
Lucid1004PS3Good evening....00:03
Lucid1004PS3I was wondering if there existed an implementation of desktop position/size for Xorg? I am running lucid on a PS3, and while everything looks sweet and runs nicely, I am stuck with a monitor that can't handle the overscan, and somehow setfb only works on the text consoles and not the GUI00:05
holsteinyou can always use a custom xorg.conf.. try the arandr tool, or the included one for tweaking the resolution00:07
Lucid1004PS3My videomode is fine, but by default the non-"full" modes are all letterboxed, and setting the full mode overscans by a large margin00:08
Lucid1004PS3so I toyed with fbset to set the margins and all, but it only affect the text consoles, somehow X seems immune to it... I think it has to do with the order I am loading things up... I am running a fbset shellscript at bootup through /etc/rc5.d/S99setfb00:10
holsteinit really depends on your hardware case... you can try other graphics drivers assuming they are available... putting together a custom xorg.conf would be the way to get exactly what you want, assuming the hardware supports it... sometimes i use a puppy live CD or knoppix to assist00:11
holsteinLucid1004PS3: i would undo the fbset you are running and experiment with xorg00:11
holsteingood luck :)00:11
Lucid1004PS3the resolutions on a playstation 3 are exposed by the hypervisor and are limited, I have the best one for now... What I am looking in Xorg is a somewhat simple way to add margins around the desktop space00:12
Lucid1004PS3I can add panels but then i get my mouse cursor lost off screen00:12
focaltyo guys01:10
focalti'm trying to install a package01:11
focaltand i'0m getting this01:11
focaltwhat does it mean?01:11
GridCubefocalt, check that you have at least build-essentials01:13
lightafocalt, seen like you can't compile on C++01:14
lightaso I,d suggest to install g++01:14
lightabut yeah from youre configure there lot of no so maybe you have other missing librairie01:15
focaltok, thanks :)01:18
focaltgreat help :D01:18
=== moylan1 is now known as moylan
mudmanI'm new here and to linux01:45
mudmanafter some testing with other distro I installed xubunto 11.0001:46
mudmanI must say I like it a lot01:46
autif1you probably mean 11.04 or 11.1001:46
john_rambohttp://pastebin.com/6pV4yYsk  <<<<Cant update 10.0401:46
mudmanyes sorry 11.1001:46
mudmanits the last one01:46
mudmanits nice really, better than the ubuntu one imo01:47
mudmanthe menu is a great help for a windows user01:48
mudmanbut since I'm new to linux I'm having some problems that maybe someone could help me with01:49
mudmanthe biggest issue I have is installing drivers01:49
mudmanI installed in a old presario laptop01:50
mudmanwhich i need for school01:50
mudmanthis presario has the ati rs200 gfx's and no wireless01:51
mudmanI've been reading a lot, but some docs webpages seem to be directed at other distros01:51
mudmanso untill now I failed at instaling either the gfx driver or the usb2 wireless stick01:52
mudmanfrom what I've read linux seem to have some problems with wireless sticks, so it may be impossible what I want01:53
mudmanbut if someone here his able to help I would be very thankfull01:54
mudmanlsusb reported this:01:55
mudmanD-Link Corp. IEEE 802.11g USB2.0 Wireless Network Adapter-PN01:55
mudmansorry complete line is : Bus 001 Device 004: ID 2001:3761 D-Link Corp. IEEE 802.11g USB2.0 Wireless Network Adapter-PN01:56
mudmanany tips for a linux newb on how if possible to make it work?01:57
mudmansomeone in here not afk?02:04
shoenigcan you link to the product page?02:09
mudmanthank you for reply but it doesn't exist anymore02:12
mudmanits actually a surecom usb2 11g stick02:13
mudmanlsusb list it has d-link02:13
mudmanfrom what i read it seems to be compatible with zd1211rw driver02:14
mudmanI just dont know how to install, or I do it wrong, or may even be a losing battle if not compatible :(02:15
mudmanI'm willing to buy another, though my income is small, but I need wireless for shool02:17
mudmanbut its listed here: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Devices/USB02:19
mudmanthe only one under surecom its the EP-9001-g A202:19
mudmanI have to go to bed now, thank you for trying to help02:26
mudmanI'll come back tomorrow02:26
istokmudman, don't give up, i'm sure you'll get it sorted :)02:26
istoksomeone should be active then.02:26
mudmanI wont thanks ;)02:27
mudmanI liked the os a lot02:27
mudmanit runs great on this pc :D02:27
istoksame with mine, except i can't detect lan/network02:27
mudmanI'll also try the linux-wireless channel02:28
mudmanwell in my case the device shows in lsusb so it must be a good thing ;)02:28
mudmanbye bye cya tomorrow then and thanks again02:29
istokit means it detects, but that can still mean some work for you making it work, either loading a module, adding it to kernel, etc02:29
mudmanwill see then thanks people :D02:29
xubuntu946wow, cool ending link on a webchat via the installer.  polished distribution :)06:20
reonhow can I get audacious to show in the volume control icon options on the panel?09:11
bazhanghttp://askubuntu.com/questions/86669/how-to-integrate-audacious-in-the-sound-menu no easy way currently reon09:20
reonbazhang: Thanks will have a look at that link.09:24
reonbazhang: Got it sorted! Installed audacious 3.2 beta from PPA, http://ubuntucafe.blogspot.com/2012/01/install-audacious-32-beta-in-ubuntu.html09:33
sanoobhi any one there?09:39
baizonhi, yes09:40
sanoobcan i use irc for video sharing?09:41
sanoobimean video calling ?09:42
sanoobin emphathy?09:42
baizondont think so09:45
baizonirc doesnt support video calling09:46
Marzatabaizon: imo.im does?09:48
baizonMarzata: how?09:49
MyrttiI doubt it is purely IRC client09:51
kebriyahi. i want to cut my files from home/user/download. but paste is deactive in the partition which i want to move them?09:55
reonkebriya, you don't have permission to write to the destination folder. What is the destination folder?09:57
kebriyaits one of my partitions09:58
kebriyawhat if i log in with root?09:59
well_laid_lawnyou won't have a root user unless you made one10:00
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo10:01
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:01
well_laid_lawnwhat are we talking about anywaay? I just got here10:02
bazhanghe quit, but logging in as root10:07
well_laid_lawnok. I don't think he'll get far then...10:08
baizonguys a question10:26
baizonis there a plugin / addon / program thats working like unitys dash?10:27
baizoni mean just the "search" part10:27
bazhangfor thunar?10:29
baizonnot necessarily10:30
baizoncan be a standalone10:30
baizonfor example integrated in the panel10:30
baizonhmm, can the xfce4-verve-plugin autocomplete for documents?10:33
baizonfound it :D10:39
baizonlove xfce :D10:40
baizonhmm, why not combine verve and linelight10:47
mudman+i mudman12:56
mudmanhello again12:57
mudmanI'm a linux newb, and on irc also :x12:58
well_laid_lawnhello mudman12:58
ubottuHello and welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions or help others. If you'd like to chit-chat, please visit #xubuntu-offtopic and for developer discussion, see #xubuntu-devel :)12:59
mudmanthank you12:59
mudmanwell I some just a small problems13:00
mudmanI installed xubuntu 11.1013:00
mudmanos runs wonders on my laptop13:00
mudmanbut only my wireless stick and gfx's are no installed13:01
well_laid_lawnI don't know about the wireless stick but what is the graphics card you have?13:02
mudmanI've run lsusb and the wireless shows up has D-Link IEEE 802.11g USB2.0 adapter-PN13:02
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:02
mudmanthe gfx is IGP340 knowed as RS200M13:02
well_laid_lawn^ might have a clue13:03
mudmanI check thanks13:03
well_laid_lawnis that ati?13:03
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto13:03
mudmanbeen reading quiet a lot before coming here13:03
mudmanthank you :D13:03
well_laid_lawnit sometimes takes some effort13:03
mudmanI know and I'm willing to do it ;)13:04
well_laid_lawnluck :)13:04
mudmanI'm checking those pages, but I'll be around13:06
lordjjWhat book/website would be the definitive guide to Linux?13:21
bazhanglordjj, there is none.13:26
mudmanI hear good things about "linux power tools" and "unix and linux administration handbook"13:30
mudmanbut I havent got any yet13:30
blackarchanim just installing xubuntu in virtualbox15:42
blackarchancan i use gnome applications?15:42
mudmani'm not shure blackarchan but i think it depends on the version of xubuntu you have15:45
blackarchanlast version 11.1015:45
blackarchanbecause till now i used only gnome15:45
hobgoblinshould be able to - might pull in loads of recommended things - but it will work15:46
hobgoblinif the download looks rather large try in a terminal with sudo apt-get install foo --no-install-recommends see if it is smaller15:47
focalthello guys15:50
mudmanthe more i read about wireless support the more confused i get :(15:50
focaltjust installed oneiric15:50
focaltbut I can't install proprietary graphics drivers15:50
focaltthat's jockey.log15:51
focaltwhat's wrong?15:51
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likemindeadSo Ubuntu is slowly becoming LCARS? ;-]17:05
likemindead(The Heads-Up Display)17:05
MarzataUbu is back to CLI in 12.0417:09
mudmanhello :D17:18
mudmanI have my wireless stick working now :)17:19
autifwhat all did you have to do?17:19
mudmanI'm a bit ashamed to say it, but I used the windows driver :x17:20
autiflikeminded, Marzata - There is an ipad app for the PADD with LCARS interface, funny, how I thought it was meant to be hyperbole  - http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/star-trek-padd/id446277240?mt=817:20
autifi probably meant likemindead17:21
mudmanit was really easy thx to ndiswrapper?17:21
xubuntu154hello smbdy here to help with installation<17:26
xubuntu154im installing via live usb, but it seems, is hangs in ubiquity laptop detect17:27
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likemindeadxubuntu154: I've always had better luck with CD over USB.17:28
crondxubuntu154, also if the installer gives you issues, use the alternate iso17:29
xubuntu154i dont have free Cd :/ ..it's 1st time, it hags ..my PC is 1 year old, phenom X4, gtx460 ..no unknown HW17:29
xubuntu154installer copied files quickly ..but now, i'm just w8ing17:30
xubuntu154Jan 25 17:55:41 ubuntu kernel: [   30.848027] eth0: no IPv6 routers present Jan 25 16:55:44 ubuntu ntpdate[3828]: step time server offset -3597.909898 sec Jan 25 16:56:02 ubuntu ubiquity[3943]: Ubiquity 2.8.7 Jan 25 16:56:03 ubuntu ubiquity[3943]: log-output -t ubiquity laptop-detect17:31
xubuntu154ubiquity[3943]: log-output -t ubiquity laptop-detect is last entry in installer17:31
likemindeadIt shouldn't take but 15 or 20 minutes, tops.17:32
likemindeadDefinitely try the alternate iso.17:32
xubuntu154what's difference between normal and alternate iso?17:33
xubuntu154what's the difference between normal and alternate iso?17:34
holsteinxubuntu154: the alternate is a different type of installer bascially, though i like to see the desktop live before in install17:34
likemindeadIt's faster. No Live Desktop. Just install.17:34
xubuntu154:/ i'm realizing that new kernels/distros are getting worser ..17:35
likemindeadI don't think so.17:35
holsteinyeah, its likely the support for your particular hardware that is challening you17:36
likemindeadMay just be a Live CD/USB issue.17:36
xubuntu154why? it's my first time with PC (not laptop) that i'm unable to install linux ..17:36
xubuntu154for example the newest fedora 16 without problems17:36
holsteinxubuntu154: could be as likemindead suggests thats its an issue with the USB install17:36
xubuntu154i used unetbootin ..17:37
xubuntu154any advice for smthing better?17:37
holsteincould be as i suggested and its an issue with the kernel and the support for your particular hardware17:37
xubuntu154how is that possible...currently i'm in live session of xubuntu, everything works fine ..but it's unable to install ..17:38
holsteinxubuntu154: not sure, you'll just need to troubleshoot and go from there.. the alternate installer is a great next step... taking your USB stick out of the equation is not a bad idea17:38
xubuntu154i think that 1st thing is to light cigarette, than try it again & than try it with alternate :)17:39
xubuntu154btw i'm really surprised & pleased that somebody answered me ..so thanks a lot ;)17:39
likemindeadThe alternate iso has been very helpful for me over the years.17:40
xubuntu154thanks again, i have never used it17:42
xubuntu154ok, i'm going to balcon, to smoke cigarette & then I will try it with original iso again17:42
xubuntu154if it won't work i will try it with alternate17:43
xubuntu154so see ya soon ;|17:43
blackarchancan i create a custom menu example Places from gnome?? but with my own Aplications and folders?18:00
holsteinblackarchan: a shortcut to a directory? sure...18:03
blackarchanbut how do you create a Menu like Applications Menu???18:04
holsteinblackarchan: you can add that into the panel, but i think its already there by default... or a mini version of it18:10
blackarchanApplications Menu it is ...but that was an example i want to create somthing like that...but instead to put in it my own things18:16
holsteinblackarchan: sure, its all open, you can literally do whatever you like... you might want to explore adding some custom launchers to the panel18:18
blackarchanbut with launchers you have 1 launchers for 1 application....so if want to have more then 10applications it will full my panel18:19
holsteintry and be general though.. a lot of folk here dont know what it is when you compare what you want to gnome... its been a while since i have been in there as well... if you can come up with exactly what you want, and where you want it, we can help18:19
holsteinblackarchan: do you want something like a drawer?... or a seperate panel? or a launcher bar?...18:19
holsteinmabye the quick launcher? http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin18:22
blackarchanholstein: thnx18:25
hobgoblinblackarchan: I have 2 launchers in my panel that have 8 things in them - normal launchers though18:32
blackarchanhobgoblin: what i don`t like at launchers is that they have only icon and the icon is autogenerated from last application runed and you cannot make sub-menus18:34
hobgoblinblackarchan: my icons stay the same18:34
hobgoblinchangeable in advanced18:34
hobgoblinyou must have show last used item in panel enabled18:35
hobgoblinbut no - there's no sub-menu18:35
blackarchanhobgoblin:i really need some sub-menus....:(18:38
hobgoblinsorry blackarchan - no idea how to do that without creating a menu of your own and using that rather than the standard one18:49
knomeblackarchan, if you want submenus, you have to create a separate menufile.18:51
blackarchanknome: how can i create a separate menufile???thats what im asking?:19:14
knomeblackarchan, currently, it's not too easy19:14
blackarchanif i can learn then its perfect19:14
knome^ that should help getting started :)19:15
blackarchanknome: but that is a how tu customize the actual application menu right?19:17
knomeblackarchan, well, the thing is, you have to create a similar menu19:21
knomethen you can add another "xfce menu" applet, and use the menu file you just created19:21
blackarchanknome: so you create a mymenu.menu19:22
blackarchanknome: now ive seen that u can use a custom file for menu19:23
knomeblackarchan, yeah19:23
blackarchani see...its not that complicated just a long proccess if you want a simple menu19:23
knomeyeah, mostly19:23
knomesubmenus are also slightly complicated19:24
blackarchanim gonna start reading right away...but way submenus are more complicated???its just more code in xml or you need to add more scripts/includes?19:25
knomekeep on reading ;)19:26
knomeit's not too hard either19:26
blackarchantnx for all the help19:26
knomenp, have fun and good luck :)19:27
blackarchanknome: thnx19:30
suI just installed oneiric20:41
suand I can't install ati proprietary drivers20:41
suI get this20:42
sucan anyone give me a hint?20:42
suthanks :)20:42
knomesu, maybe ask #ubuntu if somebody knows21:09

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