
afiestasRiddell: apt is a little bit messy 00:04
afiestasfor example couldn't install aircrack00:04
afiestasbut well, I will compile it I guess :p00:05
Riddellafiestas: did it say why not?00:14
Riddellafiestas: do you think that is due to SC 4.8?00:14
afiestasRiddell: nope, it is ubuntu's fault I guess00:14
afiestasit said "this package was repalced by iw" which makes no sense00:14
Riddellinstalls fine in oneiric00:15
RiddellI guess it has disappeared in precise00:15
Riddellyeah removed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aircrack-ng00:16
Riddellreasons says "(From Debian) RoQA; unmaintained, RC-buggy, NPOS; Debian bug #642934"00:17
ubottuDebian bug 642934 in wnpp "ITP: aircrack-ng -- wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/64293400:17
afiestasRiddell: to be added back?00:17
afiestasbuggy? :s00:17
Riddellafiestas: I've no idea00:19
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Tm_TRiddell: looks like at work, display settings don't stay06:07
Tm_Tand it's 1024x768 it falls back to06:07
Tm_Tthis is not nice...06:16
MacSealhi,in kde 4.8 Drag and drop not working in dolphins main window to the trash icon in the side panel06:43
apachepandaMacSeal: bugs.kde.org08:14
apachepandadebfx: regarding your BIC question from yesterday .... if you meant the retraction of the private slots ... that is indeed binary incompatible ... private slots: will lead to visible symbols whereas Q_PRIVATE_SLOT is a purely metaobject based slot (i.e. the metaobject calls the dptr rather than the public object - hence the Q_PRIVATE_SLOT macro expands to nothing)08:55
Riddellapachepanda: what's this?08:56
apachepandaarguably the incompatibility can be ignored though as it was private to begin with ^^08:56
apachepandaRiddell: http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=marble.git&a=commitdiff&h=47e416ef6c98683af9e27d80d9ea547459d908a608:56
apachepandasee it was wrong before as it was using private *slots*:, and it was changed in a wrong way as it is retracting interfaces, but at least it is correct now08:57
apachepanda(that is except for inconsitent code formatting ^^)08:57
tsdgeosthat's the marble runner class08:58
tsdgeosdon't think BC matters there08:58
tsdgeosdoes it?08:58
apachepandatsdgeos: it is in a lib folder, so from the diff I must judge it matters08:58
Riddellwe would care about BC if it's  libmarblewidget08:58
Riddellbut that page doesn't tell me when it happened or in what branch08:59
apachepandait is part of marblewidget_SRCS09:02
apachepandaRiddell: surely debfx will handle it ^^09:02
apachepandaRiddell: though I wonder if we symbol check libmarble*09:02
apachepandathat would be rather good, libmarble* doesn't have a history of being very bc09:03
tsdgeosapachepanda: question is, you sure that is BIC?09:04
tsdgeosit still defines the slots09:04
tsdgeostrue the function implementation itself moved to a different class09:04
apachepandatsdgeos: it defines them using Q_PRIVATE_SLOT09:04
tsdgeosbut that's not BIC09:04
apachepandawhich expands to void09:04
tsdgeosremoving non virtual functions is BC09:05
tsdgeosand using Q_PRIVATE_SLOT will give you the "correct" functions in the .moc object09:05
tsdgeosso i am not sure there's a BC problem there09:05
apachepandathere is no function in the moc09:05
apachepandathe function is in the private class09:05
apachepandawhich is called by the metaobject09:06
tsdgeosi mean the "switch" in the metaobject09:06
apachepandaso fro an outside perspective the entire interface is retracted09:06
tsdgeosit's a private slot09:06
apachepandawhich makes it bic if someone were to work around the private: and call the slot as a function09:06
tsdgeosif you were connecting to it09:06
apachepandaslots are still functions09:06
apachepandayes, and private has no impact on the symbols09:06
tsdgeosonly this class cares about them09:06
apachepandahence my comment that one could very well ignore this BIC09:07
apachepandaas the likelihood of it having an impact is next to nil09:07
tsdgeosobviously you still can invoke private slots using QMetaObject::invokeMethod09:07
tsdgeossince the metaobject knows nothing about the privateness09:07
tsdgeosbut then you're being too smart for your own good09:08
tsdgeosand willing to be punished for it 09:08
apachepandathat doesn't matter on a policy level though :P09:09
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apachepandaRiddell: did kde ever discuss changing the path of the startkde env scripts?10:06
apachepandaand does anyone remember why we do not do the kdedirs changes in there?10:07
Riddellapachepanda: I don't think I've seen such a discussion10:08
apachepandashould go to share/kde4/ IMHO10:08
* apachepanda puts it on his todo10:09
apachepandaor at least share/env/10:09
apachepandaRiddell: any immediate objections to moving our kdedirs/gtk setup magic from startkde to env scripts?10:25
apachepandathat would also allow us to get rid of the dirty if -e infofile hacks10:25
apachepandaas we can ship the scripts with their packages10:25
Riddellapachepanda: what's the advantage?10:26
Riddellapachepanda: just a cleaner way you think?10:27
apachepandayes, also not having to pull those dirty hacks10:27
apachepandaand ultimately not having to patch startkde at all10:28
Riddellapachepanda: go for it as long as you take responsibility for any regressions :)10:28
apachepanda(I think the only other change is country detection which should really move to klocale)10:28
apachepandaRiddell: yeah, sure :P10:28
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stanley_robertsohi all11:50
Riddellhi stanley_robertso 11:51
stanley_robertsohi Riddell11:52
Riddellumm we're developing Kubuntu, want to join us?11:53
stanley_robertsosure, would love to11:53
stanley_robertsoRiddell: so whcih phase is in kubuntu now ?11:56
Riddellstanley_robertso: we're about half way through the cycle, things need packaging, testing needs doing occationally, features and work items need worked on11:57
stanley_robertsocool, so a lot going on . 11:58
stanley_robertsoI hope across technologies11:58
Riddellyou hope or you hop?11:59
stanley_robertsoI mean.. the current work is going on.. across technologies11:59
stanley_robertsoIam from C/C++ stream11:59
Riddellthere's a broad range of skills needed to make a distro for sure, from coding to writing to testing12:00
Riddellmost coding is upstream in KDE but we need to do bits for bugfixing and our own programmes12:01
stanley_robertsoahh ok . Do i need to setup any base, for starting into it . 12:01
Riddellthat all depends on the task in question12:02
stanley_robertsowhich components in kubuntu has  c/c++ tech involved12:02
Riddellalmost all of upstream KDE uses c++ so we might need to do bugfixes, although usually we can convince upstream to do that12:03
RiddellMuon is a Kubuntu programme that is written in c++12:04
Riddellkubuntu-firefox-installer too I think12:04
Riddellmuon is closely maintained by jonathan thomas so talk to him about whether anything needs done12:06
Riddell(I expect it does)12:06
Riddellkubuntu-firefox-installer is simple, might be worth checking launchpad for bugs but I don't expect any critical ones12:06
Riddellshadeslayer: I just realised this ./kde-sc-build-status script doesn't do the retry for you, you need to check it's output and do it manually12:09
Riddellthere must be a way we can do that through the LP APIs12:09
Riddellstanley_robertso: we do quite a bit of coding in python12:09
stanley_robertsoI knew perl, awk .. and not python.. but i hope its not hard to learn it12:10
Riddellas programming languages go python is very easy to learn12:10
Riddellof course like any programming languages there's APIs etc to get used to as well12:10
stanley_robertsoRiddell: ok. let me check with jonathan thomas [ his id ? ]  to see, if i can be of any help12:15
Riddellstanley_robertso: JontheEchidna 12:23
Riddellor echidnaman on launchpad I think12:23
stanley_robertsoRiddell: thanks12:25
RiddellI hope you find useful and fun things to do for Kubuntu :)12:26
stanley_robertsosure, thanks a lot for the info Riddell12:26
RiddellScottK: I can't remember if you said before but python-qt4 has build failures on arm, what do you know about those?12:55
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freglsince upgrading to soprano 0.7.4 I get crashes in akonadi every couple of seconds, I guess that's known?13:12
Riddellfregl: no I've not heard of that13:12
Riddellfregl: crashes that cause drkonqi to appear?13:12
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
freglRiddell: yes https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=292388 13:13
ubottuKDE bug 292388 in general "Nepomuk/Soprano crashes after upgrading to 2 7 4" [Crash,New]13:13
freglI'll try downgrading now13:14
freglcurrently I can't write an email13:14
Riddellkontact is working fine with me13:14
freglactually I can by disabling nepomuk13:14
Riddellso I think your best chance is to hassle kdepim people to looking into it13:14
Riddellor just workaround it if you can13:15
freglRiddell: what is our artwork license? lgpl?13:20
fregl(kde I mean)13:20
Riddellfregl: depends on situation13:20
Riddelllgpl for icons in platform, gpl for icons and artwork elsewhere13:21
freglRiddell: by default, like program icons13:21
freglok thanks13:21
Riddellmay be safer to make it lgpl if you think it might move into platform one day I guess13:21
Riddell4.8 seems mostly good or compiling and expected to be good except kdepim-runtime, looking into that13:31
RiddellI need to look into l10n builds too13:31
afiestasagateau_: ping13:38
agateau_afiestas: pong13:39
afiestasagateau_: do you remember my modification of kdelibs for having  "menubar" lookup ?13:39
afiestashappens that I have some free time now until 19:00 and I want to do a KRunner with the same functionality13:40
agateau_afiestas: the search in help menu idea?13:40
* afiestas if somebody says like HUD I may have to kill him :p13:40
afiestasagateau_: yes13:40
agateau_oh, like the matrix!13:41
agateau_(previous code name for hud :))13:41
afiestascan you orient me on how dbusmenu works? and what should I use?13:41
afiestasright now I have a bunch of stuff compiled  and oxygen-appmenu is working finde13:42
afiestasbut for example the plasmoid isn't and I can see that there is a KDED not running related to dbusmenu exportation13:42
agateau_yes, that's a work-in-progress13:43
agateau_first we need to get the terminology right:13:44
agateau_dbusmenu is about exposing a menu over dbus13:44
agateau_no matter what the menu comes from13:44
apachepandaafiestas: like hud!?13:44
Riddell /kickban apachepanda 13:44
agateau_appmenu registers the association between your window and the main menubar to an appmenu registrar13:44
agateau_mmm, that's confusing, 2nd try13:45
apachepandaRiddell: then I must stop work and go home \o/13:45
Riddellapachepanda: come back!13:45
afiestasapachepanda: --Beer; for you next time I see you :p13:46
agateau_appmenu exposes your menubar on dbus (using dbusmenu) and registers the tuple (window-id, dbusmenu-for-your-menubar) to the appmenu registrar13:46
agateau_right now plasma-widget-menubar implements the registrar and displays the menubar13:46
agateau_oxygen-appmenu does (or used to do) the same13:47
agateau_but oxygen-appmenu devs have started to move the registrar to a kded13:47
agateau_so that it can be used by multiple menubar renderers (oxygen-appmenu, plasma-widget-menubar)13:47
agateau_I haven't caught up with them: plasma-widget-menubar should be modified to use this registrar13:48
agateau_afiestas: that's the current situation I think13:48
afiestasagateau_: reading13:48
afiestasagateau_: ok so for a krunner I should become a register the first time I'm used and then listening for "change window events" so I keep my association in order13:50
afiestasis that it?13:50
afiestas(I will take a look at the plasmoid code)13:50
afiestasagateau_: slighly-offtopic question, is it possible to export somehow all QActions via dbus ?13:50
afiestasI'm afraid that we are going to loose kiosk functionality in Qt5/KF5/KDE4+1 13:51
agateau_afiestas: the trick is that right now when appmenu exposes your menubar, it hides them from the window13:52
agateau_afiestas: so you need a menu renderer somewhere (plasma-widget-menubar or oxygen-appmenu)13:53
afiestasbut you can have more than one renderer?13:53
afiestasor just one?13:53
agateau_afiestas: you can have more than one renderer13:53
agateau_afiestas: you can only have one registrar13:53
agateau_(the thing which keeps the association between a window and its menubar)13:53
afiestasoh damn... now I see why the plasmoid is not working while having the oxygen-app menu13:54
agateau_afiestas: that's it, until I get some time to make it uses the kded registar13:54
agateau_afiestas: then they can work together13:54
afiestaswell oxygen-app menu is not using the kded thing so...13:54
afiestasnot sure if the developer is activelly working on it13:54
agateau_afiestas: your krunner can just assume there is a registrar running (whether it comes from the plasma widget or oxygen-appmenu does not matter)13:55
afiestasshouldn't the registar be standar as well?13:55
agateau_afiestas: standard as in?13:55
afiestaswell all registrar are going to do the same and are going to export the very same api13:55
agateau_as in frakkeddesktop.org standard?13:55
afiestasit seems to me a waste of manpower having 2 different registrars and up to 3 in case that gnome decide to jump into appmenu world13:56
agateau_on the kde side, our goal is to have one registrar only, the kded one13:56
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agateau_which is basically a standalone version of the code from plasma-widget-menubar13:56
afiestasagateau_: but now, Unity is going to need more or less the same thing13:57
afiestassince they are going to have HUD and menubar13:57
agateau_afiestas: Unity has had a registrar for a long time13:57
agateau_afiestas: both registrar have been released at the same time13:57
afiestasok so, going back to the krunner, instead of implementing the registar again, making it incompatible with oxygen-app/plasmoid13:58
afiestaswhat I have to do is... call here? 13:58
afiestasqdbus com.canonical.AppMenu.Registrar /com/canonical/AppMenu/Registrar com.canonical.AppMenu.Registrar.GetMenus13:58
Riddellshadeslayer: kde-l10n-build-status added and kde-sc-build-status  synced13:59
agateau_afiestas: yes13:59
afiestaslast question :p14:00
agateau_afiestas: then pick the appropriate menu14:00
afiestasok, that kind of answered my question14:00
afiestasit was "When the user launch krunner I guess that krunner will be identified as the focused window, how do I get the menu from the previous focused window ?"14:00
afiestasI guess I will be able to do that via the getMenus call14:01
agateau_afiestas: not really: GetMenus() gives you all menus for all windows14:01
agateau_afiestas: there may be some trick to do with the order window are stacked: the previously focused window is likely to be the next or previous one14:02
afiestasmm that is going to be problematic I guess14:03
agateau_afiestas: or you could look into the code of the hud :)14:03
afiestasthough maybe KRunner does the same trick that plasma does14:03
agateau_mmm, actually no: when the hud is invoked, the current window is probably still the correct one14:03
afiestaswhen I click into your plasmoid the application loose the focus but the menu doesn't change14:03
agateau_that is my code which does this iirc14:04
agateau_it tracks the current window but ignore changes if the new window is the parent of the widget14:04
afiestasthen I can do the same, ookey! enough talking if not would be as if you write the thing then won't be funny :p14:05
afiestaslunch time then hacking time brb !14:05
Riddellgood luck with your hacking afiestas!14:09
agateau_afiestas: keep us posted!14:10
Riddellanyone remember what we did with kde-l10n-ca@valencia?14:11
kubotuRiddell meant: "anyone remember what we do with kde-l10n-ca@valencia?"14:11
Riddellit's not in the archive as kde-l10n-cavalencia and it's not in with kde-l10n-ca14:11
Riddelloh yes it's kde-l10n-ca-valencia14:12
Riddellgood, wouldn't want to miss that out, keeps my granny happy14:12
Riddellso kde-l10n all good, hugs to apachepanda for making kde-l10n-common14:14
Riddellsigh kde-l10n in PPA another 5 hours to build14:17
Riddellho hum14:17
tsdgeosRiddell: your granny from valencia?14:21
Riddelltsdgeos: not an entirely serious comment, she lives there but is english speaking.  great spanish but no catalan and certainly not ca@valencia14:25
tsdgeosahh, those adorable oldies that come to spend their money in our shores :-)14:26
Riddellat least she speaks spanish! :)14:27
ScottKRiddell: re python-qt4: I don't know.  It didn't fail last time, so I don't know if it's because I changed something or because arm* changed something.14:32
* ScottK is going to start some test builds on the armel boxen.14:33
afiestasRiddell: which is more than the average English people living here 14:33
ScottKIf only apachepanda would make the Ice Cream magic work again.14:33
Riddellafiestas: she not English :)14:33
afiestasRiddell: sorry, I always mess up with the names there, should British will be correct right? since it includes all islands 14:34
kubotuafiestas meant: "Riddell: sorry, I always mess up with the names there, so British will be correct right? since it includes all islands"14:34
ScottKRiddell: I see you filled up / on the arm box again.  Are you done with your Calligra stuff yet?14:37
Riddellafiestas: yes British is right although can annoy Irish people depending on their opinion :)14:37
RiddellScottK: no but it needs restarting again, let me look what I can save and delete bits14:37
apachepandaScottK: do we have a new setup yet?14:38
apachepandaScottK: also do we have a machine for OBS yet? ;)14:38
ScottKRiddell: Please do your stuff somewhere in /var/cache (maybe even /var/cache/home/jr).14:39
RiddellScottK: oh just scrap it, it needs a full compile again anyway at least14:39
Riddellyes I'll use /var/cache in future14:39
ScottKapachepanda: No.  I've been fiddling with getting armhf working on the machine and didn't manage it yet.  That'll be much faster.14:39
apachepandaand you broke icecc while you were at it? :P14:40
Riddellapachepanda: what makes OBS so good?14:40
ScottKNo, experimenting on a different box.14:40
Riddellug computer rebooted, "Jan 26 14:33:32 gallus kernel: [81232.090933] Critical temperature reached (100 C), shutting down."  nasty14:41
ScottKThe manufacturer provides a Debian armhf image.  Just need to figure the bits to fiddle to boot from the SD card.14:41
apachepandaRiddell: it can be set up in less than a life time14:42
apachepandaScottK: you could surely do tftp booting14:42
apachepandawhich might in fact be faster than sd anyway14:42
ScottKMight.  Didn't have a lot of time to mess with it yet.14:42
apachepandawell, I am at work, so I don't have my ssh keys with me14:43
apachepandaRiddell: btw https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/10162914:45
Riddellapachepanda: nice, are you planning to propose that to opensuse?14:46
apachepandathat is the proposal14:46
Riddelllet's see if they take it14:46
RiddellScottK: I should wait for you to do your arm stuff before starting on calligra?14:47
ScottKRiddell: Give me a bit to get the builds going.14:47
Riddellok I'll look at the daily ISO build14:49
Riddellmm 1.4MB/sec, I'm liking this new connection14:53
ScottKRiddell: My build's started, so give it ~some minutes to get past the I/O intensive part of unpacking the chroot and stuff and then feel free.14:58
BluesKajnice ...I'm capped at 750KB/sec here , but i should be thankful, being in the boonies an all14:59
ScottKRiddell: re python-qt4: That's the first time it's been built against Qt 4.8 on arm*, but it built before that with 4.7.4. The function with the error isn't a new one, so I'm inclined to blame Qt 4.8. sip: QPainterPathStroker::setDashPattern() unsupported function argument type - provide %MethodCode and a valid C++ signature - Thoughts?15:07
ScottK(keep the discussion here I think(15:07
RiddellScottK: hmm so maybe we should see if it compiles against 4.8 on other platforms15:08
ScottKIt does on the other archs.15:08
RiddellScottK: ok then I'd say time to ask upstream pyqt for ideas15:09
Riddellhe's usually responsive15:09
Riddellare you on the pyqt list?15:09
barryhi Riddell, ScottK 15:10
ScottKI'm not.  I'm also late for running off to a meeting.  Could you?15:10
ScottKHello barry.15:10
barrywhat's your current thinking about the build failures?  the logs don't seem helpful15:11
RiddellScottK: can do15:11
ScottKbarry: I'm tempted to blame it on Qt 4.8 and Riddell is suggesting was ask upstream for help.  I'm hoping he'll do that.15:11
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.15:11
barrycool.  i have arm machine here, but it's fairly underpowered.  (it takes me 15m just to ssh in ;)15:11
Riddellerk that doesn't sound like a way to have a productive day15:11
ScottKbarry: It's the first time it's been built on arm* against Qt 4.8, so I'm inclined to think it's Qt.  It's nowhere near your patch.15:11
ScottKbarry: I started a local build on our arm box and I'll check in on it again later today.15:12
barrycool.  well, let me know if there's anything i can help with15:12
ScottKGotta run.15:12
apachepandabarry, Riddell: what is failing?15:18
Riddellapachepanda: pyqt on arm15:19
barryapachepanda: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/91076358/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-armhf.python-qt4_4.9-2ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz15:19
apachepandacfgtest_QtMultimedia.cpp:1:28: fatal error: QAudioDeviceInfo: No such file or directory :O15:21
apachepanda!find QAudioDeviceInfo precise15:21
ubottuFile QAudioDeviceInfo found in qtmobility-dev15:21
apachepandathat package ain't getting installed it seems?!15:21
Riddellapachepanda: for pyqt?15:22
apachepandasearch for that line I pasted15:22
apachepandaafter it comes compilation terminated.15:22
Riddellhmm yes15:22
Riddellit's not a build-dep15:24
RiddellScottK: when you get back let me know if you think that'll fix it and if it needs testing before upload15:24
Riddellgood catch apachepanda 15:24
BluesKajsystem settings crashing in locale settings 15:25
Riddelluh oh15:25
RiddellBluesKaj: got a backtrace?15:25
RiddellBluesKaj: reliable, doing something in paticular?15:26
kubotuRiddell meant: "BluesKaj: reliable? doing something in paticular?"15:26
BluesKajRiddell,  which log should i search in ?15:29
Riddellthe crash dialog will give you a backtrace15:29
Riddellkcmshell4 on command line with module name may help too15:30
BluesKajRiddell, was just helping some with their locale settings so i was looking at the path reqquired , when i click the languages tab and system settings crashed15:31
RiddellBluesKaj: ok we don't patch that so it's likely an upstream issue15:32
Riddellif you want to help you can check if it happens every time and what settings you have that might affect it15:32
Riddelland report a bug to bugs.kde.org with a backtrace and the output of kcmshell4 language15:32
Riddelloh yes!15:34
Riddelldaily CD installed without major problems!15:34
Riddellthat's a weight off my mind15:35
Riddellnow we just have 50 other things to fix like oversizing15:35
debfxthat QAudioDeviceInfo error is harmless and expected. the build system just checks if it should build bindings for qtmultimedia.15:43
afiestasagateau_: any consumer of a(uso) around?16:10
afiestas(that's what getMenus returns)16:11
agateau_afiestas: it's a debug method, not used by plasma-widget-menubar iirc16:11
afiestasan how id you used it?16:12
BluesKajRiddell,  the system settings locale crash has already been reorted several times ...managed to login finally in https://bugs.kde.org16:20
RiddellBluesKaj: aah16:28
Riddelldebfx: oh fooey16:28
apachepandatsdgeos: any l10n thoughts on phonon moving to qt-projects?16:36
tsdgeosall of phonon?16:36
Riddelldoes phonon have l10n?16:36
apachepandatsdgeos: yes16:37
apachepandaRiddell: the kde desktop files mostly16:37
apachepanda+ some error messages16:37
tsdgeosapachepanda: if you go there, then there's no more translations anymore16:37
tsdgeosi mean automated an integrated in our side16:38
apachepandatsdgeos: no way to make that happen? or interest for that matter?16:38
tsdgeosi see two problems16:38
tsdgeosfirst, qt-project won't accept scripty raw commiting into the project16:39
tsdgeossecond, making it happen means adding more code than then i have to maintain16:39
apachepandaany reason you are not in kde-devel?16:40
tsdgeosbecause i'm in work time and i'm only in canonical related channels :D16:40
apachepandafair enough :)16:41
tsdgeoswait 30 min and i'll be there16:41
shadeslayeryofel: did you backport kdevelop?17:10
yofelargh, I forgot about that, sorry17:10
shadeslayerI'll do it17:12
debfxJontheEchidna: this would be a nice feature for muon too: http://www.piware.de/2012/01/software-center-now-installs-language-support-automatically/  :)17:18
=== agateau_ is now known as agateau
Peace-if anyone is interested here there is my tool for apt konsole kdialog based...17:40
Peace-project is here 17:43
afiestasagateau: have it almost done, only have to figure out some thread warnings and how to paint stuff in krunner :p18:14
liudasthanx everyone for releasing 4.818:15
mKretschmannhey folks. having a problem with upgrading to KDE 4.8 on 11.10 (backports):18:36
mKretschmanndpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/plasma-dataengines-addons_4%3a4.8.0-0ubuntu1~oneiric1~ppa1_amd64.deb (--unpack):                                                                                                              18:37
mKretschmann trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kde4/services/plasma-engine-kdeobservatory.desktop', which is also in package plasma-widget-kdeobservatory 4:4.8.0-0ubuntu1~oneiric1~ppa1                                                          18:37
mKretschmannany ideas? Riddell ^18:37
yofelmKretschmann: fixing18:46
yofel(or rather backporting fixed package)18:46
mKretschmannyofel: cool thx18:46
mKretschmannyofel: I have another problem: the Krandr thingie forgets the display settings. on restart my two screens have the wrong resolution, etc18:46
mKretschmannthat's really major18:47
yofelI believe someone else had the same thing, but that would be something for bugs.kde.org18:47
apachepandayofel: do you happen to know where the stinky old qml splash is?18:50
mKretschmannyes, I was about to ask that too18:50
apachepandadid someone forget to do list missing?18:50
mKretschmannI saw a video review of KDE 4.8, and it had a nice startup animation18:50
mKretschmannbrb Mamarok called us to dinner18:51
mKretschmannapachepanda is at our place18:52
afiestasagateau: When I instance the MyDBusMenuImporter I have to call updateMenu in order to get the menu data, right ?18:53
afiestas(I'm reading it at oxygen-appmenuc ode but just to be sure)18:54
afiestasagateau: I'm getting the submenus empties, for example18:59
afiestasI'm gtting Settings, File, Help but when I ask action->menu()->actions->isEmpty() it returns true18:59
afiestasdo I have to update them somehow ?18:59
afiestasoh I see...19:00
yofelmKretschmann: as far as I see the only QML splash that's shipped with 4.8 is "Minimalistic" which is in kde-workspace-data-extras19:01
yofelapachepanda: ^19:01
ScottKRiddell: My PyQt4 build failed locally, so I'll add that and retry.19:05
ScottKRiddell, apachepanda, and barry: Still fails with  qtmobility-dev installed.  That may be "a" problem, but it's not "the" problem.19:11
ScottKGenerating the C++ source for the QtDeclarative module...19:11
ScottK"/usr/bin/sip" -w -o -P -x VendorID -t WS_X11 -x PyQt_NoPrintRangeBug -x PyQt_NoOpenGLES -x PyQt_qreal_double -t Qt_4_8_0 -x Py_v3 -g -j 10 -a QtDeclarative.api -c /tmp/buildd/python-qt4-4.9/build-2.7/QtDeclarative -b QtDeclarative/QtDeclarative.sbf -I /tmp/buildd/python-qt4-4.9/sip /tmp/buildd/python-qt4-4.9/sip/QtDeclarative/QtDeclarativemod.sip19:11
ScottKsip: QPainterPathStroker::setDashPattern() unsupported function argument type - provide %MethodCode and a valid C++ signature19:11
ScottKError: Unable to create the C++ code.19:11
* ScottK goes back on the road again.19:12
apachepandaScottK: is that the first error of the log?19:17
apachepandayofel: what is extras?!?!!?19:17
apachepandaholy french fries19:17
yofelstuff that doesn't fit on the CD?19:18
ScottKapachepanda: cfgtest_QtMultimedia.cpp:1:28: fatal error: QAudioDeviceInfo: No such file or directory was the first error.19:18
* ScottK runs it again to make sure.19:23
ScottKOhhh.  Found one before.  Unable to load library icui18n "Cannot load library icui18n: (libicui18n.so.48: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)" 19:25
apachepandathat QAudioDeviceInfo one should have gone away wit qtmo-dev19:27
apachepandaso my guess is that the include paths might be wrong19:28
ScottKlibicu-dev was in fact missing.19:28
apachepanda!find libicui18n.so.48 precise19:28
ubottuFile libicui18n.so.48 found in lib32icu48, libicu48, libicu48-dbg19:28
ScottKInstalling that now.19:28
apachepandaScottK: right, but that most likely is not related to the missing QADI include19:28
apachepandag++ -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_MULTIMEDIA_LIB -I. -I/usr/mkspecs/linux-g++ -I/usr/include/qt4/QtMultimedia -I/usr/include/qt4 -pipe -g -O2 -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -Wformat -Wformat-security -Os -w -D_REENTRANT cfgtest_QtMultimedia.cpp -o cfgtest_QtMultimedia -L/usr/lib -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-O1 -lQtMultimedia19:29
apachepandaQtMultimediaKit != QtMultimedia19:29
apachepandaI wonder why that did not fail before19:29
apachepandaeasy fix: try to find a way to not build the multimedia bindings19:29
ScottKConfirmed libicu-dev /48 doesn't help with that.19:30
ScottKI'm going to rebuild sip4 and see if that magically helps.19:40
yofeloxygen-gtk3 for review in ninjas, no hurry though as I don't have the usage setup done yet, see bottom of the README on how to try it19:40
ScottKNope.  Doesn't help.19:48
ScottKRiddell: I think we're back to ask upstream.19:48
yofelwth. some update set my default browser to rekonq (was firefox before)20:06
DarkwingQuintasan: ping20:13
micahgyofel: define default20:14
yofelmanually set "default" in default applications20:14
yofelsomehow that changed to manually defined rekonq20:14
micahgyeah, that's not good20:14
micahgoh, wait20:14
micahgjust "default", does that use x-www-browser?20:15
Darkwingyay! i got a tablet for my birthday20:15
micahga rekonq upgrade would do that20:15
yofelno update for that recently. Could be the kdm background update script20:16
yofelhm, no, that only touches kdmrc20:16
Darkwinganyone know where Quintasan posted the directions for kubuntu on his eee pad?20:19
yofelhm, rebuilding SIP might be a good idea looking at bug 921963 (actually for precise, not the PPA)20:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 921963 in Kubuntu PPA "plasma-desktop crashes at start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92196320:20
schnelleguys this bug is now fixed upstream: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29096420:24
ubottuKDE bug 290964 in Plasma Widget "Buttons out of place in plasma nm widget (KDE 4 8rc2)" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]20:24
schnelleplease include it in precise :)20:24
apachepandaso they better make a release :P20:24
yofelwell, I guess we'll have rc5 in time for precise20:25
* claydoh invites all to his new bachelor pad, but remember to byof - bring your own furniture lol20:46
Darkwinglol hey man20:50
Darkwinghows life?20:51
claydohbroke and unemployed 20:51
claydohso only slightly different from before :D20:51
claydohbut warm and no snow20:51
Darkwingi hearthat. ive got some good interviews setup20:53
=== kfunk is now known as KRF
sheytando we got telepathy-kde fresh builds somwhere?21:02
* sheytan would like to test21:02
claydohsheytan: there is the telepathy-kde ppa, but it is still at 0.2 iirc21:05
sheytanmaybe yofel will point us to something fresh21:05
* yofel redirects to Quintasan21:05
* sheytan waits for Quintasan's answer ;d21:06
Peace-mmm software-properties-kde21:15
Peace-core dumped ?21:15
* jussi dumps Peace-'s core21:21
shadeslayersheytan: yeah, one sec21:23
shadeslayerI believe Quintasan set up daily builds21:24
sheytancool gimme :D21:24
shadeslayeraaannnddd they're unmaintained :/21:24
shadeslayerhmmm needs newer telepathy-qt21:24
sheytanyeah ;/21:24
sheytanWould be cool to build up the new beta 0.321:25
Peace- not too bad http://wstaw.org/m/2012/01/26/plasma-desktopM22613.png21:26
Peace-it's not finished but it works 21:26
shadeslayergrrr ... they also have a new release of telepathy qt421:26
debfxyofel: fedora uses xsettings-kde to set the gtk3 theme. see http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2012-01-17/kde-sig.2012-01-17-15.06.log.html and http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/gitweb/?p=xsettings-kde.git21:52
yofelmeh, they have about as many options as I found till now -.-, I'll look at xsettings-kde though22:06
Riddellyofel: you backported that issue mKretschmann has?22:41
RiddellScottK: I should e-mail upstream?22:41
Riddellyofel: awesome thanks23:06
RiddellSubject: [kde-packager] Patch for Amarok 2.5 release fixing issues with KDE 4.8.023:22
Riddellhelp needed with that ^^23:22
DarkwingRiddell: you know where Quintasan posted his transformer kubuntu install info?23:23
RiddellDarkwing: I've no idea what that is I'm afraid23:25
Riddellyou can grep irc logs?23:25
DarkwingHis tablet he had at UDS23:25
DarkwingI'll wait till he pops in23:27
Riddelluser posting to wrong list who likes Kubuntu precise with 4.8, lovely http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-devel&m=132752020906824&w=223:44

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