
S0NiCback again...08:54
S0NiCdoes anyone get eGalax under pandaboard to work?09:01
S0NiCit works, but the y-axis is vice versa...09:02
Zectbumowhere can I find the opcodes for arm?09:09
K-4UHello, I have a beagleboard installed with the latest version of the omap headless edition.. and it just keeps booting...09:20
K-4U*rebooting, sorry09:20
Zectbumoeasy fix is to unplug it09:22
K-4Uand throw it out the window?09:23
S0NiCZectbumo: who do you mean?09:27
ZectbumoS0NiC: for my op code question?09:28
S0NiCZectbumo: ah ok ;) sry09:28
ZectbumoK-4U: throwing out the window is not required09:29
K-4UZectBumo: Anyway, my problem somehow fixed itself09:29
Zectbumoah, you threatened to take the power away.  nice move09:30
Zectbumomaybe holding it near the window cooled it down09:30
K-4UProbably :P09:30
Zectbumodoes it have fans?09:30
K-4Uno, it's the beagleboard :P09:31
Zectbumowhat are you going to run on it?09:34
Zectbumoor have it do?09:35
K-4Uhmmm, think i am going to unplug it... it resets itself09:36
Zectbumonice, I would like to see that $25 board come out09:36
K-4Uhm, indeed :P09:39
Zectbumoyou could put one in every room09:39
K-4Udo you have any experience with the beagleboard?09:40
K-4UFATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.38-8-omap/modules.dep: No such file or directory09:40
K-4UHelp.. the setup keeps running and running... the setup restarts itself09:45
Zectbumono, never heard of it. looks cool.  I saw the post where google deleted all of their news09:45
Zectbumoit might be heat, try putting a fan on it to see if it lasts longer. if it does, then it's heat issue09:46
K-4Uit feels.. a bit warm09:47
ZectbumoI've actually once took a zip lock bag of ice water to cool down a device to keep it working from all the heat it was generating09:53
Zectbumoyou have to watch out for the exterior condensation though.  I used a cloth09:53
K-4Uhmmmm :|09:54
K-4Unot going to try that here... it's not my board.. it's from the company where i have my internship :P09:54
Zectbumoyeah, desk fan is much easier09:54
K-4UOh crap... this sucks :S10:05
xranbyhrw: hi10:05
hrwhi xranby10:06
K-4Uon the beagleboard page from ubuntu, it tells you to install a new kernel... but.. the issue is, that the "new" kernel i download, is an older one that comes with the package 11.1010:06
xranbyhrw: we have a confirmed libav bug in oneiric https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libav/+bug/787486 looks similar to the bug you saw last summer10:06
ubot2`Launchpad bug 787486 in libav "/usr/lib/neon/vfp/libavformat.so.52: symbol __aeabi_d2lz, version LIBAVCODEC_52 not defined in file libavcodec.so.52 with link time reference" [Low,Fix released]10:06
xranbyerr the new bug are here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libav/+bug/92162110:07
ubot2`Launchpad bug 921621 in libav "mplayer: relocation error: mplayer: symbol __aeabi_d2lz, version LIBAVFORMAT_53 not defined in file libavformat.so.53 with link time reference" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:07
hrwxranby: I think that it is yet another package requiring rebuiding10:07
hrwI got that on my amd6410:07
xranbydo you know if the security builders have different toolchains compared to the release builder?10:07
hrwshould not10:07
hrwbut #ubuntu-devel would be better place to ask10:08
K-4UAny of you got experience with the beagleboard XM?10:08
xranbyok, so you can reproduce this on non-arm hardware as well?10:08
xranbyhrw: ok i will ask in ubuntu-devel10:08
hrwxranby: yes, I had it on !arm10:09
K-4Uon the beagleboard page from ubuntu, it tells you to install a new kernel... but.. the issue is, that the "new" kernel i download, is an older one that comes with the package 11.1010:10
xranbyhrw: hmm ok i will simply try rebuild that package from source and see if it fix the bug10:13
xranbyand then propose it for rebuilding10:13
brendand_ogra_ - are the necessary packages to get unity 3d running available for armhf?11:11
ogra_brendand_, nope, they arent even available for armel yet11:11
ogra_brendand_, there should be a linaro PPA though11:11
ogra_but i dont think they have armhf either11:12
ogra_brendand_, https://launchpad.net/~tiomap-dev/+archive/release/+packages also doesnt seem to have armhf GLES drivers yet11:15
brendand_ogra_ i think that's the one i was trying11:16
ogra_i know ndec plans to have them, but they dont seem to have landed yet11:17
S0NiChi ogra_11:21
ogra_hi S0NiC11:21
rbasakodd...my relay board has arrived and works from my laptop, but not my panda13:51
rbasakUSB interface, ftdi_sio driver maps to ttyUSB013:51
rbasakI wonder if the driver's broken on ARM?13:51
ogra_works on my tegra, i often use an ftdi dongle on my ac100 to drive the panda13:52
ogra_but thats a different kernel13:52
ogra_janimo, looks like the tegra issue might be caused by a bad pixman patch (teh guys in #ubuntu-x said)15:34
janimoogra_, so waiting a bit may just make the issue go away? :)15:35
ogra_well, reverting to 0.24.0 could fix it, but its not clear if the patch is actually being reverted15:35
* ogra_ hasnt tested anything yet 15:36
ogra_just got told that could be related15:36
GrueMasterinfinity: Do you think we will have mx5 hf images for A2 next week?16:51
ogra_GrueMaster, why do you ask infinity ? ask jcrigby, we're still waiting for a kernel16:52
GrueMasterbecause jcrigby gave him a ppa kernel to test16:53
infinityGrueMaster: What Oli said.16:53
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tc_hey guys, I'd like to disable the automatic onboot switch to vt7.20:32
tc_Ok, I just killed that stupid plymouth, now everything works as expected20:46
=== kfunk is now known as KRF
pbuckleyheya, has anyone got airplay working under ubuntu 11.10?22:43
pbuckleyi've tried the git clone/copying the directory to both ~/.local/share/totem/plugins/airplay and /usr/lib/totem/plugins but totem doesnt seem to see the plugin22:45
rsalvetijanimo: thanks for cleaning up the bugs22:46
pbuckley_not sure if anyone said anything about the airplay thing but my pb died so if you did i lost it :(22:51

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