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Fudgesnadge  noticed lightdm works in later precise builds05:21
Fudgeearlier ones the init script just said unknown type or something S20lightdm05:21
snadgeinteresting fudge06:09
snadgeit worked after a reinstall for me06:09
snadgei just cracked the shits with it06:09
coz_hey guys, I am not used to unity at all ... how do I change sessions ?08:38
coz_12.04 by the way08:39
Ian_Corneyou can't atm, it's broken08:41
Ian_Cornedo you have a 2nd user?08:42
Ian_Corneselect him from the user list08:42
Ian_Corneand go back to your user08:42
coz_Ian_Corne,  no I dont08:42
Ian_Corneand then the cogwheel appears08:42
coz_ah ok wht about guest sessioin?08:42
Ian_Corneor so i've heard08:42
Ian_Corneyou can try08:42
coz_:) oh ok08:42
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head_victimAnyone else noticing some mouse oddities in the last few updates?09:11
snadgedoh.. i cant install evince for some reason09:11
snadgeanyone else not able to install evince?09:11
snadge evince : Depends: libevince3-3 (= 3.2.1-1ubuntu8) but it is not going to be installed09:11
head_victimSame here09:12
head_victimI just tried to suss it out for you09:12
head_victimExact same message, perhaps mirros syncing?09:12
snadgepossibly.. im using au.archive.ubuntu.com09:13
snadgei only noticed because i went to view a pdf and it loaded in gimp.. i was like wtf? :p09:14
nhainesAt least something works.  :)09:14
snadgei suppose i could install xpdf09:15
snadgebut i thought i'd have a whinge about it in here instead ;)09:15
Ian_Corneokular snadge ;-)09:15
head_victimsnadge: funnily enough I'm on the aarnet mirror (another AU)09:17
head_victimNot sure where au.archive redirects to.09:17
coz_hey guys, under gnome shell or even unity, I ctrl+alt+delete to bring up the shutdown dialog ui on previous ubuntu versions and gnome-session-save-kill  to bring up the log off dialog UI  however now the ctrl+alt+Delete brings up the log off dialog UI,,, is there another command for the shutdown daialog UI?09:37
coz_12.04 again09:37
snadgeprobably aarnet ;)09:37
snadgeim going to change the source to something else09:38
snadgegood question09:38
snadgeyou can press the power button09:39
snadgeor type sudo shutdown09:39
coz_let me try command first09:39
snadgeor select the shutdown optino from the system menu in the top right09:39
coz_snadge,  well, right now on gnome shell and there is no shutdown option there09:39
Fudgehi why does grub-pc in lucid detect OSX where in precise it does not?09:47
cjokehow do I define that I want to install libxtst i386 package with apt-get ?10:31
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geserapt-get install libxtst6:i38610:46
cjokethanks geser :)11:07
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bkerensaUnity is no longer showing up in lightdm12:05
aguitelis anyone using nvidia-173 drivers in 12.04 ?12:08
icerootaguitel: you opened the bug we talked about?12:17
aguiteliceroot, not12:19
icerootaguitel: why?12:19
aguiteliceroot, i don't know how i do12:20
icerootaguitel: ubuntu-bug nvidia-17312:20
aguiteliceroot, url?12:20
icerootaguitel: that is a command12:21
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:21
aguiteliceroot, i will do12:21
icerootaguitel: thx12:21
BluesKajHey all13:35
DaniG2kguys I crashed my precise pangolin box with an update yesterday13:42
DaniG2kI think it had to do with a bug in X13:42
DaniG2kanyways, I've booted into the system with a liveCD13:42
DaniG2kand chrooted into the environment13:42
DaniG2kwhen I try to launch an apt-get update command though I get an error message13:43
DaniG2ksuch as13:43
DaniG2kErr http://it.archive.ubuntu.com precise/main Sources13:43
DaniG2k  Something wicked happened resolving 'it.archive.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)13:43
DaniG2kand I cant seem to fix this13:43
DaniG2kI've tried changing my sources.list to US servers13:43
DaniG2kSwiss servers13:43
DaniG2kbut it doesn't work13:44
DaniG2kI'm not able to update my software so I'm unable to get the fixed X package13:44
DaniG2kcan anyone offer some help?13:44
icerootDaniG2k: you can "ping -c 4 google.com"?13:49
icerootDaniG2k: or only "ping -c 4"13:49
DaniG2kmust be a DNS problem13:49
DaniG2knot sure how to fix it though :S13:49
iceroot /etc/resolv.conf is your friend13:50
DaniG2kcat /etc/resolv.conf13:50
DaniG2k# Generated by NetworkManager13:50
DaniG2kthat's all it says13:50
DaniG2kI guess I need to initialize network manager but i'm on a livecd now chrooted into the environment13:51
Ian_Cornehe's gone..13:52
Ian_Corneto bad13:52
Ian_Cornesorry was alt tabbing13:52
Ian_Corneerr -alt13:52
icerootthere should be a big warning "dont use 12.04 if you dont know what you are doing"13:52
Ian_Corneand have joins and quits on ignore13:52
Ian_Corneidd :p13:52
BluesKajDaniG2k,  the there's no way getting around NM , it will aleays generate the nameserver and overwrite any manual settings on the next boot13:53
icerootDaniG2k: nameserver
BluesKajin resolv.conf13:53
DaniG2ksorry i got disconnected13:53
icerootDaniG2k: nameserver
icerootDaniG2k: put that in your /etc/resolv.conf and do the upgrade13:54
DaniG2kshould I add nameserver "" to my resolv.conf?13:54
icerootDaniG2k: only the line with, the one with 127.0.0,1 was a mistake13:54
Ian_Corne127.0.0.1 is localhost13:54
Ian_Cornejust fyi13:54
BluesKajNm will ogverwrite resplv.conf on the nexz boot13:55
* BluesKaj cleans his glasses13:56
DaniG2kgreat, it's working!13:57
DaniG2kthanks :D13:57
DaniG2kwow, one little mistake13:57
Ian_Cornetbh the error thrown by apt is not clear13:57
Ian_Cornethe message gives hints to us13:57
Ian_Cornebut to the untrained eye13:58
Ian_Corneit should show the same error you get when your browser failes to resolve a hostname13:58
DaniG2khmm but I don't know if simply upgrading my system will fix the main issue13:59
DaniG2kthe main problem I was having was13:59
DaniG2kbooting into pangolin after an X update13:59
DaniG2kit completely crashed X13:59
DaniG2kdid this happen to other people here?13:59
icerootDaniG2k: /var/log/syslog is a good start14:00
BluesKajDaniG2k,  do you plan to keep network manager with you permanent install , if so it will overwrite your dns/nameserver settings unless NM has a setting somewhere , I've forgotten , it's been so long since I used it.14:00
DaniG2kyeah network manager was working fine before14:01
DaniG2ki guess something changed with an update and messed the system up a bit14:01
DaniG2kI think this was the error with X14:02
DaniG2kkernel: [  176.559673] unity-greeter[3183]: segfault at c ip 00ec0090 sp bfb075f0 error 414:03
DaniG2kin libindicator3.so.7.0.0[ebc000+c000]14:03
DaniG2kyeah that must be it14:03
DaniG2kis the unity-greeter broken?14:05
jo-erlendare there general breakages now? I'm unable to install either vlc or codecs for totem.14:19
BluesKajtotem ..ppl still use that ?14:20
jo-erlendyes, I like Totem very much. But I also can't install vlc, as I said.14:20
Ian_CorneI also use totem14:21
Ian_Cornejo-erlend: i still havbe broken packages waiting14:21
Ian_Corne(at home)14:21
BluesKajjo-erlend,  ubuntu-restricted-extras?14:22
jo-erlendBluesKaj, that's a meta package. If I can't install the packages it refers to, I won't be able to install that either.14:22
jo-erlendehrm..  let me test that assumption. :)14:23
jo-erlendit actually seems that ubuntu-restricted-extras can be installed. Perhaps it uses the 64bit libs instead of the 32bit ones. That's fine. I have loads of RAM anyway :)14:25
jo-erlendBluesKaj, thanks for the suggestion. :)14:25
DaniG2khmm I'm still getting an error when I boot my pangolin box14:28
DaniG2kX keeps crashing14:28
DaniG2kis this a known issue?14:29
DaniG2kit happened yesterday after an upgrade14:29
Ziadhello will the new ubuntu release work in old intel macs?14:41
BluesKajjo-erlend,  the default restricted-extras is whatever your arch you have installed, 64 or 3214:42
jo-erlendBluesKaj, right. I use 64bit, but I think Totem wants to install 32bit codecs. Still won't play my videos though.14:43
BluesKajjo-erlend,  how about vlc , it works with mostly everything IME14:44
jo-erlendBluesKaj, as I told you before, I can't install vlc.14:44
BluesKajjo-erlend,  that's strange14:45
jo-erlendbroken dependencies.14:45
BluesKajmissing some libs ?14:45
Ziadhi, ubuntu 11.10 does not work on mac right?14:47
jo-erlendyup. It was fine a couple of days ago, so I guess it's a temporary situation.14:47
jo-erlendZiad, this channel is about Precise, not about 11.10.14:47
Ziadi have been trying for sevral weeks but no success14:47
bazhangZiad, on intel macs? sure it does. as does 12.0414:48
jo-erlendyup, I was going to tell him about the amd64+mac image, but he left too quickly :)14:48
bazhangah he quit14:48
BluesKajso you've run -f install and dpkg --configure -a , and dpkg --clear-avail , there's also sudo dpkg --remove --force-depends nameofpackage(s) , this last command can be tedious , but if you remove the right broken dependencies , it does work.14:49
_MarcusIs Ubuntu 12.04 stable?14:49
_MarcusLike, would it be good for everday use?14:49
BluesKaj_Marcus,  not recommended for on the job14:50
_MarcusOh, okay14:50
BluesKajfor testing yes14:50
blockydoes the alpha have HUD?14:50
jo-erlendblocky, no.14:51
jo-erlendit's not been definitely decided whether it will be included either. I personally hope it'll be postponed to QQ.14:52
blockybecause it won't be ready?14:52
BluesKajjo-erlend,  did you see my post above about dependencies , sorry i should have used your nick14:52
blockyit's getting a lot of press coverage, thats how I heard about it14:53
jo-erlendblocky,  that depends on what you mean by ready. I'm sure the current feature set can be made stable during the remaining three months, but I think it would be better to add it and replace the menus at the same time, and that can't happen in 12.04.14:53
blockywhy not roll it out as optional in 12.04?14:54
jo-erlendthat might be an option.14:55
blockyI guess it's a feature that's embedded within unity?14:55
jo-erlendbut there's still time, so who knows.14:55
blockyno chance of using it in gnome-shell?14:55
jo-erlendwell.. Gnome Shell developers could add support for it.14:55
jo-erlendbut it wouldn't be automatic.14:55
blockydo you use unity for your main desktop?14:56
blockyif I install 12.04 and the ppa I can help test HUD?14:59
Piciblocky: I don't see why not.15:05
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passeridecan i use 12.04 as my primary?15:41
ikoniaas your primary what ?15:42
jo-erlendpasseride, can you fix the problems that you must expect when using a development version?15:42
jo-erlendis so; yes, you can use Precise on your primary machine. As a development version, it's very good. However, it is undergoing active development and changes can suddenly cause big problems. If big problems is a problem to you, then you shouldn't.15:44
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DaniG2kI did an update yesterday and now X is no longer starting up when I boot the computer17:35
DaniG2kbut I can't figure out what the problem is17:35
DaniG2khas anyone been having this problem?17:35
DaniG2kor know how I can check what went wrong?17:35
DaniG2kI did an update yesterday and now X is no longer starting up when I boot the computer17:38
DaniG2kbut I can't figure out what the problem is17:38
DaniG2khas anyone been having this problem?17:38
DaniG2kor know how I can check what went wrong?17:38
gnomefreakDaniG2k: go back to using the default drivers until X is fixed (no i dont know when or what is wrong yet) also depends on the card you are using and such17:38
DaniG2khow do I switch back?17:38
DaniG2kI'm not sure what nvidia drivers I was using before17:39
gnomefreaklog for trouble shoot is in /var/log/xorg17:39
gnomefreakDaniG2k: never did figure that out without using jockey17:39
gnomefreaknvidia-current if i had to guess17:40
DaniG2kFailed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module. Please see the system's kernel log for additional error messages and consult the NVIDIA README for details.17:40
DaniG2kwhich one is the kernel log?17:40
gnomefreakhold on17:41
gnomefreakDaniG2k: the log files are named to make it easy to find17:41
gnomefreakjust have to look17:41
DaniG2kkernel: [   49.174329] unity-greeter[1559]: segfault at c ip 00923090 sp bfd806e0 error 4 in libindicator3.so.7.0.0[91f000+c000]17:41
DaniG2kI think that must be the error17:42
DaniG2kcause it appears a bunch of times17:42
gnomefreakmost likely you would be correct17:42
DaniG2kyeah that must be it17:42
gnomefreakfile a bug report on it17:42
DaniG2kbut I already tried uninstalling unity greeter and reinstalling it17:42
DaniG2khmm k17:42
DaniG2kI don't really know how to do this well17:43
gnomefreakreinstalling things dont always fix things17:43
DaniG2kI'll give it a shot17:43
gnomefreakopen terminal type "ubuntu-bug unity-greeter" without the " and answer querstions asked17:43
gnomefreakquestions even17:44
gnomefreakor if that doesnt work use unity17:44
gnomefreakDaniG2k: what version of unity-greeter do you have17:45
DaniG2kapt-cache policy unity-greeter17:46
DaniG2k  Installed: 0.2.0-0ubuntu517:46
DaniG2k  Candidate: 0.2.0-0ubuntu517:46
DaniG2k  Version table:17:46
DaniG2k *** 0.2.0-0ubuntu5 017:46
DaniG2k        500 http://mirror.switch.ch/ftp/mirror/ubuntu/ precise/main i386 Packages17:46
DaniG2k        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status17:46
gnomefreakDaniG2k: dont do that17:46
DaniG2ki can17:46
DaniG2ki can't launch ubuntu-bug unity-greeter because I'm on a liveCD chrooted into my Pangolin box17:46
gnomefreakthan do it from hard drive instead17:47
gnomefreakor file bug old fastion way using browser and attach files to it17:48
gnomefreakthere are a bunch of chat apps that rhun in terminnal so you can run them from tty17:49
DaniG2kmight also be a problem with libindicator317:50
gnomefreakirssi,pork,bitlbee,epic4/5 are jusdt some of them17:51
gnomefreakDaniG2k: that error could just be due to *-greeter17:52
gnomefreakbrb smoke17:53
DaniG2kk I posted it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/92222817:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 922228 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "Bug in unity-greeter crashes X" [Undecided,New]17:55
DaniG2kI don't know if it needs other files attached17:55
DaniG2kI hope it's ok that way...17:56
gnomefreakill check17:59
gnomefreakDaniG2k: you didnt attach any log files18:00
emefarrrgnomefreak: & DaniG2k:  FWIW, I'm seeing same error and have Nvidia grfx18:01
gnomefreaki have ati once im fully updated ill find out if i have it'18:01
gnomefreakemefarrr: if your seeing it try runnin apport-collect 922228  after adding comment that you see it also18:02
DaniG2knot sure what log files i need to attach18:02
emefarrrgnomefreak: WIll do.  thanks!18:02
gnomefreakthat should give DaniG2k what logs he should attach :)18:02
gnomefreakDaniG2k: you will18:03
* gnomefreak still cant figure out why nvidia-current is default on installs18:03
gnomefreakok brb reboot18:05
DaniG2kwelcome back18:07
ensevenHi all! On Ubuntu 12.04alpha1 Linux version 3.2.0-10-generic I have a problem with kworker threads. I do: dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/zero1.tmp bs=1024 count=13000000 and two kworker threads start using up nearly 100% CPU from the time the memory cache gets filled up. The problem is described in http://tinyurl.com/dd-kworker-hang and I posted it in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/887793/comments/22 . Can anyone help me?18:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 887793 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kworker constantly taking about 100% CPU" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:07
gnomefreakDaniG2k: run apport-collect 92222818:07
gnomefreakyour bug is related to nvidia drivers18:08
gnomefreaki have X :)18:08
DaniG2kgnomefreak: I tried running apport-collect but18:08
DaniG2ksince I'm on a LiveCD chrooted into my environment18:08
DaniG2kit doesn't work18:09
gnomefreakDaniG2k: you need to enter tty than18:09
DaniG2kCannot start: Gtk couldn't be initialized18:09
DaniG2khow do I do that18:09
DaniG2kand also I'm getting this error message18:09
DaniG2kCannot find /proc/version - is /proc mounted?18:09
DaniG2kI might have not mounted proc correctly18:09
gnomefreakjust boot from hd for a few minutes to run the command than go backt o live cd. but you have to add files to bug or its worthless18:09
DaniG2kthought I had18:09
DaniG2kI can't enter commands if I boot from hd18:10
gnomefreakDaniG2k: you cant get into a tty to log in?18:10
DaniG2ki can't access the terminal18:10
DaniG2kthat's why I'm doing it from livecd18:10
gnomefreakdid you try using ctrl+alt+f218:11
gnomefreakok thats odd you shouldnt have lost your terms, they all work here for me18:11
DaniG2kit gets stuck in a loop that tries loading nvidia and then it shuts off, perpetually18:12
DaniG2kI even tried recovery mode18:12
DaniG2kI tried ctrl+alt+F1-1218:12
DaniG2knothing worked18:12
gnomefreakDaniG2k: than wait for enseven to add his files to bug and just add the same ones he does manually18:13
emefarrrDaniG2k:  working on collecting logs.  unfortunately i suck at accessing launchpad via lynx so it will take some time...18:13
gnomefreakbut at the very least attach /var/log/kern,log and /var/log/xorg18:13
gnomefreak,=. today18:14
trismDaniG2k: what does apt-cache policy libindicator3-7; return18:15
DaniG2kInstalled: 0.4.90-0ubuntu418:15
trismDaniG2k: alright, that is the latest one, thought maybe it might have something to do with the workaround in 0.4.90-0ubuntu3 (I have nvidia here too but I am not seeing this crash)18:17
trismDaniG2k: if you can, take a look at the logs in /var/log/lightdm/ as well, there may be clues, especially in the greeter log18:18
DaniG2kgood catch18:19
DaniG2kthere are some errors there18:19
DaniG2kWARNING: File '/usr/lib/indicators3/7/libdatetime.so' does not exist.18:19
DaniG2kand also CRITICAL: g_signal_connect_object: assertion `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed18:19
DaniG2kand some others as well18:19
trismthat is the issue, install indicator-datetime18:21
DaniG2kk, that will install geoclue-ubuntu-geoip indicator-datetime18:21
trismunity-greeter should just ignore this though and move on, not go into an endless loop, crazy18:22
trismyes that is fine, as long as it didn't try to install geoclue-yahoo, which has other issues18:22
DaniG2kI'll try to reboot18:22
trismDaniG2k: might not even need it, I reinstall it and unity-greeter stopped the endless loop and started up18:22
Ian_Cornealt tab is broken18:23
DaniG2khmm looking at the log file18:23
DaniG2ki also get this message: CRITICAL: g_error_free: assertion `error != NULL' failed18:23
trismDaniG2k: yeah those are fine (well, not fine but it should work with them)18:24
DaniG2khope this works :D18:25
trismI see the issue I think, it doesn't check for a NULL indicator object when loading them18:29
trismyeah that seems to fix this issue anyway18:41
spaetzjust updated my precise snapshot and lightdm enters an infitite crash-respawn cycle.19:18
spaetzeverything works fine if I disable lightdm and start startxfce4 as a regular user though19:18
spaetzso the X server works generally19:18
trismspaetz: is indicator-datetime installed?19:20
spaetzXubuntu, without many of the indicator things19:21
trismspaetz: are you using unity-greeter though?19:21
spaetzI guess so, haven't disabled anything there. Let me check19:22
spaetzyes, unity-greeter is installed, so I presume that is being used19:23
spaetzhaven't fiddled with the default setup beyond using xubuntu.19:23
spaetzdropping into a shell and invoking "lightdm" exhibits the inifiite cycle too, it's impossible to escape it.19:24
trismspaetz: install indicator-datetime then, I believe this is bug 92195319:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 921953 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "Segfault at 18 ip 00007f5480428f6c sp 00007fffa8aa6760 error 4 in libindicator3.so.7.0.0" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92195319:24
spaetzI wonder if I need to pull up another machine and try to test via ssh19:24
spaetzk, let me test19:24
spaetztrismK, gone for a while, rebooting...19:25
trismspaetz: I'll be here waiting for unity-greeter to rebuild19:25
trismspaetz: it seems to occur with other indicators missing too, so if you are still having issues, check the greeter log in /var/log/lightdm/ for warnings about missing indicators19:27
spaetzindicator-datetime fixed it19:37
spaetzSo it was indeed that bug19:37
urlin2uSo what is the process of reporting a panic on the daily cd crashes immediately at the desktop, has been doing this for weeks?20:20
aguiteliceroot, i have some problem ,i cannot report the nvidia-173 bug coz i change 12.04 to 11.10 and there is not problem with nvidia-17322:15
icerootaguitel: then open the bug on launchpad directly22:18
icerootqinstead of using ubuntu-bug22:18
icerootubottu: ubuntu-bug linux22:18
icerooturlin2u: ubuntu-bug linux22:18
icerooturlin2u: panic = kernel panic i guess22:18
icerooturlin2u: you are using an eeepc or msi wind (or something else with rt2800pci wifi)?22:19
urlin2uiceroot, lol never happened before to me in this extent22:19
urlin2uiceroot, acre d250 netbook all generic really.22:20
urlin2uiceroot, Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x / AR542x Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)22:21
icerooturlin2u: ok then its another bug22:21
icerooturlin2u: you should open a bug against "linux"22:21
urlin2uiceroot, yeah very strange, so I need a launchpad account to report correct?22:22
icerooturlin2u: yes22:22
urlin2uiceroot, do i have to set up te key and all that?22:22
icerooturlin2u: its easy to create one and worth having one22:22
icerooturlin2u: the key?22:22
urlin2uiceroot, there is a key for having a page of some sort I think not sure really I had an account and with no use it was deactivated, so the process is not familiar to me.22:23
icerooturlin2u: sorry i dont know what you mean22:24
urlin2ua code of conduct sign as well.22:24
icerooturlin2u: that is not needed for reporting bugs22:24
icerooturlin2u: also the pgp or ssh key is not needed for reporting bugs22:25
urlin2uiceroot, cool I will get to it when I have time, thanks for that last confirmation.22:25
urlin2uI'm going to try a disc I just loaded I was using a thumb, it may be the problem, not sure how but you never know.22:26
CrazytailsHow do I changed the system fonts and default session, in 12.04 ?23:09
CrazytailsI want to use Unity-2D because I'm testing it in a virtual machine.23:09
urlin2uiceroot, hey I got installed using a disc, I also removed a sdhc card when booting the disc as well for general info here, the thumb and sdhc card should not be part of the equation here but that was how I proceeded to cut out any posssible problems.23:14
blockyif I want to install 12.04 is it better to download the alpha iso or upgrade from 11.1023:29

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