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ScottKjanimo: It's the first time the dbus/dbus.cpp code's been built on arm* in a python3 environment.  Might be something with that or barry's patch then.  Thaks.00:34
slangasekcjwatson: any chance you could push your debhelper merge to the bzr branch?  importer doesn't seem to be grabbing it00:34
cjwatsonslangasek: hm, I didn't do it in bzr as it happens; is a local import-dsc likely to fare any better than the importer?00:38
slangaseknot sure :/00:38
slangasekcjwatson: actually, import-dsc fails for native packages00:38
slangasekso no00:38
slangasek(also, not sure if it does sane things with branches for merges)00:39
cjwatsonI guess I can try to reconstruct something00:40
cjwatsonactually, I think it would be bad to try - lp:debian/sid/debhelper is out of date so if I tried it would result in a lack of merge metadata00:41
slangasekso maybe we should just get the importer kicked00:42
cjwatsonI think so00:42
psusicjwatson, is it time to poke you about my parted/dmraid/multipath-tools merges yet? ;)00:56
JatinderGood Morning Everyone !!!01:11
JatinderHow to remove complete GUI of Ubuntu 11.10?01:12
JatinderI tried this : sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop01:12
Jatinderbut system replied that it will remove only 16kb of the data01:13
slangasekJatinder: this is not a support channel; please see #ubuntu01:13
JatinderSir I am trying to work on derived ubuntu so thought its developers' talk01:14
Jatinderso got into here01:14
slangasekwell, that's not a development question :)01:14
Jatinderokay. i'll  leave then01:15
smoserslangasek, ping01:48
slangaseksmoser: hey there01:48
smoserwe sign SHA1SUMS and MD5SUMS with some key on nectarine01:48
* slangasek nods01:48
smoserbut that public key (as far as I know) is not distributed anywhere.01:48
slangasekreally? hmm01:49
smoser$ gpg --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.gpg SHA256SUMS01:49
smosergpg: Signature made Tue 24 Jan 2012 09:36:24 PM EST using RSA key ID 7DB87C8101:49
smosergpg: Can't check signature: public key not found01:49
smoserthe same command works for me with Release and Release.gpg (from archive.ubuntu.com)01:49
slangaseksmoser: no, it is distributed via the public keyrings01:50
smoserso what am i doing wrong?01:50
slangaseksmoser: e.g., gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 7DB87C8101:50
slangasekit could probably do with some more public signatures beside my own, btw :)01:51
slangasek(from other people who have access to nectarine and can verify the authenticity of the key)01:51
smoserhm.. yes, i suppose it could01:52
smoserthis obviosly exposes my grave gpg ignorance01:53
smoserbut how would someone come up with that key ?01:53
slangaseksmoser: your gpg output shows the key ID and reports that you don't have it locally; the next step if you want it is the gpg --recv-keys command to fetch it from the public keyservers01:54
smoserah. duh.01:55
slangasekif you are intending to sign the pgp key yourself, please make sure to verify that the full pgp fingerprint of the key you download locally matches the fingerprint of the public key on nectarine :)01:56
dhana013 Hi guys. I want make custom distro. It's based on ubuntu derivative. but not depends on ubuntu,  How to compile source code from scratch , make deb packages, please guide me.04:52
RAOFdhana013: This seems unlikely to be on-topic for #ubuntu-devel.  dpkg-buildpackage is the standard way to go from source-package→binary package, though.04:56
dhana013RAOF: Any guide how to proceed, with my creating custom destro.05:01
RAOFdhana013: Um, don't?  I don't think there's a particularly good reason to.05:17
dhana013RAOF: New distro creation in am my project05:18
dholbachgood morning07:39
pittislangasek, cjwatson: has there been any discussion about kmod by any chance? i. e. "we want this for precise" or "we want to keep it out of precise"?08:09
pittiapw: ^08:09
pittinewer udev versions now need it, they use libkmod instead of calling modprobe a thousand times08:09
pittiwhich might also give a nice speedup08:09
pittibut of course it's still fairly new; Fedora and Arch linux use it, but I haven't tested it yet (it's in Debian experimental)08:10
pittiis that something I should have a look at, or do we want to stay at udev 175 and just backport some fixes?08:10
pittiwe could at least sync it into universe, so that it's easier to test and play with08:12
broderi'm +1 for having it somewhere in the archive - i have some applications i'd like to use it for08:20
pittiah, we can't sync it directly, it builds a transitional module-init-tools08:21
pittiI figure we do not want to do this right away, unless we decide to actually do replace m-i-t08:22
pittiand that requires some merging of ubuntu changes08:22
pittiso we could do a ~ubuntu1 upload without the transitional package into universe08:22
pitti(~ so that we retain the option to sync)08:23
apwpitti, yeah not heard anything but if thats the way upstream is rattling we should have it somewhere to play with08:59
pittiapw: apparently it's the m-i-t successor09:00
apwpitti, folling the libudev model i assume "do it yourself" functionality09:05
pittiapw: I don't understand, I'm afraid09:06
apwlibrary to be directly involved in module loading, find out what is and isn't and load them so you don't need to fork all the time09:06
pittiapw: yes, udev went into that direction09:07
pittiinstead of calling blkid, modprobe, and whatnot, it now uses their libraries09:07
pittiI'd like to at least get the libbklid change, but I could cherry-pick that even without kmod09:08
pittiif I look at http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-oneiric-20111027.png, the blkid and modprobe calls take no small percentage of the boot09:08
pittipath_id, iput_id, usb_id are now also builtin09:09
apwpitti, it would be nice to have this thing for testing and no mistake09:11
pittiapw: the debian package does some transitional changes: http://packages.qa.debian.org/k/kmod/news/20120110T221730Z.html09:12
pittiapw: so I think we need to apply some work to be able to install it for testing and then revert back to m-i-t09:13
apwpitti, yeah, why could this not have happened a month ago ...09:14
pittiapw: well, kmod existed back then, but it was still pretty young09:15
pittiapw: anyway, I don't think it's particularly urgent09:15
apwheh "cannot login to my machine as any user since kmod replaced module-init-tools" ... suspect there will be some fun :)09:15
pittiwe can probably get away with reverting the kmod bits and update to 179, or cherry-pick other changes09:15
pittiI mainly wondered if there was any dicussion about that already which I wasn't aware of09:16
pittiif not, I think we should stay at m-i-t for precise09:16
apwpitti, no seems we missed out on the whole thing by missing plumbers09:16
apwpitti, do if this dicussion is correct kmod will have a kmod binary which is the  official interface which can also be symlinked to modprobe etc.  so it should be testable at least09:28
pittiyes, that's what I understood09:28
apwpitti, what is daniel, 16 blkids seem like a lot09:39
pittiapw: daniel is my Dell Mini 10v09:39
pittii. e. my boot speed test machine09:40
pittithis was a pristine oneiric install in default partitioning mode09:40
apwpitti, and how many partitions does it have09:40
pittiapw: it's running over all ram/loop/whatnot devices, too09:40
apwoh gawd09:40
pittiapw: I think two: system and swap09:40
pittiapw: you just don't see those on faster boxes as they are quicker than bootchart's measuring interval09:40
apwno wonder you want to use it09:40
pittiwhich is what makes this Abacus so nice for boot speed testing :)09:40
apwyeah i wish my abacus hadn't broken, i must source another09:41
pittiit's not that easy to revert, but I'll see what I can do09:43
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Davieylynxman: around/11:29
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lynxmanDaviey: kinda, but not much, will be around in full force tomorrow13:45
Davieylynxman: k13:46
james_wcjwatson, hi, were you planning a wadllib upload with your py3 changes?13:52
cjwatsonjames_w: I was waiting for somebody with permissions to do so (i.e. not me) to do an upstream release13:58
cjwatsonjames_w: barry has a work item to shepherd that all into the archive13:58
cjwatsonmaybe poke the lp people if they haven't already been poked?13:58
james_wcjwatson, ok, thanks13:59
quadrisproScottK, waiting for a signal from you and I'll push audiofile to precise14:05
* quadrispro reminds: "At my signal, unleash hell"14:07
slangasekpitti: I don't know that there's been discussion of kmod; I've assumed our answer is we don't want it due to the newness14:25
pittislangasek: ok, thanks; that's all I wanted to know; so I'll check if the kmod bits can be reverted in udev and we upgrade to 179, or I'll try to cherrypick the interesting bits14:27
pittithe latter won't be any easier, so I'll try the former first14:27
slangasekare there good reasons to upgrade to 179, even?14:28
pittislangasek: the biggest change is replacing the external blkid, path_id, input_id etc. calls (and also modprobe, with libkmod) with internal libraries14:29
pittislangasek: if you look at a bootchart like http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-oneiric-20111027.png (mini 10), that'll should speed it up quite nicely14:29
pittislangasek: and then the usual set of keymap quirks, but these are easily backported14:29
pittithere's also some bug fixes, but nothing major AFAIK14:30
slangasekpitti: aren't we doing ok right now with boot speed target?  not sure it makes sense to me to change udev just for this... also, has anyone run tests to show the speed improvement is actually significant?14:39
pittislangasek: no, as we don't yet have an udev version with this14:39
pittiwe can't build > 175 right now14:39
pittislangasek: well, I wouldn't call it 'ok', but the speed regressions in natty/oneiric are certainly not udev's fault14:40
pitti(in the sense that it didn't get worse)14:40
pittiit's relatively low-hanging fruit14:40
stokachu_pitti, ping14:42
pittistokachu_: hello14:42
stokachu_pitti, hey there :) was curious about LP#860765, was there any particular reason it was set to wont fix for natty?14:42
pittistokachu_: it's not a high-priority bug, and natty has been out long enough for it to not matter any more14:44
pittiif someone wants to prepare an SRU, it'd be alright, but there is little to be gained14:44
TREllisslangasek: thanks for the cpp:any tip - works. Lintian doesn't like it, guess that's lintian bug tho14:55
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apwpitti, would you be able to tickle the linux-ti-omap4 through for me14:58
cjwatsonmvo: so I'm trying auto-upgrade-tester again, this time with apt-cacher-ng set up so that it doesn't spend eons re-downloading stuff14:58
pittiapw: ah, sure; already looked this morning, but the armel builds were still missing for both that and linux14:59
cjwatsonmvo: however it fails on the apt-clone file from bug 917173 because apt-clone wasn't in lucid14:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 917173 in update-manager (Ubuntu Precise) "lucid -> precise upgrade failed: Resolver failed to calculate the upgrade - dpkg-dev held back" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91717314:59
cjwatsonmvo: do you know any way around this?14:59
apwpitti, thanks, i think linux is still lacking powerpc14:59
pittiapw: yep; omap4 done14:59
apwpitti, thanks a lot15:02
mvocjwatson: jibel put it into a PPA afaik, jibel - if so, could you please tell colin what ppa that is?15:05
slangasekpitti: so the reason I'm pushing back a bit on udev 179 is that I don't think it's a slam dunk to take a new upstream version of udev; we spent about half a cycle chasing regressions in oneiric due to udev behavior changes, and still have one we haven't closed the gap on.  So I'm really not sure that fruit feels "low-hanging" to me15:06
ScottKRiddell: re python-qt4: That's the first time it's been built against Qt 4.8 on arm*, but it built before that with 4.7.4.  The function with the error isn't a new one, so I'm inclined to blame Qt 4.8.  sip: QPainterPathStroker::setDashPattern() unsupported function argument type - provide %MethodCode and a valid C++ signature - Thoughts?15:06
cjwatsonmvo: how do I force auto-upgrade-tester to use that?15:06
ScottKOops.  Wrong channel.15:07
jibelmvo, I didn't, sorry.15:07
barryScottK: python-qt4 on arm is giving us headaches15:09
ScottKbarry: Yeah.  Riddell and I are discussing on #kubuntu-devel.  Feel free to join.15:10
mvojibel: oh, sorry then, I misremembered15:10
mvocjwatson: so if there is a apt-clone in a PPA then you can do:15:11
mvoto [NonInteractive] (to e.g. profile/server-amd64/DistUpgrade.cfg)15:11
mvoand the file "local_testing.list" would contain something like deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mvo/apt-precise/ubuntu oneiric main15:12
mvocjwatson: there is even a branch for the backport https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/apt-clone/lucid-backport but apparently I did not upload it into a ppa :/15:13
cjwatsondo you think you could, if you already have that?15:13
mvocjwatson: sure15:14
cjwatsonmvo: do I need to do anything special if I'm testing e.g. DistUpgrade.cfg changes?15:15
mvocjwatson: anything special when using a apt-clone file? I'm not sure, its pretty new (the integration) and jibel did those bits, IIRC its just a matter of pointing to the right apt-clone file and I guess a bit of hackery to ensure that the ppa with the apt-clone is actually in the sources.list15:17
cjwatsonwell, I mean inserting a different DistUpgrade.cfg file and seeing what would have happened to the upgrade if it had been done with that ...15:18
cjwatson(DistUpgrade.cfg doesn't seem to be in the apt-clone file anyway)15:18
mvocjwatson: if you simply modify the one in the profile directory that should have the desired effect, e.g. if you want to test with a additional "KeepInstalledPkgs=" line you can just add it and it will "win" over the default value from the upgrader15:22
mvohttps://launchpad.net/~mvo/+archive/apt-clone-lucid - but it neeeds to build first15:22
cjwatsonoh, the profile directory, right15:24
cjwatsonmvo: does it inherit from DistUpgrade.cfg.lucid on the fly or something?15:26
cjwatsonsorry for asking so many questions, just finding it really hard to get going on this15:26
mvocjwatson: it should inherit, yes (unless there is a bug somewhere)15:27
mvocjwatson: no worries about the questions, I know its a tricky piece :/15:27
cjwatsonthe last time I played with this I couldn't make it pick up code changes to DistUpgrade (not .cfg), and found that rather baffling15:28
cjwatsonI expect I'll give that another go ...15:28
mvocjwatson: ohhh15:28
mvocjwatson: please set "UseUpgraderFromBzr=false" to "true" in [NonInteractive]15:28
mvocjwatson: in AutoUpgradeTester/profile/defaults.cfg.d/defaults.cfg15:29
mvocjwatson: or in your individual profile15:29
mvocjwatson: otherwise it uses the version of the upgrader code from the archive15:29
cjwatsonmarvellous, thank you15:29
pittibarry: dbus-python (1.0.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low15:58
barrypitti: it's basically what we had in 0.84.0-2ubuntu3 anyway ;)15:58
pittibarry: I mean, was this uploaded prematurely?15:59
barrypitti: sync'd from experimental, but i think it's safe15:59
pittioh, http://packages.qa.debian.org/d/dbus-python/news/20120124T214728Z.html has the same problem15:59
pittibarry: I mean "UNRELEASED" as target; it shoudl certainly be "experimental" or "unstable"15:59
pittianyway, just looked odd16:00
barrypitti: yeah, it does, and probably should.  i'll drop a message to simon about it, but i debdiff'd the .debs and tested in a chroot.  all seemed okay, modulo http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=65748816:01
ubottuDebian bug 657488 in dbus-python "dbus-python: A few packaging anomolies in the -dbg packages" [Normal,Open]16:01
pittibarry: ok, thanks16:01
barrypitti: thanks16:01
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ericbeecan anyone point me to some documentation about creating applets for the systray?16:20
cjwatsonThe following packages have unmet dependencies.16:29
cjwatson  apt-clone: Depends: python-argparse but it is not installable16:29
cjwatson             Recommends: dpkg-repack but it is not installable16:29
cjwatsonmvo: ^-16:29
cjwatson(from your PPA)16:29
SpamapSCould someone offer some guidance on how this needs to be fixed:16:30
SpamapSLooks like an ABI bump is needed upstream..16:30
cjwatsonSpamapS: using the syntax for filtered C++ symbols files rather than raw ones would be a good start16:31
cjwatsonSpamapS: but C++ symbols are difficult; there's a thread on debian-devel about them at the moment ...16:31
cjwatsonyou might just find those symbols are inlined on some architectures or something16:31
mvocjwatson: meh, this sounds like universe is not enabled (which is the default). you will have to tweak it and add "Components=main,restricted,universe" to the AutoupgradeTester/profile/defaults.cfg.d/defaults.cfg or the individual profile16:31
mvocjwatson: the easier option is to start the image manually (its in /var/cache/auto-upgrade-tester/test-image.$name.lucid and add it manually there16:32
mvocjwatson: probably a quicker solution16:32
cjwatsonmvo: oh right16:36
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* mvo is away for a bit16:39
mptmvo, hi, what do I need to know before doing this? "[mpt] Invite people to port release-upgrader to aptdaemon"16:40
manishwhere is federico?16:52
manishsorry, wrong channel :)16:52
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kenvandineanyone around that can re-score a ppa build?  indicator-appmenu in the unity-team/hud ppa has a pretty critical fix and it is estimating 20 hours17:15
kenvandineinfinity or stgraber ^^17:15
stgraberkenvandine: url?17:16
infinitykenvandine: Done17:17
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bryceh@pilot in17:42
slangasekjibel: hi, should I see the effects of your job rearranging on https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise%20Upgrade%20Testing%20Dashboard/ ?  I still see all red at the top level18:15
smosercan i get someone to approve dbus-python's new 'python-dbus-dev' at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=18:17
slangasekjibel: oh n/m, you said "published to the public instance on the next run" :)18:17
jibelslangasek, the jobs are still running/queued18:17
slangasekjibel: ack - sorry for reading with my manager glasses on18:17
smoserit is depends of python-dbus with is depended on by a lot of things and is currently not installable18:17
jibelslangasek, np18:17
slangaseksmoser: looking18:18
slangaseksmoser: python-dbus depends on python-dbus-dev, though?  That's surely broken18:18
smoserchangelog says18:18
smosermake python-dbus depend on python-dbus-dev for now, to preserve istorical functionality (but packages which use it, like PyQt, should  switch to depending on it explicitly)18:19
smoserso it was by design18:19
slangasekah, so it's a package splitting18:19
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slangasekjibel: oh, also - did you catch my note that the prompting for service restart on glibc upgrade on server installs is by design and shouldn't be counted as a test failure?18:21
slangaseksmoser: accepted18:21
jibelslangasek, yes, I'll add the prompt to the whitelist.18:22
smoserslangasek, how fast does that take affect? every 1/2 hour?18:29
cjwatsonsmoser: should start publishing in one minute and finish in about half an hour from now18:32
smoserthank you cjwatson18:32
bryceh@pilot in18:39
argesbryce, hello patch pilot. have a patch that needs reviewing. this is my first one so i probably have it all wrong19:16
argesbryce, tried to follow the directions in the wiki. its a patch to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/885502.19:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 885502 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Rhythmbox crash with SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) when trying to use mp3 player" [Medium,In progress]19:17
slangaseksmoser: every half hour, yes19:21
smoserits in now19:22
slangasekjibel: oh, is that whitelist somewhere I could see it?  (Mostly out of curiosity)19:22
smosermy build is going19:22
slangaseksmoser: yay19:22
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stgraberslangasek: trying to refresh ubuntu-meta, I'm getting "Skipping package resolvconf (package not in debootstrap)". Do you know what needs to happen for germinate to be happy and add it to -minimal?19:32
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stgraberslangasek: <cjwatson> It probably means that the package isn't Priority: required/important yet.  An archive admin who isn't in the pub can fix that based on priority-mismatches output.19:36
stgraberslangasek: priority-mismatches says it should be moved from optional to important19:36
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hallynjdstrand: this is getting ridiculous.  I ran 'make check' in netcf in a precise chroot on hardy.  Pass.20:54
Davieydoko: Hey, had a chance to look at bug 914160 ?21:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 914160 in openvswitch (Ubuntu) "[MIR] openvswitch" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91416021:06
infinityhallyn: So, it's not the kernel version either? :/21:07
hallyninfinity: (GAH!) so it seems...21:07
infinityhallyn: Did you try it in that configuration, but with sbuild?21:07
hallyninfinity: so i'm at a loss21:08
infinityNot that I'd expect sbuild's FD buggery to behave differently on a hardy kernel, but...21:08
hallynno, i don't know how to do that21:08
hallyndebootstrap wouldn't do precise.  that's hwy i scp'd over a precise chroot21:08
infinitydebootstrap is an arch:all package with no deps, you can install the precise version on hardy.21:08
hallyninstall precise version of debootstrap?  just 'dpkg -i' it?21:09
hallynall right lemme try, thanks21:09
hallynlack of aufs and ext4 is really annoying21:21
hallyninfinity: build... successful21:28
hallynand with that, i'm pulling 'make check' from the build21:29
infinityhallyn: Wasn't it only one test that was failing?  Surely you can disable that one.21:35
infinityhallyn: test-debian, or whatever it was.21:35
hallyninfinity: all the other tests are just gnulib tests.  and one of those (test-float) actually fails on powerpc21:35
hallynthat is, there is only one test supplied by netcf itself21:35
hallyninfinity: is there any way to get a shell in an *exact* replica of buildd env?21:40
htorquehi all! on ask ubuntu someone asked when btrfs-tools will see an update. is there anything else than bug 894456 i can tell that user?21:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 894456 in btrfs-tools (Ubuntu) "Old version of btrfs-tools in ubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89445621:40
micahghtorque: needs a merge from Debian21:42
infinityhallyn: Well, you can download the buildd chroots from launchpad.21:43
htorquemicahg: is that planned for precise (or is it a case of "someone needs to do it")?21:44
infinityhallyn: https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/ubuntu/precise/armhf/ for example.21:44
infinityhallyn: (replace armhf with the arch you want)21:44
hallyninfinity: thanks.21:44
infinityhallyn: That said, I tried reproducing it in a buildd chroot, and got nowhere.21:44
micahghtorque: someone needs to do it, cjwatson touched it last, I don't know if he's interested in doing it though21:45
htorquemicahg: ok, thanks for the info! :-)21:45
slangasekjcastro: who has access to delete pages from help.ubuntu.com?21:58
stgraberslangasek: can you override the priority of resolvconf to important? that needs to happen before I can upload a new ubuntu-meta22:03
jibelslangasek, that will be quick, the list empty.22:11
jibelthe code of the debconf test is there http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/main/view/head:/AutoUpgradeTester/post_upgrade_tests/debconf_test.py22:11
hallyninfinity: you say the netcf 'make check' passed when you ran it in the buildd chroot right?22:16
slangasekjibel: heh, ok :)22:16
slangasekstgraber: yes, looking22:17
slangasekstgraber: done22:18
stgraberslangasek: thanks22:18
micahgI'm guessing pitti isn't around anymore at this hour22:20
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micahgstgraber: I think you forgot to set DEBEMAIL :)23:23
stgrabermicahg: yeah, I just noticed in -changes ;)23:26
stgrabermicahg: should have checked the output of that script a bit more carefully23:27
stgrabermicahg: will make a note to fix the changelog entry next time I upload it... (and fixed that chroot to have a decent environment)23:29
Laneyah I heard about this 'root' fellow somewhere23:35
ajmitchpretty dangerous person, I heard23:37
pp7root is a badass!23:45

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