[07:39] good morning [07:40] morning [08:41] Ello [09:31] AlanBell: You awake? [09:31] sure [09:31] might wanna peak in #lubuntu [09:31] ;) [09:32] peek* even [09:36] ok, I will keep an eye on that, but it looks like you and bioterror are handling it fine [09:36] people are strange. [09:36] indeed [09:36] :P === k1l_ is now known as k1l [19:21] can we finish putting in place the redirect from #ayatana to #ubuntu-unity? [19:24] Pici: ^ this requires your finesse [19:27] actually it needs popey [19:29] oh [19:30] mhall119: #ayatana isn't in our namespace. Either joey or popey would need to action this. [19:33] popey is willing to, if someone could help show him how [19:35] Pici: ^^ [19:38] popey: /msg chanserv set #ayatana mlock +ntcif-slk #ubuntu-unity (or +mntcif-slk if you want to make the channel +m by default too) [19:39] 19:39:04 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- The MLOCK for #ayatana has been set to +intcf-skl. [19:39] You'll need to be opped in #ubuntu-unity when you do that. [19:39] oh [19:39] Looks to have worked though. [19:39] groovy [19:39] thanks Pici [19:40] np [19:40] so do i need to clear #ayatana now? [19:40] is it meant to forward ? [19:40] yes [19:40] thats the idea [19:40] because when I /join #ayatana I get * Cannot join #ayatana (Channel is invite only). [19:41] pangolin: are you already in #ubuntu-unity? [19:41] ah yeah [19:41] then thats expected. [19:42] i tried from webchat and got redirected [19:42] cool works [19:42] was my bad [19:42] so best way to clear a channel? [19:43] Wait? [19:43] /msg ChanServ CLEAR #ChatZone USERS [19:43] change the channel name [19:44] we gave them notification a week ago they should leave [19:44] Keep in mind that all of those users may be pinged that you kicked them from the channel. [19:44] you can add a reason to the end of that command also [19:45] /msg ChanServ CLEAR #ayatna USERS redirecting to #ubuntu-unity [19:45] /msg chanserv clear #ayatana users Please join #ubuntu-unity - thank you, have a nice day! [19:45] like that? [19:45] yup [19:46] hah, spot the auto-rejoiners in -unity ☺ [19:46] brilliant, thanks guys! [19:46] thanks everyone!