
jasoncwarner_TheMuso: hey man, around02:13
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Sure thing.02:19
cyphermoxhey jasoncwarner_02:23
jasoncwarner_hey cyphermox , how are things?02:23
cyphermoxalright. about to log off to watch tv for a bit02:23
jasoncwarner_hey cyphermox quick ? for ya, just sent you an email actually02:24
jasoncwarner_I lost my network indicator in an update...did something break?02:24
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Yes, indicator ABI breakage.02:25
jasoncwarner_TheMuso: gah02:25
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Are you running Unity from a PPA?02:25
jasoncwarner_TheMuso: yes, dx PPA02:25
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Right, the PPA is not likely built against the new indicator ABI in teh archive yet.02:25
cyphermoxnetwork... indicator?02:27
TheMusocyphermox: Its not an nm bug specifically, its indicator breakage, so any app indicator won't show.02:28
jasoncwarner_TheMuso cyphermox thanks...I'll remove the PPA and update....02:28
cyphermoxjasoncwarner_: nmcli is your friend02:28
cyphermoxnormally the fact that the indicator isn't showing shouldn't be a huge stopper for connecting, just do something like 'nmcli con up id "mywifi"02:29
lifeless 02:29
cyphermoxthat should bring it up02:29
jasoncwarner_cyphermox: thanks, will give that a shot02:30
TheMusojasoncwarner_: Actually... Which DX PPA were you using?02:30
TheMusoUnity is currently being rebult in the unity-team/staging PPA.02:31
TheMusoWhich means it should be building against the new ABI.02:31
jasoncwarner_TheMuso: that was the one...I just removed and updated02:32
TheMusoOk, give it a few hours and you should be able to use that PPA again.02:33
jasoncwarner_ah, ok! thanks, man02:33
cyphermoxTheMuso: any chance you're very very fluent in vala?02:35
cyphermoxTheMuso: seems to me like valac < 0.16 need to be patched to not add g_thread_init when Gtk.init() is called and an app compiled with --thread. I already have a patch, but I wanted a second opinion before uploading something02:36
TheMusocyphermox: Sorry, I am not the one who can give you that opinion, my knowledge of vala is not yet that deep.02:37
cyphermoxI'll just ask seb in the morning02:37
jbichait seems like everything is being built today, builders are working overtime :)02:41
micahgcyphermox: robert_ancell would be a good person to ask about vala if he were around02:44
jbichamicahg: small thing, but xul-ext-calendar-timezones is trying to pull in seamonkey unless I use --no-install-recommends02:52
micahgjbicha: not sure that's a small thing :)02:53
jbichawill thunderbird (>= 10.0) work with thunderbird 10.0~beta402:53
micahgprecise I assume?02:53
micahgit should be 10.0~02:53
jbichacool, it had actually been bugging me for a few days, keeping me from doing a dist-upgrade until I looked into what was wrong02:54
jbichawhich I finally did just now02:54
micahgjbicha: please file a bug and assign to chrisccoulson03:00
micahghe'll be uploading the final 1.2 build shortly03:00
jbichamicahg: ok thanks03:16
micahgjbicha: the only reason I haven't noticed is that I have seamonkey on both machines with the beta03:42
corvolinosomeone to take a course on the desktop team, please?04:10
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kenvandinefinally the builders seem happier :)05:38
didrocksgood morning06:36
BigWhaleGood Morning people.06:46
didrockshey BigWhale06:59
rickspencer3pitti, looking here: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/precise_probs.html I'm wondering if Kubuntu is going to ahve trouble making an Alpha 207:36
pittirickspencer3: I think it's fine; in the past two days we got two metric tons of KDE uploads, for the 4.8 beta and now the final07:38
rickspencer3thanks pitti07:38
pittiI guess that created some waves wrt. buildd lag, binNEW, and so on07:38
pittihttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.svg doesn't look so bad, I figure it's mostly build skew07:39
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pittibonjour seb12808:58
seb128pitti, hey, wie gehts?08:58
pittiseb128: I'm great, thanks!08:58
pittiwe went to a nice concert last night, "Power!Percussion"08:59
pittithey hammered on pretty much everything imaginable; ladders, PVC tubes, rainwater and oil barrels, and of course actual drums, too08:59
seb128pitti, was it good? ;-)09:01
pittithese guys rocked09:02
pittiit was amazing which brilliant sound you get from carefully crafted drain pipes :)09:04
didrockssalut seb12809:05
seb128pitti, sounds great ;-)09:05
seb128didrocks, lut, en forme ?09:05
pittibonjour didrocks09:05
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:06
didrockshey pitti ;)09:06
pittihey chrisccoulson09:06
didrocksgood morning chrisccoulson09:06
didrocksseb128: ça va! :)09:07
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?09:07
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, didrocks, seb12809:07
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm good thanks09:07
seb128didrocks, still no compiz in sight? ;-)09:07
chrisccoulsonhow are you?09:07
seb128good! ;-)09:08
didrocksseb128: still none, anyway, it's too late now for a proper pre-testing before upload to precise and before unity freeze :/09:08
seb128pitti, so we stay on the current udev for precise? just to know for versions, I might add a system to say that some packages are not current on purpose09:09
pittiseb128: see current discussion on #u-devel; let me paste the bits that you missed09:09
pittiseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/817412/09:10
seb128pitti, danke09:10
pittiseb128: so in short, it's likely that we'll stay at 175 with some cherrypicks, unless we want to adopt kmod for precise09:11
seb128ok, thanks09:11
pittiseb128: want to wait for slangasek's and cjwatson's opinion first before I start wasting time09:11
seb128pitti, ok09:12
seb128well, I will look at adding a "stick to version <v> for reason <reason>" to version09:12
seb128that's not the only case where we could use that ;-)09:12
pittiah, nice09:13
pittiyeah, especially for precise09:13
pittiseb128: so, leave udev for now, I'll look into reverting the kmod bit and update to 17909:41
seb128pitti, ok, thanks09:41
tkamppeterpitti, can you approve the SRU upload for bug 902599? Thanks.09:53
ubot2`Launchpad bug 902599 in ghostscript "Ghostscript renders only a part of the attached PDF file when using a high resolution" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90259909:53
pittitkamppeter: done, thanks!09:54
seb128is "locatedb" supposed to index user directories by default?09:54
tkamppeterpitti, thanks.09:55
pittiseb128: yes09:55
pittiseb128: but it should only show you files that you can also ls yourself09:55
seb128I wonder why is doesn't index my user dir here then09:56
seb128because it doesn't index my user dir09:56
pittiseb128: is your user dir 0700?10:02
pittinot that this ought to stop mlocale, but it might be a possible difference10:02
seb128pitti, yes, but I think it's rather because ecryptfs is in the prunefs list of updatedb.conf there10:03
pittiseb128: my home dir is on ecryptfs, too10:04
pittiooh, you are right10:05
seb128pitti, hum, and it's indexed?10:05
pittiseb128: the stuff that it finds for me is in /home/martin-scratch/10:05
seb128ok, that makes sense ;-)10:05
pittiwhich has my download folder, jhbuild, downloaded ISOs, etc.10:05
pittiI have ~/download -> ../martin-scratch/download/10:05
pittiI foudn that ecryptfs is quite a lot of overhead for e. g. kvm images10:05
pittiso I moved that stuff there10:05
seb128it might be, I didn't notice too much since I'm on a ssd drive10:06
jackyalcineWhat package has the headers required to get your application's configuration found in the Settings Windows?10:06
jackyalcineLike the Ubuntu version of GNOME Control Center?10:06
pittiI guess it makes sense, otherwise you'd expose information on an encrypted drive to the unencrypted portion10:06
seb128but anyway that explains why things don't get indexed there10:06
pittijackyalcine: gnome-control-center-dev ?10:07
seb128what configuration in what settings?10:07
pittijackyalcine: in general, Debian/Ubuntu usually split include files and the like into separate -dev packages10:07
seb128you want to integrate a capplet in g-c-c? that's not something GNOME upstream supports10:07
pittiah, misunderstood, sorry10:07
jackyalcineYeah, they told me that on GIMPnet.10:08
seb128could be me, I've difficulties to understand the question10:08
jackyalcineAnd that distros provide their own.10:08
jackyalcineI see that there's libg-c-c-dev and g-c-c-dev.10:08
seb128what do you try to do?10:08
pittijackyalcine: we don't patch the code for that; we just add extra icons which then launch separate programs (i. e. not embedded into the c-c shell)10:08
jackyalcineseb128: I want to add another application's configuration in there.10:09
jackyalcineLargely under Accessibility.10:09
seb128"in there" beeing?10:09
seb128in the system settings dialog?10:09
seb128you can't modify capplets dynamically from outside10:09
seb128you need to distro patch the gnome-control-center code to do that10:09
jackyalcineI'll stick to the in-app "Edit -> Preferences" then, lol.10:10
mandelI just installed the updates in P and my system is in a certainly insteresting state to say the least. It boot and it looks like the x-server luanches but nothing more..10:49
mandellightdm does not appear and I'm stuck with a nice black screen and a lovely x :)10:49
mandelhas anyone seen this? I can log in the machine thorugh ssh to get more info10:50
pittiseeing /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log might be interesting10:53
mandelpitti, ok, on it11:04
mandelpitti, Xorg.0.log =>  http://paste.ubuntu.com/817499/   lightdm.log => http://paste.ubuntu.com/817500/11:09
pittiso, lightdm apparently didn't see the X server11:10
pittimandel: can you please pastebin the output of "dpkg -l 'nvidia*' | cat"?11:10
pittidpkg -l 'nvidia*' | pastebinit11:10
pittiwill do11:10
pitti(the cat is to suppress dpkg's overzealous truncation11:11
pittimandel: if you are using nvidia-173, that was accidentally uploaded for the new X.org although it's not working11:11
pittithat might be one explanation11:11
pittimandel: instead of pastebinning you can also just check if you use -173 or -current11:11
mandelpitti, already did the pastebin => http://paste.ubuntu.com/817503/ :)11:12
pittiok, you use -current11:12
didrocksthis is interesting: http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/journal/2012-01/007.html11:12
pittiso, that's where my wisdom ends, I'm afraid :/11:12
pittimandel: you might need to ping any of the X.org guys (RAOF, bryce, tjaalton, Sarvatt), maybe they have more ideas11:13
mandelpitti, well, that is much more than I know about this, no worries :)11:13
mandelwill ping them11:13
pittididrocks: that reflects my experience as well11:14
pittiC++ makes it really really hard to maintain a stable ABI11:14
pittiand even harder to use symbols files11:14
didrockspitti: yeah, I gave up on nux as well11:14
pittimandel: what you could try in the meantime is to uninstall the nvidia driver and try with nouveau?11:15
didrocksbut great to see it written down somewhere and not only us suxing at it :)11:15
mandelpitti, sure I can11:15
pittimandel: sudo jockey-text -d xorg:nvidia_current11:15
pittimandel: I'm not sure about the exact identifier, check jockey-text -l for it11:15
pittimandel: that should at least get you a working machine back11:16
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pittirodrigo_: hello, how are you?12:01
pittirodrigo_: sorry for the delay on the langpack stuff; I now finished creating a separate python module with the check-language-support logic, and will now work on an aptdaemon plugin12:05
pittirodrigo_: I understand that your region panel branch uses WhatProvides(), right? how does it call this exactly?12:05
pittirodrigo_: I'd like to provide an aptdaemon implementation for this, so that the region panel will work12:06
pittirodrigo_: also, a question: how do you test control-center from the upstream git checkout? jhbuild? or is there a more elegant way of running it from the source tree?12:06
rodrigo_pitti, I use jhbuild, yes12:11
rodrigo_pitti, I'll finish the g-c-c work this weekend12:11
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rodrigo_pitti, as per the call to WhatProvides, that's what needs a little change, as it's all async12:12
rodrigo_so need to make it work asynchronously when you close the dialog by selecting a language12:12
rodrigo_pitti, shoudn't take long, so as I said, will do it this weekend12:12
pittirodrigo_: ah, so if I were to test it, I'd check out the wip/ branch, configure jhbuild to use that, jhbuild buildone, and then jhbuild run gnome-control-center?12:17
pittirodrigo_: I meant WhatProvides expects a PK_PROVIDES_ something12:17
pittirodrigo_: oh, you mean you already have an aptdaemon branch for this? or do you use the actual PackageKit for this?12:19
pittirodrigo_: I was going to work on the aptdaemon change, using the new library (to avoid having to call the check-language-support binary, and also to drop all the crufty l-s code)12:19
nessitahello everyone! silly question... why apt will, from time to time, "automatically kept back" some packages?12:23
seb128hey nessita, how are you?12:34
seb128nessita, what do you use? "upgrade"? or "dist-upgrade"?12:34
nessitaseb128: hola! so, this is a fresh precise install, and I daily use apt-get update and apt-get upgrade12:42
nessitaseb128: shall I use dist-upgrade?12:43
seb128nessita, yeah, not especially, but upgrade will not install new packages or uninstall deprecated old ones12:47
seb128nessita, so the stuff on hold are usually things that have a new depends or conflict with something12:48
seb128you will need to either apt-get install those or dist-upgrade to get them12:48
seb128nessita, can you pastebin your apt-get upgrade log?12:48
nessitaseb128: my current one?12:48
seb128nessita, the one where you get kept packages binaries12:49
seb128nessita, i.e just the list of what is kept back12:49
nessitaseb128: ah, is everything in here, but you'll fin what you're looking for: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/817578/ :-)12:50
seb128nessita, right, those are kept back because one of the indicator libs changed soname so a new lib binary is going to be installed12:51
seb128nessita, you can use dist-upgrade and check that it doesn't want to remove anything you use12:51
seb128but it should not, everything has been rebuilt12:51
nessitaseb128: with dist-upgrade, no removals, and nvidia-173 will be kept back12:52
seb128nessita, seems good, go for it ;-)12:52
nessitasounds good12:52
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rodrigo_pitti, sorry, missed your reply13:10
rodrigo_pitti, yes, for g-c-c checkout the wip/install-languages branch, and build it under jhbuild or just install it separately13:10
rodrigo_pitti, and no, I don't have an aptdaemon branch13:11
pittirodrigo_: ah, ok, good13:11
rodrigo_pitti, oh, I have some PackageKit changes locally indeed13:11
rodrigo_pitti, I'll send you a patch13:11
pittirodrigo_: ah, thanks; I can look at this then and implement WhatProvides() in aptdaemon accordingly13:11
rodrigo_pitti, ok13:12
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rodrigo_pitti, sent13:13
pittirodrigo_: I don't see a fitting PK_PROVIDES_ in PK 0.7.213:13
rodrigo_no, just changes in my local branch13:13
pittirodrigo_: but I guess hughsie wouldn't mind adding it?13:13
rodrigo_no, he doesn't13:14
rodrigo_he suggested himself to use WhatProvides13:14
pittieven if Fedora doesn't have langpacks, they still have dictionaries and all that?13:14
pittirodrigo_: right, but WhatProvides needs a "type" which is PkProvidesEnum13:14
pittiand we shouldn't abuse CODEC, MODALIAS, or PLASMA_SERVICE or what not13:15
pittiso if we want to implement this in aptdaemon's PK compat layer, I guess the real PK should define at least an enum for this?13:15
rodrigo_pitti, that's what my patch does, see your mail :)13:15
pittirodrigo_: oh, I think I misunderstood you - you mean he doesn't mind getting it added13:15
* pitti should read his own questions more carefully :)13:16
pittirodrigo_: ah, yeah, straightforward patch (tab damage, BTW)13:16
rodrigo_he suggested using WhatProvides, so I added the PK_PROVIDES_* enum13:16
rodrigo_pitti, TAB damage?13:16
pitti+        ProvidesPlasmaService,13:17
pitti+       ProvidesLocale13:17
pittiprobably spaces vs. tabs; nevermind, just nitpicking13:17
pittirodrigo_: I wonder if "LOCALE" conveys it right: we do not actually install the locale itself, but support packages for a language13:18
pittirodrigo_: if you haven't sent it upstream yet, perhaps we could name it LANGUAGE_SUPPORT?13:18
pittiwe might actually have a LOCALE in the future, to create a new locale13:18
pittiin teh sense of localedef13:18
rodrigo_yeah, makes sense13:19
rodrigo_btw, just installed ubuntu on my new laptop, and I get lightdm (had gdm from previous installs in all my machines), so how do I select the GNOME session?13:20
pittirodrigo_: apt-get install gnome-shell ?13:20
pittirodrigo_: that should install /usr/share/xsessions/gnome-shell.desktop13:20
rodrigo_pitti, ah ok13:20
pittirodrigo_: both gdm and lightdm show /usr/share/xsessions/*.desktop (the ones which are available)13:21
rodrigo_ok, it wasn't showing anything, I guess because there's only the ubuntu session available at install13:21
rodrigo_on a clean install,. that is13:21
seb128rodrigo_, there is a bug in current unity-greeter if you use precise, the "gear" icon is only available after switching user or something13:21
rodrigo_seb128, have to catch a train in a few hours, so keeping with oneiric until the weekend :)13:22
seb128ok, oneiric should work fine13:22
seb128just install g-s then ;-)13:22
rodrigo_but yes, will move to precise as soon as I'm back13:22
seb128you should have the selector on a default install with unity and unity-2d at least13:23
seb128rodrigo_, that's the small gear icon next to the password field13:23
rodrigo_hmm, didn't see nothing, let me recheck13:23
rodrigo_ah yes, there it is13:23
jmlpidgin seems to be notifying me about everyone who comes online. Is there a way to stop it?13:27
pitti14:27:54 AptDaemon.Worker [DEBUG]: Loaded modify_cache_after plugin: language-selector 0.113:28
pittimvo: clever thing, this entry_points13:28
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pittithis works quite nicely: ./setup.py egg_info; sudo PYTHONPATH=. aptd -r -d13:32
jmlgot it13:36
jmlit's an option on a plugin (libnotify popups) rather than in the main preferences.13:36
seb128jml, right13:36
kamstrupmvo: hey - how are you? - my favorite S-C hacker? ;-)13:49
kamstrup(obviously /me is not asking to be polite, but because he has work for you)13:49
kamstrupmvo: regarding https://code.launchpad.net/~bilalakhtar/unity/software-center-integration-for-o/+merge/89364 ... do you guys have plans to merge Gary's S-C branch soonish?13:51
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mvokamstrup: hello! I'm good, thanks! we absolutely do, once the new unity lands I will upload a new s-c13:58
kamstrupmvo: awesome - can you add a comment on the mp? I think bilal will be happy :-)13:59
GunnarHjpitti: ping?14:02
pittihello GunnarHj14:03
GunnarHjpitti: I just added a comment to bug 904395. It's related to the pending a-s MP, and I'd appreciate if you could take a quick look.14:04
GunnarHjWhy doesn't a link pop up as usual?14:04
cyphermoxgood morning!14:10
cyphermoxhey seb128, pitti; what are the plans for vala this cycle, are we going to ship with all the versions we currently have?14:12
seb128hey cyphermox14:12
seb128the less versions the better14:12
cyphermoxof course :)14:13
seb128we should at least get ride of <= 12 in main14:13
pitticyphermox: I certainly hope we can get rid of < 14, what seb128 says14:13
cyphermoxok, then an accompanying question14:13
cyphermoxseems like vala < 16 are adding g_thread_init() when an app uses Gtk.init() and is compiled with --thread. I got a patch for it (noticed this trying to build and port pino from 0.10 to 0.14), but I was wondering if you had any counter-indications?14:14
cyphermoxI think pro14:15
pitticyphermox: no, it's fine to drop it, as it's deprecated since lucid's glib14:15
seb128what pitti said14:15
cyphermoxso I'll just re-test the build to be certain and upload with my patch14:16
cyphermoxwe use the udd branches for the versions before 0.16?14:18
seb128or feel free to create a branch in the team vcs if you think it's useful14:18
seb128but I don't think we do enough changes on those to warrant it14:18
cyphermoxperhaps just update Vcs-* to reflect it though14:19
* seb128 fixes vino upnp, that was really broken14:19
seb128does anyone use vino with upnp, or know how that works from an user perspective to test if the updated version works as it should?14:20
cyphermoxnot sure if I can get this working with my router now though14:21
seb128the "use system libminiupnpc lib" patch was including the vino local libminiupnpc copy .h and not ported to the new lib abi (some function prototypes changed)14:21
seb128so basically it was building fine because the defines where matching to code14:22
seb128but the functions where not matching the system lib used at runtime14:22
seb128well anyway I'm fixing that14:22
seb128cyphermox, once I upload vino to precise testing is welcome ;-)14:22
cyphermoxwell, the way to test is basically to enable upnp on a router that supports it, then it will poke holes in the firewall automatically to let someone connect, possibly14:22
seb128cyphermox, how do you check that the firewall config correctly changed?14:23
seb128you try to connect from "outside"?14:23
seb128I guess you need an "outside" then ;-) all my machines are on the same lan14:23
mdeslaurseb128: let me know when you're firewall is open so I can hack^H^H^H^Htest your machine :)14:24
cyphermoxseb128: careful. mdeslaur doesn't even need upnp to be able to go though ;)14:24
manishdidrocks: ping14:24
didrockshey manish14:25
manishdidrocks: I hope you remember me..14:25
manishI am still working on activity log manager14:25
seb128mdeslaur, see now I'm scared and will not test the fix :p14:25
manishis it still being considered to be included in precise14:25
mdeslaurseb128: hehe :)14:25
seb128mdeslaur, I might just drop the patch and build with the years old libminiupnpc copy shipped in vino :p14:25
manishdidrocks: as per the blueprint14:26
didrocksmanish: yeah it is :) I think you should coordinate with seiflotfy who as talked to design about it14:26
manishdidrocks: I have the design14:26
manishI am working with him14:26
didrocksoh excellent!14:26
manishif you want you can try it out14:27
didrocksmanish: did you get good progress?14:27
manishwill finish it by 1st week of feb14:27
didrocksnot right now, but I can give it a try soonish :)14:27
manishsure, anytime you are free14:27
didrocksmanish: that will give us just the needed time before feature freeze, awesome :)14:27
manish16th of feb IIRC14:27
didrocksright, but let's try to get it in before :)14:27
manishI don't know much about packaging, so might need your help in it14:28
didrocksmanish: sure, no worry, is it a patch to gnome-control-center?14:28
manishI know about packaging, but not from scratch14:28
manishdidrocks: nope. as a applet inside control center14:28
manishone more entry14:28
manishlike bluetooth, displays etc14:28
didrocksok nice, I'll make the packaging for it :)14:29
manishprobably you can look at the gcc entries14:29
didrocksmanish: do you have a vcs somewhere so that I can have a look when I have some time?14:29
manishdidrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~activity-log-manager/activity-log-manager/vala14:29
didrocksperfect :)14:29
manishuses gtk3 and vala14:29
manishapplication blacklist nearly done14:29
didrocksmanish: with which version of vala are you building it?14:29
manishfile type finished14:29
didrocks"private mode" as well?14:30
manishdidrocks: 0.1414:30
manishdidrocks: incognito?14:30
manishyes done14:30
didrocksmanish: great and… great ;)14:30
manishhistory erasing is pending14:30
manishUI is up14:30
manishbackend pending14:30
didrocksyou will make a lot of people happy14:30
manishI am still fighting with gtk14:30
didrocksseriously, it was one of the concerns people had over the past 2 cycles :)14:30
manishyes, gtk isn't the cleanest toolkit anyway14:31
manishyes, lot many people were concerned14:31
manishan askubuntu answer on it has 10K+ views14:31
didrocksmanish: so, I'll prepare the integration of it. Ping me back (next week?) when you think you have finished the devel part :)14:33
manishdidrocks: sure14:33
manishif you can do the packaging even before release14:34
manishit will help in testing it14:34
manishlike launchpad recipies14:34
didrocksmanish: yeah, I'll do something around this shortly :)14:34
manishthat's cool. Thanks14:34
didrocksthanks for the head's up. Can wait testing it! :)14:34
didrocksI meant ;)14:34
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pittiwhoops, sorry14:57
cyphermoxwould someone be so kind as to sponsor my vala-0.14 upload? :)   ---> https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/ubuntu/precise/vala-0.14/removing-g_thread_init/+merge/9027015:10
kenvandinecyphermox, sure15:13
cyphermoxkenvandine: thanks :)15:13
cyphermoxcorvolino: what's up?15:40
BigWhaleis it possible to detect that someone changed screen resolution?15:49
seb128BigWhale, xorg probably send some signal when that happens yes15:50
dobeyBigWhale: yes, in gdk you can i think15:51
BigWhaleseb128, yeah15:52
BigWhaleoh there's a GdkScreen size changed signal15:54
dobeydidrocks: why is all this unity stuff in the "user interface" properties now? it totally disturbs the design of the panel. also, would be nice if it wasn't called "user interface" :-/15:54
dobeyBigWhale: exactly15:54
didrocksdobey: following the official design, I think that you should talk to the design team for any concern15:55
seb128dobey, there is bug #918580 about the name not being a good one15:56
ubot2`Launchpad bug 918580 in gnome-control-center "System Settings 'User Interface' name is bad in 12.04" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91858015:56
dobeyah ok15:56
seb128dobey, it's waiting for design reply though, you can still try to ping design about it15:56
seb128dobey, the bug so far is just comments from one user who doesn't like the name either ;-)15:57
chrisccoulsondidrocks, remember, stop butchering the upstream design :P15:57
didrockschrisccoulson: indeed, it's all my fault :)15:57
chrisccoulsonhah: "still, people using Unity will have a different g-c-c from upstream g-c-c, and their opinion about g-c-c (and gnome) design will be tainted by your modifications"16:01
ronocdesrt, hey,  we have changed the name on the gsettings schema for i-sound to be inline with what the other indicators use i.e. ...indicator.sound as opposed to what it was previously indicators.sound16:01
pittitkamppeter: so it seems the new cups-filters work is now complete, with larsu's last filter?16:01
ronocdesrt, how do you suggest we go about migrating existing users settings from the old schema to the new16:01
chrisccoulsoni'm really tempted to reply with "the current upstream design of g-c-c actually taints peoples opinions of ubuntu"16:01
dobeychrisccoulson: what's worse, is that all versions of unity don't follow the settings.16:01
chrisccoulsonbut i shall refrain from starting a troll-fest16:02
seb128dobey, the settings displayed correspond to the desktop you use16:02
desrtronoc: usually install the old schema for a short while and copy settings from it into the new one16:02
seb128dobey, so that's a wrong statement16:02
dobeyseb128: unity-2d does not follow the launcher panel size setting.16:02
seb128desrt, didn't you mention that you were thinking about adding aliases or something?16:02
desrtronoc: i'm confused, though... did you just change the name of the schema or also the path?16:02
desrtif it's the same path, you don't need to do anything16:02
seb128dobey, which is why that section will not be displayed under unity-2d16:03
desrtseb128: ya.  it doesn't xist right now, though16:03
chrisccoulsondidrocks, are the additional separators on the appearance panel part of the design btw?16:03
pittigood night everyone!16:03
seb128dobey, or none of the sections will be displayed under gnome-shell16:03
chrisccoulsonthey look a bit odd16:03
desrtpitti: ciao16:03
seb128pitti, 'night16:03
ronocdesrt, we changed the path aswell16:03
dobeyseb128: that makes it even worse, because then the "user interface" name is really inappropriate when those aren't there :)16:03
desrtronoc: then you have trouble :)16:03
desrtronoc: why did you change the path?16:04
ronoci think we can change it back16:04
seb128dobey, you still get the theme selector etc16:04
ronoci haven't released yet16:04
dobeyseb128: you get background and theme; appearance :)16:04
didrockschrisccoulson: they are16:04
didrocksgood night pitti16:04
seb128dobey, which is still not the upstream name "background"16:04
chrisccoulsondidrocks, :(16:04
chrisccoulsonit would look much better without them there IMO16:04
dobeyseb128: no, but at least it's not confusing, and it's correct.16:04
ronocdesrt, it was more that path followed some old naming format, again i wanted to bring it inline with the other indicators16:05
seb128dobey, well feel free to argue with design, ui, appareance, same difference...16:05
chrisccoulsondidrocks, there are way too many horizontal lines now, and it makes the whole panel look cluttered16:05
didrocksdobey: if you are under unity-2d, there is no "change launcher size"16:05
didrockssee my post16:05
desrtronoc: so one thing you can do is to use the dconf commandline tool16:05
seb128chrisccoulson, open a bug and make it also affect ayatana-design ;-)16:05
chrisccoulsondidrocks, ok, will do :)16:05
desrtthis works: dconf dump /a/ | dconf load /b/16:05
ronocdesrt, ah good idea16:05
seb128desrt, ronoc: I don't like the sound of that16:06
ronocdesrt, ill talk to charles when he gets in and see how bad a migration it will be16:06
seb128that seems hackish and fragile16:06
seb128better to leave with buggy paths until desrt add his alias stuff16:06
desrtseb128: like gsettings-data-convert? :)16:06
seb128you are not the only one to have picked a buggu path16:06
desrtseb128: i don't think i will add the alias stuff16:06
dobeydidrocks: yes, seb128 just said that. and it only makes it more confusing. especially if your graphics drivers break at some point and all of a sudden you are put into unity-2d :)16:06
cyphermoxcorvolino: if you want to help out with the ubuntu-desktop team you're at the right place16:06
desrtseb128: because then you have to carry that weight ofrever...16:06
seb128better to get your naming right to start with16:07
dobeyanyway i will open the bug16:07
didrocksdobey: not really related to g-c-c change, but well :)16:07
didrocksor ask the 2d guys to support the setting16:07
* desrt notes that either gkeyfile or dconf load has a bug16:07
dobeywell it is16:07
desrtGLib-CRITICAL **: g_key_file_load_from_data: assertion `length != 0' failed16:07
ronocseb128, preferred naming does change though16:07
ronocayatana -> unity16:08
ronocso there is a need sometimes to change it16:08
cyphermoxcorvolino: how much do you know about debian packaging? if you're already comfortable doing things there's a list of tasks on the team pad, see the URL in the topic16:08
seb128ronoc, well, deal with the migration if you feel like it's important16:08
corvolinocyphermox: I wanted to help in packaging, is it possible?16:08
seb128I just tend to think that it's work over what is work16:08
ronocseb128, i just want to get right i suppose for the lts16:08
seb128ronoc, yeah, I can see that, I tried to push you to fix it previous cycle :p16:09
seb128ronoc, if we fix it this cycle we have to carry the migration code and the hacks for the lts16:09
seb128which sucks a bit16:09
seb128since we have to support 11.10 to 12.0416:09
seb128but well, if you can figure a solide way to migrate16:10
cyphermoxcorvolino: of course it is, but some things may be a little difficult if you don't already know some things about packaging16:10
seb128cyphermox, corvolino: i.e gnome-nettool should be an easy update16:10
desrtseb128: in a certain sense, you have to support the hacks forever always anyway16:10
BigWhaleoh fun ... Kazam used Xlib for getting all the info about screens and displays ... no real need for that, Gdk has all the info... yay, I can do some rewriting now16:10
ronocseb128, i could at runtime check to see if there is an old gsettings lying around if so, copy over values and delete the old gsettings16:10
desrtupgrading to x+2 from x may involve going through x+116:10
seb128ronoc, the issue is due to the way gsettings works you can't read a key which has no schemas16:11
desrtbut there is no requirement that you login to every user and run all the programs while on x+116:11
desrtso the migration may not happen16:11
seb128desrt, well too bad for you then16:11
cyphermoxcorvolino: like seb128 said.  There's also going to be tutorials next week to explain exactly that (and a lot of things) in #ubuntu-classroom (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek)16:11
ronocmy opinion exactly16:11
desrtseb128: i'm inclined to agree with that reasoning :)16:11
seb128desrt, we can't keep hacks for ever, we support only from one lts to the next one16:11
desrtjust saying that there is no clear "we're safe now" line16:12
seb128well the line is "lts to lts should work"16:12
seb128if you do something weird then16:12
ronocok ill come back to it later16:12
desrtthing is...16:12
desrtif migration goes into this LTS then it does not have to be in the next one16:12
desrtso putting it into an LTS is a good thing, in fact16:12
seb128better would have been to put it in 11.1016:13
corvolinocyphermox seb128: ok thanks16:13
seb128so we could have dropped it before the lts16:13
desrtif we put it into LTS+1 then it would have to be both in LTS+1 and LTS-ng16:13
seb128but it's too late for this one :p16:13
corvolinocyphermox: I will start studying about deb packaging and try to help16:13
seb128desrt, right, that's why I usually like to deal with those in lts-1, if we transition stuff which were not in the previous lts16:13
desrtrigt.  in this case that's true16:13
seb128desrt, like gsettings was not in 10.0416:14
desrtbut only because the settings in question were not in the last LTS16:14
desrtvery well.  we're clearly all on the same page.16:14
desrtronoc: after you do the dump/load you should do a dconf reset -f /old/16:14
seb128indeed ;-) why are we having this discussion? ;-)16:15
desrtso that you don't repeatedly overwrite the keys in their new location with the old values16:15
seb128desrt, btw that gtktimer bug turned out to be a popular nautilus segfault, it has a launchpad bug with like 15 duplicates16:15
seb128desrt, so nice you got it fixed ;-)16:15
desrtseb128: win.16:15
ronocdesrt, ok cool, seb128 are you still against the dconf commandline tool approach16:17
seb128ronoc, I'm not "against" it, it feels like hackish and fragile, but I don't have a better solution16:17
corvolinoseb128: you packages have .deb?16:17
mptmterry, hi, got a minute to talk about backups?16:17
seb128ronoc, I don't like much relying on a command line tools to be called and behave from my code16:17
ronocseb128, sure16:17
ronocill wait for charles to see what he thinks16:17
seb128ronoc, but if you just miss key conversions in the fail case I guess that's fine16:18
seb128ronoc, especially that lucid was not using gsettings, so it's not an lts to lts issue16:18
desrtseb128: actually, i decided that aborting the program in gsettings is not good enough to catch programming errors16:18
ronocseb128, the other option is to not bother migrating users settings16:18
seb128ronoc, and indicator-sound preferences are not that important16:18
ronocits not like there is anything too important in there16:18
desrtseb128: so i plan to introduce some new code to the dconf commandline tool to cause kernel panics16:18
seb128ronoc, right16:18
desrtis that still okay?16:18
ronocremembered and blacklisted players16:18
ronocthat is about it really16:19
ronocdesrt, excellent16:19
seb128desrt, ;-)16:19
desrtronoc: i'm fixing the empty keyfile issue now16:19
desrtso that'll work properly in the next glib16:20
mterrympt, yeah16:20
desrt(it works properly now -- you just get to see an ugly g_critical)16:20
seb128desrt, btw what does the gmenu parser change means in practice for me? ;-) that robert_ancell needs to update this stuff in precise when we land the next glib,gtk combo?16:20
ronocdesrt, ah good stuff16:20
mptmterry, in <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-improve-upgrade-experience> I have "[mpt] Design how to invite people to back up during upgrades (linking to Deja Dup?)"16:20
desrtseb128: yes.16:20
desrtseb128: i wrote him a nice little script to make it easier :)16:21
mptmterry, as I understand it, Deja Dup currently backs up just home folders, not entire systems, is that correct?16:21
seb128desrt, how broken are the gmenu users going to be until that happens? no menu? segfault?16:21
mterrympt, yeah16:21
desrtdepends on how they coded it16:21
seb128desrt, ok, well let's say I'm glad only games use it :p16:21
desrtif they catch errors in the GtkBuilder and bail out, then they will bail out16:21
desrtif they ignore errors and fetch the objects and feed them to GApplication then just no menus16:22
mptmterry, do you have any bright ideas on how people could easily back up their system files before upgrading from one Ubuntu version to the next?16:22
mterrympt, is the intended workflow "backup -> erase system -> install new version -> restore"?  Because that's not a workflow I'd recommend.  Otherwise, we just want to integrate backup in case the installer screws up the system?16:23
mterryOr is it for full system rollbacking?16:23
mptmterry, full system rollback I think16:23
mterrympt, that's not a use case that current Deja Dup caters to16:23
mterrympt, it could happen....  would have to run as root.  But not as well tested a path16:24
mterryI mean, for such a thing, you don't really need the full power of a backup system16:25
mterryYou just need a one time copy of the disk16:25
mptRight, you don't need increments or anything like that16:25
mterryBut Deja Dup only currently does the whole incremental thing, with chunking up data into gzipped volumes for easier future runs.  It doesn't have a mode that makes as much sense for a one-off like this16:27
mterryI mean, it could be tweaked.  Just saying what it does now16:27
tkamppeterpitti, yes, cups-filters is complete, I am updating the license and readme files now. I wanted to do it yesterday already, but yesterday the LF servers were not reachable.16:28
mterrympt, but maybe there's an existing tool that does do this (i.e. no reason to be wedded to DD)16:28
mptmterry, ok, thank you for that16:29
mterrympt, all you really need is (lowercase) dd and a UI in ubiquity I guess :)16:29
mptmterry, well, this was more about releas-upgrader16:30
mptbut yeah, I guess it would need to be copied into Ubiquity too16:30
mterrympt, ah.  Well, if it helps, I'd be glad to work with you and flesh out what how you'd want DD to operate in such a mode.  But for 12.04, the schedule would be tight, since it'd be new work16:31
mptNo good saving a backup if people are incapable of booting the machine to restore from it16:32
mpt(for example)16:32
mterrympt, yeah, I have this wishlist item from way back for DD to allow the user to create a boot thumb drive that had their backup settings baked in (minus password of course)16:33
mterryThat would be neat.  But never implemented16:33
mptHey and471, long time no see16:34
and471mpt, hiya16:34
jbichaooh, jcastro wants to kill CCSM https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2012-January/003597.html16:35
mptmterry, I think for now I'll just do a sketch of how it might look, and put it on the SoftwareUpdates wiki page (or a page split off from that)16:39
mptImplementation can wait for later :-)16:39
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didrocksok, going to some python meeting, see you tomorrow guys!17:05
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DBOseb128, who do I have to make love to in order to get this: https://launchpad.net/~raof/+archive/help-jason/+packages into Ubuntu?17:53
kenvandineDBO, i would guess RAOF17:57
BigWhaleAm I missing something or there really is no way of getting the number of items in the Gtk.Combobox?! (beside iterating through all of them and count)18:26
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seb128DBO, seems like RAOF would be a good candidate ;-)18:37
DBOya but I imagine I need to grease the palms of his boss18:38
seb128why, is that a controversial change?18:38
DBOit increments the version of XFixes...18:39
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DBOother than that no18:39
micahgseb128: has anyone started talking to Debian about supported versions of vala for precise/wheezy, Ubuntu currently has 3 in main and 1 in universe, and Debian has 3 (no 0.16)18:39
seb128micahg, it's being worked18:40
seb128micahg, mbiebl said he would work on dropping the old version in Debian soon18:40
seb128we aim at dropping at lest 0.10 and 0.12 from main in precise18:41
micahgok, I think we only have 4 rdeps on vala-0.10 in precise18:41
micahg0.10 is already in universe for precise18:41
seb128DBO, well I guess it's a call for RAOF to do still, I doubt his boss cares about such technical details18:41
seb128micahg, I wouldn't bother with that, Debian will fix them and we can sync18:41
micahgseb128: right, that's why I was wondering if it's been coordinated ;)18:42
DBOseb128, awesome18:42
seb128micahg, not really, I've to admit I care little for universe having rdepends on old vala version, we can drop the old cruft if they are not ported at the end of the cycle18:43
micahgI meant that if Debian is preparing to drop stuff, bugs will be filed and maintainers will fix18:44
desrtBigWhale: you're missing something19:05
desrtgtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (gtk_combo_box_get_model (combo), NULL);19:06
BigWhaledesrt, this just feels wrong ... somehow19:10
desrtBigWhale: a gtkcombobox is just a different kind of treeview....19:11
rodrigo_wow, my 3g modem wrks like a charm with network manager on a clean install19:25
rodrigo_I could only make it work with wvdial before19:25
* rodrigo_ sould do clean installs more often19:25
ricotzrodrigo_, hello, was there a plan to implement/patch in some specific interfaces of systemd in accountsservice?19:31
rodrigo_ricotz, hmm, not that I recall19:37
rodrigo_ricotz, iirc, we talked about adding some locale-related methods to accountsservice19:37
rodrigo_but that was for setting individual users' settings, iirc19:38
rodrigo_GunnarHJ should remember better :)19:38
ricotzrodrigo_, ok, i might remember it wrong then19:38
ricotzrodrigo_, i see i am struggling a bit with the systemd deps introduced in g-c-c19:39
rodrigo_ricotz, you just need to provide the datetime dbus interface in, for instance, ubuntu-system-service19:39
rodrigo_that's where the other systemd dbus interfaces are19:39
ricotzrodrigo_, right, ah u-s-s was it then19:40
rodrigo_ah yes19:40
rodrigo_ricotz, u-s-s already has all the other systemd interfaces used in g-c-c19:40
rodrigo_so just add datetimed there19:40
rodrigo_ricotz, are you packaging the whole of 3.3/3.4?19:40
ricotzrodrigo_, great, so datetime isnt there yet19:41
desrtronoc: okay.  that glib fix is in.19:41
seb128rodrigo_, we have most in precise, we lack only a few components19:41
rodrigo_yeah, wasn't been used when I wrote the other systemd interfaces19:41
rodrigo_seb128, oh, cool19:41
ricotzrodrigo_, not the whole, i guess only the missing too risky things19:42
ronocdesrt, nice one !19:42
ricotzseb128, hi, is datetime provided yet?19:42
seb128ricotz, no, patches are welcome ;-)19:43
seb128ricotz, we don't plan to update g-c-c in precise so we don't need it this cycle19:43
ricotzseb128, hehe ;)19:44
ricotzi guess it will be needed next cycle then19:44
seb128ricotz, yeah, likely19:44
seb128but still you are welcome to work on it this cycle and get something working for your ppa and for Ubuntu next cycle ;-)19:44
ricotzseb128, it already works fine (while reverting some specific changes)19:46
seb128ricotz, :-(19:46
seb128ricotz, would help you and Ubuntu to go forward and fix the issue rather than roll back commits19:46
ricotzbut having this service would make it work without patching though ;)19:46
seb128well your call19:46
seb128but it's still we would welcome some contributions to Ubuntu ;-)19:47
ricotzi know ;)19:47
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achiangkenvandine: ping. i'm not sure what happened, but i have recently noticed that making SIP calls in empathy works again20:28
kenvandinecool :)20:28
achiangkenvandine: so i guess if you have open bugs there... they could be closed?20:28
kenvandinei'll check20:28
achiangkenvandine: cheers20:28
desrttoday is a good day20:40
desrtall of the world-is-exploding-issues are suddenly solved20:40
desrteven jhbuild is happy today20:40
dobeyis there really no way to trap an error from g_variant_get() given that it doesn't take a GError as an argument?20:43
desrtdobey: there's a relatively easy way: don't make errors20:43
desrtif you're using g_variant_get() in a way that could possibly result in an error then either you didn't read the docs or you're doing something very very worrying20:45
dobeythat's great and all. but you see, when other people write programs that expose an API on dbus that I have to use, and they go and break that API, and then I have to support both versions of the API, I need to trap an error and fall back to the other type.20:45
desrtdobey: you know that g_variant_is_of_type() exists, right?20:45
desrtit does.20:46
dobeyand it isn't helpful20:46
desrtwhy not?20:46
dobeyoh, maybe i can use it, but ugh. even more code20:48
desrtyou'd rather catch a GError, clear it and try again with a second call than just do a very simple if() statement first in order to decide which g_variant_get() to do in the first place?20:49
dobeyi'd rather people not break their bloody apis20:50
desrti agree with you that it's annoying to have to do the check manually... that's why i added the reply_type argument to g_dbus_connection_call() (and friendS)20:50
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desrtbut in your case you've been screwed by the person implementing the interface20:50
desrtall things considered, this is a pretty damn easy way to deal with that20:51
dobeysure. i can also make the person who broke the interface buy me beer.20:52
dobeyugh. G_VARIANT_TYPE() is a bit different from the norm as G_FOO things go20:55
desrtdobey: is there anything that you don't complain about?20:55
kenvandinedesrt, nope :)20:57
dobeyi'm not complaining. i'm stating a fact.20:57
desrt"ugh." turns it into a complaint20:58
kenvandinemakes it fun to have dobey around20:58
dobeykenvandine: btw my gwibber branch seems to sort-of work, but not quite, now. it's not reading existing accounts on startup of gwibber-accounts, and gtk3 broke some layout stuff21:23
kenvandineprogress though! :)21:23
kenvandineso the keyring stuff seems to work?21:23
dobeywell, the one gobject complaint i was getting before is gone, at least21:24
dobeyi presume it's not working working though, as it has no accounts listed :)21:24
kenvandineit should get that via a dbus call to the service21:24
dobeyyeah, they were showing up before i changed to the gir keyring21:25
kenvandinedobey, btw... i had removed that threading.Thread stuff from the service... but i think i need to add it back21:25
kenvandineoh, i bet when it lists accounts it checks the keyring21:25
dobeybut it's not dumping anything on the console21:26
dobeyand gwibber-service doesn't seem to be updating the feeds either21:28
kenvandinebecause it isn't getting any accounts21:29
dobeyi wish it would tell me why though21:30
dobeyit's sort of acting like it's deadlocked. but it obviously isn't21:30
desrtseb128: do you know if/when ubuntu will get udisks2?21:49
seb128desrt, it will, dunno when21:50
seb128desrt, pitti said that he's putting it on his todolist to get it in debian experimental (he usually does that and sync to ubuntu), but I don't think it was top of his list21:51
seb128desrt, so in the next few weeks I guess21:51
seb128desrt, check with him tomorrow, is there any need for it?21:51
desrtseb128: gnome depends on it21:51
desrtgnome-disk-utility specifically21:52
seb128desrt, isn't jbuild building it for you if you want the new gdu?21:52
desrtyou can write the d-d-l email this time :)21:52
desrtno.  it's not, actually21:52
seb128desrt, that was discussed on d-d-l this week, davidz say that distro can say on 2.3221:52
desrtkinda annoying21:53
seb128desrt, gvfs has a new udisk2 monitors so it's not an hard requirement21:53
seb128you can still keep using the udisk1 monitor21:53
seb128desrt, there were some discussion on #gnome-hackers about adding udisk2, I think jjardon asked about that21:53
desrtseb128: gnome-disk-utility is failing ./configure21:53
desrtconfigure: error: Package requirements (udisks2 >= 1.90.0) were not met:21:53
seb128talk to jjardon ;-)21:54
desrtjjardon: hey :)21:54
seb128he was looking at fixing the jhbuild case, davidz recommend to either stay on gdu 2.32 or to add udisk2 to jhbuild21:54
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jjardondesrt: hey! yeah the recommendation is to use the packaged udisk2 version, because is a system daemon23:12
jjardondavidz suggested to build only libudisks2 from udisks2 in jhbuild and install that ... that way at least gnome-disks-utility can build but it probably won't run very well unless you have the runtime (udisks2 daemon, new kernel, new udev etc etc)23:13
jjardonnote that udisks2 requires kernel >= 3.123:14
desrtjjardon: that's fine.  3.2 here.23:27
desrtjjardon: fwiw, nss is also breaking because it seems to want to be explicitly ported between each minor linux release version (2.4, 2.6 okay... 3.1, 3.2?  not so good).23:28
micahgdesrt: I thought that was fixed recently23:31
BigWhaleCat turned off my computer ... :/23:39
desrtmicahg: perhaps it was, but not in the version that jhbuild is downloading...23:40
micahgI think it might have been fixed in NSS 3.23:41
micahgno, later, I'm actually not sure23:41

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