27
ikoniaartichoku: join #aircrack-ng and explain they have the solution in a factoid in thier bot16:28
* rhin0 sighs16:28
Barbariandudeor, you know, type terminal in the dash16:28
rhin0so i get gnome back16:28
Barbariandudethat also works16:28
citr-mint-745ActionParsnip: that gave me error: missing operand after 'o-rwx'16:28
ikoniaartichoku: sorry for the wrong channel16:28
rhin0like t-e-r-m-i-n-a-l when I could earlier just click on an applet on the taskbar16:29
rhin0whats the point of that16:29
cawelDoes that look like a driver issue? Should I try another driver? http://askubuntu.com/questions/98211/switching-the-hardware-wireless-switch-on-makes-dell-vostro-1500-freeze16:29
Barbarianduderhin0, you can pin it to the launcher so it takes 1 click. It's what I did16:29
ikoniarhin0: to stop you complaining/me wines stuff - I told you, stop ranting, people will help, or don't use unity, it's that simple16:29
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: hmod -R o-rwx /home/name     chnage name obviously16:30
rhin0hopefull it won't freeze up like 11.10 was16:30
rhin0i mean 11.0416:30
citr-mint-745so i do that for the admin or public or both?16:30
ActionParsniprhin0: there is always xfce, it looks and smells like Gnome2 :)16:31
rhin0yes ... but xubuntu was giving me problems16:31
nancy-- can anyone recommend a "trustable" well renouned vps (with root access) vps provider     for $10 /month  . (also charged per month)? i signed at fdcservers.net but they  cancelled my order because they were unable to verify card. strange  ?16:31
rhin0i have to go to something new sorry will get around to looking at unity16:31
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: as the admin, the default is that users can see each others files16:31
Picinancy--: Not an Ubuntu support question, try #ubuntu-offtopic for opinions.16:31
rhin0hopefully - driver issues will be sorted on 11.1016:31
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: chmod, not hmod obviosly. typo16:31
rhin0becuase my dell inspiron m5010 was freezing with xubuntu 11.10 with ubuntu 11.0416:32
blitzif there's a little triangle next to chat in the top right drop down menu does that mean empathy or whatever it's called is on and I'm signed in?16:32
shadykhanis the best way to cross browser test in ubuntu to vm windows?16:32
rhin0use virtualbox shadykhan16:32
Si2100or VMware Player16:32
citr-mint-745that worked ActionParsnip! thanks.... you're one smart cookie!16:32
ActionParsnipshadykhan: there is no single best solution for anything16:33
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: just been using the OS long enough16:33
blitz+1 virtualbox16:33
Si2100-1 xD16:33
citr-mint-745what version are you using ActionParsnip ?16:33
bullgard4The commands who and w will show who is actually logged on. --  But what command will show what user accounts are set up on the current computer?16:33
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: version of what?16:33
Picibullgard4: getent passwd16:34
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: I use lubuntu and xpud16:34
ikoniabullgard4: you can also look in the password file16:34
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bullgard4Pici, ikonia Thank you for your help.16:36
StereocaulonAfter the update from 10.04 I´m having trouble wit the scim replacement ibus. The majority of programs show ¨No input screeen¨ whereas scim worked in *any* application. Any hints how to fix this?16:36
citr-mint-745ActionParsnip: would i do the same chmod -R o-rwx for /bin, /usr etc so the public user can see the contents of those folder either? Or Would that cause them to not be able to run apps?16:36
hjack76ActionParsnip, hey dude, it's the guy with the resolution problem again16:36
hjack76ActionParsnip, didn't work, i got black screen16:37
varikonniemiis there some way to create a raid 1 array with the other disk missing?16:37
ActionParsniphjack76: dang16:37
varikonniemii guess there is, but not via GUI ?16:37
pworkWhat is a good method to override the host "uname -r" in a chroot ?16:37
StereocaulonVarikonniemi, no, you´ll need two *identical* HDD´s16:38
hjack76ActionParsnip, i assume it's EDID-related... after all i'm not having high-res limitation, it's just the res that i want that doesn't show in nvidia-settings16:38
ActionParsniphjack76: yea, sounds like your screen isnt reporting it/ Good screens do that16:38
varikonniemiStereocaulon, since they are copies of one another, and can work without one another16:38
HumanConditionhjack76:  you can add a resolution using xrandr16:38
varikonniemiwhy cannot they be created without one another?16:38
exogrimin OpenVPN config file, is "show-net-up" a windows configuration? i downloaded a config file and i get "Options error: Unrecognized option or missing parameter(s) in sweden.ovpn:146: show-net-up (2.2.0)"16:39
Stereocaulonvarikonniemi, that depends if it´s hardware RAID or software RAID. Software RAID is more flexible, but you´ ll loose some performance.16:39
hjack76HumanCondition, i already did it, i can use xrandr --newmode modeline but xrandr --addmode "output" "mode" gives me the xrandr help msg16:40
ActionParsniphjack76: you'll need to fight the xorg.conf file til it plaus nice16:40
varikonniemiStereocaulon, yes i am using mdadm with ubuntu gui16:40
HumanConditionhjack76: uhh. weird. never had a problem with xrandr my self. you sure it didn't add the res anyway? check xrandr -q16:40
Si2100am using Ubuntu with Gnome-Shell16:40
acidraindoes anyone know of any 2 way encryptions that shorten the string?16:41
Stereocaulonvarikonniemi, mdadm? What´ s that?16:41
varikonniemibut i guess i will have to google or ask from some #mdadm channel or something for indepth how tos16:41
hjack76ActionParsnip, fact is, there's a point when i can get 1600x900_60 to work, but parts of the screen go missing16:41
varikonniemimdadm is a Linux utility used to manage software RAID devices.16:41
ActionParsniphjack76: here is mine:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/816638/   my screen sets a stupidly high res with insane DPI resulting in huge text and tony everything else16:41
acidraincan anyone at least lead me to the direction that would give me the answers i am looking for?16:42
acidrainor is what im talking about not possible?16:42
bullgard4!enter | acidrain16:42
ubottuacidrain: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:42
Stereocaulon After the update from 10.04 I´m having trouble with the scim replacement ibus. The majority of programs show ¨No input screeen¨ whereas scim worked in *any* application. Dead keys don´t work anymore and I can´ t type any Japanese anymore, even though I do have both ibus and Anthy installed. Any hints how to fix this?16:42
ActionParsnipacidrain: which string?16:43
hjack76HumanCondition, xrandr -q shows me the res i added in the bottom16:43
Piciacidrain: I don't see what this has to do with Ubuntu... maybe a programming channel would be more appropriate?16:43
HumanConditionhjack76: can you pastebin for me xrandr -q ?16:43
hjack76HumanCondition, like i said, i can force it, but 20% of the screen is not visible until i move my mouse there16:43
ActionParsnipacidrain: in 105 mins Ive been in the channel, you haven't said what "the string" is16:43
HumanConditionhjack76: hrm.16:44
acidrainActionParsnip: the string i am talking about is anyting i want it to be16:44
HumanConditionhjack76: what res are you trying for and is it an hdmi tv or a monitor ?16:44
ActionParsnipacidrain: so an app or script takes a string and shortens it?16:44
flintwingelvarikonniemi: have you tried mdadm --level=mirror --raid-devices=1 ?16:44
hjack76HumanCondition, i'm trying to set 1600x900_60, i'm on a philips hdtv via hdmi connection16:44
ActionParsnipacidrain: is that what you are after?16:45
acidrainActionParsnip: lets say i have a string of 20000 characters. what encryption, that is 2 ways, will epically shorten it.16:45
Piciacidrain: Again... what does this have to do with Ubuntu?16:45
edheldilHi, all, does anybody know of a good app for managing database o servers, racks, licenses, etc. Something like RackMonkey, but more customizable. RM seems to be dead for a while :(16:45
hjack76HumanCondition, i can set 1080p with no issues, but 1600x900 won't show in nvidia-settings or xrandr16:45
Raffffubuntu 11.10 has an option in User Account to allow my user to log in without typing a password in the login screen. I used it, and after it, my user password was not recognise dby sudo nor by policykit (unique installation administrator user), I have set a new password to my user by passwd from recovery mode, and now it is recognised by sudo and policykit, but the password is still not requested by login screen (lightdm), and I16:45
Raffffwould like to have to type the password now, I have set again a different password via User Accounts module, and still is not asked in lightdm. How can I set password at login again?16:45
acidrainPici: plz read my text carefully. thanks.16:45
ActionParsnipacidrain: i'd ask in a programming channel, or #bash16:45
flintwingelacidrain: encryption won't shorten it necessarily... coompression might16:45
urlin2uRaffff, theguest is not in the all users no sudo there uless you add it.16:46
HumanConditionhjack76: that is a non-standard resolution afaik. how big is this tv ? might just not be a good resolution to use. common ones are. 1366x768 (16:9) or obviously 1920x1080 (16:916:46
TransistoI am trying to resize a windows but every time it take 30 sec to move the mouse on the one pixel of the border ?   Can't be like that by default, Should I reinstall ?16:46
ActionParsnipacidrain: I suggest you ask better questions in future, it will get you help faster16:46
edheldilacidrain:  use gzip + encryption16:46
Stereocaulonacidrain, are you sure you mean encryption, not compression?16:46
ActionParsnipTransisto: if you havent changed any settings regarding the issue, how would a reinstall help?16:47
rhin0i click on "click to install (fallback)" it says there isn't a package called gnome-session-fallback in your current software sources16:47
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hjack76HumanCondition, it's 42'', actually 1366x768 renders everything too big, while in 1080p everything is just too small16:47
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ActionParsnip!info gnome-session-fallback16:47
urlin2uRaffff, you can make a account as well that uses a pass to get in but has no sudo.16:47
ubottugnome-session-fallback (source: gnome-session): GNOME Session Manager - GNOME fallback session. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu1.1 (oneiric), package size 4 kB, installed size 200 kB (Only available for any all)16:47
acidrainStereocaulon: well im just looking for anything.16:47
rhin0how do I enable universe in unity16:47
ActionParsniprhin0: you need the universe repo enabling16:47
rhin0well how16:47
rhin0im in unity16:48
urlin2urhin0, in softwrae sources16:48
rhin0no idea sorry - trying to get to gnome16:48
ActionParsniprhin0: same as i the other releases, use software centre16:48
genceHi, I install Ubuntu alternate from a USB stick drive, when I run a default installation - "CDROM drive is not found." message is shown, I can edit a kernel boot OPTIONS - But what OPTION to change?16:48
HumanConditionhjack76: change the dpi and use 1080p16:48
Stereocaulonacidrain, That is not exactly specific.16:48
TransistoI am trying to resize a windows but every time it take me ~30 sec to move the mouse on the correct pixel on the border.  Is it like that by default? Should I reinstall ?16:48
ActionParsniprhin0: unity is a shell for gnome16:48
ActionParsniprhin0: you are running gnome NOW16:48
compdocTransisto, I have problems with that too16:48
rhin0yes ..... how do I turn universe repository on in unity16:48
rhin0I have no menus "sofware sources"16:48
rhin0how do I get anywhere without menus16:48
hjack76HumanCondition, that's a ridiculously obvious thing that i haven't tried yet... ty lol16:49
StereocaulonTransisto, sounds like you are a little short on memory for the environment you are trying to run16:49
ActionParsniprhin0: in the top bar with software centre active is the menus, click on those16:49
urlin2urhin0, top button of unity left panel gives you a serach16:49
HumanConditionnp. thats what I had to do on my LG 37" hdtv. had same problem as you said when trying to see things from my couch LOl.16:49
ActionParsniprhin0: you have the menus16:49
TransistoI'm short on memory ? just no 3d acceleration16:50
ActionParsniprhin0: just because you don't know where something is doesn't mean it doesn't exist16:50
usuario_quienezs soys?¿16:50
FloodBot1usuario_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:50
urlin2uActionParsnip, it's not HUD yet. :)16:50
StereocaulonTransisto, and no, waiting 30 seconds for a resize cursor is not normal16:50
ActionParsnipurlin2u: Ive no interest in HUG or Unity for that matter :)16:50
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urlin2uActionParsnip, I'm pretty generic about all the de's they work just need to know how.16:51
rhin0i will feel better when I get gnome classic view back16:51
MonkeyDustrhin0  you can select it in lightdm16:52
ActionParsniprhin0: I'd just install xfce and have an easier time16:52
rhin0you mean xfce on ubuntu 11.10?16:52
rhin0or 11.04?16:52
rhin0howto please16:52
FloodBot1usuario_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:52
MonkeyDust!es| usuario_16:52
ubottuusuario_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:52
ActionParsniprhin0: either16:52
Stereocaulonrhin0, please bear in mind that the ¨classic¨ gnome environment is not complete in ubuntu 11.10. As alternatives you can opt for XFCE or LXDE (a bit more Spartan than XFCE, but lightning quick)16:53
ActionParsniprhin0: sudo apt-get install xfce416:53
acidrainStereocaulon: pm16:53
rhin0how would I install LXDE16:53
gencePlease, what OPTION I NEED to change... Question is in the ^!16:53
theadminrhin0: sudo apt-get install lxde16:53
rhin0i know lxde lxde = lubuntu16:53
genceHi, I install Ubuntu alternate from a USB stick drive, when I run a default installation - "CDROM drive is not found." message is shown, I can edit a kernel boot OPTIONS - But what OPTION to change?16:53
rhin0then just reboot and its an option in the menu thing16:53
novid‎hello all16:53
akemanyone tried Future Pinball with PlayOnLinux recently?16:54
novid‎i cant open repository  from synaptic16:54
urlin2ugence, how did you load the usb, it is that you can't install?16:54
genceurlin2u: Yes!16:54
novid‎i get this error http://pastebin.com/iRnZeMMN16:54
ActionParsniprhin0: no. LXDE == LXDE, Lubuntu == Ubuntu + LXDE16:54
urlin2ugence, how did you load the usb a thmb drive right?16:54
nc_I was just wondering, if I were to ssh to a machine in my network from a machine outside my network (i have a static ip adress) would i then "ssh user@my.static.ip.adress"? I mean if I check my ip adress online all the computers have the same one :o (Sorry for being a noob)16:55
theadminnc_: You need to set port forwarding on your router.16:55
genceurlin2u: For loading a USB stick, I need to tell kernel abount having a dist files on the USB?16:55
theadminnc_: Or even DMZ, if you prefer.16:55
ActionParsnipnc_: you will need to configure port forwarding on the router to push the request on the WAN IP to the internal IP ofthe system itself16:56
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urlin2ugence, no a loader does all of that try reloading with unetbootin.16:56
ActionParsnipnc_: you can connect to all your PCs if you want, you just need a different port for each system. Or you can just use one and use it to access the others (more secure)16:56
Raffffurlin2u: but I am not using the Guest  account16:56
genceurlin2u: I find an "cdrom-detect/try-usb=true" - it is not work for me, I not know why...16:57
novid‎why i cant open  repository  from synaptic :(  http://pastebin.com/iRnZeMMN16:57
nc_theadmin, ActionParsnip: So if I open e.g. port 22 the computers will get their own adress and i will ssh into that?16:57
urlin2uRaffff, not sure then.16:57
darki76545Hello, i am looking for a tool to visualize file-system data blocks ("clusters") the way like common defrag tools (o&o) in windows do. i need that for a project. thanks for any answers! :)   didnt find something in synaptics16:57
rhin0ok trying unity -- how do I pin the bash prompt to the launcher16:57
rhin0how do I pin to launcher16:57
rhin0whats the launcher is that the bar on top of the screen?16:57
theadminnc_: You need to forward port 22 to, say,, that way when you ssh into your public IP address you'll infact ssh into the computer the port is forwarded to.16:57
urlin2ugence, is it that you can't boot the stick?16:57
MonkeyDustrhin0  right click on the icon16:58
arex\is there a program/command for sorting a textfile on length?`16:58
nc_theadmin: Awesome thanks :)!16:58
ActionParsniprhin0: you will need to make a .desktop launcher for it and then you can add it16:58
arex\i dont see anything in sort --help that'll sort on length16:58
MonkeyDustrhin0  i'd suggest you try Unity for a while, to find out what everything is and does16:58
rhin0is it really better16:59
rhin0i've been having gpu problems16:59
ActionParsniprhin0: I suggest you put it in /usr/share/applications   and it will be findable from dash too :)16:59
genceurlin2u: Yes, MESSAGE FROM INSTALLER is "CDROM with installation files not found." - I use a USB!16:59
ActionParsniprhin0: is WHAT better, what is "it"?16:59
theadminnc_: If you configure DMZ to then all requests to your public IP will be forwarded to the computer on, if that's the right way for you16:59
urlin2ugence, I would just use a different loader to the usb like unetbootin reload the usb.17:00
genceI make an Installation USB stick with unetbootin tools...17:00
nc_theadmin: Let me get it straight, if i open port 22 and i ssh user1@ i can do another to ssh user2@
MonkeyDustrhin0  using Unity is the best way to learn it17:00
urlin2ugence, check the md5sum of the ISO then17:00
theadminnc_: Sure, as long as the sshd setup allows that.17:00
nc_theadmin: the sshd setup? :o17:00
rhin0i typed term and I see the term icon -- I want that available from "launcher"17:01
StereocaulonAfter the update from Ubuntu 10.04 to 11.10 I´m having trouble with the scim replacement ibus. The majority of programs show ¨No input screeen¨ whereas scim worked in *any* application. Dead keys don´t work anymore and I can´ t type any Japanese anymore, even though I do have both ibus and Anthy installed. Any hints how to fix this? The #ibus channel seems a bit dead.17:01
rhin0if I right click on it it just runs "term"17:01
ActionParsniprhin0: better is an opinion, so never concrete17:01
urlin2ugence, goota go others are here that will help, good luck. :D17:01
theadminnc_: Well, uh, yeah... You need to configure an ssh server (for instance, sshd or whatever) to access your computer via SSH17:01
MonkeyDustrhin0  please stop telling what you are doing all the time17:01
ActionParsniprhin0: what someone "loves" another will "hate"17:01
genceurist: Thanks!17:01
rhin0im being forced into this17:01
Guest32572can someone please help me out17:02
ActionParsniprhin0: you can drag from the search results to the bar17:02
nc_theadmin: ahh, okay i've got openssh configured :)17:02
ActionParsniprhin0: you are NOT forced at all. I suggested you install XFCE ages again17:02
rhin0ok ok17:02
ActionParsniprhin0: ago17:02
Guest32572i did sudo ufw enable on my server and now i can ssh it17:02
rhin0no i am becoming convinced apologies17:02
ActionParsniprhin0: xfce does not run unity17:02
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nc_theadmin: I mean vino, sorry17:03
ActionParsniprhin0: neither does KDE or LXDE or any of the other desktops or window managers17:03
MonkeyDustrhin0  if you don't like unity, then don't use it17:03
ActionParsniprhin0: its like saying you are forced to use firefox17:03
theadminrhin0: See, let me explain. Gnome2 is no longer officially developed or supported so Ubuntu can't use it. Their options are Gnome3 or Unity. They went with Unity because Gnome3's a mess. You can still use other destkops though. XFCE is almost identical to gnome2, so I suggest you try it.17:03
flintwingelGuest32572: did you keep a seesion open to it? Do you have another way in to it (can you get to the console)?17:03
theadminnc_: Oh, that. You'd need to forward whatever the VNC porn is then17:04
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jr200747so now i am in rescue mode tryng to fix the problem17:04
jpdsOK, alles ist Ordnung.17:04
ActionParsniprhin0: you can install ANY of the alternatives and use them. This is one of the key foundations of the OS you are using17:04
nc_theadmin: okay, thanks a lot. Gotta go, have a great day! :)17:04
jr200747flintwingel plaese read up17:04
theadminnc_: Thanks. Hope you fix your problem.17:04
nc_theadmin: if not I'll be back tomorrow :p17:05
ekaleidois there a sysctl arg that will give me a view into bits/bytes in and out of a given nic?17:05
darki76545is there any tool to visualize data clusters / allocation units / whatever its called on linux fs's  or at least a clue what search terms i have to use to find such a utility.17:05
ActionParsnipekaleido: ntop may do it17:05
genceHow to run an existing Process from fg to bg?17:06
flintwingelmissed th bit where you changed your nick...17:06
ActionParsnipgence: CTRL+Z then run:  bg   afair17:06
jr200747[12:03pm] Guest32572 (~ident@cpe-71-74-239-184.neo.res.rr.com) is now known as jr20074717:06
flintwingeli see that now...17:06
dsg_How add nvidia in sistem panel how in Windows?17:07
Stereocaulon!ask | dsg_17:07
ubottudsg_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:07
ActionParsnipdsg_: windows isn;t supported here17:07
dsg_how do it in Ubunt?17:07
genceActionParsnip: Thank You!17:07
theadminActionParsnip: (s)he's not asking about Windows, (s)he's asking about an alternative to Nvidiacpl for Linux. AFAIK there is one, dunno what it's called though17:08
dsg_in windows i can but here no17:08
dsg_Help pLEASE!17:08
theadmindsg_: Be patient17:08
* theadmin wishes she could help, but she'17:08
* theadmin wishes she could help, but she's an AMD/ATI user17:08
ActionParsniptheadmin: the question did say windows....17:08
Stereocaulon!nvidia | dsg_17:08
ubottudsg_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:08
ActionParsniptheadmin: no idea what Nvidiacpl is tbh17:09
theadminActionParsnip: Read carefully... "how in Windows", i.e. "as in Windows". Bad English, sure, but17:09
jr200747flintwingel any luck on helping me fix this problem of mine?17:09
theadminActionParsnip: Nvidia Control Panel17:09
dsg_there are english :(17:09
imgx64I have a problem. "dig" isn't sending queries for AAAA records, even with the -6 flag (I checked with Wireshark), but "host ipv6.google.com" and "getent hosts ipv6.google.com" are both working properly. Is this a problem with dig or with my configuration?17:09
ActionParsniptheadmin: if someone said to you "how can I do x in windows", would you start giving Linux advise? Sound like a windows question doesn't it? ;)17:09
flintwingeljr200747:did you keep a seesion open to it? Do you have another way in to it (can you get to the console)?17:10
dsg_I not see my ask17:10
Stereocaulondsg_, just run this: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings17:10
theadminActionParsnip: Nah, well, he didn't ask "how can I do x in Windows", he asked "how can I do x how in Windows", which is... I suspect my Russian knowledge is helping me out a bit too much here xD17:10
dsg_ш рфму ше17:10
dsg_i have it17:10
theadminAnd yep, I was right17:10
dsg_how enable icon on panel?17:10
theadmindsg_: Try #ubuntu-ru , you're hardly making any sense17:11
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rhin0i jus tcan't figure ou twhy they abandoned gnome standard it was so solid17:11
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jr200747flintwingel i closed the first ssh sesion and i am back loged into the server with ssh but i am in rescue mode17:11
Stereocaulondsg_, it does not work that way, you´ ll have to run the program itself, you *can* put it on the Unity launcher of course.17:11
dsg_u not undestand?17:11
theadminrhin0: It's the Gnome team which abandoned Gnome2. Gnome2 is no longer supported, and Gnome3 is horrible.17:11
theadminrhin0: Not Ubuntu's fault.17:11
flintwingeljr200747: don't know what you mean by rescue mode17:11
Stereocaulondsg_, I rather think it is the other way around...17:12
dsg_иге иуащку ш ыфц ше17:12
rhin0well thanks guys am still hanging in there17:12
MonkeyDustrhin0  Unity is a Canonical product, but gnome isnt17:12
Stereocaulon!ru | dsg_17:12
ubottudsg_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:12
citr-mint-745ActionParsnip: I have the gnome3 shell running on ubuntu 11.10. When i use some KDE apps, the windows manager seems to crash, I can still use some things, but not adjust the windows sizes or switch bettween them. How do i restart "x" without restarting the computer17:12
dsg_How enable icon?17:12
ActionParsniprhin0: try a different DE is all I can advise17:12
dsg_Catalist have it17:13
citr-mint-745i saw somewere it was something like 'restart gdm' but i don't have gdm installed17:13
citr-mint-745at least i don't think i do17:13
dsg_Nvidia too have?17:13
ActionParsnipcitr-mint-745: ALT+K+PrintScreen AFAIK17:13
Stereocaulondsg_, not possible.17:13
theadmincitr-mint-745: /etc/init.d/lightdm restart17:13
citr-mint-745but that will restart the whole thing right17:13
theadminOr what ActionParsnip said17:13
ActionParsnipdsg_: why would you want it, do you really change youor display that much?17:13
dsg_иге ш цщте ше17:13
jr200747flintwingel i am not a big user of ubuntu and this is what ovh offer me so i can try to fix my problem17:13
theadmindsg_: Stop switching layouts.17:14
imgx64Ah, I solved my problem. The -6 flag of dig is for using IPv6 *transport*, not for querying for AAAA records. "dig ipv6.google.com AAAA" works.17:14
jpdsdsg_: Erm, stop doing that17:14
citr-mint-745oops that restarted the whole thing theadmin but that did get it back to normal17:14
Stereocaulondsg_, typing Russian won´t make it clearer to us, this an English channel17:14
citr-mint-745I just lost what I was playing with, no biggy in this case17:14
jpdsStereocaulon: He's not talking Russian.17:14
theadminStereocaulon: (s)he's not even typing Russian. This is nonsense like "afaqkjfqfakfq", basically.17:14
lupzzI have a problem on a Intel i915 based laptop, xorg recognizes 1024x768 or 800x600.. but the screen native resolution is 1366x768... tried with the xrandr/cvt commands as described in X/Config/Resolution and even getting parameters from "sudo get-edid | parse-edid" but with no luck... any hint?17:15
dsg_my inglish bed?17:15
ActionParsniplupzz: you may need an xorg.conf file to make it play nice17:15
jr200747flintwingel can i pm you?17:15
theadmindsg_: Yes. Please go to #ubuntu-ru and get support in Russian.17:15
ActionParsnipdsg_: I asked you a question17:15
flintwingeljr200747: ok17:15
lupzzActionParsnip, I have to write by myself?17:15
Stereocaulonjpds, theadmin, thanks for clarifiying!17:16
varikonniemii asked some time ago about how to do a single disk raid. HEre is the guide i found, thought i would share if it helps someone: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Convert_a_single_drive_system_to_RAID17:16
ActionParsniplupzz: there are guides online, sometimes unky displays don't report their resolutions and such properly17:16
theadminlupzz: Have you tried specifying "Driver 'intel'" in xorg.conf?17:16
txdv2join ubuntu channel, ask windows question17:16
txdv2o sry17:16
Stereocaulon After the update from Ubuntu 10.04 to 11.10 I´m having trouble with the scim replacement ibus. The majority of programs show ¨No input screeen¨ whereas scim worked in *any* application. Dead keys don´t work anymore and I can´ t type any Japanese anymore, even though I do have both ibus and Anthy installed. Any hints how to fix this?17:16
Stereocauloncan someone kick dsg_ ?17:16
lupzzActionParsnip, theadmin, I am not fluent in writing xorg.conf files.. :)17:17
varikonniemithe only thing missing from ubuntu is for the disk utility to understand it can give *missing* as the location for the second device17:17
dsg_i have dispaly yes17:17
ActionParsnipdsg_: 2nd time. I asked you a question17:17
ActionParsniplupzz: nobody is born knowing either....17:17
PTBDhallo. if I want to use c/c++ plugin in eclipse what would you recommend how to install it? from software center or from eclipse itself?17:17
lupzztheadmin, btw in Xorg.0.log I see that it uses that driver17:17
lupzzActionParsnip, OK I will put some effort in that :)17:18
StereocaulonPTBD, better use the options within Eclipse.17:18
lupzzActionParsnip, there is still some sudo dpkg-reconfigure that will "write" the xorg.conf file for me... I guess that there was a tool for that17:18
PTBDStereocaulon, are there known problems? well I tryed it from the software center and it didn't work like on my other distribution17:19
lupzzin an ubuntu-K release there was such a thing..17:19
darki76545How to visualize data blocks / data allocation of a ext2 filesystem (used, free, locked, and so on).17:20
StereocaulonPTBD, I wouldn´t know, I only develop Java in Eclipse, no other languages. If you set up the repositories in Eclipse correctly, it should be able to download the Eclipse specific parts.17:20
PTBDStereocaulon, allright. thank you17:20
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StereocaulonPTBD, np :-)17:20
PTBDStereocaulon, may I ask another question? ^^17:21
StereocaulonPTBD, sure. If it has to do something with ubuntu, after all this is the ubuntu support channel.17:21
PTBDStereocaulon, it's more about eclipse17:21
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StereocaulonPTBD, ok, but I think you will get more help on #eclipse. I am not a professional programmer. Just a student.17:22
theadminlupzz: This is the basic idea: https://pzt.me/204y17:23
PTBDbut kind of ubuntu too. anyways ... i installed open-jdk7 yesterday and alot of jdk6 packages came with it? is that normal? also after installing jdk7 und starting eclipse it tells me that I can't use jdk7 and I have to use jdk617:23
StereocaulonCan anyone help me to get ibus to function *properly* so that I can use the US-Int., w. deadkeys and enter text in Japanese using anthy?17:24
ActionParsniplupzz: that will give a skeleton file you can flesh out17:25
StereocaulonPTBD, yes that´s normal.17:25
PTBDand that I can't use jdk7 in eclipse too?17:25
StereocaulonPTBD, check if your version of Eclipse is jdk7-compatible17:26
msh210Hi, I'm running Firefox and came to a Web page with a Java applet; the browser suggested I install either IcedTea6 or Java Runtime Environment. Apparently (?), both are Java applet -running plugins. Can anyone recommend one of them over the other, and why?17:26
PTBDhow do I do that? I mean I installed eclipse from the software center and was version 3.7.017:26
MonkeyDustmsh210  make sure you have open-jdk installed, not sun-jdk17:26
theadminmsh210: Icedtea is opensource, JRE is closed-source, otherwise they are similar.17:26
xanguamsh210: openjdk comes in ubuntu repository, you can manually install oracle java from it's web17:26
theadminxangua: False. Sun Java is in the Partner repo as well (or used to be)17:27
xanguatheadmin: still¿¿ ok17:27
crondremoved now17:27
crondSun ended the licsense17:27
cronder Oracle17:27
Stereocaulonmsh210, I´d go with the Java Runtime Environment if it´s an advanced app, IcedTea6 does not have all libs, specifically some 3d libs are missing17:27
theadmincrond: Okay, I see, thanks for the info -- I didn't know that.17:27
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msh210MonkeyDust xangua : Am I to assume open-jdk is Icedtea6 and sun-jdk is Java Runtime Environment ?17:27
msh210theadmin: thanks.17:28
msh210Stereocaulon: thanks.17:28
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=== Guest94476 is now known as o2
_cbdocs for a system says I should store fstab user  credentials in /etc/ but ubuntu server does not let me write anything, not even as root. Is there another folder I should use?17:30
StereocaulonI´m going too eat now, lurking mode=ON17:31
msh210ok,thank you. HAND17:32
CaifasHello guys, is there a mirroring tool you can recommend me?17:32
ActionParsnipxangua: is your OS 32bit?17:32
xanguaActionParsnip: ¿¿17:32
ActionParsnipCaifas: rsync can mirror files from one place to another17:33
dougskoCaifas: for mirroring web pages? wget17:33
ActionParsnipxangua: is your ubuntu install 32it?17:33
xanguaActionParsnip: yes, for¿17:33
theadminCaifas: Mirroring *what* exactly, what do you want to acheive?17:33
Caifasi need to mirror my server so my backup can assume his place when the main server fail :D17:33
ActionParsnipxangua: for the kernel? If you have a 32bit kernel I can give a script to install 32bit Java 1.7_0217:33
heiseminkdoes gparted move files when resizing a partition or is there potential for data loss?17:33
theadminxangua: Please use Unicode, your messages have weird, unreadable symbols and that makes it confusing for some of us.17:34
xanguaActionParsnip: ok...i don't care; i am not the one that asked17:34
dougskoCaifas: there's dump/restore, dd, rsync, etc17:34
theadminheisemink: There is potential for data loss if, say, there is a power surge, or the hard drive is physically damaged. Otherwise you're pretty safe.17:34
dougskoCaifas: even just tar works great17:34
ActionParsnipheisemink: there is always a potential for data loss, be sure your backups are sufficiently recent.17:34
icerootheisemink: its always a good idea to have a backup17:34
heiseminktheadmin, it's a laptop with fully charged battery and a healthy hard drive. Just to be sure, do you mean it will move the files?17:35
rabbi1is GTK record best available for screen recording (A/V) ?17:35
opalepatrickanyone know an irc channel for css related stuff?17:35
icerootheisemink: not only when resizing a partition17:35
theadminheisemink: It will move the content, yes.17:35
iceroot!alis | opalepatrick17:35
ubottuopalepatrick: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*17:35
Caifasdougsko: yes, but they took time, I'm looking for something with less downtime17:35
ActionParsniprabbi1: there is no single best app for anything17:35
dougskoCaifas: copying files requires no downtime at all17:35
opalepatrickthanks iceroot17:35
rabbi1ActionParsnip: I have heard this many a time, i have no idea why i ask this question again and again :) chill17:35
Shizuo16Hello ubunto community17:36
ActionParsniprabbi1: badly worded question17:36
RyuGunsWhat's good open source sandbox software for linux?17:36
Shizuo16Some one know how can i solve BusyBox problem17:36
theadminRyuGuns: None really decent around. Try Jailkit I guess.17:36
Shizuo16can't start my ubuntu always same problem busybox v1.8 ...17:36
icerootActionParsnip: except for editors of course :)17:37
theadminShizuo16: That's not the problem. The problem is the error before you are dropped to busybox.17:37
ActionParsniprabbi1: there is also http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/help-test-new-screen-recording-app-eidete/17:37
theadminRyuGuns: https://launchpad.net/~jailkit/+archive/ppa - try it, it's the only one I really found17:37
ActionParsnipiceroot: ahhahha17:37
ActionParsniprabbi1: try a few, see what you like and use that17:37
Shizuo16theadmin: what do you mean !!? when i try to start my pc i saw black screen writin busybox v1.8 ....(ash)17:38
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theadminShizuo16: Yes. What's the error BEFORE the busybox prompt?17:38
Shizuo16theadmin: wait  1 sec17:38
Shizuo16theadmin: there are ntg befor busybox v1.18.4 (ubuntu...) built in ash17:42
Shizuo16theadmin: there are ntg befor busybox v1.18.4 (ubuntu...) built-in shell ( ash)17:42
Shizuo16theadmin: entre help  for a list of built in command17:42
yoavhi everyone17:44
lelouchtheadmin: busybox v1.18.4 (ubuntu...) built-in shell (ash)17:45
theadminlelouch: Before that.17:45
hexacodeanyone here familiar with svn server?  i imported a folder called nachos with 3 subdirectories within it called tags branches and trunks. however, after i imported it to testrepo/  i now have branches/ trunks/ and tags/ within testrepo, and then within trunk, i have my nachos folder/ with the 3 subdirectories mentioned earlier...i want to know where the other tags branches and trunks folder came from17:45
lelouchtheadmin: ther is nothing befor that17:45
theadminlelouch: err...17:45
yoavcan someone see what i;m writing?17:45
lelouchtheadmin: enter help to built-in command17:46
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antonio_Hey guys, I have a question regarding folder permissions on Ubuntu.  I encountered a permissions error with a PHP app that I have running on my server.  When I went in to take a look at the permissions for that folder, I saw a 'T' in the 'Other' grouping in place of where the x or - would normally be, what does that mean?17:46
theadminantonio_: Sticky17:46
lelouchtheadmin: then  (inintramfs)  /// there are nothing lese in the screen17:46
antonio_theadmin:  would that have potentially messed up my app?17:47
theadminantonio_: Don't think so17:47
lelouchtheadmin: any idea mr theadmin ?17:48
theadminlelouch: No, sorry17:48
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ninjaiQuestion: If I do a dist upgrade and it says "mysql-server-5.0" is being removed, am I going to lose my databases too or will I still have my databases?17:51
ikonianinjai: your database should be kept in a seperate directory17:51
ninjaiok thanks17:51
theadminninjai: Configs and user-created data are never touched nor removed by APT17:51
ikonianinjai: your my.cnf file shows where they are, take a backup if you need %100 confidence17:52
ninjaiikonia, where is my.cnf?17:52
BlueEagleninjai: /etc/mysql/my.cnf perhaps?17:53
staff_nowahello, how i can get information what my pc share to other people in LAN?17:54
andaiIs it possible to install different operating systems on a hardware raid setup?17:54
theadminstaff_nowa: If you haven't configured anything, nothing is shared17:54
andaiI once read it isn't, but that was a while ago17:54
ikoniaandai: not really an ubuntu issue ?17:54
andaiikonia: Well, I want to install ubuntu on this machine, but i have a suspicion it will destroy the windows install completely.17:55
ActionParsnipstaff_nowa: smbtree     will show your samba shares17:55
theadminandai: It is possible, but I have no idea how or why would you ever want multiple OSes :D17:55
staff_nowa<theadmin> i just installed samba and sometimes when go some there with laptop don't switch shared files17:55
andaiikonia: Which wouldn't bother me, but it's not my computer17:55
staff_nowa<ActionParsnip> thank you17:55
ActionParsnipandai: it will be fine, installing WIndows to only a portion of the space is a good idea17:55
ikoniaandai: it won't destroy a windows install unless you tell it to17:55
andaitheadmin: The owner was angry enough when I replaced his sad antivirus with a decent one17:55
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theadminandai: Check the installer, if it gets confusing write back, it can't be too hard :D17:56
puchatyreally guys are you working on 3.0 kernel?^^17:56
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puchatyy not in here :P17:56
puchatywrong channel ;d17:56
andaiActionParsnip, Ikonia: Are there any special steps to take when resizing the windows partition on a RAID setup, or will GParted treat it as a single, large partition? ( RAID 0 btw )17:56
ActionParsnippuchaty: here17:56
theadminpuchaty: I myself am using 3.2 already :P17:56
lagboxhello all17:56
theadmin3.2.1, even17:56
ikoniapuchaty: ubuntu ships with a 3.x kernel17:56
puchatywrong channel :P17:56
puchatyas i said :D17:56
ikoniapuchaty: so what are you talking about then ?17:57
lagboxany reason on 11.04 im getting dependency problems trying to install gimp ? seems py-gtk isnt correct17:57
staminais there some pc better than the intel one for linux  ?17:57
puchatyi should send my question to hp touchpad channel :P17:57
ikonialagbox: got any PPA's running17:57
andaiActionParsnip, Ikonia: Also installing Ubuntu to a hardware raid (setup in bios) works as normal?17:57
ikoniastianhj: any x86 setup is fine17:57
Jake2Is there a utility to wipe FREE SPACE ONLY for ubuntu?17:57
theadminJake2: Bleachbit will wipe free space, just unmark other things.17:58
lagboxikonia, they are disabled17:58
Jake2theadmin: thx17:58
lagboxi just did an upgrade last night and it disabled them17:58
staminalike a GNU pc17:58
ActionParsnipJake2: how do you mean 'wipe'?17:58
ikonialagbox: they have probably messed up your dependencies though17:58
ActionParsnipoh well17:58
ikoniastianhj: any x86 platform is fine17:58
rostayobI've installed xfonts-terminus but terminus doesn't show up in xfontselect17:59
lagboxikonia, anyway to force it to fix the dependencies ... because the software using the ppa's was removed before the upgrade17:59
ikonialagbox: no17:59
staminano something you cant read uuid and other super power command17:59
ikonialagbox: you have to do it all manually17:59
ActionParsniplagbox: could try:  sudo apt-get -f install18:00
theadminDoes Ubuntu still have any support for ARMv6 left, by the way?18:00
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.18:01
ikoniatheadmin: don't think so, not %10018:01
ikoniatheadmin: maybe the arm project may have a bit more factual details18:01
lagboxthis should be fun18:01
theadminikonia: I see, thanks, I'm aware it ain't going to be 100% supported.18:01
lagboxpretty much it is telling me .. blah blah blah .... but higher version than in sources is to be installed18:02
ikonialagbox: yes, as I told you18:02
ikonialagbox: your PPA's will have pulled down conflicting dependencies18:02
ikonialagbox: it is very common with PPA maintainers who are not putting any thought into base product compatability18:02
ikonialagbox: it's one of the main reasons PPA's are not supported or recommended18:03
theadminUse PPAs = prepare for breakage.18:03
theadminHint from personal experience, too: *never* use kernels or drivers from ppas, evil idea >.<18:04
lagboxikonia, i understand ... how do i remove all packages from that ppa then18:04
ikonialagbox: manually investigate and remove conflicts18:06
tty01 anyone knows if traceroute shows outbound NAT'd ip? if so which line?18:06
Bisu[Shield]why is the swapmemory and memory in ubuntu the same size?18:07
drupalcentricif anyone's looking for a decently priced VPS hosting service with guaranteed resources that supports the latest versions of Ubuntu, including 11.10, please check out http://www.drupalcentric.com/vps-plans/ - Thank you.18:07
Bisu[Shield]i would think swap memory can me any size limited to the size of disk18:07
drupalcentricand if you have any questions, we have life chat on the website18:07
lagboxbisu .. what18:07
Bisu[Shield]adjusting for latency using swap memory18:07
theadmindrupalcentric: Offtopic here, also considered spam. Careful, you might get banned :P18:08
lagboxBish, how much physical memory do you have ?18:08
Pumpkin-traceroute shows you whatever address the router spat out the TTLexceeded ICMP message decided to use. Sadly it will be pretty useless for what you want.18:08
Bisu[Shield]my disk is 600Gb18:08
theadminBisu[Shield]: swap memory equals the size of your swap partition, that's all18:08
Bisu[Shield]I understand that, can i increase the size of that partition and is that recommended?18:09
HumanConditionyou don't even need swap18:09
lagboxBisu[Shield], if you want to ... but swap doesn't get used as much as you think18:09
theadminBisu[Shield]: You can, with gparted or something probably. The recommended size for swap is the size of ram multiplied by 2.18:09
theadmin(although that's an ages-old recommendation)18:09
HumanConditionmaybe if you have 1gb of ram you need swap. but otherwise no.18:09
lagboxi match my swap to my ram ... but not for reasons that have anything to do with normal operations18:10
ActionParsnipHumanCondition: depends on what the system is to be used for18:10
theadminHumanCondition: You need swap to hibernate.18:10
bobo37773Bisu[Shield]: swap memory is needed (equal size as regular ram) so that you can use hibernation.18:10
HumanConditionok. so if you are not hibernating you don't need swap18:10
lagboxthats what i use it for18:10
theadminHumanCondition: You need it if you're low on RAM, also Firefox won't run without a swap partition (or is that fixed now?)18:10
bobo37773HumanCondition: It depends. You don't want to run out of ram either.18:10
ActionParsnipHumanCondition: if you use only web browsing and word processing you can probably get away with it. Games will easily fill 1Gb RAM18:11
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HumanConditionwell who plays games on LINUX anyway lol.18:11
theadminHumanCondition: I do -_- There are tons of good ones18:11
HumanConditionlike what? lol18:11
bobo37773HumanCondition: I play games on linux.18:11
HumanConditiontux racer hahahah18:11
lagboxi play starcraft on linux ... i don't have any partitions for windows ... ever18:11
theadminHumanCondition: SpaceChem, UrbanTerror, Alien Arena, Nexuiz... Check them out really...18:11
bobo37773HumanCondition: What about wine?18:12
HumanConditionI would NEVER use wine anyway18:12
lagboxhey bobo3777318:12
bobo37773lagbox: No partition here either18:12
mBisonhow do i play starcraft on linux, plz18:12
lagboxHumanCondition, your loss18:12
theadmin!wine | mBison18:12
ubottumBison: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:12
HumanCondition any new game isn't gonna run on wine anyway18:12
lagboxmBison, wine18:12
ActionParsnip!appdb | mBison18:12
ubottumBison: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:12
lagboxHumanCondition, not correct18:12
HumanConditionit won't run good anyway18:12
ActionParsnipmBison: not all apps run, the appdb will tell you18:12
HumanConditionunless it's some 2d game18:12
lagboxalso not correct ... but it is common to have problems with them18:12
HumanConditionno, I am correct18:13
theadminHumanCondition: False, false and false. I can play even Portal 2 on WINE and it runs fine. Most source games do actually... You have no idea what you're talking about.18:13
bobo37773HumanCondition: I have found that a lot of games get better frames per second in wine as opposed to windows18:13
Bach0is anyone using wubi with windows 7? I installed wubi but upon restart no OS selection comes up. Tried editing boot entries with EasyBCD that doesnt help either. under msconfig it only shows windows entry.18:13
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HumanConditionbobo37773: are you smoking meth ?18:13
mBisoncan i runn goldwave18:13
mBisoni need a linux goldwave repalcement18:13
lagboxHumanCondition, your personal experience doesn't encompass every persons18:13
theadminHumanCondition: Either way, you're getting offtopic. Wine is not supported here.18:13
HumanConditionand needing swap for anything but hibernation is a fallacy18:13
theadminlagbox: Same to you.18:13
HumanConditionnever used a swap. never ran out of ram or crashed. in 10+ years of ubuntu/gentoo18:14
theadminmBison: You can probably run goldwave in WINE, but you might find an alternative.18:14
ActionParsnipHumanCondition: counterstrike and doom3 are 2 such games pulling better fps than windows, even under wine18:14
mBisoni have oracle vm box it runs great18:14
bobo37773HumanCondition: What? I guess you will never know. The only real problem right now is audio issues18:14
mBisoni wont to get rid of my windows partition now18:14
mBisoni mean i want to18:15
HumanConditionI don't want to play games through an emulation layer. period. but like you said thats my experience. that also they don't work properly. if they even install at all.18:15
lagboxtheadmin, thanks for the obvious remark ... i wasn't generalizing every single persons experience into a single statement18:15
theadminHumanCondition: Wine got pretty good actually, but Linux's got a ton of awesome native games as well. But again, this is a support channel18:15
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ActionParsnipHumanCondition: wine isnt an emulator18:16
mBisoni only keep m windows partition for goldwave and counter-strike 1.6, can these be runned under wine18:16
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:16
mneptok"do most modern Windows games work well in WINE" is sufficiently vague to be offtopic in a support channel. so let's let it go.18:16
theadminmBison: Yes.18:16
bobo37773mBison: Go for it18:16
HumanConditionthe answer is that they do not work properly.18:16
HumanConditionmaybe 2-3 actually work better. but I'd doubt it18:16
ActionParsnipHumanCondition: most is true, it can work well. Depends entirely on title18:16
mneptoklet. it. go.18:17
theadminHey, guys, guys, stop the offtopic discussion will you18:17
soa2iiHi. I got ubuntu hardy as a ldap client running. Now I installed 11.10 and copied the common-* files in pam.d from my hardy installtion. I keep getting pam_ldap: error trying to bind as user "uid=krause,ou=Users,dc=ls7,dc=cs,dc=tu-dortmund,dc=de" (Invalid credentials) on the new installtion. Suggestions why?18:17
theadminWe're not letting people solve problems18:17
mBisonwhat about running them apps in oracle VM18:17
HumanConditionhave fun with tux racer :-D18:17
mneptokHumanCondition: have fun in #ubuntu-offtopic18:17
HumanConditionthats ok. i'm done mr. channel op I'll ban you if I feel like it man.18:18
cordycepsLubuntu-11.10 here. I'm trying to install apcupsd but I do $sudo apt-get install apcupsd keep getting E: unable to locate pkg.18:18
cordycepsNot in synaptic either18:19
HumanConditionyea sigh cause all you guys ever do is ban people who disagree with you.18:19
theadminHumanCondition: We ban those who disagree with the rules. STOP. Seriously.18:19
mneptokHumanCondition: i never referenced op status. i never threatened to ban you. and here you are.18:19
lagboxcordyceps, apt-cache search apcup18:19
mneptokHumanCondition: push the issue, and i might regret not acting as you claim ops do.18:20
HumanConditionI usually just idle here. and occasionally help people. but I always see people get banned for having an opinion. what is this channel fascist germany ?18:20
cordycepslagbox: nothing18:20
lagboxcordyceps, or cupsd .... i don't know what changes have been made in 11.1018:20
farrukhjonhi all!18:20
theadminHumanCondition: See, we're not a channel for expressing opinions, we're for support :P18:20
_B00No HumanCondition ... that would be the USA ;-)18:20
bobo37773farrukhjon: Hey18:20
lagbox_B00 ... :)18:20
theadminHumanCondition: So I guess you could say it's fascist... Africa? Ubuntu's an african distro18:20
mneptokHumanCondition: you're now past Godwin. and that's really pushing.18:20
HumanConditionGodwin ?18:21
icerootHumanCondition: stop flaming germany18:21
HumanConditionim not. I was referring to when it *was* fascist18:21
HumanConditionremember. ?18:21
icerootHumanCondition: just stop it18:21
lagboxHumanCondition, your kind of stretching a bit here ... i would drop it ... we appreciate you helping those that need help ... and i enjoy opinions but it is not my rules18:21
theadminWow. A huge mess because of one troll...18:22
jnsl_so im trying to start a gnome3 session on xubuntu, but unity just takes over... any suggestions ?18:22
HumanConditionim not a troll18:22
HumanConditionfirst of all.18:22
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theadminHumanCondition: Read the IRC Guidelines, please, and you might understand our behaviour here. We have very strict set of rules to be followed by all channel members.18:22
farrukhjonwho encountered with the creation of video lessons? recommend me program18:22
dleonardifirst of all, it was nazi germany and fascist italy. get your facts right if you want to be an idiot.18:22
mBisondo i need an anti-virus in ubuntu 11.10?18:22
lagboxjnsl_  does xubuntu give you the regular gdm login screen ?18:23
theadminmBison: No.18:23
dleonardinext: shut the fuck up18:23
icerootmBison: no18:23
jnsl_lagbox yes18:23
pangolin!language | dleonardi18:23
ubottudleonardi: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:23
bobo37773He is a windows sympathizer . String him up hahaha18:23
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lagboxmBison, i suppose if you want to protect windows users that you might be sending files too, but you will be fine without it18:23
iceroot!virus | mBison18:23
ubottumBison: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus18:23
HumanConditionso he can use foul language and no one cares.18:23
dariebihi all, can somebody tell me the command to deinstall kubuntu-desktop?18:23
lagboxjnsl_, can you change the session ? ubuntu classic or something like that18:23
cordycepslagbox: nothing like apcupsd in there. Strange, when I google ubuntu and apcupsd, I get a zillion hits that say 'apt-get install apcupsd.18:23
HumanConditionbut I can't have an opinion18:23
icerootHumanCondition: just stop it18:23
theadmindariebi: sudo tasksel remove kubuntu-desktop18:23
lagboxcordyceps, nothing for cups ?18:23
dariebithank you very much!18:24
theadminHumanCondition: Yes, you can't. We don't support opinions, they aren't an Ubuntu problem. Clear with that?18:24
icerootHumanCondition: this channel is for support, not for (stupid) opinions18:24
cordycepslots for cups but this is for a printer18:24
MK14anyone know why unzip would be trying to symlink to what seems like the target file's contents?18:24
jnsl_lagbox yes i have that option if i remember correct18:24
pangolinHumanCondition: this channel is for Ubuntu support. Please take discussion to a more appropriate channel.18:24
ikoniaMK14: possibly was it linked when it was zipped ??18:24
ActionParsnipMK14: tried unp?18:24
HumanConditionI have nothing else to say18:24
cordycepsuninterruptible power supply18:24
dleonardiand to set an example: i apologize for my foul language. now apologize so we can all move on with life.18:24
farrukhjonis there under Linux app like HIpercam ?18:24
lagboxjnsl_, i don't know if that is what you are looking for but it should stop unity from running18:25
cordycepsedit is *not for a printer18:25
jnsl_ok thanks ill try that18:25
theadminfarrukhjon: Saying what it does is more likely to help you :D18:25
MK14ikonia: i am not sure about how it was created18:25
gunfirehow to configure bluetooth device ?18:25
dariebiiam sorry but the command didnt work18:25
MK14ActionParsnip: will try18:25
mBisoni love my linux, i just want to make sure wheni delete windows partition, that i am still fucntinging app wise,18:25
bobo37773farrukhjon: what is hipercam/18:25
ikoniaMK14: that's one reason I can think of18:25
Mito_I got a problem with mencoder... If I try to convert an ogv to avi, in final movie I got black square...18:25
gunfireActionParsnip, can you pls guide me in configuring a bluetooth device ?18:25
lagboxcordyceps, ah ... u p c18:25
bobo37773Mito_: Have you tried ffmpeg directly?18:25
Stereocaulonfarrukhjon, Pleae explain the function of HIpercam, so that we can look up if there is an alternative.18:25
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Stereocaulonlurking mode=OFF18:25
MK14ikonia: it handles another symlink just fine18:26
farrukhjonbobo37773:  tool for creating video tutorial18:26
bobo37773farrukhjon: You mean a screencast of your desktop?18:26
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ikoniaMK14: that's the only reason I can think of off the top of my head18:26
Stereocaulonfarrukhjon, yes, there is.18:26
farrukhjonbobo37773: yes18:26
MK14ikonia: on the second it seems to try to create a symlink using the target's content as the path to the target18:26
ActionParsnipgunfire: I have no experiece of bluetooth, its too slow18:26
Mito_No bobo37773... I use mencoder... It's weird error on lubuntu...18:26
Stereocaulonfarrukhjon, try Istanbul, for instance18:26
farrukhjonStereocaulon:  is it show mouse cliking ?18:27
Mito_But I don't understand if it depends about lxde...18:27
rabbi1ActionParsnip: thank you, was on an emergency call :)18:27
gunfireActionParsnip,  i just want to learn :P18:27
bobo37773farrukhjon: There are actually quite a few. Off the top of my head     recordmydesktop, kazaam, ffmpeg       I personally prefer gtk-recordmydesktop. It is pretty easy to use.18:27
mBisonis there a goldwave version or equivalent in linux?18:27
bobo37773mBison: What does it do?18:28
ActionParsnipmBison: what does it do?18:28
gunfireActionParsnip, ya agree it's very outdated and slow tech18:28
bobo37773ActionParsnip: hahaha18:28
mneptokmBison: Audacity18:28
theadminmBison: What's the purpose of Goldwave, apart from 42?18:28
lagboxaudio editor18:28
ActionParsnipgunfire: all my systems are on wifi, so ifI transfer stuff to my mobile devices, I use wifi18:28
mBisonedit audio files18:28
SixtyFoldi keep getting an error when trying to do updates on a fresh install of 11.10, both 32 or 64 bit, Requires Installation of Untrusted pacakages  libgdata-common libgdata13? anyone know why I am getting this?18:28
_B00"There is build in desktop video recording tool/screen recording tool inside of Gnome shell, you can easily capture desktop activity by pressing shortcut ctrl+shift+alt+r , after pressing ctrl+shift+alt+r  you will see such notification in the bottom right corner of your desktop, when you see the notification, Gnome will start record your desktop"18:28
mBisonslow down tempo18:28
theadminmBison: Audacity can do that.18:28
_B00Hope that's what you mean18:28
Stereocaulonfarrukhjon, let me chceck that for you, running Istanbul now.18:28
mBisonok thanks18:28
gunfireActionParsnip, even i have wifi here but due to curosity i just wanted to give a shot...!!18:29
farrukhjonStereocaulon:  thank you18:29
theadmin_B00: Ubuntu doesn't use gnome-shell by default18:29
SixtyFoldi cant find an answer to the problem with google, closest answer i found was condescending abou how the person had fubarred their installation, well, these are FRESH installs18:29
_B00Ah. So only for gnome3?18:29
ikoniaSixtyFold: what is your question18:29
ActionParsnipgunfire: as I clearly stated, I don't use it....never have18:29
_B00Sorry, gnome shell I mean18:29
SixtyFoldmy question was: i keep getting an error when trying to do updates on a fresh install of 11.10, both 32 or 64 bit, Requires Installation of Untrusted pacakages  libgdata-common libgdata13? anyone know why I am getting this?18:30
theadmin_B00: Well, yes, as the quote states18:30
ActionParsnipgunfire: so how can I tell you whatI don't know18:30
farrukhjonStereocaulon:  how about RecordMyDesktop now i reading about it18:30
Stereocaulonfarrukhjon, Yes, it does record the mouse pointer.18:30
ikoniaSixtyFold: do you have any PPA's or 3rd party repos enabled ?18:30
_B00Thanks for the heads up18:30
ikoniaSixtyFold: or even in place let alone enabled18:30
Stereocaulonfarrukhjon, I don´ t know, I´ ve never used that program18:30
dariebihow can i clean the system to first install?18:30
SixtyFoldnot that im aware of, i didnt pick any, except on start of install i picked the frauhalor(sp) mp3 thing18:30
lagboxdariebi, ??18:31
farrukhjonStereocaulon: be kind, check sound18:31
ikoniaSixtyFold: can you do "sudo apt-get update" and pastebin the output please.18:31
SixtyFoldyes, one second18:31
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gunfireActionParsnip, no prob :)18:31
Stereocaulonfarrukhjon, Istanbul can also record sound18:31
lagboxdariebi, are you asking how to get the system to match a state consistent with a clean install ?18:31
dariebilagbox: yes18:32
mBisontheadmin: Wow you really must be a linux person, u dont know what goldwave is? im trying to get to your level!18:32
gunfireActionParsnip, can you  tell me about some good guide if i want to install a application from a source code ? for that which steps i have to follow ??18:32
Si2100Guys, am having issues trying to install xbmc...18:32
farrukhjonStereocaulon: great i now try it18:32
ActionParsnipmBison: I have no idea either...18:32
lagboxgunfire, the code will have a readme in it usually18:32
theadminmBison: I can't know about every piece of software there is, especially since I don't do much audio editing18:32
lagboxdariebi, may i ask why ? or what problem you are trying to fix perhaps ?18:32
Stereocaulonfarrukhjon, Here´s a tip: after starting Istanbul, click right on the dock icon to display and set options. Sound is not checked by default18:33
onrehm. any ideas what in ubuntu might cause ssh connections to die with "Broken pipe" message randomly?18:33
initAbout the 3rd party repos: If a 3rd party repo is signed, can they push update that overwrite other software18:33
gunfirelagbox, i tried installing weechat from source code but i failed :(18:33
Stereocaulononre, timeout18:33
initCould they load a evil kernel18:33
farrukhjonStereocaulon: ok18:33
gunfirei was unable to find such thing in it...18:33
initor backdoors18:33
_B00mBison: me neither and I DJ/produce... lol18:33
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cheakoHello, my gettys are not restarting on percies.18:33
lagboxgunfire, did you follow the install / readme directions18:33
theadmininit: Technically, yes. Avoid 3rd party repos.18:34
dariebicause i was installing kubuntu-desktop and it failed, now i cant deinstall kubuntu with the command sudo tasksel remove kubuntu18:34
mBisonwhat do you use to edit audio in linux?18:34
ActionParsnipinit: sure, but PPAs are not enabled by default18:34
onreStereocaulon, not likely, the connection might die amidst typing a sentence in irc. there's other computer here where ssh connection to same host has stayed up for almost a week.18:34
theadmininit: If you can, that is18:34
theadminmBison: Audacity.18:34
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ActionParsnipmBison: ubuntu studio has a tonneof audio and video editors18:34
_B00mBison: I dual boot :-(18:34
lagboxdariebi, you can try to install a different xxxxx-desktop and see what happens18:35
gunfirelagbox,  http://www.weechat.org/files/ubuntu/lucid/0.3.6/amd64/18:35
mBisoni just checked out Audacity, i had it before, it didnt do what i needed it to do18:35
cheakops output says nothing running on the effected ttys(looks like all of them, but I have a shell on one.18:35
SixtyFoldikonia: it's in the paste-bin thank you under my nick18:35
gunfireweechat-curses_0.3.6-2_amd64.deb i downloaded this one...18:35
ikoniaSixtyFold: what's the url18:35
onremBison, what sort of audio editing you need to do?18:35
gunfirein which no read me file is there....18:35
mBisondo you use oracle VM on your linux box?18:35
cheakoI just know if I exit this shell the TTY will be lost.18:35
dariebilagbox: thank you, which other desktops are able?18:35
Stereocaulononre, broken-pipe is exactly the error you get when you encounter a timeout. Mostly the timeout occurs on the server itself. (Advanced) Firewalls or other restricting programs can also cause problems.18:35
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theadminmBison: Sometimes, works great :D18:36
onremBison, if you need something like Cubase or Logic, you might try ardour18:36
pooltablelook for ubuntu 12.04 with hud for testing or add hud for testing now ???18:36
mBisonmix music and slow it down remove vocals18:36
ActionParsnipgunfire: sudo dpkg -i filename; sudo apt-get -f install18:36
onreStereocaulon, well, i connect to that server from four different computers. this ubuntu 11.10 laptop is the only one exhibiting that behaviour. it also happens when i ssh from it to other hosts.18:36
cheakolsof shows the same thing, the /dev/tty files are not open.18:36
lagboxgunfire, well those aren't source files18:36
ikoniaSixtyFold: ahhh backports maybe te issue here18:36
ActionParsnippooltable: Precise is offtopic here until release day18:37
ikoniaSixtyFold: did you enable that repo on purpose ?18:37
onreStereocaulon, i've also outruled my internet connection as the cause, because when i replace this with a windows laptop, connection stays up for days.18:37
_B00mBison: Check out Qtractor18:37
SixtyFoldim not sure what that means tbh18:37
SixtyFoldso no i didnt do that on purpose i dont believe18:37
onreStereocaulon, even if it's idle all the time. to be exact, that's what made me find that it's limited to this computer only :)18:37
ActionParsnippooltable: chat and support is in #ubuntu+118:37
lagboxdariebi, xubuntu is a popular one18:37
pooltableactionparsnip when is that ???18:37
ikoniaSixtyFold: backports are software packages from other versions, they are not always wise as can cause conflicts, but are better than PPAs18:37
dariebiok, thx i'll try it18:37
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ikoniaSixtyFold: what package are you trying to install ?18:38
bobo37773lagbox: xubuntu is awesoem18:38
ActionParsnippooltable: when is what?18:38
gunfirelagbox, than what are they called ?18:38
SixtyFoldall the system security updates and such that come up by default18:38
lagboxbobo37773, yes true ... but you are an open box user ?18:38
Stereocaulononre, do you have any other network problems on that laptop when using ubuntu? If it is running wireless, try a wired connection, to see if that solves things. Your Wlan-card support might be wonky.18:38
lagboxgunfire, those are packages ... you need to use the package manager to install them18:38
bobo37773lagbox: Yeah. But not for installs for other people.18:38
gunfireActionParsnip, thanks :) can you tell me from where i can know or learn more about such dpkg commands.18:38
mBisonOooh! i like Qtractor, thanks18:38
xafarderhello good evening from figueres (catalonia)18:39
pooltableactionparsnip when is that  for 12.0418:39
_B00mBison: yw18:39
lagboxgunfire, i believe ActionParsnip gave you an answer18:39
ActionParsnippooltable: look at the version number, and think18:39
ActionParsnipgunfire: the web, or man pages18:39
_B00I can't comment asnever used it. I use fruity loops18:39
onreStereocaulon, i've tried both wired and wireless, and it's same with both. everything else works just fine but tcp connections die somewhere between ~five minutes and ~half an hour from when they're established.18:39
owenllpooltable: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule18:39
ActionParsnippooltable: bearing in mind the current year ;)18:39
gunfireActionParsnip, ok let me google it18:39
SixtyFoldikonia: all the system security updates and such that come up by default18:40
Zalbuso i'm trying to install ubuntu on my macbook18:40
ikoniaSixtyFold: ahh so I wonder if it's a back port that it's trying to update18:40
Zalbui've created a cd but when i try to load it it just says "unable to find a medium containing a live file system"18:40
Stereocaulononre, check the ssh log and try to sniff the connection for any signs of problems.18:40
SixtyFoldikonia: yah, whats a back port?18:40
pooltableactionparsnip i know apr 201218:40
n_wasabiestamos sendo analisados e rastreados o tempo todo18:40
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Zalbuwhat do18:40
ikoniaSixtyFold: the process I explained to you earlier18:40
cordycepsanybody here using battery backup like apc-ups?18:40
ikoniaSixtyFold: and in your pastebin you can see that that repo is not avilable due to a lack of key18:40
ikoniacordyceps: yes18:41
Stereocaulon!es| n_wasabi18:41
ubottun_wasabi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:41
cordycepsikonia: apcupsd?18:41
xafarderi'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and i'm so in love with gnome 2, is Ubuntu 12.04 going to have the option to work in this environment?18:41
onreStereocaulon, well, it's not limited to ssh. long http downloads suffer of the same as well. i dunno if there's something doing the equivalent of ifdown eth0; ifup eth0 somewhere :p18:41
SixtyFoldikonia: how do i disable it?18:41
ikoniacordyceps: no18:41
mneptok!pt | n_wasabi18:41
ubottun_wasabi: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:41
ikoniacordyceps: I can't remember the apc model I'm using18:41
ActionParsnipxafarder: gnome2 is no longer developed18:41
n_wasabihow much we know about illuminati?18:41
ikoniaSixtyFold: I don't think it's that simple, as your software will have already been changed by the back ports repo18:41
lagboxdang ... gimp ... error while loading shared library ... which i have installed18:41
yassharTunaHello Friends!18:42
SixtyFoldikonia: okay, well how do i not pick them when installing?18:42
cordycepsikonia: how did you configure it?18:42
ikonialagbox: dependencies from PPA18:42
bobo37773yassharTuna: Hey18:42
SixtyFoldikonia: all i did was the default install of 11.1018:42
lagboxikonia, yup ... working down the chain18:42
Stereocaulononre, the best way to check that is by using a network sniffer, if you have some knowledge about TCP IP, those progs can really help identify problems.18:42
ActionParsnipxafarder: Maverick is EOL in April this year. I suggest you use xubuntu if you like the Gnome2 feel18:42
Zalbui need some help18:42
ikoniacordyceps: just in the hardware, not using the alerting18:42
lagboxikonia, i will get there18:42
ActionParsnipZalbu: just ask18:42
Zalbui did18:42
ikoniaSixtyFold: something has changed it as I don't think backports are enabled by default18:42
lagboxis gimp 2.7 in 11.10 ?18:42
Zalbui'm trying to install ubuntu on my macbook18:42
ikonia!info gimp18:42
ubottugimp (source: gimp): The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.11-2ubuntu4 (oneiric), package size 4644 kB, installed size 13456 kB18:42
ikonialagbox: 2.618:43
Zalbubut when i try to boot from the cd it says unable to find a medium containing a live file system18:43
ActionParsniplagbox: its the same in precise too18:43
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages18:43
yassharTunaWow, never seen a room with so much activity. I'll try to help out as much as I can.18:43
SixtyFoldikonia: well, this is my third clean install and second iso ive dled to see what was up and ive picked nothing weird except the mp3 thing at the beginning, you think that could have enabled a 'backport'?18:43
ikoniaSixtyFold: don't think so18:44
ActionParsniplagbox: https://launchpad.net/~matthaeus123/+archive/mrw-gimp-svn18:44
ikoniaSixtyFold: see if any of the users with a clean 11.10 install in the channel can confirm if back ports are enabled18:44
ikoniaI've got to pop out now18:44
lagboxActionParsnip, yeah ... that is why i am having issues right now ... going back to 2.618:44
SixtyFoldok, tnks18:44
bobo37773Zalbu: Did you check the md5 / sha1 sums etc..18:44
adomhi all. on 10.04, i was using a 1280x1024 monitor, just unplugged and plugged in a 1600x900 monitor. should i restart anything? restart X? restart gnome window manager? and if so can i just "sudo service x11-common restart"?18:44
Zalbudo i have to make a seperate partition to boot ubuntu18:44
SixtyFolddoes anyone with a clean install of 11.10 know if backports are enabled in the default install?18:44
gunfireActionParsnip, how can i install weechat_0.3.6-2build1.debian.tar.gz18:45
bobo37773Zalbu: Not to boot the livecd18:45
ActionParsnipZalbu: no but you should make on for swap18:45
lagboxActionParsnip, and unfortunately it is really a development version ... i have tons of problems with scripts and weird behavior18:45
Stereocaulon After the update from Ubuntu 10.04 to 11.10 I´m having trouble with the scim replacement ibus. The majority of programs show ¨No input screeen¨ whereas scim worked in *any* application. Dead keys don´t work anymore and I can´ t type any Japanese anymore, even though I do have both ibus and Anthy installed. Any hints how to fix this?18:45
lagboxgunfire, extract it ...read the readme or install file18:45
ActionParsnipgunfire: depends what is in the archive, simply naming the archive is worthless18:45
Zalbui have a livecd18:45
Zalbubut i can't boot it18:45
ActionParsnipZalbu: how did you make the cD?18:45
Stereocaulon!enter | Zalbu18:45
ubottuZalbu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:46
Hetep-AFKhola, it is a necessity for discovering a program to burn dvds. Can a person assist?18:46
=== Anonymous is now known as Guest2889
Zalbuburning it to a cd from osx18:46
ActionParsnipZalbu: did you MD5 test the ISO?18:46
StereocaulonHetep-AFK, What kind of DVD´s, data or Video?18:46
theadminHetep-AFK: Ubuntu comes with Brasero, use that. There's also a bunch of others.18:46
gunfirelagbox, there is no such file inside..18:46
lagboxalright hold on18:46
Hetep-AFKfor data18:46
Zalbudon't think so18:46
Hetep-AFKBrasero returns error every time18:47
Guest2889Having an issue with my sound card I believe, after upgrading a few months back ( I pulled my battery out when it froze during shutdown, just got it working again yesterday) I have sounds playing through both the speakers, and my headphones. If I mute my speakers, then it mutes my headphones. I have tried some of the fixes Google as rendered to me, but they don't work. Anyone know anything about it?18:47
StereocaulonHetep-AFK, try k3b18:47
gunfirei have downloaded the package from the above link...18:47
tjiggi_foZalbu, do you have a powerPC or a Pentium CPU? you need the correct .iso for each18:47
ActionParsnip!md5 | Zalbu it's a concious action18:47
ubottuZalbu it's a concious action: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:47
ianliu_I'm running Ubuntu, and it seems to be using lsh instead of ssh. How do I change this?18:47
lagboxgunfire, that isn't a source file either18:48
Zalbuit is verified18:48
lagboxgunfire, where did you get the tar.bz ?18:48
gunfirelagbox, than how can i isntall that weechat-core ?18:48
ActionParsnipianliu_: sudo apt-get install openssh-server18:48
gunfirei got that from the above link...18:48
lagboxgunfire, if it is a package ... apt-get install package-name18:48
bobo37773Zalbu: If the cd keeps refusing to boot then try a live usb18:48
lagboxgunfire, what version of ubuntu are you on ?18:48
ActionParsnip!info weechat18:48
ubottuweechat (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.5-1 (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB18:48
Stereocaulonianliu_, try finding out what the command ¨ ssh¨ points to with: which ssh18:48
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Zalbuwell, i can boot the cd but the install screen won't load after i see the ubuntu splash screen18:49
ActionParsnipgunfire: the app is in the repos, albeit a slightly earlier version18:49
lagboxgunfire, what is the name of 11.04 ?18:49
theadminlagbox: natty18:49
lagboxtheadmin, i know ... trying to make a point18:49
gunfirenatty naharwal.. sorry for the sp18:50
bobo37773Zalbu: Are you sure you waited long enough?18:50
ianliu_ActionParsnip: I did that, but it is still using lsh. Running sudo service lsh-server stop and then sudo service ssh start,which  gives me  "ssh stop/pre-start, process 20695"18:50
lagboxgunfire, precise is not the version you are using18:50
Zalbui got some kind of console screen saying BusyBox18:50
theadminlagbox: OH! Sorry *slaps herself on the face*18:50
lagboxtheadmin, hehe ... its all good  ;)18:50
xafarderActionParsnip, you said gnome 2 is no longer being developed.... but is there any interface similar to gnome 2 that i'll be able to use in Ubuntu 12.04? That's my point: I hate Unity and Gnome 3, and Gnome classic it far different from original Gnome 218:50
gunfireActionParsnip,  i want the latest version bcoz i have it's config file which i used to use in arch linux.18:50
* lagbox stops theadmin from slapping self18:50
bobo37773Zalbu: Sounds like a bad burn or a wrong iso. Try burning cd again at a lower speed18:51
theadmingunfire: You can't use precise packages in natty. But you can switch back to Arch ;)18:51
lagboxgunfire, more than likely attempting to install that you will run into numerous conflicts and libraries you do not have18:51
Zalbui already burned it at the lowest speed18:51
Stereocaulonxafarder, try XFCE or LXDE, or even IceWM18:51
theadminIceWM? That still exists? wow.18:51
gunfirelagbox, ok so i will install from natty18:51
theadminI forgot all about it xD18:51
ActionParsnipxafarder: xfce, there is also a guide on omgubuntu how you can tweak the Gnome3 UI. xfce will be easier and will run all your Gnome aps fine18:51
xafarderwell I'll give it a try, thanks ActionParsnip and Stereocaulon18:52
gunfirelagbox, no i can't use. :(18:52
bobo37773xafarder: There are gnome2 forks too18:52
lagboxgunfire, try ... apt-get install weechat-curses18:52
gunfirethe core version is 3.018:52
xafarderbobo37773, i know about Mate and Linux Mint ..18:52
xafarderbobo37773, but I would like to continue using Ubuntu since it seems to me has more reliabily behind....18:53
bobo37773xafarder: Yeah. Thats what I mean. Is there mate for ubuntu?18:53
lagboxgunfire, it looks like a fancier BitchX18:53
mbeierlZalbu, is it a powerpc or intel mac?18:53
xafarderbobo37773, I don't think so18:53
ActionParsnipxafarder: mint isn't supported here, there is a PPA too but its also not supported here18:53
gunfirelagbox, it install but it's bit older version and i have a config file of weechat which i used in arch.18:53
xafarderbobo37773, I think Mate only Mint18:53
Stereocaulontheadmin, IceWM might be fugly, but it does it´s chores...18:53
theadminNot sure this is the right channel, but, are there any plans for official E17 and/or Openbox versions of Ubuntu?18:53
xafarderActionParsnip, I know and sorry for having spam about Mint18:53
gunfireso wanted to install the latest version...but it's not there in ubuntu, no prob it's still fine :)18:53
theadminStereocaulon: Openbox works great for me :D18:53
ActionParsnipxafarder: theres also clementine but is also not supported here18:53
lagboxgunfire, unfortunately ... you are going to run into these types of problems ... you can try stepping it up one version and see if it will install ... or get the actual source from the weechat site18:54
Stereocaulontheadmin, I use LXDE myself and I love it. Really snappy.18:54
xafarderActionParsnip, thanks for your help, I will try XFCE18:54
gunfirei tried to install but now i tend to get bit confused in the way arch and ubuntu works..18:54
theadminStereocaulon: LXDE's allright, but still a bit too... bulky for me.18:54
gunfirein terms of package management..18:54
lagboxtheadmin, i have been wondering that for years18:54
ActionParsniptheadmin: bulky? how so?18:54
gunfirei am totally new to ubuntu18:55
bobo37773xafarder: I went gnome2 --> openbox18:55
theadminActionParsnip: Panels take up my screen space >.<18:55
xafarderbobo37773, openbox? mmmm18:55
ActionParsniptheadmin: haha18:55
Stereocaulontheadmin, whoa, LXDE bulky? I thought it was as light as a feather, hence the name18:55
lagboxtheadmin, also all my gnome-panels are autohide ... takes up like 1-2 pixels per panel18:55
crashhi how can i open my ports in ubuntu18:55
gunfirelxde and openbox are best would like to try them in ubuntu18:55
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Stereocaulontheadmin, I have my (only) panel set on autohide, no problems there18:56
icerootgunfire: called lubuntu18:56
Stereocauloncrash, try firestarter18:56
lagboxcrash open your ports from the outside or just open them on your system ?18:56
theadminStereocaulon: Makes sense, still, you gotta have them :P And I'd rather avoid those. I mostly use Launchy to run things.18:56
bobo37773gunfire: I am sure you can try them from your install.18:56
xafardermmmm I just want to have the power to decide where I want to put the panels (left, right, top, bottom) and configure it all just like I want18:56
ActionParsniptheadmin: my whole desktop inc dropbox, gmail-notifier and pidgin takes a whopping 164Mb :)18:56
theadminxafarder: You sound like you want XFCE. Which is almost identical to gnome2 :D18:57
bobo37773xafarder: xfce can do all that stuff18:57
xafardertheadmin, so there I go!18:57
MonkeyDustxafarder  there's MyUnity18:57
gunfirebobo37773, ya i will try them from install and will try awesome, would like to experiment a bit now...18:57
Stereocaulontheadmin, that´s also a possibility. I am quite content with LXDE.18:57
Guest60204how can i open ports in my system18:57
Guest60204firestarter is firewall only18:57
gunfirecan any one give some link where package management is more simplified ?18:57
bobo37773gunfire: Once you go lightweight it is hard to go back. Have fun.18:57
MonkeyDustGuest60204  it's in your router, not in your OS18:57
theadminActionParsnip: I do understand that, that's not the "bulkiness" I'm talking about actually... LXDE uses consolekit too iirc, annoying to have.18:57
bobo37773gunfire: Mare simplified?18:58
gunfirebobo37773, for that instance i love openbox and have spent more than 2 years....18:58
StereocaulonGuest60204, yes, that´s true, but in a firewall you can open ports.18:58
lagboxlxde .. is similar to xfce ?18:58
gunfirei used to use arch which my brother configured.....18:58
gunfireand i got use to it....18:58
gunfirelagbox, partially not so much but lxde is more fun to use than xfce18:59
theadmingunfire: Arch's pretty cool when configured right, but is offtopic here... Actually, polling for DEs is too18:59
bobo37773gunfire: The backend package manager is apt. If you want a good cli package manager try aptitude18:59
lagboxwindow maker ... talk about taking up screen space :)18:59
gunfirebobo37773, can you share some link from where i can learn more about pacakge management of ubuntu ??19:00
Guest60204how can i change in ma os ports ??19:00
Guest60204i didn get ur ans properly19:00
theadmin!APT | gunfire19:00
ubottugunfire: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)19:00
lagboxgunfire, do you know what version of weechat will work with your config file ? try and get a package as close to that and try installing it ... you may be able to actually fix the dependency problems without causing extra conflicts19:00
Stereocaulonlagbox, yes Windowmaker takes a lot of screen space. I never use it anymore, but I used to have it on my FreeBSD box back in 200219:00
glen_what is up auspicious panel of intellectuals??19:00
gunfirelagbox, i need 3.6 version19:01
lagboxStereocaulon, yea i was using it from 98-0219:01
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gunfireand the latest that is available in ubuntu is 3.019:01
lagboxgunfire ... no i mean from the companies site19:01
MonkeyDustGuest60204  it's different for every router http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm19:02
glen_ok...i do not have internet at home....but i do have a wireless laptop and someone just gave me a wireless printer...is it possible to connect w/o a network?19:02
lagboxgunfire, what happens when you try to dpkg - i packagefile.deb19:02
gunfirei downloaded the latest version 3.6 but when i install it , it says the weechat-core is old-version and it stops..19:02
lagboxgunfire, okay ... get the core package19:03
gunfireso to run succesfully that app i need to get the core of 3.6 version19:03
bobo37773gunfire: Do you know what a man page is?19:03
StereocaulonAfter the update from Ubuntu 10.04 to 11.10 I´m having trouble with the scim replacement ibus. The majority of programs show ¨No input screeen¨ whereas scim worked in *any* application. Dead keys don´t work anymore and I can´ t type any Japanese anymore, even though I do have both ibus and Anthy installed. Any hints how to fix this?19:03
gunfirebobo37773, yup19:03
bobo37773gunfire: Thats the way I learn19:03
lagboxgunfire, you may need a few of those deb files in that directory19:04
Guest60204tnx :)19:04
gunfireok :)19:04
bobo37773gunfire: If that doesn't show you what you are looking for then google is your friend19:05
feffeciao a tutti19:05
xafarderguys, I read the following: "Xfce lacks a good editor for the menu, other than that, I think it's far better than Gnome in many ways."19:05
lagboxgunfire, are you on a decent broadband connection ?19:05
Stereocaulon!it | feffe19:05
ubottufeffe: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:05
xafarderis this true?19:05
bobo37773xafarder: Hard to say. It depends on what you think19:05
lagboxxafarder, well that would be an opinion i suppose19:05
xafarderyes, I got it from a forum19:06
bobo37773xafarder: What does better mean anyway?19:06
xafarderI don't know19:06
bobo37773xafarder: Hahaha19:06
xafarderi am asking to know hehhee19:06
xafarderI'm a computer engineer19:06
mBisondoes ubuntu support mulit processor better than windows xp or windows 7?19:06
blitzhow would I run a script every time linux boots19:06
lagboxxafarder .... better is subjective19:06
xafarderand I don't know anything about it lol19:06
Guest2889anyone had the problem of sound coming from speakers and headphones?19:07
bobo37773xafarder: It is lighter. A bit faster in a lot of respects too. That makes it better to me19:07
lagboxblitz,  i guess that depends what run level you are booting into19:07
blitzneeds to be su commans19:07
Legendarioanyone that can help me if the isolinux.cfg edition in here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/NetworkConsole ???19:07
StereocaulonGuest2889, I actually like it if there´s sound from these devices, that´s what they are for, isn´t it?19:07
bobo37773later everyone off to work19:08
lagboxcya bobo3777319:08
Stereocaulonbobo37773, have a nice working dat19:08
Guest2889maybe, but at the same time? If I'm in the library I doubt others want to study while hearing Suicide Silence?19:08
Stereocaulonbobo37773, have a nice working day19:08
draglyHi, I'm trying to disable the screen saver that kicks in on the login screen after some time. Do you know where the settings for this is?19:08
lagboxblitz, what about needs to be su what ?19:09
gunfirelagbox, ya19:09
lagboxgunfire, just download all of those debs19:09
lagboxgunfire, install the core one then what ever one you were trying to install before19:09
StereocaulonGuest2889, install alsamixer where you can set sound levels for headphones and speaker individually19:09
blitzjust want to run these http://paste.ubuntu.com/816816/, but need to have root permission19:10
Guest2889tried that, doesn't work for me.19:10
gunfirelagbox, finish downloading moving forward with the installation steps..19:10
overcluckerStereocaulon: have you tried reinstalling ibus-anthy? worked for me after I updated19:10
Guest2889it happened after I upgraded from 11.04 to 11.1019:10
lagboxhow can i find out all packages offered through a ppa ?19:11
bastidrazorblitz: echo stuff here | sudo tee /proc/files/places ..19:11
xafarderbye boboo19:11
gunfirelagbox, now there is a prob with other dependencies :(19:11
Stereocaulonoverclucker, I tried a clean reinstall yes. First a purge, than a complete reinstall of ibus and it´s plugins19:11
gunfireit's better not to install weechat now..19:11
xafardergotta go too19:11
lagboxgunfire, like what ... and is it for the correct version of ubuntu you are running ?19:11
xafarderthanks a lot for your comments byeee19:11
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gunfirei think i have to update 2-3 packages before i can successfully run it.19:12
lagboxgunfire, is your system up to date ?19:12
=== dirtydevil_ is now known as dirtydevil
gunfirelagbox, let me update it one more time...19:13
Hetep-AFKk3b returns error "Unable to open new session"19:13
lagboxgunfire, you don't need to if you already checked today19:13
gunfireno the system is upto date...19:14
lagboxgunfire, okay .. what packages is it having a problem with ?19:14
gunfirelagbox, it is having prob with libgcrypt11 and libgnutils2619:15
StereocaulonHetep-AFK, in that case you are using a DVD or a CD with not enough space to open a new session. In other words, it already contains sessions.19:15
StereocaulonHetep-AFK, try another CDR/ DVDR19:15
lagboxgunfire, okay do you have them installed ... or is it complaining that it needs a higher version ?19:16
gunfireit's complaining it need's higher verison19:17
gunfirelibgnutls26 (>= and libgcrypt11 (>= 1.4.5)19:18
gunfirethey are one version down right now19:18
Stereocaulonoverclucker, I don´t care if I use ibus or scim, scim worked me on 8.04 through Ubuntu versions 11.0419:18
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Stereocaulonoverclucker, I don´t care if I use ibus or scim, scim worked >for< me on 8.04 through Ubuntu versions 11.0419:18
lagboxppa-purge rocks19:19
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Hetep-AFK/usr/bin/wodim: Operation not permitted. Warning: Cannot raise RLIMIT_MEMLOCK limits.19:19
StereocaulonHetep-AFK, sounds like you have hardware issues on your optical drive. Did you search for that error message, to see what it actually means?19:21
lagboxyay ... a functional install of gimp again ... now i can get back to work on this damn site design19:21
overcluckerStereocaulon: is ibus enables in language support?19:21
pradeepkhi all , mesa driver support 3d games on wine19:22
pradeepkdoes it?19:22
Guest2889Stereocaulon: if I mute the speakers, it mutes everything, if I unmute my system it then begins playing through the speakers and headphones again. I read about Heaphone Jack Sensing, but I haven't been able to find anything on my computer about it, or in alsamixer19:22
owenllHetep-AFK: have you tried using another cd burning programme to see if it a problem with your drive?19:22
Stereocaulonoverclucker, I wil check just be sure, just a sec...19:22
Stereocaulonoverclucker, now it is, it was set to scim previously, but it still shows that @#! No input screen...19:23
Legendarioanyone that can help me if the isolinux.cfg edition in here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/NetworkConsole ???19:24
overcluckerStereocaulon: did you log out and back in?19:24
Legendarioanyone that can help me if the isolinux.cfg edition in here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/NetworkConsole ???19:24
Stereocaulonoverclucker, no, is that really necessary, I have a lot of apps open atm?19:25
overcluckerStereocaulon: yup19:25
deitarionDoes anyone know of a PPA which provides an Audacious Media Player with a proper ffaudio plugin? The version oneiric offers won't play WMA and the webupd8 PPA just upgraded me from a perfect 3.1 to a 3.2 that lacks the ffaudio plugin altogether and throws all sorts of ridiculous padding into the playlist columns.19:26
lagboxLegendario, what is your question ... that seems like a page that tells you how to do it19:26
Stereocaulonoverclucker, well, I´ ve got to try this, brb19:27
lagboxdeitarion, its probably not audacious ... do your other audio applications have issues with those files ?19:27
StereocaulonLogging out, brb19:27
Baocan i install ubuntu 11 now and upgrade to 12 LTS when it comes out, safely??19:28
deitarionlagbox: That's not a very good metric. Oneiric MPlayer's built-in MP3 support, for example, crackles on many MP3s but Audacious and Gentoo MPlayer play them fine.19:28
root___name Bury19:28
Legendariolagbox,  i have a doubt on how to edit the isolinux.cfg file19:29
root___sry for my words ;) i try this program :)19:29
noordungBao, well, yes...19:29
owenllBao: yes19:29
Jordan_Uroot___: You really shouldn't run your IRC client as root.19:29
Legendariothat example is not clear to me19:29
WulongBao: in theory; yes. But if you want to be 100% safe, then wait.19:29
lauratikahello everyone, im using ubuntu 11.10 and for some reason gets super slow rigth now im using banshee and the browser witrh just this window open, usinng unity  and 2 applets... and the use of memory is for 746 and the swap is at 850 mb... is this normal?... where should i look for memory leaks or clogs?19:29
deitarionlagbox: Also, They're the EXACT SAME FILES that played fine on webupd8's Audacious 3.1 and Gentoo's Audacious 3.0 but won't play in Oneiric Audacious 3.0 and webupd8 Audacious 3.2 because the ffaudio plugin is flat-out MISSING.19:29
deitarionWell, I may be mis-remembering the Oneiric 3.0. It may just have been an ffaudio built without WMA support there.19:29
lagboxdeitarion, is ffaudio like a restricted thing ?19:29
TrueCryerHi all19:30
deitarionlagbox: It's an Audacious plugin that wraps libavcodec so Audacious can play anything ffmpeg understands.19:30
lagboxwell considering i am using the regular repos version of audacious ... let me check my wma files19:31
Stereocaulonoverclucker, I'm back, but ibus is still not working, I can't even see the dock icon for it.19:32
Hetep-AFKowenll: a suggestion from the web was to sudo usermod -aG $USER cdrom19:32
lauratikasome one willing to help on a possible memory leak?19:32
lagboxdeitarion, i have no problem with wma's ... re explain why you have a need to not use audacious from the repo ?19:33
deitarionlagbox: Because it reports no decoder found for various files that will play on the exact same version of Audacious in other distros.19:34
lagboxdeitarion, what version of ubuntu again ?19:34
lagboxdeitarion, did you install all the extras and restricted stuff ?19:34
Guest2889Stereocaulin: ok, sorry, lost my connection. do you have any other ideas that I can try? I tried muting speakers, that also mutes my headphones, if I unmute my headphones, it keeps my speakers muted.19:35
deitarionLubuntu Oneiric and I pulled in every audacious package I could find. (Though, being part of the core Lubuntu install, it should probably be doing that automatically when you check "yes, restricted codecs" in the installer)19:35
lagboxlubuntu xubuntu kubuntu ... its all ubuntu yes ?19:35
guestanyone able to assist with setting up a personal wireless hotspot in ubuntu without a router?19:36
deitarionlagbox: They're all Ubuntu, but Audacious is pulled in by the lubuntu-desktop meta-package, so it should get more testing than any arbitrary 3rd-party media player.19:36
lagboxwhat version of ubuntu ? number19:37
lagboxthe letter means nothing19:37
deitarionFreshly-installed rather than upgraded too.19:38
lagboxyou have gstreamer - ffmpeg installed19:38
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deitarionlagbox: Audacious doesn't use GStreamer. It has its own independent decoding pipeline and plugin system.19:38
overcluckerStereocaulon: see if there is anything you need to change in ibus-setup19:39
ineedhelpcan someone help me with my ubuntu19:39
ActionParsniplagbox: year.month number19:39
BuryHi again ;)19:39
lagboxdeitarion, im just throwing stuff out because you are obviously out of options19:39
lagboxguest http://freshtutorial.com/create-your-own-wifi-hotspot-in-ubuntu-11-10/19:40
owenll!ask | ineedhelp19:40
ubottuineedhelp: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:40
ineedhelpcan someone help me19:40
ineedhelpwith upgrading19:40
deitarionlagbox: I'm not out of options, I'm just hoping I won't have to build from source again. I thought I was through with that when Gentoo's 2.x unstable packages incorporated the last SVN fixes I needed.19:40
* Bury 19:41
deitarion(A year or two ago)19:41
Stereocaulonoverclucker, under input methods, none are selectable, the list is empty, even though I *did* install anthy and several other IME's. Even the interface on the right side has been greyed out ( I can't add, delete anything)19:41
ActionParsnipineedhelp: details plase19:41
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Jordan_Uineedhelp: We can't help you until you tell us what problem you're having.19:41
lagboxdeitarion, have you installed every single package associated with the name audacious ?19:41
Guest2889Do you think the issue with my headphones and speakers working this way is some how related to a faulty driver after my upgrade?19:41
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ineedhelpi cant install any packages or upgrade anything, i have teamviewer19:41
ineedhelpif anyone wants to see19:41
ineedhelpi have jaunty19:41
ineedhelpand i wanna upgrade to karmic or something19:41
deitarionlagbox: No. There are plenty of ones I don't need like audacious-analog-vumeter-plugin and xmp-audacious19:42
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lagboxdeitarion, i understand but you can remove them ... my assumption is something is missing becuse i only have a few packages that come up with a dpkg -l | grep audacious19:42
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade19:42
Guest14380hallow :D19:42
theadmin!EOL | ineedhelp19:42
ubottuineedhelp: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:42
shade34321how can i use cat to write to stdin instead of stdout?19:42
matrixsg1can someone tell me if I can access my programs from a folder, rather than using Dash Home to access the programs I have installed?19:42
ineedhelpnone of the servers work for me19:43
theadminshade34321: cat file | something-which-reads-from-stdin19:43
ineedhelpto install packages19:43
ActionParsnipineedhelp: grab the alternate iso and use that19:43
deitarionlagbox: Trust me on this. I know what doesn't provide ffaudio. Gentoo has those packages and I've even poked about a bit. The ONLY thing I don't have ample experience with is Ubuntu packaging.19:43
Jordan_Uineedhelp: See the link from ubottu on EOL upgrades.19:44
ineedhelpcan you install a program called teamviewer and assist me? i dont wanna mess anything up19:44
deitarions/poked about a bit/poked about a bit in the source tarballs and compiled my own builds at various points in time/19:44
shade34321ok...but what if i wanted to run it as a command say it has something wtih apt-get in it, I'm manually updatinga package since it's not doing it by itself19:44
lagboxdeitarion, no results for ffaudio19:44
deitarionlagbox: Yeah, because it's supposed to be part of the audacious-plugins package... it's just a crapshoot whether or not people build it.19:44
theadminshade34321: Probably "apt-get install < filename-with-package-list"19:45
deitarionlagbox: You could almost say ffaudio_built = bool(audacious_plugins_version % 2)19:45
theadminshade34321: Or whatever.19:45
ineedhelpok i guess nobody can install teamviewer and assist me..19:45
lagboxdeitarion, my version has ffaudio so i don't know what the problem is ... maybe it was dropped in 11.1019:45
ActionParsnipineedhelp: there is a  script i the root of the cd19:45
Jordan_Uineedhelp: What is wrong with the instructions from ubottu?19:46
dlentzdeitarion, i always build my own audacious (usually follow git)19:46
ineedhelpi tried that, i still couldnt get it to work19:46
ineedhelpim really new to ubuntu19:46
deitarionlagbox: I think 11.10 actually comes with an ffaudio that is just crippled. I don't remember noticing it missing when I switched to the webupd8 PPA.19:46
ineedhelpim used to easy windows19:46
dlentzdeitarion, i'm running in a precise vm and ffaudio.so isn't even built here19:46
lagboxineedhelp, i am not installing anything ... do you have VNC server19:46
Jordan_Uineedhelp: We need details. What happened when you tried the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades ?19:47
Stereocaulonineedhelp, if you are really new to ubuntu why do you have such an old veriosn of it installed then? Did you just get that PC?19:47
ineedhelpi had vnc viewer for windows let me install for ubuntu19:47
deitariondlentz: Ahh. Then I guess I WILL be building my own packages.19:47
lagboxand i bet he is behind a firewall as well19:47
dlentzit's not too difficult if you know how to configure and install appropriate -dev packages19:48
ineedhelpis vnc viewer like a screen sharer so you can see my screen?19:48
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deitarionCan anyone point me to a guide to building my own packages from the package-building scripts Ubuntu/Debian/etc. packagers use? (So I can do something a bit more proper than './configure && make && checkinstall'19:49
Stereocaulonineedhelp, yes on the client side, but you do need vnc-server running on your box.19:49
SunTsuineedhelp: if somebody actually installs teamviewer or like and fixes your stuff for you - what are you going to do next time you hit a problem?19:49
Piciineedhelp: thats not how this channel typically works.  We help people fix their problems, we don't fix them for you.19:49
StereocaulonPici, good point19:49
ineedhelpwell ive tried this for about a year and gave up19:49
ineedhelpi cant even do anything19:49
ineedhelpi cant watch videos, anything19:49
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SunTsuineedhelp: then let us help you, else you won't learn a bit19:50
deitarionIdeally, something automatic enough that I can just put together a monthly cronscript that uses `apt-get build-dep` and a few other commands, seds out any --disable flags for ffaudio, and then builds and installs the package.19:50
ineedhelpteamviewer is helping, i can watch you and learn myself19:50
lagboxineedhelp it is a remote desktop system19:50
ineedhelpi cant learn stuff from reading it, i learn it from watching19:50
SunTsuineedhelp: and you learn best from doing19:50
Gentoo64ineedhelp: what problem are you having?19:51
ineedhelpcant install anything, i just need assistance getting a good server19:51
ineedhelpfor installing packages and upgrading to karmic19:51
a-saintanyone having problem in compiling the compat-wireless for aircrack-ng am having this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/816720/ although I have disabled the libertas from config.mk19:51
Stereocaulonineedhelp, in that case your nickname is suitable, learn to read first, than come back.19:51
Gentoo64ineedhelp: im pretty sure you can change the mirro from the uopdate manager gui19:51
lagboxdeitarion, that ffaudio is a known bug/issue ... so it doesn't seem they are fixing it any time soon19:51
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ineedhelpi tried that..19:52
deitarionlagbox: Hence why I'm asking whether anyone can point me to docs on how to use apt-get, dpkg, and whatever else to retrieve source, compile, and build a deb in an unattended manner.19:52
ineedhelpi tried almost all the servers..19:52
ineedhelpjust let this vnc viewer plan progress.19:52
Gentoo64ineedhelp: and whats it say when you go to install stuff19:52
Piciineedhelp: You would be better off installing again instead of upgrading, as you will need to go through a number of releases before you will be on the most current release.19:53
lagboxineedhelp, are you chatting from that disabled computer ?19:53
ineedhelpit says some packages couldnt be installed19:53
ineedhelpand none of them installed19:53
lagboxineedhelp, do you have another computer you can burn a disc from ?19:53
Gentoo64ineedhelp: are you going from a v old version to the latest or something?19:53
ineedhelpno just to karmic19:54
ineedhelpi have jaunty19:54
PiciI think that one person needs to help ineedhelp instead of all of us jumping on him.19:54
Gentoo64ok sorry19:54
Stereocaulonineedhelp, ok, join me in a private chat...19:54
PiciGentoo64: I was doing it too, so no need to apoligize :)19:55
dlentzdeitarion, you can use the tarball and packaging from webupd8 ppa, and then rebuild (just be sure to have libavformat-dev installed ffaudio is built)19:55
ineedhelpok vnc installed19:55
ineedhelphow do u connect to me19:55
deitariondlentz: Obviously. I'm asking how I "use the tarball and packaging ... and then rebuild". All my experience with custom packaging is either on Gentoo or using "./configure && make && sudo checkinstall"19:55
ActionParsnipineedhelp: the upgrade docs show how to mount the ISO and run the installer there19:56
a-sainthello anyone having problem in compiling the compat-wireless for aircrack-ng am having this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/816720/ although I have disabled the libertas from config.mk19:56
ineedhelpsomeone was going to do vnc for me19:57
ineedhelpand show me what to do19:57
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lagboxineedhelp, first of all you need vnc server ... then the hope is that you are not behind a firewall19:57
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ineedhelpi have vnc viewer what do i do now19:58
ActionParsnipineedhelp: wget http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/ubuntu-9.10-alternate-i386.iso; mkdir /media/iso; mount -o loop ubuntu-9.10-alternate-i386.iso /media/iso; /media/iso/cdromupgrade19:58
mbeierlI think Jaunty is past end of life, which means you can no longer use the normal upgrade path19:58
ActionParsnipineedhelp: run:  sudo -i     then that as a command19:58
Promotirc fr19:58
Pici!fr | Promot19:58
ubottuPromot: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:58
ActionParsnipmbeierl: can still use alternate ISO :)19:58
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ineedhelpim really confused19:59
lagboxget a ISO and reinstall ubuntu19:59
mbeierlActionParsnip, I just saw your post.  you are correct19:59
ActionParsnipineedhelp: personally, I'd just wipe and clean install with Oneiric or even Precise (which is Alpha but is LTS).then restore data from backups20:00
PiciActionParsnip: Please do not suggest alpha releases to new users.20:00
ActionParsnipPici: ok but it will save having to upgrade  later, its better long term but the alpha issuesmay be annoying20:01
PiciActionParsnip: Alpha issues are unacceptable for someone who expects their install to work.20:02
lagboxpici, agreed20:02
a-saintcan someone point me how to handle the problem am having20:03
ActionParsnipPici: true20:03
lagboxa-saint, did you search the ubuntu forums or do a google search ... because that is all i am going to do20:03
ActionParsnipor just wait for release and install Precise, problem solved20:04
a-saintlagbox did you see the pastebin link20:04
Guest55294so my headphones don't even show up in Sound Settings. only shows Analog Speakers. Is this normal20:04
ActionParsnipGuest55294: no, of course not.20:05
a-saintlagbox http://paste.ubuntu.com/816720/20:05
lagboxa-saint, did you search google yet20:05
a-saintlagbox truth ...........no20:05
lagboxwell that is a good start .. maybe someone else has had the problem and found a fix20:06
pooltablehelp get this to work http://www.qualityhealth.com/coupons20:07
lagboxalso are there any other instructions for building that ... maybe a configure to check dependencies20:07
DJango_Novicehi there....Im new to  ubuntu and trying to setup SVN but it says Errors were encountered while processing: libapache2-svn20:08
DJango_Noviceany idea20:08
lagboxpooltable, read the page .... not supported on Linux or WebTV .... you will need to get a copy of IE or run windows in a virtual box20:08
pooltablei see20:08
lagboxDJango_Novice, did you search google or the ubuntu forums for the problem ?20:08
lagboxpooltable, and yes it sucks that they make things like that20:09
DJango_Noviceyes the thing is im new to linux20:09
DJango_Novicednt have much understanding os what they say... I was trying to setup SVN20:09
lagboxDJango_Novice, i would imagine you dont need apache2 to use svn20:10
lagboxso your trying to setup an svn repo20:10
DJango_Novicelagbox: I was following a tutorial so i tried that20:11
lagboxor do you just need svn software to connect to a repo20:11
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DJango_Novicebut even if I dont need it for SVN why its not working20:11
DJango_NoviceI will connect to the repo through win 720:11
lagboxso you are trying to create a svn repo on the ubuntu box ? ... what version of ubuntu ?20:12
Zoffix_Hey. I've just setup two 1TB drives as a "RAID-1 Mirror" array (using Disk Utility). The problem is, every time I reboot, I need to open up Disk Utility and click "Start RAID", and after that mount it. I'd like that to be done automatically on boot. I tried googling, and I found some stuff about automounting, but nothing about automatically starting the RAID (without that, the automount stuff doesn't seem to worK).20:12
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stealth_creationhaving an issue with sound coming from both speakers and headphones, at the same time. I have tried alsamixer to set the sound values, but that has not worked. My sound settings don't show that I have a jack for my headphones.20:13
lagboxDJango_Novice, is it forcing you to install libapache2-svn or are you telling it to install that specific package ?20:13
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WordpressNoobhey guys i have a problem with x11vncserver. i got it to work, but now i get "writerror: socketipv4 error while writing". checking the log, it's saying the connection is refused.20:13
WordpressNoobufw is not enabled. any ideas?20:13
lagboxstealth_creation, does this work in other Operating Systems ?20:14
ActionParsnipZoffix_: you could add the commands in /etc/rc.local    I'm not sure what commands they run but if you get no replies you can use that. Add them above the exit 0 line20:14
DJango_Novicelagbox: u know what ....Iam new to SVN as well since Im a C# developer20:14
deitarionlagbox: Found the problem. Oneiric is waaaaaay back on Audacious 2.4.x and includes FFmpeg 0.7. Audacious 3.2 bumped the FFmpeg dependency up to 0.9. The audacious bug tracker recommends installing ffmpeg 0.9 into /opt to prevent 0.7 removal from tearing out half the system.20:14
stealth_creationit worked up until I upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10. The upgrade I believe has caused the issue.20:14
lagboxdeitarion, nice .. i saw stuff about versions lagging in the past20:14
DJango_Novicelagbox: so i was following a tutorial n it says install subversion and libapache-svn20:14
DJango_Novicei tried that20:15
stealth_creationit worked while I was using Windows 7, and worked after i installed Ubuntu20:15
lagboxDJango_Novice, don't install libapache2-svn ... just subversion and see what happens20:15
ryan__Hello. Is there a way to (in Precise Alpha 1) force the ubuntu-wallpapers version to a lower version using Synaptic Package Manager?20:15
DJango_NoviceSVN went well but libapache didn work20:15
ActionParsnipryan__: ask in #ubuntu+120:15
DJango_Novicelagbox: I tried that as well20:15
DJango_Novicebut somehow I couldnt connect to svn20:15
ryan__Okay, ActionParsnip. Thank you.20:16
DJango_Novicen i thought u need apache to response to http request20:16
lagboxDJango_Novice, next question .. do you have apache2 installed ?20:16
deitarionlagbox: ...though there IS a bug about how Natty had ffaudio.so for 2.x and oneiric doesn't. I guess it's time for me to whip up a script which puts FFmpeg 0.9 into /opt and then uses apt-get to automatically rebuild the deb.20:16
Zoffix_ActionParsnip, thanks. I just found this page, and about to reboot to see if the stuff worked. If it doesn't, I'll give your thing a try. Thanks. Here's the page I found if anyone wants it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132979120:16
lagboxDJango_Novice, i was assuming there was a way to connect to svn without http20:16
DJango_Novicelagbox: i was playing with apache as well20:16
lagboxdeitarion, if you do make sure to post it some where20:16
DJango_Noviceso it might be apache20:16
DJango_Noviceyes you can with svn protocol20:17
deitarionlagbox: Of course. If I do, I'll put it on GitHub gists and embed it in a blog post.20:17
DJango_Novicebut i want it through http20:17
lagboxDJango_Novice, why20:17
lagboxdeitarion, awesome20:18
DJango_Novicelagbox: I dont know.. it should work with http.. why not20:18
WordpressNoobhey guys i have a problem with x11vncserver. i got it to work, but now i get "writerror: socketipv4 error while writing". checking the log, it's saying the connection is refused.20:18
lagboxdeitarion,  thanks for giving back :)20:18
WordpressNoobany ideas?20:18
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deitarionlagbox: It's pretty much habit by now. The only stuff I've written that ISN'T public is stuff that I'm still cleaning up from my younger days.20:18
lagboxdeitarion, i hear ya ... i release all my php projects20:19
deitarionI work mostly in Python, but I do have one or two PHP projects that are currently on their way to being clean enough to share.20:19
deitarionFor example, http://gbindex.ssokolow.com/20:19
deitarionThat one needs a facelift too, so I'd look at the result of typing "tsu" in the search box for a better example of where it's going.20:20
lagboxstealth_creation, asus ?20:20
troulouliou_devhi is there a command line tool to check a block device for the partition tyê ?20:20
stealth_creationAsus G72GX20:20
deitarion(The look and feel of the search results page is at least two years newer than everything else)20:21
lagboxstealth_creation, this looks like it might work ... not sure though .. use at your own risk ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186167720:21
DJango_Novicelagbox: any idea???20:22
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lagboxWordpressNoob, please hold20:22
lagboxDJango_Novice, im thinking ....20:22
WordpressNooblagbox thx20:23
stealth_creationany help is good help lagbox20:23
stealth_creationat most I would need a fresh install. want my music for developing through Eclipse. Can't develop anything without tunes20:23
lagboxDJango_Novice, there might be a better tutorial in the ubuntu server guidee20:24
DJango_NoviceIts been three days now and someone told me i can get help from here :)20:24
DJango_Noviceor you could just provide me with the link if you can please20:25
lagboxWordpressNoob, what are you doing that you get this error20:26
stealth_creationthis is a wonderful place to get help, but there are huge lines. I'm not complaining by any means.20:26
lagboxDJango_Novice, trying to ... i got svn up and running without a problem ...but i also don't know what exact error you are getting20:26
lagboxyou guys caught a slower time atm20:26
lagboxstealth_creation, let me know if that link helps at all ... seemed promising20:27
DJango_Novicelet me try to remove apache with dependencies and try it again.. may be i have messed up with apache20:27
thevaHi there, is XChat the prefered client for this thing on ubuntu? :)20:27
stealth_creationI will, and you are right, it does seem promising. Seems to have worked for other Asus models. Can't believe that I didn't find this thread through my Google search20:27
stealth_creationif I'm not mistaken your Ubuntu installation should come with a default program that allows chatting across different "platforms" as well ass updating facebook and twitter without viewing the site20:28
lagboxtheva i personally prefer XChat for IRC atm but i used to use console IRC clients20:28
stealth_creationEmpathy I think it's called.20:29
lagboxDJango_Novice, make sure to move your apache config files if you have edited them ... let the reinstall start the config fresh20:29
DJango_Novicelagbox: yes :) i will get back to you in a bit.. lets see how it goes20:30
ActionParsniptheva: there is no preferred IRC client in any OS20:30
lagboxWordpressNoob, that connection refused error ... can you paste the exact wording of it ... but don't flood20:30
thevaI am used to mirc on windows but I guess this is good enough :)20:30
thevaActionParsnip, there isnt?20:31
meerkatswhat does E: Malformed line 109 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (absolute dist)20:31
meerkatsE: The list of sources could not be read. mean?20:31
ActionParsniptheva: no, there are options, and each is just as valid20:31
ActionParsniptheva: what is THE preferred IRC client in Windows?20:31
thevaActionParsnip, I guess you are right, how do I turn all those loggin in and out messages off?20:31
trismmeerkats: look at line 109 in /etc/apt/sources.list and see20:31
ActionParsnipmeerkats: can you run:  gedit /etc/apt/sources.list    and pastebin the output please20:32
thevaActionParsnip, mirc I guess, nbs-irc20:32
lagboxif anyone needs me for the next few minutes that i was helping .. Personal message me20:32
ActionParsniptheva: why though?? because you use it?20:32
serei have a computer w/ no net and want to set up a offline repo....how do i20:32
thevaActionParsnip, yes :P20:32
ActionParsniptheva: thats a bit arrogant isn't it20:32
meerkatstrism, ActionParsnip, ok, found it, I commented a line: deb http://debian.yacy.net ./ This crap doesnt seem to work I have to get rid of: "This crap..."20:32
ActionParsniptheva: http://i.clintecker.com/disable-irc-msgs.html20:33
meerkatsincidentally, is there a ppa for yacy?20:33
thevaActionParsnip, but I really do not have anything to say about any other client, I have only used that20:33
ActionParsniptheva: there is no 'preferred' app for anything, there are options. Try a few and see what you like, when you find one, use it. If you like xchat use it.20:34
ActionParsniptheva: http://i.clintecker.com/disable-irc-msgs.html20:34
ActionParsnipmeerkats: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list    and comment out the line or delete it20:34
thevaActionParsnip, I agree with you20:34
tadohey all. just bought a lenovo E320 and i'm trying to fix it so that the battery will last as long as possible. however the fan seems to be running all the time, no matter what i'm doing. powertop claims it's running at around 850rpm. is this number a lot or normal? and shouldn't the fan stop when the laptop is cold?20:36
ActionParsniptado: are there any bugs reported?20:36
Glaciais there any benefit to installing 10.04 LTS over 11.10?20:37
newbeehi i am having ptoblem installing ubuntu20:37
tadoActionParsnip: where do I look? I've googled around and there are complaints about other models making too much noise, while this is relatively silent, considering it's running...20:37
newbeecan someone helo me please20:37
newbeethe error is shown here20:37
MonkeyDustnewbee  your question being?20:39
thevawhats the problem?20:39
newbeehow to overcome this error20:39
newbeei atatched a pic20:39
newbee'this pic shows the error20:39
newbeei am new to linux...but very interested20:39
MonkeyDustnewbee  start from the beginning, what have you done and tried before you came here for advice20:39
Sebastiennewbee did you see the logfile ?&20:39
ActionParsnipnewbee: youo dont need to flood the channel, we saw20:39
Sebastiennewbee did you see the logfile ? *20:39
ActionParsnipnewbee: calm down20:40
ActionParsnipnewbee: jese20:40
Glaciahi ActionParsnip20:40
meerkatswhat do I do if after tryingto update I get NO_PUBKEY AE6DFF70DAD80779 ?20:40
ActionParsniphi Glacia20:40
serei have a computer w/ no net and want to set up a offline repo....how do i20:40
newbeei tried to install ubuntu using wubi20:40
GlaciaActionParsnip, how are you today20:40
newbeeit is giving the error i sent20:40
MonkeyDustwubi :(20:41
ActionParsnipsere: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com AE6DFF70DAD8077920:41
ActionParsnipnewbee: I suggest you download and MD5 test the Ubuntu ISO, install magicdisk or daemontools, mount the ISO and install Wubi from there20:41
=== Anonymous is now known as Guest6045
newbeeOK...my harkd disk is partitioned to be simple volumes...is this a problem?20:42
Guest6045lagbox: it works now. Thank you so much for your time. Months of putting up with this, and you get it straight in a few minutes, and a few tries. They should be paying you for this.20:42
LjLMonkeyDust: don't encourage them :(20:42
ActionParsnipsere: if you add the PPA with:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:address    you won't get that20:42
MonkeyDustLjL  sorry20:42
pablo_qualcuno mi puo aiutare non riesco a entrare nella chat di adunanza20:42
ActionParsnipnewbee: doesn't matter, you will be installing to a file on your NTFS, so its fine20:43
newbeeok thanks20:43
mllieIs it possible to have several IdentityFile in ssh config?20:43
newbeelet me try20:43
LjL!it | pablo_20:43
ubottupablo_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:43
GlaciaActionParsnip, do you mind answering a quick and easy question?20:43
=== logan is now known as Guest45334
lagboxGuest6045, ??20:43
ActionParsnipGlacia: sup?20:43
Guest6045lagbox: if you run into someone with this issue again. make sure to tell them to restart instead of a force restart.20:43
Glaciais there any benefit to installing 10.04 LTS over 11.10?20:43
Guest6045lagbox: stealth_creations. Dunno why it assigns me a new nickname everytime.20:43
ActionParsnipGlacia: personally I'd always use the latest stable20:44
Guest6045anonymity I guess20:44
=== codepal_ is now known as codepal
Guest6045lagbox: I had the sound issue on an Asus20:44
patrikrydIs there any way if undo an apt-get upgrade ?20:44
GlaciaActionParsnip, what does LTS do that a normal distro wont20:44
trismmllie: yes20:44
mllietrism: how?20:45
lagboxGuest6045, oh yea ... no problem man ... you can buy me a beer some time ... i wish i got paid for this stuff ... but alas .. i wouldn't have been able to get where i am without all the fine people that sit in irc chat rooms and help people20:45
ActionParsnipGlacia: longer support for one20:45
LoshkiActionParsnip: so, which release do you consider 'latest stable'?20:45
lagboxand i wouldn't ask for money20:45
ActionParsnipLoshki: oneiric20:45
meerkatshow do I wget this? http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xAE6DFF70DAD8077920:45
meerkatswget http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xAE6DFF70DAD80779 doesnt work20:45
trismmllie: what are you trying to do?20:45
LoshkiActionParsnip: not 10.04 LTS?20:46
mllietrism: trying to use 2 different keys to the same host..20:46
ActionParsnipmeerkats: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com AE6DFF70DAD8077920:46
mllietrism: so it will try them both20:46
thevaDo you all use the "new" menu-thing that comes with 11.10?20:46
MonkeyDustLoshki  11.10 is more recent than 11.0420:46
ActionParsnipLoshki: that is also stable, but is LTS sowill outlive releases like Maverick and Natty20:46
trismmllie: then just specify both, the ssh_config manpage states it will try them in order20:46
ActionParsniptheva: I don't I use LXDE20:46
LoshkiMonkeyDust: ActionParsnip: thanks...20:46
iceroottheva: you are talking about "unity"?20:47
asdfoiu3I actually messed up my unity trying to install touchegg drivers. and i was never able to recover it. can someone help me?20:47
thevaiceroot, yes, the side-meu-bar20:47
Guest6045lagbox: no doubt, depending on where you are located, or if you want to make a trip, that beer could become a reality.20:47
enormthi, I got a problem with dual monitors on ubuntu, with a dell xps 1530. The external monitor disappears when I log in. Does anyone know how I can resolve the problem?20:47
mllietrism: yeah, but it doesn't.. It just tries the first one20:47
lagboxGuest6045, sweet ... nj usa20:48
mllietrism: or maybe, the first one succeeds but gives me permission error20:48
thevaActionParsnip, That wasnt what I meant but it do look interesting, is that on 11.10?20:48
mllietrism: to a specific file20:48
trismmllie: I just tried it, it is working here (with ssh -v)20:48
tadoActionParsnip: if I paste bin outputs from thinkfan and from sensors, do you understand any of that?20:48
mllietrism: ah, ok. I'm doing this with github, it tells me permission denied to ...git file20:48
lagboxor just make a small donation to an open source project20:49
ActionParsniptheva: yes, lxde is available in the Oneiric repos20:49
Guest6045we aren't that far apart. tn usa here20:49
ActionParsniptado: very little indeed20:49
nancy--how to see what processor is in the machine ?20:49
=== logan_ is now known as Guest88074
tadoActionParsnip: well thanks anyway :)20:49
thevaActionParsnip, I guess there is a reason why you dont use it but, is it good any way?20:50
llutznancy--: grep model /proc/cpuinfo20:50
MonkeyDustnancy--  sudo dmidecode -s processor20:50
kieppiehi all - I'm having a lot of trouble trying to print to a network printer shared from a Mac on my network. I've added the device vie `system-config-printer`, but I'm unable to print20:50
ActionParsniptheva: I just like LXDE,been using it the last 3 or 4 releases20:50
tadois there anyone that understand how temperatures and the laptop fan work? mine seems to be constantly running...20:50
ActionParsniptheva: Unity is a love or hate deal dude20:50
Jordan_Ukieppie: Do you have printer drivers for the printer in question? Are you able to print if you connect directly to the printer via USB (as a test)?20:51
lagboxtado, you might have your processor set at maximum speed20:51
lagboxtado get a cpu frequency scaling applet20:51
GlaciaActionParsnip, is there a comparison chart somewhere with the different feature of ubuntu distros20:51
trismmllie: could you post the error if it doesn't reveal any sensitive info?20:51
thevaActionParsnip, I hate it.. :P I have a netbook so the lxde might do some good for the performance I think, will try it out! :)20:52
tadolagbox: how can i check that? or edit it, for that sake... it seems like there are two temperatures that sensors receive that are keeping the fan on. can i try and pastebin the output for you?20:52
iceroottheva: to try lxde use "sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop"20:52
nancy--llutz,  MonkeyDust   iam on a vps and want to know what frequency i have20:52
kieppieJordan_U: yea; I have the correct drivers & seems ok @ direct. but I'm consitering pushing it through some sort of tranlation layer - ie. ""generic printer20:52
thevaiceroot, thanks!20:52
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:52
mllietrism: ERROR: Permission to user/repo1.git denied to user/repo220:52
mllietrism: the case here is that id_rsa is to repo1 (i guess it successfully logs in with that and THEN getting the permission error)20:53
ninjaiI really need some help here... is there a way I can do some disk checks without using a live CD? like changing the run level or something? my OS is mounted R/O because of errors20:53
lagboxtado, are you using gnome or unity ?20:53
icerootActionParsnip: just for the record, the new unity with HUD looks awesome (and you know i am a big lxde fan)20:53
tadolagbox: unity, freshly installed on my new lenovo E32020:54
mbeierlninjai, any check while mounted will only tell you there's an error, which you already know.  it cannot fix it while mounted, even RO20:54
ActionParsnipiceroot: i like the lxde look. Unity is really OTT for me20:54
lagboxtado ... search the software center for cpu frequency ... and sometimes temperatures are not reported correctly20:54
icerootActionParsnip: you saw HUD?20:54
trismmllie: this seems relevant: http://help.github.com/ssh-issues/20:54
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS will include the first step in a major new approach to application interfaces, the Head-Up Display, or HUD, which will ultimately replace menus in Unity applications. See http://goo.gl/KRG6e for the background on this and discuss it in #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-offtopic20:54
ninjaimbeierl, how can I fix it?20:55
icerootActionParsnip: its a killerfeature (imo)20:55
mbeierlninjai, unfortunately, it cannot fix itself.  so, you need another os (like a live cd) in order to repair a disk.  Do you have a second computer that you can put the hdd into?20:55
lagboxtado but i would imagine that the fans are controlled on the bios level not the OS level, but that is my assumption20:55
ninjaimbeierl, it's a VM :S20:56
Glaciawait what! the 12.04 is LTS?20:56
ActionParsnipiceroot: i use about 5 apps, most which I use in CLI :)20:56
nancy--llutz,  MonkeyDust     iam on a vps and want to know what frequency i have20:56
RNAndyBI am installing Ubuntu 11.10 to a secondary hard disk. I originally had a 500gb NTFS partition for extra windows storage. I have used gParted to resize that partition and made 100gb free/available. In the installer, I have selected "Something else" to configure custom partitions. I selected the available 100gb and have the option to format it to ext4. Will the installer take care of the swap partition in the 100gb or will i need to partition for that myself?20:56
kieppie Jordan_U: @ the driver option, other than "text-only", what could I use? raw, PS, PCL 4/5/6 ?20:56
iceroot!wine | witchyta20:56
ubottuwitchyta: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu20:56
icerootwitchyta: lets use this channel instead of PM20:57
mbeierlninjai, the disk with errors is a virtual disk, or physical then?20:57
lagboxRNAndyB, i would make another partition the size of your RAM and make that a swap20:57
ninjaimbeierl, virtual20:57
icerootActionParsnip: ok but i think for normal users unity is on a good way20:57
mbeierlninjai, ok, this holds hope then.  what os is the vm server on?20:58
tadolagbox: are they? it seems that with thinkfan i can edit when they should kick in, and that since 55 C is the temperature where it does start, the fact that sensors perceive a 57 out of what they check keeps it on all the time20:58
Jordan_URNAndyB: Why did you select manual partitioning?20:58
tadolagbox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/816962/20:58
ninjaimbeierl, Windows Server 200820:58
RNAndyBlagbox, Thank you. Will ubuntu automatically pick up this partition and use it for swap or do I need to tell it that this is the swap partition? Forgive my ignorance, I usually just use the full disk and let the installer do everything.20:58
ActionParsnipiceroot: I guess. I don't think its up to much, a lot of work for the same output i can get in a fraction of the time20:58
Jordan_Ukieppie: I don't know. What happens when you try to print via the default setup (through the network)?20:59
lagboxRNAndyB, i believe if you set it as a type linux-swap ... it will get picked up automaticly20:59
RNAndyBJordan_U, I have personal files and music stored on the hard drive already. I dont want to use the full drive, just the 100gb I have made free.20:59
mbeierlninjai, ok, so are you sure it's really just the virtual disk that is wrecked an not the physical windows disk?  ie: no windows errors or crunching, etc, when the vm starts up?20:59
lagboxRNAndyB, i am unfamiliar with letting the installer automaticly do that stuff20:59
tadolagbox: and this is thinkfan's output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/816973/20:59
Jordan_URNAndyB: You should be able to use automatic partitioning and tell it to use all the free space.20:59
icerootActionParsnip: yes you are right, normally you need only 5 programs, x, terminator, gnome-terminal, zsh and vim :)20:59
ninjaimbeierl, yes... I just attempted a clone with virtualbox and then bam... errors on my virtual disk21:00
Glaciawho here know about the monitor function in 11.10? when i rotate the screen in the display setting the mouse (stylus) doesnt conform21:00
thevawich default display manager shuld I choose for lxdm?21:00
RNAndyBJordan_U, It may just not be clear but I am not seeing an option for this21:00
Star_Lighthello. Is there any room for C programming?21:01
Star_Lightthank you.21:01
theadminStar_Light: ##c21:01
mbeierlninjai, the next thing to try is to get the Ubuntu 11.10 iso, and add that iso as the cd device, and boot that21:01
lagboxtado,  looks like that does not provide fan control ... and i personaly would not mess with fan settings ... you may want to adjust the frequency of the cpu to bring the temperature down when you don't need performance21:01
ninjaimbeierl, already downloading it (it's so slow! :(, ~350kb/s)21:01
Jordan_URNAndyB: Can you post a screenshot of the options available before you select manual partitioning?21:01
Jordan_U!screenshot | RNAndyB21:01
ubottuRNAndyB: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.21:01
tadolagbox: alright... do you know what i should look for in the BIOS to avoid making a mess?21:02
nancy--how to see what ram is available?21:02
ActionParsnipnancy--: free -m21:02
RNAndyBJordan_U, there is a list of all partitions, followed by "free space", if i select free space it gives me partitioning options but the "Install Now" button also becomes available. If I have the available space highlighed and click "install now" it will just use all available space?21:02
nancy--ActionParsnip,  no the total ram21:02
lagboxtado ... apparently it isn't at the bios level though .... is your processor running at full speed all the time ?21:02
ActionParsnipnancy--: total ram is the top left most value in that output21:03
mbeierlninjai, ah, i see your dilemma now.  There are alternates, such as the sysrescuecd, which are much smaller: http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page21:03
ActionParsnipnancy--: free ram is the 2nd value on the +/- Buffers line21:03
nancy--i have only 35 mb free on my vps21:03
tadolagbox: no. it's running at about 8%21:03
ActionParsnipnancy--: the value is in Mb, so if you have 3500 then its 3.5Gb21:04
nancy--i have only 35 mb free on my vps ActionParsnip  384 is total and 35 is free21:04
mbeierl!patience | Glacia21:04
ubottuGlacia: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:04
nancy--ActionParsnip, ^21:04
icerootnancy--: wrong21:04
ActionParsnipnancy--: what does the system do?21:04
jeagleSlart_: Slart Slart are you there?21:04
Jordan_URNAndyB: That sounds right to me. I'd need to see a screenshot to be completely sure.21:04
MyrA wget question in ubuntu: Say I wish to mirror a site. But the images used on this site are under a different subdomain. How would I grab those too?, ex: www.example.com and img.example.com21:04
ninjaimbeierl, I'm downloading that now21:04
nancy--ActionParsnip,   total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached21:04
nancy--Mem:           364        329         35          0         29        24621:04
ActionParsnipnancy--: yeah, 364Mb total21:05
lagboxtado, interesting .. i would start going through the forums ... i would bet ibm has some good support for ubuntu and linux21:05
nancy--ActionParsnip,  its a vps . i just apt-get update and upgrade it.          its my first day21:05
icerootnancy--: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/  pleaswe read that21:05
mbeierlninjai, it also has fsck on it, so once booted, it should see your virtual disk as /dev/sda and you can run check and repair on it that way21:05
RNAndyBJordan_U, one moment will take a screenshot21:05
tadolagbox: couldn't find much till now... but thanks for helping anyway21:05
nancy--ActionParsnip,  i think i need to panic now21:06
lagboxtado, sorry i don't know more about that ... good luck in the hunt21:06
theadminMyr: I don't think wget will work for that. Try httrack, which is a website mirroring tool. It can handle such tasks, and more complex ones as well. Install "httrack" via APT for the CLI version or "webhttrack" for the GUI.21:06
icerootnancy--: the short story is, the second line on free -m is important not the first line. the long story is the link i gave you21:06
tadolagbox: ;)21:06
MyrHmm :/21:06
Guest6045I'm out, good luck to those needing help, not that it's needed in here, and a gracious thank you to those that are spending time in here to help21:07
nancy--how to install apache21:07
ninjaimbeierl, since you seem to know waht you're actually talking about more than I do, what is the proper way for me to get fsck to repair my disk?21:07
slideI have auto update packages on but I compiled one from source and it keeps getting replaced, is there a way to disable it for that one package?21:07
icerootnancy--: sudo apt-get install apache221:07
lagboxnancy--, apt-get install apache221:07
lagboxoops ... sudo first21:08
icerootnancy--: please dont host a public server if you dont know how to handle it21:08
ninjaialso, mbeierl, to complicate things this has hard drvie encryption on it :S.21:08
ActionParsnip!pin | slide21:08
ubottuslide: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto21:08
icerootnancy--: an open-mail-relay which is part of a botnet is often the result21:08
nancy--iceroot,  i bought one for me. to learn21:08
icerootnancy--: a vm is just better then buying a server21:08
nancy--iceroot,  are there things i should know?21:09
icerootnancy--: yes21:09
icerootnancy--: dont host a public server if you dont know to how manage the server21:09
mbeierlninjai, oooo.  I don't know as much about that, but I /think/ that might be ok, as it is the contents which are encrypted, but not the inode and filesystem structure.21:09
nancy--lagbox,  iceroot  should i install apache as root or  become another persone and then sudo apt-get install apache2?21:09
RNAndyBJordan_U, Its a photo as the machine I am installing to is not networked, http://imagebin.org/19553521:10
icerootnancy--: its the same21:10
nancy--iceroot,  how could i know if i dont manage21:10
icerootnancy--: but please dont login as root, always use sudo21:10
nancy--iceroot,  so the creater will be root any way.21:10
icerootnancy--: by learning in a local vm21:10
ninjaimbeierl, I would think that there would be a way to decrypt it before checking it, right? I think gparted allows for that21:10
nancy--iceroot,  hmm. i thought its the same thing.. sudoing or rooting ?21:10
iceroot[22:10]   iceroot | nancy--: its the same21:10
nancy--iceroot,  i have linux installed too21:10
Jordan_URNAndyB: Go back one screen. That looks like you've already selected manual partitioning.21:11
mbeierlninjai, unfortunately, I really do not know about encrypted volumes.21:11
icerootnancy--: for the process its the same21:11
nancy--iceroot,  why not log as root then ?21:11
icerootnancy--: but its not a good idea to have a root-shell all the time21:11
=== Mud is now known as Guest87144
ninjaiok well I guess I'll see what happens...21:11
icerootnancy--: normally because you will break your system by a wrong command21:11
icerootnancy--: the following links from ubottu might be important21:12
XDS2012im not able to get online can someone help21:12
nancy--iceroot,  how to add a user ?21:12
RNAndyBJordan_U, My options are then to install ubuntu alongside windows, replace windows or something else. I do not wish to install it side by side on the same drive. I wish to install ubuntu completely separate on the second drive21:12
XDS2012the wireless assistant doesn't add a default gateway21:12
iceroot!sudo › nancy--21:12
ubottuiceroot: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:12
iceroot!sudo > nancy--21:12
ubottunancy--, please see my private message21:12
mbeierlninjai, stop.  do NOT run fsck on an encrypted volume21:12
iceroot!repos > nancy--21:12
ninjaimbeierl, ok21:12
ninjaimbeierl, http://tomsalmon.eu/2010/10/fsck-on-encrypted-aes-256-linux-ext3-partitions/21:12
mbeierlninjai, or... continue the download, but don't run it nativelty21:12
ninjaimbeierl, I'm not I'm waiting for a live CD21:13
ninjaiboth downloads are slow :S21:13
icerootnancy--: adduser21:13
prashant_123456which text editor is best vi or nano ?????21:13
Pici!best | prashant_12345621:13
ubottuprashant_123456: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:13
icerootprashant_123456: none of them21:13
nancy--iceroot,  adduser username group ?21:13
icerootprashant_123456: the correct answer is "vim"21:13
Jordan_URNAndyB: May I see a screenshot?21:13
icerootnancy--: man adduser21:13
thevaprashant_123456, I prefer qedit :P21:13
mbeierlninjai, without having something to mount the encrypted volume from outside of itself, you cannot fix it.  and yes, that page you referenced is the correct procedure once you get another OS running to mount the encrypted drive21:13
ablyssi got gnome and ubuntu windows managers... which one do I choose21:14
ninjaimbeierl, ok thanks for letting me know21:14
SpaceBassfresh server install, new hardware, core i7, sad? but response seems very slow. Whats best way to benchmark?21:14
nancy--iceroot,  i did but it says the user " user " doesnot exists21:15
prashant_123456iceroot, vim is very complex21:15
nancy--iceroot,  i used      adduser name admin21:15
pmickyjoin /ubuntu-it21:15
pmickyjoin /#ubuntu-it21:15
icerootnancy--: sudo adduser name -g admin21:16
mbeierlninjai, wish I could have helped more.  There might be virtualbox helpers that can let you open the drive from under Windows, but then you'd also need the encryption software and a copy of fsck to do anything to the disk21:16
cromag/j #ubuntu-it21:16
icerootnancy--: also see the help with "adduser --help" or "man adduser"21:16
ninjaimbeierl, I think I'll just stick with the easy way and boot up a live CD.  I also found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94090421:16
RNAndyBJordan_U, may take just a moment, the installer appears to have crashed.21:16
ninjaiI am using LVM, so this is probably better info21:16
ActionParsnipnancy--: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-add-new-linux-user-account/21:16
nancy--iceroot,  model name      : AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 612821:17
nancy--stepping        : 121:17
nancy--cpu MHz         : 1999.99921:17
DeaconFI have an interview in 23 hours that covers a large portion of linux command line. Can anyone point me in the direction of beginner-intermediate walk-through tutorial? Something that will preferrably cover a portion of server commands, and such for hosting that is generally used in SSH?21:17
nancy--Option g is ambiguous (gecos, gid, group)21:17
nancy--         iceroot21:17
nancy--ActionParsnip,  thx21:17
Jordan_U!pastebin | nancy--21:18
ubottunancy--: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:18
iceroot!cli | DeaconF21:18
ubottuDeaconF: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro21:18
mbeierlninjai, also good overview, but I think the first reference is simpler if you don't actually have an LVM set21:18
ActionParsnipnancy--: if in doubt, try the web as well :)21:18
ninjaimbeierl, I know.  I don't know if the first reference will work with lvm or not :(21:19
ninjaiI just need to unlock it21:19
mbeierlninjai, do you have an lvm set on the virtual disk?21:20
icerootprashant_123456: and also very powerfull21:20
ninjaimbeierl, yes.21:21
prashant_123456iceroot, thanks21:22
icerootprashant_123456: but i guess for a beginner its way to much21:22
mbeierlninjai, then yes, the second procedure is required.  the first will not work21:24
mithrophi here. I'm looking for "good practice" to install Java6 on my Ubuntu 64bits. I want JRE and JDK. I see this on the net : https://github.com/flexiondotorg/oab-java6 (given here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java#Oracle_.28Sun.29_Java_6) Con you confirm me it's a good way plz ? :)21:24
pocatapeople can not install a software package to help some21:24
prashant_123456iceroot, u r right21:24
Stahlcityanyone else here having Xchat closing while trying to use quakenet ???21:24
icerootStahlcity: maybe an exploit?21:25
icerootStahlcity: newest version from the repos?21:25
pocatapeople can not install a software package to help some?:)21:25
icerootpocata: what?21:25
icerootStahlcity: lets use this chat21:26
Stahlcityiceroot: kaay21:26
ninjaimbeierl, so it looks like within the first 3 commands if i run them on a live CD, I should have the disk unlocked and ready to fsck21:26
pocataCheese 3.3.321:26
Stahlcityiceroot: installed it from ubuntu softwarecenter21:26
ActionParsnippocata: what is the output of:  sudo apt-get install cheese21:26
icerootStahlcity: is that happening always?21:26
Stahlcityiceroot: it happens since a few days21:27
pocatabut I do not give out the most recent version21:27
icerootStahlcity: only on quakenet? in a channel? or right after the connect to the network?21:27
Stahlcityiceroot: actually i am connected to freenode chatting with you - and - to quakenet21:28
icerootStahlcity: so its not happening at the moment21:28
Stahlcityiceroot: but as soon as i click the quakenet line _or_ i enter a channel on quakenet server - the xchat programm closes itself :(21:28
nancy--how much ram does ubuntu take if run without x?21:29
pocataActionParsnip:  but I do not give out the most recent version21:29
icerootStahlcity: a specific channel? or does it happen on all chanels?21:29
Stahlcityiceroot: i don't want to click it right now, as xchat PROPABLY will close21:29
ActionParsnipnancy--: very little by default21:29
Stahlcityiceroot: good question, i only tried one21:29
icerootnancy--: depending on the programs you are using21:29
mithropok. forget my question ^^21:29
nancy--fresh install..21:29
icerootnancy--: my system is using 123mb with x server, my debian lenny is using 30mb without x (without apache,mysql and so on)21:29
ActionParsnippocata: what is new in the new version which you need?21:30
nancy--iceroot,  ya. i think same here. mine is using 3021:30
Stahlcityiceroot: i am using Xchat-GNOME 0.26.1 and lucid lynx LTS21:30
pocataCheese 3.3.321:30
nancy--iceroot,  ActionParsnip  and with x . like kde .. how much will it use. fresh install ?21:31
ActionParsnippocata: yes, but why do you need it?21:31
ActionParsnipnancy--: kde is quite big21:31
guntbertStahlcity: I'd recommend using xchat instead of xchat-gnome anyway21:31
nassosdimiceroot, I installed XChat today from the repos and connected in quakenet fine21:31
mbeierlninjai, from the looks of it, yes.  and don't forget: you're running the fsck on the decrypted device, not on the /dev/sda, or whatever, raw device :)21:31
nancy--ActionParsnip,  how much... or gnome?21:31
icerootnancy--: please dont put kde on a vserver21:31
ActionParsnipnancy--: I'd go for LXDE or just openbox on its own for lightness21:32
pocatabecause there are more extras21:32
nancy--iceroot,  gnome ?21:32
Stahlcitynassosdim: i can connect to the quakenet server, but as soon as i start to enter a channel xchat closes21:32
icerootnancy--: why a gui on a server?21:32
nancy--iceroot,  i wont. just asking21:32
ActionParsnippocata: but does cheese work ok?21:32
nassosdimI also entered a channel21:32
icerootnassosdim: also 10.04?21:32
nassosdimthough I used the slash join command, dunno if it matters21:32
nassosdimnope, 11.10 :x21:32
nassosdimwith gnome-shell21:32
iceroot!info xchat21:32
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-3ubuntu8 (oneiric), package size 350 kB, installed size 928 kB21:32
iceroot!info xchat lucid21:33
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.6-4ubuntu5 (lucid), package size 311 kB, installed size 832 kB21:33
sstanancy--: don't put a full GUI on a server.  It eats resources and (potentially) reduces stability.  It's almost never needed anyway21:33
ActionParsnippocata: you still haven't answered why you NEED the newer version.21:33
Stahlcitynassosdim: same happens when i juse the slash join command21:33
ActionParsnippocata: looks like you just see a newer version and WANT it rather than NEED it....21:33
Stahlcity!info xchat gnome21:33
ubottu'gnome' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, unstable21:33
ninjaimbeierl, I just booted up my VM again and it decided to mount read/write this time as if it found no errors =\.  Isn't there a way to schedule an fsck on reboot? I thought that my ubuntu desktop did that before, every so and so amount of mounts at boot it would force a check.21:33
ActionParsnippocata: cheese is a simple app, the one in the repo will more than likely do what you need21:34
guntbert!info xchat-gnome > Stahlcity21:34
Stahlcity!info xchat-gnome21:34
ubottuxchat-gnome (source: xchat-gnome): simple and featureful IRC client for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.30.0~git20100421.29cc76-1ubuntu8 (oneiric), package size 342 kB, installed size 964 kB21:34
blahanybody ever get Osx lion working in Vmware workstation?21:34
icerootStahlcity: can you start xchat from the shell to have some output21:34
pocatabecause there are more things21:34
ninjaimbeierl, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190192621:34
icerootStahlcity: maybe there is also a debig/verbose mode, please check with xchat --help21:34
ActionParsnippocata: like what?21:34
ActionParsnippocata: cheese just takes snaps and video from webcams, what more can it possibly do?21:35
guntbertblah: how is that an ubuntu support question?21:35
Stahlcityiceroot: shell says xchat is not installed ;-)21:35
icerootStahlcity: x-chat21:35
icerootStahlcity: or whatever the binary is called .)21:36
pocatabut more extras for pics21:36
ActionParsnippocata: how so?21:36
guntbertStahlcity: xchat and xchat-gnome are different programs21:36
Stahlcityguntbert: okay. xchat is also with gui?21:36
slideActionParsnip, so on that Pinning you told me about, how do I pin something when i installed it locally? It has no repository to change its priority21:37
Jacruthhello, I'm trying to use cmake and it says: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found ... I have gcc 4.6.1-9ubuntu3 installed.21:37
guntbertStahlcity: yes, it is just not as restricted as xchat-gnome is21:37
CalinouJacruth: ensure you have the dev versions of the dependencies21:37
ActionParsnipslide: you will need to make a deb of your effors, then pin the version21:37
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daveh_Can someone please help me with Unity? I've been finding that when I log onto the system that Unity and the UI in general hasn't been loading properly. I've asked around on the forums and someone recommended I open terninal and run the command unity --reset and it's come out with a load of stuff I'm not sure about21:37
pocatabut in each new version I've noticed that there are new things21:37
slideActionParsnip, i have a deb, but as far as i can tell, pinning is per repo not per package21:37
Stahlcityguntbert: then i consider changing to xchat21:38
ActionParsnippocata: maybe, but do you actually need them?21:38
ActionParsnipslide: its the version number of the package which you pin21:38
Stahlcityguntbert: thanks for pointing me to xchat21:38
guntbertStahlcity: do it, you won't regret  - you're welcome :-)21:38
Stahlcityguntbert: thanks!21:38
ActionParsnippocata: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc21:39
lokodomainMSG <nick> help21:39
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JacruthHi there, do you know how could I install the GLIBCXX_3.4.15 dev version?21:41
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mbeierlninjai, is it possible that the fsck that found the errors first time around was trying to check the raw device (which is encrypted, therefore "corrupt") ?21:42
ninjaimbeierl, I don't think so.  The LVM is decrypted at the bootloader21:42
JacruthI can't find glib 3 in synaptics, I only see libglib2.0-dev21:42
jeremiah_how would you install minecraft in lubuntu21:43
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: server or client?21:43
mbeierlninjai, very odd.  So did you try "sudo touch /forcefsck" and reboot to see if that does it?21:43
Ace__sudo /server irc.jsdev.me21:44
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ninjaimbeierl, no, it decided to boot fine this time.  Since this is a pretty important server, I'm just going to install the newest server OS on a different VM and copy all the data to it and conifure it.  Should be... fun /s21:44
jeremiah_I got a free version from someone.(I know he pirated it.) so i don't know21:45
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: you can install the server app and run a minecraft server for people to connect to, or do you want to run the client to connect to servers.21:45
nylhas anyone managed to get nvidia driver to work21:45
nylfor nvidia gt 540m21:45
ActionParsnipnyl: try the xorg edgers update ppa, may get better results with the later driver21:45
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jeremiah_I don't want to connect to a server. I just want to play it.21:45
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: ok let me search21:46
jdavisI have some iptables rules to do port forwarding, but they don't seem to be working. The rule to rewrite the destination looks correct, but I guess either the other rule is wrong or ubuntu is blocking port forwarding. How do I see if ubuntu is blocking port forwarding?21:46
Stahlcityguntbert: hmmm. i was starting x-chat gnome form shell and got this error: GLib-CRITICAL **: g_strsplit: assertion 'string != Null'failed21:46
Vooloojeremiah_: install java and run it21:46
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yT2pDyKW3wg21:46
mbeierlninjai, prolly a Good Idea (tm).  good luck!21:46
jeremiah_it says it is install but i don't know how to run it.21:46
nancy--i have added a user but its home directory is not made..        why is that?21:47
ninjaimbeierl, thanks!21:47
ActionParsnipjeremiah_: java /path/to/filename    and it will run21:47
theadminnancy--: Seems you added a system user. Bad idea.21:47
nancy--theadmin,  aa... how do  you know that21:47
jeremiah_i terminal?21:47
sstanancy--: did you use useradd?  adduser creates the home directory, useradd just creates the user21:47
jeremiah_in terminal21:47
Stahlcityiceroot: (xchat-gnome:4079): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_strsplit: assertion `string != NULL' failed ???21:48
icerootStahlcity: can you open a bug please21:48
nancy--ssta,  oh. ok21:48
Stahlcityiceroot: if you tell me HOW21:48
iceroot!bug | Stahlcity21:48
ubottuStahlcity: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:48
icerootStahlcity: ubuntu-bug xchat-nome21:49
ActionParsnippocata: what is the output of:   lsb_release -sc      thanks21:49
icerootStahlcity: describe there that you can reproduce that on quakenet but not on freenode21:49
nyloverall i'm kinda screwed21:49
Stahlcityiceroot: wow. that was easy !!21:49
icerootStahlcity: its always a good idea to open a bug to get the problems fixed21:50
Stahlcityiceroot: i think it started just some days ago. i am doing updates very often (as soon as they are available from ubuntu)21:51
kyanHi, this isn't really on topic but is anyone willing to talk me through setting up the proprietary Adobe Flash plugin?21:51
icerootStahlcity: that is also an important info you should append to the bug21:51
Glaciadoes anyone know where the conf file for the digitizer or mouse is?21:51
icerootkyan: setting up like?21:51
OerHeksnyl  nvidia gt 540m is this a Optimus card ?21:51
aBoundkyan, The software center has the flash plugin.21:52
nyli think so21:52
iceroot!flash | kyan21:52
ubottukyan: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash21:52
kyaniceroot, installation and configuration.21:52
icerootkyan: no need for configuration21:52
GeodesicalHello. I am wondering how to update my Ubuntu OS from Jaunty Jackalope to the newest OS.21:52
Stahlcityiceroot: one question - i used your "ubuntu-bug xchat-gnome" command - but i cant attach a text there? it does something and all i can do is - send it21:52
iceroot!eol | Geodesical (last link)21:52
ubottuGeodesical (last link): End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:52
GeodesicalThank You!21:53
ActionParsnipOerHeks: nice catch21:53
icerootStahlcity: it will redirect you on launchpad, there you have to set a subject and then a description21:53
kyanaBound, I don't have the software center installed because I couldn't figure out how to use it. The version from synaptic didn't seem to work either. I used flash-aid to install it but all I get is a black box.21:53
nylOerHeks i know for sure since i've heard people say that gt 540m is Optimus card21:53
ActionParsnipnyl: where you have an intel GPU and an Nvidia one too..?21:53
aBoundkyan, Which version of Ubuntu are you currently using?21:53
icerootkyan: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer21:53
kyanaBound, 10.1021:53
OerHeksnyl look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee and https://github.com/Bumblebee-Project/Bumblebee21:53
Stahlcityiceroot: stupid me - didnt see the firefox window...21:53
icerootStahlcity: no problem :)21:54
kyaniceroot: Ok, installing…21:54
meerkatsmy update manager has been lagging for 15 minutes with this message: Extracting templates from packages: 100%21:54
meerkatsPreconfiguring packages21:54
aBoundkyan, Looks like he fixed your problem. :P21:54
meerkatshow long can it last? is it normal?21:54
GeodesicalCould I update directly from Jaunty Jackalope to Precise Pangolin or would I need a go-between?21:54
icerootGeodesical: no you cant21:54
icerootGeodesical: and 12.04 is not stable21:55
kidrockhello, I am looking for a program to format/delete a file multiple times (up to 20) for ubuntu.21:55
theadminGeodesical: You can't do direct upgrades with Ubuntu, you have to go through all the releases or reinstall21:55
kidrockDoes anyone have any suggestions?21:55
icerootGeodesical: normally you want 11.10 and not 12.0421:55
aBoundGeodesical, Precise Pangolin is still in a Alpha Release.21:55
ActionParsnipkyan: if you have 64bit ubuntu, you will get 32bit flash that way. if you enable partner repo and install adobe-installer you will get 64bit flash21:55
theadminkidrock: shred -n20 filename21:55
kyanaBound, well, just because it's installing doesn't mean it's going to work.21:55
nylOerHeks gonna try that to see if i get results21:55
OerHeksmeerkats use alt + tab to see if there is a hidden dialog-window21:55
kyanActionParsnip, I have 32bit ubuntu on a 32 bit machine :-)21:55
icerootGeodesical: but if you want 12.04 you can go to 10.04 and then directly to 12.04 because both are lts21:55
ActionParsnipkidrock: why delete a file 20 times?21:55
ActionParsnipkyan: then its fine ;)21:55
aBoundkyan, It should more or less. :P21:55
theadminActionParsnip: Getting rid of some very private info probably.21:55
GeodesicalSo would I have to build through Karmic Koala to get to The newest OS?21:56
kidrockActionParsnip: well, format 20  times, to make sure all data is erased.21:56
kyanaBound, it didn't last time I tried it :-D ???21:56
iceroottheadmin: kidrock you only need one overwrite21:56
ActionParsnipkidrock: if you overwrite the data once, its enough21:56
kidrockiceroot: yes I realize that, but that wouldn't be as fun/pointless.21:56
sstaformat doesn't overwrite (most of) the data21:56
kidrockssta: then what will?21:57
icerootformat is not overwriting any data21:57
aBoundkyan, When using apt-get or the software center it usually installs flawlessly. But than again I can't say much for 10.10.21:57
kyanaBound, iceroot: it's installed now. Restarting firefox…21:57
sstacopy /dev/zero to it21:57
meerkatsOerHeks, you were right, does alt-tab work on fallback too?21:57
icerootonly killing the partition-layout/filesystem-layout21:57
nyli own a ASUS K93S21:57
kyanaBound: Ok…21:57
OerHeksmeerkats, i am not sure, this method helped me a lot.21:57
kyanaBound, I have audio but just a pink patch where the video should be.21:58
OerHeksnyl i don't own a Optimus, you may find more spec help in #Bumblebee here on freenode21:59
kyanaBound, the flash test page works fine.21:59
Stahlcityiceroot: cant sign in :(21:59
aBoundkyan, What site you viewing for flash clips?21:59
nancy--root@localhost:/# /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start21:59
nancy--bash: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd: No such file or directory21:59
nancy--root@localhost:/# service httpd start21:59
nancy--httpd: unrecognized service21:59
aBoundkyan, Check to see if the flash plugin is installed in firefox in the web address bar type: about:plugins22:00
GeodesicalWould I need to download 9.10 , 10.04LTS, etc to get to Oneiric Ocelot?22:00
sstanancy--: httpd is what redhat calls it, try apache (or apache2 more likely)22:00
ActionParsnipnyl: yep its optimus22:00
sstanancy--: and use a pastebin please22:00
kyanaBound: Hmm, two versions are listed, 11.1 and 11.222:00
ActionParsnipnyl: nvidia have refused to support optimus on anything but Windows22:00
nylActionParsnip: i guess that's the fix :D22:00
icerootStahlcity: you have a launchpad account?22:00
aBoundkyan, Is any plugin like Gnash installed?22:01
ActionParsnipnyl: it causes a lot of issues, there is a software called bumblebee but its farFAR from perfect22:01
Stahlcityiceroot: nope. but finally i think i got the email22:01
ActionParsnipnyl: personally I am going to be avoiding the whole optimus mess22:01
nylActionParsnip: nVidia should never leave opensource behind lol22:01
OerHeksActionParsnip, true, but 3.0 is out, sounds prommising22:01
GeodesicalWould I need to download 9.10 , 10.04LTS, etc to get to Oneiric Ocelot from 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope?22:01
aBoundkyan, Gnash might conflict with Flash Player and thus preventing flash from playing because the default plugin is Gnash.22:01
kyanaBound, the only two listed plugins associated with 'swf' are both libflashplayer.so22:02
kyanaBound: No Gnash.22:02
sstaGeodesical: probably.  Backing up the data and reinstalling from scratch would be a lot easier/less error prone.  Ubuntu don't put nearly the effort into upgrade path that say Debian do22:02
ActionParsnipOerHeks: 3,0 of what>22:02
OerHeksActionParsnip, bumblebee22:02
suI was redirected here22:03
suso i'll justpaste22:03
nphaseso the ubuntu version of php didnt have the right flags i needed, so i had to rebuild it and the manually dpkg -i the new packages that were rebuilt. now though, when I want to install something completely unrelated with apt-get i get "E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution)." complaining about the other versions22:03
=== Guest1306 is now known as McPeter
nphaseis there any way i can ignore without fixing?22:03
ActionParsnipOerHeks: I still wouldn't touch it, if they aren't going to support my OS, they don't get my money, simple22:03
kyanaBound: Ah, Gnash is listed in synaptic. I'll purge it…22:03
susu> hi22:03
su<su> I just installed oneiric22:03
su<su> and I can't install ati proprietary drivers22:03
su<su> I get this22:03
su<su> http://pastebin.com/UifSRSQg22:03
FloodBot1su: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:03
su<su> can anyone give me a hint?22:03
Geodesicalssta: So... would that be a complete dump to GRUB legacy?22:03
aBoundkyan, In Applications click on Ubuntu Software Center and in the top right search box type: Flash22:04
aBoundTo see if it's installed.22:04
sstaGeodesical: well, most of your data that you canre about is probably in /home, right?22:04
BarkingFishnow now, floodbots, behave and don't fight over the toys :)22:04
aBoundkyan, http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/76445522:05
mBisoni was wondering, was there a sticker of the Ubuntu logo to put over the windows key (Super Key)?22:05
GeodesicalOh, I have nothing on this. I picked up at a college auction so theres nothing at all on here.22:05
sstaGeodesical: oh, in that case just wipe and clean install then imo22:05
GeodesicalWhat is imo?22:05
suhi, i'm running xubuntu oneiric and cant install proprietary drivers of graphic card...22:06
sstaGeodesical: if you try to upgrade you might be fine, but you might be buying a whole heap of effort22:06
sstaGeodesical: in my opinion22:06
jeaglegeodescialin my opinion22:06
OerHeksmBison yes, http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=71822:06
mBisonsu: what is your graphic card?22:06
suati radeon mobility22:07
OerHeksmBison, but look closely >> http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=80022:07
Geodesicalssta: Oh. would I need to restart, go into recovery mode and use the bootloader to do that or is it a menu option?22:07
ActionParsnipsu: for what video chip?22:08
tristan3199hi i recently switched nautilus for dolphin, want to keep both in tackt but with dolphin default.. all went well except i cant get trash to open using dolphin. where might i find the file where the config for trash and "my computer" icons..22:08
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sstaGeodesical: no, download a CD, boot from it, and when it asks, say "wipe existing and install fresh" (or whatever gthe wording is)22:09
sstaGeodesical: if you have no data on there you want, it's the cleanest and simplest way22:09
Geodesicalssta: an official Ubuntu CD or just a cd-rom?22:10
nylActionParsnip: seems legit, i get transparent bar on gnome322:10
BoudyDoes somebody know about pysdm ?22:10
mBisonis there a channel just for 11.10?22:10
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sstaGeodesical: umm, download from the website and write to whatever you have22:10
tristan3199mBison: if so it would be empty..22:10
mBisonlol, why i love it22:10
nylmBison uMAD?22:10
sstamBison: feel free to start one :)22:11
nyli hate unity22:11
aBoundnyl, I love it :P22:11
Geodesicalssta: Ok, Thank you.22:11
nphaseso the ubuntu version of php didnt have the right flags i needed, so i had to rebuild it and the manually dpkg -i the new packages that were rebuilt. now though, when I want to install something completely unrelated with apt-get i get "E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution)." complaining about the other versions. is there any way i can install that other unrelated package without disturbing these unrelat22:11
tristan3199aBound: what do you love about it??22:11
sstanyl: it's marmite, most people either hate it or love it.  Discussions about hating it or loving it belong in #ubuntu-offtopic though probably22:11
ParkerRActionParsnip, this is why I like burg http://i.imgur.com/5bkSV.jpg22:11
jeaglequick bash scripting question... How do I add a $var + 1? I have $newVar=$(($var + 1))22:11
tristan3199anybody know where to find the configurations for my desktop icons [the built in system icons, such as trash and my computer] so i can allow them to open with dolphin22:12
sstajeagle: remove the $ from $newVar: newVar=$(($var+1))22:12
aBoundtristan3199, Simplifies things, I can add apps to the launcher, the icons can be customized, I can autohide unity it's simple and basic. No need for complications. :P22:12
zhownxhi, I use oneiric... and want to use ubuntu one... but when I want to register, I cant click the 'Join now' button... any idea?22:13
aBoundtristan3199, With the compiz plugin makes life even better.22:13
sstajeagle: export var=10; export newvar=$(($var+1)); echo $newvar22:13
cheezygirlro j'y comprend rien moi a irc ...22:13
sstaexport optional if it's in a script22:13
auronandace!fr | cheezygirl22:13
ubottucheezygirl: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:13
cheezygirljoin # blabla22:14
cheezygirljoin #blabla22:14
cheezygirlfuck !22:14
FloodBot1cheezygirl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:14
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aBoundWhat the.22:14
tristan3199aBound: cool, i messed around with it, but ended up preffering classic gnome. i do like that i can find my apps alot quicker.. but other than that it just seemed limited..22:14
fishscenecheezygirl: /join #blabla22:14
mBisonNah or Yah for Ubuntu Unity 11.10:22:15
cheezygirlyes thank ( -_-' )22:15
auronandace!poll | mBison22:15
ubottumBison: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:15
ParkerRWow I'm actually not hating the new Software-center :D22:16
aBoundtristan3199, Fallback Gnome?22:16
sstamBison: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, where I will be happy to meet your love of unity with my hatred of it and we can have fun arguing about it :)22:16
tristan3199does anybody know where i might find configuration files that would allow me to change how My Computer and Trash Open.. there has to be something somewhere i just dont know exactly where to look..22:16
aBoundtristan3199, Might wanna check out the app called Synapse.22:16
tristan3199aBound: hehe yeah..22:16
tristan3199aBound: will do22:17
aBoundSynapse is just an alternative to Gnome DO.22:17
tristan3199installing now22:17
tristan3199aBound: thanks btw22:18
devilekHi !22:18
aBoundtristan3199, No problem.22:18
krysitsfree node.js22:18
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Anonixiawhy does install guess additions not open22:18
tristan3199aBound: i like it.. good pointer..22:19
tristan3199i spose i could remove the applications menu and replace it with synapse now..22:20
aBoundtristan3199, A few plugins can be installed to but once you installed the plugin you have to log out and log back in to use it.22:20
tristan3199does anyone know where the config files for the default desktop icons would be located..22:21
dagerikUbuntu one is taking a very long time to sync. What could cause this unwanted behavior?22:21
aBoundHmm, there's no way I can keep my terminal shell to stay open with the shell size as 132x42 eh?22:21
aBounddagerik, Could be maintenance that they might be doing on there side.22:22
tristan3199i can use configuration editor to turn them on and off.. so where ever it changes those settings i want to edit them manually22:22
tristan3199is there a way i could open them in a terminal and watch for output to see what files its accessing to make those changess22:23
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Tellmarchso, i have a hard drive in which ubuntu was installed (but won't boot anymore), and i want to get back the content of my home folder. I can mount the hard drive, but /home was encrypted. how to copy it?22:24
tristan3199Tellmarch: what does it do when it boots?22:25
Tellmarchthe system is entirely broken, i mount it on another PC22:25
SpaceBasswhats the preferred CLI benchmarking tool?22:25
Tellmarchi know the user password, is that enough to recover the encrypted data?22:25
meerkatsin etc/apt I have a sources.list.save alongside my sources.list, should I get rid of it?22:25
tristan3199Tellmarch: i belive the system makes a 'key' that is stored somewhere and it uses that key to open the files..22:26
sstaTellmarch: no idea whether these instrctions work, I haven't tried them.  Look at http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-mounting-your-encrypted-home-from-livecd/22:26
tristan3199Tellmarch: via keyring22:26
jeremiah_how do i install java on lubuntu? none of the instructions on the web work22:26
Tellmarchssta, ok, i was thinking about a chroot too..22:27
tristan3199does anyone know anything about Desktop Icons22:27
Tellmarchyeah, that looks good, i'll try this, thanks for the help22:28
tristan3199i want to make trash open in dolphin instead of nautilus, and My computer as well.22:28
jeremiah_can someone help???22:29
tristan3199also when i make a link to my computer using dolphin it doesnt show any drives..22:29
tristan3199any advice??22:30
goretoxo\j #bitcoin-otc22:30
aBoundAll that dang time it was in the settings.22:30
urlin2ugoretoxo, /22:30
tristan3199is there a way to get "configuration editor" open in a terminal allowing me to see what it files is accually changing?22:31
aeon-ltd!java | jeremiah_22:31
ubottujeremiah_: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.22:31
tristan3199files it*22:31
nancy--how to get out of vi without making changes ?22:31
jeremiah_that did not help me.22:31
GeodesicalDoes anyon have a link to Ubunto Oneiric Ocelot download page?22:32
sstanancy--: <escape>q!22:32
DeaconFwhat do you mean 'install java'?22:32
sstaumm, yeah, I forgot the :, sorry22:32
sstamy fingers remember it :)22:32
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dlentztristan3199, i know where the trash setting is for gnome2 in gconf, but i can't find the similar gnome3 setting in dconf22:33
DeaconFJeremiah_, what is it you're wanting to do?22:33
fishsceneGeodesical: A google search resulted in this:22:33
jeremiah_install java22:33
fishscenecopypasta failed.... http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/22:33
DeaconFJeremiah_, what do you mean, install java?22:33
tristan3199dlents: thank you.. could you point out that file for me.. ill snoop around and see if it gets me any closer to my goal.22:33
Geodesicalfishscene: Thank you22:33
urlin2uGeodesical, it is at the min ubuntu site22:34
nancy--ssta,  not working22:34
dlentzthe command is dconf-editor (install that package)22:34
sstanancy--: <escape>:q!22:34
sstanancy--: should work.  Are you sure you're in vi?22:34
jeremiah_when i get java, i have to run or install it. now when something tells me to open java how do i even do that22:34
nancy--sskalnik,  yes22:34
sstanancy--: what happens when you try?22:34
DeaconFJeremiah_, are you meaning web applications, basically?22:35
nancy--sskalnik,  hold escape and pres q ?22:35
jeremiah_i have a java policy to but that is useless22:35
dlentzoh, and you should not run dconf-editor as root/sudo22:35
sstanancy--: no, press escape, then press :, then press q then press !22:35
kyanaBound, iceroot, I had 4 flash plugins installed: http://pastebin.com/aVMcG3iR . I deleted all of them except the flashplugin-installer one. I still don't get anything except a pink blotch on Youtube, but flash test pages work.22:35
jeremiah_If i get minecraft, i have to open it in java. how do i do that22:35
tristan3199dlentz: sudo apt-get install dcong-editor??22:35
Geodesicalurlin2u: Thank you. Btw do you know if Oneiric comes with an Adobe Flash player?22:36
Wargasmwhats the difference between su, gksu, and sudo?22:36
tristan3199dconf-editor sorry for typo22:36
jeremiah_and it says i have java runtime environment22:36
hazamonzo_HEy folks. Why might dbus-daemon be using a whole core (100% on a single core) when firefox is loaded?22:36
DeaconFYou've been to http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp?detect=jre?22:36
jeremiah_and jdk22:36
tristan3199unable to locate package dconf-editor22:36
nancy--ssta,  :^[q!22:36
nancy--E492: Not an editor command: ^[q!22:36
dlentzwhat version of ubuntu is it?22:36
sstanancy--: escape first, then :22:37
dlentzmy bad, it's dconf-tools22:37
urlin2uGeodesical, nope just install it, you can look for a restricted-extras package that has the desktop included in that such a ubuntu-restricted-extras it is in that set of codecs22:37
aBoundkyan, I would say uninstall flash player and from within Software Center install Ubuntu Restricted Extras if you haven't installed it already.22:37
sstaor skip escape altogether, it's just to get you out of insert mode22:37
tristan3199sudo apt-get install dconf-tools22:37
sstanancy--: are you sure you're sure that you're in vi?22:37
aBoundkyan, You can also try this: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/flash-aid/22:38
nancy--ssta,  ya. it works22:38
DeaconFJeremiah_, Java mostly runs through a browser plugin and JRE. Do you have the browser plugins?22:38
nancy--ssta,  what works every where. nano or vi ?22:38
Geodesicalurlin2u: Ok thanks; it's not really a problem, I'm sure Adobe.com has a Flash Player for it.22:38
tristan3199dlentz: how do i launch it?22:38
fission6whats the difference between /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/22:38
dlentzdconf-editor in terminal22:38
jeremiah_like what kind of plugin?22:38
fission6why would i copy a util to one or another?22:38
DeaconFJeremiah_, http://www.java.com/en/download/testjava.jsp22:38
DeaconFGo there^22:39
dlentzfission6, bin is for executables?22:39
sstanancy--: oh, vi is completely ubiquitous.  I don't think I've *ever* come across any unix system it wasn't installed on (except for the occasional phone).  If you're going to use vi though, might I suggest thatyou run vimtutor?22:39
urlin2uGeodesical, no problem you will probably want and be best with the extras package, just from exsperience.22:39
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phatJoewhadaaaaap... where am i?22:39
fission6dlentz: no /usr/local/bin vs /usr/bin22:39
DeaconFIf you have the download, it's only a question of then installing the download.22:39
kyanaBound: I'll purge flashplugin-install… I tried flash-aid but it didn't work.22:39
fission6dlentz: whats the diff22:39
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sstanancy--: however, nano is a LOT easier to use if you don't spend your entire life in a terminal editor22:39
area51pilotwhats the channel to reset Nickserv password22:40
dlentzif you're installing something in /usr/bin, ti should definitely be from a .deb, and i believe /usr/local/bin has precedence22:40
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howlymowlyhi poeple... i got a short question:22:40
howlymowlymy knetworkmanager isn#t wrking at all for the wifi networks i need to access (eduroam, anroid tethering)22:40
howlymowlyso.. I want to use the old nm-applet from gnome.. but can not find it.. any idea?22:40
aBoundkyan, I would say you could also try upgrading Firefox if you don't have the latest version.22:40
sstafission6: /usr/local/bin is for stuff YOU install (say by compiling from source), /usr/bin is for stuff installed from packages (simplified, but close enough)22:40
howlymowlyor help :)?22:40
jeremiah_nothing there for linux22:41
scarleofission6, http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/09/linux-file-system-structure/22:41
aBoundkyan, By the way if you use an alternative web browser check to see if Flash works in the other browser.22:41
kyanaBound: I have 9.01 but I don't know if that's the latest.22:41
fission6ssta: that works for me22:41
aBound9.0.1. Yes is the latest.22:41
fission6ssta: so i just build from source a command line tool, i should symlink it in /usr/local/bin/22:41
kyanaBound: Chromium gives a "missing plugin" error; Chrome (with bundled flash) works fine.22:41
jeremiah_all of it is for windows.22:42
tristan3199dlentz: do you know where to find that entry in config-editor22:42
aBoundkyan, Sounds like something is conflicting with Firefox.22:42
aBoundIf Chrome works.22:42
sstafission6: depends whether you want it available systemwide or not.  Personally I have a ${HOME}/bin and I put a lot of stuff I write myself in there.  Basically everyone has different tastes and needs22:42
DeaconFJeremiah_, go here, click the first and second links in the main document to download those two files. Install them via the terminal. Restart FX (if you use that).22:42
nancy--where is the config file of apache to change max execution time ?22:42
dlentztristan, i can't find one, as i said, i know where it is for gnome2 (which uses gconf)22:42
kyanaBound: Ubuntu restricted extras is already installed. I used aptitude to reinstall it but I think it's just a metapackage (only 6k)22:42
icerootnancy--: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf or /etc/apache2/httpd.conf22:43
fission6cool. i think ill just symlink it form /usr/local/bin to the build directory /bin22:43
icerootnancy--: i always forgot which of them is the correct one22:43
jeremiah_i am knew i do not know how to make commands for the terminal22:43
kyanaBound: Now there is no flash plugin listed in firefox.22:43
jeremiah_and download?22:44
dlentzthe gconf key is /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/trash/command22:44
nancy--iceroot,  there are both. but none has max execution limit22:44
icerootnancy--: you are talking about php?22:44
kyanaBound, And I get a missing plugin error on the flash test page.22:44
itoastWhats that youtube downloader tool wrote in pythoin22:44
itoastI was told about it before.22:44
aBoundkyan, Are you using any plugins for firefox perhaps you can disable them like NoScript might conflict with Flash.22:45
icerootnancy--: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini22:45
DeaconFJeremiah_, been there... Basically, download the first two links from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java, those will go into your download folder.22:45
=== nprezident is now known as dog
DeaconFJeremiah_, give me a second to find the terminal commands to install, I don't remember them off the top of my head22:45
aBoundkyan, My best guess is flash is broken in 10.10 but that's just me.22:46
kyanaBound: I have for plugins: DivX Browser Plugin, DivX Web Player, Google Talk, Google Talk Plugin Video Accelerator, IcedTea, iTunes Application Detector, gecko-mediaplayer, QuickTime, RealPlayer, VLC, and Windows Media Player 10. For extensions, I have Adblock plus, DownloadHelper, DownThemAll, Firebug, Status-4-Evar, and Stylish.22:46
kyanaBound, I'd expect people to grumble more then. :-P22:47
sstaaBound: flash works fine for me22:47
kyanaBound: Would that be an issue with the kernel version or what?22:47
nancy--iceroot,  how to cashe search any software ? apt-get ...22:47
phatJoehow secure is ubuntu? compared to win722:47
kyanssta, is that in 10.10?22:47
aBoundssta, Works fine for me too but I'm on 11.10.22:47
icerootnancy--: apt-cache search searchstring22:47
jeremiah_it says Package 'icedtea6-plugin' is already installed22:47
urlin2uphatJoe, that is not a channel question.22:47
jeremiah_and also Package 'openjdk-6-jre' is already installed22:48
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sstakyan: my home desktop is 11.10, work is 10.10 and 10.04.  Flash runs fine in all of them22:48
DeaconFand you can't run any java in your browser?22:48
kyanssta: Hmm, interesting.22:48
urlin2uphatJoe, and only as secure as the user.22:48
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aBoundkyan, I doubt the kernel would affect flash as the two are separate processes. But by the way they packaged Flash perhaps.22:48
kyanaBound: Ah.22:49
sstajeremiah_: you just want the browser plugin? sudo apt-get install icedtea6-plugin22:49
aBoundLike sometimes packages in newer versions of Ubuntu or any other distro for that matter could be broken or the way someone made their own .deb package.22:49
DeaconFJeremiah_, I would say that I am beyond the ability to help you, as I don't frequently use Ubuntu. Your best bet would be to take your problem to the forums. Make sure to outline what you're trying to do, as well as what you have already done. If the plugins/app isn't working properly, you'll have to figure out what's causing that.22:49
phatJoeurlin2u that's not a very helpful answer but thx anyways22:50
jtoomeyhello all, can anyone tell me how to change lightdm to log me into fluxbox in 12.04?22:50
aBoundkyan, That's just my guess cause I seen on some sites they where they left comments and said when they installed it. It was still broken and this was for 10.10.22:50
jeremiah_if i have a game on my pc(not on internet) then don't i need the other one?22:50
urlin2uphatJoe, well this is ubuntu support your question is off topic. :D22:50
DeaconFjdk, i believe22:50
bfriIs linux owned by microsoft?22:51
DeaconFI dunno for sure22:51
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urlin2uphatJoe, not able to be empirically answered as well think about it to many variables.22:51
DeaconFNo, bfri :P22:52
sstabfri: I don't think so22:52
aBoundkyan, I'd say downgrade to 10.04 LTS or upgrade to 11.10 but blah.22:52
Wargasmbfri: it that was the case I have to go install something else22:52
area51pilothow do I reset the NickServ pass?22:52
bastidrazorarea51pilot: ask in #freenode22:52
jimmiej #ubuntu-beginners22:52
jtoomeydoes anyone know how to use fluxbox with 12.04?22:53
bfrideaconf, wargasm: do a google search for it some people are saying that and thats why i wanted to check here to see what people knew22:53
DeaconFbfri, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_kernel22:53
urlin2ukyan, you understand the term downgrade is wrong it is a fresh install going to a previous release.22:53
DeaconFIt's safe to say anything with GNU involved isn't involved with Microsoft, since they oppose the core of free software.22:54
urlin2u!ot > DeaconF22:54
ubottuDeaconF, please see my private message22:54
Stefan11After the Kernel Update to I can't connect to the Internet via LAN any more. Does anyone have an idea, why?22:55
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Stefan11WLAN worked this morning, though. I am online with Windows 7 at the moment, so the network itself is fine.22:55
h0u2s3mBonsoir tout le monde22:56
h0u2s3mJ'ai un soucis avec Armitage et metasploit sur Oneiric22:56
aBoundkyan, Ubuntu in general can be odd at times one day your GUI isn't working the next day something else goes wrong. ha22:56
urlin2uh0u2s3m, Le tout le monde one of my favourit songs. :D22:57
rasterizer_can anyone advise which linux certification is better. I am an intermediate linux user planning to get certified in Linux in the next 2-3 months.22:57
h0u2s3mSalut urlin2u je suis nouveau et c'est ma première fois que j'utilise Xchat22:57
urlin2u!fr | h0u22:58
ubottuh0u: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:58
urlin2uh0u2s3m, ^^22:58
h0u2s3mOhh sorry !22:58
aBoundrasterizer_, I'm sure your post is off-topic but isn't there only one certification for Linux.22:58
haylorasterizer_, i think it just requires alot of personal training really22:58
kyanaBound: Interesting. I used flash-aid to remove all the flash pluginse except for the one installed by Google Chrome (that works fine in Chrome) and then to set Firefox to use Chrome's plugin. It works on the test page, but I only get sound in Youtube.22:58
hayloand then get a networking it degree or something22:59
rasterizer_aBound , haylo - Im  sorry just new to this IRC22:59
aBoundrasterizer_, No problem.22:59
rasterizer_is LPI or RHCE which one is better22:59
Wargasmbfri: not a big fan of google anymore, they just put out a new privacy policy that starts march 1... they want to track everything now23:00
kyanaBound, well, 10.10 is still supported until April right?23:00
urlin2uh0u2s3m, if you can post close to english we can help probably. :D23:00
bfriwargasm what is the alternative23:00
aBoundkyan, Yes.23:00
Stefan11Is anyone else having issues with Realtek Ethernet Devices since
=== heidar_ is now known as heidar
Wargasmbfri: duckduckgo is one23:00
dagerikIs Ubuntu One reliable? I am experiencing weird behaviour.23:00
kyanaBound, So I want to get it working perfectly before then, and then make a dvd I can use to restore to a perfect, stable system.23:01
urlin2uWargasm, they do already, it is little brother of the big brother, lol.23:01
haylodagerik, they tell me cloud computing is a waste of time23:01
Wargasmurlin2u: thats why I stopped using Chrome23:01
bfriwargasm  look at the Microsoft agreement section http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SUSE_Linux_distributions23:01
histodagerik: what sort of werid behavior?23:01
urlin2uWargasm, bad browser anyway in my personal opinion.23:01
histodagerik: and what version of ubuntu are you using?23:02
dagerikhaylo: 10.04, some files being synced while others not.23:02
aBoundkyan, You can probably use a flash drive too. I know flash worked for me in 10.04 LTS but Firefox 9.0.1. somewhat started crashing on me and locked me out of my GUI.23:02
histodagerik: files being synced how or with what?23:02
aBoundSticking with 11.10 until the latest arrives.23:02
dagerikhisto: ubuntu one is doing the syncing23:03
Wargasmbfri: thanks for the enlightenment... looks like I have to do more homework23:03
histodagerik: I've never used it. You might have more success getting help if you ask a question all on one line.23:03
aBoundrasterizer_, You can try the channel #ubuntu-offtopic.23:03
rasterizer_aBound, okay thanks23:04
kyanaBound: Ah, found the problem. It's using RGBA. http://askubuntu.com/questions/11465/firefox-youtube-flash-player-shows-as-grey-box23:04
Wargasmurlin2u: I actually liked it because it was faster than FF and I didn't want to use IE anymore... I'm glad Tor Browser and Epiphany are available23:04
aBoundrasterizer_, Welcome.23:04
aBoundkyan, You sure that's the problem have you tried the solution yet?23:04
xrdodrxI accidentally messed up my libpng library, and now when I try to reinstall it via "sudo apt-get install --purge --reinstall libpng12-0 libpng12-dev", I get "E: Internal Error, No file name for libpng12-0". How can I fix this?23:04
kyanaBound: Good point, I haven't23:05
kyanaBound: lol23:05
goddardcan you video chat with empathy using Google Talk?23:05
aBoundkyan, I remmeber doing that same thing where I found a solution tried them all and just gave up.23:05
kyanaBound: Oh well, that *wasn't* the problem.23:06
=== braiam_ is now known as braiam
rasterizer_I recently had problem after upgrading to 11.10  from 11.04. I had kde and gnome installed. After the upgrade, however I was not able to boot to graphics mode. Any idea what could have gone wrong.23:06
h0u2s3mEnglish... :( When I wanted to try to install Armitage and Metasploit all goes well until i want to run msfrcpd with this command msfrpcd sudo-f-U-P msf t-test Msg that's what gives me: [*] MSGRPC starting on (SSL): Msg ...23:06
h0u2s3m[*] 2012-01-23 10:34:50 p.m. MSGRPC ready at 0100.23:06
h0u2s3mfrom / opt/metasploit3/msf3/lib/fastlib.rb: 352: in `require '23:06
h0u2s3mfrom / opt/metasploit3/msf3/lib/msf / core/rpc/v10/service.rb: 1: in `<Top (required)> '23:07
xrdodrxwhoops, wrong channel23:07
FloodBot1h0u2s3m: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:07
h0u2s3mfrom / opt/metasploit3/msf3/lib/fastlib.rb: 352: in `require '23:07
h0u2s3mfrom / opt/metasploit3/msf3 / lib / fastlib.rb: 352: in `require '23:07
kyanaBound, this is what happens http://bayimg.com/GAmnnaAdC23:07
aBoundkyan, Seems like a common problem for 10.10 looks like everybody is having issues from way back.23:07
aBoundkyan, 11.10 for flash works flawlessly for me yet compiz breaks.23:07
aBoundkyan, But uses Unity as it's GUI.23:08
kyanaBound, is there a distro that simply *works*?23:08
aBoundkyan, Yes but they use older packages.23:08
OerHekstry Xubuntu or Lubuntu23:08
kyanaBound, What is it? I'm interested. (I assume I could still upgrade using PPAs or whatever they have.)23:08
kyanOerHeks: me?23:09
franz__it is possible to create windows xp usb installer using dd?23:09
Stefan11So the best tactic is simply not updating the Kernel if you don't experience issues?23:09
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urlin2uWargasm, you can teak ff to be as fast I have found.23:09
aBoundDebian is known to be stable but probably will be using a older kernel a long with older packages. Slackware is known to be stable but there's no apt-get utility so you have to find the dependencies for yourself. Can't say for any others.23:09
rasterizer_The only thing that  I could have done wrong is I had default desktop as KDM and installed customer vendor specific ATI graphics drivers after I installed 11.0423:10
TellmarchStefan11, i had issues with realtek on that kernel23:10
Tellmarchi fixed it by installing the 3.2 kernel or something23:10
aBoundkyan, Or like OerHeks said Lubuntu or Xubuntu. By default Ubuntu tends to use Debian unstable packages from what I heard.23:10
Stefan11Tellmarch: what did you do to solve the problems?23:10
phatJoedoes anybody know what distro Linus is using?23:10
aBoundphatJoe, He was using Fedora but probably switched.23:11
kyanaBound: I tried using Lubuntu  for a long time but couldn't get Compiz to work. Also I like Gnome too much23:11
TellmarchStefan11, i used the mainline kernel23:11
aBoundkyan, I don't think Compiz is supported by the GUI it uses.23:11
DJango_Novicehttp://dpaste.org/vheJV/ any idea23:11
Stefan11Tellmarch: ok, that means? (sorry I am rather new to Linux)23:11
TellmarchStefan11, in dmesg do you see repetitive "eth0 up"  messages?23:11
jeremiah_I got JDK. how do i open and use minecraft?23:11
aBoundGnome 2 and Unity can use compiz that I know of and Gnome-Shell can't use compiz. It uses mutter.23:12
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kyanaBound: Hmm. Oh well. I guess it's back to fiddling with this one23:12
downbeamcan someone help with obconfig?23:12
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TellmarchStefan11, for me it was from the install though. If for you it worked before, you can just use the previous kernel23:12
TellmarchStefan11, it should still be in grub when choosing the "other" option or something23:13
aBoundkyan, Ubuntu LTS releases are known to be stable over a given period of time.23:13
Stefan11Ok, I will reboot and check dmesg and the older Kernel. BRB23:13
aBoundkyan, With Linux in general from what I seen you can't have stability and the latest packages it's either or.23:14
jeremiah_I got JDK. how do i open and use minecraft in ubuntu?23:14
DJango_Noviceim tryin to install libapache2-svn but its giving me error23:14
DJango_Noviceany idea23:15
popeyjeremiah_: java -jar minecraft.net23:15
jeremiah_I type that into a terminal, right?23:15
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scarleojeremiah_, there's a nicce script for it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=172673523:16
deitarionWhat I do for Minecraft in Ubuntu is what the Minecraft site says: Download Minecraft.jar and then run this:23:16
deitarionjava -cp Minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame23:17
deitarionWell, actually, I wrapped it up in a shellscript I put in /usr/local/bin which also handles making a backup of my worlds so that, if I really really screw something up, I have some form of undo.23:18
aBoundIs there anyway for the terminal to start in the center?23:19
deitarionaBound: Start in the center of what?23:19
kyanaBound: Ok, I guess I'll just give up for now. (I'll probably be back to haunt this channel sometime soon though :-D)23:20
kyanaBound: Thanks for the help!23:20
urlin2uaBound, details?23:20
Akuma55how do i host my domain from godaddy on ubuntu server23:20
aBounddeitarion, In the center of the screen as it's always off-center either on the top right or top left or bottom left or bottom right of the screen.23:20
WargasmaBound: my terminal starts wherever it likes23:20
aBoundI suppose there's no way to change it and I have to move it in the center every time.23:21
jeremiah_that link did not help. the download didn't do anything23:21
deitarionaBound: Depends. Window placement is usually determined by your window manager.23:21
archcubJust have a quick question. Can anyone recommend a good CLI uPNP/DLNA server?23:21
aBounddeitarion, My GUI is Unity.23:21
deitarionaBound: In other words, you're using Compiz for your window manager. The last time I used Compiz was shortly after the reunification with Beryl, so I won't be much help there.23:22
Cube``_guys, archives down?23:22
meerkatson mu ubuntu 11.10, tor is not owned by 1000 but by 160, I cannot use it, how do I fix that?23:22
mydogsnameisrudyaBound,  take a look at Yakuake23:23
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hwildehow to get more workspaces in unity ?23:23
aBounddeitarion, No problem.23:23
aBoundmydogsnameisrudy, I'll check it out.23:23
grayghostI am new to 11.10    is it posible to attach the menu bar to the program window .... rather than to the screens top bar?23:24
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Stefan11Tellmarch: dmesg shows "eth0 up" only once, after booting. Then it seems to operate normally. But even with the older Kernels ( and I can't connect to the internet. Pinging the ocal DNS at is no problem, though.23:24
downbeami can't change my background23:24
aBoundhwilde, If you don't have the compiz settings manager installed install it. From there you can go to General Options >> Desktop Size tab.23:24
aBoundmydogsnameisrudy, Looks like a KDE emulator.23:25
TellmarchStefan11, that's strange... ping www.google.com doesn't work then?23:25
mydogsnameisrudyyep f12 brings it down center screen23:25
Stefan11aBound: compiz settings manager terribly ruined my system - apparently it doesn't work well with unity23:25
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TellmarchStefan11, might be a problem with the DNS.... can you ping ?23:26
Stefan11Tellmarch: correct, it says "unknown host", probably because it cannot resolve the host name23:26
downbeamMY UBUNTU IS ACTING FUNNY??????????????????23:26
Si2100sup ?23:26
urlin2uStefan11, if you randomly tweak compiz without looking on the web about this you will have problems if it is new to you.23:26
downbeami cant change my background23:26
Si2100Have u tried from the Apperanced option under system settings23:27
aBoundStefan11, I know there's breakage in 11.10.23:27
aBoundStefan11, 12.04 should fix that issue when it's officially released.23:28
Stefan11urlin2u: Well, all I did was starting the Settings Manager and Unity stopped working. After deinstalling Compiz via Konsole, I spent about a week trying to get the graphics  working again (I couldn't start any game any more). I gave up and reinstalled23:28
urlin2uStefan11, unity is a plugin in compiz.23:28
archcubSorry for re-ask, but can anyone recommend a uPHP/DLNA server? Trying to create a media server here at home23:28
Stefan11urlin2u: sorry for being lazy. I meant Compiz Settings Manager23:29
bastidrazorarchcub: ushare23:29
urlin2uaBound, just saying you know there is breakage helps no one.23:29
archcubbastidrazor: thanks. I'll check it out23:29
Stefan11Tellmarch: I will reboot and see if I can. If not, I will try to set a new DNS Server.23:29
urlin2uStefan11, no problem I new thats what you meant, but you may want to check before just tweaking at times.23:30
TellmarchStefan11, you might want to look in /etc/resolv.conf check for anything unusual23:30
DJango_Novicehttp://dpaste.org/vheJV/ any idea???23:30
Stefan11Tellmarch: thanks23:30
TellmarchStefan11, for instance in mine right now i have  a line "nameserver"23:31
aBoundurlin2u, Well I doubt it's going to fix anything when the package is broken.23:31
downbeami dont have system settings?23:31
urlin2uaBound, look up confirmation bias23:31
BinaryMasteras root usermod -p password user  <---- that should change the password for that user right?23:32
dagerikI am unable to run php files by simply typing the name. The shebang is present, and the folder in PATH. The code is not interpreted but instead echoed.23:32
Stefan11urlin2u: Yes, I know. I am very cautious when it comes to things like that. But in this case unity really stopped working as soon as I had launched Compiz Settings Manager - I still don't know why, but as I can live without it.. :)23:32
urlin2uStefan11, did you know that a there is a command to restart compiz?23:33
phatJoeBinaryMaster: try "passwd <user>" :D23:33
aBoundurlin2u, I see no relation in what confirmation bias has to do with compiz breaking in 11.10. Even in the Software Center there's reviews on people saying the same thing.23:33
BinaryMasterphatJoe, I need to be able to script it23:34
rocktopI have a problem with a partition http://pastebin.com/i8zDdNBs anyidea ?23:34
tillMorningHow correct I need to say: 'get life joy'23:35
tillMorningshould be: get the life joy? or get the life of joy?23:35
tillMorningHow correct I need to say: 'get life joy'. should be: get the life joy? or get the life of joy? - or is OK get life joy?23:35
Stefan11_Tellmarch: uhm, ok. I didn't change anything, but it works now23:36
TellmarchStefan11_, well that's good news23:36
cordycepsapt-get can't find apcupsd but https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/i386/apcupsd/3.14.8-2. How do I tell apt-get to go there, or anywhere, for the pkg?23:37
deitarionlagbox: Turns out I didn't need to write the script. (Thank goodness. I've got things that could use more time spent on them.) There's still a 3.1 audacious to be grabbed from this PPA --> https://launchpad.net/~nilarimogard/+archive/test423:38
emis it possible to just download (through firefox) the deb for tsocks so i can install it with sudo dpkg -i tsocksxxx.deb ?23:40
embecause I'm behind a firewall. I have access to the internet but apt-get wont work.23:40
deitarionem: Of course. Repositories are just web servers. However, it's probably better to just fix apt-get.23:40
deitarionDoes the firewall require special proxy settings?23:40
downbeamhow do i change my window manager?23:41
deitariondownbeam: What desktop are you on now?23:42
emdeitarion: That's unknown to me. I'm at work. There is a policy for using an 'official proxy' for using Firefox. But I get around that by using ssh -D 12345 em@my.home.computer.addy  and then setting Firefox to using SOCKS23:42
trismcordyceps: make sure you have universe enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list (or check the box in software-properties-gtk) and run apt-get update23:42
deitarionem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/35223/syntax-for-socks-proxy-in-apt-conf23:43
emdeitarion: I would like to be able to use apt-get or aptitude somehow. I thought maybe If I can install tsocks somehow then I could use it to run apt-get installs through my connection at home?23:43
deitarionThat link gives instructions for tsocks.23:43
downbeamcan someone help me?23:43
deitariondownbeam: Don't ask to ask. Just ask your question in detail and if anyone knows, we'll answer.23:44
DJango_Novicelibapache2-svn error http://dpaste.org/vheJV/23:44
deitariondownbeam: Oh, sorry. Distracted.23:44
DJango_Novicecan some1 helpme please23:44
emdeitarion: I do not think that tsocks comes installed on Ubuntu by default. I need to install tsocks before I can use it.23:44
deitarionem: Oh, yeah. Forgot. One sec.23:45
emdeitarion: That poses a problem since I want to use tsocks to make apt-get work and one typically uses apt-get to install things.23:45
ablyssi just noticed i have a ubuntu desktop wm and a gnome desktop wm.  I just started using the gnome wm23:45
emdeitarion: So I thought maybe I can get the right tsocksxx.deb somehow through my browser and then install it with sudo dpkgs -i tsocksxxx.deb ?23:45
deitariondownbeam: If you're on Lubuntu, then you're in luck. I use it and know how to switch WMs.23:46
deitarionem: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/t/tsocks/23:46
downbeamhow do i change my window manager?23:46
downbeamdeit can you help?23:46
krysitswhat do you know abo paks life23:46
urlin2udownbeam, what is the desktop your using?23:46
deitariondownbeam: Start Menu equivalent -> Preferences -> Desktop Session Settings -> Advanced Options23:47
scarleoDJango_Novice, see this: http://squarism.com/2010/02/08/subversion-aptitude-error/23:47
downbeami know but what is the other window manager?23:47
deitariondownbeam: There are plenty. What are you looking for in a WM?23:47
emdeitarion: when using dpgk does it matter what the working directory that you use it in is?23:47
deitarionem: I don't use it often, but not that I remember. You could also just double-click the .deb if you've got a GUI.23:48
downbeamsomething where i can change my background23:48
jjman6how can i force uninstall something w/ apt (it won't let me because of a pkg w/ unmet dependancies needs to be reinstalled but i'm out of HD space so i want to uninstall some pkgs)23:48
emI do have a GUI23:48
deitariondownbeam: That's not a function of the WM. Let me guess. The "crashes on background change" bug?23:48
AlanBelljjman6: can you find some other way to free up some space for a bit?23:48
downbeami dont know...       could be23:48
deitariondownbeam: How have you tried to change your background?23:49
jjman6AlanBell: Not likely  its on /usr23:49
neo31Hello, please I have some problems connectiong to wireless networks : http://paste.ubuntu.com/817126/23:49
graftyo, so i installed nodejs, and it claims to be version 0.4.9 - but it runs at 0.2.4, what gives?23:49
downbeamwhen you right click is says nothing about changing the background23:49
deitariondownbeam: What does it say?23:50
graftneo31: can you connect if you disable security and such?23:50
dagerikPeople are suggesting to remove file extensions such as .php on my cli scripts. But then the syntax highlighting for php goes away :(23:50
neo31what kind of security graft ?23:50
urlin2udownbeam, have you tried loging out and back in?23:50
graftneo31: you know, like WPA and so on23:50
downbeamyes several times23:51
DJango_Novicescarleo: thats exactly what my problem is.... i dont have DAV_SVN in mods-enabled23:51
deitariondownbeam: I need to know what it says in your desktop's right-click menu. Then I can tell you how to change your background.23:51
urlin2udownbeam, any customization of the desktop, and which one is it?23:51
DJango_Novicescarleo: im trying to install mod-dav-svn but not working23:51
DJango_Novicescarleo: it says couldnt locate the package23:51
downbeami dont remember23:51
downbeamdeit hold on23:52
neo31ah ok i'll check that23:52
scarleoDJango_Novice, so enable it then23:52
scarleoah ok23:52
DJango_Novicescarleo: its not installed23:52
deitariondagerik: What are you using to edit your PHP files? Some of them can be configured to check the top of the file for "<?php", some can be given an extra hint, and the rest can be manually set to PHP highlighting via the menus.23:52
DJango_Novicescarleo: not availablein mods-available23:52
dagerikdeitarion: nano23:53
downbeamdeitarion it says: terminal emulator: web browser-Desktops-obconf:reconfigure:restart-exit23:53
deitariondagerik: Ahh. Been quite a while since I used nano. (I use vim for my terminal editing) Give me a sec to Google up some docs on its syntax highlighting.23:53
downbeamdeit: that is what it says ^23:54
deitariondownbeam: That explains it. Normally, PCManFM is in charge of providing the menu and there's a "Desktop Preferences" option. You or someone else told PCManFM to pass on clicks to the WM, so changing your WM won't help. You need to regain access to the "Desktop Preferences" dialog. One sec.23:54
deitariondownbeam: Run this --> pcmanfm --desktop-pref23:55
deitarionThat'll give you both the wallpaper-changing options and the checkbox that lets you choose which right-click menu you get.23:55
downbeamwith the hyphens and everything23:56
DJango_Novicescarleo: is it really such a big deal that no one can help me here.....23:56
deitariondownbeam: Yeah. "pcmanfm --desktop-pref". The hyphens indicate that it's an option rather than an argument. (It's a technical distinction we don't need to get into)23:56
downbeamdo you know how i can get that with just a right click on the desktop?23:57
deitariondownbeam: Two ways. Just give me a sec to say something to dagerik.23:58
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deitariondagerik: I'm still looking into nano but one option you could try is putting `syntax "php"` into your ~/.nanorc to default files that don't have an extension to PHP syntax highlighting.23:59

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